SlideShare a Scribd company logo
We focus on sales,
conversions and acquiring
valuable B2B leads.
We run campaigns comprehensively and carry out the
process from A to Z which means minimal work on
the client's side.
We support our clients at every stage, before
the start we will audit the website and
marketing materials.
We appreciate regular customers by offering a 5%
rebate after each quarter of cooperation and a 10%
commission for each successful recommendation.
We guarantee quality leads and high-
quality databases that you can always
review before sending.
We will create impressive sales presentations
dedicated to lead generation campaigns and we will
improve the messages to get the highest
conversion possible (A/B tests).Sales communication at the stage of the basic offer is
carried out by us. we answer all questions, provide pre-
prepared answers.
We will advise on the selection of the target
group and we will recommend changes if the
customer mistakenly identified it.
When the stage of negotiations, or the desire
to meet appears - contact goes directly to
you within 24 hours max.
Why we?
Why LinkedIn?
100 th.
Every week, more than 100
thousands industry articles
appears on the portal,
informing about innovations
in the world of
LinkedIn is the world's largest network of professionals, with over 500 million users in 200 countries and territories around the world.
The huge potential of the website lies in the great trust that arouses among users, which translates into greater communication efficiency.
3,5 mln
Currently, LinkedIn has over
3.5 million business pages,
and two new users register
each second.
This is the amount of
Linkedin's movement for
business on social media.
2,1 mln
In Poland, 2.1 million
people use Linkedin which
means every thirteenth user
in the network. That's over
250 thousands more than a
year ago.
Why Cold mailing?
That's the ROI for email
marketing by Direct Marketing
Association. This means that
each dollar spent is a $ 43
return on investment.
Cold mailing is one of the best-developed models for acquiring valuable clients. The message we send directly to the recipient can be used in a
simple and quick way to get acquainted with our offer.
Email marketing technology is
used by 82% of B2B and B2C
companies. The development
of advanced methods and
understanding the recipient's
needs have contributed to the
use of proper persuasion and
writing techniques.
Marketers allocate about
15% of their budgets to
email marketing. The
technology of electronic
messages is almost forty
years old, but it is not aging
in any way.
In 2015, we sent over 205
billion e-mails per day. This
number will increase by
about 3% annually until it
exceeds 246 million at the
end of 2019 (Radicati
4300% 15% 246 mld82%
LinkedIn Lead Generation
Cold Mailing
Lead Nurturing
Presentation & Graphics
Buzz Marketing
Social Media
We will help you break the ice in business.
Building a relationship is a process, and cold e-
mail is a tool that will help you achieve this goal.
Follow-up reminder is a powerful weapon
available in the business arsenal.
The LinkedIn campaign stands out due to the
combination of lead generation and lead nurturing
activities. We enable quick and safe increase in
turnover by attracting users with the offer.
A program that can increase the
conversion rate on acquired leads by up to
50% while reducing the cost of obtaining a
Sales presentation, effective infographics
and graphs is a set of ready arguments
and strengths of your products or services.
We will help you achieve this.
Activities that stimulate the consumer's
recommendation through a direct impact
on the strength of its viral propagation.
A market-leading company can not afford
to be offline. A good strategy means that
users want to deepen their knowledge in a
specific field and keep up with the latest
developments in the industry.
Before the start, we will do an audit of
the website and marketing materials. At
this stage, you will receive substantive
support and guidance if something
needs improvement.
A tailor-made campaign
Substantive preparation
Target analysis, base verification
We define the target group taking into
account the socio-demographic, financial
and industry aspects. At this stage, we
exclude unwanted records. We send the
ready base to the acceptance and re-
Communication strategy
We create a communication scheme in
the form of 3-4 business messages. In
order to gain interest, it is not enough to
have a unique offer that fits in market
demand. Our communication is
personalized, full of benefits and
bringing real value to recipients in your
target group.
Start the campaign
Thanks to the platform, the entire sending will
be automated. If the first message does not
arouse interest, we will send follow-ups. In the
case of a response, the system will
automatically stop sending to a given person.
We believe that no marketing assumptions are
universal. Something that works for one client
may not work on the other. Therefore, research
and testing should form the basis of any
marketing strategy. We analyze the conversion
funnel and identify the elements that require
A/B tests
You get leads
Within a few days of starting the campaign,
you will start receiving the first hot leads, or
answers from people interested in
cooperation. The funnel of generated leads
over time will be more and more complete
and more effective, giving the basis for the
long-term development of your business.
John Smith
Hi John,
I came across your profile while researching
successful digital agency owners in UK.
I suspect we have interests in common.
I had a good look through your profile and I
thought we might benefit from being connected.
Here’s to your success.
Marcin Kowalski
Write a message or attach a file
Press enter to send ...
Sample messages
We will send an invitation and further messages to people who have accepted the invitation to
the contact network. We will offer them a conversation about the possibilities of cooperation.
26 MAY
Anna Borkowska
Press enter to send ...
Piotr Kowalczyk
Piotr dziękuję za przyjęcie zaproszenia.
Właśnie potwierdziłem Twoje umiejętności i liczę
na rewanż ;) Przy okazji trochę się przedstawię.
Wspieramy organizacje w osiąganiu pożądanych
wyników sprzedaży, ekspansji i rentowności.
Oferujemy spersonalizowane rozwiązania by
osiągnąć następny etap rozwoju i chętnie
opowiem o zrealizowanych projektach dot.
poprawy sprzedaży z różnych branż i rynków.
Press enter to send ...
Write a message or attach a file
28 MAR
Write a message or attach a file
Good morning
I would like to know how looks the demand
regarding purchase of marketing materials in the
Adamed Group. Our goal is to outsource printing,
which generates time and money savings for our
clients in this area.
Can we talk about it?
Lead is, in other words, readiness to make contact in order to
get acquainted with a given offer. It is reaching the target
group indicated by customer preferences and getting initial
interest as well as obtaining contact details. Gaining a lead is
associated with sending an offer by e-mail, arranging a phone
call or meeting directly. The person may also indicate a friend
or other employee of the company who is the right person to
contact and provide his contact details. Gaining a lead is not
synonymous with successful sales.
Lead Definition
We rely on Linkedin's privacy policy and all
data we receive is transmitted only with the
consent of the user who, by creating an
account, had to accept the regulations.
We do not process personal data of
individuals. We generate leads in the
presumption mode of company domains
based on public data or based on implied
consent, which was granted, for example,
by accepting an invitation to Linkedin.
Privacy Policy and Law
We run campaigns in accordance with the law and good marketing practices.
In the case of data that is not made public on
the profile and is provided in a private
message, it is obtained only by granting
written permission.
As part of the campaign, we do not offer,
therefore, according to RODO, we do not violate
the law on submitting unpublished trade
communications. All communication is strictly
focused on the customer's problem and the
desire to establish a business relationship.
ü Further conversations
ü Presenting other offers
ü Product or market education
ü Checking the possibility of
ü News publication
ü Commenting on sharing
ü Skills endorsement
ü Birthday wishes
ü Promotion congratulations
In addition to lead generation, we also use the well-prepared Lead Nurturing program, which can increase the conversion rate on obtained leads up to 50% while
reducing the cost of obtaining a lead. The definition includes all activities that move contact to the next stages of the funnel, so encouraging to purchase. Analysis of
customer behavior in response to the directed Lead Nurturing program allows you to indicate the so-called Trigger Points - moments when it is best to contact the
Lead Nurturing
E-mail Case Study
A Answers in total (49 people
B Positive answers (10 leads)
C Maybe later (5 people)
303 records
58,8% OR (open rate)
10,2% CTR (clicks)
4,1% (10 leads)
D No. interest (31 people)
Campaign for
E-mail Case Study
A Answers in total (56 people)
B Positive answers (14 leads)
C Maybe later (10 people)
317 records
55,5% OR (open rate)
6,1% CTR (clicks)
5,3% (14 leads)
D No. interest (31 people)
Campaign for
The duration of the campaign
Linkedin Case Study
A Number of contacts before the start
B Number of contacts after the campaign
30% conversions of
accepted invitations
280% increase in profile view
Campaign for
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
6	march 13	march 20	march 27	march
38 leads
Positive answers - 4,23%
21 leads
Leads e-mail + phone - 55%
2 months
Łukasz Szewieczek
President of the Board
Sales Tracker
"Delivered contacts are distinguished
by high quality and good sales
efficiency. The actions recommended
and carried out by the agency
positively influenced the sales
increase and improvement of the
conversion rate. At the same time, the
quality of the leads handed out stood
out against other lead providers. "
Marcin Wąsowski
Member of the Board Re:factory
Michał Taran
Managing Director Aktren
Krzysztof Tarasek
Sales Director Baseline
"We mainly wanted to obtain valuable
sales leads and the effect was
achieved. We recommend lead
generation performed by the
Akademia Reklamy, primarily for
companies that want to increase their
turnover quickly and safely by
attracting users with their offer. Such
a built-in database is a valuable
element in the development of sales
and expansion on the market. "
"We are very happy with this
cooperation. It allowed us to acquire
new customers and increase sales. It
also contributed to the expansion of
our business contacts. I appreciate
the great desire to learn about the
specifics of our services to best
match the target group for the
campaign being implemented,
advice on the stage of preparing
communication with clients and
numerous efforts to optimize taken
actions. "
"The Lead Generation campaigns
prepared by the company are
carried out with attention to detail.
Cooperation between our
companies has contributed to
raising the prestige, and
enhancing the image of our
organization." We are convinced of
the rightness of choice, at the
same time recommending
”Akademię Reklamy" as a reliable,
timely and offering high quality
1800 EUR
36 eur /lead
Package of 50 leads
Sales navigator
400 profil endorsements
communication scheme
linkedIn profile	improvement
1000 EUR
50 eur /lead
1400 EUR
46 eur /lead
1600 EUR
40 eur /lead
Package of 20 leads
Sales navigator
100 profil endorsements
communication scheme
linkedIn profile	improvement
Package od 30 leads
Sales navigator
200 profil endorsements
communication scheme
linkedIn profile	improvement
Package of 40 leads
Sales navigator
200 profil endorsements
communication scheme
linkedIn profile	improvement
Pricing Linkedin
The CPL model is a premium service, you will receive not only the leads but the entire strategy of presence in social media. We will conduct a
LinkedIn profile analysis and suggest recommendations for each section. The price also includes a premium subscription.
Package of 40 leads
open rate min. 50%
response rate min. 15%
communication scheme
Package of 10 leads
open rate min. 50%
response rate min. 15%
communication scheme
Package of 20 leads
open rate min. 50%
response rate min. 15%
communication scheme
Package of 30 leads
open rate min. 50%
response rate min. 15%
communication scheme
Pricing Cold Mailing
CPL model - is a concrete result of the campaign in the form of leads. You can be sure that you will get what you order. We guarantee exchange of a
new one if it does not meet all the parameters or expectations. In addition, we also guarantee a high open rate and response rate.
* Foreign campaign +20%
1000 EUR
50 eur /lead
1400 EUR
46 eur /lead
1600 EUR
40 eur /lead
1800 EUR
36 eur /lead
800 EUR
400 prospects monthly
open rate min. 50%
communication scheme
500 EUR 800 EUR 500 EUR
1000 invitations monthly
sales navigator
100 profil endorsements
communication scheme
2000 invitations monthly
sales navigator
100 profil endorsements
communication scheme
200 prospects monthly
open rate min. 50%
communication scheme
Pricing Model CPA
CPA model - this is a concrete action, as part of the package we will send a certain number of messages, but we can not guarantee a specific effect
in the form of leads. We recommend this model for niche services and industries, and as a test campaign.
Text ads appear on the right bar or on
the top banner on multiple pages on
your site LinkedIn. They can contain the
text itself, but also graphics (eg the logo
of the company). Clicking an ad will take
the user to the site chosen by the
Sponsored content is promoted
company publications that appear in the
LinkedIn members' information channels.
They can contain text, photo, video and
links to the related website chosen by the
advertiser. Sponsored content can be
recognized by labels such as „Sponsored
Content”, which are displayed in the upper
left corner of the publication under the
company name.
Minimalny budżet dzienny wynosi 10
EUR za dzień.
Minimalna stawka CPC i CPM za
reklamy tekstowe na LinkedIn wynosi
2 EUR. Minimalna stawka za
sponsorowane aktualizacje różni się w
zależności od Twojej grupy odbiorców.
Sponsored InMail messages are
messages sent directly to users' inbox.
They can be recognized by the word
Sponsored in the subject of the
LinkedIn Ads
Charge per click (CPC)
The CPC method allows you to specify
the maximum amount you want to pay
for each click (e.g., EUR 3 per click).
Then, a daily budget should be set, e.g.
50 EUR.
You can control the cost of advertising
campaigns in two ways: by setting rates
(the maximum amount you want to pay
for each click or 1000 views) and by
specifying budgets (the maximum total
amount you want to spend per day).
Carge for 1000 views (CPM)
In the CPM method You pay for every
1000 views, regardless of the number of
ad clicks. This option is recommended
for clients who wants to reach the largest
possible number of users.
In both cases, we provide a suggested
range of rates, which is based on the fees
of other advertisers who choose similar
audiences. The higher the fee range in the
set range, the more likely the ad will be
displayed and the clicks received.
The minimum daily budget is 10 EUR per
day. The minimum CPC and CPM rates
is 2 EUR. The agency's salary is 30% of
the budget.The minimum rate for
sponsored updates varies depending on
your audience.
Minimalny budżet dzienny wynosi 10
EUR za dzień.
Minimalna stawka CPC i CPM za reklamy
tekstowe na LinkedIn wynosi
2 EUR. Minimalna stawka za
sponsorowane aktualizacje różni się w
zależności od Twojej grupy odbiorców.
There is no guarantee that daily budget
for advertising will be used every day.
The number of views and clicks on an ad
depends on many factors, including the
competitiveness of the ad and the size of
the audience.
LinkedIn Ads
Our Clients
Software house
Design and consulting services
Contact Us
+48 513 616 325

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B2B sales support - Akademia Reklamy

  • 1. We focus on sales, conversions and acquiring valuable B2B leads.
  • 2. We run campaigns comprehensively and carry out the process from A to Z which means minimal work on the client's side. Support We support our clients at every stage, before the start we will audit the website and marketing materials. Creativity We appreciate regular customers by offering a 5% rebate after each quarter of cooperation and a 10% commission for each successful recommendation. Quality We guarantee quality leads and high- quality databases that you can always review before sending. We will create impressive sales presentations dedicated to lead generation campaigns and we will improve the messages to get the highest conversion possible (A/B tests).Sales communication at the stage of the basic offer is carried out by us. we answer all questions, provide pre- prepared answers. We will advise on the selection of the target group and we will recommend changes if the customer mistakenly identified it. When the stage of negotiations, or the desire to meet appears - contact goes directly to you within 24 hours max. Why we? Complexity Preparation Punctuality Consultancy Loyalty
  • 3. Why LinkedIn? 100 th. Every week, more than 100 thousands industry articles appears on the portal, informing about innovations in the world of professionals. LinkedIn is the world's largest network of professionals, with over 500 million users in 200 countries and territories around the world. The huge potential of the website lies in the great trust that arouses among users, which translates into greater communication efficiency. 3,5 mln Currently, LinkedIn has over 3.5 million business pages, and two new users register each second. 64% This is the amount of Linkedin's movement for business on social media. 2,1 mln In Poland, 2.1 million people use Linkedin which means every thirteenth user in the network. That's over 250 thousands more than a year ago.
  • 4. 82% Why Cold mailing? That's the ROI for email marketing by Direct Marketing Association. This means that each dollar spent is a $ 43 return on investment. Cold mailing is one of the best-developed models for acquiring valuable clients. The message we send directly to the recipient can be used in a simple and quick way to get acquainted with our offer. Email marketing technology is used by 82% of B2B and B2C companies. The development of advanced methods and understanding the recipient's needs have contributed to the use of proper persuasion and writing techniques. Marketers allocate about 15% of their budgets to email marketing. The technology of electronic messages is almost forty years old, but it is not aging in any way. In 2015, we sent over 205 billion e-mails per day. This number will increase by about 3% annually until it exceeds 246 million at the end of 2019 (Radicati Group) 4300% 15% 246 mld82%
  • 5. LinkedIn Lead Generation Cold Mailing Lead Nurturing Presentation & Graphics Buzz Marketing Social Media We will help you break the ice in business. Building a relationship is a process, and cold e- mail is a tool that will help you achieve this goal. Follow-up reminder is a powerful weapon available in the business arsenal. The LinkedIn campaign stands out due to the combination of lead generation and lead nurturing activities. We enable quick and safe increase in turnover by attracting users with the offer. A program that can increase the conversion rate on acquired leads by up to 50% while reducing the cost of obtaining a lead. Sales presentation, effective infographics and graphs is a set of ready arguments and strengths of your products or services. We will help you achieve this. Activities that stimulate the consumer's recommendation through a direct impact on the strength of its viral propagation. A market-leading company can not afford to be offline. A good strategy means that users want to deepen their knowledge in a specific field and keep up with the latest developments in the industry.
  • 6. Before the start, we will do an audit of the website and marketing materials. At this stage, you will receive substantive support and guidance if something needs improvement. A tailor-made campaign Substantive preparation Target analysis, base verification We define the target group taking into account the socio-demographic, financial and industry aspects. At this stage, we exclude unwanted records. We send the ready base to the acceptance and re- verification. Communication strategy We create a communication scheme in the form of 3-4 business messages. In order to gain interest, it is not enough to have a unique offer that fits in market demand. Our communication is personalized, full of benefits and bringing real value to recipients in your target group. Start the campaign Thanks to the platform, the entire sending will be automated. If the first message does not arouse interest, we will send follow-ups. In the case of a response, the system will automatically stop sending to a given person. We believe that no marketing assumptions are universal. Something that works for one client may not work on the other. Therefore, research and testing should form the basis of any marketing strategy. We analyze the conversion funnel and identify the elements that require improvement. A/B tests You get leads Within a few days of starting the campaign, you will start receiving the first hot leads, or answers from people interested in cooperation. The funnel of generated leads over time will be more and more complete and more effective, giving the basis for the long-term development of your business.
  • 7. John Smith Hi John, I came across your profile while researching successful digital agency owners in UK. I suspect we have interests in common. I had a good look through your profile and I thought we might benefit from being connected. Here’s to your success. Marcin Kowalski 13:18 Przeczytana Write a message or attach a file Press enter to send ... ... Sample messages We will send an invitation and further messages to people who have accepted the invitation to the contact network. We will offer them a conversation about the possibilities of cooperation. 26 MAY Anna Borkowska Press enter to send ... ... 06 JUNE Piotr Kowalczyk Piotr dziękuję za przyjęcie zaproszenia. Właśnie potwierdziłem Twoje umiejętności i liczę na rewanż ;) Przy okazji trochę się przedstawię. Wspieramy organizacje w osiąganiu pożądanych wyników sprzedaży, ekspansji i rentowności. Oferujemy spersonalizowane rozwiązania by osiągnąć następny etap rozwoju i chętnie opowiem o zrealizowanych projektach dot. poprawy sprzedaży z różnych branż i rynków. 15:02 Przeczytana Press enter to send ... ... Write a message or attach a file 28 MAR Write a message or attach a file Good morning I would like to know how looks the demand regarding purchase of marketing materials in the Adamed Group. Our goal is to outsource printing, which generates time and money savings for our clients in this area. Can we talk about it? 09:45 Przeczytana
  • 8. Lead is, in other words, readiness to make contact in order to get acquainted with a given offer. It is reaching the target group indicated by customer preferences and getting initial interest as well as obtaining contact details. Gaining a lead is associated with sending an offer by e-mail, arranging a phone call or meeting directly. The person may also indicate a friend or other employee of the company who is the right person to contact and provide his contact details. Gaining a lead is not synonymous with successful sales. Lead Definition
  • 9. We rely on Linkedin's privacy policy and all data we receive is transmitted only with the consent of the user who, by creating an account, had to accept the regulations. We do not process personal data of individuals. We generate leads in the presumption mode of company domains based on public data or based on implied consent, which was granted, for example, by accepting an invitation to Linkedin. Privacy Policy and Law We run campaigns in accordance with the law and good marketing practices. In the case of data that is not made public on the profile and is provided in a private message, it is obtained only by granting written permission. As part of the campaign, we do not offer, therefore, according to RODO, we do not violate the law on submitting unpublished trade communications. All communication is strictly focused on the customer's problem and the desire to establish a business relationship.
  • 10. 01 ü Further conversations ü Presenting other offers 02 ü Product or market education ü Checking the possibility of decision-making 03 ü News publication ü Commenting on sharing 04 ü Skills endorsement 05 ü Birthday wishes ü Promotion congratulations In addition to lead generation, we also use the well-prepared Lead Nurturing program, which can increase the conversion rate on obtained leads up to 50% while reducing the cost of obtaining a lead. The definition includes all activities that move contact to the next stages of the funnel, so encouraging to purchase. Analysis of customer behavior in response to the directed Lead Nurturing program allows you to indicate the so-called Trigger Points - moments when it is best to contact the customer. Lead Nurturing
  • 11. E-mail Case Study A Answers in total (49 people B Positive answers (10 leads) C Maybe later (5 people) 303 records 58,8% OR (open rate) 10,2% CTR (clicks) 4,1% (10 leads) 20,5 4,1 2 12,7 D No. interest (31 people) Campaign for
  • 12. E-mail Case Study A Answers in total (56 people) B Positive answers (14 leads) C Maybe later (10 people) 317 records 55,5% OR (open rate) 6,1% CTR (clicks) 5,3% (14 leads) 21,4 5,3 3,8 11,8 D No. interest (31 people) Campaign for
  • 13. The duration of the campaign Linkedin Case Study A Number of contacts before the start B Number of contacts after the campaign 30% conversions of accepted invitations 280% increase in profile view 110 1007 Campaign for 2 20 76 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 march 13 march 20 march 27 march 38 leads Positive answers - 4,23% 21 leads Leads e-mail + phone - 55% 2 months
  • 14. Łukasz Szewieczek President of the Board Sales Tracker Reference "Delivered contacts are distinguished by high quality and good sales efficiency. The actions recommended and carried out by the agency positively influenced the sales increase and improvement of the conversion rate. At the same time, the quality of the leads handed out stood out against other lead providers. " Marcin Wąsowski Member of the Board Re:factory Michał Taran Managing Director Aktren Krzysztof Tarasek Sales Director Baseline "We mainly wanted to obtain valuable sales leads and the effect was achieved. We recommend lead generation performed by the Akademia Reklamy, primarily for companies that want to increase their turnover quickly and safely by attracting users with their offer. Such a built-in database is a valuable element in the development of sales and expansion on the market. " "We are very happy with this cooperation. It allowed us to acquire new customers and increase sales. It also contributed to the expansion of our business contacts. I appreciate the great desire to learn about the specifics of our services to best match the target group for the campaign being implemented, advice on the stage of preparing communication with clients and numerous efforts to optimize taken actions. " "The Lead Generation campaigns prepared by the company are carried out with attention to detail. Cooperation between our companies has contributed to raising the prestige, and enhancing the image of our organization." We are convinced of the rightness of choice, at the same time recommending ”Akademię Reklamy" as a reliable, timely and offering high quality services."
  • 15. UNLIMITED 1800 EUR 36 eur /lead Package of 50 leads Sales navigator 400 profil endorsements communication scheme linkedIn profile improvement STARTER PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS 1000 EUR 50 eur /lead 1400 EUR 46 eur /lead 1600 EUR 40 eur /lead Package of 20 leads Sales navigator 100 profil endorsements communication scheme linkedIn profile improvement Package od 30 leads Sales navigator 200 profil endorsements communication scheme linkedIn profile improvement Package of 40 leads Sales navigator 200 profil endorsements communication scheme linkedIn profile improvement Pricing Linkedin The CPL model is a premium service, you will receive not only the leads but the entire strategy of presence in social media. We will conduct a LinkedIn profile analysis and suggest recommendations for each section. The price also includes a premium subscription.
  • 16. PROFESSIONAL Package of 40 leads open rate min. 50% response rate min. 15% communication scheme STARTER PROFESSIONAL STARTER Package of 10 leads open rate min. 50% response rate min. 15% communication scheme Package of 20 leads open rate min. 50% response rate min. 15% communication scheme Package of 30 leads open rate min. 50% response rate min. 15% communication scheme Pricing Cold Mailing CPL model - is a concrete result of the campaign in the form of leads. You can be sure that you will get what you order. We guarantee exchange of a new one if it does not meet all the parameters or expectations. In addition, we also guarantee a high open rate and response rate. * Foreign campaign +20% 1000 EUR 50 eur /lead 1400 EUR 46 eur /lead 1600 EUR 40 eur /lead 1800 EUR 36 eur /lead
  • 17. CPA MAILING 800 EUR 400 prospects monthly open rate min. 50% communication scheme CPA LINKEDIN CPA LINKEDIN CPA MAILING 500 EUR 800 EUR 500 EUR 1000 invitations monthly sales navigator 100 profil endorsements communication scheme 2000 invitations monthly sales navigator 100 profil endorsements communication scheme 200 prospects monthly open rate min. 50% communication scheme Pricing Model CPA CPA model - this is a concrete action, as part of the package we will send a certain number of messages, but we can not guarantee a specific effect in the form of leads. We recommend this model for niche services and industries, and as a test campaign.
  • 18. Text ads appear on the right bar or on the top banner on multiple pages on your site LinkedIn. They can contain the text itself, but also graphics (eg the logo of the company). Clicking an ad will take the user to the site chosen by the advertiser. Sponsored content is promoted company publications that appear in the LinkedIn members' information channels. They can contain text, photo, video and links to the related website chosen by the advertiser. Sponsored content can be recognized by labels such as „Sponsored Content”, which are displayed in the upper left corner of the publication under the company name. Minimalny budżet dzienny wynosi 10 EUR za dzień. Minimalna stawka CPC i CPM za reklamy tekstowe na LinkedIn wynosi 2 EUR. Minimalna stawka za sponsorowane aktualizacje różni się w zależności od Twojej grupy odbiorców. Sponsored InMail messages are messages sent directly to users' inbox. They can be recognized by the word Sponsored in the subject of the message. LinkedIn Ads
  • 19. Charge per click (CPC) The CPC method allows you to specify the maximum amount you want to pay for each click (e.g., EUR 3 per click). Then, a daily budget should be set, e.g. 50 EUR. You can control the cost of advertising campaigns in two ways: by setting rates (the maximum amount you want to pay for each click or 1000 views) and by specifying budgets (the maximum total amount you want to spend per day). Carge for 1000 views (CPM) In the CPM method You pay for every 1000 views, regardless of the number of ad clicks. This option is recommended for clients who wants to reach the largest possible number of users. In both cases, we provide a suggested range of rates, which is based on the fees of other advertisers who choose similar audiences. The higher the fee range in the set range, the more likely the ad will be displayed and the clicks received. The minimum daily budget is 10 EUR per day. The minimum CPC and CPM rates is 2 EUR. The agency's salary is 30% of the budget.The minimum rate for sponsored updates varies depending on your audience. Minimalny budżet dzienny wynosi 10 EUR za dzień. Minimalna stawka CPC i CPM za reklamy tekstowe na LinkedIn wynosi 2 EUR. Minimalna stawka za sponsorowane aktualizacje różni się w zależności od Twojej grupy odbiorców. There is no guarantee that daily budget for advertising will be used every day. The number of views and clicks on an ad depends on many factors, including the competitiveness of the ad and the size of the audience. LinkedIn Ads
  • 20. Our Clients Software house Software Design and consulting services Others
  • 21. Contact Us Website +48 513 616 325 Phone E-mail