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Peter Dalbhanjan, Solutions Architect
September 2016
Infrastructure as Code: Best
Practices with AWS CloudFormation
• Introduction
• Best practices
• Key new features
• YAML support
• Cross-stack references
• Q & A’s
AWS CloudFormation
• Create templates that describe and model AWS
• CloudFormation then provisions AWS resources
based on dependency needs
• Version control/replicate/update the templates like
application code
• Integrates with development, CI/CD, management
• No additional charge to use
CloudFormation concepts and technology
JSON/YAML formatted file
Parameter definition
Resource creation
Configuration actions
Stack creation
Stack updates
Error detection and rollback
Configured AWS resources
Comprehensive service support
Service event aware
Template CloudFormation Stack
Infrastructure as Code workflow
integrate deploy
Infrastructure as Code workflow
integrate deploy
Text Editor
Infrastructure as Code workflow
integrate deploy
“It’s all software”
Text Editor
Update like software
Traffic• Faster
• Cost-efficient
• Simpler state and data
• Working stack stays
Template Anatomy - Resources
"Description" : "Create an EC2 instance.”,
"Resources" : {
"Ec2Instance" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Properties" : {
"KeyName" : “my-key-pair”,
"ImageId" : "ami-6869aa05”,
“InstanceType” : “m3.medium”
Template Anatomy - Parameters
"Description" : "Create an EC2 instance.”,
"Parameters": {
"KeyName": {
"Description" : "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH
access into the WordPress web server",
"Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName"
"EC2InstanceType" : {
"Description" : "EC2 instance type",
"Type" : "String",
"Default" : "t2.micro",
"AllowedValues" : [ "t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium" ],
"ConstraintDescription" : "Must be t2.micro, t2.small, t2.medium"
Template Anatomy - Outputs
"Outputs" : {
"WebsiteURL" : {
"Description" : ”DNS name of the website",
"Value" : {
"Fn::GetAtt" : [ “LoadBalancer”, “DNSName” ]
CloudFormation Best Practices
CloudFormation Designer
• Visualize template
• Modify template with
drag-drop gestures
• Customize sample
Avoid manual resource modifications
• Avoid making quick-fixes out of band
• Update your stacks with CloudFormation
• Do not manually change resources
• Consider using resource based permissions to limit
ability to make changes directly
Preview updates with Change Sets
Learn the intrinsic functions
"Mappings" : {
"RegionMap" : {
"us-east-1" : { "32" : "ami-6411e20d", "64" : "ami-7a11e213" },
"us-west-1" : { "32" : "ami-c9c7978c", "64" : "ami-cfc7978a" },
"eu-west-1" : { "32" : "ami-37c2f643", "64" : "ami-31c2f645" },
"ap-southeast-1" : { "32" : "ami-66f28c34", "64" : "ami-60f28c32" },
"ap-northeast-1" : { "32" : "ami-9c03a89d", "64" : "ami-a003a8a1" }
"Resources" : {
"myEC2Instance" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Properties" : {
"ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RegionMap", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region"
}, "32"]},
"InstanceType" : "m1.small"
Bootstrap your applications using EC2 UserData
"Resources" : {
"Ec2Instance" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Properties" : {
"KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" },
"SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "InstanceSecurityGroup" } ],
"ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RegionMap", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "AMI" ]},
"UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["",[
"#!/bin/bash -ex","n",
"yum -y install gcc-c++ make","n",
"yum -y install mysql-devel sqlite-devel","n",
"yum -y install ruby-rdoc rubygems ruby-mysql ruby-devel","n",
"gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc rails","n",
"gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc mysql","n",
"gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc sqlite3","n",
"rails new myapp","n",
"cd myapp","n",
"rails server -d","n"]]}}
Use EC2 UserData, which is available as a property of AWS::EC2::Instance
AWS CloudFormation provides helper
scripts for deployment within your
EC2 instances
Metadata Key —
Cfn-init reads this metadata key and
installs the packages listed in this key
(e.g., httpd, mysql, and php). Cfn-init
also retrieves and expands files listed
as sources.
Amazon EC2
AWS CloudFormation
Bootstrap your applications using helper scripts
"Metadata": {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : {
"config" : {
"packages" : {
"sources" : {
"commands" : {
"files" : {
"services" : {
"users" : {
"groups" : {
Use AWS::CloudFormation::Init with cfn-init to help bootstrap instances:
Bootstrapping example
“WebAppHost" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Metadata" : {
"AWS:CloudFormation::Init" : {
"config" : {
"packages" : {
"yum" : {
"gcc" : [],
"gcc-c++" : [],
"make" : [],
"automake" : [],
Prevent stack updates to protected resources using Stack policies
Protect your resources using Stack policies
"Statement" : [
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Action" : "Update:*",
"Principal": "*",
"Resource" : "*"
"Effect" : "Deny",
"Action" : "Update:*",
"Principal": "*",
"Resource" : "LogicalResourceId/ProductionDatabase"
Ownership based template design
• Use Microservices approach to define templates
• Limit one template to a single service
• Use nested stacks and cross-stack reference to break
up large templates
• Organize templates according to team structure/job
function/line of business
Ownership based template design
Ownership based template design
Ownership – nested stacks
Ownership – cross-stack references
Re-usable Templates – across AWS Regions
• Consider environmental or regional differences
• Amazon EC2 image Ids
• VPC environment or “classic” environment
• Available instance types
• IAM policy principals
• Endpoint names
• Amazon Resource Names (arns)
Re-usable Templates – “Pseudo-Parameters”
Use “pseudo-parameters” to retrieve environmental data
• Account Id
• Region
• Stack Name and Id
"LogsBucketPolicy": {
"Type": "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy",
"Properties": {
"Bucket": {"Ref": "LogsBucket”},
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Sid": "ELBAccessLogs",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": {
"Fn::Join": [ "", [ “arn:aws:s3:::",
{ "Ref": "LogsBucket" }, "/", "Logs",
"/AWSLogs/", { "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }, "/*” ]]
"Principal": …,
"Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ]
Re-usable Templates - Using mappings
Use mappings to define variables
• Single place for configuration
• Re-usable within the template
"LogsBucketPolicy": {
"Type": "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy",
"Properties": {
"Bucket": {"Ref": "LogsBucket”},
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Sid": "ELBAccessLogs",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": {
"Fn::Join": [ "", [
{ "Fn::FindInMap" : ["RegionalConfig",
{"Ref" : "AWS::Region"},
"s3:::”, { "Ref": "LogsBucket" }, "/",
{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }, "/*" ] ]
“Mappings” : {
“RegionalConfig” : {
“us-east-1” : {
“AMI” :
“ArnPrefix” :
“us-west-1” : {
“AMI” :
“ArnPrefix” :
Re-usable Templates – Using conditionals
Use conditionals to customize
resources and parameters
"DBEC2SG": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
"Condition" : "Is-EC2-VPC",
"Properties" : {…}
"DBSG": {
"Type": "AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup",
"Condition" : "Is-EC2-Classic",
"Properties": {…}
"MySQLDatabase": {
"Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance",
"Properties": {
"VPCSecurityGroups": { "Fn::If" : [ "Is-EC2-VPC",
[ { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "DBEC2SG", "GroupId" ] } ],
{ "Ref" : "AWS::NoValue"}]},
"DBSecurityGroups": { "Fn::If" : [ "Is-EC2-Classic",
[ { "Ref": "DBSG" } ],
{ "Ref" : "AWS::NoValue"}]}
"Conditions" : {
"Is-EC2-VPC” : { "Fn::Or" : [
{"Fn::Equals" : [
{"Ref” : "AWS::Region"},
"eu-central-1" ]},
{"Fn::Equals" : [
{"Ref" : "AWS::Region"},
"cn-north-1" ]}]},
"Is-EC2-Classic" : { "Fn::Not" : [
{ "Condition" : "Is-EC2-VPC"}]}
Best Practices Summary
• CloudFormation Designer
• Avoid manual resource
• Preview updates with Change
• Learn the intrinsic functions
• Bootstrap your applications using
UserData and helper scripts
• Protect critical resources using
stack policiess
• Ownership based
template design
• Plan for multi-region
• Use Pseudo-Parameters
• Use Mappings
• Use Conditionals
Key new features
• YAML formatted templates
• Overview of template structure / basics
• New function formatting (!Ref / !GetAZs / !FindInMap)
• New Intrinsic Function ( Fn::Sub )
•Cross Stack References
• New function Fn::ImportValue
• Allows use of outputs from unrelated stacks without custom
CloudFormation - YAML
• Better authoring and readability of templates
• Comments – Finally Yay!!
• Simplification as templates get more and more complex
Cloudformation - YAML
• Structure is shown through indentation (one or more spaces).
• Sequence items are denoted by a dash
• Key value pairs within a map are separated by a colon.
• Tips: Use a monospace font, don’t use Tab, save using UTF-8
Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC"
CidrBlock: !Ref VPC1Cidr
Key: "Name"
Value: "TroubleShooting"
CloudFormation – YAML Template Structure
All sections is the same as in a JSON template
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "version date"
template metadata
set of parameters
set of mappings
set of conditions
set of resources
set of outputs
CloudFormation – YAML Function Declaration
• Two ways to declare Intrinsic functions: Long and Short
• Short Form:
• !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
• Long Form:
• "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "MapName", "TopLevelKey", "SecondLevelKey"]
• Tag = ! (Its not Negation operator)
• Few things to note with Tags
• You cannot use one tag immediately after another
• !Base64 !Sub…
• Instead, you can do this
• "Fn::Base64": !Sub...
• !Select [ !Ref Value, [1,2,3]]
CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions
Fn::Base64 Fn::And
Short !Base64 valueToEncode Short !And [condition]
Long "Fn::Base64": valueToEncode Long "Fn::And": [condition]
Fn::Equals Fn::If
Short !Equals [value_1, value_2] Short !If [condition_name, value_if_true, value_if_false]
Long "Fn::Equals": [value_1, value_2] Long "Fn::If": [condition_name, value_if_true, value_if_false]
Fn::Not Fn::Or
Short !Not [condition] Short !Or [condition, ...]
Long "Fn::Not": [condition] Long "Fn::Or": [condition, ...]
CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Cont.
Short !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
Long "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "MapName", "TopLevelKey", "SecondLevelKey"]
Short A) !GetAtt logicalNameOfResource.attributeName
B) !GetAtt
- logicalID
- attributeName
C) !GetAtt [logicalID, attributeName]
Long "Fn::GetAtt": [ logicalNameOfResource, attributeName ]
CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Cont. 2
Short A) !Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]
B) !Join
- delimiter
- value1
- value2
Long "Fn::Join": [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]
Short A) !GetAZs region (e:g !GetAZs "us-east-1")
B) !GetAZs “”
C) !GetAZs {Ref : "AWS::Region"}
Long "Fn::GetAZs": region
CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Cont. 3
Short A) !Select [ index, listOfObjects ]
B) !Select
- index
- value1
- value2
Long "Fn::Select": [ index, listOfObjects ]
Ref Fn::ImportValue
Short !Ref logicalName Short !ImportValue sharedValueToImport
Long “Ref”: logicalName Long "Fn::ImportValue": sharedValueToImport
CloudFormation – Fn::Sub
• Substitute variables in an input string with values
• Function accepts a string or a map as a parameter.
• Usage
• VarName: ${MyVariableValue}
• Literal: ${!LiteralValue}
• Use | if you are spanning multiple lines
• Available in JSON as well
CloudFormation – Fn::Sub Declaration
Option 1 Short:
- String
- VarName: VarValue
- String
- VarName: VarValue
Option 2
When you’re
only substituting
logical IDs, or
attributes do not
specify a
!Sub String
"Fn::Sub": String
CloudFormation – Fn::Sub Examples
content: !Sub |
#!/bin/bash -xe
cp /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php
sed -i "s/'database_name_here'/'${DBName}'/g" wp-config.php
sed -i "s/'username_here'/'${DBUser}'/g" wp-config.php
sed -i "s/'password_here'/'${DBPassword}'/g" wp-config.php
mode: '000500'
owner: root
group: root
command: !Sub |
mysqladmin -u root password '${DBRootPassword}'
test: !Sub |
$(mysql ${DBName} -u root --password='${DBRootPassword}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null); (( $? != 0 ))
command: !Sub |
mysql -u root --password='${DBRootPassword}' < /tmp/setup.mysql
test: !Sub |
$(mysql ${DBName} -u root --password='${DBRootPassword}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null); (( $? !=0))
command: /tmp/create-wp-config
cwd: /var/www/html/wordpress
CloudFormation – Cross Stack References
• Sharing resources made easy
• IAM roles, VPC, Security groups
• Add an explicit “Export” declaration to stack output
• Use the resource in another stack using a new intrinsic function,
• Few guidelines:
• Export names must be unique within an account and region
• Cannot create references across regions
• Cannot delete a stack that is referenced by another stack (Dependencies are
communicated in errors)
• Outputs cannot be modified or removed as long as it is referenced by a
current stack
CloudFormation – Fn::ImportValue
The new intrinsic function for accessing exported outputs.
{ "Fn::ImportValue" : sharedValueToImport }
"Fn::ImportValue": sharedValueToImport
!ImportValue sharedValueToImport
CloudFormation – Cross Stack Examples
Stack A
Stack B
"Outputs": {
"WebServerSecurityGroup": {
"Description": "TheIDofthesecuritygroup",
"Value": {"Fn: : GetAtt": ["WebServerSecurityGroup", "GroupId"]},
"Export": { "Name": "AccountSecGroup"}
"Resources" : {
"WebServerInstance" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Properties" : {
"InstanceType" : "ts.micro",
"ImageId" : "ami-a1b23456",
"NetworkInterfaces" : [{
"GroupSet" : [{ "Fn::ImportValue" : "AccountSecGroup" ]}
Thank you!
Peter Dalbhanjan

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AWS CloudFormation Best Practices

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Peter Dalbhanjan, Solutions Architect September 2016 Infrastructure as Code: Best Practices with AWS CloudFormation
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • Best practices • Key new features • YAML support • Cross-stack references • Q & A’s New New
  • 3. AWS CloudFormation • Create templates that describe and model AWS infrastructure • CloudFormation then provisions AWS resources based on dependency needs • Version control/replicate/update the templates like application code • Integrates with development, CI/CD, management tools • No additional charge to use
  • 4. CloudFormation concepts and technology JSON/YAML formatted file Parameter definition Resource creation Configuration actions Framework Stack creation Stack updates Error detection and rollback Configured AWS resources Comprehensive service support Service event aware Customizable Template CloudFormation Stack
  • 5. Infrastructure as Code workflow code version control code review integrate deploy
  • 6. Infrastructure as Code workflow code version control code review integrate deploy Text Editor Git/SVN/ Perforce Review Tools Syntax Validation Tools AWS Services
  • 7. Infrastructure as Code workflow code version control code review integrate deploy “It’s all software” Text Editor Git/SVN/ Perforce Review Tools Syntax Validation Tools AWS Services
  • 8. Update like software Blue-GreenIn-place Traffic• Faster • Cost-efficient • Simpler state and data migration • Working stack stays intact Templates Stacks
  • 9. Template Anatomy - Resources { "Description" : "Create an EC2 instance.”, "Resources" : { "Ec2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "KeyName" : “my-key-pair”, "ImageId" : "ami-6869aa05”, “InstanceType” : “m3.medium” } } } }
  • 10. Template Anatomy - Parameters { "Description" : "Create an EC2 instance.”, "Parameters": { "KeyName": { "Description" : "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access into the WordPress web server", "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName" }, "EC2InstanceType" : { "Description" : "EC2 instance type", "Type" : "String", "Default" : "t2.micro", "AllowedValues" : [ "t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium" ], "ConstraintDescription" : "Must be t2.micro, t2.small, t2.medium" }, },
  • 11. Template Anatomy - Outputs "Outputs" : { "WebsiteURL" : { "Description" : ”DNS name of the website", "Value" : { "Fn::GetAtt" : [ “LoadBalancer”, “DNSName” ] } } }
  • 13. CloudFormation Designer • Visualize template resources • Modify template with drag-drop gestures • Customize sample templates
  • 14. Avoid manual resource modifications • Avoid making quick-fixes out of band • Update your stacks with CloudFormation • Do not manually change resources • Consider using resource based permissions to limit ability to make changes directly
  • 15. Preview updates with Change Sets
  • 16. Learn the intrinsic functions
  • 17. Fn::FindInMap "Mappings" : { "RegionMap" : { "us-east-1" : { "32" : "ami-6411e20d", "64" : "ami-7a11e213" }, "us-west-1" : { "32" : "ami-c9c7978c", "64" : "ami-cfc7978a" }, "eu-west-1" : { "32" : "ami-37c2f643", "64" : "ami-31c2f645" }, "ap-southeast-1" : { "32" : "ami-66f28c34", "64" : "ami-60f28c32" }, "ap-northeast-1" : { "32" : "ami-9c03a89d", "64" : "ami-a003a8a1" } } },
  • 18. Fn::FindInMap "Resources" : { "myEC2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RegionMap", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "32"]}, "InstanceType" : "m1.small" } } }
  • 19. Bootstrap your applications using EC2 UserData "Resources" : { "Ec2Instance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" }, "SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "InstanceSecurityGroup" } ], "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RegionMap", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "AMI" ]}, "UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["",[ "#!/bin/bash -ex","n", "yum -y install gcc-c++ make","n", "yum -y install mysql-devel sqlite-devel","n", "yum -y install ruby-rdoc rubygems ruby-mysql ruby-devel","n", "gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc rails","n", "gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc mysql","n", "gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc sqlite3","n", "rails new myapp","n", "cd myapp","n", "rails server -d","n"]]}} } } Use EC2 UserData, which is available as a property of AWS::EC2::Instance resources
  • 20. cfn-init cfn-hup AWS CloudFormation provides helper scripts for deployment within your EC2 instances Metadata Key — AWS::CloudFormation::Init Cfn-init reads this metadata key and installs the packages listed in this key (e.g., httpd, mysql, and php). Cfn-init also retrieves and expands files listed as sources. Amazon EC2 AWS CloudFormation cfn-signal cfn-get- metadata Bootstrap your applications using helper scripts
  • 21. "Metadata": { "AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : { "config" : { "packages" : { }, "sources" : { }, "commands" : { }, "files" : { }, "services" : { }, "users" : { }, "groups" : { } } } Use AWS::CloudFormation::Init with cfn-init to help bootstrap instances: Bootstrapping example “WebAppHost" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Metadata" : { "AWS:CloudFormation::Init" : { "config" : { "packages" : { "yum" : { "gcc" : [], "gcc-c++" : [], "make" : [], "automake" : [],
  • 22. Prevent stack updates to protected resources using Stack policies Protect your resources using Stack policies { "Statement" : [ { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "*" }, { "Effect" : "Deny", "Action" : "Update:*", "Principal": "*", "Resource" : "LogicalResourceId/ProductionDatabase" } ] }
  • 23. Ownership based template design • Use Microservices approach to define templates • Limit one template to a single service • Use nested stacks and cross-stack reference to break up large templates • Organize templates according to team structure/job function/line of business
  • 27. Web-SG Ownership – cross-stack references App-SG App-SG DB-SG
  • 28. Re-usable Templates – across AWS Regions • Consider environmental or regional differences • Amazon EC2 image Ids • VPC environment or “classic” environment • Available instance types • IAM policy principals • Endpoint names • Amazon Resource Names (arns)
  • 29. Re-usable Templates – “Pseudo-Parameters” Use “pseudo-parameters” to retrieve environmental data • Account Id • Region • Stack Name and Id "LogsBucketPolicy": { "Type": "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy", "Properties": { "Bucket": {"Ref": "LogsBucket”}, "PolicyDocument": { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid": "ELBAccessLogs", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ “arn:aws:s3:::", { "Ref": "LogsBucket" }, "/", "Logs", "/AWSLogs/", { "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }, "/*” ]] }, "Principal": …, "Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ] }] } } },
  • 30. Re-usable Templates - Using mappings Use mappings to define variables • Single place for configuration • Re-usable within the template "LogsBucketPolicy": { "Type": "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy", "Properties": { "Bucket": {"Ref": "LogsBucket”}, "PolicyDocument": { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid": "ELBAccessLogs", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ { "Fn::FindInMap" : ["RegionalConfig", {"Ref" : "AWS::Region"}, "ArnPrefix”]}, "s3:::”, { "Ref": "LogsBucket" }, "/", "Logs", "/AWSLogs/”, { "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }, "/*" ] ] }, } “Mappings” : { “RegionalConfig” : { “us-east-1” : { “AMI” : “ami-12345678”, ”ELBAccountId": "127311923021”, “ArnPrefix” : “arn:aws:” }, “us-west-1” : { “AMI” : “ami-98765432” ”ELBAccountId": “027434742980" “ArnPrefix” : “arn:aws:” }, : } }
  • 31. Re-usable Templates – Using conditionals Use conditionals to customize resources and parameters "DBEC2SG": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "Condition" : "Is-EC2-VPC", "Properties" : {…} }, "DBSG": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup", "Condition" : "Is-EC2-Classic", "Properties": {…} }, "MySQLDatabase": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties": { : "VPCSecurityGroups": { "Fn::If" : [ "Is-EC2-VPC", [ { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "DBEC2SG", "GroupId" ] } ], { "Ref" : "AWS::NoValue"}]}, "DBSecurityGroups": { "Fn::If" : [ "Is-EC2-Classic", [ { "Ref": "DBSG" } ], { "Ref" : "AWS::NoValue"}]} } } } "Conditions" : { "Is-EC2-VPC” : { "Fn::Or" : [ {"Fn::Equals" : [ {"Ref” : "AWS::Region"}, "eu-central-1" ]}, {"Fn::Equals" : [ {"Ref" : "AWS::Region"}, "cn-north-1" ]}]}, "Is-EC2-Classic" : { "Fn::Not" : [ { "Condition" : "Is-EC2-VPC"}]} },
  • 32. Best Practices Summary • CloudFormation Designer • Avoid manual resource modifications • Preview updates with Change Sets • Learn the intrinsic functions • Bootstrap your applications using UserData and helper scripts • Protect critical resources using stack policiess • Ownership based template design • Plan for multi-region • Use Pseudo-Parameters • Use Mappings • Use Conditionals
  • 33. Key new features • YAML formatted templates • Overview of template structure / basics • New function formatting (!Ref / !GetAZs / !FindInMap) • New Intrinsic Function ( Fn::Sub ) •Cross Stack References • New function Fn::ImportValue • Allows use of outputs from unrelated stacks without custom resource New New
  • 34. CloudFormation - YAML Why YAML? • Better authoring and readability of templates • Comments – Finally Yay!! • Simplification as templates get more and more complex New
  • 35. Cloudformation - YAML • Structure is shown through indentation (one or more spaces). • Sequence items are denoted by a dash • Key value pairs within a map are separated by a colon. • Tips: Use a monospace font, don’t use Tab, save using UTF-8 Resources: VPC1: Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC" Properties: CidrBlock: !Ref VPC1Cidr Tags: - Key: "Name" Value: "TroubleShooting"
  • 36. CloudFormation – YAML Template Structure All sections is the same as in a JSON template --- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "version date" Description: String Metadata: template metadata Parameters: set of parameters Mappings: set of mappings Conditions: set of conditions Resources: set of resources Outputs: set of outputs
  • 37. CloudFormation – YAML Function Declaration • Two ways to declare Intrinsic functions: Long and Short • Short Form: • !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ] • Long Form: • "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "MapName", "TopLevelKey", "SecondLevelKey"] • Tag = ! (Its not Negation operator) • Few things to note with Tags • You cannot use one tag immediately after another • !Base64 !Sub… • Instead, you can do this • "Fn::Base64": !Sub... • !Select [ !Ref Value, [1,2,3]]
  • 38. CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Fn::Base64 Fn::And Short !Base64 valueToEncode Short !And [condition] Long "Fn::Base64": valueToEncode Long "Fn::And": [condition] Fn::Equals Fn::If Short !Equals [value_1, value_2] Short !If [condition_name, value_if_true, value_if_false] Long "Fn::Equals": [value_1, value_2] Long "Fn::If": [condition_name, value_if_true, value_if_false] Fn::Not Fn::Or Short !Not [condition] Short !Or [condition, ...] Long "Fn::Not": [condition] Long "Fn::Or": [condition, ...]
  • 39. CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Cont. Fn::FindInMap Short !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ] Long "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "MapName", "TopLevelKey", "SecondLevelKey"] Fn::GetAtt Short A) !GetAtt logicalNameOfResource.attributeName B) !GetAtt - logicalID - attributeName C) !GetAtt [logicalID, attributeName] Long "Fn::GetAtt": [ logicalNameOfResource, attributeName ]
  • 40. CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Cont. 2 Fn::Join Short A) !Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ] B) !Join - delimiter - - value1 - value2 Long "Fn::Join": [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ] Fn::GetAZs Short A) !GetAZs region (e:g !GetAZs "us-east-1") B) !GetAZs “” C) !GetAZs {Ref : "AWS::Region"} Long "Fn::GetAZs": region
  • 41. CloudFormation – Intrinsic Functions Cont. 3 Fn::Select Short A) !Select [ index, listOfObjects ] B) !Select - index - - value1 - value2 Long "Fn::Select": [ index, listOfObjects ] Ref Fn::ImportValue Short !Ref logicalName Short !ImportValue sharedValueToImport Long “Ref”: logicalName Long "Fn::ImportValue": sharedValueToImport
  • 42. CloudFormation – Fn::Sub • Substitute variables in an input string with values • Function accepts a string or a map as a parameter. • Usage • VarName: ${MyVariableValue} • Literal: ${!LiteralValue} • Use | if you are spanning multiple lines • Available in JSON as well New
  • 43. CloudFormation – Fn::Sub Declaration Fn::Sub Option 1 Short: !Sub - String - VarName: VarValue Long: "Fn::Sub": - String - VarName: VarValue Option 2 When you’re only substituting parameters, logical IDs, or resource attributes do not specify a variable mapping Short: !Sub String Long: "Fn::Sub": String
  • 44. CloudFormation – Fn::Sub Examples /tmp/create-wp-config: content: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -xe cp /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php sed -i "s/'database_name_here'/'${DBName}'/g" wp-config.php sed -i "s/'username_here'/'${DBUser}'/g" wp-config.php sed -i "s/'password_here'/'${DBPassword}'/g" wp-config.php mode: '000500' owner: root group: root configure_wordpress: commands: 01_set_mysql_root_password: command: !Sub | mysqladmin -u root password '${DBRootPassword}' test: !Sub | $(mysql ${DBName} -u root --password='${DBRootPassword}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null); (( $? != 0 )) 02_create_database: command: !Sub | mysql -u root --password='${DBRootPassword}' < /tmp/setup.mysql test: !Sub | $(mysql ${DBName} -u root --password='${DBRootPassword}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null); (( $? !=0)) 03_configure_wordpress: command: /tmp/create-wp-config cwd: /var/www/html/wordpress
  • 45. CloudFormation – Cross Stack References • Sharing resources made easy • IAM roles, VPC, Security groups • Add an explicit “Export” declaration to stack output • Use the resource in another stack using a new intrinsic function, Fn::ImportValue` • Few guidelines: • Export names must be unique within an account and region • Cannot create references across regions • Cannot delete a stack that is referenced by another stack (Dependencies are communicated in errors) • Outputs cannot be modified or removed as long as it is referenced by a current stack New
  • 46. CloudFormation – Fn::ImportValue The new intrinsic function for accessing exported outputs. JSON { "Fn::ImportValue" : sharedValueToImport } YAML "Fn::ImportValue": sharedValueToImport !ImportValue sharedValueToImport
  • 47. CloudFormation – Cross Stack Examples Stack A Stack B "Outputs": { "WebServerSecurityGroup": { "Description": "TheIDofthesecuritygroup", "Value": {"Fn: : GetAtt": ["WebServerSecurityGroup", "GroupId"]}, "Export": { "Name": "AccountSecGroup"} } } "Resources" : { "WebServerInstance" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : "ts.micro", "ImageId" : "ami-a1b23456", "NetworkInterfaces" : [{ "GroupSet" : [{ "Fn::ImportValue" : "AccountSecGroup" ]} ]} } } }

Editor's Notes

  1. Ask us questions, we have moderators who can help answer those. We will use some time at the end so that we can answer some of these questions live Webcast will be recorded, we will send you url to the recording as well as the slide deck
  2. CloudFormation allows you to declaratively model your infrastructures architecture into a template. For example the template for a simple web application could include things such as Amazon EC2 instances, an Elastic Load Balancer and an Amazon RDS instance. For more complicated architectures it can also include a lot more such as Lambda functions, SNS queues , DynamoDB tables or IAM policies. Once you have finished authoring your template you then upload it to CloudFormation and we take care of all the fine details of provisioning the infrastructure into what we call a stack. Using Cloudformation you don’t need to worry about the ins and outs of each of the different services APIs, we take care of that for you. Once your infrastructure has been provisioned you can make changes to it by modifying your template and CloudFormation will work out how to apply those changes to your infrastructure. As we will discuss in this presentation this process can be automated into your existing deployment pipelines with things like Jenkins. The templates can be also included into your existing development processes and be stored in source control and be code reviewed.
  3. CloudFormation allows you to declaratively model your infrastructures architecture into a template. For example the template for a simple web application could include things such as Amazon EC2 instances, an Elastic Load Balancer and an Amazon RDS instance. For more complicated architectures it can also include a lot more such as Lambda functions, SNS queues , DynamoDB tables or IAM policies. Once you have finished authoring your template you then upload it to CloudFormation and we take care of all the fine details of provisioning the infrastructure into what we call a stack. Using Cloudformation you don’t need to worry about the ins and outs of each of the different services APIs, we take care of that for you. Once your infrastructure has been provisioned you can make changes to it by modifying your template and CloudFormation will work out how to apply those changes to your infrastructure. As we will discuss in this presentation this process can be automated into your existing deployment pipelines with things like Jenkins. The templates can be also included into your existing development processes and be stored in source control and be code reviewed.
  4. So if you look at the components behind Cloudformation. It's starts off with a template. This is the JSON formatted script file, that deals with things like parameter definition that drive a user driven template, such as name of my databases. It deals with the resource creation, so the creation of AWS components such as EC2 instances or RDS databases. And it deals with the configuration actions I wish to apply against this resources, so it might be install software or might be creating an SQS queue for example. Than that template is deployed into the cloud formation framework. And the framework deals what we call Stack creation, updates and any error detection and rollback required in the creation of a stack. So a stack is collection of resources that you want to manage together. And the resulting artifact is what we call a Stack of configured AWS services. So this could be in an Elastic Load Balancer and Autosclaing group with EC2 instances and an RDS database. So the stack is service event aware, the stack creation actions or the changing of that environment can be feed back into Cloudfomration and trigger actions within the CloudFormation tempalte. And it is also customizable, so once you created a stack you can of course access the underlying resources and change them of modify them as you so which. Now the error detection and rollback is an interesting point. If at any time in the stack creation a problem is detected, the default behaviour of Cloudformation is to roll-back the creation of all resources and put you back in a constitent known state. So you know if your stack is working or is rolled back and is not.
  5. The development process that you use for developing business logic can be the same as what you when writing CloudFormation templates. You start of with your favorite IDE or Text Editor to write the code, Eclipse, VIM or VisualStudio You then commit to template to your source code repository using your usual branching strategy and then have the template reviewed as part of your typical code review process. The template is then integrated and run as part of your CI and CD pipelines. Being simply a JSON document, you can even write Unit Tests for your templates. When developing a CloudFormation template you can use all of your normal software engineering principles At the end of the day It’s all software – a template can be reused across applications – just like code library's and a stack can be shared by multiple applications.
  6. The development process that you use for developing business logic can be the same as what you when writing CloudFormation templates. You start of with your favorite IDE or Text Editor to write the code, Eclipse, VIM or VisualStudio You then commit to template to your source code repository using your usual branching strategy and then have the template reviewed as part of your typical code review process. The template is then integrated and run as part of your CI and CD pipelines. Being simply a JSON document, you can even write Unit Tests for your templates. When developing a CloudFormation template you can use all of your normal software engineering principles At the end of the day It’s all software – a template can be reused across applications – just like code library's and a stack can be shared by multiple applications.
  7. The development process that you use for developing business logic can be the same as what you when writing CloudFormation templates. You start of with your favorite IDE or Text Editor to write the code, Eclipse, VIM or VisualStudio You then commit to template to your source code repository using your usual branching strategy and then have the template reviewed as part of your typical code review process. The template is then integrated and run as part of your CI and CD pipelines. Being simply a JSON document, you can even write Unit Tests for your templates. When developing a CloudFormation template you can use all of your normal software engineering principles At the end of the day It’s all software – a template can be reused across applications – just like code library's and a stack can be shared by multiple applications.
  8. Resources – EC2 instances, VPC,
  9. Parameters – is a way to ask questions during template creation for user inputs. It contains a list of attributes with values and constraints. User inputs can be Instance types, keynames, VPC ID’s, Username Passwords for DB’s etc. Notice, Keyname doesn’t have default attribute and EC2InstanceType does. CFn fails to create a stack if no value is chosen. You will also notice that the key names are a drop down list to choose from Another neat feature, we are forcing the users to choose from 3 instance types. So you can restrict your templates to use only specific values if needed.
  10. Outputs is a way to provide your output of CFn stack. Here is where your resource output goes like website url’s, any resource you created that are useful for other stacks
  11. CloudFormation supports provisioning in over 20 AWS services, and we are continuously expanding the AWS services supported in CloudFormation. But, what if you want to provision something that is not supported in CloudFormation today? What if, you want to provision something on-premises when you provision a CloudFormation stack? What if, you want to provision something in a 3rd party service? There are a few different ways to achieve that.
  12. Intrinsic functions are Conditions for turning resources on or off during provisioning Helper functions to look up environment info and operations such as string manipulation
  13. AWS CloudFormation provides the following helpers to allow you to deploy your application code or application and OS configuration at the time you launch your EC2 instances: cfn-init: Used to retrieve and interpret the resource metadata, installing packages, creating files and starting services. cfn-signal: A simple wrapper to signal a CloudFormation WaitCondition allowing you to synchronize other resources in the stack with the application being ready. cfn-get-metadata: A wrapper script making it easy to retrieve either all metadata defined for a resource or path to a specific key or subtree of the resource metadata. cfn-hup: A daemon to check for updates to metadata and execute custom hooks when the changes are detected.
  14. Supports YAML 1.1 specification except for: Hash merges Aliases The binary, omap, pairs, TIMESTAMP, and set tags Supports all CloudFormation features and functions except for CloudFormation Designer
  15. You can construct commands or outputs that include values that aren’t available until you create or update a stack Use pipe symbol = | for spanning multiple lines