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An Automated Docking Software for
Predicting Optimal Protein-Ligand Interaction
Susan McClatchy, Milind Misra,
Chandreyee Mukherjee, Indu Shrivastava
Chandreyee Mukherjee
 Interaction between biomolecules lie at the core of all metabolic
processes and life activities
 The number of solved protein structures available in the
databases is expanding exponentially
 To understand their functions it is essential to elucidate the
interaction mechanisms between the different molecules
 Primary importance lies in rational drug design
 Depending upon the success of the docked molecules the
docking ligand may be redesigned or its structure further
 Also important in the area of immunology to study antigen-
antibody interaction.
Automated Docking: Importance
Inhibitor bound to active site of HIVPR
Surface structure of HIVPR with bound
Prediction of the optimal physical configuration and
energy between two molecules
The docking problem optimizes:
 Binding between two molecules such that their
orientation maximizes the interaction
 Evaluates the total energy of interaction such that for
the best binding configuration the binding energy is
the minimum
 The resultant structural changes brought about by
the interaction
What is docking?
1. Protein-Protein Docking:
 Both molecules are rigid
 Interaction produces no change in conformation
 Similar to lock-and key model
2. Protein-Ligand Docking:
 Ligand is flexible but the receptor protein is rigid
 Interaction produces conformational changes in
Categories of docking
1. Protein-Protein Docking
2. Protein-Ligand Docking
It involves:
 Finding useful ways of representing the molecules and molecular
 Exploration of the configuration spaces available for interaction
between ligand and receptor.
 Evaluate and rank configurations using a scoring system, in this
case the binding energy
However, since it is difficult to evaluate the binding energy because the
binding sites may not be easily accessible, the binding energy is modeled
as follows:
∆G bind= ∆Gvdw + ∆Ghbond + ∆Gelect + ∆G conform+ ∆G tor + ∆G sol
Docking uses a “search and
score” method
 Developed by AJ Olson’s group in 1990.
 AutoDock uses free energy of the docking molecules
using 3D potential-grids
 Uses heuristic search to minimize the energy.
Search Algorithms used:
 Simulated Annealing
 Genetic Algorithm
 Lamarckian GA (GA+LS hybrid)
The AutoDock Software
Algorithms Overview
Simulated Annealing
 Based on temperature effects
 Start with high temperature and global search
 Lower temperature local search
Genetic Algorithm
 Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Genotype Phenotype
 Lamarckian Algorithm ( Jean –Baptiste de Lamarck)
Phenotype Genotype
 Study algorithms used to perform the
searches and to calculate minimum energy
 Discuss why GA+LS hybrid better than SA
 Look at an example, i.e., dock a ligand to a
protein molecule using latest AutoDock
Project Goal
The Algorithms
Sue McClatchy
Simulated Annealing
 Algorithm modeled after the cooling of a solution to form glass,
though it’s better explained by crystal formation
 Given a long enough cooling time, molecules will relax into
their lowest energy state to form the largest crystals
 Quick cooling - highly disordered system
 Slow cooling - highly ordered crystal, with each molecule in
its lowest energy state
 Algorithm simulates either linear or proportional slow
The SA Algorithm
 Uses neighborhood operator N(s) to generate a set of solutions
according to a fixed distribution
 New solution compared to preceding solution, and is accepted
if its energy is lower than that of previous solution
 If new solution has higher energy, it is accepted probabilistically
according to Boltzmann distribution (see figure above)
 At high temperatures, many higher energy solutions will be
accepted; at low temps., majority of probabilistic moves rejected
 Boltzmann probability distribution = e exp(delta E/T) where
delta E = energy difference between two solutions,
T = temperature
 Boltzmann finds p(of finding a system with energy E at temp T)
Pseudocode for SA
Compute a random initial state s
n=0, x*n = s // initialize best solution to s and first state to 0
Repeat i = 1, 2, … // specify number of temperatures to try
Repeat j = 1, 2, …, mi // no. of steps to perform for each temp. Ti
Compute a neighbor s’ = N(s) // s’ = new solution from N(s)
if (f(s’) <= f(s)) then // if energy of s’ <= energy of s
s = s’ // accept new solution s’
if (f(s) < f(x*n)) then // if energy of new solution <
x*n = s // energy of best solution of
n = n + 1 // state n, replace best with new
else // otherwise replace s with s’ using
s = s’ with probability e (f(s) - f(s’))/T
i // Boltzmann dist.
How Genetic Algorithms Work
- A Simple Example
1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
 Initial population of
binary creatures
having 6 “genes”
 Each gene has two
different alleles, either
a 0 or a 1
 Three operators:
crossover, mutation
and selection
1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
 Selection based on a
fitness function f(x)
 This operator chooses
those individuals with
the lowest values
 Those with higher
values chosen with a
very low probability
0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
 Lower scoring individuals create
more offspring, higher scoring
ones create fewer or none at all
 Offspring replace parental
 “Elitism” function allows best
individual from parent
generation to persist, if it is a
better solution than new
individuals created
 Cycle of selection, mutation,
crossover and replacement
0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0
15 1
9 1
22 0
1 2
Pseudocode for GA
Select an initial population set xi
0 = {x1
0 , x2
0,…, xM
Determine fitness values f(xi
0) for each individual
Repeat for g = 1, 2, … # of generations
Perform selection
Perform crossover with probability 
Perform mutation with probability 
Determine fitness f(xi
g) for new individuals
* = argmini=1,…M f(xi
g) and yg* = f(xg
Perform replacement
Until stopping criterion (# of generations) is reached
How GA works in AutoDock
 Ligand’s “genes” are its x, y
and z coordinates
 These form a unit vector,
which is given a random
rotation angle between 0
and 360
to form a
 Additional genes may
represent torsion angles
between bonds of the ligand
 In standard GA, the genotype
(x,y,z coordinates plus
rotation and any torsion
angles) are mapped to the
fitness function f(x)
 The fitness function value
corresponds to each
individual’s phenotype
 According to the right hand
side of the figure, genotypes
of parents with high f(x)
values are mutated to form
genotypes of children with
lower f(x) values
Selection, Crossover & Mutation
 Selection chooses ligands
with the lowest fitness
(energy) values
 Crossover exchanges x, y, z
coordinates, or rotations or
torsions between these
 Example: Two ligands with
xyz coordinates Abc and aBc
Crossover results in new
individuals with coordinates
abc and ABc
 Mutation operator mutates
coordinate or other angle
values by adding a random
real number according to a
Cauchy distribution, which
is similar to a Gaussian but
has thicker tails
 Individuals with better-
than-average fitness
receive proportionally
more offspring
no= (fw – fi)/(fw - <f>),
fw != <f>
no= number of offspring
fi = fitness of individual (energy
of ligand)
fw = fitness of worst individual
in last g generations
(typically 10)
<f> = mean fitness of
Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm
 According to left hand side
of figure, LGA finds lowest
fitness function (energy)
values first, then maps these
values to their respective
 Genetic algorithm plus Solis
and Wets local search
 Better performance than
either simulated annealing
or genetic algorithm alone
The Application
Milind Misra
HIV-1 Protease and AHA006
 HIV-1 Protease in complex with the cyclic
sulfamide inhibitor, AHA006
 Source: Protein Data Bank
 Authors: K. Backbro, T. Unge
 Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction (2 Å res.)
 Primary Citation: Backbro et al, J Med Chem
40 pp. 898 (1997)
 Polymer Chains: A, B; Residues: 198; Atoms:
Protein (HIV-1 Protease)
(Source: PDB)
HIV-1 Protease dimer
Initial X-Ray
positions of protein
and ligand
Docking Preparation – Ligand
 Assign charges
 Define rotatable bonds
 Rename aromatic carbons
 Merge non-polar hydrogens
 Write .pdbq ligand file
Docking Preparation – Protein
 Add essential hydrogens
 Load charges
 Merge lone-pairs
 Add solvation parameters
 Write .pdbqs protein file
 AutoDock uses grid-
based docking
 Ligand-protein
interaction energies
are pre-calculated
and then used as a
look-up table during
 Grid maps are
constructed based on
atoms of interest in
ligand (here CANOSH)
Docking Preparation – Grid
Docking – Simulated Annealing
 Runs = 100
 Cycles = 50
 Initial Temp (RT) = 1,000
 Temp reduction factor = .95
 Linear temperature reduction
 Translation reduction factor = 1
 Quaternion reduction factor = 1
 Torsional reduction factor = 1
 # rotatable bonds = 12
 Initial coordinates = Random
 Initial quaternion = Random
 Initial dihedrals = Random
 Translation step = 2.0 Å
 Quaternion step = 50 deg
 Torsion step = 50 deg
 100 different clusters
 Energy range: -0.63 to +64,000
 Conformation #81: -0.63
 Conformation #67: +20.02
 Conformation #68: +10.74
 Lowest energy conf not close to
position but similar to original
 Conf #67 closest to position and
conformation of original ligand;
higher energy
 Conf #68 close to position but not
conformation of original ligand;
not as high energy
Original ligand conf
SA conformation #67
Original ligand conf
SA conformation #67
Close-up of previous
Original ligand conf
SA conformation #67
100 Clustered SA Conformations
Docking – Genetic Algorithm
 Runs = 50
 # Evaluations = 250,000
 Population size = 50
 Elitism count = 1
 Mutation rate = 0.02
 Crossover rate = 0.8
 Window size = 10
 Cauchy alpha = 0
 Cauchy beta = 1
 # rotatable bonds = 12
 Initial coordinates = Random
 Initial quaternion = Random
 Initial dihedrals = Random
 Translation step = 2.0 Å
 Quaternion step = 50 deg
 Torsion step = 50 deg
 50 different clusters
 Energy range: -18.66 to +86.28
 Conformation #39: -18.66
 Conformation #9: -10.60
 Lowest energy conformation
overall closest to original ligand
 If only 10 runs had been used
instead of 50, then conf #9 would
have been the lowest energy
Docking – Local Search
 18 different clusters
 Energy range: +35.92 to +215,200
 Confs #20, 21, 22, 23: +35.92
 Lowest energy conformation was
most dissimilar to original ligand
 Better results could have been
obtained by reducing the step sizes
 Runs = 50
 Solis-Wets iterations = 300
 Consecutive successes = 4
 Consecutive failures = 4
 Rho = 1
 Lower bound on rho = 0.01
 LS frequency = 0.06
 # rotatable bonds = 12
 Initial coordinates = Random
 Initial quaternion = Random
 Initial dihedrals = Random
 Translation step = 2.0 Å
 Quaternion step = 50 deg
 Torsion step = 50 deg
Docking – Lamarckian GA
 10 different clusters
 Energy range: -18.10 to –8.38
 Conformation #7: -18.10
 Lowest energy conformation fairly
similar to original ligand
 If the number of runs was
restricted to 10 for both GA and
LGA, LGA would have generated
the best structure
 Runs = 10
 Max # Evaluations = 250,000
 Max # Generations = 27,000
 Population size = 50
 Elitism count = 1
 Mutation rate = 0.02
 Crossover rate = 0.8
 Window size = 10
 Cauchy alpha = 0
 Cauchy beta = 1
 Solis-Wets iterations = 300
 Consecutive successes = 4
 Consecutive failures = 4
 Rho = 1
 Lower bound on rho = 0.01
 LS frequency = 0.06
 * Gray options *
Original ligand conf
Best GA conf
Best LGA conf
Best SA conf
Best LS conf
Original ligand conf
Best GA conf
Best LGA conf
Best SA conf
S.Kumar “Protein Flexibility and Electrostatic Interactions.” IBM Journal of Research and Development
Vol45. No ¾ 2001.
G. Morris “Automated Docking Using a Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm and an Empirical Binding Free
Energy Function.” Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 14, 1639-1662 (1998)
C. Rosin “A Comparison of Global and Local Search Methods in Drug Docking.” UCSD CSE Technical
Report #CS97-522 (1997)
C. A. Sotriffer “Automated Docking of Ligands to Antibodies: Methods and Applications.” Methods 20,
280-291 (2000)
M. Vieth “Assessing Search Strategies for Flexible Docking.”
Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms. Edited by Lance Chambers
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Melanie Mitchell.
Goodsell and Olson Prot. Struct. Func. Genet, 8, 195(1990).
Principals of Biochemistry: Lehninger
R. Durbin, S Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison Biological sequence analysis
Wm. E. Hart. “A Theoretical Comparison of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing” Sandia National

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  • 1. AUTODOCK An Automated Docking Software for Predicting Optimal Protein-Ligand Interaction By Susan McClatchy, Milind Misra, Chandreyee Mukherjee, Indu Shrivastava
  • 3.  Interaction between biomolecules lie at the core of all metabolic processes and life activities  The number of solved protein structures available in the databases is expanding exponentially  To understand their functions it is essential to elucidate the interaction mechanisms between the different molecules  Primary importance lies in rational drug design  Depending upon the success of the docked molecules the docking ligand may be redesigned or its structure further refined.  Also important in the area of immunology to study antigen- antibody interaction. Automated Docking: Importance
  • 4. Inhibitor bound to active site of HIVPR Surface structure of HIVPR with bound inhibitor
  • 5. Prediction of the optimal physical configuration and energy between two molecules The docking problem optimizes:  Binding between two molecules such that their orientation maximizes the interaction  Evaluates the total energy of interaction such that for the best binding configuration the binding energy is the minimum  The resultant structural changes brought about by the interaction What is docking?
  • 6. 1. Protein-Protein Docking:  Both molecules are rigid  Interaction produces no change in conformation  Similar to lock-and key model 2. Protein-Ligand Docking:  Ligand is flexible but the receptor protein is rigid  Interaction produces conformational changes in ligand Categories of docking
  • 7. 1. Protein-Protein Docking 2. Protein-Ligand Docking optimized
  • 8. It involves:  Finding useful ways of representing the molecules and molecular properties.  Exploration of the configuration spaces available for interaction between ligand and receptor.  Evaluate and rank configurations using a scoring system, in this case the binding energy However, since it is difficult to evaluate the binding energy because the binding sites may not be easily accessible, the binding energy is modeled as follows: ∆G bind= ∆Gvdw + ∆Ghbond + ∆Gelect + ∆G conform+ ∆G tor + ∆G sol Docking uses a “search and score” method
  • 9.  Developed by AJ Olson’s group in 1990.  AutoDock uses free energy of the docking molecules using 3D potential-grids  Uses heuristic search to minimize the energy. Search Algorithms used:  Simulated Annealing  Genetic Algorithm  Lamarckian GA (GA+LS hybrid) The AutoDock Software
  • 10. Algorithms Overview Simulated Annealing  Based on temperature effects  Start with high temperature and global search  Lower temperature local search Genetic Algorithm  Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Genotype Phenotype  Lamarckian Algorithm ( Jean –Baptiste de Lamarck) Phenotype Genotype
  • 11.  Study algorithms used to perform the searches and to calculate minimum energy  Discuss why GA+LS hybrid better than SA  Look at an example, i.e., dock a ligand to a protein molecule using latest AutoDock version Project Goal
  • 13. Simulated Annealing  Algorithm modeled after the cooling of a solution to form glass, though it’s better explained by crystal formation  Given a long enough cooling time, molecules will relax into their lowest energy state to form the largest crystals  Quick cooling - highly disordered system  Slow cooling - highly ordered crystal, with each molecule in its lowest energy state  Algorithm simulates either linear or proportional slow cooling
  • 14. The SA Algorithm  Uses neighborhood operator N(s) to generate a set of solutions according to a fixed distribution  New solution compared to preceding solution, and is accepted if its energy is lower than that of previous solution  If new solution has higher energy, it is accepted probabilistically according to Boltzmann distribution (see figure above)  At high temperatures, many higher energy solutions will be accepted; at low temps., majority of probabilistic moves rejected  Boltzmann probability distribution = e exp(delta E/T) where delta E = energy difference between two solutions, T = temperature  Boltzmann finds p(of finding a system with energy E at temp T)
  • 15. Pseudocode for SA Compute a random initial state s n=0, x*n = s // initialize best solution to s and first state to 0 Repeat i = 1, 2, … // specify number of temperatures to try Repeat j = 1, 2, …, mi // no. of steps to perform for each temp. Ti Compute a neighbor s’ = N(s) // s’ = new solution from N(s) if (f(s’) <= f(s)) then // if energy of s’ <= energy of s s = s’ // accept new solution s’ if (f(s) < f(x*n)) then // if energy of new solution < x*n = s // energy of best solution of n = n + 1 // state n, replace best with new endif else // otherwise replace s with s’ using s = s’ with probability e (f(s) - f(s’))/T i // Boltzmann dist. endif EndRepeat EndRepeat
  • 16. How Genetic Algorithms Work - A Simple Example 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  Initial population of binary creatures having 6 “genes”  Each gene has two different alleles, either a 0 or a 1  Three operators: crossover, mutation and selection
  • 17. Selection 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  Selection based on a fitness function f(x)  This operator chooses those individuals with the lowest values  Those with higher values chosen with a very low probability 20 13 48 52
  • 18. Crossover 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
  • 19. Mutation 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 20. Replacement  Lower scoring individuals create more offspring, higher scoring ones create fewer or none at all  Offspring replace parental generation  “Elitism” function allows best individual from parent generation to persist, if it is a better solution than new individuals created  Cycle of selection, mutation, crossover and replacement repeated 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 15 1 9 1 22 0 1 2
  • 21. Pseudocode for GA Select an initial population set xi 0 = {x1 0 , x2 0,…, xM 0} Determine fitness values f(xi 0) for each individual Repeat for g = 1, 2, … # of generations Perform selection Perform crossover with probability  Perform mutation with probability  Determine fitness f(xi g) for new individuals xg * = argmini=1,…M f(xi g) and yg* = f(xg *) Perform replacement Until stopping criterion (# of generations) is reached
  • 22. How GA works in AutoDock  Ligand’s “genes” are its x, y and z coordinates  These form a unit vector, which is given a random rotation angle between 0 o and 360 o to form a quaternion  Additional genes may represent torsion angles between bonds of the ligand
  • 23. Mapping  In standard GA, the genotype (x,y,z coordinates plus rotation and any torsion angles) are mapped to the fitness function f(x)  The fitness function value corresponds to each individual’s phenotype  According to the right hand side of the figure, genotypes of parents with high f(x) values are mutated to form genotypes of children with lower f(x) values
  • 24. Selection, Crossover & Mutation  Selection chooses ligands with the lowest fitness (energy) values  Crossover exchanges x, y, z coordinates, or rotations or torsions between these ligands  Example: Two ligands with xyz coordinates Abc and aBc Crossover results in new individuals with coordinates abc and ABc  Mutation operator mutates coordinate or other angle values by adding a random real number according to a Cauchy distribution, which is similar to a Gaussian but has thicker tails
  • 25. Replacement  Individuals with better- than-average fitness receive proportionally more offspring no= (fw – fi)/(fw - <f>), fw != <f> where no= number of offspring fi = fitness of individual (energy of ligand) fw = fitness of worst individual in last g generations (typically 10) <f> = mean fitness of population
  • 26. Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm  According to left hand side of figure, LGA finds lowest fitness function (energy) values first, then maps these values to their respective genotypes  Genetic algorithm plus Solis and Wets local search  Better performance than either simulated annealing or genetic algorithm alone
  • 28. HIV-1 Protease and AHA006  HIV-1 Protease in complex with the cyclic sulfamide inhibitor, AHA006  Source: Protein Data Bank  Authors: K. Backbro, T. Unge  Exp. Method: X-ray Diffraction (2 Å res.)  Primary Citation: Backbro et al, J Med Chem 40 pp. 898 (1997)  Polymer Chains: A, B; Residues: 198; Atoms: 1632
  • 32. Docking Preparation – Ligand  Assign charges  Define rotatable bonds  Rename aromatic carbons  Merge non-polar hydrogens  Write .pdbq ligand file
  • 33. Docking Preparation – Protein  Add essential hydrogens  Load charges  Merge lone-pairs  Add solvation parameters  Write .pdbqs protein file
  • 34.  AutoDock uses grid- based docking  Ligand-protein interaction energies are pre-calculated and then used as a look-up table during simulation  Grid maps are constructed based on atoms of interest in ligand (here CANOSH) Docking Preparation – Grid
  • 36. Docking – Simulated Annealing  Runs = 100  Cycles = 50  Initial Temp (RT) = 1,000  Temp reduction factor = .95  Linear temperature reduction  Translation reduction factor = 1  Quaternion reduction factor = 1  Torsional reduction factor = 1  # rotatable bonds = 12  Initial coordinates = Random  Initial quaternion = Random  Initial dihedrals = Random  Translation step = 2.0 Å  Quaternion step = 50 deg  Torsion step = 50 deg Results:  100 different clusters  Energy range: -0.63 to +64,000  Conformation #81: -0.63  Conformation #67: +20.02  Conformation #68: +10.74  Lowest energy conf not close to position but similar to original  Conf #67 closest to position and conformation of original ligand; higher energy  Conf #68 close to position but not conformation of original ligand; not as high energy
  • 38. Original ligand conf SA conformation #67 (SYBYL) Close-up of previous
  • 40. 100 Clustered SA Conformations (gOpenMol)
  • 41. Docking – Genetic Algorithm  Runs = 50  # Evaluations = 250,000  Population size = 50  Elitism count = 1  Mutation rate = 0.02  Crossover rate = 0.8  Window size = 10  Cauchy alpha = 0  Cauchy beta = 1  # rotatable bonds = 12  Initial coordinates = Random  Initial quaternion = Random  Initial dihedrals = Random  Translation step = 2.0 Å  Quaternion step = 50 deg  Torsion step = 50 deg Results:  50 different clusters  Energy range: -18.66 to +86.28  Conformation #39: -18.66  Conformation #9: -10.60  Lowest energy conformation overall closest to original ligand conformation  If only 10 runs had been used instead of 50, then conf #9 would have been the lowest energy conformation.
  • 42. Docking – Local Search Results:  18 different clusters  Energy range: +35.92 to +215,200  Confs #20, 21, 22, 23: +35.92  Lowest energy conformation was most dissimilar to original ligand conformation  Better results could have been obtained by reducing the step sizes  Runs = 50  Solis-Wets iterations = 300  Consecutive successes = 4  Consecutive failures = 4  Rho = 1  Lower bound on rho = 0.01  LS frequency = 0.06  # rotatable bonds = 12  Initial coordinates = Random  Initial quaternion = Random  Initial dihedrals = Random  Translation step = 2.0 Å  Quaternion step = 50 deg  Torsion step = 50 deg
  • 43. Docking – Lamarckian GA Results:  10 different clusters  Energy range: -18.10 to –8.38  Conformation #7: -18.10  Lowest energy conformation fairly similar to original ligand conformation  If the number of runs was restricted to 10 for both GA and LGA, LGA would have generated the best structure  Runs = 10  Max # Evaluations = 250,000  Max # Generations = 27,000  Population size = 50  Elitism count = 1  Mutation rate = 0.02  Crossover rate = 0.8  Window size = 10  Cauchy alpha = 0  Cauchy beta = 1  Solis-Wets iterations = 300  Consecutive successes = 4  Consecutive failures = 4  Rho = 1  Lower bound on rho = 0.01  LS frequency = 0.06  * Gray options *
  • 44. (SYBYL) Original ligand conf Best GA conf Best LGA conf Best SA conf Best LS conf
  • 45. (SYBYL) Original ligand conf Best GA conf Best LGA conf Best SA conf
  • 46. References S.Kumar “Protein Flexibility and Electrostatic Interactions.” IBM Journal of Research and Development Vol45. No ¾ 2001. G. Morris “Automated Docking Using a Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm and an Empirical Binding Free Energy Function.” Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 14, 1639-1662 (1998) C. Rosin “A Comparison of Global and Local Search Methods in Drug Docking.” UCSD CSE Technical Report #CS97-522 (1997) C. A. Sotriffer “Automated Docking of Ligands to Antibodies: Methods and Applications.” Methods 20, 280-291 (2000) M. Vieth “Assessing Search Strategies for Flexible Docking.” Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms. Edited by Lance Chambers An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Melanie Mitchell. Goodsell and Olson Prot. Struct. Func. Genet, 8, 195(1990). Principals of Biochemistry: Lehninger R. Durbin, S Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison Biological sequence analysis Wm. E. Hart. “A Theoretical Comparison of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing” Sandia National Laboratories,