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Bryan L. Newsom
About Me
I have been through many phases of life in my short
years. Educated professionally and non traditionally.
Served in the United States Navy for 20 years
receiving top honors. Graduated from Argosy
University with a Baccalaureate of Arts in Psychology.
I currently work as an assistant manager at a local
salvage recycling facility. Seeking long term
employment in a company that I can grow within.
1. Cognitive abilities
2. Research skills
3. Communication skills
4. Ethics & Diversity awareness
5. Knowledge of foundations of the field
6. Knowledge of applied psychology
7. Interpersonal Effectiveness
8. Resume
Cognitive abilities
For her next science lesson, Maria designs an activity that entails the students to work in pairs and create a poster and an oral presentation
on a selected endangered species. She pairs up the students deliberately based on their ability to work together and their complementary
academic skill strengths. She selects 13 endangered species and assigns each pair a species to research at random. Although Maria provides some
basic information about the assigned species to each pair, she expects them to research further on the Internet and in the library. The students are
to summarize the information on a graphic organizer before creating the final poster and oral presentation.
Maria spends several lessons teaching her students how to use a graphic organizer. She even devotes an entire study period to introduce the
students to the purpose of the organizer and impress upon them the ease with which it could assist them in representing content and information
Maria explains these benefits by means of an example. She uses a reading passage from a textbook and models the mental imagery required
to conjure an image of each component of the graphic organizer on this passage. During this lesson, Maria discuses the process of thinking out
loud, the way to complete the steps in the summarization process, the reason the organizer is useful, and the circumstances under which the
students could use the tool. At the end of the lesson, she asks the students to repeat the exercise by using another passage from the same textbook.
After they complete the exercise, she provides feedback and suggestions to enhance their proficiency in summarizing information by using a
graphic organizer. Now, Maria wants her students to apply the same process in the context of the activity on the endangered species.
Outline Maria’s approach to teaching her students how to represent knowledge and how to use a learning strategy to summarize
Maria’s approach is a sound approach; team work and development are keys to success later in school. While she is talking about the graphic
organizer and reinforcing its use. Maria needs to outline a good research approach for the students. She should explain to the students that this is
both a visual and oral presentation. In Maria’s outline she needs to be cognizant of the different strategies that her students will use to gather
information and remember it. She can talk to them about the use of visual, auditory and memory. Her approach needs to include the correct way
to research the subject, what is considering unacceptable reference material. Documentation of the information in a format that is easy to
remember. Using concise statements to convey the information. Once she has taught the students a good research methodology, she should have
them conduct a small scale use of the process to ensure that the students understand the new material.
Cognitive abilities
After she has assigned the students to there partner and the endangered species. She should inform the students of the timeline of when
work is to be completed. Periodic spot checks of the student’s performance should be scheduled to help the students and critique the work. This
approach will help her student keep from straying from the designed project. She can also use the new tools that she has given the students in
other daily task to aide in the instruction and reinforce the usage.
Summarizing the information is the principal discipline to be learned in this activity. Maria needs to focus on possible uses of the prototype
approach to categorization. This is used “to decide whether an object belongs to a category by determining whether it is similar to a standard
representation.” (Goldstein, 2008, p 288). Once they have a category for the endangered species, they can further define the species to what it is
closely related too. Why the animal is endangered and other significant facts about the animal. Finally, Maria should teach her students about the
sentence verifications technique. (Goldstein, 2008). This is used to validate the information that they have summarized and test for a true answer.
If the answer is true, than the information is summarized correctly.
Reference your text and lecture content to deconstruct Maria’s approach. What instructional method does she use? What steps does
she take to ensure that her students acquire the strategy?
Marias’ approach to teaching the students a new tool uses the visual imagery and appeals to the student schemas for learning. (Argosy, 2009).
Her approach is good, showing the students the benefits of the new tools as well as the usage. She should spend an adequate amount of time to
reflect and reinforce the lesson. This is the tougher task, ensuring that each student is grasping the new material. Not all of her students are going
to absorb and utilize the material at the same rate. This is a common dilemma in the classroom, forcing the teacher to teach at the mean level of
the class. Not unlike teaching the students to read, the class can only perform as well as the slowest student. Often this creates some problems.
The quicker students get bored and the slower students are frustrated. Maria may need to make extra time for the slower students to bring them
up to speed. I have seen this problem in the real training environment. I always made the extra time necessary to help out the students. Maria
needs to do the same.
If she continually engages the students they should all be able to get the strategy. During her lesson, she should make sure to ask questions
and use examples. If she tests the knowledge retention of her students in summarizing the information that she has taught. Maria should be able
to gauge the learning and comprehension. Giving her the feedback that she needs.
Argosy University. (2009). Cognition and Learning PSY360: Module 2. Retrieved March
14, 2009, from
Goldstein, E. B. (2008). Cognitive Psychology. Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday
Experience. California: Thomson Wadsworth
Research skills
Research proposal
Can Green Building be better for the Consumer
Thesis: Green energy, building products and technology can greatly reduce the overall energy consumption of a home. Even with the initial
investment higher than the normal cost the long term effects will outweigh the expenditure.
Explanation: I plan to research the green building practices that are more prevalent in our society, and proving whether the cost is worth the
benefit. The areas to be covered are power, water, building materials and heating and cooling systems. The research will cover the initial
investment through the final cost. Each area will cover the service, defining the use, implementation, expected impact and the expected long term
benefits. My paper will provide the information educating the consumers to determine the overall benefits and downfalls of the green movement.
Sub points:
Building materials
 Sustainable
 Renewable
 Reusable
 Insulation and Windows
 Solar
 Wind
 Skylights
Research skills
 Solar
 Rain
 Irrigation
 Reclamation
Heating and Air conditioning
 Geothermal
 Natural
Existing technology is cheaper
Proven technology already exists
Why waste your time on a system that will not be rewarded.
Your reply to those objections: My reply to the objections is the facts that the resources on this planet are nearing the
end of the useful elements. No one person should have to suffer without something because the people of this planet are
not willing to reduce the consumption of the raw materials.
Harris, M. (2008). Prentice Hall Reference guide (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
Communication skills
Paula was the first to jump to the task, she was asking the questions. Who is who in the zoo? Her
first concern was that we would meet the deadline. I immediately started on some research to get a
gauge on what material was available, and getting some brainstorming in progress. We were
coordinating every step with Jessica. She was on a business trip, which really impeded her initial
involvement. But she stayed current and added to the group. Our team came up with some good
ideas, I grabbed them and put together a rough outline. We went to work, getting research and
thoughts on paper, per our outline.
Paula nominated me as the team leader, I started with a plan of action and milestones for our
group. It looked like this. Thursday day one – brainstorming. Everyone was tossing around some
ideas. Friday day two – outline and dividing up the paper by section. Jessica volunteered for the first
third of the paper. I elected to give Paula the middle third. I took the final third, compilation, and
formatting. I put it up for revision on Saturday afternoon.
Saturday evening we had the final paper in hand. We elected to each turn in a copy with our post
experience analysis. We did not see any specific guidance on how to turn in the group paper. The plan
came together and I believe that all of the members of our group are happy with the outcome.
I felt that this group exercise was very effective. My group worked well together, visualizing the
goal and the execution of the plan. Defining an assignment of this nature through email has its own
set of headaches. But we overcame those obstacles and excelled. The team dynamic was there,
everyone was giving the 110% to complete the project under a restrained time line. The plans of the
group were expressed in a clear and concise manner. I feel that we worked well together and I would
be honored to be part of that team again.
Ethics & Diversity awareness
Rafael establishes a connection between this observation and the concept of self-efficacy, or the belief that we have the
capability to accomplish a task. He thinks that people who think they can do something are more likely to try it than those
who don’t think they can do it.
At this week’s research meeting, Rafael asks you to identify a published measure of self-efficacy. His advisor is insisting that
any measure Rafael uses in his thesis must have documented reliability.
Provide Rafael with citations where:
The instrument was used.
The instrument was demonstrated to be reliable.
In this week’s meeting, the team discusses the term of self efficacy and what is needed to demonstrate this
phenomenon. Initially, self efficacy is defined as a person’s belief about his or her own ability and capacity to accomplish a
task or to deal with the challenges of life. Based on this definition, every person who believes in their own abilities can do
any task presented to them. This ability has been tested on several occasions. One occasion was used by an organization.
The organization determined that the basic employee needed extra training to transact with clients. So the organization set
out to train the employees in the art of negotiation. Training was held and each employee received specific training to deal
with gender and ethnic arenas to provide effective interaction with clients. (Gist, Stevens, & Bavetta, 1991). Another focus of
training was the goal setting and achievement process. The trainees spend hours of classroom and self paced home study to
learn the new process. Upon completion of the training, students were tested on the new abilities. Negotiation, self
management, goal setting and other cognitive self regulatory processes. The determination of this test is that trainees self
efficacy is related to performance. The study indicates “an important extension to self-efficacy research: the addictions of
interpersonal tasks to the current array or work-related tasks for which self-efficacy has been demonstrated to predict
performance.” (Gist, Stevens, & Bavetta, 1991). This test indicated a significant influence between self-efficacy and
Ethics & Diversity awareness
Looking at another test. This test is based on self-efficacy as a predictor of college performance. In
this test the determination that self-efficacy is measured in varying degrees with specificity to academic
performance. Theory dictates that efficacy can be a predictor, but academic efficacy and self-concept
have a limited relationship. Testing indicated that self-efficacy and self-concept have a strong
relationship, but this does not equate to strong academics. (Choi, 2005). This test continues to indicate
the same relationship as other. Self-efficacy is a difficult ability to measure and compare to other
In the meeting, Rafael is given the two different areas of efficacy. He will most likely use the self-
efficacy in the office environment. This test indicated that there was a marketable increase with the new
skills and the student’s efficacy. Teaching the staff new techniques and testing their knowledge is a good
system to see if the person has higher self-efficacy. This method allows for both training and
measurement of the newly acquired skills. A good experimental design to use for testing his theory.
Argosy University. (2009). Research Methods PSY302: Module 4. Retrieved November 22,
2009, from
Choi, N. (2005). Self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of college students' academic
performance. Psychology in the Schools, 42(2), 197-205. doi:10.1002/pits.20048.
Gist, M., Stevens, C., & Bavetta, A. (1991). EFFECTS OF SELF-EFFICACY AND POST-
COMPLEX INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. Personnel Psychology, 44(4), 837-861.
Retrieved from Education Research Complete database.
Knowledge of foundations of the
Analyze the case scenario, and identify Katherine’s behavior that you can classify as normal or abnormal.
In some degree her actions would be considered normal, but she seems to be unattached when dealing with the emotions tied to her sexual
abuse. Katherine has held the emotional tide waters back from this incident early in her life. She should be bursting into tears and experiencing all
of emotions attached to this abuse. She deviates from what is considered normal response to this type of trauma. She states that her professional
and personal life is being affected by the repressed memories of her trauma. Previous methods of therapeutic relief are no longer effective. She
also states that she feels that she believes that her relationship with her daughter is affected.
Explain the reason for classifying Katherine’s behavior as normal or abnormal.
Her behavior is considered to be abnormal based on several inconsistencies within her behavior. She deviates from what is considered
normal response to this type of trauma. Trauma of this nature does not weaken it hold on the psyche over time. The loss of self esteem that she
has lost over the years is affecting her at every corner. The distress of her victimization is affecting everything. She has problems with her family,
co-workers and life. Katherine admittedly she has experienced dysfunction in her sex life. No doubt caused be the memories and similarity to her
abuse and victimization. At this point she has not felt inclined to harm herself or another, but the continued strain on her she will turn towards
lashing out at another person. (Argosy, 2010).
Based on studies Katherine is on a road setting her up for further sexual abuse or re-victimization. (Reid & Sullivan, 2009). Her behavior is no
consistent with that of a healthy relationship with herself, husband or family. Her cognitive and emotional development is in a stasis, focusing on
the previous trauma of her life. The developmental regression will force her to seek treatment to move on with her life. (Morrison & Ferris, 2009).
She is here seeking professional help for a problem that she knows must be taken care of, before she can move on.
Knowledge of foundations of the
Describe the other information that would enable you to determine whether or not her behavior is normal.
In talking with Katherine there are several factors that might lead a counselor towards determining her behavior to be
abnormal. Katherine is displaying some maladaptiveness and irrationality about herself. (Butcher, Mineka & Hooley, 2010).
These characteristics in themselves indicate that she is having some abnormal performance issues. She displays some good
social responses with her co-workers, in contrast with some alternative issues with her family. She is aware of society’s
views of sexual abuse and the stigma that is attached to victims. The overwhelming anger that she has for her parents is
more than a simple matter. Understandably she would exhibit anger towards one parent who was the aggressor in the
abuse. Katherine should not be having ill will towards both parents without good reason.
Counseling will develop the issues and find the answers. Katherine is on the borderline of abnormal problems that are
directly related to her past and the inability to move beyond that point in her life. As a counselor developing new and
improved coping methods and dealing with the internal issues that plague her life are paramount. Providing her with new
techniques to deal with her issues and progress toward a fulfilling life.
Argosy University. (2010). PSY410: Module 1: Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology. Retrieved March 08, 2010 from
Butcher, J., Mineka, S., & Hooley, J., (2010). Abnormal Psychology 14th Ed., Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Morrison, A., & Ferris, J. (2009). The Satir Model with Female Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Satir Journal,
3(2), 73-100. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.
Reid, J., & Sullivan, C. (2009). A Model of Vulnerability for Adult Sexual Victimization: The Impact of Attachment, Child
Maltreatment, and Scarred Sexuality. Violence & Victims, 24(4), 485-501. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.24.4.485.
Knowledge of applied psychology
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
In serving over twenty years in the military, there seems to be a prevailing
problem that is growing. The problem is post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in
returning veterans. The reality of PTSD is not a new problem, but continues to be
a prevalent issue. People joining the military come from several different
backgrounds; some from farms and others from the city. Are there potential
psychological issues that are associated with PTSD, are some people that are
predisposed to contract this disorder. There is another difference that is noted
between the current veteran and previous conflict veterans.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is considered to be a very volatile anxiety
disorder that has been prevalent since the first world war. The episodes are
initiated by exposure to extraordinary stressful life events. (Bonwick & Morris,
1996). For example: World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and both Persian
Gulf Conflicts. These armed conflicts expose military personnel to front line
combat. Experiences differ between each person, branch and location. Front line
combat is one of the most arduous duties that a person can experience. Case in
point, news stories surface about explosions and attacks on troops stationed
around the world. The long term exposure to the uncertainty of daily routine
develops deep in a person’s psychological subconscious.
Knowledge of applied psychology
The Vietnam conflict was one such event that continues to develop more people that
suffer from PTSD. It is anticipated that up to 1.5 millions service members were in situations
that can develop PTSD. Combat research later realized that the constant exposure to life
threatening situations formed psychological problems within the troops. (Erlinder, 1983).
The legal system is recognizing more cases than previously, but still the extent of the
damage is unknown. PTSD has only recently received the acknowledgement that it deserves.
Veterans of this conflict continue to suffer from the persecution from both citizens and the
government. There is no clear cut formula to determine what specific exposure is tied to this
Current events indicate the Persian Gulf Region Veterans have been exposed to similar
combat situations to those in Vietnam. In some instances, the current service members
indicate that the current occupation may be considered worse than those from Vietnam
veterans. Urban or jungle warfare is similar in theory, but seems to illustrate different
reactions from those who served. It is anticipated that nearly 18% of the service members
who served within the confines of Iraq and Afghanistan are affected by PTSD. (Zelenova,
Lazebnaia & Tarabrina, 2001). These are alarming numbers based on the numbers of troops
in the region. The psychological treatments are more advanced than those of 30 years ago.
The media is proof that the damage is building. Daily reports of ambushes and explosions
riddle the air waves from the reports in the region. Improved explosive and munitions are
forever engrained in the minds of those who are serving in country. The vehicle explosions
are a daily reminder to those who serve.
Knowledge of applied psychology
Examining all of the conflicts throughout history, one notices some similarities
in the symptoms. All of the victims of PTSD share common threads. For example:
World War, Vietnam and Gulf veterans experience combat situations on a daily
basis. The gun rattling overhead, the explosions and fear drown out the calm
reasoning of a person. Symptomatic nature of PTSD indicates that personnel
suffering from this disorder tend to be very distant and closed natured. This is
shared between all of the conflicts. Other symptoms that manifest are temper
issues, worthless feelings, suicidal ideation, failing relationships and many other
symptoms. (Pearce, Schauer, Garfield, Ohlde & Patterson, 1985). These symptoms
appear to be unilateral, not specific to any conflict.
There are some symptoms of a physical nature that seem to manifest
themselves within the victims of PTSD. Symptoms include chronic pain, overly
tired and injuries. (Otis, Keane & Kerns, 2003). A majority of the symptoms that
have been associated with PTSD are actually symptoms from the injuries that
were present when the service member was injured. Even with physical damage,
some veterans develop PTSD without actual injury. Though not actually part of
the PTSD they are often associated with the disorder.
Knowledge of applied psychology
New research has provided some key issues that are developing around PTSD
diagnosis. The Department of Veterans Affairs conducted a study, to determine
the validity of MMPI in determining if service members were feigning the
symptoms. The results were favorable that the MMPI identified those personnel
who were attempting to defraud the system. The study was conducted on two
separate occasions to corroborate the data. On both instances the people were
identified and removed from the pool of candidates. (Mecaffrey & Bellamy-
Camprell, 1989).
The larger problem in society at this juncture is whether a person suffering
from PTSD should be medically retired or released from service. The answer is an
overwhelming yes to releasing them from service, but no to medical retirement.
The PTSD diagnosis is legitimate, but a majority of people suffering from PTSD
can be treated. The treatment regime is long and arduous. Favorable results
indicate that a person who suffers from PTSD can live a productive life and benefit
their respective community. There are several outreach groups around the world
whose whole purpose is to assist those who have been afflicted by PTSD. (Outram,
Hansen, Macdonell, Cockburn & Adams, 2009). The programs are most not for
profit or government funded and available to all of those who served.
Knowledge of applied psychology
Current information corroborates the diagnosis of PTSD and the validity of this in returning veterans. (PTS Increases
among Combat-Exposed Military Personnel, 2008). The service members have come from different backgrounds and seen
multiple tours of duty. Veteran Affairs is there to assist the service member in transition to civilian life. (Shea-Porter, 2009).
The branch of service is capable of finding and helping the members. The Post Traumatic Disorder will continue to be a
problem as long as there are combat zones around the world. Personnel need to be trained in identifying the symptoms
associated with PTSD, to provide early detection and treatment. Service member who exhibit the symptoms of PTSD
should seek help. Current medical research continues to evolve, with new medications like Fluvomine showing promise.
(Escalona, Canive, Calais & Davidson, 2002). The armed services continue to develop new strategies to deal with PTSD and
training to prevent the initial experience. (Shea-Porter, 2009).
(2008). Post-Traumatic Stress Increases Among Combat-Exposed Military Personnel. O&P Business News, 17(5), 84.
Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database.
Bonwick, R., & Morris, P. (1996). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Elderly War Veterans. International Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 11(12), 1071-1076. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database.
Erbes, C., Dikel, T., Eberly, R., Page, W., & Engdahl, B. (2006). A comparative study of posttraumatic stress disorder
assessment under standard conditions and in the field. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 15(2),
57-63. doi:10.1002/mpr.185.
Erlinder, C. (1983). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Vietnam Veterans and the Law: A Challenge to Effective
Representation. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1(3), 25-50. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Collection database.
Escalona, R., Canive, J., Calais, L., & Davidson, J. (2002). Fluvoxamine treatment in veterans with combat-related post-
traumatic stress disorder. Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269), 15(1), 29-33. doi:10.1002/da.1082.
Knowledge of applied psychology
Koenigs, M., Huey, E., Raymont, V., Cheon, B., Solomon, J., Wassermann, E., et al. (2008). Focal brain
damage protects against post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans. Nature Neuroscience,
11(2), 232-237. doi:10.1038/nn2032.
Mecaffrey, R., & Bellamy- Camprell, R. (1989). PSYCHOMETRIC DETECTION OF FABRICATED
REPLICATION. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(1), 76-79. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral
Sciences Collection database.
Otis, J., Keane, T., & Kerns, R. (2003). An Examination of the relationship between chronic pain and post-
traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 40(5), 397-405. Retrieved
from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database.
Outram, S., Hansen, V., Macdonell, G., Cockburn, J., & Adams, J. (2009). Still living in a war zone:
Perceived health and wellbeing of partners of Vietnam veterans attending partners' support groups in
New South Wales, Australia. Australian Psychologist, 44(2), 128-135. doi:10.1080/00050060802630353.
Pearce, K., Schauer, A., Garfield, N., Ohlde, C., & Patterson, T. (1985). A STUDY OF POST TRAUMATIC
STRESS DISORDER IN VIETNAM VETERANS. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(1), 9-14. Retrieved
from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database.
Shea-Porter, C. (2009). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Government Initiatives to Relieve It. Health &
Social Work, 34(3), 235-236. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database.
Zelenova, M., Lazebnaia, E., & Tarabrina, N. (2001). Psychological Characteristics of Post-traumatic
Stress States in Afghan War Veterans. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 39(3), 3.
Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Self Analysis can be on of the toughest projects a
person can complete. Many people are harder on
themselves, than a coworker would be on them. Many
dynamic factors go into a person’s self analysis. In an
analysis one has to be able to objectively look inward,
identifying a long term goal and several short term
goals. These short term goals are the stepping stones to
the achievement on the long term goal. I will identify
two strengths and two areas for development.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Self Analysis
I have been through several life altering situations in my life. Everyday living has been an adventure to
say the least. I recently decided to go back to college and pursue a degree program. I have always been interested in
psychology. So I decided to quit waiting and get started. Oddly enough I ran across an internet ad on an internet job
Let’s start by looking at what I have learned in this course and how it may apply. We started in module 1,
with an auto biography and goal setting. These are very important areas to deal with. The autobiography tells everyone
in the class who we are and set the stage for success. Goal setting is the corner stone of good interpersonal relations.
Goals are set everyday, whether we decide to get up at 6 am or get to work on time, each goal is S.M.A.R.T. - specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. I now that this may sound a little mundane, but each goal we achieve will
make the larger goal closer to attain. The class moved to module 2, focusing on each person’s identity development
and perception. Oddly enough these items are big players in our lives. I know that you have heard the saying
“Perception is reality and reality is perception”. Each person has an idea of whom and what they think they are, but the
outside world looks at each of us differently. Our class moved on to module 3, looking at the verbal and non-verbal
communication. Every student in out class has seen several versions of each on a daily basis. Many of the cues we see
each day may be overlooked by the untrained eye. These types of communication include listening, gestures, hearing
and several expressions. After focusing on the forms of communication, we moving into the relationship perspective;
studying friends, romantic partners, co workers and acquaintances. Let’s move on to module 5, a personal favorite,
discussing the essential skills of listening and persuasion. These skills point towards the tools need to get each one of
us closer to our goals. Managing conflict was next on the agenda, a scary subject or some of my classmates. I know that
this was very eye opening for me. I never realized that I could do a better job at managing my conflicts. Next on the
docket was the group/ team interaction exercise. An excellent exercise, I think my team members liked the experience
and we worked well together, in spite of the accelerated time schedule, based on the assignment/course structure.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Let’s look at some of the strengths, I have found in this course:
A good group leader
Let’s look at some areas for development:
Conflict Resolution
Listening vice Hearing
I have found through the support of this course, that I do have quite a few good habits, and some
areas for improvement. I plan to spend more time, understanding why I manage conflict in the manner I
do. My long term goal is to better my conflict resolution style from the lose-lose scenario to the win-win
scenario. Analyzing my response and triggers to different stimuli is the key to overcoming this area.
Learning some new strategies for dealing with conflict will definitely benefit me in the long run. I can use
these new skills in my personal life and professional life. Many skills of this nature transcend the
boundaries. Also apparent to me is the fact that I tend to hear people, and not always listen. Often this is
a common problem, I think with hours of work on listening. I can cure myself of this ailment. We all
know that if I do not listen in my relationship with my girlfriend, I will not have a relationship for long.
This course has definitely had a profound impact on the way I see myself and how other people see
me. I feel this course is a must for all students attending college. Many people have problems looking
inward and seeing their own fault and weakness’s. This may be centered on a lack of reflection or lack of
tools to adequately assess one own self. This course teaches the skills and tools. My experiences in this
class are probably atypical to most students. I have found that I need to continue to strive for excellence
in myself and my class work.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Finally, in my analysis, I have designated some key points to provide myself with a clear guide to
success. My personal development plan is to complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I plan to study
harder, focus on the little points, stop procrastinating and push myself. I know that I have not been in
college for a while. I need to get my head in the game and push myself to the next level. Through hours of
study and determination I will achieve my goals and move to the next level. I will continue to build my
strengths and new skills as I work my way through college, building on top of the excellent building block
provided by this course. My growth will continue throughout my degree program, I will reassess my self
routinely and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that I have all of the tools and skills needed. I
will review my personal progress at the completion of each course of study and refine my goals. This
allows me the ability to have a continuing growth and expansion of my goals. I feel that I have a strong
plan, will and desire to finish.
Adler, R. B., Rosenfeld, L. B., Proctor II, R. F. (2006). Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal
Communication. Oxford University Press, USA.
5801 Sanders St.
Pensacola, FL 32504
Bryan L. Newsom
Military and Bus driving have afforded me a broad and diverse educational background as well as skills and training
that place me at a premium in the work place. I seek a position as general manager.
03/07-Present Kiker’s U Pull-it Pensacola, FL
Assistant Manager
Manages the daily operations of a automotive recycling facility
Takes calls, assesses needs and interacts with customers.
Coordinates software and hardware updates, including security
Process orders for clients to include packaging and shipment.
Provides Customer Service with a positive attitude. Handles complaint quickly and expeditiously.
01/2007-06/2009 Laidlaw Educational Services Milton, FL
Exceptional Bus Driver
Route planning, organization, and execution of all transportation needs.
One of the most valued Bench driver’s in Pace.
Safely transported hundreds of students without incident.
10/06-Present Self Employed Pensacola, FL
Home Remodeling and Construction
Remodeling Bathrooms, kitchens, and fencing.
Plan, prioritize, and order supplies.
Coordinate Sub Contractors, keeping within strict project guidelines and deadlines.
09/1986 – 10/2006 US Navy/CT Technician Jacksonville, FL
Leading Petty Officer
Lead an eight person shop through three deployments.
Trained, disciplined and managed the day to day operations of a division or personnel and material assigned.
Managing multiple projects throughout the ship with 13 different departments and divisions.
Coordinated maintenance on 6 separate interconnected systems to ensure overall outstanding for every inspection cycle.
Certified Financial Specialist, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program Advisor and educator, Information’s systems security.
2003-Present Argosy University Phoenix, AZ
Baccalaureate of Arts, Psychology
2003-2003 Corry Station Pensacola , FL
Journeyman Level Technician
1987-1988 Corry Station Pensacola , FL
Basic Technician
1986-1987 Corry Station Pensacola , FL
A School
Driver Trainer
Training Specialist
Curriculum Development
Class B CDL

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  • 2. About Me I have been through many phases of life in my short years. Educated professionally and non traditionally. Served in the United States Navy for 20 years receiving top honors. Graduated from Argosy University with a Baccalaureate of Arts in Psychology. I currently work as an assistant manager at a local salvage recycling facility. Seeking long term employment in a company that I can grow within.
  • 3. Abilities 1. Cognitive abilities 2. Research skills 3. Communication skills 4. Ethics & Diversity awareness 5. Knowledge of foundations of the field 6. Knowledge of applied psychology 7. Interpersonal Effectiveness 8. Resume
  • 4. Cognitive abilities For her next science lesson, Maria designs an activity that entails the students to work in pairs and create a poster and an oral presentation on a selected endangered species. She pairs up the students deliberately based on their ability to work together and their complementary academic skill strengths. She selects 13 endangered species and assigns each pair a species to research at random. Although Maria provides some basic information about the assigned species to each pair, she expects them to research further on the Internet and in the library. The students are to summarize the information on a graphic organizer before creating the final poster and oral presentation. Maria spends several lessons teaching her students how to use a graphic organizer. She even devotes an entire study period to introduce the students to the purpose of the organizer and impress upon them the ease with which it could assist them in representing content and information concisely. Maria explains these benefits by means of an example. She uses a reading passage from a textbook and models the mental imagery required to conjure an image of each component of the graphic organizer on this passage. During this lesson, Maria discuses the process of thinking out loud, the way to complete the steps in the summarization process, the reason the organizer is useful, and the circumstances under which the students could use the tool. At the end of the lesson, she asks the students to repeat the exercise by using another passage from the same textbook. After they complete the exercise, she provides feedback and suggestions to enhance their proficiency in summarizing information by using a graphic organizer. Now, Maria wants her students to apply the same process in the context of the activity on the endangered species. Outline Maria’s approach to teaching her students how to represent knowledge and how to use a learning strategy to summarize information. Maria’s approach is a sound approach; team work and development are keys to success later in school. While she is talking about the graphic organizer and reinforcing its use. Maria needs to outline a good research approach for the students. She should explain to the students that this is both a visual and oral presentation. In Maria’s outline she needs to be cognizant of the different strategies that her students will use to gather information and remember it. She can talk to them about the use of visual, auditory and memory. Her approach needs to include the correct way to research the subject, what is considering unacceptable reference material. Documentation of the information in a format that is easy to remember. Using concise statements to convey the information. Once she has taught the students a good research methodology, she should have them conduct a small scale use of the process to ensure that the students understand the new material.
  • 5. Cognitive abilities After she has assigned the students to there partner and the endangered species. She should inform the students of the timeline of when work is to be completed. Periodic spot checks of the student’s performance should be scheduled to help the students and critique the work. This approach will help her student keep from straying from the designed project. She can also use the new tools that she has given the students in other daily task to aide in the instruction and reinforce the usage. Summarizing the information is the principal discipline to be learned in this activity. Maria needs to focus on possible uses of the prototype approach to categorization. This is used “to decide whether an object belongs to a category by determining whether it is similar to a standard representation.” (Goldstein, 2008, p 288). Once they have a category for the endangered species, they can further define the species to what it is closely related too. Why the animal is endangered and other significant facts about the animal. Finally, Maria should teach her students about the sentence verifications technique. (Goldstein, 2008). This is used to validate the information that they have summarized and test for a true answer. If the answer is true, than the information is summarized correctly. Reference your text and lecture content to deconstruct Maria’s approach. What instructional method does she use? What steps does she take to ensure that her students acquire the strategy? Marias’ approach to teaching the students a new tool uses the visual imagery and appeals to the student schemas for learning. (Argosy, 2009). Her approach is good, showing the students the benefits of the new tools as well as the usage. She should spend an adequate amount of time to reflect and reinforce the lesson. This is the tougher task, ensuring that each student is grasping the new material. Not all of her students are going to absorb and utilize the material at the same rate. This is a common dilemma in the classroom, forcing the teacher to teach at the mean level of the class. Not unlike teaching the students to read, the class can only perform as well as the slowest student. Often this creates some problems. The quicker students get bored and the slower students are frustrated. Maria may need to make extra time for the slower students to bring them up to speed. I have seen this problem in the real training environment. I always made the extra time necessary to help out the students. Maria needs to do the same. If she continually engages the students they should all be able to get the strategy. During her lesson, she should make sure to ask questions and use examples. If she tests the knowledge retention of her students in summarizing the information that she has taught. Maria should be able to gauge the learning and comprehension. Giving her the feedback that she needs. References Argosy University. (2009). Cognition and Learning PSY360: Module 2. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from Goldstein, E. B. (2008). Cognitive Psychology. Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience. California: Thomson Wadsworth
  • 6. Research skills Research proposal Can Green Building be better for the Consumer Thesis: Green energy, building products and technology can greatly reduce the overall energy consumption of a home. Even with the initial investment higher than the normal cost the long term effects will outweigh the expenditure. Explanation: I plan to research the green building practices that are more prevalent in our society, and proving whether the cost is worth the benefit. The areas to be covered are power, water, building materials and heating and cooling systems. The research will cover the initial investment through the final cost. Each area will cover the service, defining the use, implementation, expected impact and the expected long term benefits. My paper will provide the information educating the consumers to determine the overall benefits and downfalls of the green movement. Sub points: Introduction Building materials  Sustainable  Renewable  Reusable  Insulation and Windows Power  Solar  Wind  Skylights
  • 7. Research skills Water  Solar  Rain  Irrigation  Reclamation Heating and Air conditioning  Geothermal  Natural Objections: Existing technology is cheaper Proven technology already exists Why waste your time on a system that will not be rewarded. Your reply to those objections: My reply to the objections is the facts that the resources on this planet are nearing the end of the useful elements. No one person should have to suffer without something because the people of this planet are not willing to reduce the consumption of the raw materials. Reference Harris, M. (2008). Prentice Hall Reference guide (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • 8. Communication skills Paula was the first to jump to the task, she was asking the questions. Who is who in the zoo? Her first concern was that we would meet the deadline. I immediately started on some research to get a gauge on what material was available, and getting some brainstorming in progress. We were coordinating every step with Jessica. She was on a business trip, which really impeded her initial involvement. But she stayed current and added to the group. Our team came up with some good ideas, I grabbed them and put together a rough outline. We went to work, getting research and thoughts on paper, per our outline. Paula nominated me as the team leader, I started with a plan of action and milestones for our group. It looked like this. Thursday day one – brainstorming. Everyone was tossing around some ideas. Friday day two – outline and dividing up the paper by section. Jessica volunteered for the first third of the paper. I elected to give Paula the middle third. I took the final third, compilation, and formatting. I put it up for revision on Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening we had the final paper in hand. We elected to each turn in a copy with our post experience analysis. We did not see any specific guidance on how to turn in the group paper. The plan came together and I believe that all of the members of our group are happy with the outcome. I felt that this group exercise was very effective. My group worked well together, visualizing the goal and the execution of the plan. Defining an assignment of this nature through email has its own set of headaches. But we overcame those obstacles and excelled. The team dynamic was there, everyone was giving the 110% to complete the project under a restrained time line. The plans of the group were expressed in a clear and concise manner. I feel that we worked well together and I would be honored to be part of that team again.
  • 9. Ethics & Diversity awareness Rafael establishes a connection between this observation and the concept of self-efficacy, or the belief that we have the capability to accomplish a task. He thinks that people who think they can do something are more likely to try it than those who don’t think they can do it. At this week’s research meeting, Rafael asks you to identify a published measure of self-efficacy. His advisor is insisting that any measure Rafael uses in his thesis must have documented reliability. Provide Rafael with citations where: The instrument was used. The instrument was demonstrated to be reliable. In this week’s meeting, the team discusses the term of self efficacy and what is needed to demonstrate this phenomenon. Initially, self efficacy is defined as a person’s belief about his or her own ability and capacity to accomplish a task or to deal with the challenges of life. Based on this definition, every person who believes in their own abilities can do any task presented to them. This ability has been tested on several occasions. One occasion was used by an organization. The organization determined that the basic employee needed extra training to transact with clients. So the organization set out to train the employees in the art of negotiation. Training was held and each employee received specific training to deal with gender and ethnic arenas to provide effective interaction with clients. (Gist, Stevens, & Bavetta, 1991). Another focus of training was the goal setting and achievement process. The trainees spend hours of classroom and self paced home study to learn the new process. Upon completion of the training, students were tested on the new abilities. Negotiation, self management, goal setting and other cognitive self regulatory processes. The determination of this test is that trainees self efficacy is related to performance. The study indicates “an important extension to self-efficacy research: the addictions of interpersonal tasks to the current array or work-related tasks for which self-efficacy has been demonstrated to predict performance.” (Gist, Stevens, & Bavetta, 1991). This test indicated a significant influence between self-efficacy and performance.
  • 10. Ethics & Diversity awareness Looking at another test. This test is based on self-efficacy as a predictor of college performance. In this test the determination that self-efficacy is measured in varying degrees with specificity to academic performance. Theory dictates that efficacy can be a predictor, but academic efficacy and self-concept have a limited relationship. Testing indicated that self-efficacy and self-concept have a strong relationship, but this does not equate to strong academics. (Choi, 2005). This test continues to indicate the same relationship as other. Self-efficacy is a difficult ability to measure and compare to other attributes. In the meeting, Rafael is given the two different areas of efficacy. He will most likely use the self- efficacy in the office environment. This test indicated that there was a marketable increase with the new skills and the student’s efficacy. Teaching the staff new techniques and testing their knowledge is a good system to see if the person has higher self-efficacy. This method allows for both training and measurement of the newly acquired skills. A good experimental design to use for testing his theory. References Argosy University. (2009). Research Methods PSY302: Module 4. Retrieved November 22, 2009, from Choi, N. (2005). Self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of college students' academic performance. Psychology in the Schools, 42(2), 197-205. doi:10.1002/pits.20048. Gist, M., Stevens, C., & Bavetta, A. (1991). EFFECTS OF SELF-EFFICACY AND POST- TRAINING INTERVENTION ON THE ACQUISITION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMPLEX INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. Personnel Psychology, 44(4), 837-861. Retrieved from Education Research Complete database.
  • 11. Knowledge of foundations of the field Analyze the case scenario, and identify Katherine’s behavior that you can classify as normal or abnormal. In some degree her actions would be considered normal, but she seems to be unattached when dealing with the emotions tied to her sexual abuse. Katherine has held the emotional tide waters back from this incident early in her life. She should be bursting into tears and experiencing all of emotions attached to this abuse. She deviates from what is considered normal response to this type of trauma. She states that her professional and personal life is being affected by the repressed memories of her trauma. Previous methods of therapeutic relief are no longer effective. She also states that she feels that she believes that her relationship with her daughter is affected. Explain the reason for classifying Katherine’s behavior as normal or abnormal. Her behavior is considered to be abnormal based on several inconsistencies within her behavior. She deviates from what is considered normal response to this type of trauma. Trauma of this nature does not weaken it hold on the psyche over time. The loss of self esteem that she has lost over the years is affecting her at every corner. The distress of her victimization is affecting everything. She has problems with her family, co-workers and life. Katherine admittedly she has experienced dysfunction in her sex life. No doubt caused be the memories and similarity to her abuse and victimization. At this point she has not felt inclined to harm herself or another, but the continued strain on her she will turn towards lashing out at another person. (Argosy, 2010). Based on studies Katherine is on a road setting her up for further sexual abuse or re-victimization. (Reid & Sullivan, 2009). Her behavior is no consistent with that of a healthy relationship with herself, husband or family. Her cognitive and emotional development is in a stasis, focusing on the previous trauma of her life. The developmental regression will force her to seek treatment to move on with her life. (Morrison & Ferris, 2009). She is here seeking professional help for a problem that she knows must be taken care of, before she can move on.
  • 12. Knowledge of foundations of the field Describe the other information that would enable you to determine whether or not her behavior is normal. In talking with Katherine there are several factors that might lead a counselor towards determining her behavior to be abnormal. Katherine is displaying some maladaptiveness and irrationality about herself. (Butcher, Mineka & Hooley, 2010). These characteristics in themselves indicate that she is having some abnormal performance issues. She displays some good social responses with her co-workers, in contrast with some alternative issues with her family. She is aware of society’s views of sexual abuse and the stigma that is attached to victims. The overwhelming anger that she has for her parents is more than a simple matter. Understandably she would exhibit anger towards one parent who was the aggressor in the abuse. Katherine should not be having ill will towards both parents without good reason. Counseling will develop the issues and find the answers. Katherine is on the borderline of abnormal problems that are directly related to her past and the inability to move beyond that point in her life. As a counselor developing new and improved coping methods and dealing with the internal issues that plague her life are paramount. Providing her with new techniques to deal with her issues and progress toward a fulfilling life. References: Argosy University. (2010). PSY410: Module 1: Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology. Retrieved March 08, 2010 from Butcher, J., Mineka, S., & Hooley, J., (2010). Abnormal Psychology 14th Ed., Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Morrison, A., & Ferris, J. (2009). The Satir Model with Female Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Satir Journal, 3(2), 73-100. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Reid, J., & Sullivan, C. (2009). A Model of Vulnerability for Adult Sexual Victimization: The Impact of Attachment, Child Maltreatment, and Scarred Sexuality. Violence & Victims, 24(4), 485-501. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.24.4.485.
  • 13. Knowledge of applied psychology Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In serving over twenty years in the military, there seems to be a prevailing problem that is growing. The problem is post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in returning veterans. The reality of PTSD is not a new problem, but continues to be a prevalent issue. People joining the military come from several different backgrounds; some from farms and others from the city. Are there potential psychological issues that are associated with PTSD, are some people that are predisposed to contract this disorder. There is another difference that is noted between the current veteran and previous conflict veterans. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is considered to be a very volatile anxiety disorder that has been prevalent since the first world war. The episodes are initiated by exposure to extraordinary stressful life events. (Bonwick & Morris, 1996). For example: World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and both Persian Gulf Conflicts. These armed conflicts expose military personnel to front line combat. Experiences differ between each person, branch and location. Front line combat is one of the most arduous duties that a person can experience. Case in point, news stories surface about explosions and attacks on troops stationed around the world. The long term exposure to the uncertainty of daily routine develops deep in a person’s psychological subconscious.
  • 14. Knowledge of applied psychology The Vietnam conflict was one such event that continues to develop more people that suffer from PTSD. It is anticipated that up to 1.5 millions service members were in situations that can develop PTSD. Combat research later realized that the constant exposure to life threatening situations formed psychological problems within the troops. (Erlinder, 1983). The legal system is recognizing more cases than previously, but still the extent of the damage is unknown. PTSD has only recently received the acknowledgement that it deserves. Veterans of this conflict continue to suffer from the persecution from both citizens and the government. There is no clear cut formula to determine what specific exposure is tied to this condition. Current events indicate the Persian Gulf Region Veterans have been exposed to similar combat situations to those in Vietnam. In some instances, the current service members indicate that the current occupation may be considered worse than those from Vietnam veterans. Urban or jungle warfare is similar in theory, but seems to illustrate different reactions from those who served. It is anticipated that nearly 18% of the service members who served within the confines of Iraq and Afghanistan are affected by PTSD. (Zelenova, Lazebnaia & Tarabrina, 2001). These are alarming numbers based on the numbers of troops in the region. The psychological treatments are more advanced than those of 30 years ago. The media is proof that the damage is building. Daily reports of ambushes and explosions riddle the air waves from the reports in the region. Improved explosive and munitions are forever engrained in the minds of those who are serving in country. The vehicle explosions are a daily reminder to those who serve.
  • 15. Knowledge of applied psychology Examining all of the conflicts throughout history, one notices some similarities in the symptoms. All of the victims of PTSD share common threads. For example: World War, Vietnam and Gulf veterans experience combat situations on a daily basis. The gun rattling overhead, the explosions and fear drown out the calm reasoning of a person. Symptomatic nature of PTSD indicates that personnel suffering from this disorder tend to be very distant and closed natured. This is shared between all of the conflicts. Other symptoms that manifest are temper issues, worthless feelings, suicidal ideation, failing relationships and many other symptoms. (Pearce, Schauer, Garfield, Ohlde & Patterson, 1985). These symptoms appear to be unilateral, not specific to any conflict. There are some symptoms of a physical nature that seem to manifest themselves within the victims of PTSD. Symptoms include chronic pain, overly tired and injuries. (Otis, Keane & Kerns, 2003). A majority of the symptoms that have been associated with PTSD are actually symptoms from the injuries that were present when the service member was injured. Even with physical damage, some veterans develop PTSD without actual injury. Though not actually part of the PTSD they are often associated with the disorder.
  • 16. Knowledge of applied psychology New research has provided some key issues that are developing around PTSD diagnosis. The Department of Veterans Affairs conducted a study, to determine the validity of MMPI in determining if service members were feigning the symptoms. The results were favorable that the MMPI identified those personnel who were attempting to defraud the system. The study was conducted on two separate occasions to corroborate the data. On both instances the people were identified and removed from the pool of candidates. (Mecaffrey & Bellamy- Camprell, 1989). The larger problem in society at this juncture is whether a person suffering from PTSD should be medically retired or released from service. The answer is an overwhelming yes to releasing them from service, but no to medical retirement. The PTSD diagnosis is legitimate, but a majority of people suffering from PTSD can be treated. The treatment regime is long and arduous. Favorable results indicate that a person who suffers from PTSD can live a productive life and benefit their respective community. There are several outreach groups around the world whose whole purpose is to assist those who have been afflicted by PTSD. (Outram, Hansen, Macdonell, Cockburn & Adams, 2009). The programs are most not for profit or government funded and available to all of those who served.
  • 17. Knowledge of applied psychology Current information corroborates the diagnosis of PTSD and the validity of this in returning veterans. (PTS Increases among Combat-Exposed Military Personnel, 2008). The service members have come from different backgrounds and seen multiple tours of duty. Veteran Affairs is there to assist the service member in transition to civilian life. (Shea-Porter, 2009). The branch of service is capable of finding and helping the members. The Post Traumatic Disorder will continue to be a problem as long as there are combat zones around the world. Personnel need to be trained in identifying the symptoms associated with PTSD, to provide early detection and treatment. Service member who exhibit the symptoms of PTSD should seek help. Current medical research continues to evolve, with new medications like Fluvomine showing promise. (Escalona, Canive, Calais & Davidson, 2002). The armed services continue to develop new strategies to deal with PTSD and training to prevent the initial experience. (Shea-Porter, 2009). References: (2008). Post-Traumatic Stress Increases Among Combat-Exposed Military Personnel. O&P Business News, 17(5), 84. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database. Bonwick, R., & Morris, P. (1996). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Elderly War Veterans. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 11(12), 1071-1076. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database. Erbes, C., Dikel, T., Eberly, R., Page, W., & Engdahl, B. (2006). A comparative study of posttraumatic stress disorder assessment under standard conditions and in the field. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 15(2), 57-63. doi:10.1002/mpr.185. Erlinder, C. (1983). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Vietnam Veterans and the Law: A Challenge to Effective Representation. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1(3), 25-50. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database. Escalona, R., Canive, J., Calais, L., & Davidson, J. (2002). Fluvoxamine treatment in veterans with combat-related post- traumatic stress disorder. Depression & Anxiety (1091-4269), 15(1), 29-33. doi:10.1002/da.1082.
  • 18. Knowledge of applied psychology Koenigs, M., Huey, E., Raymont, V., Cheon, B., Solomon, J., Wassermann, E., et al. (2008). Focal brain damage protects against post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans. Nature Neuroscience, 11(2), 232-237. doi:10.1038/nn2032. Mecaffrey, R., & Bellamy- Camprell, R. (1989). PSYCHOMETRIC DETECTION OF FABRICATED SYMPTOMS OF COMBAT-RELATED POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: A SYSTEMATIC REPLICATION. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(1), 76-79. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database. Otis, J., Keane, T., & Kerns, R. (2003). An Examination of the relationship between chronic pain and post- traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 40(5), 397-405. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database. Outram, S., Hansen, V., Macdonell, G., Cockburn, J., & Adams, J. (2009). Still living in a war zone: Perceived health and wellbeing of partners of Vietnam veterans attending partners' support groups in New South Wales, Australia. Australian Psychologist, 44(2), 128-135. doi:10.1080/00050060802630353. Pearce, K., Schauer, A., Garfield, N., Ohlde, C., & Patterson, T. (1985). A STUDY OF POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN VIETNAM VETERANS. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(1), 9-14. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database. Shea-Porter, C. (2009). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Government Initiatives to Relieve It. Health & Social Work, 34(3), 235-236. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database. Zelenova, M., Lazebnaia, E., & Tarabrina, N. (2001). Psychological Characteristics of Post-traumatic Stress States in Afghan War Veterans. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 39(3), 3. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database.
  • 19. Interpersonal Effectiveness Abstract Self Analysis can be on of the toughest projects a person can complete. Many people are harder on themselves, than a coworker would be on them. Many dynamic factors go into a person’s self analysis. In an analysis one has to be able to objectively look inward, identifying a long term goal and several short term goals. These short term goals are the stepping stones to the achievement on the long term goal. I will identify two strengths and two areas for development.
  • 20. Interpersonal Effectiveness Self Analysis I have been through several life altering situations in my life. Everyday living has been an adventure to say the least. I recently decided to go back to college and pursue a degree program. I have always been interested in psychology. So I decided to quit waiting and get started. Oddly enough I ran across an internet ad on an internet job website. Let’s start by looking at what I have learned in this course and how it may apply. We started in module 1, with an auto biography and goal setting. These are very important areas to deal with. The autobiography tells everyone in the class who we are and set the stage for success. Goal setting is the corner stone of good interpersonal relations. Goals are set everyday, whether we decide to get up at 6 am or get to work on time, each goal is S.M.A.R.T. - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. I now that this may sound a little mundane, but each goal we achieve will make the larger goal closer to attain. The class moved to module 2, focusing on each person’s identity development and perception. Oddly enough these items are big players in our lives. I know that you have heard the saying “Perception is reality and reality is perception”. Each person has an idea of whom and what they think they are, but the outside world looks at each of us differently. Our class moved on to module 3, looking at the verbal and non-verbal communication. Every student in out class has seen several versions of each on a daily basis. Many of the cues we see each day may be overlooked by the untrained eye. These types of communication include listening, gestures, hearing and several expressions. After focusing on the forms of communication, we moving into the relationship perspective; studying friends, romantic partners, co workers and acquaintances. Let’s move on to module 5, a personal favorite, discussing the essential skills of listening and persuasion. These skills point towards the tools need to get each one of us closer to our goals. Managing conflict was next on the agenda, a scary subject or some of my classmates. I know that this was very eye opening for me. I never realized that I could do a better job at managing my conflicts. Next on the docket was the group/ team interaction exercise. An excellent exercise, I think my team members liked the experience and we worked well together, in spite of the accelerated time schedule, based on the assignment/course structure.
  • 21. Interpersonal Effectiveness Let’s look at some of the strengths, I have found in this course: A good group leader Relationships Let’s look at some areas for development: Conflict Resolution Listening vice Hearing I have found through the support of this course, that I do have quite a few good habits, and some areas for improvement. I plan to spend more time, understanding why I manage conflict in the manner I do. My long term goal is to better my conflict resolution style from the lose-lose scenario to the win-win scenario. Analyzing my response and triggers to different stimuli is the key to overcoming this area. Learning some new strategies for dealing with conflict will definitely benefit me in the long run. I can use these new skills in my personal life and professional life. Many skills of this nature transcend the boundaries. Also apparent to me is the fact that I tend to hear people, and not always listen. Often this is a common problem, I think with hours of work on listening. I can cure myself of this ailment. We all know that if I do not listen in my relationship with my girlfriend, I will not have a relationship for long. This course has definitely had a profound impact on the way I see myself and how other people see me. I feel this course is a must for all students attending college. Many people have problems looking inward and seeing their own fault and weakness’s. This may be centered on a lack of reflection or lack of tools to adequately assess one own self. This course teaches the skills and tools. My experiences in this class are probably atypical to most students. I have found that I need to continue to strive for excellence in myself and my class work.
  • 22. Interpersonal Effectiveness Finally, in my analysis, I have designated some key points to provide myself with a clear guide to success. My personal development plan is to complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I plan to study harder, focus on the little points, stop procrastinating and push myself. I know that I have not been in college for a while. I need to get my head in the game and push myself to the next level. Through hours of study and determination I will achieve my goals and move to the next level. I will continue to build my strengths and new skills as I work my way through college, building on top of the excellent building block provided by this course. My growth will continue throughout my degree program, I will reassess my self routinely and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that I have all of the tools and skills needed. I will review my personal progress at the completion of each course of study and refine my goals. This allows me the ability to have a continuing growth and expansion of my goals. I feel that I have a strong plan, will and desire to finish. References: Adler, R. B., Rosenfeld, L. B., Proctor II, R. F. (2006). Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • 23. Resume 850-494-1246/207-9995 5801 Sanders St. Pensacola, FL 32504 Bryan L. Newsom Objective Military and Bus driving have afforded me a broad and diverse educational background as well as skills and training that place me at a premium in the work place. I seek a position as general manager. Experience 03/07-Present Kiker’s U Pull-it Pensacola, FL Assistant Manager Manages the daily operations of a automotive recycling facility Takes calls, assesses needs and interacts with customers. Coordinates software and hardware updates, including security Process orders for clients to include packaging and shipment. Provides Customer Service with a positive attitude. Handles complaint quickly and expeditiously. 01/2007-06/2009 Laidlaw Educational Services Milton, FL Exceptional Bus Driver Route planning, organization, and execution of all transportation needs. One of the most valued Bench driver’s in Pace. Safely transported hundreds of students without incident.
  • 24. Resume 10/06-Present Self Employed Pensacola, FL Home Remodeling and Construction Remodeling Bathrooms, kitchens, and fencing. Plan, prioritize, and order supplies. Coordinate Sub Contractors, keeping within strict project guidelines and deadlines. 09/1986 – 10/2006 US Navy/CT Technician Jacksonville, FL Leading Petty Officer Lead an eight person shop through three deployments. Trained, disciplined and managed the day to day operations of a division or personnel and material assigned. Managing multiple projects throughout the ship with 13 different departments and divisions. Coordinated maintenance on 6 separate interconnected systems to ensure overall outstanding for every inspection cycle. Certified Financial Specialist, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program Advisor and educator, Information’s systems security. Education 2003-Present Argosy University Phoenix, AZ Baccalaureate of Arts, Psychology 2003-2003 Corry Station Pensacola , FL Journeyman Level Technician 1987-1988 Corry Station Pensacola , FL Basic Technician 1986-1987 Corry Station Pensacola , FL A School Certification Driver Trainer Training Specialist Curriculum Development Class B CDL