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What is an Attitude? Essay
Many theorists have attempted to define what an attitude is, thus, some are utilized more than
others within contemporary research. One, which is commonly referred to, is that of Fazio (1995)
whereby he states an attitude is "an association in memory between a given object and a given
summary evaluation of the object" (p. 247). A recent definition of attitudes would be that of
Haddock (2010). He defines attitudes based on more contemporary ideas and research by saying,
'...we define an attitude as an overall evaluation of an object that is based on cognitive, affective and
behavioural information' (p.4). There seems to be much conflict of ideas, between theorists as to
which component (cognition, affect or behaviour) holds more salience more content...
It is also worth noting, that there can be differing strengths of attitudes, and the levels of cognition,
affect or behaviour may influence this. Examining the strength of attitudes in different environments
may be the key to understanding how the three components may influence attitudes originally.
Much research has been sought for attitudes and more recent papers, such as Wyer, Calvini, Nash
and Miles (2010) have highlighted the link between attitudes and the components. Wyer et al
(2010) have commented on how attitudes within the UK, are held similarly between individuals,
as well as stereotypes. It is also noted how these also will then prompt behavioural and affective
responses as a result, across individuals, with the same similar fashion. This is useful in
understanding Patrick's response to blacks, as it highlights there is a collective tendency to form
attitudes or stereotypes, and then produce reactions to social groups (or attitude objects), of both in
and out groups, within society. The emphasis of this research is that of affective and behavioural
states, as a result of stereotypes, which therefore highlights the need to evaluate all components in
the influence of attitudes, rather than one sole component. Wyer et al (2010), who look at the
stereotypes attached to the wearing of 'hoodies', make a valid point which can be applied to most
social groups or
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Positive Effects Of Attitude
Effects of Attitude
Distance, time, money, tiredness and several other things in life are just a question of one's attitude.
Context and situations decide the attitude.
If a person has to travel say 15 to 20 miles per day to his workplace, he will definitely be cribbing.
On the other hand, if the remuneration is going to be hefty he will not mind travelling the same
distance. The distance has not changed, but his attitude towards remuneration makes this passable.
One often complains that he does not have time for even the small things in life. Just an
introspection shall reveal that it is an excuse one gives to oneself. Aperson who does not have time
for a courtesy call to a related person will definitely be able to squeeze in time to spend time with
his friend in spite of any tight schedule. After a whole day of work, spending hours at the gym
seem alright, but helping out your mother or spouse at home may seem a burden or vice versa. Or
else if a friend calls for an outing will freak out forgetting both the above. It more content...
On the contrary they do not mind giving generous 'Tips' in fancy restaurants because of attitude.
Perceptions of Attitude are more important and can change during periods of Natural disasters.
During a recent flood havoc in a major city in India, the people's attitude was so positive that they
were able to render all assistance to those affected without any inhibitions of class, creed, rich, poor,
People may throw stones at your path. It is your attitude with which you face the hurdle, that will
lead to 'a wall or a bridge'. Remember your attitude is the architect of your life.
Success requires more than talent. While talent and knowledge are essential, the key that unlocks
them both is your state of mind. Being positive makes you more dependable. When you are positive
you will find that you instinctively respect others, and are therefore more considerate.
Developing Positive
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Positive Attitude
INTRODUCTION A good attitude or positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that
dwells primarily on positive matters. It is a mind–set tipped in favour of creative activity rather than
boredom, joy over sadness, hope over futility. A positive attitude is that state of mind which can be
maintained only through conscious effort. When something jars one's mental focus into a negative
direction, those who are positive know that in order to bounce back adjustments must be made.
THE CHOSEN ISSUE Attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. When you are
optimistic and anticipate successful encounters, you transmit a positive attitude and people usually
respond favourably. When you are pesimistic and more content...
If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not
only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around
you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.
HOW TO KEEP IN GOOD ATTITUDE We all want to keep our minds sharp and fresh. By working
to keep your mind sharp, you can improve your
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What Is Attitude Essay
Attitude is a choice in which each of us choose to take but often, we forget we have a choice at
all. Attitude can be a powerful tool for positive action or a poison that cripples your ability to fulfil
your potential. Your attitude determines whether you are living life or life is living you. It also
determines whether you are on the way or in the way. So to speak, self–confident people may suffer
setbacks, get dragged down by hard times, or make mistakes, but they still believe they will be
successful and come out being victorious. In the other way round, those who don't believe in
themselves never seem to find their way and due to this, they often seem to drift with the tides. To
everything we do in life, choice is the beginning or starting point and by changing our attitudes, we
automatically change our lives. If you want a positive attitude, you will need to be committed
enough to work at/on it and once you have discovered those things that have been holding you
back, then it is time to look ahead and analyze where you want to go. To achieving success in life, it
is more content...
The limits of our mind–set is enough to determine the boundaries of our future. When we become
fixated on the problems, we become paralyzed but when we look ahead for solutions, we are
indirectly taking responsibility and some measure of control over our lives. Thus, it is up to you
to assign a value or meaning on the point of view you decide to take. You can turn attitude into
action to find purpose and passion but lack of vision will definitely get you lost. Comfort zones
can be treacherous when you believe that, "I just can't leave what I'm familiar with, no matter the
level of frustration I get." So, it is easy to become angry about standing still but being afraid to
move and if you don't make the move, sooner or later, life makes a move on
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Attitude Is Everything Essay
Attitude is Everything Maintaining a positive attitude all through life impacts one's social status,
physical health, and long term success. Many people only want to hangout with others that have
good attitudes. They also enjoy being in the presence of others who have the ability to lift them
up when they are down. Having a good attitude shows a person's character in a positive way. A
good attitude is the start to a good future, and a lot of success. Positive attitudes create a lot of
wonderful opportunities in and outside of the workforce. Overall, a good personal character will
create an easier route to achieve difficult goals and tasks causing a more trustworthy person to be
created. Character guides our responses to issues we face more content...
Your actions are a result of attitude. Attitude creates the way you feel about people and situations.
The heights of success attained grow the more infectious your energy appears to others. When you
carry and attitude of excitement and vigor, this transfers to those around you and increases success.
Have a positive attitude and you will have positive, joyful results. Put out a negative attitude and you
have failed before you begun. No matter what you desire to attain to as your definition of success.
You must recognize that there is no more success without a positive
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Attitude refers to a learned tendency to evaluate things in a special ways which may include
evaluation of people, issues, object, or event. The evaluation can be positive or negative and can be
uncertain at times.
Researcher who took a more behavioural stance define attitude as predisposition to respond
consistently in a positive or negative way to some person, object, or situation.
Psychologist are in a better position to meet the goals of psychology (describe, explain, predict and
influence) when they know the attitude of people.
Attitude have been seen as having three dimensions which include A. Cognitive: this represents
belief, thought and expectation held about the object of more content...
A. Daryl Bem's (1972) Self– perception theory: it says that when people do not always know how
they think or feel about an issue as a result of that they sometime infer their attitudes from observing
their own behaviour. B. Cognitive consistency theory: according to this theory, people need to feel
that their attitude matches or are in harmony with one another. C. Leon Festinger's (1957) Cognitive
dissonance theory: we feel tension when we notice that we have two or more inconsistent thought
and we are then strongly motivated to make changes in our attitude restore the consistency.
1. Pretty and Krosnick 1995, when the person attitude is strong. E.g. people who have a strong
favourable attitude towards Mills will vote for him than those who have moderate favourable
attitude towards him. 2. Fazio and Oers 1982, when a person shows a strong awareness of his or her
attitudes, the person rehearses and practices them in public. 3. Davidson and Jacards 1990, when the
attitude is relevant to the behaviour. E.g. one study found the general attitude towards birth control
was virtually unrelated to the use of birth pills in the following two years. The more the relevant the
attitude is to the behaviour, the better it will predict the behaviour. 4. Ample evidence exist that
changes in behaviour sometimes precede changes in
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Attitude Formation
Attitude Formation
Lawanda Thomas
Walden University
Attitude Formation
The field of social psychology focuses on understanding the behavior of an individual and seeks to
include the aspects of external and internal influences that impact behavior. Not only is ones
behavior impacted by emotions, behavior is also impacted by how an individual perceives a situation
and acceptance to engage in that situation (Fiske, 2010). Hogg and Cooper (2007) argue social
psychologists note individuals view the world and its interactions during the attitude judgment
process. This judgmental process determines a situation to be positive or negative, favorable or
unfavorable, and engage or avoid which then forms an attitude that determines more
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Impact Attitude Formation As research has advanced within the
field of social psychology around understanding the process in which an individual develops an
attitude and the impacts of a developed attitude, exploring the formation from a cognitive, affective,
and behavioral process had gained great review (Hogg & Cooper, 2007). During the beginning
of research around understanding attitude formation, the development of models was used to
provide both a theoretical and empirical bases to provided reasoning of the formation. Sociologists
understood attitude formation constructed of several different approaches; however, cognitive,
affect, and behavioral where explored in great detail. By exploring those three areas, sociologist
hoped to provide frameworks of practice and studies to advance the understanding of attitude
formation and practice (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007). The first approach towards
understanding attitude formation was exploring it from a cognitive aspect. During this approach
sociologist argued individuals develop attitudes due to personal thoughts and beliefs associated with
the outcome of the event (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007). For an example if an individual
believes the outcome of the event is either positive or negative determines what attitude they form
towards the event. Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) noted attitude formed due to
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Reflection Paper On Attitude
Have you ever had a job where you absolutely dreaded going to work in the morning? What about
one that made you feel eager and optimistic? If you've been able to experience both of these then
you probably recognize that your work, effort, and overall attitude differ greatly. Webster defines
attitude as 'a mental position with regard to a fact or state or a feeling or emotion toward a fact or
state.' I have had jobs where I have very little job satisfaction and can personally relate to the
effects that it had on my daily work. By being in a job where I feel committed and satisfied I can
tell that my work is more thorough, my attitude is more positive, and I enjoy what I am doing
more. Having a more positive attitude about the job I am doing makes me more apt to go above
and beyond the expectations that are set for me. On the other side, I have also had jobs where I
dreaded getting up and leaving in the morning. I made excuses for being late, rationalized why my
work wasn't 100%, and was often in a bad mood. I have also had co–workers who act like they don't
care about their jobs, turn in lazy work, and can be unpleasant in the office. It not only affects their
personal work but the work of others around them. A negative attitude in the workplace creates an
atmosphere of distrust among employees and causes employees to attempt to achieve success at the
expense of each other. The famous saying 'Attitude is everything,' actually has some truth to it.
While it may not be
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Academic Attitude Essay
Academic Attitude
During the course of a student's progression through academia, he must learn that the teacher cannot
think for him. It is essential for a student to free his mind, allowing thought to flow. Instead of
waiting for the answers to be handed to him on a silver platter, he will rise to his full potential,
above to the meta level, and for himself, determine what the answer is. The student must also
become active in his learning. Therefore taking his academic potential to the higher level. As well as
achieving the higher level of thinking, the student must actively pursue his learning. The way a
student approaches his education, weather he be in junior high or seeking his doctorate, is his
academic attitude.
The more content...
Then the student "repeats these phrases without perceiving what (for example) four times four
really is" (Freire 23). This idea is known as the
"Banking Concept" (23) Someone, usually the teacher, makes a deposit of facts, then,
when the student needs these facts, withdrawals them (23). Through this, the mind is in no way
liberalized. In order to liberalize, one must step away from deposit–making. In its place, act upon his
own education. Go the extra mile by asking questions and posing problems as they relate to their
own experiences. The student, as part of his academic attitude, needs to become involved in his
There are many ways a student can become involved. Most importantly, a student must become part
of a "conversation" with the author while reading.
When the student reads as if having a conversation or discussion, she will be able to raise questions
or to challenge the authors claims. In the process of questioning the author, the student will
determine for herself the meaning of the passage. Only when the student becomes involved and asks
questions does this informative dialogue evolve. It is equally important to pursue some sort of
conversation during class as well. Through this type of exchange, both the teacher and student
benefit. Not only does the student learn from the teacher, but she teaches the teacher
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My Attitude About Writing
My attitude about writing is quite positive because writing places your thoughts in front of you.
This attitude comes from my mental attitude. My past writing experiences were English, Writing,
Composition, Communication. Taken those courses helped me build confidence in both writing
and communicating. During those courses I've wrote Haiku's, Biographies, Persuasive, Narrative,
and many more specific papers. I love to read, except chapter books because i feel I rather watch a
movie. I read Sports Magazine and articles for pleasure, such as: Sports Illustrated, ESPN, The
Vertical, Players' Tribune. Also, fashion and music magazines, such as: GQ and GQ music. I
personally prefer to write with soft music in the background, usually with my legs
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Attitude Essay

  • 1. What is an Attitude? Essay Many theorists have attempted to define what an attitude is, thus, some are utilized more than others within contemporary research. One, which is commonly referred to, is that of Fazio (1995) whereby he states an attitude is "an association in memory between a given object and a given summary evaluation of the object" (p. 247). A recent definition of attitudes would be that of Haddock (2010). He defines attitudes based on more contemporary ideas and research by saying, '...we define an attitude as an overall evaluation of an object that is based on cognitive, affective and behavioural information' (p.4). There seems to be much conflict of ideas, between theorists as to which component (cognition, affect or behaviour) holds more salience more content... It is also worth noting, that there can be differing strengths of attitudes, and the levels of cognition, affect or behaviour may influence this. Examining the strength of attitudes in different environments may be the key to understanding how the three components may influence attitudes originally. Much research has been sought for attitudes and more recent papers, such as Wyer, Calvini, Nash and Miles (2010) have highlighted the link between attitudes and the components. Wyer et al (2010) have commented on how attitudes within the UK, are held similarly between individuals, as well as stereotypes. It is also noted how these also will then prompt behavioural and affective responses as a result, across individuals, with the same similar fashion. This is useful in understanding Patrick's response to blacks, as it highlights there is a collective tendency to form attitudes or stereotypes, and then produce reactions to social groups (or attitude objects), of both in and out groups, within society. The emphasis of this research is that of affective and behavioural states, as a result of stereotypes, which therefore highlights the need to evaluate all components in the influence of attitudes, rather than one sole component. Wyer et al (2010), who look at the stereotypes attached to the wearing of 'hoodies', make a valid point which can be applied to most social groups or Get more content on
  • 2. Positive Effects Of Attitude Effects of Attitude Distance, time, money, tiredness and several other things in life are just a question of one's attitude. Context and situations decide the attitude. If a person has to travel say 15 to 20 miles per day to his workplace, he will definitely be cribbing. On the other hand, if the remuneration is going to be hefty he will not mind travelling the same distance. The distance has not changed, but his attitude towards remuneration makes this passable. One often complains that he does not have time for even the small things in life. Just an introspection shall reveal that it is an excuse one gives to oneself. Aperson who does not have time for a courtesy call to a related person will definitely be able to squeeze in time to spend time with his friend in spite of any tight schedule. After a whole day of work, spending hours at the gym seem alright, but helping out your mother or spouse at home may seem a burden or vice versa. Or else if a friend calls for an outing will freak out forgetting both the above. It more content... On the contrary they do not mind giving generous 'Tips' in fancy restaurants because of attitude. Perceptions of Attitude are more important and can change during periods of Natural disasters. During a recent flood havoc in a major city in India, the people's attitude was so positive that they were able to render all assistance to those affected without any inhibitions of class, creed, rich, poor, etc. People may throw stones at your path. It is your attitude with which you face the hurdle, that will lead to 'a wall or a bridge'. Remember your attitude is the architect of your life. Success requires more than talent. While talent and knowledge are essential, the key that unlocks them both is your state of mind. Being positive makes you more dependable. When you are positive you will find that you instinctively respect others, and are therefore more considerate. Developing Positive Get more content on
  • 3. Positive Attitude INTRODUCTION A good attitude or positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that dwells primarily on positive matters. It is a mind–set tipped in favour of creative activity rather than boredom, joy over sadness, hope over futility. A positive attitude is that state of mind which can be maintained only through conscious effort. When something jars one's mental focus into a negative direction, those who are positive know that in order to bounce back adjustments must be made. THE CHOSEN ISSUE Attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. When you are optimistic and anticipate successful encounters, you transmit a positive attitude and people usually respond favourably. When you are pesimistic and more content... If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious. HOW TO KEEP IN GOOD ATTITUDE We all want to keep our minds sharp and fresh. By working to keep your mind sharp, you can improve your Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Attitude Essay Attitude is a choice in which each of us choose to take but often, we forget we have a choice at all. Attitude can be a powerful tool for positive action or a poison that cripples your ability to fulfil your potential. Your attitude determines whether you are living life or life is living you. It also determines whether you are on the way or in the way. So to speak, self–confident people may suffer setbacks, get dragged down by hard times, or make mistakes, but they still believe they will be successful and come out being victorious. In the other way round, those who don't believe in themselves never seem to find their way and due to this, they often seem to drift with the tides. To everything we do in life, choice is the beginning or starting point and by changing our attitudes, we automatically change our lives. If you want a positive attitude, you will need to be committed enough to work at/on it and once you have discovered those things that have been holding you back, then it is time to look ahead and analyze where you want to go. To achieving success in life, it is more content... The limits of our mind–set is enough to determine the boundaries of our future. When we become fixated on the problems, we become paralyzed but when we look ahead for solutions, we are indirectly taking responsibility and some measure of control over our lives. Thus, it is up to you to assign a value or meaning on the point of view you decide to take. You can turn attitude into action to find purpose and passion but lack of vision will definitely get you lost. Comfort zones can be treacherous when you believe that, "I just can't leave what I'm familiar with, no matter the level of frustration I get." So, it is easy to become angry about standing still but being afraid to move and if you don't make the move, sooner or later, life makes a move on Get more content on
  • 5. Attitude Is Everything Essay Attitude is Everything Maintaining a positive attitude all through life impacts one's social status, physical health, and long term success. Many people only want to hangout with others that have good attitudes. They also enjoy being in the presence of others who have the ability to lift them up when they are down. Having a good attitude shows a person's character in a positive way. A good attitude is the start to a good future, and a lot of success. Positive attitudes create a lot of wonderful opportunities in and outside of the workforce. Overall, a good personal character will create an easier route to achieve difficult goals and tasks causing a more trustworthy person to be created. Character guides our responses to issues we face more content... Your actions are a result of attitude. Attitude creates the way you feel about people and situations. The heights of success attained grow the more infectious your energy appears to others. When you carry and attitude of excitement and vigor, this transfers to those around you and increases success. Have a positive attitude and you will have positive, joyful results. Put out a negative attitude and you have failed before you begun. No matter what you desire to attain to as your definition of success. You must recognize that there is no more success without a positive Get more content on
  • 6. ATTITUDE Introduction Attitude refers to a learned tendency to evaluate things in a special ways which may include evaluation of people, issues, object, or event. The evaluation can be positive or negative and can be uncertain at times. Researcher who took a more behavioural stance define attitude as predisposition to respond consistently in a positive or negative way to some person, object, or situation. Psychologist are in a better position to meet the goals of psychology (describe, explain, predict and influence) when they know the attitude of people. COMPONENT OF ATTITUDE Attitude have been seen as having three dimensions which include A. Cognitive: this represents belief, thought and expectation held about the object of more content... A. Daryl Bem's (1972) Self– perception theory: it says that when people do not always know how they think or feel about an issue as a result of that they sometime infer their attitudes from observing their own behaviour. B. Cognitive consistency theory: according to this theory, people need to feel that their attitude matches or are in harmony with one another. C. Leon Festinger's (1957) Cognitive dissonance theory: we feel tension when we notice that we have two or more inconsistent thought and we are then strongly motivated to make changes in our attitude restore the consistency. CONDITONS UNDER WHICH ATTITDE GUIDES BEHAVIOUR 1. Pretty and Krosnick 1995, when the person attitude is strong. E.g. people who have a strong favourable attitude towards Mills will vote for him than those who have moderate favourable attitude towards him. 2. Fazio and Oers 1982, when a person shows a strong awareness of his or her attitudes, the person rehearses and practices them in public. 3. Davidson and Jacards 1990, when the attitude is relevant to the behaviour. E.g. one study found the general attitude towards birth control was virtually unrelated to the use of birth pills in the following two years. The more the relevant the attitude is to the behaviour, the better it will predict the behaviour. 4. Ample evidence exist that changes in behaviour sometimes precede changes in Get more content on
  • 7. Attitude Formation Attitude Formation Lawanda Thomas Walden University Attitude Formation The field of social psychology focuses on understanding the behavior of an individual and seeks to include the aspects of external and internal influences that impact behavior. Not only is ones behavior impacted by emotions, behavior is also impacted by how an individual perceives a situation and acceptance to engage in that situation (Fiske, 2010). Hogg and Cooper (2007) argue social psychologists note individuals view the world and its interactions during the attitude judgment process. This judgmental process determines a situation to be positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable, and engage or avoid which then forms an attitude that determines more content... Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Impact Attitude Formation As research has advanced within the field of social psychology around understanding the process in which an individual develops an attitude and the impacts of a developed attitude, exploring the formation from a cognitive, affective, and behavioral process had gained great review (Hogg & Cooper, 2007). During the beginning of research around understanding attitude formation, the development of models was used to provide both a theoretical and empirical bases to provided reasoning of the formation. Sociologists understood attitude formation constructed of several different approaches; however, cognitive, affect, and behavioral where explored in great detail. By exploring those three areas, sociologist hoped to provide frameworks of practice and studies to advance the understanding of attitude formation and practice (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007). The first approach towards understanding attitude formation was exploring it from a cognitive aspect. During this approach sociologist argued individuals develop attitudes due to personal thoughts and beliefs associated with the outcome of the event (Fiske, 2010; Hogg & Cooper, 2007). For an example if an individual believes the outcome of the event is either positive or negative determines what attitude they form towards the event. Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) noted attitude formed due to Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection Paper On Attitude Have you ever had a job where you absolutely dreaded going to work in the morning? What about one that made you feel eager and optimistic? If you've been able to experience both of these then you probably recognize that your work, effort, and overall attitude differ greatly. Webster defines attitude as 'a mental position with regard to a fact or state or a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state.' I have had jobs where I have very little job satisfaction and can personally relate to the effects that it had on my daily work. By being in a job where I feel committed and satisfied I can tell that my work is more thorough, my attitude is more positive, and I enjoy what I am doing more. Having a more positive attitude about the job I am doing makes me more apt to go above and beyond the expectations that are set for me. On the other side, I have also had jobs where I dreaded getting up and leaving in the morning. I made excuses for being late, rationalized why my work wasn't 100%, and was often in a bad mood. I have also had co–workers who act like they don't care about their jobs, turn in lazy work, and can be unpleasant in the office. It not only affects their personal work but the work of others around them. A negative attitude in the workplace creates an atmosphere of distrust among employees and causes employees to attempt to achieve success at the expense of each other. The famous saying 'Attitude is everything,' actually has some truth to it. While it may not be Get more content on
  • 9. Academic Attitude Essay Academic Attitude During the course of a student's progression through academia, he must learn that the teacher cannot think for him. It is essential for a student to free his mind, allowing thought to flow. Instead of waiting for the answers to be handed to him on a silver platter, he will rise to his full potential, above to the meta level, and for himself, determine what the answer is. The student must also become active in his learning. Therefore taking his academic potential to the higher level. As well as achieving the higher level of thinking, the student must actively pursue his learning. The way a student approaches his education, weather he be in junior high or seeking his doctorate, is his academic attitude. The more content... Then the student "repeats these phrases without perceiving what (for example) four times four really is" (Freire 23). This idea is known as the "Banking Concept" (23) Someone, usually the teacher, makes a deposit of facts, then, when the student needs these facts, withdrawals them (23). Through this, the mind is in no way liberalized. In order to liberalize, one must step away from deposit–making. In its place, act upon his own education. Go the extra mile by asking questions and posing problems as they relate to their own experiences. The student, as part of his academic attitude, needs to become involved in his education. There are many ways a student can become involved. Most importantly, a student must become part of a "conversation" with the author while reading. When the student reads as if having a conversation or discussion, she will be able to raise questions or to challenge the authors claims. In the process of questioning the author, the student will determine for herself the meaning of the passage. Only when the student becomes involved and asks questions does this informative dialogue evolve. It is equally important to pursue some sort of conversation during class as well. Through this type of exchange, both the teacher and student benefit. Not only does the student learn from the teacher, but she teaches the teacher Get more content on
  • 10. My Attitude About Writing My attitude about writing is quite positive because writing places your thoughts in front of you. This attitude comes from my mental attitude. My past writing experiences were English, Writing, Composition, Communication. Taken those courses helped me build confidence in both writing and communicating. During those courses I've wrote Haiku's, Biographies, Persuasive, Narrative, and many more specific papers. I love to read, except chapter books because i feel I rather watch a movie. I read Sports Magazine and articles for pleasure, such as: Sports Illustrated, ESPN, The Vertical, Players' Tribune. Also, fashion and music magazines, such as: GQ and GQ music. I personally prefer to write with soft music in the background, usually with my legs Get more content on