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ООО «Кварта Технологии» 
Fadeev@quarta.ruт. (495) 234-40-18 AtlassianConfluence & Jiraкак сделать работу комфортнойЧасть 1 Confluence
Семейство продуктов Atlassian 
•Confluence–портал на основе Wiki 
•Jira–менеджер задач и баг-трекер 
•Crowd –identity management 
•Инструменты для разработчиков 
–Stash-Gitrepository management 
–Bitbucket-Gitand Mercurial code hosting 
–FishEye-search, monitor and track Subversion repositories 
–Crucible -peer code review 
–Bamboo -continuous integration, deployment, and release management 
–Clover –test optimization for java code coverage
Confluence, сценарии использования 
•Коллективная работа с документами и информацией на страницах 
•Информационный портал (отчеты, документы, публикации, блоги) 
•База знаний 
•Работа совместно с Jiraпри Agile –процессах и процессах управления заданиями. 
•Хранилище файлов
Jira, сценарии использования 
•Менеджер заданий (поддержка разных методик управления) 
–Поддержка процессов WorkFlowс формами и документами 
–Планированиеи отчетность по заданиям 
–Интеграция с MS Project 
–Коллективная работа над заданиями 
–Работа по методикам Scrum & Kanban 
–SeviceDesk с поддержкой SLA 
•Интеграция с: 
–Bamboo (continuous integration, deployment, and release management) 
–Confluence –база знаний и документы 
–Bitbucketи Stash (Gitand Mercurial code hosting& management), FishEye(search, monitor and track Subversion repositories) 
–Clover (test optimization for java code coverage) 
–HP Quality center 
–другими продуктами
AtlassianJira& Confluence обладают огромными возможностями, 
для их использования необходимо значительное кол-во плагинов. 
Это заметно увеличивает цену решения и трудоемкость поддержки.
Экосистема Confluence & Jira 
Календари и учет рабочего времени 
Фильтры и построители отчетов 
Построители отчетов из внешних источников 
Расширение UI 
Интеграция с другими продуктами 
Графический дизайн 
Простейшие задания и DocFlow 
Концепция Confluence 
•Пространства (Spaces) 
–Уникальный внешний вид и структура данных 
•Страницы (Pages) 
–Индивидуальные права доступа 
–Хранение на странице любых файлов 
•Новости (Posts)
•Интеграция с Jira: 
–Вывод страницы Confluence на рабочем столе Jira 
–Вывод гаджетов Jiraна странице Confluence 
–Автоматические обратные ссылки (Trackbacks) 
•Интеграция с MS Word 
–Вывод содержания файлов Office на странице Confluence 
–Редактирование страницы Confluence в Word 
–Импорт/экспорт содержимого между Word и Confluence 
•Интеграция с другими продуктами
•by AtlassianLabs Supported Atlassian 
•AtlassianVerifiedThis add-on is supported by ……..Company, an AtlassianVerified vendor.Atlassianregularly reviews and confirms add-on compatibility, availability of great support, and traction in the Marketplace 
•Vendor supported 
•by AtlassianLabs and third party UnsupportedThis add-on isn't formally supported, but you can ask a question via AtlassianAnswers 
Уровни поддержки плагинов 
После установки, плагины получают полный доступ к Вашим приложениям и данным. Иногда после их установки возникают непреднамеренные побочные эффекты. Они могут вызывать замедление работы системы или появление ошибок. 
В этом случае, мы рекомендуем немедленно отключить плагины. 
Документация по самостоятельной установки плагинов:
Дизайн на любой вкус и кошелек
Zen Foundation 
Complete design control and simple editing tools bring the power of Confluence to everyone in your organization...and beyond 
Draw users to Confluence with familiar and approachable design. Consistent layouts, simplified editing tools, and menu navigation make contributing intuitive and rewarding. 
Take control of Confluence with designs that perfectly fit your organization, captivate users, and blend seamlessly with your other web assets.
Zen Intranetfree templates for Zen Foundation 
Zen Intranet 
Instant demonstration site ready for your intranet content. 
•Professional design you can customize in five minutes 
•Sample content (pages and spaces) 
•Intuitive navigation 
•Page layouts 
•Fancy headers and footers 
•Build it out, or use for reference and training 
•Optional site configuration 
•Built-in uninstaller 
Part of the Zen Lightning series. Requires Zen Foundationversion 5.2.8 or greater.
BrikitTheme Press 
Transform Confluence to make it easy for anyone to share information and ideas. Unrivaled theme designer. Makes Confluence easy for anyone with approachable navigation, layouts, and a look that blends seamlessly into your organization. Gallery of free designs. Browse our gallery of pre-built designs on the AtlassianMarketplace. Explore the demo sites, install them using the Theme Press Designer, and when it's time to show off, publish your own design. Mobile ready. Theme Press responsive and adaptive features for mobile. In the office, at home, or on the go, give users a view that fits. With next-generation theming and unrivaled usability, BrikitTheme Press transforms Confluence to make it easy for anyone to share information and ideas. Use Theme Press to create intranets, knowledge bases, portals, websites, and more, and get the most out of your Confluence platform.
дизайнер интерфейса 
ThemeBuilderCorporate Skin on DashboardThemeBuilder5 is a powerful tool with the ability to fully customisethe output of your Confluence pages 
ThemeBuilderIntranet Skin on Dashboard 
Carousel macro included for dynamic home pagesCarouselmacro included for dynamic home pages. Extracts individual pieces of information from Confluence that can be used in ThemeBuilder5 skins or on a page
Enterprise Theme 
Шаблоны с дизайном страниц, полезными макросами и расширенными функциональными возможностями 
Создание тематических дашбордови страниц в стиле соцсетей 
Легкость создания новых страниц
RefinedWikiOriginal Theme 
Organize content 
Организация пространств 'spaces' по категориям и подкатегориям или по дополнительным внутренним или внешним ссылкам. 
Улучшенный дизайн страниц 
Создание дашбордов: 
Key Areas: Intranet; Documentation; Collaboration 
Key features: Organize content; Design and brand; Create blogs; User dashboards; Customizable footer; Key navigation 2.0
Custom Dashboards for Confluence 
It allows you to replace the default global dashboard with your custom one. It even enables you to have team dashboards or personal dashboards. The plugin also includes macros for displaying the popular pages or the daily Dilbert strip on your custom dashboard. 
Replace default dashboard with custom one 
Create different dashboards for different teams 
Easily create awesome looking dashboards
Spacetreefor Confluence 
The Spacetreeplugin lets you create navigation trees across multiple spaces easily. The macro allows you to group the spaces in the navigation by specific space categories. It even enables you to display the users favouritespaces for personalizing the navigation tree. 
Create navigation trees across multiple spaces easily 
Customize the navigation tree to your needs 
Use macro in sidebar of documentation theme
Content Formatting Macros 
A firm favouritein the Confluence community, Content Formatting Macros makes it easier to manage appearance of your Wiki content 
More efficient usage of your Wiki with Horizontal Navigation macro that enables content to be clearly displayed on a single page 
Highlight important elements to attract attention 
Our add-on offers over 22 Free Macros and among them the {bgcolor} macro that allows you to change background colourof a block of content 
Rich content elements provided with Premium macros 
The RoundrectMacro {roundrect} macro allows you to quickly and easily create rounded rectangles. Use our 5 Premium Macros to enrich your Wiki content
•Organize spaces hierarchically in spaces and sub-spaces and use macros to display the space hierarchy 
•Subspace view 
•Subspace configuration 
•Subspace macros
ParamInclude for Confluence 
•Includes the content of a page dynamically within another page. Pages can contain parameter place holders. When the page is included, the place holders are replaced with given parameters. The description macro can be added to include pages to explain the purpose of parameters. This description is only displayed when the page is viewed directly. The catalog macro allows to list all pages intended to be included.
Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (1) 
•Menu Manager Plugin 
–Allows administrators to enable or disable menu items across Confluence 
•Unified Navigation Plugin 
–Change the navigation bar to your companies coloursand replace the first link with an logo. Everything can quickly be configured within a single application! 
•Instant Search 
–Easy and configurable search. Provides "Instant Search" macro, a highly customizable "type-ahead" search box. Filters; Show/Hide: Customize input.
•HTML Plugin for Confluence 
Create content based on HTML or XSLT 
Bring HTML content into Confluence from other systems with minimal effort. Access content from body text, attachment, file system, or URL. Find and replace support available to make some automatic modifications. 
•Confluence Source Editor 
Allows users to view and edit the underlying storage format 
The source editor is ideal for viewing and editing macro parameters, link URLs, image names and more, fixing editor formatting errors, searching and replacing macro parameters and link urls. 
•Form Mail for Confluence 
Form Mail enables you to create custom email forms in your Confluence wiki. 
•Mail to News Plugin 
This plugin retrieves mail from an email account and adds them as news entries to the wiki space indicated in the email address 
Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (2)
•Scripting for Confluence 
Create content based on HTML or XSLT 
Bring HTML content into Confluence from other systems with minimal effort. Access content from body text, attachment, file system, or URL. Find and replace support available to make some automatic modifications. 
Provides Macros that allow page content to be generated using common scripting languages. Scripting language support includes:BeanShell, Groovy, Gant, Jython, Javascript(Rhino) 
Ideal for generating Business Intelligence (BI) reports. 
Works best with: 
SQL for Confluence 
Run Self-Service Reports for Confluence 
Cache for Confluence 
Macro Security for Confluence 
Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (3)
•ImageMapMacro for Confluence 
Link from one image to multiple Confluence pages 
The ImageMapPlugin provides ImageMapfunctionality for pictures. It allows to define multiple clickable regions within the same image, to link to multiple other Confluence pages or external URLs. 
•Project Documentation Macros 
The following macros help to enhance your project documentation experience: 
Definition List -Renders term and definition information as a definition list. Currently Conflucenedoes not easily support authors to write definition lists. But definition lists allow to render this form of information efficiently. 
Hide From Anonymous User -Hides a text fragment from an anonymous user. 
Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (4)
•Who's Editing for Confluence 
Shows a hint if the current page or blog post is being edited by one or more other users. 
•Enterprise Notifications 
Enterprise Notifications enables your Teams to keep up to date with changes to Pages, Spaces and News that are important to them 
•Page Information Tools 
The Page Information Tools plugin allows you to display the various bits of information about pages and blog posts in Confluence that are usually hidden away. By combining macros together, you can show things like who created the page and when or the current version number and date it was last modified. 
Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (3)
BalsamiqMockups for Confluence 
Mockups allows you to add UI wireframes to your wiki pages. Improve your software or website's usability, cut down spect-writing time and get to a consensus early with a tool that everyone can use.
•Visually create and manage your pages, projects and tasks through ComalaCanvas boards and lists. 
•Get visual fast, and take your ideas from concept to delivery in a flash. 
•Brainstorm your ideas into cards, add the details to pages 
•Insert a SWOT Analysis, KANBAN or Product Experience board 
•Manage your teams tasks and projects with task boards 
•Categorize, manage and review pages and labels with lists 
•Build page requirements, manage labels and apply checklists 
•Use ComalaCanvas for: 
•Brainstorming, Planning, Strategic Development, Project Management, Agile Development. 
ComalaCanvas is the winner of the 2012 AtlassianMarketplace Add-on Innovation Award
Confluence Questions 
Learn from the collective knowledge of experts in your organization -ask once, educate forever 
Look, search, ask 
Answer and contribute 
Connect with experts
Плагины для рейтингованияи голосования 
•Survey and Vote Macros 
Surveys made easy.Votes for immediate results. Administration section 
•Multivotefor Confluence 
Vote for multiple entries, e.g. suggestions for a date of an event (poor man's doodle), what to order for lunch, talks you are interested in... Voters can be shown in an extra column. Easy tabular interface
Community Forums 
Add forums straight into your Confluence pages, so Teams can create & discuss any topics in a Collaborative, Online Environment 
Add customisedForum on any Confluence page 
Review activities on all Forums within a space 
See the most popular topics on all Forums
Confluence Chat 
This is a built-in confluence chat for realtimecollaboration 
The confluence chat plugin brings confluence users more together. This built-in confluence chat for realtimecollaboration gives confluence users the posibilityto chat. 
The sent messages are saved within Confluence and are accessible in the chat box and within the user profile 
With a huge permission system, you can define which user is authorized to chat in which space or global. A space settings importer is supporting you.
HipChatfor Confluence 
Share information and collaborate in real-time with Confluence and HipChat. Notify your team when a new blog post or page is created or a page is updated in a space. This plugin also shows you if a Confluence user is currently available on HipChat. 
This page allows you to register your HipChatAPI token with either or your own HipChatServer instance 
Room configuration 
Select which rooms you Confluence to notify. 
Confluence notifies HipChatwhen new pages are created or updated or when a blog post is published
RefinedWikiMobile Interface 
Create a seamless Confluence experience on your smartphone and start collaborating on the go 
The RefinedWikiMobile Interface is a web-based user interface extending Confluence to your favorite mobile device. Get an seamless Confluence Mobile experience on your iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry or Windows smartphone and start collaborating on the go. It speeds up the way you navigate Confluence, making it easier to browse and discover content. 
RefinedWiki'sConfluence plugins is used by 2000+ customers from 80+ countries. Also check out RefinedWikiOriginal Theme and RefinedWikiUI Toolkit. 
The mobile interface is compatible with all themes.
Редакторы форм
Создание шаблонов и форм для Confluence 
Create Forms and Display Structured Data 
Scaffolding gives your instance of Confluence the ability to: 
Create forms for your users to fill in 
Collect and display data in a structured way 
Manipulate and evaluate the provided data 
With live-templates, create pages with unified forms and data 
Create reports from data your users provide when used with ServiceRocket'sReporting add-on
Run Self-Service Reports for ConfluenсуRun Plugin for Confluence 
User forms for business intelligence scenarios and self service pages 
Dynamic content based on user provided input using a form. On submit, variables are substituted prior to rendering the macro body. 
Simple, text based definition of form 
Support standard field types 
Highly customizable 
Pre-defined variables 
Snapshot and archive support
Comala Workflows 
Add review, approval and task workflows to your Confluence pages 
Assign Reviews and Approvals 
Add review, approve and task workflows to your Confluence pages 
Manage Page States 
Use workflows to manage your page states 
Generate Powerful Reports 
View page history and generate compliance reports. 
The Remote Publishing Plugin is a add-on to Ad hoc Workflows, allowing you to keep a remote Confluence instance in sync. 
Ad hoc Workflows -Reporting Plugin Integration 
This plugin provides the workflow-reporter macro for integration between Ad hoc Workflows and the ServiceRocketReporting –Confluence 
The Workflow Utilities Plugin provides Ad hoc Workflows'susers with utilities such as a workflow event logger, new comment trigger events, and other utilities.
ArsenaleLockpoint-Attachment Checkout 
ArsenaleLockpointadds check-in and check- out capabilities to Confluence, so you can lock any Confluence attachment while making changes. 
Lock files for your exclusive editing from anywhere you use attachments. 
One click locks and opens your Microsoft Office documents for editing. 
Seamless integration with Gliffy, BalsamiqMockups and GoEdit.
frevvoLive Forms and Workflows for Confluence 
Drag and drop to create sophisticated forms and workflows integrated with Confluence. 
frevvoforms and workflows can create/update Confluence pages, work with your database, Google Apps and internal business systems. Multi-user workflows provide conditional routing, digital signatures as well as a full audit trail. You can also view your submissions in Confluence.
ServiceRocketReporting -Confluence 
provides the ability for powerful and flexible reporting on data from Confluence, Scaffolding and other sources 
Build Report Structure 
Report on a list of images on the current page. 
Display a list of spaces available.
SQL Plugin for Confluence 
создание и отображение динамических отчетов из любых баз данных на страницах Confluence 
Show data as a chart using the Confluence Chart macro. Or show data as a table with all customization options available with Common table capabilities. 
Access multiple data sources 
Supports JDBC complaint databases, such as MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Data from multiple data sources can be combined on the same page. Flexible options for configuring data sources.
Advanced Tables for Confluence 
Create tables with limitless potential 
goes way beyond Confluence’s native table capabilities, enabling you to present your data in a more compelling and eye-catching way. 
Table Plus -Add advanced functions and formatting to your tables. 
CSV (Comma Separated Values) -Import, format, and display CSV data from anywhere. 
Attachment Table -Display attachments from anywhere in Confluence (unlike the native Attachments macro).
Excel for Confluence 
Confluence charts can be created from Excel data. 
Excel file can be located as an attachment, file on the Confluence file system, or via a URL. 
View options
Table Library for Bob Swift Add-ons 
•this add-on cannot be used independently. It is a library to enable other add-ons to get advanced table capabilities like column sorting, automatic totaling and numbering, and customized attributes. Normally installed automatically by the using add-ons. Current used by: 
•Advanced Tables for Confluence 
•SQL Plugin for Confluence 
•Excel Plugin for Confluence
Table Filter Plugin 
Table Filter is an easy-to-use add-on for Confluence that allows you to dynamically control what data you want to see in tables and hide table rows that are currently irrelevant. Custom settings make your work with large tables more productive.
JIRA Macros 
With the JIRA Issues macro, you can display a table of issues based on a JQL search, a single JIRA issue, or a count of issues which links to search in JIRA.
Экспорт документов из Confluence 
•Scroll Office 
–Scroll Office helps you to create great documentation. It turns your Confluence pages into professionally styled Word documents. 
–With Scroll Office you can collaborate and author all your content in your wiki, and generate a properly formatted Word document to store, exchange and print information. Scroll Office uses Word files and their styling information as templates to output native Word 2007|2010 documents in the desired look. 
•Scroll PDF Exporter 
–Export one or many pages to PDF, use the template designer to style the output, and merge metadata from Confluence into your exported documents. Scroll PDF Exporter helps you create great documentation. With Scroll PDF Exporter you can collaborate and author all the content in Confluence, and generate a properly-formatted PDF document to store, exchange, and print the information. Scroll PDF Exporter uses a built-in template designer to style your PDF documents with your required look and feel. By using the user friendly export schemes, exporting your content to PDF is just one click ahead.
Схемы и диаграммы
интерактивное создание полноценных схем и диаграмм, UML, BPMN, ERD, mindmapsв Confluence
Visio for Confluence 
Visio diagrams can be an attachment or a file on the Confluence server file system. 
Automatically chooses best output format 
Depending on browser capability, the best option available is used by default. Output format can be specified as either best (default), visio(vision control requiring IE rendering), or svg. 
SVG output when en IE rendering is not available 
Automatic conversion to SVG occurs when IE rendering is not available. This requires installation of appropriate conversion software on the Confluence server. for Confluence (Diagramly) 
Complete customization 
With, you can customize every and any part of the diagram editor, we're the only such plugin that allows this. 
diagramlyis the application based on our market leading diagramming technology, mxGraph, which is used by some of the world's biggest companies. We've produced native browser diagramming since 2005 (try in IE 6), many of the world's largest companies use our technology in high-profile products. 
Your diagram data is stored in Confluence, we don't transmit it externally. We don't collect or send usage information.
yWorksDiagrams for Confluence 
diagram editor plugin for AtlassianConfluence 
It allows you to quickly and effectively generate high- quality drawings of diagrams like flowcharts, network graphs, or UML class diagrams in your AtlassianConfluence wiki. 
The diagrams can be created and edited directly inside Confluence with an easy to use in-browser editor. No external tools or storage will be needed to create, edit, and store your diagrams.
GraphvizPlugin for Confluence 
Create diagrams using Graphviz 
Automatic diagram layout 
Simple plain text way to express diagrams and flowcharts. 
Output the image as PNG, SVG, PDF, JPG, or GIF. The image can be saved as an attachment for use on other pages or to distribute. 
Diagrams from Confluence tables 
Graph-from-table Macro generates diagrams from any Confluence table including those generated from other macros like SQL macro, CSV macro, and Excel Macro. 
Confluence integration 
Link to pages. Generate a space graph
Confluence Diagramming by Creately 
Createlysupports many diagram types. Flowcharts, UML diagrams, sitemaps, UI mockups, network diagrams, wireframes, org charts, mind maps, Venn diagrams, Gantt charts, business process models and more 
Add diagrams to Confluence with a single click. Easily embed large diagrams to Confluence pages using our unique diagram viewer. 
Link to other pages or external links using our linkable diagrams. Check the highlights to learn more about our features.
Confluence PlantUMLPlugin 
This macro can be used to add various UML, ditaaor JCCKitdiagrams to a confluence wiki page. Similar to the Confluence wiki markup, the diagram is defined as a simple text using a special syntax defined by the PlantUMLProject. You don't need any drawing editor to draw such diagrams! 
Sequence Diagram 
Use Case Diagram 
Class Diagram 
Activity Diagram 
Component Diagram 
State Diagram 
Object Diagram 
Design graphical Interface with Salt 
Visualize the structure of a database
Confluence Team Calendars 
Confluence Team Calendars connects Confluence and JIRA like never before 
Team Calendars provides one place to track a common schedule of leave, JIRA projects, and events so you know who's doing what and when. 
Surface everything your development team is working on in JIRA to the teams that live in Confluence. Put JIRA versions and issues, sprints, or any custom date field on a calendar for everyone to see. 
Simplify team planning with four different calendar views – list, week, month, and timeline –that make it dead simple to track your team's schedule as macro or as micro as you like. 
•Team Calendars in Outlook 
•Team Calendars in Google Calendar 
•Google Calendar in Team Calendars 
•Export to other Calendars
Google Calendar 
Google Calendar lets you view a simple version of a calendar from external websites. 
This add-on allows you to do just that from within Confluence. It also makes it easy to have multiple calendars aggregated into a single display.
Системное администрирование и безопасность
Системное администрирование и безопасность (1) 
•Cache for Confluence 
Caches rendered data to improve page display performance and reduce load on the server 
•Scripting for Confluence 
Pre-defined variables for easy access to many Confluence managers and commonly used constructs. Multiple options to manage your scripts: Macro body; Attachment; Global template; Space template; Server file system. 
•Macro Security for Confluence 
Restrict macro use to trusted users or groups. Configure access by macro and macro parameter. Special support for Scaffolding's live templates. 
•Kerberos Authentication for Confluence 
Kerberos plugin supports client IP whit/blacklisting letting you test kerberosfrom specific IP/subnets. Kerberos authentication is implemented without the need for any moderations of your Confluence, and is not functioning until you enter a license. 
•Single-sign-on from Mac, Linux and Windows 
•Easy to configure and test 
•Fallback to standard authentication mechanismes
•AtlassianCommand Line Interface 
Access Atlassianapplications from a command line 
•SU for Confluence 
SU allows administrators to take on the identity of users to help with fault reproduction (and verification of resolution on first interaction) as well as enabling general user setup. 
•Confluence Space User Management Plugin 
This plugin gives Space Administrators ability to manage users and user-groups associated to their Wiki Spaces.If you are using a read-only LDAP repository or similar as your primary repository, even though it supports using LDAP to validate usernames as a secondary repository, it will not be able to manage users/groups if the access to that repository via the Confluence API is read-only. 
Archiving Plugin for Confluence 
Find and archive unused and expired pages & keep your information fresh and relevant 
Системное администрирование и безопасность (2)
Для тех, кто пишет плагины самостоятельно 
•Confluence Developer Documentation 
•Confluence Plugin Guide 
•AtlassianPlugin SDK and+Build+a+Project
•Чтобы сделать Confluence удобным для работы необходимо установить в среднем 7-15 плагинов как платных, так и бесплатных 
•Функционал некоторых бесплатных плагинов частично пересекается с платными 
•Подбор необходимых плагинов, их настройка и кастомизация, обеспечение их совместной работы в случае использования Confluence в качестве многофункционального внутреннего портала является непростой задачей. 
•Плагины имеют разные уровень поддержки: unsupported, vendor supported, AtlassianVerified. 
•Управление продуктом с множеством установленных плагинов требует достаточно высокой квалификации и является весьма затратным с точки зрения ресурсов. 
•Стоимость необходимых лицензий для удобной работы с Confluence превышает базовую в среднем в 2-4,5 раза(Не забывайте о том, что любой плагин необходимо лицензировать на такое же количество пользователей, что и Confluence)
Работы Кварта Технологии по внедрению продуктов Atlassian 
•Разработка эскизного проекта развертывания и интеграции в существующую ИТ-инфраструктуру. Подбор плагинов, необходимых для решения задач пользователей и их настроек. 
Средняя стоимость 30-50 тыс. руб. за первый сценарий использования. 
•Развертывание и внедрение одного сценария использования Confluence, включая консультации по использованию функционала системы для группы пользователей до 10 чел. 
Средняя стоимость 80-300 тыс. руб. 
•Техническая поддержка и сопровождение внедренного решения. 
Зависит от требований SLA и объема предоставляемых услуг.
Лицензии, работы, внедрения 
Интересуют лицензии? 
Хорошие цены, быстрые прямые поставки. 
Интересуют работы, внедрение? 
Опытные специалисты, эксперты по внедрениямAtlassian. 
Звоните, пишите. 
Андрей Фадеев 
Менеджер по развитию продаж 
ООО «Кварта Технологии» 
т. (495) 234-40-18 
Свежие новости JIRA, Confluenceв моем новом блоге 
Подпишитесь и Вы будете в курсе всех 
cобытийв мире JIRA & Confluence!

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Atlassian Confluence: как сделать работу комфортной

  • 1. Андрей Фадеев, менеджер по развитию продаж ООО «Кварта Технологии» Fadeev@quarta.ruт. (495) 234-40-18 AtlassianConfluence & Jiraкак сделать работу комфортнойЧасть 1 Confluence
  • 2. Семейство продуктов Atlassian •Confluence–портал на основе Wiki •Jira–менеджер задач и баг-трекер •Crowd –identity management •Инструменты для разработчиков –Stash-Gitrepository management –Bitbucket-Gitand Mercurial code hosting –FishEye-search, monitor and track Subversion repositories –Crucible -peer code review –Bamboo -continuous integration, deployment, and release management –Clover –test optimization for java code coverage
  • 3. Confluence, сценарии использования •Коллективная работа с документами и информацией на страницах •Информационный портал (отчеты, документы, публикации, блоги) •База знаний •Работа совместно с Jiraпри Agile –процессах и процессах управления заданиями. •Хранилище файлов
  • 4. Jira, сценарии использования •Менеджер заданий (поддержка разных методик управления) –Поддержка процессов WorkFlowс формами и документами –Планированиеи отчетность по заданиям –Интеграция с MS Project –Коллективная работа над заданиями –Работа по методикам Scrum & Kanban –SeviceDesk с поддержкой SLA •Интеграция с: –Bamboo (continuous integration, deployment, and release management) –Confluence –база знаний и документы –Bitbucketи Stash (Gitand Mercurial code hosting& management), FishEye(search, monitor and track Subversion repositories) –Clover (test optimization for java code coverage) –HP Quality center –другими продуктами
  • 5. AtlassianJira& Confluence обладают огромными возможностями, но для их использования необходимо значительное кол-во плагинов. Это заметно увеличивает цену решения и трудоемкость поддержки.
  • 6. Экосистема Confluence & Jira Jira Календари и учет рабочего времени Фильтры и построители отчетов WorkFlow Confluence Построители отчетов из внешних источников Crowd Расширение UI Интеграция с другими продуктами Графический дизайн Простейшие задания и DocFlow Системное администрирование
  • 7. Концепция Confluence •Пространства (Spaces) –Уникальный внешний вид и структура данных •Страницы (Pages) –Индивидуальные права доступа –Хранение на странице любых файлов •Новости (Posts)
  • 8. Интеграция •Интеграция с Jira: –Вывод страницы Confluence на рабочем столе Jira –Вывод гаджетов Jiraна странице Confluence –Автоматические обратные ссылки (Trackbacks) •Интеграция с MS Word –Вывод содержания файлов Office на странице Confluence –Редактирование страницы Confluence в Word –Импорт/экспорт содержимого между Word и Confluence •Интеграция с другими продуктами
  • 9. •by AtlassianLabs Supported Atlassian •AtlassianVerifiedThis add-on is supported by ……..Company, an AtlassianVerified vendor.Atlassianregularly reviews and confirms add-on compatibility, availability of great support, and traction in the Marketplace •Vendor supported •by AtlassianLabs and third party UnsupportedThis add-on isn't formally supported, but you can ask a question via AtlassianAnswers Уровни поддержки плагинов После установки, плагины получают полный доступ к Вашим приложениям и данным. Иногда после их установки возникают непреднамеренные побочные эффекты. Они могут вызывать замедление работы системы или появление ошибок. В этом случае, мы рекомендуем немедленно отключить плагины. Документация по самостоятельной установки плагинов:
  • 10. Дизайн на любой вкус и кошелек
  • 11. Zen Foundation Complete design control and simple editing tools bring the power of Confluence to everyone in your organization...and beyond Draw users to Confluence with familiar and approachable design. Consistent layouts, simplified editing tools, and menu navigation make contributing intuitive and rewarding. Take control of Confluence with designs that perfectly fit your organization, captivate users, and blend seamlessly with your other web assets.
  • 12. Zen Intranetfree templates for Zen Foundation Zen Intranet Instant demonstration site ready for your intranet content. •Professional design you can customize in five minutes •Sample content (pages and spaces) •Intuitive navigation •Page layouts •Fancy headers and footers •Build it out, or use for reference and training •Optional site configuration •Built-in uninstaller Part of the Zen Lightning series. Requires Zen Foundationversion 5.2.8 or greater.
  • 13. BrikitTheme Press Transform Confluence to make it easy for anyone to share information and ideas. Unrivaled theme designer. Makes Confluence easy for anyone with approachable navigation, layouts, and a look that blends seamlessly into your organization. Gallery of free designs. Browse our gallery of pre-built designs on the AtlassianMarketplace. Explore the demo sites, install them using the Theme Press Designer, and when it's time to show off, publish your own design. Mobile ready. Theme Press responsive and adaptive features for mobile. In the office, at home, or on the go, give users a view that fits. With next-generation theming and unrivaled usability, BrikitTheme Press transforms Confluence to make it easy for anyone to share information and ideas. Use Theme Press to create intranets, knowledge bases, portals, websites, and more, and get the most out of your Confluence platform.
  • 14. ThemeBuilder дизайнер интерфейса ThemeBuilderCorporate Skin on DashboardThemeBuilder5 is a powerful tool with the ability to fully customisethe output of your Confluence pages ThemeBuilderIntranet Skin on Dashboard Carousel macro included for dynamic home pagesCarouselmacro included for dynamic home pages. Extracts individual pieces of information from Confluence that can be used in ThemeBuilder5 skins or on a page
  • 15. Enterprise Theme Шаблоны с дизайном страниц, полезными макросами и расширенными функциональными возможностями Создание тематических дашбордови страниц в стиле соцсетей Легкость создания новых страниц
  • 16. RefinedWikiOriginal Theme Organize content Организация пространств 'spaces' по категориям и подкатегориям или по дополнительным внутренним или внешним ссылкам. Улучшенный дизайн страниц Создание дашбордов: Key Areas: Intranet; Documentation; Collaboration Key features: Organize content; Design and brand; Create blogs; User dashboards; Customizable footer; Key navigation 2.0
  • 17. Custom Dashboards for Confluence It allows you to replace the default global dashboard with your custom one. It even enables you to have team dashboards or personal dashboards. The plugin also includes macros for displaying the popular pages or the daily Dilbert strip on your custom dashboard. Replace default dashboard with custom one Create different dashboards for different teams Easily create awesome looking dashboards
  • 18. Spacetreefor Confluence The Spacetreeplugin lets you create navigation trees across multiple spaces easily. The macro allows you to group the spaces in the navigation by specific space categories. It even enables you to display the users favouritespaces for personalizing the navigation tree. Create navigation trees across multiple spaces easily Customize the navigation tree to your needs Use macro in sidebar of documentation theme
  • 19. Content Formatting Macros A firm favouritein the Confluence community, Content Formatting Macros makes it easier to manage appearance of your Wiki content More efficient usage of your Wiki with Horizontal Navigation macro that enables content to be clearly displayed on a single page Highlight important elements to attract attention Our add-on offers over 22 Free Macros and among them the {bgcolor} macro that allows you to change background colourof a block of content Rich content elements provided with Premium macros The RoundrectMacro {roundrect} macro allows you to quickly and easily create rounded rectangles. Use our 5 Premium Macros to enrich your Wiki content
  • 20. SubSpacePlugin •Organize spaces hierarchically in spaces and sub-spaces and use macros to display the space hierarchy •Subspace view •Subspace configuration •Subspace macros
  • 21. ParamInclude for Confluence •Includes the content of a page dynamically within another page. Pages can contain parameter place holders. When the page is included, the place holders are replaced with given parameters. The description macro can be added to include pages to explain the purpose of parameters. This description is only displayed when the page is viewed directly. The catalog macro allows to list all pages intended to be included.
  • 22. Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (1) •Menu Manager Plugin –Allows administrators to enable or disable menu items across Confluence •Unified Navigation Plugin –Change the navigation bar to your companies coloursand replace the first link with an logo. Everything can quickly be configured within a single application! •Instant Search –Easy and configurable search. Provides "Instant Search" macro, a highly customizable "type-ahead" search box. Filters; Show/Hide: Customize input.
  • 23. •HTML Plugin for Confluence Create content based on HTML or XSLT Bring HTML content into Confluence from other systems with minimal effort. Access content from body text, attachment, file system, or URL. Find and replace support available to make some automatic modifications. •Confluence Source Editor Allows users to view and edit the underlying storage format The source editor is ideal for viewing and editing macro parameters, link URLs, image names and more, fixing editor formatting errors, searching and replacing macro parameters and link urls. •Form Mail for Confluence Form Mail enables you to create custom email forms in your Confluence wiki. •Mail to News Plugin This plugin retrieves mail from an email account and adds them as news entries to the wiki space indicated in the email address Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (2)
  • 24. •Scripting for Confluence Create content based on HTML or XSLT Bring HTML content into Confluence from other systems with minimal effort. Access content from body text, attachment, file system, or URL. Find and replace support available to make some automatic modifications. Provides Macros that allow page content to be generated using common scripting languages. Scripting language support includes:BeanShell, Groovy, Gant, Jython, Javascript(Rhino) Ideal for generating Business Intelligence (BI) reports. Works best with: SQL for Confluence Run Self-Service Reports for Confluence Cache for Confluence Macro Security for Confluence Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (3)
  • 25. •ImageMapMacro for Confluence Link from one image to multiple Confluence pages The ImageMapPlugin provides ImageMapfunctionality for pictures. It allows to define multiple clickable regions within the same image, to link to multiple other Confluence pages or external URLs. •Project Documentation Macros The following macros help to enhance your project documentation experience: Definition List -Renders term and definition information as a definition list. Currently Conflucenedoes not easily support authors to write definition lists. But definition lists allow to render this form of information efficiently. Hide From Anonymous User -Hides a text fragment from an anonymous user. Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (4)
  • 26. •Who's Editing for Confluence Shows a hint if the current page or blog post is being edited by one or more other users. •Enterprise Notifications Enterprise Notifications enables your Teams to keep up to date with changes to Pages, Spaces and News that are important to them •Page Information Tools The Page Information Tools plugin allows you to display the various bits of information about pages and blog posts in Confluence that are usually hidden away. By combining macros together, you can show things like who created the page and when or the current version number and date it was last modified. Полезные плагиныдля Confluence (3)
  • 27. BalsamiqMockups for Confluence Mockups allows you to add UI wireframes to your wiki pages. Improve your software or website's usability, cut down spect-writing time and get to a consensus early with a tool that everyone can use.
  • 28. ComalaCanvas •Visually create and manage your pages, projects and tasks through ComalaCanvas boards and lists. •Get visual fast, and take your ideas from concept to delivery in a flash. •Brainstorm your ideas into cards, add the details to pages •Insert a SWOT Analysis, KANBAN or Product Experience board •Manage your teams tasks and projects with task boards •Categorize, manage and review pages and labels with lists •Build page requirements, manage labels and apply checklists •Use ComalaCanvas for: •Brainstorming, Planning, Strategic Development, Project Management, Agile Development. ComalaCanvas is the winner of the 2012 AtlassianMarketplace Add-on Innovation Award
  • 29. Confluence Questions Learn from the collective knowledge of experts in your organization -ask once, educate forever Look, search, ask Answer and contribute Connect with experts
  • 30. Плагины для рейтингованияи голосования •Survey and Vote Macros Surveys made easy.Votes for immediate results. Administration section •Multivotefor Confluence Vote for multiple entries, e.g. suggestions for a date of an event (poor man's doodle), what to order for lunch, talks you are interested in... Voters can be shown in an extra column. Easy tabular interface
  • 31. Community Forums Add forums straight into your Confluence pages, so Teams can create & discuss any topics in a Collaborative, Online Environment Add customisedForum on any Confluence page Review activities on all Forums within a space See the most popular topics on all Forums
  • 32. Confluence Chat This is a built-in confluence chat for realtimecollaboration The confluence chat plugin brings confluence users more together. This built-in confluence chat for realtimecollaboration gives confluence users the posibilityto chat. The sent messages are saved within Confluence and are accessible in the chat box and within the user profile With a huge permission system, you can define which user is authorized to chat in which space or global. A space settings importer is supporting you.
  • 33. HipChatfor Confluence Share information and collaborate in real-time with Confluence and HipChat. Notify your team when a new blog post or page is created or a page is updated in a space. This plugin also shows you if a Confluence user is currently available on HipChat. HipChatconfiguration This page allows you to register your HipChatAPI token with either or your own HipChatServer instance Room configuration Select which rooms you Confluence to notify. HipChatnotifications Confluence notifies HipChatwhen new pages are created or updated or when a blog post is published
  • 34. RefinedWikiMobile Interface Create a seamless Confluence experience on your smartphone and start collaborating on the go The RefinedWikiMobile Interface is a web-based user interface extending Confluence to your favorite mobile device. Get an seamless Confluence Mobile experience on your iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry or Windows smartphone and start collaborating on the go. It speeds up the way you navigate Confluence, making it easier to browse and discover content. RefinedWiki'sConfluence plugins is used by 2000+ customers from 80+ countries. Also check out RefinedWikiOriginal Theme and RefinedWikiUI Toolkit. The mobile interface is compatible with all themes.
  • 36. ServiceRocketScaffolding Создание шаблонов и форм для Confluence Create Forms and Display Structured Data Scaffolding gives your instance of Confluence the ability to: Create forms for your users to fill in Collect and display data in a structured way Manipulate and evaluate the provided data With live-templates, create pages with unified forms and data Create reports from data your users provide when used with ServiceRocket'sReporting add-on
  • 37. Run Self-Service Reports for ConfluenсуRun Plugin for Confluence User forms for business intelligence scenarios and self service pages Dynamic content based on user provided input using a form. On submit, variables are substituted prior to rendering the macro body. Features Simple, text based definition of form Support standard field types Highly customizable Pre-defined variables Snapshot and archive support
  • 39. Comala Workflows Add review, approval and task workflows to your Confluence pages Assign Reviews and Approvals Add review, approve and task workflows to your Confluence pages Manage Page States Use workflows to manage your page states Generate Powerful Reports View page history and generate compliance reports. The Remote Publishing Plugin is a add-on to Ad hoc Workflows, allowing you to keep a remote Confluence instance in sync. Ad hoc Workflows -Reporting Plugin Integration This plugin provides the workflow-reporter macro for integration between Ad hoc Workflows and the ServiceRocketReporting –Confluence The Workflow Utilities Plugin provides Ad hoc Workflows'susers with utilities such as a workflow event logger, new comment trigger events, and other utilities.
  • 40. ArsenaleLockpoint-Attachment Checkout ArsenaleLockpointadds check-in and check- out capabilities to Confluence, so you can lock any Confluence attachment while making changes. Lock files for your exclusive editing from anywhere you use attachments. One click locks and opens your Microsoft Office documents for editing. Seamless integration with Gliffy, BalsamiqMockups and GoEdit.
  • 41. frevvoLive Forms and Workflows for Confluence Drag and drop to create sophisticated forms and workflows integrated with Confluence. frevvoforms and workflows can create/update Confluence pages, work with your database, Google Apps and internal business systems. Multi-user workflows provide conditional routing, digital signatures as well as a full audit trail. You can also view your submissions in Confluence.
  • 43. ServiceRocketReporting -Confluence provides the ability for powerful and flexible reporting on data from Confluence, Scaffolding and other sources Build Report Structure Report on a list of images on the current page. Display a list of spaces available.
  • 44. SQL Plugin for Confluence создание и отображение динамических отчетов из любых баз данных на страницах Confluence Show data as a chart using the Confluence Chart macro. Or show data as a table with all customization options available with Common table capabilities. Access multiple data sources Supports JDBC complaint databases, such as MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Data from multiple data sources can be combined on the same page. Flexible options for configuring data sources.
  • 45. Advanced Tables for Confluence Create tables with limitless potential goes way beyond Confluence’s native table capabilities, enabling you to present your data in a more compelling and eye-catching way. Table Plus -Add advanced functions and formatting to your tables. CSV (Comma Separated Values) -Import, format, and display CSV data from anywhere. Attachment Table -Display attachments from anywhere in Confluence (unlike the native Attachments macro).
  • 46. Excel for Confluence Confluence charts can be created from Excel data. Excel file can be located as an attachment, file on the Confluence file system, or via a URL. View options
  • 47. Table Library for Bob Swift Add-ons •this add-on cannot be used independently. It is a library to enable other add-ons to get advanced table capabilities like column sorting, automatic totaling and numbering, and customized attributes. Normally installed automatically by the using add-ons. Current used by: •Advanced Tables for Confluence •SQL Plugin for Confluence •Excel Plugin for Confluence
  • 48. Table Filter Plugin Table Filter is an easy-to-use add-on for Confluence that allows you to dynamically control what data you want to see in tables and hide table rows that are currently irrelevant. Custom settings make your work with large tables more productive.
  • 49. JIRA Macros With the JIRA Issues macro, you can display a table of issues based on a JQL search, a single JIRA issue, or a count of issues which links to search in JIRA.
  • 50. Экспорт документов из Confluence •Scroll Office –Scroll Office helps you to create great documentation. It turns your Confluence pages into professionally styled Word documents. –With Scroll Office you can collaborate and author all your content in your wiki, and generate a properly formatted Word document to store, exchange and print information. Scroll Office uses Word files and their styling information as templates to output native Word 2007|2010 documents in the desired look. •Scroll PDF Exporter –Export one or many pages to PDF, use the template designer to style the output, and merge metadata from Confluence into your exported documents. Scroll PDF Exporter helps you create great documentation. With Scroll PDF Exporter you can collaborate and author all the content in Confluence, and generate a properly-formatted PDF document to store, exchange, and print the information. Scroll PDF Exporter uses a built-in template designer to style your PDF documents with your required look and feel. By using the user friendly export schemes, exporting your content to PDF is just one click ahead.
  • 52. Gliffy интерактивное создание полноценных схем и диаграмм, UML, BPMN, ERD, mindmapsв Confluence
  • 53. Visio for Confluence Visio diagrams can be an attachment or a file on the Confluence server file system. Automatically chooses best output format Depending on browser capability, the best option available is used by default. Output format can be specified as either best (default), visio(vision control requiring IE rendering), or svg. SVG output when en IE rendering is not available Automatic conversion to SVG occurs when IE rendering is not available. This requires installation of appropriate conversion software on the Confluence server.
  • 54. for Confluence (Diagramly) Complete customization With, you can customize every and any part of the diagram editor, we're the only such plugin that allows this. diagramlyis the application based on our market leading diagramming technology, mxGraph, which is used by some of the world's biggest companies. We've produced native browser diagramming since 2005 (try in IE 6), many of the world's largest companies use our technology in high-profile products. Your diagram data is stored in Confluence, we don't transmit it externally. We don't collect or send usage information.
  • 55. yWorksDiagrams for Confluence diagram editor plugin for AtlassianConfluence It allows you to quickly and effectively generate high- quality drawings of diagrams like flowcharts, network graphs, or UML class diagrams in your AtlassianConfluence wiki. The diagrams can be created and edited directly inside Confluence with an easy to use in-browser editor. No external tools or storage will be needed to create, edit, and store your diagrams.
  • 56. GraphvizPlugin for Confluence Create diagrams using Graphviz Automatic diagram layout Simple plain text way to express diagrams and flowcharts. Output the image as PNG, SVG, PDF, JPG, or GIF. The image can be saved as an attachment for use on other pages or to distribute. Diagrams from Confluence tables Graph-from-table Macro generates diagrams from any Confluence table including those generated from other macros like SQL macro, CSV macro, and Excel Macro. Confluence integration Link to pages. Generate a space graph
  • 57. Confluence Diagramming by Creately Createlysupports many diagram types. Flowcharts, UML diagrams, sitemaps, UI mockups, network diagrams, wireframes, org charts, mind maps, Venn diagrams, Gantt charts, business process models and more Add diagrams to Confluence with a single click. Easily embed large diagrams to Confluence pages using our unique diagram viewer. Link to other pages or external links using our linkable diagrams. Check the highlights to learn more about our features.
  • 58. Confluence PlantUMLPlugin This macro can be used to add various UML, ditaaor JCCKitdiagrams to a confluence wiki page. Similar to the Confluence wiki markup, the diagram is defined as a simple text using a special syntax defined by the PlantUMLProject. You don't need any drawing editor to draw such diagrams! Sequence Diagram Use Case Diagram Class Diagram Activity Diagram Component Diagram State Diagram Object Diagram Flowcharts GraphVizDiagram DitaaDiagram JCCKitDiagram Design graphical Interface with Salt Visualize the structure of a database
  • 60. Confluence Team Calendars Confluence Team Calendars connects Confluence and JIRA like never before Team Calendars provides one place to track a common schedule of leave, JIRA projects, and events so you know who's doing what and when. Surface everything your development team is working on in JIRA to the teams that live in Confluence. Put JIRA versions and issues, sprints, or any custom date field on a calendar for everyone to see. Simplify team planning with four different calendar views – list, week, month, and timeline –that make it dead simple to track your team's schedule as macro or as micro as you like. Integration •Team Calendars in Outlook •Team Calendars in Google Calendar •Google Calendar in Team Calendars •Export to other Calendars
  • 61. Google Calendar Google Calendar lets you view a simple version of a calendar from external websites. This add-on allows you to do just that from within Confluence. It also makes it easy to have multiple calendars aggregated into a single display.
  • 63. Системное администрирование и безопасность (1) •Cache for Confluence Caches rendered data to improve page display performance and reduce load on the server •Scripting for Confluence Pre-defined variables for easy access to many Confluence managers and commonly used constructs. Multiple options to manage your scripts: Macro body; Attachment; Global template; Space template; Server file system. •Macro Security for Confluence Restrict macro use to trusted users or groups. Configure access by macro and macro parameter. Special support for Scaffolding's live templates. •Kerberos Authentication for Confluence Kerberos plugin supports client IP whit/blacklisting letting you test kerberosfrom specific IP/subnets. Kerberos authentication is implemented without the need for any moderations of your Confluence, and is not functioning until you enter a license. •Single-sign-on from Mac, Linux and Windows •Easy to configure and test •Fallback to standard authentication mechanismes
  • 64. •AtlassianCommand Line Interface Access Atlassianapplications from a command line •SU for Confluence SU allows administrators to take on the identity of users to help with fault reproduction (and verification of resolution on first interaction) as well as enabling general user setup. •Confluence Space User Management Plugin This plugin gives Space Administrators ability to manage users and user-groups associated to their Wiki Spaces.If you are using a read-only LDAP repository or similar as your primary repository, even though it supports using LDAP to validate usernames as a secondary repository, it will not be able to manage users/groups if the access to that repository via the Confluence API is read-only. Archiving Plugin for Confluence Find and archive unused and expired pages & keep your information fresh and relevant Системное администрирование и безопасность (2)
  • 65. Для тех, кто пишет плагины самостоятельно •Confluence Developer Documentation •Confluence Plugin Guide •AtlassianPlugin SDK and+Build+a+Project
  • 66. Резюме •Чтобы сделать Confluence удобным для работы необходимо установить в среднем 7-15 плагинов как платных, так и бесплатных •Функционал некоторых бесплатных плагинов частично пересекается с платными •Подбор необходимых плагинов, их настройка и кастомизация, обеспечение их совместной работы в случае использования Confluence в качестве многофункционального внутреннего портала является непростой задачей. •Плагины имеют разные уровень поддержки: unsupported, vendor supported, AtlassianVerified. •Управление продуктом с множеством установленных плагинов требует достаточно высокой квалификации и является весьма затратным с точки зрения ресурсов. •Стоимость необходимых лицензий для удобной работы с Confluence превышает базовую в среднем в 2-4,5 раза(Не забывайте о том, что любой плагин необходимо лицензировать на такое же количество пользователей, что и Confluence)
  • 67. Работы Кварта Технологии по внедрению продуктов Atlassian •Разработка эскизного проекта развертывания и интеграции в существующую ИТ-инфраструктуру. Подбор плагинов, необходимых для решения задач пользователей и их настроек. Средняя стоимость 30-50 тыс. руб. за первый сценарий использования. •Развертывание и внедрение одного сценария использования Confluence, включая консультации по использованию функционала системы для группы пользователей до 10 чел. Средняя стоимость 80-300 тыс. руб. •Техническая поддержка и сопровождение внедренного решения. Зависит от требований SLA и объема предоставляемых услуг.
  • 68. Лицензии, работы, внедрения Интересуют лицензии? Хорошие цены, быстрые прямые поставки. Интересуют работы, внедрение? Опытные специалисты, эксперты по внедрениямAtlassian. Звоните, пишите. Андрей Фадеев Менеджер по развитию продаж ООО «Кварта Технологии» т. (495) 234-40-18 Свежие новости JIRA, Confluenceв моем новом блоге Подпишитесь и Вы будете в курсе всех cобытийв мире JIRA & Confluence!

Editor's Notes

  1. Feature Highlights Replace the default global dashboard with a custom one defined on a simple wiki page Limit access to the global dashboard by defining filter rules for selected users and groups Create different dashboards for different teams Allow users to create personal dashboards Display daily Dilbert strip on your custom dashboard
  2. Feature Highlights Display page tree-like navigation across multiple spaces Group the spaces by specific space categories Personalize the navigation tree by displaying the users favourite spaces in the navigation Use the macro on wiki pages or in themes like the Documentation Theme to display navigation trees in the sidebar of the theme