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Assignment 8
A2 Individual Coursework

       Kaya Sumbland
Pre-Task                     Interviews
   I did my interview on public websites, such as Yahoo! Answers and The Student Room as I
  couldn’t go out and do real life interviews. However, by this I was able to get thoughts and
                reliable results as it comes from people of all ages across the UK.
                                         This is what I found…
What Documentaries have you watched?
Michael Moore, How its made, Science ones, Wildlife, Terrorism, BBC Docs on Nature, Supersize
me, Planet Earth, 24 Hours in A&E, An Idiot Abroad and Embarrassing Bodies
What documentaries have you enjoyed?
Wonders of the World, Life Stories, UK Based, Medical, Emotional Attachment, Ones based on
Rescores, Nature and Wildlife, Animals, Military, Paranormal, Religion, Myths, Conspiracy,
Sports and Horror
What about not enjoyed?
History, Celebrities, Politics, Fashion, Manipulative and Documentaries which insult intelligence
What are some interesting/current/debates topics in the world today that you
would like to learn more about?
Social Activity, Behaviour, Miners trapped underground, Other Planets , Technology, Religion,
Geography, Environment, Government of the USA and Economy of the world
What kind of topics would you like to see a Documentary about?
Animals, Social Change, Technology, Religion, Geography, Human Biology, The Future
and Revolution
Exploring Topics
1                                                                   Animal Cruelty
          School                                                -    Animals as food
-   Single sex schools                                          -    Animals in sport
-   Longer/Shorter school                                       -    Animal testing
        days                                                    -    Pedigree breeding
-   Religion onto schools            Documentary                -    Animals in medicine
-   School snitches                                             -    Animals as fashion
-   Pressure of teachers                Topics

2                                                                     Myths and
     Government                                                     Misconceptions
                                                           3    -
    Helpful or Harmful
    Lying to the Public?
                                      Family                    -
                                                                     Bermuda triangle
                                                                     Existence of ghosts
-   Do they really listen to     -    Same sex marriage         -    UFO’s
        our needs?               -    Kids to busy to be kids   -    Horoscopes
                                 -    Hitting children
                                 -    Unmarried couples
Exploring Topics

6                                                                       9
-       How advanced has                                                      Mysteries
           Technology become?                                           -   Paranormal phenomena
-       How necessary is the new                                        -   Bermuda triangle
           technology?                    Documentary                   -   Big foot
-       Will this harm our                                              -   Lock ness monster
           future?                           Topics

    7                                                                        Should it be
               Law                                                            banned?
-       Death Penalty
-       Voting rights for                                           8   -   Ban Smoking
            prisoners                           Media                   -   Ban Airbrushing
-       Prisoners receiving a new     -    Damage to health             -   Ban the Islamic Muslim
            identity                  -    Sex on TV                           veil (Burka;Higab)
-       Media Publicity for           -    Advertising violence         -   Ban Religious schools
            prisoners                 -    Amplification of drugs
-       Is the life sentence too
This is my graph following the
                                                  Feedback on Topics                                                                                 results from the public when asked
                                                                                                                                                     to pick their top 5 favourite topics.
The popularity of the documentary by likes


                                                                                                         Myths and Misconceptions

                                                                                                                                                                                       Should It be Banned?

                                                                                        Animal Cruelty





                                                    1          2            3          4                 5                          6                 7         8       9             10
                                                                                     Name of topic of documentary asked
My 3 Potential Topics

 #1 - Myths and

 #2 – Should it
  be banned?

    #3 - Law
Myths and Misconceptions

A Documentary series about ‘Myths and Misconceptions’
Episode 1:‘UFO’s’ – Fact or fiction, the fakers and real footage
Episode 2: ‘The Existence of Ghosts’ – Evidence, and how they are proven to
be . .           real, what really happens when we die
Episode 3: ‘Horoscopes’ – What do they really mean, and how could they
 .            apply to everyone
Episode 4: ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ – What is the real facts about
what's . . . . .           happened, mysterious myths to explain it
Myths and Misconceptions

What would people learn about?
They would learn the fact and fiction behind misconceptions in the
world today. It will inform the viewers on the real life
experiences/sightings and the fakers of all the myths.

What style of Documentary is it?
This documentary would be a
informative because I simply wan to tell
the audience the facts and fiction of
each topic. Explaining what each
mean/are and what the truth is behind
the misconceptions and fakers.
Should it be Banned?

A Documentary series about ‘Should it be Banned?’
Episode 1: ‘Smoking’ – The damage it causes, and unnecessary product, causes
.           addiction
Episode 2: ‘Airbrushing’ – Showing false images, advertising the wrong things
Episode 3: ‘Wearing the Muslim/Islamic veil’ – Could possibly be dangerous to .
 .           members of the public, hiding identity
Episode 4: ‘Religious Schools’ – Causes division, not teaching about other . . . . .
.           religions, separate different cultures from mixing
Should it be Banned?

What would people learn about?
My audience would learn about why these topics are debated on
being banned in the UK. Also to learn about the cons and maybe
pro’s in society, and why people go with/do these things.

What style of Documentary is it?
This documentary would be a
informative because its simply informing
the public on the issues these topics may
cause onto society, and also possibly
showing the audience why people do/go
with those things.
The Law

A Documentary series about ‘The Law’
Episode 1: ‘Criminals Receiving New Identity’ – Do they deserve this, could .
.            this be potentially dangerous
Episode 2: ‘Death Penalty’ – The debate on bringing it back, does it teach the . .
.           wrong things
Episode 3: ‘Voting for Criminals’ – Do they deserve this, do they have the right
Episode 4: ‘The Life Sentence’ – Is it long enough, is it taken to lightly, do
killers .         need harsher punishment
The Law
What would people learn about?
People ill learn about the law on criminals and whether they are
right or wrong and beneficial to the public. Also raising the popular
question on the law’s on criminals being fair and representative on
the crime they committed.

What style of Documentary is it?
This documentary would be a
informative because I simply want to
tell the audience both sides of the
argument regarding the law on
To get UK feedback I asked on Yahoo! Answers
Feedback on Top 3 Idea’s                           about my last 3 topics to help decide my chosen
                                                 topics which their feedback was… (Evidence on blog)

                                Myths and Misconceptions
    The Documentary on this topic was a favourite to some people and was said to be
 interesting as no one knows the exact truth, Also that it would be really interesting if it
 could be concluded at the end because they haven't done that before. However, other
  thought it would be tasteless, its really dated and has been done a lot . Also it doesn't
            really cater to a wider audience as its not really relevant to today.

                                 Should it be Banned?
  The Documentary on this topic was a favourite to the most people and was said to be
interesting, academic and the most controversial making it most engaging to watch. Also
  that its relevant to todays news and current debates and would be will received by a
                                     mass audience.

                                       The Law
  The Documentary on this topic was only liked. It was said to have the potential to be
controversial but probably not the most exciting documentary. They said it’s relevant so
 there would be a lot of interest around the topic. However, there are too many crime
                           documentaries and it quite dated.
Should it be
Chosen Topic –
                                       Should it be Banned?
      Approximately, 10 Billion people smoke in the UK Today,
 And their general reasons why, are to look ‘cool’, for stress relief and
                        because they get addicted
    It is said to take 5 years of Smoking before you become truly
 addicted, so what keeps people smoking for so long until they realise
they want to quit because not only is their life is slowly shrivelling in to
     its slow foul death but its affecting everyone around them.
Chosen Topic –
                                  Should it be Banned?
          What is the History of Smoking for the UK?

Tobacco was first introduced into Europe in the 16th
  century as there was the idea it was medical or

The tobacco pipe was brought in by Ralph Lane. It
then became very popular during WW1, as well as
 cigarettes. It was seen as a luxurious product by
                     many man.

Later, gained popularity and style for women in the
1920’s when they could smoke in their own homes.
Chosen Topic –
                                  Should it be Banned?
Why should it be Banned? It caused diseases & problems like…
• Lung cancer
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

• Heart disease

• Circulation

• Sexual problems

• Ageing

• Fertility

• Menopause
Chosen Topic –
                                     Should it be Banned?
Also forming the risk of…
• Asthma                    •   Cataracts
• Colds                     •   Macular degeneration
• Flu                       •   Pulmonary fibrosis
• Chest infections          •   Psoriasis
• Tuberculosis              •   Gum disease
• Chronic rhinitis          •   Tooth loss
• Diabetic retinopathy      •   Osteoporosis
• Hyperthyroidism           •   Raynaud's phenomenon
• Multiple sclerosis        •   Lip Cancer
• Optic neuritis
• Crohn's disease
• Dementia
• Optic neuropathy
                                  Gum Disease          Tuberculosis
Chosen Topic –
                                    Should it be Banned?
The affects doesn't stop at the individual smoking, it
effects everyone around them too…
For the people around the smokers, second hand
smoke can cause heart and lung cancer to the

In children living with parents that smoke
increases their chances of lung and ear infection
and sever asthma.

Finally in pregnant women, being near second-
hand smoke it gives their unborn baby a risk of
being born underweight.
Chosen Topic –
                           Should it be Banned?
 ALSO, If it is banned, There are great heath benefits!
Chosen Topic –
                                        Should it be Banned?
However, in knowledge of all of this, why is it not Banned already?

• It employs many low-skilled workers
• The government make ALOT of money from the cigarette taxes

•   Could create a black market for Tobacco
•   People are addicted
•   It helps relieve stress
•   Its less harmful than other drugs
Chosen Topic –
                                            Should it be Banned?
                        What is really in a Cigarette?
Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, more than 50 of which are known to cause
                                    cancer. E.g...
Chosen Topic –
                                Should it be Banned?
                  What makes it so addictive?
  Nicotine is the main substance of a cigarette which makes it so
  highly addictive. Within 7 seconds of puffing on a cigarette,
  nicotine enters your brain providing it sensations of relaxation,
  alertness and putting you into a better mood.
  Therefore creating that crave for the boost, making the individual
  smoke more.
  But that’s not all. It comes with withdrawal symptoms which
  happen when the nicotine is not longer in your body being –

    •   Changes in heart rate         •   Anger
    •   Change in mood                •   Frustration
    •   Increase in appetite          •   Restlessness
    •   Changes to digestion          •   Anxiousness
    •   Sleeping problems             •   Irritability
Chosen Topic –
                                        Should it be Banned?
         How the Media is trying to stop smoking?
There is many images and video’s trying to scared and shock the public of what
  smoking does to you and those around you, even on the cigarette packets
                              themselves, e.g
Chosen Topic –
                                            Should it be Banned?
            How the Media is trying to stop smoking?
    The NHS have many adverts to persuade people and parents to quit smoking
                   because of its affect on younger children.

                                               The advert shows Mother and Daughter –
                                             Father and Son relationship of copying what
                                                the other does finalising in the daughter
                                                       coping her mums smoking
    A more recent advert shows second hand
cigarette smoke surrounding a baby in its home
 while the mum smokes outside the window –
   showing what’s invisible to the human eye
Chosen Topic –
                                     Should it be Banned?
   About 40% of smokers today, first started when they were under 16
Here is a shocking graph from the NHS on how much smoking is influencing
Chosen Topic –
                                                Should it be Banned?
How would a smoking ban affect the UK?
Though cigarettes are a foul, irresponsible habit, it has a huge
positive effect of the UK economy. The tobacco industry provides
farming, factory, transport, and retail jobs.
As it creates jobs for…
•   The farmers who grow it

•   The driver who drive it to the industries

•   The industry who makes them

•   Gives Doctors more jobs when people get diseases

•   More Scientific research gets done for cancer cures
Also the government gain taxes from the cigarettes sold from the
10 million who smoke in the UK
Chosen Topic –
                                         Should it be Banned?
         What will our future be like with a Smoking ban?

•   The rates of cancer would drop
•   Most of people breathing problems would stop
•   The would be a massive decrease in deaths
•   There would be less Jobs for many people
•   The government would have a lot less taxes
•   No children would start smoking
•   Everyone who smokes or lives around smokers would be dramatically
Chosen Topic –
Air Brushing
                          Should it be Banned?
  Where do we see airbrushed images in the Media?

                                  TV Adverts
Chosen Topic –
    Air Brushing
                                  Should it be Banned?
             When did Airbrushing first come about?

 In the 19th century the black and
white pictures were hand coloured to
   give them a more natural and
           beautiful look.

However, nowadays natural beauty
isn't what is considered perfection.

  Photo manipulation has been occurring since the invention of
  photography, where advertisers touch up, and change parts of
     their image to its best – even if its changing the image
Chosen Topic –
      Air Brushing
                                    Should it be Banned?
         Why should airbrushing advertisments be banned?

• Very misleading upon the products
• Ends up looking completely different to the
    picture taken
• False view upon impossible perfection
• Creates to obsession leading to eating disorders,
    e.g anorexia, bulimia and compulsive
• Create insecurities for young people
• A lot of people don’t even notice it being done
Chosen Topic –
      Air Brushing
                                      Should it be Banned?
         Why Shouldn’t we ban Air Brushing Advertisments?

• Its needed to make a product sell
• It makes money for the advertisers
• The public don’t want to see something
    unappealing in the media
• Some images need the help, what the product
    does in life, may not appear on the camera
• Eating disorders still occur
• It attracts an audience
Chosen Topic –
       Air Brushing
                                               Should it be Banned?
             Does air brushing really create eating disorders?
 A former anorexia sufferer Rachael Johnston feels her
anorexia was formed from her insecurities and pressure
        to be perfect from images in the media.
She became ill at the age of 13, plunging down to 4.5 stone at
                         her lowest.

  She cut out so many pictures of
    models and celebrities from
  magazines and filled them into a
scrapbook. Her main obsession was
Victoria Beckham where she cut out
her body then stuck her face on top,
as that’s the only way she would be
Chosen Topic –
       Air Brushing
                                          Should it be Banned?
                  ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)
Images in magazines and in TV adverts aren't always allowed to be as misconceiving
  as they seem. The ASA have banned many adverts from appearing on TV and in
                            magazines. For example…
                                                     ASA banned this image of
                                                     Rachel Weisz from L’Oreal
                                                     Paris advert because of the
                                                     excessive airbrushing of her
                                                     skin to appear smother than
                                                     it actually is.

                                                     This ban was enforced from
                                                     MP Jo Swinson, who is again
                                                     responsible for the banning
                                                     of a few other L’Oreal Paris
                                                     adverts, such as…
Chosen Topic –
       Air Brushing
                                            Should it be Banned?
                   ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)

These pictures of (right) Julia Roberts and (left) Christy Turlington's were banned of
 their advert for Lancôme Paris and Maybelline due to their too much Photoshop
                                 for unrealistic results.
Chosen Topic –
    Air Brushing
                                   Should it be Banned?
    But is the ban too excessive for minor problems in the UK?

 To ban airbrushing from adverts is very excessive as adverts for
products, in order to sell well and get somewhere need the boost
                           of Photoshop.

However, instead of the complete ban, many people argue to put
  a little caption or symbol on these images and advert to the
public that it has been airbrushed, so it can prevent problems and
              misconceptions to the people who see it.

   Which is very similar to hair and eyelash adverts where they
           clearly state it at the bottom of the screen.
Chosen Topic –
     Air Brushing
                                    Should it be Banned?
            What does the population think of the Ban?

On, a poll had been taken out to get a wide view on
  the Ban of air brushing magazine, billboard and TV adverts.

       A majority of, 75% of 565 people had voted for a ban of
   airbrushing – so therefore it is something to be considered here
                               in the UK.
Wearing                         Chosen Topic –
   Muslin/Islamic Veil                Should it be Banned?
                  What is the Muslin/Islamic veil?
The reason Muslims wear this veil is to hide that of which men find
      sexually attractive. It covers their hair, ears and throat.
However, the public’s cause of concern is the Niqab and the Burqa.
                  Niqab                                Burqa
             •   It is a headscarf                •   It is a headscarf
                      which covers                         which covers
                      the face only                        the entire face,
                      revealing the                        not showing
                      eyes                                 any features at

             •                                             all
                 Its use is                       •

                      widespread                  •   Its traditionally
                      through the                          worn by
                      influence                            Pashtuns in
                      Wahabi Islam                         Afghanistan
Wearing                      Chosen Topic –
     Muslin/Islamic Veil             Should it be Banned?

             Why should the UK Ban the Niqab and Burqa?

•   These Muslim veils cover the identity of people behind
•   Its un-social and isolating
•   When wearing a balaclava its illegal in
•     certain public places, but not when
•     wearing the veil – which some consider
•     unfair
•   Safety reasons of not knowing who is behind the clothing's to hide
      their identity
Wearing                        Chosen Topic –
     Muslin/Islamic Veil               Should it be Banned?

               Why should be Muslim veil not be banned?

•   Its part of the Islamic religion
•   Its tradition
•   It’s a persons free choice to wear what they like
•   Could be seen as a personal attack
Wearing                                    Chosen Topic –
      Muslin/Islamic Veil                           Should it be Banned?
        Does wearing the Muslim veil go against British culture?
 Here in the Britain, culture is widely accepted. Though is covering your identity in
                                   public acceptable?
No knowing the identity of the individual around
you makes from people feel uncomfortable and
  intimidated, and makes some people feel in

 For religious purposes, people can cover their
  faces in their places of worship, but in public
           places should it be banned?

     British people who go to foreign countries, especially in the middle east must
 adhere to their cress code of their culture and religion. Therefore many people are
 it should work both ways and coving your face should not be acceptable in the UK
Wearing                             Chosen Topic –
    Muslin/Islamic Veil                    Should it be Banned?
              You can’t change Muslim beleifs and issues

 Just because Muslim’s cover their face, dose not mean they don’t accept wider
 British culture. Although you must adhere to dress codes in other countries – its
their own right as they are strongly religious while Britain doesn't really embrace
                                 its Christianity.

 We as a country are meant to embrace all cultures for what they
 are. It would be penalising to the Muslims to ban a part of their
         culture, and keep another part of another culture.
Wearing                              Chosen Topic –
    Muslin/Islamic Veil                     Should it be Banned?
           Could wearing the veil create danger for society?

   Wearing the Niqab only uncovers the eyes on the
individual behind, though, the Burqa completely covers
            up the person behind’s identity.

This is a potential danger to society because if someone
in these veils committed a crime, it will be impossible to
  find out who they are as they’re completely hidden
                     behind the fabric.

Anyone can get hold of the clothes and commit crimes
knowing they can never be caught leaving no traces of
                  identity behind.
Wearing                             Chosen Topic –
      Muslin/Islamic Veil                    Should it be Banned?
    Does wearing it isolate the individual and those around them?

   When wearing the Niqab and Burqa it automatically
   indicated to the public they are Muslim or Islamic.
From this they will automatically only talk to others in the
 same clothing as they are and distance themselves from
      anyone else who’s not a part of their culture.

  The Muslim community have often been easy targeted
 victims of racism because they are distinctively different.
 Some argue if the veil was banned then their wouldn’t be
as much racism as there is, and it would open up people to
   be more welcoming and social towards them, in their
Wearing                       Chosen Topic –
 Muslin/Islamic Veil              Should it be Banned?
   Would it really be reasonable to ban the Niqab and Burqa
If British people want to ban something as sacred and religious as
  the veil, there will be many individuals protests for many other
                         things to be banned.
 If the Government feel it is not a danger to society and there has
   been no occurrence to put people against it, you can’t ban the
Niqab or the Burqa. Also if UK was to ban it, it would create more
            hate, and possibly make some matters worse.
Chosen Topic –
Religious Schools
                                 Should it be Banned?
      Why do we have religious schools here in the UK?

  The UK originally has Christian schools as it’s the country's
                       traditional faith.

Faith schools consist of the standard education provided by the
  Government, but shaped around their religious culture and
Chosen Topic –
   Religious Schools
                                    Should it be Banned?

               Why we should ban religious schools?

• It creates a divide with different
      religious cultures in schools
• They don’t focus fully on education
• Religion isn't based on facts, and is
      seen as brainwashing
Chosen Topic –
   Religious Schools
                                     Should it be Banned?
              Why shouldn’t we ban religious schools?

• Its only teaching a religion – it doesn't
      effect other subjects
• Its freedom of speech
• It doesn't really effect anyone
• Forms good morals for children
Chosen Topic –
      Religious Schools
                                                  Should it be Banned?
                     Should education collide with religion?

 There is a big debate to whether being in a faith school will
   push its bias view onto the education in their schools.

 It’s argued non-faith schools focus on plain
  education and should be the only schools
allowed as they also teach other religions for
                  what it is.
Rather faith schools would possibly misguide
 their students on the other faiths – or some
not teach the other religions or theories at all.
Also wasting time on religious practice, when
      it could be done outside of school.
Chosen Topic –
Religious Schools
                                Should it be Banned?
              Faith schools create divide

                    Having faith schools divides children into groups
                    based on their religion, rather than who they are
                                       as a person.
                    For example, in a Catholic school, it is unlikely to
                              have a Muslims there too.

                     This division of cultures isn't good for society as
                     everyone should be as one. It encourages them
                      later in life to not be comfortable with other
                    cultures and religions from being away from it all
                                    their life in education.
                     When in the outside world, the children from faith
                    schools wont be as culturally aware as children from
                                 non-faith schools will be.
Chosen Topic –
   Religious Schools
                                        Should it be Banned?

          Religion doesn't effect their education negatively
Religious schools are funded by taxes, and have the same chances of education
                        just as much as non-faith schools.
When it comes to results of primary and secondary schools, generally the best
   results do come from faith school because of their high expectations.

Also non faith schools usually lack punishment and strict guidelines
     resulting in a lack of concentration and desire to achieve.
Chosen Topic –
Religious Schools
                                    Should it be Banned?
     How many of our schools are actually Faith based?

                                    Adding up the totals across
                                              the UK,
                    Faith Schools    there are 25,598 schools
     57%                            funded by the government,
Non-Faith Schools                     of which 8,474 are faith
         In the UK                     That is only 33%.
                                     (Including England, Scotland,
                                     Wales and Northern Ireland)
Chosen Topic –
   Religious Schools
                                       Should it be Banned?
  If not the ban, Should only the Churchs fund the Faith schools?

A ban of faith schools is said to be
excessive, however some people
    argue that religious schools
   should not be funded by the
They believe the religion they are
teaching should be funded by the
 church as it upon their religion
     they want to teach on.
Should it be Banned?

 Extraordinary People – Channel 5

  The Series style of Extraordinary people
           inspired me because
 they have the same topic, which is spread
   into a different stories which are quite
          different to each episode
Therefore inspiring me to have my topic put
 in to different idea’s all relating to the one
     topic – so it has variety for different
Should it be Banned?

 The Batman Shootings –
        BBC Three

 I was inspired by the use of the
 presenter in this documentary,
 as she didn’t interfere with the
Interviews of witnesses, but just
  helped get an understanding
 and guide the documentary for
          the audience.
Should it be Banned?

Accused: The 74 Stone Babysitter –
            Channel 4
   I was inspired by the shots in this
documentary as it was quite simple and
  basic – which captures what they’re
                        saying and doing e.g…

Mid shot whiles he’s doing   Screen shot of pictures for   Expert sitting to the right
 things around his house           the back story                while talking
Should it be Banned?
                              Target Audience
Age – 15 – 22 year olds
Because the topics in the documentary relates more to them, and they would be
the ones who know least on each topics. Also being shown at 8pm, it would be
when teenagers are mostly watching TV.
Ethnicity – British
Because the stories would be from British people, and also the documentary facts
and information will be only on the British public and relates to all ethnicities.
Gender – Mostly women
Because the majority of the documentary topics would be more appealing to
women. Also airbrushing and the Muslim veil mostly have to do with women only.
Interests – Health, Religion, Education and the Media
Because its to do with my topics of my Documentaries
Social Class – Lower class & Middle class
Because channel 5 is on Freeview so people who can’t afford Sky might be more
likely to watch it, also the lower and middle class may be more interested in these
topics as it relates with them.
Should it be Banned?
                                 Channel & Time
For my Documentary I would have
it on channel 5, because…
- Their documentary’s are simplistic without
    too much dramatic features

- They focus on the story rather than trying
    to please a specific audience

- Its more of a sophisticated channel
I will show it at 8pm because…

- It’s when young people turn on the TV
- My topic’s are not inappropriate and do
      not need to be late on TV.

- The more mainstream programs are shown
    at 9pm so showing it at 8pm will have
    more viewings.
Should it be Banned?


I am using the convention on
interviews with an expert

 I will have the expert name and speciality written in the bottom
          left corner with the name bolder than the other.
    Also I will have my the expert sitting on the right side of the
screen with a setting or objects relating to their profession in the
Should it be Banned?


I am developing the
convention of presenter

     Channel 5 documentaries do not usually include a female
  presenter’s, but a male voiceover. Also the presenter would be
 interactive with the public, but not individuals who are telling a
                        story or an expert.
Should it be Banned?

   Volume Control

I am using the convention of
volume control because…

   I will have mellow, not too harsh background music which will
  play louder at parts where there is no talking and then when the
 presenter some on to screen, the music will decrease in volume to
                        suit her volume voice.
Should it be Banned?

 Supporting Images

I am using the convention of
supporting images because…

 I will be showing a screen shot of advertisements from various
makeup brands that have been banned for examples and to show
   the audience examples of what is considered unacceptable.
Should it be Banned?

   Begin with a close up of a      An establishing shot to show
                                                                     The presenter will in a mid
cigarette to show the detail on   loads of people smoking in one
                                                                       shot to introduce the
   it and amplify the smoke         place to show its very social

Show interviews but only little      The presenter will say a       Statistics relating will show
  quotes from a few to get a       rhetorical question, or some     with words and some kind of
    beginning hypothesis            information on the topics            graph or pie chart
Should it be Banned?

                                                                    Some supporting footage and
  Show an expert interview         Interviews with the public
                                                                   images are shown over a voice
  saying facts on the subject    asking opinions son the subject
                                                                       over of the presenter

 End with the presenter saying
something interesting to watch

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Assignment 8 a2 individual coursework presentation

  • 1. Assignment 8 A2 Individual Coursework Presentation Kaya Sumbland
  • 2. Pre-Task Interviews I did my interview on public websites, such as Yahoo! Answers and The Student Room as I couldn’t go out and do real life interviews. However, by this I was able to get thoughts and reliable results as it comes from people of all ages across the UK. This is what I found… What Documentaries have you watched? Michael Moore, How its made, Science ones, Wildlife, Terrorism, BBC Docs on Nature, Supersize me, Planet Earth, 24 Hours in A&E, An Idiot Abroad and Embarrassing Bodies What documentaries have you enjoyed? Wonders of the World, Life Stories, UK Based, Medical, Emotional Attachment, Ones based on Rescores, Nature and Wildlife, Animals, Military, Paranormal, Religion, Myths, Conspiracy, Sports and Horror What about not enjoyed? History, Celebrities, Politics, Fashion, Manipulative and Documentaries which insult intelligence What are some interesting/current/debates topics in the world today that you would like to learn more about? Social Activity, Behaviour, Miners trapped underground, Other Planets , Technology, Religion, Geography, Environment, Government of the USA and Economy of the world What kind of topics would you like to see a Documentary about? Animals, Social Change, Technology, Religion, Geography, Human Biology, The Future and Revolution
  • 3. Exploring Topics 4 1 Animal Cruelty School - Animals as food - Single sex schools - Animals in sport - Longer/Shorter school - Animal testing days - Pedigree breeding - Religion onto schools Documentary - Animals in medicine - School snitches - Animals as fashion - Pressure of teachers Topics 5 2 Myths and Government Misconceptions 3 - - - Helpful or Harmful Lying to the Public? Family - Bermuda triangle Existence of ghosts - Do they really listen to - Same sex marriage - UFO’s our needs? - Kids to busy to be kids - Horoscopes - Hitting children - Unmarried couples
  • 4. Exploring Topics 6 9 Unexplained Technology - How advanced has Mysteries Technology become? - Paranormal phenomena - How necessary is the new - Bermuda triangle technology? Documentary - Big foot - Will this harm our - Lock ness monster future? Topics 10 7 Should it be Law banned? - Death Penalty - Voting rights for 8 - Ban Smoking prisoners Media - Ban Airbrushing - Prisoners receiving a new - Damage to health - Ban the Islamic Muslim identity - Sex on TV veil (Burka;Higab) - Media Publicity for - Advertising violence - Ban Religious schools prisoners - Amplification of drugs - Is the life sentence too shot?
  • 5. This is my graph following the Feedback on Topics results from the public when asked to pick their top 5 favourite topics. 14 The popularity of the documentary by likes #1 12 #2 10 #3 Myths and Misconceptions 8 Should It be Banned? 6 Technology Animal Cruelty Government Law 4 Unexplained Media Mysteries Schools 2 Family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name of topic of documentary asked
  • 6. My 3 Potential Topics #1 - Myths and Misconceptions #2 – Should it be banned? #3 - Law
  • 7. Myths and Misconceptions A Documentary series about ‘Myths and Misconceptions’ Episode 1:‘UFO’s’ – Fact or fiction, the fakers and real footage Episode 2: ‘The Existence of Ghosts’ – Evidence, and how they are proven to be . . real, what really happens when we die Episode 3: ‘Horoscopes’ – What do they really mean, and how could they . apply to everyone Episode 4: ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ – What is the real facts about what's . . . . . happened, mysterious myths to explain it
  • 8. Myths and Misconceptions What would people learn about? They would learn the fact and fiction behind misconceptions in the world today. It will inform the viewers on the real life experiences/sightings and the fakers of all the myths. What style of Documentary is it? This documentary would be a informative because I simply wan to tell the audience the facts and fiction of each topic. Explaining what each mean/are and what the truth is behind the misconceptions and fakers.
  • 9. Should it be Banned? A Documentary series about ‘Should it be Banned?’ Episode 1: ‘Smoking’ – The damage it causes, and unnecessary product, causes . addiction Episode 2: ‘Airbrushing’ – Showing false images, advertising the wrong things Episode 3: ‘Wearing the Muslim/Islamic veil’ – Could possibly be dangerous to . . members of the public, hiding identity Episode 4: ‘Religious Schools’ – Causes division, not teaching about other . . . . . . religions, separate different cultures from mixing
  • 10. Should it be Banned? What would people learn about? My audience would learn about why these topics are debated on being banned in the UK. Also to learn about the cons and maybe pro’s in society, and why people go with/do these things. What style of Documentary is it? This documentary would be a informative because its simply informing the public on the issues these topics may cause onto society, and also possibly showing the audience why people do/go with those things.
  • 11. The Law A Documentary series about ‘The Law’ Episode 1: ‘Criminals Receiving New Identity’ – Do they deserve this, could . . this be potentially dangerous Episode 2: ‘Death Penalty’ – The debate on bringing it back, does it teach the . . . wrong things Episode 3: ‘Voting for Criminals’ – Do they deserve this, do they have the right Episode 4: ‘The Life Sentence’ – Is it long enough, is it taken to lightly, do killers . need harsher punishment
  • 12. The Law What would people learn about? People ill learn about the law on criminals and whether they are right or wrong and beneficial to the public. Also raising the popular question on the law’s on criminals being fair and representative on the crime they committed. What style of Documentary is it? This documentary would be a informative because I simply want to tell the audience both sides of the argument regarding the law on criminals.
  • 13. To get UK feedback I asked on Yahoo! Answers Feedback on Top 3 Idea’s about my last 3 topics to help decide my chosen topics which their feedback was… (Evidence on blog) Myths and Misconceptions The Documentary on this topic was a favourite to some people and was said to be interesting as no one knows the exact truth, Also that it would be really interesting if it could be concluded at the end because they haven't done that before. However, other thought it would be tasteless, its really dated and has been done a lot . Also it doesn't really cater to a wider audience as its not really relevant to today. Should it be Banned? The Documentary on this topic was a favourite to the most people and was said to be interesting, academic and the most controversial making it most engaging to watch. Also that its relevant to todays news and current debates and would be will received by a mass audience. The Law The Documentary on this topic was only liked. It was said to have the potential to be controversial but probably not the most exciting documentary. They said it’s relevant so there would be a lot of interest around the topic. However, there are too many crime documentaries and it quite dated.
  • 14. Should it be Banned?
  • 15. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? Approximately, 10 Billion people smoke in the UK Today, And their general reasons why, are to look ‘cool’, for stress relief and because they get addicted BUT It is said to take 5 years of Smoking before you become truly addicted, so what keeps people smoking for so long until they realise they want to quit because not only is their life is slowly shrivelling in to its slow foul death but its affecting everyone around them.
  • 16. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? What is the History of Smoking for the UK? Tobacco was first introduced into Europe in the 16th century as there was the idea it was medical or healing. The tobacco pipe was brought in by Ralph Lane. It then became very popular during WW1, as well as cigarettes. It was seen as a luxurious product by many man. Later, gained popularity and style for women in the 1920’s when they could smoke in their own homes.
  • 17. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? Why should it be Banned? It caused diseases & problems like… • Lung cancer • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • • • Heart disease • • • Circulation • • • Sexual problems • Ageing • • • Fertility • • • Menopause •
  • 18. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? Also forming the risk of… • Asthma • Cataracts • Colds • Macular degeneration • Flu • Pulmonary fibrosis • Chest infections • Psoriasis • Tuberculosis • Gum disease • Chronic rhinitis • Tooth loss Hyperthyroidism • Diabetic retinopathy • Osteoporosis • Hyperthyroidism • Raynaud's phenomenon • Multiple sclerosis • Lip Cancer • Optic neuritis • Crohn's disease • Dementia • Optic neuropathy Gum Disease Tuberculosis
  • 19. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? The affects doesn't stop at the individual smoking, it effects everyone around them too… For the people around the smokers, second hand smoke can cause heart and lung cancer to the individual. In children living with parents that smoke increases their chances of lung and ear infection and sever asthma. Finally in pregnant women, being near second- hand smoke it gives their unborn baby a risk of being born underweight.
  • 20. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? ALSO, If it is banned, There are great heath benefits!
  • 21. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? However, in knowledge of all of this, why is it not Banned already? • It employs many low-skilled workers • • The government make ALOT of money from the cigarette taxes • Could create a black market for Tobacco • • People are addicted • • It helps relieve stress • • Its less harmful than other drugs • •
  • 22. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? What is really in a Cigarette? Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, more than 50 of which are known to cause cancer. E.g...
  • 23. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? What makes it so addictive? Nicotine is the main substance of a cigarette which makes it so highly addictive. Within 7 seconds of puffing on a cigarette, nicotine enters your brain providing it sensations of relaxation, alertness and putting you into a better mood. Therefore creating that crave for the boost, making the individual smoke more. But that’s not all. It comes with withdrawal symptoms which happen when the nicotine is not longer in your body being – • Changes in heart rate • Anger • Change in mood • Frustration • Increase in appetite • Restlessness • Changes to digestion • Anxiousness • Sleeping problems • Irritability
  • 24. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? How the Media is trying to stop smoking? There is many images and video’s trying to scared and shock the public of what smoking does to you and those around you, even on the cigarette packets themselves, e.g
  • 25. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? How the Media is trying to stop smoking? The NHS have many adverts to persuade people and parents to quit smoking because of its affect on younger children. The advert shows Mother and Daughter – Father and Son relationship of copying what the other does finalising in the daughter coping her mums smoking A more recent advert shows second hand cigarette smoke surrounding a baby in its home while the mum smokes outside the window – showing what’s invisible to the human eye
  • 26. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? About 40% of smokers today, first started when they were under 16 Here is a shocking graph from the NHS on how much smoking is influencing children
  • 27. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? How would a smoking ban affect the UK? Though cigarettes are a foul, irresponsible habit, it has a huge positive effect of the UK economy. The tobacco industry provides farming, factory, transport, and retail jobs. As it creates jobs for… • The farmers who grow it • • The driver who drive it to the industries • • The industry who makes them • • Gives Doctors more jobs when people get diseases • • More Scientific research gets done for cancer cures Also the government gain taxes from the cigarettes sold from the 10 million who smoke in the UK
  • 28. Chosen Topic – Smoking Should it be Banned? What will our future be like with a Smoking ban? • The rates of cancer would drop • • Most of people breathing problems would stop • • The would be a massive decrease in deaths • • There would be less Jobs for many people • • The government would have a lot less taxes • • No children would start smoking • • Everyone who smokes or lives around smokers would be dramatically healthier
  • 29. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? Where do we see airbrushed images in the Media? Magazines Billboards TV Adverts
  • 30. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? When did Airbrushing first come about? In the 19th century the black and white pictures were hand coloured to give them a more natural and beautiful look. However, nowadays natural beauty isn't what is considered perfection. Photo manipulation has been occurring since the invention of photography, where advertisers touch up, and change parts of their image to its best – even if its changing the image completely.
  • 31. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? Why should airbrushing advertisments be banned? • Very misleading upon the products • • Ends up looking completely different to the picture taken • • False view upon impossible perfection • • Creates to obsession leading to eating disorders, e.g anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating • • Create insecurities for young people • • A lot of people don’t even notice it being done
  • 32. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? Why Shouldn’t we ban Air Brushing Advertisments? • Its needed to make a product sell • • It makes money for the advertisers • • The public don’t want to see something unappealing in the media • • Some images need the help, what the product does in life, may not appear on the camera • • Eating disorders still occur • • It attracts an audience
  • 33. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? Does air brushing really create eating disorders? A former anorexia sufferer Rachael Johnston feels her anorexia was formed from her insecurities and pressure to be perfect from images in the media. She became ill at the age of 13, plunging down to 4.5 stone at her lowest. She cut out so many pictures of models and celebrities from magazines and filled them into a scrapbook. Her main obsession was Victoria Beckham where she cut out her body then stuck her face on top, as that’s the only way she would be perfect.
  • 34. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) Images in magazines and in TV adverts aren't always allowed to be as misconceiving as they seem. The ASA have banned many adverts from appearing on TV and in magazines. For example… ASA banned this image of Rachel Weisz from L’Oreal Paris advert because of the excessive airbrushing of her skin to appear smother than it actually is. This ban was enforced from MP Jo Swinson, who is again responsible for the banning of a few other L’Oreal Paris adverts, such as…
  • 35. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) These pictures of (right) Julia Roberts and (left) Christy Turlington's were banned of their advert for Lancôme Paris and Maybelline due to their too much Photoshop for unrealistic results.
  • 36. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? But is the ban too excessive for minor problems in the UK? To ban airbrushing from adverts is very excessive as adverts for products, in order to sell well and get somewhere need the boost of Photoshop. However, instead of the complete ban, many people argue to put a little caption or symbol on these images and advert to the public that it has been airbrushed, so it can prevent problems and misconceptions to the people who see it. Which is very similar to hair and eyelash adverts where they clearly state it at the bottom of the screen.
  • 37. Chosen Topic – Air Brushing Should it be Banned? What does the population think of the Ban? On, a poll had been taken out to get a wide view on the Ban of air brushing magazine, billboard and TV adverts. A majority of, 75% of 565 people had voted for a ban of airbrushing – so therefore it is something to be considered here in the UK.
  • 38. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? What is the Muslin/Islamic veil? The reason Muslims wear this veil is to hide that of which men find sexually attractive. It covers their hair, ears and throat. However, the public’s cause of concern is the Niqab and the Burqa. Niqab Burqa • It is a headscarf • It is a headscarf which covers which covers the face only the entire face, revealing the not showing eyes any features at • • all Its use is • widespread • Its traditionally through the worn by influence Pashtuns in Wahabi Islam Afghanistan
  • 39. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? Why should the UK Ban the Niqab and Burqa? • These Muslim veils cover the identity of people behind • • Its un-social and isolating • • When wearing a balaclava its illegal in • certain public places, but not when • wearing the veil – which some consider • unfair • Safety reasons of not knowing who is behind the clothing's to hide their identity
  • 40. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? Why should be Muslim veil not be banned? • Its part of the Islamic religion • • Its tradition • • It’s a persons free choice to wear what they like • • Could be seen as a personal attack •
  • 41. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? Does wearing the Muslim veil go against British culture? Here in the Britain, culture is widely accepted. Though is covering your identity in public acceptable? No knowing the identity of the individual around you makes from people feel uncomfortable and intimidated, and makes some people feel in danger For religious purposes, people can cover their faces in their places of worship, but in public places should it be banned? British people who go to foreign countries, especially in the middle east must adhere to their cress code of their culture and religion. Therefore many people are it should work both ways and coving your face should not be acceptable in the UK
  • 42. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? You can’t change Muslim beleifs and issues Just because Muslim’s cover their face, dose not mean they don’t accept wider British culture. Although you must adhere to dress codes in other countries – its their own right as they are strongly religious while Britain doesn't really embrace its Christianity. We as a country are meant to embrace all cultures for what they are. It would be penalising to the Muslims to ban a part of their culture, and keep another part of another culture.
  • 43. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? Could wearing the veil create danger for society? Wearing the Niqab only uncovers the eyes on the individual behind, though, the Burqa completely covers up the person behind’s identity. This is a potential danger to society because if someone in these veils committed a crime, it will be impossible to find out who they are as they’re completely hidden behind the fabric. Anyone can get hold of the clothes and commit crimes knowing they can never be caught leaving no traces of identity behind.
  • 44. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? Does wearing it isolate the individual and those around them? When wearing the Niqab and Burqa it automatically indicated to the public they are Muslim or Islamic. From this they will automatically only talk to others in the same clothing as they are and distance themselves from anyone else who’s not a part of their culture. The Muslim community have often been easy targeted victims of racism because they are distinctively different. Some argue if the veil was banned then their wouldn’t be as much racism as there is, and it would open up people to be more welcoming and social towards them, in their community.
  • 45. Wearing Chosen Topic – Muslin/Islamic Veil Should it be Banned? Would it really be reasonable to ban the Niqab and Burqa If British people want to ban something as sacred and religious as the veil, there will be many individuals protests for many other things to be banned. If the Government feel it is not a danger to society and there has been no occurrence to put people against it, you can’t ban the Niqab or the Burqa. Also if UK was to ban it, it would create more hate, and possibly make some matters worse.
  • 46. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? Why do we have religious schools here in the UK? The UK originally has Christian schools as it’s the country's traditional faith. Faith schools consist of the standard education provided by the Government, but shaped around their religious culture and practice.
  • 47. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? Why we should ban religious schools? • It creates a divide with different religious cultures in schools • • They don’t focus fully on education • • Religion isn't based on facts, and is seen as brainwashing
  • 48. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? Why shouldn’t we ban religious schools? • Its only teaching a religion – it doesn't effect other subjects • • Its freedom of speech • • It doesn't really effect anyone • • Forms good morals for children
  • 49. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? Should education collide with religion? There is a big debate to whether being in a faith school will push its bias view onto the education in their schools. It’s argued non-faith schools focus on plain education and should be the only schools allowed as they also teach other religions for what it is. Rather faith schools would possibly misguide their students on the other faiths – or some not teach the other religions or theories at all. Also wasting time on religious practice, when it could be done outside of school.
  • 50. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? Faith schools create divide Having faith schools divides children into groups based on their religion, rather than who they are as a person. For example, in a Catholic school, it is unlikely to have a Muslims there too. This division of cultures isn't good for society as everyone should be as one. It encourages them later in life to not be comfortable with other cultures and religions from being away from it all their life in education. When in the outside world, the children from faith schools wont be as culturally aware as children from non-faith schools will be.
  • 51. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? Religion doesn't effect their education negatively Religious schools are funded by taxes, and have the same chances of education just as much as non-faith schools. When it comes to results of primary and secondary schools, generally the best results do come from faith school because of their high expectations. Also non faith schools usually lack punishment and strict guidelines resulting in a lack of concentration and desire to achieve.
  • 52. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? How many of our schools are actually Faith based? Adding up the totals across the UK, 33% Faith Schools there are 25,598 schools 57% funded by the government, Non-Faith Schools of which 8,474 are faith schools. In the UK That is only 33%. (Including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
  • 53. Chosen Topic – Religious Schools Should it be Banned? If not the ban, Should only the Churchs fund the Faith schools? A ban of faith schools is said to be excessive, however some people argue that religious schools should not be funded by the Government. They believe the religion they are teaching should be funded by the church as it upon their religion they want to teach on.
  • 54. Should it be Banned? Inspiration Extraordinary People – Channel 5 The Series style of Extraordinary people inspired me because they have the same topic, which is spread into a different stories which are quite different to each episode Therefore inspiring me to have my topic put in to different idea’s all relating to the one topic – so it has variety for different audiences.
  • 55. Should it be Banned? Inspiration The Batman Shootings – BBC Three I was inspired by the use of the presenter in this documentary, as she didn’t interfere with the Interviews of witnesses, but just helped get an understanding and guide the documentary for the audience.
  • 56. Should it be Banned? Inspiration Accused: The 74 Stone Babysitter – Channel 4 I was inspired by the shots in this documentary as it was quite simple and basic – which captures what they’re saying and doing e.g… Mid shot whiles he’s doing Screen shot of pictures for Expert sitting to the right things around his house the back story while talking
  • 57. Should it be Banned? Target Audience Age – 15 – 22 year olds Because the topics in the documentary relates more to them, and they would be the ones who know least on each topics. Also being shown at 8pm, it would be when teenagers are mostly watching TV. Ethnicity – British Because the stories would be from British people, and also the documentary facts and information will be only on the British public and relates to all ethnicities. Gender – Mostly women Because the majority of the documentary topics would be more appealing to women. Also airbrushing and the Muslim veil mostly have to do with women only. Interests – Health, Religion, Education and the Media Because its to do with my topics of my Documentaries Social Class – Lower class & Middle class Because channel 5 is on Freeview so people who can’t afford Sky might be more likely to watch it, also the lower and middle class may be more interested in these topics as it relates with them.
  • 58. Should it be Banned? Channel & Time For my Documentary I would have it on channel 5, because… - Their documentary’s are simplistic without too much dramatic features - - They focus on the story rather than trying to please a specific audience - - Its more of a sophisticated channel - I will show it at 8pm because… - - It’s when young people turn on the TV - - My topic’s are not inappropriate and do not need to be late on TV. - - The more mainstream programs are shown at 9pm so showing it at 8pm will have more viewings. -
  • 59. Should it be Banned? Conventions Interviews I am using the convention on interviews with an expert because… I will have the expert name and speciality written in the bottom left corner with the name bolder than the other. Also I will have my the expert sitting on the right side of the screen with a setting or objects relating to their profession in the background.
  • 60. Should it be Banned? Conventions Presenter I am developing the convention of presenter because… Channel 5 documentaries do not usually include a female presenter’s, but a male voiceover. Also the presenter would be interactive with the public, but not individuals who are telling a story or an expert.
  • 61. Should it be Banned? Conventions Volume Control I am using the convention of volume control because… I will have mellow, not too harsh background music which will play louder at parts where there is no talking and then when the presenter some on to screen, the music will decrease in volume to suit her volume voice.
  • 62. Should it be Banned? Conventions Supporting Images I am using the convention of supporting images because… I will be showing a screen shot of advertisements from various makeup brands that have been banned for examples and to show the audience examples of what is considered unacceptable.
  • 63. Should it be Banned? Plan Begin with a close up of a An establishing shot to show The presenter will in a mid cigarette to show the detail on loads of people smoking in one shot to introduce the it and amplify the smoke place to show its very social documentary Show interviews but only little The presenter will say a Statistics relating will show quotes from a few to get a rhetorical question, or some with words and some kind of beginning hypothesis information on the topics graph or pie chart
  • 64. Should it be Banned? Plan Some supporting footage and Show an expert interview Interviews with the public images are shown over a voice saying facts on the subject asking opinions son the subject over of the presenter End with the presenter saying something interesting to watch more