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English language skills. However, we got
Thailand shares                                             assistance from the team, who gave
Regional Summit                                             suggestions and encouragement, until
                                                            we were able to successfully handle the
experiences                                                 task. I felt that I had more courage and
                                                            self-confidence through the support and
Two young women from Thailand write                         assistance received. Upon completion of
about their experiences at the Regional                     the assignment I felt proud of myself,
Summit:                                                     although it was only a small task.

Witchada                                                    Being in a small group for some of
Techasawatwit                                               discussions gave me the chance to learn
writes “I was                                               from various perspectives – the
very happy and                                              similarities and differences in culture and
proud to be one                                             society of each country. Anyway,
of the young                                                exchanging opinions and sharing
women                                                       experiences were what made us felt
representatives                                             closer to each other.
from Thailand to
attend this AP Summit. I learned new                        Each of us feels very proud and
things and had greater understanding of                     fortunate to have had the chance to
the Guiding Movement through the                            attend this summit. We listened and
exchange of experiences among friends                       gathered experiences from the
from other countries as well as joining in                  discussions and Q&A. However, there
various activities. Furthermore, I was                      were some topics rather sophisticated,
inspired with the positive perspectives of                  which were more difficult to understand.
Girl Guiding, including the motivation to
work more for the benefit of the public                     From the four days of summit, I learned
and community.                                              that to have efficient strategies in
                                                            developing the organization successfully,
The Opening Ceremony was held in the                        we need to brain storm, exchange and
auditorium. Prior to that, the two young                    share opinions as well as listen to each
women from Thailand i.e. Parinyaporn                        other. Members should be able to
and I, together with another young                          explore the pros and cons, and accept
woman from Hong Kong, were assigned                         ideas from each other, reaching
to sing short songs to attract the                          agreement rationally and, more
participants before the official ceremony.                  importantly, to caution each other or
We were rather nervous, because we                          help each other in various ways. This will
have never sang in front of large groups                    reduce misunderstanding and conflict.”
before. We were also anxious about our

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May 2010

Miss Parinyaporn Ditprasert reported:           discussion was designed to give the
“We had the opportunity to discuss with         students an opportunity to look at the
other young members about the                   difficulties and challenges faced by
problems of Girl Guides in each country         women in traditionally male-dominated
and look at how these problems could be         professions, and the difference Girl
solved. I had the opportunity to learn          Guiding have made in terms of
what Guides in other countries were             empowering women. Over 700 students
doing, for example Singapore showed us          attended the two-hour panel discussion
their Guiding website, which contained          held on 9 March at Homagama Central
very interesting information; Taiwan            College.
shared their handicrafts in making rings,
which I found very impressive; the              The eminent panellists who took part in
Philippines, the host country, showed off       the discussion included Professor Savitri
the mascot dressed in the Guiding               Goonesekera (former Vice Chancellor of
uniform, which I found very cute. I             the University of Colombo), Mrs
promised myself that one thing I will           Sharmini Ratwatte (Board Member of
never forget about this trip to the             MAS Holdings), Mrs Linda Speldewinde
Philippines is the warm hospitality and         (Founder and Managing Director of the
nice, friendly smiles.”                         Academy of Design) and Ms Nihara
                                                Jayatilleke (Managing Director of Asian
                                                Aviation Centre (Pvt) Ltd).
Women’s Day 2010                                Mrs Ratwatte stated that only about 35
                                                per cent of Sri Lankan women are
                                                following professional careers and
Serena Hotel Islamabad organized                invited the students to think about why
Women’s week                                    this couldn’t be raised to 50 per cent.
from 8 to 12                                    Mrs Speldewinde said: “Every woman
March 2010 in                                   had the right to a career and students
relation to                                     should not feel that, as women, they are
International                                   restricted from following certain
Women’s Day.                                    careers.” She gave her own career path
Pakistan Girl                                   as an example, and explained how she
Guides Association organized an                 had started her Academy. Despite a lack
awareness stall during the exhibition.          of support from those around her, she
Senior Guides and Leaders from the              was determined to go ahead with her
Federal and Model Colleges, together            plans, and is today considered to be an
with staff of PGGA and ICT branches             extremely successful individual. Mrs
participated in this event. Women’s Day         Jayatilleke stated that 100 per cent
was also celebrated by the Open Ismailia        commitment was needed to succeed in
District on 13 March 2010 at the                any job. She said that women could not
community centre Islamabad. A                   hold down jobs expecting promotions to
competition was held between Girl               come their way automatically, and that
Guides and female volunteers who                women have to work hard, with
arranged different stalls displaying            determination and commitment, and
Afghan and Pakistani culture and food.          prove themselves worthy of the
The Guide Company from Rawalpindi               promotion.
won the competition.
                                                The four panellists kept their audience
The Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association           enthralled and it was with difficulty that
(SLGGA) commemorated the 100th                  the discussion was brought to a close. It
anniversary of International Women’s            was no surprise that once the event was
Day by organizing a panel discussion on         concluded the panellists were inundated
the ‘Role of women in challenging               with requests for autographs by the
professions’ for G.C.E. O’level and A’          students!
level students in the Homagama Zone of
the Western Province. The panel

May 2010

Why do I volunteer                              Some of these women had been at the
                                                Chalet 40 or 50 years ago, and had
Miranda Cummings from Australia                 remained friends with those they worked
writes on her volunteer experience              with despite not reuniting until now. I
at Our Chalet                                   can only hope that the friendships I have
                                                made will be as enduring. Those
“My experience at Our Chalet has been,          friendships are obviously strongest with
in a word, fulfilling.                          other volunteers and staff, but it has
                                                been lovely to also make friends with
Full of                                         the guests who stay at Our Chalet.
Guiding Spirit
– Before I                                      Full of Inspiration – I leave Our Chalet
arrived at Our                                  having been inspired in a myriad of
Chalet, I had                                   different ways. My Guiding self has been
many people                                     inspired by gaining an understanding of
ask me: “aren’t                                 the immensity of Guiding, to feel so
you nervous                                     proud to be one in 10 million. My Guide
about going to                                  Leader self has been inspired by the
Switzerland to                                  songs and games and activities I have
live with                                       learned, and I want to teach my
strangers for                                   Brownies and Guides everything I
three months?”. And I could honestly            learned. My travelling self has been
answer: “No, because I’m going to stay          inspired by hearing the stories of people
with Guides”. I expected Our Chalet to          from many other countries, and their
embody the Guiding spirit, and I was so         offers of accommodation and hospitality.
glad to find that it does. People are           My volunteer self has been inspired by
enthusiastic, helpful, and ready to pitch       hearing of the craziness of massive girl-
in and lend a hand in any situation. That       aged events in summer and winter, to
is not to say, however, that it is living       want to come back to the Chalet again,
among angels. Chalet staff are human            and to encourage my Guides to come as
too, but humans who aim to always do            well.
their best.
                                                Full of Learning – The variety of things
Full of Challenges – Being at Our               that I have learned while at Our Chalet
Chalet has given me the opportunity to          has been truly staggering. Of course,
challenge myself in many different              there are the practical outdoor skills
ways. The most obvious challenge is, of         such as hiking, timing lunch stops while
course, the Staff Challenge, which              hiking, how to drag trees down forested
provided a focus for pushing yourself to        mountain slopes and eis-stocking. Then
do crazy and unimaginable things such           the indoor household skills are just as
as oven-climbing, dryer-climbing and            important – such as using Wendy, how
sleeping in cramped and uncomfortable           to scrub bathroom ceilings and really old
spaces. The challenges of hiking                wooden floors, using a bread-slicer and
mountains are numerous, but the                 organizing a program cellar. And my
rewards of beautiful panoramic views            Guiding knowledge and skills have
and a huge sense of achievement far             definitely increased in the areas of knot-
outweighed any pain. Living in a                tying, campfire-singing, game-playing
German-speaking area in Switzerland             and WAGGGS understanding. Perhaps
provided linguistic challenges when out         the thing I have enjoyed most, however,
and about beyond the safety of the              is hearing and learning snippets of
Chalet boundaries, but a smile and some         German, French, Italian, Spanish,
hand gestures really did work wonders.          Arabic, Slovenia and Swahili (and
Full of Friendship – I found that the
most impressive example of the strength         Full of Fun -When I look back on
of Chalet friendships came from those           overall my Chalet experience, the one
who attended the former staff reunion.          thing that really stands out is how much

May 2010

I have laughed over the past three                13 to 17 January, and we are very much
months. I have just had so much sheer             thankful to the Principal for providing all
fun, and being with similarly silly and           the necessary domestic requirements.
crazy-minded people has enhanced the              We donated six huge garbage bins to the
experience ten-fold. The organized                school as a mark of appreciation, and
frivolity of ice-blocking, eis-stocking and       also to make waste management at the
the staff day out has of course been a            school more efficient. The Chief
LOT of fun, but it amazes me how often            Commissioner and all other
even clearing up after dinner can result          Commissioners and Directors of Sri
in so much laughter. If nothing else, I’m         Lanka Girl Guides Association and the
sure my stomach muscles have                      Commissioners of the Galle District gave
benefited from me being a volunteer at            immense support for the success of
Our Chalet.                                       Cleaner Coast. A special note of thank
                                                  you also goes out to the Chief Minister of
Sri Lanka JLS participant runs beach              Southern Province, the Mayor and the
clean-up project                                  Municipal Council of Galle for all the
                                                  support, assistance and participation in
Chathurangi                                       this project.
De Silva,
member of                                         We got together with different groups,
the Sri Lanka                                     organizations and the community
Girl Guides                                       because we wanted different
Association                                       perspectives and these organizations to
writes on a                                       carry forward the project. If we really do
project she                                       want to make a change, we need to be
set up following her attendance at the            able to continue with the project and get
Juliette Low Seminar in Kenya.                    the community involved.

“The JLS offers an opportunity for young          During these few days, the participants
women to develop international                    learned not just about solid waste
friendships, understanding and                    management and 3R, but a lot about
leadership. I had the great opportunity           leadership, working together and
of attending JLS 2009, which was held in          building partnerships, and more
Kenya, and for the first time in Africa. It       importantly they enjoyed themselves
most definitely was a ‘Safari in                  and had loads of fun.”
Leadership’. Each JLS participant had
to do a personal project of any nature,
once they got back home, which would              WAGGGS’ goals
aim to achieve at least one Millennium
Development Goal. This was to be our              Goal 1 – Leadership
next safari. As my Juliette Low Personal
Project, I decided to conduct a beach             Development
clean-up campaign, which would address
MDGs 7 and 8.                                     Australian Guide named Citizen of
The Girl Guides held hands with the
Scouts, Leos, Rotaractors, International          At just 19 years of
Climate Champions of the British Council          age, Karina Judd
and members of the World University               recently earned
Service, University of Moratuwa – a total         the Young Citizen
of 130 – in order to make ‘Cleaner                of the Year Award
Coast 2010’, a five-day camp and                  from Dubbo City
clean-up campaign, successful.                    Council. The
                                                  award, which was
The camp was held at a major                      announced on
government school, Siri Dhamma                    Australia Day this
Vidyalaya, Labuduwa, Sri Lanka, from              year, recognizes

May 2010

the difference Karina has made in her           “Guiding has opened up so many doors
local community. And it’s all thanks to         and introduced me to so many
Guiding, she says!                              inspirational young women from around
                                                the world,” Karina said. “Since returning
“I joined Guides when I was about seven         home from Sangam, I have started to
and since then, I’ve been involved              work on developing a one-day seminar
through the Youth Programme, as well            programme to introduce Australian
as being a Junior Leader and now an             Guides and their leaders to the Global
Assistant Leader,” she said. “As a Guide,       Action Theme (GAT) curriculum. Over
I have been involved in everything from         the next 12 months, I plan to develop
organizing visits to the local retirement       some fun activities which will enthuse
village, to picking up rubbish in local         Guides on the GAT curriculum and
parks as part of Clean up Australia Day,        provide them with an inspirational
not to mention all the outdoor                  introduction to this important initiative.”
                                                Hong Kong participates in “Youth
“As part of my Queen’s Guide Award, I           uniformed groups organic farming
also became involved with the Dubbo             award project”
City Youth Council, where I worked with
a team of young people to advise the            As part of the
Council on all things youth–related, from       “FarmFest
skate parks to events. I was elected            2010” -
Chairperson in 2009 because of my               organized by
extensive skill set – most of which I           Agriculture,
gained through Girl Guides.                     Fisheries and
“Guiding has not only given me great            Department,
leadership and advocacy skills, it’s also       Vegetable
given me extra confidence, an                   Marketing Organization and Fish
understanding and appreciation of               Marketing Organization, Girl Guides from
others’ values, and a great peer network        Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and
to support me in whatever I choose to           five other uniformed groups were invited
pursue. It’s all about being your best!”        to participate in the ‘Youth uniformed
                                                groups organic farming award project’.
Karina has also been involved in Guiding
at an international level, and recently         This project ran from October 2009 to
attended the WAGGGS Leadership                  January 2010. Twenty-three Girl Guides
Development Programme Seminar at                and one Guider from 5 EK Coy and 84
Sangam, India, where she met with over          EK Coy represented the Association in
30 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 21          the competition. During the project, girls
countries, including all five regions.          visited the organic farm every Saturday
                                                to carry out agricultural work such as
She urged local youths to get involved in       watering, weed picking, and fertilizing
the community and not to be afraid to           etc. They grew tomatoes, cauliflowers
ask for help if they need it.                   and lettuces. After three months of hard
                                                work, the Guides had a good harvest,
Karina has taken part in projects               which went on sale at Fa Hui Park,
including national youth week activities,       Mongkok on 23 January. The vegetables
youth consultation surveys and the              were sold out within one hour.
youth café. She achieved the Queen’s
Guide Award, which required her to              Japan cultural exchange programme
complete challenges in leadership,              with UK Guiders
teamwork, outdoors, international
awareness, Guiding history and active           A total of 18 Guiders from the UK visited
service to the community.                       Japan between 26 November to 9
                                                December 2009 to participate in a
                                                cultural exchange programme with

May 2010

Japanese Girl Scouts. This year, young          Girl Scouts of Japan's 90th
leaders of Chiba Council acted as the           Anniversary Event
planning committee and organized the
programme. The theme was WAGGGS                 On 20 February 2010, ‘Joint Event of Girl
Global Action Theme (GAT): girls                Scouts of Japan's (GSJ) second Honour
worldwide say “together we can                  Lecture was held at Girl Scout House in
change our world", and the sub-theme            Tokyo.
was "Discover our CHIBA". Participants
from the UK and Japan focused on                There were 27 participants, including
education for sustainable development.          Girl Scout members. This event was held
They had opportunities to consider what         in commemoration of the 90th
they can do to achieve the GAT                  anniversary of Social Action Forum and
together. They also visited Mr Kensaku          International Zonta. The theme was
Morita, the prefectural governor of             ‘Social action you can do – how to
Chiba, and Mr Masaharu Nakagawa, the            provide an effective assistance’. There
vice minister of the Ministry of                were lectures by the organizations:
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and         Social Welfare Corporation, Carillon
Technology. They reported their                 Children Center, Women's Net, Saya-
achievements and further understanding          Saya and Shinagawa Child Line, which
of the Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting.              are working for children and women who
                                                suffer from abuse, DV, neglect, bullying
Goal 2 – Strong and
                                                Participants learned how they can
Growing Member                                  engage social contributions. The event
Organizations                                   enabled participants to exchange
                                                information and expand their networks.
Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
wins the Highest Service Hour                   Thailand runs youth advocacy
Award 2008                                      campaign

                       Every year, the          Under the
                       Social Welfare           theme
                       Department’s             ‘together we
                       Steering                 can change
                       Committee on the         our world’,
                       Promotion of             the Girl
                       Volunteer Service        Guides (Girl
                       organizes the            Scouts)
Hong Kong Volunteer Award                       Association of
Presentation Ceremony to recognize the          Thailand has encouraged Senior Guides
contribution of volunteers. With a total        and almost 5,500 girls of 170 groups all
of 3,825,885 service hours, the Hong            over the country, to survey healthy and
Kong Girl Guides Association was                risky areas within 5 kilometers of the
champion of the Highest Service Hour            school and community. They were
Award in 2008 (Public Organizations),           looking for things that might be harmful
which was presented by Mrs Selina               to health – physically, emotionally and
Tsang, the wife of the Chief Executive of       socially.
the HKSAR and also President of HKGGA.
The ceremony was held on 5 December,            Participants analyzed survey results to
2009 at Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong            seek out the most suitable areas for the
Kong Polytechnic University.                    children and the community and then
                                                compared their results with others.

                                                After the survey, a map was drawn,
                                                defining areas which are good, risky,
                                                almost good and almost bad. The girls

May 2010

would propose the results and share              China Light and Power Company Ltd,
among their friends, teachers, parents           Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited,
and their communities in order to help           Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden,
find a solution. Some of the solutions           Business Environmental Council and the
included garbage collecting, encouraging         Tai Po Environmental Association.
the separation of garbage, pulling out
the grasses in the bushes, developing            A joint declaration and a kick-off
unused land into a small agriculture field       ceremony were held on 1 February and 8
for growing herbs and plants, other              March 2010 respectively. Girl Guides
areas can be used as sports fields,              were invited to share their energy-
improving children’s playgrounds,                saving tips.
libraries, shelters and the toilets in the
schools etc.
                                                 Girl Scouts of Japan prized an
Some of the girls also taught the                incentive award of ‘Heart Nurturing
younger girls in nearby schools. Around          Activity’
2,000 girls paraded to present the
results of the survey to the public,             The Girl Scouts of
provincial governor and higher                   Japan’s Peace Pack
authorities to seek further action.              Project received the
                                                 2009 Incentive Award of
                                                 Heart Nurturing Activity
                                                 from a national
Goal 3 - The Voice of                            organization named
                                                 Heart Nurturing General
Girls and Young                                  Forum. On 13 February, Teruko Wada,
Women                                            the President of GSJ attended the
                                                 symposium of Heart Nurturing General
Hong Kong runs reduction of                      Forum held in Tokyo and received the
electricity consumption campaign                 award. The judge said: "It provided an
                                                 opportunity for children nationwide to
The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association            learn about peace and preciousness of
and The Rotary Club are co-organizing            life, as well as participating in
an electricity saving project named the          international cooperation." The judge
‘Ten Percent Campaign’. It aims to               valued GSJ's 15-year continuous
increase awareness of members on the             cooperation with non-members of local
importance and ways of energy saving,            communities.
and to encourage members and their
families to save energy and live an              GSJ received the award and an extra
energy-efficient life.                           prize from Atsuko Toyama, the President
                                                 of Panasonic Education Foundation and
The project takes place in March to June         ex-Minister of Education, Culture,
2010. Members are encouraged to                  Sports, Science and Technology.
reduce their household electricity
consumption by at least 10 per cent              Singapore represented        at   WLDP
compared to the same period last year.           Seminar Sangam
Bronze, silver and gold badges will be
awarded to those that achieve 10 per                                 Suganthi R
cent, 20 per cent and 30 per cent                                    Shunmugalingam
reductions respectively. Other awards in                             from Girl Guides of
individual, units and division levels will                           Singapore attended
also be presented to encourage                                       the WLDP Seminar
participation.                                                       at Sangam from 7
                                                                     to 13 February
The campaign is supported by                                         2010.
organizations including the
Environmental Campaign Committee,

May 2010

She writes: “Participants from different         children coming and going from the
parts of the world started arriving at           mobile crèches as these places were
Sangam from 6 February. Everyone                 normally set up for the children of
came with a single aim: to gain                  construction workers. The parents would
leadership skills. However, by the end of        withdraw their children from the school
the seminar not only did we gain                 whenever their work required them to
leadership skills, we also gained new            move to another location. This, however,
friendships and the love of Indian culture       is the unfortunate reality that the
and food.                                        children of lower income families are
                                                 currently facing.
The first few days of the seminar were
focused on the participants improving            The most fun part of the seminar was
our weaknesses. Workshops on self-               the last night, when we had an Indian
esteem, self-confidence and motivation           feast and an international night. It was a
were conducted. It is true that most             time for us to let loose after a whole
successful leaders have very healthy             week of seminars and have fun. We
self-esteem and are good motivators.             were treated to a lovely dramatization of
Not only did we learn about how self-            Gandhi’s life by the children from one of
confidence and self-esteem affected a            the projects near Sangam. Following the
leader, seminars on effective listening,         dramatization, the international night
inquiry appreciation and many other              was held. This was a time for all the
useful workshops were conducted to               participants to share a little bit of their
equip us with the tools of becoming an           countries cultures, traditions and most
effective leader. Most of the learning           of all food! It was a good end to a
that we did was through the form of              wonderful time spent learning from the
games rather than presentations. It was          trainers and other participants.”
one of the most effective ways of
engaging the participants as every single        Girl Scouts Philippines outreach
person was involved in the activities.           activity

One of the activities that stood out in          In the spirit of
almost every participants’ mind was the          giving and
community visits. The participants were          sharing, the
given an option of three places to visit:        Girl Scouts of
Mobile Crèches, Nyanti and Zenat and             the Philippines
doorstep school. These community                 National
services were a part of the volunteer            Headquarters
work that some of the staff at Sangam            held an
were carrying out. I had volunteered to          outreach activity, in lieu of an annual
spend some time at the Mobile Crèches            Christmas party, on 16 December 2009
site at Nyanti. Some of us were                  at Pedro Guevarra Memorial National
surprised to see that a one-room                 High School open court in Barangay
building constructed with bricks and a           Bubuka, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. More than
zinc rooftop was filled with children aged       190 children from 103 families benefited
between six months to 16 years of age.           from the Christmas gifts which included
All of them were trying to get some form         backpacks, school supplies, toys and
of after/before-school education. The            food items donated by the members of
children started off the day with gruel          the Asia Pacific Region, Friends of Asia
and songs and were later broken up into          Pacific WAGGGS (FAPW) and other GSP
small groups to do some form of work.            supporters during the Asia Pacific
The volunteers would teach the children          Regional Summit held last November in
English through songs or games. They             the Philippines.
would then have their lunch break and
the informal English lessons would
                                                 The group, headed by Dr. Salud A.
continue. One of the most recurrent
                                                 Bagalso, National President, Mrs Ma.
comments that the volunteers had was
                                                 Dolores T. Santiago, National Executive
that it was difficult to keep track of the

May 2010

Director and Miss Gloria E Calotes, Asst.            Association of Thailand, Northern
National Executive Director, was joined              Training Center, Chiang Mai Province to
by Dr. Esmeralda E. De Castro, School                run various projects since 2007.
Principal and Hon. Florindo Damitan,
Barangay Chairman in welcoming the                   Thinking Day celebrations
                                                     The Girl Guides Association of Malaysia
There were games and dance                           celebrated and launched their World
presentations by the children during the             Thinking Day event on Sunday 28
programme. All the children and their                February under the theme ’Together
families left the venue with smiles on               we can end poverty and hunger’. The
their faces.                                         Honourable Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah
                                                     Bte Mansor, President of GGAM, graced
Thailand run ’To teach life skills for               the occasion and launched the
living a meaningful life’ project                    celebration at the Girl Guide’s
                                                     headquarters, witnessed by about 200
The Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) Association            distinguished guests and members.
of Thailand, Northern Training Center,
Chiang Mai Province, received funds                  The Girl Guides Association of Malaysia
from the UNWG-Geneva for the ’To                     helped three of its members from
teach life skills in living a meaningful life’       around the Klang Valley by donating
project during the summer vacation in                basic items such as bags of rice, sugar,
April–May 2010 fat Sub-Northern                      biscuits, cooking oil, toothbrushes,
Training Center (Rural Young Women                   toothpaste and soap. The three families,
Development Center), Wieng PaPao,                    who are Indian, Malay and Chinese – the
Chiang Rai province. The funds were                  main indigenous groups in West
received with assistance from Mrs                    Malaysia – will be receiving these basic
Yvonne Ismail-Urfer, Former President,               necessities throughout the year.
The United Nations Women’s Guild,
Geneva (UNWG-Geneva). This project                   The President in her speech emphasized
gives about 40 teenagers, aged 12 to 18              that the association should reach out to
years old from very poor villages in                 the community and ensure that they
North Thailand with limited access to                render service to one and all at every
higher education, an opportunity to start            given opportunity.
their own small business and generate
income to help support the family and                                            Over 500 Boy
become an example or leader for fellow                                           Scout and Girl
villagers.                                                                       Scout
The activities included Guiding activities,                                      celebrated
activities to supplement occupation (to                                          World
promote sewing with machine, by hand,                                            Thinking Day
embroidery and painting), activities                                             in a joint
promoting basic weaving, supplement                  celebration between three councils of
agricultural knowledge, home                         Tainan County, Chayi City and Chayi
economics, food and dessert                          County, Girl Scouts of Taiwan. The
preparation, household duties and                    event focused on the theme, which
hygiene. Mrs Yvonne Ismail-Urfer also                inspired everyone to make contributions
helped in teaching Basic English                     to help others living with starvation or
conversation for 25 girls aged 5 – 12                poor conditions. Mrs Huang, Shin-Hua,
years old at the summer camp from 8 to               Chief Commissioner of Tainan County
19 March 2010 at the Northern Training               Council, made an speech encouraging
Center, Chiang Mai province.                         girls to learn from nature and do a good
                                                     turn every day. Members had various
The United Nations Women’s Guild,                    programmes including experiencing
Geneva (UNWG-Geneva) has helped                      hunger, planting trees and community
fund the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts)                   service. After the closing ceremony,

May 2010

each one gathered at the playground                   learning to cook outdoors to learning
and formed a shape of “100” to                        how to do batik and tie dye on fabric, I
celebrate 100 years of Girl Guiding and               have learned a lot and while I try to give
Girl Scouting Movement.                               back as much as I can, I still feel like a
                                                      little girl on a journey. I still feel like a
                                                      little girl, ambitious about learning new
Centenary update                                      things, ambitious about making friends
                                                      from just about everywhere, ambitious
Message for centenary                                 about just ‘learning’. This ambition has
                                                      been instilled in me because I was, and
Dr Nighat Arshad, member of the Asia                  always will be a Girl Guide at heart! Best
Pacific Committee shares a message                    of luck for the next 100 years!”
sent by her daughter, Saman Arif, who
was a Girl Guide during her school years              Australia Girl Guides celebrate
and is now a fashion designer and                     centenary
mother of two sons.
                                                      Girl Guides
Saman writes: “While the centenary is                 spanning four
starting for Girl Guides all over the                 generations
world, for me it’s the beginning of a new             celebrated the
era! While we watch the world in                      centenary of
turmoil, natural disasters and man-made               the Girl Guide
disasters, Girl Guiding for me has bought             and Girl Scout
some sense to the world. While people                 Movement in
create their own spaces, it is the Girl               Australia at a reception at Admiralty
Guides and Boy Scouts that bring with                 House in Sydney on 28 February 2010.
them a message of selflessness and the                Governor General Quentin Bryce, a
spirit of giving. I may not be an active              former Brownie, launched a book
Girl Guide anymore, maybe because of                  celebrating the milestone, Leadership
lack of time, but as life pushes its                  for Life - 100 Women 100 years.
responsibilities on my shoulders with
family life, I still at heart feel like a Girl        The book is a collection of profiles on
Guide. I still feel the intense sense of              current, former and deceased Girl
helping others, which I learned while we              Guides who have made a difference to
gathered relief packages for the people               Australia. The Governor General, who is
affected by floods in the 1990's.                     now patron of Girl Guides Australia,
                                                      shared fond memories of taking the
At heart I want to reach out to the less              Brownie pledge to do her best for her
fortunate any time. I can donate my                   country and her King. Ms Bryce recalled
time or my resources. At heart I am still             learning life skills during her time in the
a Girl Guide, I learned to face a little of           Guides.
the world in the Guiding camps, in
Murree in Pakistan, and also at the                   Girl Guides Australia Chief Commissioner
pirates camp in Devon, England. I                     Lynne Price said: “Leadership for Life is
believe that I learned so much from                   a testament to the strength, resilience
meeting other girls my age and older,                 and determination of 100 inspiring
from all sorts of backgrounds and races.              Australian women from a range of
I was in touch with my hostess Rosny                  diverse backgrounds and walks of life.
from Exeter for a very long time, and I
met friends from Greece, England, and                 “Some of the women featured are
other parts of the world. I would call it a           deceased, while others are still active
‘real’ experience, while seeing and                   Guiding volunteers and paid
meeting so many like myself.                          professionals in law, medicine, the
                                                      community and public sectors and the
I still feel like a Girl Guide at heart, as I         performing arts. Collectively, their
use the knowledge that I learned while                stories reflect the strength, self-
earning my badges. From tying ropes to

May 2010

confidence, skills, and passions that             Thinking Day was “end poverty and
Guiding has provided them.”                       hunger”, and a banner with the GAT
                                                  badge themes was also displayed. The
Women featured in the book range from             Education Minister Mian Mujtaba Shuja
Australian humourist and writer Wendy             ur Rehman was the Chief Guest at the
Harmer, to Margaret Fulton (OAM) the              rally. More than six districts of the
internationally acclaimed, award-winning          Punjab were represented at the rally,
author of best-selling cookbooks. The             and there was a large gathering of junior
book also profiles women who have                 Guides, Guides and Senior Guides.
made a commitment to Guiding globally
including Linden Edgell, who became a             The centenary
decision maker for Guiding worldwide              celebrations
when she was elected as Deputy Chair of           were marked
the World Board of WAGGGS in 2008.                by the start of
                                                  the ‘Young
“From the well known to the not so well           entrepreneurs’
known, all of the women featured in this          program. The
coffee-table style book are unsung                young
heroes,” Lynne said.                              entrepreneurs made handicrafts, cards,
                                                  food and sold them after the rally. This
“As you read through their stories, there         taught them how to run a business and
is a rich sense of history and a strong           how to keep accounts. The programme,
sense of evolution. Giving girls and              which aims to help end poverty and
young women new experiences, new                  hunger, will be continued throughout the
challenges and new ways to grow has               centenary 2010-2012 in schools to
been our focus for 100 years and we will          empower girls and encourage them to
continue to transform girls’ lives for the        become self-reliant. The event was a
next 100 years,” Lynne added.                     huge success.

                                                  Thailand celebrate 100th Anniversary
Minister for the Status of Women Tanya
                                                  of International Women’s Day
Plibersek also attended the launch and
                                                  On 5 March 2010, GGAT President and
described the book as an inspiration to
                                                  four board members attended the 100th
all women who aspired to take up
                                                  Anniversary of International Women’s
leadership roles. “For 100 years the
                                                  Day Celebration, organized by the
Guiding movement in Australia has
                                                  National Council of Women of Thailand
supported girls and young women to
                                                  (NCWT) with eight other co-hosts at the
grow into confident and inspirational
                                                  JW Marriott Hotel, Bangkok. The theme:
women,” Ms Plibersek said.
                                                  “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities:
                                                  Progress for All”.
Leadership for Life – 100 women – 100
years of Guiding is only $29.95 (AUD)             The opening speech was by Dr Pimpen
and is available through local state and          Vejjajiva, Prime Minister’s First Lady of
territory Girl Guides retail outlets.             Thailand. She said women can
Information and order forms are also              contribute a great deal to society.
available online at                               Thailand, as a member of CEDAW, is                             committed to end discrimination against
                                                  women. All the participants shared their
Pakistan launches Centenary                       opinion by posting their ideas on the
Celebrations during Thinking Day                  board “A century of women’s voices”.
Rally                                             The Thai First Lady also posted her
                                                  opinion on the board, saying: “a
The Pakistan Girl Guides Association,             woman’s success is a combination of the
Lahore Branch, celebrated World                   success in her life, her family and her
Thinking Day on 22 February 2010 at               career”.
the Provincial Headquarter, 5 Habibullah
Road, Lahore. The theme for World

May 2010

The commemoration of International                 But we didn’t forget our history and
Women’s Day on 8 March was marked                  heritage as we explored an old-
with special fervour this year. Achieving          fashioned camp, delved into the
gender equality and women’s                        archives, participated in international
empowerment is the third of the eight              activities, sang all our old favourites at
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),               the fabulous campfire and celebrated our
which are anti-poverty targets that                beginnings and our history at a moving
world leaders have pledged to attain by            Guides’ Own on the beach. And no visit
2015.                                              to Victoria is complete without a visit to
                                                   the Fairy Penguins on Phillip Island. All
The keynote speech was made by Dr.                 2,500 of us travelled down to Phillip
Jean D’ Cunha, Regional Programme                  Island for an evening treat watching the
Director, UNIFEM. Her speech on gender             penguins come back after collecting food
equality considered the progress, which            for their chicks at sea. A truly moving
comprises achievements, challenges,                and amazing experience for everyone.
and recommendations.
                                                   We turned Geelong pink on the day we
ACE 2010 – Centenary celebration in                all went on the ACE Race around the city
Australia                                          with all the girls in their pink ACE shirts
                                                   – everyone noticed us!
2,500                                              On the Wednesday our numbers swelled
guiding                                            to over 4,700 as family and friends
members                                            visited the camp and enjoyed activities,
from across                                        caught up with their girls, attended the
Australia                                          fashion parade of old uniforms and
and 10                                             witnessed the unveiling of the new
nations gathered at the Marcus Oldham              Australian uniforms.
Agricultural College on the outskirts of
Geelong in Victoria, Australia, for a week         We finished with a disco and a film
of centenary celebration. We welcomed              night, and then a closing ceremony the
198 international guests, of whom 131              next morning where we all vowed to be
were from the Asia Pacific nations of              at the next big Australian camp in
Cambodia, Fiji, Japan, Korea, New                  Tasmania in 2013.
Zealand, Taiwan and Thailand.
                                                   Girl Guides Singapore’s World
Chief Commissioner of Australia, Mrs               Thinking Day Celebration 2010
Lynne Price, opened the camp in a
moving and inspiring opening ceremony              Girl Guides
in a huge horse arena. Celebrating 100             Singapore
years of our international Movement, the           celebrated
opening set the scene for the next six             World
days.                                              Thinking
                                                   Day on 20
The camp was designed for the 21st                 February
century, with the girls camped in large            2010 at the
dome tents each sleeping a patrol of               Singapore Indoor Stadium. More than
eight girls. Activities included: bungee           8,000 members and guests (with over
trampolining, rock climbing and                    200 Girl Guides, Girl Scouts and friends
abseiling, dancing, financial literacy,            from Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, UK and
swimming with the dolphins, sailing,               USA) joined us on this occasion. And this
faith activities, environmental activities,        year’s World Thinking Day Rally was
horse riding, bike riding, cooking,                even more special than usual as we
fishing, craft, the camp of the future,            launched the centenary celebrations of
archery, wide games and much, much                 the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement.

May 2010

The Rally took the form of a pageant             country of the AP Region. This goal is
delineating the history and spread of our        progressively being achieved, making
Movement which included the enactment            contact between countries and FAPW
of the scene at Crystal Palace where a           very simple, as well as providing a local
handful of girls who called themselves           contact for potential new members
“Girl Scouts” gate-crashed the Boy Scout         within the country. The country co-
Rally in 1909 and lobbied for a place for        ordinator is the person who will have the
girls. It also traced how our Movement           latest information on FAPW and will keep
had grown from strength to strength to           the national administration informed of
more than 10 million members around              FAPW activities and their country’s
the world today and how Guiding will             involvement.
develop in the next 100 years!
                                                 FAPW Taiwan 10th Anniversary
We also had a celebratory cake
ceremony with 100 Trefoil cup cakes              The FAPW Taiwan 10th Anniversary
(specially designed and baked by our             Celebration took place from 25 to 29
very own members), forming the shape             March
of “100” with sparklers all around!
                                                 2010. A
                                                 total of 110
It was indeed gratifying to see, for the
first time, so many members (with more
than 1,000 performers and backstage
                                                 the Event,
personnel) from various units in all the
                                                 including 11
divisions across Singapore come
together at this pageant. It was truly a
                                                 from Korea,
meaningful and grand celebration
                                                 four from Japan, four from Malaysia and
befitting the centenary of our Movement.
                                                 three from Hong Kong. Ms I-An Hsu, co-
                                                 ordinator of FAPW Taiwan, with her
Sri Lanka runs centenary quiz                    terrific 20–strong working team,
                                                 arranged many exciting activities and
The Guide Branch of the Sri Lanka Girl           provided the celebration brochure in four
Guides Association (SLGGA) held a                languages, English, Japanese, Korean
centenary quiz for Girl Guides on 20             and Chinese.
March 2010 at Girl Guide Headquarters
in Colombo. The Centenary Quiz                   The overseas participants arrived on 25
featured questions on the SLGGA’s                March and visited the Taiwan Girl Scouts
educational programme and the                    Headquarters in the afternoon.
hundred-year history of WAGGGS. Girl             Afterwards, the Chief Commissioner and
Guides from seven provinces of the               Chairman of FAPW Taiwan, Mrs Ming–
island, excluding the North and East,            Luan Kao Chang, greeted the
participated in this event. The Chief            participants at the welcome dinner.
Guest on this memorable occasion was
Mr Mohan Samaranayake, a well-known              On the second day, participants travelled
media personality and UN Information             to the Great Root Resort Hotel, Sanxia,
Officer. Prizes for the contestants were         Taipei County where the FAPW briefing
donated by Sarasavi Bookshop.                    and the sharing were held. In the
                                                 evening there was a Celebration Dinner,
                                                 where Mrs Kao Chang and her husband,
Friends of Asia                                  and members of the Taiwan Girl Scouts
                                                 National Board also attended. During the
Pacific WAGGGS                                   dinner, representatives from every
                                                 country gave wonderful performances.
Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS                   One of the highlights during the evening
                                                 was the fundraising auction for FAPW
Every effort is being made to have a             Taiwan. I-An is a very professional
country co-ordinator appointed in each           auctioneer and the auction was very

May 2010

successful, with all items sold with good        application to the World Centre
prices. Besides enjoying the natural             manager).
scenery, participants were also able to
take soothing and skin-pampering soaks           Volunteer Opportunities: Our Chalet
in the local carbonic hot springs.               Assistant
                                                 Volunteering at a WAGGGS World Centre
On 28 March, participants travelled by           will give you the chance to get
train to Hualien County to see the               professional experience in areas such as
Taroko Gorge. They visited Bethesda              event management, training and
Home for Handicapped Children and Tzu            personal development in the areas of
Chi Foundation Headquarters. A                   leadership and cultural awareness.
welcome dinner was prepared by the
local Huey-Chi Girl Scouts at Hualien            At Our Chalet, seasonal volunteers assist
County Building. The Hualien County              with the day to day operations of
Commissioner Mr Kun-chi Fu and his               running an activities and accommodation
wife came to address the Girl Scouts             centre for Guides and Scouts. Work
gathering.                                       areas are a combination of guest
                                                 services, programme, grounds and
In summary, this was a very successful           maintenance tasks and projects and
event. Membership as a Friend of Asia            provide rewarding training, learning and
Pacific is like a Passport to the FAPW           development opportunities.
functions, I-An said, and as a result she
has already recruited over 10 new                Volunteering opportunities are open to
members just this time. So this is a very        members of WAGGGS/WOSM over 18
good idea for recruiting new members!            years old. Accommodation and food
                                                 provided free of charge during your

World Centres                                    volunteer experience, and financial
                                                 travel assistance may be available
update                                           through the application to the World
                                                 Centre Manager.

Spring Greetings from Our Chalet,                We look forward to meeting some of you
Switzerland!                                     at the upcoming Regional Conference to
                                                 assist promoting the WAGGGS World
As one of four World Centres of the              Centres in your national association and
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl        home country.
Scouts (WAGGGS), we would like to
invite your young adult members to join          In the mean time, for more information
us for a WAGGGS International Event or           about Events and Opportunities please
volunteer opportunity.                           check the Our Chalet website
                                        or email
High Adventure Week - 25 August –      
1 September 2010 ‘Lead your way’
High Adventure Week is a week of hiking
and outdoor adventure for those who              Announcements
want to experience all Our Chalet and            Submitting news
Adelboden have to offer. There is the
opportunity to develop leadership skills         Members can now submit news and
through learning by doing: guide hikes,          events of your Member Organizations at
lead programme activities and learn map          the AP micro site
reading and outdoor leadership.                  ( Just click
                                                 “Submit your news” or “Submit your
The Adult Event is open to members of            events” on the Events page to advertise
WAGGGS/WOSM over 18 years old. The               your upcoming events. For enquiries on
participant fee is CHF 630, and financial        this, please contact Grace at
assistance may be available through the

May 2010

Book on History of Asia Pacific

Following the 40th Anniversary
celebrations last year, it was decided
that Asia Pacific Region will produce a
book on the History of the Asia
Pacific Region. Jan MacIntyre, former
Asia Pacific Field Executive Trainer, has
offered to do this project, and she may
contact Member Organizations to seek
information. We would very much
appreciate it if you could share with us
some photos or other materials, similar
to what you brought to the Regional
Summit last year.

You might want to bring these to the
Regional Conference in order to save on
postage. Should you have anything to
contribute to this historical piece, please
contact Grace at


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Asia Pacific Link News May 2010

  • 1. English language skills. However, we got Thailand shares assistance from the team, who gave Regional Summit suggestions and encouragement, until we were able to successfully handle the experiences task. I felt that I had more courage and self-confidence through the support and Two young women from Thailand write assistance received. Upon completion of about their experiences at the Regional the assignment I felt proud of myself, Summit: although it was only a small task. Witchada Being in a small group for some of Techasawatwit discussions gave me the chance to learn writes “I was from various perspectives – the very happy and similarities and differences in culture and proud to be one society of each country. Anyway, of the young exchanging opinions and sharing women experiences were what made us felt representatives closer to each other. from Thailand to attend this AP Summit. I learned new Each of us feels very proud and things and had greater understanding of fortunate to have had the chance to the Guiding Movement through the attend this summit. We listened and exchange of experiences among friends gathered experiences from the from other countries as well as joining in discussions and Q&A. However, there various activities. Furthermore, I was were some topics rather sophisticated, inspired with the positive perspectives of which were more difficult to understand. Girl Guiding, including the motivation to work more for the benefit of the public From the four days of summit, I learned and community. that to have efficient strategies in developing the organization successfully, The Opening Ceremony was held in the we need to brain storm, exchange and auditorium. Prior to that, the two young share opinions as well as listen to each women from Thailand i.e. Parinyaporn other. Members should be able to and I, together with another young explore the pros and cons, and accept woman from Hong Kong, were assigned ideas from each other, reaching to sing short songs to attract the agreement rationally and, more participants before the official ceremony. importantly, to caution each other or We were rather nervous, because we help each other in various ways. This will have never sang in front of large groups reduce misunderstanding and conflict.” before. We were also anxious about our 6 May 2010~09:46~MM R:Asia PacificPublication and PromotionLink News2010MayAsia Pacific Link News May Final.doc
  • 2. May 2010 Miss Parinyaporn Ditprasert reported: discussion was designed to give the “We had the opportunity to discuss with students an opportunity to look at the other young members about the difficulties and challenges faced by problems of Girl Guides in each country women in traditionally male-dominated and look at how these problems could be professions, and the difference Girl solved. I had the opportunity to learn Guiding have made in terms of what Guides in other countries were empowering women. Over 700 students doing, for example Singapore showed us attended the two-hour panel discussion their Guiding website, which contained held on 9 March at Homagama Central very interesting information; Taiwan College. shared their handicrafts in making rings, which I found very impressive; the The eminent panellists who took part in Philippines, the host country, showed off the discussion included Professor Savitri the mascot dressed in the Guiding Goonesekera (former Vice Chancellor of uniform, which I found very cute. I the University of Colombo), Mrs promised myself that one thing I will Sharmini Ratwatte (Board Member of never forget about this trip to the MAS Holdings), Mrs Linda Speldewinde Philippines is the warm hospitality and (Founder and Managing Director of the nice, friendly smiles.” Academy of Design) and Ms Nihara Jayatilleke (Managing Director of Asian Aviation Centre (Pvt) Ltd). International Women’s Day 2010 Mrs Ratwatte stated that only about 35 per cent of Sri Lankan women are following professional careers and Serena Hotel Islamabad organized invited the students to think about why Women’s week this couldn’t be raised to 50 per cent. from 8 to 12 Mrs Speldewinde said: “Every woman March 2010 in had the right to a career and students relation to should not feel that, as women, they are International restricted from following certain Women’s Day. careers.” She gave her own career path Pakistan Girl as an example, and explained how she Guides Association organized an had started her Academy. Despite a lack awareness stall during the exhibition. of support from those around her, she Senior Guides and Leaders from the was determined to go ahead with her Federal and Model Colleges, together plans, and is today considered to be an with staff of PGGA and ICT branches extremely successful individual. Mrs participated in this event. Women’s Day Jayatilleke stated that 100 per cent was also celebrated by the Open Ismailia commitment was needed to succeed in District on 13 March 2010 at the any job. She said that women could not community centre Islamabad. A hold down jobs expecting promotions to competition was held between Girl come their way automatically, and that Guides and female volunteers who women have to work hard, with arranged different stalls displaying determination and commitment, and Afghan and Pakistani culture and food. prove themselves worthy of the The Guide Company from Rawalpindi promotion. won the competition. The four panellists kept their audience The Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association enthralled and it was with difficulty that (SLGGA) commemorated the 100th the discussion was brought to a close. It anniversary of International Women’s was no surprise that once the event was Day by organizing a panel discussion on concluded the panellists were inundated the ‘Role of women in challenging with requests for autographs by the professions’ for G.C.E. O’level and A’ students! level students in the Homagama Zone of the Western Province. The panel 2
  • 3. May 2010 Why do I volunteer Some of these women had been at the Chalet 40 or 50 years ago, and had Miranda Cummings from Australia remained friends with those they worked writes on her volunteer experience with despite not reuniting until now. I at Our Chalet can only hope that the friendships I have made will be as enduring. Those “My experience at Our Chalet has been, friendships are obviously strongest with in a word, fulfilling. other volunteers and staff, but it has been lovely to also make friends with Full of the guests who stay at Our Chalet. Guiding Spirit – Before I Full of Inspiration – I leave Our Chalet arrived at Our having been inspired in a myriad of Chalet, I had different ways. My Guiding self has been many people inspired by gaining an understanding of ask me: “aren’t the immensity of Guiding, to feel so you nervous proud to be one in 10 million. My Guide about going to Leader self has been inspired by the Switzerland to songs and games and activities I have live with learned, and I want to teach my strangers for Brownies and Guides everything I three months?”. And I could honestly learned. My travelling self has been answer: “No, because I’m going to stay inspired by hearing the stories of people with Guides”. I expected Our Chalet to from many other countries, and their embody the Guiding spirit, and I was so offers of accommodation and hospitality. glad to find that it does. People are My volunteer self has been inspired by enthusiastic, helpful, and ready to pitch hearing of the craziness of massive girl- in and lend a hand in any situation. That aged events in summer and winter, to is not to say, however, that it is living want to come back to the Chalet again, among angels. Chalet staff are human and to encourage my Guides to come as too, but humans who aim to always do well. their best. Full of Learning – The variety of things Full of Challenges – Being at Our that I have learned while at Our Chalet Chalet has given me the opportunity to has been truly staggering. Of course, challenge myself in many different there are the practical outdoor skills ways. The most obvious challenge is, of such as hiking, timing lunch stops while course, the Staff Challenge, which hiking, how to drag trees down forested provided a focus for pushing yourself to mountain slopes and eis-stocking. Then do crazy and unimaginable things such the indoor household skills are just as as oven-climbing, dryer-climbing and important – such as using Wendy, how sleeping in cramped and uncomfortable to scrub bathroom ceilings and really old spaces. The challenges of hiking wooden floors, using a bread-slicer and mountains are numerous, but the organizing a program cellar. And my rewards of beautiful panoramic views Guiding knowledge and skills have and a huge sense of achievement far definitely increased in the areas of knot- outweighed any pain. Living in a tying, campfire-singing, game-playing German-speaking area in Switzerland and WAGGGS understanding. Perhaps provided linguistic challenges when out the thing I have enjoyed most, however, and about beyond the safety of the is hearing and learning snippets of Chalet boundaries, but a smile and some German, French, Italian, Spanish, hand gestures really did work wonders. Arabic, Slovenia and Swahili (and American). Full of Friendship – I found that the most impressive example of the strength Full of Fun -When I look back on of Chalet friendships came from those overall my Chalet experience, the one who attended the former staff reunion. thing that really stands out is how much 3
  • 4. May 2010 I have laughed over the past three 13 to 17 January, and we are very much months. I have just had so much sheer thankful to the Principal for providing all fun, and being with similarly silly and the necessary domestic requirements. crazy-minded people has enhanced the We donated six huge garbage bins to the experience ten-fold. The organized school as a mark of appreciation, and frivolity of ice-blocking, eis-stocking and also to make waste management at the the staff day out has of course been a school more efficient. The Chief LOT of fun, but it amazes me how often Commissioner and all other even clearing up after dinner can result Commissioners and Directors of Sri in so much laughter. If nothing else, I’m Lanka Girl Guides Association and the sure my stomach muscles have Commissioners of the Galle District gave benefited from me being a volunteer at immense support for the success of Our Chalet. Cleaner Coast. A special note of thank you also goes out to the Chief Minister of Sri Lanka JLS participant runs beach Southern Province, the Mayor and the clean-up project Municipal Council of Galle for all the support, assistance and participation in Chathurangi this project. De Silva, member of We got together with different groups, the Sri Lanka organizations and the community Girl Guides because we wanted different Association perspectives and these organizations to writes on a carry forward the project. If we really do project she want to make a change, we need to be set up following her attendance at the able to continue with the project and get Juliette Low Seminar in Kenya. the community involved. “The JLS offers an opportunity for young During these few days, the participants women to develop international learned not just about solid waste friendships, understanding and management and 3R, but a lot about leadership. I had the great opportunity leadership, working together and of attending JLS 2009, which was held in building partnerships, and more Kenya, and for the first time in Africa. It importantly they enjoyed themselves most definitely was a ‘Safari in and had loads of fun.” Leadership’. Each JLS participant had to do a personal project of any nature, once they got back home, which would WAGGGS’ goals aim to achieve at least one Millennium Development Goal. This was to be our Goal 1 – Leadership next safari. As my Juliette Low Personal Project, I decided to conduct a beach Development clean-up campaign, which would address MDGs 7 and 8. Australian Guide named Citizen of Year The Girl Guides held hands with the Scouts, Leos, Rotaractors, International At just 19 years of Climate Champions of the British Council age, Karina Judd and members of the World University recently earned Service, University of Moratuwa – a total the Young Citizen of 130 – in order to make ‘Cleaner of the Year Award Coast 2010’, a five-day camp and from Dubbo City clean-up campaign, successful. Council. The award, which was The camp was held at a major announced on government school, Siri Dhamma Australia Day this Vidyalaya, Labuduwa, Sri Lanka, from year, recognizes 4
  • 5. May 2010 the difference Karina has made in her “Guiding has opened up so many doors local community. And it’s all thanks to and introduced me to so many Guiding, she says! inspirational young women from around the world,” Karina said. “Since returning “I joined Guides when I was about seven home from Sangam, I have started to and since then, I’ve been involved work on developing a one-day seminar through the Youth Programme, as well programme to introduce Australian as being a Junior Leader and now an Guides and their leaders to the Global Assistant Leader,” she said. “As a Guide, Action Theme (GAT) curriculum. Over I have been involved in everything from the next 12 months, I plan to develop organizing visits to the local retirement some fun activities which will enthuse village, to picking up rubbish in local Guides on the GAT curriculum and parks as part of Clean up Australia Day, provide them with an inspirational not to mention all the outdoor introduction to this important initiative.” adventures”. Hong Kong participates in “Youth “As part of my Queen’s Guide Award, I uniformed groups organic farming also became involved with the Dubbo award project” City Youth Council, where I worked with a team of young people to advise the As part of the Council on all things youth–related, from “FarmFest skate parks to events. I was elected 2010” - Chairperson in 2009 because of my organized by extensive skill set – most of which I Agriculture, gained through Girl Guides. Fisheries and Conservation “Guiding has not only given me great Department, leadership and advocacy skills, it’s also Vegetable given me extra confidence, an Marketing Organization and Fish understanding and appreciation of Marketing Organization, Girl Guides from others’ values, and a great peer network Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and to support me in whatever I choose to five other uniformed groups were invited pursue. It’s all about being your best!” to participate in the ‘Youth uniformed groups organic farming award project’. Karina has also been involved in Guiding at an international level, and recently This project ran from October 2009 to attended the WAGGGS Leadership January 2010. Twenty-three Girl Guides Development Programme Seminar at and one Guider from 5 EK Coy and 84 Sangam, India, where she met with over EK Coy represented the Association in 30 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 21 the competition. During the project, girls countries, including all five regions. visited the organic farm every Saturday to carry out agricultural work such as She urged local youths to get involved in watering, weed picking, and fertilizing the community and not to be afraid to etc. They grew tomatoes, cauliflowers ask for help if they need it. and lettuces. After three months of hard work, the Guides had a good harvest, Karina has taken part in projects which went on sale at Fa Hui Park, including national youth week activities, Mongkok on 23 January. The vegetables youth consultation surveys and the were sold out within one hour. youth café. She achieved the Queen’s Guide Award, which required her to Japan cultural exchange programme complete challenges in leadership, with UK Guiders teamwork, outdoors, international awareness, Guiding history and active A total of 18 Guiders from the UK visited service to the community. Japan between 26 November to 9 December 2009 to participate in a cultural exchange programme with 5
  • 6. May 2010 Japanese Girl Scouts. This year, young Girl Scouts of Japan's 90th leaders of Chiba Council acted as the Anniversary Event planning committee and organized the programme. The theme was WAGGGS On 20 February 2010, ‘Joint Event of Girl Global Action Theme (GAT): girls Scouts of Japan's (GSJ) second Honour worldwide say “together we can Lecture was held at Girl Scout House in change our world", and the sub-theme Tokyo. was "Discover our CHIBA". Participants from the UK and Japan focused on There were 27 participants, including education for sustainable development. Girl Scout members. This event was held They had opportunities to consider what in commemoration of the 90th they can do to achieve the GAT anniversary of Social Action Forum and together. They also visited Mr Kensaku International Zonta. The theme was Morita, the prefectural governor of ‘Social action you can do – how to Chiba, and Mr Masaharu Nakagawa, the provide an effective assistance’. There vice minister of the Ministry of were lectures by the organizations: Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Social Welfare Corporation, Carillon Technology. They reported their Children Center, Women's Net, Saya- achievements and further understanding Saya and Shinagawa Child Line, which of the Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting. are working for children and women who suffer from abuse, DV, neglect, bullying etc. Goal 2 – Strong and Participants learned how they can Growing Member engage social contributions. The event Organizations enabled participants to exchange information and expand their networks. Hong Kong Girl Guides Association wins the Highest Service Hour Thailand runs youth advocacy Award 2008 campaign Every year, the Under the Social Welfare theme Department’s ‘together we Steering can change Committee on the our world’, Promotion of the Girl Volunteer Service Guides (Girl organizes the Scouts) Hong Kong Volunteer Award Association of Presentation Ceremony to recognize the Thailand has encouraged Senior Guides contribution of volunteers. With a total and almost 5,500 girls of 170 groups all of 3,825,885 service hours, the Hong over the country, to survey healthy and Kong Girl Guides Association was risky areas within 5 kilometers of the champion of the Highest Service Hour school and community. They were Award in 2008 (Public Organizations), looking for things that might be harmful which was presented by Mrs Selina to health – physically, emotionally and Tsang, the wife of the Chief Executive of socially. the HKSAR and also President of HKGGA. The ceremony was held on 5 December, Participants analyzed survey results to 2009 at Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong seek out the most suitable areas for the Kong Polytechnic University. children and the community and then compared their results with others. After the survey, a map was drawn, defining areas which are good, risky, almost good and almost bad. The girls 6
  • 7. May 2010 would propose the results and share China Light and Power Company Ltd, among their friends, teachers, parents Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited, and their communities in order to help Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, find a solution. Some of the solutions Business Environmental Council and the included garbage collecting, encouraging Tai Po Environmental Association. the separation of garbage, pulling out the grasses in the bushes, developing A joint declaration and a kick-off unused land into a small agriculture field ceremony were held on 1 February and 8 for growing herbs and plants, other March 2010 respectively. Girl Guides areas can be used as sports fields, were invited to share their energy- improving children’s playgrounds, saving tips. libraries, shelters and the toilets in the schools etc. Girl Scouts of Japan prized an Some of the girls also taught the incentive award of ‘Heart Nurturing younger girls in nearby schools. Around Activity’ 2,000 girls paraded to present the results of the survey to the public, The Girl Scouts of provincial governor and higher Japan’s Peace Pack authorities to seek further action. Project received the 2009 Incentive Award of Heart Nurturing Activity from a national Goal 3 - The Voice of organization named Heart Nurturing General Girls and Young Forum. On 13 February, Teruko Wada, Women the President of GSJ attended the symposium of Heart Nurturing General Hong Kong runs reduction of Forum held in Tokyo and received the electricity consumption campaign award. The judge said: "It provided an opportunity for children nationwide to The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association learn about peace and preciousness of and The Rotary Club are co-organizing life, as well as participating in an electricity saving project named the international cooperation." The judge ‘Ten Percent Campaign’. It aims to valued GSJ's 15-year continuous increase awareness of members on the cooperation with non-members of local importance and ways of energy saving, communities. and to encourage members and their families to save energy and live an GSJ received the award and an extra energy-efficient life. prize from Atsuko Toyama, the President of Panasonic Education Foundation and The project takes place in March to June ex-Minister of Education, Culture, 2010. Members are encouraged to Sports, Science and Technology. reduce their household electricity consumption by at least 10 per cent Singapore represented at WLDP compared to the same period last year. Seminar Sangam Bronze, silver and gold badges will be awarded to those that achieve 10 per Suganthi R cent, 20 per cent and 30 per cent Shunmugalingam reductions respectively. Other awards in from Girl Guides of individual, units and division levels will Singapore attended also be presented to encourage the WLDP Seminar participation. at Sangam from 7 to 13 February The campaign is supported by 2010. organizations including the Environmental Campaign Committee, 7
  • 8. May 2010 She writes: “Participants from different children coming and going from the parts of the world started arriving at mobile crèches as these places were Sangam from 6 February. Everyone normally set up for the children of came with a single aim: to gain construction workers. The parents would leadership skills. However, by the end of withdraw their children from the school the seminar not only did we gain whenever their work required them to leadership skills, we also gained new move to another location. This, however, friendships and the love of Indian culture is the unfortunate reality that the and food. children of lower income families are currently facing. The first few days of the seminar were focused on the participants improving The most fun part of the seminar was our weaknesses. Workshops on self- the last night, when we had an Indian esteem, self-confidence and motivation feast and an international night. It was a were conducted. It is true that most time for us to let loose after a whole successful leaders have very healthy week of seminars and have fun. We self-esteem and are good motivators. were treated to a lovely dramatization of Not only did we learn about how self- Gandhi’s life by the children from one of confidence and self-esteem affected a the projects near Sangam. Following the leader, seminars on effective listening, dramatization, the international night inquiry appreciation and many other was held. This was a time for all the useful workshops were conducted to participants to share a little bit of their equip us with the tools of becoming an countries cultures, traditions and most effective leader. Most of the learning of all food! It was a good end to a that we did was through the form of wonderful time spent learning from the games rather than presentations. It was trainers and other participants.” one of the most effective ways of engaging the participants as every single Girl Scouts Philippines outreach person was involved in the activities. activity One of the activities that stood out in In the spirit of almost every participants’ mind was the giving and community visits. The participants were sharing, the given an option of three places to visit: Girl Scouts of Mobile Crèches, Nyanti and Zenat and the Philippines doorstep school. These community National services were a part of the volunteer Headquarters work that some of the staff at Sangam held an were carrying out. I had volunteered to outreach activity, in lieu of an annual spend some time at the Mobile Crèches Christmas party, on 16 December 2009 site at Nyanti. Some of us were at Pedro Guevarra Memorial National surprised to see that a one-room High School open court in Barangay building constructed with bricks and a Bubuka, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. More than zinc rooftop was filled with children aged 190 children from 103 families benefited between six months to 16 years of age. from the Christmas gifts which included All of them were trying to get some form backpacks, school supplies, toys and of after/before-school education. The food items donated by the members of children started off the day with gruel the Asia Pacific Region, Friends of Asia and songs and were later broken up into Pacific WAGGGS (FAPW) and other GSP small groups to do some form of work. supporters during the Asia Pacific The volunteers would teach the children Regional Summit held last November in English through songs or games. They the Philippines. would then have their lunch break and the informal English lessons would The group, headed by Dr. Salud A. continue. One of the most recurrent Bagalso, National President, Mrs Ma. comments that the volunteers had was Dolores T. Santiago, National Executive that it was difficult to keep track of the 8
  • 9. May 2010 Director and Miss Gloria E Calotes, Asst. Association of Thailand, Northern National Executive Director, was joined Training Center, Chiang Mai Province to by Dr. Esmeralda E. De Castro, School run various projects since 2007. Principal and Hon. Florindo Damitan, Barangay Chairman in welcoming the Thinking Day celebrations children. The Girl Guides Association of Malaysia There were games and dance celebrated and launched their World presentations by the children during the Thinking Day event on Sunday 28 programme. All the children and their February under the theme ’Together families left the venue with smiles on we can end poverty and hunger’. The their faces. Honourable Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Bte Mansor, President of GGAM, graced Thailand run ’To teach life skills for the occasion and launched the living a meaningful life’ project celebration at the Girl Guide’s headquarters, witnessed by about 200 The Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) Association distinguished guests and members. of Thailand, Northern Training Center, Chiang Mai Province, received funds The Girl Guides Association of Malaysia from the UNWG-Geneva for the ’To helped three of its members from teach life skills in living a meaningful life’ around the Klang Valley by donating project during the summer vacation in basic items such as bags of rice, sugar, April–May 2010 fat Sub-Northern biscuits, cooking oil, toothbrushes, Training Center (Rural Young Women toothpaste and soap. The three families, Development Center), Wieng PaPao, who are Indian, Malay and Chinese – the Chiang Rai province. The funds were main indigenous groups in West received with assistance from Mrs Malaysia – will be receiving these basic Yvonne Ismail-Urfer, Former President, necessities throughout the year. The United Nations Women’s Guild, Geneva (UNWG-Geneva). This project The President in her speech emphasized gives about 40 teenagers, aged 12 to 18 that the association should reach out to years old from very poor villages in the community and ensure that they North Thailand with limited access to render service to one and all at every higher education, an opportunity to start given opportunity. their own small business and generate income to help support the family and Over 500 Boy become an example or leader for fellow Scout and Girl villagers. Scout participants The activities included Guiding activities, celebrated activities to supplement occupation (to World promote sewing with machine, by hand, Thinking Day embroidery and painting), activities in a joint promoting basic weaving, supplement celebration between three councils of agricultural knowledge, home Tainan County, Chayi City and Chayi economics, food and dessert County, Girl Scouts of Taiwan. The preparation, household duties and event focused on the theme, which hygiene. Mrs Yvonne Ismail-Urfer also inspired everyone to make contributions helped in teaching Basic English to help others living with starvation or conversation for 25 girls aged 5 – 12 poor conditions. Mrs Huang, Shin-Hua, years old at the summer camp from 8 to Chief Commissioner of Tainan County 19 March 2010 at the Northern Training Council, made an speech encouraging Center, Chiang Mai province. girls to learn from nature and do a good turn every day. Members had various The United Nations Women’s Guild, programmes including experiencing Geneva (UNWG-Geneva) has helped hunger, planting trees and community fund the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) service. After the closing ceremony, 9
  • 10. May 2010 each one gathered at the playground learning to cook outdoors to learning and formed a shape of “100” to how to do batik and tie dye on fabric, I celebrate 100 years of Girl Guiding and have learned a lot and while I try to give Girl Scouting Movement. back as much as I can, I still feel like a little girl on a journey. I still feel like a little girl, ambitious about learning new Centenary update things, ambitious about making friends from just about everywhere, ambitious Message for centenary about just ‘learning’. This ambition has been instilled in me because I was, and Dr Nighat Arshad, member of the Asia always will be a Girl Guide at heart! Best Pacific Committee shares a message of luck for the next 100 years!” sent by her daughter, Saman Arif, who was a Girl Guide during her school years Australia Girl Guides celebrate and is now a fashion designer and centenary mother of two sons. Girl Guides Saman writes: “While the centenary is spanning four starting for Girl Guides all over the generations world, for me it’s the beginning of a new celebrated the era! While we watch the world in centenary of turmoil, natural disasters and man-made the Girl Guide disasters, Girl Guiding for me has bought and Girl Scout some sense to the world. While people Movement in create their own spaces, it is the Girl Australia at a reception at Admiralty Guides and Boy Scouts that bring with House in Sydney on 28 February 2010. them a message of selflessness and the Governor General Quentin Bryce, a spirit of giving. I may not be an active former Brownie, launched a book Girl Guide anymore, maybe because of celebrating the milestone, Leadership lack of time, but as life pushes its for Life - 100 Women 100 years. responsibilities on my shoulders with family life, I still at heart feel like a Girl The book is a collection of profiles on Guide. I still feel the intense sense of current, former and deceased Girl helping others, which I learned while we Guides who have made a difference to gathered relief packages for the people Australia. The Governor General, who is affected by floods in the 1990's. now patron of Girl Guides Australia, shared fond memories of taking the At heart I want to reach out to the less Brownie pledge to do her best for her fortunate any time. I can donate my country and her King. Ms Bryce recalled time or my resources. At heart I am still learning life skills during her time in the a Girl Guide, I learned to face a little of Guides. the world in the Guiding camps, in Murree in Pakistan, and also at the Girl Guides Australia Chief Commissioner pirates camp in Devon, England. I Lynne Price said: “Leadership for Life is believe that I learned so much from a testament to the strength, resilience meeting other girls my age and older, and determination of 100 inspiring from all sorts of backgrounds and races. Australian women from a range of I was in touch with my hostess Rosny diverse backgrounds and walks of life. from Exeter for a very long time, and I met friends from Greece, England, and “Some of the women featured are other parts of the world. I would call it a deceased, while others are still active ‘real’ experience, while seeing and Guiding volunteers and paid meeting so many like myself. professionals in law, medicine, the community and public sectors and the I still feel like a Girl Guide at heart, as I performing arts. Collectively, their use the knowledge that I learned while stories reflect the strength, self- earning my badges. From tying ropes to 10
  • 11. May 2010 confidence, skills, and passions that Thinking Day was “end poverty and Guiding has provided them.” hunger”, and a banner with the GAT badge themes was also displayed. The Women featured in the book range from Education Minister Mian Mujtaba Shuja Australian humourist and writer Wendy ur Rehman was the Chief Guest at the Harmer, to Margaret Fulton (OAM) the rally. More than six districts of the internationally acclaimed, award-winning Punjab were represented at the rally, author of best-selling cookbooks. The and there was a large gathering of junior book also profiles women who have Guides, Guides and Senior Guides. made a commitment to Guiding globally including Linden Edgell, who became a The centenary decision maker for Guiding worldwide celebrations when she was elected as Deputy Chair of were marked the World Board of WAGGGS in 2008. by the start of the ‘Young “From the well known to the not so well entrepreneurs’ known, all of the women featured in this program. The coffee-table style book are unsung young heroes,” Lynne said. entrepreneurs made handicrafts, cards, food and sold them after the rally. This “As you read through their stories, there taught them how to run a business and is a rich sense of history and a strong how to keep accounts. The programme, sense of evolution. Giving girls and which aims to help end poverty and young women new experiences, new hunger, will be continued throughout the challenges and new ways to grow has centenary 2010-2012 in schools to been our focus for 100 years and we will empower girls and encourage them to continue to transform girls’ lives for the become self-reliant. The event was a next 100 years,” Lynne added. huge success. Thailand celebrate 100th Anniversary Minister for the Status of Women Tanya of International Women’s Day Plibersek also attended the launch and On 5 March 2010, GGAT President and described the book as an inspiration to four board members attended the 100th all women who aspired to take up Anniversary of International Women’s leadership roles. “For 100 years the Day Celebration, organized by the Guiding movement in Australia has National Council of Women of Thailand supported girls and young women to (NCWT) with eight other co-hosts at the grow into confident and inspirational JW Marriott Hotel, Bangkok. The theme: women,” Ms Plibersek said. “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities: Progress for All”. Leadership for Life – 100 women – 100 years of Guiding is only $29.95 (AUD) The opening speech was by Dr Pimpen and is available through local state and Vejjajiva, Prime Minister’s First Lady of territory Girl Guides retail outlets. Thailand. She said women can Information and order forms are also contribute a great deal to society. available online at Thailand, as a member of CEDAW, is committed to end discrimination against women. All the participants shared their Pakistan launches Centenary opinion by posting their ideas on the Celebrations during Thinking Day board “A century of women’s voices”. Rally The Thai First Lady also posted her opinion on the board, saying: “a The Pakistan Girl Guides Association, woman’s success is a combination of the Lahore Branch, celebrated World success in her life, her family and her Thinking Day on 22 February 2010 at career”. the Provincial Headquarter, 5 Habibullah Road, Lahore. The theme for World 11
  • 12. May 2010 The commemoration of International But we didn’t forget our history and Women’s Day on 8 March was marked heritage as we explored an old- with special fervour this year. Achieving fashioned camp, delved into the gender equality and women’s archives, participated in international empowerment is the third of the eight activities, sang all our old favourites at Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the fabulous campfire and celebrated our which are anti-poverty targets that beginnings and our history at a moving world leaders have pledged to attain by Guides’ Own on the beach. And no visit 2015. to Victoria is complete without a visit to the Fairy Penguins on Phillip Island. All The keynote speech was made by Dr. 2,500 of us travelled down to Phillip Jean D’ Cunha, Regional Programme Island for an evening treat watching the Director, UNIFEM. Her speech on gender penguins come back after collecting food equality considered the progress, which for their chicks at sea. A truly moving comprises achievements, challenges, and amazing experience for everyone. and recommendations. We turned Geelong pink on the day we ACE 2010 – Centenary celebration in all went on the ACE Race around the city Australia with all the girls in their pink ACE shirts – everyone noticed us! Nearly 2,500 On the Wednesday our numbers swelled guiding to over 4,700 as family and friends members visited the camp and enjoyed activities, from across caught up with their girls, attended the Australia fashion parade of old uniforms and and 10 witnessed the unveiling of the new nations gathered at the Marcus Oldham Australian uniforms. Agricultural College on the outskirts of Geelong in Victoria, Australia, for a week We finished with a disco and a film of centenary celebration. We welcomed night, and then a closing ceremony the 198 international guests, of whom 131 next morning where we all vowed to be were from the Asia Pacific nations of at the next big Australian camp in Cambodia, Fiji, Japan, Korea, New Tasmania in 2013. Zealand, Taiwan and Thailand. Girl Guides Singapore’s World Chief Commissioner of Australia, Mrs Thinking Day Celebration 2010 Lynne Price, opened the camp in a moving and inspiring opening ceremony Girl Guides in a huge horse arena. Celebrating 100 Singapore years of our international Movement, the celebrated opening set the scene for the next six World days. Thinking Day on 20 The camp was designed for the 21st February century, with the girls camped in large 2010 at the dome tents each sleeping a patrol of Singapore Indoor Stadium. More than eight girls. Activities included: bungee 8,000 members and guests (with over trampolining, rock climbing and 200 Girl Guides, Girl Scouts and friends abseiling, dancing, financial literacy, from Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, UK and swimming with the dolphins, sailing, USA) joined us on this occasion. And this faith activities, environmental activities, year’s World Thinking Day Rally was horse riding, bike riding, cooking, even more special than usual as we fishing, craft, the camp of the future, launched the centenary celebrations of archery, wide games and much, much the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement. more. 12
  • 13. May 2010 The Rally took the form of a pageant country of the AP Region. This goal is delineating the history and spread of our progressively being achieved, making Movement which included the enactment contact between countries and FAPW of the scene at Crystal Palace where a very simple, as well as providing a local handful of girls who called themselves contact for potential new members “Girl Scouts” gate-crashed the Boy Scout within the country. The country co- Rally in 1909 and lobbied for a place for ordinator is the person who will have the girls. It also traced how our Movement latest information on FAPW and will keep had grown from strength to strength to the national administration informed of more than 10 million members around FAPW activities and their country’s the world today and how Guiding will involvement. develop in the next 100 years! FAPW Taiwan 10th Anniversary We also had a celebratory cake ceremony with 100 Trefoil cup cakes The FAPW Taiwan 10th Anniversary (specially designed and baked by our Celebration took place from 25 to 29 very own members), forming the shape March of “100” with sparklers all around! 2010. A total of 110 It was indeed gratifying to see, for the participants first time, so many members (with more attended than 1,000 performers and backstage the Event, personnel) from various units in all the including 11 divisions across Singapore come members together at this pageant. It was truly a from Korea, meaningful and grand celebration four from Japan, four from Malaysia and befitting the centenary of our Movement. three from Hong Kong. Ms I-An Hsu, co- ordinator of FAPW Taiwan, with her Sri Lanka runs centenary quiz terrific 20–strong working team, arranged many exciting activities and The Guide Branch of the Sri Lanka Girl provided the celebration brochure in four Guides Association (SLGGA) held a languages, English, Japanese, Korean centenary quiz for Girl Guides on 20 and Chinese. March 2010 at Girl Guide Headquarters in Colombo. The Centenary Quiz The overseas participants arrived on 25 featured questions on the SLGGA’s March and visited the Taiwan Girl Scouts educational programme and the Headquarters in the afternoon. hundred-year history of WAGGGS. Girl Afterwards, the Chief Commissioner and Guides from seven provinces of the Chairman of FAPW Taiwan, Mrs Ming– island, excluding the North and East, Luan Kao Chang, greeted the participated in this event. The Chief participants at the welcome dinner. Guest on this memorable occasion was Mr Mohan Samaranayake, a well-known On the second day, participants travelled media personality and UN Information to the Great Root Resort Hotel, Sanxia, Officer. Prizes for the contestants were Taipei County where the FAPW briefing donated by Sarasavi Bookshop. and the sharing were held. In the evening there was a Celebration Dinner, where Mrs Kao Chang and her husband, Friends of Asia and members of the Taiwan Girl Scouts National Board also attended. During the Pacific WAGGGS dinner, representatives from every country gave wonderful performances. Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS One of the highlights during the evening was the fundraising auction for FAPW Every effort is being made to have a Taiwan. I-An is a very professional country co-ordinator appointed in each auctioneer and the auction was very 13
  • 14. May 2010 successful, with all items sold with good application to the World Centre prices. Besides enjoying the natural manager). scenery, participants were also able to take soothing and skin-pampering soaks Volunteer Opportunities: Our Chalet in the local carbonic hot springs. Assistant Volunteering at a WAGGGS World Centre On 28 March, participants travelled by will give you the chance to get train to Hualien County to see the professional experience in areas such as Taroko Gorge. They visited Bethesda event management, training and Home for Handicapped Children and Tzu personal development in the areas of Chi Foundation Headquarters. A leadership and cultural awareness. welcome dinner was prepared by the local Huey-Chi Girl Scouts at Hualien At Our Chalet, seasonal volunteers assist County Building. The Hualien County with the day to day operations of Commissioner Mr Kun-chi Fu and his running an activities and accommodation wife came to address the Girl Scouts centre for Guides and Scouts. Work gathering. areas are a combination of guest services, programme, grounds and In summary, this was a very successful maintenance tasks and projects and event. Membership as a Friend of Asia provide rewarding training, learning and Pacific is like a Passport to the FAPW development opportunities. functions, I-An said, and as a result she has already recruited over 10 new Volunteering opportunities are open to members just this time. So this is a very members of WAGGGS/WOSM over 18 good idea for recruiting new members! years old. Accommodation and food provided free of charge during your World Centres volunteer experience, and financial travel assistance may be available update through the application to the World Centre Manager. Spring Greetings from Our Chalet, We look forward to meeting some of you Switzerland! at the upcoming Regional Conference to assist promoting the WAGGGS World As one of four World Centres of the Centres in your national association and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl home country. Scouts (WAGGGS), we would like to invite your young adult members to join In the mean time, for more information us for a WAGGGS International Event or about Events and Opportunities please volunteer opportunity. check the Our Chalet website or email High Adventure Week - 25 August – 1 September 2010 ‘Lead your way’ High Adventure Week is a week of hiking and outdoor adventure for those who Announcements want to experience all Our Chalet and Submitting news Adelboden have to offer. There is the opportunity to develop leadership skills Members can now submit news and through learning by doing: guide hikes, events of your Member Organizations at lead programme activities and learn map the AP micro site reading and outdoor leadership. ( Just click “Submit your news” or “Submit your The Adult Event is open to members of events” on the Events page to advertise WAGGGS/WOSM over 18 years old. The your upcoming events. For enquiries on participant fee is CHF 630, and financial this, please contact Grace at assistance may be available through the 14
  • 15. May 2010 Book on History of Asia Pacific Region Following the 40th Anniversary celebrations last year, it was decided that Asia Pacific Region will produce a book on the History of the Asia Pacific Region. Jan MacIntyre, former Asia Pacific Field Executive Trainer, has offered to do this project, and she may contact Member Organizations to seek information. We would very much appreciate it if you could share with us some photos or other materials, similar to what you brought to the Regional Summit last year. You might want to bring these to the Regional Conference in order to save on postage. Should you have anything to contribute to this historical piece, please contact Grace at 15