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Ase Standards Essay
Knowing the standards (especially for the state and area where you teach) is essential to being a teacher. The implementation and presentation of the
standards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or
give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state
standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student's
understanding and learning empowerment; more specifically the way in which these standards affect a Spanish classroom.
What are these standards? more content...
The second and third have to do with communication, interpersonal referring reading, writing, speaking and listening has 3 levels starting with
negotiating meanings, to expressing preferences; presentational communication (speaking and writing) also has 3 levels from conveying meaning to
presenting literacy and creativeness (Ohio Kā€“12 World Languages Standards). The fourth and final segment is cultural, requiring that the knowledge
and understand of other cultures (Ohio Kā€“12 World Languages Standards). This can be of two different levels, the first is by examining cultures, and
the second experiencing them (Ohio Kā€“12 World Languages Standards).
The Learning Standards for Technology in Ohio have different ranges depending on the grade levels. Inside of the standards there are several strands
all of which have separate topics and requirements for each grade level. Under information and communications Technologyā€“ basically the students are
asked to identify and use digital learning appropriately, 1) to accomplish a task to locate, 2) evaluate information, 3) construct knowledge and 5) to
communicate information (Ohio's Learning Standards for Technology). The second strand, society and technology requires that students, 1)
demonstrate an understanding of technologies impact on society, 2) analyze the impact, and 3) explain how technology and society impact each other
(Ohio's Learning Standards for Technology). Third, students are
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Living Standards Essay
Describe and comment on the criteria which can be used to measure variations in living standards, within a city. What can be done to improve the
quality of life in the poorer areas?</center<Towns and cities all over Britain have a wide range of variations in the living standards and quality of
life. These variations can be put down to many factors and issues about the residents and location. Every town is individual and unique, however a
pattern in the contrast of living conditions can be seen. For many cases as the distance from the city centre is increased then the quality of living
standards also increases.
This variation in the living conditions can be put down to the residents in the area. Looking at the economical, social, more content...
Crime rates are a very good indicator towards measuring the living standards. With higher crime rates in an area shows that the quality of lining is
reduced because of the people who are there do not abide with the law.
Car ownership is also a good indicator, the more cars per family shows that more money is brought into the home and therefore they probably live in
an area with a better quality of life. Statistics that show single parents, as criteria cannot be taken for much, as there may be many more reasons than
the other parent does not want to help with the upbringing. In many cases, there could be a death in the family to one of the parents, or it is just not
practical to live together because of the careers the parents are involved in. Within the actual household criteria like the number of people in the house
and private amenities can be looked at, along with whether the house is council or privately owned. The number of people that live within a house on
its own cannot be valid criteria. The number can vary because of many factors, but will mostly depend on the size of the house.
If the value of the house were to be taken with the people living within recorded, then the data would be valuable. It would show that if these larger
families had a large valuable house, they would have a better living standard. However, with a large family living in a small house with a low value
would obviously mean a lower living standard. Private amenities are very
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Common Core And Standardized Assessments Essay
Common Core & Standardized Assessments Assignment Template Use this template to complete the Common Core State Standards assignment. Type
your responses in between the brackets [Like this!] Reflecting on Your Research: Summarize the current state of the Common Core (and associated
national standards) in the United States using the assigned readings. [The Common Core standards are currently implemented in 43 states and the
District of Columbia. All of the states who use Common Core can be an advantage by allowing students who move state to state to have the same
standards at school. Standards are ways to track the learning of students and are what the students are supposed to know in each subject and grade level.
Currently, there has been controversy about Common Core. Valerie Lake, an eighth grade English teacher, believes that the CC intensifies the
complexity of what the teachers have to teach, but realizes that her students can actually learn/understand more than what we (teachers) think. On the
other hand, this makes the students think more which in turn helps them learn and apply their skills to the test. Another teacher states that the
standards before did not make the students think about why they do what they do in class. Overall, many teachers have their reasons to why they like
or dislike the standards; all in all, teachers are required to implement them in their lessons.] List the standards used in your discipline. [STATE GOAL
28: Use the target language
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Standard Scores
2. What is a standard score?
A standard score is a scores that enables us to refer to the performance of an individual pupil in relation to the whole population where the mean is
100 and the standard deviation is usually 15. It also allows schools to base their assessments per school year. This is due to standarised scores taking
into account the age of the pupil. A pupil in year 9 that has a date of birth of September would generally be expected to get a higher raw score than a
pupil born in July, both pupils being in the same academic year. However, when calculating thestandard score the age will be taken into account. This
ensures that relevant interventions/arrangements can be put in place for pupils based on the standard score.
3. What scores are considered to fall within the average range?
Standardised scores that more content...
One standard deviation is usually represented by 15 points from the mean. 2 standard deviations are calculated usually by 30 points from the mean.
One standard deviation away from the mean in either direction represents around 68% of the population that took that test. Two standard deviations
away from the mean represent 95% of the population.
8. What is reliability? What reliability should we choose when selecting a test?
Reliability of a test is measured by how accurate and consistent that test is when measuring a target skill. For a test to be reliable it must have
reliability of 0.8 or over. A reliable test should give us a consistent score every time it is completed, i.e. if it a pupil was to complete the same test that
was delivered by 2 different assessors on 2 different days, a reliable test should still give us the same outcome on both tests on both days.
9. What is validity? Name and describe the three mains types of validity.
Validity is a measurement of how well a test measures the skill that needs to be
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Standard 6 Assignment Analysis
Standard 6: Assessment
I use various forms of formal and informal assessments within my lessons and my classroom. I use pretests, observation checklists, student checkā€“ins,
student conferences, student observations, student conversations/discussions, unit tests, Fountas and Pinnell Tests, NWEA score, rubrics, and
posttests. I am always checking in with my students because I want my instruction to be purposeful and meaningful for my students. I use my
assessments to guide and adapt my instruction as well as my lesson plans.
I assessed prior knowledge for my "Opinion/ Persuasive Writing Unit" by explaining an opinion letter, an opinion, 3 reasons, and a conclusion to all
students. Then I gave my students a prompt to respond to, as that is what is most academically appropriate for my students, and also they are in first
grade. I graded their "Opinion Letter" work based on the rubric that I created along with the unit, and its lesson plans. The reason I chose a rubric for
both my Preā€“Assessment and Postā€“Assessment for the unit is because I thought it what would both clearly state my expectations, and most effectively
communicate data to show student mastery of the "Opinion/ more content...
I use these assessments in order to guide Leveled Reading Group Instructions, Grouping Patterns, Students Independent Reading Levels, and Students
Instructional Reading Levels. The Fountas and Pinnell Formal Assessment Tests are given in the Fall, Winter, and Spring of the academicschool year.
This provides a baseline, and two additional data points to show students academic reading growth throughout the school year. I am able to use this
assessment to further reading instruction and still apply it with students individual interests, strengths, learning preferences, and areas in which students
can improve to provide additional supports and positive experiences with
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Common Core Standards Essay
Common core standards were developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School
Officers. Standards were developed with input from educators and administrators from around the country. The standards focus on English Language
Arts and Mathematics, but standards span across other core subjects taught in public schools from kindergarten to 12th grade (Chen, 2017). There are
even common core standards now in place for preā€“kindergarten instruction to ensure every student is fully prepared to enter public school (Chen, 2017).
The Common Core Standards were developed with a goal in mind. It was to create a uniformed curriculum so that students can learn the essential
academics that will more content...
They used to separate the children into groups of high, medium, low, and gifted etc. Over the years education has changed in fact education is always
changing daily to improve the way we as teachers should teach or how we should implement different curriculums in our lessons gearing to the
standards. In my opinion it feels to me as an educator that we are not really teaching but more being dictated on how to teach to our students by tons of
assessments, FSA, district test, and collecting data. My question is?? "What happen to teaching our
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The Standards For Mathematical Practice Essay
The Standards for Mathematical Practice are essential tools that will ensure a student has everything they need to improve in their knowledge and
understanding in mathematics. Thus, it is highly important that all level mathematical educators try to implement these standards into their
classrooms. Ultimately, there are two sections called, "processes and proficiencies" in which the standards are derived from. The practices are
depended on these two standards in the mathematics education. For the reason being, that they provide strategies that will help develop a foundation
that students may rely on to comprehend and approach a problem. In other words, the standards do not show stepā€“byā€“step ways on how to solve a
problem, but rather help a student feel comfortable and confident in approaching, analyzing, and finishing a problem. The process standards defined by
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics emphasizes a way of problem solving,reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and
representations. The proficiencies identified by the National Research Council include, adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual
understanding, productive disposition, and procedural fluency. Knowing how beneficial the Standards for Mathematical Practice is for students, it is
clear that as a future teacher I will implement these strategies in every classroom so that all my students may have a chance to prosper.
The first Standard for Mathematical Practice is learning
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Essay Standard English
In contemporary society the Standard variety of English is the most commonly used as it is respected and associated with a higher prestige. Its usage
is also advocated by prescriptivists who believe that it is the 'correct' and only variety that should be used. Standard English is usually seen in formal
settings, where its usage is necessary for official and public purposes. However, contextual factors play a vital role in determining the most appropriate
variety to be used, which is supported by the Principle of Appropriateness. Certain contexts where a nonā€“standard variety is necessary are in social
media settings and in communities of different ethnicities, where they are undeniably required to create solidarity between more
A number of students also tried to make the contention that Standard English was not necessary, without appreciating the irony they were discussing
the topic using Standard English. Standardisation and codification were often not well understood. Few students explored the importance of
orthography and grammar in maintaining a Standard English and why these combine to create a variety of English that is understood by most of the
population. The following extract provided a broad range of relevant and contemporary examples that enabled the student to provide strong evidence
in support of why other varieties of English have a value and place in Australian society. There is good use of metalanguage and the paragraphing is
structured and cohesive. There are many people in society, especially those with a prescriptivist attitude, who strongly believe that the Standard is
'intrinsically superior to other varieties', as stated by K Burridge. It is clear however that this is not true, when one considers the ability of ethnolects
and Aboriginal English to express identity and finer nuance. Ethnolects occur when features of someone's first language or 'mother tongue' are adopted
into their second language, in this case English. Features can include the phonological addition of vowel sounds to the ends of nouns e.g. bread /_
/ (common to Greek and Italian); the
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Ethics And The Ethical Standards Essay
The Ethical Standards were set up to implement direct rules for conduct as a psychologist. Most of the Ethical Standards were composed extensively to
apply against psychologists in an assortment of roles, even though the utilization of an Ethical Standard may differ which is contingent upon the unique
situation. The Ethical Standards are not exhaustive. The fact that a given conduct is not specifically addressed by the Ethics Code does not mean that it
is necessarily either moral or untrustworthy (Allan & Love, 2010).
Ethics is a vast, key topic in psychological research. What is necessarily taken into consideration in regards to ethics before conducting research is
studying and continual reading again and again in guidelines and codes of conduct. There are questions in research require looking at what lies
beyond the legislations in ethics? Where should a researcher's moral compass be pointing to? (Allan & Love, 2010).
This Ethics Code applies only to psychologists workā€“related activities, that is, activities that are part of the psychologists scientific and professional
functions or that are psychological in nature. This includes the clinical or counseling practice of psychology, research, teaching, supervision of trainees,
development of assessment instruments, conducting assessments, educational counseling, organizational consulting, social intervention,
administration, and other activities as well. These workā€“related activities can be distinguished from the purely
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Common Core Curriculum Standards Essay
The state of California is one of the many states that have adapted the controversial Common Core curriculum standards. This new curriculum involves
a different style of teaching that aims towards better thinking, and problemā€“solving. Although the Time admires this new system, they question the
results of the standardized tests. Given that this curriculum is relatively new, the Times is doesn't believe these scores would truly reflect whether or
not the curriculum is a good one. New York was one of the first states to adapt the common core testing, and the outcome was not as expected. The
scores where so bad that parents rebelled against the entire curriculum standards, and tens of thousands of them opted out of the tests. Other states
experienced better outcomes than New York, but their scores were lower than they were before Common Core, and about half of the students tested
proficient in English. The Times is curious about how California will do. The school official have had the results for weeks, but haven't said much to the
public. They question whether the test results will show that students are meeting the curriculum standards. However, they believe it would be a
mistake to compare the new results with the old ones, and it would be years before it becomes clear on whether more content...
They applaud the fact that it is supposed to be more difficult to "teach to the test" in Common Core, because it requires students to demonstrate their
problemā€“solving skills by showing how they arrived at answers. However, because of the factors surrounding this new curriculum, Times believes state
education officials should not be surprised if the test scores are significantly worse than other states. They view this curriculum as a baseline for
improvement, but doesn't see how California will get an immediate sense on how the curriculum is
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The Benefits Of Standard English
In today's society, there are many reasons why people in the world need to know the fundamentals of using Standard English. When working in a
business environment, we as employees need to know how to use Standard English to compete in the world and become successful. Many
opportunities and rewards can come from learning how to use proper Standard English. There are many reasons why people should use Standard
English in an office or workspace frequently, and using nonā€“standard English can lead to many effects on your outlook as a professional.
First and foremost, the biggest factor is that first impressions matter even though some may argue that they don't. The knowledge of Standard English
allows people to communicate efficiently and makes people think very highly of the person at hand, in most cases throughout life people will not
absolutely have to use proper Standard English but, our society should learn how to be able to switch on and switch off when they should and should
not use Standard English. Nonā€“Standard
Franklin 2
English can be used amongst friends or with close family because in some cases they will not expect it from you all the time throughout the weeks but,
employees should never use Nonā€“Standard English in a workplace or a formal situation. Using Standard English will earn a person a great deal of
respect in a business place. Many will see an individual as a very professional worker and will lead to them getting promoted or offered higher
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What Are Educational Standards? Essay
What are educational standards? Why are they important or not? How are standards related to assessments? Discuss Common Core and PARCC. What
is your opinion on the implementation of Common Core and PARCC?
In order to create an actual public school system, there have to be common goals that schools share and that serve as a backbone to the system. As
such, educational standards are the objectives, milestones, or concepts that students are expected to learn at specific points during their time in school
(Class notes, October). These standards are important because they guarantee that students can attend any public school, regardless of the location, and
ideally receive the same education. Now, states and federal government are concerned with assessing if students are indeed reaching the established
educational standards, resulting in growing testing requirements (Pugach, 2009).
In 2009, leaders from 48 different states launched the Common Core State Standards, which clearly and consistently outlined what Kā€“12 students
should know and be able to do in math and English language arts (website: As a result, states needed a highā€“quality assessment that
was aligned to those standards and created a new standardized test called Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Every year at the end of the school year, students in grades 3ā€“8 have to take the PARCC assessment which tests them in English language arts and
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Common Core State Standards Essay
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) identify expectations of what the students will be able to achieve by the end of the school year. The
standards provide teachers and curriculum developers the opportunity to use their best findings and available tools to meet these ends (California
Department of Education, 2013). The reader needs to understand that the teaching principles implemented by individuals who received extensive
training in collegeā€“based teacher training programs in order to understand how the CCSS identifies and supports According to Artiles (2003) the
Individual with Disability Act (IDEA) 1990 changed the classroom structure in the united states dramatically in the past thirty years. The refinement of
the special more content...
from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of
supplemental aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily." (300.114 (a) (2) (i) (ii)) (IDEA, 2004)".
Cagney (2009) stated that the United States government funding for teaching students with disabilities is reliant on the consistency of states and school
regions to maintain and convey through the substantive and procedural provisions of the legislation. These arrangements can be separated into the
eight subcategories that take after: (a) zero reject, (b) ID and assessment, (c) free and suitable open instruction, (d) minimum prohibitive condition, (e)
procedural shields, (f) innovation related help, (g) workforce improvement, and (h) parental interest (Cagney, 2009).
Teachers Attitude Towards Inclusion
Teachers attitude toward inclusion are important factor that can cause inclusion to succeed or fail. Survey results indicated that numerous educators
have a positive attitude towards the inclusion of special needs students and the beneficial outcomes that
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Common Core Standards Essay
The American Education system has been under standards based reform for over 25 years. In 2009, The National Governor's Association developed
and released the Common Core State Standards (CCSS); a set of educational standards which would standardize learning expectations in English
Language Arts and Math for students in any state that chose to adopt them. The debate over the implementation of these standards attempts to confront
the government involvement in educational reform, the quality of the standards, and the way in which topics are taught in American classrooms. The
implementation and adoption of the CCSS is a positive move that puts a common framework in place for improved student education. The development
of the CCSS was led more content...
The use of standards with such specific goals behind them ensure that quality student learning is at the center of classroom practices. The biggest
misconception or argument against the CCSS is that the content is more confusing or that we are now teaching content in a different manner than the
way in which other generations learned it. It is difficult to peruse social media without seeing a "Common Core Math" meme, poking fun at the way in
which specific math concepts are taught under this "New Math." The delusion is caused by the misunderstanding between standards and curriculum. In
his paper on Education Policy, David Whitman clarifies the difference between the two; "Standards set the expectations for what students should know
and be able to do by a certain grade. By contrast, curriculum is the "how" of teaching, what teachers work with to help students meet those
standardsā€“reading assignments, textbooks, homework, handouts, inā€“class exercises, the planning and pacing guides for a course, and the apps used in a
course (6)." When those against the CCSS approach their arguments, they fail to recognize this difference. Escambia County School District, for
example, has adopted the CCSS in the form of The Florida Standards. They have also adopted a math textbook for grades Kindergarten through eighth
grade. This textbook, Go Math, claims to align itself with the CCSS, but it does so at its publisher's own interpretation. When
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Standard English Essay
The question to ask is: 'Why not use Standard English all the time?'
Language is a powerful communication tool the user holds to express their individual identity and ingroup solidarity. The use of Standard English helps
to direct this, as it acts as the structure of communication, ingroup and between speech communities to effectively present a standard for mutual
understanding. Outside of Standard English comes the use of slang, netspeak and textspeak, which helps to develop and enrich the language, as well
as evolve with contemporary Australia and its fast paced lifestyle. Using the Standard all the time would be exclusive of the linguistic freedom formed
by the world beyond Standard English with varying ethnolects, but is also more content...
Other forms of the English language are developed from speech communities with an intention, for efficiency and to show inclusion, and to exclude
others. It also helps to convey a specific identity of the speaker, with the use of syntactic and phonological differences from Standard English. These
modifications form nonā€“standard dialects, transferring the speaker's cultural background and language to provide a better perception and reflection of
identity. The falling intonation accompanied with interrogatives in the Asian ethnolect, such as 'Gravy?', is the opposite of the rising intonation used
for the same purpose by Australians, and can quickly cause conflict between the two communities due to the missing benchmark in language. Pronoun
deletion in 'No like' ('I don't like it') is a feature of many ethnolects (Greek, Aboriginal English), and is differing from the Standard, yet still helps to get
the message across. Ethnolects develop from Standard English, and helps to express a user's identity through their language use and inā€“group solidarity
within the speech community.
There are a range of English varieties which are different from the Standard, developed from communities of speakers all sharing the same use of
language. Aboriginal English, a dialect of Australian English, remains a lingua franca for their speakers, used as a common language to communicate
between tribes for mutual
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Essay on Educational Standards
Educational Standards Over the week, I stumbled over this article while I was looking over old copies of Newsweek in the Library. I instantly
thought, "Oh an article the president wrote on educational issues, I wonder what that is about." The article was about issues concerning education in
our society today, how poor it is nation wide, and initiatives, including national educational standards, that could potentially raise the educational level
throughout our nation. Although the national educational standards issue was not discussed in detail, it is important to note that the president of our
nation is aware of them an is trying to help the nation as a whole be aware of them also.
"People like to say that the schools aren' more content...
Since I started school in 1980, I have been though the ages of "before their were computers in schools" to watching computers in schools grow into
what they are today. My first experience with computers was limited but influential. In 1987 (when I was 10 years old) I was confronted by my first
computer that was half my size and the storage disks were enormous. Since then, I have observed all computers and their components get smaller and
smaller while holding more and more information. Because I was able to observe this, I know now that what children have available to them today is
incredible but the educational system really has not changed in order to fit what the children are capable of. Now it is evermore important to change
and improve educational goals to fit this new type of technology.
Educational standards are a great idea but they will not have any affect whatsoever if they are not enforced. Awareness of these educational standards
by every parent and student in the entire nation would benefit the situation also. Sadly, I was not aware of these educational standards until I became
an Education major here at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. If this is the case for me, I am sure this is the case for many people all across the
nation. No one will benefit from educational standards unless they are enforced and
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Essay On Standard English
English is one of the wide languages around the world and its easy way to communicate with people. The purpose of learning English language is able
to connect and gain the understanding from any sort of work. Compare to others countries around the world the majority language is spoken is English
because it is something that is easy to be learnt and understood. The difference between Standard English and Malaysia its all about the understanding
on English and the slang that is used to communicate. The importance on learning English are able to gain skilful speaking and better opportunities in
Standard English plays a crucial role in our educational system as the kind of English that all children are expected to be able to use, in speaking as
well as in writing. A Standard English is a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in schools more content...
c. 6000 BC ā€“ Britain cut off from continental Europe by English Channel
c.5000 BC Protoā€“Indoā€“ Europeans living in eastern Europe and central Asia
c.1000 BC Germanic Indoā€“european tribes living in parts of modern day Germany
c.500 BC Celts inhabit much of Europe and beginning to colonize the British isles
43 AD Beginning of roman rule of Britain
410ā€“436 Roman withdrawal from Britain
c.450 Anglo saxon settlement of Britain begins
450ā€“480 Earliest old English inscriptions
597 Beginning of Christian conversion of the Anglo Saxons
c.600 Anglo Saxon language covers most of modern day England
c.660 "caedomon's hymn" composed in Old English
731 The venerable bede writes "The ecclesiastical History of the English people"
792 Viking raids of Britain
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Double Standard Essay
2.Discuss differences between the double standard and the new double standard.
Originally the double standard meant that women should not have sex before or outside of their marriage. But it was ok for men to have sex period.
More recently there is a new double standard with the belief that men and women are more of equals. Now women can have sex without marriage but
they must be selective and conservative about it. The whole guys are the man if they sleep with numerous partners but women are sluts if they behave
in the same way. Men are taught that sex is natural and normal where as women are taught that sex is something that is shameful and spoken
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The Social Of Social Standards Essay
The presence of social standards is one of the huge unsolved issues in social intellectual science. Participation in human social orders is for the most
part in light of social standards, incorporating in present day social orders, where a lot of collaboration is because of the lawful requirement of rules.
Social norms will be benchmarks of conduct that are taking into account generally shared opinions how individual gathering individuals should act in a
given circumstance. In the event that other gathering individuals participate, the standard additionally obliges us to coordinate; on the off chance that
others surrender we are likewise permitted to desert. The social norm is disregarded if an individual deserts despite the fact that the other gathering
individuals cooperated parencite{fehr2004social}. section{Solutions} Based from the literature review, there can be multiple solutions that can be
derived from the existing legislations, code of conducts, ethical theories, and social norms. It is also considered that the ethical dilemma can be
resolved through the initiative and contribution of WLC Ltd. or Tom. However, this report only focuses on the viable solutions that can be act by
Johnny. To solve the ethical dilemma faced by Johnny, he should: subsection{Solution 1: not disclose the project files based on the existing laws} As
far as Johnny and Tom is concerned, Johnny is bound by their agreement, otherwise he will be liable for damages for breaching their
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  • 1. Ase Standards Essay Knowing the standards (especially for the state and area where you teach) is essential to being a teacher. The implementation and presentation of the standards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student's understanding and learning empowerment; more specifically the way in which these standards affect a Spanish classroom. What are these standards? more content... The second and third have to do with communication, interpersonal referring reading, writing, speaking and listening has 3 levels starting with negotiating meanings, to expressing preferences; presentational communication (speaking and writing) also has 3 levels from conveying meaning to presenting literacy and creativeness (Ohio Kā€“12 World Languages Standards). The fourth and final segment is cultural, requiring that the knowledge and understand of other cultures (Ohio Kā€“12 World Languages Standards). This can be of two different levels, the first is by examining cultures, and the second experiencing them (Ohio Kā€“12 World Languages Standards). The Learning Standards for Technology in Ohio have different ranges depending on the grade levels. Inside of the standards there are several strands all of which have separate topics and requirements for each grade level. Under information and communications Technologyā€“ basically the students are asked to identify and use digital learning appropriately, 1) to accomplish a task to locate, 2) evaluate information, 3) construct knowledge and 5) to communicate information (Ohio's Learning Standards for Technology). The second strand, society and technology requires that students, 1) demonstrate an understanding of technologies impact on society, 2) analyze the impact, and 3) explain how technology and society impact each other (Ohio's Learning Standards for Technology). Third, students are Get more content on
  • 2. Living Standards Essay Describe and comment on the criteria which can be used to measure variations in living standards, within a city. What can be done to improve the quality of life in the poorer areas?</center<Towns and cities all over Britain have a wide range of variations in the living standards and quality of life. These variations can be put down to many factors and issues about the residents and location. Every town is individual and unique, however a pattern in the contrast of living conditions can be seen. For many cases as the distance from the city centre is increased then the quality of living standards also increases. This variation in the living conditions can be put down to the residents in the area. Looking at the economical, social, more content... Crime rates are a very good indicator towards measuring the living standards. With higher crime rates in an area shows that the quality of lining is reduced because of the people who are there do not abide with the law. Car ownership is also a good indicator, the more cars per family shows that more money is brought into the home and therefore they probably live in an area with a better quality of life. Statistics that show single parents, as criteria cannot be taken for much, as there may be many more reasons than the other parent does not want to help with the upbringing. In many cases, there could be a death in the family to one of the parents, or it is just not practical to live together because of the careers the parents are involved in. Within the actual household criteria like the number of people in the house and private amenities can be looked at, along with whether the house is council or privately owned. The number of people that live within a house on its own cannot be valid criteria. The number can vary because of many factors, but will mostly depend on the size of the house. If the value of the house were to be taken with the people living within recorded, then the data would be valuable. It would show that if these larger families had a large valuable house, they would have a better living standard. However, with a large family living in a small house with a low value would obviously mean a lower living standard. Private amenities are very Get more content on
  • 3. Common Core And Standardized Assessments Essay Common Core & Standardized Assessments Assignment Template Use this template to complete the Common Core State Standards assignment. Type your responses in between the brackets [Like this!] Reflecting on Your Research: Summarize the current state of the Common Core (and associated national standards) in the United States using the assigned readings. [The Common Core standards are currently implemented in 43 states and the District of Columbia. All of the states who use Common Core can be an advantage by allowing students who move state to state to have the same standards at school. Standards are ways to track the learning of students and are what the students are supposed to know in each subject and grade level. Currently, there has been controversy about Common Core. Valerie Lake, an eighth grade English teacher, believes that the CC intensifies the complexity of what the teachers have to teach, but realizes that her students can actually learn/understand more than what we (teachers) think. On the other hand, this makes the students think more which in turn helps them learn and apply their skills to the test. Another teacher states that the standards before did not make the students think about why they do what they do in class. Overall, many teachers have their reasons to why they like or dislike the standards; all in all, teachers are required to implement them in their lessons.] List the standards used in your discipline. [STATE GOAL 28: Use the target language Get more content on
  • 4. Standard Scores 2. What is a standard score? A standard score is a scores that enables us to refer to the performance of an individual pupil in relation to the whole population where the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is usually 15. It also allows schools to base their assessments per school year. This is due to standarised scores taking into account the age of the pupil. A pupil in year 9 that has a date of birth of September would generally be expected to get a higher raw score than a pupil born in July, both pupils being in the same academic year. However, when calculating thestandard score the age will be taken into account. This ensures that relevant interventions/arrangements can be put in place for pupils based on the standard score. 3. What scores are considered to fall within the average range? Standardised scores that more content... One standard deviation is usually represented by 15 points from the mean. 2 standard deviations are calculated usually by 30 points from the mean. One standard deviation away from the mean in either direction represents around 68% of the population that took that test. Two standard deviations away from the mean represent 95% of the population. 8. What is reliability? What reliability should we choose when selecting a test? Reliability of a test is measured by how accurate and consistent that test is when measuring a target skill. For a test to be reliable it must have reliability of 0.8 or over. A reliable test should give us a consistent score every time it is completed, i.e. if it a pupil was to complete the same test that was delivered by 2 different assessors on 2 different days, a reliable test should still give us the same outcome on both tests on both days. 9. What is validity? Name and describe the three mains types of validity. Validity is a measurement of how well a test measures the skill that needs to be Get more content on
  • 5. Standard 6 Assignment Analysis Standard 6: Assessment I use various forms of formal and informal assessments within my lessons and my classroom. I use pretests, observation checklists, student checkā€“ins, student conferences, student observations, student conversations/discussions, unit tests, Fountas and Pinnell Tests, NWEA score, rubrics, and posttests. I am always checking in with my students because I want my instruction to be purposeful and meaningful for my students. I use my assessments to guide and adapt my instruction as well as my lesson plans. I assessed prior knowledge for my "Opinion/ Persuasive Writing Unit" by explaining an opinion letter, an opinion, 3 reasons, and a conclusion to all students. Then I gave my students a prompt to respond to, as that is what is most academically appropriate for my students, and also they are in first grade. I graded their "Opinion Letter" work based on the rubric that I created along with the unit, and its lesson plans. The reason I chose a rubric for both my Preā€“Assessment and Postā€“Assessment for the unit is because I thought it what would both clearly state my expectations, and most effectively communicate data to show student mastery of the "Opinion/ more content... I use these assessments in order to guide Leveled Reading Group Instructions, Grouping Patterns, Students Independent Reading Levels, and Students Instructional Reading Levels. The Fountas and Pinnell Formal Assessment Tests are given in the Fall, Winter, and Spring of the academicschool year. This provides a baseline, and two additional data points to show students academic reading growth throughout the school year. I am able to use this assessment to further reading instruction and still apply it with students individual interests, strengths, learning preferences, and areas in which students can improve to provide additional supports and positive experiences with Get more content on
  • 6. Common Core Standards Essay Common core standards were developed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Standards were developed with input from educators and administrators from around the country. The standards focus on English Language Arts and Mathematics, but standards span across other core subjects taught in public schools from kindergarten to 12th grade (Chen, 2017). There are even common core standards now in place for preā€“kindergarten instruction to ensure every student is fully prepared to enter public school (Chen, 2017). The Common Core Standards were developed with a goal in mind. It was to create a uniformed curriculum so that students can learn the essential academics that will more content... They used to separate the children into groups of high, medium, low, and gifted etc. Over the years education has changed in fact education is always changing daily to improve the way we as teachers should teach or how we should implement different curriculums in our lessons gearing to the standards. In my opinion it feels to me as an educator that we are not really teaching but more being dictated on how to teach to our students by tons of assessments, FSA, district test, and collecting data. My question is?? "What happen to teaching our Get more content on
  • 7. The Standards For Mathematical Practice Essay The Standards for Mathematical Practice are essential tools that will ensure a student has everything they need to improve in their knowledge and understanding in mathematics. Thus, it is highly important that all level mathematical educators try to implement these standards into their classrooms. Ultimately, there are two sections called, "processes and proficiencies" in which the standards are derived from. The practices are depended on these two standards in the mathematics education. For the reason being, that they provide strategies that will help develop a foundation that students may rely on to comprehend and approach a problem. In other words, the standards do not show stepā€“byā€“step ways on how to solve a problem, but rather help a student feel comfortable and confident in approaching, analyzing, and finishing a problem. The process standards defined by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics emphasizes a way of problem solving,reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representations. The proficiencies identified by the National Research Council include, adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual understanding, productive disposition, and procedural fluency. Knowing how beneficial the Standards for Mathematical Practice is for students, it is clear that as a future teacher I will implement these strategies in every classroom so that all my students may have a chance to prosper. The first Standard for Mathematical Practice is learning Get more content on
  • 8. Essay Standard English In contemporary society the Standard variety of English is the most commonly used as it is respected and associated with a higher prestige. Its usage is also advocated by prescriptivists who believe that it is the 'correct' and only variety that should be used. Standard English is usually seen in formal settings, where its usage is necessary for official and public purposes. However, contextual factors play a vital role in determining the most appropriate variety to be used, which is supported by the Principle of Appropriateness. Certain contexts where a nonā€“standard variety is necessary are in social media settings and in communities of different ethnicities, where they are undeniably required to create solidarity between more content... A number of students also tried to make the contention that Standard English was not necessary, without appreciating the irony they were discussing the topic using Standard English. Standardisation and codification were often not well understood. Few students explored the importance of orthography and grammar in maintaining a Standard English and why these combine to create a variety of English that is understood by most of the population. The following extract provided a broad range of relevant and contemporary examples that enabled the student to provide strong evidence in support of why other varieties of English have a value and place in Australian society. There is good use of metalanguage and the paragraphing is structured and cohesive. There are many people in society, especially those with a prescriptivist attitude, who strongly believe that the Standard is 'intrinsically superior to other varieties', as stated by K Burridge. It is clear however that this is not true, when one considers the ability of ethnolects and Aboriginal English to express identity and finer nuance. Ethnolects occur when features of someone's first language or 'mother tongue' are adopted into their second language, in this case English. Features can include the phonological addition of vowel sounds to the ends of nouns e.g. bread /_ / (common to Greek and Italian); the Get more content on
  • 9. Ethics And The Ethical Standards Essay The Ethical Standards were set up to implement direct rules for conduct as a psychologist. Most of the Ethical Standards were composed extensively to apply against psychologists in an assortment of roles, even though the utilization of an Ethical Standard may differ which is contingent upon the unique situation. The Ethical Standards are not exhaustive. The fact that a given conduct is not specifically addressed by the Ethics Code does not mean that it is necessarily either moral or untrustworthy (Allan & Love, 2010). Ethics is a vast, key topic in psychological research. What is necessarily taken into consideration in regards to ethics before conducting research is studying and continual reading again and again in guidelines and codes of conduct. There are questions in research require looking at what lies beyond the legislations in ethics? Where should a researcher's moral compass be pointing to? (Allan & Love, 2010). This Ethics Code applies only to psychologists workā€“related activities, that is, activities that are part of the psychologists scientific and professional functions or that are psychological in nature. This includes the clinical or counseling practice of psychology, research, teaching, supervision of trainees, development of assessment instruments, conducting assessments, educational counseling, organizational consulting, social intervention, administration, and other activities as well. These workā€“related activities can be distinguished from the purely Get more content on
  • 10. Common Core Curriculum Standards Essay The state of California is one of the many states that have adapted the controversial Common Core curriculum standards. This new curriculum involves a different style of teaching that aims towards better thinking, and problemā€“solving. Although the Time admires this new system, they question the results of the standardized tests. Given that this curriculum is relatively new, the Times is doesn't believe these scores would truly reflect whether or not the curriculum is a good one. New York was one of the first states to adapt the common core testing, and the outcome was not as expected. The scores where so bad that parents rebelled against the entire curriculum standards, and tens of thousands of them opted out of the tests. Other states experienced better outcomes than New York, but their scores were lower than they were before Common Core, and about half of the students tested proficient in English. The Times is curious about how California will do. The school official have had the results for weeks, but haven't said much to the public. They question whether the test results will show that students are meeting the curriculum standards. However, they believe it would be a mistake to compare the new results with the old ones, and it would be years before it becomes clear on whether more content... They applaud the fact that it is supposed to be more difficult to "teach to the test" in Common Core, because it requires students to demonstrate their problemā€“solving skills by showing how they arrived at answers. However, because of the factors surrounding this new curriculum, Times believes state education officials should not be surprised if the test scores are significantly worse than other states. They view this curriculum as a baseline for improvement, but doesn't see how California will get an immediate sense on how the curriculum is Get more content on
  • 11. The Benefits Of Standard English In today's society, there are many reasons why people in the world need to know the fundamentals of using Standard English. When working in a business environment, we as employees need to know how to use Standard English to compete in the world and become successful. Many opportunities and rewards can come from learning how to use proper Standard English. There are many reasons why people should use Standard English in an office or workspace frequently, and using nonā€“standard English can lead to many effects on your outlook as a professional. First and foremost, the biggest factor is that first impressions matter even though some may argue that they don't. The knowledge of Standard English allows people to communicate efficiently and makes people think very highly of the person at hand, in most cases throughout life people will not absolutely have to use proper Standard English but, our society should learn how to be able to switch on and switch off when they should and should not use Standard English. Nonā€“Standard Franklin 2 English can be used amongst friends or with close family because in some cases they will not expect it from you all the time throughout the weeks but, employees should never use Nonā€“Standard English in a workplace or a formal situation. Using Standard English will earn a person a great deal of respect in a business place. Many will see an individual as a very professional worker and will lead to them getting promoted or offered higher opportunities. Get more content on
  • 12. What Are Educational Standards? Essay PART A What are educational standards? Why are they important or not? How are standards related to assessments? Discuss Common Core and PARCC. What is your opinion on the implementation of Common Core and PARCC? In order to create an actual public school system, there have to be common goals that schools share and that serve as a backbone to the system. As such, educational standards are the objectives, milestones, or concepts that students are expected to learn at specific points during their time in school (Class notes, October). These standards are important because they guarantee that students can attend any public school, regardless of the location, and ideally receive the same education. Now, states and federal government are concerned with assessing if students are indeed reaching the established educational standards, resulting in growing testing requirements (Pugach, 2009). In 2009, leaders from 48 different states launched the Common Core State Standards, which clearly and consistently outlined what Kā€“12 students should know and be able to do in math and English language arts (website: As a result, states needed a highā€“quality assessment that was aligned to those standards and created a new standardized test called Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). Every year at the end of the school year, students in grades 3ā€“8 have to take the PARCC assessment which tests them in English language arts and mathematics. Get more content on
  • 13. Common Core State Standards Essay The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) identify expectations of what the students will be able to achieve by the end of the school year. The standards provide teachers and curriculum developers the opportunity to use their best findings and available tools to meet these ends (California Department of Education, 2013). The reader needs to understand that the teaching principles implemented by individuals who received extensive training in collegeā€“based teacher training programs in order to understand how the CCSS identifies and supports According to Artiles (2003) the Individual with Disability Act (IDEA) 1990 changed the classroom structure in the united states dramatically in the past thirty years. The refinement of the special more content... from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplemental aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily." (300.114 (a) (2) (i) (ii)) (IDEA, 2004)". Cagney (2009) stated that the United States government funding for teaching students with disabilities is reliant on the consistency of states and school regions to maintain and convey through the substantive and procedural provisions of the legislation. These arrangements can be separated into the eight subcategories that take after: (a) zero reject, (b) ID and assessment, (c) free and suitable open instruction, (d) minimum prohibitive condition, (e) procedural shields, (f) innovation related help, (g) workforce improvement, and (h) parental interest (Cagney, 2009). Teachers Attitude Towards Inclusion Teachers attitude toward inclusion are important factor that can cause inclusion to succeed or fail. Survey results indicated that numerous educators have a positive attitude towards the inclusion of special needs students and the beneficial outcomes that Get more content on
  • 14. Common Core Standards Essay The American Education system has been under standards based reform for over 25 years. In 2009, The National Governor's Association developed and released the Common Core State Standards (CCSS); a set of educational standards which would standardize learning expectations in English Language Arts and Math for students in any state that chose to adopt them. The debate over the implementation of these standards attempts to confront the government involvement in educational reform, the quality of the standards, and the way in which topics are taught in American classrooms. The implementation and adoption of the CCSS is a positive move that puts a common framework in place for improved student education. The development of the CCSS was led more content... The use of standards with such specific goals behind them ensure that quality student learning is at the center of classroom practices. The biggest misconception or argument against the CCSS is that the content is more confusing or that we are now teaching content in a different manner than the way in which other generations learned it. It is difficult to peruse social media without seeing a "Common Core Math" meme, poking fun at the way in which specific math concepts are taught under this "New Math." The delusion is caused by the misunderstanding between standards and curriculum. In his paper on Education Policy, David Whitman clarifies the difference between the two; "Standards set the expectations for what students should know and be able to do by a certain grade. By contrast, curriculum is the "how" of teaching, what teachers work with to help students meet those standardsā€“reading assignments, textbooks, homework, handouts, inā€“class exercises, the planning and pacing guides for a course, and the apps used in a course (6)." When those against the CCSS approach their arguments, they fail to recognize this difference. Escambia County School District, for example, has adopted the CCSS in the form of The Florida Standards. They have also adopted a math textbook for grades Kindergarten through eighth grade. This textbook, Go Math, claims to align itself with the CCSS, but it does so at its publisher's own interpretation. When Get more content on
  • 15. Standard English Essay The question to ask is: 'Why not use Standard English all the time?' Language is a powerful communication tool the user holds to express their individual identity and ingroup solidarity. The use of Standard English helps to direct this, as it acts as the structure of communication, ingroup and between speech communities to effectively present a standard for mutual understanding. Outside of Standard English comes the use of slang, netspeak and textspeak, which helps to develop and enrich the language, as well as evolve with contemporary Australia and its fast paced lifestyle. Using the Standard all the time would be exclusive of the linguistic freedom formed by the world beyond Standard English with varying ethnolects, but is also more content... Other forms of the English language are developed from speech communities with an intention, for efficiency and to show inclusion, and to exclude others. It also helps to convey a specific identity of the speaker, with the use of syntactic and phonological differences from Standard English. These modifications form nonā€“standard dialects, transferring the speaker's cultural background and language to provide a better perception and reflection of identity. The falling intonation accompanied with interrogatives in the Asian ethnolect, such as 'Gravy?', is the opposite of the rising intonation used for the same purpose by Australians, and can quickly cause conflict between the two communities due to the missing benchmark in language. Pronoun deletion in 'No like' ('I don't like it') is a feature of many ethnolects (Greek, Aboriginal English), and is differing from the Standard, yet still helps to get the message across. Ethnolects develop from Standard English, and helps to express a user's identity through their language use and inā€“group solidarity within the speech community. There are a range of English varieties which are different from the Standard, developed from communities of speakers all sharing the same use of language. Aboriginal English, a dialect of Australian English, remains a lingua franca for their speakers, used as a common language to communicate between tribes for mutual Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Educational Standards Educational Standards Over the week, I stumbled over this article while I was looking over old copies of Newsweek in the Library. I instantly thought, "Oh an article the president wrote on educational issues, I wonder what that is about." The article was about issues concerning education in our society today, how poor it is nation wide, and initiatives, including national educational standards, that could potentially raise the educational level throughout our nation. Although the national educational standards issue was not discussed in detail, it is important to note that the president of our nation is aware of them an is trying to help the nation as a whole be aware of them also. "People like to say that the schools aren' more content... Since I started school in 1980, I have been though the ages of "before their were computers in schools" to watching computers in schools grow into what they are today. My first experience with computers was limited but influential. In 1987 (when I was 10 years old) I was confronted by my first computer that was half my size and the storage disks were enormous. Since then, I have observed all computers and their components get smaller and smaller while holding more and more information. Because I was able to observe this, I know now that what children have available to them today is incredible but the educational system really has not changed in order to fit what the children are capable of. Now it is evermore important to change and improve educational goals to fit this new type of technology. Educational standards are a great idea but they will not have any affect whatsoever if they are not enforced. Awareness of these educational standards by every parent and student in the entire nation would benefit the situation also. Sadly, I was not aware of these educational standards until I became an Education major here at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. If this is the case for me, I am sure this is the case for many people all across the nation. No one will benefit from educational standards unless they are enforced and Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Standard English 1. INTRODUCTION English is one of the wide languages around the world and its easy way to communicate with people. The purpose of learning English language is able to connect and gain the understanding from any sort of work. Compare to others countries around the world the majority language is spoken is English because it is something that is easy to be learnt and understood. The difference between Standard English and Malaysia its all about the understanding on English and the slang that is used to communicate. The importance on learning English are able to gain skilful speaking and better opportunities in future. Standard English plays a crucial role in our educational system as the kind of English that all children are expected to be able to use, in speaking as well as in writing. A Standard English is a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in schools more content... HISTORY BEFORE ENGLISH c. 6000 BC ā€“ Britain cut off from continental Europe by English Channel c.5000 BC Protoā€“Indoā€“ Europeans living in eastern Europe and central Asia c.1000 BC Germanic Indoā€“european tribes living in parts of modern day Germany c.500 BC Celts inhabit much of Europe and beginning to colonize the British isles 43 AD Beginning of roman rule of Britain 410ā€“436 Roman withdrawal from Britain c.450 Anglo saxon settlement of Britain begins 450ā€“480 Earliest old English inscriptions 597 Beginning of Christian conversion of the Anglo Saxons c.600 Anglo Saxon language covers most of modern day England c.660 "caedomon's hymn" composed in Old English 731 The venerable bede writes "The ecclesiastical History of the English people"
  • 18. OLD ENGLISH 792 Viking raids of Britain Get more content on
  • 19. Double Standard Essay 2.Discuss differences between the double standard and the new double standard. Originally the double standard meant that women should not have sex before or outside of their marriage. But it was ok for men to have sex period. More recently there is a new double standard with the belief that men and women are more of equals. Now women can have sex without marriage but they must be selective and conservative about it. The whole guys are the man if they sleep with numerous partners but women are sluts if they behave in the same way. Men are taught that sex is natural and normal where as women are taught that sex is something that is shameful and spoken Get more content on
  • 20. The Social Of Social Standards Essay The presence of social standards is one of the huge unsolved issues in social intellectual science. Participation in human social orders is for the most part in light of social standards, incorporating in present day social orders, where a lot of collaboration is because of the lawful requirement of rules. Social norms will be benchmarks of conduct that are taking into account generally shared opinions how individual gathering individuals should act in a given circumstance. In the event that other gathering individuals participate, the standard additionally obliges us to coordinate; on the off chance that others surrender we are likewise permitted to desert. The social norm is disregarded if an individual deserts despite the fact that the other gathering individuals cooperated parencite{fehr2004social}. section{Solutions} Based from the literature review, there can be multiple solutions that can be derived from the existing legislations, code of conducts, ethical theories, and social norms. It is also considered that the ethical dilemma can be resolved through the initiative and contribution of WLC Ltd. or Tom. However, this report only focuses on the viable solutions that can be act by Johnny. To solve the ethical dilemma faced by Johnny, he should: subsection{Solution 1: not disclose the project files based on the existing laws} As far as Johnny and Tom is concerned, Johnny is bound by their agreement, otherwise he will be liable for damages for breaching their Get more content on