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Effects of supplementary fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ) essential oil in diet on
growth and reproductive performance of the ornamental fish, Convict cichlid
( Cichlasoma nigrofascia...
Article  in  Aquaculture Research · December 2016
DOI: 10.1111/are.13249
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Azam Sotoudeh
Isfahan University of Technology
Sakineh Yeganeh
Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
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Effects of supplementary fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
essential oil in diet on growth and reproductive
performance of the ornamental fish, Convict cichlid
(Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum)
Azam Sotoudeh & Sakineh Yeganeh
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
University, Sari, Iran
Correspondence: S Yeganeh, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources University, Km 9 Darya Boulevard, PO Box 578, Sari, Iran. E-mails:;
This study evaluated the effects of diet containing
0 (C: control), 75 (D1), 100 (D2), 125 (D3) and
150 (D4) mg kg 1
F. vulgare essential oil on
growth and reproductive performance of C. nigro-
fasciatum. A total of 225 Convict cichlids female
with mean weight (1.65  0.02 g) were dis-
tributed into 15 glass aquaria (15 fish tank 1
) in
triplicate treatments. During 40 days of experi-
mental period, fish fed at 3% of their body weight
daily. At the end of experiment, growth indices,
gonadosomatic index and reproductive indices
were determined. The best feed conversion ratio
was obtained in D4 (1.19  0.03, P  0.05). The
addition of F. vulgare essential oil did not have any
statistical effects on other growth indices (specific
growth rate, weight gain and condition factor).
Total survival rates in all treatments and control
were uniformly high, ranging from 93% to 97%
(P  0.05). F. vulgare essential oil has no negative
effect on survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum. There
were no significant differences among protein con-
tent of fish body (P  0.05). The lowest value of
fat content (26.5  0.5%) was observed in D2,
and it had significant difference with control and
other groups (P  0.05). The ash percentage in
treatments fed with F. vulgare essential oil were
higher than control fish (P  0.05). The highest
moisture content was detected in D4
(72.68  0.19%) and D2 (71.23  2%) groups.
Among the used dosage, D4 was the most effective
dosage that could significantly increase GSI
(11.06  1.55%), fecundity (340  21) and
hatching ratio (92.33  1.63%). There were no
significant differences in diameter of eggs among
various treatments (P  0.05).
Keywords: Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, Foeni-
culum vulgare, Growth, Reproductive performance
In recent years, development of aquaculture indus-
try has largely increased, so that its annual
growth rate has been more than other industries
(FAO 2014). Reproduction and breeding of orna-
mental fish due to their high economic importance
promoted aquaculture performance (Firouzbakhsh,
Noori, Khalesi  Jani-Khalili 2011), so that the
ornamental fish industry and its relatives around
the world have 15 billion dollars worth and more
than 2 billion numbers of live ornamental fish are
annually traded (Nair 2012). Culture and repro-
duction of ornamental fish species are done using
a variety of methods (Nazari  Roozbehani 2015).
Some species will spawn with changing environ-
mental patterns such as changes in water temper-
ature, pH or electrical conductivity (Yanong,
Martinez  Watson 2009). Other species need
more advanced techniques, including the use of
hormone productions through injection to stimu-
late spawning in fish (Nazari  Roozbehani 2015).
These hormones are more expensive than plant
compounds, and their applications require special-
ist experts (Yılmaz, C
ßek  Mazlum 2009). In
© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd 1
Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8 doi:10.1111/are.13249
addition, it has been reported that synthetic hor-
mones may accumulate in sediments, water and
aquatic organisms (Yılmaz et al. 2009). Instead of
hormones, herbal medicine could be a new
approach in aquaculture (Maack  Segner 2003).
In recent years, to learn more about the reproduc-
tive processes, the exogenous oestrogen such as
phyto-oestrogens has been used which causes sex-
ual development of gonads by imitation of the sex
steroid effects such as androgens (Clotfelter 
Rodriguez 2006). Phyto-oestrogens, structurally
similar to animal oestrogens, are plant compounds
(Turner, Agatonovic-Kustrin  Glass 2007) that
have an important role in pharmaceutical industry
and aquaculture, and their use in diet can be
effective on fish growth and reproduction (Dixon
2004). Three categories of phyto-oestrogens
including isoflavones, coumestans and lignans
were found at high concentrations in plants such
as legumes (Choi  Hwang 2004) and fennel
(Hornok 1992). F. vulgare essential oil contains
more than thirty types of terpenes or terpenoids
compounds, of which anethole, fenchone, limo-
nene and methyl Kavykvl are the most important
ones (Albert-Puleo 1980). The main part of F. vul-
gare essential oil is anethole which has been pro-
posed as active oestrogenic agent (Reynolds
1982). F. vulgare essential oil has antispasmodic
properties, such as antioxidant (Choi  Hwang
2004), anticancer (Mohamad, EL-Bastawesy,
Abdel-Monem, Noor, AL-Mehdar, Sharawy  EL-
Merzabani 2011), antibacterial activity (Dadalioglu
 Evrendilek 2004), antifungal (Mimica-Duki
c, Sokovi
c  Couladis 2003), and has
antidiabetic effects as well (EL-Soud, EL-Laithy, EL-
Saeed, Wahby, Khalil, Morsy  Shaffie 2011). The
effects of F. vulgare essential oil on growth, sur-
vival, body composition and haematological
parameters of Rutilus kutum fry have been investi-
gated (Mahdavi, Yeganeh, Firouzbakhsh  Jani-
khalili 2014). Nazari and Roozbehani
(2015)studied the effect of fennel ethanol extract
on fertility, growth and gonad in Poecilia reticulata.
The effects of fennel extract on oestrogen, proges-
terone and prolactin have also been investigated
in mice (Sadeghpour, Khaki, Najafpour, Dolatkhah
 Montaseri 2015). Yet, the fennel essential oil
impacts on reproduction performance of fish have
not been reported.
Convict cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) from
the cichlid family (Cichlidae) is an indigenous spe-
cies in lakes and rivers of Central America.
Standard length of males and females ranges from
6.3 to 6.6 and 4.2 to 5.5 cm respectively. Sexual
maturation occurs after 16 weeks posthatching,
and the eggs of this species are hatched within
72 h after fertilization (Piron 1978). In natural
habitat, this fish has a combination diet that con-
tains crustaceans, small fish, insects, worms,
plants and algae. Although the production and
trade of ornamental fish are very profitable in
aquaculture and well-known throughout the
world, there is little information about their nutri-
tional requirements (Lovell 2000). The aim of this
study was to evaluate the effects of supplementary
fennel essential oil in diet on growth performance
and reproduction of Convict cichlid.
Materials and methods
An initial stock of immature C. nigrofasciatum was
prepared, and they were kept in 15 glass aquar-
ium (80-l, three replicates for each treatment)
until to sex detection. The fish fed with commer-
cial diet on the market (the diet was used during
the whole experimental period, manufactured by
Biomar France), up to satiation four times daily.
After sex determination (there were golden to
orange spots on the abdomen in female, and the
male has a larger size with a bulge on forehead),
males and females were separated and the male
fish were stocked and fed only with commercial
diet without fennel essential oil (3% of their body
weight; four times daily) until they were used for
reproduction. In order to rearing male fish, three
aquaria (80-L) were stocked with 39 male Convict
cichlid with an initial average weight of
2.30  0.04 g (13 fish aquarium 1
) and reared
in water conditions similar to females.
A total of 225 female Convict cichlid with mean
weight of 1.65  0.02 g were distributed in 15
glass aquarium (80 l, three replicates for each
treatment). Four diets containing fennel essential
oil with amounts of 75 (D1), 100 (D2), 125 (D3)
and 150 (D4) mg kg 1
of diet and a control diet
(without F. vulgare essential oil) were prepared.
Proximate composition of the diets was
42.88  0.55% protein, 28.25  0.58% fat,
5  0% fibre, 8.27  1% moisture and
9.67  0.18% ash. Fennel essential oil was pur-
chased from Barij Essence Company (Kashan-Iran).
Specified amounts of fennel essential oil were dis-
solved in a vegetable oil (10 g per kg food), and
then added to the diet using spraying method. For
© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8
Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh  S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
control diet, the same amount of oil without fen-
nel essential oil was sprayed. Chemical analysis of
fennel essential oil was undertaken using gas
chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS)
techniques. Fish were fed 4 times a day (3% of
their body weight, the uneaten feed was collected,
and the amount of eaten feed were calculated) for
40 days. Water temperature was examined daily
(26.22  2°C). The average pH, dissolved oxygen,
TDS (total dissolved solids), salinity and electrical con-
ductivity were 8.64  0.05, 7.75  0.21 mgL 1
825.61  59 mgL 1
, 0.8  0 gL 1
and 1649.93
 119 ls cm 1
respectively. Meanwhile, 20% of the
tank water was replaced from the bottom each day.
Growth performance
Growth parameters such as weight gain (WG),
specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio
(FCR) and condition factor (CF) were calculated
using the following formulas, on days 15, 30 and
40. At the end of the experiment, three fish in
each group were sacrificed and dried in an oven
at 50°C for 48 h. Thereafter, the whole body of
the samples was crushed for body composition
analysis according to AOAC (2000) guidelines.
Samples of fish in each treatment were weighed
before putting them in an oven for 24 h at
105°C, and then reweighed to estimate the mois-
ture content.
Growth parameters were calculated using the
following formulae:
(1) WG (Weight gain; g) = FW (Final weight,
g) IW (Initial weight, g)
(2) SGR (Specific growth rate; %) =([ln W2 – ln
W1]/[T2 T1])*100, where W1 and W2 are
mean body weight at times when the first
and second samples were taken (T1 and T2)
(3) FCR (Feed conversion ratio) = (dry feed
intake/moisture weight gain)
(4) CF (Condition factor) = W/L3
; where W is
weight of the fish and L is length
(5) SR (Survival rate) = (N2/N1)*100, where N1
and N2 are total number of fish at the start
and end of trial respectively.
Reproductive performance
To measure the fecundity and gonadosomatic
index, at the end of period, three female fish were
randomly selected from each aquarium and their
ovaries were removed and weighed. Diameter of
the eggs was measured. For reproduction of fish,
three female fish were randomly selected from
each aquarium. A 20-L aquarium tank was used
for the reproduction of fish (three females and one
male in each tank; after mating, two other female
fish were removed from the tank). To stimulate
the spawning of fish, water temperature was
gradually increased to 29  1°C. The larvae were
counted, and their yolk sac diameter was
Reproductive parameters were calculated using
the following formulae:
(1) RF (relative fecundity) = TE/TW, where TE is
total eggs and TW is total weight of fish
(2) GSI (gonadosomatic index, %) = (gonad
weight/body weight) *100
(3) H (hatching; %) = (number of hatched lar-
vae/number of eggs eyed)*100.
Statistical analysis
The effects of treatment on different parameters
were analysed using one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) after checking for normality distribution
of data using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Wher-
ever significant differences were found, a Dun-
can’s multiple range tests was performed for
mean differences. Statistical analysis was per-
formed using SPSS ver. 19. Data are expressed as
mean  SD.
Analysis of fennel essential oil and growth
Results of the F. vulgare essential oil analysis are
provided in Table 1. The highest percentage of
F. vulgare essential oil composition was trans-
Data on growth performance and survival rate of
C. nigrofasciatum are presented in Table 2. Accord-
ing to the results, different levels of fennel essential
oil had no effect on survival rates of the fish in dif-
ferent groups. FCR decreased significantly
(1.19  0/03) in D4 group when compared with
control and other supplemented groups. Compar-
ison of SGR and CF in different treatments indicates
no significant difference (P  0.05). The weight
gain of the fish fed with dietary supplementation of
© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 3
Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh  S Yeganeh
F. vulgare essential oil was lower than the control
(P  0.05).
Body composition
Results of protein content, moisture, fat and whole
body ash are presented in Table 3. There were no
significant differences between protein content of
fish in all groups (P  0.05). As compared to con-
trols, lipid levels for dried body decreased after
feeding the fish with F. vulgare essential oil
(P  0.05). The lowest value of fat content
(26.5  0.5%) was observed in D2 group which
showed significant difference with the control and
other groups (P  0.05). Ash percentage in treat-
ments fed with F. vulgare essential oil was higher
than control group (P  0.05). Also, moisture con-
tents were significantly affected by F. vulgare
essential oil at higher concentrations, and the
highest moisture contents were detected in D4
(72.68  0.19) and D2 (71.23  2) groups. Sig-
nificant changes were observed in moisture levels
in D4 group when compared to D1, D3 and control
group (P  0.05).
Reproductive performance
Results of reproduction parameters are presented
in Tables 4 and 5. The highest fecundity was
obtained in D4 followed by D2, D3, D1 and control
respectively. In groups that received F. vulgare
essential oil, gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased
significantly (P  0.05). The highest and the low-
est GSI were observed in D4 (11.06  1.55%) and
control group (4.97  0.29) respectively
(P  0.05). There were no significant differences
in the egg size (diameter) at all groups (P  0.05).
There were improvements in the number of eggs
and hatching rates in fish fed with supplemented
diets. The highest amount of released eggs and
hatching rates were observed in D4, and their low-
est amounts were found in control group
(P  0.05). Results indicated that F. vulgare essen-
tial oil has no effect on yolk sac diameter in this
experiment (P  0.05).
Growth performance
Successful aquaculture is affected by several fac-
tors, such as suitable diet. Undoubtedly, one of the
most important parameters is a balanced diet that
provides all nutritional requirements for optimal
growth and health of the fish (Salehi 2008).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
impact of F. vulgare essential oils as supplementary
diet on growth and reproductive performance of
C. nigrofasciatum. According to results, F. vulgare
essential oil supplementation at D4 significantly
Table 1 List of the components of F. vulgare essential oil
Compounds (%)
a-Pinene 0.35
Limonene 2.67
a-Fenchone 4.57
Estragole 3.96
Cyclohexanone 0.23
Fenchyl acetate 0.40
2-Cyclohexenone 5.28
Benzaldehyde 1.19
Trans-anethole 76.60
Benzene 1.80
Propanone 0.59
Total 97.64
Table 2 Growth performance of C. nigrofasciatum fed diets containing different levels of F. vulgare essential oil for
40 days*
Growth parameters Control (0) D1 (75 mgkg 1
) D2 (100 mgkg 1
) D3 (125 mgkg 1
) D4 (150 mgkg 1
Initial weight (g) 1.65  0.00a
1.63  0.01a
1.65  0.02a
1.67  0.00a
1.69  0.00a
Final weight (g) 2.75  0.08a
2.62  0.08a
2.66  12a
2.47  0.06a
2.67  0.01a
Weight gain (g) 1.09  0.08a
0.98  0.09a
1.01  0.14a
0.79  0.05a
0.98  0.01a
Specific growth rate (%) 1.20  0.05a
1.13  0.08a
1.13  0.08a
0.90  0.05a
1.10  0.00a
Feed conversion ratio 1.28  0.00a
1.29  0.02a
1.33  0.02a
1.34  0.02a
1.19  0.02b
Condition factor 3.80  0.12a
3.80  0.02a
3.67  0.14a
3.66  0.03a
3.97  0.07a
Survival rate (%) 95.55  2.22a
95.55  2.22a
93.33  0.01 95.55  2.22a
97.77  2.22a
*Values (mean  SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P  0.05).
© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8
Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh  S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
decreased FCR as compared to other groups in this
study. Feed additives were used to accede better
production results in farm animals; previous stud-
ies showed that herbs stimulate secretion of pan-
creatic enzymes, absorption and digestion of
nutrient compounds (Franki
c, Volj
c, Salobir 
Rezar 2009). Anethole and estragole in fennel
essential oil are digestive stimulant compounds
(Cabuk, Alcicek, Bozkurt  Imre 2003); that may
be a reason for the reduction in feed conversion
ratio (FCR) while fish weight did not change signif-
icantly. Because more digestible feed decreases the
waste of feed energy during digestion and absorp-
tion, hence those fish that fed less showed growth
rate similar to other treatments. There were no
significant differences among treatments in other
indicators of growth including weight gain, specific
growth rate and condition factor. Total survival
rates in all treatments and control were uniformly
high ranging from 93 to 97 (P  0.05). It was
concluded that F. vulgare essential oil had no neg-
ative effect on survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum.
Yilmaz et al. (2012) investigated the effects of diet-
ary thyme (Thymus vulgaris), rosemary (Rosmari-
nus officinalis) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum
graecum) as feed additives on growth performance
of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax); their results indi-
cated that dietary thyme improved protein and
energy retentions (P  0.05); but rosemary and
fenugreek did not change growth performance in
sea bass (P  0.05). Findings in the present study
are consistent with the results of Ebrahimi,
Tangestani, Dughikolaei and Zare (2012) who
reported that adding garlic essential oil to the diet
Table 3 Body Composition parameters (as dry basis) of C. nigrofasciatum fed diets containing different levels of F. vul-
gare essential oil for 40 days*
Body Composition (%) Control D1 (75 mgkg 1
) D2 (100 mgkg 1
) D3 (125 mgkg 1
) D4 (150 mgkg 1
Moisture 68.35  1.19bc
69.15  0.86bc
71.23  1.16ab
66.40  0.91c
72.68  0.10a
Crude protein 53.78  0.38a
52.13  1.85a
51.24  0.45a
50.71  0.87a
50.24  2.10a
Crude lipid 31.66  0.33a
30.60  0.30b
26.50  0.28d
30.60  0.30b
29.56  0.29c
Crude ash 14.55  0.19c
17.26  1.89bc
22.26  0.23a
18.39  0.92abc
20.19  2.17ab
*Values (mean  SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P  0.05).
Table 4 The effects of different concentrations of F. vulgare essential oil on some reproductive indices of C. nigrofascia-
tum (♀) for 40 days*
Reproductive parameters Control (0) D1 (75 mgkg 1
) D2 (100 mgkg 1
) D3 (125 mgkg 1
) D4 (150 mgkg 1
Fish weight (g) ♀ 2.28  0.00a
2.82  0.29a
2.44  0.16a
2.49  0.08a
2.75  0.27a
Fish length (cm)♀ 4.16  0.03a
4.16  0.03a
4.06  0.06a
4.13  0.03a
4.20  0.05a
Relative fecundity 85  1C
88  5C
117  10a
103  10ab
125  9a
Gonadosomatic index (%) 4.97  0.29c
6.73  0.56bc
9.44  1.82ab
8.89  1.41abc
11.06  1.55a
Egg diameter (mm) 0.82  0.05a
0.93  0.03a
0.82  0.09a
0.87  0.08a
0.92  0.09a
*Values (mean  SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P  0.05).
Table 5 Reproductive performance of C. nigrofasciatum (♀) fed with F. vulgare essential oil and C. nigrofasciatum (♂) not
fed F. vulgare essential oil*
Reproductive parameters Control (0) D1 (75 mgkg 1
) D2 (100 mgkg 1
) D3 (125 mgkg 1
) D4 (150 mgkg 1
Fish weight (g) ♀ 3.01  0.07a
3.56  0.42a
3.07  0.30a
2.95  0.27a
2.71  0.24a
Fish length (cm)♀ 4.03  0.06a
4.23  0.09a
4.00  0.10a
4.03  0.06a
4.15  0.08a
Fish weight (g) ♂ 7.25  0.43a
8.20  0.20a
8.20  0.20a
8.10  0.20a
8.03  0.08a
Fish length (cm) ♂ 5.85  0.08a
5.96  0.03a
6.03  0.03a
6.00  0.05a
5.96  0.08a
Fertilized egg 87  14b
203  52a
247  35a
179  38ab
281  10a
Hatching (%) 26.59  13.50b
77.64  8.38a
77.33  1.58a
91.08  4.23a
92.33  1.63a
Yolk sack diameter (mm) 0.65  0.32a
1.08  0.05a
1  0.03a
1.02  0.04a
1.07  0.04a
*Values (Mean  SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P  0.05).
© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 5
Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh  S Yeganeh
of Beluga (Huso huso) had no significant effect on
growth performance (P  0.05). Dietary pumpkin
(Telfairia occidentalis) leaf at levels of 0.5, 1, 1.5
and 2 g 100 1
feed promoted the growth of Afri-
can catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings (Dada
2015). The studied indicators could be affected by
duration of trial. Aly, Atti and Mohamed (2008)
used garlic in diet of Oreochromis niloticus and
found that there was no statistically significant
increase in mean individual body weights of treat-
ment groups after 1 and 2 months, while they dis-
covered a statistically significant increase after
8 months in treatments.
Body composition
The present study showed changes in body com-
position except for protein in those fish fed with a
diet supplemented by F. vulgare essential oil when
compared to the control. In contrast, using F. vul-
gare essential oil in diet in a previous research by
Mahdavi et al. (2014) demonstrated an increased
body fat in Rutilus kutum fish fed with supple-
mented diet (P  0.05). Bilgin, Turker and Tek-
inay (2007) reported that body moisture, crude
protein, crude lipid and ash decreased in rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with diets supple-
mented by hazelnut (Corylus avellana) meal. In this
study, there were no significant differences in fish
body protein among different groups. Although
the control revealed the highest level of crude pro-
tein, there was not a significant difference between
each treatment group and the control. It appears
that by reducing the amount of body fat in groups
fed with F. vulgare essential oil, the ash percentage
increase compared to the control group
(P  0.05). The highest amount of ash was
observed in groups of D2 and D4 (P  0.05); also,
moisture percentage in D2 and D4 was more than
other groups (P  0.05). It is reported that pump-
kin (Telfairia occidentalis) leaf powder in diet of
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) did not effect on
the contents of fish carcass moisture, protein and
ash among treatments (P  0.05) (Dada 2015).
Fallahpour, Banaee and Javadzade (2014) evalu-
ated effects of different concentration of marshmal-
low (Althaea officinalis L.) extract on carcass
composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio);
their results showed slight changes in body com-
position of the fish fed with a diet supplemented
by marshmallow extract as compared to the con-
trol (P  0.05).
Reproductive performance
Sadeghpour et al. (2015) observed an increasing
level in serum oestrogen in female mice that were
injected with extracts of F. vulgare. In the present
study, F. vulgare essential oil increased fecundity
in fish so that the highest fertility rate was
observed in the fish fed with D4 of F. vulgare essen-
tial oil. Phyto-oestrogens have a similar effect to
17 beta-estradiol but with lower performance
(Pelissero, Bennetau, Babin, Le menn  Dunogues
1991). Increase in vitellogenesis of teleost liver is
related to increase in 17 beta-estradiol (O
Unal 2012). Analysis of F. vulgare essential oil
composition indicated that 76.6% of its composi-
tion included trans-anethole. Trans-anethole has a
similar structure to 17-beta-estradiol and
expressed as a oestrogenic factor of fennel (Albert-
Puleo 1980). Increasing the level of oestrogen hor-
mones in fish fed with F.vulgare essential oil, due
to increased reproduction activities and fertility of
the fish. Similar results were reported by Nazari
and Roozbehani (2015) who used F.vulgare extract
as a fertility enhancing agent for Guppy (Poecilia
reticulate). Dada and Ajilore (2009) observed an
increased in fecundity and egg diameter of female
catfish (C. gariepinus) broodstock treated with
extract of Garcinia kola seeds. In the present study,
diameter of eggs and yolk sac in various groups
were not significantly different (P  0.05); this
finding was also reported by Rana Akhavan,
Tolouee Gilani and Majazi Amiri (2014) who used
17 beta-estradiol implants in Beluga (H. huso).
Among the dosages used in this study, D4 was the
most effective dosage that significantly increased
GSI (11.06  1.55%), fecundity (340  21) and
hatching rate (92.33  1.63%). Dada  Adeparusi
(2012) showed that supplement diets with Sesa-
mum indicum and Croton zambesicus seed powder
(respectively at concentrations of 100 and
150 mg kg 1
) improved GSI and reproductive
indices of female C. gariepinus broodstocks. This
observation was consistent with the findings of
Dada (2012) who reported that dietary supple-
mentation with G. kola seed powder improved
fecundity, hatchability of C. gariepinus and had a
potential pro-fertility property which could be
actuated in fish seed production; but in the study
of Yilmaz, Genc, Cek, Mazlum and Genc (2006)
that investigated the effects of Ferula coskunii on
GSI of Cyprinus carpio did not observe significant
difference between different groups. The increase
© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8
Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh  S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
in the fecundity of fish could be as a result of the
presence of biflavonoid and xanthone in the
plants. Biflavonoid and xanthone are potent
antioxidants which are capable of increasing the
production of oestrogen, the key hormone involved
in the production and maturation of eggs in the
ovary (Dada  Adeparusi 2012).
In the present study, using of F. vulgare essential
oils in the diet was improved FCR and reproduc-
tive performance in C. nigrofasciatum. It was con-
cluded that by reduction in body fat and moisture
content replaced in fish fed with F. vulgare essen-
tial oil, better preparation of fish is gained for
reproduction, because during the sexual maturity
of fish, protein and fat replaced with moisture. As
F. vulgare essential oil had no negative effect on
growth of C. nigrofasciatum fish, this represents the
possibility of F. vulgare essential oil application up
to levels in this study for strengthen food efficiency
and improve the reproduction performance of this
fish. Considering that phyto-oestrogens are lack of
negative effects of synthetic oestrogen and more
affordable; it is recommended that plants contain
oestrogenic compounds such as fennel can be used
as a supplement in fish diets.
The authors would like to thank Sari Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources University for
research funding. We would also like to thank to
Eng. Nosrati Movaffagh for his technical assistance.
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© 2016 John Wiley  Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8
Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh  S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
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  • 1. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Effects of supplementary fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ) essential oil in diet on growth and reproductive performance of the ornamental fish, Convict cichlid ( Cichlasoma nigrofascia... Article  in  Aquaculture Research · December 2016 DOI: 10.1111/are.13249 CITATIONS 7 READS 293 2 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: seasonal variation of chemical composition and fatty acid profile of farmed and wild common carp and the effect of spawning on shelflife of fillet during refrigerated storage View project design and production of rGnRH for applying in fisheries science View project Azam Sotoudeh Isfahan University of Technology 2 PUBLICATIONS   14 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Sakineh Yeganeh Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University 48 PUBLICATIONS   650 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Azam Sotoudeh on 06 November 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.
  • 2. Effects of supplementary fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) essential oil in diet on growth and reproductive performance of the ornamental fish, Convict cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) Azam Sotoudeh & Sakineh Yeganeh Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran Correspondence: S Yeganeh, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Km 9 Darya Boulevard, PO Box 578, Sari, Iran. E-mails:; Abstract This study evaluated the effects of diet containing 0 (C: control), 75 (D1), 100 (D2), 125 (D3) and 150 (D4) mg kg 1 F. vulgare essential oil on growth and reproductive performance of C. nigro- fasciatum. A total of 225 Convict cichlids female with mean weight (1.65 0.02 g) were dis- tributed into 15 glass aquaria (15 fish tank 1 ) in triplicate treatments. During 40 days of experi- mental period, fish fed at 3% of their body weight daily. At the end of experiment, growth indices, gonadosomatic index and reproductive indices were determined. The best feed conversion ratio was obtained in D4 (1.19 0.03, P 0.05). The addition of F. vulgare essential oil did not have any statistical effects on other growth indices (specific growth rate, weight gain and condition factor). Total survival rates in all treatments and control were uniformly high, ranging from 93% to 97% (P 0.05). F. vulgare essential oil has no negative effect on survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum. There were no significant differences among protein con- tent of fish body (P 0.05). The lowest value of fat content (26.5 0.5%) was observed in D2, and it had significant difference with control and other groups (P 0.05). The ash percentage in treatments fed with F. vulgare essential oil were higher than control fish (P 0.05). The highest moisture content was detected in D4 (72.68 0.19%) and D2 (71.23 2%) groups. Among the used dosage, D4 was the most effective dosage that could significantly increase GSI (11.06 1.55%), fecundity (340 21) and hatching ratio (92.33 1.63%). There were no significant differences in diameter of eggs among various treatments (P 0.05). Keywords: Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, Foeni- culum vulgare, Growth, Reproductive performance Introduction In recent years, development of aquaculture indus- try has largely increased, so that its annual growth rate has been more than other industries (FAO 2014). Reproduction and breeding of orna- mental fish due to their high economic importance promoted aquaculture performance (Firouzbakhsh, Noori, Khalesi Jani-Khalili 2011), so that the ornamental fish industry and its relatives around the world have 15 billion dollars worth and more than 2 billion numbers of live ornamental fish are annually traded (Nair 2012). Culture and repro- duction of ornamental fish species are done using a variety of methods (Nazari Roozbehani 2015). Some species will spawn with changing environ- mental patterns such as changes in water temper- ature, pH or electrical conductivity (Yanong, Martinez Watson 2009). Other species need more advanced techniques, including the use of hormone productions through injection to stimu- late spawning in fish (Nazari Roozbehani 2015). These hormones are more expensive than plant compounds, and their applications require special- ist experts (Yılmaz, C ßek Mazlum 2009). In © 2016 John Wiley Sons Ltd 1 Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8 doi:10.1111/are.13249
  • 3. addition, it has been reported that synthetic hor- mones may accumulate in sediments, water and aquatic organisms (Yılmaz et al. 2009). Instead of hormones, herbal medicine could be a new approach in aquaculture (Maack Segner 2003). In recent years, to learn more about the reproduc- tive processes, the exogenous oestrogen such as phyto-oestrogens has been used which causes sex- ual development of gonads by imitation of the sex steroid effects such as androgens (Clotfelter Rodriguez 2006). Phyto-oestrogens, structurally similar to animal oestrogens, are plant compounds (Turner, Agatonovic-Kustrin Glass 2007) that have an important role in pharmaceutical industry and aquaculture, and their use in diet can be effective on fish growth and reproduction (Dixon 2004). Three categories of phyto-oestrogens including isoflavones, coumestans and lignans were found at high concentrations in plants such as legumes (Choi Hwang 2004) and fennel (Hornok 1992). F. vulgare essential oil contains more than thirty types of terpenes or terpenoids compounds, of which anethole, fenchone, limo- nene and methyl Kavykvl are the most important ones (Albert-Puleo 1980). The main part of F. vul- gare essential oil is anethole which has been pro- posed as active oestrogenic agent (Reynolds 1982). F. vulgare essential oil has antispasmodic properties, such as antioxidant (Choi Hwang 2004), anticancer (Mohamad, EL-Bastawesy, Abdel-Monem, Noor, AL-Mehdar, Sharawy EL- Merzabani 2011), antibacterial activity (Dadalioglu Evrendilek 2004), antifungal (Mimica-Duki c, Kujund zi c, Sokovi c Couladis 2003), and has antidiabetic effects as well (EL-Soud, EL-Laithy, EL- Saeed, Wahby, Khalil, Morsy Shaffie 2011). The effects of F. vulgare essential oil on growth, sur- vival, body composition and haematological parameters of Rutilus kutum fry have been investi- gated (Mahdavi, Yeganeh, Firouzbakhsh Jani- khalili 2014). Nazari and Roozbehani (2015)studied the effect of fennel ethanol extract on fertility, growth and gonad in Poecilia reticulata. The effects of fennel extract on oestrogen, proges- terone and prolactin have also been investigated in mice (Sadeghpour, Khaki, Najafpour, Dolatkhah Montaseri 2015). Yet, the fennel essential oil impacts on reproduction performance of fish have not been reported. Convict cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) from the cichlid family (Cichlidae) is an indigenous spe- cies in lakes and rivers of Central America. Standard length of males and females ranges from 6.3 to 6.6 and 4.2 to 5.5 cm respectively. Sexual maturation occurs after 16 weeks posthatching, and the eggs of this species are hatched within 72 h after fertilization (Piron 1978). In natural habitat, this fish has a combination diet that con- tains crustaceans, small fish, insects, worms, plants and algae. Although the production and trade of ornamental fish are very profitable in aquaculture and well-known throughout the world, there is little information about their nutri- tional requirements (Lovell 2000). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementary fennel essential oil in diet on growth performance and reproduction of Convict cichlid. Materials and methods An initial stock of immature C. nigrofasciatum was prepared, and they were kept in 15 glass aquar- ium (80-l, three replicates for each treatment) until to sex detection. The fish fed with commer- cial diet on the market (the diet was used during the whole experimental period, manufactured by Biomar France), up to satiation four times daily. After sex determination (there were golden to orange spots on the abdomen in female, and the male has a larger size with a bulge on forehead), males and females were separated and the male fish were stocked and fed only with commercial diet without fennel essential oil (3% of their body weight; four times daily) until they were used for reproduction. In order to rearing male fish, three aquaria (80-L) were stocked with 39 male Convict cichlid with an initial average weight of 2.30 0.04 g (13 fish aquarium 1 ) and reared in water conditions similar to females. A total of 225 female Convict cichlid with mean weight of 1.65 0.02 g were distributed in 15 glass aquarium (80 l, three replicates for each treatment). Four diets containing fennel essential oil with amounts of 75 (D1), 100 (D2), 125 (D3) and 150 (D4) mg kg 1 of diet and a control diet (without F. vulgare essential oil) were prepared. Proximate composition of the diets was 42.88 0.55% protein, 28.25 0.58% fat, 5 0% fibre, 8.27 1% moisture and 9.67 0.18% ash. Fennel essential oil was pur- chased from Barij Essence Company (Kashan-Iran). Specified amounts of fennel essential oil were dis- solved in a vegetable oil (10 g per kg food), and then added to the diet using spraying method. For © 2016 John Wiley Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 2 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
  • 4. control diet, the same amount of oil without fen- nel essential oil was sprayed. Chemical analysis of fennel essential oil was undertaken using gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) techniques. Fish were fed 4 times a day (3% of their body weight, the uneaten feed was collected, and the amount of eaten feed were calculated) for 40 days. Water temperature was examined daily (26.22 2°C). The average pH, dissolved oxygen, TDS (total dissolved solids), salinity and electrical con- ductivity were 8.64 0.05, 7.75 0.21 mgL 1 , 825.61 59 mgL 1 , 0.8 0 gL 1 and 1649.93 119 ls cm 1 respectively. Meanwhile, 20% of the tank water was replaced from the bottom each day. Growth performance Growth parameters such as weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and condition factor (CF) were calculated using the following formulas, on days 15, 30 and 40. At the end of the experiment, three fish in each group were sacrificed and dried in an oven at 50°C for 48 h. Thereafter, the whole body of the samples was crushed for body composition analysis according to AOAC (2000) guidelines. Samples of fish in each treatment were weighed before putting them in an oven for 24 h at 105°C, and then reweighed to estimate the mois- ture content. Growth parameters were calculated using the following formulae: (1) WG (Weight gain; g) = FW (Final weight, g) IW (Initial weight, g) (2) SGR (Specific growth rate; %) =([ln W2 – ln W1]/[T2 T1])*100, where W1 and W2 are mean body weight at times when the first and second samples were taken (T1 and T2) (3) FCR (Feed conversion ratio) = (dry feed intake/moisture weight gain) (4) CF (Condition factor) = W/L3 ; where W is weight of the fish and L is length (5) SR (Survival rate) = (N2/N1)*100, where N1 and N2 are total number of fish at the start and end of trial respectively. Reproductive performance To measure the fecundity and gonadosomatic index, at the end of period, three female fish were randomly selected from each aquarium and their ovaries were removed and weighed. Diameter of the eggs was measured. For reproduction of fish, three female fish were randomly selected from each aquarium. A 20-L aquarium tank was used for the reproduction of fish (three females and one male in each tank; after mating, two other female fish were removed from the tank). To stimulate the spawning of fish, water temperature was gradually increased to 29 1°C. The larvae were counted, and their yolk sac diameter was measured. Reproductive parameters were calculated using the following formulae: (1) RF (relative fecundity) = TE/TW, where TE is total eggs and TW is total weight of fish (2) GSI (gonadosomatic index, %) = (gonad weight/body weight) *100 (3) H (hatching; %) = (number of hatched lar- vae/number of eggs eyed)*100. Statistical analysis The effects of treatment on different parameters were analysed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) after checking for normality distribution of data using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Wher- ever significant differences were found, a Dun- can’s multiple range tests was performed for mean differences. Statistical analysis was per- formed using SPSS ver. 19. Data are expressed as mean SD. Results Analysis of fennel essential oil and growth performance Results of the F. vulgare essential oil analysis are provided in Table 1. The highest percentage of F. vulgare essential oil composition was trans- anethole. Data on growth performance and survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum are presented in Table 2. Accord- ing to the results, different levels of fennel essential oil had no effect on survival rates of the fish in dif- ferent groups. FCR decreased significantly (1.19 0/03) in D4 group when compared with control and other supplemented groups. Compar- ison of SGR and CF in different treatments indicates no significant difference (P 0.05). The weight gain of the fish fed with dietary supplementation of © 2016 John Wiley Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 3 Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh S Yeganeh
  • 5. F. vulgare essential oil was lower than the control (P 0.05). Body composition Results of protein content, moisture, fat and whole body ash are presented in Table 3. There were no significant differences between protein content of fish in all groups (P 0.05). As compared to con- trols, lipid levels for dried body decreased after feeding the fish with F. vulgare essential oil (P 0.05). The lowest value of fat content (26.5 0.5%) was observed in D2 group which showed significant difference with the control and other groups (P 0.05). Ash percentage in treat- ments fed with F. vulgare essential oil was higher than control group (P 0.05). Also, moisture con- tents were significantly affected by F. vulgare essential oil at higher concentrations, and the highest moisture contents were detected in D4 (72.68 0.19) and D2 (71.23 2) groups. Sig- nificant changes were observed in moisture levels in D4 group when compared to D1, D3 and control group (P 0.05). Reproductive performance Results of reproduction parameters are presented in Tables 4 and 5. The highest fecundity was obtained in D4 followed by D2, D3, D1 and control respectively. In groups that received F. vulgare essential oil, gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased significantly (P 0.05). The highest and the low- est GSI were observed in D4 (11.06 1.55%) and control group (4.97 0.29) respectively (P 0.05). There were no significant differences in the egg size (diameter) at all groups (P 0.05). There were improvements in the number of eggs and hatching rates in fish fed with supplemented diets. The highest amount of released eggs and hatching rates were observed in D4, and their low- est amounts were found in control group (P 0.05). Results indicated that F. vulgare essen- tial oil has no effect on yolk sac diameter in this experiment (P 0.05). Discussion Growth performance Successful aquaculture is affected by several fac- tors, such as suitable diet. Undoubtedly, one of the most important parameters is a balanced diet that provides all nutritional requirements for optimal growth and health of the fish (Salehi 2008). The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of F. vulgare essential oils as supplementary diet on growth and reproductive performance of C. nigrofasciatum. According to results, F. vulgare essential oil supplementation at D4 significantly Table 1 List of the components of F. vulgare essential oil Compounds (%) a-Pinene 0.35 Limonene 2.67 a-Fenchone 4.57 Estragole 3.96 Cyclohexanone 0.23 Fenchyl acetate 0.40 2-Cyclohexenone 5.28 Benzaldehyde 1.19 Trans-anethole 76.60 Benzene 1.80 Propanone 0.59 Total 97.64 Table 2 Growth performance of C. nigrofasciatum fed diets containing different levels of F. vulgare essential oil for 40 days* Growth parameters Control (0) D1 (75 mgkg 1 ) D2 (100 mgkg 1 ) D3 (125 mgkg 1 ) D4 (150 mgkg 1 ) Initial weight (g) 1.65 0.00a 1.63 0.01a 1.65 0.02a 1.67 0.00a 1.69 0.00a Final weight (g) 2.75 0.08a 2.62 0.08a 2.66 12a 2.47 0.06a 2.67 0.01a Weight gain (g) 1.09 0.08a 0.98 0.09a 1.01 0.14a 0.79 0.05a 0.98 0.01a Specific growth rate (%) 1.20 0.05a 1.13 0.08a 1.13 0.08a 0.90 0.05a 1.10 0.00a Feed conversion ratio 1.28 0.00a 1.29 0.02a 1.33 0.02a 1.34 0.02a 1.19 0.02b Condition factor 3.80 0.12a 3.80 0.02a 3.67 0.14a 3.66 0.03a 3.97 0.07a Survival rate (%) 95.55 2.22a 95.55 2.22a 93.33 0.01 95.55 2.22a 97.77 2.22a *Values (mean SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P 0.05). © 2016 John Wiley Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 4 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
  • 6. decreased FCR as compared to other groups in this study. Feed additives were used to accede better production results in farm animals; previous stud- ies showed that herbs stimulate secretion of pan- creatic enzymes, absorption and digestion of nutrient compounds (Franki c, Volj c, Salobir Rezar 2009). Anethole and estragole in fennel essential oil are digestive stimulant compounds (Cabuk, Alcicek, Bozkurt Imre 2003); that may be a reason for the reduction in feed conversion ratio (FCR) while fish weight did not change signif- icantly. Because more digestible feed decreases the waste of feed energy during digestion and absorp- tion, hence those fish that fed less showed growth rate similar to other treatments. There were no significant differences among treatments in other indicators of growth including weight gain, specific growth rate and condition factor. Total survival rates in all treatments and control were uniformly high ranging from 93 to 97 (P 0.05). It was concluded that F. vulgare essential oil had no neg- ative effect on survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum. Yilmaz et al. (2012) investigated the effects of diet- ary thyme (Thymus vulgaris), rosemary (Rosmari- nus officinalis) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) as feed additives on growth performance of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax); their results indi- cated that dietary thyme improved protein and energy retentions (P 0.05); but rosemary and fenugreek did not change growth performance in sea bass (P 0.05). Findings in the present study are consistent with the results of Ebrahimi, Tangestani, Dughikolaei and Zare (2012) who reported that adding garlic essential oil to the diet Table 3 Body Composition parameters (as dry basis) of C. nigrofasciatum fed diets containing different levels of F. vul- gare essential oil for 40 days* Body Composition (%) Control D1 (75 mgkg 1 ) D2 (100 mgkg 1 ) D3 (125 mgkg 1 ) D4 (150 mgkg 1 ) Moisture 68.35 1.19bc 69.15 0.86bc 71.23 1.16ab 66.40 0.91c 72.68 0.10a Crude protein 53.78 0.38a 52.13 1.85a 51.24 0.45a 50.71 0.87a 50.24 2.10a Crude lipid 31.66 0.33a 30.60 0.30b 26.50 0.28d 30.60 0.30b 29.56 0.29c Crude ash 14.55 0.19c 17.26 1.89bc 22.26 0.23a 18.39 0.92abc 20.19 2.17ab *Values (mean SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P 0.05). Table 4 The effects of different concentrations of F. vulgare essential oil on some reproductive indices of C. nigrofascia- tum (♀) for 40 days* Reproductive parameters Control (0) D1 (75 mgkg 1 ) D2 (100 mgkg 1 ) D3 (125 mgkg 1 ) D4 (150 mgkg 1 ) Fish weight (g) ♀ 2.28 0.00a 2.82 0.29a 2.44 0.16a 2.49 0.08a 2.75 0.27a Fish length (cm)♀ 4.16 0.03a 4.16 0.03a 4.06 0.06a 4.13 0.03a 4.20 0.05a Relative fecundity 85 1C 88 5C 117 10a 103 10ab 125 9a Gonadosomatic index (%) 4.97 0.29c 6.73 0.56bc 9.44 1.82ab 8.89 1.41abc 11.06 1.55a Egg diameter (mm) 0.82 0.05a 0.93 0.03a 0.82 0.09a 0.87 0.08a 0.92 0.09a *Values (mean SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P 0.05). Table 5 Reproductive performance of C. nigrofasciatum (♀) fed with F. vulgare essential oil and C. nigrofasciatum (♂) not fed F. vulgare essential oil* Reproductive parameters Control (0) D1 (75 mgkg 1 ) D2 (100 mgkg 1 ) D3 (125 mgkg 1 ) D4 (150 mgkg 1 ) Fish weight (g) ♀ 3.01 0.07a 3.56 0.42a 3.07 0.30a 2.95 0.27a 2.71 0.24a Fish length (cm)♀ 4.03 0.06a 4.23 0.09a 4.00 0.10a 4.03 0.06a 4.15 0.08a Fish weight (g) ♂ 7.25 0.43a 8.20 0.20a 8.20 0.20a 8.10 0.20a 8.03 0.08a Fish length (cm) ♂ 5.85 0.08a 5.96 0.03a 6.03 0.03a 6.00 0.05a 5.96 0.08a Fertilized egg 87 14b 203 52a 247 35a 179 38ab 281 10a Hatching (%) 26.59 13.50b 77.64 8.38a 77.33 1.58a 91.08 4.23a 92.33 1.63a Yolk sack diameter (mm) 0.65 0.32a 1.08 0.05a 1 0.03a 1.02 0.04a 1.07 0.04a *Values (Mean SEM) superscripted by different alphabets within the same line are significantly different (P 0.05). © 2016 John Wiley Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 5 Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh S Yeganeh
  • 7. of Beluga (Huso huso) had no significant effect on growth performance (P 0.05). Dietary pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) leaf at levels of 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 g 100 1 feed promoted the growth of Afri- can catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings (Dada 2015). The studied indicators could be affected by duration of trial. Aly, Atti and Mohamed (2008) used garlic in diet of Oreochromis niloticus and found that there was no statistically significant increase in mean individual body weights of treat- ment groups after 1 and 2 months, while they dis- covered a statistically significant increase after 8 months in treatments. Body composition The present study showed changes in body com- position except for protein in those fish fed with a diet supplemented by F. vulgare essential oil when compared to the control. In contrast, using F. vul- gare essential oil in diet in a previous research by Mahdavi et al. (2014) demonstrated an increased body fat in Rutilus kutum fish fed with supple- mented diet (P 0.05). Bilgin, Turker and Tek- inay (2007) reported that body moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash decreased in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with diets supple- mented by hazelnut (Corylus avellana) meal. In this study, there were no significant differences in fish body protein among different groups. Although the control revealed the highest level of crude pro- tein, there was not a significant difference between each treatment group and the control. It appears that by reducing the amount of body fat in groups fed with F. vulgare essential oil, the ash percentage increase compared to the control group (P 0.05). The highest amount of ash was observed in groups of D2 and D4 (P 0.05); also, moisture percentage in D2 and D4 was more than other groups (P 0.05). It is reported that pump- kin (Telfairia occidentalis) leaf powder in diet of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) did not effect on the contents of fish carcass moisture, protein and ash among treatments (P 0.05) (Dada 2015). Fallahpour, Banaee and Javadzade (2014) evalu- ated effects of different concentration of marshmal- low (Althaea officinalis L.) extract on carcass composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio); their results showed slight changes in body com- position of the fish fed with a diet supplemented by marshmallow extract as compared to the con- trol (P 0.05). Reproductive performance Sadeghpour et al. (2015) observed an increasing level in serum oestrogen in female mice that were injected with extracts of F. vulgare. In the present study, F. vulgare essential oil increased fecundity in fish so that the highest fertility rate was observed in the fish fed with D4 of F. vulgare essen- tial oil. Phyto-oestrogens have a similar effect to 17 beta-estradiol but with lower performance (Pelissero, Bennetau, Babin, Le menn Dunogues 1991). Increase in vitellogenesis of teleost liver is related to increase in 17 beta-estradiol (O guz € Unal 2012). Analysis of F. vulgare essential oil composition indicated that 76.6% of its composi- tion included trans-anethole. Trans-anethole has a similar structure to 17-beta-estradiol and expressed as a oestrogenic factor of fennel (Albert- Puleo 1980). Increasing the level of oestrogen hor- mones in fish fed with F.vulgare essential oil, due to increased reproduction activities and fertility of the fish. Similar results were reported by Nazari and Roozbehani (2015) who used F.vulgare extract as a fertility enhancing agent for Guppy (Poecilia reticulate). Dada and Ajilore (2009) observed an increased in fecundity and egg diameter of female catfish (C. gariepinus) broodstock treated with extract of Garcinia kola seeds. In the present study, diameter of eggs and yolk sac in various groups were not significantly different (P 0.05); this finding was also reported by Rana Akhavan, Tolouee Gilani and Majazi Amiri (2014) who used 17 beta-estradiol implants in Beluga (H. huso). Among the dosages used in this study, D4 was the most effective dosage that significantly increased GSI (11.06 1.55%), fecundity (340 21) and hatching rate (92.33 1.63%). Dada Adeparusi (2012) showed that supplement diets with Sesa- mum indicum and Croton zambesicus seed powder (respectively at concentrations of 100 and 150 mg kg 1 ) improved GSI and reproductive indices of female C. gariepinus broodstocks. This observation was consistent with the findings of Dada (2012) who reported that dietary supple- mentation with G. kola seed powder improved fecundity, hatchability of C. gariepinus and had a potential pro-fertility property which could be actuated in fish seed production; but in the study of Yilmaz, Genc, Cek, Mazlum and Genc (2006) that investigated the effects of Ferula coskunii on GSI of Cyprinus carpio did not observe significant difference between different groups. The increase © 2016 John Wiley Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 6 Fennel essential oil on growth and reproduction of Cichlid A Sotoudeh S Yeganeh Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–8
  • 8. in the fecundity of fish could be as a result of the presence of biflavonoid and xanthone in the plants. Biflavonoid and xanthone are potent antioxidants which are capable of increasing the production of oestrogen, the key hormone involved in the production and maturation of eggs in the ovary (Dada Adeparusi 2012). In the present study, using of F. vulgare essential oils in the diet was improved FCR and reproduc- tive performance in C. nigrofasciatum. It was con- cluded that by reduction in body fat and moisture content replaced in fish fed with F. vulgare essen- tial oil, better preparation of fish is gained for reproduction, because during the sexual maturity of fish, protein and fat replaced with moisture. As F. vulgare essential oil had no negative effect on growth of C. nigrofasciatum fish, this represents the possibility of F. vulgare essential oil application up to levels in this study for strengthen food efficiency and improve the reproduction performance of this fish. 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