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Article 1
ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imperative
of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. Insight, 1-6.
The author points out that many hospitals are struggling with
how to execute strategic plans effectively in their organizational
structure. These institutions lack efficient decision-making
processes, accountability for the performance of key strategies
and the recognition of the importance of hospital strategies to
propel them to new business. The key challenge in provider-
based organizations is their inability to focus their strategies on
the provision of high-quality patient care services. Hospitals
should stop focusing on performance-driven traditional
strategies and instead align their strategies to focus on a service
To ensure that such procedures are executed efficiently, it is
important that their organizational structures are informed by
the care service strategy. The organizational structure should
ensure that the strategy is encompassed in their strategic plan,
organizational control structure, management responsibilities
and physician leadership. In today’s world, patients are seeking
more care on their heart conditions, cancer or other illnesses or
injuries rather than on traditional hospital departments such as
nursing, physical therapy or radiology. By focusing on patient
care functions along these service lines, hospitals can optimize
performance. The organizational structure should also be
streamlined to support key strategies. Laying a strong
foundation for the organization structure is important to ensure
that key strategies are executed effectively. The control
structure should also be flexible enough to adapt to shifts in
strategy. Introducing changes such as a focus on traditional
performance-driven strategies to a service line is sometimes
stalled due to a rigid management structure. It is important to
have a flexible control structure to facilitate decision-making
processes that are most times challenged by poor leadership
Given the opportunity, I would correct an inefficient hospital
strategy by reorganizing the organizational structure to focus
entirely on key strategies of a service line. Clinical services,
planning, marketing and public affairs are some of the new
elements that I would to traditional organizational structures in
hospitals. This way, any shifts in strategies can easily be
adapted due to a flexible control structure. At the same time, as
a leader, I would focus on building value around my employees
by assigning them responsibilities based on the right service
lines. This will ensure that they remain accountable for their
performance and use of resources along with their service lines.
A good management structure is also necessary to maintain a
good relationship between the business strategy and the
performance of my employees.
Article 2
Perera, F. D. P. R., & Peiró, M. (2012). Strategic Planning in
Healthcare Organizations. Revista Española de Cardiología
(English Edition), 65(8), 749-754.
Strategic planning as defined by Perera is a systematic process
where an organization outlines the manner in which it plans to
progress from its current situation to the desired state in future
through a written document. The strategic plan is used to guide
decision making by the organization in all its activities and
structures in a definitive way. A strategic plan is essential for
healthcare organizations as it helps to conduct simulations for
the future. A strategic plan is expected to reveal any future
threats and opportunities that may be acted upon in the present.
The plan also provides a decision-making criteria for day-to-day
decisions for a period which facilitates managerial decision
making. The strategic planning process brings together the
participation and commitment of the entire healthcare
organization in achieving planned goals. Eventually, a good
strategic plan puts the organization in the good light in its
public image.
However, for some organizations, the need for the development
of a strategic plan may not be favorable due to certain
prevailing conditions. For instance, the whole process is
expensive regarding consuming long periods of valuable time
and resources for the organization. If the development of a
strategic plan imposes large expenses on, the group then it
probably shouldn’t be explored. Also, if the strategic plan is too
complex and burdensome, the management should not go ahead
with it. This is because it will incur future problems and make it
irrelevant. The projected outcomes of the strategic plan should
be used to determine whether it should be implemented or not.
Article 4
Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S.,
Webb, C. E., & Von Kohorn, I. (2012). Core principles & values
of effective team-based health care. Washington, DC: Institute
of Medicine.
A “team”, in a corporate environment, usually refers to
members of a group who come together to achieve set objectives
for the organization. Team-based care is used in healthcare
organizations to conduct operations based on individual teams
in various departments. As suggested by the author, team-based
care is used to bring together the collaborative efforts through
various contributions by teams to achieve goals in the care
process. As the manager of a ten-person team in the Physical
Therapy Department in a hospital, I would apply team-based
care principles to set the foundation for team-based care
It is important for my team to realize that we have a shared goal
of providing quality physical therapy services to our patients.
Our main priority is the patients in need of physical therapy,
and the team should work to support the care of these patients. I
will also give clear roles and my expectations of each of the
team member’s contribution to the team. Through this, I will
ensure that each member of the team remains accountable for
the entire success of the team. This will optimize the efficiency
of the team through the division of labor. I will also work to
develop mutual trust among the team members. Each team
member will work to earn each other’s trust and facilitate great
dependability on achieving shared success. Effective
communication will also be a key principle that I will develop
among team members. By developing their interpersonal
communication skills, information will be easily passed across
the department in a smooth way. The final key principle would
be to ensure measurable processes and outcomes are involved.
The team should be able to provide timely feedback on
successes and failures to implement proper functions of the
team. Through this, the team performance can be tracked and
improved over time.
ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imperative
of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. Insight, 1-6.
Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S.,
Webb, C. E., & Von Kohorn, I. (2012). Core principles & values
of effective team-based health care. Washington, DC: Institute
of Medicine.
Perera, F. D. P. R., & Peiró, M. (2012). Strategic Planning in
Healthcare Organizations. Revista Española de Cardiología
(English Edition), 65(8), 749-754.
322 Week #2 response: Need a peer response to each post
(Discussion). There are 2 post totalSpecific Rules for
Discussion response - your response to the discussion question
should be between 150 - 300 words.
Peer responses - Must be a minimum of 100 - 200 words and a
maximum of 300 words for peer responses.
Must provide a minimum of at least one (1) reference in your
discussion andpeer responses.
There are two (2) required peer responses due per week.
Discussion Week 2- Charity Care vs. Bad Debt #6
Created by Liquanna Chapman on Jan 19, 2016 6:07 PM
What is a key difference between charity care and bad debt?
How is each handled on the income statement?
Charity care is medical care given at free or low-cost to low
income or uninsured patients. Bad debt is care given to patients
who has an ability to pay but is unwilling to settle their claim.
The difference between the two is that the patient applies for
charity on the bases of their inability to pay due to financial
hardship, and bad debt is a choice made not to pay resulting in
collections. Charity care is reported as an expense subtracted
from net revenue. The amount of charity care must be disclosed
and is usually done in the footnotes. This is written off as a
fulfillment of the provider’s charity care and community service
section of their mission statement. July 2011, FASB issued a
new GAAP stating that bad debt should be deducted from the
gross patient revenue as part of the calculation of the net patient
Week 2Created by Nasim Karimian Sichani on Jan 21, 2016
11:49 PM
What is the difference between patient service revenue and
other revenue?
The difference between patient service revenue and other
revenues is that the PSR revenue the health center generates
from treating the patients.
For Examples the payments from Medicaid, Medicare, and
commercial insurers such as BCBS and etc. Based on Bureau
Primary Health Care (BPHC) Patient services revenue is a
“Program Income.” Patient service revenue represents 50 to
70% of a health center’s total revenue and generates
transactions on a daily basis.
The patient service revenue demands the largest and most
frequent focus from the finance department, which is
complicated by different reimbursement systems.
Other Revenues such as Gross revenue represents the total gross
charges for all services provided by the center. Another
Revenue is the Net revenue which is the amount the health
center expects to receive for services, and is equal to gross
charges less contractual allowances and sliding fee discounts.
Degenfelder, C. (n.d.). Recording Revenue in the General
Ledger. Retrieved from
HMGT 320 Week #2 Response. Need a response to each post
(Discussion). There are 4 post total. I have also attached my
origanal post that requires a reponse back to my instructor. My
original post will be first, with the question my teacher
proposed. The postings that require my peer response are listed
next. An example of what a “response” is and or how long it
should be. These post are very lengthy, I apologize. You may
put you response on a different sheet of paper but please ensure
you put the “name” of the person’s discussions you are
responding toResponse due back to my instructor from my
original post: By Jerome Bozek
Art. 1....Question, for Deidra and any other class member...can
you further explain "flexible control structure" vs. "rigid
management structure"....what do these look like?
You raise an interesting point, Deidra. Sometimes
organizations get wrapped up in the "process", vs. developing a
functional "plan". I have personally been in organizations who
spend $50-$100 K for outside planning consultants, yet the
finished product ends up on the shelf, because the plan is not a
living and breathing document, which is not part of the fabric of
the organization's management.
Art. 4...Question....the concept of "process improvement" has
been raised here as part of team- based care...are any of your
familiar/have worked with processes as six-sigma, LEAN, or
Demming? Comments and feedback for the class?
Peer responses needed (as if you were me)· Week 2 Discussion
Gursanam Gill posted Jan 20, 2016 11:20 PM
-Strategic Imperative
In the first article for this week's reading, we read about how
strategic imperative is essential in preventing and correcting the
greatest challenge facing provider-based organizations.
According to the article, the execution of strategic plans is the
greatest challenge which provider-based organizations face
today. Less than 10% of strategic plans are realized, which
prevents organizations from being high-performing in both the
short and long term. This means that, without that strong
foundation, in this case the strategic plan, the organization will
not run like the well-oiled machine that executives and higher-
ups want, and that patients look for.
If I were given the opportunity, I would suggest that the
organization be restructured. This can be done through creating
a new and achievable strategic plan, creating an organization
control structure, giving responsibilities to management, and
creating physician leadership.
Source: The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s
Management Structure. (2006). Retrieved January 19, 2016,
-Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is "the systematic and organized process
whereby an organization creates a document indicating the way
it plans to progress from its current situation to the desired
future situation; the set of decision -making criteria and the
decisions taken and implemented by an organization to
definitively and permanently guide its activities and structure."
Strategic planning aims to bring the future closer to the
organization, and allows the organization to study and conduct
simulations of the future. Strategic planning also aims to reveal
opportunities which were previously hidden, or to reveal
threats, which gives the organization to act on them earlier.
As a consultant, I would recommend an organization not
proceed with the development of a strategic plan when the cost
of outweighs the benefits which are predicted in the strategic
plan, as well as if there is a new management team/head being
introduced in the organization who want to start from scratch
and create a new strategic plan.
Source: Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations. (n.d.).
Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
-Team-Based Care
As a manager, I would address a few key issues which pertain to
team-based care. First off, ensuring that the patient and the
family are that the center of the team requires careful planning
and execution. In order to maximize value, matching resources
to patient and family needs is essential. It is also important, in
terms of efficiency, to build bridges to ongoing activities
related to team-based care. Lastly, in order to achieve
continuously improving and high value team-based health care,
it is important to define a coordinated research agenda for team-
based care.
Source: Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B.,
Okun, S., Webb, C. E., . . . Von Kohorn, I. (2012, October).
Core Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care.
Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
Respond to Gursanam Gill here please:Week 2 Created by
Miguel Wolfe on Jan 20, 2016 10:13 PM
Article 1. Strategic Imperative:
A.) One of the biggest challenges facing provider based
organizations such as hospitals is strategic planning. Because
there is a lack of strategic planning, these organization struggle
to make decisions that could better benefit the hospital.
Strategic planning allows health organizations to plan their
future by being relevant and competitive with other health
organizations. It also allows them to create distinctive service
lines in order to expand their clientele.
The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s
B.) If given the opportunity to recommend changes to my
organizations, I would first make sure that everyone within the
organization is aware of the changes that would be occurring
and would hope as a team, that we could come up with ideas to
solve repetitive issues. Secondly i would work on branching off
certain sections of healthcare so those physicians can give those
particular patients the correct attention need. I would also
hire a group of people that monitors, and could find ways of
keeping the hospital innovative.
2.) Article 2. Strategic Planning:
Strategic Planning is a process used by various organizations to
guide them from one current situation, to a desired situation in
the future. In order to determine what strategy best fits the
organization, they undergo a dynamic use of specific selected
external opportunities that engage and develop internal
competencies in order to fulfill the organization's mission and
creating value for its stakeholders. As a consultant i would not
recommend an organization proceed with development of a
strategic plan if this company is already in a financial crisis as
strategic planning is expensive. That company may want to
focus on financial issues before doing a strategic plan.
strategic Planning in Health Care
3.) Article 4. Team Based Care:
In order to implement a team base care system within the
organization; communication will be an important factor in
ensuring that these team member understand their roles within
the team. These team members will need to know why it will be
beneficial working as a team. Working as team in a health care
organization ultimately offers the patients a better experience
while in a health care facility. Work loads are not place on just
one individual which allows this team member to focus on each
patient. I would address the importance of the team
communicating amongst each other to ensure that error is
decreased. These team members must understand the goals of
the organization which would be offering the patient optimum
service while finding new ways of improving the organization.
Principles and values of team based health
Respond to Miguel Wolfe here please:Week 2 – Urusha Created
by Urusha Honesty on Jan 18, 2016 6:57 PM
1. Article 1, Strategic Imperative:
Article 1 describes the biggest challenge facing provider-based
organizations as the lack of or an inefficient strategic plan and
organizational structure. When strategies do change, the
structure and responsibilities must change to effectively and
efficiently execute said strategies. Importance should be placed
on bridging multiple departments for a quality patient
experience and shifting the service line’s focus’ to reflect the
new strategy while maintaining accountability between the
heads of the departments and the department managers.
I would address such issues with a realignment of the
organizational structure to match the goals and culture of the
organization. The strategic plan would be clear, concise and
obtainable based on economic, physical and technical
constraints. I would realign the management structure to ensure
accountability while making sure the right tools and controls are
available for leadership to meet the new goals. I would say it is
vital to ensure that management has a focus on transitions that
may take place in the future as well as the current changes, in
other words, have insight on the future of the organization and
the skillset to be successful in strategic changes and leadership
ECG Management Consultants (Ed.) (2007). The Strategic
Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure.
Insight (Winter).
Article 2, Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is the creation of a document of plans and
outlines operational characteristics that are to take place or
change to secure the future or progressive goals of an
organization. The strategic plan (SP) includes decisions,
decision-making criteria, structural and leadership criteria that
the organization follows.
I would not recommend an SP in the case of an organization not
having the economic resources to create and execute such plan.
I would not suggest such a plan when there is a lack of cohesion
amongst departments, leadership and staff. Uncovering of
difficulties due to conflicts and other issues should be
addressed prior to planning and execution of the SP. Goals
should be aligned between different departments, despite each
department may need a separate plan. The professionals within
the organization should be prepared to quantify and evolve to
meet future goals.
Rodríguez Perera, F., & Peiro, M. (2012). Strategic Planning in
Healthcare Organizations. Revista Española De Cardiologia,
65(08), 749-754. Retrieved from
Article 3, Team-Based Care
First I would need to evaluate and address the values of the
team members. Values such as honesty, discipline, creativity,
humility and curiosity would be required. We would discuss and
define the many goals of patient care and set an understanding
that each patient may require different care according to the
patient goals. The understanding that such goals would need to
be shared goals of the team and the patient, and possibly the
patient’s family has to be established and accepted. The patient
would need to be key in the goal setting. There should be a
clear understanding of the goals of care and how the team will
address such goals. The goals are to be shared goals meaning
the team would establish mutual or shared goals that are clear,
concise, understood and that represent the patient and family
needs. These steps would be the initial part of setting the
To prepare my team as well as other departments, I would create
space to understand the resources available to meet patient and
family needs. I would also develop protocols and ensure each
team member would be aware of the functions and
responsibilities of each person or group in said team and that
each individual is accountable for their said function. They
would have clear roles. We would address departmentalizing
while defining clear responsibilities without duplicating efforts
while maintaining a high level of efficiency. We would have to
create a level of trust and reciprocity for shared success across
the entire team and with other departments. All team members
in all settings should have consistent, effective and candid
communications both internally and across all departments.
Communication and briefings on what is working and what is
not should be done on a consistent basis. We will discuss how
goals are being achieved, what processes are effective and when
they are not, why in order to improve and refine processes
immediately. We will track performance and ensure
accountability to responsibilities on a weekly basis with each
patient. These expectations will be clearly discussed,
understood and agreed upon within the first 30 days to give
space for team members to engage in developing protocols,
engage in evaluations of processes, building bridges to facilitate
efficiency and future improvements as needed.
Mitchell, P., Okun, S., Wynia, M., Webb, C., Golden, R.,
Rohrbach, V., Von Kohorn, I. (2012, October 1). Core
Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care.
Lecture presented at Discussion Paper in Participants drawn
from the Best Practices Innovation Collaborative of the IOM
Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care
Example of a response:
I agree that values of team members are very important.
Without the proper values in place it would be difficult to work
well in a team environment. I have worked within a team where
some members lacked essential values, this made the
environment very tense and stressful. It also had a negative
affect on patient care.
After doing so addition research I found that interdisciplinary
teams consist of a group of health care professionals from
different fields who work together toward a common goal for
the patient. Each member of the interdisciplinary team
possesses knowledge and resources that combined with other
members will benefit the patient by ensuring that they receive
the best quality of care. These interdisciplinary teams can lead
to improvements in the organization by providing patient
focused services which will improve the quality of care. By
working together member are able to clearly understand what
needs the patients has and are able to address the needs in a way
in which the patient will receive the best outcome. By working
together there is less room for error in diagnosing the patient as
well as over medicating the patient. The need for
interdisciplinary teams is increasing due to a large aging
population, the need to more comprehensive care for patients,
and an increasing specialization within health professions.

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Article 1ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imper.docx

  • 1. Article 1 ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. Insight, 1-6. a) The author points out that many hospitals are struggling with how to execute strategic plans effectively in their organizational structure. These institutions lack efficient decision-making processes, accountability for the performance of key strategies and the recognition of the importance of hospital strategies to propel them to new business. The key challenge in provider- based organizations is their inability to focus their strategies on the provision of high-quality patient care services. Hospitals should stop focusing on performance-driven traditional strategies and instead align their strategies to focus on a service line. To ensure that such procedures are executed efficiently, it is important that their organizational structures are informed by the care service strategy. The organizational structure should ensure that the strategy is encompassed in their strategic plan, organizational control structure, management responsibilities and physician leadership. In today’s world, patients are seeking more care on their heart conditions, cancer or other illnesses or injuries rather than on traditional hospital departments such as nursing, physical therapy or radiology. By focusing on patient care functions along these service lines, hospitals can optimize performance. The organizational structure should also be streamlined to support key strategies. Laying a strong foundation for the organization structure is important to ensure that key strategies are executed effectively. The control structure should also be flexible enough to adapt to shifts in strategy. Introducing changes such as a focus on traditional performance-driven strategies to a service line is sometimes stalled due to a rigid management structure. It is important to
  • 2. have a flexible control structure to facilitate decision-making processes that are most times challenged by poor leadership structures. b) Given the opportunity, I would correct an inefficient hospital strategy by reorganizing the organizational structure to focus entirely on key strategies of a service line. Clinical services, planning, marketing and public affairs are some of the new elements that I would to traditional organizational structures in hospitals. This way, any shifts in strategies can easily be adapted due to a flexible control structure. At the same time, as a leader, I would focus on building value around my employees by assigning them responsibilities based on the right service lines. This will ensure that they remain accountable for their performance and use of resources along with their service lines. A good management structure is also necessary to maintain a good relationship between the business strategy and the performance of my employees. Article 2 Perera, F. D. P. R., & Peiró, M. (2012). Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations. Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition), 65(8), 749-754. Strategic planning as defined by Perera is a systematic process where an organization outlines the manner in which it plans to progress from its current situation to the desired state in future through a written document. The strategic plan is used to guide decision making by the organization in all its activities and structures in a definitive way. A strategic plan is essential for healthcare organizations as it helps to conduct simulations for
  • 3. the future. A strategic plan is expected to reveal any future threats and opportunities that may be acted upon in the present. The plan also provides a decision-making criteria for day-to-day decisions for a period which facilitates managerial decision making. The strategic planning process brings together the participation and commitment of the entire healthcare organization in achieving planned goals. Eventually, a good strategic plan puts the organization in the good light in its public image. However, for some organizations, the need for the development of a strategic plan may not be favorable due to certain prevailing conditions. For instance, the whole process is expensive regarding consuming long periods of valuable time and resources for the organization. If the development of a strategic plan imposes large expenses on, the group then it probably shouldn’t be explored. Also, if the strategic plan is too complex and burdensome, the management should not go ahead with it. This is because it will incur future problems and make it irrelevant. The projected outcomes of the strategic plan should be used to determine whether it should be implemented or not. Article 4 Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S., Webb, C. E., & Von Kohorn, I. (2012). Core principles & values of effective team-based health care. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine. A “team”, in a corporate environment, usually refers to members of a group who come together to achieve set objectives for the organization. Team-based care is used in healthcare organizations to conduct operations based on individual teams in various departments. As suggested by the author, team-based care is used to bring together the collaborative efforts through various contributions by teams to achieve goals in the care process. As the manager of a ten-person team in the Physical Therapy Department in a hospital, I would apply team-based care principles to set the foundation for team-based care
  • 4. implementation. It is important for my team to realize that we have a shared goal of providing quality physical therapy services to our patients. Our main priority is the patients in need of physical therapy, and the team should work to support the care of these patients. I will also give clear roles and my expectations of each of the team member’s contribution to the team. Through this, I will ensure that each member of the team remains accountable for the entire success of the team. This will optimize the efficiency of the team through the division of labor. I will also work to develop mutual trust among the team members. Each team member will work to earn each other’s trust and facilitate great dependability on achieving shared success. Effective communication will also be a key principle that I will develop among team members. By developing their interpersonal communication skills, information will be easily passed across the department in a smooth way. The final key principle would be to ensure measurable processes and outcomes are involved. The team should be able to provide timely feedback on successes and failures to implement proper functions of the team. Through this, the team performance can be tracked and improved over time.
  • 5. References ECG management consultants. (2007). The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. Insight, 1-6. Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S., Webb, C. E., & Von Kohorn, I. (2012). Core principles & values of effective team-based health care. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine. Perera, F. D. P. R., & Peiró, M. (2012). Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations. Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition), 65(8), 749-754. 322 Week #2 response: Need a peer response to each post (Discussion). There are 2 post totalSpecific Rules for Discussions Discussion response - your response to the discussion question should be between 150 - 300 words. Peer responses - Must be a minimum of 100 - 200 words and a maximum of 300 words for peer responses. Must provide a minimum of at least one (1) reference in your discussion andpeer responses. There are two (2) required peer responses due per week. Discussion Week 2- Charity Care vs. Bad Debt #6 Created by Liquanna Chapman on Jan 19, 2016 6:07 PM What is a key difference between charity care and bad debt? How is each handled on the income statement? Charity care is medical care given at free or low-cost to low income or uninsured patients. Bad debt is care given to patients who has an ability to pay but is unwilling to settle their claim. The difference between the two is that the patient applies for charity on the bases of their inability to pay due to financial hardship, and bad debt is a choice made not to pay resulting in
  • 6. collections. Charity care is reported as an expense subtracted from net revenue. The amount of charity care must be disclosed and is usually done in the footnotes. This is written off as a fulfillment of the provider’s charity care and community service section of their mission statement. July 2011, FASB issued a new GAAP stating that bad debt should be deducted from the gross patient revenue as part of the calculation of the net patient revenue. Week 2Created by Nasim Karimian Sichani on Jan 21, 2016 11:49 PM What is the difference between patient service revenue and other revenue? The difference between patient service revenue and other revenues is that the PSR revenue the health center generates from treating the patients. For Examples the payments from Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial insurers such as BCBS and etc. Based on Bureau Primary Health Care (BPHC) Patient services revenue is a “Program Income.” Patient service revenue represents 50 to 70% of a health center’s total revenue and generates transactions on a daily basis. The patient service revenue demands the largest and most frequent focus from the finance department, which is complicated by different reimbursement systems. Other Revenues such as Gross revenue represents the total gross charges for all services provided by the center. Another Revenue is the Net revenue which is the amount the health center expects to receive for services, and is equal to gross charges less contractual allowances and sliding fee discounts. Degenfelder, C. (n.d.). Recording Revenue in the General Ledger. Retrieved from
  • 7. HMGT 320 Week #2 Response. Need a response to each post (Discussion). There are 4 post total. I have also attached my origanal post that requires a reponse back to my instructor. My original post will be first, with the question my teacher proposed. The postings that require my peer response are listed next. An example of what a “response” is and or how long it should be. These post are very lengthy, I apologize. You may put you response on a different sheet of paper but please ensure you put the “name” of the person’s discussions you are responding toResponse due back to my instructor from my original post: By Jerome Bozek Deidra, Art. 1....Question, for Deidra and any other class member...can you further explain "flexible control structure" vs. "rigid management structure"....what do these look like? You raise an interesting point, Deidra. Sometimes organizations get wrapped up in the "process", vs. developing a functional "plan". I have personally been in organizations who spend $50-$100 K for outside planning consultants, yet the finished product ends up on the shelf, because the plan is not a living and breathing document, which is not part of the fabric of the organization's management. Art. 4...Question....the concept of "process improvement" has been raised here as part of team- based care...are any of your familiar/have worked with processes as six-sigma, LEAN, or Demming? Comments and feedback for the class? JB Peer responses needed (as if you were me)· Week 2 Discussion Gursanam Gill posted Jan 20, 2016 11:20 PM -Strategic Imperative In the first article for this week's reading, we read about how strategic imperative is essential in preventing and correcting the greatest challenge facing provider-based organizations. According to the article, the execution of strategic plans is the
  • 8. greatest challenge which provider-based organizations face today. Less than 10% of strategic plans are realized, which prevents organizations from being high-performing in both the short and long term. This means that, without that strong foundation, in this case the strategic plan, the organization will not run like the well-oiled machine that executives and higher- ups want, and that patients look for. If I were given the opportunity, I would suggest that the organization be restructured. This can be done through creating a new and achievable strategic plan, creating an organization control structure, giving responsibilities to management, and creating physician leadership. Source: The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. (2006). Retrieved January 19, 2016, from -Strategic Planning Strategic planning is "the systematic and organized process whereby an organization creates a document indicating the way it plans to progress from its current situation to the desired future situation; the set of decision -making criteria and the decisions taken and implemented by an organization to definitively and permanently guide its activities and structure." Strategic planning aims to bring the future closer to the organization, and allows the organization to study and conduct simulations of the future. Strategic planning also aims to reveal opportunities which were previously hidden, or to reveal threats, which gives the organization to act on them earlier. As a consultant, I would recommend an organization not proceed with the development of a strategic plan when the cost of outweighs the benefits which are predicted in the strategic plan, as well as if there is a new management team/head being introduced in the organization who want to start from scratch and create a new strategic plan. Source: Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
  • 9. healthcare-organizations/articulo/90147901/ -Team-Based Care As a manager, I would address a few key issues which pertain to team-based care. First off, ensuring that the patient and the family are that the center of the team requires careful planning and execution. In order to maximize value, matching resources to patient and family needs is essential. It is also important, in terms of efficiency, to build bridges to ongoing activities related to team-based care. Lastly, in order to achieve continuously improving and high value team-based health care, it is important to define a coordinated research agenda for team- based care. Source: Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S., Webb, C. E., . . . Von Kohorn, I. (2012, October). Core Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care. Retrieved January 19, 2016, from Principles-values.pdf Respond to Gursanam Gill here please:Week 2 Created by Miguel Wolfe on Jan 20, 2016 10:13 PM Article 1. Strategic Imperative: A.) One of the biggest challenges facing provider based organizations such as hospitals is strategic planning. Because there is a lack of strategic planning, these organization struggle to make decisions that could better benefit the hospital. Strategic planning allows health organizations to plan their future by being relevant and competitive with other health organizations. It also allows them to create distinctive service lines in order to expand their clientele. The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure B.) If given the opportunity to recommend changes to my organizations, I would first make sure that everyone within the organization is aware of the changes that would be occurring and would hope as a team, that we could come up with ideas to
  • 10. solve repetitive issues. Secondly i would work on branching off certain sections of healthcare so those physicians can give those particular patients the correct attention need. I would also hire a group of people that monitors, and could find ways of keeping the hospital innovative. 2.) Article 2. Strategic Planning: Strategic Planning is a process used by various organizations to guide them from one current situation, to a desired situation in the future. In order to determine what strategy best fits the organization, they undergo a dynamic use of specific selected external opportunities that engage and develop internal competencies in order to fulfill the organization's mission and creating value for its stakeholders. As a consultant i would not recommend an organization proceed with development of a strategic plan if this company is already in a financial crisis as strategic planning is expensive. That company may want to focus on financial issues before doing a strategic plan. strategic Planning in Health Care Organizations planning-in-healthcare-organizations/articulo/90147901/ 3.) Article 4. Team Based Care: In order to implement a team base care system within the organization; communication will be an important factor in ensuring that these team member understand their roles within the team. These team members will need to know why it will be beneficial working as a team. Working as team in a health care organization ultimately offers the patients a better experience while in a health care facility. Work loads are not place on just one individual which allows this team member to focus on each patient. I would address the importance of the team communicating amongst each other to ensure that error is decreased. These team members must understand the goals of the organization which would be offering the patient optimum service while finding new ways of improving the organization. Principles and values of team based health care
  • 11. Care-Principles-values.pdf Respond to Miguel Wolfe here please:Week 2 – Urusha Created by Urusha Honesty on Jan 18, 2016 6:57 PM 1. Article 1, Strategic Imperative: Article 1 describes the biggest challenge facing provider-based organizations as the lack of or an inefficient strategic plan and organizational structure. When strategies do change, the structure and responsibilities must change to effectively and efficiently execute said strategies. Importance should be placed on bridging multiple departments for a quality patient experience and shifting the service line’s focus’ to reflect the new strategy while maintaining accountability between the heads of the departments and the department managers. I would address such issues with a realignment of the organizational structure to match the goals and culture of the organization. The strategic plan would be clear, concise and obtainable based on economic, physical and technical constraints. I would realign the management structure to ensure accountability while making sure the right tools and controls are available for leadership to meet the new goals. I would say it is vital to ensure that management has a focus on transitions that may take place in the future as well as the current changes, in other words, have insight on the future of the organization and the skillset to be successful in strategic changes and leadership changes. ECG Management Consultants (Ed.) (2007). The Strategic Imperative of Adapting the Hospital’s Management Structure. Insight (Winter). Article 2, Strategic Planning Strategic planning is the creation of a document of plans and outlines operational characteristics that are to take place or change to secure the future or progressive goals of an organization. The strategic plan (SP) includes decisions, decision-making criteria, structural and leadership criteria that the organization follows. I would not recommend an SP in the case of an organization not
  • 12. having the economic resources to create and execute such plan. I would not suggest such a plan when there is a lack of cohesion amongst departments, leadership and staff. Uncovering of difficulties due to conflicts and other issues should be addressed prior to planning and execution of the SP. Goals should be aligned between different departments, despite each department may need a separate plan. The professionals within the organization should be prepared to quantify and evolve to meet future goals. Rodríguez Perera, F., & Peiro, M. (2012). Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations. Revista Española De Cardiologia, 65(08), 749-754. Retrieved from healthcare-organizations/articulo/90147901/ Article 3, Team-Based Care First I would need to evaluate and address the values of the team members. Values such as honesty, discipline, creativity, humility and curiosity would be required. We would discuss and define the many goals of patient care and set an understanding that each patient may require different care according to the patient goals. The understanding that such goals would need to be shared goals of the team and the patient, and possibly the patient’s family has to be established and accepted. The patient would need to be key in the goal setting. There should be a clear understanding of the goals of care and how the team will address such goals. The goals are to be shared goals meaning the team would establish mutual or shared goals that are clear, concise, understood and that represent the patient and family needs. These steps would be the initial part of setting the foundation. To prepare my team as well as other departments, I would create space to understand the resources available to meet patient and family needs. I would also develop protocols and ensure each team member would be aware of the functions and responsibilities of each person or group in said team and that each individual is accountable for their said function. They
  • 13. would have clear roles. We would address departmentalizing while defining clear responsibilities without duplicating efforts while maintaining a high level of efficiency. We would have to create a level of trust and reciprocity for shared success across the entire team and with other departments. All team members in all settings should have consistent, effective and candid communications both internally and across all departments. Communication and briefings on what is working and what is not should be done on a consistent basis. We will discuss how goals are being achieved, what processes are effective and when they are not, why in order to improve and refine processes immediately. We will track performance and ensure accountability to responsibilities on a weekly basis with each patient. These expectations will be clearly discussed, understood and agreed upon within the first 30 days to give space for team members to engage in developing protocols, engage in evaluations of processes, building bridges to facilitate efficiency and future improvements as needed. Mitchell, P., Okun, S., Wynia, M., Webb, C., Golden, R., Rohrbach, V., Von Kohorn, I. (2012, October 1). Core Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care. Lecture presented at Discussion Paper in Participants drawn from the Best Practices Innovation Collaborative of the IOM Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care Example of a response: Urusha, I agree that values of team members are very important. Without the proper values in place it would be difficult to work well in a team environment. I have worked within a team where some members lacked essential values, this made the environment very tense and stressful. It also had a negative affect on patient care. After doing so addition research I found that interdisciplinary teams consist of a group of health care professionals from different fields who work together toward a common goal for
  • 14. the patient. Each member of the interdisciplinary team possesses knowledge and resources that combined with other members will benefit the patient by ensuring that they receive the best quality of care. These interdisciplinary teams can lead to improvements in the organization by providing patient focused services which will improve the quality of care. By working together member are able to clearly understand what needs the patients has and are able to address the needs in a way in which the patient will receive the best outcome. By working together there is less room for error in diagnosing the patient as well as over medicating the patient. The need for interdisciplinary teams is increasing due to a large aging population, the need to more comprehensive care for patients, and an increasing specialization within health professions. Reference: