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The long-awaited
opening of the
Soper-Reese Community
Theatre is now very close.
It is scheduled to open
with two performances
of the Lake County Arts
Council’s Winter Music
Fest, 7:30 p.m. Saturday,
Jan. 26 and 2 p.m. Sun-
day, Jan. 27.
PG& E was sched-
uled to provide the
new electrical power by
Dec. 21 and then a few
days are needed by our
electrical contractor,
James Day Construction
from Lower Lake, to
shift over the building’s
circuits and test equip-
ment such as the new
heating, ventilation and
air conditioning systems.
That will complete Phase
I construction and we
are watching closely as
the remaining invoices
are received to see if we
will have bragging rights
for bringing this project
in on or under budget. It
will be very close. Most
of the work accom-
plished has been on the
infrastructure to make
the facility safe and com-
fortable to occupy and
the theatre committee
hopes that anyone who
looks closely at what has
been accomplished with
the communities’ sup-
port will find the funds
well spent.
We are thrilled to have
some Phase II construc-
tion funds available to us
now, which are allowing
us to do some of the
finish work before the
opening in January. This
will add greatly to the
theatre experience.  Look
for new seating on the
main floor, a portion
of the permanent stage,
beautiful, professional
portable staging, a won-
derful state of the art
sound system and repair
and painting of the walls
and ceiling.
See you in January!
John Ross
Quarterly members’ magazine for the Lake County Arts Council
Winter 2008
Soper-Reese to open its doors Jan. 26
Vaudeville 2008 Raising curtainat Soper-Reese
Cynthia Parkhill
The Soper-Reese Community Theatre recently hosted a reception to acquaint
the public with Phase I construction that was done to date. First to raise the
curtain at this refurbished local venue will be the Winter Music Fest.
First show to be held in the
reopened Soper-Reese Community
Theatre will be the Winter Music
Fest (Vaudville 2008).
Local musician David Neft is
again providing live accompani-
ment for the various performers.
Coming to the stage in February
is a preliminary competition for the
national Poetry Out Loud youth
recitation program.
Lakeport Community Players
also takes to the Soper-Reese with
its production this March of “The
Solid Gold Cadillac.”
Page 2 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008
Business card size.............................................................................$25
(2.375" high x 3.666" wide)
Quarter page...................................................................................$35
(2.375" x 7.5" or 4.91" x 3.666")
(4.916" x 7.5" or 9.705" x 3.666")
Full Page.........................................................................................$60
(9.705" x 7.5")
Payment is arranged through the Lake County Arts Council; contact Executive Director
Shelby Posada (263-1871,, for more information. Ads must be
submitted in .pdf or .jpg format to
Open mic shut down
By Dante DeAmicis
The second Friday
Open Mic at the
Java Express has been
shut down effective this
month. It wasn’t wiped
out for running a meth
lab. It wasn’t given the
heave ho for plotting ter-
rorism. No, it was snuffed
out for something far
worse. They didn’t have
an ASCAP license to play
ASCAP is the Ameri-
can organization that
has the monopoly for
collecting royalties on
copyrighted music. Ev-
eryone from struggling
unknown musicians to
gigantic record compa-
nies has signed exclusive
agreements with this all
powerful cabal to charge
whatever to whoever
and payout whatever to
whoever. They decide.
The unknowns who
don’t show up on their
radar will never see a
cent from this outfit.
Apparently ASCAP
has a huge hit team go-
ing around the country
putting a big hurt on
open mics they haven’t
already shaken down,
even if they are set up for
musicians to play their
original songs with an
occasional ASCAP listed
song slipping through.
They threaten to rain
down massive lawsuits
for each lapse. The mini-
mum cost for protection,
I mean a license, is $388
per year. No deals. Our
open mic is supposed
to collect this amount
from a once a month
free event where alcohol
is not served and where
coffee drinks are only of-
fered during a 20 minute
break. Do they care?
Most people would
have dismissed one letter
making such puffed up
demands as computer
generated spam not to
be taken seriously. But
there was a follow up
letter, then a phone call,
and indications that they
had already dropped by
and cased the joint. They
were serious.
The whole heavy
handed action seemed
so absurd to regulars of
this nine year Clearlake
institution that talk
focused on theories that
this had to be the result
of a plot by the numer-
ous political enemies of
the proprietor. Conspira-
cies are not necessary
though in a world where
teenagers are regularly
hauled off by ruthless
music conglomerates for
downloading songs.
Will the open mic
at the Java Express rise
from the ashes? Only if
the community can find
an alternate way to raise
money to satisfy this
legal extortion.
LCAC’s ‘Artie’ award winner
Cynthia Parkhill
The Lake County Arts Council’s Board of Directors
has awarded its ‘Artie’ award to Web master Xian Yea-
gan. At its annual members’ meeting, which was held
Sunday, Nov. 18, Executive Director Shelby Posada
presented Yeagan with the statuette.
Yeagan updates the Web site, www.lakecounty-, and he regularly advocates the use of
this online medium for promoting local arts.
Yeagan can be seen taking pictures at many LCAC
events and has also previously served as LCAC’s ex-
ecutive director. Well done, Xian!
ArtNotes, Winter 2008 • Page 3
From the Executive Director ...
Instead of winding down 2007, we began gearing up for 2008, planning
the Winter Music Fest as the opening “Interlude” at the Soper-Reese
Community Theatre with a 7:30 p.m. performance on Saturday 26 January
2008 and a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday the 27th.  Look for and exciting and
entertaining start to the “Interlude” series at the theater.
 2008 will be an ambitious year for LCAC with us implementing three
new programs in partnership with the California Arts Council (CAC).
Sandra Wade is spearheading “Poetry Out Loud,” which is sponsored by
the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. “Artists
in Schools”emphasized long-term, in-depth interaction between an arts
organization and a school with residencies granted for 3 to 9 months with
application deadline of Jan. 30, 2008.  “Creating Public Value through the
Arts Program” builds relationships, relevance to the community and return
on investment.  Deadline of submitting a proposal is Jan. 23, 2008.  For
more information, please contact the Main Street Gallery at 263-6658.
 Patsy Mitchell’s persistence and organization will have Lake County
wines featured at each of the First Friday Flings in 2008. Thank you to the
wineries who participated in 2007, to the musicians who added to our en-
joyment and to all of you who joined us for a fun evening of art and friend-
ship.  Please come and see our new look at February’s First Friday, thanks to
Ross Kauper and the Kiwanis, Lyle Madison, Sandi’s Interiors, Plaza Paints,
Ray Farrow, to all the volunteers who helped pack and move and to the
patience of our exhibiting artists.
My thanks to all of you who volunteer your time and ideas in so many
venues and made 2007 a fun and productive year. Thank you, Cynthia, for
editing Art Notes and your support of the art community.  In pooling our
talents and pulling together, LCAC will continue to grow and become even
better know in Lake County and throughout the State.
— Shelby Posada
Executive Director
‘Dancing Poetry’ sets words to interpretive performance
By Cynthia Parkhill
Ever since she was ap-
pointed Poet Laure-
ate in April 2006, Sandra
Wade has taken part in
various activities that
showcase the local poetic
scene. By virtue of her at-
tendance at various poetic
readings, she serves as a
steady reminder that Lake County has a Poet Laureate
and a viable artistic community.
I can’t stress enough how important is this aspect of
Sandra’s job. Lake
County has had a lot
of outside attention of
late, and it presents a
very skewed and un-
flattering picture of the
community that we
really know and love.
I always enjoy hear-
ing about Sandra’s
activities when I put together arts and entertainment
sections for the Lake County Record-Bee and the Clear
See POETRY, Page 4
In early December, KPFZ
General Manager Andy Weiss
reported, “KPFZ has spent the
last week installing its antenna
system on Mt. Konocti, and
we are almost done. This is an
historic moment for communi-
ciations in our beloved county
— as no radio station has ever
broadcast from up there before.”
Estimated completion date was
Thursday, Dec. 6.
KPFZ update
Visit www.clear-
org to watch for the
coming year’s concert
Page 4 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008
Let in a breath of fresh air Lake Observer´American. But on
one occasion I got to participate in
a performance of Sandra’s poetry.
Sandra also teaches yoga each
week at the United Methodist
Church in Clearlake. My husband
Jonathan Donihue, our friend
JoAnn Saccato and I have all taken
yoga classes with Sandra at one
time or another, and she invited us
to perform with her in a “Dancing
Poetry” routine.
The performance took place
Saturday, Sept. 29, in the California
Palace of the Legion of Honor in
San Francisco.
Sandra combined a couple of her
poems, which were dubbed as an
audio track with music by Shawkie
Roth. In a collaborative effort we
worked out a routine, deciding
upon yoga poses that we thought
were suitable accompaniment to
the narration of the poem. It took
two or three weeks’ practice as we
refined the routine, substituting one
pose for another, working out “the
kinks” and figuring out our timing.
The poem and music were recorded
on CD so that Sandra was able to
do the poses with us.
Finally, we decided upon our final
routine and with practice, practice,
practice, were happy with our abil-
ity to perform it on the stage.
The “Dancing Poetry” event was
hosted by Embassy Arts Interna-
tional. It featured recitations by
various poets laureate as well as
poetry contest winners, whose prize
was to have their composition set to
interpretive dance.
Performing Sandra’s contribu-
tion was a lot of fun and I think
we pulled it off beautifully. There
were a lot of very nice, creative
approaches exhibited during the
POETRY, from Page 3
By Xian Yeagan
Soper-Reese resuscitates with a breath of Winter Music Fest Saturday, Jan. 26,
at 7:30, and Sunday, Jan. 27, at 2.
It seems like it has been forever.
It has felt at times as though nothing at all was being done, or that the
wheels slowly turning in distant bureaucratic machines would never arrive at
our number.
So now is the time to let a breath of fresh air into the Soper-Reese Com-
munity Theatre, and we have that in the Winter Music Fest /Vaudeville 2008.
It will be the lead program when the S-R opens its doors after completion of
Stage One of the reconstruction plan.
The Music Fest is returning to its home at Main and Martin streets. During
the short period that the theater was kept open after the Arts Council pur-
chased it, the Music Fest was presented there. Since then it has been held in the
Little Theater in the Fairgrounds and last year at the Marge Alakszay Center.
The Arts Council is delighted to get its Winter Music Fest back to its source.
Last year’s presentation was a good show, one of the best in some time.This
arose from a more varied fund of talent, skillful production staff, and the excel-
lent facilities of the Alakszay Center. Some of last year’s talent is with us again,
and there will be some new faces. At the time of writing this, the slate is not
fully written, but you will be entertained.
Just a hint or two for you, though. Bill, for instance, will take a journey to-
gether with Connie, and Hope will fall in love, forever. Mrs. Flores will be the
source of Adelaide’s lament, Holland will just barely contain the October rain,
and a Zimmerman will become a sultan. Stranger things than these can hap-
pen. Rod may even be a rich man.
Nick Biondo was master of sound last year, his last at the high school, and
has agreed to come with us to the Soper-Reese. He has been setting up a sound
system for the Community Theatre, and he will be manning it for the Music
Fest performances.
Once again, this show will be done without pre-recorded musical backup.For
singers who don’t have any accompanying musician, David Neft, (who can do
anything on the piano) will be on hand to accompany them.
Of course, some of the audience will be there just to see the reopened Soper-
Reese Community Theatre. There are those who can’t believe even yet that any
progress can be made on that Lakeport landmark, and some of them will come
just to see for themselves. I’m sure that they too will have a good time.
Cynthia M. Parkhill
“Kivrim” warp-faced fabric created with the technique of “card weav-
ArtNotes, Winter 2008 • Page 5
‘Poetry Out Loud’ in Lake County
Thousands of
students in 22
California coun-
ties are gearing up
to participate in
“Poetry Out Loud:
National Recitation
Contest,” a competi-
tion that engages
high-school students
in the presentation
of poetry through
memorization and
performance.  Competitions are held in classrooms, with
winners then competing on the county or regional level,
then to the California state championships, and finally
the national contest held in Washington,
DC.  Interested teachers, administrators,
parents and students are encouraged to
contact the California Arts Council to find
out how their school can participate.
“It is our third year for the successful
Poetry Out Loud program in California,”
said Muriel Johnson, director of the Cali-
fornia Arts Council, the lead agency for
the program in California.  “Young people
interested in rap and slam contests can be
surprisingly interested in classical poetry
when it’s presented through the Poetry Out
Loud competition.  The program encour-
ages high school students to study and recite some of
the richest language every written.  We’ve seen students
from all backgrounds and academic levels embrace this
program wholeheartedly.  It can change their lives.”
Lake County Poet Laureate Sandra Wade, Lorna Sue
Sides of Upper Lake and Carol Dobusch of Kelseyville
are promoting involvement by Lake County schools. A
competition takes place in February at the Soper-Reese
Community Theatre. For information about partici-
pating locally, contact Wade at balancesandra@yahoo.
com, Sides at or Dobusch at General information can be
found at and
The Poetry Out Loud program provides for profes-
sional poets to work with teachers in the classroom
through the arts
nonprofit California
Poets in the Schools. 
Nationally approved
educational materials
and teachers guides
are free.  Students
may review hundreds
of poems and related
information through
the program Web
site at www.poetry-  Win-
ners are eligible to receive scholarships, and schools get
financial assistance for books and related materials.  The
California state championships will be held on March
14, 2008, and the national contest in April.
Experts see significant benefits from
Poetry Out Loud.  “The process of memo-
rizing and sounding a poem is identical to
learning to play a piece of music by heart,”
said Al Young, California State Poet Laure-
ate.  “A student or anyone else who takes
the time to commit a particular poem to
memory learns much about that particular
voice and the nuances of poetry in general.”
Teachers find the competition to be excit-
ing for kids and helpful in the classroom.
“I have been teaching English for 16 years
and it is so hard to even get kids inter-
ested in poetry,” said Kathy Harding from Galt High
School.  “So when I saw Poetry Out Loud come along,
I thought of how much it would help my work.”
The initiative from the National Endowment for
the Arts brings literary arts to students, a critical need
in U.S. schools.  Poetry out Loud seeks to foster the
next generation of literary readers by capitalizing on
the latest trends in poetry: recitation and performance. 
Counties already slated to participate include Contra
Costa, Fresno, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Los Ange-
les, Madera, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Nevada,
Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San
Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Tu-
olumne, and Ventura.
— California Arts Council
“The program
encourages high
school students
to study and
recite some of the
richest language
ever written.”
Muriel Johnson
Page 6 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008
Executive Director:
Shelby Posada, 263-1871;
Board of Directors:
President — Sandi Ciardelli, 263-0663 (home), 263-
8132 (work);
Vice President — John Ross, 263-6120; pogo2@
Treasurer — Betty Lou Surber, 263-4721;
Secretary — Susan Krones, 263-2251; krones@zapcom.
Annie Barnes, 263-3010 (work), 274-9251 (home)
Carol Dobusch, 279-1169;
Joan Holman, 263-1345
Glenneth Lambert,
Kristi Peake, 279-1130 (home), 349-4316 (cell);
Luwana Quitiquit, 263-5553
Norman “Wink” Winckler, 279-2965 (home), 349-0934
Floyd Surber, 263-4721;
Voris Brumfield (Board Member Emeritus), 987-3461
Staff and Office Volunteers:
Betty Lou Surber, The Great Oz
Patsy Mitchell, Gift Shop
John Ross, Membership
LCAC Media:
Webmaster — Xian Yeagan,
ArtNotes Editor — Cynthia Parkhill, 277-0296 (home),
295-7554 (cell);
Gallery Committee Members:
Pat Courtney, Carol Dobusch, John Eells, Bonnie Ew-
ing, Ray Farrow, Ginger Ingersoll, Mary Lawson, Diana
Liebe, Gaylene McComb, Patsy Mitchell, Floyd Surber,
Richard Seisser
Soper-Reese Committee:
Mike Adams, Amy Casey, Sandi Ciardelli, Carol Do-
busch, Linda Drew, Wally Fuller, Nina Marino, Donna
Peterson, John Ross, Taira St. John, Steven Stetzer, Floyd
License plate sales benefit California arts
Did you know that by purchas-
ing a specialty license plate, you can
support the arts in California?
The Arts license plate (“Coast-
line”) was designed by prominent
California artist Wayne Thiebaud
and is the nation’s first plate specifi-
cally designed to benefit the arts.
With more than 125,000 plates
sold since 1994, the Arts license
plate is the most popular specialty
plate in California. The plate is dis-
tinguished by a four-color graphic
depicting palm trees, a sunset on
the Pacific coast.
The Arts license plate can be
ordered online directly from the
DMV at
ipp/ippMain.jsp. An application
form can also be downloaded in
.pdf format from the California
Arts Council’s Web site, www.cac. Fill it out, and mail it with
your check to the Department of
Motor Vehicles, P. O. Box 932345,
Sacramento, CA 94232-3450.
The cost of a standard specialty
plate is $50. For $90, motorists
may purchase a personalized license
plate using up to six characters. You
should check to see if the personal-
ized plate is available by going to
this site,
ipp/ippMain.jsp , and working
through the order process. If the
configuration of letters and num-
bers is available, it will allow you to
purchase the plate.
Fees for annual renewal are $40
for the standard plate and $70 for a
personalized plate. Additional infor-
mation is available through DMV
offices throughout the state or by
calling the Special Processing Unit
of the DMV at (916) 657-7654.
­— From the California Arts
Council Web site,
“Arts & Economic Prosperity III: The Eco-
nomic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture
Organizations and Their Audiences” docu-
ments the key role played by the non-profit
arts and culture industry in strengthening the
nation’s economy.
The report states that nationally, the non-
profit arts and culture industry generates
$166.2 billion in economic activity every year.
The $166.2 billion in total economic activity
has a significant national impact, generating the
• 5.7 million full-time equivalent jobs
• $104.2 billion in household income
• $7.9 billion in local government tax
• $9.1 billion in state government tax
• $12.6 billion in federal income tax rev-
To download the report, as well as promo-
tional literature, visit
— Americans for the Arts
Report documents ways that art is good for business
Would you like to become a member or do you need to renew? Use this handy form!
ArtNotes, Winter 2008 • Page 7
Lake County Arts Council Memberships
Please welcome our new members (September through November 2007)
New Student Members
Chelsea River Black
New Individual Members                                     
Leah Adams
Judy Carroll
Linda Farris
Terri Kiplinger
Keith Nelson
Michelle Price
New Family Members
Toni, Alan and Grant Hyden
Lyle and Deanna Madeson
Bill and Sam Webb
New Patron Members
Duffy Sheridan
New Small Business Members
Stephanie Bero
Thank you!
I. Arc of stem falls
to palest pink porcelaine
budding demure, fragrant
on straggly fence-line
near the compost bin.
They persevere
north-facing night-frost
bask under full moon at perigee
in icy sunrise
warmed at eventide by kinder
flowing from the piney ridge.
Dec. 30, 1999
II. Just now
bah humbug attitude drew back
the curtain couldn’t help
seeing a tiny rosebud whorl
right at windowpane
Millennia come go
always something persists
subtlest consciousness
Naturemind, Soul or
simply movement
light air sound
swell shrink
13:13 on Dec. 31, 1999
Sandra Wade
Page 8 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008
Main Street GalleryHours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday
LCAC is pouring Lake County wines
The Main Street Gallery’s First Friday
Flings will proudly be pouring Lake County
• Jan. 4 — Six Sigma Winery
• Feb. 1 — Langtry Estate and Vineyards
• March 7 — Cougar’s Leap Winery
• April 4 — Moore Family Winery
• May 2 — Tulip Hill Winery
• June 6 — Shannon Ridge Winery
• July 4 — Rosa d’ Oro Vineyards
• Aug. 1 — Guenoc Winery
• Sept. 5 — Gregory Graham Wines
• Oct. 3 — Terrill Cellars
• Nov. 7 — Wildhurst Vineyards
• Dec. 5 — Steele Wines
First Friday Fling happens from 5:30 to 7
p.m. on the first Friday of the Month at 325
N. Main Street, Lakeport; (707) 263-6658.
It also features local musicians.
Shelby Posada

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Art Notes, Winter 2008

  • 1. The long-awaited opening of the Soper-Reese Community Theatre is now very close. It is scheduled to open with two performances of the Lake County Arts Council’s Winter Music Fest, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26 and 2 p.m. Sun- day, Jan. 27. PG& E was sched- uled to provide the new electrical power by Dec. 21 and then a few days are needed by our electrical contractor, James Day Construction from Lower Lake, to shift over the building’s circuits and test equip- ment such as the new heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. That will complete Phase I construction and we are watching closely as the remaining invoices are received to see if we will have bragging rights for bringing this project in on or under budget. It will be very close. Most of the work accom- plished has been on the infrastructure to make the facility safe and com- fortable to occupy and the theatre committee hopes that anyone who looks closely at what has been accomplished with the communities’ sup- port will find the funds well spent. We are thrilled to have some Phase II construc- tion funds available to us now, which are allowing us to do some of the finish work before the opening in January. This will add greatly to the theatre experience.  Look for new seating on the main floor, a portion of the permanent stage, beautiful, professional portable staging, a won- derful state of the art sound system and repair and painting of the walls and ceiling. See you in January! John Ross ArtNotes Quarterly members’ magazine for the Lake County Arts Council Winter 2008 Soper-Reese to open its doors Jan. 26 Vaudeville 2008 Raising curtainat Soper-Reese Cynthia Parkhill The Soper-Reese Community Theatre recently hosted a reception to acquaint the public with Phase I construction that was done to date. First to raise the curtain at this refurbished local venue will be the Winter Music Fest. First show to be held in the reopened Soper-Reese Community Theatre will be the Winter Music Fest (Vaudville 2008). Local musician David Neft is again providing live accompani- ment for the various performers. Coming to the stage in February is a preliminary competition for the national Poetry Out Loud youth recitation program. Lakeport Community Players also takes to the Soper-Reese with its production this March of “The Solid Gold Cadillac.”
  • 2. Page 2 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008 Business card size.............................................................................$25 (2.375" high x 3.666" wide) Quarter page...................................................................................$35 (2.375" x 7.5" or 4.91" x 3.666") Half-page........................................................................................$40 (4.916" x 7.5" or 9.705" x 3.666") Full Page.........................................................................................$60 (9.705" x 7.5") Payment is arranged through the Lake County Arts Council; contact Executive Director Shelby Posada (263-1871,, for more information. Ads must be submitted in .pdf or .jpg format to PLACEYOURAD INARTNOTES! Open mic shut down By Dante DeAmicis The second Friday Open Mic at the Java Express has been shut down effective this month. It wasn’t wiped out for running a meth lab. It wasn’t given the heave ho for plotting ter- rorism. No, it was snuffed out for something far worse. They didn’t have an ASCAP license to play music. ASCAP is the Ameri- can organization that has the monopoly for collecting royalties on copyrighted music. Ev- eryone from struggling unknown musicians to gigantic record compa- nies has signed exclusive agreements with this all powerful cabal to charge whatever to whoever and payout whatever to whoever. They decide. The unknowns who don’t show up on their radar will never see a cent from this outfit. Apparently ASCAP has a huge hit team go- ing around the country putting a big hurt on open mics they haven’t already shaken down, even if they are set up for musicians to play their original songs with an occasional ASCAP listed song slipping through. They threaten to rain down massive lawsuits for each lapse. The mini- mum cost for protection, I mean a license, is $388 per year. No deals. Our open mic is supposed to collect this amount from a once a month free event where alcohol is not served and where coffee drinks are only of- fered during a 20 minute break. Do they care? Nope. Most people would have dismissed one letter making such puffed up demands as computer generated spam not to be taken seriously. But there was a follow up letter, then a phone call, and indications that they had already dropped by and cased the joint. They were serious. The whole heavy handed action seemed so absurd to regulars of this nine year Clearlake institution that talk focused on theories that this had to be the result of a plot by the numer- ous political enemies of the proprietor. Conspira- cies are not necessary though in a world where teenagers are regularly hauled off by ruthless music conglomerates for downloading songs. Will the open mic at the Java Express rise from the ashes? Only if the community can find an alternate way to raise money to satisfy this legal extortion. LCAC’s ‘Artie’ award winner Cynthia Parkhill The Lake County Arts Council’s Board of Directors has awarded its ‘Artie’ award to Web master Xian Yea- gan. At its annual members’ meeting, which was held Sunday, Nov. 18, Executive Director Shelby Posada presented Yeagan with the statuette. Yeagan updates the Web site, www.lakecounty-, and he regularly advocates the use of this online medium for promoting local arts. Yeagan can be seen taking pictures at many LCAC events and has also previously served as LCAC’s ex- ecutive director. Well done, Xian!
  • 3. ArtNotes, Winter 2008 • Page 3 From the Executive Director ... Instead of winding down 2007, we began gearing up for 2008, planning the Winter Music Fest as the opening “Interlude” at the Soper-Reese Community Theatre with a 7:30 p.m. performance on Saturday 26 January 2008 and a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday the 27th.  Look for and exciting and entertaining start to the “Interlude” series at the theater.  2008 will be an ambitious year for LCAC with us implementing three new programs in partnership with the California Arts Council (CAC). Sandra Wade is spearheading “Poetry Out Loud,” which is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. “Artists in Schools”emphasized long-term, in-depth interaction between an arts organization and a school with residencies granted for 3 to 9 months with application deadline of Jan. 30, 2008.  “Creating Public Value through the Arts Program” builds relationships, relevance to the community and return on investment.  Deadline of submitting a proposal is Jan. 23, 2008.  For more information, please contact the Main Street Gallery at 263-6658.  Patsy Mitchell’s persistence and organization will have Lake County wines featured at each of the First Friday Flings in 2008. Thank you to the wineries who participated in 2007, to the musicians who added to our en- joyment and to all of you who joined us for a fun evening of art and friend- ship.  Please come and see our new look at February’s First Friday, thanks to Ross Kauper and the Kiwanis, Lyle Madison, Sandi’s Interiors, Plaza Paints, Ray Farrow, to all the volunteers who helped pack and move and to the patience of our exhibiting artists. My thanks to all of you who volunteer your time and ideas in so many venues and made 2007 a fun and productive year. Thank you, Cynthia, for editing Art Notes and your support of the art community.  In pooling our talents and pulling together, LCAC will continue to grow and become even better know in Lake County and throughout the State. — Shelby Posada Executive Director ‘Dancing Poetry’ sets words to interpretive performance By Cynthia Parkhill Ever since she was ap- pointed Poet Laure- ate in April 2006, Sandra Wade has taken part in various activities that showcase the local poetic scene. By virtue of her at- tendance at various poetic readings, she serves as a steady reminder that Lake County has a Poet Laureate and a viable artistic community. I can’t stress enough how important is this aspect of Sandra’s job. Lake County has had a lot of outside attention of late, and it presents a very skewed and un- flattering picture of the community that we really know and love. I always enjoy hear- ing about Sandra’s activities when I put together arts and entertainment sections for the Lake County Record-Bee and the Clear See POETRY, Page 4 In early December, KPFZ General Manager Andy Weiss reported, “KPFZ has spent the last week installing its antenna system on Mt. Konocti, and we are almost done. This is an historic moment for communi- ciations in our beloved county — as no radio station has ever broadcast from up there before.” Estimated completion date was Thursday, Dec. 6. KPFZ update Visit www.clear- lakeperformingarts. org to watch for the coming year’s concert series.
  • 4. Page 4 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008 Let in a breath of fresh air Lake Observer´American. But on one occasion I got to participate in a performance of Sandra’s poetry. Sandra also teaches yoga each week at the United Methodist Church in Clearlake. My husband Jonathan Donihue, our friend JoAnn Saccato and I have all taken yoga classes with Sandra at one time or another, and she invited us to perform with her in a “Dancing Poetry” routine. The performance took place Saturday, Sept. 29, in the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. Sandra combined a couple of her poems, which were dubbed as an audio track with music by Shawkie Roth. In a collaborative effort we worked out a routine, deciding upon yoga poses that we thought were suitable accompaniment to the narration of the poem. It took two or three weeks’ practice as we refined the routine, substituting one pose for another, working out “the kinks” and figuring out our timing. The poem and music were recorded on CD so that Sandra was able to do the poses with us. Finally, we decided upon our final routine and with practice, practice, practice, were happy with our abil- ity to perform it on the stage. The “Dancing Poetry” event was hosted by Embassy Arts Interna- tional. It featured recitations by various poets laureate as well as poetry contest winners, whose prize was to have their composition set to interpretive dance. Performing Sandra’s contribu- tion was a lot of fun and I think we pulled it off beautifully. There were a lot of very nice, creative approaches exhibited during the performances. POETRY, from Page 3 By Xian Yeagan Soper-Reese resuscitates with a breath of Winter Music Fest Saturday, Jan. 26, at 7:30, and Sunday, Jan. 27, at 2. It seems like it has been forever. It has felt at times as though nothing at all was being done, or that the wheels slowly turning in distant bureaucratic machines would never arrive at our number. So now is the time to let a breath of fresh air into the Soper-Reese Com- munity Theatre, and we have that in the Winter Music Fest /Vaudeville 2008. It will be the lead program when the S-R opens its doors after completion of Stage One of the reconstruction plan. The Music Fest is returning to its home at Main and Martin streets. During the short period that the theater was kept open after the Arts Council pur- chased it, the Music Fest was presented there. Since then it has been held in the Little Theater in the Fairgrounds and last year at the Marge Alakszay Center. The Arts Council is delighted to get its Winter Music Fest back to its source. Last year’s presentation was a good show, one of the best in some time.This arose from a more varied fund of talent, skillful production staff, and the excel- lent facilities of the Alakszay Center. Some of last year’s talent is with us again, and there will be some new faces. At the time of writing this, the slate is not fully written, but you will be entertained. Just a hint or two for you, though. Bill, for instance, will take a journey to- gether with Connie, and Hope will fall in love, forever. Mrs. Flores will be the source of Adelaide’s lament, Holland will just barely contain the October rain, and a Zimmerman will become a sultan. Stranger things than these can hap- pen. Rod may even be a rich man. Nick Biondo was master of sound last year, his last at the high school, and has agreed to come with us to the Soper-Reese. He has been setting up a sound system for the Community Theatre, and he will be manning it for the Music Fest performances. Once again, this show will be done without pre-recorded musical backup.For singers who don’t have any accompanying musician, David Neft, (who can do anything on the piano) will be on hand to accompany them. Of course, some of the audience will be there just to see the reopened Soper- Reese Community Theatre. There are those who can’t believe even yet that any progress can be made on that Lakeport landmark, and some of them will come just to see for themselves. I’m sure that they too will have a good time. Cynthia M. Parkhill “Kivrim” warp-faced fabric created with the technique of “card weav- ing.”
  • 5. ArtNotes, Winter 2008 • Page 5 ‘Poetry Out Loud’ in Lake County Thousands of students in 22 California coun- ties are gearing up to participate in “Poetry Out Loud: National Recitation Contest,” a competi- tion that engages high-school students in the presentation of poetry through memorization and performance.  Competitions are held in classrooms, with winners then competing on the county or regional level, then to the California state championships, and finally the national contest held in Washington, DC.  Interested teachers, administrators, parents and students are encouraged to contact the California Arts Council to find out how their school can participate. “It is our third year for the successful Poetry Out Loud program in California,” said Muriel Johnson, director of the Cali- fornia Arts Council, the lead agency for the program in California.  “Young people interested in rap and slam contests can be surprisingly interested in classical poetry when it’s presented through the Poetry Out Loud competition.  The program encour- ages high school students to study and recite some of the richest language every written.  We’ve seen students from all backgrounds and academic levels embrace this program wholeheartedly.  It can change their lives.” Lake County Poet Laureate Sandra Wade, Lorna Sue Sides of Upper Lake and Carol Dobusch of Kelseyville are promoting involvement by Lake County schools. A competition takes place in February at the Soper-Reese Community Theatre. For information about partici- pating locally, contact Wade at balancesandra@yahoo. com, Sides at or Dobusch at General information can be found at and The Poetry Out Loud program provides for profes- sional poets to work with teachers in the classroom through the arts nonprofit California Poets in the Schools.  Nationally approved educational materials and teachers guides are free.  Students may review hundreds of poems and related information through the program Web site at www.poetry-  Win- ners are eligible to receive scholarships, and schools get financial assistance for books and related materials.  The California state championships will be held on March 14, 2008, and the national contest in April. Experts see significant benefits from Poetry Out Loud.  “The process of memo- rizing and sounding a poem is identical to learning to play a piece of music by heart,” said Al Young, California State Poet Laure- ate.  “A student or anyone else who takes the time to commit a particular poem to memory learns much about that particular voice and the nuances of poetry in general.” Teachers find the competition to be excit- ing for kids and helpful in the classroom. “I have been teaching English for 16 years and it is so hard to even get kids inter- ested in poetry,” said Kathy Harding from Galt High School.  “So when I saw Poetry Out Loud come along, I thought of how much it would help my work.” The initiative from the National Endowment for the Arts brings literary arts to students, a critical need in U.S. schools.  Poetry out Loud seeks to foster the next generation of literary readers by capitalizing on the latest trends in poetry: recitation and performance.  Counties already slated to participate include Contra Costa, Fresno, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Los Ange- les, Madera, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Tu- olumne, and Ventura. — California Arts Council “The program encourages high school students to study and recite some of the richest language ever written.” Muriel Johnson
  • 6. Page 6 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008 Executive Director: Shelby Posada, 263-1871; Board of Directors: President — Sandi Ciardelli, 263-0663 (home), 263- 8132 (work); Vice President — John Ross, 263-6120; pogo2@ Treasurer — Betty Lou Surber, 263-4721; Secretary — Susan Krones, 263-2251; krones@zapcom. net Annie Barnes, 263-3010 (work), 274-9251 (home) Carol Dobusch, 279-1169; Joan Holman, 263-1345 Glenneth Lambert, Kristi Peake, 279-1130 (home), 349-4316 (cell); Luwana Quitiquit, 263-5553 Norman “Wink” Winckler, 279-2965 (home), 349-0934 (work); Floyd Surber, 263-4721; Voris Brumfield (Board Member Emeritus), 987-3461 Staff and Office Volunteers: Betty Lou Surber, The Great Oz Patsy Mitchell, Gift Shop John Ross, Membership LCAC Media: Webmaster — Xian Yeagan, ArtNotes Editor — Cynthia Parkhill, 277-0296 (home), 295-7554 (cell); Gallery Committee Members: Pat Courtney, Carol Dobusch, John Eells, Bonnie Ew- ing, Ray Farrow, Ginger Ingersoll, Mary Lawson, Diana Liebe, Gaylene McComb, Patsy Mitchell, Floyd Surber, Richard Seisser Soper-Reese Committee: Mike Adams, Amy Casey, Sandi Ciardelli, Carol Do- busch, Linda Drew, Wally Fuller, Nina Marino, Donna Peterson, John Ross, Taira St. John, Steven Stetzer, Floyd Surber License plate sales benefit California arts Did you know that by purchas- ing a specialty license plate, you can support the arts in California? The Arts license plate (“Coast- line”) was designed by prominent California artist Wayne Thiebaud and is the nation’s first plate specifi- cally designed to benefit the arts. With more than 125,000 plates sold since 1994, the Arts license plate is the most popular specialty plate in California. The plate is dis- tinguished by a four-color graphic depicting palm trees, a sunset on the Pacific coast. The Arts license plate can be ordered online directly from the DMV at ipp/ippMain.jsp. An application form can also be downloaded in .pdf format from the California Arts Council’s Web site, www.cac. Fill it out, and mail it with your check to the Department of Motor Vehicles, P. O. Box 932345, Sacramento, CA 94232-3450. The cost of a standard specialty plate is $50. For $90, motorists may purchase a personalized license plate using up to six characters. You should check to see if the personal- ized plate is available by going to this site, ipp/ippMain.jsp , and working through the order process. If the configuration of letters and num- bers is available, it will allow you to purchase the plate. Fees for annual renewal are $40 for the standard plate and $70 for a personalized plate. Additional infor- mation is available through DMV offices throughout the state or by calling the Special Processing Unit of the DMV at (916) 657-7654. ­— From the California Arts Council Web site, “Arts & Economic Prosperity III: The Eco- nomic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences” docu- ments the key role played by the non-profit arts and culture industry in strengthening the nation’s economy. The report states that nationally, the non- profit arts and culture industry generates $166.2 billion in economic activity every year. The $166.2 billion in total economic activity has a significant national impact, generating the following: • 5.7 million full-time equivalent jobs • $104.2 billion in household income • $7.9 billion in local government tax revenues • $9.1 billion in state government tax revenues • $12.6 billion in federal income tax rev- enues. To download the report, as well as promo- tional literature, visit — Americans for the Arts Report documents ways that art is good for business
  • 7. Would you like to become a member or do you need to renew? Use this handy form! ArtNotes, Winter 2008 • Page 7 Lake County Arts Council Memberships Please welcome our new members (September through November 2007) New Student Members Chelsea River Black   New Individual Members                                      Leah Adams Judy Carroll Linda Farris Terri Kiplinger Keith Nelson Michelle Price   New Family Members Toni, Alan and Grant Hyden Lyle and Deanna Madeson Bill and Sam Webb   New Patron Members Duffy Sheridan   New Small Business Members Stephanie Bero Thank you! NewYear Roses I. Arc of stem falls to palest pink porcelaine budding demure, fragrant on straggly fence-line near the compost bin. They persevere north-facing night-frost bask under full moon at perigee in icy sunrise warmed at eventide by kinder airs flowing from the piney ridge. Dec. 30, 1999 II. Just now bah humbug attitude drew back the curtain couldn’t help seeing a tiny rosebud whorl right at windowpane Millennia come go always something persists subtlest consciousness Naturemind, Soul or simply movement light air sound swell shrink swirl 13:13 on Dec. 31, 1999 Sandra Wade
  • 8. Page 8 • ArtNotes, Winter 2008 Main Street GalleryHours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Non-Profit USPostagePaid Lakeport,CA 95453 Permit#75 LakeCountyArtsCouncil 325N.MainStreet Lakeport,CA95453 (707)263-6658 ArtNotes ArtNotesisproducedfourtimesayear,inJanuary,April,JulyandOctober.Editorialandadvertisingdeadlinesareonthe 15thdayofthepreviousmonth.PleasesendarticlestoCynthiaParkhill, LCAC is pouring Lake County wines The Main Street Gallery’s First Friday Flings will proudly be pouring Lake County Wines. • Jan. 4 — Six Sigma Winery • Feb. 1 — Langtry Estate and Vineyards • March 7 — Cougar’s Leap Winery • April 4 — Moore Family Winery • May 2 — Tulip Hill Winery • June 6 — Shannon Ridge Winery • July 4 — Rosa d’ Oro Vineyards • Aug. 1 — Guenoc Winery • Sept. 5 — Gregory Graham Wines • Oct. 3 — Terrill Cellars • Nov. 7 — Wildhurst Vineyards • Dec. 5 — Steele Wines First Friday Fling happens from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the first Friday of the Month at 325 N. Main Street, Lakeport; (707) 263-6658. It also features local musicians. Shelby Posada