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Argumentative Essay About Gender Roles
Ever since the dawn of time, women and men have been associated with specific gender roles that
can be seen controversial in the eyes of many. Traits and roles associated with a specific gender can
be either innate or learned over time. Looking into the deeper concept of gender roles and
stereotypes, it is clear that these fixed gender roles are not naturally born with, but rather taught,
learned, or influenced by external forces. A prominent example that qualifies the idea that gender
roles are not biological but rather learned by external forces is an article written by Katha Pollitt. In
"Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls," Pollitt's main argument is that gender roles that gender roles are
acquired by learning. In the text, she states the more content...
Porter reminiscences about his childhood experiences and how he and other boys were to strictly
follow a set of rules that make a man a "man." No crying or acting weak in front of other men, for
instance, would be idealistic for a strong man. Porter even recalls meeting a teen football player
who was deeply saddened and wanted to express his emotions. The teen, however, was in front of
his guy friends at the time and he just could not express any emotions in front of them because he
would seem weak and girlish. Peer pressure and conforming to society has pressured the boy into
falling into the trap once again. The teen learned to be tough since everyone else was tough and
did not cry. This story is similar to Pollitt's statement on how "people aspire to what is possible
and conform to what is necessary." The teen aspired to become a strong man but knew he had to
conform to society in order to do so. Pressures from other kids and parents play a huge effect on
stereotypes. The teen, if he did not conform to society, would be considered an outcast. People
ccannot handle the fact of being called an outcast or abnormal. On the other side of the spectrum,
others may agree that gender roles and stereotypes are purely biological. One might say that a child
grows up without a father or mother figure still ends up learning specific gender roles. It is nearly
impossible to have a child unscathed
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Argumentative Essay On The Bill Of Rights
The Bill of Rights is one of the most important things in the American government .The Bill of
Rights has 10 Amendments. The fifth one however is one of the important one. The fifth
Amendment deals with police procedures. Along with basic Constitutional limits, or in other words
guidelines that Congress has to follow. The Fifth Amendment is a one of the most important
Amendments because it gives people the rights to speech and privacy, the fifth doesn't let people be
charged with the same felony twice, and it gives citizens the right to a fair trial.
The first reason the fifth amendment is one of the more important amendments is because it gives
people the rights to speech and privacy. "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or other
infamous crime" (Bill of Rights). This states that a person does not have to talk if they do not deem it
fit. Someone can plead the fifth and they just stated that they do not want to talk. On the other hand
some might say that this is not a strong argument because in other countries crime is limited because
people have to speak. "The government continued to take controversial steps restricting media
freedom, justifying them mostly by the need to counter Russia's anti–Ukraine propaganda" (World
Report 2017). This states that when banning the freedom of social media it protects the government
and country from attacks, mainly Russia. Although this is true banning the rights of social media
may cause arguments to break out. The fifth
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Steroid Argumentative Essay
Imagine that you just won the Gold in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Now imagine the Gold
getting Stripped from your hands by the officials of the Olympics. All because you decided to
take steroids. Every year 45% of all Athletes take some sort of steroid or performance enhancing
drug (Barnes). Many high school athletes take steroids for football or baseball. But some kids
take steroids for weight lifting and that is all they take it for the do not even play sports. Both of
these reasons are wrong morally and legally, but if there was one that was worse it would taking
steroids for weight lifting. At least the people that take it for sports have a reason. Steroids may
provide you a scholarship to college but it eventually show more content...
Players gained a lot of muscles quickly (also unhealthy, but no one knew) and raced to hit more
home runs than their opponents. This has created a huge discussion throughout MLB on how to
crack down on these players and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Even though he's
the all time leader in home runs, points, and hit percentage, Barry Bonds' name will forever be
marked as the "bad guy" because of he used steroids. In the July of 2013, Ryan Braun, an
outfielder, was under a 65 game suspension for taking steroids. Shortly after, 12 MLB players
were given a 50 game suspension. Alex Rodriguez is under huge a 200 game suspension (which he
is currently on) from taking steroids and then giving them out to his team. (Baseball). Steroids are
used in sports, for the most part, to amplify the performance of athletes. In most cases, the steroids
used among athletes are anabolic types. Anabolic actually means "build or increase mass". These
steroids have been in use by high school, college, and professional athletes all around the globe for
centuries. There are a huge amount of different types of steroids; in–fact, there are many of diferent
types found in nature. The ones found in nature are not as effective as the ones that are man made.
The anabolic steroids are probably the most common type of steroid used among athletes. Within this
classification, again we have a lot of different types of steroids; countless forms, alternate forms and
derivatives, and there are so many it can, at times, seem very
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Argumentative Essay On Artifice
Many people say that political leaders must be held to higher standards and speak nothing but the
truth. However, that which Hedges' said, that "the most essential skill... is artifice," is very true.
The best politicians out there, are often not the ones that have the best ideas, but rather the ones
that can trick and then steal the hearts of their audiences. The people of the world will often
support and vote for the candidate with the story that impacts them the most. The stories the
candidates say may often not be true, this is what Hedges' meant when he said that "the most
essential skill.... Is artifice." To use a recent example, Donald Trump gained loads of support by
proclaiming he was not the "typical politician." He constantly reminded the people that he was
raised in America and a "man of the people." He also repeated his famous slogan more
There is no need for the College Board, yet they make it seems like there is. The College Board
has been tricking thousands of students each year that the only way they can get into college, is
by taking multiple standardized tests they created. In reality, the College Board just wants your
money and the tests are not good indicators for one's intelligence. The test is stupid and if colleges
only looked at your GPA and grades, then many qualified and learned students who are not good
at standardized tests or messed up on one, will be accepted to the college of their choice.
However, the College Board has already tricked most of America and now they have trapped us
because we need them so that we can get into college. The College Board has successfully sucked
me and most likely you as well, into a hole we cannot get out of. They have taken our money and
will only take more. The College Board, because of successful artifice, is currently an unfortunate
necessary evil that is controlling our
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first
started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively
affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced
the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate
change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like
Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an
increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity.
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the
Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include
change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although
numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on
whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is
neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media
and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings
of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of
these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice
in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by
nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September
2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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Argumentative Essays
Failure is the step towards success. Do you agree?
It is often assumed that failure is a deterrent to achievement. Rather, failure should be seen as a
motivator for a person to keep trying until the objective or aim of a particular mission is fulfilled.
Failure often times leads a person to feel helpless, disappointed and depressed. However,one should
not allow this to set them back in trying to achieve the ultimate aim one has set out to do. Failure in
the beginning can often be a powerful incentive to reassess one's position in wanting to achieve the
particular aims; to analyse whether the purpose is worth the trouble the person has to undergo and
the whether the obstacles are surmountable. Practical more content...
Another disadvantage of being an only is that he lacks companionship. He has no brother or sister
to confide in. Growing up as an only child can be very lonely. If you have siblings you will have
to share everything, so you get less; but you also get less of the bad things. Siblings can support
and comfort each in times of trouble. The elder siblings learn to care for the younger ones and the
younger ones learn to respect their elder siblings and have someone to look up to besides their
parents. You are more balanced person than an only child. Another advantage of having siblings is
that your parents' attention is divided among your siblings. As a result, there is less pressure on you
to perform well, be it academically or in other areas. Having siblings also means that you have
companionship, the joy of caring and sharing, and security. I, personally, am happy that I am not an
only child.
Students should not take up part time jobs. Discuss.
Nowadays, students love to have part–time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to
gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before,
teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they
were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers
nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the
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Argumentative Essay About Sexual Assault
Are you okay? Please do not cry. You are not alone. You do not know me but I am listening; I will
wipe your tears, and stand by your side. Because what happen to you is not right, it is unjust,
unmoral, and revolting. Although I was not there, I am here now. Although I have not experienced
it, I am listening. However, I will never truly understand what you went through because I have not
lived it. Sexual assault is "illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without
consent or is inflicting upon a person who is incapable of giving consent", according to Webster
Dictionary. I will not judge you, I will not patronize you, and you can trust me. What happened that
night? Can you remember? What started out as a fun night with drinking and dancing; ended with
your cold naked body lying upon the ground. You were intoxicated, incoherent, and unconscious.
Your blood alcohol level and your dashing good looks should not make you vulnerable or a victim
to inhumane acts of sexual violence.
Where you at a party? What were you wearing? Who did you go with? Where you drinking?
Where you flirting with anyone? Quite frankly, it does not matter where you were, what you
wearing, who you were with, and if you were intoxicated. That does not justify that you were
sexually assaulted. Your perpetrators "misunderstanding" of the night is a poor excuse of how the
night ended. The way you dressed that night, how you swayed you hips, and batted your eyelashes
earlier in the
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Examples Of Argumentative Essay
Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to
win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable
within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative
essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support
that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the
reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument
composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an
argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to
address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the
argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by
argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and
conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009) more content...
The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear
progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by
analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to
substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective
appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an
important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness
of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible
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Argumentative Essay Coffee
Do you drink a cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up? Many people do, but don't know that
it can be healthy for you. Many believe that coffee is unhealthy, but without lots of added sugar
and cream, it can be part of a balanced diet. Coffee is actually proven to make you smarter and
happier. But, besides waking you up and giving you energy, three to four cups ofcoffee a day
contains beneficial compounds, can lower the risk of an early death, and certain diseases.
Coffee has many beneficial compounds, including antioxidants and anti–inflammatory compounds.
Antioxidants are compounds in foods(or drinks) that delay or stop damage to the cells and bind free
radicals(7). There are naturally occurring antioxidants in the more content...
There are many studies on this, with most being observational, but one study conducted with patients
that had non–alcoholic fatty liver disease to see if coffee reduced the risk of the disease
progressing and it turned out to have positive results(4). There are many probable associations,
but it is hard to prove cause and effect with observational studies(4). Commonly found
components have been related to better health(5). Some generally found elements in coffee have
been related to better insulin sensitivity, liver function, and reduced chronic inflammation(5/8).
Coffee contains high levels of polyphenols that can have direct effects on the brain and also
reduce oxidative stress and inflammation(5). Caffeine in coffee may actually be good for you
because in one or more studies, decaffeinated coffee hasn't shown any involvement with a lower
risk of Parkinson's disease while caffeinated coffee has(5). Coffee may not be healthy for
everyone though(6). People who have heart diseases, or high cholesterol, or are pregnant may not
see the same results(6). Over 200 milligrams (a twelve ounce cup of coffee) consumed by
pregnant women may lead to increased risks for miscarriage or preterm birth(6). Caffeine may also
be dangerous to some people and even decaffeinated coffee still has 2–7 milligrams
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Argumentative Essay On School Start Time
Every morning students in the United States feel the effects the early start time many schools have
implemented. These students are lethargic and inattentive, due to the lack of sleep they are getting
every night. Typically, adults see these characteristics as the result of teenagers staying up late
watching Netflix or using their cell phones. Many reputable organizations, such as the Centers for
Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have researched this problem and found
that teenagers are lacking in sleep due to biological and physiological changes that are occurring
within their brains. These shifts cause students to be more inattentive and reckless, resulting in lower
grades, tardiness, and higher rates of more content...
By requiring teenagers to wake up early, school officials are basically neglecting the health of their
student bodies in favor of making their lives simpler. Despite the overwhelming evidence given by
current research, many people refuse to change school start times because of the lack of noticeable
impact some schools had or the impact it had on some people's schedules. Pannoni cites a statement
by the Iowa City Community School District which found that "the later start time . . . [did] not
reduce the number of tardy students by any appreciable amount." The principal of Ballard High
School agreed by saying that he "would be surprised to see large improvements in either attendance
or grade data compared with past years" (Pannoni). Many schools refused to change because of how
the later start and dismissal times would affect extracurricular activities and students with jobs. This
change would also interfere with bus schedules and childcare habits. However, these seem like
small problems that can be overcome when the results are that "later school start times were
associated with students sleeping longer at night, less tardiness, having higher test scores, being less
depressed, using less caffeine and other drugs, . . . and experiencing fewer morning car crashes"
(Fenwick). The most compelling evidence that shows changing school start
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Argumentative Essay On Creativity
The Creativity Epidemic Most would agree that the technological advances today have caused this
generation to become crippled in their creativity. The lack of face–to–face communication has
severely damaged this generations ability to separate text–speech from formal speeches. Being born
in a generation were technology is only at it's peak, it's hard to separate yourself from the tech–savvy
world. As stated in the article The Creativity Crisis by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman the
accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful, and that's what's
reflected in the tests. There is never one right answer. To be creative requires divergent thinking
(generating many unique ideas) and then convergent thinking (combining those ideas into the best
result). When most think of technology you only see the advances made, the achievements fulfilled
and the key factor it plays in our society today, for example as in The Limits to Creativity in
Education: Dilemmas for the Educator It argues that the notion of creativity may be value– and
culture–specific and that this poses the so–called liberal educator with various dilemmas of principle
and pedagogy, which are explored (Anna Craft 1). In other words, technology is a blessing seeing
all the doors its opened for us in the short amount of time its been here. But it's also a curse. In
retrospect others might argue that technology helps open the door to a child's imagination. As stated
in The Pros and Cons of Technology by Amanda Ronan on January 16, 2017; Technology gives
children the ability to learn in ways their parents and grandparents never had. Today's learners have
immediate access to answers and research. Yet, that immediate access is changing the way students
think about work and how they feel emotionally (Amanda Ronan). This significant emotional change
is centered around the deprivation on other social outlets. The youth of today's social and
educational status is complete centered around where they rank in the chain of technological
coherency. Seeing how tablets and computers are replacing textbooks due to everything being
encrypted into software anyone that hasn't evolved is sure to be left behind in a stone age of their
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Argumentative Essay On Martin Luther King
"The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it
back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day
will brighten the lives of every American (Johnson)." African Americans during this time period are
in the process of having their rights and equality. These individuals experienced hardships and
obstacles which led up to this. They suffered in different ways, additionally, some of them got
killed. When Martin Luther King, the leader, stood up for what he believed in with a group of
black people right behind him, he was put in jail and got severely bruised. King did not stop fighting
for these rights and equalities and even through thick more content...
Additionally, Birmingham and other southern urban areas had been the scenes of bombings
coordinated at African Americans and social equality nonconformists. "One of the tragedies of
the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could
speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto (Carmichael)." One of
the tragedies of the battle against bigotry is that up to now there has been no national association
which could address the developing militancy of youthful dark individuals in the urban ghetto.
This shows how even today things have curved in a good way because of leaders who stood
ground and believed that this was not the right way. Furthermore, Martin Luther King was the
main leader who led these marches and was a man who wanted racism and being separated from
everyone else, gone. "At age 6, Martin Luther King Jr. was jarred when a parent of a white friend
said the boys could no longer play together because he was black. Another time, King's father, a
minister, was driving a car when a white policeman pulled him over for no obvious reason. Listen,
boy, he began, only to be cut off when the Rev. King pointed to his son in the passenger seat. That
is a boy. I am a man (Atkin)." Martin Luther King Jr. was bumped when a parent of a white
companion said the young men could never again play together on the grounds that he was dark.
Some other time,
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Argumentative Essay On Disabled People
Someone's disability does not define them and I think that's something people need to realize. In
society today, people with disabilities are treated as social outcasts. Disabled individuals are more
vulnerable to crime, they aren't treated the best in public, and they get discriminated against in the
workplace. Although there are laws against discrimination in regards to the disabled, that doesn't
stop it from happening.
The mentally and physically disabled are more vulnerable to hate–crimes. Children with any form of
disability are more than twice as likely to get physically abused rather than nondisabled kids
(Tyiska). On that note, 1% of all hate–crimes are against disabled individuals (Tyiska). However,
many hate–crimes directed towards the disabled are never reported due to the victim feeling
embarrassed, thus leading to more violent acts being committed (Tyiska).
Not only are hate crimes high, but the public treatment of people with disabilities isn't that great. For
instance, author Tiffiny Carlson says store employees regularly ВЁassume you're ill–equipped
mentally because of an obvious physical disabilityВЁ. Also, taxis often pass by individuals with an
obvious disability to avoid the extra work that may come along with giving them a ride (Carlson).
Lastly, people can be inconsiderate of the fact that handicapped parking is very necessary
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"6 Instances of Discrimination People with Disabilities Face Every Day." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
"Disability Statistics: Facts & Statistics on Disabilities & Disability Issues."Disabled World. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.
"Job Discrimination Against the Disabled." KnowledgeWharton Job Discrimination Against the
Disabled Not Just an Academic Issue Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
Tyiska, Cheryl Guidry. "Working with Victims ofCrime with Disabilities."Working with Victims of
Crime with Disabilities. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec.
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Argumentative Essay: The American Food Industry
The American food industry, just think about what you eat for a minute, where do you think it
comes from, how do you think it is made, what do you think it is made out of, how many
ingredients are in it. Most people would not give it a second thought, mostly because they do not
want to know what they are putting in their body. The fact is not if you eat one McDonald's
cheeseburger you will die it is that you should at least know what you are putting in your body,
then you can make your own choice if you still want to eat it. The problem with a lot of Americans
is that, what they don't realize is it's not how much you eat it's what you eat and if you exercise.
People these days will eat unhealthy and don't know what they are putting in more
Do people know this, not many people do know about the American food industry because the
government tries to cover it up because they know that the way they do stuff is bad. If people
knew that most of their food is pumped full of bad stuff and the fact that the animals are killed in
the worst way possible the consumers would not buy the food. That is why the government covers it
up and makes it look like that does not
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Human Experimentation Argumentative Essay
Human experimentations have been performed many times by scientist in order to solve medical
mysteries in the past. These experimentations can link back to the early 1700s when George I
offered free pardon to any inmate who was willing to be injected with smallpox (Wellness Directory
of Minnesota). Human experimentation has always been a hot topic as it has been argued that it is
both necessary and also morally wrong since it can both hurt and help and individual. People have
argued that there is no other subject to be experimented on as there aren't many other animals or
subjects which share the same anatomy as humans. It can also be argued that some of the treatments
performed on these individuals can potentially cause the deaths of the more content...
The three reasons which explain the motivation behind the Nazi Experimentation were to facilitate
in the survival of the Axis military personnel, to develop and test treatment methods for injuries and
illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field, and to advance
the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview (Museum, United States Holocaust
Memorial 1). One of the earliest experiments which had occurred during the Nazi experimentation
was the freezing experiments. The reasoning given behind these experiments was to see how long
German pilots downed by enemy fire could survive from the frozen waters of the North Sea
(Cohen). During the experiment, Doctor Sigmund Rascher attempted to duplicate the cold that
would be found near the area and used nearly 300 prisoners to record their shock to the cold
(Cohen). As a result of the experiment, nearly ninety eight people died
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Argumentative Essay On Stereotyping
Racial Stereotypes As a little girl, I was ashamed to be Indian. This was due to all the negative
stereotypes surrounding my race. In my childhood, I heard people say Indians were smelly,
stingy, and stuck up (alliteration). In fear of being teased and misjudged, I tried to be as "normal" as
possible to make everyone forget that I was Indian (pathos). As I grew older, I learned to be proud of
who I am, but disregarding stereotypes is still a challenge. I am sure everyone in this room has been
affected by racial stereotypes before and believe me, I know what you are going through (ethos).
You may think that only bigoted and prejudiced people used stereotypes, however, recent studies
have shown that everyone categorizes people on a daily basis without even realizing it. Most
people think stereotypes are just jokes, yet research proves that stereotypes have serious negative
effects. People should stop stereotyping because stereotypes cause "stereotype threats", create social
division, and lead to racism (parallelism). The first effect of stereotyping is a phenomenon known as
"stereotype threat" that occurs in a situation where a person is in fear of unintentionally confirming a
negative stereotype. Several studies have been conducted to discover the effects of stereotype
threats. For example, I discovered that Toni Schmader, an assistant professor of the UA psychology
department, and Michael Johns, a UA graduate (ethos), conducted studies that showed, "college
women score lower on tests of mathematical ability, and Hispanic students might score lower on tests
of intelligence, not because they have less ability, but because reminders of negative stereotypes
temporarily decrease their 'working memory capacity' (UA News Services, "Exploring the Negative
Consequences of Stereotyping"," This demonstrates that the students did not
do worse on the test due to their lack of skills, but rather due to negative stereotypes. In a similar
study by professors Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, African American and White college students
took the same intelligence test under two conditions. In the stereotype threat condition the students
were told the test would evaluate their intelligence, and in the
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Argumentative Essay On Evolution
Madison Wenig
Mr. Kellerman
Honors Biology 2
19 May 2017
There always has been a controversy whether evolution really did happen or not. Many evolutionists,
philosophers and biologists have presented sufficient evidence that evolution is true. Yet there is still
debate about this contentious topic. With the facts and findings of fossil records of earlier species,
ideas of initial theorists, and our own genetics and DNA, evolution can be hard to prove wrong.
Evolution is not just a change over time, but that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor. This
process is occurring in our lives right now. What exactly is evolution? Evolution is "the process
through which the characteristics of organisms change over successive generations, by means of
genetic variation". (What is evolution) Simply, descent with modification. Charles Darwin was the
first person with the acceptable explanation of evolution. Although his theory gave forth too many
tremendous advances, he did not build this theory on his own. He learned and built off earlier
theorists, like Jean–Baptiste Lamarck, "who indorsed linear evolution". (evolution) As well as
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, with his concept of Scala Nature. These early theorists served as a
foundation for Charles Darwin's theory. Although Darwin's theory was important, a greater
attribution to evolution was founded. That is the uncovering of fossils. Fossils are significant to the
evolution because they show how life on Earth was
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Argument From Analogy Essay
The argument from analogy is an inductive argument that focuses on the problem of other minds
and aims to show that we are justified in inferring the existence of other minds. British philosopher,
Bertrand Russell, describes the argument from analogy as follows: "The behaviour of other people
is in many ways analogous to our own, and we suppose that it must have analogous causes. What
people say is what we should say if we had certain thoughts, and so we infer that they probably have
these thoughts. They give us information which we can sometimes subsequently verify" (Russell,
"Analogy", p89). Norman Malcolm argues that the argument from analogy does poorly in its
attempts to show that we are justified in inferring the existence of other minds. In assessing whether
the argument from analogy succeeds in its aims, I will raise and respond to Malcolm's objection
against the argument from analogy; Austrian–born British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's 'Beetle
in a Box' thought experiment; as well as Welsh philosopher H. H. Price's argument and English
philosopher Stuart Hampshire's argument in defence of the argument from more
From subjective observation, Russell claims to know that A, which is a thought or feeling,
causes B, which is a bodily act (Russell, "Analogy", p110). Russell argues that believing in the
existence of other minds requires some postulate, and describes this postulate to be "If, whenever
we can observe whether A and B are present or absent, we find that every case of B has an A as a
causal antecedent, then it is probable that most B's have A's as causal antecedents, even in cases
where observation does not enable us to know whether A is present or not" (Russell, "Analogy",
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Argumentative Essay On News Media
News media serves as the main source of information for people in most nations, regardless of the
kind of government or democracy in place. Since humans take decisions and function based on
the kind of information they have, the importance of information flow cannot be overemphasised.
Governments, well aware of the role and power of the news media to influence the populace,
place a high premium on, and will go to great lengths to align the available news media to serve
their purpose. This goes for the whole spectrum on governance, from democratic to autocratic.
Observing the origins of conflict globally over years, especially civil wars which is a great threat to
human security, information available from news media has been a key motivation or driver.
The 1994 Rwandan genocide is an example of how information access interphases with national
security negatively to create chaos. The government of the day used state owned media to pitch the
Tutsi's and Hutu's against each other, while the world watched. Democratic governments do not
necessarily guarantee press freedom and human rights, and autocracies stifle the same as we may
want to think, if taken at face value. Many democratic governments basically run the state owned
news media and dictate their output, which begs the question what is the minimum level of
democracy and what exactly makes media "free". (Hutchinson, Salvatore and Whitten–Woodring).
Sometimes there seems to be a mismatch between government type and the
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Argumentative Essay About Recess
Recess can help students with "physical and emotional safety at school; positive relationships with
peers and adults," says (Stanford ).Recess is find in kindergarten and fifth grade or not at all.
Recess can be from one to 15 minutes may be more depense on the school. Physical education and
recess is related, both help the student with better health. Recess should be added to middle and high
school because it improve the productive in class, social skills that is need and exercise for students.
Firstly Recess improve the productive in class of the student. Recess is a break for students to rest,
that rest give more energy for students to focus and work according to American Academy of
Pediatrics. "A positive school climate... favorable student outcomes" more content...
Recess creates a place to create relationships with other students and adults, states stanford. "Recess
children learn valuable communication skills" says American Academy of Pediatrics. What this
show is recess benefits the students in social skills.
Lastly recess gives exercise for students. Students are able to play for fun and work physical with
other kids stated stanford. Recess gives student time to practice all physical movement at their own
free will according American Academy of Pediatrics. As a result recess physical benefits the kid
from exercise.
Others protest that recess is a waste of time where teacher can't teach. They think that time would
be better used on instructions. Despite what opponents say recess should be in school because
students are more focused after recess. In addition, the down time allow students to be refreshed for
class. Therefore the time is better used for recess. In conclusion recess in middle school and high
school benefits students with class work, commutation, and physically. Recess is good for the
students to learn and talk to other students. Support recess by telling the school board to add recess
to all
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Argumenative Essays

  • 1. Argumentative Essay About Gender Roles Ever since the dawn of time, women and men have been associated with specific gender roles that can be seen controversial in the eyes of many. Traits and roles associated with a specific gender can be either innate or learned over time. Looking into the deeper concept of gender roles and stereotypes, it is clear that these fixed gender roles are not naturally born with, but rather taught, learned, or influenced by external forces. A prominent example that qualifies the idea that gender roles are not biological but rather learned by external forces is an article written by Katha Pollitt. In "Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls," Pollitt's main argument is that gender roles that gender roles are acquired by learning. In the text, she states the more content... Porter reminiscences about his childhood experiences and how he and other boys were to strictly follow a set of rules that make a man a "man." No crying or acting weak in front of other men, for instance, would be idealistic for a strong man. Porter even recalls meeting a teen football player who was deeply saddened and wanted to express his emotions. The teen, however, was in front of his guy friends at the time and he just could not express any emotions in front of them because he would seem weak and girlish. Peer pressure and conforming to society has pressured the boy into falling into the trap once again. The teen learned to be tough since everyone else was tough and did not cry. This story is similar to Pollitt's statement on how "people aspire to what is possible and conform to what is necessary." The teen aspired to become a strong man but knew he had to conform to society in order to do so. Pressures from other kids and parents play a huge effect on stereotypes. The teen, if he did not conform to society, would be considered an outcast. People ccannot handle the fact of being called an outcast or abnormal. On the other side of the spectrum, others may agree that gender roles and stereotypes are purely biological. One might say that a child grows up without a father or mother figure still ends up learning specific gender roles. It is nearly impossible to have a child unscathed Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On The Bill Of Rights The Bill of Rights is one of the most important things in the American government .The Bill of Rights has 10 Amendments. The fifth one however is one of the important one. The fifth Amendment deals with police procedures. Along with basic Constitutional limits, or in other words guidelines that Congress has to follow. The Fifth Amendment is a one of the most important Amendments because it gives people the rights to speech and privacy, the fifth doesn't let people be charged with the same felony twice, and it gives citizens the right to a fair trial. The first reason the fifth amendment is one of the more important amendments is because it gives people the rights to speech and privacy. "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or other infamous crime" (Bill of Rights). This states that a person does not have to talk if they do not deem it fit. Someone can plead the fifth and they just stated that they do not want to talk. On the other hand some might say that this is not a strong argument because in other countries crime is limited because people have to speak. "The government continued to take controversial steps restricting media freedom, justifying them mostly by the need to counter Russia's anti–Ukraine propaganda" (World Report 2017). This states that when banning the freedom of social media it protects the government and country from attacks, mainly Russia. Although this is true banning the rights of social media may cause arguments to break out. The fifth Get more content on
  • 3. Steroid Argumentative Essay Imagine that you just won the Gold in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Now imagine the Gold getting Stripped from your hands by the officials of the Olympics. All because you decided to take steroids. Every year 45% of all Athletes take some sort of steroid or performance enhancing drug (Barnes). Many high school athletes take steroids for football or baseball. But some kids take steroids for weight lifting and that is all they take it for the do not even play sports. Both of these reasons are wrong morally and legally, but if there was one that was worse it would taking steroids for weight lifting. At least the people that take it for sports have a reason. Steroids may provide you a scholarship to college but it eventually show more content... Players gained a lot of muscles quickly (also unhealthy, but no one knew) and raced to hit more home runs than their opponents. This has created a huge discussion throughout MLB on how to crack down on these players and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Even though he's the all time leader in home runs, points, and hit percentage, Barry Bonds' name will forever be marked as the "bad guy" because of he used steroids. In the July of 2013, Ryan Braun, an outfielder, was under a 65 game suspension for taking steroids. Shortly after, 12 MLB players were given a 50 game suspension. Alex Rodriguez is under huge a 200 game suspension (which he is currently on) from taking steroids and then giving them out to his team. (Baseball). Steroids are used in sports, for the most part, to amplify the performance of athletes. In most cases, the steroids used among athletes are anabolic types. Anabolic actually means "build or increase mass". These steroids have been in use by high school, college, and professional athletes all around the globe for centuries. There are a huge amount of different types of steroids; in–fact, there are many of diferent types found in nature. The ones found in nature are not as effective as the ones that are man made. The anabolic steroids are probably the most common type of steroid used among athletes. Within this classification, again we have a lot of different types of steroids; countless forms, alternate forms and derivatives, and there are so many it can, at times, seem very Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentative Essay On Artifice Many people say that political leaders must be held to higher standards and speak nothing but the truth. However, that which Hedges' said, that "the most essential skill... is artifice," is very true. The best politicians out there, are often not the ones that have the best ideas, but rather the ones that can trick and then steal the hearts of their audiences. The people of the world will often support and vote for the candidate with the story that impacts them the most. The stories the candidates say may often not be true, this is what Hedges' meant when he said that "the most essential skill.... Is artifice." To use a recent example, Donald Trump gained loads of support by proclaiming he was not the "typical politician." He constantly reminded the people that he was raised in America and a "man of the people." He also repeated his famous slogan more content... There is no need for the College Board, yet they make it seems like there is. The College Board has been tricking thousands of students each year that the only way they can get into college, is by taking multiple standardized tests they created. In reality, the College Board just wants your money and the tests are not good indicators for one's intelligence. The test is stupid and if colleges only looked at your GPA and grades, then many qualified and learned students who are not good at standardized tests or messed up on one, will be accepted to the college of their choice. However, the College Board has already tricked most of America and now they have trapped us because we need them so that we can get into college. The College Board has successfully sucked me and most likely you as well, into a hole we cannot get out of. They have taken our money and will only take more. The College Board, because of successful artifice, is currently an unfortunate necessary evil that is controlling our Get more content on
  • 5. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essays Failure is the step towards success. Do you agree? It is often assumed that failure is a deterrent to achievement. Rather, failure should be seen as a motivator for a person to keep trying until the objective or aim of a particular mission is fulfilled. Failure often times leads a person to feel helpless, disappointed and depressed. However,one should not allow this to set them back in trying to achieve the ultimate aim one has set out to do. Failure in the beginning can often be a powerful incentive to reassess one's position in wanting to achieve the particular aims; to analyse whether the purpose is worth the trouble the person has to undergo and the whether the obstacles are surmountable. Practical more content... Another disadvantage of being an only is that he lacks companionship. He has no brother or sister to confide in. Growing up as an only child can be very lonely. If you have siblings you will have to share everything, so you get less; but you also get less of the bad things. Siblings can support and comfort each in times of trouble. The elder siblings learn to care for the younger ones and the younger ones learn to respect their elder siblings and have someone to look up to besides their parents. You are more balanced person than an only child. Another advantage of having siblings is that your parents' attention is divided among your siblings. As a result, there is less pressure on you to perform well, be it academically or in other areas. Having siblings also means that you have companionship, the joy of caring and sharing, and security. I, personally, am happy that I am not an only child. Students should not take up part time jobs. Discuss. Nowadays, students love to have part–time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before, teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the Get more content on
  • 7. Argumentative Essay About Sexual Assault Are you okay? Please do not cry. You are not alone. You do not know me but I am listening; I will wipe your tears, and stand by your side. Because what happen to you is not right, it is unjust, unmoral, and revolting. Although I was not there, I am here now. Although I have not experienced it, I am listening. However, I will never truly understand what you went through because I have not lived it. Sexual assault is "illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicting upon a person who is incapable of giving consent", according to Webster Dictionary. I will not judge you, I will not patronize you, and you can trust me. What happened that night? Can you remember? What started out as a fun night with drinking and dancing; ended with your cold naked body lying upon the ground. You were intoxicated, incoherent, and unconscious. Your blood alcohol level and your dashing good looks should not make you vulnerable or a victim to inhumane acts of sexual violence. Where you at a party? What were you wearing? Who did you go with? Where you drinking? Where you flirting with anyone? Quite frankly, it does not matter where you were, what you wearing, who you were with, and if you were intoxicated. That does not justify that you were sexually assaulted. Your perpetrators "misunderstanding" of the night is a poor excuse of how the night ended. The way you dressed that night, how you swayed you hips, and batted your eyelashes earlier in the Get more content on
  • 8. Examples Of Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009) more content... The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible Get more content on
  • 9. Argumentative Essay Coffee Coffee Do you drink a cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up? Many people do, but don't know that it can be healthy for you. Many believe that coffee is unhealthy, but without lots of added sugar and cream, it can be part of a balanced diet. Coffee is actually proven to make you smarter and happier. But, besides waking you up and giving you energy, three to four cups ofcoffee a day contains beneficial compounds, can lower the risk of an early death, and certain diseases. Coffee has many beneficial compounds, including antioxidants and anti–inflammatory compounds. Antioxidants are compounds in foods(or drinks) that delay or stop damage to the cells and bind free radicals(7). There are naturally occurring antioxidants in the more content... There are many studies on this, with most being observational, but one study conducted with patients that had non–alcoholic fatty liver disease to see if coffee reduced the risk of the disease progressing and it turned out to have positive results(4). There are many probable associations, but it is hard to prove cause and effect with observational studies(4). Commonly found components have been related to better health(5). Some generally found elements in coffee have been related to better insulin sensitivity, liver function, and reduced chronic inflammation(5/8). Coffee contains high levels of polyphenols that can have direct effects on the brain and also reduce oxidative stress and inflammation(5). Caffeine in coffee may actually be good for you because in one or more studies, decaffeinated coffee hasn't shown any involvement with a lower risk of Parkinson's disease while caffeinated coffee has(5). Coffee may not be healthy for everyone though(6). People who have heart diseases, or high cholesterol, or are pregnant may not see the same results(6). Over 200 milligrams (a twelve ounce cup of coffee) consumed by pregnant women may lead to increased risks for miscarriage or preterm birth(6). Caffeine may also be dangerous to some people and even decaffeinated coffee still has 2–7 milligrams Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On School Start Time Every morning students in the United States feel the effects the early start time many schools have implemented. These students are lethargic and inattentive, due to the lack of sleep they are getting every night. Typically, adults see these characteristics as the result of teenagers staying up late watching Netflix or using their cell phones. Many reputable organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have researched this problem and found that teenagers are lacking in sleep due to biological and physiological changes that are occurring within their brains. These shifts cause students to be more inattentive and reckless, resulting in lower grades, tardiness, and higher rates of more content... By requiring teenagers to wake up early, school officials are basically neglecting the health of their student bodies in favor of making their lives simpler. Despite the overwhelming evidence given by current research, many people refuse to change school start times because of the lack of noticeable impact some schools had or the impact it had on some people's schedules. Pannoni cites a statement by the Iowa City Community School District which found that "the later start time . . . [did] not reduce the number of tardy students by any appreciable amount." The principal of Ballard High School agreed by saying that he "would be surprised to see large improvements in either attendance or grade data compared with past years" (Pannoni). Many schools refused to change because of how the later start and dismissal times would affect extracurricular activities and students with jobs. This change would also interfere with bus schedules and childcare habits. However, these seem like small problems that can be overcome when the results are that "later school start times were associated with students sleeping longer at night, less tardiness, having higher test scores, being less depressed, using less caffeine and other drugs, . . . and experiencing fewer morning car crashes" (Fenwick). The most compelling evidence that shows changing school start Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Creativity The Creativity Epidemic Most would agree that the technological advances today have caused this generation to become crippled in their creativity. The lack of face–to–face communication has severely damaged this generations ability to separate text–speech from formal speeches. Being born in a generation were technology is only at it's peak, it's hard to separate yourself from the tech–savvy world. As stated in the article The Creativity Crisis by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman the accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful, and that's what's reflected in the tests. There is never one right answer. To be creative requires divergent thinking (generating many unique ideas) and then convergent thinking (combining those ideas into the best result). When most think of technology you only see the advances made, the achievements fulfilled and the key factor it plays in our society today, for example as in The Limits to Creativity in Education: Dilemmas for the Educator It argues that the notion of creativity may be value– and culture–specific and that this poses the so–called liberal educator with various dilemmas of principle and pedagogy, which are explored (Anna Craft 1). In other words, technology is a blessing seeing all the doors its opened for us in the short amount of time its been here. But it's also a curse. In retrospect others might argue that technology helps open the door to a child's imagination. As stated in The Pros and Cons of Technology by Amanda Ronan on January 16, 2017; Technology gives children the ability to learn in ways their parents and grandparents never had. Today's learners have immediate access to answers and research. Yet, that immediate access is changing the way students think about work and how they feel emotionally (Amanda Ronan). This significant emotional change is centered around the deprivation on other social outlets. The youth of today's social and educational status is complete centered around where they rank in the chain of technological coherency. Seeing how tablets and computers are replacing textbooks due to everything being encrypted into software anyone that hasn't evolved is sure to be left behind in a stone age of their own. Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Martin Luther King "The time of justice has now come. I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back. It is right in the eyes of man and God that it should come. And when it does, I think that day will brighten the lives of every American (Johnson)." African Americans during this time period are in the process of having their rights and equality. These individuals experienced hardships and obstacles which led up to this. They suffered in different ways, additionally, some of them got killed. When Martin Luther King, the leader, stood up for what he believed in with a group of black people right behind him, he was put in jail and got severely bruised. King did not stop fighting for these rights and equalities and even through thick more content... Additionally, Birmingham and other southern urban areas had been the scenes of bombings coordinated at African Americans and social equality nonconformists. "One of the tragedies of the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto (Carmichael)." One of the tragedies of the battle against bigotry is that up to now there has been no national association which could address the developing militancy of youthful dark individuals in the urban ghetto. This shows how even today things have curved in a good way because of leaders who stood ground and believed that this was not the right way. Furthermore, Martin Luther King was the main leader who led these marches and was a man who wanted racism and being separated from everyone else, gone. "At age 6, Martin Luther King Jr. was jarred when a parent of a white friend said the boys could no longer play together because he was black. Another time, King's father, a minister, was driving a car when a white policeman pulled him over for no obvious reason. Listen, boy, he began, only to be cut off when the Rev. King pointed to his son in the passenger seat. That is a boy. I am a man (Atkin)." Martin Luther King Jr. was bumped when a parent of a white companion said the young men could never again play together on the grounds that he was dark. Some other time, Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Disabled People Someone's disability does not define them and I think that's something people need to realize. In society today, people with disabilities are treated as social outcasts. Disabled individuals are more vulnerable to crime, they aren't treated the best in public, and they get discriminated against in the workplace. Although there are laws against discrimination in regards to the disabled, that doesn't stop it from happening. The mentally and physically disabled are more vulnerable to hate–crimes. Children with any form of disability are more than twice as likely to get physically abused rather than nondisabled kids (Tyiska). On that note, 1% of all hate–crimes are against disabled individuals (Tyiska). However, many hate–crimes directed towards the disabled are never reported due to the victim feeling embarrassed, thus leading to more violent acts being committed (Tyiska). Not only are hate crimes high, but the public treatment of people with disabilities isn't that great. For instance, author Tiffiny Carlson says store employees regularly ВЁassume you're ill–equipped mentally because of an obvious physical disabilityВЁ. Also, taxis often pass by individuals with an obvious disability to avoid the extra work that may come along with giving them a ride (Carlson). Lastly, people can be inconsiderate of the fact that handicapped parking is very necessary more content... "6 Instances of Discrimination People with Disabilities Face Every Day." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2015. "Disability Statistics: Facts & Statistics on Disabilities & Disability Issues."Disabled World. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. "Job Discrimination Against the Disabled." KnowledgeWharton Job Discrimination Against the Disabled Not Just an Academic Issue Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2015. Tyiska, Cheryl Guidry. "Working with Victims ofCrime with Disabilities."Working with Victims of Crime with Disabilities. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. Get more content on
  • 14. Argumentative Essay: The American Food Industry The American food industry, just think about what you eat for a minute, where do you think it comes from, how do you think it is made, what do you think it is made out of, how many ingredients are in it. Most people would not give it a second thought, mostly because they do not want to know what they are putting in their body. The fact is not if you eat one McDonald's cheeseburger you will die it is that you should at least know what you are putting in your body, then you can make your own choice if you still want to eat it. The problem with a lot of Americans is that, what they don't realize is it's not how much you eat it's what you eat and if you exercise. People these days will eat unhealthy and don't know what they are putting in more content... Do people know this, not many people do know about the American food industry because the government tries to cover it up because they know that the way they do stuff is bad. If people knew that most of their food is pumped full of bad stuff and the fact that the animals are killed in the worst way possible the consumers would not buy the food. That is why the government covers it up and makes it look like that does not Get more content on
  • 15. Human Experimentation Argumentative Essay Human experimentations have been performed many times by scientist in order to solve medical mysteries in the past. These experimentations can link back to the early 1700s when George I offered free pardon to any inmate who was willing to be injected with smallpox (Wellness Directory of Minnesota). Human experimentation has always been a hot topic as it has been argued that it is both necessary and also morally wrong since it can both hurt and help and individual. People have argued that there is no other subject to be experimented on as there aren't many other animals or subjects which share the same anatomy as humans. It can also be argued that some of the treatments performed on these individuals can potentially cause the deaths of the more content... The three reasons which explain the motivation behind the Nazi Experimentation were to facilitate in the survival of the Axis military personnel, to develop and test treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field, and to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview (Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial 1). One of the earliest experiments which had occurred during the Nazi experimentation was the freezing experiments. The reasoning given behind these experiments was to see how long German pilots downed by enemy fire could survive from the frozen waters of the North Sea (Cohen). During the experiment, Doctor Sigmund Rascher attempted to duplicate the cold that would be found near the area and used nearly 300 prisoners to record their shock to the cold (Cohen). As a result of the experiment, nearly ninety eight people died Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Stereotyping Racial Stereotypes As a little girl, I was ashamed to be Indian. This was due to all the negative stereotypes surrounding my race. In my childhood, I heard people say Indians were smelly, stingy, and stuck up (alliteration). In fear of being teased and misjudged, I tried to be as "normal" as possible to make everyone forget that I was Indian (pathos). As I grew older, I learned to be proud of who I am, but disregarding stereotypes is still a challenge. I am sure everyone in this room has been affected by racial stereotypes before and believe me, I know what you are going through (ethos). You may think that only bigoted and prejudiced people used stereotypes, however, recent studies have shown that everyone categorizes people on a daily basis without even realizing it. Most people think stereotypes are just jokes, yet research proves that stereotypes have serious negative effects. People should stop stereotyping because stereotypes cause "stereotype threats", create social division, and lead to racism (parallelism). The first effect of stereotyping is a phenomenon known as "stereotype threat" that occurs in a situation where a person is in fear of unintentionally confirming a negative stereotype. Several studies have been conducted to discover the effects of stereotype threats. For example, I discovered that Toni Schmader, an assistant professor of the UA psychology department, and Michael Johns, a UA graduate (ethos), conducted studies that showed, "college women score lower on tests of mathematical ability, and Hispanic students might score lower on tests of intelligence, not because they have less ability, but because reminders of negative stereotypes temporarily decrease their 'working memory capacity' (UA News Services, "Exploring the Negative Consequences of Stereotyping"," This demonstrates that the students did not do worse on the test due to their lack of skills, but rather due to negative stereotypes. In a similar study by professors Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, African American and White college students took the same intelligence test under two conditions. In the stereotype threat condition the students were told the test would evaluate their intelligence, and in the Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Evolution Madison Wenig Mr. Kellerman Honors Biology 2 19 May 2017 Evolution There always has been a controversy whether evolution really did happen or not. Many evolutionists, philosophers and biologists have presented sufficient evidence that evolution is true. Yet there is still debate about this contentious topic. With the facts and findings of fossil records of earlier species, ideas of initial theorists, and our own genetics and DNA, evolution can be hard to prove wrong. Evolution is not just a change over time, but that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor. This process is occurring in our lives right now. What exactly is evolution? Evolution is "the process through which the characteristics of organisms change over successive generations, by means of genetic variation". (What is evolution) Simply, descent with modification. Charles Darwin was the first person with the acceptable explanation of evolution. Although his theory gave forth too many tremendous advances, he did not build this theory on his own. He learned and built off earlier theorists, like Jean–Baptiste Lamarck, "who indorsed linear evolution". (evolution) As well as Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, with his concept of Scala Nature. These early theorists served as a foundation for Charles Darwin's theory. Although Darwin's theory was important, a greater attribution to evolution was founded. That is the uncovering of fossils. Fossils are significant to the evolution because they show how life on Earth was Get more content on
  • 18. Argument From Analogy Essay The argument from analogy is an inductive argument that focuses on the problem of other minds and aims to show that we are justified in inferring the existence of other minds. British philosopher, Bertrand Russell, describes the argument from analogy as follows: "The behaviour of other people is in many ways analogous to our own, and we suppose that it must have analogous causes. What people say is what we should say if we had certain thoughts, and so we infer that they probably have these thoughts. They give us information which we can sometimes subsequently verify" (Russell, "Analogy", p89). Norman Malcolm argues that the argument from analogy does poorly in its attempts to show that we are justified in inferring the existence of other minds. In assessing whether the argument from analogy succeeds in its aims, I will raise and respond to Malcolm's objection against the argument from analogy; Austrian–born British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's 'Beetle in a Box' thought experiment; as well as Welsh philosopher H. H. Price's argument and English philosopher Stuart Hampshire's argument in defence of the argument from more content... From subjective observation, Russell claims to know that A, which is a thought or feeling, causes B, which is a bodily act (Russell, "Analogy", p110). Russell argues that believing in the existence of other minds requires some postulate, and describes this postulate to be "If, whenever we can observe whether A and B are present or absent, we find that every case of B has an A as a causal antecedent, then it is probable that most B's have A's as causal antecedents, even in cases where observation does not enable us to know whether A is present or not" (Russell, "Analogy", Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On News Media News media serves as the main source of information for people in most nations, regardless of the kind of government or democracy in place. Since humans take decisions and function based on the kind of information they have, the importance of information flow cannot be overemphasised. Governments, well aware of the role and power of the news media to influence the populace, place a high premium on, and will go to great lengths to align the available news media to serve their purpose. This goes for the whole spectrum on governance, from democratic to autocratic. Observing the origins of conflict globally over years, especially civil wars which is a great threat to human security, information available from news media has been a key motivation or driver. The 1994 Rwandan genocide is an example of how information access interphases with national security negatively to create chaos. The government of the day used state owned media to pitch the Tutsi's and Hutu's against each other, while the world watched. Democratic governments do not necessarily guarantee press freedom and human rights, and autocracies stifle the same as we may want to think, if taken at face value. Many democratic governments basically run the state owned news media and dictate their output, which begs the question what is the minimum level of democracy and what exactly makes media "free". (Hutchinson, Salvatore and Whitten–Woodring). Sometimes there seems to be a mismatch between government type and the Get more content on
  • 20. Argumentative Essay About Recess Recess can help students with "physical and emotional safety at school; positive relationships with peers and adults," says (Stanford ).Recess is find in kindergarten and fifth grade or not at all. Recess can be from one to 15 minutes may be more depense on the school. Physical education and recess is related, both help the student with better health. Recess should be added to middle and high school because it improve the productive in class, social skills that is need and exercise for students. Firstly Recess improve the productive in class of the student. Recess is a break for students to rest, that rest give more energy for students to focus and work according to American Academy of Pediatrics. "A positive school climate... favorable student outcomes" more content... Recess creates a place to create relationships with other students and adults, states stanford. "Recess children learn valuable communication skills" says American Academy of Pediatrics. What this show is recess benefits the students in social skills. Lastly recess gives exercise for students. Students are able to play for fun and work physical with other kids stated stanford. Recess gives student time to practice all physical movement at their own free will according American Academy of Pediatrics. As a result recess physical benefits the kid from exercise. Others protest that recess is a waste of time where teacher can't teach. They think that time would be better used on instructions. Despite what opponents say recess should be in school because students are more focused after recess. In addition, the down time allow students to be refreshed for class. Therefore the time is better used for recess. In conclusion recess in middle school and high school benefits students with class work, commutation, and physically. Recess is good for the students to learn and talk to other students. Support recess by telling the school board to add recess to all Get more content on