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Are we really Innovating?
Twitter:- @Zohe
Wannabe Futurist ;-)
18th October 2012

Innovation in digital
marketing & ecommerce
touchpoints is occurring at
an unprecedented pace
Remember when all                                                            In Store                                                                              DOOH                                                                 @Zohe
we had to worry                               Digital POS
                                                                                                  Blogger                           Blog Search
                                                                                                                                                              Blog                      In-Flight
                                                                                                  Outreach                          Engines                                             Advertising
about was display &                                                                                                                                           Aggregators

search?                                                                   Blogs                                                 Social                                              Photo
                                                                                                                                Bookmarking                                         Blogs                          In-Car
                                                                                                        Wiki                                              Folksonomy                                               Advertising
                                                                             Social                                                                                                           Virals
                           Portal                                            Computing                                                                                       Content
                                                                                                                                Ad                                           Infographics
                                                                                                         Ad Networks            Platforms
                                                                                                         incl. Social                             Ad                         & Memes
                                                                                          Display                               incl. Social      Exchanges                                                                        ATM
                                                                                          Advertising                                                                                                                              Advertising
          Special                                                                                                                                                      SEM                   Curation
          Interest                               Teleweb

                     Social APIs                                Mobile OS                                                 Brand                                               SEO                        Content
                     Integration                                                                  Product
                                                                                                                                               HR                                                        Syndication
                                              SMS                                                 Mkting
                                                                                                                                  IT                                                Social
                                                             App Dev                                                                                                                                                         SMO
                                                             Platforms                  Partner                                                             ECom
                                                                                        Mgmnt                                                                m                                                                               Interactive
             Analytics &                                                                                                                                                                                     Content                         & TV
             Social                      Email
                                                       App Stores                                                                                                                       Mobile               Partners

             Listening &                               / In-App                                                                                                                         Search
             Monitoring                                                             Analyti
                                                                                      cs                                                                         B2B                                         Micro-
                                                                                                                         Propositions                                                                        Casting
                                                              Location                                                                                                             Engines                                                       Smart TV
                                                              Based                                                                                                               Hitwise,
                                          E-CRM                                            Marketi                                                                                Quantcast
                                                                                            ng                                                            CRM
                     Social Media
    Online           Mgmnt Tools                                                                                                                                                                        Webcasts
    Media                                                        Mobile Ad                                  PR &
                                                                                                                                  Service                                    Comscore
                                                                 Networks                                  Comms
                                                                                                                                     s                                       Nielsen                                   UGC
                                                    Care                     Mobile                                                                                                                                                 DVR / PVR
                                                                             Payments                                                                                  Market
                                    Social                                                                                                                             Research          Podcasts                                   / PTV
                                    Enterprise                                            M-
                      PC                                                                  Commerce                                                                                                       Meetups/
                                                                Rich Media                                                      Devices           Mobile                                                 RFID
                                                                                                         Operators                                                           Web Radio
                                                     Other                        Ratings &
                                                     Social                                                                                                 Own                                                    Games
                                                                                  Reviews                                                                   Websites                 In-App Social
                                     Tablet          Networks                                           Adserver                  Onsite                                                                           Console
                                                                         Google                                                   Search
                                                                                                                                                                 Ecosystems                  In Game
                                                                 DVB                                 Twitter                      Facebook

                                                                                              NFC / Bluetooth                     Mobiles                          Devices

The marketing technology
ecosystem to manage
communications on these
touchpoints is mindblowing!

And its not just the touchpoints we have
to worry about, The marketing technology
ecosystem to manage communications
on these touchpoints is also mindblowing.
the graphic on the next slide shows

over 350 companies, which produce the diff technologies across 45 different categories and
thats not all of them!

Input method is still Qwerty
  The only way we to interact with all those touchpoints is by typing. Typing is a skill and cumbersome if you don’t
  know how

 • We are only half way there in terms of
   mass market device innovation and
 • Typing is a skill, which if you don’t have it,
   can be laborious.

Touchscreens are awkward to use
  Hardware & Input method Innovation seems to have stalled. Smartphones have a
  groundhog day feel

                   Past                                Present
Despite social logins being available many                                        @Zohe

websites still require registration, & form filling
Many websites have not enabled social logins. Nothing more annoying than filling out
forms or registering when trying to buy something online. On an ipad or smartphone
double the effort

                  What could be        What about            And to do all that
                  more annoying        multi-user            registering,
                  than another         households with       logging in & out
                  username &           multiple devices?     with a qwerty
                  password to          Logout one and        keyboard, on a
                  remember,            Login another,        touch device,
                  YAWN!                YAWN!?                TEDIOUS!

So, have we really
innovated? Its more like
Web 1.5. Consumers will
Innovate, even if we don’t!

consumer behaviour
becomes mainstream

Some interesting trends in consumer behaviour are emerging. The
likes of Google, Ofcom, Accenture have conducted a spate of studies
which all point to one fact:- Consumers are looking for an integrated
experience on the internet. They cris-cross between access devices
depending on what they are looking for.
With the wider usage of smartphones & tablets who would have
predicted we would be talking about “Multi-screening”

Google Multi-Screen Exec Summary

             UK is a multiscreening nation. Device use is driven by context. 2 main modes of
             multiscreening. Sequential and simultaneous screening. Tv has lost our full attention.
             Search is still the main bridge between us and content
                                                      Source: Google Multiscreen World

90% of media interactions involve a screen.

                   Read that as 90% on DIGITAL media

                                  Source: Google Multiscreen World

We are moving between 4 devices

                    Source: Google Multiscreen World
Smartphones are most common                  @Zohe

device when multi-screening

                   Source: Google Multiscreen World

We Multi-task across
Multi-Channels via

Multi Multi Multi
Consumers’ new version of
Veni Vidi Vici ?!? 

Clearly there is some

Lets have a quick Look at how
some things have changed or are
changing, taking some inspiration
from Mary Meeker
Things they are a Changing:       @Zohe


        Past            Present
Things they are a Changing:       @Zohe


        Past            Present

Things they are a Changing: Grocery shop
The shopping wall on the right there by Tesco, Korea. The shopping wall basically has pictures and barcodes of a
range of products. Consumers can just scan what they want, pay for it and the groceries will be delivered to their

                         Present                                              Future

   What's the common

What's the common denominator? Screens are part of
our everyday lives whether its recreation, work, study,
travel etc
Whilst we are on screens… Whats up with the biggest
screen at home; the TV?

Well, TVs are a lot smarter, a lot more social & a lot
more connected

        You can control them with a combination of touch, gesture & voice

Smart TV Opportunity
                              TV App
                              store                               For brands who want to have
                              already                             a depper and more involved
    Smart TV presents         boasts over                         experience in the living room,
                              2000 Apps                           there is opportunity.
    an entirely new
    opportunity for                                               Most devices are personal but
    brands and it’s time                                          the TV is about sharing the
    for companies to                                              experience, so content that's
    start to engage with                                          designed for sharing works
    how they’re going to                                          best on a Television.
    address what will be
    a new behaviour.                                              By 2016 there will be almost 1
                                                                  billion smart tvs globally.

                                                                  Samsung TV App store
                                                                  already has 2000 apps and

                                                                  Mobile and Apple have made
    Mobile and specifically           There are several           consumer more comfortable
    Apple paved the way               million smart TV’s in the   with the concept of apps.
    for consumers to                  UK, and globally,
    become comfortable                market research
    with Apps, and there is           suggests that consumer
    as big an opportunity             use of connected TV
    for engagement with               sets will jump from 82m
    Smart TV in all                   in 2011 to over 890m
    industries.                       by 2016
Internet + TV + Ecommerce = Powerful Mix. Add Social then even more                               @Zohe


My old employers QVC were
trading on tv, web, mobile &           QVC
interactive TV as early as 2006.

Secret was rich content on
multiple channels.
                                                                                           their TV conte
                                   using web, mobil    mix of 3% con      secret of suc    nt on Youtube
They’ve inadvertently created a    e, interactive TV
                                   [red button] & no
                                                       version of new     cess? Rich c     & Facebook. N
new touchpount called “social      rmal TV to drive    visitors & 19%     ontent on mul    ew touchpoint
infomercials” by putting their     sales as early as   for repeat visit   tiple channels   … “Social Info
                                   2006                ors                                 mercials”
TV content on Youtube etc and

Gartner have just named [Oct
2012] them the poster child for
social commerce                    Oct 2012 –
                                   Gartner named the poster child of
                                   social commerce [i.e. actually
                                   driving sales with social]. Guess
                                   who? QVC & Home Shopping

Despite all the signs & studies that consumer attention isn’t on TV
                                        We don’t watch tv when its broadcast,
                                        we forward the ads, we watching more
                                        on demand.

                                                              We are watching a
                                                              lot more on demand
                                                              TV and movie
                                                              content and rarely
                                           almost never       with ads (We're so
                                           watch tv shows     used to watching
                                           when they are      shows via Netflix or
                                           broadcast          iTunes that ads
                                                              now seem like
                                                     1      2 bizarre intrusions)

                                                     3      4
                                                                We get our
                                           We hardly            news from the
                                           watch TV with        Internet, article
                                           ads, even on a       by article, clip
                                           DVR                  by clip.

         Read more:
And, in the UK, Pay TV                                                 @Zohe

subscriptions are flatlining

        As are the numbers of hours spent viewing TV.

                                                   Source: Ofcom 2012 report
Bizarrely, we still seem to be                                       @Zohe

spending lots on TV advertising

      In the UK, The TV advertising market is going through a
      renaissance, with revenues up by 2.2% year on year, a record
      £4.36bn in 2011. More info here

If you think advertising
& marketing have
changed in the last 10

You haven’t seen
anything yet 

Evolution of Input Method

                       Keypad                               Touch
The input method
is finally changing
to be more
inclusive and not                                                   •The 5 Billion not
relying on just                                                     on the Internet?
qwerty input.
                                                                    They will be
                                                                    joining us sooner
developments in
UI and Ux will be                                                   than we think
mass market
sooner than we

                       Voice                                Gesture

             New developments in User Interface & User experience will be mass
             market before we know it
This future chart by                    @Zohe
envisioningtech attempts
to map the major
developments and            Envisioningtech
advancements.               state that by
They look at emerging       about what lies
trends and research, and    beyond the
Envisioningtech have        horizon we can
tried to predict and draw   make better
conclusions about how       decisions of
technology is developing,   what to create
and which technologies      today.
should/could become
mass market in the          For this preso
coming years.               I’m going to
                            spotlight the
                            interfaces and
                            going to their
                            site and seeing
                            the whole chart.


The web as we know
it, is changing
Smartphone sales have overtaken

PC Sales. Tablets will be next

Within 10 /15 years
touchscreens as we know them
will be obsolete and the digital
advertising / ecommerce
dynamic will shift again
Gesture Recognition – Nissan Pathfinder Kinect

          To highlight gesture recognition, Nissan created an experience on Kinect allowing people to view and
          experience the Pathfinder car virtually from various angles and perfrom various actions, whilst they put it in the
          showrooms, imagine being able to do some initial research on the car from home before booking the test drive?


Speech Recognition – Mindmeld Conference Call App

                           So for speech recognition wanted to higlight Mindmeld is a conf call app
                           which “listens” to your conversation and serves up dynamic content
                           based on keywords from your discussion.

                           Unlike a regular video call, MindMeld listens as you talk and literally
                           identifies the key concepts and meaning of your conversations. Team
                           calls will never be the same again!

Haptics – Disney Touche Capacitive Sensing

           Disney, yes Disney have developed a technology that, turns virtually any material into a
           touchscreen. Couches, doorknobs, clothes, tabletops, fridges could become your mobile
           phone, your tv screen, your internet browser etc. Instead of getting up off your sofa to
           get your smartphone which you have left in the other room, literally tap your sofa and
           dial mum!
           And even cooler, it can tell the difference between different users which means targeting
           and personalisation!

Holograms – Apple / Nokia Hologram technology patents

              Apple have patented a 3d display system that would “mimic a hologram” without
              requiring special glasses. If you have seen the avengers movie or star wars then that
              tech is what these patents are saying they will do. Basically Each eye of each viewer
              receives a different angle of the image, floating mid air. Best of all it will detect who is
              watching and display diff images to diff people meaning personalised advertising and
              offers 
Eyewear Embedded Screens – Google Project Glass

            Finally, we probably seen a lot of coverage on Google glasses. Think smartphone +
            camera that sits on your head! Everything you can do from your smartphone you will
            be able to do with these glasses, all voice activated with no qwerty keyboard in sight!

Conclusion: Marketing &                      @Zohe

Ecommerce in 2025
    • Search will still be at the centre of it
      all, but voice, gesture etc will affect
      how we search
    • New tech will literally bring anywhere,
      anytime, anyhow to life
    • Hyper Personalisation – behaviour,
      DNA, build/body size
IF there is anything that embodies visually what is to come then its these 2 vision of
the future videos one from Microsoft and one from Corning. There is no way I can
really describe what the videos show other than you’ll at first think you are wathcing a
movie like minority report!


Corning Day Made of Glass

Thank you.

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Are we really_innovating_ver1

  • 1. @Zohe Are we really Innovating? Twitter:- @Zohe Wannabe Futurist ;-) 18th October 2012
  • 2. @Zohe Innovation in digital marketing & ecommerce touchpoints is occurring at an unprecedented pace
  • 3. Kiosk Remember when all In Store DOOH @Zohe we had to worry Digital POS Blogger Blog Search Blog In-Flight Outreach Engines Advertising about was display & Aggregators search? Blogs Social Photo Bookmarking Blogs In-Car Wiki Folksonomy Advertising Social Virals Portal Computing Content Ad Infographics Ad Networks Platforms incl. Social Ad & Memes Display incl. Social Exchanges ATM Advertising Advertising Content Special SEM Curation Interest Teleweb Social APIs Mobile OS Brand SEO Content Integration Product HR Syndication SMS Mkting IT Social App Dev SMO Search Platforms Partner ECom News Mgmnt m Interactive Analytics & Content & TV Social Email App Stores Mobile Partners Delivery Cloud Listening & / In-App Search Monitoring Analyti cs B2B Micro- Propositions Casting Answer Location Engines Smart TV Based Hitwise, E-CRM Marketi Quantcast ng CRM Social Media Online Mgmnt Tools Webcasts Cust. Media Mobile Ad PR & Service Comscore Networks Comms s Nielsen UGC Online Care Mobile DVR / PVR Payments Market Social Research Podcasts / PTV Enterprise M- PC Commerce Meetups/ Rich Media Devices Mobile RFID Operators Web Radio Other Ratings & Social Own Games Reviews Websites In-App Social Tablet Networks Adserver Onsite Console Integration Google Search Social Ecosystems In Game DVB Twitter Facebook Digital NFC / Bluetooth Mobiles Devices
  • 4. @Zohe The marketing technology ecosystem to manage communications on these touchpoints is mindblowing! And its not just the touchpoints we have to worry about, The marketing technology ecosystem to manage communications on these touchpoints is also mindblowing. the graphic on the next slide shows
  • 5. @Zohe over 350 companies, which produce the diff technologies across 45 different categories and thats not all of them!
  • 6. @Zohe Input method is still Qwerty The only way we to interact with all those touchpoints is by typing. Typing is a skill and cumbersome if you don’t know how • We are only half way there in terms of mass market device innovation and adoption. • Typing is a skill, which if you don’t have it, can be laborious.
  • 7. @Zohe Touchscreens are awkward to use Hardware & Input method Innovation seems to have stalled. Smartphones have a groundhog day feel Past Present
  • 8. Despite social logins being available many @Zohe websites still require registration, & form filling Many websites have not enabled social logins. Nothing more annoying than filling out forms or registering when trying to buy something online. On an ipad or smartphone double the effort What could be What about And to do all that more annoying multi-user registering, than another households with logging in & out username & multiple devices? with a qwerty password to Logout one and keyboard, on a remember, Login another, touch device, YAWN! YAWN!? TEDIOUS!
  • 9. @Zohe So, have we really innovated? Its more like Web 1.5. Consumers will Innovate, even if we don’t!
  • 10. @Zohe Multi-screen consumer behaviour becomes mainstream Some interesting trends in consumer behaviour are emerging. The likes of Google, Ofcom, Accenture have conducted a spate of studies which all point to one fact:- Consumers are looking for an integrated experience on the internet. They cris-cross between access devices depending on what they are looking for. With the wider usage of smartphones & tablets who would have predicted we would be talking about “Multi-screening”
  • 11. @Zohe Google Multi-Screen Exec Summary UK is a multiscreening nation. Device use is driven by context. 2 main modes of multiscreening. Sequential and simultaneous screening. Tv has lost our full attention. Search is still the main bridge between us and content Source: Google Multiscreen World
  • 12. @Zohe 90% of media interactions involve a screen. Read that as 90% on DIGITAL media Source: Google Multiscreen World
  • 13. @Zohe We are moving between 4 devices Source: Google Multiscreen World
  • 14. Smartphones are most common @Zohe device when multi-screening Source: Google Multiscreen World
  • 15. @Zohe We Multi-task across Multi-Channels via Multi-Screens Multi Multi Multi Consumers’ new version of Veni Vidi Vici ?!? 
  • 16. @Zohe Clearly there is some Innovation Lets have a quick Look at how some things have changed or are changing, taking some inspiration from Mary Meeker
  • 17. Things they are a Changing: @Zohe Classrooms Past Present
  • 18. Things they are a Changing: @Zohe Maps Past Present
  • 19. @Zohe Things they are a Changing: Grocery shop The shopping wall on the right there by Tesco, Korea. The shopping wall basically has pictures and barcodes of a range of products. Consumers can just scan what they want, pay for it and the groceries will be delivered to their home. Present Future
  • 20. @Zohe What's the common denominator? SCREENS What's the common denominator? Screens are part of our everyday lives whether its recreation, work, study, travel etc Whilst we are on screens… Whats up with the biggest screen at home; the TV?
  • 21. @Zohe Well, TVs are a lot smarter, a lot more social & a lot more connected You can control them with a combination of touch, gesture & voice
  • 22. @Zohe Smart TV Opportunity Samsung TV App store For brands who want to have already a depper and more involved Smart TV presents boasts over experience in the living room, 2000 Apps there is opportunity. an entirely new opportunity for Most devices are personal but brands and it’s time the TV is about sharing the for companies to experience, so content that's start to engage with designed for sharing works how they’re going to best on a Television. address what will be a new behaviour. By 2016 there will be almost 1 billion smart tvs globally. Samsung TV App store already has 2000 apps and Mobile and Apple have made Mobile and specifically There are several consumer more comfortable Apple paved the way million smart TV’s in the with the concept of apps. for consumers to UK, and globally, become comfortable market research with Apps, and there is suggests that consumer as big an opportunity use of connected TV for engagement with sets will jump from 82m Smart TV in all in 2011 to over 890m industries. by 2016
  • 23. Internet + TV + Ecommerce = Powerful Mix. Add Social then even more @Zohe stronger My old employers QVC were trading on tv, web, mobile & QVC interactive TV as early as 2006. Secret was rich content on multiple channels. their TV conte using web, mobil mix of 3% con secret of suc nt on Youtube They’ve inadvertently created a e, interactive TV [red button] & no version of new cess? Rich c & Facebook. N new touchpount called “social rmal TV to drive visitors & 19% ontent on mul ew touchpoint infomercials” by putting their sales as early as for repeat visit tiple channels … “Social Info 2006 ors mercials” TV content on Youtube etc and Gartner have just named [Oct 2012] them the poster child for social commerce Oct 2012 – Gartner named the poster child of social commerce [i.e. actually driving sales with social]. Guess who? QVC & Home Shopping Network
  • 24. @Zohe Despite all the signs & studies that consumer attention isn’t on TV We don’t watch tv when its broadcast, we forward the ads, we watching more on demand. We are watching a lot more on demand TV and movie content and rarely almost never with ads (We're so watch tv shows used to watching when they are shows via Netflix or broadcast iTunes that ads now seem like anymore 1 2 bizarre intrusions) 3 4 We get our We hardly news from the watch TV with Internet, article ads, even on a by article, clip DVR by clip. Read more:
  • 25. And, in the UK, Pay TV @Zohe subscriptions are flatlining As are the numbers of hours spent viewing TV. Source: Ofcom 2012 report
  • 26. Bizarrely, we still seem to be @Zohe spending lots on TV advertising In the UK, The TV advertising market is going through a renaissance, with revenues up by 2.2% year on year, a record £4.36bn in 2011. More info here
  • 27. @Zohe If you think advertising & marketing have changed in the last 10 years…. You haven’t seen anything yet 
  • 28. @Zohe Evolution of Input Method Keypad Touch The input method is finally changing to be more inclusive and not •The 5 Billion not relying on just on the Internet? qwerty input. They will be New joining us sooner developments in UI and Ux will be than we think mass market sooner than we think Voice Gesture New developments in User Interface & User experience will be mass market before we know it
  • 29. This future chart by @Zohe envisioningtech attempts to map the major developments and Envisioningtech advancements. state that by speculating They look at emerging about what lies trends and research, and beyond the Envisioningtech have horizon we can tried to predict and draw make better conclusions about how decisions of technology is developing, what to create and which technologies today. should/could become mass market in the For this preso coming years. I’m going to spotlight the interfaces and ubicomp columns. Recommend going to their site and seeing the whole chart. Source: http://envisioningtec 012/
  • 30. @Zohe The web as we know it, is changing profoundly
  • 31. Smartphone sales have overtaken @Zohe PC Sales. Tablets will be next
  • 32. @Zohe Within 10 /15 years touchscreens as we know them will be obsolete and the digital advertising / ecommerce dynamic will shift again
  • 33. @Zohe Gesture Recognition – Nissan Pathfinder Kinect Experience To highlight gesture recognition, Nissan created an experience on Kinect allowing people to view and experience the Pathfinder car virtually from various angles and perfrom various actions, whilst they put it in the showrooms, imagine being able to do some initial research on the car from home before booking the test drive? Source:
  • 34. @Zohe Speech Recognition – Mindmeld Conference Call App So for speech recognition wanted to higlight Mindmeld is a conf call app which “listens” to your conversation and serves up dynamic content based on keywords from your discussion. Unlike a regular video call, MindMeld listens as you talk and literally identifies the key concepts and meaning of your conversations. Team calls will never be the same again! Source:
  • 35. @Zohe Haptics – Disney Touche Capacitive Sensing Disney, yes Disney have developed a technology that, turns virtually any material into a touchscreen. Couches, doorknobs, clothes, tabletops, fridges could become your mobile phone, your tv screen, your internet browser etc. Instead of getting up off your sofa to get your smartphone which you have left in the other room, literally tap your sofa and dial mum! And even cooler, it can tell the difference between different users which means targeting and personalisation! Source: i_touche_drp.htm
  • 36. @Zohe Holograms – Apple / Nokia Hologram technology patents Apple have patented a 3d display system that would “mimic a hologram” without requiring special glasses. If you have seen the avengers movie or star wars then that tech is what these patents are saying they will do. Basically Each eye of each viewer receives a different angle of the image, floating mid air. Best of all it will detect who is watching and display diff images to diff people meaning personalised advertising and offers  Source: 07/why-apple-will-turn-to-holograms
  • 37. @Zohe Eyewear Embedded Screens – Google Project Glass Finally, we probably seen a lot of coverage on Google glasses. Think smartphone + camera that sits on your head! Everything you can do from your smartphone you will be able to do with these glasses, all voice activated with no qwerty keyboard in sight! Source:
  • 38. Conclusion: Marketing & @Zohe Ecommerce in 2025 • Search will still be at the centre of it all, but voice, gesture etc will affect how we search • New tech will literally bring anywhere, anytime, anyhow to life • Hyper Personalisation – behaviour, DNA, build/body size
  • 39. @Zohe IF there is anything that embodies visually what is to come then its these 2 vision of the future videos one from Microsoft and one from Corning. There is no way I can really describe what the videos show other than you’ll at first think you are wathcing a movie like minority report! Source:
  • 40. @Zohe Corning Day Made of Glass Source:

Editor's Notes

  1. Remember when all we had to worry about was display & search?