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                   THE ARCANA MINOR

 ACE’s represent the four corners or spirits of elemental magic.

                             ACE Flame: The Burning Bush
                             All this, all this is the same and all that
                             That you call a game
                             The game doesn't care if you win or lose
                             The game doesn't care if you're bleeding or bruised
                             Burn thru the hole like a spirit in flame
                             Returned slowly can't remember your name
                             Lot of little gremlins are drawn to your fame
                             You've got to fade out

                             All time, all time flows away
                             All space that you got today
                             Space doesn't care if you sink or you rise
                             Space doesn't care if you're fire or ice

                             And that's nice.

                            Source, illuminator, and extinguisher of
                            life, the primordial essence of Flame is the
least understood and the most dangerous of all elemental energies.
The Ace of Flame is an uncontained and un-calculable the
transformative power remains un-manifest. The card’s interpretation
is deceivingly concise, indicating either a need for cultivation or
warning of the brood simmering just below the surface, ready to
blow. The lesson of the Ace may truly be be great and lasting if what
we have deduced if we deduce that what we seek to control is
inextinguishable and uncompromising. Appearing in your reading
the card will bring no ill will or benefit as no influence enforces or
corrupts the current situation. Desire. Control. Illumination.

The Spirit of Flame is a primordial essence enabling both the creative force
and the destructive act – yet here this essential power is without form and
remains un-manifest – existing only as a pure, un-calculated or measurable
potential – This symbol appearing in a reading may indicate the need for
its cultivation or simply suggest this latent force is simmering just below
the surface and ready to blow. The most difficult and least understood of
the four ACES, the flame channels energy through its transformative
nature, as both the source and extinguisher of life. The lesson here is great
– for what we seek to control within our own nature, is at once
inextinguishable and uncompromised. The reading of this card is concise
and brief, indicating need or warning, as no action enforces or corrupts the
present situation.!
Inception. Invocation. Interpretation.

Inception. Birth. Anticipation. Interpretation. Effort. Ability.
Sustainability (Implied). False Warning or False Start. Invocation.

01 Flame – Love of Spirits and Earth (Stem) Wands – ACE - Red -
divinatory magic – primordial energy - the divine manifesting in
matter – birth – creation – support-strength-courage – fortitude – the
diamond mind – The Red Poppy - Hibiscus - Thoum-aeshaesh-neith
(goddess) – Mau (lion) – Kabeshunt (kerub) – Horus - burning
bush!–!Old Flame - room full of diamonds - a fire burns – spirit in
flame - F = s + e

ACE Eyes: the Witches Knowledge
People 'round here say you're a witch
They're intrigued in seeing you roast
They really intend to burn you my friend
I think that's the bit they like most
Wake up baby, the mob are on their way
Howling, growling, they want your blood
They're out to get it today
You had to go and cure the mayor's itch
Then you took care of his clerk
You fixed up John Green and the old bishop's spleen
Put everyone out of work
Wake up baby, oh baby open your eyes
Look around you, this may be your last sunrise

The power of this suit is reflected in the
mirror the soul. The Ace of Eyes
represents the primordial aspect of water.
The examination of the root powers of
each element is always complex and
exhaustive, as the share a collective
identity, in essence, undistinguishable from the next. The reading of
the four Aces, however do imply tendencies or an anticipated
potential of each. The element of water connotes certain aspects of
intuition, feeling, and instinct. It could be said, the element of water
is a representation of symbolism itself. In all occult studies there is no
one symbol more profound than that of the ocean. Mutable in essence,
its mysterious depths, currents, and tides all exist as metaphor
depicting the experiential, transformative and receptive qualities
with human nature, itself. Resplendent. Inexhaustible. Permeable.

01 Eyes – Love of Spirits in Flame (Blossom) Cups - ACE – Blue -
sympathetic magic – the most secret and consecrated essence – the
symbolic life-fluid – the reflective aspect of the divine – receptivity –
resplendence – The window of the soul - The Lotus – the action of
lustration – Tum – Ptah – Auramoth–Isis–Hathor (goddesses) - - the
witches knowledge – an interlude - Tristesse - One Day -!Love
Increased – Witch Hunt - to be in your eyes – Y = s + f

                               ACE Spirits: Danger Bird
                               Sometime I’m here watching a cloud
                               Funny how they shape your thoughts
                               Right out loud
                               Some days you laugh
                               Some days you cry
                               So deep in the night
                               It leaves you stranded high and dry
                               Keep to yourself keep it in case
                               Keep it when you need it for a pretty smile
                               For your face
                               Walk out in the sun
                               Walk out in the rain
                               Keep on walking
                               And don't look back here again

                                  The Ace of Spirits signals a divine and
                                  ethereal nature as the source and sole
                                  precursor to all existence. Beyond sheer
                                  comprehension, this great omnipresent
spirit remains ever present, yet forever intangible. What cannot be
captured in essence may only be perceived indirectly, through that
which it has influenced. The deepest connection to this source is
merely a reflection or shadow of this complicit nature of being. The
deception is two fold: what we perceive is yet only an aspect of
perception, just as our greatest ability to perceive is a limiting and
narrowing function. The danger is implicit. If what is perceived is
assumed to be real, our assumption of reality is in error. A resulting
paradox quickly ensues: what I observe is real, yet I perceive not
reality. This bias is in itself part of the grand design and power
inherent in the eternal mystery of this elemental force.
Apprehension. Integration. Patience. (Pertinence)

01 Spirits – Love of Eyes and Flame (Leaf) Swords – ACE – Yellow -
invocative magic – all-embracing, all-wandering, all-penetrating, all-
consuming – one is the spirit of the gods of the living – 777 – the
breath of life – logos –!sublime intuitive sense – the creative impulse
communicated by all possibilities – the light of initiation – Aspen -
Almond – Nu (primal god)– Hoor-pa-kratt – Asar (goddess) - danger
bird – Destination – Don’t Look Back – S = y + F

ACE Earth: Crystalline Rush
I thought it'd be so easy when I was falling
I thought it'd just be a matter of letting it go
I thought it'd be so much better when I reached the horizon
The crystalline rush of my love starts to flow
And I cannot find a sign of life
But I can find my way
I thought it'd be so much warmer when I lay down with you
The crystalline rush of my love starts to flow
I thought it'd be more often when I was dreaming
I thought it'd just be like high follows low
I thought it'd all be much cooler when I was just holding on now
Crystalline rush of my love starts to flow

The Spirit of Root Powers of the Earth, still
undistinguishable from the core energies of
the Aces, foreshadows the idea of
delineation. The swirling energy of this
elemental force is still without form and
void. It is here the idea of matter in
conceived in both the macro and microcosmic sense. The key to
infinite space is just beyond the door. Here what is mind and what is
matter are communally joined, and there is no pragmatic let alone
possible means of separating the two. This application is both
liberating and impossibility too distant to comprehend. The Ace in
relationship to elemental force of Earth therefore may be noted as
symbolizing the seed of nature, as the mystery of tarot indeed is
synonymous with the concealment of nature, itself. Opulence.
Rebounding. Plenitude. (?)

01 Earth – Love of Flame and Spirit (Fruit) Disks – ACE – Green -
illusionary magic – spiral energy - resurrection of Osiris as Hours –
divination of a new system of symbolism – apostle of infinite space –
prince-priest-beast – 666 - Babalon – Wheat – Oak – Ameshet (kerub)
– Ahapshi (kerub) – Nephthys (goddess) - crystalline rush – Reversal
- Crystalline Rush –!NSEW – E = f + s

         TWO: The harmonizing forces of elemental magic.
Two Flame: Process of Nature
                                              In the nest futures hatch
                                              It's such a lovely thing to see
                                              Like the fruit in a seed
                                              So it grows so it needs

                                              The element of Fire has manifest. All
                                              forms of existence are now possible.
                                              The moment exists in a perfect state of
                                              equilibrium, and the harmonizing force
                                              of the Universe echoes between all

                                Here the deception is shades of
                                subtlety. These harmonic forces
                                represent stability, but are of a highly
                                volatile nature. Here we sense growth
                                as a product of conflict, as the
processes of nature demand growth. The dilemma this card signifies
is now perfectly obvious. Without conflict, there is no possibility of
existence. The reading of this card indicates a process of dominion
inherent to the efforts maintaining balanced among continually
shifting values of reality. Motivation. Movement. Dominion.
Beauty. Defiance. Reward.

02 Flame – Wands – Dominion – exaltation of will – will delivered
from purpose or result – celestial power - Shamelessness !- the
destructive aspect of creativity – fear-repulsion-surrender - the
ambassador or _____________(?) – celestial - an interlude(?) -
sisters(?) – Old Flame – spark – June

Two Eyes: SK & SK
I had a girl in the underworld
She was a spirited little thing
She was so cute, oh, you shoulda seen Pluto
She opened up her heart to sing
I watched the sunken sun shrink
And the levee run out of steam
Eternity loomed in my garret room
I saw you once in some kind of dream

Love, Love lifts us up where we belong,
Love is all you need, All you need is Love,
You know I Love you, Love, Love me do, I
can’t give you anything but Love, Love me
tender, Love me True, Love will tear us
apart again, Love is a battle field, You
might as well face it, you’re addicted to
Love, I Love what you do to me, Stop in the name of Love, I’ve got
your Love to keep me warm, Love sweet Love, Love is a many
colored splendid thing, This crazy little thing called Love, Love will
find a way, I feel Love, I feel Love, I feel Love, I’m in the mood for
Love, Love me two times, Baby, one for tomorrow, and one just for
today. Affection. Kinship. Renewal.

02 Eyes – Cups - Love – The Word and Will – The first manifestation
– Love is the law love under will – love lifts us up where we belong -
all you need is love - placid harmony – radiance – intense joy –
ecstasy - steven & scarlet kilbey -!Into My Hands

                               Two Spirits: White Insanity
                               And we followed a path till we slipped up and laughed
                               And I lived half a life in that state
                               And we got our release in everything but peace
                               A peace of a record second rate

                               The latent power of the Aces Mind
                               verses Matter. Peaceful union
                               represents an ideal present within the
                               Two of Spirits. Harmonizing forces of
                               nature overwhelm other more
                               predominately disruptive and
                               aggressive characteristics inherent to
                               the suit, yet the conflict here is clear.
                               The minds active intellectual
                               mechanism is at odds with its
otherwise tranquil passivity. Internal or externally the aimless chatter
must subside if we are able to experience the reward of a peace that
‘passes all understanding’. Only through
transcendence of the temporal are we able
to penetrate the thick and cloudy veil of
white insanity. Peace. Transference. (?)

02 Spirits – Swords - Peace – the exaltation
of intellectual manifestation – the
manifestation of the idea of purity –
divergence united in common purpose –
the balance of mind and matter - White
Insanity -!Pure Chance
Two Earth: the Ambassador
Entering the preceding phase of culturalization
The mesmerization co-founded the phylogenic trust
To ensure the miraculous safety of the fringe dwellers
And to give gracious guarantee and thank the bellicose god
Who shineth on high in his great goodnesshood
Where all the cronies wield silver pearls
Yes, real silver pearls
Straight from the find that lies along the diamorphically resonant dollop
And lo they felt both shock and awe
Shock and awe as they stood before the almighty corrugated roof
And baptismal fluctuations played about their wispy, girlish hair

The Ambassador was that Starman who blew our minds awhile back,
right? Remember being warned about him? Sure you do. It’s all
coming back. And if we’ve learned anything, I hope its not too late.
What was it he said, something about it’s all in our mind and all
about time and time’s that grand illusion thing, man, can you dig it?
That’s right. He told us we’re always the same and everything’s
about change and nothing ever remains what it was, for too long.
Can you dig it? You didn’t even get a second look before he was
gone? Wait LOOK! That’s him, overthere. Symbolic Change.
Fortitude. Wisdom.

02 Earth – Disks - Change!(Tetragrammaton or Transmigration(?))!–
the support of stability – the symbolic motion of the universe – a
holographic like representation – the part which contains the whole –
the sum of the parts – perpetual motion – harmonious interplay - the
ambassador - alchemical marriage - Sisters –!transmigration

     THREE: The stabilization of the forces elemental magic.

Three Flame: In the Desert
I, I am the journey into the haze
You, you are the hill of yesterdays
I fall down in the sun
I become everyone who ever walked this way
Where the desolate places meet the oasis
Empty spaces of today

I, I am the pulse of the heat
You, you are the name of every man that I meet
I fall down in the sun
I become everyone who ever walked this way
Where the desolate places meet the oasis
Empty spaces of today

Our journey is just begun. The suit of Flames
alludes to a continual ‘test by fire’. The
pursuits we leave behind are as important as
the ones we cultivate. Here the need for physical dominion to
maintain order has come to an end. The idea of control must be
abandon before strength can be established. Only through great
contemplation are

Established Strength is the abandonment of our ideas of control. .
There may be great reluctance at first abandoning our ideas of power,
but to We appear to wander this desert with only our powers of
contemplation. The stability of the Three of Flames is sought in order
to find harmonious balance with our immediate surroundings.
Introspection. Self-awareness. Virtue.
03 Flame – Wands - Established Strength – Virtue - will and virtue as
interpreted by individual character - domination interpreted in
character - in the desert - Desert Song (Fake)

                                    Three Eyes: Amorous Plethora

                                    Neuman breaks down in front of the fountain. It’s
                                    obvious the shops are closed by the way the moon is
                                    coming up again. Giant bumblebees slide through
                                    the languid gardens’ air. A string quartet is busily
                                    rehearsing over there, look! Surely you can see
                                    them. Neuman staggers over to a brightly decorated
                                    table and scoops up caramel mouthfuls of something
                                    sweet. He’s still dizzy and needs to lean against the
                                    cockpit for a while. Quite a mob has converged to
                                    examine him and they prod him gently with
                                    aristocratic fingers. Neuman reaches for his
                                    syllable-gun and they scatter like pigeons. Some
                                    craft is hovering by the orange trees. Neuman hits
                                    the deck, the sky changes colour and the lions break
                                    free. Neuman sees the astonished face of the girl as
                                    she topples into the void.

There were many guests at the table
Misfortune, jealousy, and sloth
Acting fine, drink the wine
Spill it on the tablecloth
What a surprise for you to come home to
Look through the eyes that you've grown used to
It's impossible, yes I know
It's too tempting too, I admit
It's unforgivable, but I have nothing to lose

There will be so much to look forward to. The outcrop of experiences
a lot to look at. In fact the pure outcrop of love we’ve experienced
give us a glimpse into the idea of perpetual abundance and
multiplicity. The nature of ones being is complex, yet there is none as
complex as Neuman. He is the poster boy for perpetually and
complexity. This state of abundance can be hard one, or stumbled
into, it can easily be vanquished, or can lavishly hold out as long as
needed. What ever it is, Neuman transcends the mere physical
definition of things and brings multiple endings to one non-
conclusive end. Fruition.

03 Eyes – Cups – Abundance – Friendship – love brought to fruition -
– the fulfillment of the will of love in abounding joy – the idea of
differentiation - (?) neuman – -Dead Man’s Dream - sunken sun -
excerpt from Earthed

Three Spirits: Man of Sorrows
Thank you to the Lord who created all this
There's a whole lotta hurt before you get to the bliss
Why even Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss
But that was long before that he got in show biz
Well, I understand the land and the land ain't no sea
But when I try to walk, I'm sinking you see

 “Know that happiness and sadness flow into
each other as do the tides… try not to hold on
to one with the fear of the other. Enjoy them
as equally valuable…”

Beside an infinite sea, sorrow is the natural
outcome after leaving behind our blissful
sense of peace that passes all understanding.
Much regret and suffering. the puThe trails
of the Three’s only outcome after leaving the
pure and perfect sense of peace is sorrow.
This is the final order and state of stability thus, the suit of spirits can
offer. The Man of Sorrows lost into the crowd. Yet after sorrow there
waits supreme transcendence.
Chaos. Disappointment. Secrecy.

03 Spirits – Swords - Sorrow – - division – mutability - sorrow or
mourning not dependent upon individual disappointment or
discontent – the womb of chaos – the great dark sea – supreme
transcendence of the natural order – secrecy – perversion –
implacable night - man of sorrows – Transmigration - Pearls - Wolfe -
!Mystic Western Profile - Refused on Temple St. - On Angle St.- Inner
Three Earth: The Serpent
                                                 Baby serpents dreaming at the bottom of their eggs
                                                 Occidental drone baby driving their legs
                                                 Einstein sent a cruiser to another dimension
                                                 Strange little beasties on the surface tension
                                                 A plague of maharishis in a post-ecstatic haze
                                                 Is this the way you've been wasting your days?

                             The crystallization of great effort. Like
                             the serpent bring the temptation of
                             knowledge to the garden, harmony is
                             disrupted. There must now be great
                             work to ensure the path of stability. First
                             we must abandon control. stability
                             inherent is not taken for granted, so there
                             must be the expeniture of a great deal of
                             effort in order to maintain balance.
Indeed the journey is not complete without that of the Serpent. From
the confrontation of the neotypes in the garden to the tempataion of
Christ in the desert.

03 Earth – Disks - Material Work – crystallization - great effort –
determination – the idea of the material universe – constructive
energy – geometry of the great architect - rejuvenation of the great
work – temptation - the serpent – Oxydental – crystalline rush

                  FOUR: The manifestation of elemental magic

Four Flame: Indian River
Angela Carter puts down her typewriter
And stares at the snow
Her bones getting brittle, hair turning whiter
Such a long way to go
Counting the stars in the sky
Wondering just where we are
Dreaming that you didn't die
Indian river runs deep
Plunging right off of the page
Are you awake or asleep?
You think I would know by this stage

The interlocking geometric shapes of the Four of Flame create a
mandala of forms, and through these simple lines and shapes
converge a powerful and perfected idea. The effort of stabilized
and harmonizing energy brings the reward of perfected work.
Here the manifestation of elemental magic is at its ascension.
Everything both revealed and concealed, and everything we
have known, felt, seen, or have had is here now alive is this

Reward – completion – manifestation – solid – dominating
influence – heightened intellectual – understanding –
Four Eyes: King Philip’s Dream
                                                     What you need is a flattering mirror
                                                     A strong elixir with no hangover properties
                                                     Nineteen-year old lovers who can stay hard all night
                                                     A million dollars with no strings attached
                                                     A villa in Sydney, an igloo in Alaska
                                                     A girl who would come anytime I ask her
                                                     Thirteen red peacocks with eyes like the sun
                                                     Monogrammed bullets for my pearl-handled gun

                                                     Yeah, yeah, yeah Life's little luxuries

                                                     Watch out for the dreamy dream of
                                                     dreamer all of lifes Luxuries are
                                                     manifest. – (?) Myrrh

                                04 Eyes – Cups - Luxury/Blended
                                Pleasure –- positive – clear-cut
conception – yet weakness of water threatens stability – not quite
strong enough to control its properties – purity lost in the process of
satisfaction - - the eyes of nature – angle fruit (?) – Life’s Little
Luxuries – (?) Myrrh

Four Spirits: Angle Fruit

Watching, we've been watching from a second in our century
As the minutes gain momentum like a bird, man
Watching, you've been waiting
For the other worlds to sync up to our own
Reaching, you've been reaching through the nonexistent surface
It separates our doubles from the soul man
Trying, we've been trying
To make contact with night friends so alone

Loving, we've been loving
But sometimes hate is better
You can't keep out the killers with love, man
Hating, we've been hating
But only love can heal up the hate

The Rest from Strife is gained by moving from the third to the
fourth dimensional position of the Arcana Minor. Planting a
seed down by the ocean, we meet an angle dressed in black,
gathering Angle Fruit, where he simultaneously acknowledges
and is completely oblivious to our presence. Our abilities to
interfere or interact with this task have now become inert. The
aspect of surrender is stronger than our intuition or instinct to
act. We allow what will come to pass, and resolution is often the unexpected recompense of non-

truce – military – strong and armed – dominate nature of air – everywhere – at everyplace – at every
time – resolution of conflict – the active influence of passivity -
Four Earth: View from My Studio
                                          Any day now you'll hear me ringing
                                          Hear me singing down the line
                                          Or just in your mind
                                          Underneath the blooming trees
                                          A seasons greeting's
                                          Beating up the shore
                                          So open up your door
                                          You'll protect me with your arts
                                          And it all starts again surrounding me
                                          Hiding in your haven
                                          Maybe stark and maybe raving
                                          Completely sane
                                          It's just so plain arcane
                                          You'll embrace me,
                                          Turn to face me, try to replace me,
                                          It will be too late
                                          Now that's all I'll say
                                          Easy baby
                                          It's so hard to walk away
                                          Easy now
                                          You don't have to end like this

Luxuries – (?) Myrrh

04 Earth – Disks - Earthly Power – heavy – outweighs considerations
of weakness - power – strength – dominates and stabilizes –
negotiation of affairs – pacific methods – arts – artist – none assertion
– non aggressive - the view from my studio - It's No Reason

 FIVE: The motivating force of elemental magic. Motion coming
 to the aid of matter. An up-set to a statically stabilized system.
               Storm and stress. The white school.

Five Flame: Sealine Insect
They bring down the angels from the troubled sky
Put them in a cage to make baby cry
Overwhelming hunger descended on me
Stretches from the cradle to the factory
A minute without you is just too long
A lifetime beside you and it's gone like this song
Overwhelming panic descended on me
Chase me from the grave to the nursery
A minute without you is just too short
A lifetime beside you and I'm bound to get caught
Seven stupid prophets say it'll end in rain
But the fire in their eyes is gonna burn you again
It's No Reason

05 Flame – Wands - Strife –sudden and violent outburst - inertia and
insensitiveness characterizes peace – every phenomena a sacrament –
unable to agree to simplifications of existence - sealine insect - -
Disenchanted -Swan Lake -!Life Like Love -Inner Country (KK)
–!untitled one -!Sealine –!Electric

                                                     Five Eyes: Killer’s Party
                                                     Have I told you about the neverness hoax?
                                                     A vile trick perpetrated on you innocent folks
                                                     Was it in the fall of '93
                                                     During the rise of the galaxy
                                                     A tiny shift in our trajectory
                                                     A little more substance to the unimaginary
                                                     There came a disturbance in the Indian sea
                                                     Something in the depths, a monstrosity
                                                     An invisible woman kept a file on me
                                                     Trying to seduce my immediacy
                                                     The futures slide back one after another
                                                     And wouldn't you know it, it's the people that suffer
                                                     From the neverness hoax

                                                     It's No Reason

05 Eyes – Cups - Loss in Pleasure – Disappointment – the disruption
of ease – delight of superabundant energy - encountering the placid
state – disturbance - misfortune - - killer's party - Pretty Ugly, Pretty
Sad -!Disappointment -!To Be In Your Eyes - Pearls(?) -!Crash/Ride -
It's No Reason - Blues - Out of this world-
Block (?)

Five Spirits: Arcadia
Sometimes I wonder under prehistoric skies
I feel it's all beginning right before my eyes
I must go back re-examine my love
And here she comes with penetrated stare
I don't know when but I wish I knew where
Quick calculation and there's not nearly enough

The pursuit of adulation is your butter and your bread
It's an exquisite corpse and its lips are red
And its teeth are glistening but you are lost
Now hang up 'cause the lines are all crossed
You are so lost

And here she comes with her unforgiving web
Almost forever I've been drinking these dregs
It must be time to change our brew, crew, view
Before we're lost, before we're lost look at the map
And add up the cost Before we're lost

I have the feeling that I had failed. t's No Reason

05 Spirits – Swords - Defeat – imbalance – troublesome – insufficient efforts to maintain peace –
insufficient power – duality – jealously – appearing imperfect – imperfection -arcadia - Don't
Look Back -!Disenchanted -!A Different Man

                                                       Five Earth: Minerals Whirl
                                                       My little lonely she's my one and only
                                                       Oh the love just stoled me and I can't let it go
                                                       Like a siphon or straw something to adore
                                                       One fatal flaw and I can't let it go
                                                       Oh my little savior on her good behavior
                                                       All herself she gave ya and now you can't let it go
                                                       Like a needle or tack when she's giving you back

                                                       And the stages go black and you can't let it go
                                                       My little heartache with a cosmic handshake
                                                       Hammer on till daybreak I can't let it go
                                                       Like a Zorro or zealot bite it just to felt it
                                                       She’s gonna reveal it then you can't let it go
                                                       Oh my little wanda makes you stop to ponder
                                                       Makes me kind of fonder I can't let it go

                                                       Like I live and I learn like a Chinese burn
                                                       Just wait till you’re turn and I can't let it go
                                                       I gotta get up I gotta get on I gotta get off
                                                       I gotta get out I gotta get up I gotta get on
                                                       I gotta get off And I can't let it go

You can call this trouble. There will be no more smooth just rough. What has before presented
itself as stability is now offered as a potential problem, or even more severe, material trouble.
Perhaps outside forces have interrupted our ability to concentrate, or the course of our present
actions is not as foolproof as we might have thought it was. The danger of the instability of forms
is ubiquitous among the process of nature unleashing within us the deeply inherent survival
mechanism of flight or fight. The spiritual dilemma here is the risk or loss of individual identity
in relation to the greater source or the ‘collective unconscious’. We may resist not knowing what
is in our best interest. Here at the Five of Earth Minerals Swirl and potential for disaster
immanent. However, destruction is a form of creation and harnessing the force of the ‘blast’ may
ultimately bring great prowess if we can only hang-on long enough to survive the initial blast
and reconfigure with all of our basic instincts intact.

Worry – imbalance within social order – stolid – obstinate – systems
of stability broken

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Arcana minor a 5

  • 1. THE TIME BEING TAROT THE ARCANA MINOR ACE’s represent the four corners or spirits of elemental magic. ACE Flame: The Burning Bush All this, all this is the same and all that That you call a game The game doesn't care if you win or lose The game doesn't care if you're bleeding or bruised Burn thru the hole like a spirit in flame Returned slowly can't remember your name Lot of little gremlins are drawn to your fame You've got to fade out All time, all time flows away All space that you got today Space doesn't care if you sink or you rise Space doesn't care if you're fire or ice And that's nice. Source, illuminator, and extinguisher of life, the primordial essence of Flame is the least understood and the most dangerous of all elemental energies. The Ace of Flame is an uncontained and un-calculable the transformative power remains un-manifest. The card’s interpretation is deceivingly concise, indicating either a need for cultivation or warning of the brood simmering just below the surface, ready to blow. The lesson of the Ace may truly be be great and lasting if what we have deduced if we deduce that what we seek to control is inextinguishable and uncompromising. Appearing in your reading the card will bring no ill will or benefit as no influence enforces or corrupts the current situation. Desire. Control. Illumination. The Spirit of Flame is a primordial essence enabling both the creative force and the destructive act – yet here this essential power is without form and remains un-manifest – existing only as a pure, un-calculated or measurable potential – This symbol appearing in a reading may indicate the need for its cultivation or simply suggest this latent force is simmering just below the surface and ready to blow. The most difficult and least understood of the four ACES, the flame channels energy through its transformative nature, as both the source and extinguisher of life. The lesson here is great
  • 2. – for what we seek to control within our own nature, is at once inextinguishable and uncompromised. The reading of this card is concise and brief, indicating need or warning, as no action enforces or corrupts the present situation.! Inception. Invocation. Interpretation. Inception. Birth. Anticipation. Interpretation. Effort. Ability. Sustainability (Implied). False Warning or False Start. Invocation. Repression. 01 Flame – Love of Spirits and Earth (Stem) Wands – ACE - Red - divinatory magic – primordial energy - the divine manifesting in matter – birth – creation – support-strength-courage – fortitude – the diamond mind – The Red Poppy - Hibiscus - Thoum-aeshaesh-neith (goddess) – Mau (lion) – Kabeshunt (kerub) – Horus - burning bush!–!Old Flame - room full of diamonds - a fire burns – spirit in flame - F = s + e ACE Eyes: the Witches Knowledge People 'round here say you're a witch They're intrigued in seeing you roast They really intend to burn you my friend I think that's the bit they like most Wake up baby, the mob are on their way Howling, growling, they want your blood They're out to get it today You had to go and cure the mayor's itch Then you took care of his clerk You fixed up John Green and the old bishop's spleen Put everyone out of work Wake up baby, oh baby open your eyes Look around you, this may be your last sunrise The power of this suit is reflected in the mirror the soul. The Ace of Eyes represents the primordial aspect of water. The examination of the root powers of each element is always complex and exhaustive, as the share a collective identity, in essence, undistinguishable from the next. The reading of the four Aces, however do imply tendencies or an anticipated potential of each. The element of water connotes certain aspects of intuition, feeling, and instinct. It could be said, the element of water is a representation of symbolism itself. In all occult studies there is no one symbol more profound than that of the ocean. Mutable in essence, its mysterious depths, currents, and tides all exist as metaphor depicting the experiential, transformative and receptive qualities
  • 3. with human nature, itself. Resplendent. Inexhaustible. Permeable. 01 Eyes – Love of Spirits in Flame (Blossom) Cups - ACE – Blue - sympathetic magic – the most secret and consecrated essence – the symbolic life-fluid – the reflective aspect of the divine – receptivity – resplendence – The window of the soul - The Lotus – the action of lustration – Tum – Ptah – Auramoth–Isis–Hathor (goddesses) - - the witches knowledge – an interlude - Tristesse - One Day -!Love Increased – Witch Hunt - to be in your eyes – Y = s + f ACE Spirits: Danger Bird Sometime I’m here watching a cloud Funny how they shape your thoughts Right out loud Some days you laugh Some days you cry So deep in the night It leaves you stranded high and dry Keep to yourself keep it in case Keep it when you need it for a pretty smile For your face Walk out in the sun Walk out in the rain Keep on walking And don't look back here again The Ace of Spirits signals a divine and ethereal nature as the source and sole precursor to all existence. Beyond sheer comprehension, this great omnipresent spirit remains ever present, yet forever intangible. What cannot be captured in essence may only be perceived indirectly, through that which it has influenced. The deepest connection to this source is merely a reflection or shadow of this complicit nature of being. The deception is two fold: what we perceive is yet only an aspect of perception, just as our greatest ability to perceive is a limiting and narrowing function. The danger is implicit. If what is perceived is assumed to be real, our assumption of reality is in error. A resulting paradox quickly ensues: what I observe is real, yet I perceive not reality. This bias is in itself part of the grand design and power inherent in the eternal mystery of this elemental force. Apprehension. Integration. Patience. (Pertinence) 01 Spirits – Love of Eyes and Flame (Leaf) Swords – ACE – Yellow - invocative magic – all-embracing, all-wandering, all-penetrating, all- consuming – one is the spirit of the gods of the living – 777 – the breath of life – logos –!sublime intuitive sense – the creative impulse communicated by all possibilities – the light of initiation – Aspen -
  • 4. Almond – Nu (primal god)– Hoor-pa-kratt – Asar (goddess) - danger bird – Destination – Don’t Look Back – S = y + F ACE Earth: Crystalline Rush I thought it'd be so easy when I was falling I thought it'd just be a matter of letting it go I thought it'd be so much better when I reached the horizon The crystalline rush of my love starts to flow And I cannot find a sign of life But I can find my way I thought it'd be so much warmer when I lay down with you The crystalline rush of my love starts to flow I thought it'd be more often when I was dreaming I thought it'd just be like high follows low I thought it'd all be much cooler when I was just holding on now Crystalline rush of my love starts to flow The Spirit of Root Powers of the Earth, still undistinguishable from the core energies of the Aces, foreshadows the idea of delineation. The swirling energy of this elemental force is still without form and void. It is here the idea of matter in conceived in both the macro and microcosmic sense. The key to infinite space is just beyond the door. Here what is mind and what is matter are communally joined, and there is no pragmatic let alone possible means of separating the two. This application is both liberating and impossibility too distant to comprehend. The Ace in relationship to elemental force of Earth therefore may be noted as symbolizing the seed of nature, as the mystery of tarot indeed is synonymous with the concealment of nature, itself. Opulence. Rebounding. Plenitude. (?) 01 Earth – Love of Flame and Spirit (Fruit) Disks – ACE – Green - illusionary magic – spiral energy - resurrection of Osiris as Hours – divination of a new system of symbolism – apostle of infinite space – prince-priest-beast – 666 - Babalon – Wheat – Oak – Ameshet (kerub) – Ahapshi (kerub) – Nephthys (goddess) - crystalline rush – Reversal - Crystalline Rush –!NSEW – E = f + s TWO: The harmonizing forces of elemental magic.
  • 5. Two Flame: Process of Nature In the nest futures hatch It's such a lovely thing to see Like the fruit in a seed So it grows so it needs The element of Fire has manifest. All forms of existence are now possible. The moment exists in a perfect state of equilibrium, and the harmonizing force of the Universe echoes between all things. Here the deception is shades of subtlety. These harmonic forces represent stability, but are of a highly volatile nature. Here we sense growth as a product of conflict, as the processes of nature demand growth. The dilemma this card signifies is now perfectly obvious. Without conflict, there is no possibility of existence. The reading of this card indicates a process of dominion inherent to the efforts maintaining balanced among continually shifting values of reality. Motivation. Movement. Dominion. Beauty. Defiance. Reward. 02 Flame – Wands – Dominion – exaltation of will – will delivered from purpose or result – celestial power - Shamelessness !- the destructive aspect of creativity – fear-repulsion-surrender - the ambassador or _____________(?) – celestial - an interlude(?) - sisters(?) – Old Flame – spark – June Two Eyes: SK & SK I had a girl in the underworld She was a spirited little thing She was so cute, oh, you shoulda seen Pluto She opened up her heart to sing I watched the sunken sun shrink And the levee run out of steam Eternity loomed in my garret room I saw you once in some kind of dream Love, Love lifts us up where we belong, Love is all you need, All you need is Love, You know I Love you, Love, Love me do, I can’t give you anything but Love, Love me tender, Love me True, Love will tear us apart again, Love is a battle field, You might as well face it, you’re addicted to
  • 6. Love, I Love what you do to me, Stop in the name of Love, I’ve got your Love to keep me warm, Love sweet Love, Love is a many colored splendid thing, This crazy little thing called Love, Love will find a way, I feel Love, I feel Love, I feel Love, I’m in the mood for Love, Love me two times, Baby, one for tomorrow, and one just for today. Affection. Kinship. Renewal. 02 Eyes – Cups - Love – The Word and Will – The first manifestation – Love is the law love under will – love lifts us up where we belong - all you need is love - placid harmony – radiance – intense joy – ecstasy - steven & scarlet kilbey -!Into My Hands Two Spirits: White Insanity And we followed a path till we slipped up and laughed And I lived half a life in that state And we got our release in everything but peace A peace of a record second rate The latent power of the Aces Mind verses Matter. Peaceful union represents an ideal present within the Two of Spirits. Harmonizing forces of nature overwhelm other more predominately disruptive and aggressive characteristics inherent to the suit, yet the conflict here is clear. The minds active intellectual mechanism is at odds with its otherwise tranquil passivity. Internal or externally the aimless chatter must subside if we are able to experience the reward of a peace that ‘passes all understanding’. Only through transcendence of the temporal are we able to penetrate the thick and cloudy veil of white insanity. Peace. Transference. (?) Deliverance. 02 Spirits – Swords - Peace – the exaltation of intellectual manifestation – the manifestation of the idea of purity – divergence united in common purpose – the balance of mind and matter - White Insanity -!Pure Chance
  • 7. Two Earth: the Ambassador Entering the preceding phase of culturalization The mesmerization co-founded the phylogenic trust To ensure the miraculous safety of the fringe dwellers And to give gracious guarantee and thank the bellicose god Who shineth on high in his great goodnesshood Where all the cronies wield silver pearls Yes, real silver pearls Straight from the find that lies along the diamorphically resonant dollop And lo they felt both shock and awe Shock and awe as they stood before the almighty corrugated roof And baptismal fluctuations played about their wispy, girlish hair The Ambassador was that Starman who blew our minds awhile back, right? Remember being warned about him? Sure you do. It’s all coming back. And if we’ve learned anything, I hope its not too late. What was it he said, something about it’s all in our mind and all about time and time’s that grand illusion thing, man, can you dig it? That’s right. He told us we’re always the same and everything’s about change and nothing ever remains what it was, for too long. Can you dig it? You didn’t even get a second look before he was gone? Wait LOOK! That’s him, overthere. Symbolic Change. Fortitude. Wisdom. 02 Earth – Disks - Change!(Tetragrammaton or Transmigration(?))!– the support of stability – the symbolic motion of the universe – a holographic like representation – the part which contains the whole – the sum of the parts – perpetual motion – harmonious interplay - the ambassador - alchemical marriage - Sisters –!transmigration THREE: The stabilization of the forces elemental magic. Three Flame: In the Desert I, I am the journey into the haze You, you are the hill of yesterdays I fall down in the sun I become everyone who ever walked this way Where the desolate places meet the oasis Empty spaces of today I, I am the pulse of the heat You, you are the name of every man that I meet I fall down in the sun I become everyone who ever walked this way Where the desolate places meet the oasis Empty spaces of today Our journey is just begun. The suit of Flames alludes to a continual ‘test by fire’. The pursuits we leave behind are as important as
  • 8. the ones we cultivate. Here the need for physical dominion to maintain order has come to an end. The idea of control must be abandon before strength can be established. Only through great contemplation are Established Strength is the abandonment of our ideas of control. . There may be great reluctance at first abandoning our ideas of power, but to We appear to wander this desert with only our powers of contemplation. The stability of the Three of Flames is sought in order to find harmonious balance with our immediate surroundings. Introspection. Self-awareness. Virtue. 03 Flame – Wands - Established Strength – Virtue - will and virtue as interpreted by individual character - domination interpreted in character - in the desert - Desert Song (Fake) Three Eyes: Amorous Plethora Neuman breaks down in front of the fountain. It’s obvious the shops are closed by the way the moon is coming up again. Giant bumblebees slide through the languid gardens’ air. A string quartet is busily rehearsing over there, look! Surely you can see them. Neuman staggers over to a brightly decorated table and scoops up caramel mouthfuls of something sweet. He’s still dizzy and needs to lean against the cockpit for a while. Quite a mob has converged to examine him and they prod him gently with aristocratic fingers. Neuman reaches for his syllable-gun and they scatter like pigeons. Some craft is hovering by the orange trees. Neuman hits the deck, the sky changes colour and the lions break free. Neuman sees the astonished face of the girl as she topples into the void. There were many guests at the table Misfortune, jealousy, and sloth Acting fine, drink the wine Spill it on the tablecloth What a surprise for you to come home to Look through the eyes that you've grown used to It's impossible, yes I know It's too tempting too, I admit It's unforgivable, but I have nothing to lose There will be so much to look forward to. The outcrop of experiences a lot to look at. In fact the pure outcrop of love we’ve experienced give us a glimpse into the idea of perpetual abundance and multiplicity. The nature of ones being is complex, yet there is none as complex as Neuman. He is the poster boy for perpetually and
  • 9. complexity. This state of abundance can be hard one, or stumbled into, it can easily be vanquished, or can lavishly hold out as long as needed. What ever it is, Neuman transcends the mere physical definition of things and brings multiple endings to one non- conclusive end. Fruition. 03 Eyes – Cups – Abundance – Friendship – love brought to fruition - – the fulfillment of the will of love in abounding joy – the idea of differentiation - (?) neuman – -Dead Man’s Dream - sunken sun - excerpt from Earthed Three Spirits: Man of Sorrows Thank you to the Lord who created all this There's a whole lotta hurt before you get to the bliss Why even Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss But that was long before that he got in show biz Well, I understand the land and the land ain't no sea But when I try to walk, I'm sinking you see “Know that happiness and sadness flow into each other as do the tides… try not to hold on to one with the fear of the other. Enjoy them as equally valuable…” Beside an infinite sea, sorrow is the natural outcome after leaving behind our blissful sense of peace that passes all understanding. Much regret and suffering. the puThe trails of the Three’s only outcome after leaving the pure and perfect sense of peace is sorrow. This is the final order and state of stability thus, the suit of spirits can offer. The Man of Sorrows lost into the crowd. Yet after sorrow there waits supreme transcendence. Chaos. Disappointment. Secrecy. 03 Spirits – Swords - Sorrow – - division – mutability - sorrow or mourning not dependent upon individual disappointment or discontent – the womb of chaos – the great dark sea – supreme transcendence of the natural order – secrecy – perversion – implacable night - man of sorrows – Transmigration - Pearls - Wolfe - !Mystic Western Profile - Refused on Temple St. - On Angle St.- Inner Country
  • 10. Three Earth: The Serpent Baby serpents dreaming at the bottom of their eggs Occidental drone baby driving their legs Einstein sent a cruiser to another dimension Strange little beasties on the surface tension A plague of maharishis in a post-ecstatic haze Is this the way you've been wasting your days? The crystallization of great effort. Like the serpent bring the temptation of knowledge to the garden, harmony is disrupted. There must now be great work to ensure the path of stability. First we must abandon control. stability inherent is not taken for granted, so there must be the expeniture of a great deal of effort in order to maintain balance. Indeed the journey is not complete without that of the Serpent. From the confrontation of the neotypes in the garden to the tempataion of Christ in the desert. 03 Earth – Disks - Material Work – crystallization - great effort – determination – the idea of the material universe – constructive energy – geometry of the great architect - rejuvenation of the great work – temptation - the serpent – Oxydental – crystalline rush FOUR: The manifestation of elemental magic Four Flame: Indian River Angela Carter puts down her typewriter And stares at the snow Her bones getting brittle, hair turning whiter Such a long way to go Counting the stars in the sky Wondering just where we are Dreaming that you didn't die Indian river runs deep Plunging right off of the page Are you awake or asleep? You think I would know by this stage The interlocking geometric shapes of the Four of Flame create a mandala of forms, and through these simple lines and shapes converge a powerful and perfected idea. The effort of stabilized and harmonizing energy brings the reward of perfected work. Here the manifestation of elemental magic is at its ascension. Everything both revealed and concealed, and everything we have known, felt, seen, or have had is here now alive is this moment. Reward – completion – manifestation – solid – dominating influence – heightened intellectual – understanding –
  • 11. Four Eyes: King Philip’s Dream What you need is a flattering mirror A strong elixir with no hangover properties Nineteen-year old lovers who can stay hard all night A million dollars with no strings attached A villa in Sydney, an igloo in Alaska A girl who would come anytime I ask her Thirteen red peacocks with eyes like the sun Monogrammed bullets for my pearl-handled gun Yeah, yeah, yeah Life's little luxuries Watch out for the dreamy dream of dreamer all of lifes Luxuries are manifest. – (?) Myrrh 04 Eyes – Cups - Luxury/Blended Pleasure –- positive – clear-cut conception – yet weakness of water threatens stability – not quite strong enough to control its properties – purity lost in the process of satisfaction - - the eyes of nature – angle fruit (?) – Life’s Little Luxuries – (?) Myrrh Four Spirits: Angle Fruit Watching, we've been watching from a second in our century As the minutes gain momentum like a bird, man Watching, you've been waiting For the other worlds to sync up to our own Reaching, you've been reaching through the nonexistent surface It separates our doubles from the soul man Trying, we've been trying To make contact with night friends so alone Loving, we've been loving But sometimes hate is better You can't keep out the killers with love, man Hating, we've been hating But only love can heal up the hate The Rest from Strife is gained by moving from the third to the fourth dimensional position of the Arcana Minor. Planting a seed down by the ocean, we meet an angle dressed in black, gathering Angle Fruit, where he simultaneously acknowledges and is completely oblivious to our presence. Our abilities to interfere or interact with this task have now become inert. The aspect of surrender is stronger than our intuition or instinct to act. We allow what will come to pass, and resolution is often the unexpected recompense of non- action. truce – military – strong and armed – dominate nature of air – everywhere – at everyplace – at every time – resolution of conflict – the active influence of passivity -
  • 12. Four Earth: View from My Studio Any day now you'll hear me ringing Hear me singing down the line Or just in your mind Underneath the blooming trees A seasons greeting's Beating up the shore So open up your door You'll protect me with your arts And it all starts again surrounding me Inevitably Hiding in your haven Maybe stark and maybe raving Completely sane It's just so plain arcane You'll embrace me, Turn to face me, try to replace me, It will be too late Now that's all I'll say Easy baby It's so hard to walk away Easy now You don't have to end like this Luxuries – (?) Myrrh 04 Earth – Disks - Earthly Power – heavy – outweighs considerations of weakness - power – strength – dominates and stabilizes – negotiation of affairs – pacific methods – arts – artist – none assertion – non aggressive - the view from my studio - It's No Reason FIVE: The motivating force of elemental magic. Motion coming to the aid of matter. An up-set to a statically stabilized system. Storm and stress. The white school. Five Flame: Sealine Insect They bring down the angels from the troubled sky Put them in a cage to make baby cry Overwhelming hunger descended on me Stretches from the cradle to the factory A minute without you is just too long A lifetime beside you and it's gone like this song Overwhelming panic descended on me Chase me from the grave to the nursery A minute without you is just too short A lifetime beside you and I'm bound to get caught Seven stupid prophets say it'll end in rain But the fire in their eyes is gonna burn you again
  • 13. It's No Reason 05 Flame – Wands - Strife –sudden and violent outburst - inertia and insensitiveness characterizes peace – every phenomena a sacrament – unable to agree to simplifications of existence - sealine insect - - Disenchanted -Swan Lake -!Life Like Love -Inner Country (KK) –!untitled one -!Sealine –!Electric Five Eyes: Killer’s Party Have I told you about the neverness hoax? A vile trick perpetrated on you innocent folks Was it in the fall of '93 During the rise of the galaxy A tiny shift in our trajectory A little more substance to the unimaginary There came a disturbance in the Indian sea Something in the depths, a monstrosity An invisible woman kept a file on me Trying to seduce my immediacy The futures slide back one after another And wouldn't you know it, it's the people that suffer From the neverness hoax It's No Reason 05 Eyes – Cups - Loss in Pleasure – Disappointment – the disruption of ease – delight of superabundant energy - encountering the placid state – disturbance - misfortune - - killer's party - Pretty Ugly, Pretty Sad -!Disappointment -!To Be In Your Eyes - Pearls(?) -!Crash/Ride - It's No Reason - Blues - Out of this world- Block (?) Five Spirits: Arcadia Sometimes I wonder under prehistoric skies I feel it's all beginning right before my eyes I must go back re-examine my love And here she comes with penetrated stare I don't know when but I wish I knew where Quick calculation and there's not nearly enough The pursuit of adulation is your butter and your bread It's an exquisite corpse and its lips are red And its teeth are glistening but you are lost Now hang up 'cause the lines are all crossed You are so lost And here she comes with her unforgiving web Almost forever I've been drinking these dregs
  • 14. It must be time to change our brew, crew, view Before we're lost, before we're lost look at the map And add up the cost Before we're lost I have the feeling that I had failed. t's No Reason 05 Spirits – Swords - Defeat – imbalance – troublesome – insufficient efforts to maintain peace – insufficient power – duality – jealously – appearing imperfect – imperfection -arcadia - Don't Look Back -!Disenchanted -!A Different Man Five Earth: Minerals Whirl My little lonely she's my one and only Oh the love just stoled me and I can't let it go Like a siphon or straw something to adore One fatal flaw and I can't let it go Oh my little savior on her good behavior All herself she gave ya and now you can't let it go Like a needle or tack when she's giving you back And the stages go black and you can't let it go My little heartache with a cosmic handshake Hammer on till daybreak I can't let it go Like a Zorro or zealot bite it just to felt it She’s gonna reveal it then you can't let it go Oh my little wanda makes you stop to ponder Makes me kind of fonder I can't let it go Like I live and I learn like a Chinese burn Just wait till you’re turn and I can't let it go I gotta get up I gotta get on I gotta get off I gotta get out I gotta get up I gotta get on I gotta get off And I can't let it go You can call this trouble. There will be no more smooth just rough. What has before presented itself as stability is now offered as a potential problem, or even more severe, material trouble. Perhaps outside forces have interrupted our ability to concentrate, or the course of our present actions is not as foolproof as we might have thought it was. The danger of the instability of forms is ubiquitous among the process of nature unleashing within us the deeply inherent survival mechanism of flight or fight. The spiritual dilemma here is the risk or loss of individual identity in relation to the greater source or the ‘collective unconscious’. We may resist not knowing what is in our best interest. Here at the Five of Earth Minerals Swirl and potential for disaster immanent. However, destruction is a form of creation and harnessing the force of the ‘blast’ may ultimately bring great prowess if we can only hang-on long enough to survive the initial blast and reconfigure with all of our basic instincts intact. Worry – imbalance within social order – stolid – obstinate – systems of stability broken