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Army Community Service (ACS) Fort Drum, NY                                                              April 2012

                                                              ACS Green Press
                                                                                              ~A tree free newsletter
                                         Direct questions / feedback To: Sarah Lynch : 772-5374
Inside this issue:                  Honoring the Military Child
Mandatory ACS Program- 2
ming Need To Know -                 In 1986 Defense Secretary        we have an opportunity to     The Army Community
from your USC                       Caspar Weinberger designated     recognize the sacrifices theseService Family Advocacy
Regarding Resilience : Tips, 3      April as Month of the Military   special children make be-     Program is partnering with
tools and techniques for            Child. Since then, every April   cause of the honorable ser-   CYSS to hold their Child
practicing resiliency everyday
                                    our nation honors and recog-     vice of their Soldier . Mili- Safety and ID day at the
ACS Friends and             4       nizes military children as the   tary children endure frequent Child, Youth and School
Neighbors Fort Drum
Kids                                young heroes they are.           moves, loss of friendships    Services (CYSS) Youth
                                    This month’s newsletter fea-     and family separation as well Center in honor of the
Military Kids in the        5
Community                           tures children of Fort Drum      as many other stressors that  Month of the Military
                                    who are part of the nearly 1.7   stem from the service of theirChild on Saturday April 21
Military Kids in the        6
Community                           million children in military     parent or parents.            from 1-4pm. Come on
Monthly Feature: Family     8,9     Families of which approxi-       Army Community Service        out and learn about safety,
Advocacy Program (FAP)              mately 900,000 have had one      (ACS) offers programs and     get free identification kits
Child Youth Behavior        10      or both parents deploy multiple services for the entire Family and take advantage of the
Consultants                         times. Every day military chil- including programming spe- giveaways. While you’re
                                    dren face challenges that are    cifically designed for chil-  there, attend the CYSS
Military Kids on the Move   11
                                    specific to their lifestyles and dren. Programs such as the Month of the Military
                                    they do so with pride for their Exceptional Family Member Child Carnival. There will
On the Payroll              12                                                                     be games, prizes, food and
                                    parent or parents who serve      Program, New Parent Sup-
Advantage Kids After                                                                               fun for your child and the
School Program                      our nation in various military   port and Family Advocacy
                                    branches. As Family Members, Program focus on the well         child in you.
ACS Events and Classes      13,14   Teachers, Civilian Employees, being of the Military Child,     ACS salutes Fort Drum’s
ACS Contacts                15      and Volunteers, or anyone who not only in April, but every     Military Children!
                                    works with military children,    month of the year.

                                                  EFMP DRAMA CLINIC
                            For children ages 8-18 on the Autism Spectrum to build
                                                            social skills
                                                      Adult Training 10:00-12:00
                                                      Actor Workshop 12:00-2:30
                                           March 24 and 31, May 26 and June 2
                                                            ACS Ball Room
                                                       This is a free event
Page 2                           ACS Green Press                                                                April 2012

                                              What You Might Need To Know
                                from your ACS Unit Service Coordinator (USC)
                         Army Commu-       spections. In fact, AR 608.18 mandates     600-20 5-10, 1-2 hours) and the Reloca-
                        nity Service       that all new commanders have a Family      tion Readiness Program’s (RELO)
                      utilizes a Unit      Advocacy Program overview brief within     Overseas Orientation Brief (AR 608-14-
Service Coordinator (USC) to reach         45 days of assumption of command. AR       22, 1.5 hour).
out to command teams to find out the       608.18 also mandates that troops receive   Over the next few weeks the USC will
type of information and referral needed    Domestic Violence Awareness Training       be contacting their assigned Command
to best support their Soldiers and Fami-   for a minimum of 1 hour as well as Child   Teams to arrange meetings and to
lies. The USC goes directly to the unit    Abuse Detection and Awareness Training
and completes a desk side needs assess-    for a minimum of 1 hour annually.
ment to determine the unit’s specific
                                                                                         Think ACS First!
                                         The Required Financial Readiness Pro-
needs.                                   gram (FRP) trainings as per AR 608-14-
The USC sits down with command           39 are the Financial Readiness for 1st
                                                                                         If you are part of your
teams to determine which training is     Termers (8 hours), Checkbook/Money                unit command team
appropriate to offer based on the De- Management (Command-referred 1.5                    and would like a visit
ployment Cycle Support Training Ma- hours) PCS Financial Planning (1.5
trix, mandatory unit trainings and indi- hours) and Army Emergency Relief Com-
                                                                                         from your Unit Service
vidual needs the command teams iden- mand Referral Training (AR 930-4, 1                      Coordinator,
tify based on the overall needs of their hour)                                               please contact
Soldiers at that specific time.          Other trainings required include Mobili-            Sarah Lynch at
Many of the ACS classes and trainings      zation and Deployment (Mob/Dep) Pre-
are required for commands to pass in-      deployment and Reunion Briefings (AR

                                                                         21st Annual
                                                                International Festival of Food
                                                                         Volunteer Support Fund
                                                                                Friday, April 20, 2012
                                                                          4:30-8:00 PM at The Commons
                                                                     Pick up at will call the night of the event!
                                                             All proceeds benefit Fort Drum Community Volunteers
                                                                               by paying for childcare!
                                                                              Pre-Sale tickets available
                                                                                  March 7-April 4th
                                                               Through Unit Representatives, ACS, Off the Beatin
                                                                                  Path, or
                                                                    American Red Cross Window at Clark Hall
                                                                  Tickets: $10 age 12 and older ($15 at the door)
                                                                                      $5 for kids 3-11
Page 3                           ACS Green Press                                                                  April 2012

                          Regarding Resilience: Tips, tools and techniques for practicing
                          resilience everyday!
                                                                                 By Jenn Eichner, MRT 772-2848

Energy Management
Hope you had a wonderful February –       kicked into action as soon as an Activat-         After each muscle group, take a
filled with hopeful, optimistic           ing Event happens.                                 minute break before continuing to
thoughts! Have you been noticing          Principles for designing mental games              the next muscle group
yourself recognizing Activating           include the following: Must require your
Events? Have you identified any           full attention, should be hard and fun and Energy Management is a crucial part of
Thinking Traps or Iceberg Beliefs that    must be games you can do within a few      maintaining a happy, healthy self. Take
may need closer attention in order to     minutes. A few examples include: Math      the time to find ways to reduce your
maintain productivity? Remember,          games: Count back from 1,000 by 7s.        stress in a way that works for you. If
resilience is a practice not an overall   Alphabet games: Work your way through      you are finding it difficult to do this,
body of knowledge. Practice makes         the alphabet, naming someone for each      you may want to search your mind for
perfect!                                  pair of initials. Categories games: Name   a Thinking Trap and/or an Iceberg
                                          all the sports figures, war heroes, etc. you
                                                                                     Belief that may be inhibiting you. For
Today we are going to talk about          can in two minutes. Lyrics: Recite upbeat  example, the Me, Me, Me Thinking
Energy Management. What do you            song lyrics.                               Trap may find you feeling as if taking
do to relax and alleviate stress in your                                             care of self is not a priority. Or if one
life? Are you a runner? Do you knit       Controlled Breathing techniques for En-    of your Iceberg Beliefs is, “I should be
or play an instrument? Or are you one ergy Management include the following:         able to handle it all”, you may find En-
of many that have not yet found that Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Medita-          ergy Management a sign of weakness.
outlet? Energy Management is a            tion and Positive Imagery. Give it a try:  In either case, your Thinking Trap
critical resilience competency as it       Do controlled breathing for two min- and/or Iceberg Belief would be harm-
helps to build self-regulation. The goal      utes                                   ful thinking and should be reevaluated.
of Energy Management is to develop  As you breathe in, make fists and               Remember the old but very true saying
strategies that lower the intensity of        tense your hands and lower arms        – you can’t fully take care of others
emotions so that you can think and         Keep your muscles tight for the count until you take care of yourself.
respond more clearly and with greater         of fifteen
control. The challenge is that no one  As you exhale, relax the muscles             Have a great month – good luck and
can tell you exactly what strategies will     quickly and concentrate on the feeling good thoughts!
work for you. You may need to take            of relaxation
the time and try a few and see which       Do twice; take a minute break and
you find to be relaxing and calming.          then move on to the next muscle
Research has found that in a pinch,           group
breathing techniques and mental            For each group tense the muscles for
games may be the best place to start.         fifteen seconds, then relax them for
These are good strategies that can be         thirty seconds

                                                                      Upcoming MRT Dates
                                      April 9                             Module 2                  9:30am-2:30 pm
                                      May 21                              Module 3                  9:30am-2:30 pm
                                      June 11                             Module 4                  9:30am-2:30 pm
                                      August 13                           Module 5                  9:30am-2:30 pm
                                           All Modules will be held at ACS Times include 1 hour lunch break
                                                                  refrigerators available for use
ACS Green Press                                                                 April 2012                               Page 4

ACS Friends and Neighbors-Promoting Community
                 Fort Drum Kids in the Spotlight
    Since April is The Month of the Mili-
    tary Child, Instead of Spouse in the
    Spotlight, ACS wanted to introduce our
    readers to some of the kids that are part
    of our community.

                                                Tiffany Allen is the middle child and
                                                only girl of the bunch. She is a 3rd       Rahman White is the youngest of
                                                grader at Carthage Elementary and          three children. He attends the
                                                even though she doesn’t have a favor-      Strong Beginnings Program
                                                ite subject at school, she loves every-    through CYSS. Rahman loves any
                                                thing about school and learning. Tif-      sport with a ball, playing with Bay-
                                                fany’s favorite colors are pink and pur-   blades, drawing and playing his
    Rashaun Vinson is 11 years old and          ple and is usually up for anything from    Nintendo DS.
    in the 5th grade at Carthage Middle         riding her bike to reading, playing        Another thing Rahman absolutely
    School. His favorite subject at school      video games to doing arts and crafts.      loves to do is EAT! His favorites
    is Science. Rashaun’s favorite color is     Tiffany plans to become a fashion          line up with anything his Dad likes.
    red. He is extremely sociable, which        designer when she grows up. She also       In fact in the picture above, he is
    is an important trait for any military      hopes to go to college when she is 13.     wearing his Dad’s hat!
    child when it comes to making new           This may be attainable because when      When Rahman grows up, he wants
    friends. Someday, you might see             she was in Virginia her school skipped   to be in the military just like his
    Rashaun speeding away in a red race         her from the 1st to 3rd grade; she was   father. Rahman’s mother will tell
    car because, as a small child, Rashaun      part of the Gifted and Talented Pro-     you that he is a very happy kid,
    dreamed of being a race car driver;         gram and was student of the month        who is always singing and saying
    right now he is keeping his options         during the 2009-10 school year.          hello to the people he meets but
    open.                                       She and her friend started an environ- most of all he loves his mama!
    Rashaun enjoys building with Legos          mental club called Save the Planet. They Rashaun, Tiffany and Rahman are
    and putting together model cars. He         meet once a week and decide what         the children of Christina and Rah-
    also loves eating. In fact, if you asked    small projects they can do around the man White. Christina is prior mili-
    what one of the best things about           neighborhood, like pick up cans and      tary and is now a stay at home mom
    being in the military is, he would re-      bottles or plant flowers. Tiffany is a looking for a job. Rahman has
    spond all the activities on post, espe-     very positive, cheerful young lady but been in the military for 24 years.
    cially ones with FOOD! Rashaun is           when asked what she likes or doesn’t
    frequently found on Tuesdays at the         like about the military, she states that
    Winners Circle for Family Night at          she doesn’t like all the moving and
    the Commons.                                having to make new friends.
Page 5                                   ACS Green Press                                                          April 2012

Military Kids in the Community: Making Lasting
Fort Drum Kids Name the Zoo’s Latest Baby!
                       The story began    nex Drive came up with a long list that    names chosen to be voted on by the
                       in September of    included names like Sponge bob, fluffy,    public.
                       2011 when the      or even the same name as the child who     Too make a long story short, the five
                       Watertown Zoo      suggested the name. For instance, Susie
                                                                                     kids who suggested Ninja as a good
                       received infor-    thought the Kitten should be named-
                                                                                     name for the kitten were not the only
                       mation about an    you guessed it- Susie! The list was nar-
                                                                                     people to think that. When Northern
                       abandoned male     rowed down to the ten most popular
                       mountain lion                                                 NY cast their votes Ninja was the
                                          names submitted by the kids and the
cub being held by the Montana Fish,                                                  winner!
                                          name Ninja was suggested by five dif-
Wildlife and Parks Department. Ap-        ferent kids from Chapel Drive Annex.       The military kids at Chaple Drive Annex
parently, the cub was found by utility    The five kids who suggested the name       have enjoyed their moment of fame with
workers after either being abandoned      were, Elias Chavez, Nicolette Austin,      a television news piece as well as a visit
or separated from his mother.             Alonzo Alvarez, Richard Barker and         from the zoo staff who brought them
Fortunately for the Watertown Zoo,        Nora Bernat had no idea what would         stuffed baby Ninja animals! The Chapel
as well as many young fans, the kitten    happen next.                               Drive Center is planning a field trip to
came to live in upstate NY.                                                          visit Ninja this Spring.
                                          The Staff at the zoo narrowed the list     I asked the kids about naming Ninja and
In January 2012 the zoo had a compe-      further to five names which included       below is what they had to say:
tition to name the kitten. After being    Linus, Sorky, Climby, Tsavaorite, and
prompted by their teacher to enter the    and you what? Ninja was one of the five
contest, the children from Chapel An-

                      “They can climb to the tippy
                      top of a tree like a Ninja.”
                      Richard Baker

                                              “Ninja is a good name. They run
                                              fast and battle and climb big rocks    The whole gang with the teacher who
                                              just like a Ninja.” Elias Chavez       gave them the idea, Ms. Amy Thomas.

                                                                                            “The bab
                                                                                                      y lion lost
                                                                                           he lives at            his mama
                                                                                                       the zoo an            and
                                                                                           cute….we                d he’s
                                               etty and                                                 named him
                       “Mountain lions are pr                                              Nicolette
                                              e mine!”
                       Ninja has blue eyes lik
                       Nora Bernat

                                                                             “It’s cooland awesome and
                                                                             perfect name for          a
                                                                                              a lion.”
                                                                             Alonzo Alvarez
Page 6                          ACS Green Press                                                                   April 2012

Military Kids in the Community: Making Lasting
Jiu Jitsu Nation of Watertown: Proudly Serving Military Families
                                               (NAGA) NY State Championships in          ficult dealing with these feelings can
                                               Albany, two of the four kids that         be. “As children they have a hard
                                               competed were from military fami-         time expressing how they feel while
                                               lies. Gabriel Smith whose father is       dealing with these issues. We at Jiu
                                               stationed at Fort Drum, took a gold       Jitsu give them a positive, structured
                                               medal in both gi and no gi categories     avenue to do so, while at the same
                                               while JJ Comely, after training in Bra-   time serving as a positive role
                                               zilian Jiu Jitsu for only three months,   model.”
                                               took a bronze in both the gi and no
                                               gi categories.”                           Marc also noted that Jiu Jitsu Nation
 Pictured from left to right with Marc                                                   has a number of active duty Soldiers
 Stevens: Gabriel Smith, Matt Simmons, JJ      I asked Marc to tell me about the         who are also instructors “Curtis
 Comley, Carter Comley, Nick Rogers            service he provides to Fort Drum.         Mosely holds the rank of purple belt
                                               He responded, “We work hand in            in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and teaches our
 Jiu-Jitsu Nation located on Arsenal Street in hand with military kids to help them      fundamentals classes. Our kids box-
                                               deal with the added pressures of hav-     ing program is taught by SFC
 Watertown, provides beginner and ad-
 vanced martial arts classes for ages 4 and up ing parents who are deployed and          Marques Daniels who is one of our
                                               serving their country.”                   professional fighters as well as the
 and accommodates all skill levels.
                                                                                         2010 All Army Combative Cham-
                                              Marc’s desire to reach out to military     pion.”
 Owner, trainer and competitor, Marc
 Stevens and his instructors exhibit a real   children motivates him to offer sig-
 passion for mixed martial arts and for the   nificant military and family discounts.    I asked Marc to explain what the
                                              Jiu Jitsu currently offers both Brazil-    kids gain from his classes and he
 students they teach. I recently spoke with
 Marc about the military kids in his program  ian Jiu Jitsu and boxing for kids.         said, “Over time spent with these
                                              Both classes teach kids discipline, self   kids we notice a number of changes.
 and he had this to say:
                                              confidence, self-control and provide       Most often it has to do with respect
 “Here at Jiu Jitsu Nation our kids program an outlet for energy, frustration and        and confidence. They must maintain
 currently has about 50 “little ninjas,” as I aggression. Children of military fami-     good grades as well as keeping a bal-
 like to call them, of which about half are   lies have to deal with mom and or          anced home life which is great to see
 military kids. In fact, this past weekend at dad being away from home on the            in today’s youth.” “Kids who train
 the North American Grapplers Association front lines during war. Marc under-            in Jiu Jitsu aren’t out getting into
                                              stands and empathizes with how dif-        trouble on the streets!” Marc

            It’s not what you think
                                                                 While we try to teach our children all
            you are that holds your
                                                                               about life,
           back, it’s what you think
                  you are not.”                                   Our children teach us what life is all
                   Denis Waitley                                                 about
                                                                               ~Angela Schwindt
Page 7                             ACS Green Press                                                                       April 2012

                  Monthly Feature:
    Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program
The Family Advocacy Program is a              quality of life.                                 offered include: Baby Boot Camp,
strength based military community             Here at Fort Drum, we offer a number of          Terrific Toddlers (Birth to four),
agency that provides a variety of holistic    exceptional educational programs to help         Middle Years (Four-Twelve), Scream
and educational programs to Soldiers          support Families in all stages. The New          Free Parenting and For Fathers Only.
and their Families. The program serves        Parent Support Program consists of a             Don’t Stress! Family Advocacy also
to assist in the development of strong        team of professional nurses and social           offers skill enhancing classes to help
Army Families as well as aid in the pre-      workers who provide supportive and car-          build resilience and coping skills for
vention and treatment of Family vio-          ing services to military Families with chil-     everyday situations. Services offered
lence.                                        dren from birth to three years of age. Ser-      include: Resilience Classes, Stress
The Family Advocacy Team is dedicated         vices offered include: home visits, infant       Management, Conflict Resolutions,
to preventing spouse and child abuse          massage and Parent’s Alone Support               Reintegration Classes, Anger Man-
through awareness, education, prompt          Group.                                           agement, and Couples Communica-
reporting, intervention and treatment.        The Family Advocacy Parent Educators             tion.
The overall mission is to provide ser-        offer parenting classes designed to give
vices to support readiness of Soldiers        parents the knowledge they need to estab-
and their Families to promote self-           lish healthy routines, positive disciplines,
reliance, resilience and stability in order   communication skills, and nutrition for
to enhance relationships and improve          healthy growth and development. Classes

Providing a Framework for Success through Parenting
Workshops by Dani Reed Family Advocacy Program Educator
I often hear parents say they wish chil-      For Fathers Only is an 8 hour work-            nursing and weaning toddlers, explore
dren were born with manuals; to make          shop is designed to give fathers tools on      the possibility of another baby and re-
raising them easier. Here at the Family       positive discipline and building self es-      view community resources for toddlers
Advocacy Program we don’t necessarily         teem in a stimulating environment.             and their parents.
have the manual; however we do have           Through lecture, workshop exercises,           Middle Years is designed for children 5
workshops and classes to give parents         small group activities and one-on-one          -12 years old. This 6 hour workshop is
the tools to become better parents.           coaching, Fathers will be challenged,          designed to give parents strategies on
                                              prodded and encouraged to redesign             positive discipline, sibling rivalry, com-
The military community includes ap-
                                              their approach to their parenting skills.      munication skills, establishing family
proximately 1.8 million children and
                                              They will become a more effective par-         rules and nutrition for healthy growth
youths under the age of 18 nationwide.
                                              ent and more deeply connected to the           and development.
Raising a happy, healthy child is one of
                                              most important people in their lives,
the most challenging jobs a parent can                                                 Baby Boot Camp is an 7 hour work-
                                              their Family.
have-- and also one of the most reward-                                                shop designed to assist new parents that
ing. Good parenting helps foster empa-        Terrific Toddlers is for parents with    have children ages 0-3 years old and ex-
thy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control,    children birth to 4 years old. During    pecting parents with information regard-
kindness, cooperation and cheerfulness,       this 6 hour workshop we’ll talk about    ing basics of infant care. Topics include:
while allowing the natural consequences       discipline (teach and protect) and man- infant massage, baby proofing the home,
of a child's behavior to do the teaching.     aging the array of new emotions includ- breast feeding, good nutrition and much,
                                              ing temper tantrums. And we'll discuss
Our programs include:                                                                                              (Continued on page 8)
                                              predictable sleep challenges, talk about
Page 8                             ACS Green Press                                                                     April 2012

Parenting Workshops Continued...
(Continued from page 7)
                                               We also participate in special events like
much more.                                     the upcoming Child Identification and
Scream Free Parenting is not just              Safety Day at CYSS, 21 April 1:00-4:00.
                                               For most parents, nothing is more im-               Whatever you vividly
about lowering your voice. It’s about                                                            imagine, ardently desire,
                                               portant than the safety of their children.
learning to calm your emotional reac-                                                              sincerely believe and
                                               Keeping kids safe is everybody's re-
tions and focus on your own behavior                                                                enthusiastically act
                                               sponsibility, so whether you're a parent
more than your kids’ behavior. This 6          or not we all need to be aware and do                      upon…
hour workshop gives parents tools for a        all we can to protect children. So the            Must inevitably come to
lifelong parenting process. It involves        first step in the educational process is to
the acquisition of new knowledge,              raise the awareness level of parents.
skills, abilities and attitudes towards the    Participating vendors will be there to                  Paul J. Meyer
learning process for parents.                  offer information and answers ques-                 Recognized as Most
                                               tions. Children will have fun at the                admired Man of the
Our parenting workshops are worth-
                                               Month of the Military Child Carnival                     Decade
while for every parent, because they can
help you do the best job possible in           and the Special Teddy Bear Clinic for a
raising your children, building trust and      medical checkup where kids will receive
improving your confidence in your par-         a certificate of good health. A great day
enting ability, which is the most impor-       involving fun for parents and children,
tant job you will ever have. Become            no reservation is necessary, this event
involved and contact FAP: 772-4244.            will be enjoyed by the entire family.

   New Parent Support Program– A
   The Family Advocacy Program (FAP)          recent workshop was held during the        PROMOTES HEALING: Massage
   New Parent Support Program was             month of March.                            helps aid teething distress and improves
   developed to help military families                                                   lung congestion for little ones, with a
                                              The benefits of infant massage in-         cold.
   with young children to adapt to par-       clude:
   enthood and to thrive as healthy fami-                                                PROMOTES COMMUNICATION:
   lies. The program staff consists of        RELAXATION: The massage re-                Parents become more aware of baby’s
   Registered nurses and social workers       leases tension, fussiness and irritabil-   non-verbal cues. One-on-one communi-
   who offer home visits, classes, play-      ity. It can aid in the digestive process   cation instills a message of love and secu-
   groups and workshops for new par-          and help reduce colic and gas. Mas-        rity.
   ents.                                      sage is a wonderful way to lessen
                                                                                 IMPROVES BABY’S SLEEP: As the
                                              stress in both the infant and the par-
   One of the more popular classes of-        ents.                              infant learns to relax and release stress,
   fered by the New Parent Support                                               sounder and longer sleep is often the re-
   Program is the Infant Massage Class.  ENHANCES BONDING: Mas-                  sult. Whether you are interested in learn-
                                         sage conveys nurturing and love, the ing massage or you would just like some-
   On a quarterly basis, New Parent Sup- essential ingredients for emotional and
   port Home Visitors provides an Infant physical growth and well-being.         one to talk to about your successes and
   Massage educational 4- week work-                                             concerns as a new parent the New Parent
   shop series. It is made available to  AIDS GROWTH AND DEVEL-                  Support Staff can provide you with the
   parents with infants, from 8 weeks to OPMENT: Studies have shown in- support you are looking for. If you
   8 months old. Grandparents and ex-    creased weight and immune function. would like to learn more about the pro-
   pectant mothers and fathers are wel-  Myelination of nerves is also in-       gram Contact Ms. Terry Herzog for in-
   come, as well. The workshop is held   creased. All of these components, in formation at (315) 772-0748.
   at an on-post community center        turn, are needed for brain and muscle
   within the housing areas. The most    development.
Page 9                 ACS Green Press                                       April 2012

                                                        A new baby is like the
                                                        beginning of all thing,
                                                          hope, a dream of

                                                         Baby Bundles are a terrific
   ACS Welcomes baby Chase Aidan Brown! Born              program for expecting
   February 22 2012. Chase and his mom, who is a                  parents!
   Soldier with 66 MP CID, came by to pick up their
   baby bundle and give the ACS staff a chance to see
                                                         If you are an E-5 or below,
   his beautiful face! More good news for mom– She      expecting a baby, register for
   just found out she was promoted to Staff Sergeant!   your free baby bundle full of
                                                          goodies for you and your
                                                                  new baby!

                                                         There is no rank restriction
                                                        if you are expecting multiple

                                                          for more information call
Page 10                               ACS Green Press                                                     April 2012

                                  Spring Clean Your Closet
                               Annual ACS Spring Clothing Drive
                            Donation Drop Times and Locations:
                   Community Centers-April 2-23, Mon-Fri 8-5 pm
                           ACS - April 9-23, Mon-Fri 7:30-4:30 pm
             27 April from 1:00-4:00 or until everything is gone
             For More information: Call Sarah Lynch 772-5374

                                our donations are appreciated!
Child Youth Behavior Military Family Life Consultants: Here
to Support the Military Child
The Military child is often regarded as     Child & Youth Behavioral Military  available to you, free of charge with
being extremely resilient. They adapt and   Family and Life Consultants (CYB-  complete confidentiality. The CYB-
overcome many unique challenges, such       MFLC) available to help you and your
                                                                               MFLCs does not keep files or report
as multiple moves, deployments and          children with situational, short-term,
                                                                               findings with the exception of duty-to-
changing schools to just name a few.        problem solving support. All of thewarn situations. They are simply here
Many studies show that the Military child   CYB-MFLCs are Masters and Ph.D.    to help make the Military child’s path
becomes a very well adjusted adult, but     level counselors who can address the
                                                                               manageable and enjoyable, which will
the path is not always easy for the chil-   following types of issues:         serve to be a great support to parents
dren or the parents. Did you know that       School Adjustments               as well. Because of their expertise,
support is readily available to you?                                           ACS Mobilization and Deployment
                                             Deployment and Separation
                                                                               has also paired with the CYB MFLCs
Do you have a child or young adult who
                                             Reunion Adjustment               to provide pre and post-deployment
you feel could benefit from discussing
their challenges with a counselor who        Sibling and Parent Communication trainings for children ages 6 through
                                                                               18 years of age.
specializes in child and youth behavior?     Behavioral Concerns
Did you know that you may not need to                                          If you feel you could benefit from the
look any further than our on-post Child,     Fear, Grief and Loss             CYB MFLC program, please contact
Youth and School Age Services (CYSS)?        Daily Life issues                them at 315-523-3141 for more
                                                                               program information.
Currently, Fort Drum CYSS as four (4)       All of these services and more are
Page 11                          ACS Green Press                                                                   April 2012

 Military Kids on the Move! A Relocation Guide for Parents
 Moving is an accepted part of being         Do your homework so you can “sell”         can be viewed as a safe, centralized
 in the military. To adults who antici-      the new community to your child. Use       virtual "file drawer" where a student
 pate, expect and sometimes want to to get
                                                                                        (or parent) can keep track of all the
 move, moving can be both an adven-          more information about the new loca-
                                             tion. This web page will link you to       details that are not only difficult to
 ture and a trying experience. If moving
 is an adventure for the adult, what does    everything you need including informa-     organize, but are so necessary when
 moving mean to the child?                   tion on schools, housing, employment       students move or apply for college,
 For some children, moving can also be       and the local community.                   jobs or military service.
 viewed as an adventure; however some    When registering your children in their        Above all TALK to your kids!! Have
 children can experience a range of                                                     frank discussions BEFORE, DUR-
                                         new schools have copies of their tests,
 emotions from worry to excitement,                                                     ING, and AFTER the move. Fear of
                                         writing samples and their school re-
 sadness, curiosity, stress and hope. It                                                the unknown exists before and after
 can also mean leaving friends, going to cords. If your children are young, in-         you get to your new location. It’s im-
 a new school, and feelings of fear.     clude samples of their artwork and             portant to keep the lines of communi-
 Preparation and careful planning in all printing. It is also a good idea to copy       cation open. Share your thoughts and
 areas can help make moving a positive   the front, back and cover page of their        let your child know that you’ll work
 experience for all.                     textbooks. This helps your new school          through things together.
 The best thing you can do is visit your place students in the right classes. The       For more information on moving con-
 Relocation Readiness office! They can web page is a                tact the Relocation Program at 772-
 give you information on your next duty secure storage site for students’ educa-
                                                                                        6566 or
 station and help educate and guide you
                                         tional, extra-curricular activities, awards
 through the moving process. The less
 anxious you are the less anxious your   and volunteer and work information.
 children will be. Remain optimistic and Please note, though, this NOT a re-
 positive about the moving experience.   placement for a school transcript. It

          Did You Know the ACS Employment Readiness
                    Program Serves Teens?
 Every year millions of teens work in       ERP could benefit teens and enhance     Annually, ERP hosts a career fair just
 part time or summer jobs. Summer           their marketability both now and in     for teens. In fact, the Teen Career
 employment provides a great opportu-       the future.                             Fair will be held on 4 April at the
 nities to develop skills, enhance re-      Computers for the Workforce is a        ACS from 10 am -2 pm. The Teen
 sponsibility, and learn the value of       free career development series offer-   Career Fair has local business repre-
 money. The Employment Readiness            ing classes in Internet, Word and       sentatives who have summer posi-
 Program (ERP), in conjunction with         Excel. Some basics skills in Word       tions to recruit for. Often the teens
 the CYSS Hired program, works to           and Excel can benefit a teen whose      are hired directly from this Career
 teach skills such as resume writing, job   summer job is in an office setting.     Fair.
 searching, and interviewing to the         The Build Your Own Business             If you would like more information
 teens participating in the program.        Workshop is great for a teen who is     or to schedule an appointment,
 ERP can also meet one on one with          interested in opening a landscaping     please contact ERP at 772-9611 or
 teens to assist with their personal job    business, or who might be the next      772-1090.
 search regardless of participation in      Mark Zuckerberg with an idea like                  Think ACS First!
 the Hired! Program. Some of the            Facebook.
 workshops and classes offered by
ACS Green Press                                                                 April 2012                            Page 12

                                   Look Who’s on the Payroll: Employment
                                         Readiness Success Stories!
                            Congratulations to the following Employment Readiness    clients who have re-
                                                            cently landed a job!
                          Alyssa Evans                  stream
                          Joanna Brown                  Fort Drum Mountain Community Homes
                          Molly Manning                 USO
                          Kristen Crabtree              Fairfield Inn and Suites
                          Sharon Grillett               Pier 1
                          Crystal Smith                 Hilton Garden Inn
                          If you are one of our clients who has recently become employed, we want to hear
                          about it! Give us a call so we can highlight your accomplishment and inspire others!

                            Local Business Shout Out:
Advantage After School Program -Where Education and Fun
Come Together
Nearly 300 local youths are finding         the Children’s Home of Jefferson            the tools to help them find the rare
safe, educational, and fun after school     County, contracted to oversee the pro-      coins that may pass through their
activities “right in their own school-      gram, have teamed up to create diverse,     hands.
yard” at the Indian River School Ad-        fun and exciting activities that meet the
vantage After School Program.               needs and interests of sixth, seventh,      A healthy snack is served while stu-
                                            and eighth grade students. It helps         dents enjoy positive interaction with
Designed by the Army in an effort to        them achieve social, emotional, physical    their classmates. They are also given
reduce military deployment stress, the      and academic success while developing       time to complete homework assign-
program targets schools and communi-        healthy lifestyles and behaviors.           ments. Tutoring with certified teachers
ties with populations of military chil-                                                 for any student needing extra help is
dren. The goal is to reduce the conflict    Research has shown without super-           also available. Kids can register for up
soldiers encounter between mission          vised, structured activities during the     to four tutoring sessions per week.
workforce requirements and parental         after school hours, youth are at greater
responsibilities. It allows Army Families   risk of being victims of crime or be-       Special interest clubs engage the chil-
to feel secure knowing their children       coming a participant in juvenile crime      dren in specific activities and events
are in a safe environment learning          and risky behavior including alcohol        targeted to individual interests. Some of
valuable skills under the supervision of    and drug use. AYPYN is designed to          the programs offered include Life Skills
well-trained staff and professional edu-    provide students with dynamic activi-       Development Club which focuses on
cators.                                     ties which stimulate them intellectually    responsibility, respect, and building
                                            and increase self reliance - all while      healthy relationship skills. Community
However, Army dependents are not the        having a great time with their peers.       Service Club identifies and organizes
only beneficiaries of the program.          A wide variety of activities span the       projects which allow the students to
Funded jointly through the New York         range of nearly every child’s interests.    serve their school and community as
State Office of Children and Family         Creative Wear enables youth to design,      well as The Speakers Forum The Youth
Services, and the US Army Child and         create and sew clothing. Two culinary       Council and others. Advantage After
Youth Services Army Youth Programs          arts sessions focus on preparing foods      School runs Monday through Friday
in Your Neighborhood (AYPYN) ini-           from different regions and working          from 2:15 to 5:15 PM. Program regis-
tiative, any child enrolled at Indian       with chocolate. Ballroom Dancing is an      tration forms are available in the Indian
River Middle School may participate at      amazing opportunity for kids to learn       River Middle School office. For more
no cost.                                    to dance to various styles and rhythms.     information call Paul Passino, Program
                                            National Treasures exposes them to the      Director, at (315)778-6252.
The Indian River School District and        lifelong hobby of coin collecting and
ACS Green Press                                                      April 2012   Page 13

     ACS Classes and Events for the First Two Weeks in April
DATE                         Class                                Time               Location/Details
Monday April 2:       Newcomers Orientation           0900-1130      ACS
                      Survivor Outreach Family Night  1800-2000      ACS

Tuesday April 3:      Drum Family Welcome Tour                    0930-1400          Departs ACS
                      Stress Management                           1330-1530          ACS

Wednesday April 4:    1st Term Financial Readiness                0830-1600          Call for location
                      Teen Job Fair                               1000-1300          ACS

Thursday April 5:     Mother’s To Be Breakfast                    0900-1000          ACS
                      Employment 101                              0930-1130          ACS
                      CONUS PCS Brief                             1530-1600          Clark Hall A2-A6
                      An Evening at the Spa Gold Star Wives       1600-2100          The Spa Fort Drum

Friday April 6:       In her Shoes: living with domest violence   0930-1130          ACS
                      Hearts Apart Support Group                  0930-1200          ACS

Monday April 9:       Master Resilience Module 2                  0930-1430          ACS
                      Stalking Awareness                          1330-1530          ACS

Tuesday April 10:     ESOL Class                                  0900-1200          ACS
                      Drum Family Welcome Tour                    0930-1400          Departs ACS
                      VMIS 101                                    0900-1000          Ed Center rm 104
                      Build Your Business Workshop                0930-1130          ACS
                      For Fathers Only Workshop                   1100-1300          ACS
                      Scream Free Parenting                       1230-1330          CYSS
                      CONUS PCS Brief                             1530-1600          Clark Hall A2-86
                      Thrift Savings Plan                         1400-1530          ACS

Wednesday April 11:   1st Term Financial Readiness                0830-1600          Call for location
                      Career Fair Prep Career Dev Seminar         0930-1130          ACS
                      Key Caller Training                         1000-1130          ACS
                      Key Caller Training                         1400-1530          ACS

Thursday April 12:    ESOL Class                                  0900-1200          ACS
                      For Fathers Only Parenting Class            1100-1300          ACS
                      CONUS PCS Brief                             1530-1600          Clark Hall A2-86

Friday April 13:      Insurance Workshop                          0900-1300          ACS
ACS Green Press                                            April 2012               Page 14

ACS Classes and Events for the Last Two Weeks in April
DATE                  Class                              Time           Location/Details
Monday April 16:      AFTB Spring Marathon               0900-1600      ACS
                      Resume Writing Computer Lab        0930-1030      ACS

Tuesday April 17:     ESOL Class                         0930-1200      ACS
                      Anger Management                   1330-1530      ACS
                      AFTB Spring Marathon               0900-1600      ACS
                      DRUM Family Welcome Tour           0930-1400      ACS
                      EFMP Support Group                 1130-1300      ACS
                      CONUS PCS Brief                    1530-1600      Clark Hall, A2-86

Wednesday April 18:   1st Term Financial Readiness       0830-1600      Call for Location
                      AFTB Spring Marathon               0900-1600      ACS
                      Positive Discipline                1030-1130      CYSS
                      Positive Discipline                1230-1330      CYSS

Thursday April 19:    ESOL class                         0900-1200      ACS
                      AFTB Spring Marathon               0900-1600      ACS
                      Overseas PCS Brief                 0930-1100      ACS
                      Volunteer of the Month             1030-1130      ACS
                      Volunteer of the Year Ceremony     1700-2000      Commons
                      CONUS PCS Brief                    1530-1600      Clark Hall A2-86

Friday April 20:      AFTB Spring Marathon               0900-1600      ACS
                      Autism Support Group               0900-1100      ACS
                      International Spouses Group        0930-1200      ACS

Monday April 23:      Budget Management                  0900-1200      ACS
                      Advanced Key Caller                1300-1430      ACS
Tuesday April 24:     ESOL Class                         0900-1200      ACS
                      Computer Basics for Job Seekers    0930-1130      ACS
                      Introduction to Word
                      In her Shoes: Living w/Dom Viol    1400-1600      ACS
                      CONUS PCS Brief                    1530-1600      Clark Hall A2-86

Wednesday April 25:   1st Term Financial Readiness       0830-1600      Call For Location
                      Car Buying Course                  1400-1500      ACS

Thursday April 26:    ESOL Class                         0900-1200      ACS
                      Federal Employment Class           0930-1130      ACS
                      Family Wellness Support Group      1000-1100      ACS
                      For Fathers Only Parenting Class   1100-1300      ACS
                      Computer Basics Excel              1300-1500      ACS
                      CONUS PCS Brief                    1530-1600      Clark Hall A2-86
                      Family Wellness Support Group      1800-1900      ACS

Friday April 27:      In Her Shoes: Living w/Dom Viol    0930-1130      ACS

Monday April 30:      Child Abuse Training               0900-1030      CYSS
                      Scream Free Parenting              1230-1330      CYSS
                      OPSEC For Families                 1030-1200      ACS
                      Event Planning                     1300-1430      ACS
Army Community Service
                                 P4330 Conway Road
                                Fort Drum, New York

Army Emergency Relief                                              772-6560, 772-8873 or 772-2855

Army Family Team Building                                          772-6710, 772-9229

Army Volunteer Program Coordinator                                 772-2899
Exceptional Family Member Program                                  772-5488, 772-0819
Family-Member-Program /104951319542718
Employment Readiness Program                                       772-9611, 772-2737!/fortdrumemployment

Family Advocacy Program                                            772-4244, 772-6929, 772-2279
(New Parent Support Program)
SAPRP                                                              772-0596, 772-4070, 772-0748
                                                                   772-5605, 772-5914
Financial Readiness Program                                        772-0050, 772-5196, 772-8526
Information and Referral                                           772-6556, 772-6557

Military & Family Life Consultants                                 212-6919
Mobilization and Deployment                                        772-2848, 772-0470, 772-2919
Outreach                                                           772-5374
Relocation Readiness                                             772-5475, 772-6553, 772-6902
http:// -Drum -Relocation -Readiness
Program/171335822906429                                           772-6566
Soldier Family Assistance Center                                   772-7781

Survivor Outreach Services                                         772-6357

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April acs green press 2012

  • 1. Army Community Service (ACS) Fort Drum, NY April 2012 ACS Green Press ~A tree free newsletter Direct questions / feedback To: Sarah Lynch : 772-5374 Inside this issue: Honoring the Military Child Mandatory ACS Program- 2 ming Need To Know - In 1986 Defense Secretary we have an opportunity to The Army Community from your USC Caspar Weinberger designated recognize the sacrifices theseService Family Advocacy Regarding Resilience : Tips, 3 April as Month of the Military special children make be- Program is partnering with tools and techniques for Child. Since then, every April cause of the honorable ser- CYSS to hold their Child practicing resiliency everyday our nation honors and recog- vice of their Soldier . Mili- Safety and ID day at the ACS Friends and 4 nizes military children as the tary children endure frequent Child, Youth and School Neighbors Fort Drum Kids young heroes they are. moves, loss of friendships Services (CYSS) Youth This month’s newsletter fea- and family separation as well Center in honor of the Military Kids in the 5 Community tures children of Fort Drum as many other stressors that Month of the Military who are part of the nearly 1.7 stem from the service of theirChild on Saturday April 21 Military Kids in the 6 Community million children in military parent or parents. from 1-4pm. Come on Monthly Feature: Family 8,9 Families of which approxi- Army Community Service out and learn about safety, Advocacy Program (FAP) mately 900,000 have had one (ACS) offers programs and get free identification kits Child Youth Behavior 10 or both parents deploy multiple services for the entire Family and take advantage of the Consultants times. Every day military chil- including programming spe- giveaways. While you’re dren face challenges that are cifically designed for chil- there, attend the CYSS Military Kids on the Move 11 specific to their lifestyles and dren. Programs such as the Month of the Military they do so with pride for their Exceptional Family Member Child Carnival. There will On the Payroll 12 be games, prizes, food and parent or parents who serve Program, New Parent Sup- Advantage Kids After fun for your child and the School Program our nation in various military port and Family Advocacy branches. As Family Members, Program focus on the well child in you. ACS Events and Classes 13,14 Teachers, Civilian Employees, being of the Military Child, ACS salutes Fort Drum’s ACS Contacts 15 and Volunteers, or anyone who not only in April, but every Military Children! works with military children, month of the year. EFMP DRAMA CLINIC For children ages 8-18 on the Autism Spectrum to build social skills Adult Training 10:00-12:00 Actor Workshop 12:00-2:30 March 24 and 31, May 26 and June 2 ACS Ball Room This is a free event
  • 2. Page 2 ACS Green Press April 2012 What You Might Need To Know from your ACS Unit Service Coordinator (USC) Army Commu- spections. In fact, AR 608.18 mandates 600-20 5-10, 1-2 hours) and the Reloca- nity Service that all new commanders have a Family tion Readiness Program’s (RELO) utilizes a Unit Advocacy Program overview brief within Overseas Orientation Brief (AR 608-14- Service Coordinator (USC) to reach 45 days of assumption of command. AR 22, 1.5 hour). out to command teams to find out the 608.18 also mandates that troops receive Over the next few weeks the USC will type of information and referral needed Domestic Violence Awareness Training be contacting their assigned Command to best support their Soldiers and Fami- for a minimum of 1 hour as well as Child Teams to arrange meetings and to lies. The USC goes directly to the unit Abuse Detection and Awareness Training and completes a desk side needs assess- for a minimum of 1 hour annually. ment to determine the unit’s specific Think ACS First! The Required Financial Readiness Pro- needs. gram (FRP) trainings as per AR 608-14- The USC sits down with command 39 are the Financial Readiness for 1st If you are part of your teams to determine which training is Termers (8 hours), Checkbook/Money unit command team appropriate to offer based on the De- Management (Command-referred 1.5 and would like a visit ployment Cycle Support Training Ma- hours) PCS Financial Planning (1.5 trix, mandatory unit trainings and indi- hours) and Army Emergency Relief Com- from your Unit Service vidual needs the command teams iden- mand Referral Training (AR 930-4, 1 Coordinator, tify based on the overall needs of their hour) please contact Soldiers at that specific time. Other trainings required include Mobili- Sarah Lynch at Many of the ACS classes and trainings zation and Deployment (Mob/Dep) Pre- are required for commands to pass in- deployment and Reunion Briefings (AR 772-5374 21st Annual International Festival of Food Volunteer Support Fund Friday, April 20, 2012 4:30-8:00 PM at The Commons Pick up at will call the night of the event! All proceeds benefit Fort Drum Community Volunteers by paying for childcare! Pre-Sale tickets available March 7-April 4th Through Unit Representatives, ACS, Off the Beatin Path, or American Red Cross Window at Clark Hall Tickets: $10 age 12 and older ($15 at the door) $5 for kids 3-11
  • 3. Page 3 ACS Green Press April 2012 Regarding Resilience: Tips, tools and techniques for practicing resilience everyday! By Jenn Eichner, MRT 772-2848 Energy Management Hope you had a wonderful February – kicked into action as soon as an Activat-  After each muscle group, take a filled with hopeful, optimistic ing Event happens. minute break before continuing to thoughts! Have you been noticing Principles for designing mental games the next muscle group yourself recognizing Activating include the following: Must require your Events? Have you identified any full attention, should be hard and fun and Energy Management is a crucial part of Thinking Traps or Iceberg Beliefs that must be games you can do within a few maintaining a happy, healthy self. Take may need closer attention in order to minutes. A few examples include: Math the time to find ways to reduce your maintain productivity? Remember, games: Count back from 1,000 by 7s. stress in a way that works for you. If resilience is a practice not an overall Alphabet games: Work your way through you are finding it difficult to do this, body of knowledge. Practice makes the alphabet, naming someone for each you may want to search your mind for perfect! pair of initials. Categories games: Name a Thinking Trap and/or an Iceberg all the sports figures, war heroes, etc. you Belief that may be inhibiting you. For Today we are going to talk about can in two minutes. Lyrics: Recite upbeat example, the Me, Me, Me Thinking Energy Management. What do you song lyrics. Trap may find you feeling as if taking do to relax and alleviate stress in your care of self is not a priority. Or if one life? Are you a runner? Do you knit Controlled Breathing techniques for En- of your Iceberg Beliefs is, “I should be or play an instrument? Or are you one ergy Management include the following: able to handle it all”, you may find En- of many that have not yet found that Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Medita- ergy Management a sign of weakness. outlet? Energy Management is a tion and Positive Imagery. Give it a try: In either case, your Thinking Trap critical resilience competency as it  Do controlled breathing for two min- and/or Iceberg Belief would be harm- helps to build self-regulation. The goal utes ful thinking and should be reevaluated. of Energy Management is to develop  As you breathe in, make fists and Remember the old but very true saying strategies that lower the intensity of tense your hands and lower arms – you can’t fully take care of others emotions so that you can think and  Keep your muscles tight for the count until you take care of yourself. respond more clearly and with greater of fifteen control. The challenge is that no one  As you exhale, relax the muscles Have a great month – good luck and can tell you exactly what strategies will quickly and concentrate on the feeling good thoughts! work for you. You may need to take of relaxation the time and try a few and see which  Do twice; take a minute break and you find to be relaxing and calming. then move on to the next muscle Research has found that in a pinch, group breathing techniques and mental  For each group tense the muscles for games may be the best place to start. fifteen seconds, then relax them for These are good strategies that can be thirty seconds Upcoming MRT Dates April 9 Module 2 9:30am-2:30 pm May 21 Module 3 9:30am-2:30 pm June 11 Module 4 9:30am-2:30 pm August 13 Module 5 9:30am-2:30 pm All Modules will be held at ACS Times include 1 hour lunch break refrigerators available for use
  • 4. ACS Green Press April 2012 Page 4 ACS Friends and Neighbors-Promoting Community Fort Drum Kids in the Spotlight Since April is The Month of the Mili- tary Child, Instead of Spouse in the Spotlight, ACS wanted to introduce our readers to some of the kids that are part of our community. Tiffany Allen is the middle child and only girl of the bunch. She is a 3rd Rahman White is the youngest of grader at Carthage Elementary and three children. He attends the even though she doesn’t have a favor- Strong Beginnings Program ite subject at school, she loves every- through CYSS. Rahman loves any thing about school and learning. Tif- sport with a ball, playing with Bay- fany’s favorite colors are pink and pur- blades, drawing and playing his Rashaun Vinson is 11 years old and ple and is usually up for anything from Nintendo DS. in the 5th grade at Carthage Middle riding her bike to reading, playing Another thing Rahman absolutely School. His favorite subject at school video games to doing arts and crafts. loves to do is EAT! His favorites is Science. Rashaun’s favorite color is Tiffany plans to become a fashion line up with anything his Dad likes. red. He is extremely sociable, which designer when she grows up. She also In fact in the picture above, he is is an important trait for any military hopes to go to college when she is 13. wearing his Dad’s hat! child when it comes to making new This may be attainable because when When Rahman grows up, he wants friends. Someday, you might see she was in Virginia her school skipped to be in the military just like his Rashaun speeding away in a red race her from the 1st to 3rd grade; she was father. Rahman’s mother will tell car because, as a small child, Rashaun part of the Gifted and Talented Pro- you that he is a very happy kid, dreamed of being a race car driver; gram and was student of the month who is always singing and saying right now he is keeping his options during the 2009-10 school year. hello to the people he meets but open. She and her friend started an environ- most of all he loves his mama! Rashaun enjoys building with Legos mental club called Save the Planet. They Rashaun, Tiffany and Rahman are and putting together model cars. He meet once a week and decide what the children of Christina and Rah- also loves eating. In fact, if you asked small projects they can do around the man White. Christina is prior mili- what one of the best things about neighborhood, like pick up cans and tary and is now a stay at home mom being in the military is, he would re- bottles or plant flowers. Tiffany is a looking for a job. Rahman has spond all the activities on post, espe- very positive, cheerful young lady but been in the military for 24 years. cially ones with FOOD! Rashaun is when asked what she likes or doesn’t frequently found on Tuesdays at the like about the military, she states that Winners Circle for Family Night at she doesn’t like all the moving and the Commons. having to make new friends.
  • 5. Page 5 ACS Green Press April 2012 Military Kids in the Community: Making Lasting Impressions Fort Drum Kids Name the Zoo’s Latest Baby! The story began nex Drive came up with a long list that names chosen to be voted on by the in September of included names like Sponge bob, fluffy, public. 2011 when the or even the same name as the child who Too make a long story short, the five Watertown Zoo suggested the name. For instance, Susie kids who suggested Ninja as a good received infor- thought the Kitten should be named- name for the kitten were not the only mation about an you guessed it- Susie! The list was nar- people to think that. When Northern abandoned male rowed down to the ten most popular mountain lion NY cast their votes Ninja was the names submitted by the kids and the cub being held by the Montana Fish, winner! name Ninja was suggested by five dif- Wildlife and Parks Department. Ap- ferent kids from Chapel Drive Annex. The military kids at Chaple Drive Annex parently, the cub was found by utility The five kids who suggested the name have enjoyed their moment of fame with workers after either being abandoned were, Elias Chavez, Nicolette Austin, a television news piece as well as a visit or separated from his mother. Alonzo Alvarez, Richard Barker and from the zoo staff who brought them Fortunately for the Watertown Zoo, Nora Bernat had no idea what would stuffed baby Ninja animals! The Chapel as well as many young fans, the kitten happen next. Drive Center is planning a field trip to came to live in upstate NY. visit Ninja this Spring. The Staff at the zoo narrowed the list I asked the kids about naming Ninja and In January 2012 the zoo had a compe- further to five names which included below is what they had to say: tition to name the kitten. After being Linus, Sorky, Climby, Tsavaorite, and prompted by their teacher to enter the and you what? Ninja was one of the five contest, the children from Chapel An- “They can climb to the tippy top of a tree like a Ninja.” Richard Baker “Ninja is a good name. They run fast and battle and climb big rocks The whole gang with the teacher who just like a Ninja.” Elias Chavez gave them the idea, Ms. Amy Thomas. “The bab y lion lost he lives at his mama the zoo an and cute….we d he’s etty and named him “Mountain lions are pr Nicolette Austin Ninja!” e mine!” Ninja has blue eyes lik Nora Bernat “It’s cooland awesome and perfect name for a a lion.” Alonzo Alvarez
  • 6. Page 6 ACS Green Press April 2012 Military Kids in the Community: Making Lasting Impressions Jiu Jitsu Nation of Watertown: Proudly Serving Military Families (NAGA) NY State Championships in ficult dealing with these feelings can Albany, two of the four kids that be. “As children they have a hard competed were from military fami- time expressing how they feel while lies. Gabriel Smith whose father is dealing with these issues. We at Jiu stationed at Fort Drum, took a gold Jitsu give them a positive, structured medal in both gi and no gi categories avenue to do so, while at the same while JJ Comely, after training in Bra- time serving as a positive role zilian Jiu Jitsu for only three months, model.” took a bronze in both the gi and no gi categories.” Marc also noted that Jiu Jitsu Nation Pictured from left to right with Marc has a number of active duty Soldiers Stevens: Gabriel Smith, Matt Simmons, JJ I asked Marc to tell me about the who are also instructors “Curtis Comley, Carter Comley, Nick Rogers service he provides to Fort Drum. Mosely holds the rank of purple belt He responded, “We work hand in in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and teaches our Jiu-Jitsu Nation located on Arsenal Street in hand with military kids to help them fundamentals classes. Our kids box- deal with the added pressures of hav- ing program is taught by SFC Watertown, provides beginner and ad- vanced martial arts classes for ages 4 and up ing parents who are deployed and Marques Daniels who is one of our serving their country.” professional fighters as well as the and accommodates all skill levels. 2010 All Army Combative Cham- Marc’s desire to reach out to military pion.” Owner, trainer and competitor, Marc Stevens and his instructors exhibit a real children motivates him to offer sig- passion for mixed martial arts and for the nificant military and family discounts. I asked Marc to explain what the Jiu Jitsu currently offers both Brazil- kids gain from his classes and he students they teach. I recently spoke with Marc about the military kids in his program ian Jiu Jitsu and boxing for kids. said, “Over time spent with these Both classes teach kids discipline, self kids we notice a number of changes. and he had this to say: confidence, self-control and provide Most often it has to do with respect “Here at Jiu Jitsu Nation our kids program an outlet for energy, frustration and and confidence. They must maintain currently has about 50 “little ninjas,” as I aggression. Children of military fami- good grades as well as keeping a bal- like to call them, of which about half are lies have to deal with mom and or anced home life which is great to see military kids. In fact, this past weekend at dad being away from home on the in today’s youth.” “Kids who train the North American Grapplers Association front lines during war. Marc under- in Jiu Jitsu aren’t out getting into stands and empathizes with how dif- trouble on the streets!” Marc It’s not what you think While we try to teach our children all you are that holds your about life, back, it’s what you think you are not.” Our children teach us what life is all Denis Waitley about ~Angela Schwindt
  • 7. Page 7 ACS Green Press April 2012 Monthly Feature: Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program The Family Advocacy Program is a quality of life. offered include: Baby Boot Camp, strength based military community Here at Fort Drum, we offer a number of Terrific Toddlers (Birth to four), agency that provides a variety of holistic exceptional educational programs to help Middle Years (Four-Twelve), Scream and educational programs to Soldiers support Families in all stages. The New Free Parenting and For Fathers Only. and their Families. The program serves Parent Support Program consists of a Don’t Stress! Family Advocacy also to assist in the development of strong team of professional nurses and social offers skill enhancing classes to help Army Families as well as aid in the pre- workers who provide supportive and car- build resilience and coping skills for vention and treatment of Family vio- ing services to military Families with chil- everyday situations. Services offered lence. dren from birth to three years of age. Ser- include: Resilience Classes, Stress The Family Advocacy Team is dedicated vices offered include: home visits, infant Management, Conflict Resolutions, to preventing spouse and child abuse massage and Parent’s Alone Support Reintegration Classes, Anger Man- through awareness, education, prompt Group. agement, and Couples Communica- reporting, intervention and treatment. The Family Advocacy Parent Educators tion. The overall mission is to provide ser- offer parenting classes designed to give vices to support readiness of Soldiers parents the knowledge they need to estab- and their Families to promote self- lish healthy routines, positive disciplines, reliance, resilience and stability in order communication skills, and nutrition for to enhance relationships and improve healthy growth and development. Classes Providing a Framework for Success through Parenting Workshops by Dani Reed Family Advocacy Program Educator I often hear parents say they wish chil- For Fathers Only is an 8 hour work- nursing and weaning toddlers, explore dren were born with manuals; to make shop is designed to give fathers tools on the possibility of another baby and re- raising them easier. Here at the Family positive discipline and building self es- view community resources for toddlers Advocacy Program we don’t necessarily teem in a stimulating environment. and their parents. have the manual; however we do have Through lecture, workshop exercises, Middle Years is designed for children 5 workshops and classes to give parents small group activities and one-on-one -12 years old. This 6 hour workshop is the tools to become better parents. coaching, Fathers will be challenged, designed to give parents strategies on prodded and encouraged to redesign positive discipline, sibling rivalry, com- The military community includes ap- their approach to their parenting skills. munication skills, establishing family proximately 1.8 million children and They will become a more effective par- rules and nutrition for healthy growth youths under the age of 18 nationwide. ent and more deeply connected to the and development. Raising a happy, healthy child is one of most important people in their lives, the most challenging jobs a parent can Baby Boot Camp is an 7 hour work- their Family. have-- and also one of the most reward- shop designed to assist new parents that ing. Good parenting helps foster empa- Terrific Toddlers is for parents with have children ages 0-3 years old and ex- thy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, children birth to 4 years old. During pecting parents with information regard- kindness, cooperation and cheerfulness, this 6 hour workshop we’ll talk about ing basics of infant care. Topics include: while allowing the natural consequences discipline (teach and protect) and man- infant massage, baby proofing the home, of a child's behavior to do the teaching. aging the array of new emotions includ- breast feeding, good nutrition and much, ing temper tantrums. And we'll discuss Our programs include: (Continued on page 8) predictable sleep challenges, talk about
  • 8. Page 8 ACS Green Press April 2012 Parenting Workshops Continued... (Continued from page 7) We also participate in special events like much more. the upcoming Child Identification and Scream Free Parenting is not just Safety Day at CYSS, 21 April 1:00-4:00. For most parents, nothing is more im- Whatever you vividly about lowering your voice. It’s about imagine, ardently desire, portant than the safety of their children. learning to calm your emotional reac- sincerely believe and Keeping kids safe is everybody's re- tions and focus on your own behavior enthusiastically act sponsibility, so whether you're a parent more than your kids’ behavior. This 6 or not we all need to be aware and do upon… hour workshop gives parents tools for a all we can to protect children. So the Must inevitably come to lifelong parenting process. It involves first step in the educational process is to pass the acquisition of new knowledge, raise the awareness level of parents. skills, abilities and attitudes towards the Participating vendors will be there to Paul J. Meyer learning process for parents. offer information and answers ques- Recognized as Most tions. Children will have fun at the admired Man of the Our parenting workshops are worth- Month of the Military Child Carnival Decade while for every parent, because they can help you do the best job possible in and the Special Teddy Bear Clinic for a raising your children, building trust and medical checkup where kids will receive improving your confidence in your par- a certificate of good health. A great day enting ability, which is the most impor- involving fun for parents and children, tant job you will ever have. Become no reservation is necessary, this event involved and contact FAP: 772-4244. will be enjoyed by the entire family. New Parent Support Program– A The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) recent workshop was held during the PROMOTES HEALING: Massage New Parent Support Program was month of March. helps aid teething distress and improves developed to help military families lung congestion for little ones, with a The benefits of infant massage in- cold. with young children to adapt to par- clude: enthood and to thrive as healthy fami- PROMOTES COMMUNICATION: lies. The program staff consists of RELAXATION: The massage re- Parents become more aware of baby’s Registered nurses and social workers leases tension, fussiness and irritabil- non-verbal cues. One-on-one communi- who offer home visits, classes, play- ity. It can aid in the digestive process cation instills a message of love and secu- groups and workshops for new par- and help reduce colic and gas. Mas- rity. ents. sage is a wonderful way to lessen IMPROVES BABY’S SLEEP: As the stress in both the infant and the par- One of the more popular classes of- ents. infant learns to relax and release stress, fered by the New Parent Support sounder and longer sleep is often the re- Program is the Infant Massage Class. ENHANCES BONDING: Mas- sult. Whether you are interested in learn- sage conveys nurturing and love, the ing massage or you would just like some- On a quarterly basis, New Parent Sup- essential ingredients for emotional and port Home Visitors provides an Infant physical growth and well-being. one to talk to about your successes and Massage educational 4- week work- concerns as a new parent the New Parent shop series. It is made available to AIDS GROWTH AND DEVEL- Support Staff can provide you with the parents with infants, from 8 weeks to OPMENT: Studies have shown in- support you are looking for. If you 8 months old. Grandparents and ex- creased weight and immune function. would like to learn more about the pro- pectant mothers and fathers are wel- Myelination of nerves is also in- gram Contact Ms. Terry Herzog for in- come, as well. The workshop is held creased. All of these components, in formation at (315) 772-0748. at an on-post community center turn, are needed for brain and muscle within the housing areas. The most development.
  • 9. Page 9 ACS Green Press April 2012 A new baby is like the beginning of all thing, hope, a dream of possibilities. `anonymous Baby Bundles are a terrific ACS Welcomes baby Chase Aidan Brown! Born program for expecting February 22 2012. Chase and his mom, who is a parents! Soldier with 66 MP CID, came by to pick up their baby bundle and give the ACS staff a chance to see If you are an E-5 or below, his beautiful face! More good news for mom– She expecting a baby, register for just found out she was promoted to Staff Sergeant! your free baby bundle full of goodies for you and your new baby! There is no rank restriction if you are expecting multiple births! for more information call 772-4244
  • 10. Page 10 ACS Green Press April 2012 Spring Clean Your Closet Annual ACS Spring Clothing Drive Donation Drop Times and Locations: Community Centers-April 2-23, Mon-Fri 8-5 pm ACS - April 9-23, Mon-Fri 7:30-4:30 pm Giveaway: 27 April from 1:00-4:00 or until everything is gone For More information: Call Sarah Lynch 772-5374 our donations are appreciated! Child Youth Behavior Military Family Life Consultants: Here to Support the Military Child The Military child is often regarded as Child & Youth Behavioral Military available to you, free of charge with being extremely resilient. They adapt and Family and Life Consultants (CYB- complete confidentiality. The CYB- overcome many unique challenges, such MFLC) available to help you and your MFLCs does not keep files or report as multiple moves, deployments and children with situational, short-term, findings with the exception of duty-to- changing schools to just name a few. problem solving support. All of thewarn situations. They are simply here Many studies show that the Military child CYB-MFLCs are Masters and Ph.D. to help make the Military child’s path becomes a very well adjusted adult, but level counselors who can address the manageable and enjoyable, which will the path is not always easy for the chil- following types of issues: serve to be a great support to parents dren or the parents. Did you know that  School Adjustments as well. Because of their expertise, support is readily available to you? ACS Mobilization and Deployment  Deployment and Separation has also paired with the CYB MFLCs Do you have a child or young adult who  Reunion Adjustment to provide pre and post-deployment you feel could benefit from discussing their challenges with a counselor who  Sibling and Parent Communication trainings for children ages 6 through 18 years of age. specializes in child and youth behavior?  Behavioral Concerns Did you know that you may not need to If you feel you could benefit from the look any further than our on-post Child,  Fear, Grief and Loss CYB MFLC program, please contact Youth and School Age Services (CYSS)?  Daily Life issues them at 315-523-3141 for more program information. Currently, Fort Drum CYSS as four (4) All of these services and more are
  • 11. Page 11 ACS Green Press April 2012 Military Kids on the Move! A Relocation Guide for Parents Moving is an accepted part of being Do your homework so you can “sell” can be viewed as a safe, centralized in the military. To adults who antici- the new community to your child. Use virtual "file drawer" where a student pate, expect and sometimes want to to get (or parent) can keep track of all the move, moving can be both an adven- more information about the new loca- tion. This web page will link you to details that are not only difficult to ture and a trying experience. If moving is an adventure for the adult, what does everything you need including informa- organize, but are so necessary when moving mean to the child? tion on schools, housing, employment students move or apply for college, For some children, moving can also be and the local community. jobs or military service. viewed as an adventure; however some When registering your children in their Above all TALK to your kids!! Have children can experience a range of frank discussions BEFORE, DUR- new schools have copies of their tests, emotions from worry to excitement, ING, and AFTER the move. Fear of writing samples and their school re- sadness, curiosity, stress and hope. It the unknown exists before and after can also mean leaving friends, going to cords. If your children are young, in- you get to your new location. It’s im- a new school, and feelings of fear. clude samples of their artwork and portant to keep the lines of communi- Preparation and careful planning in all printing. It is also a good idea to copy cation open. Share your thoughts and areas can help make moving a positive the front, back and cover page of their let your child know that you’ll work experience for all. textbooks. This helps your new school through things together. The best thing you can do is visit your place students in the right classes. The For more information on moving con- Relocation Readiness office! They can web page is a tact the Relocation Program at 772- give you information on your next duty secure storage site for students’ educa- 6566 or station and help educate and guide you tional, extra-curricular activities, awards through the moving process. The less anxious you are the less anxious your and volunteer and work information. children will be. Remain optimistic and Please note, though, this NOT a re- positive about the moving experience. placement for a school transcript. It Did You Know the ACS Employment Readiness Program Serves Teens? Every year millions of teens work in ERP could benefit teens and enhance Annually, ERP hosts a career fair just part time or summer jobs. Summer their marketability both now and in for teens. In fact, the Teen Career employment provides a great opportu- the future. Fair will be held on 4 April at the nities to develop skills, enhance re- Computers for the Workforce is a ACS from 10 am -2 pm. The Teen sponsibility, and learn the value of free career development series offer- Career Fair has local business repre- money. The Employment Readiness ing classes in Internet, Word and sentatives who have summer posi- Program (ERP), in conjunction with Excel. Some basics skills in Word tions to recruit for. Often the teens the CYSS Hired program, works to and Excel can benefit a teen whose are hired directly from this Career teach skills such as resume writing, job summer job is in an office setting. Fair. searching, and interviewing to the The Build Your Own Business If you would like more information teens participating in the program. Workshop is great for a teen who is or to schedule an appointment, ERP can also meet one on one with interested in opening a landscaping please contact ERP at 772-9611 or teens to assist with their personal job business, or who might be the next 772-1090. search regardless of participation in Mark Zuckerberg with an idea like Think ACS First! the Hired! Program. Some of the Facebook. workshops and classes offered by
  • 12. ACS Green Press April 2012 Page 12 Look Who’s on the Payroll: Employment Readiness Success Stories! Congratulations to the following Employment Readiness clients who have re- cently landed a job! Alyssa Evans stream Joanna Brown Fort Drum Mountain Community Homes Molly Manning USO Kristen Crabtree Fairfield Inn and Suites Sharon Grillett Pier 1 Crystal Smith Hilton Garden Inn If you are one of our clients who has recently become employed, we want to hear about it! Give us a call so we can highlight your accomplishment and inspire others! Local Business Shout Out: Advantage After School Program -Where Education and Fun Come Together Nearly 300 local youths are finding the Children’s Home of Jefferson the tools to help them find the rare safe, educational, and fun after school County, contracted to oversee the pro- coins that may pass through their activities “right in their own school- gram, have teamed up to create diverse, hands. yard” at the Indian River School Ad- fun and exciting activities that meet the vantage After School Program. needs and interests of sixth, seventh, A healthy snack is served while stu- and eighth grade students. It helps dents enjoy positive interaction with Designed by the Army in an effort to them achieve social, emotional, physical their classmates. They are also given reduce military deployment stress, the and academic success while developing time to complete homework assign- program targets schools and communi- healthy lifestyles and behaviors. ments. Tutoring with certified teachers ties with populations of military chil- for any student needing extra help is dren. The goal is to reduce the conflict Research has shown without super- also available. Kids can register for up soldiers encounter between mission vised, structured activities during the to four tutoring sessions per week. workforce requirements and parental after school hours, youth are at greater responsibilities. It allows Army Families risk of being victims of crime or be- Special interest clubs engage the chil- to feel secure knowing their children coming a participant in juvenile crime dren in specific activities and events are in a safe environment learning and risky behavior including alcohol targeted to individual interests. Some of valuable skills under the supervision of and drug use. AYPYN is designed to the programs offered include Life Skills well-trained staff and professional edu- provide students with dynamic activi- Development Club which focuses on cators. ties which stimulate them intellectually responsibility, respect, and building and increase self reliance - all while healthy relationship skills. Community However, Army dependents are not the having a great time with their peers. Service Club identifies and organizes only beneficiaries of the program. A wide variety of activities span the projects which allow the students to Funded jointly through the New York range of nearly every child’s interests. serve their school and community as State Office of Children and Family Creative Wear enables youth to design, well as The Speakers Forum The Youth Services, and the US Army Child and create and sew clothing. Two culinary Council and others. Advantage After Youth Services Army Youth Programs arts sessions focus on preparing foods School runs Monday through Friday in Your Neighborhood (AYPYN) ini- from different regions and working from 2:15 to 5:15 PM. Program regis- tiative, any child enrolled at Indian with chocolate. Ballroom Dancing is an tration forms are available in the Indian River Middle School may participate at amazing opportunity for kids to learn River Middle School office. For more no cost. to dance to various styles and rhythms. information call Paul Passino, Program National Treasures exposes them to the Director, at (315)778-6252. The Indian River School District and lifelong hobby of coin collecting and
  • 13. ACS Green Press April 2012 Page 13 ACS Classes and Events for the First Two Weeks in April DATE Class Time Location/Details Monday April 2: Newcomers Orientation 0900-1130 ACS Survivor Outreach Family Night 1800-2000 ACS DEADLINE FOR AER SCHOLARSHIPS FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN Tuesday April 3: Drum Family Welcome Tour 0930-1400 Departs ACS Stress Management 1330-1530 ACS Wednesday April 4: 1st Term Financial Readiness 0830-1600 Call for location Teen Job Fair 1000-1300 ACS Thursday April 5: Mother’s To Be Breakfast 0900-1000 ACS Employment 101 0930-1130 ACS CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall A2-A6 An Evening at the Spa Gold Star Wives 1600-2100 The Spa Fort Drum Friday April 6: In her Shoes: living with domest violence 0930-1130 ACS Hearts Apart Support Group 0930-1200 ACS Monday April 9: Master Resilience Module 2 0930-1430 ACS Stalking Awareness 1330-1530 ACS Tuesday April 10: ESOL Class 0900-1200 ACS Drum Family Welcome Tour 0930-1400 Departs ACS VMIS 101 0900-1000 Ed Center rm 104 Build Your Business Workshop 0930-1130 ACS For Fathers Only Workshop 1100-1300 ACS Scream Free Parenting 1230-1330 CYSS CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall A2-86 Thrift Savings Plan 1400-1530 ACS Wednesday April 11: 1st Term Financial Readiness 0830-1600 Call for location Career Fair Prep Career Dev Seminar 0930-1130 ACS Key Caller Training 1000-1130 ACS Key Caller Training 1400-1530 ACS Thursday April 12: ESOL Class 0900-1200 ACS For Fathers Only Parenting Class 1100-1300 ACS CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall A2-86 Friday April 13: Insurance Workshop 0900-1300 ACS
  • 14. ACS Green Press April 2012 Page 14 ACS Classes and Events for the Last Two Weeks in April DATE Class Time Location/Details Monday April 16: AFTB Spring Marathon 0900-1600 ACS Resume Writing Computer Lab 0930-1030 ACS Tuesday April 17: ESOL Class 0930-1200 ACS Anger Management 1330-1530 ACS AFTB Spring Marathon 0900-1600 ACS DRUM Family Welcome Tour 0930-1400 ACS EFMP Support Group 1130-1300 ACS CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall, A2-86 Wednesday April 18: 1st Term Financial Readiness 0830-1600 Call for Location AFTB Spring Marathon 0900-1600 ACS Positive Discipline 1030-1130 CYSS Positive Discipline 1230-1330 CYSS Thursday April 19: ESOL class 0900-1200 ACS AFTB Spring Marathon 0900-1600 ACS Overseas PCS Brief 0930-1100 ACS Volunteer of the Month 1030-1130 ACS Volunteer of the Year Ceremony 1700-2000 Commons CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall A2-86 Friday April 20: AFTB Spring Marathon 0900-1600 ACS Autism Support Group 0900-1100 ACS International Spouses Group 0930-1200 ACS Monday April 23: Budget Management 0900-1200 ACS Advanced Key Caller 1300-1430 ACS Tuesday April 24: ESOL Class 0900-1200 ACS Computer Basics for Job Seekers 0930-1130 ACS Introduction to Word In her Shoes: Living w/Dom Viol 1400-1600 ACS CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall A2-86 Wednesday April 25: 1st Term Financial Readiness 0830-1600 Call For Location Car Buying Course 1400-1500 ACS Thursday April 26: ESOL Class 0900-1200 ACS Federal Employment Class 0930-1130 ACS Family Wellness Support Group 1000-1100 ACS For Fathers Only Parenting Class 1100-1300 ACS Computer Basics Excel 1300-1500 ACS CONUS PCS Brief 1530-1600 Clark Hall A2-86 Family Wellness Support Group 1800-1900 ACS Friday April 27: In Her Shoes: Living w/Dom Viol 0930-1130 ACS Monday April 30: Child Abuse Training 0900-1030 CYSS Scream Free Parenting 1230-1330 CYSS OPSEC For Families 1030-1200 ACS Event Planning 1300-1430 ACS
  • 15. Army Community Service P4330 Conway Road Fort Drum, New York 13602 Army Emergency Relief 772-6560, 772-8873 or 772-2855 Army Family Team Building 772-6710, 772-9229 Army Volunteer Program Coordinator 772-2899 Corps/13651504365912 Exceptional Family Member Program 772-5488, 772-0819 Family-Member-Program /104951319542718 Employment Readiness Program 772-9611, 772-2737!/fortdrumemployment Family Advocacy Program 772-4244, 772-6929, 772-2279 (New Parent Support Program) SAPRP 772-0596, 772-4070, 772-0748 772-5605, 772-5914 Financial Readiness Program 772-0050, 772-5196, 772-8526 ACS/1956662120473 Information and Referral 772-6556, 772-6557 Military & Family Life Consultants 212-6919 Mobilization and Deployment 772-2848, 772-0470, 772-2919 Deployment/178420512193448?ref=ts&v=wall Outreach 772-5374 Outreach/180373271991692 Relocation Readiness 772-5475, 772-6553, 772-6902 http:// -Drum -Relocation -Readiness Program/171335822906429 772-6566 Soldier Family Assistance Center 772-7781 Survivor Outreach Services 772-6357