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App Store Optimization
Grocery Business
What is ASO?
• ASO is the process of optimizing
mobile apps to rank higher in an app
store’s search results. The higher
your app ranks in an app store’s
search results, the more visible it is
to potential customers. That
increased visibility tends to translate
into more traffic to app’s page in the
app store.
• Requirement:
• Understand Target Audience
• Identify the keywords that are using
by potential customer to find apps in
our niche
The goal of ASO is to
drive more traffic to
your app’s page in the
app store, so
searchers can take a
specific action:
downloading app.
Why is ASO Important?
• According to Forrester, 63% of
apps are discovered through app
store searches.
• Recently, at Google I/O, Ankit Jain
reported that “For the average
app, search actually makes up the
vast majority of installs.”
• If we’re not using ASO to
increase our app’s search
ranking, we’re missing out on the
largest discovery channel
available to our app.
More apps are discovered through
search than any other method
Google Play store vs Apple i-Store
Activities Google Play Store Apple i-Store
App Title Length 30 Characters 30-40 Characters (Recmnds
– 25)
App Description Length 325 characters It will not give importance
to description
Screenshots 320x480 pixels or 480x854
Registration Fee $25
Featured Image 1024X500
Short Description 80 Characters
Long Description 4000 characters It will not give
Promo Video Length 15-30 sec
Keywords 100 characters
On-Page ASO
• Keywords – Create the list of keywords that potential customers are using
in app stores like Google Playstore and i-Store.
• Divide the keywords into Primary and Secondary keywords.
• Title – Prepare the catchy with targeted keywords. Target primary
keywords in title.
• Description – Create well optimized description using targeted keywords.
A single keyword can not be used more than 5 times in the entire
description. We can follow a technique called LSI when situation demands
to use the same keyword more than 5 times.
• Make sure that keyword incorporated in description should not look like
artificially incorporated.
• App Icon – It connects with people easily as we are an established brand
and it will help increase your downloads and reviews and ratings.
On-Page ASO
• App Type & Category – There are two types of categories available
in App stores – “Applications” and “Games”.
• Submit App in “Applications” category.
• Screenshots – People usually look at screenshots or demo before
they download the app. So put as much as info in the screenshots.
• Add Google+ Plugin in App - The more +’s that your app gets, the
more visible it will be in Google Play.
Off-Page ASO
• App Ratings & Reviews - Google Play as well as the iOS store like to
see apps that have a good number of positive reviews and ratings.
With a good number of genuine reviews, app will improve in the
rankings in both of these mobile app.
• How to achieve App Ratings & Reviews?
– Asking your loyal customers to please leave a review
– Adding a review button on your website
– Running Contests
– Review Plugins in App
• App Downloads – Run paid campaigns to improve downloads.
Search bots improves rankings in App stores when we have more
number of downloads.
ASO Techniques
• Keywords and Description
• iOS accepts keywords up to 100 characters max.
– Don’t use spaces, use commas (don’t include a space after your
commas, this list is not visible to users and works without using
– Repetition of keywords has no effect.
• In the Apple iOS App Store, the app description does not influence the app
store algorithm to rank apps since it will take the keywords from the field
into account instead.
• iOS app description should however be tuned and optimized in terms of
SEO. The reason is that Google web search engine indexes and ranks
iTunes pages, so it recommended to use relevant keywords based on
Google searches and web traffic in iOS app description.
• Google Play Store takes keywords from description
• It is recommended to repeat targeted keywords no more than 5 times in
the description in Google Play Store.
ASO Techniques
• Social Factors and Google +1s
• +1s have a huge influence in Google Play algorithm and therefore
influence an app’s rankings.
• Categorization and Discoverability
• Apple App Store can be categorized in two different categories.
Plus, it’s a game, the app developer can publish it into 3 distinct
• In Google Play apps, there’s only 1 category possible for both apps
and games.
Overview of iOS and Google Play Store
Android App Promotion
• To increase the exposure of app:
• Submit descriptions of app on sites like AndroidZoom,, and AndroidPIT.
• Mention it on Android forums with discussion threads dedicated to
announcing new Android apps, like on
APP Campaigns
• Google Search Ads,
Search Ads for mobile
(for particular keywords, run on bidding methodologies on competitor bidding,
location best targeting),
Display (display ads for Manual Placements, Topic based targeting Ads for
App Store Marketing :-
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Youtube
Moments Campaign
Google Search Ads for app Install
Campaign and ad creation
Create AdWords mobile app install campaigns for search ads directly in DoubleClick
Search, including bulksheet support
Develop app install ads in DoubleClick Search using your app URL and your app icon
in the Google Play and Apple App Stores
Add keywords to target users looking for apps like yours on and Google
Play1 Show ads on phones and tablets (you can optionally exclude tablets), only to
users who do not currently have your app installed
Conversion tracking across mobile platforms
Measure success with tracking that works on both Android and iOS
Utilize simple, “SDK-less” conversion tracking on Android that doesn't require
modifying your app
Use Floodlight activities for conversion tracking on iOS (coming soon)
Bid optimization
Maximize the total number of app installs with automated bidding
Bid based on your unique objectives, on a CPC or CPA basis
Google Universal APP Campaign
Push App
Google Universal app help
advertisers reach a wider
audience across Google’s
Search and AdMob
platforms, as well as on
mobile sites, on YouTube and
on Google Play.
On the Search Network, you can show
app install ads to people while they’re
searching for keywords you bid on.
Keywords for “Mobile app installs”
campaigns are optimized for targeting
app-specific searches. Search Network
campaigns are a great way to drive
downloads from people who are
actively searching for a solution your
app provides. - See more at:
Twitter Campaigns
1. Followers : Grow your community on Twitter
Follower campaigns are the best way to grow your audience on Twitter. Your followers are an engaged
audience of prospects that want to hear from you or your business whether they’re existing customers
or just want to learn more about what you offer. Learn more about Followers.
2. Website Clicks or Conversions :- Send people to your site (to purchase, sign-up etc)
Website click campaigns are optimized to drive traffic and generate conversions on your website from
tweets targeted to specific audiences of users. Feature your content prominently within a Tweet in a
way that is designed to maximize click-throughs to your website. When the Card is tweeted, it will be
appended with an engaging image and additional information about your website. Learn more
about website clicks and conversions.
3. Tweet Engagements
Tweet engagement campaigns are designed to reach more people and drive conversion for your brand
and products. Any tweet you publish organically on your Twitter account can be promoted to reach
targeted audiences of users who do not follow your account. Learn more about tweet engagement
Twitter mobile app promotion is a full suite of products that enables advertisers to
drive installs of their mobile app and re-engage existing users.
With mobile app promotion, advertisers can drive users to download or open
mobile apps directly from within a Tweet.
Combined with Twitter’s sophisticated targeting capabilities, a creative suite
optimized for mobile app promotion, and the ability to track to the install level, these
products are designed to empower you in the mobile marketplace. Learn more about
apps install campaigns.
4. App Installs or app engagements
Mobile APP Promotions
Leverages Twitter’s existing powerful targeting capabilities (to help you reach your desired
audience), including
1. Interest :- Use Twitter’s real-time interest graph to find relevant users for your Promoted
Tweets campaigns.
By targeting people’s topical interests, we’ll be able to connect with a greater number of
users and deliver tailored messages to people who are more likely to engage with your
Tweets. Interest targeting works in two ways:
(i) By category :- We can choose from over 350 – from Technology and computing to
Business to Education to Gaming.
(ii). We can also get more granular by targeting specific @usernames that are relevant to
the product, event or initiative you want to promote. We’ll then show your Tweets to people
with similar interests to the followers of those @usernames.
2. keyword :-
Keyword targeting allows us to reach Twitter users based on keywords in their search queries,
recent Tweets, and Tweets they recently engaged with. Because we can reach people for
whom your message will be most relevant and top of mind, this targeting option puts you in a
better position to drive engagements and as well as leads and conversions.
Campaign tips for keyword targeting:
1. Maximize relevancy: Include at least one of your targeted keywords in your Tweet copy
to improve performance.
2. Keywords can be more than just keywords: Think about relevant hashtags and
3. @usernames you can target. This includes event-specific hashtags and those that are
commonly used in your industry. You can gauge volume and relevance for keywords you
want to target with a quick search on
4. Don’t reinvent the wheel: Take keywords that have performed well in your paid search
campaigns and try them on Twitter. Since people tweet differently than they search, do a
search for these keywords on and add negative keywords as needed. This will
help to ensure you participate in only the most relevant conversations.
Step 1. : Increasing followers / Tweets Engagement/ taking action for Visiting website
Promoted-only Tweets are Promoted Tweets that are only shown to users targeted in your
advertising campaigns. Unless specifically targeted, Promoted Tweets do not show on your
followers’ timelines. When seen by a targeted user, they act like normal Tweets and can receive
replies and be shared, retweeted, favorite, etc.
The Campaign Strategy
The opportunity
Phoenix Marketcity app to boost brand awareness and drive high quality downloads and
in-app registrations across its core markets: Bangalore.
The strategy
@Phoenix will use Twitter’s mobile app promotion suite to reach new users with highly
targeted and compelling messaging. It leveraged the Image App Card within Promoted
Tweets to make it easy for users to download its app in just one click.
Three steps to success
Tailor your creative.
@Phoenix started by identifying specific goals, such as more registrations from online
users in metros with an acceptable maximum CPA. It then analysed the market and
target group, and identified visuals that could attract new users.
Having established its confident voice on Twitter, @Phoenix was able to approach
different audiences with its tailored creative.
2. Target the right audience.
@Phoenix put its message in front of an audience likely to be interested in its
brand by targeting keywords such as ‘mobile wallet’, ‘digital wallet’ and names of
community apps. It targeted interests as well: aiming for users whose secondary
interest may be related to doing online transaction, such as those interested in
travel, gaming, movies, television and fashion.
The brand will then refined its targeting for each campaign by employing device,
gender, and geo-targeting. This allowed @Phoenix to offer the kind of optimised,
gender-specific creative that resonated with different user groups.
3. To increase its ROI, @Phoenix will use Tailored Audiences. This targeting option
let it exclude all of the users on Twitter who already had the app installed, so that
it knew it was always reaching new users.
Drive conversion with the Image App Card.
@Phoenix will made great use of the Image App Card, which offers not only a
strong visual presence, but also a seamless user experience. Users simply click and
download the app, without leaving Twitter.
The success
@Phoenix use of the mobile app promotion suite led to a 92.1% decrease in cost
per install, resulting in its Twitter CPI outperforming its other marketing channels by
50%. @Phoenix saw a 95.8% increase in installs, and those users proved to be high
engagers in-app. Registrations rose by 95.4% – twice the number of registrations
driven by any other channel.
Lesson #1: Use Real People and Images, Not Screenshots
There isn’t a universal rule for what kind of imagery works best in Facebook app install
However, just showing screenshots of your app isn’t going to entice many new users.
People want to see the real-world uses and benefits of the app.
In the example from, note how
the image of one of its rooms is displayed
below the call to action to download its app
to “start your vacation.”
The creative, in this case a vivid and real
image, engages the user to daydream about
his or her dream vacation and the call to
action drives the acquisition of a new app
Lesson #2: Borrow Great Creative Techniques from Other Apps
he financial management
app BillGuard has wisely included a
testimonial that sits above a photo of
someone using its app.
It has also embedded within the ad a
screenshot of what its app looks like on
a users’ phone.
The real-world imagery helps make
what could be a static, boring ad come
alive with relevance and authenticity
for potential customers.
Lesson #3:
Embrace the New Reality of Performance-Based Facebook Advertising
New tools like Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences and Page Post link ads offer app
developers a variety of ways to target specific user groups with relevant and timely
For Ex:-
Facebook’s Custom Audiences tool helped enabled to find a group of
users like me who had made prior purchases
with the company.
It was able to serve up a specific ad with a
specific offer based on that group’s
demographics and purchase intent.
Getting started screen of App Install Campaign
1. Step : Create Facebook page & build fan base both organic/Paid Medium
2. Creating APP Ads
Mobile App Ads
Promote your app on mobile devices.
Desktop App Ads
Step 3: - Facebook SDK for App Ads
Measure installs
Measure app events
Add deep linking to your ads
Bring people back to your app
Improve targeting
Encourage purchases
Create re-engagement ads
Measure in-app conversions
Step 4 :- Deep Linking in App Ads
Display Ads
Pay only when viewers choose to watch your ad
Ads play as pre- mid or post-roll on Youtube partner
videos of all length
Duration :- Ad plays for 5 seconds, then viewer choose
to skip or watch the rest
Price : - Pay only when viewers watch 30 seconds of
the ad or the competition. If the ads is under 30
Youtube Overlay-in-video ads
Display Ads
TrueView In-stream Ads
Ads appear next to videos on the youtube watch page
Viewers see your video ad when they watch videos on
Pay only when viewers click on your video ad and begin
watching your video
TrueView In-display Ads
Ads play before long-form youtube partner videos over 10
Before a video plays, viewers choose either to watch an ad
from 1 to 3 different advertisers or to see regular
commercial breaks during the video
Youtube Ad best practices for Installing Ads
1. Define your audience before creating the video
Instead of creating one general ad for the sake of running a video campaign, there
should be one video per target group.
Examples could be existing customers, people who are familiar with your service
(use remarketing code from website and retarget to the website)
2. Get to the point quickly
The first five seconds will make or break the success of your video ads. One way to
double check whether you got the beginning right or not is to pretend that your
entire ad lasts only five seconds.
If something is missing, such as the price, edit it until you get across your main point
within the tight five second time frame.
3. Keep it short and simple
Users usually skip ads to get to the video they originally wanted to watch. Ads that
perform well are typically no longer than 30 seconds, which is just under the maximum
time most people will pay attention before skipping to the content they wanted. Long
video ads that cannot be skipped often backfire by associating negative feelings with
the brand.
4. Use remarketing lists to identify a target audience
Remarketing campaigns target potential customers who visited your landing page or
website but never converted. Choosing remarketing lists as a target audience will likely be
a profitable decision, due to high conversion rates and low cost. To maximize the
effectiveness, create a variety of remarketing lists based on what products or services
your potential customers looked at in the past.
5. Test YouTube and display placements on Google AdWords
AdWords for video allows you to display ads both on YouTube and partner sites, also
referred to as Display Network. You should test both options, since both can
be profitable. More often than not, one of these options will be more profitable, but at
the same time, the other option might outperform those numbers by providing
significantly more traffic.
6. Use a voice over
Many YouTube viewers use the site while they are doing something else and don't
pay close attention to the video. Expand your video ad with a voiceover that could
be a stand-alone radio ad.
7. Test different components of your video
Create different versions of your videos for each target audience, then implement a split
testing schedule with a concrete strategy for what will be split tested when. For
continuous improvement, build a system that helps to identify the best video and create
versions of that. Choose the top performing ad, create versions of that and compare it to
the previous winner. Repeat this cycle enough times to accumulate sufficient data to
make an informed decision.
8. Test several audiences in AdWords
Set up one ad group per audience with a small budget for testing purposes and
monitor the data closely. Marketing departments with fixed budgets, and businesses
that rely on suppliers or sales teams, benefit immensely from focusing their entire,
limited budget exclusively on the most profitable audiences.
APP Analytics
• Question : Think about your user lifecycle in terms of acquisition,
engagement/retention and monetization?
• Question : What are the metrics you need to measure at each stage? How
can you use these metrics to improve your app experience and increase
• Question : what's your mobile marketing strategy to get in front of your
target audience and get them to install your app?
• Question : Are you running any mobile marketing campaigns? Running
promotions on ad networks? (Ad networks can give you basic top-line
metrics, such as the number of installs you're netting from your campaigns)
• Question : Do you know what these users are doing after they've installed
and are in your app?
• Question : When it comes to engagement and retention, being able to
segment users by how often they visit your app, and how long their sessions
are can help you to understand what's working within your app. Having this
data and then being able to A/B test events, actions, giveaways, promotions,
etc. can help you increase engagement and retention. Who's coming back
after Day 1? How about a week later?
What we are looking in an APP
(1) An analytics tool,
(2) An email marketing tool,
(3) A push notification tool,
(4) A mobile ad attribution tool,
(5) An error reporting tool, and
(6) Segment for raw data access.
Types of Analytics
• Advertising and Marketing Analytics
• Cross-platform Comparison Analytics
• In-App Analytics and Behavioral Analytics
• Performance Analytics
• Visitor Analytics
1. APP Optimization
2. Digital channels through which will be promoting
3. Detailing Facebook/Instgram, Google Play store and Twitter
4. Landing page creation, E-Mail Optimization,
5. Content creation
6. APP Analytics :- understanding what matter ices and how

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App store optimization

  • 2. What is ASO? • ASO is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in an app store’s search results. The higher your app ranks in an app store’s search results, the more visible it is to potential customers. That increased visibility tends to translate into more traffic to app’s page in the app store. • Requirement: • Understand Target Audience • Identify the keywords that are using by potential customer to find apps in our niche The goal of ASO is to drive more traffic to your app’s page in the app store, so searchers can take a specific action: downloading app.
  • 3. Why is ASO Important? • According to Forrester, 63% of apps are discovered through app store searches. • Recently, at Google I/O, Ankit Jain reported that “For the average app, search actually makes up the vast majority of installs.” • If we’re not using ASO to increase our app’s search ranking, we’re missing out on the largest discovery channel available to our app. More apps are discovered through search than any other method
  • 4. Google Play store vs Apple i-Store Activities Google Play Store Apple i-Store App Title Length 30 Characters 30-40 Characters (Recmnds – 25) App Description Length 325 characters It will not give importance to description Screenshots 320x480 pixels or 480x854 pixels Registration Fee $25 URL /publish/Home Featured Image 1024X500 Short Description 80 Characters Long Description 4000 characters It will not give Promo Video Length 15-30 sec Keywords 100 characters
  • 5. On-Page ASO • Keywords – Create the list of keywords that potential customers are using in app stores like Google Playstore and i-Store. • Divide the keywords into Primary and Secondary keywords. • Title – Prepare the catchy with targeted keywords. Target primary keywords in title. • Description – Create well optimized description using targeted keywords. A single keyword can not be used more than 5 times in the entire description. We can follow a technique called LSI when situation demands to use the same keyword more than 5 times. • Make sure that keyword incorporated in description should not look like artificially incorporated. • App Icon – It connects with people easily as we are an established brand and it will help increase your downloads and reviews and ratings.
  • 6. On-Page ASO • App Type & Category – There are two types of categories available in App stores – “Applications” and “Games”. • Submit App in “Applications” category. • Screenshots – People usually look at screenshots or demo before they download the app. So put as much as info in the screenshots. • Add Google+ Plugin in App - The more +’s that your app gets, the more visible it will be in Google Play.
  • 7. Off-Page ASO • App Ratings & Reviews - Google Play as well as the iOS store like to see apps that have a good number of positive reviews and ratings. With a good number of genuine reviews, app will improve in the rankings in both of these mobile app. • How to achieve App Ratings & Reviews? – Asking your loyal customers to please leave a review – Adding a review button on your website – Running Contests – Review Plugins in App • App Downloads – Run paid campaigns to improve downloads. Search bots improves rankings in App stores when we have more number of downloads.
  • 8. ASO Techniques • Keywords and Description • iOS accepts keywords up to 100 characters max. – Don’t use spaces, use commas (don’t include a space after your commas, this list is not visible to users and works without using spaces) – Repetition of keywords has no effect. • In the Apple iOS App Store, the app description does not influence the app store algorithm to rank apps since it will take the keywords from the field into account instead. • iOS app description should however be tuned and optimized in terms of SEO. The reason is that Google web search engine indexes and ranks iTunes pages, so it recommended to use relevant keywords based on Google searches and web traffic in iOS app description. • Google Play Store takes keywords from description • It is recommended to repeat targeted keywords no more than 5 times in the description in Google Play Store.
  • 9. ASO Techniques • Social Factors and Google +1s • +1s have a huge influence in Google Play algorithm and therefore influence an app’s rankings. • Categorization and Discoverability • Apple App Store can be categorized in two different categories. Plus, it’s a game, the app developer can publish it into 3 distinct categories. • In Google Play apps, there’s only 1 category possible for both apps and games.
  • 10. Overview of iOS and Google Play Store
  • 11. Android App Promotion • To increase the exposure of app: • Submit descriptions of app on sites like AndroidZoom,, and AndroidPIT. • Mention it on Android forums with discussion threads dedicated to announcing new Android apps, like on
  • 12. APP Campaigns • Google Search Ads, Search Ads for mobile (for particular keywords, run on bidding methodologies on competitor bidding, location best targeting), Display (display ads for Manual Placements, Topic based targeting Ads for Keywords) App Store Marketing :- Remarketing • Facebook • Twitter • Youtube
  • 14. Google Search Ads for app Install Campaign and ad creation Create AdWords mobile app install campaigns for search ads directly in DoubleClick Search, including bulksheet support Develop app install ads in DoubleClick Search using your app URL and your app icon in the Google Play and Apple App Stores Targeting Add keywords to target users looking for apps like yours on and Google Play1 Show ads on phones and tablets (you can optionally exclude tablets), only to users who do not currently have your app installed Conversion tracking across mobile platforms Measure success with tracking that works on both Android and iOS Utilize simple, “SDK-less” conversion tracking on Android that doesn't require modifying your app Use Floodlight activities for conversion tracking on iOS (coming soon) Bid optimization Maximize the total number of app installs with automated bidding Bid based on your unique objectives, on a CPC or CPA basis
  • 15. Google Universal APP Campaign Push App Promotions Search, YouTube, AdMob, Display Google Universal app help advertisers reach a wider audience across Google’s Search and AdMob platforms, as well as on mobile sites, on YouTube and on Google Play.
  • 16.
  • 17. On the Search Network, you can show app install ads to people while they’re searching for keywords you bid on. Keywords for “Mobile app installs” campaigns are optimized for targeting app-specific searches. Search Network campaigns are a great way to drive downloads from people who are actively searching for a solution your app provides. - See more at: app-install- ads/#sthash.znO2bZw1.dpuf
  • 18.
  • 19. Twitter Campaigns 1. Followers : Grow your community on Twitter Follower campaigns are the best way to grow your audience on Twitter. Your followers are an engaged audience of prospects that want to hear from you or your business whether they’re existing customers or just want to learn more about what you offer. Learn more about Followers. 2. Website Clicks or Conversions :- Send people to your site (to purchase, sign-up etc) Website click campaigns are optimized to drive traffic and generate conversions on your website from tweets targeted to specific audiences of users. Feature your content prominently within a Tweet in a way that is designed to maximize click-throughs to your website. When the Card is tweeted, it will be appended with an engaging image and additional information about your website. Learn more about website clicks and conversions. 3. Tweet Engagements Tweet engagement campaigns are designed to reach more people and drive conversion for your brand and products. Any tweet you publish organically on your Twitter account can be promoted to reach targeted audiences of users who do not follow your account. Learn more about tweet engagement campaigns.
  • 20. Twitter mobile app promotion is a full suite of products that enables advertisers to drive installs of their mobile app and re-engage existing users. With mobile app promotion, advertisers can drive users to download or open mobile apps directly from within a Tweet. Combined with Twitter’s sophisticated targeting capabilities, a creative suite optimized for mobile app promotion, and the ability to track to the install level, these products are designed to empower you in the mobile marketplace. Learn more about apps install campaigns. 4. App Installs or app engagements
  • 21. Mobile APP Promotions Leverages Twitter’s existing powerful targeting capabilities (to help you reach your desired audience), including 1. Interest :- Use Twitter’s real-time interest graph to find relevant users for your Promoted Tweets campaigns. By targeting people’s topical interests, we’ll be able to connect with a greater number of users and deliver tailored messages to people who are more likely to engage with your Tweets. Interest targeting works in two ways: (i) By category :- We can choose from over 350 – from Technology and computing to Business to Education to Gaming. (ii). We can also get more granular by targeting specific @usernames that are relevant to the product, event or initiative you want to promote. We’ll then show your Tweets to people with similar interests to the followers of those @usernames.
  • 22.
  • 23. 2. keyword :- Keyword targeting allows us to reach Twitter users based on keywords in their search queries, recent Tweets, and Tweets they recently engaged with. Because we can reach people for whom your message will be most relevant and top of mind, this targeting option puts you in a better position to drive engagements and as well as leads and conversions.
  • 24. Campaign tips for keyword targeting: 1. Maximize relevancy: Include at least one of your targeted keywords in your Tweet copy to improve performance. 2. Keywords can be more than just keywords: Think about relevant hashtags and 3. @usernames you can target. This includes event-specific hashtags and those that are commonly used in your industry. You can gauge volume and relevance for keywords you want to target with a quick search on 4. Don’t reinvent the wheel: Take keywords that have performed well in your paid search campaigns and try them on Twitter. Since people tweet differently than they search, do a search for these keywords on and add negative keywords as needed. This will help to ensure you participate in only the most relevant conversations.
  • 25. Step 1. : Increasing followers / Tweets Engagement/ taking action for Visiting website Promoted-only Tweets are Promoted Tweets that are only shown to users targeted in your advertising campaigns. Unless specifically targeted, Promoted Tweets do not show on your followers’ timelines. When seen by a targeted user, they act like normal Tweets and can receive replies and be shared, retweeted, favorite, etc.
  • 26.
  • 27. The Campaign Strategy The opportunity Phoenix Marketcity app to boost brand awareness and drive high quality downloads and in-app registrations across its core markets: Bangalore. The strategy @Phoenix will use Twitter’s mobile app promotion suite to reach new users with highly targeted and compelling messaging. It leveraged the Image App Card within Promoted Tweets to make it easy for users to download its app in just one click. Three steps to success Tailor your creative. @Phoenix started by identifying specific goals, such as more registrations from online users in metros with an acceptable maximum CPA. It then analysed the market and target group, and identified visuals that could attract new users. Having established its confident voice on Twitter, @Phoenix was able to approach different audiences with its tailored creative.
  • 28. 2. Target the right audience. @Phoenix put its message in front of an audience likely to be interested in its brand by targeting keywords such as ‘mobile wallet’, ‘digital wallet’ and names of community apps. It targeted interests as well: aiming for users whose secondary interest may be related to doing online transaction, such as those interested in travel, gaming, movies, television and fashion. The brand will then refined its targeting for each campaign by employing device, gender, and geo-targeting. This allowed @Phoenix to offer the kind of optimised, gender-specific creative that resonated with different user groups. 3. To increase its ROI, @Phoenix will use Tailored Audiences. This targeting option let it exclude all of the users on Twitter who already had the app installed, so that it knew it was always reaching new users. Drive conversion with the Image App Card. @Phoenix will made great use of the Image App Card, which offers not only a strong visual presence, but also a seamless user experience. Users simply click and download the app, without leaving Twitter.
  • 29. The success @Phoenix use of the mobile app promotion suite led to a 92.1% decrease in cost per install, resulting in its Twitter CPI outperforming its other marketing channels by 50%. @Phoenix saw a 95.8% increase in installs, and those users proved to be high engagers in-app. Registrations rose by 95.4% – twice the number of registrations driven by any other channel.
  • 30.
  • 31. Lesson #1: Use Real People and Images, Not Screenshots There isn’t a universal rule for what kind of imagery works best in Facebook app install ads. However, just showing screenshots of your app isn’t going to entice many new users. People want to see the real-world uses and benefits of the app. In the example from, note how the image of one of its rooms is displayed below the call to action to download its app to “start your vacation.” The creative, in this case a vivid and real image, engages the user to daydream about his or her dream vacation and the call to action drives the acquisition of a new app installation.
  • 32. Lesson #2: Borrow Great Creative Techniques from Other Apps he financial management app BillGuard has wisely included a testimonial that sits above a photo of someone using its app. It has also embedded within the ad a screenshot of what its app looks like on a users’ phone. The real-world imagery helps make what could be a static, boring ad come alive with relevance and authenticity for potential customers.
  • 33. Lesson #3: Embrace the New Reality of Performance-Based Facebook Advertising New tools like Custom Audiences, Lookalike Audiences and Page Post link ads offer app developers a variety of ways to target specific user groups with relevant and timely offers. For Ex:- Facebook’s Custom Audiences tool helped enabled to find a group of users like me who had made prior purchases with the company. It was able to serve up a specific ad with a specific offer based on that group’s demographics and purchase intent.
  • 34. Getting started screen of App Install Campaign
  • 35. 1. Step : Create Facebook page & build fan base both organic/Paid Medium 2. Creating APP Ads Mobile App Ads Promote your app on mobile devices.
  • 37. Step 3: - Facebook SDK for App Ads Measure installs Measure app events Add deep linking to your ads Bring people back to your app Improve targeting Encourage purchases Create re-engagement ads Measure in-app conversions Step 4 :- Deep Linking in App Ads
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  • 39.
  • 40. Display Ads Pay only when viewers choose to watch your ad Ads play as pre- mid or post-roll on Youtube partner videos of all length Duration :- Ad plays for 5 seconds, then viewer choose to skip or watch the rest Price : - Pay only when viewers watch 30 seconds of the ad or the competition. If the ads is under 30 seconds. Youtube Overlay-in-video ads Display Ads
  • 41. TrueView In-stream Ads Ads appear next to videos on the youtube watch page Viewers see your video ad when they watch videos on youtube Pay only when viewers click on your video ad and begin watching your video TrueView In-display Ads Ads play before long-form youtube partner videos over 10 minutes. Before a video plays, viewers choose either to watch an ad from 1 to 3 different advertisers or to see regular commercial breaks during the video
  • 42.
  • 43. Youtube Ad best practices for Installing Ads 1. Define your audience before creating the video Instead of creating one general ad for the sake of running a video campaign, there should be one video per target group. Examples could be existing customers, people who are familiar with your service (use remarketing code from website and retarget to the website) 2. Get to the point quickly The first five seconds will make or break the success of your video ads. One way to double check whether you got the beginning right or not is to pretend that your entire ad lasts only five seconds. If something is missing, such as the price, edit it until you get across your main point within the tight five second time frame. 3. Keep it short and simple Users usually skip ads to get to the video they originally wanted to watch. Ads that perform well are typically no longer than 30 seconds, which is just under the maximum time most people will pay attention before skipping to the content they wanted. Long video ads that cannot be skipped often backfire by associating negative feelings with the brand.
  • 44. 4. Use remarketing lists to identify a target audience Remarketing campaigns target potential customers who visited your landing page or website but never converted. Choosing remarketing lists as a target audience will likely be a profitable decision, due to high conversion rates and low cost. To maximize the effectiveness, create a variety of remarketing lists based on what products or services your potential customers looked at in the past. 5. Test YouTube and display placements on Google AdWords AdWords for video allows you to display ads both on YouTube and partner sites, also referred to as Display Network. You should test both options, since both can be profitable. More often than not, one of these options will be more profitable, but at the same time, the other option might outperform those numbers by providing significantly more traffic. 6. Use a voice over Many YouTube viewers use the site while they are doing something else and don't pay close attention to the video. Expand your video ad with a voiceover that could be a stand-alone radio ad.
  • 45. 7. Test different components of your video Create different versions of your videos for each target audience, then implement a split testing schedule with a concrete strategy for what will be split tested when. For continuous improvement, build a system that helps to identify the best video and create versions of that. Choose the top performing ad, create versions of that and compare it to the previous winner. Repeat this cycle enough times to accumulate sufficient data to make an informed decision. 8. Test several audiences in AdWords Set up one ad group per audience with a small budget for testing purposes and monitor the data closely. Marketing departments with fixed budgets, and businesses that rely on suppliers or sales teams, benefit immensely from focusing their entire, limited budget exclusively on the most profitable audiences.
  • 47. • Question : Think about your user lifecycle in terms of acquisition, engagement/retention and monetization? • Question : What are the metrics you need to measure at each stage? How can you use these metrics to improve your app experience and increase profits? • Question : what's your mobile marketing strategy to get in front of your target audience and get them to install your app? • Question : Are you running any mobile marketing campaigns? Running promotions on ad networks? (Ad networks can give you basic top-line metrics, such as the number of installs you're netting from your campaigns) • Question : Do you know what these users are doing after they've installed and are in your app? • Question : When it comes to engagement and retention, being able to segment users by how often they visit your app, and how long their sessions are can help you to understand what's working within your app. Having this data and then being able to A/B test events, actions, giveaways, promotions, etc. can help you increase engagement and retention. Who's coming back after Day 1? How about a week later?
  • 48. What we are looking in an APP (1) An analytics tool, (2) An email marketing tool, (3) A push notification tool, (4) A mobile ad attribution tool, (5) An error reporting tool, and (6) Segment for raw data access.
  • 49. Types of Analytics • Advertising and Marketing Analytics • Cross-platform Comparison Analytics • In-App Analytics and Behavioral Analytics • Performance Analytics • Visitor Analytics
  • 50. Miscellaneous 1. APP Optimization 2. Digital channels through which will be promoting 3. Detailing Facebook/Instgram, Google Play store and Twitter 4. Landing page creation, E-Mail Optimization, 5. Content creation 6. APP Analytics :- understanding what matter ices and how