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Apology Of Socrates Essay
Discuss Socrates' method of questioning his fellow Athenians: what was he trying to achieve?
Socrates was a particular man who truly marked the story of philosophy with his method. He was born and raised in Athens, he was issue from a
modest family. And he never focused on his external appearance, but on the mind, who people think was his preoccupation. He was spanning his days
walking down the street, try to stop people who were going to their daily occupations, and discuss with hem about different subjects concerning their
everyday live. What could be his motivations and the objective of his questioning?
Like we says up, Socrates was questioning people, he was not a writer, what we know about him came from Platon in his book Apology of Socrates.
Socrates was a poor man but, he never ask people money to paid for his teaching, yes he was a considered himself as a teacher, he was working all
days and questioning people. We can notate that Athenian was telling that Socrates is a smart person and this view pushed him to approach other
people and trying to more content...
Thus, awareness of our ignorance is the first step to the knowledge. Ignorance is the worst thing in the live, people really need to see the light.
Socratic questioning is intended to come to the observation the ideas of his interlocutors, to then examine the consistency: is it a pipe dream or
something viable or useful? Asking questions is a good way to get people to think about a subject. When you are asked a good question, this allows you
to synthesize your thinking, evaluating existing ideas and create new ones .Socratic questions require you to listen very carefully to the other person to
help you formulate a constructive issue that allows to communicate with him, but also with yourself, without
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Plato's Apology Of Socrates
Short Profile:
Plato (428–7 B.C.E – 348–7 B.C.E) was a well–known ancient Greek philosopher, a student of Socartes, teacher of Aristotle, and founder of the
Academy. Plato came from one of the wealthiest and most politically involved families in all of Athens. His mother is believed to be related to Solon,
the Greek statesman in 6th century B.C.E. His father is related to the kings of Messenia and Athens. After the death ofSocrates in 399 B.C.E, Plato
began studying mathematics, geometry, geology, astronomy and religion in Egypt, which is where he began his writing. During his travelling period of
399–387 B.C.E he wrote the Apology of Socrates, Protagoras, Euthyphro, Hippias Major and Minor and Ion, in which he writes about Socartes' teaching more content...
In Phaedo, Plato explains that individuals should accept natural death, and suicide is morally wrong because it is releasing our souls from our
bodies that god has placed us in. Plato believed that suicide would be considered an ethical act if an individual had committed a dishonorable
crime/action, had an immoral character, or had no control over their actions due to their distress and suffering. More specifically, in the Laws,
Plato regarded suicide as permissible under 4 exceptions: (1) judicial order, (2) unbearable suffering and misfortune, (3) when the individual's
mind is morally depraved, and (4) moral disgrace. Under these 4 specific circumstances, suicide can be exempted. Otherwise, according to Plato,
suicide is a cowardly act taken by individuals who are too weak to cope with the depths of life. In the first category of judicial order, suicide is
excusable when forced by law. For example, Socartes (Plato's teacher) was found guilty of a crime, and his punishment was to be his own
executioner by drinking a cup of poison hemlock. In this case, suicide is acceptable. The second circumstance would be referring to euthanasia in
today's society. Plato argues that suicide should be acceptable wherein an individual's illness or disability deprives them of physically living a normal
life. In his writing of the Republic, he suggests that no medical treatment should be provided to these individuals to prolong their life, in order to end
their suffering. The third circumstance refers to what in today's society we would label as suicide due to depression or other mental illnesses. In the
Laws, Plato argues that in this state, an individual's character cannot be salvaged, therefore suicide is morally acceptable. The fourth circumstance
refers to shame in taking part in extremely unjust actions (eg. murder, robbery, etc.) where guilt deprives an individual of living a
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Socrates Apology
The Apology Of Socrates
Ancient Greek had many exemplary thinkers called philosophers and Socrates was one of them. He imparted about knowledge, amity, and integrity as
the Delphic Oracle declared Socrates as the wisest man in Athens. One of Socrates' students was a philosopher named Plato who wrote an Apology
about Socrates. Socrates was wise in respect to the fact that he never accepted a "truth" that was told to him, without getting clear evidence to back it
up. He made the realization that people believed in polytheistic religion without even knowing where their ideas came from. Athena was the most
worshipped goddess among Athenians. Moreover, Ancient Greek formed city–states and all of them were independent but the most popular was the
Athens. "Apology" begins with the speech in which Socrates makes his defense to the Athenian court at Agora and the voting for Socrates assassination more content...
Literally, thousands of books and other works of art have been devoted to him, yet his character and the tenets of his philosophy remain elusive. The
book "The apology of Socrates" uses a very original style of writing to give readers an inside look into the life and wisdom of Socrates in his last
days. However, I definitely found value in reading it for the sake of experiencing the powerful writing and ideas offered by Plato and Socrates. This
book was a fantastic example of owning up to your beliefs, values, and standards. I'd recommend it to someone looking for a book that provides a
stimulating intellectual experience. I really enjoyed getting insights into the structure of the Ancient Greek political and social systems. Plato make the
Socrates comes alive in the books. The book "the trial and death of Socrates" has been very influential because this book provide both excellent points
of entry into Plato's vast philosophy and vivid portrait of Plato's mentor–
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The Apology of Socrates Essay examples
Socrates is at the age of seventy and appearing in a law court for the first time. For the people of Socrates time is accusing Socrates, for miss leading
the youth corrupting them and boasting about being wise, causing him to become very unpopular. Socrates says to the jury I am going to speak the
whole truth, for it is me by myself that I have to defend. He says my accusers are many and I don't know them, they say, "you should be careful not be
deceived by an accomplished speaker like me" (Cohen, Curd, & Reeve, 2000). The accuser goes on to say that Socrates is accomplished speaker;
Socrates starts to praise them, because their lies are so good well put together, that Socrates himself is almost convinced but then he says that they do not more content...
This made Socrates very unpopular. "As a result of this investigation, gentleman of the jury, I acquired much unpopularity, of a kind that is hard to
deal with and is a heavy burden; many slanders came from these people and a reputation for wisdom, for in each case the bystanders thought that I
myself possessed the wisdom that I proved that my interlocutor did not have" (Cohen, et al., 2000).
Socrates says that the young men follow me, but not on my account they try to imitate what I say, which causes their fathers to be angry with me.
Socrates says I have been accused of corrupting the youth, but I say Meletus is guilty of such things. For it is Meletus who does not believe in the
gods of the city and corrupting the youth, Socrates and Meletus start to argue about the rights and wrongs of the law. Socrates proves his point by
saying that Meletus contradicts himself, for he say that Socrates doesn't believe in gods but Socrates I do believe in the gods.
Socrates then tells the story of Troy and how Hector son of a king heir to the throne kills Achilles friend Patroclus, during the battle. This made
Achilles very vengeful; his mother the goddess warned Achilles if you kill Hector out of vengeance you too will die. Achilles said to go home would
be a coward move and it will be a great disgrace. What Socrates is trying to say even
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Socrates Apology
In The Trial and Death of Socrates the philosopher, Plato, writes in a dialogical and argumentative style in which he attempts to describe and defend
Socrates. In the Apology, Socrates argues against the people and the city in his defense against impiety and corruption of the youth. However, he is
unjustly prosecuted by the people. Thus, the Crito follows with his rationale regarding his willingness to die regardless of the injustice of the law.
While the dialectical tension driving Socrates' view in the Apology and in the Crito both connect to the idea of obedience, the views contrast in the
essence of obedience itself, as Socrates' views regard different natures of the matter. As a result, his death is the only resolution to the tension given that
I agree with Socrates' idea that an unexamined life is not worth living. Throughout the Apology, Socrates prides himself in truth. He reasonably
attempts to convince the judges as well as the people of Athens of his innocence. Socrates explains why the accusations against him are unreasonable,
given his necessity to obey his virtues and purpose. However, he also mentions that he will not beg against punishment, given that he cannot fear what
he does not know, death and the afterlife. Through his argument he challenges the court and essentially discredits his morality as he declares that even
if he was released under the condition of abandoning his practice of questioning people, he would have to disobey (Apology 29d–e). Plato's Socrates
says, "...I will obey the god rather than you, and as long as I draw breath and am able , I shall not cease to practice philosophy..." (Apology 29d–e). The
argument being that he questions people in order to spread goodness and knowledge simply because he cares about all those in the city. His purpose
revolves around educating both the young and the old to prioritize truth and the soul's state instead of being focused on materialism and power because
realistically, one's wealth does not correlate with one's intellectuality. Consequently, Plato's Socrates mentions that one must be most focused on one's
knowledge since it is the only attribute that leads to power, greatness, and wealth.
Through, "Be sure that if you kill the sort of
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What Is Socrates Apology
Socrates believes that the jury who charged him guilty for corrupting the youth, and disrespecting the city's gods are political unwise, since his
philosophy advocates truth and justice. The Apology is an emblem for the violation of free articulation, with Socrates justifying his lifestyle as a
philosopher and protecting the utility of logic for political life. Socrates believes that laws that undermine the use of philosophy in the society are unjust
and should be relinquished. Additionally, his intelligence makes the authorities in Athens uncomfortable and they view it as a way of destabilizing the
The dispute revealed throughout the Apology is between the liberty of the mind, and the core of political life; therefore, the key question
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Socrates Apology Essay
7.Interrelation between a Critique of Craftsmen and Erixymachus
Socrates' criticism of craftsmen or experts in Apology is a direct criticism of Erixymachus' speech in Symposium because Erixymachus' profession as a
doctor, like that of a craftsman, is one that requires expertise in a certain field. Although craftsmen are knowledgeable in their craft, their sense of
entitlement from their success causes them to think that they are "wise in other most important pursuits... [an] error [which] overshadowed the
wisdom they had" (Apology 22E). Hence, Socrates thinks that one is better off with "neither [the craftsmen's] wisdom nor their ignorance" (Apology
Like his fellow experts, Erixymachus has knowledge specific to medicine that he uses precariously to explain the entirety of love. Erixymachus
agrees with Pausanius that love is made up of two distinct species, one good and one vulgar, but he adds that love "occurs everywhere in the
universe... [and] directs everything that occurs" (Symposium 186B). He proceeds to ask for forgiveness in "giving pride of place to [his] own
profession" (Symposium 186C), which parallels the pride of Socrates' craftsmen. Employing medicine as the basis of his argument, Erixymachus thinks
that "our very bodies manifest the two species of love" more content...
Socrates' method (elenchus), is one that uses a system of question–and–answer or cross–examination. Elenchus often begins with the subject claiming
to have a complete understanding of a term (usually one that is ethical). Socrates then questions the subject on his or her term in order to gain
knowledge of the matter. The subject will find examples that support his or her definition of the term but fail to find the common ground to which
makes the term apply. The subject then, is left with the realization that he or she does not understand the term at
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Socrates And The Apology Of Socrates
Socrates is quite the unique individual compared to most, if not all, other Greeks at that time. In the Apology, Socrates gives an analogy of himself
being a gadfly and that his gadfly like actions are favorable for Athens and that the actions are goods he is providing. From his service he claims to
live a more private life than a public life when discussing virtue. This paper is going to discuss Socrates and his analogy of a gadfly, approach to others
about virtue, his conduct effect on democracy, and a comparison to a contemporary person that is similar to him. Firstly is Socrates' analogy of
himself being a gadfly. He states "... you will not easily find another who, if I may use a ludicrous comparison, clings to the state as a sort of gadfly
to a horse that is large and well bred but rather sluggish from its size, and needing to be aroused" (Mulvaney 24). Socrates has said before that he
absolutely adores Athens. It is known for being a wise and strong city, and he would not leave Athens. He wants Athens to remain that way and he
tries to provoke people to act that way by examining them. Socrates wanted people to be their true self and improve their personality. He talks to
people in person or small groups and this is where the comparison to a gadfly can be valid. A gadfly is small compared to a large bulky horse, but
when the fly stings the horse one part will twitch in turn causing another part to twitch. Socrates is the gadfly and his actions permeate throughout the
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The Apology by Socrates
Apology, in Socrates day, stood for defense rather than seeking forgiveness, as it is now commonly used. To Socrates, it did not matter to him
whether or not he was persecuted, as long as he did what was correct. Socrates whole philosophy is that to know knowledge is to have wisdom, and
to have wisdom is to know oneself. The people of Athens did not like Socrates due to both the early accusers and late accusers; however, Socrates
provides an argument to put these fallacies to rest. Plato's Apology is the story of Socrates defending himself against the charges placed upon him of
corrupting the youth, not believing in the gods, and by making the lesser argument the stronger. Socrates argues that he became a Philosopher so that
he could find what he was looking for, which is the search for human excellence. To Socrates, questioning is not skepticism, and he searches for the
truth by asking questions to those who are known to have knowledge in society in hopes of finding true wisdom. While questioning those who
proclaim to have knowledge, Socrates finds that these people are lacking, which provokes the townspeople to find Socrates a threat. Socrates Apology
is about lying to rest the accusations of both the earlier and later accusers, while proving that all he was searching for is human excellence and truth,
which he does not have, but in Socrates view is the main purpose and greatest achievement of life. In the Apology, Socrates begins his argument saying
that he was brought
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Socrates 'The Apology'
The Apology is a piece of writing, where Socrates is addressing all of his accusers about the all of the wrongdoings that he has been accused of
having a part in. The story starts off in a courtroom, where Socrates is addressing the men of Athens about the persuasive words of his accusers (Plato
1). Socrates states that he is a man of old age, being over seventy years old (1). He states that this trial is the first time he has ever been in a court of
law, and he asks them to excuse any language that he may repeat (1). The Apology is a great piece of literature that gives the arguments of Socrates, in
his defense, to the two accusation brought on him by his accusers. The first of the two charges brought against Socrates states that he disregards
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Socrates Apology Analysis
The Apology In this court trial Socrates attempts to be his own attorney, Socrates was sentenced to death due to his extravagant claims about his
wisdom. Plato names his defense "The Apology". Now the definition of and apology is "a written or spoken expression of one's regret, remorse, or
sorrow for having insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another". Socrates defense or speech was not an apology at all; it was the total opposite. Socrates
claims his good friend Chaerephon talked to the goddess Delphi, "he asked whether there was anyone wiser than myself. The priestess replied that
there was no one". (121) Moreover, I honestly think the statement is outrageous, but Socrates begins a quest to find out if he truly is a wise man. So
Socrates more content...
Not only was he insulting their wisdom but he was degrading their intelligence. Socrates would continually point out their flaws and deficiency's,
and this eventually leads to his demise. Socrates accusers sentenced him to exile. As I read Socrates speech I can see that he is intelligent, he
seems to have everything figured out. He claims to be a wise man but in actuality, Socrates is not wise at all. I thought the speech was magnificent;
he stayed on topic, and he hit his key points, the speech was great. However, his attitude, demeanor and the way he carried himself was horrific.
Just by reading his statement I can already tell he had horrible body language. Doesn't this wise man know you should carry yourself in a
professional manner during a court trial? These people that he is giving his speech to are the ones sentencing him, you would think he would show
more respect. In one sentence Socrates tells the judges this "Now, Gentlemen, please do not interrupt me if I seem to make an extravagant claim;"
(121) Who does he think he is? By reading the apology, I have concluded that Socrates is a delusional, self–centered, arrogant old man. If he were
indeed wise, he would not continue to behave in an
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Socrates 30a-30b Argument
In this paper I will argue that Socrates's argument at 30a–30b of the "Apology" that the best possible state of the soul is the most important thing in life.
More specifically, I will explain the meaning of having a pure soul, and how it causes for other materialistic objects such as being wealthy and having
a beautiful body to be of less importance than that of their soul. In the first part of the paper, I will discuss Socrates's 30a–30b argument. Throughout the
rest of the paper I will argue that Socrates's choice in seeking the best possible state of the soul is the most important thing in life compared to
materialistic concepts. To focus on attaining the best possible state of the soul leads to a better life by being able to be aware more content...
I conclude that Socrates's claim of purifying one's soul is the most important thing in life and cannot be overshadowed by superficial materialistic items
that grant instant gratification.
In the Apology dialogue, "Socrates is being charged with impiety; dishonoring the gods that are recognized by the city, and for corrupting the youth"
(b). Although this dialogue is named the "Apology", Socrates is "not apologizing for his philosophical works and Socratic method done in Athens,
but instead he is defending himself" (c) by disproving every single one of these charges against him. Socrates begins to explain that although
everyone has some sort of bias, current or through past emotions towards him, they should not pay attention to the rumors going around about him
previous to the trial and that they should be fair and listen to what he has to say for "this be as is pleasing to God, the law must be obeyed and I must
make a defense" (19a). Socrates says that, while the "charges may be impiety and corrupting the youth, the real accusations "from which arose the
slander" (19b) against him are that he busies himself with false gods by "studying things in the sky and below the earth" (19b) and that he goes around
Athens manipulating people into believing that bad arguments are good ones "making the worse argument the stronger" (19b)" (d). He denies both
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Summary Of The Apology Of Socrates
"How you, O Athenians, have been affected by my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that they almost made me forget who I was..." (Socrates para 1).
Socrates was a man of many thoughts. He did not like to go with what other people thought was right or wrong, instead he decided to think for himself.
In thinking for himself, Socrates asked a bunch of questions. Many of those questions were indeed about the Athens' god and the world around him in
general. In The Apology of Socrates, Socrates speaks about three things: his charges, his defense, and his conviction. Socrates begins in telling about
his accusers and the charges that they have placed upon him. "Socrates is an evil–doer, and a curios person, who searches into things under the earth more content...
He also tells the men that any one of them could have this wisdom too. He does not claim to have a superhuman wisdom of which he was accused,
but instead a wisdom that is learned through years of being a thinker. Socrates began to tell of all the people he went and spoke to about his
wisdom. He was trying to find someone that was wiser then he. However, in doing this Socrates made a bunch of enemies. Even though Socrates
was immensely wise, he made sure to give credit where it was due. "...God only is wise; and by his answer he intends to show that the wisdom of
men is worth little or nothing..." (Socrates para 10). Socrates tells the Athens that if they condemn him they are sinning against God since Socrates
was a gift to them. Also, it is said that if Socrates is killed then the Athenians will not find a successor very easily. Socrates tells the men that he is
unlike any other man with a gift, that he has used it for good and not evil. For example, he has his poverty to show that he has not gained from using
his gift to help others. After Socrates has been found guilty and sentenced to death he gives his final speech. He tells the people how they should be
ashamed of themselves. He also tells that that, "...they do not put a man to death for asking questions..." (Socrates para
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Socrates In The Apology
The phrase "I know that I know nothing", often referred to as the Socratic paradox is famous saying that has been derived from Plato's account of
Socrates in The Apology. It demonstrates Socrates moral philosophy that true wisdom is accepting one's ignorance. In Delphi of Ancient Greece,
there is a sacred temple that lived a woman who has been known to be possessed by the gods, and thus able to obtain answers from them. In 440 BC,
the Oracle of Apollo declared that "Socrates was the wisest", and in great disbelief it made Socrates feel obliged to seek the true meaning of her
remark. Socrates did this by "interviewing everyone who had a reputation for knowledge" to prove the oracle was wrong. For instance, in Plato's
Euthyphro, more content...
In The Apology, Socrates defends himself against these accusations. Firstly he claims that if everyone has a good influence on the youth, he cannot
"alone corrupt the youth". Additionally, he identifies that if he believed in the "supernatural beings" it would be sensible to conclude he did believe in
the Gods. Socrates lived through the height of the Athenian hegemony to its decline with the terrible defeat by Sparta in the Peloponnesian war. This
was a devastating and humiliating experience for the Athenians, and Socrates who put himself against all odds due to his distinct belief systems and
generating discontent from well known figures by revealing their ignorance made him a vulnerable target. Consequently during the time of political
unrest, the corrupt jury system put Socrates to blame and found him "guilty". Despite being put unjustly in prison, Socrates held the view that it would
be unjust for him to leave his cell because it is never under any circumstances morally right to commit an injustice. In the Crito, we see Crito, who is
particularly concerned for his friend persuading Socrates to escape from prison. Crito presents many convincing reasons, including: his death would
endanger the good reputation of his friend, and if he he would be aiding his enemies in charging him unjustly, thus acting unjustly himself. However,
Socrates manages to get Crito to agree that there is no sense in
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Apology Of Socrates Apology
The Apology of Socrates is actually not an apology at all. It is a statement made by Socrates in defense of his actions in court. Socrates was accused
of not believing in the gods of Athens, and teaching the children of Athens to believe in other gods. These gods were suggested to be made up by
Socrates himself ("Apology", 121).
Socrates put himself in the jury's shoes by questioning his own behavior before the trial. He understood that they may be dumbfounded how his
reputation could spiral down so quickly. Socrates still insisted; even after empathizing with the jury, that he had gained this reputation by falling victim
of wisdom. Plato continued on with his remarks calling this wisdom "human wisdom". Soon Socrates warned that he was going
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The Apology Of Socrates
The Apology of Socrates is a Plato's version of speeches given by Socrates who was accused for two main reasons: the corruption of the youth and
impiety (not believing in gods in whom the city believes). In the Apology Socrates tries to defend himself and his actions but not to apologize for it. He
insisted that he must be wiser than others because he knows and recognizes that knows nothing. The Apology by Plato shows that there is a great
influence of Socrates in searching for the truth about humanity and society even when his attempt contradicted with the opinions of the "many".
The Apology was written by Plato, and relates Socrates' defense at his trial on charges of corrupting the youth and more content...
Socrates tells them that he will speak the truth, and pleads the judges to think of the justice of his cause but not minding the style of his speech. In
making his defense, Socrates will reply to two kinds of accusations. At first, he refers to the older charges and his first accusers, and secondly he
replies to the accusations made by Meletus, Anytus, and Lycon. He was afraid of the older accusers most of all and the reason behind this dread was
that his accusers were many and he couldn't call them all by name. These accusers' falsely claims can be summed up in the following words: "Socrates
is an evil–doer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven, and he makes the worse appear the better cause; and he
teaches the aforesaid doctrines to others." He responses to these falsehoods by arguing that he has nothing to do with the physical sciences nor is he
paid for giving instruction–he has nothing to teach. He then goes on to explain how he gained such a bad reputation. The impetuous Chaerephon had
gone to Delphi and asked the oracle if there was any man wiser than Socrates; and the answer was, that there was no man wiser. After a long
consideration Socrates thinks of a method of trying a question. He goes to one who had the reputation of wisdom and selects a politician for
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Socrates (Defense), the Apology Essay
Socrates – "The Apology" or (Defense)
Socrates had no written work, never had a job and there are questions of whether he was even literate. However, Plato was a student of Socrates and
recorded what occurred at his death trial.
Socrates asked lots of questions and made people with political power look stupid.
At no time during his trial does he claim to be innocent. He (attacks his accuser instead)
There were two types of charges brought against him. – The new or (Official) Charges– which is why he was brought to trial o "He corrupts the
youth" o "He disses the Old Gods and tosses props (credits) to New Gods." – Old Charges (Rumors/Not Official) o "He makes the weaker argument more content...
.....Meteltus, you claim I corrupt the youth, correct?
Meletus: Yep
Socr: If you care so much about the youth, that you know who corrupts them, you must also know who helps them. Who is that?
M: The Laws
S: No, give me a name. How about the Judges? Do they benefit or corrupt the youth?
M: Benefit
S; The Jury?
M: Benefit
S: Audience?
M: Benefit
S: Rest of Athens?
M: Benefit
S: Everyone but me benefits the youth except me?
M: Yup
S; That is dope wacky. There is no way that makes sense. How do you best train a horse with one or a few or with several? With one or a few of
course, it is impossible that only one person corrupts. Meletus you obviously only care about hurting me and not helping the youh.
S; Meletus, don't you agree that people you treat well treat you well in erturn? And those you harm will come to harm you? So if I were corrupting
the youth wouldn't that come back to haun me. Either I have made an unwitty mistake or I am crazy. Either way I should have been talked to first
instead of being brought to trial. All you care about is hurting me.
2nd Charge Disses Old Gods, tosses props to New Gods
S: Meletus, le me be sure that I understand this charge – do you claim I believe in New gods or in No Gods at all?
M: You do not believe in any Gods at all! [Here Meletus is trying to makeSocrates look bad]
S: So I wonder what could 'New Gods' be? If New Gods are not really Gods, the can be people, so maybe they are like fairies and spirits. Can
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Socrates Apology
"The Apology" epitomizes Socrates acuities in a trial in 399 BC. Plato incorporates the word "apologia" to illustrate the view, life, and events of the
character Socrates. The publication provides a chronological explanation of the life of Socrates in the following ways. First, Socrates acknowledges
that he almost became unaware of his character while addressing the Athen's Populace. The prologue, therefore, creates the direction and the tone of the
ensuing dialogue. Thus, the introductory section enables the audience to develop a sense of understanding the character, motives and the perceptions
regarding the false accusations of representing a sophist and physicalist ideas. Therefore, Socrates speaks the plain language to counter the
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Principally, the explanation of the Socrates and the defense against the false accusations of youth incitement and the devaluation of the human worth
introduces the concept of the just and unjust city in the ancient Greek that aimed to heighten the comprehension of the social order and equality.
According to the presentation of the speech, a just city accommodates the aspirations of every citizen and provides equal opportunities for everyone to
express their view and perform the different tasks. Besides, a tolerant society according to the speech judges a person base on the actions and the
morals instead of the predetermined standards that sometimes are incoherent. Hence, Plato's writings significantly enable the role allocation in the
society encompassing the ruling elite, the jurymen, and the subjects. According to the perspective of Socrates, he helps the audience to understand his
perceptions of life and his roles in the society including enlightening the populace. Hence, the ruling elite as extrapolated in the publication has the
obligation of providing rational governance structures and upholding the integrity. Plato's narrative also introduces the next category of the Guardian.
In this perspective, he compares Socrates to the horsefly that keeps the animal active without harming the horse. Therefore, the guardians have the
responsibility of safeguarding the society from the internal and the external harms and ensuring the sustainability of the future generations. Finally,
Socrates perspectives inform the public to ensure ethical decision making to ensure that the working class or persons entrusted with leadership roles do
not make quick decisions that harm the critics. Thus, he suggests that the working class of the society should ensure the provision of adequate and
accessible commodities and services. Even though the defense does not mention the roles, it is evident that Socrates aimed to
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Socrates Defense Speech In The Apology By Plato
The Apology is a written work by Plato. It is considered a realistic account of Socrates' defense speech in court. Plato was a student and admirer of
Socrates. Due to this, Plato was present at Socrates court hearing, and it can be concluded Plato probably wrote accurately about Socrates' defense
speech. The Apology detailed Socrates' rebuttal to the charges brought against him. These charges included Socrates manifesting new gods, teaching
and corrupting the youth, and teaching how to skillfully win an argument using clever rhetoric. Throughout Apology, Socrates used his persuasive
speaking skills to influence the emotions, feelings, and mental state of his audience, the people of Athens.
The jury debated over death or a fine for more content...
He tries to persuade the people of Athens they will have more frustration by sentencing him to death. Socrates declares revenge would come to them;
they will experience something more painful then his death. Socrates states, "you will have more critics, whom up till now I have restrained without
your knowing it; and being younger they will be harsher to you and will cause you more annoyance" (Plato 68). Socrates tried to persuade his audience
that executing him will not stop the problem. Words such as annoyance, harsh, restrained are powerful words used by Socrates. He is trying to show
the people of Athens the frustration they have towards Socrates now will be even worse by sentencing him to death. There are more people like him,
and they will replace him. There are his students that will pass on his teachings. Therefore, there will be more frustration, anger, and annoyance to be
dealt with by the jury. His students will probably continue Socrates' teachings. By Socrates saying this, it has possibly helped and hurt his argument.
On one hand, he is forcing the jury to think allowing Socrates to live will prevent an uproar from his followers. On the other hand, this would enrage
the jury due to Socrates creating more thinkers like
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Apology Of Socrates Essay

  • 1. Apology Of Socrates Essay Discuss Socrates' method of questioning his fellow Athenians: what was he trying to achieve? Socrates was a particular man who truly marked the story of philosophy with his method. He was born and raised in Athens, he was issue from a modest family. And he never focused on his external appearance, but on the mind, who people think was his preoccupation. He was spanning his days walking down the street, try to stop people who were going to their daily occupations, and discuss with hem about different subjects concerning their everyday live. What could be his motivations and the objective of his questioning? Like we says up, Socrates was questioning people, he was not a writer, what we know about him came from Platon in his book Apology of Socrates. Socrates was a poor man but, he never ask people money to paid for his teaching, yes he was a considered himself as a teacher, he was working all days and questioning people. We can notate that Athenian was telling that Socrates is a smart person and this view pushed him to approach other people and trying to more content... Thus, awareness of our ignorance is the first step to the knowledge. Ignorance is the worst thing in the live, people really need to see the light. Socratic questioning is intended to come to the observation the ideas of his interlocutors, to then examine the consistency: is it a pipe dream or something viable or useful? Asking questions is a good way to get people to think about a subject. When you are asked a good question, this allows you to synthesize your thinking, evaluating existing ideas and create new ones .Socratic questions require you to listen very carefully to the other person to help you formulate a constructive issue that allows to communicate with him, but also with yourself, without Get more content on
  • 2. Plato's Apology Of Socrates Short Profile: Plato (428–7 B.C.E – 348–7 B.C.E) was a well–known ancient Greek philosopher, a student of Socartes, teacher of Aristotle, and founder of the Academy. Plato came from one of the wealthiest and most politically involved families in all of Athens. His mother is believed to be related to Solon, the Greek statesman in 6th century B.C.E. His father is related to the kings of Messenia and Athens. After the death ofSocrates in 399 B.C.E, Plato began studying mathematics, geometry, geology, astronomy and religion in Egypt, which is where he began his writing. During his travelling period of 399–387 B.C.E he wrote the Apology of Socrates, Protagoras, Euthyphro, Hippias Major and Minor and Ion, in which he writes about Socartes' teaching more content... In Phaedo, Plato explains that individuals should accept natural death, and suicide is morally wrong because it is releasing our souls from our bodies that god has placed us in. Plato believed that suicide would be considered an ethical act if an individual had committed a dishonorable crime/action, had an immoral character, or had no control over their actions due to their distress and suffering. More specifically, in the Laws, Plato regarded suicide as permissible under 4 exceptions: (1) judicial order, (2) unbearable suffering and misfortune, (3) when the individual's mind is morally depraved, and (4) moral disgrace. Under these 4 specific circumstances, suicide can be exempted. Otherwise, according to Plato, suicide is a cowardly act taken by individuals who are too weak to cope with the depths of life. In the first category of judicial order, suicide is excusable when forced by law. For example, Socartes (Plato's teacher) was found guilty of a crime, and his punishment was to be his own executioner by drinking a cup of poison hemlock. In this case, suicide is acceptable. The second circumstance would be referring to euthanasia in today's society. Plato argues that suicide should be acceptable wherein an individual's illness or disability deprives them of physically living a normal life. In his writing of the Republic, he suggests that no medical treatment should be provided to these individuals to prolong their life, in order to end their suffering. The third circumstance refers to what in today's society we would label as suicide due to depression or other mental illnesses. In the Laws, Plato argues that in this state, an individual's character cannot be salvaged, therefore suicide is morally acceptable. The fourth circumstance refers to shame in taking part in extremely unjust actions (eg. murder, robbery, etc.) where guilt deprives an individual of living a Get more content on
  • 3. Socrates Apology The Apology Of Socrates Ancient Greek had many exemplary thinkers called philosophers and Socrates was one of them. He imparted about knowledge, amity, and integrity as the Delphic Oracle declared Socrates as the wisest man in Athens. One of Socrates' students was a philosopher named Plato who wrote an Apology about Socrates. Socrates was wise in respect to the fact that he never accepted a "truth" that was told to him, without getting clear evidence to back it up. He made the realization that people believed in polytheistic religion without even knowing where their ideas came from. Athena was the most worshipped goddess among Athenians. Moreover, Ancient Greek formed city–states and all of them were independent but the most popular was the Athens. "Apology" begins with the speech in which Socrates makes his defense to the Athenian court at Agora and the voting for Socrates assassination more content... Literally, thousands of books and other works of art have been devoted to him, yet his character and the tenets of his philosophy remain elusive. The book "The apology of Socrates" uses a very original style of writing to give readers an inside look into the life and wisdom of Socrates in his last days. However, I definitely found value in reading it for the sake of experiencing the powerful writing and ideas offered by Plato and Socrates. This book was a fantastic example of owning up to your beliefs, values, and standards. I'd recommend it to someone looking for a book that provides a stimulating intellectual experience. I really enjoyed getting insights into the structure of the Ancient Greek political and social systems. Plato make the Socrates comes alive in the books. The book "the trial and death of Socrates" has been very influential because this book provide both excellent points of entry into Plato's vast philosophy and vivid portrait of Plato's mentor– Get more content on
  • 4. The Apology of Socrates Essay examples Socrates is at the age of seventy and appearing in a law court for the first time. For the people of Socrates time is accusing Socrates, for miss leading the youth corrupting them and boasting about being wise, causing him to become very unpopular. Socrates says to the jury I am going to speak the whole truth, for it is me by myself that I have to defend. He says my accusers are many and I don't know them, they say, "you should be careful not be deceived by an accomplished speaker like me" (Cohen, Curd, & Reeve, 2000). The accuser goes on to say that Socrates is accomplished speaker; Socrates starts to praise them, because their lies are so good well put together, that Socrates himself is almost convinced but then he says that they do not more content... This made Socrates very unpopular. "As a result of this investigation, gentleman of the jury, I acquired much unpopularity, of a kind that is hard to deal with and is a heavy burden; many slanders came from these people and a reputation for wisdom, for in each case the bystanders thought that I myself possessed the wisdom that I proved that my interlocutor did not have" (Cohen, et al., 2000). Socrates says that the young men follow me, but not on my account they try to imitate what I say, which causes their fathers to be angry with me. Socrates says I have been accused of corrupting the youth, but I say Meletus is guilty of such things. For it is Meletus who does not believe in the gods of the city and corrupting the youth, Socrates and Meletus start to argue about the rights and wrongs of the law. Socrates proves his point by saying that Meletus contradicts himself, for he say that Socrates doesn't believe in gods but Socrates I do believe in the gods. Socrates then tells the story of Troy and how Hector son of a king heir to the throne kills Achilles friend Patroclus, during the battle. This made Achilles very vengeful; his mother the goddess warned Achilles if you kill Hector out of vengeance you too will die. Achilles said to go home would be a coward move and it will be a great disgrace. What Socrates is trying to say even Get more content on
  • 5. Socrates Apology In The Trial and Death of Socrates the philosopher, Plato, writes in a dialogical and argumentative style in which he attempts to describe and defend Socrates. In the Apology, Socrates argues against the people and the city in his defense against impiety and corruption of the youth. However, he is unjustly prosecuted by the people. Thus, the Crito follows with his rationale regarding his willingness to die regardless of the injustice of the law. While the dialectical tension driving Socrates' view in the Apology and in the Crito both connect to the idea of obedience, the views contrast in the essence of obedience itself, as Socrates' views regard different natures of the matter. As a result, his death is the only resolution to the tension given that I agree with Socrates' idea that an unexamined life is not worth living. Throughout the Apology, Socrates prides himself in truth. He reasonably attempts to convince the judges as well as the people of Athens of his innocence. Socrates explains why the accusations against him are unreasonable, given his necessity to obey his virtues and purpose. However, he also mentions that he will not beg against punishment, given that he cannot fear what he does not know, death and the afterlife. Through his argument he challenges the court and essentially discredits his morality as he declares that even if he was released under the condition of abandoning his practice of questioning people, he would have to disobey (Apology 29d–e). Plato's Socrates says, "...I will obey the god rather than you, and as long as I draw breath and am able , I shall not cease to practice philosophy..." (Apology 29d–e). The argument being that he questions people in order to spread goodness and knowledge simply because he cares about all those in the city. His purpose revolves around educating both the young and the old to prioritize truth and the soul's state instead of being focused on materialism and power because realistically, one's wealth does not correlate with one's intellectuality. Consequently, Plato's Socrates mentions that one must be most focused on one's knowledge since it is the only attribute that leads to power, greatness, and wealth. Through, "Be sure that if you kill the sort of Get more content on
  • 6. What Is Socrates Apology Socrates believes that the jury who charged him guilty for corrupting the youth, and disrespecting the city's gods are political unwise, since his philosophy advocates truth and justice. The Apology is an emblem for the violation of free articulation, with Socrates justifying his lifestyle as a philosopher and protecting the utility of logic for political life. Socrates believes that laws that undermine the use of philosophy in the society are unjust and should be relinquished. Additionally, his intelligence makes the authorities in Athens uncomfortable and they view it as a way of destabilizing the society. The dispute revealed throughout the Apology is between the liberty of the mind, and the core of political life; therefore, the key question Get more content on
  • 7. Socrates Apology Essay 7.Interrelation between a Critique of Craftsmen and Erixymachus Socrates' criticism of craftsmen or experts in Apology is a direct criticism of Erixymachus' speech in Symposium because Erixymachus' profession as a doctor, like that of a craftsman, is one that requires expertise in a certain field. Although craftsmen are knowledgeable in their craft, their sense of entitlement from their success causes them to think that they are "wise in other most important pursuits... [an] error [which] overshadowed the wisdom they had" (Apology 22E). Hence, Socrates thinks that one is better off with "neither [the craftsmen's] wisdom nor their ignorance" (Apology 22E). Like his fellow experts, Erixymachus has knowledge specific to medicine that he uses precariously to explain the entirety of love. Erixymachus agrees with Pausanius that love is made up of two distinct species, one good and one vulgar, but he adds that love "occurs everywhere in the universe... [and] directs everything that occurs" (Symposium 186B). He proceeds to ask for forgiveness in "giving pride of place to [his] own profession" (Symposium 186C), which parallels the pride of Socrates' craftsmen. Employing medicine as the basis of his argument, Erixymachus thinks that "our very bodies manifest the two species of love" more content... Socrates' method (elenchus), is one that uses a system of question–and–answer or cross–examination. Elenchus often begins with the subject claiming to have a complete understanding of a term (usually one that is ethical). Socrates then questions the subject on his or her term in order to gain knowledge of the matter. The subject will find examples that support his or her definition of the term but fail to find the common ground to which makes the term apply. The subject then, is left with the realization that he or she does not understand the term at Get more content on
  • 8. Socrates And The Apology Of Socrates Socrates is quite the unique individual compared to most, if not all, other Greeks at that time. In the Apology, Socrates gives an analogy of himself being a gadfly and that his gadfly like actions are favorable for Athens and that the actions are goods he is providing. From his service he claims to live a more private life than a public life when discussing virtue. This paper is going to discuss Socrates and his analogy of a gadfly, approach to others about virtue, his conduct effect on democracy, and a comparison to a contemporary person that is similar to him. Firstly is Socrates' analogy of himself being a gadfly. He states "... you will not easily find another who, if I may use a ludicrous comparison, clings to the state as a sort of gadfly to a horse that is large and well bred but rather sluggish from its size, and needing to be aroused" (Mulvaney 24). Socrates has said before that he absolutely adores Athens. It is known for being a wise and strong city, and he would not leave Athens. He wants Athens to remain that way and he tries to provoke people to act that way by examining them. Socrates wanted people to be their true self and improve their personality. He talks to people in person or small groups and this is where the comparison to a gadfly can be valid. A gadfly is small compared to a large bulky horse, but when the fly stings the horse one part will twitch in turn causing another part to twitch. Socrates is the gadfly and his actions permeate throughout the Get more content on
  • 9. The Apology by Socrates Apology, in Socrates day, stood for defense rather than seeking forgiveness, as it is now commonly used. To Socrates, it did not matter to him whether or not he was persecuted, as long as he did what was correct. Socrates whole philosophy is that to know knowledge is to have wisdom, and to have wisdom is to know oneself. The people of Athens did not like Socrates due to both the early accusers and late accusers; however, Socrates provides an argument to put these fallacies to rest. Plato's Apology is the story of Socrates defending himself against the charges placed upon him of corrupting the youth, not believing in the gods, and by making the lesser argument the stronger. Socrates argues that he became a Philosopher so that he could find what he was looking for, which is the search for human excellence. To Socrates, questioning is not skepticism, and he searches for the truth by asking questions to those who are known to have knowledge in society in hopes of finding true wisdom. While questioning those who proclaim to have knowledge, Socrates finds that these people are lacking, which provokes the townspeople to find Socrates a threat. Socrates Apology is about lying to rest the accusations of both the earlier and later accusers, while proving that all he was searching for is human excellence and truth, which he does not have, but in Socrates view is the main purpose and greatest achievement of life. In the Apology, Socrates begins his argument saying that he was brought Get more content on
  • 10. Socrates 'The Apology' The Apology is a piece of writing, where Socrates is addressing all of his accusers about the all of the wrongdoings that he has been accused of having a part in. The story starts off in a courtroom, where Socrates is addressing the men of Athens about the persuasive words of his accusers (Plato 1). Socrates states that he is a man of old age, being over seventy years old (1). He states that this trial is the first time he has ever been in a court of law, and he asks them to excuse any language that he may repeat (1). The Apology is a great piece of literature that gives the arguments of Socrates, in his defense, to the two accusation brought on him by his accusers. The first of the two charges brought against Socrates states that he disregards Get more content on
  • 11. Socrates Apology Analysis The Apology In this court trial Socrates attempts to be his own attorney, Socrates was sentenced to death due to his extravagant claims about his wisdom. Plato names his defense "The Apology". Now the definition of and apology is "a written or spoken expression of one's regret, remorse, or sorrow for having insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another". Socrates defense or speech was not an apology at all; it was the total opposite. Socrates claims his good friend Chaerephon talked to the goddess Delphi, "he asked whether there was anyone wiser than myself. The priestess replied that there was no one". (121) Moreover, I honestly think the statement is outrageous, but Socrates begins a quest to find out if he truly is a wise man. So Socrates more content... Not only was he insulting their wisdom but he was degrading their intelligence. Socrates would continually point out their flaws and deficiency's, and this eventually leads to his demise. Socrates accusers sentenced him to exile. As I read Socrates speech I can see that he is intelligent, he seems to have everything figured out. He claims to be a wise man but in actuality, Socrates is not wise at all. I thought the speech was magnificent; he stayed on topic, and he hit his key points, the speech was great. However, his attitude, demeanor and the way he carried himself was horrific. Just by reading his statement I can already tell he had horrible body language. Doesn't this wise man know you should carry yourself in a professional manner during a court trial? These people that he is giving his speech to are the ones sentencing him, you would think he would show more respect. In one sentence Socrates tells the judges this "Now, Gentlemen, please do not interrupt me if I seem to make an extravagant claim;" (121) Who does he think he is? By reading the apology, I have concluded that Socrates is a delusional, self–centered, arrogant old man. If he were indeed wise, he would not continue to behave in an Get more content on
  • 12. Socrates 30a-30b Argument In this paper I will argue that Socrates's argument at 30a–30b of the "Apology" that the best possible state of the soul is the most important thing in life. More specifically, I will explain the meaning of having a pure soul, and how it causes for other materialistic objects such as being wealthy and having a beautiful body to be of less importance than that of their soul. In the first part of the paper, I will discuss Socrates's 30a–30b argument. Throughout the rest of the paper I will argue that Socrates's choice in seeking the best possible state of the soul is the most important thing in life compared to materialistic concepts. To focus on attaining the best possible state of the soul leads to a better life by being able to be aware more content... I conclude that Socrates's claim of purifying one's soul is the most important thing in life and cannot be overshadowed by superficial materialistic items that grant instant gratification. In the Apology dialogue, "Socrates is being charged with impiety; dishonoring the gods that are recognized by the city, and for corrupting the youth" (b). Although this dialogue is named the "Apology", Socrates is "not apologizing for his philosophical works and Socratic method done in Athens, but instead he is defending himself" (c) by disproving every single one of these charges against him. Socrates begins to explain that although everyone has some sort of bias, current or through past emotions towards him, they should not pay attention to the rumors going around about him previous to the trial and that they should be fair and listen to what he has to say for "this be as is pleasing to God, the law must be obeyed and I must make a defense" (19a). Socrates says that, while the "charges may be impiety and corrupting the youth, the real accusations "from which arose the slander" (19b) against him are that he busies himself with false gods by "studying things in the sky and below the earth" (19b) and that he goes around Athens manipulating people into believing that bad arguments are good ones "making the worse argument the stronger" (19b)" (d). He denies both accusations. Get more content on
  • 13. Summary Of The Apology Of Socrates "How you, O Athenians, have been affected by my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that they almost made me forget who I was..." (Socrates para 1). Socrates was a man of many thoughts. He did not like to go with what other people thought was right or wrong, instead he decided to think for himself. In thinking for himself, Socrates asked a bunch of questions. Many of those questions were indeed about the Athens' god and the world around him in general. In The Apology of Socrates, Socrates speaks about three things: his charges, his defense, and his conviction. Socrates begins in telling about his accusers and the charges that they have placed upon him. "Socrates is an evil–doer, and a curios person, who searches into things under the earth more content... He also tells the men that any one of them could have this wisdom too. He does not claim to have a superhuman wisdom of which he was accused, but instead a wisdom that is learned through years of being a thinker. Socrates began to tell of all the people he went and spoke to about his wisdom. He was trying to find someone that was wiser then he. However, in doing this Socrates made a bunch of enemies. Even though Socrates was immensely wise, he made sure to give credit where it was due. "...God only is wise; and by his answer he intends to show that the wisdom of men is worth little or nothing..." (Socrates para 10). Socrates tells the Athens that if they condemn him they are sinning against God since Socrates was a gift to them. Also, it is said that if Socrates is killed then the Athenians will not find a successor very easily. Socrates tells the men that he is unlike any other man with a gift, that he has used it for good and not evil. For example, he has his poverty to show that he has not gained from using his gift to help others. After Socrates has been found guilty and sentenced to death he gives his final speech. He tells the people how they should be ashamed of themselves. He also tells that that, "...they do not put a man to death for asking questions..." (Socrates para Get more content on
  • 14. Socrates In The Apology The phrase "I know that I know nothing", often referred to as the Socratic paradox is famous saying that has been derived from Plato's account of Socrates in The Apology. It demonstrates Socrates moral philosophy that true wisdom is accepting one's ignorance. In Delphi of Ancient Greece, there is a sacred temple that lived a woman who has been known to be possessed by the gods, and thus able to obtain answers from them. In 440 BC, the Oracle of Apollo declared that "Socrates was the wisest", and in great disbelief it made Socrates feel obliged to seek the true meaning of her remark. Socrates did this by "interviewing everyone who had a reputation for knowledge" to prove the oracle was wrong. For instance, in Plato's Euthyphro, more content... In The Apology, Socrates defends himself against these accusations. Firstly he claims that if everyone has a good influence on the youth, he cannot "alone corrupt the youth". Additionally, he identifies that if he believed in the "supernatural beings" it would be sensible to conclude he did believe in the Gods. Socrates lived through the height of the Athenian hegemony to its decline with the terrible defeat by Sparta in the Peloponnesian war. This was a devastating and humiliating experience for the Athenians, and Socrates who put himself against all odds due to his distinct belief systems and generating discontent from well known figures by revealing their ignorance made him a vulnerable target. Consequently during the time of political unrest, the corrupt jury system put Socrates to blame and found him "guilty". Despite being put unjustly in prison, Socrates held the view that it would be unjust for him to leave his cell because it is never under any circumstances morally right to commit an injustice. In the Crito, we see Crito, who is particularly concerned for his friend persuading Socrates to escape from prison. Crito presents many convincing reasons, including: his death would endanger the good reputation of his friend, and if he he would be aiding his enemies in charging him unjustly, thus acting unjustly himself. However, Socrates manages to get Crito to agree that there is no sense in Get more content on
  • 15. Apology Of Socrates Apology The Apology of Socrates is actually not an apology at all. It is a statement made by Socrates in defense of his actions in court. Socrates was accused of not believing in the gods of Athens, and teaching the children of Athens to believe in other gods. These gods were suggested to be made up by Socrates himself ("Apology", 121). Socrates put himself in the jury's shoes by questioning his own behavior before the trial. He understood that they may be dumbfounded how his reputation could spiral down so quickly. Socrates still insisted; even after empathizing with the jury, that he had gained this reputation by falling victim of wisdom. Plato continued on with his remarks calling this wisdom "human wisdom". Soon Socrates warned that he was going Get more content on
  • 16. The Apology Of Socrates The Apology of Socrates is a Plato's version of speeches given by Socrates who was accused for two main reasons: the corruption of the youth and impiety (not believing in gods in whom the city believes). In the Apology Socrates tries to defend himself and his actions but not to apologize for it. He insisted that he must be wiser than others because he knows and recognizes that knows nothing. The Apology by Plato shows that there is a great influence of Socrates in searching for the truth about humanity and society even when his attempt contradicted with the opinions of the "many". Introduction The Apology was written by Plato, and relates Socrates' defense at his trial on charges of corrupting the youth and more content... Socrates tells them that he will speak the truth, and pleads the judges to think of the justice of his cause but not minding the style of his speech. In making his defense, Socrates will reply to two kinds of accusations. At first, he refers to the older charges and his first accusers, and secondly he replies to the accusations made by Meletus, Anytus, and Lycon. He was afraid of the older accusers most of all and the reason behind this dread was that his accusers were many and he couldn't call them all by name. These accusers' falsely claims can be summed up in the following words: "Socrates is an evil–doer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven, and he makes the worse appear the better cause; and he teaches the aforesaid doctrines to others." He responses to these falsehoods by arguing that he has nothing to do with the physical sciences nor is he paid for giving instruction–he has nothing to teach. He then goes on to explain how he gained such a bad reputation. The impetuous Chaerephon had gone to Delphi and asked the oracle if there was any man wiser than Socrates; and the answer was, that there was no man wiser. After a long consideration Socrates thinks of a method of trying a question. He goes to one who had the reputation of wisdom and selects a politician for Get more content on
  • 17. Socrates (Defense), the Apology Essay Socrates – "The Apology" or (Defense) Socrates had no written work, never had a job and there are questions of whether he was even literate. However, Plato was a student of Socrates and recorded what occurred at his death trial. Socrates asked lots of questions and made people with political power look stupid. At no time during his trial does he claim to be innocent. He (attacks his accuser instead) There were two types of charges brought against him. – The new or (Official) Charges– which is why he was brought to trial o "He corrupts the youth" o "He disses the Old Gods and tosses props (credits) to New Gods." – Old Charges (Rumors/Not Official) o "He makes the weaker argument more content... .....Meteltus, you claim I corrupt the youth, correct? Meletus: Yep Socr: If you care so much about the youth, that you know who corrupts them, you must also know who helps them. Who is that? M: The Laws S: No, give me a name. How about the Judges? Do they benefit or corrupt the youth? M: Benefit S; The Jury? M: Benefit S: Audience? M: Benefit S: Rest of Athens? M: Benefit S: Everyone but me benefits the youth except me? M: Yup
  • 18. S; That is dope wacky. There is no way that makes sense. How do you best train a horse with one or a few or with several? With one or a few of course, it is impossible that only one person corrupts. Meletus you obviously only care about hurting me and not helping the youh. S; Meletus, don't you agree that people you treat well treat you well in erturn? And those you harm will come to harm you? So if I were corrupting the youth wouldn't that come back to haun me. Either I have made an unwitty mistake or I am crazy. Either way I should have been talked to first instead of being brought to trial. All you care about is hurting me. 2nd Charge Disses Old Gods, tosses props to New Gods S: Meletus, le me be sure that I understand this charge – do you claim I believe in New gods or in No Gods at all? M: You do not believe in any Gods at all! [Here Meletus is trying to makeSocrates look bad] S: So I wonder what could 'New Gods' be? If New Gods are not really Gods, the can be people, so maybe they are like fairies and spirits. Can Get more content on
  • 19. Socrates Apology "The Apology" epitomizes Socrates acuities in a trial in 399 BC. Plato incorporates the word "apologia" to illustrate the view, life, and events of the character Socrates. The publication provides a chronological explanation of the life of Socrates in the following ways. First, Socrates acknowledges that he almost became unaware of his character while addressing the Athen's Populace. The prologue, therefore, creates the direction and the tone of the ensuing dialogue. Thus, the introductory section enables the audience to develop a sense of understanding the character, motives and the perceptions regarding the false accusations of representing a sophist and physicalist ideas. Therefore, Socrates speaks the plain language to counter the more content... Principally, the explanation of the Socrates and the defense against the false accusations of youth incitement and the devaluation of the human worth introduces the concept of the just and unjust city in the ancient Greek that aimed to heighten the comprehension of the social order and equality. According to the presentation of the speech, a just city accommodates the aspirations of every citizen and provides equal opportunities for everyone to express their view and perform the different tasks. Besides, a tolerant society according to the speech judges a person base on the actions and the morals instead of the predetermined standards that sometimes are incoherent. Hence, Plato's writings significantly enable the role allocation in the society encompassing the ruling elite, the jurymen, and the subjects. According to the perspective of Socrates, he helps the audience to understand his perceptions of life and his roles in the society including enlightening the populace. Hence, the ruling elite as extrapolated in the publication has the obligation of providing rational governance structures and upholding the integrity. Plato's narrative also introduces the next category of the Guardian. In this perspective, he compares Socrates to the horsefly that keeps the animal active without harming the horse. Therefore, the guardians have the responsibility of safeguarding the society from the internal and the external harms and ensuring the sustainability of the future generations. Finally, Socrates perspectives inform the public to ensure ethical decision making to ensure that the working class or persons entrusted with leadership roles do not make quick decisions that harm the critics. Thus, he suggests that the working class of the society should ensure the provision of adequate and accessible commodities and services. Even though the defense does not mention the roles, it is evident that Socrates aimed to Get more content on
  • 20. Socrates Defense Speech In The Apology By Plato The Apology is a written work by Plato. It is considered a realistic account of Socrates' defense speech in court. Plato was a student and admirer of Socrates. Due to this, Plato was present at Socrates court hearing, and it can be concluded Plato probably wrote accurately about Socrates' defense speech. The Apology detailed Socrates' rebuttal to the charges brought against him. These charges included Socrates manifesting new gods, teaching and corrupting the youth, and teaching how to skillfully win an argument using clever rhetoric. Throughout Apology, Socrates used his persuasive speaking skills to influence the emotions, feelings, and mental state of his audience, the people of Athens. The jury debated over death or a fine for more content... He tries to persuade the people of Athens they will have more frustration by sentencing him to death. Socrates declares revenge would come to them; they will experience something more painful then his death. Socrates states, "you will have more critics, whom up till now I have restrained without your knowing it; and being younger they will be harsher to you and will cause you more annoyance" (Plato 68). Socrates tried to persuade his audience that executing him will not stop the problem. Words such as annoyance, harsh, restrained are powerful words used by Socrates. He is trying to show the people of Athens the frustration they have towards Socrates now will be even worse by sentencing him to death. There are more people like him, and they will replace him. There are his students that will pass on his teachings. Therefore, there will be more frustration, anger, and annoyance to be dealt with by the jury. His students will probably continue Socrates' teachings. By Socrates saying this, it has possibly helped and hurt his argument. On one hand, he is forcing the jury to think allowing Socrates to live will prevent an uproar from his followers. On the other hand, this would enrage the jury due to Socrates creating more thinkers like Get more content on