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Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay
A Tragic Hero
A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must
fall from good luck and well being to misery and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the
character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King
Creon. Because of her innocent actions, Antigone is punished unjustly and unfairly. Through her risky and unselfish actions, ability to follow her own
beliefs, and perseverance Antigone is the tragic hero of this play.
Furthermore, Antigone makes many important more content...
Moreover, Antigone's ability to follow her own beliefs results into the heroicness and tragic death of Antigone. Antigone is from a royal family
and has the power to do what she believes in. She believes in following traditions and exercises that power when she says, "I will bury him, and if I
must die, I say that the crime is holy: I shall lie down With him in death, and I shall be as dear To him as he to me" (694). Antigone follows her
beliefs in following tradition and by doing what she feels is best. Antigone does this because she knows she is doing the right thing and knows that
she will be repaid in some way. Furthermore, Antigone justifies her actions by telling the reasons that motivated her to do it to King Creon. She
refuses to give in to the beliefs of King Creon and continues to think her own separate way. Antigone takes a stand to Creon when she says, "
Think Death less than a friend? This death of mine Is of no importance, but if I had left my brother Lying in death unburied, I should have suffered.
Now I do not. You smile at me. Ah Creon , Think me a fool, if you like, but it may well be That a fool convicts me of folly" (709). Antigone believes
what she is doing is correct and proves that to Creon , but he is still not convinced. It is important for Antigone to do what she believes is so that she
will be pleased and satisfied with the outcome. Antigone's ability to pursue her goals and to what she wants
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The name "tragic hero", which has become synonymous with Shakespearean dramas, was developed before Hamlet, Macbeth or
any of Shakespeare's well–known plays were written. The literary term was actually discovered around 330 BC by the ancient Greek philosopher
Aristotle. Through his theory of catharsis, Aristotle debated that the great plays of Sophicles, Euripides, and other Greek playwrights containedtragic
heroes similar to each other, which all portrayed four basic characteristics ("English Lit."). These qualities were a tragic flaw, or
harmartia, they all were from a noble class, with very human personalities, and they all face their tragedy with dignity. It is not until the late 1500s that more content...
This characteristic was used mostly to help the common people identify with the wealthier upper class. If the ruling class, which was generally looked
upon with favor and prestige, could sin much like the commoners did, then no one group of people were more superior (Desjardens).
	Though the tragic heroes were from the noble class, every person could identify with them because the heroes possessed very human
qualities. Neither Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet or Othello were overly good and heroic nor were they too sinister and nasty. This characteristic
allowed the audience to feel pity for the character and to learn a lesson about excessive pride, greed, ambition or stupidity. The tragic hero mirrors
everyone, positive traits and faults, to point a finger and emplore all to beware; if horrible events took place due to a character flaw in a genuinely
good character, the same thing could repeat in an audience member's life as well (Desjardens).
	After all the people are killed, all the futures damned, and all the plots become undone, the tragic hero must face his punishment. The tragic
hero always excepts his downfall with dignity and grace. By act five the protagonist has realized his flaw and must come to terms with it. Othello and
Antony face their tragedy by honorably committing suicide while King Lear, after
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A Tragic Hero
In the play "The Crucible", we have a great example of a tragic hero as a main character. A tragic hero is a main character of great or noble standing
that has a tragic flaw will lead to their demise.
John Proctor is a great example of character being a tragic hero. He is a high classed farmer who is great standing in his life, while his biggest flaw
being his pride. His pride risks his life as he is accused of witchery by his own servant. By not wanting to sign and hand over a document that admits
him to witchcraft; he is hanged by giving into his pride.
John's greatest thing he has is the role in his town and play. He is a very wealthy farmer with plenty of land to his name. A great example of us
knowing this is at act one he discusses
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Romeo as a Tragic Hero Essay
"A pair of star–cross'd lovers take their life;" (Prologue, 6)
Tragedy, events of great misfortune, has engulfed the world for centuries. Tragedy often giving rise to feelings of depression, anger, sorrow, and guilt.
Romeo, in the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, is a wealthy adolescent of the Montague family. He falls in love with young Juliet, of his rival family–the
Capulets. Romeo's infatuation with Juliet leads to a hasty desire for marriage. This creates a rash and careless mindset, making Romeo susceptible to
errors in judgement. This same poor judgment causes Romeo to thoughtlessly slay Tybalt, as revenge for the death of his friend,Mercutio. Through fate,
Romeo coincidentally falls in love with a Capulet, his family' more content...
He failed to realize the repercussions of his family's abandonment, especially since he has abandoned his family for an enemy. This infatuation and
haste gives birth to an altered mindset–one "too rash, too unadvis'd, too sudden," (II, ii, 118). This mindset causes a loss of self–control. Romeo
becomes driven by passions, and ignores reason. It should be noted that passions are found the bottom of the hierarchy of the human soul. This
hierarchy states the importance of each guiding sense, and following passion leads to dire consequences–usually death. Romeo's reckless actions echo
throughout the remainder of the play. During a brawl in Verona, Mercutio is slain by Tybalt. Romeo impulsively steps in and challenges
Tybalt–claiming that "either [Tybalt] or [he], or both, must go with [Mercutio]." (III, i, 125). Romeo thoughtlessly engages in combat, hoping either
Tybalt or he (Romeo) will die to honour Mercutio. This conflict results in Romeo killing Tybalt. Consequently, Romeo is banished from Verona by
Prince Escales. Romeo is similarly hasty in deciding to end his life after discovering Juliet's supposed death. Moments after poisoning himself and
dying, Juliet wakes from her slumber and discovers her dead husband. Romeo's hamartia proved fatal. However, a great deal of conflict was in–part,
the result of chance's influence. Chance is an unknown and unpredictable series of events that causes a certain end result, and it is sometimes
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Tragic Hero Essay
Tragic Hero
In many, a tragedy do the tragic heroes have flaws that lead themselves to their own demise. The main character always acts exactly on his or her own
emotions; thus aiding their tragic flaw and leading to their own demise without giving them the time to stop the repercussions of their emotion driven
actions. In the play "Antigone" by Sophocles many of the characters are simply too headstrong and passionate about their beliefs to realize that they
would greatly regret the decisions they are making. All of the characters share this characteristic; it is alluded to in the play that this is caused by their
blood relation to Oedipus and how they are too cursed.
Creon displays his tragic flaw on his sleeve; this is seen in more content...
Nevertheless, her existence in itself is looked down and cursed by the gods and as if fate had called for it, she kills herself to appease her stubborn and
prideful nature. Her emotions fuel her decisions and before Creon can even begin to regret his own decisions and come to release her, she is dead
along with the majority of his loved ones.
Haemon, much like his father, has his own tragic flaws of his loyalty and undying love for his would be wife Antigone. Who at the end of the story
ends up making a tragic exit and Haemon after failing to convince his father, Creon, to release her chooses instead to hastily follow suit and meet
his own tragic demise next to his lover. He makes a emotional and heartbroken choice out of pure desperation for his lost love, without considering
how it would affect the people he left behind. Unlike Creon, he didn't have to face the fact that he caused his mother to kill herself out of despair for
her lost son and left his father surrounded by the dead bodies of his loved ones. Haemon had to bear the weight of Creon's and Antigone's impetuous
decisions after he could not stop and ended up losing to his tragic flaw of love and killing himself.
These heroes' tragic flaws would hardly amount in any despair if alone, but paired with a Greeks heroes' tendencies to make
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Julius Caesar as a Tragic HEro Essay
Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero
The Ides of March mean much more than March 15th, it was also the day Julius Caesar, the Roman general and leader was killed. Although this day is
not a holiday, we should take time to think of things Caesar didn't on this fateful day. In "Julius Caesar," by William Shakespeare,Caesar that morning
solidified his place as a tragic hero because of his tremendous fatal flaw. Aristotle once defined the tragic hero as a person of noble or influential
birth, who has a moral personality. The tragic hero also must have one hamartia, which is a fatal flaw. This fatal flaw is the cause of the person's
downfall. This also means that it is a noble person, and it is one part of more content...
He should have paid more attention to his instincts. This example shows us that Caesar was excellent at what he did; however, he had a big problem,
which held him back.
Specifically, Caesar's problem was that his arrogance made the men closest to him feel threatened, mad and jealous. Caesar acted like he was better
than everyone else, and he made others feel insignificant, even though they were great and noble also. "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus, and we petty men /Walk under his huge legs and peep about/ To find ourselves dishonorable graves." (I.ii.135–138) Cassius feels like
he shouldn't have to feel so small next to Caesar, and Caesar thinks he is better than everyone. Caesar talks to everyone like they are nothing
compared to him, and he talks about himself as though he could never be questioned, which is basically a dictatorship. Rome was a Republic and the
idea that one man could rule it as a king was a threat. Cassius points out, "When could they say (till now) that talked of Rome, that her wide walks
encompassed but one man" (I.ii.154–155). This is a reference to the fact that Rome should never be a dictatorship, but a democracy. This is the point
that convinces some of the men to move against him. They feel they had to do it to protect Rome. Additionally, Caesar acted so
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Othello as a Tragic Hero Essay
Othello is a tragic hero because of his greatnesses and his weaknesses. He is a noble man who possesses all the qualities of a military leader, which
he is. He has control over himself and shows courage as well as dignity. Just as Othello is a virtuous man there are some flaws within him, these flaws
complete him ff as a tragic hero. Othello is often blinded by trust and can not see a person for who they really are. He trusts the people around him
even when they mean to afflict harm upon him. Through this, it can be seen why Othello is one of the most tragic hero out of all the characters from
Shakespeare's many plays.
To begin with, Othello is a graceful man with a valiant personality which draws people near. Although he is more content...
Even in the toughest of times, he keeps his anger under control. "I will a round unvarnished tale deliver of my whole course of love – what drugs,
what charms, what conjuration, and what mighty magic (for such proceeding and charged withal) I won his daughter" (Act 1, scene 3, 90–94)
As an example. this shows how Othello deals with style and grace under fire, when accused of witchcraft by marrying Desdemona. Othello neither yells
nor screams, but explains in a way that captivates his audience and enhances the emotions in the play.
Aside from the greatnesses there also are some flaws. With Othello being a military leader for most of his life, trusting another military friend would
be common and therefore Othello had no reason to not trust iago. So it can be said that Othello has tragic weaknesses, one being too trustworthy.
Many times Othello does not see the evil acts of iago. He is used to dealing with military people on the battlefield, where you put your life in the hands
of others. In this situation trust is very important. Othello says that iago is a man of honor and trust and therefore has no reason to doubt his honesty.
Likewise another weakness of Othello's would be that he is a man who gets confused easily and cannot judge right from wrong. This can be seen when
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Why Is Hamlet A Tragic Hero
A tragedy is a drama or literary piece of work in which the main characters is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow most likely at the
consequences of a tragic flaw or moral weakness and also a inability to suffer the unfavourable circumstances. The protagonist and driving force of a
tragic drama is known as a tragic hero. In order for a protagonist to qualify as a tragic hero certain elements must be met regarding the character. The
tragic hero must be of a noble birth entailing that the protagonist has a higher social status that the average person. The protagonist must go from a state
of extreme high to a state of extreme low. The protagonist must go through a change and achieve enlightenment. The tragic hero must have a fatal
character flaw which will result in his undoing. The tragic hero must have an emotional climax causing emotional change. The finally element needed
to be a tragic hero is that the protagonist must die. Hamlet fits the definition of a tragic hero because Hamlet has a moment of change about himself
during the play, he is a person of nobility more content...
Hamlet because of his social class is obviously nobility but also because Hamlet is extremely well loved among his family and citizens of the
kingdom "He's loved of the distracted multitude" (IV.iii, 4). Hamlet is also loyal to his father and is determined to set right the state of Denmark.
The rise of fall of Hamlet is evident thought the play but there is no distinct or dramatic downfall but a slow breakdown of Hamlet over time.
Hamlet's reversal of fortunes starts to happen when he has the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius and avenge his father's murder. Hamlet decides
not to kill his uncle and this sets his downfall, from this point forward Claudius is always one step ahead of Hamlet. The final stage of Hamlets
downfall is his death which symbolizes his lowest point and also this qualifies his tragic hero because his journey from a point of high to low is
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Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero
	Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare during the year 1597. Julius Caesar's story involves a conspiracy against Julius
Caesar, a powerful senator.
The play involves a highly respected senator, Brutus, who decides to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, in the effort to keep democracy intact.
Brutus believes that if Julius Caesar is allowed to live, Caesar will take a kingship and turn the government into a monarchy. Brutus, Cassius, and the
other conspirators kill Julius Caesar, yet they find Antony, a loyalist of Caesar, seeks revenge on them. Plato set out rules on the traits a tragic hero
must possess. A tragic hero must neither be an evil villain nor agreat hero, more content...
Caesar's pride is shown by his response, "Caesar. ...Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he. We are two lions littered
in one day, And I the elder and more terrible, And Caesar shall go forth."(2,2,44–47) Caesar shows that his pride overrules any advice given
by others. If not for Julius Caesar's pride, he may have avoided the assassination and had more time for the conspiracy to be uncovered. This clearly
shows that Caesar's pride is a hamartia that leads to his downfall.
	Julius Caesar vacillates, or changes, his mind throughout the play and this downfall is shown to be one of Caesar's hamartias. On the day
Caesar is to go to the Capitol, he changes his decisions frequently. Caesar defies the warnings of Calpurnia and the priests and Caesar says that she,
Caesar, shall go forth to the Capitol this day. "Caesar. Caesar shall forth. The things that threatened me Ne'er looked but on my back. When
they shall see The face of Caesar, they are vanished." Through this quotation, it seems Caesar has made his mind to go forth to the Capitol.
Calpurnia, though, is able to persuade him to stay home and send word that he is sick. Caesar replies, "Caesar. Mark Antony shall say I am
not well, And for thy humour I will stay at home."(2,2,55–56) Decius then flatters Caesar and is able to persuade him that Calpurnia's
nightmare is misinterpreted and that he
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Tragic Hero
Tragic Hero Essay The play Antigone, written by Sophocies, is a great example of a classical Greek tragedy. For years, there has been a debate
weather Antigone or Creon is the tragic hero. The king of Thebes, Creon has some qualities of a tragic character, but doesn't have all of the
necessary traits. However, Antigone contains all the traits that are require to be a tragic hero, especially three traits. In Sophocles's Antigone,
Antigone is the tragic hero because she is not completely good, nor completely bad, recognizes her own error and accepts its consequences, and
meets a tragic end. One way that Antigone is the tragic hero is because she is neither completely good nor bad. One example of this would be when
she buries her brother, more content...
It is to understand the concept for Greek tragedy, which is a great example in this play. It is hard to knowledge both Creon and Antigone, and decide
who the tragic hero is. She is has her good and bad sides in this play as a character. Antigone recognizes her error and accepts her death. A tragic end
occurs to Antigone at the end of the play. Because Antigone demonstrates all the traits, so Antigone is the tragic hero in this
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Defining the Tragic Hero Essay
A tragic hero is the main character in a tragedy story. He is the main theme.
He is the source behind the main issues of the plot and some major points maybe cleared by observing his actions and nature. The tragic hero is
always larger than life, a person of action whose decisions determine the fate of others. He is a man who is superior then the average person, a character
of noble stature and greatness. Though the tragic hero is pre–eminently great, he is not perfect. Otherwise, the audience would be unable to identify
with him and his tragedy. His imperfection is what invokes pity and fear in the audience. Another characteristic of a tragic hero is the fact that he is
trigger by some error of judgment or character flaw. more content...
Although he is clever man, he is blind to the truth. Even though he did not know that Laius and Jocasta are his parents, He still kills a man old
enough to be his father and marry a woman old enough to be his mother. One would think that a man with a disturbing prophesy over his head as
Oedipus should be very careful about whom he marries or kills. The fact that a tragic hero is not perfect evokes both pity and fear. Oedipus although
being a good father, husband, and son, he unwillingly destroys his parents, wife and children. Oedipus is human, regardless of his pride, his intelligence
or his stubbornness and the audience recognize his humanity in his agonizing reaction to his sin. Watching this, the audience certainly moved to both
pity and fear, pity for this broken man and fear that his tragedy can be their own.
The tragic hero suffers from a character flaw, a moral weakness in character. The flaw is what sets his actions and what inevitably leads to his
downfall. The hero's downfall is partially his own fault, the result of free choice, not of accident or villainy or some overriding, malignant fate.
Oedipus seems to make important mistakes or some "errors in judgment" that set the events of the story into action. Oedipus flaw is his pride and
stubbornness. When a drunken man tells him that he is a bastard, his pride is so wounded that he will not let the subject rest, eventually going to the
oracle of Apollo to ask it the
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Antigone The Tragic Hero Essay

  • 1. Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay A Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocent actions, Antigone is punished unjustly and unfairly. Through her risky and unselfish actions, ability to follow her own beliefs, and perseverance Antigone is the tragic hero of this play. Furthermore, Antigone makes many important more content... Moreover, Antigone's ability to follow her own beliefs results into the heroicness and tragic death of Antigone. Antigone is from a royal family and has the power to do what she believes in. She believes in following traditions and exercises that power when she says, "I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that the crime is holy: I shall lie down With him in death, and I shall be as dear To him as he to me" (694). Antigone follows her beliefs in following tradition and by doing what she feels is best. Antigone does this because she knows she is doing the right thing and knows that she will be repaid in some way. Furthermore, Antigone justifies her actions by telling the reasons that motivated her to do it to King Creon. She refuses to give in to the beliefs of King Creon and continues to think her own separate way. Antigone takes a stand to Creon when she says, " Think Death less than a friend? This death of mine Is of no importance, but if I had left my brother Lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. You smile at me. Ah Creon , Think me a fool, if you like, but it may well be That a fool convicts me of folly" (709). Antigone believes what she is doing is correct and proves that to Creon , but he is still not convinced. It is important for Antigone to do what she believes is so that she will be pleased and satisfied with the outcome. Antigone's ability to pursue her goals and to what she wants Get more content on
  • 2. Shakespeare The name "tragic hero", which has become synonymous with Shakespearean dramas, was developed before Hamlet, Macbeth or any of Shakespeare's well–known plays were written. The literary term was actually discovered around 330 BC by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Through his theory of catharsis, Aristotle debated that the great plays of Sophicles, Euripides, and other Greek playwrights containedtragic heroes similar to each other, which all portrayed four basic characteristics ("English Lit."). These qualities were a tragic flaw, or harmartia, they all were from a noble class, with very human personalities, and they all face their tragedy with dignity. It is not until the late 1500s that more content... This characteristic was used mostly to help the common people identify with the wealthier upper class. If the ruling class, which was generally looked upon with favor and prestige, could sin much like the commoners did, then no one group of people were more superior (Desjardens). 	Though the tragic heroes were from the noble class, every person could identify with them because the heroes possessed very human qualities. Neither Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet or Othello were overly good and heroic nor were they too sinister and nasty. This characteristic allowed the audience to feel pity for the character and to learn a lesson about excessive pride, greed, ambition or stupidity. The tragic hero mirrors everyone, positive traits and faults, to point a finger and emplore all to beware; if horrible events took place due to a character flaw in a genuinely good character, the same thing could repeat in an audience member's life as well (Desjardens). 	After all the people are killed, all the futures damned, and all the plots become undone, the tragic hero must face his punishment. The tragic hero always excepts his downfall with dignity and grace. By act five the protagonist has realized his flaw and must come to terms with it. Othello and Antony face their tragedy by honorably committing suicide while King Lear, after Get more content on
  • 3. A Tragic Hero In the play "The Crucible", we have a great example of a tragic hero as a main character. A tragic hero is a main character of great or noble standing that has a tragic flaw will lead to their demise. John Proctor is a great example of character being a tragic hero. He is a high classed farmer who is great standing in his life, while his biggest flaw being his pride. His pride risks his life as he is accused of witchery by his own servant. By not wanting to sign and hand over a document that admits him to witchcraft; he is hanged by giving into his pride. John's greatest thing he has is the role in his town and play. He is a very wealthy farmer with plenty of land to his name. A great example of us knowing this is at act one he discusses Get more content on
  • 4. Romeo as a Tragic Hero Essay "A pair of star–cross'd lovers take their life;" (Prologue, 6) Tragedy, events of great misfortune, has engulfed the world for centuries. Tragedy often giving rise to feelings of depression, anger, sorrow, and guilt. Romeo, in the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, is a wealthy adolescent of the Montague family. He falls in love with young Juliet, of his rival family–the Capulets. Romeo's infatuation with Juliet leads to a hasty desire for marriage. This creates a rash and careless mindset, making Romeo susceptible to errors in judgement. This same poor judgment causes Romeo to thoughtlessly slay Tybalt, as revenge for the death of his friend,Mercutio. Through fate, Romeo coincidentally falls in love with a Capulet, his family' more content... He failed to realize the repercussions of his family's abandonment, especially since he has abandoned his family for an enemy. This infatuation and haste gives birth to an altered mindset–one "too rash, too unadvis'd, too sudden," (II, ii, 118). This mindset causes a loss of self–control. Romeo becomes driven by passions, and ignores reason. It should be noted that passions are found the bottom of the hierarchy of the human soul. This hierarchy states the importance of each guiding sense, and following passion leads to dire consequences–usually death. Romeo's reckless actions echo throughout the remainder of the play. During a brawl in Verona, Mercutio is slain by Tybalt. Romeo impulsively steps in and challenges Tybalt–claiming that "either [Tybalt] or [he], or both, must go with [Mercutio]." (III, i, 125). Romeo thoughtlessly engages in combat, hoping either Tybalt or he (Romeo) will die to honour Mercutio. This conflict results in Romeo killing Tybalt. Consequently, Romeo is banished from Verona by Prince Escales. Romeo is similarly hasty in deciding to end his life after discovering Juliet's supposed death. Moments after poisoning himself and dying, Juliet wakes from her slumber and discovers her dead husband. Romeo's hamartia proved fatal. However, a great deal of conflict was in–part, the result of chance's influence. Chance is an unknown and unpredictable series of events that causes a certain end result, and it is sometimes Get more content on
  • 5. Tragic Hero Essay Tragic Hero In many, a tragedy do the tragic heroes have flaws that lead themselves to their own demise. The main character always acts exactly on his or her own emotions; thus aiding their tragic flaw and leading to their own demise without giving them the time to stop the repercussions of their emotion driven actions. In the play "Antigone" by Sophocles many of the characters are simply too headstrong and passionate about their beliefs to realize that they would greatly regret the decisions they are making. All of the characters share this characteristic; it is alluded to in the play that this is caused by their blood relation to Oedipus and how they are too cursed. Creon displays his tragic flaw on his sleeve; this is seen in more content... Nevertheless, her existence in itself is looked down and cursed by the gods and as if fate had called for it, she kills herself to appease her stubborn and prideful nature. Her emotions fuel her decisions and before Creon can even begin to regret his own decisions and come to release her, she is dead along with the majority of his loved ones. Haemon, much like his father, has his own tragic flaws of his loyalty and undying love for his would be wife Antigone. Who at the end of the story ends up making a tragic exit and Haemon after failing to convince his father, Creon, to release her chooses instead to hastily follow suit and meet his own tragic demise next to his lover. He makes a emotional and heartbroken choice out of pure desperation for his lost love, without considering how it would affect the people he left behind. Unlike Creon, he didn't have to face the fact that he caused his mother to kill herself out of despair for her lost son and left his father surrounded by the dead bodies of his loved ones. Haemon had to bear the weight of Creon's and Antigone's impetuous decisions after he could not stop and ended up losing to his tragic flaw of love and killing himself. These heroes' tragic flaws would hardly amount in any despair if alone, but paired with a Greeks heroes' tendencies to make Get more content on
  • 6. Julius Caesar as a Tragic HEro Essay Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero The Ides of March mean much more than March 15th, it was also the day Julius Caesar, the Roman general and leader was killed. Although this day is not a holiday, we should take time to think of things Caesar didn't on this fateful day. In "Julius Caesar," by William Shakespeare,Caesar that morning solidified his place as a tragic hero because of his tremendous fatal flaw. Aristotle once defined the tragic hero as a person of noble or influential birth, who has a moral personality. The tragic hero also must have one hamartia, which is a fatal flaw. This fatal flaw is the cause of the person's downfall. This also means that it is a noble person, and it is one part of more content... He should have paid more attention to his instincts. This example shows us that Caesar was excellent at what he did; however, he had a big problem, which held him back. Specifically, Caesar's problem was that his arrogance made the men closest to him feel threatened, mad and jealous. Caesar acted like he was better than everyone else, and he made others feel insignificant, even though they were great and noble also. "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men /Walk under his huge legs and peep about/ To find ourselves dishonorable graves." (I.ii.135–138) Cassius feels like he shouldn't have to feel so small next to Caesar, and Caesar thinks he is better than everyone. Caesar talks to everyone like they are nothing compared to him, and he talks about himself as though he could never be questioned, which is basically a dictatorship. Rome was a Republic and the idea that one man could rule it as a king was a threat. Cassius points out, "When could they say (till now) that talked of Rome, that her wide walks encompassed but one man" (I.ii.154–155). This is a reference to the fact that Rome should never be a dictatorship, but a democracy. This is the point that convinces some of the men to move against him. They feel they had to do it to protect Rome. Additionally, Caesar acted so Get more content on
  • 7. Othello as a Tragic Hero Essay Othello is a tragic hero because of his greatnesses and his weaknesses. He is a noble man who possesses all the qualities of a military leader, which he is. He has control over himself and shows courage as well as dignity. Just as Othello is a virtuous man there are some flaws within him, these flaws complete him ff as a tragic hero. Othello is often blinded by trust and can not see a person for who they really are. He trusts the people around him even when they mean to afflict harm upon him. Through this, it can be seen why Othello is one of the most tragic hero out of all the characters from Shakespeare's many plays. To begin with, Othello is a graceful man with a valiant personality which draws people near. Although he is more content... Even in the toughest of times, he keeps his anger under control. "I will a round unvarnished tale deliver of my whole course of love – what drugs, what charms, what conjuration, and what mighty magic (for such proceeding and charged withal) I won his daughter" (Act 1, scene 3, 90–94) As an example. this shows how Othello deals with style and grace under fire, when accused of witchcraft by marrying Desdemona. Othello neither yells nor screams, but explains in a way that captivates his audience and enhances the emotions in the play. Aside from the greatnesses there also are some flaws. With Othello being a military leader for most of his life, trusting another military friend would be common and therefore Othello had no reason to not trust iago. So it can be said that Othello has tragic weaknesses, one being too trustworthy. Many times Othello does not see the evil acts of iago. He is used to dealing with military people on the battlefield, where you put your life in the hands of others. In this situation trust is very important. Othello says that iago is a man of honor and trust and therefore has no reason to doubt his honesty. Likewise another weakness of Othello's would be that he is a man who gets confused easily and cannot judge right from wrong. This can be seen when Get more content on
  • 8. Why Is Hamlet A Tragic Hero A tragedy is a drama or literary piece of work in which the main characters is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow most likely at the consequences of a tragic flaw or moral weakness and also a inability to suffer the unfavourable circumstances. The protagonist and driving force of a tragic drama is known as a tragic hero. In order for a protagonist to qualify as a tragic hero certain elements must be met regarding the character. The tragic hero must be of a noble birth entailing that the protagonist has a higher social status that the average person. The protagonist must go from a state of extreme high to a state of extreme low. The protagonist must go through a change and achieve enlightenment. The tragic hero must have a fatal character flaw which will result in his undoing. The tragic hero must have an emotional climax causing emotional change. The finally element needed to be a tragic hero is that the protagonist must die. Hamlet fits the definition of a tragic hero because Hamlet has a moment of change about himself during the play, he is a person of nobility more content... Hamlet because of his social class is obviously nobility but also because Hamlet is extremely well loved among his family and citizens of the kingdom "He's loved of the distracted multitude" (IV.iii, 4). Hamlet is also loyal to his father and is determined to set right the state of Denmark. The rise of fall of Hamlet is evident thought the play but there is no distinct or dramatic downfall but a slow breakdown of Hamlet over time. Hamlet's reversal of fortunes starts to happen when he has the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius and avenge his father's murder. Hamlet decides not to kill his uncle and this sets his downfall, from this point forward Claudius is always one step ahead of Hamlet. The final stage of Hamlets downfall is his death which symbolizes his lowest point and also this qualifies his tragic hero because his journey from a point of high to low is Get more content on
  • 9. Julius Caesar Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero 	Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare during the year 1597. Julius Caesar's story involves a conspiracy against Julius Caesar, a powerful senator. The play involves a highly respected senator, Brutus, who decides to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, in the effort to keep democracy intact. Brutus believes that if Julius Caesar is allowed to live, Caesar will take a kingship and turn the government into a monarchy. Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators kill Julius Caesar, yet they find Antony, a loyalist of Caesar, seeks revenge on them. Plato set out rules on the traits a tragic hero must possess. A tragic hero must neither be an evil villain nor agreat hero, more content... Caesar's pride is shown by his response, "Caesar. ...Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he. We are two lions littered in one day, And I the elder and more terrible, And Caesar shall go forth."(2,2,44–47) Caesar shows that his pride overrules any advice given by others. If not for Julius Caesar's pride, he may have avoided the assassination and had more time for the conspiracy to be uncovered. This clearly shows that Caesar's pride is a hamartia that leads to his downfall. 	Julius Caesar vacillates, or changes, his mind throughout the play and this downfall is shown to be one of Caesar's hamartias. On the day Caesar is to go to the Capitol, he changes his decisions frequently. Caesar defies the warnings of Calpurnia and the priests and Caesar says that she, Caesar, shall go forth to the Capitol this day. "Caesar. Caesar shall forth. The things that threatened me Ne'er looked but on my back. When they shall see The face of Caesar, they are vanished." Through this quotation, it seems Caesar has made his mind to go forth to the Capitol. Calpurnia, though, is able to persuade him to stay home and send word that he is sick. Caesar replies, "Caesar. Mark Antony shall say I am not well, And for thy humour I will stay at home."(2,2,55–56) Decius then flatters Caesar and is able to persuade him that Calpurnia's nightmare is misinterpreted and that he Get more content on
  • 10. Tragic Hero Tragic Hero Essay The play Antigone, written by Sophocies, is a great example of a classical Greek tragedy. For years, there has been a debate weather Antigone or Creon is the tragic hero. The king of Thebes, Creon has some qualities of a tragic character, but doesn't have all of the necessary traits. However, Antigone contains all the traits that are require to be a tragic hero, especially three traits. In Sophocles's Antigone, Antigone is the tragic hero because she is not completely good, nor completely bad, recognizes her own error and accepts its consequences, and meets a tragic end. One way that Antigone is the tragic hero is because she is neither completely good nor bad. One example of this would be when she buries her brother, more content... It is to understand the concept for Greek tragedy, which is a great example in this play. It is hard to knowledge both Creon and Antigone, and decide who the tragic hero is. She is has her good and bad sides in this play as a character. Antigone recognizes her error and accepts her death. A tragic end occurs to Antigone at the end of the play. Because Antigone demonstrates all the traits, so Antigone is the tragic hero in this Get more content on
  • 11. Defining the Tragic Hero Essay A tragic hero is the main character in a tragedy story. He is the main theme. He is the source behind the main issues of the plot and some major points maybe cleared by observing his actions and nature. The tragic hero is always larger than life, a person of action whose decisions determine the fate of others. He is a man who is superior then the average person, a character of noble stature and greatness. Though the tragic hero is pre–eminently great, he is not perfect. Otherwise, the audience would be unable to identify with him and his tragedy. His imperfection is what invokes pity and fear in the audience. Another characteristic of a tragic hero is the fact that he is trigger by some error of judgment or character flaw. more content... Although he is clever man, he is blind to the truth. Even though he did not know that Laius and Jocasta are his parents, He still kills a man old enough to be his father and marry a woman old enough to be his mother. One would think that a man with a disturbing prophesy over his head as Oedipus should be very careful about whom he marries or kills. The fact that a tragic hero is not perfect evokes both pity and fear. Oedipus although being a good father, husband, and son, he unwillingly destroys his parents, wife and children. Oedipus is human, regardless of his pride, his intelligence or his stubbornness and the audience recognize his humanity in his agonizing reaction to his sin. Watching this, the audience certainly moved to both pity and fear, pity for this broken man and fear that his tragedy can be their own. The tragic hero suffers from a character flaw, a moral weakness in character. The flaw is what sets his actions and what inevitably leads to his downfall. The hero's downfall is partially his own fault, the result of free choice, not of accident or villainy or some overriding, malignant fate. Oedipus seems to make important mistakes or some "errors in judgment" that set the events of the story into action. Oedipus flaw is his pride and stubbornness. When a drunken man tells him that he is a bastard, his pride is so wounded that he will not let the subject rest, eventually going to the oracle of Apollo to ask it the Get more content on