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Antigone As A Tragic Hero
The play Antigone by Sophocles, represents a Greek tragedy, in which the ideal tragic hero is
centered around the character Creon. As defined by philosopher Aristotle in his book Poetics, a
tragedy is an imitation of a serious action or issue which arouses pity and fear in the viewer.
Sophocles accomplishes this act through Creon's reversal of fortune and psychological
development. Regardless of the fact that Antigone's character appears to be the protagonist as well
as experiences suffering, the conflicts of the play revolve around Creon's actions and decisions,
who also displays every quality of a tragic hero. These qualities, as told by Aristotle, must be known
before one can truly understand Antigone as a true tragedy. There are multiple elements that a play
must embody to be known as a tragedy. It must have unity of time, unity of place, and unity of plot.
The entirety of Antigone occurs over approximately 24 hours, primarily in front of the palace of
Thebes, and is centered around the burial of Polyneices and the consequential actions. It is necessary
for theme of nemesis, inescapable fate, to be present throughout the plot as well. The presence of
Inevitable fate began in the beginning through the curse on the house of Oedipus, which was the
sinister destiny that Oedipus had attempted to avoid. His children face his consequences as well,
through the death of both sons Eteocles and Polyneices. Antigone, who realizes that she will be
unable to escape the
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Similarities Between Antigone And Creon
Sophocles' play Antigone continues the calamitous story of the Theban royal family, recounting the
conflict between Creon's authority as king and Antigone's sense of justice. While many of the events
of the play are certainly tragic, whether or not Antigone and its characters should be considered
tragic is less definite. Aristotle's theory of a tragic hero calls for a basically good character who
experiences a fall due to some flaw or error, experiencing a transformative realization and catharsis
as a result. When considered together, the traits of both Antigone and Creon come together to fulfill
all of the requirements for the play to be a tragedy, but neither character can be considered an
Aristotelian tragic hero standing alone.
The first specification for the tragic hero is one of the few that both Antigone and Creon exhibit;
both characters are between the extremes of perfect morality and pure villainy. Antigone's moral
neutrality is illustrated through her noble intentions and the unorthodox way she acts upon them.
When she is confronted by Creon and demanded to give an explanation for her disobedience,
Antigone says, "For me it was not Zeus who made that order. Nor did that Justice who lives with the
gods below mark out such laws to hold among mankind" (Sophocles 207 ll. 450–2). Along with love
and loyalty to her brother, Antigone is largely motivated by her desire for justice and appeasement of
the gods. While her intentions are noble, Antigone's actions in the
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Antigone, The Tragic Hero
Antigone is the tragic hero because she had goodness in her heart, nobility as a princess, a fatal
flaw in her personality, and a status downfall when she was put inside the cave. All of these
descriptions fit Aristotle's description of what a tragic hero is. Aristotle was a philosopher. He was
passionate about his own definition and characteristics of how a story's tragic hero should be
portrayed. In the time he was alive, men were shown to be the superior other. Women stayed inside
while they watched the children and cooked a nice meal for their family. Men worked to earn
money for their family. So, it's safe to say that men had more recognition. More 'fame'. Although
most people believed that, in this arbitrary time, there were others who disagreed with these unfair
In 367 BC, Aristotle attended Plato's Academy. Plato was his professor in his twenty years of
attending that school. According to Classics Network, Plato was known as one of the many people
who opposed excluding women from society. Because of his strong beliefs, he influenced many of his more content...
Most of them you'd have to dig quite deep for, but once found they are quite interesting. Sophocles
was born in 498 B.C. and wrote 'Antigone' in 441 B.C.. Plato and Aristotle were born after
'Antigone' was written. During this time, people thought men were superior. They were the stars.
Sophocles could have disagreed just like Plato had, so when he wrote 'Antigone' he chose to add in
both a male and a female tragic hero. Because of the pressure from others, he chose to write the
character of Antigone in a secretive kind of way. While her character does show traits of a tragic
hero, it's not as easy to figure out with only a simple read. Most likely, because of the years
Aristotle and Plato were born, their views on women's role in society were greatly influenced by the
'secret' example of Antigone as a tragic
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Antigone As A Tragic Hero
Antigone is a tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, which depicts two extraordinary
cases for a tragic hero. Both Creon and Antigone are the principal characters of the play to be tragic
heroes. A tragic hero is a character who is known for being noble and has an imperfection that helps
to his or her destruction. Creon and Antigone are honorable and defective in their own particular
manners, having a comparative deplorable imperfection. The greatest golfer ever known as Tiger
Woods is portrayed as a modern–day tragic hero because of his flaw of over the top pride leading to
the decimation of his profession and relationship. Tiger takes responsibility for his actions, yet it
is too late and he would has to tolerate the inevitable consequences. Antigone is portrayed as a
character who is very proud her pride is one of the elements that causes her downfall. Antigone
has her mind set on burying her brother Polyneices and she will stop at nothing until she does
what will bring her great glory. Creon remains firm on his decision, anyone who pursues to bury
Polyneices, the one who attacked the city, will be punished by death. Antigone is also described
as egotistical in the way that she reveals to her sister who won't become involved with Polyneices'
burial "oh tell it! Tell everyone! Think how they'll hate you when it all comes out if they learn you
knew about it all the time." She additionally spares her pride and ego as the Choragos comments
"Like father, like
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Antigone Tragic Hero
Tragic heroes or heroines are characters with a sad and tragic past, and a future that usually
involves a horrible and pointless death. In the play Antigone, written by Sophocles in 441 B.C. The
main character Antigone, has all the qualification of a tragic heroine. However Antigone's action do
not prove her to be a heroine. The play, Antigone, is about two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices
who died by the hands of each other. The king Creon, the uncle of the two allows for Eteocles to be
buried but forbids anyone from burying the second brother, Polyneices. The main character
Antigone, defies this law and proceeds to bury her brother anyways. She is caught and sentenced to
death, and because of her the wife and son of the King also die. If
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Antigone Tragic Hero
Heroes emit an undefinable energy that can attract anyone. Their sense of attraction does not stem
from their physical physique, but instead an internal light. Even the most virtuous character is
destined for downfall, due to one mistake or tragic flaw. In Sophocles' Antigone, many are quick to
crown Antigone with the title of tragic hero, this is because in a world where no one expelled
courage she did. Antigone's act of going against Kreon by burying Polyneices was a sign of
foolish loyalty to the gods, but not enough to make her a tragic hero. Her sister, Ismene, is the
true tragic hero. Although Ismene can be considered a foil character, Ismene's tragic flaws,
loneliness and weakness, make her a tragic hero. Her dire need of affection and companionship
are catalyst in her willingness to do anything and lack of rational thinking. "I did it. If she is with
me now, I share the blame with her and will bear it also" (lines 657 – 658). Ismene's confession to
Kreon was a lie. " What is life when I've lost you? What is there to love in life?" (lines 673 – 674)
This line elaborates on why she lied and shows evidence that her deception was merely motivated
by her fear of being alone. Ismene's loneliness leads to her sacrificing her life. She has no one except
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Unlike Antigone who was courageous and bold, Ismene is submissive. "No, we should be sensible:
we are women...Kreon is king" (lines 73 – 75). Ismene is aware that what Antigone is doing is
morally correct but gives into the powers of Kreon. Not only once, but twice does Ismene fathom an
excuse as to why she cannot help her sister. "I won't dishonor anything; but I cannot help, not when
the whole country refuses to help" (lines 97 – 98). Ismene creates these excuses to cover up her true
reason for not burying Polyneices. Her fear of standing up to authority stops her from standing up
for what she believes
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Kreon, Tragic Hero in Antigone Essay
In the play, Antigone, by Sophocles, there is a character, King Kreon, who is portrayed as the
tragic hero, or protagonist. A tragic hero is the main character with tragic flaw, or a defect that leads
to their downfall and the character is usually of high status. King Kreon would be considered the
protagonist because he is opposed by an antagonist and is the main character in the play, he has the
tragic flaws of stubbornness and too much self–pride, and these flaws are struck with bad luck. King
Kreon is the tragic hero in Antigone because he is the main character and he is opposed by an
antagonist, Antigone, who disobeys Kreon's decree to not bury Polynices' body. On page 22,
Antigone says to Ismene, "He (Kreon) cannot keep me from more content...
Kreon and Antigone's conflict definitely sets them as the protagonist and the antagonist. Kreon is
also portrayed as the tragic hero because he has tragic flaws. Teiresias, the trusted future–telling
prophet, comes to Kreon to tell him that he is making a mistake. Even then, Kreon accuses him
of being bribed and is too stubborn to compromise. Kreon is blinded by his pride and can't see
what is going to happen. On page 52, Haimon says to Kreon, "While I am with her, she will not
die. And you, you will never see me again." Haimon, Kreon's own son and Antigone's bridegroom,
tries to save his father from misfortune. Kreon is too blinded and self–pride has become his
adversary. Kreon's tragic flaws eventually led to his inevitable downfall. Kreon's tragic flaws were
also unfortunately paired with bad–timing. "I've changed my mind. I did it and I'll undo it," is said
by Kreon after he realizes that he and his family are in danger for the mistakes he has made.
When Kreon finally changes his mind and tries to go tell his son that he will not execute
Antigone, he finds Antigone dead, dead by her own hand, and Haimon turns on his father and tries
to kill him. When Haimon fails at that, he turned the blade on himself. If Kreon would have
realized his mistake a bit sooner, maybe even 10 minutes sooner, he would still have his wife, his
son, and his son's bride. Kreon's wife killed herself after she heard the news.
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Who Is Antigone Tragic Hero
Greco DiCaprio
Mr. Keister
ELA 10 Per. 1
May 10, 2018
EA 4.1
Antigone, Tragic Hero
Antigone, The Tragic Hero. Antigone was the daughter of King Oedipus of Thebes and Jocasta.
Oedipus married a beautiful woman and had kids with her but little does he know, she married her
own mother, Jacosta. Antigone was the daughter and the sister of Oedipus. A Tragic Hero is
Responsible for his/her own fate, endowed with tragic flaw, doomed to make a serious mistake in
judgment, they are born from a wealthy family, and they would die with honor. Antigone is the
tragic hero because she falls into every criteria in Aristotle's definition in a clear fashion. Antigone
hits all the characteristics required.
Antigone was born from a wealthy family because she is the daughter of Oedipus who was the
former commander/leader of the civilization before Creon. "Think of Oedipus, our own father" (line
58) more content...
She already knows what's coming but she still does it. She is in charge of her fate. "I will bury him
myself, if I die for doing that good." (line 87–88)
Antigone still and concurs with herself that what she did was correct, she accepts death because
she knows she will die but she doesn't care because she thought it was correct to honor you so she
doesn't care that she will die for it. "But I was right to honor you, and men who understand will
agree" (Line
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The Tragic Hero in Antigone
Aristotle's theories on tragedy were first established during the fourth century in the
Poetics, where he defines what makes a tragic hero. Aristotle suggests that a tragic hero is a
character who has a high social standing and embodies great nobility in his/her personality. They
are neither a villain nor are they entirely good, but a person somewhat like us, raised to a higher
position in society. In addition, the downfall of a tragic hero is caused by fault of their own, often
through arrogance or pride, as the result of free will. It is triggered by a weakness in their character
or an error of their judgment, which is known as their tragic flaw, or hamartia. The tragic hero's
misfortune also exceeds the mistake they made, more content...
Because Creon is the most responsible for the all the dark turns in this play, he is left to suffer for
the consequences for his actions even after death, which exceed his tragic flaw. He had the most
to lose, thus evoking feelings of pity and fear in the audience. Creon recognizes his mistake only
when he loses it all and it is too late to reverse the consequences of his actions. He undergoes a
drastic change of character, supported by his final statements in the play: "I have been rash and
foolish... Fate has brought all my pride to a thought of dust." In this quote, Creon realizes that he
is at fault because he can't control fate and his pride took him nowhere. He even goes as far to admit
that he killed his son and wife. The audience feels sorry for Creon because now he is alone and lost
all of his pride and glory as king.
Creon undergoes much loss because of his tragic flaw and the audience stimulates our pity and
fear for him, making him the epitome of a tragic hero. His pride led to his ultimate downfall and
he does not comply to Teiresias' warning until it is too late. Creon shows all of the characteristics
of a tragic hero, from being born into a high social stature to experiencing misfortune that isn't
entirely deserved. In the end, the laws of the gods overcome the laws of men, which Creon has
failed to see. Creon ends up suffering due to his pride, which teaches an important lesson on
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The Tragic Hero Of Antigone
The tragic hero according to Aristotle is a man who is neither a paragon of virtue and justice nor
undergoes the change of misfortune or leads to his or her own downfall or destruction through their
journey as the characters analyze their "judgment error". In the play Antigone, Antigone is a tragic
heroine who stands up and fights for her moral duties to do what is morally right instead of being
loyal to the state even if cost her her life.
The plot of Antigone is quite predictable. But, it shows the audience how does it make Creon and
Antigone both tragic heroes in their own situation. The purpose of the play tells us that when a man
has a noble goal that is condescending, downfall destroys him. This contributes gnificantly to the
play because audience are able to know what is going to happen with hubris, leading oneself to its
own nemesis. The function of the plot is to make the audience think what is going to happen next in
the play, to leave clues into their heads to think what is going to happen next.
Antigone's major theme focuses on a strong individual suffering against the will of fate. In Antigone,
Sopochles portrays that Antigone is the protagonist who believes in being morally right rather than
following the law of the state lead by the antagonist, King of Thebes, Creon. The two individualities
and personalities of the characters made the play even more interesting because they both have
different beliefs, stands and they are both on different levels of
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Antigone: A Tragic Hero
Antigone, a Greek a tragedy, is the third of the Three Theban Plays by Sophocles. Throughout the
play, readers are introduced to few, but intriguing characters, one being the protagonist of the play,
Antigone. Antigone is the tragic hero of Antigone; she presents recognition of the gods, exemplifies
good virtues, and possess a fatal flaw, or hamartia. A tragic hero is a great or virtuous character in a
dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat.
Antigone shows her recognition of and homage to the gods in every scene she is in. While sharing
her plans of burying Polynices to Ismene, Antigone says "I know that those approve, whom I most
need to please" (Sophocles 4). Ismene is arguing that Creon would be outraged if Antigone were to
bury her fallen brother; Antigone responds by stating her actions are to please the gods who's law
over rules that of Creon. As Antigone is being marched to her death for preforming executing the more content...
From the very first scene opening with Antigone sharing her intentions with Ismene, Antigone is
introduced with these good virtues: "Death so we meet, were honor; and for that capital crime or
piety, loving and loved, I will lie by his side. Far longer is there need I satisfy those nether powers,
than power on earth" (Sophocles 3). Antigone proclaims her willingness to die by her brother in
order for him to be buried with honor and for him to have died loved, for it is what the gods
desire and she has an obligation to them as she will need to satisfy them longer. During the same
exchange, Antigone invited Ismene to join her in burying their brother: "Though you desire, shall
you, with my good will, share what I do" (Sophocles 3). Antigone is allowing Ismene to join her in
her admirable and noble mission to honor their brother and appease the gods so that Ismene has a
chance to prove herself to the gods and to their family as
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Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay
A Tragic Hero
A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined
with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery
and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the
character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a
proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocent actions,
Antigone is punished unjustly and unfairly. Through her risky and unselfish actions, ability to
follow her own beliefs, and perseverance Antigone is the tragic hero of this play.
Furthermore, Antigone makes many important more content...
Moreover, Antigone's ability to follow her own beliefs results into the heroicness and tragic
death of Antigone. Antigone is from a royal family and has the power to do what she believes in.
She believes in following traditions and exercises that power when she says, "I will bury him,
and if I must die, I say that the crime is holy: I shall lie down With him in death, and I shall be as
dear To him as he to me" (694). Antigone follows her beliefs in following tradition and by doing
what she feels is best. Antigone does this because she knows she is doing the right thing and
knows that she will be repaid in some way. Furthermore, Antigone justifies her actions by telling
the reasons that motivated her to do it to King Creon. She refuses to give in to the beliefs of King
Creon and continues to think her own separate way. Antigone takes a stand to Creon when she
says, " Think Death less than a friend? This death of mine Is of no importance, but if I had left
my brother Lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. You smile at me. Ah
Creon , Think me a fool, if you like, but it may well be That a fool convicts me of folly" (709).
Antigone believes what she is doing is correct and proves that to Creon , but he is still not
convinced. It is important for Antigone to do what she believes is so that she will be pleased and
satisfied with the outcome. Antigone's ability to pursue her goals and to what she wants
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Antigone as a Tragic Hero Essay
Antigone as a tragic hero The debate over who is the tragic hero in Antigone is unanswered. The
belief that Antigone is the hero is a tough one. Antigone is widely thought of as the tragic hero of
the play bearing her name. She would seem to fit the part in light of the fact that she dies for doing
what she believes is right. She buries her brother without worrying what might happen to her. Unlike
Antigone, Ismene says "And break the law, our death will be more shameful even then theirs" (pg.5
line 60). In Sophocle's Antigone, the characters show a variety of traits. However, Antigone's life of
aspiration, family of noble rank, and display of good mentality portray her as the tragic hero of the
story. A tragic hero has haughty, more content...
Antigone fulfills all three traits thoroughly in the story of Antigone. A tragic flaw plays a very
imperative part of a tragic hero. Tragic flaw simply means a "character weakness." The most
common types of tragic flaws are unwarranted pride, ambition, and jealousy. Those who do believe
that Antigone was meant to be the true tragic hero argue against others who believe that Creon
deserves that honor. They say that the Gods were against Creon, and that he did not truly love his
country. "His patriotism is to narrow and negative and his conception of justice is too exclusive... to
be dignified by the name of love for the state". These arguments, and many others, make many people
believe the Antigone is the rightful protagonist. Antigone tries to help her brother without worrying
about what will happen to her. She says, "I intend to give my brother burial. I'll be glad to die in the
attempt, –if it's a crime, then it's a crime that God commands" (she says in a different translation).
Antigone says "He has no right to keep me from my own" (pg.4 line 48). She was also punished
for doing what was right. Her epiphany came, hidden from the audience, before she hung herself.
Creon, understanding his ignorance may lead one to believe that he is the true protagonist. But, if
you define the word protagonist you would find that a protagonist is one who is a leader or
supporter of a cause. Antigone is in support of her own actions in the burial of her brother
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Antigone: A True Tragic Hero
According to the Aristotle's interpretation, a tragic hero is a great person who comes to misfortune
through a fatal character flaw.
Greek tragedies present us with the main characters which are born as tragic heroes in accordance
with the first points of philosopher's definition.
Oedipus and Antigone have the nobility that a true tragic hero must have. They are worthy of
attention and sympathy.
Antigone and her sister Ismene are the daughters of King Oedipus of Thebes and Jocasta. She is of
high birth standing and in a state of good fortune. Antigone's values loyalty to gods and family.
To fully understand it, we must first understand the background behind the princess of Thebes.
Antigone is both the daughter and the more content...
As a baby crawls on his hands and knees, Oedipus depended solely on others. He was at the
weakest point of his life at the time when the shepherd gave him to Polybus to raise as his own. If
not, Oedipus would have died.
Man walks on two feet when he has matured. This is a metaphor for the time when Oedipus
reached the state of being mature and left Corinth to escape the oracle. He met up with a band of
travelers and in a rage killed them. Unknowingly, Oedipus has killed his own father. By becoming
king of Thebes he married Jocasta the Queen of Thebes, his mother. In answering the riddle Oedipus
inevitable brought about his own tragic ending.
Both Oedipus and Antigone live through a struggle that tests them morally and which ultimately
destroys them.
Antigone and undergo a morally significant struggle for her family against the law. She fights for
her brother to be given a proper burial despite the fact that Polyneices betrayed their city. For the
simple fact that he is family, Antigone must bury him. When Ismene questions Antigone about her
plan, "Bury him! You have just said the new laws forbids it?" (prologue, 30), Antigone responds
passionately with: "He is my brother". She feels that her family is more important than the law – she
will never be "betraying him". Antigone's refusal to accept the authority ends awfully for her,
however, she becomes really free to decide what to do with her
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The Tragic Hero: Creon or Antigone? Essay
In the Greek tragedy Antigone, the characters Antigone and Creon can both be thought of as the
tragic hero of the play. Though Antigone does show some of these characteristics of a tragic hero,
Creon demonstrates the attributes more clearly and concisely. Creon is the King of Thebes, as well
as the uncle of Antigone. Creon took the throne after a tragic quarrel between his two nephews,
Eteocles and Polyneices. Despite his harsh governing and his crude ideals, he is not good or bad.
Creon is the tragic hero of the play Antigone, because of his superiority in his society, his nobility,
and his tragic flaw, self–pride. Creon was known as the antagonist King in Antigone. A sample of
Creon's antagonist actions is quoted: "...Polyneices, I say, more content...
Antigone was also born into nobility, as she was the daughter of Oedipus, but Creon was still in a
higher position than she was. As addressing his servants, "Unfortunately, as you know, his two sons,
the princes Eteocles and Polyneices have killed each other in battle; and I, as the next in blood,
have succeeded to the full power of the throne." (Sophocles 1. 15–19) The quote provided expresses
the exact nobility Creon is related to. Although Creon's nobility made him a very greedy and
ungenerous person, his character fits a part of the perfect definition of a tragic hero. Of the many
characteristics that can describe Creon, prideful is one of the strongest descriptions of him.
Throughout the tragedy, Creon reveals indirectly that he has a major tragic flaw: Self–pride.
Antigone is considered to have the tragic flaw of excess ambition, exemplar by this quote: "...Is
less of importance; but if I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now
I do not." (Sophocles 2. 79–81) Her ambition lies in this quote because she is defying the King
Creon. However, many characters in stories have the ability to obtain the trait of ambition; whereas
self–pride is a more unique trait. Creon's pride may have gotten him into a bad situation and his
trait may have caused him to pay for his own consequences, but a tragic hero has the ability to learn
from their own actions. Creon learned
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Antigone Tragic Hero Essay
Have you ever read or watched a play that left your heart into pieces? Then, you have definitely
come across what is called a tragedy. A tragedy is a form of drama in which the ending is a deep,
serious, and sad one that leaves the audience in sorrow; this devastating ending is caused by the
hero's downfall, which is due to their "tragic flaw". Every tragedy has a fallen hero known as "the
tragic hero". In the drama, "Antigone", by Sophocles, there are two main tragic heroes, Antigone and
Creon. Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, the king of Thebes, who dies at the beginning of the
play leaving his two sons Eteocles and Polyneices, fighting over his thrown. Both of his sons die in
the battle leaving the throne to their uncle, Creon, who clashes with Antigone; this clash leads to a
tragedy where the two tragic heroes have their more content...
At the end of the play, the tragic flaw is unveiled to the tragic heroes in what is called a moment of
recognition or anagnorisis. In this play "Antigone" there were two central tragic heroes, Antigone
and Creon, with both similarities and differences. Antigone's tragic flaw was relatively due to a
positive quality, which is extreme loyalty to her brother in addition to another negative quality,
which is being revolutionary. On the other side, Creon's tragic flaw had a negative motive of extreme
tyranny and stubbornness against the laws of nature and gods and human emotions, which caused
tragic effects that could not be reversed despite his efforts at the end; Consequently, Antigone and
Creon's characters meet at the point of recalcitrance. In this artistic drama, the writer delivers a
significant message that utmost obstinacy and pride results in harsh punishments known as "the
blows of fate" which are surely acute for anyone to
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Essay on Antigone is a Tragic Hero
Antigone is a Tragic Hero A subject of debate in Sophocles' play Antigone is which character
complies with the characteristics of a tragic hero. The qualities that constitute a tragic hero are, in no
particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, isolation, being
tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a
single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Creon
possesses some of these qualities but, does not completely fulfill them all. Antigone does, however,
conform to the persona of a tragic hero.
The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone has a high social position. She is the daughter of Jocasta more content...
The act of burying her brother was a form of isolation. No one else dared to go against Creon's law
that forbade the burial of Polyneices. Antigone went against the law and mourned her brother.
A tragic hero possesses a flaw that leads to their demise and the demise of others. Antigone never
attempted to speak to Creon about the possibility of a burial for her brother. She broke the law.
Ismene offered to take part in the blame but, Antigone was set against it. Refusing to let Creon
get his way she took her own life. Had she waited a little longer she would have been released and
her brother would have been given the proper respect. Antigone, being rash and quick to act, hung
herself. Her flaw led to the death of her future husband and his mother (Eurydice). Haemon was
enraged by his fathers actions against his bride to be and, his failed attempt to murder Creon was
followed by his own suicide. Haemon's mother heard of what her son had done and, took her own
life. Though Haemon and Eurydice committed suicide it was Antigone's actions that led to their self
Creon is not tenacious in nature. He wavers on the burial of Polyneices throughout the play. He is
stubborn against the burial but, changes his mind later on. A tragic hero would stick to their beliefs
without teetering back and forth. Antigone stays with her story and beliefs. "Even so, the god of
Death demands these rites" (Lines 517–518). She feels as though she had done
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Who Is Antigone The Most Tragic Hero
Jessie Romelus
English I
Mrs. Joseph
March 14,2011
Antigone: the Most Tragic Hero Sophocles Playwright, The Three Plebian Plays: Antigone, Oedipus
the King, Oedipus at Colonus written by Sophocles, is one of the many plays that shows the
audience heroic figures and the outcome of being exposed to fate. Creon and Anitgone both show
nobility throughout the play showing that they are both admirable and human. Antigone copes with
the situation she has fallen in. She rebels the governments decree so she could have a proper burial
for her deceased brother. Doing this Antigone did not only prove that she is brave and showed great
fortitude, but in the process Antigone also defends her faithfulness for her family. This makes
Antigone more content...
She has come so far going against Creon standing up for what she believed in to honor her
brother. Antigone is punished for defending her ideals; she is walled up in a tomb and abandoned.
Even though Antigone has very admirable qualities, to Creon she was an arrogant pest who to be
silent and not heard as he thought women should be. She was making him look powerless because
she fearlessly went against his decree. " This girl was an old hand at insolence when she overrode
the edicts we made public"(Sophocles 536). Antigone fights for her beliefs through her fight but
stands up brave and tall to burying her brother. Antigone could be called independent because by
herself, she buries her brother alone and faces the consequences alone with great bravery. Even
though Antigone knew she was going to die if she buried her brother she did it anyway to show
respect for her brother and family. Although Creon could have been considered a noble character
because he defends his city and his power, he does grieve the loss of the brother, mother, and
father like Antigone. However, Antigone endures more personal burdens; noone to save her from
doom. Creon did not work himself as Antigone did, burying her brother with no fear of what would
become it. He did show himself as a noble character as Antigone. Creon used minions to do his
work, in fear of what would happen if he had killed her directly. Ultimately, this shows that Antigone
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How Is Antigone A Tragic Hero
The play Antigone by Sophocles shows the main character, Antigone, as a tragic hero. In the play,
Antigone wants to honor her brother, Polyneices, who died on the battlefield, by burying him
properly. Yet, Creon forbids anyone to bury Polyneices or the punishment is death. In this situation,
Antigone shows that she is elevated, basically good, has a downfall from fate, and struggles
heroically, making her a tragic hero. Antigone as a tragic hero demonstrates that even in ancient times
heroes were admired and commonly talked about in stories, even to this day. In the play, Antigone
has an elevated place in society. Antigone and her sister Ismene are daughters ofOedipus, and nieces
of Creon, the king of Thebes. Oedipus saved the city and this allowed for his daughters to have
higher social rankings. "When Oedipus saved our city and then again When he died and you
remained with steadfast truth To their descendants" (ll 186–188). Oedipus' achievement make
Antigone and Ismene elevated in society. Antigone is basically good, constantly fighting for her
brother, Polyneices. Despite Creon's orders, Antigone insists that Polyneices deserves a proper
burial. Creon decrees, "I here proclaim to more content...
Antigone knows the punishment for burying her brother is death, but she is selfless and still buries
Polyneices. Antigone expresses her dedication and love to Polyneices by saying, "I myself will bury
him... I shall be A criminal– but a religious one. The time in which I must please those that are dead
Is longer than I must please those of this world."(ll 82–87). Shortly after burying him, Antigone
takes her own life, not wanting Creon to win the war over Polyneices' body. Antigone's suicide
prompts a string of deaths caused by grief from Antigone's passing, allowing Creon to realize what
courage and selflessness Antigone possesses through committing suicide for her values and devotion
to her
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Antigone: not the tragic hero
Antigone: Not the Tragic Hero
Sophocles, a great tragedian, was the one who gave Greek tragedies their traditional form. An
important part of traditional Greek tragedies is the presence of a tragic hero. All tragic heroes
should have the characteristics of rank, a tragic flaw, a downfall, and a recognition of mistakes. The
seemingly tragic hero is Antigone. She wants to bury her brother Polyneices even though this would
be going against Creon, who is her uncle and the king. When Antigone buries Polyneices Creon
sentences her to death because of it. In Antigone by Sophocles the tragic hero is not Antigone
because she only meets the characteristic of a tragic flaw, hers being pride, but doesn 't meet the
other three characteristics of more content...
She does not believe those beliefs are right and stubbornly ignores them. By acting this way she is
demonstrating pride because a prideful person does not take into consideration anything going
against them and their beliefs. Also when she says that "the laws of the gods mean nothing" to
Ismene she is showing her pride. Firstly it again establishes the importance she puts to the gods
laws. In this time period it was important to respect the gods. By suggesting Ismene does not
respect the gods Antigone is entirely discarding Ismene. Antigone 's tragic flaw does not lead to
her downfall, because of this Antigone does not meet the characteristic of reversal in fate
otherwise known as a downfall. Creon's pride is what causes Antigone 's death. For example when
Teiresias tells Creon to let Antigone go and to give Polyneices a proper burial because the gods are
upset he does not listen. Instead he says to Teiresias, "doddering fortune tellers...if your birds–if the
great eagles of God himself– should carry him bit by bit to heaven, I would not yield"( 44– 47).
Creon is insulting Teiresias, a respected prophet, and says that he wouldn 't do as Teiresias says
even if the birds carried Polyneices body bit by bit to heaven. It is obvious that Creon is prideful
because he has a high opinion of his superiority. This is shown when he refers to Teiresias, a highly
respected prophet who has never been wrong, as
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Antigone Tragic Hero Essay

  • 1. Antigone As A Tragic Hero The play Antigone by Sophocles, represents a Greek tragedy, in which the ideal tragic hero is centered around the character Creon. As defined by philosopher Aristotle in his book Poetics, a tragedy is an imitation of a serious action or issue which arouses pity and fear in the viewer. Sophocles accomplishes this act through Creon's reversal of fortune and psychological development. Regardless of the fact that Antigone's character appears to be the protagonist as well as experiences suffering, the conflicts of the play revolve around Creon's actions and decisions, who also displays every quality of a tragic hero. These qualities, as told by Aristotle, must be known before one can truly understand Antigone as a true tragedy. There are multiple elements that a play must embody to be known as a tragedy. It must have unity of time, unity of place, and unity of plot. The entirety of Antigone occurs over approximately 24 hours, primarily in front of the palace of Thebes, and is centered around the burial of Polyneices and the consequential actions. It is necessary for theme of nemesis, inescapable fate, to be present throughout the plot as well. The presence of Inevitable fate began in the beginning through the curse on the house of Oedipus, which was the sinister destiny that Oedipus had attempted to avoid. His children face his consequences as well, through the death of both sons Eteocles and Polyneices. Antigone, who realizes that she will be unable to escape the Get more content on
  • 2. Similarities Between Antigone And Creon Sophocles' play Antigone continues the calamitous story of the Theban royal family, recounting the conflict between Creon's authority as king and Antigone's sense of justice. While many of the events of the play are certainly tragic, whether or not Antigone and its characters should be considered tragic is less definite. Aristotle's theory of a tragic hero calls for a basically good character who experiences a fall due to some flaw or error, experiencing a transformative realization and catharsis as a result. When considered together, the traits of both Antigone and Creon come together to fulfill all of the requirements for the play to be a tragedy, but neither character can be considered an Aristotelian tragic hero standing alone. The first specification for the tragic hero is one of the few that both Antigone and Creon exhibit; both characters are between the extremes of perfect morality and pure villainy. Antigone's moral neutrality is illustrated through her noble intentions and the unorthodox way she acts upon them. When she is confronted by Creon and demanded to give an explanation for her disobedience, Antigone says, "For me it was not Zeus who made that order. Nor did that Justice who lives with the gods below mark out such laws to hold among mankind" (Sophocles 207 ll. 450–2). Along with love and loyalty to her brother, Antigone is largely motivated by her desire for justice and appeasement of the gods. While her intentions are noble, Antigone's actions in the Get more content on
  • 3. Antigone, The Tragic Hero Antigone is the tragic hero because she had goodness in her heart, nobility as a princess, a fatal flaw in her personality, and a status downfall when she was put inside the cave. All of these descriptions fit Aristotle's description of what a tragic hero is. Aristotle was a philosopher. He was passionate about his own definition and characteristics of how a story's tragic hero should be portrayed. In the time he was alive, men were shown to be the superior other. Women stayed inside while they watched the children and cooked a nice meal for their family. Men worked to earn money for their family. So, it's safe to say that men had more recognition. More 'fame'. Although most people believed that, in this arbitrary time, there were others who disagreed with these unfair decisions. In 367 BC, Aristotle attended Plato's Academy. Plato was his professor in his twenty years of attending that school. According to Classics Network, Plato was known as one of the many people who opposed excluding women from society. Because of his strong beliefs, he influenced many of his more content... Most of them you'd have to dig quite deep for, but once found they are quite interesting. Sophocles was born in 498 B.C. and wrote 'Antigone' in 441 B.C.. Plato and Aristotle were born after 'Antigone' was written. During this time, people thought men were superior. They were the stars. Sophocles could have disagreed just like Plato had, so when he wrote 'Antigone' he chose to add in both a male and a female tragic hero. Because of the pressure from others, he chose to write the character of Antigone in a secretive kind of way. While her character does show traits of a tragic hero, it's not as easy to figure out with only a simple read. Most likely, because of the years Aristotle and Plato were born, their views on women's role in society were greatly influenced by the 'secret' example of Antigone as a tragic Get more content on
  • 4. Antigone As A Tragic Hero Antigone is a tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, which depicts two extraordinary cases for a tragic hero. Both Creon and Antigone are the principal characters of the play to be tragic heroes. A tragic hero is a character who is known for being noble and has an imperfection that helps to his or her destruction. Creon and Antigone are honorable and defective in their own particular manners, having a comparative deplorable imperfection. The greatest golfer ever known as Tiger Woods is portrayed as a modern–day tragic hero because of his flaw of over the top pride leading to the decimation of his profession and relationship. Tiger takes responsibility for his actions, yet it is too late and he would has to tolerate the inevitable consequences. Antigone is portrayed as a character who is very proud her pride is one of the elements that causes her downfall. Antigone has her mind set on burying her brother Polyneices and she will stop at nothing until she does what will bring her great glory. Creon remains firm on his decision, anyone who pursues to bury Polyneices, the one who attacked the city, will be punished by death. Antigone is also described as egotistical in the way that she reveals to her sister who won't become involved with Polyneices' burial "oh tell it! Tell everyone! Think how they'll hate you when it all comes out if they learn you knew about it all the time." She additionally spares her pride and ego as the Choragos comments "Like father, like Get more content on
  • 5. Antigone Tragic Hero Tragic heroes or heroines are characters with a sad and tragic past, and a future that usually involves a horrible and pointless death. In the play Antigone, written by Sophocles in 441 B.C. The main character Antigone, has all the qualification of a tragic heroine. However Antigone's action do not prove her to be a heroine. The play, Antigone, is about two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices who died by the hands of each other. The king Creon, the uncle of the two allows for Eteocles to be buried but forbids anyone from burying the second brother, Polyneices. The main character Antigone, defies this law and proceeds to bury her brother anyways. She is caught and sentenced to death, and because of her the wife and son of the King also die. If Get more content on
  • 6. Antigone Tragic Hero Heroes emit an undefinable energy that can attract anyone. Their sense of attraction does not stem from their physical physique, but instead an internal light. Even the most virtuous character is destined for downfall, due to one mistake or tragic flaw. In Sophocles' Antigone, many are quick to crown Antigone with the title of tragic hero, this is because in a world where no one expelled courage she did. Antigone's act of going against Kreon by burying Polyneices was a sign of foolish loyalty to the gods, but not enough to make her a tragic hero. Her sister, Ismene, is the true tragic hero. Although Ismene can be considered a foil character, Ismene's tragic flaws, loneliness and weakness, make her a tragic hero. Her dire need of affection and companionship are catalyst in her willingness to do anything and lack of rational thinking. "I did it. If she is with me now, I share the blame with her and will bear it also" (lines 657 – 658). Ismene's confession to Kreon was a lie. " What is life when I've lost you? What is there to love in life?" (lines 673 – 674) This line elaborates on why she lied and shows evidence that her deception was merely motivated by her fear of being alone. Ismene's loneliness leads to her sacrificing her life. She has no one except for more content... Unlike Antigone who was courageous and bold, Ismene is submissive. "No, we should be sensible: we are women...Kreon is king" (lines 73 – 75). Ismene is aware that what Antigone is doing is morally correct but gives into the powers of Kreon. Not only once, but twice does Ismene fathom an excuse as to why she cannot help her sister. "I won't dishonor anything; but I cannot help, not when the whole country refuses to help" (lines 97 – 98). Ismene creates these excuses to cover up her true reason for not burying Polyneices. Her fear of standing up to authority stops her from standing up for what she believes Get more content on
  • 7. Kreon, Tragic Hero in Antigone Essay In the play, Antigone, by Sophocles, there is a character, King Kreon, who is portrayed as the tragic hero, or protagonist. A tragic hero is the main character with tragic flaw, or a defect that leads to their downfall and the character is usually of high status. King Kreon would be considered the protagonist because he is opposed by an antagonist and is the main character in the play, he has the tragic flaws of stubbornness and too much self–pride, and these flaws are struck with bad luck. King Kreon is the tragic hero in Antigone because he is the main character and he is opposed by an antagonist, Antigone, who disobeys Kreon's decree to not bury Polynices' body. On page 22, Antigone says to Ismene, "He (Kreon) cannot keep me from more content... Kreon and Antigone's conflict definitely sets them as the protagonist and the antagonist. Kreon is also portrayed as the tragic hero because he has tragic flaws. Teiresias, the trusted future–telling prophet, comes to Kreon to tell him that he is making a mistake. Even then, Kreon accuses him of being bribed and is too stubborn to compromise. Kreon is blinded by his pride and can't see what is going to happen. On page 52, Haimon says to Kreon, "While I am with her, she will not die. And you, you will never see me again." Haimon, Kreon's own son and Antigone's bridegroom, tries to save his father from misfortune. Kreon is too blinded and self–pride has become his adversary. Kreon's tragic flaws eventually led to his inevitable downfall. Kreon's tragic flaws were also unfortunately paired with bad–timing. "I've changed my mind. I did it and I'll undo it," is said by Kreon after he realizes that he and his family are in danger for the mistakes he has made. When Kreon finally changes his mind and tries to go tell his son that he will not execute Antigone, he finds Antigone dead, dead by her own hand, and Haimon turns on his father and tries to kill him. When Haimon fails at that, he turned the blade on himself. If Kreon would have realized his mistake a bit sooner, maybe even 10 minutes sooner, he would still have his wife, his son, and his son's bride. Kreon's wife killed herself after she heard the news. Get more content on
  • 8. Who Is Antigone Tragic Hero Greco DiCaprio Mr. Keister ELA 10 Per. 1 May 10, 2018 EA 4.1 Antigone, Tragic Hero Antigone, The Tragic Hero. Antigone was the daughter of King Oedipus of Thebes and Jocasta. Oedipus married a beautiful woman and had kids with her but little does he know, she married her own mother, Jacosta. Antigone was the daughter and the sister of Oedipus. A Tragic Hero is Responsible for his/her own fate, endowed with tragic flaw, doomed to make a serious mistake in judgment, they are born from a wealthy family, and they would die with honor. Antigone is the tragic hero because she falls into every criteria in Aristotle's definition in a clear fashion. Antigone hits all the characteristics required. Antigone was born from a wealthy family because she is the daughter of Oedipus who was the former commander/leader of the civilization before Creon. "Think of Oedipus, our own father" (line 58) more content... She already knows what's coming but she still does it. She is in charge of her fate. "I will bury him myself, if I die for doing that good." (line 87–88) Antigone still and concurs with herself that what she did was correct, she accepts death because she knows she will die but she doesn't care because she thought it was correct to honor you so she doesn't care that she will die for it. "But I was right to honor you, and men who understand will agree" (Line Get more content on
  • 9. The Tragic Hero in Antigone Aristotle's theories on tragedy were first established during the fourth century in the Poetics, where he defines what makes a tragic hero. Aristotle suggests that a tragic hero is a character who has a high social standing and embodies great nobility in his/her personality. They are neither a villain nor are they entirely good, but a person somewhat like us, raised to a higher position in society. In addition, the downfall of a tragic hero is caused by fault of their own, often through arrogance or pride, as the result of free will. It is triggered by a weakness in their character or an error of their judgment, which is known as their tragic flaw, or hamartia. The tragic hero's misfortune also exceeds the mistake they made, more content... Because Creon is the most responsible for the all the dark turns in this play, he is left to suffer for the consequences for his actions even after death, which exceed his tragic flaw. He had the most to lose, thus evoking feelings of pity and fear in the audience. Creon recognizes his mistake only when he loses it all and it is too late to reverse the consequences of his actions. He undergoes a drastic change of character, supported by his final statements in the play: "I have been rash and foolish... Fate has brought all my pride to a thought of dust." In this quote, Creon realizes that he is at fault because he can't control fate and his pride took him nowhere. He even goes as far to admit that he killed his son and wife. The audience feels sorry for Creon because now he is alone and lost all of his pride and glory as king. Creon undergoes much loss because of his tragic flaw and the audience stimulates our pity and fear for him, making him the epitome of a tragic hero. His pride led to his ultimate downfall and he does not comply to Teiresias' warning until it is too late. Creon shows all of the characteristics of a tragic hero, from being born into a high social stature to experiencing misfortune that isn't entirely deserved. In the end, the laws of the gods overcome the laws of men, which Creon has failed to see. Creon ends up suffering due to his pride, which teaches an important lesson on Get more content on
  • 10. The Tragic Hero Of Antigone The tragic hero according to Aristotle is a man who is neither a paragon of virtue and justice nor undergoes the change of misfortune or leads to his or her own downfall or destruction through their journey as the characters analyze their "judgment error". In the play Antigone, Antigone is a tragic heroine who stands up and fights for her moral duties to do what is morally right instead of being loyal to the state even if cost her her life. The plot of Antigone is quite predictable. But, it shows the audience how does it make Creon and Antigone both tragic heroes in their own situation. The purpose of the play tells us that when a man has a noble goal that is condescending, downfall destroys him. This contributes gnificantly to the play because audience are able to know what is going to happen with hubris, leading oneself to its own nemesis. The function of the plot is to make the audience think what is going to happen next in the play, to leave clues into their heads to think what is going to happen next. Antigone's major theme focuses on a strong individual suffering against the will of fate. In Antigone, Sopochles portrays that Antigone is the protagonist who believes in being morally right rather than following the law of the state lead by the antagonist, King of Thebes, Creon. The two individualities and personalities of the characters made the play even more interesting because they both have different beliefs, stands and they are both on different levels of Get more content on
  • 11. Antigone: A Tragic Hero Antigone, a Greek a tragedy, is the third of the Three Theban Plays by Sophocles. Throughout the play, readers are introduced to few, but intriguing characters, one being the protagonist of the play, Antigone. Antigone is the tragic hero of Antigone; she presents recognition of the gods, exemplifies good virtues, and possess a fatal flaw, or hamartia. A tragic hero is a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat. Antigone shows her recognition of and homage to the gods in every scene she is in. While sharing her plans of burying Polynices to Ismene, Antigone says "I know that those approve, whom I most need to please" (Sophocles 4). Ismene is arguing that Creon would be outraged if Antigone were to bury her fallen brother; Antigone responds by stating her actions are to please the gods who's law over rules that of Creon. As Antigone is being marched to her death for preforming executing the more content... From the very first scene opening with Antigone sharing her intentions with Ismene, Antigone is introduced with these good virtues: "Death so we meet, were honor; and for that capital crime or piety, loving and loved, I will lie by his side. Far longer is there need I satisfy those nether powers, than power on earth" (Sophocles 3). Antigone proclaims her willingness to die by her brother in order for him to be buried with honor and for him to have died loved, for it is what the gods desire and she has an obligation to them as she will need to satisfy them longer. During the same exchange, Antigone invited Ismene to join her in burying their brother: "Though you desire, shall you, with my good will, share what I do" (Sophocles 3). Antigone is allowing Ismene to join her in her admirable and noble mission to honor their brother and appease the gods so that Ismene has a chance to prove herself to the gods and to their family as Get more content on
  • 12. Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay A Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocent actions, Antigone is punished unjustly and unfairly. Through her risky and unselfish actions, ability to follow her own beliefs, and perseverance Antigone is the tragic hero of this play. Furthermore, Antigone makes many important more content... Moreover, Antigone's ability to follow her own beliefs results into the heroicness and tragic death of Antigone. Antigone is from a royal family and has the power to do what she believes in. She believes in following traditions and exercises that power when she says, "I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that the crime is holy: I shall lie down With him in death, and I shall be as dear To him as he to me" (694). Antigone follows her beliefs in following tradition and by doing what she feels is best. Antigone does this because she knows she is doing the right thing and knows that she will be repaid in some way. Furthermore, Antigone justifies her actions by telling the reasons that motivated her to do it to King Creon. She refuses to give in to the beliefs of King Creon and continues to think her own separate way. Antigone takes a stand to Creon when she says, " Think Death less than a friend? This death of mine Is of no importance, but if I had left my brother Lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. You smile at me. Ah Creon , Think me a fool, if you like, but it may well be That a fool convicts me of folly" (709). Antigone believes what she is doing is correct and proves that to Creon , but he is still not convinced. It is important for Antigone to do what she believes is so that she will be pleased and satisfied with the outcome. Antigone's ability to pursue her goals and to what she wants Get more content on
  • 13. Antigone as a Tragic Hero Essay Antigone as a tragic hero The debate over who is the tragic hero in Antigone is unanswered. The belief that Antigone is the hero is a tough one. Antigone is widely thought of as the tragic hero of the play bearing her name. She would seem to fit the part in light of the fact that she dies for doing what she believes is right. She buries her brother without worrying what might happen to her. Unlike Antigone, Ismene says "And break the law, our death will be more shameful even then theirs" (pg.5 line 60). In Sophocle's Antigone, the characters show a variety of traits. However, Antigone's life of aspiration, family of noble rank, and display of good mentality portray her as the tragic hero of the story. A tragic hero has haughty, more content... Antigone fulfills all three traits thoroughly in the story of Antigone. A tragic flaw plays a very imperative part of a tragic hero. Tragic flaw simply means a "character weakness." The most common types of tragic flaws are unwarranted pride, ambition, and jealousy. Those who do believe that Antigone was meant to be the true tragic hero argue against others who believe that Creon deserves that honor. They say that the Gods were against Creon, and that he did not truly love his country. "His patriotism is to narrow and negative and his conception of justice is too exclusive... to be dignified by the name of love for the state". These arguments, and many others, make many people believe the Antigone is the rightful protagonist. Antigone tries to help her brother without worrying about what will happen to her. She says, "I intend to give my brother burial. I'll be glad to die in the attempt, –if it's a crime, then it's a crime that God commands" (she says in a different translation). Antigone says "He has no right to keep me from my own" (pg.4 line 48). She was also punished for doing what was right. Her epiphany came, hidden from the audience, before she hung herself. Creon, understanding his ignorance may lead one to believe that he is the true protagonist. But, if you define the word protagonist you would find that a protagonist is one who is a leader or supporter of a cause. Antigone is in support of her own actions in the burial of her brother Get more content on
  • 14. Antigone: A True Tragic Hero SUBTOPIC A: According to the Aristotle's interpretation, a tragic hero is a great person who comes to misfortune through a fatal character flaw. Greek tragedies present us with the main characters which are born as tragic heroes in accordance with the first points of philosopher's definition. Oedipus and Antigone have the nobility that a true tragic hero must have. They are worthy of attention and sympathy. Antigone and her sister Ismene are the daughters of King Oedipus of Thebes and Jocasta. She is of high birth standing and in a state of good fortune. Antigone's values loyalty to gods and family. To fully understand it, we must first understand the background behind the princess of Thebes. Antigone is both the daughter and the more content... As a baby crawls on his hands and knees, Oedipus depended solely on others. He was at the weakest point of his life at the time when the shepherd gave him to Polybus to raise as his own. If not, Oedipus would have died. Man walks on two feet when he has matured. This is a metaphor for the time when Oedipus reached the state of being mature and left Corinth to escape the oracle. He met up with a band of travelers and in a rage killed them. Unknowingly, Oedipus has killed his own father. By becoming king of Thebes he married Jocasta the Queen of Thebes, his mother. In answering the riddle Oedipus inevitable brought about his own tragic ending. Both Oedipus and Antigone live through a struggle that tests them morally and which ultimately destroys them. Antigone and undergo a morally significant struggle for her family against the law. She fights for her brother to be given a proper burial despite the fact that Polyneices betrayed their city. For the simple fact that he is family, Antigone must bury him. When Ismene questions Antigone about her plan, "Bury him! You have just said the new laws forbids it?" (prologue, 30), Antigone responds passionately with: "He is my brother". She feels that her family is more important than the law – she will never be "betraying him". Antigone's refusal to accept the authority ends awfully for her, however, she becomes really free to decide what to do with her Get more content on
  • 15. The Tragic Hero: Creon or Antigone? Essay In the Greek tragedy Antigone, the characters Antigone and Creon can both be thought of as the tragic hero of the play. Though Antigone does show some of these characteristics of a tragic hero, Creon demonstrates the attributes more clearly and concisely. Creon is the King of Thebes, as well as the uncle of Antigone. Creon took the throne after a tragic quarrel between his two nephews, Eteocles and Polyneices. Despite his harsh governing and his crude ideals, he is not good or bad. Creon is the tragic hero of the play Antigone, because of his superiority in his society, his nobility, and his tragic flaw, self–pride. Creon was known as the antagonist King in Antigone. A sample of Creon's antagonist actions is quoted: "...Polyneices, I say, more content... Antigone was also born into nobility, as she was the daughter of Oedipus, but Creon was still in a higher position than she was. As addressing his servants, "Unfortunately, as you know, his two sons, the princes Eteocles and Polyneices have killed each other in battle; and I, as the next in blood, have succeeded to the full power of the throne." (Sophocles 1. 15–19) The quote provided expresses the exact nobility Creon is related to. Although Creon's nobility made him a very greedy and ungenerous person, his character fits a part of the perfect definition of a tragic hero. Of the many characteristics that can describe Creon, prideful is one of the strongest descriptions of him. Throughout the tragedy, Creon reveals indirectly that he has a major tragic flaw: Self–pride. Antigone is considered to have the tragic flaw of excess ambition, exemplar by this quote: "...Is less of importance; but if I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not." (Sophocles 2. 79–81) Her ambition lies in this quote because she is defying the King Creon. However, many characters in stories have the ability to obtain the trait of ambition; whereas self–pride is a more unique trait. Creon's pride may have gotten him into a bad situation and his trait may have caused him to pay for his own consequences, but a tragic hero has the ability to learn from their own actions. Creon learned Get more content on
  • 16. Antigone Tragic Hero Essay Have you ever read or watched a play that left your heart into pieces? Then, you have definitely come across what is called a tragedy. A tragedy is a form of drama in which the ending is a deep, serious, and sad one that leaves the audience in sorrow; this devastating ending is caused by the hero's downfall, which is due to their "tragic flaw". Every tragedy has a fallen hero known as "the tragic hero". In the drama, "Antigone", by Sophocles, there are two main tragic heroes, Antigone and Creon. Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, the king of Thebes, who dies at the beginning of the play leaving his two sons Eteocles and Polyneices, fighting over his thrown. Both of his sons die in the battle leaving the throne to their uncle, Creon, who clashes with Antigone; this clash leads to a tragedy where the two tragic heroes have their more content... At the end of the play, the tragic flaw is unveiled to the tragic heroes in what is called a moment of recognition or anagnorisis. In this play "Antigone" there were two central tragic heroes, Antigone and Creon, with both similarities and differences. Antigone's tragic flaw was relatively due to a positive quality, which is extreme loyalty to her brother in addition to another negative quality, which is being revolutionary. On the other side, Creon's tragic flaw had a negative motive of extreme tyranny and stubbornness against the laws of nature and gods and human emotions, which caused tragic effects that could not be reversed despite his efforts at the end; Consequently, Antigone and Creon's characters meet at the point of recalcitrance. In this artistic drama, the writer delivers a significant message that utmost obstinacy and pride results in harsh punishments known as "the blows of fate" which are surely acute for anyone to Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Antigone is a Tragic Hero Antigone is a Tragic Hero A subject of debate in Sophocles' play Antigone is which character complies with the characteristics of a tragic hero. The qualities that constitute a tragic hero are, in no particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, isolation, being tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Creon possesses some of these qualities but, does not completely fulfill them all. Antigone does, however, conform to the persona of a tragic hero. The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone has a high social position. She is the daughter of Jocasta more content... The act of burying her brother was a form of isolation. No one else dared to go against Creon's law that forbade the burial of Polyneices. Antigone went against the law and mourned her brother. A tragic hero possesses a flaw that leads to their demise and the demise of others. Antigone never attempted to speak to Creon about the possibility of a burial for her brother. She broke the law. Ismene offered to take part in the blame but, Antigone was set against it. Refusing to let Creon get his way she took her own life. Had she waited a little longer she would have been released and her brother would have been given the proper respect. Antigone, being rash and quick to act, hung herself. Her flaw led to the death of her future husband and his mother (Eurydice). Haemon was enraged by his fathers actions against his bride to be and, his failed attempt to murder Creon was followed by his own suicide. Haemon's mother heard of what her son had done and, took her own life. Though Haemon and Eurydice committed suicide it was Antigone's actions that led to their self annihilation. Creon is not tenacious in nature. He wavers on the burial of Polyneices throughout the play. He is stubborn against the burial but, changes his mind later on. A tragic hero would stick to their beliefs without teetering back and forth. Antigone stays with her story and beliefs. "Even so, the god of Death demands these rites" (Lines 517–518). She feels as though she had done Get more content on
  • 18. Who Is Antigone The Most Tragic Hero Jessie Romelus English I Mrs. Joseph March 14,2011 Antigone: the Most Tragic Hero Sophocles Playwright, The Three Plebian Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus written by Sophocles, is one of the many plays that shows the audience heroic figures and the outcome of being exposed to fate. Creon and Anitgone both show nobility throughout the play showing that they are both admirable and human. Antigone copes with the situation she has fallen in. She rebels the governments decree so she could have a proper burial for her deceased brother. Doing this Antigone did not only prove that she is brave and showed great fortitude, but in the process Antigone also defends her faithfulness for her family. This makes Antigone more content... She has come so far going against Creon standing up for what she believed in to honor her brother. Antigone is punished for defending her ideals; she is walled up in a tomb and abandoned. Even though Antigone has very admirable qualities, to Creon she was an arrogant pest who to be silent and not heard as he thought women should be. She was making him look powerless because she fearlessly went against his decree. " This girl was an old hand at insolence when she overrode the edicts we made public"(Sophocles 536). Antigone fights for her beliefs through her fight but stands up brave and tall to burying her brother. Antigone could be called independent because by herself, she buries her brother alone and faces the consequences alone with great bravery. Even though Antigone knew she was going to die if she buried her brother she did it anyway to show respect for her brother and family. Although Creon could have been considered a noble character because he defends his city and his power, he does grieve the loss of the brother, mother, and father like Antigone. However, Antigone endures more personal burdens; noone to save her from doom. Creon did not work himself as Antigone did, burying her brother with no fear of what would become it. He did show himself as a noble character as Antigone. Creon used minions to do his work, in fear of what would happen if he had killed her directly. Ultimately, this shows that Antigone Get more content on
  • 19. How Is Antigone A Tragic Hero The play Antigone by Sophocles shows the main character, Antigone, as a tragic hero. In the play, Antigone wants to honor her brother, Polyneices, who died on the battlefield, by burying him properly. Yet, Creon forbids anyone to bury Polyneices or the punishment is death. In this situation, Antigone shows that she is elevated, basically good, has a downfall from fate, and struggles heroically, making her a tragic hero. Antigone as a tragic hero demonstrates that even in ancient times heroes were admired and commonly talked about in stories, even to this day. In the play, Antigone has an elevated place in society. Antigone and her sister Ismene are daughters ofOedipus, and nieces of Creon, the king of Thebes. Oedipus saved the city and this allowed for his daughters to have higher social rankings. "When Oedipus saved our city and then again When he died and you remained with steadfast truth To their descendants" (ll 186–188). Oedipus' achievement make Antigone and Ismene elevated in society. Antigone is basically good, constantly fighting for her brother, Polyneices. Despite Creon's orders, Antigone insists that Polyneices deserves a proper burial. Creon decrees, "I here proclaim to more content... Antigone knows the punishment for burying her brother is death, but she is selfless and still buries Polyneices. Antigone expresses her dedication and love to Polyneices by saying, "I myself will bury him... I shall be A criminal– but a religious one. The time in which I must please those that are dead Is longer than I must please those of this world."(ll 82–87). Shortly after burying him, Antigone takes her own life, not wanting Creon to win the war over Polyneices' body. Antigone's suicide prompts a string of deaths caused by grief from Antigone's passing, allowing Creon to realize what courage and selflessness Antigone possesses through committing suicide for her values and devotion to her Get more content on
  • 20. Antigone: not the tragic hero Antigone: Not the Tragic Hero Sophocles, a great tragedian, was the one who gave Greek tragedies their traditional form. An important part of traditional Greek tragedies is the presence of a tragic hero. All tragic heroes should have the characteristics of rank, a tragic flaw, a downfall, and a recognition of mistakes. The seemingly tragic hero is Antigone. She wants to bury her brother Polyneices even though this would be going against Creon, who is her uncle and the king. When Antigone buries Polyneices Creon sentences her to death because of it. In Antigone by Sophocles the tragic hero is not Antigone because she only meets the characteristic of a tragic flaw, hers being pride, but doesn 't meet the other three characteristics of more content... She does not believe those beliefs are right and stubbornly ignores them. By acting this way she is demonstrating pride because a prideful person does not take into consideration anything going against them and their beliefs. Also when she says that "the laws of the gods mean nothing" to Ismene she is showing her pride. Firstly it again establishes the importance she puts to the gods laws. In this time period it was important to respect the gods. By suggesting Ismene does not respect the gods Antigone is entirely discarding Ismene. Antigone 's tragic flaw does not lead to her downfall, because of this Antigone does not meet the characteristic of reversal in fate otherwise known as a downfall. Creon's pride is what causes Antigone 's death. For example when Teiresias tells Creon to let Antigone go and to give Polyneices a proper burial because the gods are upset he does not listen. Instead he says to Teiresias, "doddering fortune tellers...if your birds–if the great eagles of God himself– should carry him bit by bit to heaven, I would not yield"( 44– 47). Creon is insulting Teiresias, a respected prophet, and says that he wouldn 't do as Teiresias says even if the birds carried Polyneices body bit by bit to heaven. It is obvious that Creon is prideful because he has a high opinion of his superiority. This is shown when he refers to Teiresias, a highly respected prophet who has never been wrong, as Get more content on