SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Anthem apparel
Sinead Bidwell
- Impericon
- Band Camp
- More information is included as more text and
images can fit on the screen.
- Full website access.
- Can be easier to navigate as less sections are
hidden in a burger menu or dropdown menu.
- Can be easier to use for people with disabilities
when it comes to typing on a keyboard compared
to a phone screen.
- Most people on a computer will search through a
search engine such as Google.
- Less likely to be distracted due to things such as
social media notifications that pop up on mobiles.
- A mobile screen is a lot smaller than a desktop so some
features will be changed to fit the screen. For example,
the navigation bar will be removed and replaced with a
burger menu. Less information is included.
- Can include a click to call function.
- Can open the address in maps for easy directions.
- Clicking the email address could open a draft email.
- Downloadable data may be restricted due to the phone
- People use their phones for other reasons compared to
desktop which affects how they interact with your site.
- Easily portable.
Mobile Wireframes
“Web standards are blueprints –or building blocks– of a
consistent and harmonious digitally connected world.”
(W3, 2023)
W3C Standards are the list of guidelines/recommendations that are
recognised internationally as being ‘best practices of web development’
(Oxford Semantic, 2023). The standards look at creating a positive user-
experience by covering all aspects of the web including accessibility,
privacy, security, internationalisation, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language),
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), content, and language.
It’s important to follow the guidelines if you want your website to be
available and accessible to a wider audience. By not complying to the
standards, users who are disabled, not comfortable with technology and /
or are elderly may not want to use or may not be able to use your website.
The aim is to have a user-friendly website that accommodates the needs of
your users. This includes the users who user assistive technology to navigate
the internet.
Aim: To design and create a website for mobile and desktop that is fully accessible to users of all abilities
and meets the needs of my users.
Fonts and Typography:
Different fonts are better for different
situations. To be accessible, the font
shouldn’t have characters that
could be easily mistaken for other
characters. Letters such as I J L A C
G E S can easily be mistaken for
others if written in an inaccessible
Use of colour can impact how a
user navigates and interacts with
your site. Some colour
combinations make it difficult to
read text or understand what a
button does.
Captions and Subtitles:
Captions and subtitles are useful
for everybody regardless of ability.
In loud settings, subtitles make it
easier to understand what you
are watching. For some people,
it’s easier to process what they’re
hearing if they can read along as
Labels can be used in many
situations. Labelling an image can
help the user understand what
they’re seeing. For people with
visual impairments, labels on
images are important to allow
them to have the same level of
information as someone who has
no impairment.
Headings help distinguish the start
of a new section, new article or
product. They draw your eye to
that area and highlight that what
you’re about to read is different to
what you’ve previously been
Other Considerations:
- Language: is it understandable?
- Layout
- Sizing
- Imagery
- Does your site allow the use of
assistive technology?
- Operable: Can people type
using their voice?
- Perceivable: can the content be
seen and heard?
- Consistency
Dyslexia and Visual Impairments:
Black text on a white background makes it difficult for those with
dyslexia to read. To be suitable for dyslexics, it’s recommended
that a light background that isn’t white is used with a dark text.
Other considerations include:
- Using a solid colour background
- Avoid using green / red
- Ensure there’s enough contrast between the background and
Font choice is also important to ensure the user can easily read
your text and understand what they are reading. Fonts such as
Times New Roman, Verdana and Calibri are usually
recommended as they are easy to read and available on most
sites. However, Times New Roman may not be the best decision for some
people with dyslexia as the serif fonts can be more difficult to read due to the
added strokes on each character.
Beyond font choice, there’s other issues such as:
- spacing between lines
-spacingbetweenl e t t e r s
- ALL CAPITAL VS no capitals
- FontSize
To be compliant to WCAG, the recommendation is a ration of 4.5:1
Not enough contrast
Barely passes
- User searches on
Google for a specific
band, concert tickets or
band merchandise.
- User searches for record
subscription services.
- User decides if they want to
become a member.
- User looks at subscription
- User decides what tickets/
product they want to buy.
- User successfully purchases
products / tickets.
- Signs up for subscription.
- Signs up for rewards
- Repeat Purchases.
- Continues with member’s
- Redeems member points /
coupons on multiple orders.
- To find tickets and/or
specific merchandise.
- To find a subscription
service that is reliable
and affordable.
- Finds artists that they want
to search.
- Finds tickets for a concert
they want to attend.
- Finds subscription plan that’s
suitable for them.
- To have a smooth
transaction without any
- To purchase valid tickets.
- Have quick delivery after
- To feel like a valued
customer by receiving
incentives and perks.
- To receive records each
month that they enjoy and
for a reasonable price.
- To earn enough points to get
discount on products.
- To receive monthly discounts
and exclusive offers.
- Customer feels like
they’ve found a website
that potentially sells the
items they’re looking for.
- Customer feels satisfied
that they’ve found an
affordable subscription.
- Customer feels happy that
they’ve found tickets but are
curious if there would be a
price difference.
- Customer has found the
product they want but
wonders what other options
there are i.e., pre-sale or pre-
- Happy that the transaction
was relatively easy, and the
items were available to buy.
- Unhappy that their
preferred payment was
- The customer is happy
with the mystery selection
as it’s still tailored to their
- Customer is happy they can
get discounts just for being a
- Customer feels happy
because they’ve got exclusive
- Had to search through
many results on Google
to find Anthem Apparel.
- Couldn’t find the artist
that they were looking
- Tickets have sold out for a
particular event so they
aren’t able to continue with
- Merch is unavailable in their
- Had to use a different card
than they’d have preferred.
- International shipping costs
more than UK shipping.
- Customers find
cancelling the subscription
service more difficult than
it should be.
- Customers can’t view the
points they’ve acquired.
- The benefits don’t change
long-term for customers so
there’s no new incentives to
- Add more artists to the
site, expand product
- Change ‘Top Bands’
each month so new
artists have the ticket
- Allow pre-order for new
merchandise coming out.
- Collaborate with ticket
company to allow presale
access through the website.
- Notify customer when the
item they want is in stock.
- Have more payment
options such as Klarna and
- As a member, the customer
could get cheaper shipping
or pay a certain amount for
free shipping for a year.
- Create a page showing
available points, vouchers
and rewards.
- Make the ‘cancel’
button and all information
regarding the service is
- Have a tiered membership so
long-term members can get
different perks and benefits.
- Allow members to choose
what reward their points are
worth i.e., they can choose
between a discount or free
Sign In
Sign up
Click on
log in
New In
- Tagging words unrelated to your website.
- Not matching what your customer is searching
- Using jargon or complicated words that
wouldn’t be used by your customer.
- Having a slow website that is not user-friendly.
- Not enough backlinks
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is what determines where your website shows up when customers
search on Google. Improving your SEO will help increase your website’s visibility across different search
engines. 53% of traffic on a website is generated by organic searches (Bright Edge Research, 2023)
There are 3 types of SEO; technical, on-site and off-site. On-Site SEO is the type of SEO that you have the
most control over as it refers to the anything you create on your website.
To optimize your webpage and content you should:
- Make sure the content is relevant to your site.
- Include keywords (for example, records, vinyl, band merchandise)
- Is readable and structured well
- Is up to date
- Music
- Merchandise
- Artists
- Records
- CDs
- Cassettes
- Vinyl
- Tickets
- Clothing
- Musicians
- Band Merchandise
It’s important to have good SEO to ensure my website comes up as a top result when consumers search for
relevant topics. As my website is brand new, I will have to rely on SEO to direct customers to my site to then
create the traffic on my site. To work out my keywords, I looked at what my site sells picked the words used
to describe it. Then, I went on Google Trends to find out what is being searched and how often people are
searching for it.
Using Google Analytics, I would be able to track different events happening on my site. GA4 automatically tracks
certain events when you set up your website on your account such as ‘first visit’ and ‘session time’.
Events I’d Track and Why?
Buy_Tickets This event would include parameters that also track the specific artist, date and venue. I’d track
this event because I’d like to see whether people are using my site to purchase to tickets or just
merchandise. Also, buy tracking the venue and artist I’m able to see which artists are popular and
approximate where my users are located.
Product_BandMerch The parameters for this event would be product type and the artist. The reason for
tracking this event is to show me what products are my best-sellers and which artists are being shopped
compared to others.
Sign_Up vs Sign_In These events would tell me how
many people already have accounts on my site
and how many new users I am gaining. I’d also be
able to see how many people use my site as
guests rather than members. If I included certain
parameters, I could track who signs up through
the button at the top of the page or through the
‘Apparel Points’ page.
I’d want to know how my users are becoming
members because it would show me how the user
is navigating the site. Are they seeing the button
right away? Is it too small so it’s unnoticeable? Are
people reading through the perks of being a
member before deciding if they want to join?
Other Events:
- Abandoned Carts
- Subscriptions
- Mailing Lists
- Desktop vs Mobile
- Location
- Conversions
Available for any income level, education level, employment status, religion and ethnicity.
Age: Whilst the merchandise and tickets are for any age, it is an online store so customers should be over
16 to be able to purchase items. Customers under 16 should have parents purchase on their behalf. Also,
some content may contain bad language such as album titles and song titles that contain swear words
which isn’t suitable for under 16’s.
Gender: Any gender can shop on my site. All the clothing is unisex so there is no set men and women’s
clothing options. This could an option in the future but now it’s just small, medium, large, etc. This means
anyone of any gender can shop freely without feeling restricted to one category.
Location: The site ships internationally so anyone can order. Tickets are restricted to wherever the band is
- Likes music, concerts, records, musicians, merchandise.
- People who enjoy live music and buying the merchandise to remember the moment.
- Supports musicians of all career sizes.
- Shops at places like Impericon, EMP and Band Camp.
- Looks for affordable ticket pricing
- Uses lossy
compression meaning
it produces a smaller
file size but loses some
of its data in the
- Used exclusively for
- Supported by most
platforms and
- Can be used for audio,
video and text (such as
- Supported by most
platforms and devices but
relies on codecs.
- The audio and video may
be out of sync due to the
codec compatibility.
- Produces relatively small file
sizes by using lossy
- Lossless compression means none of
the quality is lost but the image is still
high quality.
- Uses a wider colour palette (16 million
colours precisely).
- Can be slower to load.
- Handles images with transparent and
non-transparent backgrounds.
- Any software can open a PNG file.
- Doesn’t support CMYK so printing
PNG images can be tricky.
- Uses lossy compression: small
size, worse quality.
- Uses RGB and CMYK
- Sharp lines in the image may
become fuzzy.
- Quick to load.
- Good for icons, logos and
other two-dimensional
graphics and illustrations.
- Stores text as text rather than
- Always maintains its
- Not suitable for actual
- Only supported by modern
- Small file sizes.
File Types:
.webp is a format created by Google in order to make loading times faster across the internet. Files in a .webp format
allow for high-quality images but are smaller than files such as PNG and JPEG. When using this file type, you have the
option of lossy or lossless compression, so you have more choice over the quality of your image. According to
developers at Google, lossless WebP images can be 26% smaller than PNGs (Adobe, 2023).
- Fast to load.
- Compatible with various
- Choice between lossy and
lossless compression.
- Smaller sizes than available with
PNGs and JPEGs.
- Designed with the internet in
- Not as useful if you’re
wanting to print images.
- Older browsers might
not support .webp
- Any compression
reduces the quality no
matter how little data is
Most of the issues with my mobile site are to do with the code. As of now, I am not confident with
code so struggled with trying to improve my mobile sites performance. If I was to continue with my
site then I’d like to learn more about coding and JavaScript so I could fix my performance issues.
There is still room for improvement with the
performance of my website but it’s better than my
mobile site. My website scored a 100 for SEO which
shows my website has an effective use of SEO.
The main performance issues include cache and code
problems. In the future, I’d like to fix these problems to
improve the performance further but right now I don’t
know enough about coding to fix it.
I dropped accessibility points for things such as
elements not having accessible names which means
that if read out by a screen reader, the element
wouldn’t have a clear purpose. Again, to fix this I
would have to edit the code.
WEB SECURITY: Creating my website on Wix means I’m limited on how
much control I have over the security however, there
are a few things I can do to create a safe and secure
website. Wix allows you to create your own privacy
policy and add a cookie consent banner on your site.
After publishing my site, HTTPS is automatically added to
the front of my web address. HTTPS encrypts data
between the web browser and the website meaning if
the information is intercepted, it won’t be understood
by anyone other than the intended receiver.
Data Privacy:
When collecting data from users, I
should be clear and transparent
about why I’m collecting their data
and what it will be used for. I would
make sure customers could easily find
our privacy policy and it would be
explained in a way that anyone could
understand it. I would also make sure
I’m not trying to collect unnecessary
data for example inputting your birth
date wouldn’t require adding your
phone number. At all times, my
website needs to comply with the
GDPR rules and regulations.
Effective copywriting should captivate your reader and keep them interested in your article, post, etc.
Depending on what it is you’re writing, the length of text should accurately reflect its purpose. For
example, a newspaper article should be considerably longer than an Instagram caption. However,
social media is now being used more in professional settings so it’s more important than ever to
determine the correct length of copy.
Good copy should be engaging and appropriate for its purpose. ß Example: I’ve said the same thing
twice, one version is a lot more concise and to the point.
Things to Avoid:
- Repetition
- Jargon
- Slang
- Technical Terms
- Filler Content
- False or Misleading Claims
- Being too aggressive
- Saying the same things (Another Example)
Do Use:
- Headers
- Bullet Points
- Space
- Valuable text
- Short, Simple Words
- Contractions
- Positivity
- Sense of Urgency, Scarcity
- Social Proof, Testimonials
As my website is an online
store, there isn’t many large
sections of text. Most of the
text on my site is labels,
headings, prices and
product details. The largest
section of text I have is on
the ‘About Us’ page where I
briefly explain the history
and purpose of Anthem
This paragraph explains
how the business has
expanded its product
portfolio over time.
User’s can read this
and understand what
Anthem Apparel sells.
ANTHEM APPAREL is a London based company that
sells merchandise from different bands and music
genres. Starting with one small store in Camden
Market, the company now has 10 stores across the UK
and has started shipping internationally.
Originally starting with UK based bands, ANTHEM
APPAREL now sells merchandise from bands and
musicians around the world. As well as a variety of
bands, ANTHEM APPAREL also offers different genres of
music to choose from. The products range from
clothing, music formats, and merchandise from
current and past tours.
This tells the reader where the company is based and where it’s from. Specifying
‘Camden’ gives the reader more information about Anthem Apparel creating a
personal connection between business and customer.
The reader is instantly
told that the website
now ships
internationally so they
don’t have to wait until
the end of their
transaction to find out if
they can have their
order sent to them or
’10 stores’:
This shows the scale of the company. Anthem
Apparel is not as big as global companies like H&M
however, it’s slowly growing.
The purpose of this paragraph is to explain
why Anthem Apparel exists and what it’s
trying to achieve.
When writing this piece of text, I wanted
to emphasize the fact that Anthem
Apparel is a company for anyone who
enjoys music regardless of their
background. Anthem Apparel is a space
without negative judgement from others. I
wanted my site to be more than a site as I
wanted to eventually create a
community of people who have the same
The informal tone of the text creates a
more personal connection with the user.
However, words like ’strive’ show that
Anthem Apparel is serious about not
straying from their aim. I wanted the
customer to feel like they would be
listened to and have their wants and
needs accommodated.
At ANTHEM APPAREL, we want to ensure everyone
can enjoy music and can feel part of a community.
Not everyone gets the chance to go see their
favourite musician or maybe they enjoy music from
decades before they were born. Everyone deserves to
express their musical interest in a way they choose,
whether it's through wearing a hoodie with a band on
it or celebrating a festival from 2003 with a poster
that's not been made in 20 years.
Fast fashion brands turn bands like Nirvana into a trend
that comes and goes but what is available for
consumers who remember 1988 when Nirvana
released their first album? ANTHEM APPAREL strives to
create a community of authentic music lovers who
each have memories of their favourite band and wear
their merchandise with pride.
Issues, Solutions and Extensions:
An issue I had with my website is in order to go further with its development, I would have to pay to be able
to use certain features.
This means I have ideas I would like to fully implement in the future if I choose to pay for the features. For
example, I wanted to create a member's section where people could track the points they’ve earned, see
the rewards they’d collected and connect with other members. By being a member, they would earn
exclusive discounts and rewards such as birthday discounts and free shipping all year. However, when I
tried to set up the points page, it wouldn’t allow me to continue with set up of the pages. People can
become a member but currently there’s no way to track your points or see your rewards besides getting
email notifications. If I was to develop this further, I’d create a profile page where customers can add their
birthday and other details. They’d also be able to follow other members and see what interests' other
members have such as favourite artists, albums, songs, etc.
To further develop, I’d like to add my WIX site into
Google Tag Manager so I can actually track how
well my website does.
Other developments would be:
- Creating social media pages for the business
- Adding other categories leading to more specific
search results.
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  • 5. MOBILE vs DESKTOP: DESKTOP MOBILE - More information is included as more text and images can fit on the screen. - Full website access. - Can be easier to navigate as less sections are hidden in a burger menu or dropdown menu. - Can be easier to use for people with disabilities when it comes to typing on a keyboard compared to a phone screen. - Most people on a computer will search through a search engine such as Google. - Less likely to be distracted due to things such as social media notifications that pop up on mobiles. - A mobile screen is a lot smaller than a desktop so some features will be changed to fit the screen. For example, the navigation bar will be removed and replaced with a burger menu. Less information is included. - Can include a click to call function. - Can open the address in maps for easy directions. - Clicking the email address could open a draft email. - Downloadable data may be restricted due to the phone network. - People use their phones for other reasons compared to desktop which affects how they interact with your site. - Easily portable.
  • 7. WEB STANDARDS “Web standards are blueprints –or building blocks– of a consistent and harmonious digitally connected world.” (W3, 2023) W3C Standards are the list of guidelines/recommendations that are recognised internationally as being ‘best practices of web development’ (Oxford Semantic, 2023). The standards look at creating a positive user- experience by covering all aspects of the web including accessibility, privacy, security, internationalisation, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), URL (Uniform Resource Locator), content, and language. It’s important to follow the guidelines if you want your website to be available and accessible to a wider audience. By not complying to the standards, users who are disabled, not comfortable with technology and / or are elderly may not want to use or may not be able to use your website. The aim is to have a user-friendly website that accommodates the needs of your users. This includes the users who user assistive technology to navigate the internet.
  • 8. Accessibility Aim: To design and create a website for mobile and desktop that is fully accessible to users of all abilities and meets the needs of my users. Fonts and Typography: Different fonts are better for different situations. To be accessible, the font shouldn’t have characters that could be easily mistaken for other characters. Letters such as I J L A C G E S can easily be mistaken for others if written in an inaccessible font. Colour: Use of colour can impact how a user navigates and interacts with your site. Some colour combinations make it difficult to read text or understand what a button does. Captions and Subtitles: Captions and subtitles are useful for everybody regardless of ability. In loud settings, subtitles make it easier to understand what you are watching. For some people, it’s easier to process what they’re hearing if they can read along as well. Labels: Labels can be used in many situations. Labelling an image can help the user understand what they’re seeing. For people with visual impairments, labels on images are important to allow them to have the same level of information as someone who has no impairment. Headings: Headings help distinguish the start of a new section, new article or product. They draw your eye to that area and highlight that what you’re about to read is different to what you’ve previously been reading. Other Considerations: - Language: is it understandable? - Layout - Sizing - Imagery - Does your site allow the use of assistive technology? - Operable: Can people type using their voice? - Perceivable: can the content be seen and heard? - Consistency
  • 9. COLOUR PALETTES AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES Dyslexia and Visual Impairments: Black text on a white background makes it difficult for those with dyslexia to read. To be suitable for dyslexics, it’s recommended that a light background that isn’t white is used with a dark text. Other considerations include: - Using a solid colour background - Avoid using green / red - Ensure there’s enough contrast between the background and foreground Font choice is also important to ensure the user can easily read your text and understand what they are reading. Fonts such as Times New Roman, Verdana and Calibri are usually recommended as they are easy to read and available on most sites. However, Times New Roman may not be the best decision for some people with dyslexia as the serif fonts can be more difficult to read due to the added strokes on each character. Beyond font choice, there’s other issues such as: - spacing between lines -spacingbetweenl e t t e r s - ALL CAPITAL VS no capitals - FontSize To be compliant to WCAG, the recommendation is a ration of 4.5:1
  • 10. COLOUR PALETTES Not enough contrast Barely passes Perfect
  • 11. AWARENESS CONSIDERATION ACQUISITION SERVICE LOYALTY USER ACTIONS - User searches on Google for a specific band, concert tickets or band merchandise. - User searches for record subscription services. - User decides if they want to become a member. - User looks at subscription options. - User decides what tickets/ product they want to buy. - User successfully purchases products / tickets. - Signs up for subscription. - Signs up for rewards account. - Repeat Purchases. - Continues with member’s account. - Redeems member points / coupons on multiple orders. GOALS & EXPERIENCES - To find tickets and/or specific merchandise. - To find a subscription service that is reliable and affordable. - Finds artists that they want to search. - Finds tickets for a concert they want to attend. - Finds subscription plan that’s suitable for them. - To have a smooth transaction without any issues. - To purchase valid tickets. - Have quick delivery after purchase. - To feel like a valued customer by receiving incentives and perks. - To receive records each month that they enjoy and for a reasonable price. - To earn enough points to get discount on products. - To receive monthly discounts and exclusive offers. FEELINGS & THOUGHTS - Customer feels like they’ve found a website that potentially sells the items they’re looking for. - Customer feels satisfied that they’ve found an affordable subscription. - Customer feels happy that they’ve found tickets but are curious if there would be a price difference. - Customer has found the product they want but wonders what other options there are i.e., pre-sale or pre- orders? - Happy that the transaction was relatively easy, and the items were available to buy. - Unhappy that their preferred payment was unavailable. - The customer is happy with the mystery selection as it’s still tailored to their interests. - Customer is happy they can get discounts just for being a member. - Customer feels happy because they’ve got exclusive perks. PAIN POINTS - Had to search through many results on Google to find Anthem Apparel. - Couldn’t find the artist that they were looking for. - Tickets have sold out for a particular event so they aren’t able to continue with transaction. - Merch is unavailable in their size. - Had to use a different card than they’d have preferred. - International shipping costs more than UK shipping. - Customers find cancelling the subscription service more difficult than it should be. - Customers can’t view the points they’ve acquired. - The benefits don’t change long-term for customers so there’s no new incentives to stay. OPPORTUNITIES - Add more artists to the site, expand product selection. - Change ‘Top Bands’ each month so new artists have the ticket options. - Allow pre-order for new merchandise coming out. - Collaborate with ticket company to allow presale access through the website. - Notify customer when the item they want is in stock. - Have more payment options such as Klarna and AMEX. - As a member, the customer could get cheaper shipping or pay a certain amount for free shipping for a year. - Create a page showing available points, vouchers and rewards. - Make the ‘cancel’ button and all information regarding the service is clear. - Have a tiered membership so long-term members can get different perks and benefits. - Allow members to choose what reward their points are worth i.e., they can choose between a discount or free item.
  • 12. FLOW DESIGN: Sign In Sign up Click on log in button Clicks Navigation Bar Home Subscription About Us All Products Apparel Points Artists Become A Member Music Band Merch New In SALE Pick A Plan Add To Cart Checkout Choose A Product Select Tickets Filter Products Add To Cart Add To Cart
  • 13. SEO: BAD SEO: - Tagging words unrelated to your website. - Not matching what your customer is searching for. - Using jargon or complicated words that wouldn’t be used by your customer. - Having a slow website that is not user-friendly. - Not enough backlinks SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is what determines where your website shows up when customers search on Google. Improving your SEO will help increase your website’s visibility across different search engines. 53% of traffic on a website is generated by organic searches (Bright Edge Research, 2023) There are 3 types of SEO; technical, on-site and off-site. On-Site SEO is the type of SEO that you have the most control over as it refers to the anything you create on your website. To optimize your webpage and content you should: - Make sure the content is relevant to your site. - Include keywords (for example, records, vinyl, band merchandise) - Is readable and structured well - Is up to date
  • 14. SEO: KEYWORDS: - Music - Merchandise - Artists - Records - CDs - Cassettes - Vinyl - Tickets - Clothing - Musicians - Band Merchandise It’s important to have good SEO to ensure my website comes up as a top result when consumers search for relevant topics. As my website is brand new, I will have to rely on SEO to direct customers to my site to then create the traffic on my site. To work out my keywords, I looked at what my site sells picked the words used to describe it. Then, I went on Google Trends to find out what is being searched and how often people are searching for it.
  • 15. DATA TRACKING: Using Google Analytics, I would be able to track different events happening on my site. GA4 automatically tracks certain events when you set up your website on your account such as ‘first visit’ and ‘session time’. Events I’d Track and Why? Buy_Tickets This event would include parameters that also track the specific artist, date and venue. I’d track this event because I’d like to see whether people are using my site to purchase to tickets or just merchandise. Also, buy tracking the venue and artist I’m able to see which artists are popular and approximate where my users are located. Product_BandMerch The parameters for this event would be product type and the artist. The reason for tracking this event is to show me what products are my best-sellers and which artists are being shopped compared to others.
  • 16. DATA TRACKING: Sign_Up vs Sign_In These events would tell me how many people already have accounts on my site and how many new users I am gaining. I’d also be able to see how many people use my site as guests rather than members. If I included certain parameters, I could track who signs up through the button at the top of the page or through the ‘Apparel Points’ page. I’d want to know how my users are becoming members because it would show me how the user is navigating the site. Are they seeing the button right away? Is it too small so it’s unnoticeable? Are people reading through the perks of being a member before deciding if they want to join? Other Events: - Abandoned Carts - Subscriptions - Mailing Lists - Desktop vs Mobile - Location - Conversions
  • 17. SEGMENTATION: Demographics: Available for any income level, education level, employment status, religion and ethnicity. Age: Whilst the merchandise and tickets are for any age, it is an online store so customers should be over 16 to be able to purchase items. Customers under 16 should have parents purchase on their behalf. Also, some content may contain bad language such as album titles and song titles that contain swear words which isn’t suitable for under 16’s. Gender: Any gender can shop on my site. All the clothing is unisex so there is no set men and women’s clothing options. This could an option in the future but now it’s just small, medium, large, etc. This means anyone of any gender can shop freely without feeling restricted to one category. Location: The site ships internationally so anyone can order. Tickets are restricted to wherever the band is playing. Psychographics: - Likes music, concerts, records, musicians, merchandise. - People who enjoy live music and buying the merchandise to remember the moment. Behavioural: - Supports musicians of all career sizes. - Shops at places like Impericon, EMP and Band Camp. - Looks for affordable ticket pricing
  • 19. FILE TYPES: MP3 MP4 PNG JPEG SVG - Uses lossy compression meaning it produces a smaller file size but loses some of its data in the process. - Used exclusively for audio. - Supported by most platforms and devices. - Can be used for audio, video and text (such as subtitles). - Supported by most platforms and devices but relies on codecs. - The audio and video may be out of sync due to the codec compatibility. - Produces relatively small file sizes by using lossy compression. - Lossless compression means none of the quality is lost but the image is still high quality. - Uses a wider colour palette (16 million colours precisely). - Can be slower to load. - Handles images with transparent and non-transparent backgrounds. - Any software can open a PNG file. - Doesn’t support CMYK so printing PNG images can be tricky. - Uses lossy compression: small size, worse quality. - Uses RGB and CMYK colouring. - Sharp lines in the image may become fuzzy. - Quick to load. - Good for icons, logos and other two-dimensional graphics and illustrations. - Stores text as text rather than shapes. - Always maintains its resolution. - Not suitable for actual images. - Only supported by modern browsers. - Small file sizes.
  • 20. File Types: .webP: .webp is a format created by Google in order to make loading times faster across the internet. Files in a .webp format allow for high-quality images but are smaller than files such as PNG and JPEG. When using this file type, you have the option of lossy or lossless compression, so you have more choice over the quality of your image. According to developers at Google, lossless WebP images can be 26% smaller than PNGs (Adobe, 2023). Advantages: - Fast to load. - Compatible with various browsers. - Choice between lossy and lossless compression. - Smaller sizes than available with PNGs and JPEGs. - Designed with the internet in mind. Disadvantages: - Not as useful if you’re wanting to print images. - Older browsers might not support .webp - Any compression reduces the quality no matter how little data is removed.
  • 21. Optimisation: Most of the issues with my mobile site are to do with the code. As of now, I am not confident with code so struggled with trying to improve my mobile sites performance. If I was to continue with my site then I’d like to learn more about coding and JavaScript so I could fix my performance issues.
  • 22. Optimisation: There is still room for improvement with the performance of my website but it’s better than my mobile site. My website scored a 100 for SEO which shows my website has an effective use of SEO. The main performance issues include cache and code problems. In the future, I’d like to fix these problems to improve the performance further but right now I don’t know enough about coding to fix it. I dropped accessibility points for things such as elements not having accessible names which means that if read out by a screen reader, the element wouldn’t have a clear purpose. Again, to fix this I would have to edit the code.
  • 23. WEB SECURITY: Creating my website on Wix means I’m limited on how much control I have over the security however, there are a few things I can do to create a safe and secure website. Wix allows you to create your own privacy policy and add a cookie consent banner on your site. After publishing my site, HTTPS is automatically added to the front of my web address. HTTPS encrypts data between the web browser and the website meaning if the information is intercepted, it won’t be understood by anyone other than the intended receiver. Data Privacy: When collecting data from users, I should be clear and transparent about why I’m collecting their data and what it will be used for. I would make sure customers could easily find our privacy policy and it would be explained in a way that anyone could understand it. I would also make sure I’m not trying to collect unnecessary data for example inputting your birth date wouldn’t require adding your phone number. At all times, my website needs to comply with the GDPR rules and regulations.
  • 24. COPYWRITING: Effective copywriting should captivate your reader and keep them interested in your article, post, etc. Depending on what it is you’re writing, the length of text should accurately reflect its purpose. For example, a newspaper article should be considerably longer than an Instagram caption. However, social media is now being used more in professional settings so it’s more important than ever to determine the correct length of copy. Good copy should be engaging and appropriate for its purpose. ß Example: I’ve said the same thing twice, one version is a lot more concise and to the point. CLEAR - CONCISE - COMPELLING - CREDIBLE Things to Avoid: - Repetition - Jargon - Slang - Technical Terms - Filler Content - False or Misleading Claims - Being too aggressive - Saying the same things (Another Example) Do Use: - Headers - Bullet Points - Space - Valuable text - Short, Simple Words - Contractions - Positivity - Sense of Urgency, Scarcity - Social Proof, Testimonials As my website is an online store, there isn’t many large sections of text. Most of the text on my site is labels, headings, prices and product details. The largest section of text I have is on the ‘About Us’ page where I briefly explain the history and purpose of Anthem Apparel.
  • 25. Origin: This paragraph explains how the business has expanded its product portfolio over time. User’s can read this and understand what Anthem Apparel sells. ANTHEM APPAREL is a London based company that sells merchandise from different bands and music genres. Starting with one small store in Camden Market, the company now has 10 stores across the UK and has started shipping internationally. Originally starting with UK based bands, ANTHEM APPAREL now sells merchandise from bands and musicians around the world. As well as a variety of bands, ANTHEM APPAREL also offers different genres of music to choose from. The products range from clothing, music formats, and merchandise from current and past tours. ‘London’: This tells the reader where the company is based and where it’s from. Specifying ‘Camden’ gives the reader more information about Anthem Apparel creating a personal connection between business and customer. Shipping: The reader is instantly told that the website now ships internationally so they don’t have to wait until the end of their transaction to find out if they can have their order sent to them or not. ’10 stores’: This shows the scale of the company. Anthem Apparel is not as big as global companies like H&M however, it’s slowly growing.
  • 26. The purpose of this paragraph is to explain why Anthem Apparel exists and what it’s trying to achieve. When writing this piece of text, I wanted to emphasize the fact that Anthem Apparel is a company for anyone who enjoys music regardless of their background. Anthem Apparel is a space without negative judgement from others. I wanted my site to be more than a site as I wanted to eventually create a community of people who have the same interests. The informal tone of the text creates a more personal connection with the user. However, words like ’strive’ show that Anthem Apparel is serious about not straying from their aim. I wanted the customer to feel like they would be listened to and have their wants and needs accommodated. At ANTHEM APPAREL, we want to ensure everyone can enjoy music and can feel part of a community. Not everyone gets the chance to go see their favourite musician or maybe they enjoy music from decades before they were born. Everyone deserves to express their musical interest in a way they choose, whether it's through wearing a hoodie with a band on it or celebrating a festival from 2003 with a poster that's not been made in 20 years. Fast fashion brands turn bands like Nirvana into a trend that comes and goes but what is available for consumers who remember 1988 when Nirvana released their first album? ANTHEM APPAREL strives to create a community of authentic music lovers who each have memories of their favourite band and wear their merchandise with pride.
  • 27. Issues, Solutions and Extensions: An issue I had with my website is in order to go further with its development, I would have to pay to be able to use certain features. This means I have ideas I would like to fully implement in the future if I choose to pay for the features. For example, I wanted to create a member's section where people could track the points they’ve earned, see the rewards they’d collected and connect with other members. By being a member, they would earn exclusive discounts and rewards such as birthday discounts and free shipping all year. However, when I tried to set up the points page, it wouldn’t allow me to continue with set up of the pages. People can become a member but currently there’s no way to track your points or see your rewards besides getting email notifications. If I was to develop this further, I’d create a profile page where customers can add their birthday and other details. They’d also be able to follow other members and see what interests' other members have such as favourite artists, albums, songs, etc. To further develop, I’d like to add my WIX site into Google Tag Manager so I can actually track how well my website does. Other developments would be: - Creating social media pages for the business - Adding other categories leading to more specific search results.
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