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안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

Android Audio System


1.Audio system 전체 구조                                                 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

Application   Media player App   Media Recorder App   Volume /mode change





1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                     안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

  service media /system/bin/mediaserver
     user media
     group system audio camera graphics inet net_bt net_bt_admin net_raw sdcard_rw

  int main(int argc, char** argv)

 class AudioFlinger :
    public BinderService<AudioFlinger>,
    public BnAudioFlinger
    friend class BinderService<AudioFlinger>;

1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                  안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

 class BinderService
          static status_t publish() {
             sp<IServiceManager> sm(defaultServiceManager());
             return sm->addService(String16(SERVICE::getServiceName()), new SERVICE());

       static void instantiate() { publish(); }


  : BnAudioFlinger(),
     mAudioHardware(0), mFmEnabled(false), mMasterVolume(1.0f), mMasterMute(false), mNextUniqueId(1)

              AudioHardwareInterface* mAudioHardware = AudioHardwareInterface::create();

1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                      안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

AudioHardwareinterface.cpp                                     Audioflinger/
AudioHardwareInterface* AudioHardwareInterface::create()       ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_GENERIC_AUDIO)),true)
{                                                                LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DGENERIC_AUDIO
   hw = new AudioHardwareGeneric();
   // if running in emulation - use the emulator driver
   if (property_get("ro.kernel.qemu", value, 0)) {             # MultiMedia defines
                hw = new AudioHardwareGeneric();               BOARD_USES_GENERIC_AUDIO := false
   }                                                           BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true
   else {                                                      BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true
                hw = createAudioHardware();                    BOARD_USES_TI_CAMERA_HAL := true
   }                                                           CAMERA_YUV_FAST_CONVERT := true

android::AudioHardwareInterface *createAudioHardware(void) {
    return android::AudioHardwareALSA::create();                           libAudio                 libaudioPolicy

                                                               AudioHardwareALSA.cpp          AudioPolicyManagerALSA.cpp
                                                               AudioStreamOutALSA.cpp         + libaudiopolicybase
                                                               AudioStreamInALSA.cpp          (AudioPolicyManagerBase.cpp)
AudioHardwareInterface *AudioHardwareALSA::create() {          ALSAStreamOps.cpp
  return new AudioHardwareALSA();                              ALSAMixer.cpp
}                                                              ALSAControl.cpp
                                                               + libaudiointerface

1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                         안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

AudioHardwareALSA::AudioHardwareALSA() :
  mAcousticDevice(0)                                         “alsa”

  int err = hw_get_module(ALSA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
         (hw_module_t const**)&module);

int hw_get_module(const char *id, const struct hw_module_t **module)
 for (i=0 ; i<HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT+1 ; i++) {
       if (i < HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT) {
           if (property_get(variant_keys[i], prop, NULL) == 0) {             --------------(1)
               continue;                                            “/system/lib/hw”
           snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id, prop); ---------------(2)
           if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
         snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2, id, prop); ---------------(3)
         if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
      } else {
         snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id);   ---------------(4)
         if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;

       status = load(id, path, module); ---------------(5)
1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                        안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

if (property_get(variant_keys[i], prop, NULL) == 0) {               --------------(1)

variant_keys property value들을 읽어온다.

 static const char *variant_keys[] = {
    "ro.hardware",  제조회사 ex)HTC
    "ro.product.board",  board명 ex) H
    "ro.board.platform",  omap3
    "ro.arch“ ””

 snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id, prop); ---------------(2)
 if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;
 /system/lib/hw/alsa.omap3.so가 있는지 찾는다.

  Target 모델의 경우 /system/lib/hw의 so file들은 아래와 같다.

   따라서, path가 일 경우 break된다.

1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                       안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2, id, prop); ---------------(3)
if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;

/vendor/lib/hw 에 있는 so file들을 찾는다.

 snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id);      ---------------(4)
 if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break;

 so file을 찾는데 실패 할 경우에는 를 load한다.

         status = load(id, path, module); ---------------(5)

  alsa.omap3.so를 load한다.

 static int load(const char *id,const char *path, const struct hw_module_t **pHmi)
   handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW); -------------------------(1-1)
    const char *sym = HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR;
    hmi = (struct hw_module_t *)dlsym(handle, sym);------------(2-1)

  handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW); -------------------------(1-1)
  /system/lib/hw/ 를 open한다.

1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

hmi = (struct hw_module_t *)dlsym(handle, sym);------------(2-1)
alsa_omap3.cpp의 HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM 구조체를 hmi로 가져온다.

 extern "C" const hw_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
    tag        : HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
    version_major : 1,
                                                   static hw_module_methods_t s_module_methods = {
    version_minor : 0,
                                                      open       : s_device_open
    id        : ALSA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
    name          : "Omap3 ALSA module",
    author       : "Texas Instruments",
    methods         : &s_module_methods,
    dso         : 0,
    reserved       : {0,},
AudioHardwareALSA::AudioHardwareALSA() :

   int err = hw_get_module(ALSA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (hw_module_t const**)&module);
   module 은 HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM 를 가리킨다.
 err = module->methods->open(module, ALSA_HARDWARE_NAME, &device);-------------------(3-1)
   HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM -> methods ->open 즉, s_device_open을 가리킴.
 if (err == 0) {
          mALSADevice = (alsa_device_t *)device;
          mALSADevice->init(mALSADevice, mDeviceList);
          mALSADevice->init 은 alsa_htc.cpp에 있는 s_init을 호출 함.
1.Audio HAL의 초기화                                                                     안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

 static int s_device_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name,hw_device_t** device)----(3-2)

    dev->common.close = s_device_close;
    dev->init = s_init;
    dev->open = s_open;
    dev->close = s_close;
    dev->standby = s_standby;
    dev->route = s_route;

*device = &dev->common;


AudioHardwareInterface* AudioHardwareInterface::create()
{                                                             AudioHardwareALSA.cpp
    hw = createAudioHardware();                               status_t AudioHardwareALSA::initCheck()
    hw는 AudioHardwareALSA 를 나타냄.                             {
                                                                 if (mALSADevice && mMixer && mMixer->isValid())
        if (hw->initCheck() != NO_ERROR) {                           return NO_ERROR;
            hw = new AudioHardwareStub();                        else
                                                                     return NO_INIT;
    }                                                         }

2.AudioFlinger class 구조                                                    안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리







                                 BnAudioTrack                                  AudioBufferProvider

             Track                TrackHandle

                                                                 RecordTrack                          RecordHandle

      MixerThread         DirectoutputThread


3.IAudioFlinger 인터페이스                                  안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리



          BnAudioFlinger                                BpAudioFlinger

                               virtual sp<IAudioTrack> createTrack,
                              virtual sp<IAudioRecord> openRecord,
           AudioFlinger        virtual int openOutput,

4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성                                                     안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

  int main(int argc, char** argv)

 void AudioPolicyService::instantiate() {
        String16("media.audio_policy"), new AudioPolicyService());

   : BnAudioPolicyService() , mpPolicyManager(NULL)
     mpPolicyManager = createAudioPolicyManager(this);

 extern "C" AudioPolicyInterface* createAudioPolicyManager(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface)
   return new AudioPolicyManagerALSA(clientInterface);

4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성                                             안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

                                        AudioPolicyManagerALSA 생성자 호출

    AudioPolicyManagerALSA::AudioPolicyManagerALSA(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface)
      : AudioPolicyManagerBase(clientInterface)
                           AudioPolicyManagerALSA 는 AudioPolicyManagerBase로 부터 상속 받기 때문에
                           AudioPolicyManagerBase의 생성자를 호출한다.

AudioPolicyManagerBase::AudioPolicyManagerBase(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface)
  mpClientInterface = clientInterface;
  mAvailableOutputDevices = AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER;
  mAvailableInputDevices = AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC;

    mHardwareOutput = mpClientInterface->openOutput(&outputDesc->mDevice,
                             mpClientInterface는 AudioPolicyService를 나타냄으로
                             AuidoPolicyService.cpp의 openOutput method를 호출한다.

4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성                                                안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openOutput(…)
   sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); af는 BpAudioFlinger를 가리킨다.

    return af->openOutput(pDevices,
                  (uint32_t *)pFormat,

    int AudioFlinger::openOutput(…)
      AudioStreamOut *output = mAudioHardware->openOutputStream(*pDevices,
                                       (int *)&format,
    mAudioHardware 는 AudioHardwareALSA 를 가리킨다.
     AudioHardwareALSA::openOutputStream는 alsa_omap3.cpp 에 있는 s_open을 호출해서 PCM device를 open하고
     HAL의 데이터 출력 Class인 AudioStreamOutALSA를 생성한다.

    int id = nextUniqueId();  unique한 id를 생성하고
    thread = new MixerThread(this, output, id, *pDevices); 그 id로 MixerThread를 생성한다.
4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성                                                      안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

  : PlaybackThread(audioFlinger, output, id, device),
  mType = PlaybackThread::MIXER;
  mAudioMixer = new AudioMixer(mFrameCount, mSampleRate); AudioMixer class 생성

                     PlaybackThread 생성자 호출

    AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::PlaybackThread(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, AudioStreamOut* output, int id,
    uint32_t device)
       : ThreadBase(audioFlinger, id), …

                    ThreadBase생성자 호출

AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::ThreadBase(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, int id)
  : Thread(false),
    mAudioFlinger(audioFlinger), mSampleRate(0), mFrameCount(0), mChannelCount(0),
    mFrameSize(1), mFormat(0), mStandby(false), mId(id), mExiting(false)

                                                               MixerThread id를 mid에 저장한다.

4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성                                         안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

int AudioFlinger::openOutput(…)         DefaultKeyedVector< int, sp<PlaybackThread> > mPlaybackThreads;
   mPlaybackThreads.add(id, thread);
   생성된 MixerThread를 mPlaybackThreads 에 추가한다.

    return id;
    MixerThread id를 return한다.







5.RecordThread의 생성                                                                안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리                                                   MediaPlayerService.cpp
mRecorder = new Recorder();                                          sp<IMediaRecorder>
mRecorder.startRecording                                             MediaPlayerService::createMediaRecorder(pid_t pid)
                                                                       sp<MediaRecorderClient> recorder =
                                                                        new MediaRecorderClient(this, pid);
public void startRecording{
 mRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
                                                                      mRecorder = new StagefrightRecorder;
 public class MediaRecorder{
 native_setup(new WeakReference<MediaRecorder>(this));
  static void
                                                                       : mWriter(NULL),
  sp<MediaRecorder> mr = new MediaRecorder();
                                                                         mOutputFd(-1) {
 const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getMediaPlayerService());
    if (service != NULL) {
        mMediaRecorder = service->createMediaRecorder(getpid());
5.RecordThread의 생성                                                                 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리                                              StagefrightRecorder.cpp
 public void startRecording{                                sp<MediaSource> StagefrightRecorder::createAudioSource()
 ..                                                         {
  mRecorder.start();                                          …
                                                               sp<AudioSource> audioSource =
                                                                      new AudioSource(
 status_t StagefrightRecorder::start() {
        return startMPEG4Recording();
status_t StagefrightRecorder::startMPEG4Recording() {
sp<MediaWriter> writer = new MPEG4Writer(dup(mOutputFd));
                                                                     mRecord = new AudioRecord(
err = setupAudioEncoder(writer);
status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupAudioEncoder(const                      channels > 1?
sp<MediaWriter>& writer)                                                       AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_STEREO:
{                                                                              AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_MONO,
  …                                                                        4 * kMaxBufferSize / sizeof(int16_t),
   switch(mAudioEncoder) {                                                 flags);
     case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB:                                    }
        audioEncoder = createAudioSource();
5.RecordThread의 생성                                                                     안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리


     mStatus = set(inputSource, sampleRate, format, channels,
      frameCount, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames, sessionId);

    status_t AudioRecord::set(…)
     audio_io_handle_t input = AudioSystem::getInput(inputSource,
                          sampleRate, format, channels,

     audio_io_handle_t AudioSystem::getInput(int inputSource,
                             uint32_t samplingRate,
                             uint32_t format,
                             uint32_t channels,
                             audio_in_acoustics acoustics)
       const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
       if (aps == 0) return 0;
       return aps->getInput(inputSource, samplingRate, format, channels, acoustics);

5.RecordThread의 생성                                                                   안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

      audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::getInput(…)
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
        return mpPolicyManager->getInput(inputSource, samplingRate, format, channels, acoustics);
                       mpPolicyManager는 AudioPolicyManagerALSA class를 가리키는데 이 class는 AudioPolicyManagerBase를
                       상속받는다. 그래서 getInput method는 AudioPolicyManagerBase에 정의된 것을 사용한다.

  audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::getInput(…){
  inputDesc->mInputSource = inputSource;
     inputDesc->mDevice = device;
     inputDesc->mSamplingRate = samplingRate;
     inputDesc->mFormat = format;
     inputDesc->mChannels = channels;
     inputDesc->mAcoustics = acoustics;
     inputDesc->mRefCount = 0;
     input = mpClientInterface->openInput(&inputDesc->mDevice,


 audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openInput(…)
   sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
   return af->openInput(pDevices, pSamplingRate, (uint32_t *)pFormat, pChannels, acoustics);
5.RecordThread의 생성                                                              안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

int AudioFlinger::openInput(…)
  AudioStreamIn *input = mAudioHardware->openInputStream(*pDevices,
                                   (int *)&format,
mAudioHardware 는 AudioHardwareALSA 를 가리킨다.
 AudioHardwareALSA::openInputStream는 alsa_omap3.cpp 에 있는 s_open을 호출해서 PCM device를 open하고 HAL 의
AudioStreamInALSA를 생성한다.

int id = nextUniqueId(); unique한 id를 생성하고
thread = new RecordThread(this, input, reqSamplingRate, reqChannels, id);  그 id로 RecordThread생성

mRecordThreads.add(id, thread);
생성된 RecordThread를 mRecordThreads에 추가한다.                                   AudioFlinger
return id; RecordThread id를 return함.                                              AudioBufferProvider




6. DuplicatingThread의 생성                                                            안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

안드로이드 시스템이 두 개의 디바이스로 동시에 출력 할 경우 DuplicatingThread 를 사용한다.
AudioSystem.setDeviceConnectionState(device, AudioSystem.DEVICE_STATE_AVAILABLE, address);

status_t AudioSystem::setDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices device,
                               device_connection_state state,
                               const char *device_address)
   const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
   if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;

     return aps->setDeviceConnectionState(device, state, device_address);

status_t AudioPolicyService::setDeviceConnectionState(…)
 return mpPolicyManager->setDeviceConnectionState(device, state, device_address);
    status_t AudioPolicyManagerALSA::setDeviceConnectionState(…)
     if (AudioSystem::isA2dpDevice(device)) {
               status_t status = handleA2dpConnection(device, device_address);

6. DuplicatingThread의 생성                                                       안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

status_t AudioPolicyManagerALSA::setDeviceConnectionState(…)
 if (AudioSystem::isA2dpDevice(device)) {
           status_t status = handleA2dpConnection(device, device_address);

status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::handleA2dpConnection(…)
  mA2dpOutput = mpClientInterface->openOutput(&outputDesc->mDevice,

Bluetooth 디바이스 출력을 위한 playbackthread(mixerthread)생성(mPlaybackThreads에 add 됨.)

mDuplicatedOutput = mpClientInterface->openDuplicateOutput(mA2dpOutput, mHardwareOutput);

audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openDuplicateOutput(…){
sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
return af->openDuplicateOutput(output1, output2);

6. DuplicatingThread의 생성                                                 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리

int AudioFlinger::openDuplicateOutput(int output1, int output2)
 MixerThread *thread1 = checkMixerThread_l(output1);
 output1은 mA2dpOutput 을 가리 킴. 즉, handleA2dpConnection에서 생성한 bluetooth mixerthread를
 mPlaybackThreads 에서 가져 옴.
MixerThread *thread2 = checkMixerThread_l(output2);
output2는 mHardwareOutput를 가리킴. 기존에 생성되어진 mixerthread를 가리킴.

DuplicatingThread *thread = new DuplicatingThread(this, thread1, id);
DuplicatingThread를 생성하면서 thread1(bluetooth thread)를 moutputTracks에 add한다.

DuplicatingThread의 moutputTracks에 기존의 mixerthread를 add한다.

mPlaybackThreads.add(id, thread);
mPlaybackThreads.add에 DuplicatingThread를 add한다.
}                                            AudioFlinger


                     BT mixerthread         기존 mixerthread


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Android audio system(audioflinger)

  • 1. 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 Android Audio System (AudioFlinger) 박철희 1
  • 2. 1.Audio system 전체 구조 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 Application Media player App Media Recorder App Volume /mode change Application Framework Native Framework HAL Kernel 2
  • 3. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 Init.rc service media /system/bin/mediaserver user media group system audio camera graphics inet net_bt net_bt_admin net_raw sdcard_rw Main_mediaserver.cpp int main(int argc, char** argv) { AudioFlinger::instantiate(); AudioPolicyService::instantiate(); } AudioFlinger.h class AudioFlinger : public BinderService<AudioFlinger>, public BnAudioFlinger { friend class BinderService<AudioFlinger>; public: … 3
  • 4. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 BinderService.h class BinderService { public: static status_t publish() { sp<IServiceManager> sm(defaultServiceManager()); return sm->addService(String16(SERVICE::getServiceName()), new SERVICE()); } static void instantiate() { publish(); } } AudioFlinger.cpp AudioFlinger::AudioFlinger() : BnAudioFlinger(), mAudioHardware(0), mFmEnabled(false), mMasterVolume(1.0f), mMasterMute(false), mNextUniqueId(1) { AudioHardwareInterface* mAudioHardware = AudioHardwareInterface::create(); … } 4
  • 5. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioHardwareinterface.cpp Audioflinger/ AudioHardwareInterface* AudioHardwareInterface::create() ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_USES_GENERIC_AUDIO)),true) { LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DGENERIC_AUDIO #ifdef GENERIC_AUDIO hw = new AudioHardwareGeneric(); #else // if running in emulation - use the emulator driver if (property_get("ro.kernel.qemu", value, 0)) { # MultiMedia defines hw = new AudioHardwareGeneric(); BOARD_USES_GENERIC_AUDIO := false } BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true else { BUILD_WITH_ALSA_UTILS := true hw = createAudioHardware(); BOARD_USES_TI_CAMERA_HAL := true } CAMERA_YUV_FAST_CONVERT := true AudioHardwareALSA.cpp android::AudioHardwareInterface *createAudioHardware(void) { return android::AudioHardwareALSA::create(); libAudio libaudioPolicy } AudioHardwareALSA.cpp AudioPolicyManagerALSA.cpp AudioStreamOutALSA.cpp + libaudiopolicybase AudioStreamInALSA.cpp (AudioPolicyManagerBase.cpp) AudioHardwareInterface *AudioHardwareALSA::create() { ALSAStreamOps.cpp return new AudioHardwareALSA(); ALSAMixer.cpp } ALSAControl.cpp + libaudiointerface (AudioHardwareInterface.cpp) 5
  • 6. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioHardwareALSA::AudioHardwareALSA() : mALSADevice(0), mTtyMode(TTY_OFF), mAcousticDevice(0) “alsa” { int err = hw_get_module(ALSA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (hw_module_t const**)&module); .. } int hw_get_module(const char *id, const struct hw_module_t **module) { for (i=0 ; i<HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT+1 ; i++) { if (i < HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT) { if (property_get(variant_keys[i], prop, NULL) == 0) { --------------(1) continue; “/system/lib/hw” } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id, prop); ---------------(2) if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break; “/vendor/lib/hw” snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2, id, prop); ---------------(3) if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break; } else { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id); ---------------(4) if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break; } } if (i < HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT+1) { status = load(id, path, module); ---------------(5) } 6
  • 7. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 if (property_get(variant_keys[i], prop, NULL) == 0) { --------------(1) continue; variant_keys property value들을 읽어온다. static const char *variant_keys[] = { "ro.hardware",  제조회사 ex)HTC "ro.product.board",  board명 ex) H "ro.board.platform",  omap3 "ro.arch“ ”” }; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id, prop); ---------------(2) if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break; /system/lib/hw/alsa.omap3.so가 있는지 찾는다. Target 모델의 경우 /system/lib/hw의 so file들은 아래와 같다.  따라서, path가 일 경우 break된다. 7
  • 8. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH2, id, prop); ---------------(3) if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break; /vendor/lib/hw 에 있는 so file들을 찾는다. snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/“,HAL_LIBRARY_PATH1, id); ---------------(4) if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) break; so file을 찾는데 실패 할 경우에는 를 load한다. if (i < HAL_VARIANT_KEYS_COUNT+1) { status = load(id, path, module); ---------------(5) } alsa.omap3.so를 load한다. static int load(const char *id,const char *path, const struct hw_module_t **pHmi) { handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW); -------------------------(1-1) const char *sym = HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR; hmi = (struct hw_module_t *)dlsym(handle, sym);------------(2-1) } handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW); -------------------------(1-1) /system/lib/hw/ 를 open한다. 8
  • 9. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 hmi = (struct hw_module_t *)dlsym(handle, sym);------------(2-1) alsa_omap3.cpp의 HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM 구조체를 hmi로 가져온다. Alsa_omap3.cpp extern "C" const hw_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = { tag : HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, version_major : 1, static hw_module_methods_t s_module_methods = { version_minor : 0, open : s_device_open id : ALSA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, }; name : "Omap3 ALSA module", author : "Texas Instruments", methods : &s_module_methods, dso : 0, reserved : {0,}, }; AudioHardwareALSA::AudioHardwareALSA() : mALSADevice(0), mTtyMode(TTY_OFF), mAcousticDevice(0) { int err = hw_get_module(ALSA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (hw_module_t const**)&module);  module 은 HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM 를 가리킨다. err = module->methods->open(module, ALSA_HARDWARE_NAME, &device);-------------------(3-1)  HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM -> methods ->open 즉, s_device_open을 가리킴. if (err == 0) { mALSADevice = (alsa_device_t *)device; mALSADevice->init(mALSADevice, mDeviceList); mALSADevice->init 은 alsa_htc.cpp에 있는 s_init을 호출 함. } 9
  • 10. 1.Audio HAL의 초기화 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 static int s_device_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name,hw_device_t** device)----(3-2) { … dev->common.close = s_device_close; dev->init = s_init; dev->open = s_open; dev->close = s_close; dev->standby = s_standby; dev->route = s_route; *device = &dev->common; } AudioHardwareinterface.cpp AudioHardwareInterface* AudioHardwareInterface::create() { AudioHardwareALSA.cpp hw = createAudioHardware(); status_t AudioHardwareALSA::initCheck() hw는 AudioHardwareALSA 를 나타냄. { if (mALSADevice && mMixer && mMixer->isValid()) if (hw->initCheck() != NO_ERROR) { return NO_ERROR; hw = new AudioHardwareStub(); else return NO_INIT; } } } 10
  • 11. 2.AudioFlinger class 구조 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 BnAudioFlinger AudioFlinger Thread ThreadBase AudioBufferProvider TrackBase BnAudioTrack AudioBufferProvider playbackThread BnAudioRecord Track TrackHandle RecordThread outputTrack RecordTrack RecordHandle MixerThread DirectoutputThread DuplicatingThread 11
  • 12. 3.IAudioFlinger 인터페이스 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 IInterface IAudioFlinger BnAudioFlinger BpAudioFlinger virtual sp<IAudioTrack> createTrack, virtual sp<IAudioRecord> openRecord, AudioFlinger virtual int openOutput, setMasterVolume, setMicMute … 12
  • 13. 4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 Main_mediaserver.cpp int main(int argc, char** argv) { AudioFlinger::instantiate(); AudioPolicyService::instantiate(); } AudioPolicyService.cpp void AudioPolicyService::instantiate() { defaultServiceManager()->addService( String16("media.audio_policy"), new AudioPolicyService()); } AudioPolicyService.cpp AudioPolicyService::AudioPolicyService() : BnAudioPolicyService() , mpPolicyManager(NULL) { …. mpPolicyManager = createAudioPolicyManager(this); } AudioPolicyManagerALSA.cpp extern "C" AudioPolicyInterface* createAudioPolicyManager(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) { return new AudioPolicyManagerALSA(clientInterface); } 13
  • 14. 4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioPolicyManagerALSA 생성자 호출 AudioPolicyManagerALSA::AudioPolicyManagerALSA(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) : AudioPolicyManagerBase(clientInterface) { } AudioPolicyManagerALSA 는 AudioPolicyManagerBase로 부터 상속 받기 때문에 AudioPolicyManagerBase의 생성자를 호출한다. AudioPolicyManagerBase::AudioPolicyManagerBase(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) { mpClientInterface = clientInterface; mAvailableOutputDevices = AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER; mAvailableInputDevices = AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC; mHardwareOutput = mpClientInterface->openOutput(&outputDesc->mDevice, &outputDesc->mSamplingRate, &outputDesc->mFormat, &outputDesc->mChannels, &outputDesc->mLatency, outputDesc->mFlags); } mpClientInterface는 AudioPolicyService를 나타냄으로 AuidoPolicyService.cpp의 openOutput method를 호출한다. 14
  • 15. 4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AuidoPolicyService.cpp audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openOutput(…) { { sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); af는 BpAudioFlinger를 가리킨다. return af->openOutput(pDevices, pSamplingRate, (uint32_t *)pFormat, pChannels, pLatencyMs, flags); } AudioFlinger.cpp int AudioFlinger::openOutput(…) { … AudioStreamOut *output = mAudioHardware->openOutputStream(*pDevices, (int *)&format, &channels, &samplingRate, &status); mAudioHardware 는 AudioHardwareALSA 를 가리킨다. AudioHardwareALSA::openOutputStream는 alsa_omap3.cpp 에 있는 s_open을 호출해서 PCM device를 open하고 HAL의 데이터 출력 Class인 AudioStreamOutALSA를 생성한다. int id = nextUniqueId();  unique한 id를 생성하고 thread = new MixerThread(this, output, id, *pDevices); 그 id로 MixerThread를 생성한다. .. } 15
  • 16. 4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioFlinger::MixerThread::MixerThread(…) : PlaybackThread(audioFlinger, output, id, device), mAudioMixer(0) { mType = PlaybackThread::MIXER; mAudioMixer = new AudioMixer(mFrameCount, mSampleRate); AudioMixer class 생성 } PlaybackThread 생성자 호출 AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::PlaybackThread(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, AudioStreamOut* output, int id, uint32_t device) : ThreadBase(audioFlinger, id), … ThreadBase생성자 호출 AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::ThreadBase(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, int id) : Thread(false), mAudioFlinger(audioFlinger), mSampleRate(0), mFrameCount(0), mChannelCount(0), mFrameSize(1), mFormat(0), mStandby(false), mId(id), mExiting(false) { } MixerThread id를 mid에 저장한다. 16
  • 17. 4.PlaybackThread(MixerThread)의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioFlinger.cpp int AudioFlinger::openOutput(…) DefaultKeyedVector< int, sp<PlaybackThread> > mPlaybackThreads; { … mPlaybackThreads.add(id, thread); 생성된 MixerThread를 mPlaybackThreads 에 추가한다. return id; MixerThread id를 return한다. } AudioFlinger Threadbase playbackThread MixerThread AudioHardwareInterface AudioStreamOutALSA 17
  • 18. 5.RecordThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 MediaPlayerService.cpp mRecorder = new Recorder(); sp<IMediaRecorder> mRecorder.startRecording MediaPlayerService::createMediaRecorder(pid_t pid) { sp<MediaRecorderClient> recorder = new MediaRecorderClient(this, pid); } public void startRecording{ .. mRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mRecorder.start(); MediaRecorderClient::MediaRecorderClient(…) { mRecorder = new StagefrightRecorder; public class MediaRecorder{ } native_setup(new WeakReference<MediaRecorder>(this)); } JNI Android_media_MediaRecorder.cpp static void StagefrightRecorder::StagefrightRecorder() android_media_MediaRecorder_native_setup{ : mWriter(NULL), sp<MediaRecorder> mr = new MediaRecorder(); mOutputFd(-1) { } LOGV("Constructor"); reset(); MediaRecorder.cpp } MediaRecorder::MediaRecorder(){ const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getMediaPlayerService()); if (service != NULL) { mMediaRecorder = service->createMediaRecorder(getpid()); } 18
  • 19. 5.RecordThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 StagefrightRecorder.cpp public void startRecording{ sp<MediaSource> StagefrightRecorder::createAudioSource() .. { mRecorder.start(); … sp<AudioSource> audioSource = new AudioSource( mAudioSource, mSampleRate, status_t StagefrightRecorder::start() { mAudioChannels); … } case OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT: case OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP: case OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4: return startMPEG4Recording(); AudioSource.cpp AudioSource::AudioSource(…) { status_t StagefrightRecorder::startMPEG4Recording() { … sp<MediaWriter> writer = new MPEG4Writer(dup(mOutputFd)); mRecord = new AudioRecord( err = setupAudioEncoder(writer); inputSource, sampleRate, AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT, status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupAudioEncoder(const channels > 1? sp<MediaWriter>& writer) AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_STEREO: { AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_MONO, … 4 * kMaxBufferSize / sizeof(int16_t), switch(mAudioEncoder) { flags); case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB: } case AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_WB: case AUDIO_ENCODER_AAC: audioEncoder = createAudioSource(); 19
  • 20. 5.RecordThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioRecord.cpp AudioRecord::AudioRecord(…){ { mStatus = set(inputSource, sampleRate, format, channels, frameCount, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames, sessionId); } status_t AudioRecord::set(…) { audio_io_handle_t input = AudioSystem::getInput(inputSource, sampleRate, format, channels, (AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics)flags); } AudioSystem.cpp audio_io_handle_t AudioSystem::getInput(int inputSource, uint32_t samplingRate, uint32_t format, uint32_t channels, audio_in_acoustics acoustics) { const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service(); if (aps == 0) return 0; return aps->getInput(inputSource, samplingRate, format, channels, acoustics); } 20
  • 21. 5.RecordThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::getInput(…) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mpPolicyManager->getInput(inputSource, samplingRate, format, channels, acoustics); } mpPolicyManager는 AudioPolicyManagerALSA class를 가리키는데 이 class는 AudioPolicyManagerBase를 상속받는다. 그래서 getInput method는 AudioPolicyManagerBase에 정의된 것을 사용한다. AudioPolicyManagerBase.cpp audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::getInput(…){ inputDesc->mInputSource = inputSource; inputDesc->mDevice = device; inputDesc->mSamplingRate = samplingRate; inputDesc->mFormat = format; inputDesc->mChannels = channels; inputDesc->mAcoustics = acoustics; inputDesc->mRefCount = 0; input = mpClientInterface->openInput(&inputDesc->mDevice, &inputDesc->mSamplingRate, &inputDesc->mFormat, &inputDesc->mChannels, inputDesc->mAcoustics); } AudioPolicyService.cpp audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openInput(…) { sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); return af->openInput(pDevices, pSamplingRate, (uint32_t *)pFormat, pChannels, acoustics); } 21
  • 22. 5.RecordThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 int AudioFlinger::openInput(…) { … AudioStreamIn *input = mAudioHardware->openInputStream(*pDevices, (int *)&format, &channels, &samplingRate, &status, mAudioHardware 는 AudioHardwareALSA 를 가리킨다. AudioHardwareALSA::openInputStream는 alsa_omap3.cpp 에 있는 s_open을 호출해서 PCM device를 open하고 HAL 의 AudioStreamInALSA를 생성한다. int id = nextUniqueId(); unique한 id를 생성하고 thread = new RecordThread(this, input, reqSamplingRate, reqChannels, id);  그 id로 RecordThread생성 mRecordThreads.add(id, thread); 생성된 RecordThread를 mRecordThreads에 추가한다. AudioFlinger return id; RecordThread id를 return함. AudioBufferProvider RecordThread AudioHardwareInterface AudioStreamInALSA 22
  • 23. 6. DuplicatingThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 안드로이드 시스템이 두 개의 디바이스로 동시에 출력 할 경우 DuplicatingThread 를 사용한다. AudioSystem.setDeviceConnectionState(device, AudioSystem.DEVICE_STATE_AVAILABLE, address); AudioSystem.cpp status_t AudioSystem::setDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices device, device_connection_state state, const char *device_address) { const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service(); if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED; return aps->setDeviceConnectionState(device, state, device_address); } AudioPolicyService.cpp status_t AudioPolicyService::setDeviceConnectionState(…) { … return mpPolicyManager->setDeviceConnectionState(device, state, device_address); } AudioPolicyManagerALSA.cpp status_t AudioPolicyManagerALSA::setDeviceConnectionState(…) { … if (AudioSystem::isA2dpDevice(device)) { status_t status = handleA2dpConnection(device, device_address); 23
  • 24. 6. DuplicatingThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 AudioPolicyMangerALSA.cpp status_t AudioPolicyManagerALSA::setDeviceConnectionState(…) { … if (AudioSystem::isA2dpDevice(device)) { status_t status = handleA2dpConnection(device, device_address); } } status_t AudioPolicyManagerBase::handleA2dpConnection(…) { … mA2dpOutput = mpClientInterface->openOutput(&outputDesc->mDevice, &outputDesc->mSamplingRate, &outputDesc->mFormat, &outputDesc->mChannels, &outputDesc->mLatency, outputDesc->mFlags); Bluetooth 디바이스 출력을 위한 playbackthread(mixerthread)생성(mPlaybackThreads에 add 됨.) mDuplicatedOutput = mpClientInterface->openDuplicateOutput(mA2dpOutput, mHardwareOutput); } audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyService::openDuplicateOutput(…){ sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger(); return af->openDuplicateOutput(output1, output2); } 24
  • 25. 6. DuplicatingThread의 생성 안드로이드의 모든것 분석과 포팅 정리 int AudioFlinger::openDuplicateOutput(int output1, int output2) { .. MixerThread *thread1 = checkMixerThread_l(output1); output1은 mA2dpOutput 을 가리 킴. 즉, handleA2dpConnection에서 생성한 bluetooth mixerthread를 mPlaybackThreads 에서 가져 옴. MixerThread *thread2 = checkMixerThread_l(output2); output2는 mHardwareOutput를 가리킴. 기존에 생성되어진 mixerthread를 가리킴. DuplicatingThread *thread = new DuplicatingThread(this, thread1, id); DuplicatingThread를 생성하면서 thread1(bluetooth thread)를 moutputTracks에 add한다. thread->addOutputTrack(thread2); DuplicatingThread의 moutputTracks에 기존의 mixerthread를 add한다. mPlaybackThreads.add(id, thread); mPlaybackThreads.add에 DuplicatingThread를 add한다. .. } AudioFlinger mPlaybackThreads DuplicatingThread BT mixerthread 기존 mixerthread 25