SlideShare a Scribd company logo
As a multidisciplinary, creative and
business professional, I specialize in a
number of digital and community-based
fields as an inventive leader, artist,
influential storyteller, and forward
planning visionary. Whether coaching
others in the pursuit of holistic wellness
and fitness, mentoring in wellness based
coach entrepreneurship or direct sales
and account management, integrity and
authenticity lies at the heart of all that I
P R O J EC T 	 M A N A G E M E N T :	 i m p l e m e n t i n g	 s o l i d , 	
r e l a ta bl e , 	 an d 	 c r e a ti v e 	 y e t 	 p r agm a ti c 	 pl an s 	
D E SI G NI N G 	 + 	 I M P L E M E NT I N G 	 P R E SE N T A T O N S :	
e n h an c e 	 s al e s 	 p ro d u c ti vi ty 	 th r o u gh 	 p i p e l i n e s , 	
C R M	 s y s te m s , 	 a n d 	 ta r ge te d 	 de mo g ra p h i c 	 a n d 	
s o c i o - e c o n o m i c 	 r e s e a rc h 	
SO C IA L 	 M E D I A 	 T R E N D S:	 o n l i n e 	 ad v e r ti s i ng 	
(F a c e b o o k , 	 o n l i n e 	 b r a nd 	 am b as s a d o r s hi p , 	
s p o n s o re d	 c o nt e n t, 	 s a l e s 	 f u n ne l s, 	 e tc . ) 	
P U B L IC 	 R E L A T I O N S: 	 I n iti at in g	 c o m m u n ity 	 a n d 	
s tr a te gi c ,	 c o rp o r at e 	 b as e d 	 pa r tn e r s h i p s 	 a l i k e 	
wi th 	 fo c u s 	 o n 	 c l i e n t(s )	 a nd 	 c u s to m e r 	
r e te n t i o n	
Niagara College of Applied Arts +
Niagara College of Applied Arts +
As an Indigenous mother of mixed race living in a world at a time when humanity is faced
with defining challenges to our collective future, I see that many existing systems have failed.
I believe that we are presently at a pivotal moment to make a historical, generational
difference by making health and wellness paramount through digital, accessible and web-
based enterprises!
• Healthy living and food education made simple
• Facilitate private and group-based support and accountability groups
• Creating highly interactive training at the application level, resulting in a significant increase in sales
and helping others
• Creating new brand awareness through marketing, sales materials and duplicable modules for the rest
of the team/company/contributors
• Identifying and mediating through cultural and demographic gaps that the hot-button, controversial
issues and topics that Indigenous communities, in particular, face
A perpetual creative professional dabbler, I work based upon referral alone, contract to
contract specializing in: website, logo and media kit design.
• Website + blog design ---> creative direction (various platforms)
• Intimate relationship building with clients to build a vision board and a story-line of their ideas, web
copy + general outlook for the project / their company
• Carefully crafted: hand-illustrated, vector formatted logos, convincing website copy and bios
• Business card and online artisan indie shop design, web-banners and much more!
7 	 V A RD E N 	C R E S .	 B AR R IE ,	 O N 	 L4 M 	 4N 8 	
S E L E N A @ T H E Y R O AR . CO M	
T H E Y R OA R .C OM 	
6 4 7 .3 7 8 .2 4 11 	
BABBLE: Full-time contributor to the Disney owned parenting site for 3 years,
currently writing on a pitch-by-pitch basis. My pieces have been citied by several other
family-centric sites over the years and frequently syndicated on Yahoo Shine. In addition to
being a regular columnist with Babble, I've been a blog panelist and worked on several
sponsored campaigns in partnership with Honda, Energizer, Coca-Cola, Happy Family, Betty
Crocker, Minute Maid, Del Monte and Disney Story among others, under the Babble and
Disney Interactive umbrella.
ROAR: Wellness, women in business tips, resources and tutorials, editorial and opinion based
articles and stories about motherhood, career-life, relationships, health and wellness and all
things Indigenous.
DISNEY INTERACTIVE: Part of a launching collective that built a huge audience of over 2
million readers and Facebook fans! Average monthly page-views of 100,000 + and making
the top ranked blogger on the network 4 months in a row in 2013.
All Web Content and Management - Specializing In:
• Content strategy and development
• Blogging, editing and narrative Storytelling
• Web publishing under several different content management systems, WP pro
• Increased SEO, keyword functionality and Google analytics management
• Social media marketing (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, Twitter, etc.)
• Photography (digital), photo-editing and layout and design
• Vlogging / light video production, editing and publishing (iMovie ---> Vimeo, YouTube)
• Food writing and healthy recipe development
• Seasonal DIY craft, house and home tutorials
Long-term contractual relationship and friendship with JUNO + multi-award award winning
band, Digging Roots:
• Set-up and migration of online social media accounts and platforms
• Researched industry related fodder, curated/wrote and published blog content
• Crafted and published SEO web-copy, editorial and content into social and promocional platforms as
• Worked closely with clients, team members (band, graphic designer, publicista, agente, etc.) and other
partnered contractors
• Management of business calendar: creation of showcase, grant and award deadline database
• Assisting with internal funding applications, presentations and reports, i.e.; grant, showcase and award
• Designed print and digital press-kits, artist one-sheets and various other digital and advertising
• Audio and video servicing to media partners as needed in consultation with publicist
• Merchandising: ordered merchandise, liaise with distributors, account and manage stock, brainstorm
and manage brand marketing including logos and designs
JAN.	2008-NOV.	
• Volunteer and membership recruitment and retention
• Managing a database of 8,000+ newsletter members
• Coordinating, leading and working with 200+ volunteers
• Fundraising, event planning and management
• Monthly report and weekly post-mortem writing and year-end fiscal reports
• Continued learning/passing on of traditional First Nations culture, teachings and community outreach
JAN.	2008-NOV.
I ND I G E NO U S 	 F O O D	 + 	 ME D I C I NE 	 	
S U S T A IN AB L E	 F O OD 	 S Y S T EM S 	
I ND I G E NO U S 	 R I G HT S 	 + 	 I NI T I AT I V E S 	
H O LI S T I C 	 H E AL T H 	 + 	 W E L LN E S S 	
W OM E N’ S 	 + 	 C HI L D RE N’ S 	 R I G HT S 	
RE A DI N G 	 | 	 W RI T I NG 	
I ND I G E NO U S 	 AR T S 	 + 	 C R AF T S 	
NA T I V E 	 Y OU T H	
Y O G A	 | 	 IN T ER V AL 	 TR AI N IN G 	
SOCIAL	MEDIA	MARKETING			 																89
FUNDRAISING		 	 																69
PUBLIC	RELATIONS	 	 																67
PROJECT	MANAGEMENT		 																58
DIGITAL	SALES	+	MARKETING	 																54	
COMMUNITY	OUTREACH																																								43
FESTIVAL:	August	2008	-	present	
Th e	power	o f	one.	The 	va lu e	o f	ma ny.	
P as t	 A ff ili at io n s	 a n d	 P ar tn e rs h ip s: 	
Re d	 Pe pp e r	 Sp ec tacle 	Ar ts	
Th e 	E d	 Mi rv is h 	F ami l y 	C h ari tabl e 	
F ou nd ati on	
Th e 	Nati v e	 C ana di an	 C e ntre 	 of	 T oro n to 	
Th e 	S t.	 C atha ri ne s	 F ol k 	Ar ts	 Mu lti c ul tu ral 	
C en tre 	
Lu pu s	 O ntar io 	
GRAPHIC	DESIGN	 																																							35
BUSINESS	DEVELOPMENT	 																25
ARTS	ADMINISTRATION	 																																							20
“S el en a 	is 	 a 	br il lia ntl y	t a le nte d	 in div idu a l	 wi th	
w hom 	I 	 ha v e	 ha d 	the 	g o od 	fo rt une 	o f	 kno wi ng 	f or 	
ne a r ly 	a 	d ec a d e. 	I 	 ha ve 	g re a t	 co nf ide nc e 	in 	he r 	
a b ili ty	 to	 ex c el 	a t	 wh a t	e ve r 	s he 	pu ts 	he r 	m in d	t o	
a s 	I 'v e	 se e n	h er 	g r ow 	a n d	d ev el op 	ov er 	t he 	ye a r s. 	
Ev er yt hin g 	s he 	i s	 inv ol ve d	w ith 	s e em s 	to 	tu rn 	
g ol d. 	” 	
T N i le ,	 Mu s i c i a n , P r o d u ce r, C o m p o s e r ,	 a n d 	 P r i n ci p a l 	
a t 	O u ts k i r ts 	 C e n t ra l 	
” S el en a 	is 	 a 	hi g hly 	m ot iva ted , 	in te lli g en t, 	
c om m uni ty 	ba s e d	v is io na r y, 	 wit h	m u lti ple 	y ea rs 	
of 	e x pe ri en ce 	i n	c on s ult ing 	 a 	va ri ety 	o f	
c om pa n ie s 	to wa r ds 	i nc re a s in g 	the ir 	c a p a ci tie s , 	in 	
a 	d iv er s ity 	of 	n ee d. 	W he the r 	it ’ s	 the 	n ee d	t o	
in cr e a s e	y ou r	 vis u a l	p ro fi le 	vi a 	s oc ia l 	m e dia ,	 or 	
th e	 ne ed 	to 	in cr e a se 	a nd	 co mm u nic a te 	w it h	y our 	
m em b er s hip 	b a se , 	o r	 ex p a nd	 yo ur 	ne tw or ks 	a n d	
in cr e a s e, 	m a n a g e	 a nd 	bu dg e t	y our 	f is c a l	
a c co un ts , 	Se le n a 	ha s 	 the 	s ki lls 	 to	g e t	 the 	j ob 	
do ne 	e ff ic ie ntl y	a nd	 wi th	a n	a t te nti on	 to	 de ta i l	
th a t	fa r	s u rp a s se s 	m os t. 	 I 	hi gh ly 	r ec om m e nd	
S el en a 	to wa r d	 a ny 	po s iti on	 tha t	s he 	s e ek s	 a s 	I 	
kn ow 	s he 	h a s 	the 	t en a ci ty, 	 int el le ct 	a nd 	
qu a li fi ca t ion s	 ne ed e d	to 	g e t	th e 	jo b	 don e-
w ha te ve r 	th e	j o b	m a y 	be . ” 	
T a n n i s 	 N i e l s e n , F a cu l t y 	 o f 	C ri t i ca l 	 a n d 	 C r e a t i v e 	
St u d i e s 	 a t	 U B C 	 - 	 O ka n a g a n 	
” D ur in g 	the 	t hr ee 	y ea r s 	th a t	I 	 wa s 	S e le na 's 	
e dit or , 	I 	f oun d	 he r	 to	b e 	a 	w on de rf ul, 	 cr e a tiv e	
w ri ter 	w ho 	wa s	 de dic a te d 	to 	bo th	 he r	o wn 	
s tor yt el li ng 	a n d	h er 	a u di en ce . 	S he 	p ut	a 	g re a t	
de a l 	of 	e ff or t	in to 	he r 	s oc ia l 	m ed ia 	c ha nne ls 	a nd 	
he r 	tr a ff ic 	nu m be rs , 	b ut	 sh e	 a lw a ys 	k ep t	t he 	
ba la nc e 	of 	r es e a r ch 	a nd 	w el l-c ra f te d	w or k	 in	
m in d. 	S e le na 	h a s 	a 	p ro fo un d	s e ns e	 of 	in te gr it y	
a n d	a 	 mi nd 	to wa r ds 	t he 	bi g 	pi ct ur e. 	S he 	i s 	a 	
un iq ue 	vo ic e	 tha t 	s ta n ds 	ou t	a m o ng s t	t he 	m a ny 	
ou tle ts 	o f	 me di a 	th a t	 a re 	a v a ila ble 	t o	r e a de rs 	o n	
a n y	g i ve n	d a y, 	a nd	 the y	 re s po nd	 to	 he r	 wor ds . ” 	
L i n d s a y 	 Ho o d ,	 Se n i or 	 C o m m u n i t y 	 Ma n a g e r	 a t 	H e a l t h 	
A d v o c a cy 	 S tr a t e g i e s ,	 L LC 	 P r i n c ip a l 	 a t 	 Ou t s ki r ts 	
C e n t r a l 	
” S el en a 	is 	 a n	i m me ns e 	ta l en t. 	S he 	c a n	 wr it e, 	
c ra f t, 	c oo k, 	b a ke , 	t a ke 	g r ea t 	ph oto s, 	 a nd 	m a ke 	
ot he rs 	l a ug h . 	I t	w a s 	a 	 ple a s ur e 	wo rk in g 	wi th	 he r. 	
S he 's 	on e	 of	 the 	m o st 	we ll 	r ou nde d	 ca n di da te s 	
fo r	 a ny 	bl og g in g 	te a m 	a n d	I 	 ho pe 	to 	wo rk 	w ith 	
he r 	a g a i n. ”	
D a ra 	 P e t ti n e l l i , 	C o n te n t 	 St ra t e g y 	 C o n s u l t a n t	 	
” S el en a 	w a s 	on e	 of	 ou r	 top 	pe r for m er s 	d urin g 	
th e	 tim e 	s he 	bl og g e d	f or 	u s, 	 wit h	a 	k e en 	s en se 	o f	
s ea so na l ity 	th a t	c on s is te ntl y	m a x i mi z ed 	tr a ff ic 	to 	
he r 	po s ts ,	 a nd 	s he 	pr o vid ed 	us 	w it h	s o me 	o f	t he 	
be s t	c ont en t	w e	 ha v e	 on	 the 	s it e. 	”	
E k u a 	 H a g a n ,	 E d i t o r	 I n 	 C h i e f :	 D i s n e y 	 In t e r a ct i v e 	
” S el en a 	e nde d	 up 	dir e cti ng 	m u ch 	of 	th e	 la y ou t	of 	
a n d	d ir ec tio n	 a s 	we ll 	a s 	d es ig n 	m y	 s ite 	a n d	
c re a te d	 cu st om 	i llu st ra t ion s 	fo r	 m y	 log o. 	I 	 wa s 	
im p re s se d	 wi th	 he r	a bil ity 	to 	w or k	w it h	m y	
r eq ue st s	 a nd 	s til l	b e	 a bl e	 to	 pul l	f un , 	cr e a tiv e	
e le me n ts 	in to	 the 	s ite . 	
L i sa 	 C h a rl e y b o y ,	 W r i t e r, 	 E d i t o r, 	T V 	 + 	R a d i o 	 H o s t”

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  • 1. As a multidisciplinary, creative and business professional, I specialize in a number of digital and community-based fields as an inventive leader, artist, influential storyteller, and forward planning visionary. Whether coaching others in the pursuit of holistic wellness and fitness, mentoring in wellness based coach entrepreneurship or direct sales and account management, integrity and authenticity lies at the heart of all that I do. P R O J EC T M A N A G E M E N T : i m p l e m e n t i n g s o l i d , r e l a ta bl e , an d c r e a ti v e y e t p r agm a ti c pl an s D E SI G NI N G + I M P L E M E NT I N G P R E SE N T A T O N S : e n h an c e s al e s p ro d u c ti vi ty th r o u gh p i p e l i n e s , C R M s y s te m s , a n d ta r ge te d de mo g ra p h i c a n d s o c i o - e c o n o m i c r e s e a rc h SO C IA L M E D I A T R E N D S: o n l i n e ad v e r ti s i ng (F a c e b o o k , o n l i n e b r a nd am b as s a d o r s hi p , s p o n s o re d c o nt e n t, s a l e s f u n ne l s, e tc . ) P U B L IC R E L A T I O N S: I n iti at in g c o m m u n ity a n d s tr a te gi c , c o rp o r at e b as e d pa r tn e r s h i p s a l i k e wi th fo c u s o n c l i e n t(s ) a nd c u s to m e r r e te n t i o n SOCIAL WORK Niagara College of Applied Arts + Technology 2005-2007 GENERAL ARTS AND HUMANITIES Niagara College of Applied Arts + Technology 2004-2005 SALES PRODUCTIVITY MICROSOFT OFFICE ANALYTICAL REPORTS ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING As an Indigenous mother of mixed race living in a world at a time when humanity is faced with defining challenges to our collective future, I see that many existing systems have failed. I believe that we are presently at a pivotal moment to make a historical, generational difference by making health and wellness paramount through digital, accessible and web- based enterprises! • Healthy living and food education made simple • Facilitate private and group-based support and accountability groups • Creating highly interactive training at the application level, resulting in a significant increase in sales and helping others • Creating new brand awareness through marketing, sales materials and duplicable modules for the rest of the team/company/contributors • Identifying and mediating through cultural and demographic gaps that the hot-button, controversial issues and topics that Indigenous communities, in particular, face A perpetual creative professional dabbler, I work based upon referral alone, contract to contract specializing in: website, logo and media kit design. • Website + blog design ---> creative direction (various platforms) • Intimate relationship building with clients to build a vision board and a story-line of their ideas, web copy + general outlook for the project / their company • Carefully crafted: hand-illustrated, vector formatted logos, convincing website copy and bios • Business card and online artisan indie shop design, web-banners and much more! THE WELLNESS WARRIORS - SERVING NORTH AMERICA - JAN. 2015-PRESENT INDEPENDENT - SERVING NORTH AMERICA - OCT. 2009-PRESENT 7 V A RD E N C R E S . B AR R IE , O N L4 M 4N 8 S E L E N A @ T H E Y R O AR . CO M T H E Y R OA R .C OM 6 4 7 .3 7 8 .2 4 11 STRONG DIGITAL MEDIA-BASED ADVERTISING EXPERIENCE
  • 2. BABBLE: Full-time contributor to the Disney owned parenting site for 3 years, currently writing on a pitch-by-pitch basis. My pieces have been citied by several other family-centric sites over the years and frequently syndicated on Yahoo Shine. In addition to being a regular columnist with Babble, I've been a blog panelist and worked on several sponsored campaigns in partnership with Honda, Energizer, Coca-Cola, Happy Family, Betty Crocker, Minute Maid, Del Monte and Disney Story among others, under the Babble and Disney Interactive umbrella. ROAR: Wellness, women in business tips, resources and tutorials, editorial and opinion based articles and stories about motherhood, career-life, relationships, health and wellness and all things Indigenous. DISNEY INTERACTIVE: Part of a launching collective that built a huge audience of over 2 million readers and Facebook fans! Average monthly page-views of 100,000 + and making the top ranked blogger on the network 4 months in a row in 2013. All Web Content and Management - Specializing In: • Content strategy and development • Blogging, editing and narrative Storytelling • Web publishing under several different content management systems, WP pro • Increased SEO, keyword functionality and Google analytics management • Social media marketing (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, Twitter, etc.) • Photography (digital), photo-editing and layout and design • Vlogging / light video production, editing and publishing (iMovie ---> Vimeo, YouTube) • Food writing and healthy recipe development • Seasonal DIY craft, house and home tutorials Long-term contractual relationship and friendship with JUNO + multi-award award winning band, Digging Roots: • Set-up and migration of online social media accounts and platforms • Researched industry related fodder, curated/wrote and published blog content • Crafted and published SEO web-copy, editorial and content into social and promocional platforms as needed • Worked closely with clients, team members (band, graphic designer, publicista, agente, etc.) and other partnered contractors • Management of business calendar: creation of showcase, grant and award deadline database • Assisting with internal funding applications, presentations and reports, i.e.; grant, showcase and award applications • Designed print and digital press-kits, artist one-sheets and various other digital and advertising • Audio and video servicing to media partners as needed in consultation with publicist • Merchandising: ordered merchandise, liaise with distributors, account and manage stock, brainstorm and manage brand marketing including logos and designs BABBLE MEDIA, DISNEY INTERACTIVE + SELF - NEW YORK, NY + WEB - OCT. 2009-PRESENT SUGAR BUSH MUSIC - BARRIE + VARIOUS ON-SITE LACATIONS - JAN. 2008-NOV. 2014 • Volunteer and membership recruitment and retention • Managing a database of 8,000+ newsletter members • Coordinating, leading and working with 200+ volunteers • Fundraising, event planning and management • Monthly report and weekly post-mortem writing and year-end fiscal reports • Continued learning/passing on of traditional First Nations culture, teachings and community outreach THE NATIVE CANADIAN CENTRE OF TORONTO - TORONTO - JAN. 2008-NOV.
  • 3. SELENAMILLS SELENAMAEMILLS SELENAMAEMILLS personal: SELENAMAEMILLS SELENAMAEMILLS THEYROAR F O U R DI R EC TI O N S PA RE N TI N G I ND I G E NO U S F O O D + ME D I C I NE S U S T A IN AB L E F O OD S Y S T EM S I ND I G E NO U S R I G HT S + I NI T I AT I V E S H O LI S T I C H E AL T H + W E L LN E S S W OM E N’ S + C HI L D RE N’ S R I G HT S M ID E WI W I N T E AC HI N G S RE A DI N G | W RI T I NG I ND I G E NO U S AR T S + C R AF T S P AI NT I N G NA T I V E Y OU T H Y O G A | IN T ER V AL TR AI N IN G //ONTARIO FIRST GENER ATION BUR SARY //CAR OLYN WEAVER SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER MEMORIAL B UR SAR Y //EXHIB ITOR + V ENDO R: THE VERY BEAUTIFUL THINGS SHOW //EXHIB ITIO N: BL ISSDOM ( HANDMADE MARKETPLACE) //EXHIB ITOR + V ENDO R: THE ONE OF A KIND SPRING SHOW AND SALE //THE RISING STAR FUND: THE ONE OF A KIND SHOW SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 89 FUNDRAISING 69 PUBLIC RELATIONS 67 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 58 DIGITAL SALES + MARKETING 54 page: THEYROARED COMMUNITY OUTREACH 43 //BOARD OF DIRECTORS: THE EAGLEWOOD FOLK FESTIVAL: April 2009-2011 // BACKSTAGE CREW + CHILDREN’S AREA: THE SHELTER VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL: August 2008 - present //SHELTER FROM THE STORM: CO-FOUNDER, CREATIVE DIRECTOR (2005-2008) Th e power o f one. The va lu e o f ma ny. P as t A ff ili at io n s a n d P ar tn e rs h ip s: Re d Pe pp e r Sp ec tacle Ar ts Th e E d Mi rv is h F ami l y C h ari tabl e F ou nd ati on Th e Nati v e C ana di an C e ntre of T oro n to Th e S t. C atha ri ne s F ol k Ar ts Mu lti c ul tu ral C en tre Lu pu s O ntar io GRAPHIC DESIGN 35 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 25 ARTS ADMINISTRATION 20 “S el en a is a br il lia ntl y t a le nte d in div idu a l wi th w hom I ha v e ha d the g o od fo rt une o f kno wi ng f or ne a r ly a d ec a d e. I ha ve g re a t co nf ide nc e in he r a b ili ty to ex c el a t wh a t e ve r s he pu ts he r m in d t o a s I 'v e se e n h er g r ow a n d d ev el op ov er t he ye a r s. Ev er yt hin g s he i s inv ol ve d w ith s e em s to tu rn g ol d. ” T N i le , Mu s i c i a n , P r o d u ce r, C o m p o s e r , a n d P r i n ci p a l a t O u ts k i r ts C e n t ra l ” S el en a is a hi g hly m ot iva ted , in te lli g en t, c om m uni ty ba s e d v is io na r y, wit h m u lti ple y ea rs of e x pe ri en ce i n c on s ult ing a va ri ety o f c om pa n ie s to wa r ds i nc re a s in g the ir c a p a ci tie s , in a d iv er s ity of n ee d. W he the r it ’ s the n ee d t o in cr e a s e y ou r vis u a l p ro fi le vi a s oc ia l m e dia , or th e ne ed to in cr e a se a nd co mm u nic a te w it h y our m em b er s hip b a se , o r ex p a nd yo ur ne tw or ks a n d in cr e a s e, m a n a g e a nd bu dg e t y our f is c a l a c co un ts , Se le n a ha s the s ki lls to g e t the j ob do ne e ff ic ie ntl y a nd wi th a n a t te nti on to de ta i l th a t fa r s u rp a s se s m os t. I hi gh ly r ec om m e nd S el en a to wa r d a ny po s iti on tha t s he s e ek s a s I kn ow s he h a s the t en a ci ty, int el le ct a nd qu a li fi ca t ion s ne ed e d to g e t th e jo b don e- w ha te ve r th e j o b m a y be . ” T a n n i s N i e l s e n , F a cu l t y o f C ri t i ca l a n d C r e a t i v e St u d i e s a t U B C - O ka n a g a n ” D ur in g the t hr ee y ea r s th a t I wa s S e le na 's e dit or , I f oun d he r to b e a w on de rf ul, cr e a tiv e w ri ter w ho wa s de dic a te d to bo th he r o wn s tor yt el li ng a n d h er a u di en ce . S he p ut a g re a t de a l of e ff or t in to he r s oc ia l m ed ia c ha nne ls a nd he r tr a ff ic nu m be rs , b ut sh e a lw a ys k ep t t he ba la nc e of r es e a r ch a nd w el l-c ra f te d w or k in m in d. S e le na h a s a p ro fo un d s e ns e of in te gr it y a n d a mi nd to wa r ds t he bi g pi ct ur e. S he i s a un iq ue vo ic e tha t s ta n ds ou t a m o ng s t t he m a ny ou tle ts o f me di a th a t a re a v a ila ble t o r e a de rs o n a n y g i ve n d a y, a nd the y re s po nd to he r wor ds . ” L i n d s a y Ho o d , Se n i or C o m m u n i t y Ma n a g e r a t H e a l t h A d v o c a cy S tr a t e g i e s , L LC P r i n c ip a l a t Ou t s ki r ts C e n t r a l ” S el en a is a n i m me ns e ta l en t. S he c a n wr it e, c ra f t, c oo k, b a ke , t a ke g r ea t ph oto s, a nd m a ke ot he rs l a ug h . I t w a s a ple a s ur e wo rk in g wi th he r. S he 's on e of the m o st we ll r ou nde d ca n di da te s fo r a ny bl og g in g te a m a n d I ho pe to wo rk w ith he r a g a i n. ” D a ra P e t ti n e l l i , C o n te n t St ra t e g y C o n s u l t a n t ” S el en a w a s on e of ou r top pe r for m er s d urin g th e tim e s he bl og g e d f or u s, wit h a k e en s en se o f s ea so na l ity th a t c on s is te ntl y m a x i mi z ed tr a ff ic to he r po s ts , a nd s he pr o vid ed us w it h s o me o f t he be s t c ont en t w e ha v e on the s it e. ” E k u a H a g a n , E d i t o r I n C h i e f : D i s n e y In t e r a ct i v e ” S el en a e nde d up dir e cti ng m u ch of th e la y ou t of a n d d ir ec tio n a s we ll a s d es ig n m y s ite a n d c re a te d cu st om i llu st ra t ion s fo r m y log o. I wa s im p re s se d wi th he r a bil ity to w or k w it h m y r eq ue st s a nd s til l b e a bl e to pul l f un , cr e a tiv e e le me n ts in to the s ite . L i sa C h a rl e y b o y , W r i t e r, E d i t o r, T V + R a d i o H o s t”