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by Abera N (MSC)
Anatomy of
 Gross anatomy of respiratory system
 Development of respiratory system
 The Histology of respiratory system
by Abera N (MSC)
 Introduction
 Overview of the respiratory system
 Thoracic wall
 The upper respiratory system
 The nose
 The pharynx
 The Lower respiratory system
 The larynx
 The trachea
 the bronchi
 The lungs
by Abera N (MSC)
Overview of the respiratory system
 Respiration is a term used to describe two different but interrelated
• External (mechanical) respiration
 the absorption of O₂ and removal of CO₂ from the body as a whole
• Internal (Cellular) respiration
 the utilization of O₂ and production of CO₂ by cells and the gaseous exchanges
between the cells and their fluid medium
 the series of intracellular biochemical processes by which the cell produces
energy by metabolism of organic molecules
by Abera N (MSC)
 The respiratory system is made up of air conducting
organs (nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchial
tree), a gas-exchanging organ (lungs), and a pump that
ventilates the lungs
 Inhalation and exhalation are achieved by expanding and
contracting the thoracic cavity using the intercostal
muscles and the diaphragm, drawing air in when the
thoracic cavity expands and driving air out when it
 The pump consists of the chest wall; the respiratory
muscles, which increase and decrease the size of the
thoracic cavity; the areas in the brain that control the
muscles; and the tracts and nerves that connect the
brain to the muscles
5 by Abera N (MSC)
 At rest, a normal human breathes 12–15 times
a minute
 About 500 mL of air per breath, or 6–8 L/min,
is inspired and expired
 This air mixes with the gas in the alveoli, and,
by simple diffusion, O₂ enters the blood in the
pulmonary capillaries while CO₂ enters the
 In this manner, 250 mL of O₂ enters the body
per minute and 200 mL of CO₂ is excreted
6 by Abera N (MSC)
 Goals: to provide oxygen to the tissues and to remove
carbon dioxide
 To achieve these goals, respiration can be divided into
four major functions:
 Pulmonary ventilation
 Air moves in and out of lungs
 Continuous replacement of gases in alveoli (air sacs)
 External respiration
 Gas exchange between blood and air at alveoli
 O2 (oxygen) in air diffuses into blood
 CO2 (carbon dioxide) in blood diffuses into air
 Transport of respiratory gases
 Between the lungs and the cells of the body
 Performed by the cardiovascular system
 Blood is the transporting fluid
 Internal respiration
 Gas exchange in capillaries between blood and tissue cells
 O2 in blood diffuses into tissues
 CO2 waste in tissues diffuses into blood
by Abera N (MSC)
 External (Mechanical) respiration involves the following
 Air is drawn into the body (to the lungs) from the
atmosphere by inhalation
 Before it reaches the furthest parts of the lungs the air is
cleaned by removal of particulate matter, warmed so that
its temperature equals that of the body, and moistened
 Gas exchange takes place in the lung
 In the lung parenchyma, oxygen is extracted from the air and
transferred into the blood vascular system where it bonds tightly
with haemoglobin in the red cells for transport in the systemic
arterial circulation
 At the same time that oxygen is passing from air into the blood,
carbon dioxide (a side product of cellular metabolic activity) is
transferred from the blood to the air
 After gaseous exchange, the air is returned to the
atmosphere by exhalation
8 by Abera N (MSC)
Other Functions of the Respiratory System
 Regulation of blood pH
 The respiratory system can alter blood pH by
changing blood carbon dioxide levels
 Voice production
 Air movement past the vocal folds makes sound and
speech possible
 Olfaction
 The sensation of smell occurs when airborne
molecules are drawn into the nasal cavity
 Protection
 The respiratory system provides protection against
some microorganisms by preventing their entry into
the body and by removing them from respiratory
9 by Abera N (MSC)
Thoracic wall
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 Osteocartilageno
 Muscular
The Thorax
 The thoracic cavity, surrounded by
the thoracic wall, contains the heart,
lungs, thymus, distal part of the
trachea, and most of the esophagus.
 The thoracic wall consists of skin, fascia, nerves,
vessels, muscles, and bones.
by Abera N (MSC)
The Thorax
Functions of the thoracic wall include:
 protecting of thoracic & abdominal internal organs;
Resisting negative internal pressures generated by
elastic recoil of the lungs & inspiratory movements;
providing attachment for and supporting the weight of
the upper limbs.
It provides attachment for muscles of upper limbs,
neck, abdomen & back, & muscles of respiration.
by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
 thoracic skeleton forms osteocartilaginous thoracic
cage .
 thoracic skeleton (bony thorax) includes;
-12 pairs of ribs and costal cartilages,
-12 thoracic vertebrae & intervertebral discs
- sternum.
 Costal cartilages form the anterior continuation of the
ribs, providing a flexible attachment at their
articulation with the sternum .
 Ribs & their cartilages are separated by intercostal
spaces, containing intercostal muscles, vessels, and
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
 The ribs are curved, flat bones that form most of the thoracic
cage .
 They are remarkably light in weight yet highly resilient.
 There are three types of ribs:
1. True (vertebrocostal) ribs (1st- 7th ribs) attach directly to
the sternum through their own costal cartilages.
2.False (vertebrochondral) ribs (8th -10th ) ribs) have
cartilages that are joined to the rib just superior to them;
thus, their connection with the sternum is indirect.
3.Floating (free) ribs (11th- 12th ribs) have rudimentary
cartilages that do not connect even indirectly with the
sternum;  instead, they end in the posterior abdominal
by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
 Typical ribs (3rd - 9th) have a:
 Head: that is wedge-shaped and two facets that are separated by the
crest of the head . One facet is for articulation with the numerically
corresponding vertebra, and one facet is for the vertebra superior to
 Neck: that connects the head with the body at the level of the
 Tubercle: at the junction of the neck and body. The tubercle has a
smooth articular part for articulating with the corresponding
transverse process of the vertebra and a rough non-articular part for
the attachment of the costotransverse ligament.
 Body (shaft): that is thin, flat, and curved, most markedly at the
angle where the rib turns anterolaterally.
 The concave internal surface has a costal groove that protects the
intercostal nerve and vessels .
by Abera N (MSC)
18 by Abera N (MSC)
Typical & Atypical ribs
Atypical ribs (1st, 2nd, & 10th - 12th) :
 The 1st rib: is the broadest (its body is widest & nearly horizontal),
shortest, & most sharply curved of the seven true ribs;
 it has two grooves crossing its superior surface for the subclavian
 has scalene tubercle
 The 1st rib has single facet.
 The 2nd rib: is thinner, less curved & much longer than 1st rib.
 It has two facets on its head for articulation with the bodies of the
T1 and T2 vertebrae.
 has tuberosity for serratus anterior muscle
 The 10th -12th ribs, like the 1st rib, have only one facet on their
 The 11th and 12th ribs are short and have no necks or tubercles.
by Abera N (MSC)
20 by Abera N (MSC)
Typical & Atypical Ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Typical & Atypical Ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
Costal cartilages:
 prolong the ribs anteriorly and contribute to the elasticity
of the thoracic wall.
Intercostal spaces:
 separate the ribs and their costal cartilages from one
 spaces and neurovascular structures are named
according to the rib forming the superior border of the
 there are 11 intercostal spaces and 11 intercostal nerves.
 The subcostal space is below the 12th rib and the anterior
ramus of spinal nerve T12 is the subcostal nerve.
by Abera N (MSC)
Applied Anatomy
 Variation of ribs
• Number: increased by development of cervical or lumbar ribs or
decreased by failure of the 12th rib to develop
• Shape: bifid ribs
 Angle of ribs are their weakest point
 Flail chest (‘stove-in chest’): multiple rib fracture
25 by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
Thoracic Vertebrae:
 There are 12 thoracic
1st & 12th are called atypical
and the rest are typical.
All of the typical vertebrae
have same characteristics.
The 1st and 12th vertebrae
have slightly different
characteristics than the typical
26 by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
Thoracic Vertebrae:
 are typical vertebrae in that: they are independent, they
have bodies, vertebral arches & seven processes for
muscular & articular connections .
Characteristic features of thoracic vertebrae include:
 All thoracic vertabrae form joints with the ribs
Thoracic vertabrae from 2-8 have similar characterstics
(contain superior & inferior costal demifacets on
posterolateral aspect of their bodies for the articulations with
head of ribs) : Thus, they are typical thoracic vertabrae.
 The first and the 9th-12th contain single costal facet.
 The 11th and12th thoracic vertebrae contain one costal
facet& no transverse costal facet for the 11th and12th ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
Characteristics of a typical thoracic
vertebra include:
 body (1)
 superior & inferior demifacets (2,3)
 pedicle (4)
 superior & inferior articular processes
(5, 6)
 transverse process (with an articular
process) (7,10)
 lamina (8)
 spinous process (9)
 superior and inferior notches (13,12)
 vertebral canal(14)
 intervertebral disk (11)  is not a bone
but an integral part of vertebral column
28 by Abera N (MSC)
Thoracic Vertebrae
• Typical: T2-T8
• Body is larger than
cervical; heart
• Spinous process is
long and sharp,
projects inferiorly
• Vertebral foramen is
• T1: has long,
horizontal spinous
29 by Abera N (MSC)
Thoracic Vertebrae
• Transverse processes
project posteriorly
and bear costal facets
for ribs (T1-T10)
• Body bears two costal
demifacets (T2-T8)
• Superior – articulate
with head of its own rib
• Inferior - articulate
with head of the rib
inferior to it
• T1: has complete facet
• T10-T12: have one
30 by Abera N (MSC)
31 by Abera N (MSC)
32 by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
Thoracic Vertebrae:
Other important features of thoracic vertebrae
are the following:
 Their bodies are shorter venterally than dorsally
 Their articular processes are more or less vertical.
 The spinous process are curved downward
 They contain circular vertebral foramina
 Their transverse processes bear costal facets for
the articulation with the tubercles of the ribs.
by Abera N (MSC)
Skeleton of Thoracic Wall
 The sternum is the flat,
vertically elongated bone
that forms the middle of
the anterior part of the
thoracic cage.
 The sternum consists of
three parts: manubrium,
body, and xiphoid
by Abera N (MSC)
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax:
 lies subcutaneously in the anterior median line and is palpable
through out its length.
Jugular notch (superasternal notch)
 easily palpated concave center of superior border of manbrium.
 The notch lies at level of inferior border of body of T2 vertebra &
space b/n 1st & 2nd thoracic spinous processes.
Manubrium: -
 upper part of sternum, approximately 4cm long,
 lies at level of bodies of T3 & T4 vertebrae.
• Inferior border articulate with body; forms
projection – sternal angle
• Landmark to several structures
• Lies opposite 2nd costal cartilage: guide to
numbering of ribs
35 by Abera N (MSC)
 Body
 Located at level of T5-T9
 Lateral wall has costal notches
 Marked by 3 transverse ridges – lines of fusion
 Xiphoid process
 Sword-shaped
 Cartilage at birth and ossify at middle adulthood
 Landmark: inferior limit of thoracic cavity, inferior
border of heart etc
36 by Abera N (MSC)
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax…
Strenal angle (angle of luois) –
 lies at level of T4 – T5 Intervertebral disc & space b/n 3rd & 4th
thoracic spinous processes.
 Marks level of 2nd pair of costal cartilage at manubrostrnal
 trachea bifurcates into the main (primary) bronchi at this angle
(or at level of transverse thoracic plane).
 arch of aorta (begins posterior to 2nd right sternocostal joint) and
thoracic aorta begin at level of sternal angle.
Body of sternum: -
 aproximately10 cm long;
 lies anterior to right border of the heart & vertebrae T5 - T9.
37 by Abera N (MSC)
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax…
Xiphoid process:-
 lies in a slight depression, epigastric fossa, where converging costal
margins form infrasternal (sub costal) angle.
 lies at the level of T10 vertebra.
 The costal margins form the sides of the infrasternal angle.
 This angle is used in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for
locating proper hand position on inferior part of sternal body
 It is an important landmark in the median plan because:
 Its junction with sternal body at xiphisternal joint (at level of
inferior border of T9 vertebra) indicates the inferior limit of
central part of thoracic cavity.
 A midline marker for superior limit of liver, central tendon of
diaphragm & inferior border of the heart.
38 by Abera N (MSC)
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax…
Costal margins:
•formed by the joined costal
cartilage of 7th – 10th costal
•are easily palpable
because they extend
anterorlaterlly from the
xiphisternal joint.
• costal margins form the
sides of infrasternal angle.
by Abera N (MSC)
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax…
Imaginary Lines: facilitate anatomical & clinical
description of the body
 The following lines are extrapolated over the thoracic wall
based on visible or palpable superficial features:-
Anterior median (midsternal) line (AML) –
 Indicates intersection of the median plane with the
anterior thoracic wall.
Mid clavicualr line (MCL) –
 passes thru mid point of clavicle, parallel to the AML.
Anterior axillary line (AAL) –
 runs vertically along anterior axillary fold that is formed by
inferolateral border of pectoralis major.
40 by Abera N (MSC)
Surface Anatomy of the Thorax…
Mid axillary line (MAL) –
 runs from apex (deepest part) of axillary fossa, parallel to AAL.
Posterior median line (PML) –
 a vertical line along tips of spinous process of the vertebrae.
Posterior axillary line (PAL) –runs vertically along posterior axillary
fold that is formed by latissimus dorsi & teres major m
Scapular line (SL) – is parallel to the posterior median line &
intersects inferior angles of scapula.
Additional lines-
 Para sternal & Para vertebral lines: are extrapolated along
borders of palpable bony formations of sternum & vertebral
41 by Abera N (MSC)
the Thoracic Wall
 Thoracic wall is made up of sternum, ribs plus three
layers of intercostal muscles, diaphragm &
intercostal vessels and nerves.
 Inside of thoracic wall is lined by Endothoracic Fascia.
 Muscles of the thorax consist of the intercostals and
 Intercostal muscles are arranged as three layers
(external layer, internal layer and an incomplete
innermost layer) b/n the ribs.
 Diaphragm closes the thoracic outlet and separates the
thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
42 by Abera N (MSC)
Muscles of the Thoracic Wall
 Several upper limb (thoracoappendicular) muscles
attach to the thoracic cage - including the pectoralis
major, pectoralis minor, subclavius, and serratus
anterior muscles anteriorly and latissimus dorsi
muscles posteriorly as do the anterolateral abdominal
muscles and some back and neck muscles
by Abera N (MSC)
The intercostal muscles
 The intercostal muscles occupy the intercostal spaces
 The superficial layer is formed by the external
intercostals, the inner layer by the internal intercostals
 The deepest layers: lying internal to the intercostal
vessels are the innermost intercostals
by Abera N (MSC)
Muscles of the Thoracic Wall
 The three layers of the intercostal muscles are:
 external layer -- external intercostal
 internal layer -- internal intercostal
 innermost layer -- transversus thoracic (anterior),
innermost (lateral) and subcostal (posterior).
 The diaphragm is the most important muscle of the
thoracic wall: primary component of normal/silent
 innermost layer is split into transversus thoracis,
innermost intercostal and subcostal muscles & these
make up the deepest layer of muscles from anterior to
posterior, respectively.
45 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 11 pairs occupy the
intercostal spaces from
the tubercles of the ribs
posteriorly to the
costochondral junctions
 Anteriorly, the muscle
fibers are replaced by the
external intercostal
 Run inferoanteriorly from
the rib above to the rib
by Abera N (MSC)
External intercostal
Superior attachment:
 Inferior border of ribs above
Inferior attachment:
 Superior border of ribs below
 Intercostal nerve
Main action:
 Elevate ribs during forced inspiration
by Abera N (MSC)
The internal intercostal muscles
 11 pairs, run deep to and at right angles to the external
 Their fibers run inferoposteriorly from the floors of the
costal grooves to the superior borders of the ribs
inferior to them
by Abera N (MSC)
The internal intercostal muscles
 The internal intercostals
attach to the bodies of
the ribs and their costal
cartilages as far
anteriorly as the
sternum and as far
posteriorly as the angles
of the ribs
 Between the ribs
posteriorly, medial to the
angles, the internal
intercostals are
by Abera N (MSC)
The internal intercostal muscles
 The inferior internal intercostals are continuous with
the internal oblique muscles in the anterolateral
abdominal wall
 Weaker than the external intercostal muscles
 Are most active during expiration
by Abera N (MSC)
Internal intercostal
Superior attachment:
 Inferior border of ribs
Inferior attachment:
 Superior border of ribs below
 Intercostal nerve
Main action:
 Interosseous part: depresses ribs
 Interchondral part: elevates ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
The innermost intercostal muscles
 Are similar to the internal intercostals and
are essentially their deeper parts
 Are separated from the internal
intercostals by the intercostal nerves and
 Pass between the internal surfaces of
adjacent ribs and occupy the lateral most
parts of the intercostal spaces
 It is likely that their actions are the same
as those of the internal intercostal
by Abera N (MSC)
Innermost intercostal
Superior attachment:
 Inferior border of ribs
Inferior attachment:
 Superior border of ribs below
 Intercostal nerve
Main action:
 Interosseous part: depresses ribs
 Interchondral part: elevates ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
The subcostal muscles
 Are variable in size and shape, usually being
well developed only in the lower thoracic wall
 Extend from the internal surface of the angle
of one rib to the internal surface of the 2nd or
3rd rib inferior to it
 Crossing one or two intercostal spaces, the
subcostals run in the same direction as the
internal intercostals and blend with them
 Act with the internal intercostals, and that they
may depress ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Subcostal muscle
Superior attachment:
 Internal surface of lower ribs near their
Inferior attachment:
 Superior borders of 2nd or 3rd ribs below
Nerve supply:
 Intercostal nerve
Main action:
 Probably act in same manner as internal
intercostal muscles
by Abera N (MSC)
The transverse thoracic
 Consist of four or five slips that attach
posteriorly to the xiphoid process, the
inferior part of the body of the sternum, and
the adjacent costal cartilages
 They pass superolaterally and attach to the
2nd - 6th costal cartilages
 Are continuous inferiorly with the transverse
abdominal muscles in the anterolateral body
 Have a weak expiratory function, they may
provide proprioceptive information.
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Transversus thoracis
Superior attachment:
 Posterior surface of lower sternum
Inferior attachment:
 Internal surface of costal cartilages 2-6
Nerve supply:
 Intercostal nerve
Main action:
 Weakly depress ribs, Proprioception?
by Abera N (MSC)
Fascia of the Thoracic Wall
 Each part of the deep fascia is named for the
muscle it invests or the structure(s) to which
it is attached
 Consequently, a large portion of the deep
fascia overlying the anterior thoracic wall,
forming a major part of the bed of the breast,
is called pectoral or pectoralis fascia for its
association with the pectoralis major
by Abera N (MSC)
Fascia of the Thoracic Wall
by Abera N (MSC)
 The thoracic cage is lined internally with endothoracic
 This thin fibroareolar layer attaches the adjacent
portion of the costal parietal pleura to the thoracic wall
Anterior Axioappendicular Muscles of the
 Are 4 in number:
- Pectoralis major
- Pectoralis minor
- Subclavius and
- Serratus anterior
 Move the pectoral girdle
63 by Abera N (MSC)
The Pectoralis Major
 Is fan-shaped muscle that covers the
superior part of the thorax
 It has two-heads: clavicular and
sternocostal heads
 The sternocostal head is much larger
 The pectoralis major and adjacent deltoid
form the narrow deltopectoral groove, in
which the cephalic vein runs ; however, the
muscles diverge slightly from each other
superiorly and, along with the clavicle, form
by Abera N (MSC)
65 by Abera N (MSC)
66 by Abera N (MSC)
 Origin:
-Clavicular head: anterior surface of medial half of
-Sternocostal head: anterior surface of sternum,
superior six costal cartilages, aponeurosis of external
oblique muscle
 Insertion: Lateral lip of intertubercular groove of
by Abera N (MSC)
68 by Abera N (MSC)
 Nerve supply: Lateral and medial
pectoral nerves
 Main Action: Adducts and medially
rotates humerus
Acting alone:
- Clavicular head flexes humerus and
- Sternocostal head extends it from the
flexed position
by Abera N (MSC)
 Is almost completely covered by the much larger
pectoralis major
 Is triangular in shape
 Is a useful anatomical and surgical landmark for
structures in the axilla
 With the coracoid process, the pectoralis minor forms a
bridge under which vessels and nerves must pass to
the arm
by Abera N (MSC)
71 by Abera N (MSC)
 Origin: 3rd - 5th ribs near their costal cartilages
 Insertion: Medial border and superior surface of
coracoid process of scapula
 Nerve Supply: Medial pectoral nerve
 Main Action: Stabilizes scapula by drawing it inferiorly
and anteriorly against thoracic wall
by Abera N (MSC)
Poland syndrome:
 Both the pectoralis major and minor are absent
 Breast hypoplasia usually occurs
 Absence of two to four rib segments are also seen
73 by Abera N (MSC)
 Small, round muscle located inferior to
the clavicle
 Lies almost horizontally when the arm is in
the anatomical position
 Affords some protection to the subclavian
vessels and the superior trunk of the
brachial plexus if the clavicle fractures
 The subclavius anchors and depresses
the clavicle
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75 by Abera N (MSC)
 Origin: Junction of 1st rib and its costal
 Insertion: Inferior surface of middle third
of clavicle
 Nerve Supply: Nerve to subclavius
 Main Action: Anchors and depresses
76 by Abera N (MSC)
 Overlies the lateral part of the thorax
 Is broad sheet of thick muscle
 So named because of the saw toothed
appearance of its fleshy slips or digitations
(L. Serratus, a saw)
 Is one of the most powerful muscles of the
pectoral girdle
 It is a strong protractor of the scapula that
is used when punching (sometimes called
the boxer's muscle)
by Abera N (MSC)
78 by Abera N (MSC)
 Origin: External surfaces of lateral parts of 1st
- 8th ribs
 Insertion: Anterior surface of medial border of
 Nerve Supply: Long thoracic nerve
- Protracts scapula and holds it against
thoracic wall
- Rotates scapula
79 by Abera N (MSC)
Paralysis of the Serratus Anterior
 Is owing to injury to the long thoracic nerve
 The medial border of the scapula moves laterally and
posteriorly away from the thoracic wall, giving the
scapula the appearance of a wing, thus “winging of
 Weapons, including bullets directed toward the thorax,
are a common source of injury
by Abera N (MSC)
81 by Abera N (MSC)
Nerves of the Thoracic Wall
 The 12 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves supply the
thoracic wall
 As soon as they leave the IV foramina in which they
are formed, the mixed thoracic spinal nerves divide
into anterior and posterior primary rami
 The anterior rami of nerves T1- T11 form the
intercostal nerves that run along the extent of the
intercostal spaces
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Nerves of the Thoracic Wall
 The anterior ramus of nerve T12,
coursing inferior to the 12th rib, is the
subcostal nerve
 The posterior rami of thoracic spinal
nerves pass posteriorly, immediately
lateral to the articular processes of the
vertebrae , to supply the joints, muscles,
and skin of the back in the thoracic region
by Abera N (MSC)
Typical Intercostal Nerves
 The 3rd - 6th intercostal nerves enter the medial-most
parts of the posterior intercostal spaces, running
initially within the endothoracic fascia between the
parietal pleura and the internal intercostal membrane
nearly in the middle of the intercostal spaces
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Typical Intercostal Nerves
 Near the angles of the ribs, the nerves pass between
the internal intercostal and the innermost intercostal
 At this point, the intercostal nerves pass to and then
continue to course within the costal grooves, running
inferior to the intercostal arteries (which, in turn, run
inferior to the intercostal veins)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Typical Intercostal Nerves
 The neurovascular bundles are thus
sheltered by the inferior margins of the
overlying ribs
 Collateral branches of these nerves arise
near the angles of the ribs and run along the
superior border of the rib below
 The nerves continue anteriorly between the
internal and the innermost intercostal
muscles, giving muscular branches and
giving rise to lateral cutaneous branches in
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Typical Intercostal Nerves
 Anteriorly, the nerves appear on the internal surface of
the internal intercostal muscle
 Near the sternum, the intercostal nerves turn anteriorly,
passing between the costal cartilages to become
anterior cutaneous branches.
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
The branches of a typical intercostal
by Abera N (MSC)
 Rami communicantes/communicating
branches: that connect each intercostal
nerve to the ipsilateral sympathetic trunk
 Presynaptic fibers: leave the initial
portions of the anterior ramus of each
thoracic (and upper lumbar) spinal nerve by
means of a white communicating ramus
and pass to the sympathetic trunk
by Abera N (MSC)
The branches of a typical intercostal
 Postsynaptic fibers: distributed to the body
wall and limbs pass from the ganglia of the
sympathetic trunk via gray rami to join the
anterior ramus of the nearest spinal nerve,
including all intercostal nerves
 Sympathetic nerve fibers are distributed
through all branches of all spinal nerves
(anterior and posterior rami) to reach the
blood vessels, sweat glands, and smooth
muscle of the body wall and limbs
by Abera N (MSC)
The branches of a typical intercostal
 Collateral branches: that arise near the
angles of the ribs and descend to course
along the superior margin of the lower rib,
helping supply intercostal muscles and
parietal pleura
 Lateral cutaneous branches: that arise near
the MAL and pierce the internal and external
intercostal muscles approximately halfway
around the thorax
 The lateral cutaneous branches divide in turn
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
The branches of a typical intercostal
 Anterior cutaneous branches: that supply
the skin on the anterior aspect of the thorax
and abdomen
 After penetrating the muscles and
membranes of the intercostal space in the
parasternal line, the anterior cutaneous
branches divide into medial and lateral
 Muscular branches: that supply the
intercostal, subcostal, transverse thoracic,
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
• Muscular to
− Intercostals
− Subcostal
− Transversus thoracis
− Levator costarum
− Serratus posterior
• Collateral
− supply intercostal
muscles and parietal
• Cutaneous
− anterior + lateral
• Communicating
− connect each nerve
to sympathetic trunk
by Abera N (MSC)
Atypical Intercostal Nerves
 The anterior ramus of the 1st thoracic (T1)
spinal nerve first divides into:
- a large superior and
- a small inferior part
 The superior part: joins the brachial
plexus, the nerve plexus supplying the
upper limb, and
 The inferior part: becomes the 1st
intercostal nerve
by Abera N (MSC)
Atypical Intercostal Nerves
by Abera N (MSC)
 The 1st intercostal nerve has no anterior cutaneous
branch and often no lateral cutaneous branch
 When there is a lateral cutaneous branch, it supplies
the skin of the axilla and may communicate with either
the intercostobrachial nerve or the medial cutaneous
nerve of the arm
Atypical Intercostal Nerves
by Abera N (MSC)
 The 1st and 2nd intercostal nerves course on the
internal surface of the 1st and 2nd ribs, instead of
along the inferior margin in costal grooves
Atypical Intercostal Nerves
 The 2nd intercostal nerve gives rise to a large lateral
cutaneous branch, the intercostobrachial nerve: it
emerges from the 2nd intercostal space at the MAL,
penetrates the serratus anterior, and enters the axilla
and arm
by Abera N (MSC)
Atypical Intercostal Nerves
 The intercostobrachial nerve usually supplies the floor
and skin of the axilla and then communicates with the
medial brachial cutaneous nerve to supply the medial
and posterior surfaces of the arm
by Abera N (MSC)
106 by Abera N (MSC)
Atypical Intercostal Nerves
 The 7th- 11th intercostal nerves, after giving
rise to lateral cutaneous branches, cross the
costal margin posteriorly and continue on to
supply abdominal skin and muscles
 No longer being between ribs (intercostal),
they now become the thoracoabdominal
nerves of the anterior abdominal wall
 Their anterior cutaneous branches pierce the
rectus sheath, becoming cutaneous close to
the median plane.
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Vasculature of the Thoracic Wall
by Abera N (MSC)
Arteries of the Thoracic Wall
The arterial supply to the thoracic wall
derives from the:
 Thoracic aorta: through the posterior
intercostal and subcostal arteries
 Subclavian artery: through the internal
thoracic and supreme intercostal arteries
 Axillary artery: through the superior and
lateral thoracic arteries
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Arteries of the Thoracic Wall
 The intercostal arteries course through the
thoracic wall between the ribs
 With the exception of the 10th and 11th
intercostal spaces, each intercostal space is
supplied by three arteries:
-a large posterior intercostal artery (and its
collateral branch) and
- a small pair of anterior intercostal arteries
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Posterior intercostal arteries
 Of the 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces arise from the
supreme (superior) intercostal artery, a branch of the
costocervical trunk of the subclavian artery
 Of the 3rd- 11th intercostal spaces (and the subcostal
arteries of the subcostal space) arise posteriorly from
the thoracic aorta
by Abera N (MSC)
117 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Posterior intercostal arteries
 Because the aorta is slightly to the left of
the vertebral column, the right 3rd-11th
intercostal arteries have a longer course
than those on the left side
 The right arteries cross the vertebrae and
pass posterior to the esophagus, thoracic
duct, azygos vein, and the right lung and
by Abera N (MSC)
Posterior intercostal arteries
 All give off a posterior branch that
accompanies the posterior ramus of the
spinal nerve to supply the spinal cord,
vertebral column, back muscles, and skin
 Give rise to a small collateral branch that
crosses the intercostal space and runs along
the superior border of the rib
 Accompany the intercostal nerves through
the intercostal spaces
by Abera N (MSC)
121 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Posterior intercostal arteries
 Close to the angle of the rib, the arteries
enter the costal grooves, where they lie
between the intercostal vein and nerve
 At first the arteries run in the endothoracic
fascia between the parietal pleura and the
internal intercostal membrane; then they run
between the innermost intercostal and
internal intercostal muscles
 Have terminal and collateral branches that
anastomose anteriorly with anterior
by Abera N (MSC)
The internal thoracic arteries
 Arise in the root of the neck from the inferior
surfaces of the first parts of the subclavian
 Descend into the thorax posterior to the
clavicle and 1st costal cartilage
 Are crossed near their origins by the
ipsilateral phrenic nerve
 Descend on the internal surface of the thorax
slightly lateral to the sternum and posterior to
the upper six costal cartilages and intervening
by Abera N (MSC)
Intercostal m
Internal thoracic A
by Abera N (MSC)
127 by Abera N (MSC)
The internal thoracic arteries
 After descending past the 2nd costal cartilage,
the internal thoracic artery runs anterior to the
transverse thoracic muscle
 Between slips of the transverse thoracic
muscle, the artery contacts parietal pleura
 Terminate in the 6th intercostal space by
dividing into the superior epigastric and the
musculophrenic arteries
 Directly give rise to the anterior intercostal
arteries supplying the superior six intercostal
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Ipsilateral pairs of AIAs
 Of the 7th - 9th intercostal spaces derive
from the musculophrenic arteries
 Supply the intercostal muscles and send
branches through them to supply the
pectoral muscles, breasts, and skin
 Are absent from the inferior two
intercostal spaces: these spaces are
supplied only by the posterior intercostal
arteries and their collateral branches
by Abera N (MSC)
• Termination - divide in the 6th intercostal space
– Superior epigastric artery (which enters the rectus
sheath inferiorly) and
– Musculophrenic artery (which follows the attachment
of the diaphragm to the ribs)
• Also sends branches to the thymus, bronchi and
• Branches
– Pericardiacophrenic – accompany phrenic nerve to
supply pericardium
– Mediastinal – supply anterior pericardium, fat and
– Perforating – to breast
– Anterior intercostals
– Superior epigastric
– Musculophrenic
131 by Abera N (MSC)
Internal thoracic veins
 Accompany the arteries (venae comitantes)
 Unite in upper three intercostal space and drain
into brachiocephalic vein
132 by Abera N (MSC)
Veins of the Thoracic Wall
 The intercostal veins accompany the intercostal
arteries and nerves and lie most superior in the costal
 There are 11 posterior intercostal veins and one
subcostal vein on each side
 The posterior intercostal veins anastomose with the
anterior intercostal veins (tributaries of internal thoracic
by Abera N (MSC)
134 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Veins of the Thoracic Wall
 As they approach the vertebral column, the posterior
intercostal veins receive a posterior branch, which
accompanies the posterior ramus of the spinal nerve of
that level, and an intervertebral vein draining the
vertebral venous plexuses
by Abera N (MSC)
Veins of the Thoracic Wall
 The posterior intercostal veins of the 1st
intercostal space usually enter directly into the
corresponding and nearby brachiocephalic
 The posterior intercostal veins of the 2nd and
3rd intercostal spaces unite to form a trunk,
the superior intercostal vein
 The right superior intercostal vein is the
final tributary of the azygos vein, before it
enters the SVC
by Abera N (MSC)
138 by Abera N (MSC)
139 by Abera N (MSC)
Veins of the Thoracic Wall
 Most posterior intercostal veins (4th -11th ) end in the
azygos/hemiazygos venous system, which conveys
venous blood to the SVC
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 Dome-shaped musculotendinous partition
between thoracic and abdominal cavities
 Principal muscle of respiration
 Composed of two portions:
 Muscular (peripheral part)
 Aponeurotic (central part)
142 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 Muscular part
 Fibers converge radially to central tendon
 3 parts based on origin
 Sternal – back of xiphoid process
 Costal – inner surface of lower six costal cartilage
 Vertebral – lumbar vertebrae by two crura
 Right – superior 3
 Left – superior 2
 Crura are united superiorly at T12 by narrow arch
called median arcuate ligament
 Central tendon
 Aponeurotic tendon formed by fibers of different
 Has three lobes (right, left & median)
 Relations of the lobes
 Left – left pleura
 Right – right pleura
 Median – pericardium
144 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Major openings
• Aortic – T12 median plane, transmits
descending aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein
• Esophageal – T10 left of the median plane,
transmits esophagus, vagi (anterior &
posterior), esophageal branch of left gastric
• Vena caval – T8 right of the median plane with
in the central tendon, transmits IVC, branch
of right phrenic, lymph vessels from liver
146 by Abera N (MSC)
• Nerve supply
– phrenic (motor and sensory)
– lower six intercostal and subcostal for peripheral part
• Blood supply
• Superior surface
– superior phrenic (thoracic aorta)
– musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic (internal
thoracic artery)
• Inferior surface: inferior phrenic
–Veins: same
• Lymphatic drainage
– Thoracic surface to phrenic nodes
– Abdominal surface to lateral aortic nodes
– The two surfaces communicate freely
147 by Abera N (MSC)
Other structures passing through diaphragm
• Superior epigastric vessels – between sternal &
costal origins
• Phrenic nerve – pierce at 7 or 8 costal cartilage
• Lower five intercostal nerves - between two
slips of costal origin
• Subcostal nerves and vessels - behind lateral
arcuate ligament
• Quadratus lumborum - behind lateral arcuate
• Sympathetic trunk - behind medial arcuate
• Psoas major – behind medial arcuate ligament
• Splanchnic nerves – pierce the corresponding
crus of diaphragm
• Hemiazygos vein - pierce the left crus of
148 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Diaphragmatic Herniae
 Acquired herniae may occur in middle-aged people
with weak musculature around the esophageal
opening in the diaphragm
 These herniae may be either sliding or
by Abera N (MSC)
Sliding VS parasternal esophageal
by Abera N (MSC)
Respiratory movements
 Breathing or pulmonary ventilation consists of two
 Inspiration: the period when air flows into the lungs
 Expiration: the period when gases exit the lungs
 Lungs expand during inspiration and retract during
 One of the principal functions of the thoracic wall and
the diaphragm is to alter the volume of the thorax and
thereby move air in and out of the lungs
 These movements are governed by:
 Movements of thoracic wall to increase the volume of
thoracic cavity
 Elastic recoil of lungs and thoracic wall
154 by Abera N (MSC)
 During breathing, the dimensions of the thorax change
in the vertical, lateral, and anteroposterior directions
 Elevation and depression of the diaphragm
significantly alter the vertical dimensions of the
 Depression results when the muscle fibers of the
diaphragm contract
 Elevation occurs when the diaphragm relaxes
 Changes in the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions
result from elevation and depression of the ribs
 Any muscles attaching to the ribs can potentially move
one rib relative to another and therefore act as
accessory respiratory muscles
 Muscles in the neck and the abdomen can fix or alter the
positions of upper and lower ribs
Principles of movement
by Abera N (MSC)
 Each rib is considered as a lever, with the fulcrum
lies lateral to tubercle
 Because the anterior ends of the ribs are inferior to
the posterior ends, when the ribs are elevated, they
move the sternum upward and forward. When the
ribs are depressed, the sternum moves downward
and backward. This 'pump handle' type of
movement changes the dimensions of the thorax in
the anteroposterior direction
 As well as the anterior ends of the ribs being lower
than the posterior ends, the middles of the shafts
tend to be lower than the two ends. When the
shafts are elevated, the middles of the shafts move
laterally. This 'bucket handle' movement increases
the lateral dimensions of the thorax
156 by Abera N (MSC)
Pump handle movement of ribs and sternum
157 by Abera N (MSC)
Bucket handle movement of ribs
158 by Abera N (MSC)
 During inspiration the lungs increase in volume
by enlarging in all dimensions
 Inspiration lowers the air pressure within the
 Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas
of low pressure to equalize the pressure
within the lung to that outside the lung
 During normal quiet inspiration, the diaphragm
and external intercostal muscles produce the
159 by Abera N (MSC)
Inspiration: action of diaphragm
 When the dome
shaped diaphragm
contracts, it
moves inferiorly
and flattens
 As a result the
dimension of the
thoracic cavity
by Abera N (MSC)
Inspiration: action of intercostals
 The external
intercostal muscles
contract to raise the
 Because the ribs
normally extend
from the vertebral
column, lifting them
enlarges both the
lateral and anterior
by Abera N (MSC)
162 by Abera N (MSC)
Deep inspiration
 During deep or forced inspiration, additional
muscles contract and further increase thoracic
 The rib cage is elevated by the scaleni and
sternocleidomastoid muscles
 Scapulae are elevated and fixed by trapezius,
levator scapulae, rhomboids so that serratus
anterior and pectoralis minor act on ribs
by Abera N (MSC)
 As the respiratory muscles
relax, the rib cage drops
under the force of gravity
and the relaxing diaphragm
moves superiorly
 At the same time, the
many elastic fibers within
the lungs recoil
 The result is the volume
of the thorax and lungs
decrease simultaneously,
which pushes air from the
by Abera N (MSC)
Forced expiration
 Quiet expiration in healthy people is a passive
 Forced expiration is an active process
produced by contraction of muscles in the
abdominal wall, primarily the oblique and
transverse abdominis muscles
 These contractions
 Increase the intrabdominal pressure which forces
the diaphragm superiorly
 Sharply depresses the rib cage
 Thus decreases thoracic volume
 The internal intercostal muscles, quadratus
lumborum and latissimus dorsi also help to
depress the rib cage
165 by Abera N (MSC)
Components of the Respiratory System
1. Nose
2. Pharynx (throat)
3. Larynx (voice box)
4. Trachea (wind pipe)
5. Bronchi, and
6. Lungs
by Abera N (MSC)
• Structurally the respiratory system consist of two
1. Upper respiratory system:- consists of nose, pharynx and
associated structures
2. Lower respiratory system:– consists of larynx, trachea, bronchi,
and lungs
• Functionally the respiratory system consists of two
1. Conducting portion :- mouth/nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea,
bronchus, bronchioles (up to the terminal bronchioles)
- are transporting (conducting) gases to and from the alveoli
- filter, warm, and moisten inspired air
by Abera N (MSC)
Gross anatomy of the respiratory system
by Abera N (MSC)
Structural divisions of the respiratory system
by Abera N (MSC)
Functional divisions of the respiratory system
2. Respiratory portion:
• respiratory bronchioles,
• alveolar ducts,
• alveolar sacs, and
• alveoli
- consists of tissues within
the lungs
- is the main site of gas
exchange between air and
by Abera N (MSC)
The conducting passages
• Air is conducted through the oral and nasal cavities to the
pharynx and then through the larynx to the trachea and
bronchial tree.
• These structures deliver warmed and humidified air to the
respiratory division in the lungs.
• The passageways are lined with various types of epithelia to
prepare the air properly for utilization.
• The majority of conducting passages are held permanently
open by muscle on a bony or cartilaginous framework.
by Abera N (MSC)
 The part of the respiratory tract superior to the hard
 contains the peripheral organ of smell.
 It includes: the external nose and nasal cavity.
 The functions of the nose are;
olfaction (smelling)
 respiration (breathing)
filtration of dust, humidification of inspired air,
reception and elimination of secretions from the
paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts.
by Abera N (MSC)
External Nose
 has two elliptical orifices called the nostrils.
 The lateral margin, the ala nasi, is rounded and mobile.
Skeleton of the External Nose
 composed of bone and hyaline cartilage
 The bony part of the nose consists of:
 the nasal bones
 frontal processes of the maxillae
 the nasal part of the frontal bone
 its nasal spine, and the bony parts of the nasal septum.
by Abera N (MSC)
174 by Abera N (MSC)
 The cartilaginous part of the nose;
 consists of five main cartilages:
 two lateral cartilages
 two alar cartilages
 one septal cartilage.
 The U-shaped alar cartilages are free and movable
 they dilate or constrict the nares when the muscles
acting on the nose contract.
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Nasal cavities
 Location
 Irregular space between the orbit, above the mouth
and below the middle part of anterior cranial fossa
 Wider below than above
 Widest and vertically deepest in its central region
 Extends from nostrils to the posterior nasal apertures
(choanae), leading to the nasopharynx
 Divided into the right and left nasal cavities by
osteocartilaginous septum
 The bony part reaches the posterior limit of the cavity
 Communicates with Paranasal sinuses
 Opens to nasopharynx through pair of oval openings named choanae
separated by posterior border of vomer
177 by Abera N (MSC)
 Each nasal
cavity has
1. Roof
2. Floor
3. Medial wall
4. Lateral
5. vestibule
178 by Abera N (MSC)
Floor of nasal
 Wider than roof
 Formed by palatine
processes of the
maxilla and
horizontal plates
of the palatine
 Separates the
nasal cavity from
the oral cavity
179 by Abera N (MSC)
 Roof of nasal cavity
 Curved and narrow
 Anterior part: frontal and nasal bones
 Intermediate part: cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
 Posterior part: anterior and inferior aspects of the body of the
sphenoid bone
180 by Abera N (MSC)
 Each nasal cavity consists of three general regions-
 Nasal vestibule
 is a small dilated space just internal to the naris that is lined by
skin and contains hair follicles
 Respiratory region
 is the largest part of the nasal cavity, has a rich neurovascular
supply, and is lined by respiratory epithelium composed mainly
of ciliated and mucous cells
 Olfactory region is small, is at the apex of each nasal
cavity, is lined by olfactory epithelium, and contains
the olfactory receptors
181 by Abera N (MSC)
182 by Abera N (MSC)
 Olfactory area
Contain peripheral organ of smell
Superior 1/3 of nasal mucosa; roof,
medial and lateral wall up to superior
Contain olfactory cells; axons
constitute olfactory nerve
183 by Abera N (MSC)
 Medial wall (Nasal septum)
 Osteocartilagenous partition between the two halves
 Bony part: formed by perpendicular plate of ethmoid
bone and vomer bone and the nasal crests of the
maxillary and palatine bones
 Cartilaginous part: formed by septal
cartilage and inferior nasal cartilage
 Cuticular part: lower anterior end formed by
fibroadipose tissue
184 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 Lateral wall
 Skeletal part
 Bony part - Nasal bone, maxilla and its frontal process, lacrimal bone,
ethmoid bone, inferior nasal concha, medial pterygoid and perpendicular plate
of palatine
 Cartilaginous part – upper nasal, lower nasal and ala
 Cuticular part – lower part formed by fibroadipose tissue
 Posses 3 shelf like processes; superior, middle and inferior nasal conchae and
their corresponding meatuses
186 by Abera N (MSC)
 Features of the lateral wall of nasal cavity
 Conchae
 bony projections in the lateral wall of the nasal
 directed downwards and medially
 middle and superior conchae are processes of the
ethmoid while the inferior one is a separate bone
187 by Abera N (MSC)
188 by Abera N (MSC)
Lateral wall
by Abera N (MSC)
190 by Abera N (MSC)
 Meatus
 Spheno-ethmoidal recess - space between the roof
of the nasal cavity and the superior concha; feature
opening of spenoidal sinus
 Space between conchae and lateral wall of the
nasal cavity
 Superior meatus – below superior concha; feature
opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus
 Middle meatus – under middle conchae
 Presents round elevation called bulla ethmoidalis produced
by the middle ethmoidal air sinus
 There is a semilunar groove called hiatus semilunaris below
and in front of the bulla ethmoidalis
 Inferior meatus – below inferior conchae;
nasolacrimal duct opens into it
191 by Abera N (MSC)
192 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Spheno-ethmoidal recess
by Abera N (MSC)
195 by Abera N (MSC)
 Foramina opening in the nasal cavity
1. Nasolacrimal duct - to the inferior meatus
2. Incisive foramina - in the anterior floor of the
nose which transmits the sphenopalatine and
terminal parts of the greater palatine vessels
3. Olfactory foramina - in the cribriform plate of
the ethmoid - transmit olfactory nerves
4. Sphenopalatine foramen - connects the posterior
part of the superior meatus with pterygopalatine
fossa. It transmits sphenopalatine vessels and
nasopalatine and superior nasal nerves
196 by Abera N (MSC)
Fibers of the olfactory nerve [I]
Anterior ethmoidal nerve,
A branch of the ophthalmic nerve
pterygopalatine fossa
The nasopalatine nerve from
the nasal cavity into the oral
The terminal end of the
greater palatine artery from
the oral cavity into the nasal
by Abera N (MSC)
198 2
by Abera N (MSC)
 Lateral wall of the nasal cavity
 Openings of the paranasal sinuses
 Frontal sinus drains into the superior aspect of the
hiatus semilunaris
 Anterior and middle ethmoidal air sinuses drain
through openings of the ethmoidal bulla on
superoposterior aspect of the hiatus semilunaris
 Posterior ethmoidal sinus – in to the superior meatus
 Maxillary air sinus has its ostium directly inferior to
the ethmoid bulla within the hiatus semilunaris
 Sphenoid sinus - sphenoethmoidal recess
199 by Abera N (MSC)
200 by Abera N (MSC)
201 by Abera N (MSC)
202 by Abera N (MSC)
Nerves of the nasal cavity
 Nerves of smell
 Olfactory nerve [CN I]
 Composed of axons from receptors in the olfactory
epithelium at the top of each nasal cavity
 Bundles of these axons (12 – 20) pass superiorly
through perforations in the cribriform plate to
synapse with neurons in the olfactory bulb of the brain
 General sensory
 Derived from ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of CN
V which is associated with the pterygopalatine ganglion
203 by Abera N (MSC)
 Nasal septum
 Anterior superior part – septal branch of anterior
ethmoidal (V1)
 Posterior inferior part – nasopalatine (V2)
 Vestibule of the nose
 terminal branches of the infraorbital nerve (V2)
 Lateral wall
 Anterior superior quadrant - anterior ethmoidal (V1)
 Anterior inferior quadrant – internal nasal branch of
infraorbital (V2) and small branch from anterior
superior alveolar (V2)
 Posterior superior part - posterior superior lateral
nasal branch of pterygopalatine ganglion (V2)
 Posterior inferior part - posterior inferior lateral
nasal branch of greater palatine (V2)
204 by Abera N (MSC)
205 by Abera N (MSC)
 Parasympathetic innervation
 Secretomotor innervation of mucous glands in the nasal cavities
and paranasal sinuses is by preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
carried in the greater petrosal branch of the facial nerve
 These fibers enter the pterygopalatine fossa and synapse in the
pterygopalatine ganglion
 Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers then join branches of the
maxillary nerve [V2] to leave the fossa and ultimately reach
target glands
206 by Abera N (MSC)
 Sympathetic innervation
 Sympathetic innervation, mainly involved with regulating blood flow in the nasal
 is from the spinal cord level T1
 Preganglionic sympathetic fibers enter the sympathetic trunk and ascend to
synapse in the superior cervical ganglion
 Postganglionic sympathetic fibers pass onto the internal carotid artery, enter
the cranial cavity, and then leave the internal carotid artery to form the deep
petrosal nerve, which joins the greater petrosal nerve of the facial nerve and
enters the pterygopalatine fossa
 Like the parasympathetic fibers, the sympathetic fibers follow branches of the
maxillary nerve [V2] into the nasal cavity
207 by Abera N (MSC)
Blood supply of the nasal cavity
 Arteries
 Arteries that supply the nasal cavity include vessels that
originate from both the internal and external carotid
 vessels that originate from branches of the external carotid
artery include the sphenopalatine, greater palatine, superior labial,
and lateral nasal arteries
 vessels that originate from branches of the internal carotid
artery are the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries
 Nasal septum
 Anterosuperior- anterior and posterior ethmoidal and
superior labial branch of maxillary
 Posteroinferior – sphenopalatine and greater palatine;
208 by Abera N (MSC)
 Lateral wall
 Anterosuperior – anterior and posterior ethmoidal
 Anteroinferior – facial and greater palatine
 Posterosuperior - sphenopalatine
 Posteroinferior – sphenopalatine
209 by Abera N (MSC)
 Applied anatomy
 On the anterior part of the nasal septum is an area rich
in capillaries (Kiesselbach area) where all five arteries
supplying the septum anastomose
 This area is often where profuse bleeding from the nose
occurs - nose bleed (epistaxis) resulting from rapture of
arteries particularly at site of anastomoses
 Anterior ethmoidal artery (from the ophthalmic artery).
 Posterior ethmoidal artery (from the ophthalmic artery).
 Sphenopalatine artery (from the maxillary artery).
 Greater palatine artery (from the maxillary artery).
 Septal branch of the superior labial artery (from the facial
by Abera N (MSC)
211 by Abera N (MSC)
 Veins
 The venous drainage of the nose parallels the arterial
supply and forms a network, submucosal plexus
overlying the inferior and middle concha
 The tissue overlying the concha humidifies and warms
the inspired air in the upper respiratory passage
 Nasal septum – veins from plexus to facial (anterior
part) and pterygoid plexus (posterior part)
 Lateral wall – plexus to facial (anterior part),
pharyngeal plexus (posterior part) and pterygoid plexus
(middle part)
212 by Abera N (MSC)
213 by Abera N (MSC)
Lymphatic drainage of the nasal cavity
 Anterior half – submandibular lymph nodes
 Posterior half - to retropharyngeal or deep
cervical lymph node
214 by Abera N (MSC)
 inflammatory disorder of the mucous membrane of the nose.
 characterized by a watery discharge from the nose often
associated with congestion.
 Swelling of the mucosa occurs readily because of its
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Infections of the nasal cavities may spread to
 Anterior cranial fossa through the cribriform plate
 Nasopharynx and retropharyngeal soft tissues
 Middle ear through pharyngotympanic tube
 Lacrimal apparatus and conjunctiva
 Paranasal sinuses
by Abera N (MSC)
Paranasal sinuses
Are air filled cavities in
the bones of the skull
around nasal cavity.
 Function;
 Make skull lighter
 Increase the resonance of
4 types of sinuses
 Frontal
 Ethmoidal
 Sphenoidal
 Maxillary
by Abera N (MSC)
Paranasal Sinuses
by Abera N (MSC)
 Frontal Sinuses
 are between the outer and the inner tables of the frontal
 Located posterior to the superciliary arches and the root
of the nose.
 usually detectable in children by 7 years of age.
 Each sinus drains through a frontonasal duct into the
ethmoidal infundibulum-semilunar hiatus of the
middle nasal meatus.
 innervated by branches of the supraorbital nerves (CN
Ethmoidal air sinues; Ethmoidal Cells
• small invaginations of the mucous membrane of the
middle and superior nasal meatus into the ethmoid
bone between the nasal cavity and the orbit.
• The anterior ethmoidal cells drain directly or
indirectly into the middle nasal meatus through the
ethmoidal infundibulum.
• The middle ethmoidal cells (bullar cells) open
directly into the middle meatus.
• The posterior ethmoidal cells open directly into the
superior meatus.
• The ethmoidal cells are supplied by the anterior and
posterior ethmoidal branches of the nasociliary nerves
(CN V1)
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Infection of the Ethmoidal Cells
 If nasal drainage is blocked, infections of the ethmoidal
cells may break through the fragile medial wall of the orbit.
 may cause blindness because some posterior ethmoidal cells
lie close to the optic canal, passage to the optic nerve and
ophthalmic aa.
 could also affect the dural nerve sheath of the optic nerve,
causing optic neuritis.
by Abera N (MSC)
Sphenoidal Sinuses
 located in the body of the sphenoid and may extend into
the wings of this bone.
 They are unevenly divided and separated by a bony
 Because of this extensive pneumatization (formation of
air cells or sinuses), the body of the sphenoid is fragile
 Only thin plates of bone separate the sinuses from
several important structures:
 the optic nerves and optic chiasm
 the pituitary gland
 the internal carotid arteries
 and the cavernous sinuses.
by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
The sphenoidal sinuses are derived from a
posterior ethmoidal cell that begins to invade the
sphenoid at approximately 2 years of age
several posterior ethmoidal cells invade the
sphenoid, giving rise to multiple sphenoidal
sinuses that open separately into the
sphenoethmoidal recess
The posterior ethmoidal arteries and posterior
ethmoidal nerve supply the sphenoidal sinuses
by Abera N (MSC)
Maxillary Sinuses
 The maxillary sinuses are the largest of the paranasal
 They occupy the bodies of the maxillae and
communicate with the middle nasal meatus
 The apex : extends toward the zygomatic bone
 The base: forms the inferior part of the lateral wall of the
nasal cavity
 The roof is formed by the floor of the orbit
 The floor is formed by the alveolar part of the maxilla
 The roots of the maxillary teeth, particularly first two molars,
produce conical elevations in floor of the sinus.
by Abera N (MSC)
The arterial supply of the maxillary sinus is mainly from
superior alveolar branches of the maxillary artery
branches of the descending and greater palatine arteries
supply the floor of the sinus
Innervation of the maxillary sinus
from the anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar
nerves, which are branches of the maxillary nerve
by Abera N (MSC)
Infection of the Maxillary Sinuses
 the most commonly infected sinuses, why?
 Because the ostia of the right and left sinuses lie on the
medial sides, when lying on one's side only the upper sinus
 A cold or allergy involving both sinuses can result in nights
of rolling from side-to-side in an attempt to keep the
sinuses drained
 A maxillary sinus can be cannulated and drained by passing
a cannula from the nares through the maxillary ostium into
the sinus
by Abera N (MSC)
Applied anatomy
 Infection may spread from nasal cavity to sinuses and produce
sinusitis, swelling of mucosa may block opening to nasal cavity
 Maxillary sinus is commonly involved because its aperture is
located superior to floor of sinus thus drainage is poor.
 It is better drained when one is lying on the side opposite
infected sinus
230 by Abera N (MSC)
Relationship of the Teeth to the Maxillary Sinus
 The close proximity of the three maxillary molar teeth
to the floor of the maxillary sinus poses serous problems
 During removal of a molar tooth, fracture and piece of
root may driven superiorly into the maxillary sinus
 communication may be created between the oral cavity
and the maxillary sinus as a result, an infection occur
 Because the superior alveolar nerves supply both the
maxillary teeth and the mucous membrane of the
maxillary sinuses,
inflammation of the mucosa of the sinus is frequently
accompanied by a sensation of toothache in the molar
by Abera N (MSC)
232 by Abera N (MSC)
Pharynx: introdduction
 Funnel shaped fibromuscular tube
found behind nasal, oral and laryngeal
 Extends from the base of skull to
inferior border of cricoid cartilage
(C6) = 12 cm long
 Lies between the bodies of the
vertebrae and the larynx between
 Becomes continuous with the
esophagus at C6
233 by Abera N (MSC)
Pharynx cont…
 Conducts food and air
 The cavity above the inlet
of larynx is wide and
always open
 The cavity below the inlet
of the larynx is narrow,
the anterior & posterior
parts are in contact
except during food passes
234 by Abera N (MSC)
 Boundaries and relation
 Superior – body of sphenoid and basilar part of
occipital bone
 Inferior – continues with esophagus
 Posterior – prevertebral fascia
 Anterior – communicate with nasal cavity, oral cavity
and larynx
 Lateral – attached to medial pterygoid plate,
pterygomandibular raphe, mandible, tongue, hyoid,
thyroid and cricoid cartilage
 Parts: nasal (nasopharynx), oral (oropharynx) and
laryngeal (laryngopharynx)
235 by Abera N (MSC)
Line of attachment of the pharynx to the base
of the skull
236 by Abera N (MSC)
237 Attachments of the lateral pharyngeal wall
by Abera N (MSC)
238 by Abera N (MSC)
 Openings in the pharynx
 Anterior
 Two posterior nasal openings
 Oropharyngeal isthmus
 Inlet of larynx
 Lateral – openings of the
auditory tube
 Inferiorly – into esophagus
 Walls of the pharynx
 Composed of (inside out)
1. Mucus membrane
2. Submucosa
3. Pharyngobasilar fascia
4. Muscles
239 by Abera N (MSC)
240 by Abera N (MSC)
 Pharyngobasilar fascia
 Covers the internal surface of
the constrictor muscles
 Connects pharynx with the base
of the skull and fill the gap
between the superior constrictor
and skull
 Together with the
buccopharyngeal fascia fill the
gaps in the muscular wall
 Buccopharyngeal fascia
 covers the external surface of
the buccinator muscle and the
superior constrictor muscle
 contains: pharyngeal venous
plexus and pharyngeal plexus of
241 by Abera N (MSC)
 Pharyngeal plexus of
 lies deep to this fascia,
draining the pharynx,
soft palate and the
pharyngeal tonsil
 communicates with the
pterygoid plexus of veins
and drains into the
internal jugular vein
 these veins have no valves
and infection from the
pharynx, palate and
tonsils may spread into
the meningeal venous
242 by Abera N (MSC)
 Pharyngeal nervous
 Formed by branches from
CN IX, X and superior
cervical ganglion
 Motor branches – CN X
(cranial root of accessory
 supply all muscles of pharynx
and palate except
stylopharyngeus (CN IX) and
tensor palati (CN V3)
 inferior constrictor receive
additional fibers from
external and recurrent
laryngeal nerves
243 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Sensory branches
nasopharynx -
maxillary nerve (CN
oropharynx - CN IX
laryngopharynx -
Parasympathetic –
greater petrosal nerve
245 by Abera N (MSC)
 Muscular layer
 Inner longitudinal and outer circular skeletal muscles
 6 paired skeletal muscles
– Three pairs of circular muscles (external muscles): superior,
middle and inferior constrictor muscles
– Three pairs of longitudinal (internal muscles):
palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus & salpingophayngeus
 External muscles
 Originate anteriorly and pass posteriorly and meet in
midline fibrous raphe
 Inferior overlap middle and middle overlap superior
 Constrict pharynx during swallowing
246 by Abera N (MSC)
247 by Abera N (MSC)
248 by Abera N (MSC)
249 by Abera N (MSC)
 Superior constrictor
 Lies behind the nasal and
oral cavities and continuous
with the plane of the
 Origin – pterygoid hamulus,
pterygomandibular raphé,
posterior end of mylohyoid
line of mandible & the side
of the tongue
 Insertion – median raphé of
pharynx and pharyngeal
250 by Abera N (MSC)
 Middle constrictor
 Lies behind the tongue
and larynx
 It is truly a constrictor
and plays a major role in
 Origin - stylohyoid
ligament, greater and
lesser horns of hyoid
 Insertion - median
raphé of pharynx
251 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
constrictor muscle
Origin – oblique line of
thyroid cartilage and the
sides of cricoid cartilage
Insertion – median raphé
of pharynx
The most inferior aspect
is the cricopharyngeus
which is the sphincter
between the pharynx and
the esophagus
 Innervation of constrictor muscles
 Superior and middle constrictor muscles are innervated
by the pharyngeal branches of the vagus nerve
 Inferior constrictor muscle and the cricopharyngeus
are innervated by recurrent branches of the vagus
 The three muscles overlap each other and form
three gaps which allow entrance of structures to
 The interval between the superior constrictor and base
of the skull: allows for
 Levator veli palatini
 Auditory tube
 Ascending palatine artery
253 by Abera N (MSC)
254 by Abera N (MSC)
 The interval between superior
and middle constrictor
 Stylopharyngeus
 Cranial nerve IX
 Stylohyoid ligament
 The interval between middle &
inferior constrictors covered
by thyrohyoid membrane
 Internal laryngeal nerve
 Superior laryngeal vessels
 Between the inferior
constrictor and esophagus
 Inferior laryngeal vessels
 Recurrent laryngeal nerve
255 by Abera N (MSC)
256 by Abera N (MSC)
 Internal muscles of the
 Elevates larynx and pharynx during
 Stylopharyngeus
 Origin - styloid process of temporal
 Insertion - posterior & superior
border of the thyroid cartilage
 Course - descends between
external & internal carotid arteries
and enters the pharyngeal cavity
with CN IX between the superior
and middle constrictor muscles
 Nerve supply - CN IX
257 by Abera N (MSC)
 Palatopharyngeus
 Origin - hard palate and palatine
 Insertion – posterior border of
lamina of thyroid cartilage and
sides of pharynx
 Nerve supply – pharyngeal plexus
 The overlying mucosa forms the
palatopharyngeal arch, posterior
to the palatine tonsil
 Salpingophayngeus
 Origin – cartilaginous part of
auditory tube
 Insertion – blend with
 Nerve supply - pharyngeal plexus
258 by Abera N (MSC)
259 by Abera N (MSC)
260 by Abera N (MSC)
 Cavity of the pharynx
 3 parts - Nasopharynx, Oropharynx & Laryngopharynx
 Nasopharynx
 Behind nose and above lower border of soft palate
 Respiratory
 Walls
 Roof – sphenoid & occipital bone, mucus membrane, submucosa
(contain pharyngeal tonsil)
 Floor – soft palate
 Anterior wall – two posterior openings of the nasal cavity
 Posterior wall - anterior part of atlas lined with mucus
261 by Abera N (MSC)
262 by Abera N (MSC)
 Lateral wall – presents
 Pharyngeal openings of auditory tube – behind
inferior nasal concha
 Tubal elevation - posterior to the auditory
 Salpingopharyngeus fold – inferior to tubal
elevation due to the muscle
 Pharyngeal recess – depression behind tubal
 Tubal tonsil – lymphoid tissue in the submucosa
behind the openings of the auditory tube
 Inferiorly – Nasopharynx communicate with oropharynx at
nasopharyngeal isthmus
263 by Abera N (MSC)
264 by Abera N (MSC)
 Oropharynx
 Behind oral cavity, extends from
soft palate to the upper border of
 Walls
 Anterior - communicate with oral cavity
through oropharyngeal isthmus (isthmus
of fauces)
 Laterally bounded by two arches –
palatoglossal & palatopharyngeal;
between them triangular fossa for
palatine tonsil
 Inferiorly pharyngeal part of tongue –
contain lingual tonsil
 Posterior wall – body of axis and upper
part of C3 lined with mucus membrane
265 by Abera N (MSC)
266 by Abera N (MSC)
 Palatine tonsil
 Almond shape
 Medial surface has crypts and lateral surface covered
by fascia
 Applied anatomy
 Adenoids – enlargement of pharyngeal tonsils
 Obstruct nasal respiration
 Infection may spread to middle ear through auditory tube
 Tonsillectomy – removal of tonsil
 Bleeding may arise from tonsilar artery and external palatine
 Nerves vulnerable – CN IX & lingual nerve
268 by Abera N (MSC)
 Laryngopharynx
 Posterior to the
larynx, from superior
border of epiglottis
to inferior border of
 Walls
 Anterior
 Communicate with
larynx through inlet of
larynx; bounded by
aryepiglottic fold &
inter arytenoid folds
 Mucus membrane
covering posterior
surface of larynx
269 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Posterior –
related to C4 -
C6 vertebrae
Lateral – mucus
covering the
thyroid cartilage
and thyrohyoid
piriform recess
 Piriform resses (fossa)
 Groove on the side of inlet
of larynx
 Bounded by aryepiglottic
fold medially & thyroid
cartilage and thyrohyoid
membrane laterally
 Site for arrest of foreign
body and produce cough
 The mucosa is supplied by
internal laryngeal nerve
 Branches of internal and
recurrent laryngeal
nerves lie in the recess
271 by Abera N (MSC)
 Arteries
 Ascending
 Ascending palatine
 Tonsilar branch of
facial artery
 Branches from
lingual & maxillary
 Veins – end in
pharyngeal plexus
that ends in the
internal jugular
vein and facial vein
272 by Abera N (MSC)
273 by Abera N (MSC)
274 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
The larynx
 It is a hollow musculoligamentous
structure with a cartilaginous
 Its cavity is continuous
 inferiorly with the trachea,
 superiorly opens into the pharynx
immediately posterior and slightly
inferior to the tongue and the
oropharyngeal isthmus
 Functions
 Air passage to trachea
 Sound production
 Acts as a valve for preventing
swallowed food from entering
the lower respiratory tract
276 by Abera N (MSC)
 Position
 Extension: At midline of neck
from root of tongue to trachea
 Posteriorly: laryngopharynx
opposite C3 to C6
 Superiorly: continuous with
laryngopharynx through the inlet
of larynx
 Inferiorly: continuous with
 Length: About 5 cm in adult man
but slightly shorter in female
 Attachments: Suspended from
the hyoid bone above and
attached to the trachea below
by membranes and ligaments
277 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 It is highly mobile in the neck
and can be moved up and down
and forward and backward by
the action of extrinsic muscles
that attach either to the larynx
itself or to the hyoid bone
 During swallowing, the upward
and forward movements of the
larynx facilitate
 closing the laryngeal inlet and
 opening the esophagus
279 by Abera N (MSC)
 Structure: composed of
 9 cartilages joined by
ligaments and
 Three large
unpaired cartilages
1. Thyroid
2. cricoid
3. epiglottis
 Three pairs of
smaller cartilages –
1. arytenoid,
2. corniculate &
3. cuneiforms
 Muscles – intrinsic
280 by Abera N (MSC)
281 by Abera N (MSC)
282 by Abera N (MSC)
283 by Abera N (MSC)
Thyroid cartilage
 Have two quadrilateral plates called laminae,
 widely separated posteriorly, but converge and join
 Placed obliquely; whe
 inferior 2/3 is fused anteriorly in the midline
 The angle of fusion is more acute in the male (90°) than in
women (120°)and forms the laryngeal prominence (Adam's
apple) after puberty
 Has two notches in the mid line anteriorly
 superior thyroid notch: v shaped palpable land mark
 inferior thyroid notch: less distinct along the base of the thyroid cartilage
•Both the superior
thyroid notch and the
laryngeal prominence
are palpable landmarks
in the neck
by Abera N (MSC)
 Each lamina has two projection from posterior border
 Superior horn is connected to greater horn of hyoid by lateral
thyrohyoid ligament
 Inferior horn articulate with cricoid cartilage
 The upper border is attached to the hyoid bone by the thyrohyoid membrane
 Lateral surface is marked by a ridge - oblique line that
 curves Anteriorly from the base of the superior horn to a little
short of midway along the inferior margin of the lamina
 the ends of the oblique line are expanded to form superior and inferior thyroid
 Is attachment for sternothyroid, thyrohyoid and inferior
constrictor muscles
285 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
 Cricoid cartilage
 Ring shaped; completely
encircles the airway
 Have broad quadrilateral
lamina posteriorly and
narrow arch anteriorly
 Its anterior arch is
attached superiorly to
the thyroid cartilage by
the cricothyroid
 The thickened midline
portion of this membrane
is the median
cricothyroid ligament
287 by Abera N (MSC)
288 by Abera N (MSC)
Lamina projects upwards and
articulates with arytenoid
Has two articular facets on
each side for articulation
with other laryngeal
facet on superolateral
surface of the lamina -
articulates with the base
of arytenoid cartilage
facet on lateral surface of
the lamina near its base -
for articulation with the
medial surface of the
inferior horn of the
thyroid cartilage
 Epiglottis
 Leaf-shaped, broad flat plate of fibrocartilage at
anterior wall of upper part of larynx
 Upper end – broad, free, projects behind the tongue
and hyoid bone, above and in front of the inlet of
 Lower end – pointed, attached above the angle of
fusion of the thyroid cartilage by the thyroepiglottic
 Attached to
 tongue by median glossoepiglottic fold
 Pharynx by lateral glossoepiglottic fold
 hyoid bone by hyoepiglottic ligament
 The inferior half of the posterior surface of the
epiglottis is raised slightly to form an epiglottic
289 by Abera N (MSC)
290 by Abera N (MSC)
 Function of epiglottis
 Respiratory: remain in resting position during inhalation letting the
air enter the lungs
 Digestive: the extrinsic muscles atached with larynx move it up so
it can lay flat over the laryngeal opening making the food pass
safely through esophagus
 Malfunction or failure to close properly make you cough
and choke every time you swallow
291 by Abera N (MSC)
 Arytenoid cartilages
 Three sided pyramid with a base
and apex
 On upper border of lamina of
 Apex – curved posteromedially and
articulate with corniculate
 Base – concave, articulate with
cricoid lamina through synovial
joint called crico-arytenoid
 Surfaces
 medial surface - faces each other
 anterolateral surface - has two
depressions, separated by a ridge, for
muscle (vocalis) and ligament (vestibular
ligament) attachment
 Posterior surface
293 by Abera N (MSC)
294 by Abera N (MSC)
Has two processes
vocal process -
anterior & attach
to the vocal
muscular process -
lateral & serves as
attachment points
for muscles of the
Control the opening
between the vocal
cords, the rima
 Corniculate cartilage
 Small conical nodules of
fibrocartilage whose base
articulate with the apex of
arytenoid cartilage in the
posterior part of
aryepiglottic fold
 Their apices project
posteromedially towards
each other
 Cuneiform cartilage
 Rod shaped, found in the
aryepiglottic fold, anterior
to the arytenoid cartilage
295 by Abera N (MSC)
296 by Abera N (MSC)
Ligaments and membranes cont..
Extrinsic ligaments
 Thyrohyoid membrane & ligament
 Connect upper border of thyroid cartilage to body, greater & lesser horn of
 Midline thickening – median thyrohyoid ligament
 Posterior border thickening – lateral thyrohyoid ligament
 Occasionally, there is a small cartilage (triticeal cartilage) in each lateral
thyrohyoid ligament
 Outer surface covered with thyrohyoid muscle
 An aperture in the lateral part of the thyrohyoid membrane on each side is for
the superior laryngeal arteries, nerves, and lymphatics
298 by Abera N (MSC)
299 by Abera N (MSC)
 Hyoepiglottic ligament
 Connects the anterior
surface of the epiglottis
to the back of hyoid
 Median & lateral
glosso-epiglottic folds
 Connects the anterior
surface of the epiglottis
to the dorum the tongue
 Crico-tracheal
 Connects first ring of
trachea to cricoid
300 by Abera N (MSC)
Intrinsic ligaments
 Fibro-elastic membrane of
 Links together the
laryngeal cartilages and
completes the
architectural framework
of the laryngeal cavity
 Composed of two parts-a
lower cricothyroid
ligament and an upper
quadrangular membrane
301 by Abera N (MSC)
by Abera N (MSC)
Cricothyroid ligament
 Triangular in shape
Attached to the arch of
cricoid cartilage and
extends superiorly to end
in a free upper margin
within the space enclosed
by the thyroid cartilage
On each side, this upper
free margin attaches:
anteriorly to the
thyroid cartilage
posteriorly to the vocal
processes of the
arytenoid cartilages
 The free margin between these two points of attachment is
thickened to form the vocal ligament, which is under the
vocal fold (true 'vocal cord') of the larynx
 The cricothyroid ligament is also thickened anteriorly in the
midline to form a distinct median cricothyroid ligament,
which spans the distance between the arch of cricoid
cartilage and the inferior thyroid notch and adjacent deep
surface of the thyroid cartilage up to the attachment of the
vocal ligaments
 Outer surface covered with cricothyroid muscle
 Inner surface covered with mucous membrane
 Soft spot inferior to thyroid cartilage - air way is closest to
skin and most accessible
 In emergency situations, when the airway is blocked above the
level of the vocal folds, the median cricothyroid ligament can be
perforated to establish an airway
 Except for small vessels and the occasional presence of a
pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland, normally there are few
structures between the median cricothyroid ligament and skin
303 by Abera N (MSC)
304 by Abera N (MSC)
 conus elasticus, Vocal
ligament, & vocal fold
 Conus elasticus
 triangular ligament connecting
cricoid, thyroid & arytenoid
 Vocal ligaments
 attach between the vocal
processes of the arytenoid
cartilages and the thyroid
cartilage, behind its fusion
 i.e. thickened upper border of
conus elasticus
 forms skeleton of vocal folds
 Vocal fold
 the upper border of conus
elasticus covered with the
mucous membrane
305 by Abera N (MSC)
306 by Abera N (MSC)
 Quadrangular membrane & vestibular ligaments
 The quadrangular membrane
 runs between the lateral margin of the epiglottis on each side
and the anterolateral surface of the arytenoid cartilage on the
same side
 Attachement: the corniculate cartilage, which articulates with
the apex of arytenoid cartilage
 has
 free upper margin and
 free lower margin
o The free lower margin is thickened to form the
vestibular ligament under the vestibular fold
(false 'vocal cord') of the larynx
307 by Abera N (MSC)
 The vestibular ligament
 attachments
 posteriorly : the superior depression on the anterolateral
surface of the arytenoid cartilage
 anteriorly : the thyroid angle just superior to the attachment
of the vocal ligament
 Thin submucosal sheath extending from arytenoid
cartilage to the epiglottis
 Superior border forms aryepiglottic fold
 Inferior border forms vestibular fold
 On each side, the vestibular ligament of the
quadrangular membrane is separated from the vocal
ligament of the cricothyroid ligament below by a gap
308 by Abera N (MSC)
The free lower
margin of
membrane is
thickened to form
the vestibular
ligament under the
vestibular fold
(false 'vocal cord')
of the larynx
by Abera N (MSC)
Thickening of
conus elasticus
Thickening of
by Abera N (MSC)
311 by Abera N (MSC)
Joints of larynx
 Crico-arytenoid
 Synovial, between base of arytenoid and upper border of lamina of
cricoid cartilage
 Enable the arytenoid cartilages to slide away or towards each other
and to rotate so that the vocal processes pivot either towards or
away from the midline. These movements abduct and adduct the
vocal ligaments
312 by Abera N (MSC)
 Crico-thyroid joint
 The joints between the inferior horns of the thyroid
cartilage and the the sides of cricoid cartilage at the
junction of its lamina and arch
 Synovial
 Each is surrounded by a capsule and is reinforced by
associated ligaments
 enable the thyroid cartilage to move forward and tilt
downwards on the cricoid cartilage
 Because the vocal ligaments pass between the posterior
aspect of the thyroid angle and the arytenoid
cartilages sit on the lamina of cricoid cartilage,
forward movement and downward rotation of the
thyroid cartilage on the cricoid cartilage effectively
lengthens and puts tension on the vocal ligaments
313 by Abera N (MSC)
314 by Abera N (MSC)
Cavity of the larynx
 The central cavity of the larynx is tubular in shape and is
lined by mucosa
 Its architectural support is provided by the fibro-elastic
membrane of larynx and by the laryngeal cartilages to
which it is attached
• Extend from inlet of larynx to inferior border of
 The superior aperture of the cavity (laryngeal inlet)
 obliquely oriented, opens into the anterior aspect of
the pharynx just below and posterior to the tongue
315 by Abera N (MSC)
316 by Abera N (MSC)
 Borders
 anterior border - formed by mucosa covering the
superior margin of the epiglottis
 lateral borders - formed by mucosal folds
(aryepiglottic folds), which enclose the superior
margins of the quadrangular membranes and adjacent
soft tissues, and two tubercles on the more
posterolateral margin of the laryngeal inlet on each
side mark the positions of the underlying cuneiform
and corniculate cartilages
 posterior border - in the midline is formed by a
mucosal fold that forms a depression (interarytenoid
notch) between the two corniculate tubercles
317 by Abera N (MSC)
 The inferior opening of the laryngeal cavity
 is continuous with the lumen of the trachea,
 is completely encircled by the cricoid cartilage,
 is horizontal in position unlike the laryngeal inlet,
which is oblique and points posterosuperiorly into the
318 by Abera N (MSC)
319 by Abera N (MSC)
Division of laryngeal cavity
 Two pairs of mucosal folds, the vestibular and vocal
folds, which project medially from the lateral walls of
the laryngeal cavity, constrict it and divide it into three
major regions-
1. Vestibule –
 the upper chamber of the laryngeal cavity
 is between the laryngeal inlet and the vestibular folds
2. Middle part of the laryngeal cavity
 is very thin
 is between the vestibular folds above and the vocal folds
3. Infraglottic space –
 the most inferior chamber of the laryngeal cavity
 Is between the vocal folds and the inferior opening of the
320 by Abera N (MSC)
Laryngeal ventricles and saccules
 Laryngeal ventricles
 expanded trough-shaped space (a laryngeal ventricle)
 Produced as the mucosa of the middle cavity bulges laterally
through the gap between the vestibular and vocal ligaments
 laryngeal saccule
 An elongate tubular extension of each laryngeal ventricle
 projects anterosuperiorly between the vestibular fold and thyroid
 may reach as high as the top of the thyroid cartilage
 Within the walls of these laryngeal saccules are numerous mucous
 Mucus secreted into the saccules lubricates the vocal folds.
321 by Abera N (MSC)
322 by Abera N (MSC)
Rima vestibuli and rima glottidis
 the rima vestibuli
 When viewed from above,it is a triangular-shaped opening
 Bounded by the two adjacent vestibular folds at the entrance to the middle
chamber of the laryngeal cavity
 The apex of the opening is anterior and its base is formed by
the posterior wall of the laryngeal cavity
 the rima glottidis
 Inferior to the vestibular folds
 the vocal folds (true vocal cords) and adjacent mucosa-covered parts of the
arytenoid cartilages form its lateral walls
 narrower triangular opening (between the two adjacent vocal folds)
 This opening separates the middle chamber above from the infraglottic
cavity below
 The base of this triangular opening is formed by the fold of mucosa
(interarytenoid fold) at the bottom of the interarytenoid notch
 Both the rima glottidis and the rima vestibuli can be opened and
closed by movement of the arytenoid cartilages and associated
fibro-elastic membranes
323 by Abera N (MSC)
 Clinical correlates
 Laryngeal obstruction
 Lodging of aspirated food in rima glottidis
 Compression of abdomen (Heimlich maneuver) expel air from
lungs and dislodge the food
324 by Abera N (MSC)
Muscles of larynx
Divided as extrinsic and intrinsic
 Extrinsic muscles – move larynx superiorly and
inferiorly during swallowing
 Infrahyoid muscles – depress hyoid and larynx
 Suprahyoid muscles – elevates hyoid and larynx
 Thyrohyoid – depress hyoid and elevate thyroid
325 by Abera N (MSC)
 Intrinsic muscles – move laryngeal parts and playing vital
role in breathing and phonation
 actions
 adjust tension in the vocal ligaments,
 open and close the rima glottidis (opening between vocal
folds and the arytenoid cartilage),
 control the inner dimensions of the vestibule,
 close the rima vestibuli, and
 facilitate closing of the laryngeal inlet
326 by Abera N (MSC)
 They do this mainly by:
 acting on the cricothyroid and crico-arytenoid joints
 adjusting the distance between the epiglottis and
arytenoid cartilages
 pulling directly on the vocal ligaments
 forcing soft tissues associated with the quadrangular
membranes and vestibular ligaments toward the
327 by Abera N (MSC)
• The ntrinsic muscles Divided based on their action on inlet of
1. Muscles closing the inlet of the larynx
2. Abductor of vocal folds
3. Tensor of vocal cords
4. Adductors of vocal folds
5. Relaxer of vocal folds
328 by Abera N (MSC)
Muscles closing the inlet of the larynx
 Transverse arytenoid muscle
 unpaired
 Origin: Lateral border of posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage
 Insertion: Lateral border of posterior surface of opposite
arytenoid cartilage
 Function: Adduction of arytenoid cartilages, vocal processes and
vocal cords
 Oblique arytenoid
 Superficial to transverse
 Origin: Posterior surface of muscular process of arytenoid
 Insertion: Posterior surface of apex of adjacent arytenoid
cartilage; extends into aryepiglottic fold
 Function: Sphincter of the laryngeal inlet
329 by Abera N (MSC)
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Anatomy of Respiratory system for MD [Autosaved].ppt

  • 1. by Abera N (MSC) 1 Anatomy of RESPIRATORY system
  • 2.  Gross anatomy of respiratory system  Development of respiratory system  The Histology of respiratory system THE RESPIRATORY anatomy by Abera N (MSC) 2
  • 3. Outlines  Introduction  Overview of the respiratory system  Thoracic wall  The upper respiratory system  The nose  The pharynx  The Lower respiratory system  The larynx  The trachea  the bronchi  The lungs by Abera N (MSC) 3
  • 4. Overview of the respiratory system Definition:-  Respiration is a term used to describe two different but interrelated processes: • External (mechanical) respiration  the absorption of O₂ and removal of CO₂ from the body as a whole • Internal (Cellular) respiration  the utilization of O₂ and production of CO₂ by cells and the gaseous exchanges between the cells and their fluid medium  the series of intracellular biochemical processes by which the cell produces energy by metabolism of organic molecules by Abera N (MSC) 4
  • 5.  The respiratory system is made up of air conducting organs (nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchial tree), a gas-exchanging organ (lungs), and a pump that ventilates the lungs  Inhalation and exhalation are achieved by expanding and contracting the thoracic cavity using the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, drawing air in when the thoracic cavity expands and driving air out when it contracts  The pump consists of the chest wall; the respiratory muscles, which increase and decrease the size of the thoracic cavity; the areas in the brain that control the muscles; and the tracts and nerves that connect the brain to the muscles 5 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 6.  At rest, a normal human breathes 12–15 times a minute  About 500 mL of air per breath, or 6–8 L/min, is inspired and expired  This air mixes with the gas in the alveoli, and, by simple diffusion, O₂ enters the blood in the pulmonary capillaries while CO₂ enters the alveoli  In this manner, 250 mL of O₂ enters the body per minute and 200 mL of CO₂ is excreted 6 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 7. Respiration  Goals: to provide oxygen to the tissues and to remove carbon dioxide  To achieve these goals, respiration can be divided into four major functions:  Pulmonary ventilation  Air moves in and out of lungs  Continuous replacement of gases in alveoli (air sacs)  External respiration  Gas exchange between blood and air at alveoli  O2 (oxygen) in air diffuses into blood  CO2 (carbon dioxide) in blood diffuses into air  Transport of respiratory gases  Between the lungs and the cells of the body  Performed by the cardiovascular system  Blood is the transporting fluid  Internal respiration  Gas exchange in capillaries between blood and tissue cells  O2 in blood diffuses into tissues  CO2 waste in tissues diffuses into blood by Abera N (MSC) 7
  • 8.  External (Mechanical) respiration involves the following steps:  Air is drawn into the body (to the lungs) from the atmosphere by inhalation  Before it reaches the furthest parts of the lungs the air is cleaned by removal of particulate matter, warmed so that its temperature equals that of the body, and moistened  Gas exchange takes place in the lung  In the lung parenchyma, oxygen is extracted from the air and transferred into the blood vascular system where it bonds tightly with haemoglobin in the red cells for transport in the systemic arterial circulation  At the same time that oxygen is passing from air into the blood, carbon dioxide (a side product of cellular metabolic activity) is transferred from the blood to the air  After gaseous exchange, the air is returned to the atmosphere by exhalation 8 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 9. Other Functions of the Respiratory System  Regulation of blood pH  The respiratory system can alter blood pH by changing blood carbon dioxide levels  Voice production  Air movement past the vocal folds makes sound and speech possible  Olfaction  The sensation of smell occurs when airborne molecules are drawn into the nasal cavity  Protection  The respiratory system provides protection against some microorganisms by preventing their entry into the body and by removing them from respiratory surfaces 9 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 11. A.THE WALL OF THE THORAX by Abera N (MSC)  Osteocartilageno us +  Muscular 11
  • 12. The Thorax  The thoracic cavity, surrounded by the thoracic wall, contains the heart, lungs, thymus, distal part of the trachea, and most of the esophagus.  The thoracic wall consists of skin, fascia, nerves, vessels, muscles, and bones. by Abera N (MSC) 12
  • 13. The Thorax Functions of the thoracic wall include:  protecting of thoracic & abdominal internal organs; Resisting negative internal pressures generated by elastic recoil of the lungs & inspiratory movements; providing attachment for and supporting the weight of the upper limbs. It provides attachment for muscles of upper limbs, neck, abdomen & back, & muscles of respiration. by Abera N (MSC) 13
  • 14. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall  thoracic skeleton forms osteocartilaginous thoracic cage .  thoracic skeleton (bony thorax) includes; -12 pairs of ribs and costal cartilages, -12 thoracic vertebrae & intervertebral discs - sternum.  Costal cartilages form the anterior continuation of the ribs, providing a flexible attachment at their articulation with the sternum .  Ribs & their cartilages are separated by intercostal spaces, containing intercostal muscles, vessels, and nerves. by Abera N (MSC) 14
  • 15. by Abera N (MSC) 15
  • 16. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Ribs:  The ribs are curved, flat bones that form most of the thoracic cage .  They are remarkably light in weight yet highly resilient.  There are three types of ribs: 1. True (vertebrocostal) ribs (1st- 7th ribs) attach directly to the sternum through their own costal cartilages. 2.False (vertebrochondral) ribs (8th -10th ) ribs) have cartilages that are joined to the rib just superior to them; thus, their connection with the sternum is indirect. 3.Floating (free) ribs (11th- 12th ribs) have rudimentary cartilages that do not connect even indirectly with the sternum;  instead, they end in the posterior abdominal musculature. by Abera N (MSC) 16
  • 17. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Ribs:  Typical ribs (3rd - 9th) have a:  Head: that is wedge-shaped and two facets that are separated by the crest of the head . One facet is for articulation with the numerically corresponding vertebra, and one facet is for the vertebra superior to it.  Neck: that connects the head with the body at the level of the tubercle.  Tubercle: at the junction of the neck and body. The tubercle has a smooth articular part for articulating with the corresponding transverse process of the vertebra and a rough non-articular part for the attachment of the costotransverse ligament.  Body (shaft): that is thin, flat, and curved, most markedly at the angle where the rib turns anterolaterally.  The concave internal surface has a costal groove that protects the intercostal nerve and vessels . by Abera N (MSC) 17
  • 18. 18 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 19. Typical & Atypical ribs Atypical ribs (1st, 2nd, & 10th - 12th) :  The 1st rib: is the broadest (its body is widest & nearly horizontal), shortest, & most sharply curved of the seven true ribs;  it has two grooves crossing its superior surface for the subclavian vessels.  has scalene tubercle  The 1st rib has single facet.  The 2nd rib: is thinner, less curved & much longer than 1st rib.  It has two facets on its head for articulation with the bodies of the T1 and T2 vertebrae.  has tuberosity for serratus anterior muscle  The 10th -12th ribs, like the 1st rib, have only one facet on their heads.  The 11th and 12th ribs are short and have no necks or tubercles. by Abera N (MSC) 19
  • 20. 20 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 21. Typical & Atypical Ribs by Abera N (MSC) 21
  • 22. by Abera N (MSC) 22
  • 23. Typical & Atypical Ribs by Abera N (MSC) 23
  • 24. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Costal cartilages:  prolong the ribs anteriorly and contribute to the elasticity of the thoracic wall. Intercostal spaces:  separate the ribs and their costal cartilages from one another.  spaces and neurovascular structures are named according to the rib forming the superior border of the space.  there are 11 intercostal spaces and 11 intercostal nerves.  The subcostal space is below the 12th rib and the anterior ramus of spinal nerve T12 is the subcostal nerve. by Abera N (MSC) 24
  • 25. Applied Anatomy  Variation of ribs • Number: increased by development of cervical or lumbar ribs or decreased by failure of the 12th rib to develop • Shape: bifid ribs  Angle of ribs are their weakest point  Flail chest (‘stove-in chest’): multiple rib fracture 25 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 26. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Thoracic Vertebrae:  There are 12 thoracic vertebrae: 1st & 12th are called atypical and the rest are typical. All of the typical vertebrae have same characteristics. The 1st and 12th vertebrae have slightly different characteristics than the typical ones. 26 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 27. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Thoracic Vertebrae:  are typical vertebrae in that: they are independent, they have bodies, vertebral arches & seven processes for muscular & articular connections . Characteristic features of thoracic vertebrae include:  All thoracic vertabrae form joints with the ribs Thoracic vertabrae from 2-8 have similar characterstics (contain superior & inferior costal demifacets on posterolateral aspect of their bodies for the articulations with head of ribs) : Thus, they are typical thoracic vertabrae.  The first and the 9th-12th contain single costal facet.  The 11th and12th thoracic vertebrae contain one costal facet& no transverse costal facet for the 11th and12th ribs respectively. by Abera N (MSC) 27
  • 28. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Characteristics of a typical thoracic vertebra include:  body (1)  superior & inferior demifacets (2,3)  pedicle (4)  superior & inferior articular processes (5, 6)  transverse process (with an articular process) (7,10)  lamina (8)  spinous process (9)  superior and inferior notches (13,12)  vertebral canal(14)  intervertebral disk (11)  is not a bone but an integral part of vertebral column 28 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 29. Thoracic Vertebrae • Typical: T2-T8 • Body is larger than cervical; heart shaped • Spinous process is long and sharp, projects inferiorly • Vertebral foramen is circular • T1: has long, horizontal spinous process 29 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 30. Thoracic Vertebrae • Transverse processes project posteriorly and bear costal facets for ribs (T1-T10) • Body bears two costal demifacets (T2-T8) • Superior – articulate with head of its own rib • Inferior - articulate with head of the rib inferior to it • T1: has complete facet superiorly • T10-T12: have one facet 30 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 31. 31 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 32. 32 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 33. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Thoracic Vertebrae: Other important features of thoracic vertebrae are the following:  Their bodies are shorter venterally than dorsally  Their articular processes are more or less vertical.  The spinous process are curved downward  They contain circular vertebral foramina  Their transverse processes bear costal facets for the articulation with the tubercles of the ribs. by Abera N (MSC) 33
  • 34. Skeleton of Thoracic Wall Sternum:  The sternum is the flat, vertically elongated bone that forms the middle of the anterior part of the thoracic cage.  The sternum consists of three parts: manubrium, body, and xiphoid process by Abera N (MSC) 34
  • 35. Surface Anatomy of the Thorax: Sternum-  lies subcutaneously in the anterior median line and is palpable through out its length. Jugular notch (superasternal notch)  easily palpated concave center of superior border of manbrium.  The notch lies at level of inferior border of body of T2 vertebra & space b/n 1st & 2nd thoracic spinous processes. Manubrium: -  upper part of sternum, approximately 4cm long,  lies at level of bodies of T3 & T4 vertebrae. • Inferior border articulate with body; forms projection – sternal angle • Landmark to several structures • Lies opposite 2nd costal cartilage: guide to numbering of ribs  35 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 36.  Body  Located at level of T5-T9  Lateral wall has costal notches  Marked by 3 transverse ridges – lines of fusion  Xiphoid process  Sword-shaped  Cartilage at birth and ossify at middle adulthood  Landmark: inferior limit of thoracic cavity, inferior border of heart etc 36 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 37. Surface Anatomy of the Thorax… Strenal angle (angle of luois) –  lies at level of T4 – T5 Intervertebral disc & space b/n 3rd & 4th thoracic spinous processes.  Marks level of 2nd pair of costal cartilage at manubrostrnal joint.  trachea bifurcates into the main (primary) bronchi at this angle (or at level of transverse thoracic plane).  arch of aorta (begins posterior to 2nd right sternocostal joint) and thoracic aorta begin at level of sternal angle. Body of sternum: -  aproximately10 cm long;  lies anterior to right border of the heart & vertebrae T5 - T9. 37 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 38. Surface Anatomy of the Thorax… Xiphoid process:-  lies in a slight depression, epigastric fossa, where converging costal margins form infrasternal (sub costal) angle.  lies at the level of T10 vertebra.  The costal margins form the sides of the infrasternal angle.  This angle is used in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for locating proper hand position on inferior part of sternal body  It is an important landmark in the median plan because:  Its junction with sternal body at xiphisternal joint (at level of inferior border of T9 vertebra) indicates the inferior limit of central part of thoracic cavity.  A midline marker for superior limit of liver, central tendon of diaphragm & inferior border of the heart. 38 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 39. Surface Anatomy of the Thorax… 39 Costal margins: •formed by the joined costal cartilage of 7th – 10th costal cartilages, •are easily palpable because they extend anterorlaterlly from the xiphisternal joint. • costal margins form the sides of infrasternal angle. by Abera N (MSC)
  • 40. Surface Anatomy of the Thorax… Imaginary Lines: facilitate anatomical & clinical description of the body  The following lines are extrapolated over the thoracic wall based on visible or palpable superficial features:- Anterior median (midsternal) line (AML) –  Indicates intersection of the median plane with the anterior thoracic wall. Mid clavicualr line (MCL) –  passes thru mid point of clavicle, parallel to the AML. Anterior axillary line (AAL) –  runs vertically along anterior axillary fold that is formed by inferolateral border of pectoralis major. 40 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 41. Surface Anatomy of the Thorax… Mid axillary line (MAL) –  runs from apex (deepest part) of axillary fossa, parallel to AAL. Posterior median line (PML) –  a vertical line along tips of spinous process of the vertebrae. Posterior axillary line (PAL) –runs vertically along posterior axillary fold that is formed by latissimus dorsi & teres major m Scapular line (SL) – is parallel to the posterior median line & intersects inferior angles of scapula. Additional lines-  Para sternal & Para vertebral lines: are extrapolated along borders of palpable bony formations of sternum & vertebral column. 41 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 42. the Thoracic Wall  Thoracic wall is made up of sternum, ribs plus three layers of intercostal muscles, diaphragm & intercostal vessels and nerves.  Inside of thoracic wall is lined by Endothoracic Fascia.  Muscles of the thorax consist of the intercostals and diaphragm.  Intercostal muscles are arranged as three layers (external layer, internal layer and an incomplete innermost layer) b/n the ribs.  Diaphragm closes the thoracic outlet and separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. 42 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 43. Muscles of the Thoracic Wall  Several upper limb (thoracoappendicular) muscles attach to the thoracic cage - including the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, subclavius, and serratus anterior muscles anteriorly and latissimus dorsi muscles posteriorly as do the anterolateral abdominal muscles and some back and neck muscles by Abera N (MSC) 43
  • 44. The intercostal muscles  The intercostal muscles occupy the intercostal spaces  The superficial layer is formed by the external intercostals, the inner layer by the internal intercostals  The deepest layers: lying internal to the intercostal vessels are the innermost intercostals by Abera N (MSC) 44
  • 45. Muscles of the Thoracic Wall  The three layers of the intercostal muscles are:  external layer -- external intercostal  internal layer -- internal intercostal  innermost layer -- transversus thoracic (anterior), innermost (lateral) and subcostal (posterior).  The diaphragm is the most important muscle of the thoracic wall: primary component of normal/silent respiration.  innermost layer is split into transversus thoracis, innermost intercostal and subcostal muscles & these make up the deepest layer of muscles from anterior to posterior, respectively. 45 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 46. by Abera N (MSC) 46
  • 47. muscles  11 pairs occupy the intercostal spaces from the tubercles of the ribs posteriorly to the costochondral junctions anteriorly  Anteriorly, the muscle fibers are replaced by the external intercostal membranes  Run inferoanteriorly from the rib above to the rib by Abera N (MSC) 47
  • 48. External intercostal Superior attachment:  Inferior border of ribs above Inferior attachment:  Superior border of ribs below Innervation:  Intercostal nerve Main action:  Elevate ribs during forced inspiration by Abera N (MSC) 48
  • 49. The internal intercostal muscles  11 pairs, run deep to and at right angles to the external intercostals  Their fibers run inferoposteriorly from the floors of the costal grooves to the superior borders of the ribs inferior to them by Abera N (MSC) 49
  • 50. The internal intercostal muscles  The internal intercostals attach to the bodies of the ribs and their costal cartilages as far anteriorly as the sternum and as far posteriorly as the angles of the ribs  Between the ribs posteriorly, medial to the angles, the internal intercostals are by Abera N (MSC) 50
  • 51. The internal intercostal muscles  The inferior internal intercostals are continuous with the internal oblique muscles in the anterolateral abdominal wall  Weaker than the external intercostal muscles  Are most active during expiration by Abera N (MSC) 51
  • 52. Internal intercostal Superior attachment:  Inferior border of ribs Inferior attachment:  Superior border of ribs below Innervation:  Intercostal nerve Main action:  Interosseous part: depresses ribs  Interchondral part: elevates ribs by Abera N (MSC) 52
  • 53. The innermost intercostal muscles  Are similar to the internal intercostals and are essentially their deeper parts  Are separated from the internal intercostals by the intercostal nerves and vessels  Pass between the internal surfaces of adjacent ribs and occupy the lateral most parts of the intercostal spaces  It is likely that their actions are the same as those of the internal intercostal by Abera N (MSC) 53
  • 54. Innermost intercostal Superior attachment:  Inferior border of ribs Inferior attachment:  Superior border of ribs below Innervation:  Intercostal nerve Main action:  Interosseous part: depresses ribs  Interchondral part: elevates ribs by Abera N (MSC) 54
  • 55. The subcostal muscles  Are variable in size and shape, usually being well developed only in the lower thoracic wall  Extend from the internal surface of the angle of one rib to the internal surface of the 2nd or 3rd rib inferior to it  Crossing one or two intercostal spaces, the subcostals run in the same direction as the internal intercostals and blend with them  Act with the internal intercostals, and that they may depress ribs by Abera N (MSC) 55
  • 56. by Abera N (MSC) 56
  • 57. Subcostal muscle Superior attachment:  Internal surface of lower ribs near their angles Inferior attachment:  Superior borders of 2nd or 3rd ribs below Nerve supply:  Intercostal nerve Main action:  Probably act in same manner as internal intercostal muscles by Abera N (MSC) 57
  • 58. The transverse thoracic  Consist of four or five slips that attach posteriorly to the xiphoid process, the inferior part of the body of the sternum, and the adjacent costal cartilages  They pass superolaterally and attach to the 2nd - 6th costal cartilages  Are continuous inferiorly with the transverse abdominal muscles in the anterolateral body wall  Have a weak expiratory function, they may provide proprioceptive information. by Abera N (MSC) 58
  • 59. by Abera N (MSC) 59
  • 60. Transversus thoracis Superior attachment:  Posterior surface of lower sternum Inferior attachment:  Internal surface of costal cartilages 2-6 Nerve supply:  Intercostal nerve Main action:  Weakly depress ribs, Proprioception? by Abera N (MSC) 60
  • 61. Fascia of the Thoracic Wall  Each part of the deep fascia is named for the muscle it invests or the structure(s) to which it is attached  Consequently, a large portion of the deep fascia overlying the anterior thoracic wall, forming a major part of the bed of the breast, is called pectoral or pectoralis fascia for its association with the pectoralis major muscles by Abera N (MSC) 61
  • 62. Fascia of the Thoracic Wall by Abera N (MSC)  The thoracic cage is lined internally with endothoracic fascia  This thin fibroareolar layer attaches the adjacent portion of the costal parietal pleura to the thoracic wall 62
  • 63. Anterior Axioappendicular Muscles of the UL  Are 4 in number: - Pectoralis major - Pectoralis minor - Subclavius and - Serratus anterior  Move the pectoral girdle 63 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 64. The Pectoralis Major 64  Is fan-shaped muscle that covers the superior part of the thorax  It has two-heads: clavicular and sternocostal heads  The sternocostal head is much larger  The pectoralis major and adjacent deltoid form the narrow deltopectoral groove, in which the cephalic vein runs ; however, the muscles diverge slightly from each other superiorly and, along with the clavicle, form by Abera N (MSC)
  • 65. 65 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 66. 66 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 67. PECTORALIS MAJOR cont’d… 67  Origin: -Clavicular head: anterior surface of medial half of clavicle -Sternocostal head: anterior surface of sternum, superior six costal cartilages, aponeurosis of external oblique muscle  Insertion: Lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus by Abera N (MSC)
  • 68. 68 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 69. PECTORALIS MAJOR cont’d… 69  Nerve supply: Lateral and medial pectoral nerves  Main Action: Adducts and medially rotates humerus Acting alone: - Clavicular head flexes humerus and - Sternocostal head extends it from the flexed position by Abera N (MSC)
  • 70. THE PECTORALIS MINOR 70  Is almost completely covered by the much larger pectoralis major  Is triangular in shape  Is a useful anatomical and surgical landmark for structures in the axilla  With the coracoid process, the pectoralis minor forms a bridge under which vessels and nerves must pass to the arm by Abera N (MSC)
  • 71. 71 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 72. PECTORALIS MINOR cont’d… 72  Origin: 3rd - 5th ribs near their costal cartilages  Insertion: Medial border and superior surface of coracoid process of scapula  Nerve Supply: Medial pectoral nerve  Main Action: Stabilizes scapula by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against thoracic wall by Abera N (MSC)
  • 73. ABSCENCE OF PECTORAL MUSCLES Poland syndrome:  Both the pectoralis major and minor are absent  Breast hypoplasia usually occurs  Absence of two to four rib segments are also seen 73 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 74. THE SUBCLAVIUS  Small, round muscle located inferior to the clavicle  Lies almost horizontally when the arm is in the anatomical position  Affords some protection to the subclavian vessels and the superior trunk of the brachial plexus if the clavicle fractures  The subclavius anchors and depresses the clavicle 74 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 75. 75 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 76. SUBCLAVIUS  Origin: Junction of 1st rib and its costal cartilage  Insertion: Inferior surface of middle third of clavicle  Nerve Supply: Nerve to subclavius  Main Action: Anchors and depresses clavicle 76 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 77. THE SERRATUS ANTERIOR 77  Overlies the lateral part of the thorax  Is broad sheet of thick muscle  So named because of the saw toothed appearance of its fleshy slips or digitations (L. Serratus, a saw)  Is one of the most powerful muscles of the pectoral girdle  It is a strong protractor of the scapula that is used when punching (sometimes called the boxer's muscle) by Abera N (MSC)
  • 78. 78 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 79. SERRATUS ANTERIOR  Origin: External surfaces of lateral parts of 1st - 8th ribs  Insertion: Anterior surface of medial border of scapula  Nerve Supply: Long thoracic nerve  ACTION: - Protracts scapula and holds it against thoracic wall - Rotates scapula 79 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 80. Paralysis of the Serratus Anterior 80  Is owing to injury to the long thoracic nerve  The medial border of the scapula moves laterally and posteriorly away from the thoracic wall, giving the scapula the appearance of a wing, thus “winging of scapula’’  Weapons, including bullets directed toward the thorax, are a common source of injury by Abera N (MSC)
  • 81. 81 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 82. Nerves of the Thoracic Wall  The 12 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves supply the thoracic wall  As soon as they leave the IV foramina in which they are formed, the mixed thoracic spinal nerves divide into anterior and posterior primary rami  The anterior rami of nerves T1- T11 form the intercostal nerves that run along the extent of the intercostal spaces by Abera N (MSC) 82
  • 83. by Abera N (MSC) 83
  • 84. Nerves of the Thoracic Wall  The anterior ramus of nerve T12, coursing inferior to the 12th rib, is the subcostal nerve  The posterior rami of thoracic spinal nerves pass posteriorly, immediately lateral to the articular processes of the vertebrae , to supply the joints, muscles, and skin of the back in the thoracic region by Abera N (MSC) 84
  • 85. Typical Intercostal Nerves  The 3rd - 6th intercostal nerves enter the medial-most parts of the posterior intercostal spaces, running initially within the endothoracic fascia between the parietal pleura and the internal intercostal membrane nearly in the middle of the intercostal spaces by Abera N (MSC) 85
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  • 87. Typical Intercostal Nerves  Near the angles of the ribs, the nerves pass between the internal intercostal and the innermost intercostal muscles  At this point, the intercostal nerves pass to and then continue to course within the costal grooves, running inferior to the intercostal arteries (which, in turn, run inferior to the intercostal veins) by Abera N (MSC) 87
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  • 89. Typical Intercostal Nerves  The neurovascular bundles are thus sheltered by the inferior margins of the overlying ribs  Collateral branches of these nerves arise near the angles of the ribs and run along the superior border of the rib below  The nerves continue anteriorly between the internal and the innermost intercostal muscles, giving muscular branches and giving rise to lateral cutaneous branches in by Abera N (MSC) 89
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  • 91. Typical Intercostal Nerves  Anteriorly, the nerves appear on the internal surface of the internal intercostal muscle  Near the sternum, the intercostal nerves turn anteriorly, passing between the costal cartilages to become anterior cutaneous branches. by Abera N (MSC) 91
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  • 93. The branches of a typical intercostal nerve by Abera N (MSC)  Rami communicantes/communicating branches: that connect each intercostal nerve to the ipsilateral sympathetic trunk  Presynaptic fibers: leave the initial portions of the anterior ramus of each thoracic (and upper lumbar) spinal nerve by means of a white communicating ramus and pass to the sympathetic trunk 93
  • 94. by Abera N (MSC) 94
  • 95. The branches of a typical intercostal nerve  Postsynaptic fibers: distributed to the body wall and limbs pass from the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk via gray rami to join the anterior ramus of the nearest spinal nerve, including all intercostal nerves  Sympathetic nerve fibers are distributed through all branches of all spinal nerves (anterior and posterior rami) to reach the blood vessels, sweat glands, and smooth muscle of the body wall and limbs by Abera N (MSC) 95
  • 96. The branches of a typical intercostal nerve  Collateral branches: that arise near the angles of the ribs and descend to course along the superior margin of the lower rib, helping supply intercostal muscles and parietal pleura  Lateral cutaneous branches: that arise near the MAL and pierce the internal and external intercostal muscles approximately halfway around the thorax  The lateral cutaneous branches divide in turn by Abera N (MSC) 96
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  • 98. The branches of a typical intercostal nerve  Anterior cutaneous branches: that supply the skin on the anterior aspect of the thorax and abdomen  After penetrating the muscles and membranes of the intercostal space in the parasternal line, the anterior cutaneous branches divide into medial and lateral branches.  Muscular branches: that supply the intercostal, subcostal, transverse thoracic, by Abera N (MSC) 98
  • 99. by Abera N (MSC) 99
  • 100. 100 Branches • Muscular to − Intercostals − Subcostal − Transversus thoracis − Levator costarum − Serratus posterior • Collateral − supply intercostal muscles and parietal pleura • Cutaneous − anterior + lateral • Communicating − connect each nerve to sympathetic trunk by Abera N (MSC)
  • 101. Atypical Intercostal Nerves  The anterior ramus of the 1st thoracic (T1) spinal nerve first divides into: - a large superior and - a small inferior part  The superior part: joins the brachial plexus, the nerve plexus supplying the upper limb, and  The inferior part: becomes the 1st intercostal nerve by Abera N (MSC) 101
  • 102. Atypical Intercostal Nerves by Abera N (MSC)  The 1st intercostal nerve has no anterior cutaneous branch and often no lateral cutaneous branch  When there is a lateral cutaneous branch, it supplies the skin of the axilla and may communicate with either the intercostobrachial nerve or the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm 102
  • 103. Atypical Intercostal Nerves by Abera N (MSC)  The 1st and 2nd intercostal nerves course on the internal surface of the 1st and 2nd ribs, instead of along the inferior margin in costal grooves 103
  • 104. Atypical Intercostal Nerves  The 2nd intercostal nerve gives rise to a large lateral cutaneous branch, the intercostobrachial nerve: it emerges from the 2nd intercostal space at the MAL, penetrates the serratus anterior, and enters the axilla and arm by Abera N (MSC) 104
  • 105. Atypical Intercostal Nerves  The intercostobrachial nerve usually supplies the floor and skin of the axilla and then communicates with the medial brachial cutaneous nerve to supply the medial and posterior surfaces of the arm by Abera N (MSC) 105
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  • 107. Atypical Intercostal Nerves  The 7th- 11th intercostal nerves, after giving rise to lateral cutaneous branches, cross the costal margin posteriorly and continue on to supply abdominal skin and muscles  No longer being between ribs (intercostal), they now become the thoracoabdominal nerves of the anterior abdominal wall  Their anterior cutaneous branches pierce the rectus sheath, becoming cutaneous close to the median plane. by Abera N (MSC) 107
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  • 109. Vasculature of the Thoracic Wall by Abera N (MSC) 109
  • 110. Arteries of the Thoracic Wall The arterial supply to the thoracic wall derives from the:  Thoracic aorta: through the posterior intercostal and subcostal arteries  Subclavian artery: through the internal thoracic and supreme intercostal arteries  Axillary artery: through the superior and lateral thoracic arteries by Abera N (MSC) 110
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  • 113. Arteries of the Thoracic Wall  The intercostal arteries course through the thoracic wall between the ribs  With the exception of the 10th and 11th intercostal spaces, each intercostal space is supplied by three arteries: -a large posterior intercostal artery (and its collateral branch) and - a small pair of anterior intercostal arteries by Abera N (MSC) 113
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  • 116. Posterior intercostal arteries  Of the 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces arise from the supreme (superior) intercostal artery, a branch of the costocervical trunk of the subclavian artery  Of the 3rd- 11th intercostal spaces (and the subcostal arteries of the subcostal space) arise posteriorly from the thoracic aorta by Abera N (MSC) 116
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  • 119. Posterior intercostal arteries  Because the aorta is slightly to the left of the vertebral column, the right 3rd-11th intercostal arteries have a longer course than those on the left side  The right arteries cross the vertebrae and pass posterior to the esophagus, thoracic duct, azygos vein, and the right lung and pleura by Abera N (MSC) 119
  • 120. Posterior intercostal arteries  All give off a posterior branch that accompanies the posterior ramus of the spinal nerve to supply the spinal cord, vertebral column, back muscles, and skin  Give rise to a small collateral branch that crosses the intercostal space and runs along the superior border of the rib  Accompany the intercostal nerves through the intercostal spaces by Abera N (MSC) 120
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  • 124. Posterior intercostal arteries  Close to the angle of the rib, the arteries enter the costal grooves, where they lie between the intercostal vein and nerve  At first the arteries run in the endothoracic fascia between the parietal pleura and the internal intercostal membrane; then they run between the innermost intercostal and internal intercostal muscles  Have terminal and collateral branches that anastomose anteriorly with anterior by Abera N (MSC) 124
  • 125. The internal thoracic arteries  Arise in the root of the neck from the inferior surfaces of the first parts of the subclavian arteries  Descend into the thorax posterior to the clavicle and 1st costal cartilage  Are crossed near their origins by the ipsilateral phrenic nerve  Descend on the internal surface of the thorax slightly lateral to the sternum and posterior to the upper six costal cartilages and intervening by Abera N (MSC) 125
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  • 128. The internal thoracic arteries  After descending past the 2nd costal cartilage, the internal thoracic artery runs anterior to the transverse thoracic muscle  Between slips of the transverse thoracic muscle, the artery contacts parietal pleura posteriorly  Terminate in the 6th intercostal space by dividing into the superior epigastric and the musculophrenic arteries  Directly give rise to the anterior intercostal arteries supplying the superior six intercostal by Abera N (MSC) 128
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  • 130. Ipsilateral pairs of AIAs  Of the 7th - 9th intercostal spaces derive from the musculophrenic arteries  Supply the intercostal muscles and send branches through them to supply the pectoral muscles, breasts, and skin  Are absent from the inferior two intercostal spaces: these spaces are supplied only by the posterior intercostal arteries and their collateral branches by Abera N (MSC) 130
  • 131. • Termination - divide in the 6th intercostal space into – Superior epigastric artery (which enters the rectus sheath inferiorly) and – Musculophrenic artery (which follows the attachment of the diaphragm to the ribs) • Also sends branches to the thymus, bronchi and pericardium • Branches – Pericardiacophrenic – accompany phrenic nerve to supply pericardium – Mediastinal – supply anterior pericardium, fat and thymus – Perforating – to breast – Anterior intercostals – Superior epigastric – Musculophrenic 131 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 132. Internal thoracic veins  Accompany the arteries (venae comitantes)  Unite in upper three intercostal space and drain into brachiocephalic vein 132 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 133. Veins of the Thoracic Wall  The intercostal veins accompany the intercostal arteries and nerves and lie most superior in the costal grooves  There are 11 posterior intercostal veins and one subcostal vein on each side  The posterior intercostal veins anastomose with the anterior intercostal veins (tributaries of internal thoracic veins) by Abera N (MSC) 133
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  • 136. Veins of the Thoracic Wall  As they approach the vertebral column, the posterior intercostal veins receive a posterior branch, which accompanies the posterior ramus of the spinal nerve of that level, and an intervertebral vein draining the vertebral venous plexuses by Abera N (MSC) 136
  • 137. Veins of the Thoracic Wall  The posterior intercostal veins of the 1st intercostal space usually enter directly into the corresponding and nearby brachiocephalic veins  The posterior intercostal veins of the 2nd and 3rd intercostal spaces unite to form a trunk, the superior intercostal vein  The right superior intercostal vein is the final tributary of the azygos vein, before it enters the SVC by Abera N (MSC) 137
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  • 140. Veins of the Thoracic Wall  Most posterior intercostal veins (4th -11th ) end in the azygos/hemiazygos venous system, which conveys venous blood to the SVC by Abera N (MSC) 140
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  • 142. Diaphragm  Dome-shaped musculotendinous partition between thoracic and abdominal cavities  Principal muscle of respiration  Composed of two portions:  Muscular (peripheral part)  Aponeurotic (central part) 142 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 144.  Muscular part  Fibers converge radially to central tendon  3 parts based on origin  Sternal – back of xiphoid process  Costal – inner surface of lower six costal cartilage  Vertebral – lumbar vertebrae by two crura  Right – superior 3  Left – superior 2  Crura are united superiorly at T12 by narrow arch called median arcuate ligament  Central tendon  Aponeurotic tendon formed by fibers of different direction  Has three lobes (right, left & median)  Relations of the lobes  Left – left pleura  Right – right pleura  Median – pericardium 144 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 146. Major openings • Aortic – T12 median plane, transmits descending aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein • Esophageal – T10 left of the median plane, transmits esophagus, vagi (anterior & posterior), esophageal branch of left gastric artery • Vena caval – T8 right of the median plane with in the central tendon, transmits IVC, branch of right phrenic, lymph vessels from liver 146 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 147. • Nerve supply – phrenic (motor and sensory) – lower six intercostal and subcostal for peripheral part (sensory) • Blood supply –Arteries • Superior surface – superior phrenic (thoracic aorta) – musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic (internal thoracic artery) • Inferior surface: inferior phrenic –Veins: same • Lymphatic drainage – Thoracic surface to phrenic nodes – Abdominal surface to lateral aortic nodes – The two surfaces communicate freely 147 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 148. Other structures passing through diaphragm • Superior epigastric vessels – between sternal & costal origins • Phrenic nerve – pierce at 7 or 8 costal cartilage • Lower five intercostal nerves - between two slips of costal origin • Subcostal nerves and vessels - behind lateral arcuate ligament • Quadratus lumborum - behind lateral arcuate ligament • Sympathetic trunk - behind medial arcuate ligament • Psoas major – behind medial arcuate ligament • Splanchnic nerves – pierce the corresponding crus of diaphragm • Hemiazygos vein - pierce the left crus of diaphragm 148 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 152. Diaphragmatic Herniae  Acquired herniae may occur in middle-aged people with weak musculature around the esophageal opening in the diaphragm  These herniae may be either sliding or paraesophageal by Abera N (MSC) 152
  • 153. Sliding VS parasternal esophageal hernia by Abera N (MSC) 153
  • 154. Respiratory movements  Breathing or pulmonary ventilation consists of two phases  Inspiration: the period when air flows into the lungs  Expiration: the period when gases exit the lungs  Lungs expand during inspiration and retract during expiration  One of the principal functions of the thoracic wall and the diaphragm is to alter the volume of the thorax and thereby move air in and out of the lungs  These movements are governed by:  Movements of thoracic wall to increase the volume of thoracic cavity  Elastic recoil of lungs and thoracic wall 154 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 155.  During breathing, the dimensions of the thorax change in the vertical, lateral, and anteroposterior directions  Elevation and depression of the diaphragm significantly alter the vertical dimensions of the thorax  Depression results when the muscle fibers of the diaphragm contract  Elevation occurs when the diaphragm relaxes  Changes in the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions result from elevation and depression of the ribs  Any muscles attaching to the ribs can potentially move one rib relative to another and therefore act as accessory respiratory muscles  Muscles in the neck and the abdomen can fix or alter the positions of upper and lower ribs 155 Principles of movement by Abera N (MSC)
  • 156.  Each rib is considered as a lever, with the fulcrum lies lateral to tubercle  Because the anterior ends of the ribs are inferior to the posterior ends, when the ribs are elevated, they move the sternum upward and forward. When the ribs are depressed, the sternum moves downward and backward. This 'pump handle' type of movement changes the dimensions of the thorax in the anteroposterior direction  As well as the anterior ends of the ribs being lower than the posterior ends, the middles of the shafts tend to be lower than the two ends. When the shafts are elevated, the middles of the shafts move laterally. This 'bucket handle' movement increases the lateral dimensions of the thorax 156 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 157. Pump handle movement of ribs and sternum 157 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 158. Bucket handle movement of ribs 158 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 159. Inspiration  During inspiration the lungs increase in volume by enlarging in all dimensions  Inspiration lowers the air pressure within the lungs  Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure to equalize the pressure within the lung to that outside the lung  During normal quiet inspiration, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles produce the movement 159 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 160. Inspiration: action of diaphragm  When the dome shaped diaphragm contracts, it moves inferiorly and flattens  As a result the vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity increases 160 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 161. Inspiration: action of intercostals  The external intercostal muscles contract to raise the ribs  Because the ribs normally extend anterioinferiorly from the vertebral column, lifting them enlarges both the lateral and anterior dimensions 161 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 163. Deep inspiration  During deep or forced inspiration, additional muscles contract and further increase thoracic volume  The rib cage is elevated by the scaleni and sternocleidomastoid muscles  Scapulae are elevated and fixed by trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids so that serratus anterior and pectoralis minor act on ribs 163 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 164. Expiration  As the respiratory muscles relax, the rib cage drops under the force of gravity and the relaxing diaphragm moves superiorly  At the same time, the many elastic fibers within the lungs recoil  The result is the volume of the thorax and lungs decrease simultaneously, which pushes air from the lungs 164 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 165. Forced expiration  Quiet expiration in healthy people is a passive process  Forced expiration is an active process produced by contraction of muscles in the abdominal wall, primarily the oblique and transverse abdominis muscles  These contractions  Increase the intrabdominal pressure which forces the diaphragm superiorly  Sharply depresses the rib cage  Thus decreases thoracic volume  The internal intercostal muscles, quadratus lumborum and latissimus dorsi also help to depress the rib cage 165 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 166. Components of the Respiratory System 1. Nose 2. Pharynx (throat) 3. Larynx (voice box) 4. Trachea (wind pipe) 5. Bronchi, and 6. Lungs by Abera N (MSC) 166
  • 167. • Structurally the respiratory system consist of two parts: 1. Upper respiratory system:- consists of nose, pharynx and associated structures 2. Lower respiratory system:– consists of larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs • Functionally the respiratory system consists of two portions: 1. Conducting portion :- mouth/nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles (up to the terminal bronchioles) - are transporting (conducting) gases to and from the alveoli - filter, warm, and moisten inspired air by Abera N (MSC) 167 Gross anatomy of the respiratory system
  • 168. by Abera N (MSC) 168 Structural divisions of the respiratory system
  • 169. by Abera N (MSC) 169 Functional divisions of the respiratory system
  • 170. 2. Respiratory portion: • respiratory bronchioles, • alveolar ducts, • alveolar sacs, and • alveoli - consists of tissues within the lungs - is the main site of gas exchange between air and blood by Abera N (MSC) 170
  • 171. The conducting passages • Air is conducted through the oral and nasal cavities to the pharynx and then through the larynx to the trachea and bronchial tree. • These structures deliver warmed and humidified air to the respiratory division in the lungs. • The passageways are lined with various types of epithelia to prepare the air properly for utilization. • The majority of conducting passages are held permanently open by muscle on a bony or cartilaginous framework. by Abera N (MSC) 171
  • 172. THE NOSE  The part of the respiratory tract superior to the hard palate.  contains the peripheral organ of smell.  It includes: the external nose and nasal cavity.  The functions of the nose are; olfaction (smelling)  respiration (breathing) filtration of dust, humidification of inspired air, reception and elimination of secretions from the paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts. by Abera N (MSC) 172
  • 173. External Nose  has two elliptical orifices called the nostrils.  The lateral margin, the ala nasi, is rounded and mobile. Skeleton of the External Nose  composed of bone and hyaline cartilage  The bony part of the nose consists of:  the nasal bones  frontal processes of the maxillae  the nasal part of the frontal bone  its nasal spine, and the bony parts of the nasal septum. by Abera N (MSC) 173
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  • 175.  The cartilaginous part of the nose;  consists of five main cartilages:  two lateral cartilages  two alar cartilages  one septal cartilage.  The U-shaped alar cartilages are free and movable  they dilate or constrict the nares when the muscles acting on the nose contract. by Abera N (MSC) 175
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  • 177. Nasal cavities  Location  Irregular space between the orbit, above the mouth and below the middle part of anterior cranial fossa  Wider below than above  Widest and vertically deepest in its central region  Extends from nostrils to the posterior nasal apertures (choanae), leading to the nasopharynx  Divided into the right and left nasal cavities by osteocartilaginous septum  The bony part reaches the posterior limit of the cavity  Communicates with Paranasal sinuses  Opens to nasopharynx through pair of oval openings named choanae separated by posterior border of vomer 177 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 178.  Each nasal cavity has 1. Roof 2. Floor 3. Medial wall 4. Lateral wall 5. vestibule 178 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 179. Floor of nasal cavity  Wider than roof  Formed by palatine processes of the maxilla and horizontal plates of the palatine bone  Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity 179 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 180.  Roof of nasal cavity  Curved and narrow  Anterior part: frontal and nasal bones  Intermediate part: cribriform plate of ethmoid bone  Posterior part: anterior and inferior aspects of the body of the sphenoid bone 180 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 181. Regions  Each nasal cavity consists of three general regions-  Nasal vestibule  is a small dilated space just internal to the naris that is lined by skin and contains hair follicles  Respiratory region  is the largest part of the nasal cavity, has a rich neurovascular supply, and is lined by respiratory epithelium composed mainly of ciliated and mucous cells  Olfactory region is small, is at the apex of each nasal cavity, is lined by olfactory epithelium, and contains the olfactory receptors 181 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 183.  Olfactory area Contain peripheral organ of smell Superior 1/3 of nasal mucosa; roof, medial and lateral wall up to superior concha Contain olfactory cells; axons constitute olfactory nerve 183 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 184.  Medial wall (Nasal septum)  Osteocartilagenous partition between the two halves  Bony part: formed by perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone and vomer bone and the nasal crests of the maxillary and palatine bones  Cartilaginous part: formed by septal cartilage and inferior nasal cartilage  Cuticular part: lower anterior end formed by fibroadipose tissue 184 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 186.  Lateral wall  Skeletal part  Bony part - Nasal bone, maxilla and its frontal process, lacrimal bone, ethmoid bone, inferior nasal concha, medial pterygoid and perpendicular plate of palatine  Cartilaginous part – upper nasal, lower nasal and ala  Cuticular part – lower part formed by fibroadipose tissue  Posses 3 shelf like processes; superior, middle and inferior nasal conchae and their corresponding meatuses 186 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 187.  Features of the lateral wall of nasal cavity  Conchae  bony projections in the lateral wall of the nasal cavity  directed downwards and medially  middle and superior conchae are processes of the ethmoid while the inferior one is a separate bone 187 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 191.  Meatus  Spheno-ethmoidal recess - space between the roof of the nasal cavity and the superior concha; feature opening of spenoidal sinus  Space between conchae and lateral wall of the nasal cavity  Superior meatus – below superior concha; feature opening of posterior ethmoidal sinus  Middle meatus – under middle conchae  Presents round elevation called bulla ethmoidalis produced by the middle ethmoidal air sinus  There is a semilunar groove called hiatus semilunaris below and in front of the bulla ethmoidalis  Inferior meatus – below inferior conchae; nasolacrimal duct opens into it 191 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 196.  Foramina opening in the nasal cavity 1. Nasolacrimal duct - to the inferior meatus 2. Incisive foramina - in the anterior floor of the nose which transmits the sphenopalatine and terminal parts of the greater palatine vessels 3. Olfactory foramina - in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid - transmit olfactory nerves 4. Sphenopalatine foramen - connects the posterior part of the superior meatus with pterygopalatine fossa. It transmits sphenopalatine vessels and nasopalatine and superior nasal nerves 196 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 197. Fibers of the olfactory nerve [I] Anterior ethmoidal nerve, A branch of the ophthalmic nerve [V1], pterygopalatine fossa The nasopalatine nerve from the nasal cavity into the oral cavity; The terminal end of the greater palatine artery from the oral cavity into the nasal cavity Gateways by Abera N (MSC) 197
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  • 199.  Lateral wall of the nasal cavity  Openings of the paranasal sinuses  Frontal sinus drains into the superior aspect of the hiatus semilunaris  Anterior and middle ethmoidal air sinuses drain through openings of the ethmoidal bulla on superoposterior aspect of the hiatus semilunaris  Posterior ethmoidal sinus – in to the superior meatus  Maxillary air sinus has its ostium directly inferior to the ethmoid bulla within the hiatus semilunaris  Sphenoid sinus - sphenoethmoidal recess 199 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 203. Nerves of the nasal cavity  Nerves of smell  Olfactory nerve [CN I]  Composed of axons from receptors in the olfactory epithelium at the top of each nasal cavity  Bundles of these axons (12 – 20) pass superiorly through perforations in the cribriform plate to synapse with neurons in the olfactory bulb of the brain  General sensory  Derived from ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of CN V which is associated with the pterygopalatine ganglion 203 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 204.  Nasal septum  Anterior superior part – septal branch of anterior ethmoidal (V1)  Posterior inferior part – nasopalatine (V2)  Vestibule of the nose  terminal branches of the infraorbital nerve (V2)  Lateral wall  Anterior superior quadrant - anterior ethmoidal (V1)  Anterior inferior quadrant – internal nasal branch of infraorbital (V2) and small branch from anterior superior alveolar (V2)  Posterior superior part - posterior superior lateral nasal branch of pterygopalatine ganglion (V2)  Posterior inferior part - posterior inferior lateral nasal branch of greater palatine (V2) 204 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 206.  Parasympathetic innervation  Secretomotor innervation of mucous glands in the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses is by preganglionic parasympathetic fibers carried in the greater petrosal branch of the facial nerve  These fibers enter the pterygopalatine fossa and synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion  Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers then join branches of the maxillary nerve [V2] to leave the fossa and ultimately reach target glands 206 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 207.  Sympathetic innervation  Sympathetic innervation, mainly involved with regulating blood flow in the nasal mucosa,  is from the spinal cord level T1  Preganglionic sympathetic fibers enter the sympathetic trunk and ascend to synapse in the superior cervical ganglion  Postganglionic sympathetic fibers pass onto the internal carotid artery, enter the cranial cavity, and then leave the internal carotid artery to form the deep petrosal nerve, which joins the greater petrosal nerve of the facial nerve and enters the pterygopalatine fossa  Like the parasympathetic fibers, the sympathetic fibers follow branches of the maxillary nerve [V2] into the nasal cavity 207 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 208. Blood supply of the nasal cavity  Arteries  Arteries that supply the nasal cavity include vessels that originate from both the internal and external carotid arteries:  vessels that originate from branches of the external carotid artery include the sphenopalatine, greater palatine, superior labial, and lateral nasal arteries  vessels that originate from branches of the internal carotid artery are the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries  Nasal septum  Anterosuperior- anterior and posterior ethmoidal and superior labial branch of maxillary  Posteroinferior – sphenopalatine and greater palatine; anastomose 208 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 209.  Lateral wall  Anterosuperior – anterior and posterior ethmoidal  Anteroinferior – facial and greater palatine  Posterosuperior - sphenopalatine  Posteroinferior – sphenopalatine 209 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 210.  Applied anatomy  On the anterior part of the nasal septum is an area rich in capillaries (Kiesselbach area) where all five arteries supplying the septum anastomose  This area is often where profuse bleeding from the nose occurs - nose bleed (epistaxis) resulting from rapture of arteries particularly at site of anastomoses  Anterior ethmoidal artery (from the ophthalmic artery).  Posterior ethmoidal artery (from the ophthalmic artery).  Sphenopalatine artery (from the maxillary artery).  Greater palatine artery (from the maxillary artery).  Septal branch of the superior labial artery (from the facial artery) by Abera N (MSC) 210
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  • 212.  Veins  The venous drainage of the nose parallels the arterial supply and forms a network, submucosal plexus overlying the inferior and middle concha  The tissue overlying the concha humidifies and warms the inspired air in the upper respiratory passage  Nasal septum – veins from plexus to facial (anterior part) and pterygoid plexus (posterior part)  Lateral wall – plexus to facial (anterior part), pharyngeal plexus (posterior part) and pterygoid plexus (middle part) 212 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 214. Lymphatic drainage of the nasal cavity  Anterior half – submandibular lymph nodes  Posterior half - to retropharyngeal or deep cervical lymph node 214 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 215. Rhinitis  inflammatory disorder of the mucous membrane of the nose.  characterized by a watery discharge from the nose often associated with congestion.  Swelling of the mucosa occurs readily because of its vascularity. by Abera N (MSC) 215
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  • 217. Infections of the nasal cavities may spread to the  Anterior cranial fossa through the cribriform plate  Nasopharynx and retropharyngeal soft tissues  Middle ear through pharyngotympanic tube  Lacrimal apparatus and conjunctiva  Paranasal sinuses by Abera N (MSC) 217
  • 218. Paranasal sinuses Are air filled cavities in the bones of the skull around nasal cavity.  Function;  Make skull lighter  Increase the resonance of sound 4 types of sinuses  Frontal  Ethmoidal  Sphenoidal  Maxillary by Abera N (MSC) 218
  • 220.  Frontal Sinuses  are between the outer and the inner tables of the frontal bone,  Located posterior to the superciliary arches and the root of the nose.  usually detectable in children by 7 years of age.  Each sinus drains through a frontonasal duct into the ethmoidal infundibulum-semilunar hiatus of the middle nasal meatus.  innervated by branches of the supraorbital nerves (CN V1). 220
  • 221. Ethmoidal air sinues; Ethmoidal Cells • small invaginations of the mucous membrane of the middle and superior nasal meatus into the ethmoid bone between the nasal cavity and the orbit. • The anterior ethmoidal cells drain directly or indirectly into the middle nasal meatus through the ethmoidal infundibulum. • The middle ethmoidal cells (bullar cells) open directly into the middle meatus. • The posterior ethmoidal cells open directly into the superior meatus. • The ethmoidal cells are supplied by the anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of the nasociliary nerves (CN V1) by Abera N (MSC) 221
  • 222. by Abera N (MSC) 222
  • 223. Infection of the Ethmoidal Cells  If nasal drainage is blocked, infections of the ethmoidal cells may break through the fragile medial wall of the orbit.  may cause blindness because some posterior ethmoidal cells lie close to the optic canal, passage to the optic nerve and ophthalmic aa.  could also affect the dural nerve sheath of the optic nerve, causing optic neuritis. by Abera N (MSC) 223
  • 224. Sphenoidal Sinuses  located in the body of the sphenoid and may extend into the wings of this bone.  They are unevenly divided and separated by a bony septum  Because of this extensive pneumatization (formation of air cells or sinuses), the body of the sphenoid is fragile  Only thin plates of bone separate the sinuses from several important structures:  the optic nerves and optic chiasm  the pituitary gland  the internal carotid arteries  and the cavernous sinuses. by Abera N (MSC) 224
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  • 226. The sphenoidal sinuses are derived from a posterior ethmoidal cell that begins to invade the sphenoid at approximately 2 years of age several posterior ethmoidal cells invade the sphenoid, giving rise to multiple sphenoidal sinuses that open separately into the sphenoethmoidal recess The posterior ethmoidal arteries and posterior ethmoidal nerve supply the sphenoidal sinuses by Abera N (MSC) 226
  • 227. Maxillary Sinuses  The maxillary sinuses are the largest of the paranasal sinuses  They occupy the bodies of the maxillae and communicate with the middle nasal meatus  The apex : extends toward the zygomatic bone  The base: forms the inferior part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity  The roof is formed by the floor of the orbit  The floor is formed by the alveolar part of the maxilla  The roots of the maxillary teeth, particularly first two molars, produce conical elevations in floor of the sinus. by Abera N (MSC) 227
  • 228. The arterial supply of the maxillary sinus is mainly from superior alveolar branches of the maxillary artery branches of the descending and greater palatine arteries supply the floor of the sinus Innervation of the maxillary sinus from the anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar nerves, which are branches of the maxillary nerve by Abera N (MSC) 228
  • 229. Infection of the Maxillary Sinuses  the most commonly infected sinuses, why?  Because the ostia of the right and left sinuses lie on the medial sides, when lying on one's side only the upper sinus drains  A cold or allergy involving both sinuses can result in nights of rolling from side-to-side in an attempt to keep the sinuses drained  A maxillary sinus can be cannulated and drained by passing a cannula from the nares through the maxillary ostium into the sinus by Abera N (MSC) 229
  • 230. Applied anatomy  Infection may spread from nasal cavity to sinuses and produce sinusitis, swelling of mucosa may block opening to nasal cavity  Maxillary sinus is commonly involved because its aperture is located superior to floor of sinus thus drainage is poor.  It is better drained when one is lying on the side opposite infected sinus 230 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 231. Relationship of the Teeth to the Maxillary Sinus  The close proximity of the three maxillary molar teeth to the floor of the maxillary sinus poses serous problems  During removal of a molar tooth, fracture and piece of root may driven superiorly into the maxillary sinus  communication may be created between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus as a result, an infection occur  Because the superior alveolar nerves supply both the maxillary teeth and the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, inflammation of the mucosa of the sinus is frequently accompanied by a sensation of toothache in the molar teeth by Abera N (MSC) 231
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  • 233. Pharynx: introdduction  Funnel shaped fibromuscular tube found behind nasal, oral and laryngeal cavities  Extends from the base of skull to inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C6) = 12 cm long  Lies between the bodies of the vertebrae and the larynx between C1-6  Becomes continuous with the esophagus at C6 233 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 234. Pharynx cont…  Conducts food and air  The cavity above the inlet of larynx is wide and always open  The cavity below the inlet of the larynx is narrow, the anterior & posterior parts are in contact except during food passes 234 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 235.  Boundaries and relation  Superior – body of sphenoid and basilar part of occipital bone  Inferior – continues with esophagus  Posterior – prevertebral fascia  Anterior – communicate with nasal cavity, oral cavity and larynx  Lateral – attached to medial pterygoid plate, pterygomandibular raphe, mandible, tongue, hyoid, thyroid and cricoid cartilage  Parts: nasal (nasopharynx), oral (oropharynx) and laryngeal (laryngopharynx) 235 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 236. Line of attachment of the pharynx to the base of the skull 236 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 237. 237 Attachments of the lateral pharyngeal wall by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 239.  Openings in the pharynx  Anterior  Two posterior nasal openings  Oropharyngeal isthmus  Inlet of larynx  Lateral – openings of the auditory tube  Inferiorly – into esophagus  Walls of the pharynx  Composed of (inside out) 1. Mucus membrane 2. Submucosa 3. Pharyngobasilar fascia 4. Muscles 239 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 241.  Pharyngobasilar fascia  Covers the internal surface of the constrictor muscles  Connects pharynx with the base of the skull and fill the gap between the superior constrictor and skull  Together with the buccopharyngeal fascia fill the gaps in the muscular wall  Buccopharyngeal fascia  covers the external surface of the buccinator muscle and the superior constrictor muscle  contains: pharyngeal venous plexus and pharyngeal plexus of nerves 241 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 242.  Pharyngeal plexus of veins  lies deep to this fascia, draining the pharynx, soft palate and the pharyngeal tonsil  communicates with the pterygoid plexus of veins and drains into the internal jugular vein  these veins have no valves and infection from the pharynx, palate and tonsils may spread into the meningeal venous plexus 242 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 243.  Pharyngeal nervous plexus  Formed by branches from CN IX, X and superior cervical ganglion  Motor branches – CN X (cranial root of accessory nerve)  supply all muscles of pharynx and palate except stylopharyngeus (CN IX) and tensor palati (CN V3)  inferior constrictor receive additional fibers from external and recurrent laryngeal nerves 243 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 244. by Abera N (MSC) 244 Sensory branches nasopharynx - maxillary nerve (CN V2) oropharynx - CN IX laryngopharynx - vagus Parasympathetic – greater petrosal nerve
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  • 246.  Muscular layer  Inner longitudinal and outer circular skeletal muscles  6 paired skeletal muscles – Three pairs of circular muscles (external muscles): superior, middle and inferior constrictor muscles – Three pairs of longitudinal (internal muscles): palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus & salpingophayngeus  External muscles  Originate anteriorly and pass posteriorly and meet in midline fibrous raphe  Inferior overlap middle and middle overlap superior  Constrict pharynx during swallowing 246 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 250.  Superior constrictor muscle  Lies behind the nasal and oral cavities and continuous with the plane of the buccinator  Origin – pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphé, posterior end of mylohyoid line of mandible & the side of the tongue  Insertion – median raphé of pharynx and pharyngeal tubercle 250 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 251.  Middle constrictor muscle  Lies behind the tongue and larynx  It is truly a constrictor and plays a major role in swallowing  Origin - stylohyoid ligament, greater and lesser horns of hyoid bone  Insertion - median raphé of pharynx 251 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 252. by Abera N (MSC) 252 Inferior constrictor muscle Origin – oblique line of thyroid cartilage and the sides of cricoid cartilage Insertion – median raphé of pharynx The most inferior aspect is the cricopharyngeus which is the sphincter between the pharynx and the esophagus
  • 253.  Innervation of constrictor muscles  Superior and middle constrictor muscles are innervated by the pharyngeal branches of the vagus nerve  Inferior constrictor muscle and the cricopharyngeus are innervated by recurrent branches of the vagus nerve  The three muscles overlap each other and form three gaps which allow entrance of structures to pharynx  The interval between the superior constrictor and base of the skull: allows for  Levator veli palatini  Auditory tube  Ascending palatine artery 253 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 255.  The interval between superior and middle constrictor  Stylopharyngeus  Cranial nerve IX  Stylohyoid ligament  The interval between middle & inferior constrictors covered by thyrohyoid membrane transmits  Internal laryngeal nerve  Superior laryngeal vessels  Between the inferior constrictor and esophagus  Inferior laryngeal vessels  Recurrent laryngeal nerve 255 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 257.  Internal muscles of the pharynx  Elevates larynx and pharynx during swallowing  Stylopharyngeus  Origin - styloid process of temporal bone  Insertion - posterior & superior border of the thyroid cartilage  Course - descends between external & internal carotid arteries and enters the pharyngeal cavity with CN IX between the superior and middle constrictor muscles  Nerve supply - CN IX 257 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 258.  Palatopharyngeus  Origin - hard palate and palatine aponeurosis  Insertion – posterior border of lamina of thyroid cartilage and sides of pharynx  Nerve supply – pharyngeal plexus  The overlying mucosa forms the palatopharyngeal arch, posterior to the palatine tonsil  Salpingophayngeus  Origin – cartilaginous part of auditory tube  Insertion – blend with palatopharyngeus  Nerve supply - pharyngeal plexus 258 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 261.  Cavity of the pharynx  3 parts - Nasopharynx, Oropharynx & Laryngopharynx  Nasopharynx  Behind nose and above lower border of soft palate  Respiratory  Walls  Roof – sphenoid & occipital bone, mucus membrane, submucosa (contain pharyngeal tonsil)  Floor – soft palate  Anterior wall – two posterior openings of the nasal cavity  Posterior wall - anterior part of atlas lined with mucus membrane 261 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 263.  Lateral wall – presents  Pharyngeal openings of auditory tube – behind inferior nasal concha  Tubal elevation - posterior to the auditory openings  Salpingopharyngeus fold – inferior to tubal elevation due to the muscle  Pharyngeal recess – depression behind tubal elevation  Tubal tonsil – lymphoid tissue in the submucosa behind the openings of the auditory tube  Inferiorly – Nasopharynx communicate with oropharynx at nasopharyngeal isthmus 263 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 265.  Oropharynx  Behind oral cavity, extends from soft palate to the upper border of epiglottis  Walls  Anterior - communicate with oral cavity through oropharyngeal isthmus (isthmus of fauces)  Laterally bounded by two arches – palatoglossal & palatopharyngeal; between them triangular fossa for palatine tonsil  Inferiorly pharyngeal part of tongue – contain lingual tonsil  Posterior wall – body of axis and upper part of C3 lined with mucus membrane 265 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 267.  Palatine tonsil  Almond shape  Medial surface has crypts and lateral surface covered by fascia  Applied anatomy  Adenoids – enlargement of pharyngeal tonsils  Obstruct nasal respiration  Infection may spread to middle ear through auditory tube  Tonsillectomy – removal of tonsil  Bleeding may arise from tonsilar artery and external palatine vein  Nerves vulnerable – CN IX & lingual nerve 268 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 268.  Laryngopharynx  Posterior to the larynx, from superior border of epiglottis to inferior border of cricoid  Walls  Anterior  Communicate with larynx through inlet of larynx; bounded by epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold & inter arytenoid folds  Mucus membrane covering posterior surface of larynx 269 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 269. by Abera N (MSC) 270 Posterior – related to C4 - C6 vertebrae Lateral – mucus membrane covering the thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane, presents piriform recess
  • 270.  Piriform resses (fossa)  Groove on the side of inlet of larynx  Bounded by aryepiglottic fold medially & thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane laterally  Site for arrest of foreign body and produce cough  The mucosa is supplied by internal laryngeal nerve  Branches of internal and recurrent laryngeal nerves lie in the recess 271 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 271.  Arteries  Ascending pharyngeal  Ascending palatine  Tonsilar branch of facial artery  Branches from lingual & maxillary  Veins – end in pharyngeal plexus that ends in the internal jugular vein and facial vein 272 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 274. by Abera N (MSC) 275 The larynx
  • 275. Larynx  It is a hollow musculoligamentous structure with a cartilaginous framework  Its cavity is continuous  inferiorly with the trachea,  superiorly opens into the pharynx immediately posterior and slightly inferior to the tongue and the oropharyngeal isthmus  Functions  Air passage to trachea  Sound production  Acts as a valve for preventing swallowed food from entering the lower respiratory tract 276 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 276.  Position  Extension: At midline of neck from root of tongue to trachea  Posteriorly: laryngopharynx opposite C3 to C6  Superiorly: continuous with laryngopharynx through the inlet of larynx  Inferiorly: continuous with trachea  Length: About 5 cm in adult man but slightly shorter in female  Attachments: Suspended from the hyoid bone above and attached to the trachea below by membranes and ligaments 277 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 277. by Abera N (MSC) 278  It is highly mobile in the neck and can be moved up and down and forward and backward by the action of extrinsic muscles that attach either to the larynx itself or to the hyoid bone  During swallowing, the upward and forward movements of the larynx facilitate  closing the laryngeal inlet and  opening the esophagus
  • 278. 279 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 279.  Structure: composed of  9 cartilages joined by ligaments and membranes  Three large unpaired cartilages 1. Thyroid 2. cricoid 3. epiglottis  Three pairs of smaller cartilages – 1. arytenoid, 2. corniculate & 3. cuneiforms  Muscles – intrinsic 280 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 283. Thyroid cartilage  Have two quadrilateral plates called laminae,  widely separated posteriorly, but converge and join anteriorly  Placed obliquely; whe  inferior 2/3 is fused anteriorly in the midline  The angle of fusion is more acute in the male (90°) than in women (120°)and forms the laryngeal prominence (Adam's apple) after puberty  Has two notches in the mid line anteriorly  superior thyroid notch: v shaped palpable land mark  inferior thyroid notch: less distinct along the base of the thyroid cartilage 284 •Both the superior thyroid notch and the laryngeal prominence are palpable landmarks in the neck by Abera N (MSC)
  • 284.  Each lamina has two projection from posterior border  Superior horn is connected to greater horn of hyoid by lateral thyrohyoid ligament  Inferior horn articulate with cricoid cartilage  The upper border is attached to the hyoid bone by the thyrohyoid membrane  Lateral surface is marked by a ridge - oblique line that  curves Anteriorly from the base of the superior horn to a little short of midway along the inferior margin of the lamina  the ends of the oblique line are expanded to form superior and inferior thyroid tubercles  Is attachment for sternothyroid, thyrohyoid and inferior constrictor muscles 285 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 286.  Cricoid cartilage  Ring shaped; completely encircles the airway  Have broad quadrilateral lamina posteriorly and narrow arch anteriorly  Its anterior arch is attached superiorly to the thyroid cartilage by the cricothyroid membrane  The thickened midline portion of this membrane is the median cricothyroid ligament 287 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 287. 288 by Abera N (MSC) Lamina projects upwards and articulates with arytenoid Has two articular facets on each side for articulation with other laryngeal cartilages facet on superolateral surface of the lamina - articulates with the base of arytenoid cartilage facet on lateral surface of the lamina near its base - for articulation with the medial surface of the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage
  • 288.  Epiglottis  Leaf-shaped, broad flat plate of fibrocartilage at anterior wall of upper part of larynx  Upper end – broad, free, projects behind the tongue and hyoid bone, above and in front of the inlet of larynx  Lower end – pointed, attached above the angle of fusion of the thyroid cartilage by the thyroepiglottic ligament  Attached to  tongue by median glossoepiglottic fold  Pharynx by lateral glossoepiglottic fold  hyoid bone by hyoepiglottic ligament  The inferior half of the posterior surface of the epiglottis is raised slightly to form an epiglottic tubercle 289 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 290.  Function of epiglottis  Respiratory: remain in resting position during inhalation letting the air enter the lungs  Digestive: the extrinsic muscles atached with larynx move it up so it can lay flat over the laryngeal opening making the food pass safely through esophagus  Malfunction or failure to close properly make you cough and choke every time you swallow 291 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 291.  Arytenoid cartilages  Three sided pyramid with a base and apex  On upper border of lamina of cricoid  Apex – curved posteromedially and articulate with corniculate cartilage  Base – concave, articulate with cricoid lamina through synovial joint called crico-arytenoid  Surfaces  medial surface - faces each other  anterolateral surface - has two depressions, separated by a ridge, for muscle (vocalis) and ligament (vestibular ligament) attachment  Posterior surface 293 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 292. 294 by Abera N (MSC) Has two processes vocal process - anterior & attach to the vocal ligament muscular process - lateral & serves as attachment points for muscles of the larynx Control the opening between the vocal cords, the rima glottidis
  • 293.  Corniculate cartilage  Small conical nodules of fibrocartilage whose base articulate with the apex of arytenoid cartilage in the posterior part of aryepiglottic fold  Their apices project posteromedially towards each other  Cuneiform cartilage  Rod shaped, found in the aryepiglottic fold, anterior to the arytenoid cartilage 295 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 295. Ligaments and membranes cont.. Extrinsic ligaments  Thyrohyoid membrane & ligament  Connect upper border of thyroid cartilage to body, greater & lesser horn of hyoid  Midline thickening – median thyrohyoid ligament  Posterior border thickening – lateral thyrohyoid ligament  Occasionally, there is a small cartilage (triticeal cartilage) in each lateral thyrohyoid ligament  Outer surface covered with thyrohyoid muscle  An aperture in the lateral part of the thyrohyoid membrane on each side is for the superior laryngeal arteries, nerves, and lymphatics 298 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 297.  Hyoepiglottic ligament  Connects the anterior surface of the epiglottis to the back of hyoid  Median & lateral glosso-epiglottic folds  Connects the anterior surface of the epiglottis to the dorum the tongue  Crico-tracheal ligament  Connects first ring of trachea to cricoid 300 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 298. Intrinsic ligaments  Fibro-elastic membrane of larynx  Links together the laryngeal cartilages and completes the architectural framework of the laryngeal cavity  Composed of two parts-a lower cricothyroid ligament and an upper quadrangular membrane 301 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 299. by Abera N (MSC) 302 Cricothyroid ligament  Triangular in shape Attached to the arch of cricoid cartilage and extends superiorly to end in a free upper margin within the space enclosed by the thyroid cartilage On each side, this upper free margin attaches: anteriorly to the thyroid cartilage posteriorly to the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages
  • 300.  The free margin between these two points of attachment is thickened to form the vocal ligament, which is under the vocal fold (true 'vocal cord') of the larynx  The cricothyroid ligament is also thickened anteriorly in the midline to form a distinct median cricothyroid ligament, which spans the distance between the arch of cricoid cartilage and the inferior thyroid notch and adjacent deep surface of the thyroid cartilage up to the attachment of the vocal ligaments  Outer surface covered with cricothyroid muscle  Inner surface covered with mucous membrane  Soft spot inferior to thyroid cartilage - air way is closest to skin and most accessible  In emergency situations, when the airway is blocked above the level of the vocal folds, the median cricothyroid ligament can be perforated to establish an airway  Except for small vessels and the occasional presence of a pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland, normally there are few structures between the median cricothyroid ligament and skin 303 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 301. 304 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 302.  conus elasticus, Vocal ligament, & vocal fold  Conus elasticus  triangular ligament connecting cricoid, thyroid & arytenoid cartilage  Vocal ligaments  attach between the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages and the thyroid cartilage, behind its fusion angle  i.e. thickened upper border of conus elasticus  forms skeleton of vocal folds  Vocal fold  the upper border of conus elasticus covered with the mucous membrane 305 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 304.  Quadrangular membrane & vestibular ligaments  The quadrangular membrane  runs between the lateral margin of the epiglottis on each side and the anterolateral surface of the arytenoid cartilage on the same side  Attachement: the corniculate cartilage, which articulates with the apex of arytenoid cartilage  has  free upper margin and  free lower margin o The free lower margin is thickened to form the vestibular ligament under the vestibular fold (false 'vocal cord') of the larynx 307 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 305.  The vestibular ligament  attachments  posteriorly : the superior depression on the anterolateral surface of the arytenoid cartilage  anteriorly : the thyroid angle just superior to the attachment of the vocal ligament  Thin submucosal sheath extending from arytenoid cartilage to the epiglottis  Superior border forms aryepiglottic fold  Inferior border forms vestibular fold  On each side, the vestibular ligament of the quadrangular membrane is separated from the vocal ligament of the cricothyroid ligament below by a gap 308 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 306. 309 The free lower margin of quadrangular membrane is thickened to form the vestibular ligament under the vestibular fold (false 'vocal cord') of the larynx by Abera N (MSC)
  • 307. 310 Thickening of conus elasticus Thickening of quadrangular membrane by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 309. Joints of larynx  Crico-arytenoid  Synovial, between base of arytenoid and upper border of lamina of cricoid cartilage  Enable the arytenoid cartilages to slide away or towards each other and to rotate so that the vocal processes pivot either towards or away from the midline. These movements abduct and adduct the vocal ligaments 312 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 310.  Crico-thyroid joint  The joints between the inferior horns of the thyroid cartilage and the the sides of cricoid cartilage at the junction of its lamina and arch  Synovial  Each is surrounded by a capsule and is reinforced by associated ligaments  enable the thyroid cartilage to move forward and tilt downwards on the cricoid cartilage  Because the vocal ligaments pass between the posterior aspect of the thyroid angle and the arytenoid cartilages sit on the lamina of cricoid cartilage, forward movement and downward rotation of the thyroid cartilage on the cricoid cartilage effectively lengthens and puts tension on the vocal ligaments 313 by Abera N (MSC)
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  • 312. Cavity of the larynx  The central cavity of the larynx is tubular in shape and is lined by mucosa  Its architectural support is provided by the fibro-elastic membrane of larynx and by the laryngeal cartilages to which it is attached • Extend from inlet of larynx to inferior border of cricoid  The superior aperture of the cavity (laryngeal inlet)  obliquely oriented, opens into the anterior aspect of the pharynx just below and posterior to the tongue 315 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 313. 316 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 314.  Borders  anterior border - formed by mucosa covering the superior margin of the epiglottis  lateral borders - formed by mucosal folds (aryepiglottic folds), which enclose the superior margins of the quadrangular membranes and adjacent soft tissues, and two tubercles on the more posterolateral margin of the laryngeal inlet on each side mark the positions of the underlying cuneiform and corniculate cartilages  posterior border - in the midline is formed by a mucosal fold that forms a depression (interarytenoid notch) between the two corniculate tubercles 317 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 315.  The inferior opening of the laryngeal cavity  is continuous with the lumen of the trachea,  is completely encircled by the cricoid cartilage,  is horizontal in position unlike the laryngeal inlet, which is oblique and points posterosuperiorly into the pharynx 318 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 316. 319 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 317. Division of laryngeal cavity  Two pairs of mucosal folds, the vestibular and vocal folds, which project medially from the lateral walls of the laryngeal cavity, constrict it and divide it into three major regions- 1. Vestibule –  the upper chamber of the laryngeal cavity  is between the laryngeal inlet and the vestibular folds 2. Middle part of the laryngeal cavity  is very thin  is between the vestibular folds above and the vocal folds below 3. Infraglottic space –  the most inferior chamber of the laryngeal cavity  Is between the vocal folds and the inferior opening of the larynx 320 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 318. Laryngeal ventricles and saccules  Laryngeal ventricles  expanded trough-shaped space (a laryngeal ventricle)  Produced as the mucosa of the middle cavity bulges laterally through the gap between the vestibular and vocal ligaments  laryngeal saccule  An elongate tubular extension of each laryngeal ventricle  projects anterosuperiorly between the vestibular fold and thyroid cartilage  may reach as high as the top of the thyroid cartilage  Within the walls of these laryngeal saccules are numerous mucous glands  Mucus secreted into the saccules lubricates the vocal folds. 321 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 319. 322 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 320. Rima vestibuli and rima glottidis  the rima vestibuli  When viewed from above,it is a triangular-shaped opening  Bounded by the two adjacent vestibular folds at the entrance to the middle chamber of the laryngeal cavity  The apex of the opening is anterior and its base is formed by the posterior wall of the laryngeal cavity  the rima glottidis  Inferior to the vestibular folds  the vocal folds (true vocal cords) and adjacent mucosa-covered parts of the arytenoid cartilages form its lateral walls  narrower triangular opening (between the two adjacent vocal folds)  This opening separates the middle chamber above from the infraglottic cavity below  The base of this triangular opening is formed by the fold of mucosa (interarytenoid fold) at the bottom of the interarytenoid notch  Both the rima glottidis and the rima vestibuli can be opened and closed by movement of the arytenoid cartilages and associated fibro-elastic membranes 323 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 321.  Clinical correlates  Laryngeal obstruction  Lodging of aspirated food in rima glottidis  Compression of abdomen (Heimlich maneuver) expel air from lungs and dislodge the food 324 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 322. Muscles of larynx Divided as extrinsic and intrinsic  Extrinsic muscles – move larynx superiorly and inferiorly during swallowing  Infrahyoid muscles – depress hyoid and larynx  Suprahyoid muscles – elevates hyoid and larynx  Thyrohyoid – depress hyoid and elevate thyroid cartilage 325 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 323.  Intrinsic muscles – move laryngeal parts and playing vital role in breathing and phonation  actions  adjust tension in the vocal ligaments,  open and close the rima glottidis (opening between vocal folds and the arytenoid cartilage),  control the inner dimensions of the vestibule,  close the rima vestibuli, and  facilitate closing of the laryngeal inlet 326 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 324.  They do this mainly by:  acting on the cricothyroid and crico-arytenoid joints  adjusting the distance between the epiglottis and arytenoid cartilages  pulling directly on the vocal ligaments  forcing soft tissues associated with the quadrangular membranes and vestibular ligaments toward the midline 327 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 325. • The ntrinsic muscles Divided based on their action on inlet of larynx 1. Muscles closing the inlet of the larynx 2. Abductor of vocal folds 3. Tensor of vocal cords 4. Adductors of vocal folds 5. Relaxer of vocal folds 328 by Abera N (MSC)
  • 326. Muscles closing the inlet of the larynx  Transverse arytenoid muscle  unpaired  Origin: Lateral border of posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage  Insertion: Lateral border of posterior surface of opposite arytenoid cartilage  Function: Adduction of arytenoid cartilages, vocal processes and vocal cords  Oblique arytenoid  Superficial to transverse  Origin: Posterior surface of muscular process of arytenoid cartilage  Insertion: Posterior surface of apex of adjacent arytenoid cartilage; extends into aryepiglottic fold  Function: Sphincter of the laryngeal inlet 329 by Abera N (MSC)

Editor's Notes

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