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Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost
In his poem "After Apple–Picking," Robert Frost tells the story of an apple–picker who believes that any task completed incorrectly is worthless.
Frost's vivid descriptions of the apple–picker's experience engage the reader in the poem, causing them to identify with his perspective. However, Frost
simultaneously questions the reliability of his judgment by using the metaphor of the apple–picker looking through a window and the exclusion of
sensory details to emphasize his detachment from reality. Frost begins "After Apple–Picking" by describing a scene in New England at the end of the
apple–picking season. The poem takes place in late October, after the apple harvesting season has ended but just before winter sets in. "Essence of more content...
Frost uses this technique to create a connection between the reader and the apple–picker, since both the reader and the apple–picker are imagining the
things being described. In lines 9 through 15, the apple–picker describes a memory of his experience earlier that day at the drinking trough – "I cannot
rub the strangeness from my sight / I got from looking through a pane of glass / I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough." He continues his
detached remembering in lines 16 through 26 with an explanation of how the apple–picking season has saturated his mind with the sights, sounds, and
feelings of apple–picking until he experiences them even when he is not picking apples – "Magnified apples appear and disappear / [...] My instep arch
not only keeps the ache, / It keeps the pressure of a ladder–round. / [...] And I keep hearing from the cellar bin / The rumbling sound / Of load on load
of apples coming in." He then describes the actual experience of picking apples in lines 30 through 36 – "There were ten thousand thousand fruit to
touch, / Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall." In each instance, the reader imagines the scene alongside the apple–picker, imagining themselves in
the apple–picker's place and aligning with his beliefs. However, as Frost is aiding the reader in identifying with the apple–picker's experience, he is
simultaneously calling into question the reliability of the apple–picker's opinions. In lines nine through twelve, Frost uses
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1. Introduction
This essay is introducing the Apple Inc. and focuses on the environmental analysis. Different environment can affect the company develop. In the recent
year, the Apple Inc. publishes two new technologies which are the Apple Watch and Apple Pay. These are following the environmental to make this
decision. The environment is divided by five parts which are technology, economic, social, regulation and ethics. According these five aspects to
analysis the Apple Inc. Firstly, it introduces the Apple Inc. and writes a brief introduction. Secondly, it introduces these two new project and analysis
them from the technology, economic and social aspects. At the end, write a brief about the regulation and ethical environment.
2. Apple Inc.
The Apple Inc. is a high–technology company in the USA. They research and develop the computer and phone in their company. They use their own
system which is IOS and use in their product. The main products are iPhone, iPad, iPod and MacBook. They following the technology environment and
constant renew and complete the products. The Apple Inc. has become the world's biggest company for three consecutive years until 2014. In 2016, the
latest ranking of the world's top500, Apple ranked ninth. These articles will analysis the environment effect of the company when they are in the
development. 3. The Apple watch and Apple pay In the September 2014, the Apple Inc. publishes new smart watches. They have three different types
which is Apple
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What Makes Apple Good Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Essay This essay will inform you of the wonderful things that makes Apple the best product. Apple's value, apple care plus, and IOS
software updates are three of the things that make apple great. I will explain how these three things are in my opinion make apple great. I encourage
everyone who reads this to use Apple. I hope to fill your mind with how awesome Apple is.
One reason that makes Apple the best is its worth. In 1997 when Steve jobs returned to Apple the stock price was about 4 dollars. Now, according to, Apple had a huge comeback with their AAPL stock is now over 500 dollars. Right now Apple is worth more than Google and
Microsoft combined! Apple's worth makes me sure about their products,
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Apples and Oranges
The idiom, "Comparing apples and oranges" has been implemented for a prolonged amount of time in order to convey a vast difference between two
things. When the phrase is used it provokes the thought that the items are incomparable and as a result, ridiculous to compare. As an idiom it's meaning
is immediately apparent, but when carefully examined as a statement rather than a metaphor, there are similarities, along with differences between
apples and oranges that can easily be seen as comparable. Through their physical uses, their use in popular stories, and their physical make–up there are
many comparisons and contrasts that can be found. As a result of the comparability between the two, the idiom should become inapplicable. Around more content...
The physical make–up of apples and oranges is heavily littered with comparisons that can easily be shown for their similarities and differences.
While both can be similar in some ways there is also a lot that can be seen as completely unique. Both apples and oranges are around the same
general size and both share a sphere like shape. They are both a type of fruit that grows on trees. Apples and oranges are both originally from Asia.
There is however things they do not share. Apples are a type of the pomaceous fruit while oranges are a citrus fruit. Apple peels are usually eaten and
while oranges are harder to digest and usually not eaten. From there the comparisons grow until they reach the point of absurd but plausible contrasts.
Apples and oranges have long been used as examples of drastically different things, which had no way to being considered comparable. Since in truth
there are many comparisons between the two and as a result, the common idiom, "comparing apples and oranges" should become obsolete. Through
their uses in popular culture, the implementation into stories, and their physical make–up there can be found many similarities and differences.
Sally Twiss. Apples: A Social History (Souvenir Social History Series). New York,
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Descriptive Essay On An Apple
I succumbed to hunger at the crack of dawn as I trudged my feet downstairs to the hotel lobby where my debate and speech team was staying in for
our state competition in Indiana county, Pennsylvania. I opened up the fridge and the only food that laid there before my eyes was a cheese
croissant, an apple, a jug of ice cream and some grapes. Considering I'm lactose intolerant, the smell of cheese that emanated from the fridge
attacked my nose like a ferocious warlord. So, I decided to grab an apple and proceeded to take a bite out of it. By the time I reached within two
bites of the core, recollections of the past and the transpired events of the day had intertwined with every bite of the succulent juices that coddled my
tastebuds. Perhaps it was remnants of my dreams resurfacing prior to retrieving my apple, but as the minute hand touched down to make it 1:30am, I
realized it was much more than what meets the eye. Admittedly, the joy of eating the apple had surprised me by virtue of this "forbidden fruit"– as
some would be inclined to refer it – not tasting like it's cheesy counterparts that laid tempting beside it. For the first time in years, the taste of this fruit
was new. It was a strange feeling because – for the most part – I never really enjoyed apples. Sure, apples are considered "America's fruit" with the
likes of "Grandma's good ol' apple pie and her scrumptious fritter " being the pinnacle of American culture yet, I always strayed away from the typical
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Apples and Oranges Essay
Apples and Oranges
No two things could be more different than apples and oranges. Just by looking at them one can see many different characteristics that set them apart
from each other. Apples are red, yellow, russet, and sometimes striped in color and oranges are usually orange. Oranges have to be peeled before one
can eat them. These two different fruits grow in different parts of the world, on different trees, and in different climates. What could these complete
opposites have in common? Surprisingly they share many qualities that really do make them a lot alike. The apple is the most important tree fruit of the
temperate regions of the world. Apples have been grown and used for food since the early more content...
Apple trees generally do not begin to blossom and bear fruit until they are 5 to 8 years old. They reach maximum production at about age 20;
commercial orchards are generally replaced when they reach 35 to 40 years in age. Although the trees would live longer, the fruit from old trees is
generally smaller and poorer in appearance and more expensive to care for. Apple trees can withstand temperatures as low as–40 degrees C. Here in
the United States apples mainly grow in Washington, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and California. The trees need a period of cold or
dormancy to grow and bear fruit properly. So they cannot grow in tropic areas. Oranges on the other hand also were around in ancient times. Some
experts have proved that they date back as far as 4,000 years ago according to ancient Chinese records. Oranges also come from the other side of the
Atlantic. When Christopher Columbus sailed for the New World, he carried with him seeds of oranges and other types ofcitrus fruits. The seeds were
planted on the island of Hispaniola. Just as the Europeans spread apple trees westward in the United States by moving further that way. The Indians
spread citrus trees beyond the Spanish Plantations by dropping seeds from fruit they were eating. Soon groves were of wild citrus trees. Orange trees
never stop growing. By the time it is 20, it may be 4.5 meters (15 feet) high and
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Essay about Apple Inc.
The multi billion–dollar corporation, Apple Inc., designs and manufactures some of today's highest technological gizmos and gadgets. Among their best
known products are the Apple and Macintosh computers, iPods, iTunes, iPhones and iPads. Apple is one of the most powerful and influential high tech
companies in the world. The success of Apple Inc. stems from the innovation and visions of co–founder and entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, the excellence of
the stylish, user–friendly products, and the ability to create innovative products that consumer's desire. The development of Apple Inc. came during the
unstable economic times of the 1970's. Best friends and college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak pooled their electronic and
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Wayne's relationship with Apple ended a year later due to financial reasons. With minimal funds, Jobs and Wozniak needed an investor to continue
production. Mike Markkula, a retired marketing manager, provided financing and became one–third owner which led to the creation of Apple
Computer Inc. The closest comparison to this small computer at the time was the Altair 8800 and the Intel microprocessors used in calculators and
watches. An improved version of the Apple 1 developed into the Apple 11, the first personal computer with graphics and a keyboard, and IBM soon
followed Apple's lead with their version of a small computer. The market for personal computers had been primarily in the business industry. Apple
Computer sales netted $50 million by the last quarter of 1979 (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009) and Apple soon became the personal computer of choice for
many small businesses and families, especially when Apple introduced the more user– friendly Macintosh computer in the 1980's. The Macintosh was
Apple's first major step in adapting the personal computer to the desires of corporate America. In ten years, Apple had grown from two employees
in a garage to a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees (Jobs, 1985). What began as a hobby for Jobs and Wozniak soon became an essential
part of many households and established the foundation for the Apple empire. The Apple partnership remained until the latter part of 1980 when it was
offered to
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Apple Swot Analysis Essay
High price is the major weakness of Apple because there is a strong completion in market now, and the consumer of Apple products can easily obtain
the similar function products by its competitors in a lower price. Decreasing market share can be caused to less influence its customers to using
closed ecosystem of Apple. Apple Company is often blamed by other companies to disobeying their patents and also it has lost some trials as well.
Such type of things can damage Apple's reputation in market. In 2012, Tim Cook became a new CEO after the death of Steve Jobs, which was the
biggest loss for Apple Company. After some time John Browett and Scott Forstall left the firm, this posed negative impact on management.
In tech industry, Apple's gross profit margin is highest but according to fear of forecasters that Apple's current margin will not be continued due to
increasing in prices and tough competition.
Apple's market share will be increase due to high demand of iPad and iPad mini in tablet market and this will help company to use as competitive
advantage. Apple TV sales will be increased due to the improvement to the iTV Brand.
Smartphone and tablet markets are growing which is a good opportunity for Apple to expand their market share in these markets.
Collecting damages from competitors because companies sometimes violated Apple's patent. So such types of factors can be used by Apple as to
damage the competitor's image on market and collecting damages
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Essay on Robert Frost's "After Apple-Picking"
Robert Frost's "After Apple–Picking"
In the poem "After Apple–Picking", Robert Frost has cleverly disguised many symbols and allusions to enhance the meaning of the poem. One must
understand the parallel to understand the central theme of the poem. The apple mentioned in the poem could be connected to the forbidden fruit from
the Garden of Eden. It essentially is the beginning of everything earthly and heavenly, therefore repelling death. To understand the complete meaning
of Frost's poem one needs to be aware that for something to be dead, it must have once had life. Life and death are common themes in poetry, but this
poem focuses on what is in between, life's missed experiences and the regret that the speaker is left with. more content...
The reverence with which he speaks of these opportunities, give the reader the sense that the speaker is now looking back on his life and suddenly
realizes the importance of this lost fruit.
The speaker then goes on to say that "For all that struck the earth, No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble, went surely to the cider–apple heap
as of no worth" (33–36). The bruises on the fruit represent the mistakes or misused chances, maybe even failure, but the fact that these bruised apples
considered worthless and discarded seems to be an epiphany to the speaker. He is realizes that while these apples were bruised, cider still came from
them. The discarded apples act as metaphors for all of the mistakes that he has made in his life, and he now understands that they are in fact not
worthless, as much knowledge can be gained from examining one's mistakes.
The reason for the speaker's sudden surge of regret seems to be looming death, for he states in the very first line, "My long two–pointed ladder's
sticking through a tree toward heaven still" (1–2). This reference to heaven is the first evidence that the speaker thinks he is going to die. At this point
in the poem the references to death or the end of life are rather peaceful, as exemplified by the statement. "But I am done with apple–picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night" (6–7). Though the words, "winter", "sleep", and "night" typically represent death, they do not necessarily
invoke a
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What Makes Apple Spoilage? Essay
Apple spoilage From the very beginning, humans were hunters and gatherers. They survived by hunting animals and gathering fruits. Hence, the
importance of fruits was from early human civilization. Apples, one of such fruits with varying benefits, can be made into cider, wine, pie, jelly,
brandy or sun–dried so that the fruit does not decay because of overproduction. In year 2013, 80.8 million tonns of apple was produced worldwide,
out of which china alone produced 49%. Apple is one of the easily preferable fruits, as it can be eaten straight away, unlike other fruits which needs
to be peeled off. An old proverb "An apple a day keeps a doctor away" might also have impacted in favor of this fruit. Apple mostly consist of water
(85%) and carbohydrate or sugars (10%). This makes it very nutritious not only to humans but also to other microorganisms spoiling it. Spoilage in
any food, is the process in which it gets deteriorates to a point, which makes it unsuitable for human consumption and use. The foods that are
susceptible to spoiling are known as perishable foods and are dependent on various external factors. Spoilage might occur as soon as it blooms as a
flower. Various animals, birds and worms prey into these nutritious fruits. Once the apple is harvested, they start decomposing, because of action of
different enzymes, oxidation and most importantly due to microorganisms. Microorganisms breaks down the acids and sugars present in apples and
various waste products are
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An apple a day keeps the doctors away. Is that clichГ© really that far off? Actually, no; that statement holds truth. Everybody knows the importance of
fruit as a part of a well–balanced diet, but most people do not know just how good fruit is for health. Not only does fruit aid in good physical health,
but it also provides benefits for good mental health. Fruit makes weight loss more efficient and heightens brain functions. Eating a healthy amount of
fruit improves the ability for the body to lose weight. Fruit contains eighty percent water just like the human body. This means that extra water weight
is easily disposed of and the body only absorbs the nutrients. Fruit, 100 percent free of bad cholesterol allows the heart to work more
There was no limit to how much fruit they ate; as long as only fruit was consumed, exam scores saw a significant improvement (Fruit and). Different
fruits require different storage arrangements to get the best use out of them without becoming wasteful. For example, apples stored in the
refrigerator in a plastic bag stay crisper and keep more of the nutrients helpful to the body. While apples store better in the refrigerator, bananas keep
better in a fruit bowl at room temperature. Bananas kept in the refrigerator will only turn black from decay; they will not ripen. After decay begins,
the banana loses the nutrients desired. Although some fruits keep freshness better either in the refrigerator or at room temperature, some fruits do not
lose nutritious value either way. Most citrus fruits fall into this category. For example, oranges stored on a counter at room temperature last a week
without loss of nutrients, and when kept in the refrigerator, they last two weeks before discarding becomes necessary (Fruit Selection). Although
difficult to determine the size of a serving, five to nine servings of fruit provides the ideal amount of fruit for the body each day. For the most
common fruit such as bananas, apples, oranges, and peaches, this means one whole fruit. One whole banana, and other fruit of medium size, would
cover one daily serving. However, for the smaller fruits such as
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Reflection Paper On Apple Company
In this reflection paper I'm going to talk about two topics. There are designing and managing the product and promoting product.
In the first part of my work I will use "Apple" company as example.
According to our book product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or
need. It includes physical objects, services, places, organizations, and ideas. Product can be divided by four different levels such as core product,
facilitating products, supporting products and augmented products. As example I chose Apple company and their core product is anIPhone. All of us
know that Apple has kind of augmented strategy. Example is their accessibility of the product. Let's assume my theory. I'm pretty sure that you know
at least one person who told you that he or she is going to buy new version of iPhone when it will come to the store. Each year "Apple" produces and
develops a new version of IPhone and presents it in autumn. They use limited accessibility in the more content...
It very important to develop three factors: quality, features and style &design. First of all, I want to mention a little bit about quality. There are two
terms Product Quality Level and Product Conformance Quality. Level of quality supports the product's positioning, while the product conformance
quality points the product's freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance. So, the most important thing in
each product is quality. Do we measure quality? My answer is yes, we can use 6 Sigma concepts. It is a Quality philosophy and the way of
improving performance by knowing where you are and where you could be. For example if Apple use 6 Sigma, it means that their performance goal,
representing 3.4 defects for every million opportunities. In another words, if they produce million IPhones, only 3 or 4 Iphones will be broken or
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A Study On Apple Tree
[u]5. Apple Tree[/u]
One of the best known fruits in the world is the apple. This round, palm sized fruit is produced by a deciduous tree Malas domestica, in the rose
family which generally grows 6 to 12 feet tall when cultivated or as large as 39 feet when appearing in the wild. This tree is grown worldwide and
believed to have originated in Central Asia. Apple trees can vary in size, becoming quite large if grown from trees or remaining small when
grafted onto roots. This fruit is as varied as the people who grow it, with over 7,500 different variations which can include size, color, taste or use.
For instance, some apples are best suited for use in baking, or apples with more of a bite make great cider. As with any plant this old or diverse we
can see it's references throughout history and symbolism is associated with it in almost every culture or religion in the world. From these references
and symbols we can begin to see a correspondence pattern for this fruit. In Norse mythology we can see the apple as being associated with immortality,
life, beauty, persuasion and fertility. The Prose Edda, describes thegoddess IГ°unn providing the other gods with apples which give them eternal
youthfulness. From this writing we can associate the apple with immortality, life, and beauty. Another reference to apples in norse mythology is a
myth describing eleven golden apples being given to GerГ°r by SkГrnir, to gain her favor. This signifies that they could be used for
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Apple Products
Apple Inc. is a well known American multinational corporation that focusing on designing and then marketing consumer electronics, computer
software, and personal computers. Apple Inc. was established on 1st April 1976 in Cupertino, California. The company was founded by the key
persons in Apple Inc. history, Steven Paul Jobs (Steve Jobs) and Stephen Wozniak (Steve Wozniak) and Ronald Wayne.
Then, after seeing the potential and the future of the computing world, Apple was incorporated 3rd January 1977 without Ronald Wayne, who sold his
share of the company back to both Jobs and Wozniak for $800. During the incorporation of Apple, another person that responsible for the incorporation
of the company is a multi–millionaire, more content...
During 2010, about 14.8 million iPads were sold worldwide. By the release of the the new iPad 2 in March 2011, more than 15 million iPads had been
sold throughout the world.
|Model |iPad (Original) |iPad 2 |
|Announcement date |January 27, 2010 |March 2, 2011 |
|US Release date |April 3, 2010 |March 11, 2011 |
|Discontinued date |March 2, 2011 |In production |
|Display |9.7 inches (25 cm) multitouch display at a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with LED backlighting and a |
| |fingerprint and scratch–resistant coating |
|Processor |1 GHz Apple A4 system–on–a–chip |1 GHz (dynamically clocked) dual–core Apple A5 system |
| | |on a chip |
|Memory |256 MB DDR
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The Fruits Of Apples
Have you ever wondered how your fresh fruit gets to the market? Or why some fruits rarely show up in the winter but come in the summer? fruit is a
very common food around the world. Many people eat it.In the US 32.5% of the population ate fruit in the year of 2009. One of the most common
fruit is the apple, it takes about 50 leaves to produce an apple tree. An apple orchard called Rainier Fruit company they only hand pick the best apples
from the orchard. Fresh
One of the most common fruits in the world is the apple . Apples have wonderful flavor. Apples have about 3 different colors red, green,Apples are
usually 95 calories. and yellow with hundreds of varieties. Apples can float on water because they are 20% air. Apples are planted and stocked in
places like california and florida. Apples are usually 2–3 centimeters wide. It takes 50 leaves to produce an apple tree.2,500 varieties of apples are
grown in the United States more content...
One of the most common fruits in the world is the apple. Apples have wonderful flavor. Apples have about 3 different colors red, green, Apples are
usually 95 calories. and yellow with hundreds of varieties. Apples can float on water because they are 20% air. Apples are planted and stocked in
places like california and florida. Apples are usually 2–3 centimeters wide. It takes 50 leaves to produce an apple tree. 2,500 varieties of apples are
grown in the United States and 100 varieties of apples are grown commercially in the United States.
Oranges are another popular fruit a lot of people orange has about 95 calories. Most oranges come from Florida, california, and Brazil . an
orange is actually a type of berry and is filled with vitamin C, so oranges are really healthy for you.There are now over 600 varieties of oranges
worldwide. Oranges can range in many different sizes.When an orange first starts to grow they can often be green or yellow and then turn to a ornage
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Apple Financial Analysis Essay
3Apple – An Introduction
3Macroeconomic Trends
4Technical Analysis
5Fundamental Analysis
8Analysis of Financing Activities
8Investments and Capital Budgeting Decisions
10Industry Analysis
11Performance Analysis
Established in 1976, Apple ignited the personal computer revolution with the Apple II and the Macintosh. Today, Apple designs, manufactures and
markets personal computers, portable digital music players and mobile communication devices as well as related software, services, peripherals and
network solutions. Apple sells its products worldwide through its online stores, retail stores, direct sales forces and third party distributors to its core
customers–consumers, more content...
Financial leverage (measured by the equity multiplier)
Over the last three years, Apple's profit margin as well as its efficiency at utilising shareholder equity is increasing–both very positive indicators of a
company's health and potential. However, Apple's asset turnover has decreased. This could be due to Apple's accumulation of assets from extensive
R&D, a core yet inevitable pillar of its business strategy. Apple should strive to raise this figure in 2009. Despite this, Apple's return on equity is
healthy and on the rise.
LIQUIDITY 200820072006
Current Ratio2.4622.3612.252
Although Apple's current ratio fell between 2005 and 2006 as current liabilities increased possibly due to increased R&D costs, in 2007 Apple's
current ratio is increasing. This is a healthy sign for Apple as it is better able to repay its current liabilities without selling its inventories.
Trailing P/E (ttm)18.34
Forward P/E (fye 27–Sep–10)14.80
Apple's high trailing P/E ratio indicates that investors see potential and have confidence in the stock, thus moving prices higher. However, investors
must consider if this high premium (the high stock price) is justifiable to its growth potential. As the forward P/E ratio is lower than the trailing PE
ratio, this suggests that Apple's future growth potential is not as optimistic, especially in the current economic turmoil.
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The Enzymatic Browning Of Apples
The Enzymatic Browning of Apples
Practical experiment:
The purpose of the experiment is to measure the level of browning, due to the effects of the enzyme called polyphenol oxidase (phenolase), on apple
slices exposed to different Ph. levels.
When exposed to oxygen the enzyme catalyzes the reaction creating melanins (brown pigments) on the fruit. Soaking the apple slices in acetic acid,
orange juice (ascorbic acid), tap water and calcium carbonate (alkaline) will affect the rate in which the apple slices brown. The reduction of the
browning is dependent on the Ph. levels of the soaking solutions, also soaking the apple slice in water will restrict the amount of oxygen that comes into
contact with the apple thus temporarily inhibiting the effects of the phenolase.
Understanding the Prac:
By peeling or cutting fruit and vegetables the enzymes that are stored within the plant cells are released. When in the presence of oxygen the enzyme
phenolase catalyzes the biochemical reaction of converting phenolic compounds into melanins. Enzymatic browning occurs optimally between a PH of
5.0 and 7.0.
Browning can also occur via the bruising or other injury to the plant tissue, exposing the enzyme to oxygen. Although enzymatic browning is not
always a defect, for instance it is required in the process of making raisins, coffee, prunes and cocoa, it does however have significant effects on the
fruits and vegetables that do not require browning such as apples. Enzymatic browning not only
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Case Study : Apple Inc. Essay
Apple Inc. has launched its iPhone in January 2007 (telegraph) as a new product in the market with latest technology and it was the first multi
touch smartphone adding the feature of iPod and received an overwhelmed response by selling 270000 units. It had created a new record for a new
company like apple, iPhone had laid a stepping stone for the success of Apple and till this time iPhone is the best seller product of Apple Inc. during
first quarter of 2016 apple has sold over 74 million iPhones worldwide. (statista, 2016).
I have been hired as an external strategic marketing consultant for Apple Inc. to prepare a report about market development.This report will include a
discussion andrecommendations for the strategic management of the market mix using Ansoff Matrix.
Reason of report the overall market share of Samsung is more than 21% whereas apple is still at 13.9% which clearly states that there are still many
areas in which Apple Inc. can develop its market and get a good numbers. (corporation, 2015)
In this report I will include all the positive areas and Recommend for market development for the iPhone to get maximum shares in smartphone market.
Range and scope of contents:–
The global market of smart phone is increasing according to the need of the consumer
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Essay on Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) Family: Actinidiaceae Synonyms: Actinidia chinensis Other names: Chinese gooseberry
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Top of Form Bottom of Form Custom Search Kiwi is among the very few recent
introductions which have surpassed in popularity due to its tremendous commercial potential in the sub Himalayan region of India. A native to central
China, it is being grown commercially in New Zealand, Italy, USA, Japan, Australia, France, Chile and Spain. In India, kiwi was first planted in the Lal
Bagh Gardens at Bangalore as an ornamental tree. With extensive research and development support its commercial cultivation has been extended to
the midhills of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu more content...
Various types of stem cuttings–hard wood, semi hardwood and soft wood–are quite successful, though the technique and success in rooting varies. The
cuttings 0.5– 1.0 cm thick with relatively short internodes and 15– 30 cm long are ideal. Hard wood cuttings are prepared during the dormant season
(January–February) from the previous year summer growth. Well matured dormant shoots are used for cutting having at least three healthy bold buds
from middle of the shoot. Tips of the shoots should be avoided as they give a very low rate of rooting. The cuttings of the central and basal parts are
ideal. Cuttings having more number of spurs should not be selected. The cuttings are treated with IBA (500 ppm) for 10 seconds and set deeply in
moist rooting medium. To prevent the cuttings from desiccation and rotting the top portion of the cuttings are waxed. A rooting medium consisting of
farmyard manure: sand: leaf compost: soil in the ratio of 1:1:1:1 results in highest rooting in open conditions. The cuttings should be thatched or shaded
with shade net. Irrigations are given frequently. Adequate drainage should be provided to keep the nursery bed weed free. As they become about 15.
25 cm high, their terminal growth is pinched off to divert the food and nutrients for root growth and development. Hardwood cuttings can also be raised
under intermittent mist in a mist propagation chamber or
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Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost

  • 1. Analysis Of After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost In his poem "After Apple–Picking," Robert Frost tells the story of an apple–picker who believes that any task completed incorrectly is worthless. Frost's vivid descriptions of the apple–picker's experience engage the reader in the poem, causing them to identify with his perspective. However, Frost simultaneously questions the reliability of his judgment by using the metaphor of the apple–picker looking through a window and the exclusion of sensory details to emphasize his detachment from reality. Frost begins "After Apple–Picking" by describing a scene in New England at the end of the apple–picking season. The poem takes place in late October, after the apple harvesting season has ended but just before winter sets in. "Essence of more content... Frost uses this technique to create a connection between the reader and the apple–picker, since both the reader and the apple–picker are imagining the things being described. In lines 9 through 15, the apple–picker describes a memory of his experience earlier that day at the drinking trough – "I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight / I got from looking through a pane of glass / I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough." He continues his detached remembering in lines 16 through 26 with an explanation of how the apple–picking season has saturated his mind with the sights, sounds, and feelings of apple–picking until he experiences them even when he is not picking apples – "Magnified apples appear and disappear / [...] My instep arch not only keeps the ache, / It keeps the pressure of a ladder–round. / [...] And I keep hearing from the cellar bin / The rumbling sound / Of load on load of apples coming in." He then describes the actual experience of picking apples in lines 30 through 36 – "There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch, / Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall." In each instance, the reader imagines the scene alongside the apple–picker, imagining themselves in the apple–picker's place and aligning with his beliefs. However, as Frost is aiding the reader in identifying with the apple–picker's experience, he is simultaneously calling into question the reliability of the apple–picker's opinions. In lines nine through twelve, Frost uses Get more content on
  • 2. 1. Introduction This essay is introducing the Apple Inc. and focuses on the environmental analysis. Different environment can affect the company develop. In the recent year, the Apple Inc. publishes two new technologies which are the Apple Watch and Apple Pay. These are following the environmental to make this decision. The environment is divided by five parts which are technology, economic, social, regulation and ethics. According these five aspects to analysis the Apple Inc. Firstly, it introduces the Apple Inc. and writes a brief introduction. Secondly, it introduces these two new project and analysis them from the technology, economic and social aspects. At the end, write a brief about the regulation and ethical environment. 2. Apple Inc. The Apple Inc. is a high–technology company in the USA. They research and develop the computer and phone in their company. They use their own system which is IOS and use in their product. The main products are iPhone, iPad, iPod and MacBook. They following the technology environment and constant renew and complete the products. The Apple Inc. has become the world's biggest company for three consecutive years until 2014. In 2016, the latest ranking of the world's top500, Apple ranked ninth. These articles will analysis the environment effect of the company when they are in the development. 3. The Apple watch and Apple pay In the September 2014, the Apple Inc. publishes new smart watches. They have three different types which is Apple Get more content on
  • 3. What Makes Apple Good Persuasive Essay Persuasive Essay This essay will inform you of the wonderful things that makes Apple the best product. Apple's value, apple care plus, and IOS software updates are three of the things that make apple great. I will explain how these three things are in my opinion make apple great. I encourage everyone who reads this to use Apple. I hope to fill your mind with how awesome Apple is. One reason that makes Apple the best is its worth. In 1997 when Steve jobs returned to Apple the stock price was about 4 dollars. Now, according to, Apple had a huge comeback with their AAPL stock is now over 500 dollars. Right now Apple is worth more than Google and Microsoft combined! Apple's worth makes me sure about their products, Get more content on
  • 4. Apples and Oranges The idiom, "Comparing apples and oranges" has been implemented for a prolonged amount of time in order to convey a vast difference between two things. When the phrase is used it provokes the thought that the items are incomparable and as a result, ridiculous to compare. As an idiom it's meaning is immediately apparent, but when carefully examined as a statement rather than a metaphor, there are similarities, along with differences between apples and oranges that can easily be seen as comparable. Through their physical uses, their use in popular stories, and their physical make–up there are many comparisons and contrasts that can be found. As a result of the comparability between the two, the idiom should become inapplicable. Around more content... The physical make–up of apples and oranges is heavily littered with comparisons that can easily be shown for their similarities and differences. While both can be similar in some ways there is also a lot that can be seen as completely unique. Both apples and oranges are around the same general size and both share a sphere like shape. They are both a type of fruit that grows on trees. Apples and oranges are both originally from Asia. There is however things they do not share. Apples are a type of the pomaceous fruit while oranges are a citrus fruit. Apple peels are usually eaten and while oranges are harder to digest and usually not eaten. From there the comparisons grow until they reach the point of absurd but plausible contrasts. Apples and oranges have long been used as examples of drastically different things, which had no way to being considered comparable. Since in truth there are many comparisons between the two and as a result, the common idiom, "comparing apples and oranges" should become obsolete. Through their uses in popular culture, the implementation into stories, and their physical make–up there can be found many similarities and differences. Bibliography Sally Twiss. Apples: A Social History (Souvenir Social History Series). New York, Get more content on
  • 5. Descriptive Essay On An Apple I succumbed to hunger at the crack of dawn as I trudged my feet downstairs to the hotel lobby where my debate and speech team was staying in for our state competition in Indiana county, Pennsylvania. I opened up the fridge and the only food that laid there before my eyes was a cheese croissant, an apple, a jug of ice cream and some grapes. Considering I'm lactose intolerant, the smell of cheese that emanated from the fridge attacked my nose like a ferocious warlord. So, I decided to grab an apple and proceeded to take a bite out of it. By the time I reached within two bites of the core, recollections of the past and the transpired events of the day had intertwined with every bite of the succulent juices that coddled my tastebuds. Perhaps it was remnants of my dreams resurfacing prior to retrieving my apple, but as the minute hand touched down to make it 1:30am, I realized it was much more than what meets the eye. Admittedly, the joy of eating the apple had surprised me by virtue of this "forbidden fruit"– as some would be inclined to refer it – not tasting like it's cheesy counterparts that laid tempting beside it. For the first time in years, the taste of this fruit was new. It was a strange feeling because – for the most part – I never really enjoyed apples. Sure, apples are considered "America's fruit" with the likes of "Grandma's good ol' apple pie and her scrumptious fritter " being the pinnacle of American culture yet, I always strayed away from the typical Get more content on
  • 6. Apples and Oranges Essay Apples and Oranges No two things could be more different than apples and oranges. Just by looking at them one can see many different characteristics that set them apart from each other. Apples are red, yellow, russet, and sometimes striped in color and oranges are usually orange. Oranges have to be peeled before one can eat them. These two different fruits grow in different parts of the world, on different trees, and in different climates. What could these complete opposites have in common? Surprisingly they share many qualities that really do make them a lot alike. The apple is the most important tree fruit of the temperate regions of the world. Apples have been grown and used for food since the early more content... Apple trees generally do not begin to blossom and bear fruit until they are 5 to 8 years old. They reach maximum production at about age 20; commercial orchards are generally replaced when they reach 35 to 40 years in age. Although the trees would live longer, the fruit from old trees is generally smaller and poorer in appearance and more expensive to care for. Apple trees can withstand temperatures as low as–40 degrees C. Here in the United States apples mainly grow in Washington, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and California. The trees need a period of cold or dormancy to grow and bear fruit properly. So they cannot grow in tropic areas. Oranges on the other hand also were around in ancient times. Some experts have proved that they date back as far as 4,000 years ago according to ancient Chinese records. Oranges also come from the other side of the Atlantic. When Christopher Columbus sailed for the New World, he carried with him seeds of oranges and other types ofcitrus fruits. The seeds were planted on the island of Hispaniola. Just as the Europeans spread apple trees westward in the United States by moving further that way. The Indians spread citrus trees beyond the Spanish Plantations by dropping seeds from fruit they were eating. Soon groves were of wild citrus trees. Orange trees never stop growing. By the time it is 20, it may be 4.5 meters (15 feet) high and Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Apple Inc. The multi billion–dollar corporation, Apple Inc., designs and manufactures some of today's highest technological gizmos and gadgets. Among their best known products are the Apple and Macintosh computers, iPods, iTunes, iPhones and iPads. Apple is one of the most powerful and influential high tech companies in the world. The success of Apple Inc. stems from the innovation and visions of co–founder and entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, the excellence of the stylish, user–friendly products, and the ability to create innovative products that consumer's desire. The development of Apple Inc. came during the unstable economic times of the 1970's. Best friends and college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak pooled their electronic and more content... Wayne's relationship with Apple ended a year later due to financial reasons. With minimal funds, Jobs and Wozniak needed an investor to continue production. Mike Markkula, a retired marketing manager, provided financing and became one–third owner which led to the creation of Apple Computer Inc. The closest comparison to this small computer at the time was the Altair 8800 and the Intel microprocessors used in calculators and watches. An improved version of the Apple 1 developed into the Apple 11, the first personal computer with graphics and a keyboard, and IBM soon followed Apple's lead with their version of a small computer. The market for personal computers had been primarily in the business industry. Apple Computer sales netted $50 million by the last quarter of 1979 (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009) and Apple soon became the personal computer of choice for many small businesses and families, especially when Apple introduced the more user– friendly Macintosh computer in the 1980's. The Macintosh was Apple's first major step in adapting the personal computer to the desires of corporate America. In ten years, Apple had grown from two employees in a garage to a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees (Jobs, 1985). What began as a hobby for Jobs and Wozniak soon became an essential part of many households and established the foundation for the Apple empire. The Apple partnership remained until the latter part of 1980 when it was offered to Get more content on
  • 8. Apple Swot Analysis Essay Weaknesses High price is the major weakness of Apple because there is a strong completion in market now, and the consumer of Apple products can easily obtain the similar function products by its competitors in a lower price. Decreasing market share can be caused to less influence its customers to using closed ecosystem of Apple. Apple Company is often blamed by other companies to disobeying their patents and also it has lost some trials as well. Such type of things can damage Apple's reputation in market. In 2012, Tim Cook became a new CEO after the death of Steve Jobs, which was the biggest loss for Apple Company. After some time John Browett and Scott Forstall left the firm, this posed negative impact on management. In tech industry, Apple's gross profit margin is highest but according to fear of forecasters that Apple's current margin will not be continued due to increasing in prices and tough competition. Opportunities Apple's market share will be increase due to high demand of iPad and iPad mini in tablet market and this will help company to use as competitive advantage. Apple TV sales will be increased due to the improvement to the iTV Brand. Smartphone and tablet markets are growing which is a good opportunity for Apple to expand their market share in these markets. Collecting damages from competitors because companies sometimes violated Apple's patent. So such types of factors can be used by Apple as to damage the competitor's image on market and collecting damages Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Robert Frost's "After Apple-Picking" Robert Frost's "After Apple–Picking" In the poem "After Apple–Picking", Robert Frost has cleverly disguised many symbols and allusions to enhance the meaning of the poem. One must understand the parallel to understand the central theme of the poem. The apple mentioned in the poem could be connected to the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. It essentially is the beginning of everything earthly and heavenly, therefore repelling death. To understand the complete meaning of Frost's poem one needs to be aware that for something to be dead, it must have once had life. Life and death are common themes in poetry, but this poem focuses on what is in between, life's missed experiences and the regret that the speaker is left with. more content... The reverence with which he speaks of these opportunities, give the reader the sense that the speaker is now looking back on his life and suddenly realizes the importance of this lost fruit. The speaker then goes on to say that "For all that struck the earth, No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble, went surely to the cider–apple heap as of no worth" (33–36). The bruises on the fruit represent the mistakes or misused chances, maybe even failure, but the fact that these bruised apples considered worthless and discarded seems to be an epiphany to the speaker. He is realizes that while these apples were bruised, cider still came from them. The discarded apples act as metaphors for all of the mistakes that he has made in his life, and he now understands that they are in fact not worthless, as much knowledge can be gained from examining one's mistakes. The reason for the speaker's sudden surge of regret seems to be looming death, for he states in the very first line, "My long two–pointed ladder's sticking through a tree toward heaven still" (1–2). This reference to heaven is the first evidence that the speaker thinks he is going to die. At this point in the poem the references to death or the end of life are rather peaceful, as exemplified by the statement. "But I am done with apple–picking now. Essence of winter sleep is on the night" (6–7). Though the words, "winter", "sleep", and "night" typically represent death, they do not necessarily invoke a Get more content on
  • 10. What Makes Apple Spoilage? Essay Apple spoilage From the very beginning, humans were hunters and gatherers. They survived by hunting animals and gathering fruits. Hence, the importance of fruits was from early human civilization. Apples, one of such fruits with varying benefits, can be made into cider, wine, pie, jelly, brandy or sun–dried so that the fruit does not decay because of overproduction. In year 2013, 80.8 million tonns of apple was produced worldwide, out of which china alone produced 49%. Apple is one of the easily preferable fruits, as it can be eaten straight away, unlike other fruits which needs to be peeled off. An old proverb "An apple a day keeps a doctor away" might also have impacted in favor of this fruit. Apple mostly consist of water (85%) and carbohydrate or sugars (10%). This makes it very nutritious not only to humans but also to other microorganisms spoiling it. Spoilage in any food, is the process in which it gets deteriorates to a point, which makes it unsuitable for human consumption and use. The foods that are susceptible to spoiling are known as perishable foods and are dependent on various external factors. Spoilage might occur as soon as it blooms as a flower. Various animals, birds and worms prey into these nutritious fruits. Once the apple is harvested, they start decomposing, because of action of different enzymes, oxidation and most importantly due to microorganisms. Microorganisms breaks down the acids and sugars present in apples and various waste products are Get more content on
  • 11. An apple a day keeps the doctors away. Is that clichГ© really that far off? Actually, no; that statement holds truth. Everybody knows the importance of fruit as a part of a well–balanced diet, but most people do not know just how good fruit is for health. Not only does fruit aid in good physical health, but it also provides benefits for good mental health. Fruit makes weight loss more efficient and heightens brain functions. Eating a healthy amount of fruit improves the ability for the body to lose weight. Fruit contains eighty percent water just like the human body. This means that extra water weight is easily disposed of and the body only absorbs the nutrients. Fruit, 100 percent free of bad cholesterol allows the heart to work more content... There was no limit to how much fruit they ate; as long as only fruit was consumed, exam scores saw a significant improvement (Fruit and). Different fruits require different storage arrangements to get the best use out of them without becoming wasteful. For example, apples stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag stay crisper and keep more of the nutrients helpful to the body. While apples store better in the refrigerator, bananas keep better in a fruit bowl at room temperature. Bananas kept in the refrigerator will only turn black from decay; they will not ripen. After decay begins, the banana loses the nutrients desired. Although some fruits keep freshness better either in the refrigerator or at room temperature, some fruits do not lose nutritious value either way. Most citrus fruits fall into this category. For example, oranges stored on a counter at room temperature last a week without loss of nutrients, and when kept in the refrigerator, they last two weeks before discarding becomes necessary (Fruit Selection). Although difficult to determine the size of a serving, five to nine servings of fruit provides the ideal amount of fruit for the body each day. For the most common fruit such as bananas, apples, oranges, and peaches, this means one whole fruit. One whole banana, and other fruit of medium size, would cover one daily serving. However, for the smaller fruits such as Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Apple Company In this reflection paper I'm going to talk about two topics. There are designing and managing the product and promoting product. In the first part of my work I will use "Apple" company as example. According to our book product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, places, organizations, and ideas. Product can be divided by four different levels such as core product, facilitating products, supporting products and augmented products. As example I chose Apple company and their core product is anIPhone. All of us know that Apple has kind of augmented strategy. Example is their accessibility of the product. Let's assume my theory. I'm pretty sure that you know at least one person who told you that he or she is going to buy new version of iPhone when it will come to the store. Each year "Apple" produces and develops a new version of IPhone and presents it in autumn. They use limited accessibility in the more content... It very important to develop three factors: quality, features and style &design. First of all, I want to mention a little bit about quality. There are two terms Product Quality Level and Product Conformance Quality. Level of quality supports the product's positioning, while the product conformance quality points the product's freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance. So, the most important thing in each product is quality. Do we measure quality? My answer is yes, we can use 6 Sigma concepts. It is a Quality philosophy and the way of improving performance by knowing where you are and where you could be. For example if Apple use 6 Sigma, it means that their performance goal, representing 3.4 defects for every million opportunities. In another words, if they produce million IPhones, only 3 or 4 Iphones will be broken or Get more content on
  • 13. A Study On Apple Tree [u]5. Apple Tree[/u] One of the best known fruits in the world is the apple. This round, palm sized fruit is produced by a deciduous tree Malas domestica, in the rose family which generally grows 6 to 12 feet tall when cultivated or as large as 39 feet when appearing in the wild. This tree is grown worldwide and believed to have originated in Central Asia. Apple trees can vary in size, becoming quite large if grown from trees or remaining small when grafted onto roots. This fruit is as varied as the people who grow it, with over 7,500 different variations which can include size, color, taste or use. For instance, some apples are best suited for use in baking, or apples with more of a bite make great cider. As with any plant this old or diverse we can see it's references throughout history and symbolism is associated with it in almost every culture or religion in the world. From these references and symbols we can begin to see a correspondence pattern for this fruit. In Norse mythology we can see the apple as being associated with immortality, life, beauty, persuasion and fertility. The Prose Edda, describes thegoddess IГ°unn providing the other gods with apples which give them eternal youthfulness. From this writing we can associate the apple with immortality, life, and beauty. Another reference to apples in norse mythology is a myth describing eleven golden apples being given to GerГ°r by SkГrnir, to gain her favor. This signifies that they could be used for Get more content on
  • 14. Apple Products BACKGROUND Apple Inc. is a well known American multinational corporation that focusing on designing and then marketing consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. Apple Inc. was established on 1st April 1976 in Cupertino, California. The company was founded by the key persons in Apple Inc. history, Steven Paul Jobs (Steve Jobs) and Stephen Wozniak (Steve Wozniak) and Ronald Wayne. Then, after seeing the potential and the future of the computing world, Apple was incorporated 3rd January 1977 without Ronald Wayne, who sold his share of the company back to both Jobs and Wozniak for $800. During the incorporation of Apple, another person that responsible for the incorporation of the company is a multi–millionaire, more content... During 2010, about 14.8 million iPads were sold worldwide. By the release of the the new iPad 2 in March 2011, more than 15 million iPads had been sold throughout the world. |Model |iPad (Original) |iPad 2 | |Announcement date |January 27, 2010 |March 2, 2011 | |US Release date |April 3, 2010 |March 11, 2011 | |Discontinued date |March 2, 2011 |In production | |Display |9.7 inches (25 cm) multitouch display at a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with LED backlighting and a | | |fingerprint and scratch–resistant coating | |Processor |1 GHz Apple A4 system–on–a–chip |1 GHz (dynamically clocked) dual–core Apple A5 system | | | |on a chip | |Memory |256 MB DDR Get more content on
  • 15. The Fruits Of Apples Have you ever wondered how your fresh fruit gets to the market? Or why some fruits rarely show up in the winter but come in the summer? fruit is a very common food around the world. Many people eat it.In the US 32.5% of the population ate fruit in the year of 2009. One of the most common fruit is the apple, it takes about 50 leaves to produce an apple tree. An apple orchard called Rainier Fruit company they only hand pick the best apples from the orchard. Fresh One of the most common fruits in the world is the apple . Apples have wonderful flavor. Apples have about 3 different colors red, green,Apples are usually 95 calories. and yellow with hundreds of varieties. Apples can float on water because they are 20% air. Apples are planted and stocked in places like california and florida. Apples are usually 2–3 centimeters wide. It takes 50 leaves to produce an apple tree.2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States more content... One of the most common fruits in the world is the apple. Apples have wonderful flavor. Apples have about 3 different colors red, green, Apples are usually 95 calories. and yellow with hundreds of varieties. Apples can float on water because they are 20% air. Apples are planted and stocked in places like california and florida. Apples are usually 2–3 centimeters wide. It takes 50 leaves to produce an apple tree. 2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States and 100 varieties of apples are grown commercially in the United States. Oranges are another popular fruit a lot of people orange has about 95 calories. Most oranges come from Florida, california, and Brazil . an orange is actually a type of berry and is filled with vitamin C, so oranges are really healthy for you.There are now over 600 varieties of oranges worldwide. Oranges can range in many different sizes.When an orange first starts to grow they can often be green or yellow and then turn to a ornage Get more content on
  • 16. Apple Financial Analysis Essay TABLE OF CONTENTS 3Apple – An Introduction 3Macroeconomic Trends 4Technical Analysis 5Fundamental Analysis 8Analysis of Financing Activities 8Investments and Capital Budgeting Decisions 10Industry Analysis 11Performance Analysis APPLE INTRODUCTION Established in 1976, Apple ignited the personal computer revolution with the Apple II and the Macintosh. Today, Apple designs, manufactures and markets personal computers, portable digital music players and mobile communication devices as well as related software, services, peripherals and network solutions. Apple sells its products worldwide through its online stores, retail stores, direct sales forces and third party distributors to its core customers–consumers, more content... Financial leverage (measured by the equity multiplier) Over the last three years, Apple's profit margin as well as its efficiency at utilising shareholder equity is increasing–both very positive indicators of a company's health and potential. However, Apple's asset turnover has decreased. This could be due to Apple's accumulation of assets from extensive R&D, a core yet inevitable pillar of its business strategy. Apple should strive to raise this figure in 2009. Despite this, Apple's return on equity is healthy and on the rise. LIQUIDITY 200820072006 Current Ratio2.4622.3612.252 Although Apple's current ratio fell between 2005 and 2006 as current liabilities increased possibly due to increased R&D costs, in 2007 Apple's current ratio is increasing. This is a healthy sign for Apple as it is better able to repay its current liabilities without selling its inventories.
  • 17. Trailing P/E (ttm)18.34 Forward P/E (fye 27–Sep–10)14.80 RELATIVE VALUATION Apple's high trailing P/E ratio indicates that investors see potential and have confidence in the stock, thus moving prices higher. However, investors must consider if this high premium (the high stock price) is justifiable to its growth potential. As the forward P/E ratio is lower than the trailing PE ratio, this suggests that Apple's future growth potential is not as optimistic, especially in the current economic turmoil. ANALYSIS OF FINANCING ACTIVITIES CAPITAL STRUCTURE Get more content on
  • 18. The Enzymatic Browning Of Apples The Enzymatic Browning of Apples Practical experiment: The purpose of the experiment is to measure the level of browning, due to the effects of the enzyme called polyphenol oxidase (phenolase), on apple slices exposed to different Ph. levels. When exposed to oxygen the enzyme catalyzes the reaction creating melanins (brown pigments) on the fruit. Soaking the apple slices in acetic acid, orange juice (ascorbic acid), tap water and calcium carbonate (alkaline) will affect the rate in which the apple slices brown. The reduction of the browning is dependent on the Ph. levels of the soaking solutions, also soaking the apple slice in water will restrict the amount of oxygen that comes into contact with the apple thus temporarily inhibiting the effects of the phenolase. Understanding the Prac: By peeling or cutting fruit and vegetables the enzymes that are stored within the plant cells are released. When in the presence of oxygen the enzyme phenolase catalyzes the biochemical reaction of converting phenolic compounds into melanins. Enzymatic browning occurs optimally between a PH of 5.0 and 7.0. Browning can also occur via the bruising or other injury to the plant tissue, exposing the enzyme to oxygen. Although enzymatic browning is not always a defect, for instance it is required in the process of making raisins, coffee, prunes and cocoa, it does however have significant effects on the fruits and vegetables that do not require browning such as apples. Enzymatic browning not only Get more content on
  • 19. Case Study : Apple Inc. Essay Apple Inc. has launched its iPhone in January 2007 (telegraph) as a new product in the market with latest technology and it was the first multi touch smartphone adding the feature of iPod and received an overwhelmed response by selling 270000 units. It had created a new record for a new company like apple, iPhone had laid a stepping stone for the success of Apple and till this time iPhone is the best seller product of Apple Inc. during first quarter of 2016 apple has sold over 74 million iPhones worldwide. (statista, 2016). I have been hired as an external strategic marketing consultant for Apple Inc. to prepare a report about market development.This report will include a discussion andrecommendations for the strategic management of the market mix using Ansoff Matrix. Reason of report the overall market share of Samsung is more than 21% whereas apple is still at 13.9% which clearly states that there are still many areas in which Apple Inc. can develop its market and get a good numbers. (corporation, 2015) PeriodSamsungAppleHuaweiXiaomiLenovo*Others 2015Q221.4%13.9%8.7%5.6%4.7%45.7% 2014Q224.8%11.6%6.7%4.6%8.0%44.3% 2013Q231.9%12.9%4.3%1.7%5.7%43.6% 2012Q232.2%16.6%4.1%1.0%5.9%40.2% In this report I will include all the positive areas and Recommend for market development for the iPhone to get maximum shares in smartphone market. Range and scope of contents:– The global market of smart phone is increasing according to the need of the consumer Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Kiwi Fruit Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) Family: Actinidiaceae Synonyms: Actinidia chinensis Other names: Chinese gooseberry ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Top of Form Bottom of Form Custom Search Kiwi is among the very few recent introductions which have surpassed in popularity due to its tremendous commercial potential in the sub Himalayan region of India. A native to central China, it is being grown commercially in New Zealand, Italy, USA, Japan, Australia, France, Chile and Spain. In India, kiwi was first planted in the Lal Bagh Gardens at Bangalore as an ornamental tree. With extensive research and development support its commercial cultivation has been extended to the midhills of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu more content... Various types of stem cuttings–hard wood, semi hardwood and soft wood–are quite successful, though the technique and success in rooting varies. The cuttings 0.5– 1.0 cm thick with relatively short internodes and 15– 30 cm long are ideal. Hard wood cuttings are prepared during the dormant season (January–February) from the previous year summer growth. Well matured dormant shoots are used for cutting having at least three healthy bold buds from middle of the shoot. Tips of the shoots should be avoided as they give a very low rate of rooting. The cuttings of the central and basal parts are ideal. Cuttings having more number of spurs should not be selected. The cuttings are treated with IBA (500 ppm) for 10 seconds and set deeply in moist rooting medium. To prevent the cuttings from desiccation and rotting the top portion of the cuttings are waxed. A rooting medium consisting of farmyard manure: sand: leaf compost: soil in the ratio of 1:1:1:1 results in highest rooting in open conditions. The cuttings should be thatched or shaded with shade net. Irrigations are given frequently. Adequate drainage should be provided to keep the nursery bed weed free. As they become about 15. 25 cm high, their terminal growth is pinched off to divert the food and nutrients for root growth and development. Hardwood cuttings can also be raised under intermittent mist in a mist propagation chamber or Get more content on