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An other world
awaits you
Unavoidable new world: async
An other world awaits you
 History of C#

                                                       C# 5.0
                                         C# 4.0
                                                       • Async
                              C# 3.0     • Dynamic
                              • LINQ
                 C# 2.0                                      this

                 • Generics
        C# 1.0
        • Managed

                                            ※this is also a history of VB 7~11
An other world awaits you
 A world which
    makes no freeze
    consumes low power
                                                 C# 5.0
                                                 • Async
 “I could do it since years ago”
    only well-trained developer could
    even well-trained developer did painfully
    too much cost to do
 Behind the async
 Various asynchrony
 Asynchrony in Windows 8/WinRT/.NET 4.5 era
warming up
Power of C# 5.0/VB 11
C# 5.0
 Asynchrony                 the biggest draw
    async/await           today’s main subject

 Caller Info
    CallerFilePath/CallerLineNumber/CallerMemberName属性
 miscellenous changes/bug fixes
    foreach variable
    overload resolution
    side effects from named and positional arguments

C# 5.0のasync/await
 Task class
 async modifier
 await operator
async Task<string> GetAsync(string url)
    var client = new HttpClient();
    var res = await client.GetAsync(url);
    var content = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    return content;

                 asynchronous operation
           with the same flow as synchronous

 • wait for t: synonym is “stay”
 • stay on a thread (blocking execution)

 await t;

 • await t: synonym is “expect”
 • expect to get callback (non-blocking)
More complex example
   Show multiple confirmation dialogs
                  confirmation flow

smithing 1
                                      Yes   confirmationis
                                             material 1      rare item
 confirmation 2         checked?

on a game3
                                                                                showing result



                                      Yes   confirmation was
                                             material 2        smithed before


                                      Yes   confirmation 3 limitation
                                             already over

synchronous operation
if (this.Check1.IsChecked ?? false)
    var result = Dialog.ShowDialog("confirmation 1");
    if (!result) return false;

if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false)
    var result = Dialog.ShowDialog("confirmation 2");
    if (!result) return false;

if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)
    var result = Dialog.ShowDialog("confirmation 3");
    if (!result) return false;

return true;
asynchronous operation (old style)
                                                                                     ←font size is adjusted that
if (this.Check1.IsChecked ?? false)
      Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 1", "1つ目の確認作業", result =>
             if (!result)

                                                                                      whole codes fit on screen

           if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false)
                  Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 2", "2つ目の確認作業", result2 =>

                                                                                        4pt
                        if (!result2)

                      if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)

                                                                                        84 lines
                            Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 =>

                                                                                     FYI
           else if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)
                  Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 =>

                                                                                        this can be refactored with

                                                                                         extracting method in some
else if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false)
      Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 2", "2つ目の確認作業", result =>
             if (!result)


           if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)

                                                                                        more dialogs make this more
                  Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 =>

else if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)
      Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 =>
asynchronous operation(C# 5.0)
if (this.Check1.IsChecked ?? false)
    var result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("confirmation 1");
    if (!result) return false;

if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false)
    var result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("confirmation 2");
    if (!result) return false;

if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)
    var result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("confirmation 3");
    if (!result) return false;

                   • just adding await operator
return true;

                   • easy to show more dialogs
Let’s enter the main subject
async/await looks powerfull, but…
 What’s behind it?
    infrastructure of asynchronous operation
    deep dive into await operator
 Is the await operator good at everything?
    no
       parallelism
       asynchronous event stream
       complex dataflow
infrastructure of
asynchronous operation
Thread Pool, I/O Completion Port, Synchronization Context
Infrastructures for asynchrony
 Thread
 Thread Pool
 I/O Completion Port
 Synchronization Context
Infrastructures for asynchrony
 Thread
 Thread Pool
 I/O Completion Port
 Synchronization Context
 Lowest layer of asynchrony
                                       Worker1                 Worker2
static void Main()
    var t = new Thread(Worker2);              shares a CPU
    t.Start();                                switches periodically

    Preemptive multi-tasking          high-intensity
        coercive interruption with hardware timer
        OS has privilege to switch threads
 Lowest layer of asynchrony
    But, high-intensity

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
    var t = new Thread(Worker);

1000 threads at the same time

    Thread is unsuitable to do a number of small tasks
        switching(called “context switch”) has too high cost
Cost on creating threads
 Memory
    kernel state: about 1kB
    local stack: about 1MB
 Raising event
    Thread Attached/Detached event
Cost on switching threads
 Enter kernel mode
 Save all the old thread registers
 Acquire the dispatch spinlock
 Determine the next thread to run                     fair amount of work
 Leave the dispatch spinlock                          to perform

 Swap the threads kernel state
 Restore the new threads registers
 Leave kernel mode

How to reduce the cost
 Cause of the switching
    scheduled interval
    waiting handle (e.g. lock acquisition)
    waiting synchronous (blocking) I/O

 How to reduce
    Do not create new threads            hard to implement
    lock-free algorithm                  by your self with thread
    asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O
                                          Thread Pool
                                          I/O Completion Port
How to reduce the cost
 Cause of the switching
     scheduled interval
  In .NET world
     waiting handle (e.g. lock acquisition)
    • do not use Thread class
     waiting synchronous (blocking) I/OApps
      It is removed from .NET for Windows Store

     • use: Task class
 How earlier version than .NET 3.5, ThraedPool class,
    In to reduce
        Timer class, or IAsyncResult interface
     Do not create new threads                     hard to implement
     lock-free algorithm                           by your self with thread
     asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O
                                                    Thread Pool
                                                    I/O Completion Port
Infrastructures for asynchrony
 Thread
 Thread Pool
 I/O Completion Port
 Synchronization Context
2 kinds of multi-tasking

   •   coercive interruption with hardware timer
   •   OS has privileges to switch threads
   •   Pros.: fair (OS equally take control away from tasks)
   •   Cons.: high-intensity (switching cost and memory consumption)


   •   each task take responsibility
   •   A task can start after another task finished
   •   Pros.: low-intensity
   •   Cons.: unfair (One bad task could freeze whole system)
Thread Pool
 Reuse strategy for thread
     cooperative task queue
     on small amount of preemptive threads
                              thread pool
                                                small amount
     new task                                    of threads
                     Task 1
                                                ideal: same as CPU core
                     Task 2
 enqueue tasks
before execution

   Scheduler finds a vacant thread and posts a task to the thread
     (creates a new thread only if none are vacant for a while)
Effort for performance
 Work Stealing Queue
    local queue implementation with lock-free algorithm
       to prevent context switch

   global                      local                      local
   queue                      queue 1                    queue 2

                              thread 1                   thread 2
            local queue
            for each thread
                                         steal a task
                                         from others
                                         if local queue is empty
FYI: lock-free algorithm
lock-based                                         synchronization constructs
lock (_sync)                                     depending on OS functionality
{                                                 (needs to enter kernel mode)
    _value = SomeOperation(_value);

                                                   retry when race condition
long oldValue1, oldValue2;                     using Interlocked CPU operation※
                                               high performance on lower racing
    oldValue1 = _value;
    var newValue = SomeOperation(_value);
    oldValue2 = Interlocked.CompareExchange(
        ref _value, newValue, oldValue1);
while (oldValue1 != oldValue2);

             ※   CPU operation which gives assurance of atomicity.
                 This can be performed with much lower-intensity than kernel mode constructs
Infrastructures for asynchrony
 Thread
 Thread Pool
 I/O Completion Port
 Synchronization Context
 No more wait
   × lock
                                    Thread lives, but does nothing
   × synchronous (blocking) I/O     • stack (1MB) not released
   × Thread.Sleep                   • context switch triggered
                                     • thread pool exhausted

   ○ asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O
   ○ Timer (Task.Delay)                I/O Completion Port
 Input/Output
    communication between inside and outside of CPU
    much slower than CPU operation by several orders

                                                     never wait!
                                       user input


                                       hardware timer
I/O completion port
    I/O without waiting
         registers callback
         executes callback on thread pool after I/O completed

                     apps     main thread                thread pool

                                                        task 1
                                         callback       task 2
  Thread is released just              registration

after callback registration

       I/O completion port          begin I/O end I/O

DO use asynchronous API
 Things may look alike but…

   Task.Run(() => req.GetResponse());

   • blocking I/O on new thread
   • thread not released


   • non-blocking I/O with I/O completion port
   • thread released just after callback registration
Sleep is evel (e.g. Sleep Sort)
 Sort by thread sleep proportional to value
    joke algorithm
 × sleep on new thread
 new Thread(_ => { Thread.Sleep(t); q.Enqueue(x); }).Start();

                         each element needs a new thread
                              1MB stack per element

 ○timer and callback
 Task.Delay(t).ContinueWith(_ => q.Enqueue(x));
Never provide problematic APIs
 APIs on Windows 8
      any method that takes more than 50 ms
     is exposed as an asyncronous operation
   WinRT
      Storage, Networking, Graphics
      Launcher, Popups
   brand-new class in .NET 4.5
      e.g. HttpClient
   .NET for Windows Store Apps
      removal of blocking I/O API, Thread class, etc.
Infrastructures for asynchrony
 Thread
 Thread Pool
 I/O Completion Port
 Synchronization Context
Single thread required
 Thread safety costs high-intensity

 Several framework requires single-threaded
    typical example: GUI
       GUI framework (not only C#/.NET) requires single threaded
       same applies to low-level graphics APIs (including DirectX,
UI thread
 GUI requires single-threaded execution (UI thread)
    handles user input
    updates graphics

           UI thread                  another thread
  ユーザー                     graphics

   unable to                 unable to update
    respond                from another thread

                      Updatable only from
                           UI thread

   Blocking UI thread
    causes UI freeze

Solution for the inconsistency
1. Offloads heavy work on thread pool
2. Returns work result to UI thread to update UI
          UI thread                   another thread

                                               heavy work


                                        message dispatcher
Code sample
 In WPF※
  Task.Run(() =>
      var result = HeavyWork();

        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
            this.List.ItemsSource = result;

             • Looks like difficult
             • Really required?
             • I want automatic dispatch. Is it possible?

                       ※   WPF, Silverlight, and WinRT have slightly different versions
For automatic dispatch
 Execution has a “context”
    called “synchronization context”
  context         requirement
  thread pool     Tasks may be executed on any thread
                  Most important thing is performance
  GUI             Task must be executed on UI thread to
                  update UI
  Web API         Tasks must be executed with the
                  identity and culture of the Web request
    Need to capture appropriate synchronization context for
     automatic dispatch

                          ※   You can also create your own synchronization context
SynchronizationContext class
   var context = SynchronizationContext.Current;

   Task.Run(() =>
   {                                      Capture appropriate
       var result = HeavyWork();
                                          synchronization context
         context.Post(r =>
             this.List.ItemsSource = (IEnumerable<int>)r;
         }, result);

 Is everything OK? Let’s automate!
                    unfortunately, no
 UI context cannot be captured from thread pool
    crash when BackgroundWorker starts another
 Message dispatch to UI thread has performance hit
    tasks should be executed on thread pool as much as
     possible for perfomance
 Native ⇔ .NET
    WinRT XAML UI (native implementation) cannot automate
     capture synchronization context for .NET apps

                          JavaScript has no problem to automate
                          The reason is:
                          • single purpose, single framework, single context
                          • small requirement on performance
Thus, options required
 TaskSchduler options
   default scheduler (thread pool)
   Task.Run(() => HeavyWork())
       .ContinueWith(t =>
           // executed on thread pool

   scheduler capturing synchronization context
   Task.Run(() => HeavyWork())
       .ContinueWith(t =>
           // executed on UI thread
       }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
FYI: await operator
 Captures synchronization context by default
   default behavior (capturing synchronization context)
   var result = await Task.Run(() => HeavyWork());

   configuration not to capture context
   var result = await Task.Run(() => HeavyWork())

 Synchronization context is captured at “await”
    at user code, not inside framework
    await operator can capture context even with WinRT
     (native implementation)
Various Asynchrony
await is not silver bullet
Scope of await (1)
 1 roundtrip, pull-based asynchronous operation
   Offloading heavy work
           UI thread                      another thread

                                                   heavy work

           var result = await Task.Run(() => HeavyWork());
Scope of await (2)
 1 roundtrip, pull-based asynchronous operation
   Asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O
           UI thread                   I/O completion port
                                             begin I/O

                                              end I/O

           var result = await client.GetAsync();
Scope of await (3)
 1 roundtrip, pull-based asynchronous operation
   showing dialog box
           UI thread                      GUI framework
                  show dialog

          user interaction with dialog


           var result = await dialog.ShowAsync();

                                No way to nest UI thread
                                UI thread must be released before user interaction
Out of scope
 parallelism
 asynchronous event stream
 complex dataflow
 Demand to use power of whole CPU core
    Parallel class
       Parallel.ForEach(data, x =>
           // operation in parallel

    Parallel LINQ
       var results = data.AsParallel()
           .Select(x => /* operation in parallel */);
asynchronous event stream
 multiple data, push-based                      event
                                               consumer               source
      sensor API                                  resister handler

      push notification from server
      user interaction (GUI event)                 notify event

                                                    notify event

                                                    notify event
void Init()
    var sensor = Accelerometer.GetDefault();        notify event
    sensor.Shaken += sensor_Shaken;

void sensor_Shaken(
    Accelerometer sender,
    AccelerometerShakenEventArgs args)
    // event handling
event stream-based API in WinRT
 Event raised on native code
    × automatic dispatch to .NET apps
        void Init()
            var sensor = Accelerometer.GetDefault();
            sensor.Shaken += sensor_Shaken;

        void sensor_Shaken(
            Accelerometer sender,
            AccelerometerShakenEventArgs args)
            // event handling     requires explicit
                                                  use of
event stream-based API in WinRT
 Recommended: Rx※

     var sensor = Accelerometer.GetDefault();

     Observable.FromEventPattern(sensor, "Shaken")
         .Subscribe(args =>
             // event handling    similar to TaskScheduler

                          ※   Reactive Extensions
                              NuGet-able, applicable to Windows Store Apps
complex dataflow
 Await operator achieves asynchrous with same
  control flow as synchronous operation

 If flow is complex on synchronous, it is also
  complex on asynchronous with await
    two-dimensional dataflow
    state machine
complex dataflow
 Recommended:
   WF (Windows Workflow Foundation)
   TPL Dataflow
how to await
deep dive into async/await
 No more wait            task.ContinueWith(
    use callback             callback);

    suspend and resume     same as iterator

 Synchronization context
 suspend and resume
                              class MethodEnumerator : IEnumerator<int>
                                  public int Current { get; private set; }
                                  private int _state = 0;

                                  public bool MoveNext()
                                      switch (_state)
                                          case 0:
  IEnumerable<int> Method()
  {                                       Current = 1;
                                          _state = 1;
      yield return 1;                     return true;
                                          case 1:

                                          Current = 2;
      yield return 2;                     _state = 2;
                                          return true;
                                          case 2:

  }                                       return false;
 suspend and resume
                              class MethodEnumerator : IEnumerator<int>
                                  public int Current { get; private set; }
                                  private int _state = 0;

                                  public bool MoveNext()
                                      switch (_state)
                                          case 0:
                                                                save state
  IEnumerable<int> Method()           Current = 1;
  {                                      Current = 1;
      yield return 1;
                                      _state = 1;
                                         _state = 1;
                                         return true;
                                      return 1:
                                         case true;          suspend
                                      case 1: = 2;

                                         return true; label for resume
      yield return 2;                    _state = 2;

                                           case 2:

  }                                        return false;
How to await (conceptual)
 Iterator + ContinueWith

                                          save state
                             _state = 1;
                             if (!task1.IsCompleted)
  async Task<int> Method()   {
  {                              task1.ContinueWith(a);
      var x = await task1;
      var y = await task2;       return;    suspend
  }                          }
                             case 1:    label for resume
                             var x = task1.Result;

                                        get result
How to await
 In fact, bit more complex
    Abstraction with awaiter(awaitable pattern)

     _state = 1;
     var awaiter1 = task1.GetAwaiter();
     if (!awaiter1.IsCompleted)
         awaiter1.OnCompleted(a);   • Awaiter captures
         return;                      synchronization context
     }                              • You can create your own
     case 1:                          awaiter
     var x = awaiter1.GetResult();
                                     • Any type can be awaitable
On the contrary
 If unable to use C# 5.0
    You can use iterator for asynchronous operation

                                  but painful

 If unable to use C# (any version)
    You can implement IEnumerable-like operation by
     yourself for asynchronous operation

                                extremely painful
                                 but performant
                                    I eager to use C#, really…
 Do not use thread (Thread class)
    use thread pool (Task class)
 await
    × wait (stay), ○ await (expect)
        iterator (suspend and resume) + ContinueWith (callback)

    synchronization context
 await is not silver bullet
    parallelism, asynchronous event stream
    complex dataflow

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An other world awaits you

  • 1. An other world awaits you Unavoidable new world: async
  • 2. An other world awaits you  History of C# C# 5.0 C# 4.0 • Async C# 3.0 • Dynamic • LINQ C# 2.0 this • Generics C# 1.0 asynchrony • Managed ※this is also a history of VB 7~11
  • 3. An other world awaits you  A world which  makes no freeze  consumes low power C# 5.0 • Async  “I could do it since years ago”  only well-trained developer could  even well-trained developer did painfully too much cost to do
  • 4. Agenda  Behind the async  Various asynchrony  Asynchrony in Windows 8/WinRT/.NET 4.5 era
  • 6. C# 5.0  Asynchrony the biggest draw  async/await today’s main subject  Caller Info  CallerFilePath/CallerLineNumber/CallerMemberName属性  miscellenous changes/bug fixes  foreach variable  overload resolution  side effects from named and positional arguments
  • 7. C# 5.0のasync/await  Task class  async modifier  await operator async Task<string> GetAsync(string url) { var client = new HttpClient(); var res = await client.GetAsync(url); var content = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return content; } asynchronous operation with the same flow as synchronous
  • 8. await t.Wait(); • wait for t: synonym is “stay” • stay on a thread (blocking execution) await t; • await t: synonym is “expect” • expect to get callback (non-blocking)
  • 9. More complex example  Show multiple confirmation dialogs confirmation flow smithing 1 confirmation Yes confirmationis material 1 rare item items confirmation 2 checked? on a game3 confirmation showing result No confirm 【cancelled】 Yes confirmation was material 2 smithed before checked? No start! Yes confirmation 3 limitation already over checked? No
  • 10. synchronous operation if (this.Check1.IsChecked ?? false) { var result = Dialog.ShowDialog("confirmation 1"); if (!result) return false; } if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false) { var result = Dialog.ShowDialog("confirmation 2"); if (!result) return false; } if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false) { var result = Dialog.ShowDialog("confirmation 3"); if (!result) return false; } return true;
  • 11. asynchronous operation (old style)  ←font size is adjusted that if (this.Check1.IsChecked ?? false) { Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 1", "1つ目の確認作業", result => { if (!result) { whole codes fit on screen onComplete(false); return; } if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false) { Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 2", "2つ目の確認作業", result2 => {  4pt if (!result2) { onComplete(false); return; } if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false)  84 lines { Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 => { onComplete(result3); }); } else onComplete(true);  FYI }); } else if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false) { Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 => { onComplete(result3); });  this can be refactored with } else onComplete(true); }); } extracting method in some else if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false) { Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 2", "2つ目の確認作業", result => { if (!result) degree { onComplete(false); return; } if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false) {  more dialogs make this more Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 => { onComplete(result); }); } complex else onComplete(true); }); } else if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false) { Dialog.BeginShowDialog("確認 3", "3つ目の確認作業", result3 => { onComplete(result3); }); } else onComplete(true);
  • 12. asynchronous operation(C# 5.0) if (this.Check1.IsChecked ?? false) { var result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("confirmation 1"); if (!result) return false; } if (this.Check2.IsChecked ?? false) { var result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("confirmation 2"); if (!result) return false; } if (this.Check3.IsChecked ?? false) { var result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("confirmation 3"); if (!result) return false; } • just adding await operator return true; • easy to show more dialogs
  • 13. Let’s enter the main subject async/await looks powerfull, but…  What’s behind it?  infrastructure of asynchronous operation  deep dive into await operator  Is the await operator good at everything?  no  parallelism  asynchronous event stream  complex dataflow
  • 14. infrastructure of asynchronous operation Thread Pool, I/O Completion Port, Synchronization Context
  • 15. Infrastructures for asynchrony  Thread  Thread Pool  I/O Completion Port  Synchronization Context
  • 16. Infrastructures for asynchrony  Thread  Thread Pool  I/O Completion Port  Synchronization Context
  • 17. Thread  Lowest layer of asynchrony Worker1 Worker2 static void Main() { var t = new Thread(Worker2); shares a CPU t.Start(); switches periodically Worker1(); }  Preemptive multi-tasking high-intensity  coercive interruption with hardware timer  OS has privilege to switch threads
  • 18. Thread  Lowest layer of asynchrony  But, high-intensity for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var t = new Thread(Worker); t.Start(); } 1000 threads at the same time  Thread is unsuitable to do a number of small tasks  switching(called “context switch”) has too high cost
  • 19. Cost on creating threads  Memory  kernel state: about 1kB  local stack: about 1MB  Raising event  Thread Attached/Detached event
  • 20. Cost on switching threads  Enter kernel mode  Save all the old thread registers  Acquire the dispatch spinlock  Determine the next thread to run fair amount of work  Leave the dispatch spinlock to perform  Swap the threads kernel state  Restore the new threads registers  Leave kernel mode ※
  • 21. How to reduce the cost  Cause of the switching  scheduled interval  waiting handle (e.g. lock acquisition)  waiting synchronous (blocking) I/O  How to reduce  Do not create new threads hard to implement  lock-free algorithm by your self with thread  asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O alternatives: Thread Pool I/O Completion Port
  • 22. How to reduce the cost  Cause of the switching  scheduled interval In .NET world  waiting handle (e.g. lock acquisition) • do not use Thread class  waiting synchronous (blocking) I/OApps It is removed from .NET for Windows Store • use: Task class  How earlier version than .NET 3.5, ThraedPool class, In to reduce Timer class, or IAsyncResult interface  Do not create new threads hard to implement  lock-free algorithm by your self with thread  asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O alternatives: Thread Pool I/O Completion Port
  • 23. Infrastructures for asynchrony  Thread  Thread Pool  I/O Completion Port  Synchronization Context
  • 24. 2 kinds of multi-tasking Preemptive • coercive interruption with hardware timer • OS has privileges to switch threads • Pros.: fair (OS equally take control away from tasks) • Cons.: high-intensity (switching cost and memory consumption) Cooperative • each task take responsibility • A task can start after another task finished • Pros.: low-intensity • Cons.: unfair (One bad task could freeze whole system)
  • 25. Thread Pool  Reuse strategy for thread  cooperative task queue  on small amount of preemptive threads thread pool small amount queue new task of threads Task 1 ideal: same as CPU core Task 2 enqueue tasks before execution … Scheduler finds a vacant thread and posts a task to the thread (creates a new thread only if none are vacant for a while)
  • 26. Effort for performance  Work Stealing Queue  local queue implementation with lock-free algorithm  to prevent context switch global local local queue queue 1 queue 2 thread 1 thread 2 ① local queue ② for each thread steal a task from others if local queue is empty
  • 27. FYI: lock-free algorithm lock-based synchronization constructs lock (_sync) depending on OS functionality { (needs to enter kernel mode) _value = SomeOperation(_value); } lock-free(interlocked-based) retry when race condition long oldValue1, oldValue2; using Interlocked CPU operation※ do { high performance on lower racing oldValue1 = _value; var newValue = SomeOperation(_value); oldValue2 = Interlocked.CompareExchange( ref _value, newValue, oldValue1); } while (oldValue1 != oldValue2); ※ CPU operation which gives assurance of atomicity. This can be performed with much lower-intensity than kernel mode constructs
  • 28. Infrastructures for asynchrony  Thread  Thread Pool  I/O Completion Port  Synchronization Context
  • 29. run-through  No more wait  × lock Thread lives, but does nothing  × synchronous (blocking) I/O • stack (1MB) not released  × Thread.Sleep • context switch triggered • thread pool exhausted  ○ asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O  ○ Timer (Task.Delay) I/O Completion Port
  • 30. I/O  Input/Output  communication between inside and outside of CPU  much slower than CPU operation by several orders never wait! user input networking CPU storage hardware timer
  • 31. I/O completion port  I/O without waiting  registers callback  executes callback on thread pool after I/O completed apps main thread thread pool task 1 callback task 2 Thread is released just registration … after callback registration I/O completion port begin I/O end I/O hardware
  • 32. DO use asynchronous API  Things may look alike but… Task.Run(() => req.GetResponse()); • blocking I/O on new thread • thread not released req.GetResponseAsync(); • non-blocking I/O with I/O completion port • thread released just after callback registration
  • 33. Sleep is evel (e.g. Sleep Sort)  Sort by thread sleep proportional to value  joke algorithm × sleep on new thread new Thread(_ => { Thread.Sleep(t); q.Enqueue(x); }).Start(); each element needs a new thread 1MB stack per element ○timer and callback Task.Delay(t).ContinueWith(_ => q.Enqueue(x));
  • 34. Never provide problematic APIs  APIs on Windows 8 any method that takes more than 50 ms is exposed as an asyncronous operation  WinRT  Storage, Networking, Graphics  Launcher, Popups  brand-new class in .NET 4.5  e.g. HttpClient  .NET for Windows Store Apps  removal of blocking I/O API, Thread class, etc.
  • 35. Infrastructures for asynchrony  Thread  Thread Pool  I/O Completion Port  Synchronization Context
  • 36. Single thread required  Thread safety costs high-intensity  Several framework requires single-threaded execution  typical example: GUI  GUI framework (not only C#/.NET) requires single threaded  same applies to low-level graphics APIs (including DirectX, OpenGL)
  • 37. UI thread  GUI requires single-threaded execution (UI thread)  handles user input  updates graphics UI thread another thread ユーザー graphics からの入力 update OK unable to unable to update respond from another thread
  • 38. Inconsistency single-threaded Updatable only from UI thread OK Blocking UI thread causes UI freeze multi-threaded
  • 39. Solution for the inconsistency 1. Offloads heavy work on thread pool 2. Returns work result to UI thread to update UI UI thread another thread Task.Run heavy work Dispatcher.Invoke update OK message dispatcher
  • 40. Code sample  In WPF※ Task.Run(() => { var result = HeavyWork(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.List.ItemsSource = result; }); }); • Looks like difficult • Really required? • I want automatic dispatch. Is it possible? ※ WPF, Silverlight, and WinRT have slightly different versions
  • 41. For automatic dispatch  Execution has a “context”  called “synchronization context” context requirement thread pool Tasks may be executed on any thread Most important thing is performance GUI Task must be executed on UI thread to update UI Web API Tasks must be executed with the identity and culture of the Web request  Need to capture appropriate synchronization context for automatic dispatch ※ You can also create your own synchronization context
  • 42. SynchronizationContext class var context = SynchronizationContext.Current; Task.Run(() => { Capture appropriate var result = HeavyWork(); synchronization context context.Post(r => { this.List.ItemsSource = (IEnumerable<int>)r; }, result); });  Is everything OK? Let’s automate! unfortunately, no
  • 43. Problem  UI context cannot be captured from thread pool  crash when BackgroundWorker starts another BackgroundWorker  Message dispatch to UI thread has performance hit  tasks should be executed on thread pool as much as possible for perfomance  Native ⇔ .NET  WinRT XAML UI (native implementation) cannot automate capture synchronization context for .NET apps JavaScript has no problem to automate The reason is: • single purpose, single framework, single context • small requirement on performance
  • 44. Thus, options required  TaskSchduler options default scheduler (thread pool) Task.Run(() => HeavyWork()) .ContinueWith(t => { // executed on thread pool }); scheduler capturing synchronization context Task.Run(() => HeavyWork()) .ContinueWith(t => { // executed on UI thread }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
  • 45. FYI: await operator  Captures synchronization context by default default behavior (capturing synchronization context) var result = await Task.Run(() => HeavyWork()); configuration not to capture context var result = await Task.Run(() => HeavyWork()) .ConfigureAwait(false);  Synchronization context is captured at “await”  at user code, not inside framework  await operator can capture context even with WinRT (native implementation)
  • 46. Various Asynchrony await is not silver bullet
  • 47. Scope of await (1)  1 roundtrip, pull-based asynchronous operation Offloading heavy work UI thread another thread Task.Run heavy work await var result = await Task.Run(() => HeavyWork());
  • 48. Scope of await (2)  1 roundtrip, pull-based asynchronous operation Asynchronous (non-blocking) I/O UI thread I/O completion port Task.Run begin I/O await end I/O var result = await client.GetAsync();
  • 49. Scope of await (3)  1 roundtrip, pull-based asynchronous operation showing dialog box UI thread GUI framework show dialog user interaction with dialog OK await var result = await dialog.ShowAsync(); No way to nest UI thread UI thread must be released before user interaction
  • 50. Out of scope  parallelism  asynchronous event stream  complex dataflow
  • 51. parallelism  Demand to use power of whole CPU core  Parallel class Parallel.ForEach(data, x => { // operation in parallel });  Parallel LINQ var results = data.AsParallel() .Select(x => /* operation in parallel */);
  • 52. asynchronous event stream event  multiple data, push-based event consumer source  sensor API resister handler  push notification from server  user interaction (GUI event) notify event notify event notify event void Init() { var sensor = Accelerometer.GetDefault(); notify event sensor.Shaken += sensor_Shaken; } void sensor_Shaken( Accelerometer sender, AccelerometerShakenEventArgs args) { // event handling }
  • 53. event stream-based API in WinRT  Event raised on native code  × automatic dispatch to .NET apps void Init() { var sensor = Accelerometer.GetDefault(); sensor.Shaken += sensor_Shaken; } void sensor_Shaken( Accelerometer sender, AccelerometerShakenEventArgs args) { // event handling requires explicit use of } Dispatcher.Post
  • 54. event stream-based API in WinRT  Recommended: Rx※ var sensor = Accelerometer.GetDefault(); Observable.FromEventPattern(sensor, "Shaken") .ObserveOn(SynchronizationContext.Current) .Subscribe(args => { // event handling similar to TaskScheduler }); ※ Reactive Extensions NuGet-able, applicable to Windows Store Apps
  • 55. complex dataflow  Await operator achieves asynchrous with same control flow as synchronous operation  If flow is complex on synchronous, it is also complex on asynchronous with await  two-dimensional dataflow  state machine
  • 56. complex dataflow  Recommended:  WF (Windows Workflow Foundation)   TPL Dataflow 
  • 57. how to await deep dive into async/await
  • 58. run-through  No more wait task.ContinueWith(  use callback callback);  suspend and resume same as iterator  Synchronization context
  • 59. Iterator  suspend and resume class MethodEnumerator : IEnumerator<int> { public int Current { get; private set; } private int _state = 0; public bool MoveNext() { switch (_state) { case 0: IEnumerable<int> Method() { Current = 1; _state = 1; yield return 1; return true; case 1: Current = 2; yield return 2; _state = 2; return true; case 2: default: } return false; } } }
  • 60. Iterator  suspend and resume class MethodEnumerator : IEnumerator<int> { public int Current { get; private set; } private int _state = 0; public bool MoveNext() { switch (_state) { case 0: save state IEnumerable<int> Method() Current = 1; { Current = 1; yield return 1; _state = 1; _state = 1; return true; return 1: case true; suspend case 1: = 2; Current return true; label for resume yield return 2; _state = 2; case 2: default: } return false; } } }
  • 61. How to await (conceptual)  Iterator + ContinueWith save state _state = 1; if (!task1.IsCompleted) async Task<int> Method() { { task1.ContinueWith(a); var x = await task1; var y = await task2; return; suspend } } case 1: label for resume var x = task1.Result; get result
  • 62. How to await  In fact, bit more complex  Abstraction with awaiter(awaitable pattern) _state = 1; var awaiter1 = task1.GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter1.IsCompleted) { awaiter1.OnCompleted(a); • Awaiter captures return; synchronization context } • You can create your own case 1: awaiter var x = awaiter1.GetResult(); • Any type can be awaitable
  • 63. On the contrary  If unable to use C# 5.0  You can use iterator for asynchronous operation but painful  If unable to use C# (any version)  You can implement IEnumerable-like operation by yourself for asynchronous operation extremely painful but performant I eager to use C#, really…
  • 65. Conclusion  Do not use thread (Thread class)  use thread pool (Task class)  await  × wait (stay), ○ await (expect)  iterator (suspend and resume) + ContinueWith (callback)  synchronization context  await is not silver bullet  parallelism, asynchronous event stream  complex dataflow