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An introduction to Microsoft Graph
for developers
PartII – AdvancedTopics
Identity Developer Advisors
November 21st, 2019 Kalyan Krishna
Sr Program Manager-Identity Division
 What is Microsoft Graph?
 Why did we build Microsoft Graph?
 Common Scenarios
 Developing applications for Microsoft Graph
 The app topology
 Permissions & Consent
 SDKs
 The app patterns
 Code walkthrough – Manage Users
 The Big Picture
Microsoft Graph: gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud
Single API for:
1.Accessing data
/me, /users, /groups, /messages, /drive, ….
2.Traversing data
3.Accessing insights
4.Work/School and Personal
What is Microsoft Graph?
Try it now..
Microsoft Graph Explorer –
Microsoft Graph
Insights and relationships
Files Notes
NotesPeopleUsers ExcelTasksMailGroups
Eclipse or
Android Studio
Visual Studio REST
Your choice of technology (.NET, JS, HTML, Ruby, etc.)
Microsoft Azure
Other hosting
(IIS, LAMP, etc.)
and Authorization OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0
Users can consent for their data or admin can consent for all users Only admin can consent
Permission type: applicationPermission type: delegated
Get access on behalf of users Get access as a service
Effective permissionEffective permission
Microsoft Graph SDKs, samples and tooling
• Provides support for common tasks such
• Models and request builders for
• Paging through collections.
• Creating batch requests.
• More..
• Embedded support for
• Retry handling
• Secure redirects
• Payload compression
• More..
Improve your application's interactions with
Microsoft Graph, without adding complexity
• Designed to simplify building high-
quality, efficient, and resilient
applications that access Microsoft
• Available to be included in your
projects via GitHub and popular
platform package managers
• The library contains models and
request builders that are generated
from Microsoft Graph metadata
Microsoft Graph SDKs
• For .NET, separate SDKs available for:
• /V1.0 -$metadata
• /beta -$metadata
Microsoft Graph .NET Authentication Provider Library
 Microsoft Graph .NET authentication library provides a set of
OAuth scenario-centric authentication providers that implement
 Uses Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) under the hood to
handle access token acquisition and storage.
 Its still in prerelease, so , use the –prerelease flag in Nuget fetch
Install-Package Microsoft.Graph.Auth -PreRelease
• Harness the power of Graph beyond the REST Api.
• Build more resilient, performant and fault-tolerant applications.
• Using the Graph SDK
• Pagination
• Optimizations
• Change Tracking
• Delta Queries
• Notifications
• Batching
• Throttling & Error Handling
• Extending Graph
Get a free Azure AD tenant for development purposes
The Code from previous session:
For Change notifications, we’d use the following sample, please download:
We’d use ngrok to demo notifications. Register and download the free tool from :
The updated code for this session:
To build an app..
• Use Graph explorer and the Docs to:
• Locate all the Apis you’d need to call
• Locate all the permissions your app will be requesting
• Register your app with the identity platform
• Configure app permissions
• Use MSAL for sign-in and get a token for Graph
• Make calls using Graph SDK (preferred) or REST APIs
GET: /users/kkrishna
"displayName": "Kalyan Krishna",
"givenName": "Kalyan",
GET: /users/kkrishna/photo/$value
GET: /users/kkrishna/manager
{"displayName": “Beatriz…}
GET: /users/kkrishna/directReports
"value" : [
{"displayName": “Tiago…},
{"displayName": “Mani…}
GET: /me/memberOf/…
"value" : [
{"displayName": “Microsoft Graph…},
{"displayName": “Azure AD Identity Champs…}]
Tiago Mani
With the
// Initialize and prepare MSAL
// Initialize the Graph SDK authentication provider
InteractiveAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider =
new InteractiveAuthenticationProvider(app, scopes);
GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient =
new GraphServiceClient(authenticationProvider);
// Call the /me Api
var me = graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine($"Display Name from /me-{me.DisplayName}");
Graph uses server-side
page size limits
When querying
collections, Graph may
return the results in
many pages
Always expect an
property in the response
Contains the URL to the next page
Always handle the
possibility that the
responses are paged
in nature
Follow the
to obtain the next
page of results
Final page will not
contain an
Treat the entire URL
as an opaque string
with SDK
// call /me/memberOf Api
var mygroups = await graphServiceClient.Me.MemberOf.Request().GetAsync();
int pagenum = 1;
if (mygroups != null){
// Page through results
foreach (var directoryObject in mygroups.CurrentPage)
if (directoryObject is Group)
Group group = directoryObject as Group;
Console.WriteLine($"Page #-{pagenum}- Group:{group.DisplayName}");
// are there more pages (Has a @odata.nextLink ?)
if (mygroups.NextPageRequest != null)
mygroups = await mygroups.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
mygroups = null;
} while (mygroups != null);
Querying data | Use projections
Choose the properties your
app really needs and no
Don’t send
unnecessary data over
the wire
Use $select
Querying data | Use filters
$filter=department eq ‘Sales’ & $select=givenName,mail
Choose the records your
app really needs and no
Don’t send
unnecessary data over
the wire
Use $filter
POST/PATCH/PUT | no response required
If your code doesn’t need
to get a response, then opt
Don’t send
unnecessary data over
the wire
Prefer return=minimal
request header
Track changes | Delta query
Need to cache or store Microsoft
Graph data locally, and keep that
data up to date, or track changes to
data for any other reasons
Use delta query
Stop retrieving data your application already has!
Minimizes network traffic
Reduces the likelihood of reaching a throttling
Allows retrieving changes since you last requested them
Check the Delta query overview page for supported resources
Use the /delta function to request changes
Store returned the deltaLink for subsequent requests
Use $select to narrow what you want changes for
Track changes | Delta query
Track changes | Webhooks
Client apps use notifications to
update their state upon changes
Use webhook
notifications as the
trigger to make
delta query calls
Difficult to figure out optimal polling interval
• Translate an email when it arrives
• Start a Flow when a document is X many months old
• Create new user accounts in your application when a user joins an
Track changes | Webhooks
Microsoft Graph webhook subscriptions – high level overview
Subscription request1
Subscription response – HTTP 201 Created2
• Outlook message
• Outlook event
• Outlook personal contact
• user
• group
• Office 365 group conversation
• Content within the hierarchy of any folder driveItem on a user's
personal OneDrive
• Content within the hierarchy of the root folder driveItem on
OneDrive for Business
• Security alert
Check the webhooks docs for the latest list of supported resources.
Token validation and notification responses
HTTP POST /subscriptions + subscription in body
HTTP POST ?validationToken=XYZ
HTTP 200 OK + token in body
HTTP 201 CREATED + subscription in body
HTTP POST + notifications in body
HTTP GET resource
HTTP 200 OK + resource
WebHooks create request example
Content-Type: application/json
"resource": "/users",
"changeType": "updated",
"clientState": "SecretClientState",
"notificationUrl": "",
"expirationDateTime": "2019-22-23T15:41:22.3774877+00:00"
"value": [
"changeType": "updated",
"clientState": "SecretClientState",
"resource": "Users/695a3e1d-2e9f-4d24-aa3c-ac795c16f25c",
"resourceData": {
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Graph.User",
"": "Users/695a3e1d-2e9f-4d24-aa3c-ac795c16f25c",
"id": "695a3e1d-2e9f-4d24-aa3c-ac795c16f25c",
"organizationId": "979f4440-75dc-4664-b2e1-2cafa0ac67d1",
"sequenceNumber": 637048551305855700
"subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2019-09-23T17:09:24.8176341+00:00",
"subscriptionId": "9697c441-8375-4651-9c5a-bb85b9da005a",
"tenantId": "979f4440-75dc-4664-b2e1-2cafa0ac67d1"
WebHooks notification
• You should expect throttling and
handle it with retries.
• Microsoft Graph returns status code
429 and a retry-after value.
• Limits on read operations are much
higher than on write.
• When using /$batch, errors are
returned for individual requests
Throttling HTTP/1.1 200 OK <- the batch request was successful, however
some requests may have failed
{"responses": [ {
"id": “myRequest1",
"status":429, <-this request was throttled and should be
"headers" : {"Retry-After":"9"},
“body”: {
"error": {
"code": "TooManyRequests",
} } },
"id": “myRequest2",
"status":204, <-this request succeeded
“body": {
} }
with SDK
var messages = await graphServiceClient.Me.Messages.Request()
.WithScopes(new string[] { "Mail.Read" })
Error Best practice
403 How did this happen? My application got consent!
The signed-in user does not have privileges to access the resource requested.
Tip: Provide a generic "Access denied" error back to the signed-in user.
404 How did this happen? I just got this resource!
Resource not yet provisioned (like a user's photo)
Resource has been deleted
Tip: Watch for restore - your application should also take this into account.
429 Your app should always be prepared to be throttled.
Tip: Honor the HTTP Retry-After response header to recover
Tip: Rate limit to stay below throttle limits
503 Service is busy
Tip: Retry – but employ a back-off strategy similar to 429
Tip: Additionally, always make new retry requests over a new HTTP connection
Handle expected errors
Mobile client app needs to get
signed-in user’s profile AND avatar
Use JSON batching
Performance gains through multiplexing
Save the application significant network latency
Conserves connection resources
Lower bandwidth consumption
Extending Microsoft Graph
Add app specific user
profile data
Your app
Your app
Open extensions - a flexible way to add untyped app data directly to a resource instance.
extensionName is the only pre-defined, writeable property, must be unique within the tenant
Schema extensions - Define schema extension definition and extend resource instances with
strongly-typed custom data.
The schema discoverable and shareable, can be used in filtering.
Adding custom data to resources in Microsoft-Graph
• Open extensions, are accessible through the extensions
navigation property of the resource instance
• The extensionName property is the only pre-defined, writable
property in an open extension
• When creating an open extension, you must assign the
extensionName property a name that is unique within the
Create Request
Content-type: application/json
Open extensions example
Creation Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.openTypeExtension",
"extensionName": "com.contoso.roamingSettings",
"id": "com.contoso.roamingSettings",
"theme": "dark",
"color": "purple",
"lang": "Japanese"
Open extensions example
Update the data in the open extension
Content-type: application/json
"theme": "light",
"color": "yellow",
"lang": "Swahili"
HTTP/1.1 204 No content
Open extensions example
Retrieve roaming profile information
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-length: 420
"id": "84b80893-8749-40a3-97b7-68513b600544",
"displayName": "John Smith",
"mail": "",
"mobilePhone": "1-555-6589",
"extensions": [
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.openTypeExtension",
"extensionName": "com.contoso.roamingSettings",
"id": "com.contoso.roamingSettings",
"theme": "dark",
"color": "purple",
"lang": "Japanese"
Open extensions example
Define schema extension definition and extend resource instances with strongly-typed custom data.
Discoverable by other apps via status property
Schema extensions are complex types, enabling use of HTTP verbs:
• POST to specify custom data when creating a new resource instance
• GET to read the custom data
• PATCH to add or update in an existing resource instance
• PATCH to set the complex type to null, deleting the custom data
View existing schema extensions
POST GET$filter=id eq
Content-type: application/json
"value": [
"id": "graphlearn_test",
"description": "Yet another test schema",
"targetTypes": [
"status": "Available",
"owner": "24d3b144-21ae-4080-943f-7067b395b913",
"properties": [
"name": "testName",
"type": "String"
Schema extensions example
Register a new schema extension - Request
Content-type: application/json
"id": "graphlearn_courses",
"description": "Graph Learn training courses extensions",
"targetTypes": [
"properties": [
"name": "courseId",
"type": "Integer"
"name": "courseName",
"type": "String"
"name": "courseType",
"type": "String"
Schema extensions example
Register a new schema extension – Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-length: 420
Content-type: application/json
"id": "graphlearn_courses",
"description": "Graph Learn training courses extensions",
"targetTypes": [
"status": "InDevelopment",
"owner": "24d3b144-21ae-4080-943f-7067b395b913",
"properties": [
"name": "courseId",
"type": "Integer"
"name": "courseName",
"type": "String"
"name": "courseType",
"type": "String"
Schema extensions example
Populate a schema extension (a group)
Content-Type: application/json
"displayName": "New Managers March 2017",
"description": "New Managers training course for March 2017",
"groupTypes": [ "Unified" ],
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "newMan201703",
"securityEnabled": false,
"graphlearn_courses": {
"courseId": "123",
"courseName": "New Managers",
"courseType": "Online"
Schema extensions example
Populate a schema extension (a group)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-length: 420
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "dfc8016f-db97-4c47-a582-49cb8f849355",
"createdDateTime": "2017-02-09T00:17:05Z",
"description": "New Managers training course for March 2017",
"displayName": "New Managers March 2017",
"groupTypes": [
"mail": "",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "newMan201703",
"securityEnabled": false,
"theme": null,
"visibility": "Public"
Schema extensions example
Add update and remove data in a schema extension (a group)
Content-length: 230
Content-Type: application/json
"graphlearn_courses": {
"courseId": "123",
"courseName": "New Managers",
"courseType": "Online"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Schema extensions example
Microsoft NDA Confidential
Identity and Security Collaborative Engineering
Next Steps
• Visit our docs @
• Connect with us via:
• Ask questions to the team:
• Submit new feature and service requests @
Microsoft Confidential
Engage with us!
Topic Feedback type Forum URL Who supports
All identity developer
topics (Auth libraries, MS
Graph, App Registration
developer Support for
Questions and Answers
Stack Overflow
Supported by Microsoft and
Authentication Libraries –
Library issues, bugs, open
source contributions
Azure AD teams manage issues, bugs
and review/ approve contribution
Azure AD, MS
Graph, Libraries, App
Registration – Developer
Feature requests,
suggestions for product
Azure Feedback
Azure Feedback for Authentication and also for portal
specific feedback. User Voice for Microsoft
Azure AD teams triage feature
All identity developer
topics (Auth libraries, MS
Graph, App Registration
Discussion with other
MVPs and NDA
Yammer Identity
Developer Advisors
Engagement with Identity Advisors
and Microsoft product groups
Identity developer topics
for Auth
Delve deep into complex
identity related
development topics live Community Office Hours
azuread Twitter handle and the
Microsoft Tech community
Opportunity to make questions and
answers in real time to product teams
via live conference
All developer topics Assisted support for
Customer Service and
More information on support options:
Direct 1:1 help from our support
engineering teams
and Samples
• Install the Microsoft Graph SDKs
• Authentication Providers for Microsoft Graph .NET SDK
• Graph SDK design
• Microsoft Graph Uservoice
• Best practices for working with Microsoft Graph
• Use query parameters to customize responses
• Combine multiple requests in one HTTP call using JSON batching
• BatchRequestContent
• Add custom data to resources using extensions
• Configuring directory extension optional claims
• Microsoft Graph resources
• Microsoft Graph SDK beta
• Office 365 Developer Program
• Paging Microsoft Graph data in your app
Join the Developer Program
Free renewable Office 365 E3 subscription
Be your own admin
Dev sandbox creation tools
Preload sample users and data for Microsoft Graph, and more
Access to Microsoft 365 experts
Join bootcamps and monthly community calls
Tools, training and documentation
Learn, discover and explore about Office 365 development
Blogs, newsletters and social
Stay up to date with the community
Microsoft Graph
Gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud
Users, Groups, Organizations
Device Relay
Azure AD
Identity Manager
Advanced Threat Analytics
Advanced Threat Protection
Mail, Calendar,
Contacts and Tasks
Sites and Lists
Drives and Files
Channels, Messages
Tasks and Plans
Notes, and more…
Identity Management
Access Control
Administrative Units
Applications and Devices
Advanced Threat Analytics
Advanced Threat Protection
and more…
Office 365 Windows 10 Enterprise Mobility + Security
Dynamics 365
Business Central

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An introduction to Microsoft Graph for developers

  • 1. An introduction to Microsoft Graph for developers PartII – AdvancedTopics Identity Developer Advisors November 21st, 2019 Kalyan Krishna Sr Program Manager-Identity Division kalyankrishna1
  • 3.  What is Microsoft Graph?  Why did we build Microsoft Graph?  Common Scenarios  Developing applications for Microsoft Graph  The app topology  Permissions & Consent  SDKs  The app patterns  Code walkthrough – Manage Users  The Big Picture PAGE 3
  • 4. Microsoft Graph: gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud
  • 5. Single API for: 1.Accessing data /me, /users, /groups, /messages, /drive, …. 2.Traversing data /drive/items/<id>/lastmodifiedByUser 3.Accessing insights /insights/trending 4.Work/School and Personal Accounts What is Microsoft Graph?
  • 6.
  • 7. Try it now.. Microsoft Graph Explorer –
  • 8. Microsoft Graph Insights and relationships Calendar Personal Contacts Files Notes Org Contacts NotesPeopleUsers ExcelTasksMailGroups Data XCode Eclipse or Android Studio Visual Studio REST Development Environment YOUR APP Your choice of technology (.NET, JS, HTML, Ruby, etc.) Microsoft Azure Other hosting (IIS, LAMP, etc.) Solution Authentication and Authorization OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0
  • 9. Users can consent for their data or admin can consent for all users Only admin can consent Delegated permissions App Permissions App permissions Permission type: applicationPermission type: delegated Get access on behalf of users Get access as a service Effective permissionEffective permission
  • 12.
  • 13. Microsoft Graph SDKs, samples and tooling
  • 14. • Provides support for common tasks such as • Models and request builders for entities • Paging through collections. • Creating batch requests. • More.. • Embedded support for • Retry handling • Secure redirects • Payload compression • More.. Improve your application's interactions with Microsoft Graph, without adding complexity • Designed to simplify building high- quality, efficient, and resilient applications that access Microsoft Graph • Available to be included in your projects via GitHub and popular platform package managers • The library contains models and request builders that are generated from Microsoft Graph metadata
  • 15. Microsoft Graph SDKs • For .NET, separate SDKs available for: • /V1.0 -$metadata • /beta -$metadata
  • 16. Microsoft Graph .NET Authentication Provider Library  Microsoft Graph .NET authentication library provides a set of OAuth scenario-centric authentication providers that implement Microsoft.Graph.IAuthenticationProvider  Uses Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) under the hood to handle access token acquisition and storage.  Its still in prerelease, so , use the –prerelease flag in Nuget fetch Install-Package Microsoft.Graph.Auth -PreRelease
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Aboutthissession Objectives • Harness the power of Graph beyond the REST Api. • Build more resilient, performant and fault-tolerant applications. Topics • Using the Graph SDK • Pagination • Optimizations • Change Tracking • Delta Queries • Notifications • Batching • Throttling & Error Handling • Extending Graph
  • 20. Prerequisitesforcoding: Get a free Azure AD tenant for development purposes The Code from previous session: For Change notifications, we’d use the following sample, please download: We’d use ngrok to demo notifications. Register and download the free tool from : The updated code for this session:
  • 21. To build an app.. • Use Graph explorer and the Docs to: • Locate all the Apis you’d need to call • Locate all the permissions your app will be requesting • Register your app with the identity platform • Configure app permissions • Use MSAL for sign-in and get a token for Graph • Make calls using Graph SDK (preferred) or REST APIs directly
  • 22.
  • 23. profile GET: /users/kkrishna { "displayName": "Kalyan Krishna", "givenName": "Kalyan", "jobTitle": "SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER", } GET: /users/kkrishna/photo/$value GET: /users/kkrishna/manager {"displayName": “Beatriz…} GET: /users/kkrishna/directReports "value" : [ {"displayName": “Tiago…}, {"displayName": “Mani…} ] GET: /me/memberOf/… "value" : [ {"displayName": “Microsoft Graph…}, {"displayName": “Azure AD Identity Champs…}] Beatriz manager Tiago Mani directReports Groups memberOf
  • 24. With the SDK // Initialize and prepare MSAL [Redacted] // Initialize the Graph SDK authentication provider InteractiveAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new InteractiveAuthenticationProvider(app, scopes); GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(authenticationProvider); // Call the /me Api var me = graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync().Result; Console.WriteLine($"Display Name from /me-{me.DisplayName}");
  • 25.
  • 26. Pagination Graph uses server-side page size limits When querying collections, Graph may return the results in many pages Always expect an @odata.nextLink property in the response Contains the URL to the next page
  • 27. Request 1. Always handle the possibility that the responses are paged in nature 2. Follow the @odata.nextLink to obtain the next page of results 3. Final page will not contain an @odata.nextLink property 4. Treat the entire URL as an opaque string
  • 28. Easier with SDK // call /me/memberOf Api var mygroups = await graphServiceClient.Me.MemberOf.Request().GetAsync(); int pagenum = 1; if (mygroups != null){ do { // Page through results foreach (var directoryObject in mygroups.CurrentPage) { if (directoryObject is Group) { Group group = directoryObject as Group; Console.WriteLine($"Page #-{pagenum}- Group:{group.DisplayName}"); } } // are there more pages (Has a @odata.nextLink ?) if (mygroups.NextPageRequest != null) { mygroups = await mygroups.NextPageRequest.GetAsync(); pagenum++; } else { mygroups = null; } } while (mygroups != null); }
  • 29.
  • 30. Querying data | Use projections GET $select=givenName,mail Choose the properties your app really needs and no more Don’t send unnecessary data over the wire Tip Use $select
  • 31. Querying data | Use filters GET $filter=department eq ‘Sales’ & $select=givenName,mail Choose the records your app really needs and no more Don’t send unnecessary data over the wire Tip Use $filter
  • 32. POST/PATCH/PUT | no response required If your code doesn’t need to get a response, then opt out Don’t send unnecessary data over the wire Tip Use HTTP Prefer return=minimal request header
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Track changes | Delta query Scenario Need to cache or store Microsoft Graph data locally, and keep that data up to date, or track changes to data for any other reasons Tip Use delta query Why Stop retrieving data your application already has! Minimizes network traffic Reduces the likelihood of reaching a throttling threshold
  • 36. Allows retrieving changes since you last requested them Check the Delta query overview page for supported resources Use the /delta function to request changes Store returned the deltaLink for subsequent requests Use $select to narrow what you want changes for Track changes | Delta query
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. Track changes | Webhooks Scenario Client apps use notifications to update their state upon changes Tip Use webhook notifications as the trigger to make delta query calls Why Difficult to figure out optimal polling interval
  • 40. • Translate an email when it arrives • Start a Flow when a document is X many months old • Create new user accounts in your application when a user joins an organization Track changes | Webhooks Example Scenarios
  • 41. Microsoft Graph webhook subscriptions – high level overview Groups FilesCalendar Messages Meetings User People Devices Coworkers Insights Chats Teams Tasks Microsoft Graph Subscription request1 Subscription response – HTTP 201 Created2 Notifications3
  • 42. Supported resources • Outlook message • Outlook event • Outlook personal contact • user • group • Office 365 group conversation • Content within the hierarchy of any folder driveItem on a user's personal OneDrive • Content within the hierarchy of the root folder driveItem on OneDrive for Business • Security alert Check the webhooks docs for the latest list of supported resources.
  • 43. Token validation and notification responses Application HTTP POST /subscriptions + subscription in body HTTP POST ?validationToken=XYZ HTTP 200 OK + token in body HTTP 201 CREATED + subscription in body HTTP POST + notifications in body HTTP 202 ACCEPTED HTTP GET resource HTTP 200 OK + resource
  • 44. WebHooks create request example GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions POST Content-Type: application/json { "resource": "/users", "changeType": "updated", "clientState": "SecretClientState", "notificationUrl": "", "expirationDateTime": "2019-22-23T15:41:22.3774877+00:00" }
  • 45. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions POST { "value": [ { "changeType": "updated", "clientState": "SecretClientState", "resource": "Users/695a3e1d-2e9f-4d24-aa3c-ac795c16f25c", "resourceData": { "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Graph.User", "": "Users/695a3e1d-2e9f-4d24-aa3c-ac795c16f25c", "id": "695a3e1d-2e9f-4d24-aa3c-ac795c16f25c", "organizationId": "979f4440-75dc-4664-b2e1-2cafa0ac67d1", "sequenceNumber": 637048551305855700 }, "subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2019-09-23T17:09:24.8176341+00:00", "subscriptionId": "9697c441-8375-4651-9c5a-bb85b9da005a", "tenantId": "979f4440-75dc-4664-b2e1-2cafa0ac67d1" } ] } WebHooks notification
  • 47.
  • 49. • You should expect throttling and handle it with retries. • Microsoft Graph returns status code 429 and a retry-after value. • Limits on read operations are much higher than on write. • When using /$batch, errors are returned for individual requests Throttling HTTP/1.1 200 OK <- the batch request was successful, however some requests may have failed {"responses": [ { "id": “myRequest1", "status":429, <-this request was throttled and should be retried "headers" : {"Retry-After":"9"}, “body”: { "error": { "code": "TooManyRequests", } } }, { "id": “myRequest2", "status":204, <-this request succeeded “body": { … } } ]}
  • 50. Easier with SDK var messages = await graphServiceClient.Me.Messages.Request() .WithMaxRetry(5) .WithScopes(new string[] { "Mail.Read" }) .GetAsync(); Throttling
  • 51. Error Best practice 403 How did this happen? My application got consent! The signed-in user does not have privileges to access the resource requested. Tip: Provide a generic "Access denied" error back to the signed-in user. 404 How did this happen? I just got this resource! Resource not yet provisioned (like a user's photo) Resource has been deleted Tip: Watch for restore - your application should also take this into account. 429 Your app should always be prepared to be throttled. Tip: Honor the HTTP Retry-After response header to recover Tip: Rate limit to stay below throttle limits 503 Service is busy Tip: Retry – but employ a back-off strategy similar to 429 Tip: Additionally, always make new retry requests over a new HTTP connection Handle expected errors
  • 53. Batching Scenario Mobile client app needs to get signed-in user’s profile AND avatar Tip Use JSON batching Why Performance gains through multiplexing Save the application significant network latency Conserves connection resources Lower bandwidth consumption
  • 54.
  • 56. Extending Microsoft Graph Add app specific user profile data Your app Data Your app
  • 57. Open extensions - a flexible way to add untyped app data directly to a resource instance. extensionName is the only pre-defined, writeable property, must be unique within the tenant Schema extensions - Define schema extension definition and extend resource instances with strongly-typed custom data. The schema discoverable and shareable, can be used in filtering. Adding custom data to resources in Microsoft-Graph
  • 59. Open Extensions • Open extensions, are accessible through the extensions navigation property of the resource instance • The extensionName property is the only pre-defined, writable property in an open extension • When creating an open extension, you must assign the extensionName property a name that is unique within the tenant.
  • 60. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Create Request POST Content-type: application/json { "@odata.type":"microsoft.graph.openTypeExtension", "extensionName":"com.contoso.roamingSettings", "theme":"dark", "color":"purple", "lang":"Japanese" } Open extensions example
  • 61. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Creation Response HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-type: application/json { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.openTypeExtension", "extensionName": "com.contoso.roamingSettings", "id": "com.contoso.roamingSettings", "theme": "dark", "color": "purple", "lang": "Japanese" } Open extensions example
  • 62. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Update the data in the open extension Request PATCH Content-type: application/json { "theme": "light", "color": "yellow", "lang": "Swahili" } Response HTTP/1.1 204 No content Open extensions example
  • 63. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Retrieve roaming profile information Request GET$select=id,displayName,mail,mobilePhone&$expand=extensions Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-length: 420 { "id": "84b80893-8749-40a3-97b7-68513b600544", "displayName": "John Smith", "mail": "", "mobilePhone": "1-555-6589", "extensions": [ { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.openTypeExtension", "extensionName": "com.contoso.roamingSettings", "id": "com.contoso.roamingSettings", "theme": "dark", "color": "purple", "lang": "Japanese" } ] } Open extensions example
  • 65. Schema Extensions Versatility Define schema extension definition and extend resource instances with strongly-typed custom data. Discoverable by other apps via status property Schema extensions are complex types, enabling use of HTTP verbs: • POST to specify custom data when creating a new resource instance • GET to read the custom data • PATCH to add or update in an existing resource instance • PATCH to set the complex type to null, deleting the custom data
  • 66. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions View existing schema extensions POST GET$filter=id eq 'graphlearn_test’ Content-type: application/json { "value": [ { "id": "graphlearn_test", "description": "Yet another test schema", "targetTypes": [ "User", "Group" ], "status": "Available", "owner": "24d3b144-21ae-4080-943f-7067b395b913", "properties": [ { "name": "testName", "type": "String" } ] } ] } Schema extensions example
  • 67. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Register a new schema extension - Request POST Content-type: application/json { "id": "graphlearn_courses", "description": "Graph Learn training courses extensions", "targetTypes": [ "Group" ], "properties": [ { "name": "courseId", "type": "Integer" }, { "name": "courseName", "type": "String" }, { "name": "courseType", "type": "String" } ] } Schema extensions example
  • 68. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Register a new schema extension – Response HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-length: 420 Content-type: application/json { "id": "graphlearn_courses", "description": "Graph Learn training courses extensions", "targetTypes": [ "Group" ], "status": "InDevelopment", "owner": "24d3b144-21ae-4080-943f-7067b395b913", "properties": [ { "name": "courseId", "type": "Integer" }, { "name": "courseName", "type": "String" }, { "name": "courseType", "type": "String" } ] } Schema extensions example
  • 69. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Populate a schema extension (a group) Request POST Content-Type: application/json { "displayName": "New Managers March 2017", "description": "New Managers training course for March 2017", "groupTypes": [ "Unified" ], "mailEnabled": true, "mailNickname": "newMan201703", "securityEnabled": false, "graphlearn_courses": { "courseId": "123", "courseName": "New Managers", "courseType": "Online" } } Schema extensions example
  • 70. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Populate a schema extension (a group) Response POST HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-length: 420 Content-Type: application/json { "id": "dfc8016f-db97-4c47-a582-49cb8f849355", "createdDateTime": "2017-02-09T00:17:05Z", "description": "New Managers training course for March 2017", "displayName": "New Managers March 2017", "groupTypes": [ "Unified" ], "mail": "", "mailEnabled": true, "mailNickname": "newMan201703", "securityEnabled": false, "theme": null, "visibility": "Public" } Schema extensions example
  • 71. GET$select=id,displayName,mail&$expand=extensions Add update and remove data in a schema extension (a group) Request PATCH Content-length: 230 Content-Type: application/json { "graphlearn_courses": { "courseId": "123", "courseName": "New Managers", "courseType": "Online" } } Response HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Schema extensions example
  • 72.
  • 73. Microsoft NDA Confidential Identity and Security Collaborative Engineering Next Steps • Visit our docs @ • Connect with us via: • Ask questions to the team: • Submit new feature and service requests @
  • 74. Microsoft Confidential Engage with us! Topic Feedback type Forum URL Who supports All identity developer topics (Auth libraries, MS Graph, App Registration portals) Community-driven developer Support for Questions and Answers Stack Overflow re-active-directory+or+microsoft- graph+or+azure-ad-conditional-access Supported by Microsoft and community Authentication Libraries – ADAL, MSAL, Auth Middleware Library issues, bugs, open source contributions GitHub directory/develop/active-directory- authentication-libraries Azure AD teams manage issues, bugs and review/ approve contribution Azure AD, MS Graph, Libraries, App Registration – Developer Experiences Feature requests, suggestions for product improvements Azure Feedback Azure Feedback for Authentication and also for portal specific feedback. User Voice for Microsoft Graph Azure AD teams triage feature requests All identity developer topics (Auth libraries, MS Graph, App Registration portals) Discussion with other MVPs and NDA community Yammer Identity Developer Advisors ds/inGroup?type=in_group&feedId=5800064 Engagement with Identity Advisors and Microsoft product groups Identity developer topics for Auth Delve deep into complex identity related development topics live Community Office Hours azuread Twitter handle and the Microsoft Tech community Opportunity to make questions and answers in real time to product teams via live conference All developer topics Assisted support for developers Customer Service and Support More information on support options: Direct 1:1 help from our support engineering teams
  • 75. References and Samples • Install the Microsoft Graph SDKs • Authentication Providers for Microsoft Graph .NET SDK • Graph SDK design • Microsoft Graph Uservoice • Best practices for working with Microsoft Graph • Use query parameters to customize responses • Combine multiple requests in one HTTP call using JSON batching • BatchRequestContent • Add custom data to resources using extensions • Configuring directory extension optional claims • Microsoft Graph resources • Microsoft Graph SDK beta • Office 365 Developer Program • Paging Microsoft Graph data in your app
  • 76. Join the Developer Program Benefits Free renewable Office 365 E3 subscription Be your own admin Dev sandbox creation tools Preload sample users and data for Microsoft Graph, and more Access to Microsoft 365 experts Join bootcamps and monthly community calls Tools, training and documentation Learn, discover and explore about Office 365 development Blogs, newsletters and social Stay up to date with the community
  • 77. Microsoft Graph Gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud Users, Groups, Organizations Outlook SharePoint OneDrive Teams Planner Excel OneNote Activities Device Relay Commands Notifications Azure AD Intune Identity Manager Advanced Threat Analytics Advanced Threat Protection Mail, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks Sites and Lists Drives and Files Channels, Messages Tasks and Plans Spreadsheets Notes, and more… Identity Management Access Control Synchronization Domains Administrative Units Applications and Devices Advanced Threat Analytics Advanced Threat Protection Alerts Policies and more… Office 365 Windows 10 Enterprise Mobility + Security Dynamics 365 Business Central

Editor's Notes

  2. With Microsoft Graph, apps and services can leverage this incredibly rich data set from M365 thanks to the Microsoft Graph service, which directs the calls to the right source so developer don’t need to know where exactly the data lives. Graph also aggregates calls for efficiency and performance, and allows the developer to easily traverse the graph of data. This way, it’s easy to build an app that – for example – based on a security alert in a tenant, can traverse the graph to see which users might be affected, and for each user, which devices and documents might be affected – thus making it easy to connect data from across many services to solve for real business scenarios. And some of these scenarios include : building apps for identity-centric scenarios - where users, and other AAD-centric and directory data is at the center – for example, like pulling in who is someone's manager or what organization they are in. Devs can build apps with richer content – Access deep insights generated from usage patterns, such as trending documents, best team meeting times, or who people typically work with. Devs can also build apps with deep insights based on machine learning algorithms that power some of the Graph APIs. And finally devs can build apps with real time updates of the data – for businesses that run in real time. Developers can respond to changes in Microsoft Graph data in real time. For example, reschedule a meeting based on responses, notify others when a file is modified, or continue a process after it's been approved. We’re super excited to make Microsoft Graph the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365 and give developers a unified programmability model to take advantage of the tremendous amount of data in Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Windows 10. And we’ve also recently added Dynamics 365 Business Central data in Microsoft Graph.
  3. Demos with graph explorer: Prep: Navigate to Sign in and consent if prompted In the txt box type the requests bellow to showcase the API Click GO or press enter to execute the request and see the API call results. Demo Intro: This is a web application built for showcasing requests and responses of Microsoft Graph hosted under I’m logged in to this application using my credentials and I will show you how using this single endpoint I can access data across services in Office 365 and Azure. Requests: /ME Talking point: is an API that aggregates information across services. Starting with the user, I can make request to get my profile using the shortcut /me. This requests goes and gets my basic profile information from Azure AD, my picture from Exchange and my extended profile from SharePoint, like my interests and skills$select=skills /USERS Talking point: in a similar fashion I can get the same information for other users in my organization, including organizational structure$filter=Department eq ‘Extensibility’ /MESSAGES and /EVENTS Talking point: using the same endpoint I can get access to my messages and calendar from Exchange$top=5$skip=5&$orderBy=DateTimeCreated$search=”from:dan” --- Use CTRL+F to use browser search to find Dan$top5 /FILES Talking point: and files from OneDrive for Business. Furthermore, I can navigate to a particular file and see the profile of the last person who modified it<id><id>/lastModifiedByUser<id>/lastModifiedByUser/manager /GROUPS Talking point: Microsoft Graph is also the API front for Office 365 Groups, where users can collaborate and have conversations, shared calendar and shared files. Using is the way to go to access all of the group’s information, for both management and content. Information groups is coming from multiple services, including AAD, SharePoint and Exchange and growing to OneNote and others.$filter=groupType eq ‘Unified’<id> – Select a unified group on ID /<id>/members<id>/drive/root/children<id>/conversations<id>/events /TRENDINGAROUND and /PEOPLE Talking point: Now, I think you have all heard about our intelligent services and the insight and relationships that we calculate based on user activity in the service. Microsoft Graph exposes those APIs as well. Here is where we take all of the data across Office 365 services and the signals collected based on user’s activity, and combine them and process them through a whole bunch of machine learning, relevance and ranking algorithms that return inferred and calculated insights and relationships between entities. These relationships between people, content and interactions that occur across Office 365. /WORKBOOK – EXCEL API Talking point: Do you need to calculate, analyze, automate, report on or manage data in your app? Well, look no further at building these capabilities yourself – using the new Excel REST API, you have the power and simplicity of Excel at your fingertips (or a few simple HTTP calls) for all of your app’s calculation needs.'Sheet1') PATCH'Sheet1')/range(address='A1:A6')/format/fill { color: "#FF0000" }      
  4. Microsoft Tech Summit FY17
  5. Get a free Azure AD tenant for development purposes The Code from previous session: For Change notifications, we’d use the following sample, please download: We’d use ngrok to demo notifications. Register and download the free tool from : The updated code for this session:
  6. Application model How this works – what’s an application, service principal, permissions, consent
  7. Embedded collections can be paginated too. Different APIs might have different default and maximum page sizes. Different APIs might behave differently if you specify a page size (via the $top query parameter) that exceeds the maximum page size for that API. Depending on the API, the requested page size might be ignored, it might default to the maximum page size for that API, or Microsoft Graph might return an error. Not all resources or relationships support paging. For example, queries against directoryRoles do not support paging. This includes reading role objects themselves as well as role members.
  8. For some operations, such as PUT and PATCH (and in some cases POST), if your application doesn't need to make use of a response payload, you can ask the API to return minimal data. Note that some services already return a 204 No Content response for PUT and PATCH operations. Note: Request minimal representation responses using an HTTP request header where appropriate: Prefer: return=minimal. Note that for creation operations, this might not be appropriate because your application may expect to get the service generated id for the newly created object in the response.
  9.$select=displayName,description&$expand=members The delta function. A state token (deltaToken or skipToken) from the previous GET delta function call. The application begins by calling a GET request with the delta function on the desired resource. Microsoft Graph sends a response containing the requested resource and a state token. a. If a nextLink URL is returned, there may be additional pages of data to be retrieved in the session. The application continues making requests using the nextLink URL to retrieve all pages of data until a deltaLink URL is returned in the response. b. If a deltaLink URL is returned, there is no more data about the existing state of the resource to be returned. For future requests, the application uses the deltaLink URL to learn about changes to the resource. When the application needs to learn about changes to the resource, it makes a new request using the deltaLink URL received in step 2. This request may be made immediately after completing step 2 or when the application checks for changes. Microsoft Graph returns a response describing changes to the resource since the previous request, and either a nextLink URL or a deltaLink URL.
  11. Webhooks are HTTP requests made from Microsoft Graph to a web endpoint that you configure when creating the subscription. The endpoint uses HTTPS protocol, the endpoint must be publicly accessible (you cannot register an endpoint that is non-routable or behind a firewall such as https://localhost). During testing you can use a proxy such as ngrok.
  13. Your application sends an HTTP POST to the Microsoft graph endpoint Microsoft sends an HTTP POST to the URL with a queryString ?validationToken. Your application has 10 seconds to reply with a 200 OK and the token in the response body. If your API replies within the 10 seconds, the response to the original request is finally sent back to the application Finally, your API will receive notifications for the given resource for the duration of the subscription, your application needs to update the subscription request prior to the timeout. When your application receives a notification, it can then make a request back to Microsoft Graph to request additional information about the changed resource. The initial subscription request includes a client state, which should be matched against the client state value sent from Microsoft. Your API has about 10 seconds to reply to a notification with an HTTP 202 before Microsoft will re-send the request.
  14. The changeType, notificationUrl, resource, and expirationDateTime properties are required. See subscription resource type for property definitions and values. The resource property specifies the resource that will be monitored for changes. For example, you can create a subscription to a specific mail folder: me/mailFolders('inbox')/messages or on behalf of a user given by an administrator consent: users/'inbox')/messages. Although clientState is not required, you must include it to comply with our recommended notification handling process. Setting this property will allow you to confirm that notifications you receive originate from the Microsoft Graph service. For this reason, the value of the property should remain secret and known only to your application and the Microsoft Graph service.
  15. The changeType, notificationUrl, resource, and expirationDateTime properties are required. See subscription resource type for property definitions and values. The resource property specifies the resource that will be monitored for changes. For example, you can create a subscription to a specific mail folder: me/mailFolders('inbox')/messages or on behalf of a user given by an administrator consent: users/'inbox')/messages. Although clientState is not required, you must include it to comply with our recommended notification handling process. Setting this property will allow you to confirm that notifications you receive originate from the Microsoft Graph service. For this reason, the value of the property should remain secret and known only to your application and the Microsoft Graph service.
  16. While your application should handle all error responses (in the 400 and 500 ranges), some special attention should be paid to certain expected errors and responses, which are highlighted below.
  17. JSON batching allows you to optimize your application by combining multiple requests into a single JSON object. For example, a client might want to compose a view of unrelated data such as: An image stored in OneDrive A list of Planner tasks The calendar for a group Batch requests are always sent using POST to the /$batch endpoint. Batch size is limited to 20
  18. Important: You should not use extensions to store sensitive personally identifiable information, such as account credentials, government identification numbers, cardholder data, financial account data, healthcare information, or sensitive background information.
  19. Open extensions (formerly known as Office 365 data extensions) are open types that offer a flexible way to add untyped app data directly to a resource instance.
  20. CRUD operations are supported
  21. CRUD operations are supported The same permissions that are required to read from or write to a specific resource are also required to read from or write to any extensions data on that resource. Additionally, to create and manage schema extension definitions, an application must be granted the Directory.AccessAsUser.All permission.
  22. One more way of looking at what Microsoft Graph has to offer is by looking at the resources is exposes These services and the suite of products behind them, have core entities that drive user productivity and the one of the first steps on my journey to serve you as a developer is to expose these core entities in a coherent and consistent form so that you can interact with them and use them in your tailored solutions.