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An Essay About My Last Two Days
Thur. 11/16: I failed an exam in a class so I went to talk to the professor for that to see how I can improve for the next exam and ask about the
overall grading. It turned out that the professor didn't grade the exam, the TA did. He told me how ridiculous my answers were; he said that he was
surprised that the TA gave me so many points (I was the lowest in the class). In the moment, I tried to respectfully defend myself, but his words kept
repeating in my mind afterwards.
Mon. 11/20: I had an exam in another class. I was really anxious about it because of what that professor said a few days before. It turns out that I did
decent on the exam. My anxiety that day was as bad as it was the day my dad was getting surgery more content...
Thur. 11/30: I had the second exam for the class with the mean professor. The TV spent 30 mins trying to explain the question. It was only one
question. In total, we had 3.5 hours to do the exam; I still didn't finish it.
This always happens when I'm really busy with school work; right before midterms or finals; when a project is due. I get annoyed because it's
inconvenient, but it makes sense that I "boil over" during periods of high stress. There's a room jampacked with stuff I don't want to deal with in my
heart. When I put all my energy towards staying afloat in CU, I let down guard and the door to the room opens. It's an overwhelming feeling; it feels
like I'm drowning; it feels like I'm gasping for air; it feels like I want to scream, but I don't have a voice. I want to ask for help, but I'm afraid of people
seeing all the stuff spread out everywhere. What is all the stuff?
I mentioned this month sucks. I have assignments, projects, and exams every week until Christmas. I spent Thanksgiving freaking out about
everything I had to do for good reason. For a second, I thought these next couple weeks wouldn't be so bad, but my anxiety kindly reminded me why
I should be worried. I try to get at least six hours of sleep, but when I'm so stressed out my body needs way more than that. I'm not going to step
down from IV (mostly because they won't let me). I feel like such a slacker, though; they've been
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Why I Want To Go Exchange Essay
Why go exchange There is one main reason why I want to participate in the exchange program, and it is learning. I do not mean studying in
university, since it is our duty to do so as a student, but In my opinion, the merit of going abroad to study is not only being able to study in a
different environment, or studying in a famous university. What I wish for myself most throughout the exchange program is to develop my insight. I
believe my knowledge and certain ways of thinking is sometimes shallow since I was born and raised in Japan, and only a few months in another
country. I have put effort a lot in developing my insight, but still I think there is a chance to improve myself through going exchange. As I said,
knowledge can be harvested not only from schools, but through interaction and experience. The main goal of going exchange might be studying in a
university, but my life there would not only be in a university, but a whole new, more content...
I especially find enthusiasm in cultural anthropology. When I study various cultures and their customs, it is filled with knowledge and wisdom which I
have never come across with. Anthropology is full of fascination and astonishment. In Canada, there are many ethnic groups and first nations such as
the Eskimo and other native Indian tribes. I have visited various first nation museums and national parks, but I have grasped only the surface of their
culture and history, even though they take an essential place in Canadian history. Although I identify myself as one Canadian, I feel a little ashamed
that I do not know the history and culture of those people. Therefore, I want to study the Eskimo by actually going to Canada, the native land of those
people because I am hoping that I can learn more about the Eskimos in that way compared to staying in japan and studying about them. That's the
reason I want to go to the university of British
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What I Have Learned in My Writing Course
I have been a student at San Jose States University for second years, English 1A was my first regular English class, and over the course of my stay I
have grown and learned a lot. As Hospitality major, I do not know whether need my writing skills for future job, but I know the great experience in
English 1A class would help me to improve all my writing weakness.
Writing used to be one of my strengths, but throughout my coursework in this semester, it was challenging to take the first step to approach my first
draft. I was always taken a long time to think about the thesis and introduction because I personally felt both were very important for the entire essay in
order to attract readers. Merely, I could not make my thesis clear and good as always. Therefore, I would get some inspiration from my friends or
tutors, or watched drama and news; this would be my first step to write a first draft. Unlike in High School, we have assigned at least 1200 words
essay, and greatly opened my mind to develop a deeper understanding of each topic. For my writing habit, when I first look at the topic, I would
think about what professor taught us in class or search some websites for stimulating more inspiration. Especially working on critical response essay
or opinion essay, these two types of essays were required to write an argument and to be more thoughtful. It is difficult to identity some controversy
topics in my knowledge as an English learner. Although I have always been a thinker and I
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My Struggle with Writing Drafts Essay
Writing drafts is something I struggle with every time I have to do an essay. It takes me over two hours to finish an introduction. Once done with the
introduction the body of the essay easy until I get to the conclusion, which is when my struggle to complete the draft returns. I believe the introduction
of a draft is one of the most difficult parts for me of writing a draft because it is hard to come up with ideas for the introduction. Then the conclusion
is hard because I have to find a way to restate what took me so long to come up with for the introduction. Ultimately, I will be able to complete a draft
without difficulty for if I do them step by step and by write down my ideas and information before beginning anything and not more content...
It did not take much time to finish my introduction and from there the rest of the essay was quite easy. The conclusion was not that hard because since
I had the information for the introduction I was able to use the same notes for the conclusion, making it easier for me to do. Also I have learned
that by doing the draft step by step as in introduction, body, and conclusion also helped me get through the process of writing the draft. Not doing
all the draft at once really helped because if did not feel the pressure of having to finish it all together. First, I would do the introduction and then
maybe thirty or sixty minutes later, I would do the body, then after another short brake, I would do the conclusion. This has helped a lot with my
draft because between those breaks I would think of something else to include in the paper. As well as giving my self time to think this way of
drafting gave me an opportunity to check me paper more thoroughly because I would check each section individually and that way I found
mistakes I would have missed before. Though some of the things that I did to help me make my drafts easier to complete, help like the ones above
other did not. I tried doing a draft all at once without stopping and that did not help much. By the time I got to the end and I reread what I had written
before I would forget the other details I had wanted to add. The other way I tried to make
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Writing is a difficult process. Not everyone can pick it up as easily as others do. There are steps in order to have a good piece of writing. Once that
is accomplished, there are infinite possibilities to what writing can do. Writing is a magical medium that requires time and practice to master. Writing
is extraordinary, it allows the author to express himself in ways they wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. In "What Writing Is: from On Writing: A
Memoir of the Craft, author and novelist Stephen King claims, writing is "telepathy" (305). Telepathy a form of magic that allows two people to
communicate without speaking (306). The only other way to perform telepathy is to use magic. Since writing allows anyone with any amount of talent more content...
After outlining and creating a basic thesis, I am usually able to create a good first draft. It took a while to develop this process. It only happened
out of habit from having to write outline for a different writing class. However, having an outline helps with having motivation to write. I usually
write over the outline so I am not staring at a blank page. It tricks my brain into thinking that I have written some part of the essay on the page. Not
only does having an outline make it easier to begin writing, it makes the text clearer. If I hadn't written without an outline, I would have written
everything and anything that came into mind whether it related to my topic or not, which would cause confusion to anyone reading the text. Diaz's
difficulties with writing helps beginning writers to understand that even professional authors have trouble writing. The novelist and author Anne
Lamott expresses how first drafts should be terrible in "Shitty First Drafts" from her book Bird by Bird (301).Before a perfect third draft there is
an okay second draft and an awful first draft (301). It's near impossible to write a perfect text in one try, there needs to be a draft where anything can
and does happen (302). Throughout almost all of my writing experience, I never wrote first drafts. I never liked to write so I wanted to keep it to a
minimum. The first draft was also the final draft no matter how bad it was and no matter how much
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Many people have a habit of writing differently and it can be good or bad. In the essay "The Importance of Writing Badly," Bruce Ballenger
encourages students to write spontaneously without any rules or "error–free sentences." He believes that there are no wrong way to express how a
person feel. It may not be the correct way to write it but it still allows a person to write continuously. Ballenger allows students to write badly because
he is more interested in encouraged thinking. I agree with Bruce Ballenger because people who write freely with errors are more concern on the topic.
When I write an essay there are always errors and it makes me feel like I am not smart enough or not at a level where I should be.In the essay Ballenger
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Excel Essay
Microsoft Excel contains many useful features that I have learned about in my Unit 3 readings. The first would be customizing the quick access
toolbar. Utilizing the backstage view by clicking the file tab, you can access a workbook's options via the options tab. Here you can select Quick
Access Toolbar and customize the options you would like to show. You can view the most popular commands, or a range of other options filtered by
tab, or specific function. You can then add or remove the commands you wish to appear. I have added different commands like the camera tool, the
SUM formula, and set print area. These are some of my go–to functions that I want to quickly access and this process saves me multiple "clicks" with
each Excel more content...
Conversely, a relative reference (this is the standard format) will remain relative to where it is placed; if you copy the formula down a particular row
or column, the formula will auto–update based on its placement in the data. You can also combine the two functions, also known as a mixed cell
reference. If you place the $ sign before only 1 reference point – column OR row, it becomes a mixed reference. Based on where you place the $ sign,
that particular row or column will remain fixed, while the rest of the data will update if it is moved or copied. It is also possible to reference data
from another worksheet in the workbook, or from an entirely different workbook. You can link workbooks and their data in this way. I have used
external references at work to link a cost analysis review to another workbook that was shared with other users in a local network so they could be
apprised of a certain set of data.
The next set of valuable learnings in this unit came from advancing my use of functions. I have plenty of practice with the basic functions in Microsoft
Excel; functions like SUM and AVERAGE are common place in spreadsheet work. However, I have not fully taken advantage of other functions like
MIN, MAX, TODAY, and other useful options. Essentially, functions are a template of their own; they are pre
–built functions that can save a lot of
time and
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Essay on Government
Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary,
Third Edition defines government as, "The exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administer public policy." Webster's Desk
Dictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The
common individual might define government as the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government
came about.
Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government that is always headed by more content...
King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws, punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King
If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the
English Language as any government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives
chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or democracy.
A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his
people yet allows his people the right to vote him in or out of office.
An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is
king but he has a complete parliament to assist him in the law making procedure of France.
The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the majority. An example of a democratic republic would be
the United States.
There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force.
The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself from God, and its main purpose is
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Best Ways To Study Essay
Three Best Ways to Study For many students studying for an exam or a test can be very stressful. For a lot of them studying is very hard because
sometimes most of the materials they study, they don't remember on the actual test or exam. However there are more than one way to study and most
theses studying methods can be very helpful and very reliable. A Lot of students tend to cram all the studying two or the night before the test and
according to UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew J. Fuligni (2012) cramming and trying to get as much information in your head two or a night
before the test is very counterproductive. How to study properly Although there are many ways and methods of studying whether it be scientific or a
family belief , more content...
A second method of studying is by studying in an appropriate setting (Chadron State College). Studying in an environment where distraction is very
easy to find is very difficult. Studying in a quiet setting with a lot of space away from distraction can help you study and can help memory
performance. With this setting it's also helpful to be consistent with the studying, studying at the same time and same place is very effective especially
when this is done 2 –3 weeks prior to the test quiz or exam. With the proper setting, proper setting is also necessary. " Your study desk or table should
be equipped with all the materials you might need to complete the assignment, e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, snacks, and
liquid refreshments, etc." – Chadron State College. Adding items that can help you study and removing things that might distract is also need for
effective studying. The third and final method of studying that is effective is studying while listening to music. According to Goodwin (2015),
studying with music before a test can improve attention and can help lessen depression and anxiety. The "Mozart effect" is known to be helpful but of
course today the effects will be very different since students don't tend to listen to Mozart. The type of music played also plays a pig role of studying.
Studying with music that has lyrics is not recommended
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My Struggles In My Writing
To start off, I will describe the things I struggle with in my writing. My vocabulary is not that high so I often use basic terminology rather than using
bigger more complex words. I know that I could look up words in the thesaurus, but ever to often I feel like that is just too much work and it takes
time. Another thing I find myself doing a lot is making really long lengthy sentences instead of adding commas, semicolon, and periods where they go.
In connection, I frequently use the same sentence type such as declarative instead of mixing it up and including a verity of sentences like exclamatory
or interrogative. A final struggle I face when it comes towriting is repetition I find myself repeating the same words over and over again.
However, with all those flaws I still have some positive aspects in my writing. One positive thing I more content...
First I list different topics I find interesting to me. By doing that it helps we know what my choices are and it can help me narrow down my topics
and so in the end, I can choose which topic I know more about. From there I do an outline and write down things I would like to include in my paper
such as the setting, who this story is about, and when in time does this topic take place are just some things I write down. This technique helps me
have an idea about what my paper needs to include and what each paragraph may be about. The next step is for me to write a rough draft about my
topic. A rough draft is a pre–writing it is like the first child, it's not sure how it is supposed to act but it gets the job done; the pre–writing may still
have errors but you go back through and changed your mistakes. Last of all I write a final draft. The final draft is like the second child it knows
how to act because it has watched you and knows right from wrong. This is where you make sure everything is perfect you don't get a chance to redo
it. This is your last
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What I Have Learned Essay
What I Have Learned
When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in this world to me is a learning experience,
because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more
and to also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I could ever do before. I am learning to be
more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted anymore.
I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning
because I find myself doing things I never thought more content...
I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even
though I did bad on my first exam I feel that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on any test I
The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in
life. I am now beginning to understand the value of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I
took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My attitude in high school was bad because I really did
not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted. In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating me
properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to
have a passion for learning. I never thought that I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually
yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is teaching me something new. I think I feel this way
because I am maturing and I now view learning differently than I did
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What I Learned From The Revision
Looking back As human beings we try to achieve perfection, and when we look back on previous works we find what wasn 't right and fix it;
however we might look at a project later and the cycle repeats and repeats. In other words, revision is never over. Kind of depressing, right? But,
the sooner we accept our fate as eternal revisers, the better off we will be. What I learned from the revision is that there is always room for
improvement. For the final essay, I made global revisions like: structuring, adding details, deleting senses, and adding sentences. I also made some
local revisions like: grammar, fixing typos, and fixing strange sentences. Revision is necessary to make an essay better and is a chance to make
brave changes that you were not willing to address in the beginning. I am a more humble student now that I've accepted that revision is grueling,
endless, and necessary. Again, depressing, but also true. The local revisions that I made in the essay make the essay easier to understand. I notice that
I am not the best speller and made quite a few typos, for example I changed "fine" to "find," and "mother" to "mother's". I feel the reader might see
"Connie and mommy" and be uninterested, because it will be a normal mother/ daughter type relationship. I also decided to change the title of my essay
to "Everyone hates Connie", because I feel that it grabs the audience's attention, and doesn't sound too generic. I also added the year "2015" in the
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences,
forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no
errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers
taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form
as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my
whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs,
essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will
have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and
sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and
collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift
changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not
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Overcoming Obstacles In Writing An Essay
In general speaking, all of the comments is helpful for our writing. As we are the writer of the essay, we know that we are handing out our " shitty
first draft". We desire to polish and present the work of perfection, however, we fail to determine where to start. The confusion of whether our
judgments is right or wrong is one of the vital obstacle in writing. That is when we need the assistance of other people. No matter how good or bad is
the comments, and no matter agree or disagree with the comments, it is still a valuable reaction of readers in reading our essay. As a writer who want the
meaning of the essay to be understandable, I would certainly tried to revise it whenever the comments show the needs. The most important part of the more content...
Searching for the stories that can be added into the essay as the evidences or examples of my thesis. As far as I am concern, the explanations in my
essay are pretty hollow. And my personal knowledge right now cannot help me with that. Even though all comments are helpful to me, there is one
comment that I can determine as the least useful one. It is a praise of a good transition, of which I think is not a good one but a mere effort. I was
just trying to put a transition at the end of the paragraph . And I think I have done it awfully for ending all my thesis explanation paragraph with just
one sentence of transition pop out of nowhere. The praise actually made me feel guilty about it. In the workshop, I surely need much more time to
analyze the others essay more carefully. However, I suppose a limit amount of time is a part of our training. I find it useful to separate the workshop
into two sections. First, we comment the essays individually. Secondly, we explain the problem of the essays, and we discuss the matters with the
writer about their issue. Another essential part of the workshop is that no matter how bad or deconstructed our article are, write more in order to help
the readers understand the main point of the article so we could form our assumption and point out where the weaknesses of our works
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My First Time In My Life Essay
My first time in Miami
Life sometimes is really complicated. I had born April 16th, 1985 in Ciego de Avila, Cuba. I grew up in a lovely and warm family. When I got 13
years old, my blue prince arrived at my life. His name is Luis Ivan, the man who changes my life forever. I did not imagine that one day I will live in
another country. That possibility came to my life when I got married. All my husband'sfamily lives in the United States and two years after our
marriage we decided to move to Miami, Florida. November 21st, 2009 was my first time in Miami and I got an inolvidable experience.
The first hours in Miami were desperate. People announced with applauses the plane landing to Miami International Airport. I was really nervous,
confused and sad. I was lost, I could not recognize anything. People desperately got off the plane. I continued seated very close to my husband
without saying words because I had a bee buzz in my ears. My husband and I were unique persons in a large plane, and to be honest, I was not sure
about leaving the nave. I remembered when a woman with the white blouse and navy pants came to us and with a sweet tone of voice said, "Good
afternoon, my name is Shyla, I will guide you in this airport. Welcome to the United States." I stood up and walked next to the girl, but for my
surprise, I was inside the airport and I never saw the earth. After minutes walking for long and frizzing halls, I arrived with my husband to
immigration. Once in front of a serious
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Do We Have a Free Will? Essay example
Do We Have A Free Will? An individual with "Free Will" is capable of making vital decisions and choices in life with own free consent. The
individual chooses these decisions without any outside influence from a set of "alternative possibilities." The idea of "free will" imposes a certain
kind of power on an individual to make decisions of which he or she is morally responsible. This implies that "free will" would include a range of
aspects such as originality, moral value, and self–governance. However, in life, individuals may not be free in making decisions. The aspect of freedom
could entail remarkably a high status action and achievement in an individual's life whose attainment could be close to impossibility. Often, people make more content...
To establish determinism, we can admit by denoting that some events in our lives happen because of prior reasons without yet losing our sense of
freedom. It is actually evident that the events and actions that an individual undertakes action have different effects upon him even though they
may be past or present events. Though we might not be sure whether our past event result to our present status in life, it is pertinent to note that
freedom in decision making is an open forum for each individual and impacts on later activities. We can admit that some events, for example, a
next domino fall, are bound to happen because of a prior event. It is possible that if we have no power to act other than us, in fact, to act, then we
have no free will. This argument for hard determinism is persuasive. It is certainly valid, and none of the premises appears to be clearly false.
Although we have discovered a plausible argument in defense of hard determinism, most people find this argument to be impossible to accept. In our
lives, we hold each other in account of our deeds that we had made wrong choices. In Compatibility and moral defense, if an individual is not
responsible for the intention then how can that person be responsible for the act? One powerful contemporary form of compatibilism, which is the right
answer is "why not?" one should not think that by somebody`s
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Why I Want to Study English Essay
Why should anyone want to study English? Why not French or Spanish or even Mandarin Chinese? Is English so much more interesting than any other
language? Why spend time studying a language and not mathematics or science? Well, there are some very good reasons for that.
Never before, has a sound knowledge of languages been so important for finding a decent job. It is probably the first question they ask you if you
apply for one. Someone who knows different languages will be preferred to someone with a more limited command of languages. If a person applies
for a job in which it is very important to operate or programme a computer, he may have acquired that knowledge and those skills, but still someone
else who knows more languages will more content...
At present, the world tries to take care of that problem by massively learning English as a second language, a choice that has its roots in the history of
this language. "It's too late to be studying Hebrew; it is more important to understand even the slang of today." Since the end of World War II, English
has been taught at most West–European schools, even at most schools in the world. English is predestined to be the international language par
Communication has never been more important to the world than it is now. Just think of the Internet. When you surf the Internet you immediately
notice that the main language is English. Again we can see the influence of English in the world. Today, already half of the Europeans use English
as their first or second language. "English has borrowed from everywhere and now goes everywhere." English may not be the language with the
highest number of speakers in the world, but it is definitely the most important. You can reach a lot of people when you are able to communicate in
English. If you like to go working abroad, learning English is a very good preparation. There are so many large countries where English is the official
language, just think of Great Britain, Ireland, America, Canada... Even in our daily routine, English is all around. It already starts when you switch on
your PC and meet with English `commands, prompts, errors and messages' – the new type of computer slang.
English is
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alan turing Essay
Alan Turning
Alan Turning is known to be a pioneer of many facets of the computer age. The digital computer, artificial intelligence, memory subroutines, the Turning
Machine, the Turing Test, and the application of algorithms to computers are all ideas somehow related to this man.
Alan Mathison Turing was born in Paddington, London, on June 23, 1912. He was a precocious child and began his interests in science and
mathematics at a young age, but was never concerned about other right–brain classes such as English. This continued until an important friend of his
passed away and set Turing on a path to achieve what his friend could no longer accomplish. When his friend Christopher Morcom died, Turing was more content...
At any point when the Turing Machine is operating it can read or write on one of these cells, the cell located under the read/write head. One aspect that
set the Turning Machine apart from other computational machines of the same period was that the Turing Machine was designed to perform many
functions. It could do any function that was fed to it on this tape that acted as an algorithm, whereas, other computational machines at that time were
designed to perform only one task. The concept of the Turing Machine was then similar to the digital computers used today.
Soon WWII began in Europe. During WWII, Turing was called by the Department of Communications in Great Britain. He was asked to help decipher
the German codes that they were using to scramble their communications. The Germans had developed a sophisticated computer call the Enigma. It
was able to generate a constantly changing code that was impossible for the code breakers to decipher in a timely fashion. Turing aided in the
development of another computer used by Great Britain called Collossus that was able to decipher the communications coded by Enigma thus aided in
the defeat of the Germans in WWII.
After the war, Turing carried out many tasks. He became a very successful distance runner, at one point considering the Olympics. He Furthered his
development of a true digital computer by creating the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) while working for the National Physical Laboratory
(NPL). Before completing
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  • 2. Why I Want To Go Exchange Essay Why go exchange There is one main reason why I want to participate in the exchange program, and it is learning. I do not mean studying in university, since it is our duty to do so as a student, but In my opinion, the merit of going abroad to study is not only being able to study in a different environment, or studying in a famous university. What I wish for myself most throughout the exchange program is to develop my insight. I believe my knowledge and certain ways of thinking is sometimes shallow since I was born and raised in Japan, and only a few months in another country. I have put effort a lot in developing my insight, but still I think there is a chance to improve myself through going exchange. As I said, knowledge can be harvested not only from schools, but through interaction and experience. The main goal of going exchange might be studying in a university, but my life there would not only be in a university, but a whole new, more content... I especially find enthusiasm in cultural anthropology. When I study various cultures and their customs, it is filled with knowledge and wisdom which I have never come across with. Anthropology is full of fascination and astonishment. In Canada, there are many ethnic groups and first nations such as the Eskimo and other native Indian tribes. I have visited various first nation museums and national parks, but I have grasped only the surface of their culture and history, even though they take an essential place in Canadian history. Although I identify myself as one Canadian, I feel a little ashamed that I do not know the history and culture of those people. Therefore, I want to study the Eskimo by actually going to Canada, the native land of those people because I am hoping that I can learn more about the Eskimos in that way compared to staying in japan and studying about them. That's the reason I want to go to the university of British Get more content on
  • 3. What I Have Learned in My Writing Course I have been a student at San Jose States University for second years, English 1A was my first regular English class, and over the course of my stay I have grown and learned a lot. As Hospitality major, I do not know whether need my writing skills for future job, but I know the great experience in English 1A class would help me to improve all my writing weakness. Writing used to be one of my strengths, but throughout my coursework in this semester, it was challenging to take the first step to approach my first draft. I was always taken a long time to think about the thesis and introduction because I personally felt both were very important for the entire essay in order to attract readers. Merely, I could not make my thesis clear and good as always. Therefore, I would get some inspiration from my friends or tutors, or watched drama and news; this would be my first step to write a first draft. Unlike in High School, we have assigned at least 1200 words essay, and greatly opened my mind to develop a deeper understanding of each topic. For my writing habit, when I first look at the topic, I would think about what professor taught us in class or search some websites for stimulating more inspiration. Especially working on critical response essay or opinion essay, these two types of essays were required to write an argument and to be more thoughtful. It is difficult to identity some controversy topics in my knowledge as an English learner. Although I have always been a thinker and I Get more content on
  • 4. My Struggle with Writing Drafts Essay Writing drafts is something I struggle with every time I have to do an essay. It takes me over two hours to finish an introduction. Once done with the introduction the body of the essay easy until I get to the conclusion, which is when my struggle to complete the draft returns. I believe the introduction of a draft is one of the most difficult parts for me of writing a draft because it is hard to come up with ideas for the introduction. Then the conclusion is hard because I have to find a way to restate what took me so long to come up with for the introduction. Ultimately, I will be able to complete a draft without difficulty for if I do them step by step and by write down my ideas and information before beginning anything and not more content... It did not take much time to finish my introduction and from there the rest of the essay was quite easy. The conclusion was not that hard because since I had the information for the introduction I was able to use the same notes for the conclusion, making it easier for me to do. Also I have learned that by doing the draft step by step as in introduction, body, and conclusion also helped me get through the process of writing the draft. Not doing all the draft at once really helped because if did not feel the pressure of having to finish it all together. First, I would do the introduction and then maybe thirty or sixty minutes later, I would do the body, then after another short brake, I would do the conclusion. This has helped a lot with my draft because between those breaks I would think of something else to include in the paper. As well as giving my self time to think this way of drafting gave me an opportunity to check me paper more thoroughly because I would check each section individually and that way I found mistakes I would have missed before. Though some of the things that I did to help me make my drafts easier to complete, help like the ones above other did not. I tried doing a draft all at once without stopping and that did not help much. By the time I got to the end and I reread what I had written before I would forget the other details I had wanted to add. The other way I tried to make Get more content on
  • 5. Writing is a difficult process. Not everyone can pick it up as easily as others do. There are steps in order to have a good piece of writing. Once that is accomplished, there are infinite possibilities to what writing can do. Writing is a magical medium that requires time and practice to master. Writing is extraordinary, it allows the author to express himself in ways they wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. In "What Writing Is: from On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, author and novelist Stephen King claims, writing is "telepathy" (305). Telepathy a form of magic that allows two people to communicate without speaking (306). The only other way to perform telepathy is to use magic. Since writing allows anyone with any amount of talent more content... After outlining and creating a basic thesis, I am usually able to create a good first draft. It took a while to develop this process. It only happened out of habit from having to write outline for a different writing class. However, having an outline helps with having motivation to write. I usually write over the outline so I am not staring at a blank page. It tricks my brain into thinking that I have written some part of the essay on the page. Not only does having an outline make it easier to begin writing, it makes the text clearer. If I hadn't written without an outline, I would have written everything and anything that came into mind whether it related to my topic or not, which would cause confusion to anyone reading the text. Diaz's difficulties with writing helps beginning writers to understand that even professional authors have trouble writing. The novelist and author Anne Lamott expresses how first drafts should be terrible in "Shitty First Drafts" from her book Bird by Bird (301).Before a perfect third draft there is an okay second draft and an awful first draft (301). It's near impossible to write a perfect text in one try, there needs to be a draft where anything can and does happen (302). Throughout almost all of my writing experience, I never wrote first drafts. I never liked to write so I wanted to keep it to a minimum. The first draft was also the final draft no matter how bad it was and no matter how much Get more content on
  • 6. Many people have a habit of writing differently and it can be good or bad. In the essay "The Importance of Writing Badly," Bruce Ballenger encourages students to write spontaneously without any rules or "error–free sentences." He believes that there are no wrong way to express how a person feel. It may not be the correct way to write it but it still allows a person to write continuously. Ballenger allows students to write badly because he is more interested in encouraged thinking. I agree with Bruce Ballenger because people who write freely with errors are more concern on the topic. When I write an essay there are always errors and it makes me feel like I am not smart enough or not at a level where I should be.In the essay Ballenger describes Get more content on
  • 7. Excel Essay Microsoft Excel contains many useful features that I have learned about in my Unit 3 readings. The first would be customizing the quick access toolbar. Utilizing the backstage view by clicking the file tab, you can access a workbook's options via the options tab. Here you can select Quick Access Toolbar and customize the options you would like to show. You can view the most popular commands, or a range of other options filtered by tab, or specific function. You can then add or remove the commands you wish to appear. I have added different commands like the camera tool, the SUM formula, and set print area. These are some of my go–to functions that I want to quickly access and this process saves me multiple "clicks" with each Excel more content... Conversely, a relative reference (this is the standard format) will remain relative to where it is placed; if you copy the formula down a particular row or column, the formula will auto–update based on its placement in the data. You can also combine the two functions, also known as a mixed cell reference. If you place the $ sign before only 1 reference point – column OR row, it becomes a mixed reference. Based on where you place the $ sign, that particular row or column will remain fixed, while the rest of the data will update if it is moved or copied. It is also possible to reference data from another worksheet in the workbook, or from an entirely different workbook. You can link workbooks and their data in this way. I have used external references at work to link a cost analysis review to another workbook that was shared with other users in a local network so they could be apprised of a certain set of data. The next set of valuable learnings in this unit came from advancing my use of functions. I have plenty of practice with the basic functions in Microsoft Excel; functions like SUM and AVERAGE are common place in spreadsheet work. However, I have not fully taken advantage of other functions like MIN, MAX, TODAY, and other useful options. Essentially, functions are a template of their own; they are pre –built functions that can save a lot of time and Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Government Government Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary, Third Edition defines government as, "The exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administer public policy." Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The common individual might define government as the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government came about. Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government that is always headed by more content... King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws, punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King Fahad. If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language as any government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or democracy. A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his people yet allows his people the right to vote him in or out of office. An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is king but he has a complete parliament to assist him in the law making procedure of France. The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the majority. An example of a democratic republic would be the United States. There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force.
  • 9. The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself from God, and its main purpose is Get more content on
  • 10. Best Ways To Study Essay Three Best Ways to Study For many students studying for an exam or a test can be very stressful. For a lot of them studying is very hard because sometimes most of the materials they study, they don't remember on the actual test or exam. However there are more than one way to study and most theses studying methods can be very helpful and very reliable. A Lot of students tend to cram all the studying two or the night before the test and according to UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew J. Fuligni (2012) cramming and trying to get as much information in your head two or a night before the test is very counterproductive. How to study properly Although there are many ways and methods of studying whether it be scientific or a family belief , more content... A second method of studying is by studying in an appropriate setting (Chadron State College). Studying in an environment where distraction is very easy to find is very difficult. Studying in a quiet setting with a lot of space away from distraction can help you study and can help memory performance. With this setting it's also helpful to be consistent with the studying, studying at the same time and same place is very effective especially when this is done 2 –3 weeks prior to the test quiz or exam. With the proper setting, proper setting is also necessary. " Your study desk or table should be equipped with all the materials you might need to complete the assignment, e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, paper clips, stapler, dictionary, snacks, and liquid refreshments, etc." – Chadron State College. Adding items that can help you study and removing things that might distract is also need for effective studying. The third and final method of studying that is effective is studying while listening to music. According to Goodwin (2015), studying with music before a test can improve attention and can help lessen depression and anxiety. The "Mozart effect" is known to be helpful but of course today the effects will be very different since students don't tend to listen to Mozart. The type of music played also plays a pig role of studying. Studying with music that has lyrics is not recommended Get more content on
  • 11. My Struggles In My Writing To start off, I will describe the things I struggle with in my writing. My vocabulary is not that high so I often use basic terminology rather than using bigger more complex words. I know that I could look up words in the thesaurus, but ever to often I feel like that is just too much work and it takes time. Another thing I find myself doing a lot is making really long lengthy sentences instead of adding commas, semicolon, and periods where they go. In connection, I frequently use the same sentence type such as declarative instead of mixing it up and including a verity of sentences like exclamatory or interrogative. A final struggle I face when it comes towriting is repetition I find myself repeating the same words over and over again. However, with all those flaws I still have some positive aspects in my writing. One positive thing I more content... First I list different topics I find interesting to me. By doing that it helps we know what my choices are and it can help me narrow down my topics and so in the end, I can choose which topic I know more about. From there I do an outline and write down things I would like to include in my paper such as the setting, who this story is about, and when in time does this topic take place are just some things I write down. This technique helps me have an idea about what my paper needs to include and what each paragraph may be about. The next step is for me to write a rough draft about my topic. A rough draft is a pre–writing it is like the first child, it's not sure how it is supposed to act but it gets the job done; the pre–writing may still have errors but you go back through and changed your mistakes. Last of all I write a final draft. The final draft is like the second child it knows how to act because it has watched you and knows right from wrong. This is where you make sure everything is perfect you don't get a chance to redo it. This is your last Get more content on
  • 12. What I Have Learned Essay What I Have Learned When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted anymore. I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never thought more content... I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on any test I take. The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted. In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning. I never thought that I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is teaching me something new. I think I feel this way because I am maturing and I now view learning differently than I did Get more content on
  • 13. What I Learned From The Revision Looking back As human beings we try to achieve perfection, and when we look back on previous works we find what wasn 't right and fix it; however we might look at a project later and the cycle repeats and repeats. In other words, revision is never over. Kind of depressing, right? But, the sooner we accept our fate as eternal revisers, the better off we will be. What I learned from the revision is that there is always room for improvement. For the final essay, I made global revisions like: structuring, adding details, deleting senses, and adding sentences. I also made some local revisions like: grammar, fixing typos, and fixing strange sentences. Revision is necessary to make an essay better and is a chance to make brave changes that you were not willing to address in the beginning. I am a more humble student now that I've accepted that revision is grueling, endless, and necessary. Again, depressing, but also true. The local revisions that I made in the essay make the essay easier to understand. I notice that I am not the best speller and made quite a few typos, for example I changed "fine" to "find," and "mother" to "mother's". I feel the reader might see "Connie and mommy" and be uninterested, because it will be a normal mother/ daughter type relationship. I also decided to change the title of my essay to "Everyone hates Connie", because I feel that it grabs the audience's attention, and doesn't sound too generic. I also added the year "2015" in the Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 15. Overcoming Obstacles In Writing An Essay In general speaking, all of the comments is helpful for our writing. As we are the writer of the essay, we know that we are handing out our " shitty first draft". We desire to polish and present the work of perfection, however, we fail to determine where to start. The confusion of whether our judgments is right or wrong is one of the vital obstacle in writing. That is when we need the assistance of other people. No matter how good or bad is the comments, and no matter agree or disagree with the comments, it is still a valuable reaction of readers in reading our essay. As a writer who want the meaning of the essay to be understandable, I would certainly tried to revise it whenever the comments show the needs. The most important part of the more content... Searching for the stories that can be added into the essay as the evidences or examples of my thesis. As far as I am concern, the explanations in my essay are pretty hollow. And my personal knowledge right now cannot help me with that. Even though all comments are helpful to me, there is one comment that I can determine as the least useful one. It is a praise of a good transition, of which I think is not a good one but a mere effort. I was just trying to put a transition at the end of the paragraph . And I think I have done it awfully for ending all my thesis explanation paragraph with just one sentence of transition pop out of nowhere. The praise actually made me feel guilty about it. In the workshop, I surely need much more time to analyze the others essay more carefully. However, I suppose a limit amount of time is a part of our training. I find it useful to separate the workshop into two sections. First, we comment the essays individually. Secondly, we explain the problem of the essays, and we discuss the matters with the writer about their issue. Another essential part of the workshop is that no matter how bad or deconstructed our article are, write more in order to help the readers understand the main point of the article so we could form our assumption and point out where the weaknesses of our works Get more content on
  • 16. My First Time In My Life Essay My first time in Miami Life sometimes is really complicated. I had born April 16th, 1985 in Ciego de Avila, Cuba. I grew up in a lovely and warm family. When I got 13 years old, my blue prince arrived at my life. His name is Luis Ivan, the man who changes my life forever. I did not imagine that one day I will live in another country. That possibility came to my life when I got married. All my husband'sfamily lives in the United States and two years after our marriage we decided to move to Miami, Florida. November 21st, 2009 was my first time in Miami and I got an inolvidable experience. The first hours in Miami were desperate. People announced with applauses the plane landing to Miami International Airport. I was really nervous, confused and sad. I was lost, I could not recognize anything. People desperately got off the plane. I continued seated very close to my husband without saying words because I had a bee buzz in my ears. My husband and I were unique persons in a large plane, and to be honest, I was not sure about leaving the nave. I remembered when a woman with the white blouse and navy pants came to us and with a sweet tone of voice said, "Good afternoon, my name is Shyla, I will guide you in this airport. Welcome to the United States." I stood up and walked next to the girl, but for my surprise, I was inside the airport and I never saw the earth. After minutes walking for long and frizzing halls, I arrived with my husband to immigration. Once in front of a serious Get more content on
  • 17. Do We Have a Free Will? Essay example Do We Have A Free Will? An individual with "Free Will" is capable of making vital decisions and choices in life with own free consent. The individual chooses these decisions without any outside influence from a set of "alternative possibilities." The idea of "free will" imposes a certain kind of power on an individual to make decisions of which he or she is morally responsible. This implies that "free will" would include a range of aspects such as originality, moral value, and self–governance. However, in life, individuals may not be free in making decisions. The aspect of freedom could entail remarkably a high status action and achievement in an individual's life whose attainment could be close to impossibility. Often, people make more content... To establish determinism, we can admit by denoting that some events in our lives happen because of prior reasons without yet losing our sense of freedom. It is actually evident that the events and actions that an individual undertakes action have different effects upon him even though they may be past or present events. Though we might not be sure whether our past event result to our present status in life, it is pertinent to note that freedom in decision making is an open forum for each individual and impacts on later activities. We can admit that some events, for example, a next domino fall, are bound to happen because of a prior event. It is possible that if we have no power to act other than us, in fact, to act, then we have no free will. This argument for hard determinism is persuasive. It is certainly valid, and none of the premises appears to be clearly false. Although we have discovered a plausible argument in defense of hard determinism, most people find this argument to be impossible to accept. In our lives, we hold each other in account of our deeds that we had made wrong choices. In Compatibility and moral defense, if an individual is not responsible for the intention then how can that person be responsible for the act? One powerful contemporary form of compatibilism, which is the right answer is "why not?" one should not think that by somebody`s Get more content on
  • 18. Why I Want to Study English Essay Why should anyone want to study English? Why not French or Spanish or even Mandarin Chinese? Is English so much more interesting than any other language? Why spend time studying a language and not mathematics or science? Well, there are some very good reasons for that. Never before, has a sound knowledge of languages been so important for finding a decent job. It is probably the first question they ask you if you apply for one. Someone who knows different languages will be preferred to someone with a more limited command of languages. If a person applies for a job in which it is very important to operate or programme a computer, he may have acquired that knowledge and those skills, but still someone else who knows more languages will more content... At present, the world tries to take care of that problem by massively learning English as a second language, a choice that has its roots in the history of this language. "It's too late to be studying Hebrew; it is more important to understand even the slang of today." Since the end of World War II, English has been taught at most West–European schools, even at most schools in the world. English is predestined to be the international language par excellence. Communication has never been more important to the world than it is now. Just think of the Internet. When you surf the Internet you immediately notice that the main language is English. Again we can see the influence of English in the world. Today, already half of the Europeans use English as their first or second language. "English has borrowed from everywhere and now goes everywhere." English may not be the language with the highest number of speakers in the world, but it is definitely the most important. You can reach a lot of people when you are able to communicate in English. If you like to go working abroad, learning English is a very good preparation. There are so many large countries where English is the official language, just think of Great Britain, Ireland, America, Canada... Even in our daily routine, English is all around. It already starts when you switch on your PC and meet with English `commands, prompts, errors and messages' – the new type of computer slang. English is Get more content on
  • 19. alan turing Essay Alan Turning Alan Turning is known to be a pioneer of many facets of the computer age. The digital computer, artificial intelligence, memory subroutines, the Turning Machine, the Turing Test, and the application of algorithms to computers are all ideas somehow related to this man. Alan Mathison Turing was born in Paddington, London, on June 23, 1912. He was a precocious child and began his interests in science and mathematics at a young age, but was never concerned about other right–brain classes such as English. This continued until an important friend of his passed away and set Turing on a path to achieve what his friend could no longer accomplish. When his friend Christopher Morcom died, Turing was more content... At any point when the Turing Machine is operating it can read or write on one of these cells, the cell located under the read/write head. One aspect that set the Turning Machine apart from other computational machines of the same period was that the Turing Machine was designed to perform many functions. It could do any function that was fed to it on this tape that acted as an algorithm, whereas, other computational machines at that time were designed to perform only one task. The concept of the Turing Machine was then similar to the digital computers used today. Soon WWII began in Europe. During WWII, Turing was called by the Department of Communications in Great Britain. He was asked to help decipher the German codes that they were using to scramble their communications. The Germans had developed a sophisticated computer call the Enigma. It was able to generate a constantly changing code that was impossible for the code breakers to decipher in a timely fashion. Turing aided in the development of another computer used by Great Britain called Collossus that was able to decipher the communications coded by Enigma thus aided in the defeat of the Germans in WWII. After the war, Turing carried out many tasks. He became a very successful distance runner, at one point considering the Olympics. He Furthered his development of a true digital computer by creating the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) while working for the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). Before completing Get more content on