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CAS Reflection Essay
CAS Reflection Essay
During the first visit to PDK Putrajaya, we started it off with an ice–breaking session with the
trainees. Then, a few of us help this wheel–chaired girl with her physiotherapy session while the rest
of us assist the preschool and adults group with their learning by the usage of interactive flash cards.
During the second visit, we sang patriotic songs since it was the Merdeka week. One of my group
mates and I continued the day by teaching the preschool kids about colors and how to differentiate
them. We also played with some toys too. Meanwhile, the other group mates had a 'Creative Learning
Session' with the disabled adults group. We played with balloon, did some drawing and learnt how
to spell their more content...
We as the normal people have to do our part to make them feel home and as a part of our society.
More exclusively, I feel amazed and proud by the strength and patience the teachers at PDK
Putrajaya go through day by day helping them. I have developed patience, tolerance and teamwork
skill throughout these activities.
The trainees helped me think about my learning during the previous activities. The trainees, in some
way, helped me to be grateful for who I am and at the same time make me more willing to help
them. I became more patient with life challenges because of them.
My group's overall activities help benefit others by lessen the teachers' at PDK Putrajaya burden
with the repainting of the classrooms. Many hands make light work. My group also help supply the
demand of the KMB students' needs by selling food to raise fund. In addition to that, the activities
broaden the trainees' view and they learn how to interact with the society. They also make
improvements on their problems and disabilities.
Planning for the next two visits
30th October 2013 :
A visit to Botanical Garden (Moroccan Pavilion) , Putrajaya.
13th November 2013:
Farewell ceremony
Speech, video–showing and reflections on activities we have done together
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Single Most Rewarding Experience Analysis
2. Briefly describe your single, most rewarding experience. (This is limited to 900 characters
including spaces) The single, most rewarding experience for me is graduating from the University
of Miami. The exhilarating feeling of satisfaction and achievement, knowing this was the
conclusion of four years spent earning my degree, was truly gratifying. All of the hard work and
sacrifice culminated into one of the proudest moments of my life and it made me reflect on how
much I learned, not only as a student, but about myself as an individual. Being in a position to
share that moment with my family made the celebration all that much more important to me. I
witnessed how proud my parents were and created an influential path for my younger siblings to
follow in. My success proves to them that with the right mindset and hard work they can achieve
their own goals in life. I'm still looking forward to advancing my education and becoming a doctor,
allowing me to experience this moment all over again. 3. Are there any areas of medicine
more content...
This particular field of medicine allows me to use my personality and convictions to build
relationships with patients based on trust and compassion. While I respect the physicians that see
a revolving door of patients each day, I want to concentrate my skills on the betterment of each
patient. I am determined to not be a physician that is always looking to the next case or patient,
but one that focuses on the moment and how I can deliver the best care and respect to my patients.
My strong background in anatomy and physiology and personal desire to help eradicate cancer
provides me with the unique opportunity to serve in a field of medicine that has grown so much
over the years. Cancer has gripped my family in the past, igniting my personal vendetta to turn a
fight against cancer into a career that works toward helping people overcome
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Ap Physics Unit 8 Lab
Lab Report 8
Physical Optics
Physics 262–003
Author: A. Coughran
Lab Partners: E. Ortiz, H. Barham
Date: 5/10/17
Lab Report 8A. Coughran 5/10/17
The objective in Lab 8 is to measure wavelength of five emission lines of light and a laser beam
through the principle of light interference.
Light passed through a transmission grating is often sent in all directions due to interference. The
grating acts as a new wave source and causes the light to travel in different paths. Equation 1 below
shows the relationship between path difference and light direction due to constructive interference.
D represents the line spacing and sinЖџ=a/c according to the drawing below. mО»=dsinЖџ
Equation 1
Equation 2 below can be used when small angle values are present (such as when m=1) and is a more content...
The base of the light triangle, b, was measured first. Then, the light positions, a, were measured f=or
the first order (m=1) and second order (m=2) light beams to determine the angle Жџ for each. This
data was organized in an Excel table and used to find the wavelength, О», of the laser through
Equation 1. This value was then compared to the theoretical value for wavelength of the laser, which
was 6.328xгЂ–10гЂ—^(–7)m, and the percent error was calculated between the two.
Procedure B – Wavelength Measurement of Light Color
The diffraction grating was used to measure the angle values of different light colors using a
collimator. The wavelength of each light beam according to the corresponding color was then
calculated using the specific angle value. In this procedure, a telescope was used to form an image
from the diffracted light from the transmission grating. A mercury light source was also used as a
light ray source of
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Florida Standards Assessment Essay
Dear Parent/Guardian: We appreciate your attention in your child's education and want to share with
you some information about the Florida Standards Assessments. Students enrolled in grades 3–10
will participate in FSA ELA assessments. All students will participate in ELA Reading. Students
enrolled in grades 4–10 will participate in ELA Writing. Students who did not pass the Grade 10
ELA assessment in spring 2015 will participate in the ELA Retake. Students enrolled in grades 3–8
will participate in FSA Mathematics assessments. In accordance with Section 1008.22(3)(b)1,
Florida Statutes, middle grades students will not be tested on both FSA Mathematics and a
mathematics EOC assessment. Students enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, more content...
By offering uplifiting support, encouraging your child to try their very best, as well as reinforcing
goals and ideas, will assist them in performing well on the Florida Standards Assessment. The
department has provided practice tests both electronically and paper–based, to help students prepare
to the best of their ability for these assessments. It is important that they take these assessments
every year to allow tracking of their learning. Florida Standards Assessments also allow for schools,
teachers, and parents to see what level each student is on, which gives them more insight to
determining whether they need help in a specific subject (i.e. Math, Reading, or
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Medicines Act Of 1968 And The Uk
In the UK, there are more than 1 billion scripts prescribed and dispensed every year (HSCIC,
2013). There are over 12,000 pharmacies in the UK, and approximately 1.6 million people visit a
pharmacy every day (HSCIC, 2013). It is therefore natural to assume that between these 1 billion
prescriptions, an error or mistake will be made. Current studies suggest that of all the dispensed
medicines, there are approximately 0.01–3.32% errors made in community pharmacy and 0.02–2.7%
in hospital pharmacy (James et all, 2009).
The rules and regulations surrounding dispensing errors in the UK are governed by the Medicines
Act of 1968 'the Act', and the Health Act 1999, which legislates the General Pharmaceutical Council
(GPhC) through the Pharmacy Order 2010. The Act is an Act of Parliament which governs the
control, manufacture and supply of medicines in the UK. It was introduced to help control the use
of medicinal compounds and to increase patient safety, although much of it has been modernized
and repealed. It also gives power to the courts to charge any dispensing mistakes as a criminal
Section 64 (1) of the Act states that "No person shall, to the prejudice of the purchaser, sell any
medicinal product which is not of the nature or quality demanded by the purchaser (The Medicines
Act, 1968). This essentially means that every time a patient is accidently handed a wrong medicine–
one that was not on the prescription, the pharmacist faces not only disciplinary action,
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Adolescence-Limited Offenders: A Case Study
Life–Course–Persistent offenders (LCPs) are those that "start antisocial acts early and continue their
waywardness into and beyond adolescence. Adolescence–Limited Offenders (ALs) are those that
start and finish their criminality during their teenage years" (Cullen, et al., 2014, p. 516). I honestly
cannot mention anyone that I knew from my teenage years that could be classified as an LCP.
Those that I associated myself with were either "nerds" and/or athletes. The smart ones never
stepped out of line, never skipped class, never absent from school, and was always home on the
weekends studying. The athletes were almost the same, except they were out partying on the
weekend. That was the only thing that I did throughout my teenage years more content...
Her life of criminality ended in her teenage years. Moffitt contends "as youths challenge to
overcome the 'maturity gap', which was created by the mismatch between the adult biology
development and modern society's belief that the youth abstain from adult conducts for several
years" (Cullen, et al., 2014, p.517). I feel that once my cousin realized that she could spend more
time in jail if she continued down the path she was on, she quickly did an about face. According to
Laub and Sampson, "persistent offenders come to change their life course and desist from crime"
(Cullen, et al., 2014, p. 545). There are four features that are described for this change process. First,
an offender experiences a turning point in their life (marriage, job, family). Secondly, theindividual
is exposed to an informal social control because of this turning point. Third, the individuals routine
activities are changed and now unstructured toward where they once were (bars), Now they are more
responsible. Lastly, there is the individuals commitment to their new
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Focal Length And Lenses Lab Report
Focal length and Lenses
The following experiment was conducted with an aim of: Examining the characteristics of a convex
and concave lenses. Determining the focal length of lenses using real image distance and use of
finite object and image distances. Determining the focal length for a convex lens through the use of
concave lens to form real image.
The following equipment were used and assembled as shown in figure (i): An optic bench A screen
to form images A meter stick A holder for lenses A tape Three lenses of focallength approximately
+20, +10, –30 cm. And a lamp with an illuminate object on face. Figure (i). Shows an image of
apparatus setting for the experiment.
Lenses are shaped in such a way that their surfaces either curves inwards or outwards about a
central axis. Rays of light passing through them experience convergence or divergence depending
on the shape of the lens. Convex converge light rays while concave diverge as described in figure
(ii). Since the curved surface has a specific radius, then all light lights would diverge or converge
at a specific point called the focal point. Diverging lens provide virtual images while converging
lens result to real images. The preceding equations are used to calculate the image and the object
distance in relation to the focal length of the lens. Using two similar or dissimilar types of lenses it
is possible to improve the image
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Chemotherapy Vs. Treatment Analysis
For this experiment, treatment 1 are the results from only chemotherapy and treatment 2 are the
results from both chemotherapy and radiation. By looking at the table and the side–by–side boxplot,
treatment 1 has a higher median, mean and max than treatment 2 which suggests that only using
chemotherapy is the better option because the cancer patients will live longer. The median and the
mean are the key components for comparing the two datasets because that is where all of the data
points are centered around. Both the mean and median are rather large for treatment 1 compared to
treatment 2, so there are signs that only using chemotherapy is statistically significant than both
treatments, but that can't be proven until a test is done in the next
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Length Mass and Density Lab Report
Determination of Length, Mass, and Density
Table of Contents
1 – Introduction ............................................................... Page 3
2 – Theory ..................................................................... Page 3
3 – Experimental Procedure and Results .............................. Page 6
4 – Discussion ................................................................ Page 9
5 – Conclusion ............................................................... Page 9
6 – Bibliography ......................................................... Page 10 1– Introduction
The purpose of this experiment is to learn how use a variety of tools that will aid in the gathering of
data. This data is then used to calculate different measurements including, volume and density. The
experiment will also further understanding of measurement errors using the data collected.
2 – Theory
Along with the use of tools for more content...
3.1–Vernier Caliper
First the Vernier Caliper (V.Caliper) was used to measure the diameter of a coin. This was done
three times and the measurements as well as the average measurement are recorded in this table
labeled Table 1.
Measurement 119.0mmAverage
Measurement 2
Measurement 3
Table 1 – Coin diameter measurements using the Vernier Caliper
3.2–Micrometer caliper
Next the Micrometer caliper (M. Caliper) was calibrated and the zero correction was determined
to be +0.020mm. The M. Caliper was then used to find the diameter of a sample of human hair and
coated and uncoated optical fibers. The Zero Correction was added to all measurements and used to
determine average diameters or percent differnces. The results are recorded in Table 2.
Human Hair
Coated Fiber
Uncoated Fiber
Percent Difference
Table 2–measured diameters of human hair, coated and uncoated optical fiber, and percent
differences for all
3.3–Vernier and Micrometer Caliper
In this step both the V. Caliper and M. Caliper were used. The M. Caliper was used to measure the
thickness of a single sheet of paper in a college physics
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Attachment Styles Case Study
How do you believe these differing types of attachment styles could impact long term development?
Attachment measure how much trust the child has to their parents or caregivers and if they don't
have any attachment to them it can affect their overall personality they can have low self esteem or
it can also afrect their academic because they don't know if theres somebody who they can turn to if
they face adversity.
2) What parenting style do you believe is most prevalent currently? How do you believe this
parenting style impacts emotional and psychological development?
In my country authoritarian parenting is the most common. We are raised like an army and though
its not fun all the time but it makes us more matured and respectful because
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Pharmacy Technicians Essay example
Pharmacy Technicians
Despite popular belief, pharmacy technicians are more than laborers; they are specially trained
individuals. Imagine a family member is admitted to the University of South Alabama Hospital with
an acute case of pneumonia, which will require oral and intravenous medications.
These medications must be precisely prepared and properly delivered. The common perception is
that pharmacists prepare medications and technicians simply deliver them. This view of their job is
both accurate and inaccurate.
Pharmacy technicians are most often seen as the pharmacy's "delivery–boy".
Technicians are responsible for timely delivery of medications. However, delivery of medications is
more than the act of getting drugs to more content...
The aseptic technique requires the sterile manipulation of syringes, vials, and medication in the
confines of a vertical and horizontal laminar flow hood. Both of these skills can be taught. Most
pharmacy technicians receive on the job training. The on–the–job training usually last for no more
than six weeks, which is approximately two percent of the time a pharmacist must dedicate to their
training. Ethical consciousness cannot be taught; only those who consider the implications of their
daily tasks acquire it. Technicians lacking professional ethics will endanger patient's lives.
Many ethical technicians make the choice to seek certification. Technicians are not required to
become certified by the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, but thousands of
technicians become certified each year. Certification, however, does not test the abilities of the
technician. It simply tests the knowledge required to complete various tasks. A technician being
certified brings up additional implications involving questions of liability between the pharmacist
and technician..
A pharmacist must check any medication that is administered to a patient. This is the focus of their
job. Nevertheless, if an error occurs they are not the only responsible party. Most laws involving
medical liability state that liability lies with the company and the competent medical professionals
involved with error. Once a technician
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Length Of Stay Case Study
An inpatient admitted June 10 and discharged June 14 would have a 4 day length of stay or LOS.
Medicare has defined an inpatient stay as " a person who has been admitted to a hospital for bed
occupancy for purposes of receiving inpatient hospital services" (Keough, 2006, p. 112). In essence,
for the purpose of accurately billing Medicare the inpatient stay starts once the patient is admitted.
The length of stay is important data needed for sending clean claims for reimbursement and for
administration to manage the hospital operation. This is especially true as payment for patient stays
move towards value based reimbursement.
Although, there does appear to be some inherent waste associated with the way inpatient beds are
counted. The answer
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In chapter three of The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing, Michael Harvey focuses on flow. He
explains consistency of character usage in sentences, additionally with appropriate pronouns and
linking words. In sentences, pronouns should refer to their nouns in a neat fashion. This makes
passages easier to follow, preventing confusion from arising. Furthermore, characters should be used
consistently. The writer controls the flow from one character to another, and they should not be
jumbled. If there are several characters, the sequences should introduce each one methodically.
Punch lines are also important in combining sentences from a familiar start to new information.
Additionally, introductory prepositional phrases are recommended if the
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Short-Term Outcome Analysis
This program's intended outcomes comprise both short–term and long–term outcomes. Firstly, the
short–term outcome is that for every patient who is fifty years and older is given the choice to
undergo either the colonoscopy or the CT colonography (CTC) procedure. Consequently, if more
patients choose the CTC method, then it will vastly affect the adherence rates for colorectal cancer
screenings and in effect cost (Pooler et al., 2012). In turn, this will increase the life years gained for
the individual. Secondly, the long–term outcome arises when Medicare sees the benefit of CTC and
its adherence for CRC screenings and will reimburse for this CTC procedure for screening purposes
for Medicare–aged individuals. The overall outcome is that more
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The major differences between ambulatory care facilities and long–term facilities are the length of
stay, billing types, and type of care rendered. The stay for ambulatory care facilities is significantly
shorter because an overnight stay is not required (Gartee, 2011). Long–term facilities are more
similar to acute care hospitals. Care provided in a hospital setting is rendered to critically or
seriously ill patients, of which their condition requires them to be admitted overnight or for a longer
extended stay. The average length of stay as an inpatient is normally less than 30 days and then
patients can be admitted to a long–term facility when less intense care is still needed after being
discharged from the hospital. Long–term care
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How Length Affects Pitch Lab Report
"Procedure A: Investigating How Length Affects Pitch" Lab Report Brenna Ketchum Research
Question: How does the length of how much a meter stick is hanging off of a table affect the
pitch, when the meter stick is plucked, and how does the length of a kazoo affect the pitch, when
it is hummed into? Hypothesis: For the meter stick tests, when there is 20 centimeters off of the
table, the pitch will be high, and will not vibrate for very long. For the next test, when there is 40
centimeters off of the table, the pitch will be lower and the meter stick will vibrate for a longer
period of time. And when there is 60 centimeters off of the table, the pitch will be very low and
will vibrate for a long time. So, as the length goes up, or gets longer, more content...
First, if the exact same equipment and materials are not used in every test, the results can be
skewed. For example, if three different meter sticks, made of different materials, were used in
this experiment, the results could be messed up, because each meter stick may produce a
different pitch, depending on its material. To prevent this problem, simply use the exact same
materials and equipment for each test. If something breaks or needs to be replaced, it is best to
just start the experiment over, so that all the results come from the same materials. Another
possible error is the use of different methods in the experiment. For example, for the kazoo test, if
one way of humming, or one pitch is used, and then a different one is used, that will negatively
affect the results. Like before, the use of the exact same methods is very important, so that the
results are as accurate as possible. This experiment proved, or supported, the fact that pitch is
inversely affected by length. This basically means that, when length goes up, pitch goes down, and
vice versa. These results can be helpful in real life in many ways. In designing or creating
instruments, the relationship between pitch and length is extremely helpful and important. For
example, the reason why a piccolo can play higher notes than a regular flute is because of its length.
Since the piccolo is shorter, it can reach higher pitches than the flute. This is the case with many other
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Case Study: An Extended Stay
In the health care system, a multitude of errors occurs on a daily basis. Doctors, nurses, orderly's,
etc., everyone in health care settings has responsibilities that warrant careful attention. This was
exhibited in the case study titled 'An Extended Stay'. In this case study, we are introduced to a
middle–aged man in his 60s named Mr. Stanley Londborg. He presented with several health
conditions, including a seizure disorder, hypertension (also known as high blood pressure), and
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Londborg was no stranger to the hospital and was
known fairly well by faculty members. Londborg paid a visit to the Emergency Room at the hospital
complaining of wheezing and breathing complications. The physician that examined Mr. Londborg
yielded his symptoms as an acute worsening more content...
This can be read as a key ethical question to many healthcare case studies because of the errors and
situations that occur. One of the explanations for this occurrence may be the overwhelming
workload, chaotic environment and lack of individual attention prescribed to each patient. These
issues can cause a disruption to the ethical principle of Beneficence. The principle of Beneficence
calls to action the act of helping others and having compassion for the patients. This principle can
be threatened when a doctor or caretaker is overworked and unable to effectively manage the
series of patients and work they are assigned to take on. I believe that the admitting doctor did not
initially catch the error of not calling for the specific drug need because he was more focused on
getting Mr. Londborg stable and on the medication to treat his initial and present condition before
worrying about the preventative medication. In addition, the doctor was so focused on helping
everyone all at once that he was blind to the small details and loose ends that needed to be taken care
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Length Of Stay Analysis
3.4.4. Patients total Length of stay in the hospital Patient's length of stay needs to be accurately
evaluated to build a complete and accurate simulation which replicates the real life situation. Using
previous data directly would not give us exact time as data has so much variability in it. Hence we
used Expert Fit statistical software to make distributions of patients LOS from previous data. Using
such distributions gave us more accurate values on patients LOS with no errors. Distribution were
made such that they fit the simulation software SIMIO to implement the distributions analyzed in
SIMIO. To describe calculated Length of stay for each patients we further explained the analysis of
length of stay in detail below and to make more content...
Density Histogram plot for LOS for SDS patients in PACU Figure 13. Distribution function
difference plot for SDS patients LOS in PACU From above calculation for each phase of same
day patients their total length of stay was calculated from the formula below. Total length of stay
for SDS Patient is [(8.660280 + Random.LogLogistic (3.983742, 94.44468)) + (23.998799 +
Random. Gamma (1.820359, 29.215313)) + (15.451090 + Random. Lognormal (Math. Log
(49.635313), 0.500759)) + (1 / Random. Weibull (2.503230, 0.019615))] TCI Patients Length of
Stay Analysis: Table 6. TCI patient length of stay in PACU Data CharacteristicValue Source
fileObservation typeReal valued Number of observations471 Minimum observation35 Maximum
observation446 Mean125.7219 Median105 Variance5,032.32 Coefficient of variation0.56425
Skewness1.79274 Table 7. TCI patient in PACU Relative Evaluation of Candidate Models Figure
14. Density Histogram plot for LOS for TCI patients in PACU Figure 15. Distribution function
difference plot for TCI patients LOS in PACU From above calculation for each phase of same day
patients their total length of stay was calculated from the formula below. Total length of stay for TCI
Patient is [(5.015277 + Random.LogLogistic (3.971320, 98.764988)) + (Random.JohnsonSB
(2.303474, 1.204585,
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Health Care Readmissions: A Case Study
Health care spending in the United States has taken a toll on the federal financial budget (Minott,
2008; Stone & Hoffman, 2010). According to the National Center for Health Statistics,
hospitalizations are costly, accounting for approximately 32 percent of total health care cost,
additionally the total national health cost in 2014 was at $ 3 trillion (Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), 2016). Reports generated by the Congressional Budget Office (2010),
compared the Medicare spending between the dedicated funding and estimated an increase of
$518.5 billion to $929.1 billion between 2010 and 2020 (as cited by Stone & Hoffman, 2010).
According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately one in five more content...
Further statistics have revealed around 20 percent of Medicare recipients released from hospitals
were rehospitalized within thirty days and that 34 percent were readmitted within ninety days of
being discharged ( Jencks, Williams, & Coleman, 2009). Additionally, Medicare will now penalize
hospitals for patients who were readmitted within 30 days (Stone & Hoffman, 2010). Jenny Minott
from Academy Health (2008) asserts "The transition from the inpatient to the outpatient setting is a
critical point along the care continuum in which there is a real opportunity to prevent readmissions"
(p. 5). Many believe that some hospital readmissions are avoidable and could be thwarted with fairly
uncomplicated methods (Alper, O'Malley, & Greenwald, 2016; Anthony, Chetty, Kartha, McKenna,
DePaoli, & Jack, 2005; Jacks, et al., 2009; Minott, 2008; Stone & Hoffman, 2010). Therefore,
reducing hospital readmissions has been the center point of attention among hospitals, but the
challenge has been identifying those components that are directly responsible for, including the
quality of care during the hospitalization and the discharge planning (CDC, 2016). Wherefore, an
area that needs considerable attention is the hospital discharge
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Amcas Essay Length

  • 1. CAS Reflection Essay CAS Reflection Essay During the first visit to PDK Putrajaya, we started it off with an ice–breaking session with the trainees. Then, a few of us help this wheel–chaired girl with her physiotherapy session while the rest of us assist the preschool and adults group with their learning by the usage of interactive flash cards. During the second visit, we sang patriotic songs since it was the Merdeka week. One of my group mates and I continued the day by teaching the preschool kids about colors and how to differentiate them. We also played with some toys too. Meanwhile, the other group mates had a 'Creative Learning Session' with the disabled adults group. We played with balloon, did some drawing and learnt how to spell their more content... We as the normal people have to do our part to make them feel home and as a part of our society. More exclusively, I feel amazed and proud by the strength and patience the teachers at PDK Putrajaya go through day by day helping them. I have developed patience, tolerance and teamwork skill throughout these activities. The trainees helped me think about my learning during the previous activities. The trainees, in some way, helped me to be grateful for who I am and at the same time make me more willing to help them. I became more patient with life challenges because of them. My group's overall activities help benefit others by lessen the teachers' at PDK Putrajaya burden with the repainting of the classrooms. Many hands make light work. My group also help supply the demand of the KMB students' needs by selling food to raise fund. In addition to that, the activities broaden the trainees' view and they learn how to interact with the society. They also make improvements on their problems and disabilities. Planning for the next two visits 30th October 2013 : A visit to Botanical Garden (Moroccan Pavilion) , Putrajaya. 13th November 2013: Farewell ceremony Speech, video–showing and reflections on activities we have done together Get more content on
  • 2. Single Most Rewarding Experience Analysis 2. Briefly describe your single, most rewarding experience. (This is limited to 900 characters including spaces) The single, most rewarding experience for me is graduating from the University of Miami. The exhilarating feeling of satisfaction and achievement, knowing this was the conclusion of four years spent earning my degree, was truly gratifying. All of the hard work and sacrifice culminated into one of the proudest moments of my life and it made me reflect on how much I learned, not only as a student, but about myself as an individual. Being in a position to share that moment with my family made the celebration all that much more important to me. I witnessed how proud my parents were and created an influential path for my younger siblings to follow in. My success proves to them that with the right mindset and hard work they can achieve their own goals in life. I'm still looking forward to advancing my education and becoming a doctor, allowing me to experience this moment all over again. 3. Are there any areas of medicine more content... This particular field of medicine allows me to use my personality and convictions to build relationships with patients based on trust and compassion. While I respect the physicians that see a revolving door of patients each day, I want to concentrate my skills on the betterment of each patient. I am determined to not be a physician that is always looking to the next case or patient, but one that focuses on the moment and how I can deliver the best care and respect to my patients. My strong background in anatomy and physiology and personal desire to help eradicate cancer provides me with the unique opportunity to serve in a field of medicine that has grown so much over the years. Cancer has gripped my family in the past, igniting my personal vendetta to turn a fight against cancer into a career that works toward helping people overcome Get more content on
  • 3. Ap Physics Unit 8 Lab Lab Report 8 Physical Optics Physics 262–003 Author: A. Coughran Lab Partners: E. Ortiz, H. Barham Date: 5/10/17 Lab Report 8A. Coughran 5/10/17 Objective: The objective in Lab 8 is to measure wavelength of five emission lines of light and a laser beam through the principle of light interference. Theory: Light passed through a transmission grating is often sent in all directions due to interference. The grating acts as a new wave source and causes the light to travel in different paths. Equation 1 below shows the relationship between path difference and light direction due to constructive interference. D represents the line spacing and sinЖџ=a/c according to the drawing below. mО»=dsinЖџ Equation 1 Equation 2 below can be used when small angle values are present (such as when m=1) and is a more content... The base of the light triangle, b, was measured first. Then, the light positions, a, were measured f=or the first order (m=1) and second order (m=2) light beams to determine the angle Жџ for each. This data was organized in an Excel table and used to find the wavelength, О», of the laser through Equation 1. This value was then compared to the theoretical value for wavelength of the laser, which was 6.328xгЂ–10гЂ—^(–7)m, and the percent error was calculated between the two. Procedure B – Wavelength Measurement of Light Color The diffraction grating was used to measure the angle values of different light colors using a collimator. The wavelength of each light beam according to the corresponding color was then calculated using the specific angle value. In this procedure, a telescope was used to form an image from the diffracted light from the transmission grating. A mercury light source was also used as a light ray source of Get more content on
  • 4. Florida Standards Assessment Essay Dear Parent/Guardian: We appreciate your attention in your child's education and want to share with you some information about the Florida Standards Assessments. Students enrolled in grades 3–10 will participate in FSA ELA assessments. All students will participate in ELA Reading. Students enrolled in grades 4–10 will participate in ELA Writing. Students who did not pass the Grade 10 ELA assessment in spring 2015 will participate in the ELA Retake. Students enrolled in grades 3–8 will participate in FSA Mathematics assessments. In accordance with Section 1008.22(3)(b)1, Florida Statutes, middle grades students will not be tested on both FSA Mathematics and a mathematics EOC assessment. Students enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry, more content... By offering uplifiting support, encouraging your child to try their very best, as well as reinforcing goals and ideas, will assist them in performing well on the Florida Standards Assessment. The department has provided practice tests both electronically and paper–based, to help students prepare to the best of their ability for these assessments. It is important that they take these assessments every year to allow tracking of their learning. Florida Standards Assessments also allow for schools, teachers, and parents to see what level each student is on, which gives them more insight to determining whether they need help in a specific subject (i.e. Math, Reading, or Get more content on
  • 5. Medicines Act Of 1968 And The Uk In the UK, there are more than 1 billion scripts prescribed and dispensed every year (HSCIC, 2013). There are over 12,000 pharmacies in the UK, and approximately 1.6 million people visit a pharmacy every day (HSCIC, 2013). It is therefore natural to assume that between these 1 billion prescriptions, an error or mistake will be made. Current studies suggest that of all the dispensed medicines, there are approximately 0.01–3.32% errors made in community pharmacy and 0.02–2.7% in hospital pharmacy (James et all, 2009). The rules and regulations surrounding dispensing errors in the UK are governed by the Medicines Act of 1968 'the Act', and the Health Act 1999, which legislates the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) through the Pharmacy Order 2010. The Act is an Act of Parliament which governs the control, manufacture and supply of medicines in the UK. It was introduced to help control the use of medicinal compounds and to increase patient safety, although much of it has been modernized and repealed. It also gives power to the courts to charge any dispensing mistakes as a criminal offence. Section 64 (1) of the Act states that "No person shall, to the prejudice of the purchaser, sell any medicinal product which is not of the nature or quality demanded by the purchaser (The Medicines Act, 1968). This essentially means that every time a patient is accidently handed a wrong medicine– one that was not on the prescription, the pharmacist faces not only disciplinary action, Get more content on
  • 6. Adolescence-Limited Offenders: A Case Study Life–Course–Persistent offenders (LCPs) are those that "start antisocial acts early and continue their waywardness into and beyond adolescence. Adolescence–Limited Offenders (ALs) are those that start and finish their criminality during their teenage years" (Cullen, et al., 2014, p. 516). I honestly cannot mention anyone that I knew from my teenage years that could be classified as an LCP. Those that I associated myself with were either "nerds" and/or athletes. The smart ones never stepped out of line, never skipped class, never absent from school, and was always home on the weekends studying. The athletes were almost the same, except they were out partying on the weekend. That was the only thing that I did throughout my teenage years more content... Her life of criminality ended in her teenage years. Moffitt contends "as youths challenge to overcome the 'maturity gap', which was created by the mismatch between the adult biology development and modern society's belief that the youth abstain from adult conducts for several years" (Cullen, et al., 2014, p.517). I feel that once my cousin realized that she could spend more time in jail if she continued down the path she was on, she quickly did an about face. According to Laub and Sampson, "persistent offenders come to change their life course and desist from crime" (Cullen, et al., 2014, p. 545). There are four features that are described for this change process. First, an offender experiences a turning point in their life (marriage, job, family). Secondly, theindividual is exposed to an informal social control because of this turning point. Third, the individuals routine activities are changed and now unstructured toward where they once were (bars), Now they are more responsible. Lastly, there is the individuals commitment to their new Get more content on
  • 7. Focal Length And Lenses Lab Report Name Institution Course Instructor Date Focal length and Lenses Objectives: The following experiment was conducted with an aim of: Examining the characteristics of a convex and concave lenses. Determining the focal length of lenses using real image distance and use of finite object and image distances. Determining the focal length for a convex lens through the use of concave lens to form real image. Equipment: The following equipment were used and assembled as shown in figure (i): An optic bench A screen to form images A meter stick A holder for lenses A tape Three lenses of focallength approximately +20, +10, –30 cm. And a lamp with an illuminate object on face. Figure (i). Shows an image of apparatus setting for the experiment. Introduction Lenses are shaped in such a way that their surfaces either curves inwards or outwards about a central axis. Rays of light passing through them experience convergence or divergence depending on the shape of the lens. Convex converge light rays while concave diverge as described in figure (ii). Since the curved surface has a specific radius, then all light lights would diverge or converge at a specific point called the focal point. Diverging lens provide virtual images while converging lens result to real images. The preceding equations are used to calculate the image and the object distance in relation to the focal length of the lens. Using two similar or dissimilar types of lenses it is possible to improve the image Get more content on
  • 8. Chemotherapy Vs. Treatment Analysis For this experiment, treatment 1 are the results from only chemotherapy and treatment 2 are the results from both chemotherapy and radiation. By looking at the table and the side–by–side boxplot, treatment 1 has a higher median, mean and max than treatment 2 which suggests that only using chemotherapy is the better option because the cancer patients will live longer. The median and the mean are the key components for comparing the two datasets because that is where all of the data points are centered around. Both the mean and median are rather large for treatment 1 compared to treatment 2, so there are signs that only using chemotherapy is statistically significant than both treatments, but that can't be proven until a test is done in the next Get more content on
  • 9. Length Mass and Density Lab Report Determination of Length, Mass, and Density Table of Contents 1 – Introduction ............................................................... Page 3 2 – Theory ..................................................................... Page 3 3 – Experimental Procedure and Results .............................. Page 6 4 – Discussion ................................................................ Page 9 5 – Conclusion ............................................................... Page 9 6 – Bibliography ......................................................... Page 10 1– Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to learn how use a variety of tools that will aid in the gathering of data. This data is then used to calculate different measurements including, volume and density. The experiment will also further understanding of measurement errors using the data collected. 2 – Theory Along with the use of tools for more content... 3.1–Vernier Caliper First the Vernier Caliper (V.Caliper) was used to measure the diameter of a coin. This was done three times and the measurements as well as the average measurement are recorded in this table labeled Table 1. Measurement 119.0mmAverage Measurement 2 Measurement 3 Table 1 – Coin diameter measurements using the Vernier Caliper 3.2–Micrometer caliper Next the Micrometer caliper (M. Caliper) was calibrated and the zero correction was determined to be +0.020mm. The M. Caliper was then used to find the diameter of a sample of human hair and coated and uncoated optical fibers. The Zero Correction was added to all measurements and used to determine average diameters or percent differnces. The results are recorded in Table 2. Human Hair Coated Fiber Uncoated Fiber Percent Difference Table 2–measured diameters of human hair, coated and uncoated optical fiber, and percent
  • 10. differences for all 3.3–Vernier and Micrometer Caliper In this step both the V. Caliper and M. Caliper were used. The M. Caliper was used to measure the thickness of a single sheet of paper in a college physics Get more content on
  • 11. Attachment Styles Case Study How do you believe these differing types of attachment styles could impact long term development? Attachment measure how much trust the child has to their parents or caregivers and if they don't have any attachment to them it can affect their overall personality they can have low self esteem or it can also afrect their academic because they don't know if theres somebody who they can turn to if they face adversity. 2) What parenting style do you believe is most prevalent currently? How do you believe this parenting style impacts emotional and psychological development? In my country authoritarian parenting is the most common. We are raised like an army and though its not fun all the time but it makes us more matured and respectful because Get more content on
  • 12. Pharmacy Technicians Essay example Pharmacy Technicians Despite popular belief, pharmacy technicians are more than laborers; they are specially trained individuals. Imagine a family member is admitted to the University of South Alabama Hospital with an acute case of pneumonia, which will require oral and intravenous medications. These medications must be precisely prepared and properly delivered. The common perception is that pharmacists prepare medications and technicians simply deliver them. This view of their job is both accurate and inaccurate. Pharmacy technicians are most often seen as the pharmacy's "delivery–boy". Technicians are responsible for timely delivery of medications. However, delivery of medications is more than the act of getting drugs to more content... The aseptic technique requires the sterile manipulation of syringes, vials, and medication in the confines of a vertical and horizontal laminar flow hood. Both of these skills can be taught. Most pharmacy technicians receive on the job training. The on–the–job training usually last for no more than six weeks, which is approximately two percent of the time a pharmacist must dedicate to their training. Ethical consciousness cannot be taught; only those who consider the implications of their daily tasks acquire it. Technicians lacking professional ethics will endanger patient's lives. Many ethical technicians make the choice to seek certification. Technicians are not required to become certified by the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, but thousands of technicians become certified each year. Certification, however, does not test the abilities of the technician. It simply tests the knowledge required to complete various tasks. A technician being certified brings up additional implications involving questions of liability between the pharmacist and technician.. A pharmacist must check any medication that is administered to a patient. This is the focus of their job. Nevertheless, if an error occurs they are not the only responsible party. Most laws involving medical liability state that liability lies with the company and the competent medical professionals involved with error. Once a technician Get more content on
  • 13. Length Of Stay Case Study An inpatient admitted June 10 and discharged June 14 would have a 4 day length of stay or LOS. Medicare has defined an inpatient stay as " a person who has been admitted to a hospital for bed occupancy for purposes of receiving inpatient hospital services" (Keough, 2006, p. 112). In essence, for the purpose of accurately billing Medicare the inpatient stay starts once the patient is admitted. The length of stay is important data needed for sending clean claims for reimbursement and for administration to manage the hospital operation. This is especially true as payment for patient stays move towards value based reimbursement. Although, there does appear to be some inherent waste associated with the way inpatient beds are counted. The answer Get more content on
  • 14. In chapter three of The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing, Michael Harvey focuses on flow. He explains consistency of character usage in sentences, additionally with appropriate pronouns and linking words. In sentences, pronouns should refer to their nouns in a neat fashion. This makes passages easier to follow, preventing confusion from arising. Furthermore, characters should be used consistently. The writer controls the flow from one character to another, and they should not be jumbled. If there are several characters, the sequences should introduce each one methodically. Punch lines are also important in combining sentences from a familiar start to new information. Additionally, introductory prepositional phrases are recommended if the Get more content on
  • 15. Short-Term Outcome Analysis This program's intended outcomes comprise both short–term and long–term outcomes. Firstly, the short–term outcome is that for every patient who is fifty years and older is given the choice to undergo either the colonoscopy or the CT colonography (CTC) procedure. Consequently, if more patients choose the CTC method, then it will vastly affect the adherence rates for colorectal cancer screenings and in effect cost (Pooler et al., 2012). In turn, this will increase the life years gained for the individual. Secondly, the long–term outcome arises when Medicare sees the benefit of CTC and its adherence for CRC screenings and will reimburse for this CTC procedure for screening purposes for Medicare–aged individuals. The overall outcome is that more Get more content on
  • 16. The major differences between ambulatory care facilities and long–term facilities are the length of stay, billing types, and type of care rendered. The stay for ambulatory care facilities is significantly shorter because an overnight stay is not required (Gartee, 2011). Long–term facilities are more similar to acute care hospitals. Care provided in a hospital setting is rendered to critically or seriously ill patients, of which their condition requires them to be admitted overnight or for a longer extended stay. The average length of stay as an inpatient is normally less than 30 days and then patients can be admitted to a long–term facility when less intense care is still needed after being discharged from the hospital. Long–term care Get more content on
  • 17. How Length Affects Pitch Lab Report "Procedure A: Investigating How Length Affects Pitch" Lab Report Brenna Ketchum Research Question: How does the length of how much a meter stick is hanging off of a table affect the pitch, when the meter stick is plucked, and how does the length of a kazoo affect the pitch, when it is hummed into? Hypothesis: For the meter stick tests, when there is 20 centimeters off of the table, the pitch will be high, and will not vibrate for very long. For the next test, when there is 40 centimeters off of the table, the pitch will be lower and the meter stick will vibrate for a longer period of time. And when there is 60 centimeters off of the table, the pitch will be very low and will vibrate for a long time. So, as the length goes up, or gets longer, more content... First, if the exact same equipment and materials are not used in every test, the results can be skewed. For example, if three different meter sticks, made of different materials, were used in this experiment, the results could be messed up, because each meter stick may produce a different pitch, depending on its material. To prevent this problem, simply use the exact same materials and equipment for each test. If something breaks or needs to be replaced, it is best to just start the experiment over, so that all the results come from the same materials. Another possible error is the use of different methods in the experiment. For example, for the kazoo test, if one way of humming, or one pitch is used, and then a different one is used, that will negatively affect the results. Like before, the use of the exact same methods is very important, so that the results are as accurate as possible. This experiment proved, or supported, the fact that pitch is inversely affected by length. This basically means that, when length goes up, pitch goes down, and vice versa. These results can be helpful in real life in many ways. In designing or creating instruments, the relationship between pitch and length is extremely helpful and important. For example, the reason why a piccolo can play higher notes than a regular flute is because of its length. Since the piccolo is shorter, it can reach higher pitches than the flute. This is the case with many other Get more content on
  • 18. Case Study: An Extended Stay In the health care system, a multitude of errors occurs on a daily basis. Doctors, nurses, orderly's, etc., everyone in health care settings has responsibilities that warrant careful attention. This was exhibited in the case study titled 'An Extended Stay'. In this case study, we are introduced to a middle–aged man in his 60s named Mr. Stanley Londborg. He presented with several health conditions, including a seizure disorder, hypertension (also known as high blood pressure), and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Londborg was no stranger to the hospital and was known fairly well by faculty members. Londborg paid a visit to the Emergency Room at the hospital complaining of wheezing and breathing complications. The physician that examined Mr. Londborg yielded his symptoms as an acute worsening more content... This can be read as a key ethical question to many healthcare case studies because of the errors and situations that occur. One of the explanations for this occurrence may be the overwhelming workload, chaotic environment and lack of individual attention prescribed to each patient. These issues can cause a disruption to the ethical principle of Beneficence. The principle of Beneficence calls to action the act of helping others and having compassion for the patients. This principle can be threatened when a doctor or caretaker is overworked and unable to effectively manage the series of patients and work they are assigned to take on. I believe that the admitting doctor did not initially catch the error of not calling for the specific drug need because he was more focused on getting Mr. Londborg stable and on the medication to treat his initial and present condition before worrying about the preventative medication. In addition, the doctor was so focused on helping everyone all at once that he was blind to the small details and loose ends that needed to be taken care Get more content on
  • 19. Length Of Stay Analysis 3.4.4. Patients total Length of stay in the hospital Patient's length of stay needs to be accurately evaluated to build a complete and accurate simulation which replicates the real life situation. Using previous data directly would not give us exact time as data has so much variability in it. Hence we used Expert Fit statistical software to make distributions of patients LOS from previous data. Using such distributions gave us more accurate values on patients LOS with no errors. Distribution were made such that they fit the simulation software SIMIO to implement the distributions analyzed in SIMIO. To describe calculated Length of stay for each patients we further explained the analysis of length of stay in detail below and to make more content... Density Histogram plot for LOS for SDS patients in PACU Figure 13. Distribution function difference plot for SDS patients LOS in PACU From above calculation for each phase of same day patients their total length of stay was calculated from the formula below. Total length of stay for SDS Patient is [(8.660280 + Random.LogLogistic (3.983742, 94.44468)) + (23.998799 + Random. Gamma (1.820359, 29.215313)) + (15.451090 + Random. Lognormal (Math. Log (49.635313), 0.500759)) + (1 / Random. Weibull (2.503230, 0.019615))] TCI Patients Length of Stay Analysis: Table 6. TCI patient length of stay in PACU Data CharacteristicValue Source fileObservation typeReal valued Number of observations471 Minimum observation35 Maximum observation446 Mean125.7219 Median105 Variance5,032.32 Coefficient of variation0.56425 Skewness1.79274 Table 7. TCI patient in PACU Relative Evaluation of Candidate Models Figure 14. Density Histogram plot for LOS for TCI patients in PACU Figure 15. Distribution function difference plot for TCI patients LOS in PACU From above calculation for each phase of same day patients their total length of stay was calculated from the formula below. Total length of stay for TCI Patient is [(5.015277 + Random.LogLogistic (3.971320, 98.764988)) + (Random.JohnsonSB (2.303474, 1.204585, Get more content on
  • 20. Health Care Readmissions: A Case Study Health care spending in the United States has taken a toll on the federal financial budget (Minott, 2008; Stone & Hoffman, 2010). According to the National Center for Health Statistics, hospitalizations are costly, accounting for approximately 32 percent of total health care cost, additionally the total national health cost in 2014 was at $ 3 trillion (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2016). Reports generated by the Congressional Budget Office (2010), compared the Medicare spending between the dedicated funding and estimated an increase of $518.5 billion to $929.1 billion between 2010 and 2020 (as cited by Stone & Hoffman, 2010). According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately one in five more content... Further statistics have revealed around 20 percent of Medicare recipients released from hospitals were rehospitalized within thirty days and that 34 percent were readmitted within ninety days of being discharged ( Jencks, Williams, & Coleman, 2009). Additionally, Medicare will now penalize hospitals for patients who were readmitted within 30 days (Stone & Hoffman, 2010). Jenny Minott from Academy Health (2008) asserts "The transition from the inpatient to the outpatient setting is a critical point along the care continuum in which there is a real opportunity to prevent readmissions" (p. 5). Many believe that some hospital readmissions are avoidable and could be thwarted with fairly uncomplicated methods (Alper, O'Malley, & Greenwald, 2016; Anthony, Chetty, Kartha, McKenna, DePaoli, & Jack, 2005; Jacks, et al., 2009; Minott, 2008; Stone & Hoffman, 2010). Therefore, reducing hospital readmissions has been the center point of attention among hospitals, but the challenge has been identifying those components that are directly responsible for, including the quality of care during the hospitalization and the discharge planning (CDC, 2016). Wherefore, an area that needs considerable attention is the hospital discharge Get more content on