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Global demand for meat
unsustainable and rising
Livestock 18%
of GHG emissionsHeart disease
and obesity
globally endemic
Quorn 90% less
saturated fat than
a meat spaghetti
Quorn a sustainable
alternative to meat
Quorn up to 90%
lower emissions
than beef
“At Quorn we have a simple mission,
‘to help consumers eat less meat’.
Given the ethical, health and environmental
benefits of Quorn foods, this places
corporate responsibility at the heart of
everything we do.”
Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive, Quorn Foods Ltd 2014.
1. Foreword
Page 2
3. What Exactly is Quorn?
Page 8
5. Quorn: Impact on
Public Health
Page 14
2. The Future of Food
Page 4
4. The Benefits of Quorn
Page 10
6. Managing Our
Environmental Performance
Page 16
At Quorn we have a simple mission, ‘to help consumers eat less meat’.
Given the ethical, health and environmental benefits of Quorn foods,
this places corporate responsibility at the heart of everything we do.
1An unsustainable
increase in
demand for meat
as populations
grow in number
and wealth.
impacts from the
production of
meat – 18% of
GHG emissions
coming from
3Major health issues
associated with over
consumption of meat
– obesity and heart
disease are now of
serious concern in
most developed
Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive
‘‘Demand for food is growing rapidly, and at the same time the land available is probably
shrinking and climate change is making production more uncertain around the world. How
can we produce enough food for nutritious diets in sustainable ways into the future? Quorn
is an excellent example of a different way of thinking: the product has good sustainability
credentials, low land footprint and is highly nutritious. What’s not to value about it?”
Prof. Tim Benton
UK Champion for Global Food Security
The delivery of our mission will significantly
contribute towards three global issues around
sustainability and health.
In our ‘future of food’ review we highlight
three now well recognised global issues:
The world is going to need many solutions to
these issues but Quorn can and does already
play a significant part in addressing them.
This is outlined in the report.
We are also acutely aware of the impact we have
on the environment. Through partnering with the
Carbon Trust and many leading universities we
have identified our environmental performance
and drawn up a diverse programme to reduce
the intensity of our impact. This report highlights
our progress and future plans in this area.
We remain proud of the contribution we have
made so far and excited about the future
potential to contribute to helping consumers,
all over the world, eat less meat.
Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive
Quorn Foods Ltd.
February 2014
See page 24 for Reference notes
‘‘CSR and Corporate
Sustainability is shifting,
it is not just about how
individual companies
can reduce their impacts,
it is now how their core
product can help make the
world more sustainable.
We have to reverse some
seriously worrying trends
like resource use, land
use, carbon and obesity.
Quorn ticks so many
boxes - a product range
and company to watch!”
Prof. Alan Knight OBE
Single Planet Living
Quorn Foods is the first
global meat-alternative
brand to achieve third-
party certification of its
carbon footprint figures.
There are now numerous reports and publications identifying the
significant global issues relating to the unsustainability of our diet.
We particularly want to focus on the three relating to meat
production and consumption.
The Future of Food2
1. Unsustainable demand
By 2050 world population is set to increase to
over 9 billion, 30% higher than today. In order
to feed this larger, wealthier and more urban
population, food production will need to rise
by 70%. This means an increase in cereal
cultivation of over 1 billion tonnes and an
increase in meat production of over 200
million tonnes.2
Much of the increased demand
for meat is forecast to come from the Asian
markets, with China already consuming more
meat than either the USA or the EU (Figure 1)
even though its per capita consumption is
currently only half that found in these markets.3
In 2013, the UK government’s report on food
security reinforced the need for a change in
behaviour such that meat is promoted as an
occasional treat rather than an everyday
Meanwhile, as demand begins to
outstrip supply, so meat prices will continue
to rise, placing excessive strain on the supply
chain and leaving us vulnerable to issues such
as the ‘horsemeat scandal’. In fact, there is now
worldwide recognition that this increase in
demand for meat simply cannot be met. Many
reports are now highlighting that continued
focus on intensification of existing agriculture
to provide a solution risks both catastrophic
impacts for our health and for the
as well as increasing the
potential for conflict over vital resources
such as land and water.
Meat consumption (million tonnes)
in USA, EU and China in 2012
Fig. 1
See page 24 for Reference notes
2. The environmental impact of meat
Our understanding of climate change continues
to grow. Recent reports from the IPCC suggest
a significant deepening of concern with
predictions that “nobody will be untouched by
the impacts of climate change.”6
In addition,
science is now telling us that agriculture and
food production have a surprisingly important
role within this and represent up to 29%
of global greenhouse gas emissions7
the 2006 UN report1
suggesting ruminant
contributions to be as high as 18%. More recent
reports have revised this to between 11% and
and whilst reductions in emissions are
possible these impacts could also increase as
demand for meat grows, damaging the very
ecosystems needed to produce crops for
animal feed. In fact, the production of meat
from plant proteins is inherently inefficient with
huge amounts of grain and crops being used to
feed livestock when it could be fed directly to
humans. Currently, 90% of all soyabean meal
is used in animal feed with analysts estimating
that over 40% of global crops are used in this
way, representing a highly inefficient use of
this food and the land required to grow it.10,11
Reports also show that over 15,000 litres of
are required to produce one kilo of
beef and that if meat consumption continues
to rise as predicted then the amount of water
required to grow animal feed will need to double
by the middle of this century. With over 2.5
billion people already living in areas of water
stress and with global warming predicted to
further reduce its availability, conflicts over
water are expected to become more acute.
Our appetite for more and cheaper meat is
also driving a whole industry of chemicals
used extensively as fertilizers and pesticides,
with concerns that this is altering much of the
balance of nature and biodiversity.5
In addition,
whilst some nations are working to restrict
and control the use of antibiotics as growth
promoters in the production of meat, their
widespread use has caused many now to talk
of a new era of antibiotic resistant bacteria
and the return of pandemic disease in humans.
The UN estimated that livestock
(meat production) makes up 18%
of greenhouse gas emissions
The Future of Food (continued)2
3. Health impacts of meat consumption
Meat can play a vital role in a balanced diet, as
recognised in the UK government’s ‘Eat Well Plan’.
However, science is also showing clearly that
excessive consumption of red meat can contribute
to obesity and complications of heart disease
and diabetes. Obesity is close to endemic in
many developed economies and a recent report
from the Office for International Development
showed an alarming increase in the
levels of obesity in developing countries as
well. In total, the ODI estimates that globally
one third of all adults are obese or overweight.
In the UK, we consume around 500 meals a year
containing meat.14
This is an unprecedented
amount and is unlikely to support a healthy diet.
In fact research from the University of Southern
has recently shown that high levels
of dietary animal protein in those under 65 were
associated with a fourfold increase in their risk
of death from cancer compared to those on a
low protein diet.
‘‘While meat represents an important source of high quality protein and a range of micronutrients,
energy-dense diets containing excessive amounts of red, and particularly processed meat have
been associated with an increased risk of a range of chronic diseases including cardiovascular
disease, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. While such concerns were largely restricted to
Western industrialised countries, the rapid increase in meat consumption associated with many
emerging economies is of concern. Quorn represents a low fat, high protein alternative which can
substitute for such products and potentially reduce these risks. In addition, unique properties of
the fibre and/or protein associated with Quorn may have specific benefits in themselves.”
Andrew Salter BSc, PhD, RNutr
Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry, University of Nottingham
The cost of this for public health is a major
concern for governments the world over. The
evidence appears well established: obesity
together with excessive consumption of
fats, sugars and salt is linked to rising global
incidence of non communicable diseases.
However, dietary behaviour change is
notoriously difficult, especially where there
is a belief that the alternative will be less
satisfying. That’s why great tasting healthy
alternatives to meat are so important.
UK estimate:
500 meals a
year are eaten
containing meat
See page 24 for Reference notes
We believe that for each of
the three issues highlighted
we can play a significant
part in the solution.
What Exactly is Quorn?3
The aim was to find a micro-organism that
could easily convert plentiful carbohydrates into
scarcer and more nutritionally valuable proteins
but without the use of animals as the method
of conversion. Many years of R & D and over
£100m investment identified a tiny member
of the fungi family that could be converted into
a protein. This led to the mass production of
mycoprotein, the unique ingredient that makes
Quorn products so special.
Rather than animals we use fermenters to grow
and harvest the protein. It is not dissimilar to the
way that production of beer or yoghurt works.
What was amazing about this new protein was
its ability to replicate the taste and texture
of meat. The unique fibrous nature of Quorn
means it can provide the textural experience
of eating meat. Its ability to take on flavour
and lack of aftertaste means it can deliver
the taste of meat and meat dishes brilliantly.
This is what has already turned Quorn into
a £200m brand globally with over 3 billion
servings already having been enjoyed.
Mycoprotein is a tiny member of the fungi
family and is at the heart of all Quorn
foods. Uniquely it provides the textural as
well as flavour experience of eating meat
See page 24 for Reference notes
Our origins go back to the 1960s, a period when
there were genuine concerns about our ability to
feed the world. As a response to this Lord Rank,
our founder, set up a project to find a new source
of protein. This was deemed by many to be the
search for the first new food since the potato!
‘‘Quorn is almost unique as a foodstuff. It is
probably the only successful example of a
technological exploitation of a naturally
occurring new protein source in order
to create a new food and the future will
need more of this ingenuity to meet the
challenges of food security. This, as yet
relatively untapped resource offers
exciting possibilities to both nutritionist
and food engineer alike and is based upon
the product’s low levels of fat allied with
a high protein content and a high utility
in terms of product format flexibility.
These exceptional characteristics also
include the structural properties of the
fibres themselves which might still be
exploited in ever more ingenious ways.
Dr Phil Cox
Head of Bio-Food Engineering Group,
University of Birmingham
2014Quorn is a £200m global
brand: 3 billion+ servings
‘‘As consumers we are paying
increasing attention to the types
of food we buy and consume. Food
scares, dietary advice, global warming
and potential future global food
shortages are influencing the choices
we make. Our research at Newcastle
Business School is showing that a low
fat content and a low carbon footprint
are important food attributes that
consumers value and highlights how
Quorn can play an important role as
consumers change their behaviour
and eat healthier, more sustainable
and environmentally friendly food.
Prof. Fraser McLeay
Professor of Strategic Marketing Management
Newcastle Business School
The Benefits of Quorn4
FACT: To make 1kg of Quorn
requires only 2kg of wheat
Quorn provides an efficient and sustainable way of producing
a healthy new protein with a lower environmental impact
The 2006 UN report
‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’1
highlights the inefficient
nature of producing
protein through livestock.
A number of studies have shown that
between 12 and 24 kg of feed are
required to produce 1 kg of edible
Poultry has a higher conversion
efficiency but typically requires 2 to
4 kg17
and in both cases more protein
is fed to the animal than is actually
produced. With Quorn we simply take
the carbohydrate from the grain and
convert it to protein – without the
need for animals (Figure 2). In fact,
because the original grain protein
remains available, the Quorn process
actually increases the overall protein
balance (Figure 3).
Fig. 2
See page 24 for Reference notes
‘‘We need different ways of
producing food to meet
the demands of a world
population predicted to
rise to over 9 billion by
2050. Protein from fungi,
such as Quorn, is a major
step in the right direction.”
Prof. Lynne Boddy
Cardiff School of Biosciences,
Cardiff University
With over 70% of agricultural land currently used
for livestock production, the growing demand for
meat is going to mean that more efficient solutions
are needed as land becomes scarcer.18
The simple
elegance of the Quorn process lies not only in its
ability to create protein really efficiently but also in
its ability to deliver a taste and texture that people
enjoy, making it easy to 'make the change'.
Protein yield per tonne of wheat used
in production of Quorn and Beef
A million consumers eating Quorn
mince instead of beef mince at least
once a week over a year would require
approximately 12,500 fewer acres...
the equivalent of 7,000 football pitches.
Fig. 3
The Benefits of Quorn (continued)4
Quorn is more water efficient
Water is a scarce resource that will come under
increasing pressure as demand for meat grows.
Quorn has the potential to play an important
role by providing protein that is more efficient
in its use of limited water resources.19
Whilst the
level of water used in the production of meat
will vary by animal and method of production,
currently available data suggest that the water
footprint of beef could be 15 times greater
than Quorn mince.
As both populations and demand for meat grows
then pressure on water resources will inevitably
increase. Quorn has the potential to play an
important role by providing protein that is more
efficient in its use of limited water resources.
Quorn produces fewer
GHG emissions
Food production is a major contributor to
emissions and thus climate change. Livestock
specifically contributes up to 18% of greenhouse
gas emissions1
- a greater share than transport.
Over the last two years we have worked to
understand both the impacts of meat and of
Quorn. There is extensive data around meat,
especially beef. Inevitably, data can vary
depending on assumptions. We worked with
Ricardo AEA to reach a balanced view of
extensive peer review publications, NGOs
and food manufacturer reports. In parallel we
worked with the Carbon Trust to undertake
the same analysis for Quorn.
The water
footprint of
Quorn mince =
15 times smaller
than that
of beef
By converting dishes from meat to Quorn,
consumers can significantly reduce their carbon
emission. In fact our estimates suggest that 2012
sales of Quorn mince represented a carbon saving,
when compared with available figures for beef,
equivalent to 13,000 cars being driven for a year.
At Quorn, we believe that multiple solutions
and radical thinking are needed to address
these challenges. The evidence suggests that
we cannot rely solely on the intensification of
existing agriculture and food production to
provide solutions to the 9 billion challenge. We
believe that Quorn foods deliver an important
new dietary tool that can address our future
needs for a tasty, healthy new protein with a
low environmental impact.
The results are remarkable. It shows that
Quorn products can have a carbon footprint
up to ten times lower than beef, and up to
1.5 times lower than chicken.20
Comparative carbon emissions
Multiple solutions and radical
thinking will provide solutions
to the 9 billion challenge
Quorn: Impact on Public Health5
Governments around the world
are looking for solutions to help
address the problems of diet
and health related disease.
Quorn can help consumers
significantly improve their
health by helping change
behaviours with simple to use
healthy alternatives to meat:
• By having a really authentic meat-like taste
and texture, Quorn foods can help you enjoy
all your favourite meals but without the
saturated fats and calories often associated
with meat
• Even a small change can make a big difference
- simply swapping the beef mince in your
Spaghetti Bolognese for Quorn mince just
once a week for six months could mean
reducing your calorie intake by 5,252 calories.
That's equivalent to the calories you would
burn jogging more than 2 marathons
• All Quorn foods contain mycoprotein, a
healthy new protein that contains all the
essential amino acids as well being a good
source of fibre. Importantly, mycoprotein is
also naturally low in fat and saturated fat
• Doctors, nutritionists and heart foundations
all over the world recommend Quorn.
We invest over £15m annually to communicate
these health benefits to encourage consumers
to change their behaviour. We also invest in
education into schools on the health benefits
of Quorn. This can help children grow up with
healthier diets. The provision of Quorn in millions
of school meals helps them get off to a good start.
At Quorn we also support government initiatives
such as Change 4 Life and the Responsibility
Deal to help consumers improve their diets.
Out of home, Quorn is positioned as a healthy
protein with low environmental impact. In
addition, many schools and businesses
operating in foodservice have signed up to the
government’s Responsibility Deal, pledging to
reduce calories, salt and saturated fat, amongst
others. By adding Quorn dishes to their menus,
rather than lean beef mince, they can enable
customers to eat 60% fewer calories and 90%
less saturated fat whilst also providing up to a
90% carbon saving compared to beef mince.Working with local education
authorities, Quorn is helping children
to eat more healthily and is serving
over 16 million school meals per year.
We work in close collaboration with
various network partners to deliver
effective R&D for sustainable growth.
We continue to build our learning on the
impact of Quorn on a sustainable healthy
diet and how to bring about behaviour
change in a difficult area. This has included
collaboration with Imperial College, University
of York, University of Northumbria and many
leading clinicians in this field.
Lastly we continue to invest to make our foods
better and better. To get consumers to eat healthier
we need to deliver outstanding food. In the last three
years we have made major improvements to taste and
texture on nearly every product and launched exciting
new products such as Chorizo, Cocktail Sausages, Picnic
Eggs, and Steak Slices.
We pride
ourselves on
an innovative
and tasty
‘‘Our research at Imperial has shown interesting beneficial effects of
mycoprotein on satiety, glycaemia and insulinaemia. Whilst there is
more to do to understand these effects, these results build on previously
published research and position Quorn foods as an important choice
in helping to address modern day diet and health related issues.”
Prof. Gary Frost
Chair in Nutrition and Dietetics,
Imperial College London
From ‘farm to fork’ we are
dedicated to outstanding
environmental performance
Managing Our Environmental Performance6
Leading the way
At Quorn Foods, we believe we have a role
to play as part of the future food challenge.
We believe that our low carbon credentials
compared with typical meat diets are impressive.
We therefore take seriously our responsibility
to ensure we are managing our own impacts
on the environment – saving carbon, energy,
water, natural resources and therefore cost. We
continue to live by our long-standing history of
research, development and innovation and take
a lead within the food manufacturing industry by
investing in analysis of the entire supply chain,
from ‘farm to fork’, in order to understand our
own impacts and the challenges ahead.
This level of analysis cannot be achieved
overnight, and we know there is more work to
be done. Yet Quorn Foods is the first global
meat-alternative brand to achieve third-party
certification of its carbon footprint figures and
as such, we encourage other food brands to
join us in exploring how we can all contribute
to more sustainable diets for our consumers.
6.1 Product carbon footprinting
Quorn Foods’ best-selling meat
alternative products are the first to have
their carbon footprints independently
certified by the Carbon Trust.
Achieving third party verification of our Quorn
mince and chicken-style pieces product carbon
footprints (destined for retail sale in the UK,
Nordic and South African markets) was just the
start of work to calculate our greenhouse gas
emissions. We have been busy calculating -
and reducing - the product carbon footprints
of many products in our range.
Quorn Foods is the first
global meat-alternative
brand to achieve third-
party certification of its
carbon footprint figures.
Our product carbon footprints
were calculated in accordance with:
• PAS 2050: 2008 - Specification for the
assessment of life cycle greenhouse gas
emissions of goods and services
• The Code of Good Practice for Product
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction
Claims (2008)
• Certification requirements of the Carbon
Trust’s Footprint Expert™ Guide – version 3.3
This research was vital in allowing us to release
information about the impacts of our products
and inform our reduction efforts as to the
areas of most carbon impact throughout our
supply chain.
Working with the Carbon Trust also allows us
to proudly display the Carbon Reduction Label
on our packs – emphasising our third party
certification achievement and exemplifying
to our consumers a commitment to further
carbon reductions.
What is a carbon footprint?
A ‘carbon footprint’ measures the total
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused
directly and indirectly by a person, organisation,
event or product. Our product carbon footprint
calculated GHG emissions for all stages of the
value chain, from raw materials to use and
disposal of the product and packaging.
The carbon footprint is measured in units of
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) – allowing
the six commonly measured gases that
contribute to global warming to be compared
on a like-for-like basis.
Our footprint figures
Product carbon footprints (see Figure 4) for
best-selling products in our frozen category
were calculated in association with Sheffield
Hallam University and the Technology Strategy
Board’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership
scheme. The models and resulting figures were
independently certified by the Carbon Trust,
ensuring that our work followed the most
detailed approach to footprinting and met
international standards. This process required
extensive data collection and collaborative
working with our supply chain.
Product Region Cradle to Gate Cradle to Grave
CO2e CO2e
(rounded - (rounded -
kgCO2e per kg) kgCO2e per kg)
Nordic region 3.4 4.5
South Africa 3.4 6.5
UK 3.4 5
Nordic region 3.4 4.5
South Africa 3.4 7
UK 3.4 5
Fig. 4
Disposal &
& retail
6.2 Environmental
Resources Strategy
We continue to work with the Carbon Trust
in order to understand our environmental
impacts and further drive down our emissions.
We have measured our own organisational
carbon baseline (2012) and are on track to
reduce this baseline on the run-up to 2016,
even though we are producing more to meet
our business growth both in the UK and in
our 13 international markets. We have been
working and investing in energy reduction
projects for many years and continue to drive
initiatives that will ensure we are able to meet
rising demand for our products whilst using
less energy and fewer natural resources.
Electricity use is key to our efforts
to reduce energy – contributing
73% to our Scope 1 and 2 footprint
Organisational footprinting
with the Carbon Trust
Quorn Foods followed the Greenhouse
Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standard in
order to establish our own company-wide
footprint on the environment. This is an
international standard that helps us to
quantify and prepare to report our emissions.
Organisational carbon footprinting allowed us
to quantify our Scope 1, 2 and key elements
of our Scope 3 emissions (see Figure 5). Scope
3 emissions are created both upstream and
downstream of our direct operational control,
are therefore much more challenging to
calculate yet form a key part of many
organisations’ emissions. Our previous product
carbon footprinting work and supply chain
collaboration supported us to go beyond simply
our own operations to understand those both
upstream and downstream of our business.
Managing Our Environmental Performance (continued)6
Fig. 5
We now know procurement of ingredients
dominates our overall footprint on the
environment – contributing approx. 75% to
our overall (Scope 1, 2 and 3) emissions. This
highlighted to us the importance of looking
beyond simply our own energy use and the
significance of the supply chain collaborations
we plan to develop further in 2014.
Organisational footprinting covers:
• Scope 1 emissions: Owned transport, fuel
consumption, process and fugitive emissions
• Scope 2 emissions: Purchased electricity
• Scope 3 emissions: Include purchased
goods and services, upstream transport /
distribution, waste, business travel.
By making one simple change and
choosing Quorn, you can reduce
the carbon footprint of your
favourite Spaghetti Bolognese
or chilli dish by up to 90%.
‘‘The level of effort and strategic thinking
that has gone into producing Quorn’s first
Environmental Report has put the company
in a great position to build sustainability
inside its business. Their progress to date
demonstrates a commitment to ensure that
their environmental impact hasn’t grown at
the same rate as their business. There is an
admirable focus on proving the low carbon
credentials of Quorn’s products using real
data, having their impacts measured and
certified by the Carbon Trust.
Tom Cumberlege
Consultant, The Carbon Trust
Managing Our Environmental Performance (continued)6
6.2.1 Carbon
Comparing our overall business emissions to our
production figures revealed the effectiveness
of the range of efficiency projects we have
implemented, as the carbon intensity of our
business fell year-on-year from 2010 to 2012
(see Figure 6). This is despite a 10% increase
in production volume from our sites.
Our business continues to thrive; therefore
we recognise the importance of continuing to
drive down emissions. We plan to do this by
implementing further energy reduction projects
across all three of our production sites. By doing so,
we believe we can realistically grow our business
whilst improving the carbon efficiency of our
production by at least 14% from a 2012 baseline.
Working with the Carbon Trust has provided
an action plan as to how to achieve this.
Fig. 6
We believe we can realistically grow
our business whilst improving the
carbon intensity of our production
by at least 14% from a 2012 baseline
Our Billingham site is the
only production site in
the world that produces
the ingredient key to
all Quorn products –
mycoprotein. This site
has consistently
managed to reduce the
carbon emissions per
tonne of mycoprotein
since 2010. Our onsite
engineers and technical
experts are continually
using their expertise to
come up with innovative
and ground-breaking
ways to improve the
efficiency of our airlift
fermentation process.
At our Methwold site we are looking at
switching from kerosene to LPG. This
will offer a possible 14% saving on GHG
emissions when the two are compared.
We’ve also just installed over 40 meters
on site so that we can get feedback on our
utilities usage at any time of day or night.
The carbon
intensity of our
business (tonnes
CO2 / tonne
6.2.2 Energy
Quorn Foods is the global market-leader in meat-
free foods and as such, we must continually work
hard to ensure our production facilities are as
efficient as possible.
We met rising demand for our products in 2012
by increasing production across all sites by 10%
overall compared with 2011. Our markets – both
in the UK and globally – continued to expand in
2013 and therefore, continuing to produce more
quality products with less energy is key.
Energy efficiency projects have been carried out
across our production sites for many years and
remain absolutely vital in ensuring our energy use
and emissions do not increase in line with our
production output. Some of our key investments
and projects include: Automated Monitoring and
Targeting (AM&T) systems at our Stokesley and
Methwold sites, heat recovery systems, equipment
upgrades / optimisations and review of site
policies and procedures relating to equipment use.
6.2.3 Water
Water is essential to all three of our processing
sites – particularly our fermentation site at
Billingham - yet calculating our organisational
water footprint revealed that in 2012 we had
reduced our water footprint by 12% since 2010.
We have plans in place to further improve our
efficiency of water use. Our Billingham site has
improved its water efficiency year-on-year since
2010 and is currently planning the installation of
an anaerobic digestion system due for completion
in 2016. Our Methwold site has reduced its
water consumption since 2010 by over 50%.
The airlift fermentation process used to produce
mycoprotein is similar to that of the brewing
industry except we are looking to harvest the
protein rather than the liquid. Our current
method of liquid waste treatment is energy
intensive but research has demonstrated the
potential to create energy from our waste by
anaerobic digestion. Plans are now in place to
develop this technology and so further reduce
the energy use and carbon footprint of our
process. In addition, research collaborations
with UK universities have also identified a
number of exciting molecules within the waste
stream with important commercial application
and value. Our R&D agenda is focused on
understanding more about this future potential.
‘‘We fully endorse Quorn’s drive
toward sustainability and sustainable
food production.
As well as producing mycoprotein
that is at the heart of all Quorn
foods, our research at the Green
Chemistry Centre of Excellence and
the Biorenewables Development
Centre is showing the fermenter
waste stream to be a rich and exciting
source of natural components with
significant commercial potential in
both food and non food applications.
Prof. James H Clark
Director, Green Chemistry
Centre of Excellence
Dr Avtar S Matharu
Deputy Director, Green Chemistry
Centre of Excellence
Managing Our Environmental Performance (continued)6
6.2.4 Packaging & Waste
Cutting out waste
We have been working hard to manage our
waste more sustainably and are proud to say
we have reduced waste sent to landfill by
47% since 2010.
As part of our packaging supplier evaluation
process, we actively look for suppliers who can
demonstrate responsible business practice and
a commitment to sustainable development.
‘Light weighting’ of packaging is a standard
requirement at product design stage. We work
closely with our suppliers to establish the minimal
materials possible to create a functioning pack –
resulting in less material, energy use, logistics
and waste throughout the supply chain.
‘Project Squeeze’ for chilled packaging
Our teams worked hard on a project earlier
this year that completely reassessed and
redesigned the way our chilled product
packaging appears on-shelf.
The project:
1 Reduced width sleeves for several products
2 Reduced pack size used for several products
3 Changed orientation of a number of packs
on our retail fixtures
This enabled us to not only save on raw
materials but also maximise the efficiency
of our pallets and distribution.
Burger packaging before
Burger packaging after
Our Stokesley site achieved a 98% recycling
target this year and continues on the road
to zero waste to landfill. We ensure that all
food waste finds an alternative use such
as animal feed or biofuel, packaging is
recycled and process waste is managed
effectively and diverted from landfill.
With approximately 75% of our emissions being
driven by our use of raw materials, communication
and collaboration with our supply chain is
absolutely key. Our plans moving into 2014 will
ensure all of our suppliers are engaged with us
in minimising our environmental impacts and
improving efficiency.
A good example is our commitment to
supporting the work of the Roundtable on
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and ensuring all
our suppliers are members. This is despite the
fact that Quorn Foods is certainly not a major
global user of palm oil – keeping our use of its
derivatives to a minimum and restricting usage
to situations where its functionality is key to
providing the best quality products. However
we are fully aware of the concerns of
consumers regarding the environmental and
social issues relating to palm oil cultivation and
harvesting and are keen to provide reassurance.
6.2.5 Supply chain collaboration
Quorn Foods is an equal opportunity employer
and is committed to working within the spirit
and letter of UK employment law.
We work hard to ensure that we provide a safe
and secure environment for all our employees.
Two of our sites recently achieved certification
to the British Standard Institute’s BS OHSAS
18001 standard for Occupational Health and
Safety Management best practice. Our third
site will achieve this in 2014. Our own internal
audits have led to recent investment in
improved Car Park safety and better induction
of both contractors and temporary staff.
Quorn has been assessed and approved for
sale by all markets we have approached for
launch including UK FSA, US FDA, Australia
FSANZ, EU EFSA and Health Canada.
By March 2014, all our manufacturing operations
will comply with BS OHSAS 18001, Occupational
Health & Safety Management Standard that will
reflect the high standard of safety on the sites.
Our manufacturing sites also work to
exceptionally high standards of food safety and
quality. The Belasis site is certified to ISO22000
standard for food safety management whilst
Stokesley and Methwold sites are BRC accredited.
All three of our sites operate a nut free policy.
(FAO) (2006) ‘Livestock’s long shadow: Environmental issues and options’
4 House of Commons International Development Committee. Global Food
Security. 2013
5 Lymbrey, P and Oakeshott, I. (2014) Farmageddon. The true cost of cheap
meat. Bloomsbury Press.
7 releases/agriculture-and-food-production-
8 emissions-greenhouse-gases
(2013) ‘Tackling climate change through livestock: A global assessment of emissions
and mitigation opportunities’
12 Mekkonen, M and Hoekstra A (2012) A global assessment of the water
footprint of farm animal products. Ecosystems 15, 401 – 415
Implications for agriculture and food prices’
Food 2012’
265243/familyfood-report- 12dec13.pdf and Agriculture and Horticulture Development
Board (2013) ‘EBLEX UK Yearbook 2013 Cattle’
16 RAMIREZ, CA, PATEL, M and BLOK, K (2003) ‘How much energy to process one
pound of meat? A comparison of energy use and specific energy consumption
in the meat industry of four European countries’ Energy 31 (2006) 2047-2063;
PIMENTAL, D and PIMENTAL, M (2003). ‘Sustainability of meat-based and
plant-based diets and the environment’ The American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition (2003) 660S-3s; CEDERBERG, C and STADIG, M (2003) ‘System
expansion and allocation in life cycle assessment of milk and beef production’
International journal of LCA 8 (6) 350- 356; CASSIDY, ES, WEST, PW, GERBER,
JS and FOLEY, JA (2013) ‘Redefining agricultural yields: From tonnes to people
nourished per hectare’ Environmental Research Letters 8 (2013) 034015.
17 ROSEGRANT, M.W., LEACH, N. & GERPACIO, R.V. (1999) ‘Meat or wheat for the
next millennium? Alternative futures for world cereal and meat consumption.’
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 58: 219–234.
BOUCHER, DH (2014) ‘Ruminants, climate change and climate policy’ Nature
Climate Change Vol 4 Jan 2014.
19 HOEKSTRA, AY (2013) ‘The water footprint of modern consumer society’
Routledge, UK
20RICARDO-AEA (2013) ‘Quorn carbon footprint comparison to beef, chicken
and other vegetarian foods’ internal report.
Quorn Foods employs 612 employees across 3 sites: Belasis
(Teesside), Stokesley (North Yorkshire) and Methwold (Norfolk).
Quorn Foods company information
‘‘Sustainability to me is the icing on the cake
and I think our story will have momentum
for years to come. Where we’re at is almost
ahead of its time. I have no doubt that
sustainability will become much more front
of mind for our shoppers - and will be a key
driver of growth in years to come and a key
reason why people choose Quorn.”
Julian Cooke
Head of UK Category Management
Quorn Foods Ltd.
A sustainable vision:
Mixed use farming within 1 mile of
our Stokesley manufacturing site
Quorn Foods Ltd, Station Road, Stokesley, North Yorkshire TS9 7AB
Printed on FSC-certified paper: Cover: Explorer Offset 300gsm FSC DM DGL, Inset: 20 Pages Explorer Offset 150gsm FSC DM DGL.
Join the debate
We believe Quorn makes a positive contribution to making diets more
sustainable. Our aim is to keep the conversation going and create debate.
We welcome your help and ideas to make this happen.
Please contact:
Kevin Brennan – Chief Executive E:
Tim Finnigan – Technical Director E:
Martin Lofnes - Finance Director E:
or email:
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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Sustainable alternative food Protein - Quorn Sustainability report final july 2014

  • 1. Global demand for meat unsustainable and rising Livestock 18% of GHG emissionsHeart disease and obesity globally endemic Quorn 90% less saturated fat than a meat spaghetti bolognese Quorn a sustainable alternative to meat Quorn up to 90% lower emissions than beef
  • 2. “At Quorn we have a simple mission, ‘to help consumers eat less meat’. Given the ethical, health and environmental benefits of Quorn foods, this places corporate responsibility at the heart of everything we do.” Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive, Quorn Foods Ltd 2014.
  • 3. 1. Foreword Page 2 3. What Exactly is Quorn? Page 8 5. Quorn: Impact on Public Health Page 14 2. The Future of Food Page 4 4. The Benefits of Quorn Page 10 6. Managing Our Environmental Performance Page 16 1
  • 4. At Quorn we have a simple mission, ‘to help consumers eat less meat’. Given the ethical, health and environmental benefits of Quorn foods, this places corporate responsibility at the heart of everything we do. Foreword1 2 1An unsustainable increase in demand for meat as populations grow in number and wealth. 2Significant environmental impacts from the production of meat – 18% of GHG emissions coming from livestock.1 3Major health issues associated with over consumption of meat – obesity and heart disease are now of serious concern in most developed economies. Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive ‘‘Demand for food is growing rapidly, and at the same time the land available is probably shrinking and climate change is making production more uncertain around the world. How can we produce enough food for nutritious diets in sustainable ways into the future? Quorn is an excellent example of a different way of thinking: the product has good sustainability credentials, low land footprint and is highly nutritious. What’s not to value about it?” Prof. Tim Benton UK Champion for Global Food Security The delivery of our mission will significantly contribute towards three global issues around sustainability and health. In our ‘future of food’ review we highlight three now well recognised global issues:
  • 5. The world is going to need many solutions to these issues but Quorn can and does already play a significant part in addressing them. This is outlined in the report. We are also acutely aware of the impact we have on the environment. Through partnering with the Carbon Trust and many leading universities we have identified our environmental performance and drawn up a diverse programme to reduce the intensity of our impact. This report highlights our progress and future plans in this area. We remain proud of the contribution we have made so far and excited about the future potential to contribute to helping consumers, all over the world, eat less meat. Kevin Brennan, Chief Executive Quorn Foods Ltd. February 2014 3 See page 24 for Reference notes ‘‘CSR and Corporate Sustainability is shifting, it is not just about how individual companies can reduce their impacts, it is now how their core product can help make the world more sustainable. We have to reverse some seriously worrying trends like resource use, land use, carbon and obesity. Quorn ticks so many boxes - a product range and company to watch!” Prof. Alan Knight OBE Single Planet Living Quorn Foods is the first global meat-alternative brand to achieve third- party certification of its carbon footprint figures.
  • 6. There are now numerous reports and publications identifying the significant global issues relating to the unsustainability of our diet. We particularly want to focus on the three relating to meat production and consumption. The Future of Food2 4 1. Unsustainable demand By 2050 world population is set to increase to over 9 billion, 30% higher than today. In order to feed this larger, wealthier and more urban population, food production will need to rise by 70%. This means an increase in cereal cultivation of over 1 billion tonnes and an increase in meat production of over 200 million tonnes.2 Much of the increased demand for meat is forecast to come from the Asian markets, with China already consuming more meat than either the USA or the EU (Figure 1) even though its per capita consumption is currently only half that found in these markets.3 In 2013, the UK government’s report on food security reinforced the need for a change in behaviour such that meat is promoted as an occasional treat rather than an everyday staple.4 Meanwhile, as demand begins to outstrip supply, so meat prices will continue to rise, placing excessive strain on the supply chain and leaving us vulnerable to issues such as the ‘horsemeat scandal’. In fact, there is now worldwide recognition that this increase in demand for meat simply cannot be met. Many reports are now highlighting that continued focus on intensification of existing agriculture to provide a solution risks both catastrophic impacts for our health and for the environment5 as well as increasing the potential for conflict over vital resources such as land and water. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Meat consumption (million tonnes) in USA, EU and China in 2012 USA EU CHINA mtes Fig. 1
  • 7. 5 See page 24 for Reference notes 2. The environmental impact of meat Our understanding of climate change continues to grow. Recent reports from the IPCC suggest a significant deepening of concern with predictions that “nobody will be untouched by the impacts of climate change.”6 In addition, science is now telling us that agriculture and food production have a surprisingly important role within this and represent up to 29% of global greenhouse gas emissions7 with the 2006 UN report1 suggesting ruminant contributions to be as high as 18%. More recent reports have revised this to between 11% and 15%8,9 and whilst reductions in emissions are possible these impacts could also increase as demand for meat grows, damaging the very ecosystems needed to produce crops for animal feed. In fact, the production of meat from plant proteins is inherently inefficient with huge amounts of grain and crops being used to feed livestock when it could be fed directly to humans. Currently, 90% of all soyabean meal is used in animal feed with analysts estimating that over 40% of global crops are used in this way, representing a highly inefficient use of this food and the land required to grow it.10,11 Reports also show that over 15,000 litres of water12 are required to produce one kilo of beef and that if meat consumption continues to rise as predicted then the amount of water required to grow animal feed will need to double by the middle of this century. With over 2.5 billion people already living in areas of water stress and with global warming predicted to further reduce its availability, conflicts over water are expected to become more acute. Our appetite for more and cheaper meat is also driving a whole industry of chemicals used extensively as fertilizers and pesticides, with concerns that this is altering much of the balance of nature and biodiversity.5 In addition, whilst some nations are working to restrict and control the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in the production of meat, their widespread use has caused many now to talk of a new era of antibiotic resistant bacteria and the return of pandemic disease in humans. The UN estimated that livestock (meat production) makes up 18% of greenhouse gas emissions
  • 8. The Future of Food (continued)2 6 3. Health impacts of meat consumption Meat can play a vital role in a balanced diet, as recognised in the UK government’s ‘Eat Well Plan’. However, science is also showing clearly that excessive consumption of red meat can contribute to obesity and complications of heart disease and diabetes. Obesity is close to endemic in many developed economies and a recent report from the Office for International Development (ODI)13 showed an alarming increase in the levels of obesity in developing countries as well. In total, the ODI estimates that globally one third of all adults are obese or overweight. In the UK, we consume around 500 meals a year containing meat.14 This is an unprecedented amount and is unlikely to support a healthy diet. In fact research from the University of Southern California15 has recently shown that high levels of dietary animal protein in those under 65 were associated with a fourfold increase in their risk of death from cancer compared to those on a low protein diet. ‘‘While meat represents an important source of high quality protein and a range of micronutrients, energy-dense diets containing excessive amounts of red, and particularly processed meat have been associated with an increased risk of a range of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. While such concerns were largely restricted to Western industrialised countries, the rapid increase in meat consumption associated with many emerging economies is of concern. Quorn represents a low fat, high protein alternative which can substitute for such products and potentially reduce these risks. In addition, unique properties of the fibre and/or protein associated with Quorn may have specific benefits in themselves.” Andrew Salter BSc, PhD, RNutr Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry, University of Nottingham
  • 9. 7 The cost of this for public health is a major concern for governments the world over. The evidence appears well established: obesity together with excessive consumption of fats, sugars and salt is linked to rising global incidence of non communicable diseases. However, dietary behaviour change is notoriously difficult, especially where there is a belief that the alternative will be less satisfying. That’s why great tasting healthy alternatives to meat are so important. UK estimate: 500 meals a year are eaten containing meat See page 24 for Reference notes We believe that for each of the three issues highlighted we can play a significant part in the solution.
  • 10. What Exactly is Quorn?3 The aim was to find a micro-organism that could easily convert plentiful carbohydrates into scarcer and more nutritionally valuable proteins but without the use of animals as the method of conversion. Many years of R & D and over £100m investment identified a tiny member of the fungi family that could be converted into a protein. This led to the mass production of mycoprotein, the unique ingredient that makes Quorn products so special. Rather than animals we use fermenters to grow and harvest the protein. It is not dissimilar to the way that production of beer or yoghurt works. What was amazing about this new protein was its ability to replicate the taste and texture of meat. The unique fibrous nature of Quorn means it can provide the textural experience of eating meat. Its ability to take on flavour and lack of aftertaste means it can deliver the taste of meat and meat dishes brilliantly. This is what has already turned Quorn into a £200m brand globally with over 3 billion servings already having been enjoyed. 8 Mycoprotein is a tiny member of the fungi family and is at the heart of all Quorn foods. Uniquely it provides the textural as well as flavour experience of eating meat See page 24 for Reference notes Our origins go back to the 1960s, a period when there were genuine concerns about our ability to feed the world. As a response to this Lord Rank, our founder, set up a project to find a new source of protein. This was deemed by many to be the search for the first new food since the potato! ‘‘Quorn is almost unique as a foodstuff. It is probably the only successful example of a technological exploitation of a naturally occurring new protein source in order to create a new food and the future will need more of this ingenuity to meet the challenges of food security. This, as yet relatively untapped resource offers exciting possibilities to both nutritionist and food engineer alike and is based upon the product’s low levels of fat allied with a high protein content and a high utility in terms of product format flexibility. These exceptional characteristics also include the structural properties of the fibres themselves which might still be exploited in ever more ingenious ways. Dr Phil Cox Head of Bio-Food Engineering Group, University of Birmingham
  • 11. 9 2014Quorn is a £200m global brand: 3 billion+ servings ‘‘As consumers we are paying increasing attention to the types of food we buy and consume. Food scares, dietary advice, global warming and potential future global food shortages are influencing the choices we make. Our research at Newcastle Business School is showing that a low fat content and a low carbon footprint are important food attributes that consumers value and highlights how Quorn can play an important role as consumers change their behaviour and eat healthier, more sustainable and environmentally friendly food. Prof. Fraser McLeay Professor of Strategic Marketing Management Newcastle Business School
  • 12. The Benefits of Quorn4 10 FACT: To make 1kg of Quorn requires only 2kg of wheat Quorn provides an efficient and sustainable way of producing a healthy new protein with a lower environmental impact The 2006 UN report ‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’1 , highlights the inefficient nature of producing protein through livestock. A number of studies have shown that between 12 and 24 kg of feed are required to produce 1 kg of edible beef.16 Poultry has a higher conversion efficiency but typically requires 2 to 4 kg17 and in both cases more protein is fed to the animal than is actually produced. With Quorn we simply take the carbohydrate from the grain and convert it to protein – without the need for animals (Figure 2). In fact, because the original grain protein remains available, the Quorn process actually increases the overall protein balance (Figure 3). Fig. 2
  • 13. 11 See page 24 for Reference notes ‘‘We need different ways of producing food to meet the demands of a world population predicted to rise to over 9 billion by 2050. Protein from fungi, such as Quorn, is a major step in the right direction.” Prof. Lynne Boddy Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University With over 70% of agricultural land currently used for livestock production, the growing demand for meat is going to mean that more efficient solutions are needed as land becomes scarcer.18 The simple elegance of the Quorn process lies not only in its ability to create protein really efficiently but also in its ability to deliver a taste and texture that people enjoy, making it easy to 'make the change'. Protein yield per tonne of wheat used in production of Quorn and Beef A million consumers eating Quorn mince instead of beef mince at least once a week over a year would require approximately 12,500 fewer acres... the equivalent of 7,000 football pitches. Fig. 3
  • 14. The Benefits of Quorn (continued)4 12 Quorn is more water efficient Water is a scarce resource that will come under increasing pressure as demand for meat grows. Quorn has the potential to play an important role by providing protein that is more efficient in its use of limited water resources.19 Whilst the level of water used in the production of meat will vary by animal and method of production, currently available data suggest that the water footprint of beef could be 15 times greater than Quorn mince. As both populations and demand for meat grows then pressure on water resources will inevitably increase. Quorn has the potential to play an important role by providing protein that is more efficient in its use of limited water resources. Quorn produces fewer GHG emissions Food production is a major contributor to emissions and thus climate change. Livestock specifically contributes up to 18% of greenhouse gas emissions1 - a greater share than transport. Over the last two years we have worked to understand both the impacts of meat and of Quorn. There is extensive data around meat, especially beef. Inevitably, data can vary depending on assumptions. We worked with Ricardo AEA to reach a balanced view of extensive peer review publications, NGOs and food manufacturer reports. In parallel we worked with the Carbon Trust to undertake the same analysis for Quorn. The water footprint of Quorn mince = 15 times smaller than that of beef
  • 15. 13 By converting dishes from meat to Quorn, consumers can significantly reduce their carbon emission. In fact our estimates suggest that 2012 sales of Quorn mince represented a carbon saving, when compared with available figures for beef, equivalent to 13,000 cars being driven for a year. At Quorn, we believe that multiple solutions and radical thinking are needed to address these challenges. The evidence suggests that we cannot rely solely on the intensification of existing agriculture and food production to provide solutions to the 9 billion challenge. We believe that Quorn foods deliver an important new dietary tool that can address our future needs for a tasty, healthy new protein with a low environmental impact. The results are remarkable. It shows that Quorn products can have a carbon footprint up to ten times lower than beef, and up to 1.5 times lower than chicken.20 Comparative carbon emissions Quorn Quorn Upto90%lower thanbeef Upto30% lessthan chicken Multiple solutions and radical thinking will provide solutions to the 9 billion challenge
  • 16. Quorn: Impact on Public Health5 14 Governments around the world are looking for solutions to help address the problems of diet and health related disease. Quorn can help consumers significantly improve their health by helping change behaviours with simple to use healthy alternatives to meat: • By having a really authentic meat-like taste and texture, Quorn foods can help you enjoy all your favourite meals but without the saturated fats and calories often associated with meat • Even a small change can make a big difference - simply swapping the beef mince in your Spaghetti Bolognese for Quorn mince just once a week for six months could mean reducing your calorie intake by 5,252 calories. That's equivalent to the calories you would burn jogging more than 2 marathons • All Quorn foods contain mycoprotein, a healthy new protein that contains all the essential amino acids as well being a good source of fibre. Importantly, mycoprotein is also naturally low in fat and saturated fat • Doctors, nutritionists and heart foundations all over the world recommend Quorn. We invest over £15m annually to communicate these health benefits to encourage consumers to change their behaviour. We also invest in education into schools on the health benefits of Quorn. This can help children grow up with healthier diets. The provision of Quorn in millions of school meals helps them get off to a good start. At Quorn we also support government initiatives such as Change 4 Life and the Responsibility Deal to help consumers improve their diets. Out of home, Quorn is positioned as a healthy protein with low environmental impact. In addition, many schools and businesses operating in foodservice have signed up to the government’s Responsibility Deal, pledging to reduce calories, salt and saturated fat, amongst others. By adding Quorn dishes to their menus, rather than lean beef mince, they can enable customers to eat 60% fewer calories and 90% less saturated fat whilst also providing up to a 90% carbon saving compared to beef mince.Working with local education authorities, Quorn is helping children to eat more healthily and is serving over 16 million school meals per year.
  • 17. 15 We work in close collaboration with various network partners to deliver effective R&D for sustainable growth. We continue to build our learning on the impact of Quorn on a sustainable healthy diet and how to bring about behaviour change in a difficult area. This has included collaboration with Imperial College, University of York, University of Northumbria and many leading clinicians in this field. Lastly we continue to invest to make our foods better and better. To get consumers to eat healthier we need to deliver outstanding food. In the last three years we have made major improvements to taste and texture on nearly every product and launched exciting new products such as Chorizo, Cocktail Sausages, Picnic Eggs, and Steak Slices. We pride ourselves on an innovative and tasty product development focus ‘‘Our research at Imperial has shown interesting beneficial effects of mycoprotein on satiety, glycaemia and insulinaemia. Whilst there is more to do to understand these effects, these results build on previously published research and position Quorn foods as an important choice in helping to address modern day diet and health related issues.” Prof. Gary Frost Chair in Nutrition and Dietetics, Imperial College London
  • 18. From ‘farm to fork’ we are dedicated to outstanding environmental performance Managing Our Environmental Performance6 Leading the way At Quorn Foods, we believe we have a role to play as part of the future food challenge. We believe that our low carbon credentials compared with typical meat diets are impressive. We therefore take seriously our responsibility to ensure we are managing our own impacts on the environment – saving carbon, energy, water, natural resources and therefore cost. We continue to live by our long-standing history of research, development and innovation and take a lead within the food manufacturing industry by investing in analysis of the entire supply chain, from ‘farm to fork’, in order to understand our own impacts and the challenges ahead. This level of analysis cannot be achieved overnight, and we know there is more work to be done. Yet Quorn Foods is the first global meat-alternative brand to achieve third-party certification of its carbon footprint figures and as such, we encourage other food brands to join us in exploring how we can all contribute to more sustainable diets for our consumers. 6.1 Product carbon footprinting Quorn Foods’ best-selling meat alternative products are the first to have their carbon footprints independently certified by the Carbon Trust. Achieving third party verification of our Quorn mince and chicken-style pieces product carbon footprints (destined for retail sale in the UK, Nordic and South African markets) was just the start of work to calculate our greenhouse gas emissions. We have been busy calculating - and reducing - the product carbon footprints of many products in our range. 16 Quorn Foods is the first global meat-alternative brand to achieve third- party certification of its carbon footprint figures.
  • 19. Our product carbon footprints were calculated in accordance with: • PAS 2050: 2008 - Specification for the assessment of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services • The Code of Good Practice for Product Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Claims (2008) • Certification requirements of the Carbon Trust’s Footprint Expert™ Guide – version 3.3 This research was vital in allowing us to release information about the impacts of our products and inform our reduction efforts as to the areas of most carbon impact throughout our supply chain. Working with the Carbon Trust also allows us to proudly display the Carbon Reduction Label on our packs – emphasising our third party certification achievement and exemplifying to our consumers a commitment to further carbon reductions. What is a carbon footprint? A ‘carbon footprint’ measures the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by a person, organisation, event or product. Our product carbon footprint calculated GHG emissions for all stages of the value chain, from raw materials to use and disposal of the product and packaging. The carbon footprint is measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) – allowing the six commonly measured gases that contribute to global warming to be compared on a like-for-like basis. Our footprint figures Product carbon footprints (see Figure 4) for best-selling products in our frozen category were calculated in association with Sheffield Hallam University and the Technology Strategy Board’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme. The models and resulting figures were independently certified by the Carbon Trust, ensuring that our work followed the most detailed approach to footprinting and met international standards. This process required extensive data collection and collaborative working with our supply chain. Product Region Cradle to Gate Cradle to Grave CO2e CO2e (rounded - (rounded - kgCO2e per kg) kgCO2e per kg) Nordic region 3.4 4.5 South Africa 3.4 6.5 UK 3.4 5 Nordic region 3.4 4.5 South Africa 3.4 7 UK 3.4 5 Quorn Mince (Frozen, retail, 300g) Quorn Pieces (Frozen, retail, 300g) 17 Fig. 4 Disposal & recycling Consumer use Distribution & retail Product manufacturing Raw material
  • 20. 6.2 Environmental Resources Strategy We continue to work with the Carbon Trust in order to understand our environmental impacts and further drive down our emissions. We have measured our own organisational carbon baseline (2012) and are on track to reduce this baseline on the run-up to 2016, even though we are producing more to meet our business growth both in the UK and in our 13 international markets. We have been working and investing in energy reduction projects for many years and continue to drive initiatives that will ensure we are able to meet rising demand for our products whilst using less energy and fewer natural resources. Electricity use is key to our efforts to reduce energy – contributing 73% to our Scope 1 and 2 footprint Organisational footprinting with the Carbon Trust Quorn Foods followed the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standard in order to establish our own company-wide footprint on the environment. This is an international standard that helps us to quantify and prepare to report our emissions. Organisational carbon footprinting allowed us to quantify our Scope 1, 2 and key elements of our Scope 3 emissions (see Figure 5). Scope 3 emissions are created both upstream and downstream of our direct operational control, are therefore much more challenging to calculate yet form a key part of many organisations’ emissions. Our previous product carbon footprinting work and supply chain collaboration supported us to go beyond simply our own operations to understand those both upstream and downstream of our business. Managing Our Environmental Performance (continued)6 18 Fig. 5 We now know procurement of ingredients dominates our overall footprint on the environment – contributing approx. 75% to our overall (Scope 1, 2 and 3) emissions. This highlighted to us the importance of looking beyond simply our own energy use and the significance of the supply chain collaborations we plan to develop further in 2014. Organisational footprinting covers: • Scope 1 emissions: Owned transport, fuel consumption, process and fugitive emissions • Scope 2 emissions: Purchased electricity • Scope 3 emissions: Include purchased goods and services, upstream transport / distribution, waste, business travel.
  • 21. 19 By making one simple change and choosing Quorn, you can reduce the carbon footprint of your favourite Spaghetti Bolognese or chilli dish by up to 90%. ‘‘The level of effort and strategic thinking that has gone into producing Quorn’s first Environmental Report has put the company in a great position to build sustainability inside its business. Their progress to date demonstrates a commitment to ensure that their environmental impact hasn’t grown at the same rate as their business. There is an admirable focus on proving the low carbon credentials of Quorn’s products using real data, having their impacts measured and certified by the Carbon Trust. Tom Cumberlege Consultant, The Carbon Trust
  • 22. Managing Our Environmental Performance (continued)6 20 6.2.1 Carbon Comparing our overall business emissions to our production figures revealed the effectiveness of the range of efficiency projects we have implemented, as the carbon intensity of our business fell year-on-year from 2010 to 2012 (see Figure 6). This is despite a 10% increase in production volume from our sites. Our business continues to thrive; therefore we recognise the importance of continuing to drive down emissions. We plan to do this by implementing further energy reduction projects across all three of our production sites. By doing so, we believe we can realistically grow our business whilst improving the carbon efficiency of our production by at least 14% from a 2012 baseline. Working with the Carbon Trust has provided an action plan as to how to achieve this. Fig. 6 We believe we can realistically grow our business whilst improving the carbon intensity of our production by at least 14% from a 2012 baseline Our Billingham site is the only production site in the world that produces the ingredient key to all Quorn products – mycoprotein. This site has consistently managed to reduce the carbon emissions per tonne of mycoprotein since 2010. Our onsite engineers and technical experts are continually using their expertise to come up with innovative and ground-breaking ways to improve the efficiency of our airlift fermentation process. At our Methwold site we are looking at switching from kerosene to LPG. This will offer a possible 14% saving on GHG emissions when the two are compared. We’ve also just installed over 40 meters on site so that we can get feedback on our utilities usage at any time of day or night. The carbon intensity of our business (tonnes CO2 / tonne production) 0.569 2010 TonnesCO2/Tonneproduction 0.568 2011 0.521 2012 -8%
  • 23. 21 6.2.2 Energy Quorn Foods is the global market-leader in meat- free foods and as such, we must continually work hard to ensure our production facilities are as efficient as possible. We met rising demand for our products in 2012 by increasing production across all sites by 10% overall compared with 2011. Our markets – both in the UK and globally – continued to expand in 2013 and therefore, continuing to produce more quality products with less energy is key. Energy efficiency projects have been carried out across our production sites for many years and remain absolutely vital in ensuring our energy use and emissions do not increase in line with our production output. Some of our key investments and projects include: Automated Monitoring and Targeting (AM&T) systems at our Stokesley and Methwold sites, heat recovery systems, equipment upgrades / optimisations and review of site policies and procedures relating to equipment use. 6.2.3 Water Water is essential to all three of our processing sites – particularly our fermentation site at Billingham - yet calculating our organisational water footprint revealed that in 2012 we had reduced our water footprint by 12% since 2010. We have plans in place to further improve our efficiency of water use. Our Billingham site has improved its water efficiency year-on-year since 2010 and is currently planning the installation of an anaerobic digestion system due for completion in 2016. Our Methwold site has reduced its water consumption since 2010 by over 50%. The airlift fermentation process used to produce mycoprotein is similar to that of the brewing industry except we are looking to harvest the protein rather than the liquid. Our current method of liquid waste treatment is energy intensive but research has demonstrated the potential to create energy from our waste by anaerobic digestion. Plans are now in place to develop this technology and so further reduce the energy use and carbon footprint of our process. In addition, research collaborations with UK universities have also identified a number of exciting molecules within the waste stream with important commercial application and value. Our R&D agenda is focused on understanding more about this future potential. ‘‘We fully endorse Quorn’s drive toward sustainability and sustainable food production. As well as producing mycoprotein that is at the heart of all Quorn foods, our research at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence and the Biorenewables Development Centre is showing the fermenter waste stream to be a rich and exciting source of natural components with significant commercial potential in both food and non food applications. Prof. James H Clark Director, Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence Dr Avtar S Matharu Deputy Director, Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence
  • 24. Managing Our Environmental Performance (continued)6 6.2.4 Packaging & Waste Cutting out waste We have been working hard to manage our waste more sustainably and are proud to say we have reduced waste sent to landfill by 47% since 2010. Packaging As part of our packaging supplier evaluation process, we actively look for suppliers who can demonstrate responsible business practice and a commitment to sustainable development. ‘Light weighting’ of packaging is a standard requirement at product design stage. We work closely with our suppliers to establish the minimal materials possible to create a functioning pack – resulting in less material, energy use, logistics and waste throughout the supply chain. ‘Project Squeeze’ for chilled packaging Our teams worked hard on a project earlier this year that completely reassessed and redesigned the way our chilled product packaging appears on-shelf. The project: 1 Reduced width sleeves for several products 2 Reduced pack size used for several products 3 Changed orientation of a number of packs on our retail fixtures This enabled us to not only save on raw materials but also maximise the efficiency of our pallets and distribution. 22 Burger packaging before Burger packaging after Our Stokesley site achieved a 98% recycling target this year and continues on the road to zero waste to landfill. We ensure that all food waste finds an alternative use such as animal feed or biofuel, packaging is recycled and process waste is managed effectively and diverted from landfill.
  • 25. With approximately 75% of our emissions being driven by our use of raw materials, communication and collaboration with our supply chain is absolutely key. Our plans moving into 2014 will ensure all of our suppliers are engaged with us in minimising our environmental impacts and improving efficiency. A good example is our commitment to supporting the work of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and ensuring all our suppliers are members. This is despite the fact that Quorn Foods is certainly not a major global user of palm oil – keeping our use of its derivatives to a minimum and restricting usage to situations where its functionality is key to providing the best quality products. However we are fully aware of the concerns of consumers regarding the environmental and social issues relating to palm oil cultivation and harvesting and are keen to provide reassurance. 6.2.5 Supply chain collaboration 23
  • 26. Quorn Foods is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to working within the spirit and letter of UK employment law. We work hard to ensure that we provide a safe and secure environment for all our employees. Two of our sites recently achieved certification to the British Standard Institute’s BS OHSAS 18001 standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management best practice. Our third site will achieve this in 2014. Our own internal audits have led to recent investment in improved Car Park safety and better induction of both contractors and temporary staff. Quorn has been assessed and approved for sale by all markets we have approached for launch including UK FSA, US FDA, Australia FSANZ, EU EFSA and Health Canada. By March 2014, all our manufacturing operations will comply with BS OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health & Safety Management Standard that will reflect the high standard of safety on the sites. Our manufacturing sites also work to exceptionally high standards of food safety and quality. The Belasis site is certified to ISO22000 standard for food safety management whilst Stokesley and Methwold sites are BRC accredited. All three of our sites operate a nut free policy. 1 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) (2006) ‘Livestock’s long shadow: Environmental issues and options’ 2; wsfs/docs/expert_paper/How_to_Feed_the_World_in_2050.pdf 3 countries-meat-eaters-compared 4 House of Commons International Development Committee. Global Food Security. 2013 5 Lymbrey, P and Oakeshott, I. (2014) Farmageddon. The true cost of cheap meat. Bloomsbury Press. 6 7 releases/agriculture-and-food-production- contribute-29-percent-global-greenhouse-gas 8 emissions-greenhouse-gases 9 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) (2013) ‘Tackling climate change through livestock: A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities’ 10 Factsheet_LIVESTOCK_and_LANDSCAPES.pdf 11 12 Mekkonen, M and Hoekstra A (2012) A global assessment of the water footprint of farm animal products. Ecosystems 15, 401 – 415 13 OFFICE FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (2014) ‘Future diets: Implications for agriculture and food prices’ 14 DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS (2013) ‘Family Food 2012’ 265243/familyfood-report- 12dec13.pdf and Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (2013) ‘EBLEX UK Yearbook 2013 Cattle’ documents/content/markets/m_uk_yearbook13_cattle110713.pdf 15 could-lead-to-early-death-study-says/2014/03/04/0af0603e-a3b5-11e3-8466- d34c451760b9_story.html 16 RAMIREZ, CA, PATEL, M and BLOK, K (2003) ‘How much energy to process one pound of meat? A comparison of energy use and specific energy consumption in the meat industry of four European countries’ Energy 31 (2006) 2047-2063; PIMENTAL, D and PIMENTAL, M (2003). ‘Sustainability of meat-based and plant-based diets and the environment’ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2003) 660S-3s; CEDERBERG, C and STADIG, M (2003) ‘System expansion and allocation in life cycle assessment of milk and beef production’ International journal of LCA 8 (6) 350- 356; CASSIDY, ES, WEST, PW, GERBER, JS and FOLEY, JA (2013) ‘Redefining agricultural yields: From tonnes to people nourished per hectare’ Environmental Research Letters 8 (2013) 034015. 17 ROSEGRANT, M.W., LEACH, N. & GERPACIO, R.V. (1999) ‘Meat or wheat for the next millennium? Alternative futures for world cereal and meat consumption.’ Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 58: 219–234. 18 RIPPLE, WJ, SMITH, P, HABERL, H, MONTZKA, SA, MCALPINE, C and BOUCHER, DH (2014) ‘Ruminants, climate change and climate policy’ Nature Climate Change Vol 4 Jan 2014. 19 HOEKSTRA, AY (2013) ‘The water footprint of modern consumer society’ Routledge, UK 20RICARDO-AEA (2013) ‘Quorn carbon footprint comparison to beef, chicken and other vegetarian foods’ internal report. References Quorn Foods employs 612 employees across 3 sites: Belasis (Teesside), Stokesley (North Yorkshire) and Methwold (Norfolk). Quorn Foods company information 24
  • 27. ‘‘Sustainability to me is the icing on the cake and I think our story will have momentum for years to come. Where we’re at is almost ahead of its time. I have no doubt that sustainability will become much more front of mind for our shoppers - and will be a key driver of growth in years to come and a key reason why people choose Quorn.” Julian Cooke Head of UK Category Management Quorn Foods Ltd. A sustainable vision: Mixed use farming within 1 mile of our Stokesley manufacturing site
  • 28. Quorn Foods Ltd, Station Road, Stokesley, North Yorkshire TS9 7AB Printed on FSC-certified paper: Cover: Explorer Offset 300gsm FSC DM DGL, Inset: 20 Pages Explorer Offset 150gsm FSC DM DGL. Join the debate We believe Quorn makes a positive contribution to making diets more sustainable. Our aim is to keep the conversation going and create debate. We welcome your help and ideas to make this happen. Please contact: Kevin Brennan – Chief Executive E: Tim Finnigan – Technical Director E: Martin Lofnes - Finance Director E: or email: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.