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Alice in
Children’s	books	have	a	unique	opportunity	to	present	new	scientific	ideas	
into	the	minds	of	young	people.	This	was	the	challenge	we	took	on	with	the	
assigned	topic	of	String	Theory	in	our	Visualizing Physics	class	in	the	Spring	of	
2009.	With	themes	and	characters	taken	from	the	popular	Alice in Wonderland
story,	by	Lewis	Carroll,	Alice in Stringland follows	young	Alice	in	a	more	
modern	time-period	as	she	journeys	through	new	ideas	and	concepts	taught	in	
her	science	class.	We	hope	to	create	a	sense	of	awe	in	people,	young	and	old,	
for	the	world	around	us	is	a	constantly	changing	wonderland,	filled	with	new	
discoveries	and	adventures.
Katherine Block

 Ivona Sandru

Kelly Kokaisel
																																					nce	upon	a	warm	spring	day,	Alice	looked	out	the	window	of	
her	eighth	grade	science	class,	wanting	nothing	more	than	to	be	playing	outside.	Her	
best	friend	Ryan	sat	beside	her	and	he	too	stared	out	the	window	longing	for	the	sun	
and	grass.	Inside,	today’s	subject	was	String	Theory,	some	hot	new	idea	in	the	science	
world.	Unfortunately,	science	was	not	Alice’s	favorite	class,	as	she	would	much	rather	
be	out	on	an	adventure.
	        ”Alice!	Get	your	head	out	of	the	clouds	and	back	into	the	classroom!”	Ms.	
Heart	said	as	she	interrupted	Alice’s	daydream,	“Can	you	tell	me	what	a	string	is	and	
why	it’s	important?”	her	teacher	added.		
	        Alice	shrugged	and	replied,	“I	don’t	know,	it’s	used	to	stitch	clothing	
together…”	Everyone	laughed	and	Alice	couldn’t	help	but	smirk	as	Ms.	Heart	tried	to	
regain	control	of	the	class.	
	        “Well,	hopefully	your	textbook	is	more	interesting	than	the	sound	of	my	voice	
because	you	will	all	be	reading	chapter	9	tonight	to	prepare	for	the	quiz.	See	you	
all	tomorrow	afternoon.”	said	Ms.	Heart	as	she	closed	the	textbook.		Alice	and	her	
classmates	groaned	as	the	bell	rang	and	class	was	dismissed.
With	textbook	in	hand,	Alice	walked	across	the	street	to	the	park	where	
she	found	a	shady	spot	under	a	tree	to	relax	in.	Opening	her	book	to	chapter	
9	she	began	to	read	words	like	‘one-dimensional	oscillating	lines’	and	‘quarks’	
when	suddenly	she	saw	a	flash	from	out	of	the	corner	of	her	eye.		Curious,	and	
grateful	for	the	distraction,	Alice	got	up	and	ran	after	what	appeared	to	be	a	
small,	quickly	moving	creature.	When	she	got	close	enough	she	saw	that	the	
creature	was	a	rabbit	in	a	strange	red	coat	with	even	stranger	markings	on	it.
Without	warning,	the	rabbit	disappeared	into	a	deep	dark	black	hole.	
Alice	tried	to	stop	running,	but	not	soon	enough.	She	was	sucked	into	the	black	
hole	in	a	flash.	
	     “This	is	just	like	what	happens	when	you	get	too	close	to	the	black	holes	
that	Ms.	Heart	was	talking	about	in	class	the	other	day!”	Alice	thought,	“Once	
you	pass	the	event	horizon	you	can	never	escape	it,”	she	repeated	back	to	
herself	exactly	as	Ms.	Heart	had	taught	it.		 	
	     Steadily,	she	fell	faster	and	faster	and	the	light	and	images	around	her	
seemed	to	warp	and	bend	into	the	most	peculiar	display	of	colors	and	patterns	
that	she	had	ever	seen.		Finally,	she	saw	a	large	bright	white	light	emerge	
from	the	kaleidoscope	of	colors.		The	hole	seemed	to	have	no	bottom,	and	
in	fact,	she	came	right	back	out	on	the	other	side!		Alice	found	herself	in	a	
totally	different	land,	unlike	any	she	had	read	about	in	textbooks	or	seen	on	
The	landscape	before	her	was	that	of	a	beautiful	garden	and	nearby,	
she	saw	the	most	elegant	table	setting	with	a	plate	of	elaborately	decorated	
cookies	frosted	to	say	“Eat	Me”	and	a	mysterious	vial	of	liquid	labeled	“Drink	
Me”.		Alice	picked	up	a	cookie	in	one	hand	and	the	vial	in	another	saying	to	
herself,	“Well,	I	am	quite	hungry,	I’m	sure	whoever	left	these	out	here	won’t	
mind	if	I	just	take	one	cookie.”	She	took	a	bite	and	as	she	chewed	Alice	felt	
herself	growing.	She	grew	to	such	an	immense	size	that	she	saw	the	whole	
entire	planet	shrink	below	her	own	feet.		Alice	looked	around	herself	to	see	
stars,	planets,	and	a	vast	amount	of	empty	space.
	     Then	from	the	cloud	of	a	beautiful	nebula	appeared	a	cat-like	face.	
Smiling	at	her,	it	spoke.		
	     “Hello,	my	dear!	My	name	is	Neb.	Welcome	to	the	Sea	of	Relativity!	
Nothing	is	as	it	seems	here!”	
	     “Looks	a	bit	like	outer	space	to	me,”	thought	Alice.	
	     Just	then,	Alice	saw	what	looked	to	be	a	rocket	speeding	by	in	front	of	
Neb.		However,	there	was	something	different	about	it.		It	appeared	distorted	
and	squished.	“That	rocket	is	going	so	fast!”	said	Alice.	“But	it	looks	so	strange-
-nothing	like	the	rockets	I’ve	seen	before.”	
	     Neb	smiled	at	her	patiently.		“Ah,	but	you	see	my	dear,	to	the	pilot	of	the	
rocket,	you	are	the	one	moving	fast	and	you,	in	fact,	look	just	as	strange	and	
squished	to	him!”	said	the	grinning	cat.
	     “But	how	can	that	be?	I’m	not	moving	at	all!”	Alice	exclaimed.
“It	is	called	length	contraction	my	dear	girl.	In	Relativity,	length	
contraction	is	more	noticeable	the	closer	an	object	gets	to	the	speed	of	light,	
and	out	here	it’s	the	law	to	go	at	or	as	near	the	speed	of	light	as	possible!”	
the	cat	began	to	explain,	“That	rocket	ship	is	going	nearly	670	million	miles	
per	hour,	which	is	the	speed	of	light,	and	so	to	you	it	seems	that	it	is	shrinking	
but	the	length	change	is	only	relative	to	the	person	observing	it.		See,	to	the	
pilot	he	is	standing	still	and	you	are	the	one	moving	near	the	speed	of	light	and	
so	you	are	the	one	whose	length	has	contracted!	It’s	all	crazy	I	know,	but	the	
world	is	a	pretty	crazy	place!	You’ve	just	simply	never	gone	fast	enough	to	see	
it	happen	before.”		As	she	pondered	what	she	had	just	heard,	Alice	began	to	
get	a	bit	lightheaded.		
	      “Oh	my,”	she	thought	as	she	put	her	hand	to	her	forehead,	“a	drink	of	
water	is	what	I	need.”		Then	she	remembered	the	vial	of	liquid	she	picked	
up	earlier	in	the	garden,	took	it	out	of	her	pocket,	and	took	a	sip	of	the	
mysterious	sweet	liquid.	“Well	that	wasn’t	water,”	she	thought	to	herself	as	
she	looked	again	at	the	label.		
	      She	felt	herself	shrink	down,	smaller	and	smaller,	all	the	way	down	to	
a	microscopic	level,	and	into	another	foreign	world.		As	she	looked	around	at	
her	surroundings,	Alice	noticed	a	curious	looking	caterpillar	floating	toward	
her.		But	it	didn’t	seem	to	float	like	a	leaf,	or	a	wave	of	light	like	Ms.	Heart	
had	shown	in	class,	or	even	in	the	way	she	began	floating	into	that	black	hole,	
which	now	seemed	like	forever	ago.		The	caterpillar	continued	to	float	towards	
her	in	this	manner	for	a	bit,	but	then,	just	before	getting	close	enough	to	speak	
to,	it	disappeared!
Just	as	suddenly	as	it	had	disappeared,	it	reappeared	in	another	spot,	
floated,	and	then	disappeared	again.		“Well	this	is	very	unusual,”	thought	Alice.		
And	then,	in	front	of	her	very	eyes,	it	appeared	in	two	spots	at	the	same	time!		
Unsure	of	what	to	make	of	this	she	closed	and	rubbed	her	eyes	with	her	hands,	
hoping	that	when	she	reopened	them	things	would	appear	normal	again.		Alas,	
now	it	was	not	just	the	caterpillar	acting	in	this	strange	manner,	but	everything	
was	now	popping	in	and	out	of	sight!		“How	can	this	be?”	wondered	Alice,	“How	
can	so	many	weird	things	happen	at	once	that	I	have	never	before	witnessed?”		
	     “Excuse	me	sir,	but	where	am	I?”	she	asked	the	caterpillars.	They	bowed	
their	heads	with	certain	sympathy,	disappeared,	and	then	reappeared	as	one	
again	in	front	of	her.		“This	place	is	quite	strange!”	she	continued.		“Nothing	
stays	in	one	place	very	long	and	even	I	feel	like	I’m	about	to	jump	from	here	to	
the	other	side	of	you	at	any	moment.”	
	     “Madam”	began	the	caterpillar,	“My	name	is	Moe	and	this	is	where	the	
smallest	things	imaginable	reside.	Here	you	are	10	billion	times	smaller	than	
you	normally	are.	This	is	the	bay	of	Quantum	Mechanics.	Nothing	is	as	it	seems	
here!		Here,	matter,	which	is	what	everything	is	made	of,	can	act	as	both	a	
wave	and	as	a	particle	but	it	all	depends	on	whether	or	not	you’re	watching	it.	
While	you	are	looking,	the	matter	will	appear	as	a	particle,	but	when	you	are	
not	looking,	it	behaves	as	a	wave.”	Moe	explained.		
	     And,	as	he	did,	Alice	began	to	notice	that	this	caterpillar	looked	
somewhat	similar	to	the	strange	molecule-like	symbol	on	the	rabbit’s	vest.		      	
	     “This	day	just	gets	more	curious	by	the	minute,”	Alice	pondered.
Moe	laughed,	“Ah,	that’s	just	it,	madam!	You	can’t!	The	particles	of	things	here	
jump	wherever	they	want	and	with	no	reason!	If	you	look	at	your	own	feet,	for	
example,	you	will	see	that	you	are	not	stationary	on	the	ground	either!”		Alice	
looked	down	to	see	that	the	caterpillar	was	right.		She	was	floating	in	the	same	
strange	blinking	manner	herself!
“This	just	doesn’t	make	any	sense!	How	can	these	strange	places	I’ve	
been	to	today	be	made	up	of	such	things	that	follow	none	of	the	physical	laws	
I	have	ever	seen	and	instead	have	rules	all	their	own?	How	can	a	rocket	ship	
shrink	in	front	of	my	eyes?		How	can	a	particle	act	like	a	wave	when	you	don’t	
look	but	be	a	particle	when	you	look	at	it?	I	wish	to	return	to	my	world;	maybe	
someone	up	there	can	help	me	understand!”	
	     With	that,	the	caterpillar	floated	half	of	the	orb	that	he	had	been	eating	
over	to	Alice,	“Eat	that	and	you	will	return	to	your	normal	size.		It	was	grown	
for	you	in	my	very	own	garden.	It	should	do	what	you	are	expecting	it	to	do,	
but	you	never	know!”		Alice	took	a	bite	out	of	the	mysterious	orb	of	matter,	
hoping	the	day	didn’t	get	any	weirder	and	immediately	found	her	back	to	
normal	size	and	in	the	beautiful	garden.	This	time,	however,	she	left	the	
cookies	and	vials	alone,	deciding	instead	to	try	to	make	her	way	home.
While	walking	through	the	garden	she	came	across	a	festive	party	in	progress.	
It	seemed,	from	the	oddities	in	front	of	her,	that	she	was	still	far	from	home.	
	     As	she	walked	closer	to	the	party	she	saw	a	short,	funny-looking	man	
in	a	tan	suit	with	a	large	black	hat	on	his	head	that	was	almost	as	big	as	he	
was.			And	there	at	the	end	of	the	table	was	the	rabbit	having	tea	with	them,	
the	same	one	that	had	led	her	into	this	whole	mess	in	the	first	place.	She	
recognized	the	strange	symbol	on	his	vest.	They	were	seated	at	a	long	table,	
with	mismatched	tea	sets	scattered	across	it	and	various	types	of	elaborately	
decorated	cookies	and	cakes.
	     “Excuse	me,	sirs.	May	I	join	you?”	asked	Alice.		“I’ve	had	such	a	strange	
adventure	today	and	I’m	not	quite	sure	I	can	make	much	sense	of	any	of	it…”	
she	said	politely,	hoping	this	new	acquaintance	would	help	her	sort	out	the	
events	of	the	day	and	explain	who	the	strange	rabbit	creature	was	too.		“No	
room!	No	room!”	The	oddly	dressed	man	exclaimed	as	he	sang	and	toasted	his	
tea	with	the	others.	
“Oh	but	there	are	plenty	of	empty	chairs	here,	no	need	to	be	so	rude.”	Alice	
retorted	as	she	took	a	spot	at	the	end	of	the	table	nearest	the	man	with	the
large	hat,	determined	to	find	out	more	about	the	rabbit.	“Hmm,	quite	right.		
Quite	right	after	all	my	dear,”	the	man	mumbled	as	he	stopped	his	singing	and	
looked	around	at	the	chairs.		Coming	to	rest	his	gaze	on	Alice	sitting	at	the	
head	of	the	table	he	said	finally,	“My	name	is	Theory,	Mr.	M.	Theory.	And	what	
is	your	name,	young	lady?”	he	asked	as	he	sat	back	and	sipped	his	tea	most	
properly	now.	
	     Alice	replied,	“My	name	is	Alice	sir.		May	I	call	you	by	your	first	name	as	
well	Mr.	Theory?	What	does	the	“M”	stand	for?”
	     In	response,	M.	Theory’s	eyes	lit	up.		He	jumped	from	his	chair	onto	the	
table	in	one	fantastic	leap,	smiling	and	shouting	“Master,	Mathematical,	Mother,	
Mystery,	Membrane,	Magic,	Matrix,	or	even	Murky!!!	Any	of	these.	Or	none	of	
these.	Who	knows?	That’s	not	important.	What	is	important	is	the	story	behind	
the	name!”
	     He	pulled	a	photo	out	from	his	wallet,	he	showed	it	to	Alice.		The	photo	
was	the	strangest	of	all	places	that	she	had	seen	today!		The	landscape	was	like	
a	vast	ocean	with	tiny	little	molecules	floating	in	it,	and	not	just	that	but	
popping	in	and	out	of	sight	on	the	photo,	like	the	cat	nebula	had	done	before	
her	very	eyes	earlier!		“I	was	born,”	he	continued,	“in	a	little	place	called	
String	Theory,	an	overlap	of	the	Sea	of	Relativity	and	the	Bay	of	Quantum	
Theory.		Our	floating	town	was	quite	prosperous	too,	due	to	the	great	and	
vast	ocean	that	surrounded	it	and	all	its	wealth	of	resources	that	we	shared!		
Bringing	the	small	and	the	large	together,	we	united	Relativity	with	Quantum	
Theory	to	make	one	great	metropolis,	the	Unified	Theory	of	Everything,	or	
String	Theory,	as	we	called	it!”
	     “I’ve	heard	of	both	of	these	places	today.		They	had	such	different	rules	
though,	how	can	the	two	exist	at	the	same	time	in	the	same	place	when	they	
are	so	different,	it	doesn’t	make	any	sense	to	me?”	said	Alice.	
“Oh	but	it	does	make	sense	my	dear,	you	just	need	to	visualize	it	in	the	right	
fashion.”	M.	Theory	began,	“For	example,	the	great	and	vast	ocean	surrounding	
String	Theory	ripples	with	waves	being	caused	by	time	moving	across	the
surface.”The	ocean	is	a	continuous	field	and	the	ripples	are	distinct.	Both	exist,	
am	I	right??”	M	asked.	
	      “Well	yes,	of	course	they	do.”	Alice	replied,	trying	to	follow	and	visualize	
the	story	as	best	she	could.
	      M.Theory	went	on,	“Relativity	is	that	ocean	and	Quantum	Theory	is	
represented	by	those	ripples.	They	both	exist	independently	and	can	be	
described	separately	but	co-exist	within	the	same	world	in	the	same	place	at	
the	same	time.		In	fact,	everything	in	our	entire	universe	operates	this	very	
same	manner	as	well,	even	where	you	live,	even	where	everyone	lives	in	fact,		
it’s	just	that	some	people	refuse	to	see	it.		You	have	to	choose	to	see	it	to	
recognize	it.”
	      Just	then,	the	rabbit,	who	had	been	nervously	picking	at	his	cake	and	
sipping	his	tea,	gently	set	both	down	on	the	table,	turned	and	leaped	off	his	
chair	and	began	running	down	a	path	behind	her.		Alice	turned	to	follow	him	
and	thanked	her	host	for	the	tea	and	story,	and	as	she	did	so	apologized	for	
having	to	leave	in	such	a	rush.
	      Turning	a	corner	she	ran	straight	into	a	very	regal	looking	woman	wearing	
an	elaborate	red	and	black	dress	and	an	elegant	crown	atop	her	head.
	      “Oh,	I’m	so	sorry!”	said	Alice,	“I	was	following	the….”
	      The	woman	looked	at	her	with	a	suspiciously	raised	brow.	“Indeed!		And	
just	where	do	you	think	you	are	going?		Following	the...what,	young	lady?		You	
can’t	just	go	running	through	my	land	without	earning	your	passage.”
	      “Oh	my,	I	meant	no	disrespect,	your	Highness,”	said	Alice	as	she	bowed	
her	finest	courtesy.		“But	how	shall	I	do	that?”	she	continued.	
	      “Ah	ha!		You,	my	dear”	said	the	Queen,	pointing	her	finger,	“You	will	have	
to	answer	three	questions,	and	if	you	fail	you	will	be	thrown	into	the	abyss	of	
space	and	time	to	spend	eternity	there,	along	with	your	little	friend	here.”	
	      Immediately,	she	pointed	to	a	small	barred	door	that	Alice	had	not	
noticed	before.		And	behind	the	barred	door	was	her	friend	from	class,	Ryan!		
He	was	being	held	captive	by	the	red	Queen.
“This	is	what	happens	to	little	girls	and	boys	who	have	not	earned	their	passage	
through	my	land!”		She	said,	laughing	garishly.
	     Poor	Alice	thought	that	she	was	done	for.		For	what	of	the	many	great	
things	in	this	world	would	the	Queen	ask	her?		And	after	all	the	strange	events	
of	the	day,	she	figured	there	were	just	as	many	questions	the	Queen	could	ask	
about	those	worlds	as	well.	Laughing	to	herself,	Alice	thought	those	worlds	
certainly	did	not	seem	to	operate	under	the	logic	she	was	familiar	with.
	     “But	first!”		shouted	the	Queen,	I	will	answer	your	question.		You	want	to	
know	who	my	little	rabbit	friend	is,	don’t	you?”	The	rabbit	in	the	vest	poked	his	
head	out	from	behind	the	Queen,	nervously	twitching	his	little	nose.	
	     “Well	yes	I	do	indeed	your	majesty!”	Alice	said	with	great	relief.		“For	I	
have	been	chasing	him	all	day	to	see	what	those	strange	markings	are	on	his	
vest	and	he	has	led	me	through	the	most	unusual	places.”	
	     “Oh	has	he	now…”	said	the	Queen,	looking	down	at	the	rabbit,	who	then	
sheepishly	looked	back	up	and	smiled	at	the	Queen.	
	     “Well,	I	suppose	you	must	know,	so	I	will	tell	you”.	“He	is	a	Graviton.	He	
keeps	the	peace	between	all	the	lands.		I	suppose	you	have	been	to	Relativity	
today	and	to	the	bay	of	Quantum	Mechanics	as	well?”	asked	the	Queen.
	     “Well	yes	I	have	your	majesty!		You	know	of	them?		I	am	so	happy	to	fi-
nally	be	able	to	talk	to	someone	about…”
	     “Stop,	girl!”	halted	the	Queen,	“You	will	listen	to	me	and	only	speak	to	
answer	my	questions.”
		    Alice	pressed	her	lips	and	clasped	her	hands	behind	her	back.		
	     “And	I	suppose	you	have	met	M.	Theory	also,	and	did	he	tell	you	about	
String	Theory?”	asked	the	Queen.
	     “Yes	he	did	ma’am,”	answered	Alice.
	     “You	have	answered	the	first	two	questions	correctly.		And	now	the	final	
	     “I	didn’t	even	know	we	started,”	whispered	Alice.	
	     “What	did	you	learn	from	M.	Theory,	my	dear?”	continued	the	Queen.
“Well,	your	majesty,	I	began	by	asking	his	name	and,	before	I	knew	it,	he	
was	ranting	on	about	M	words	and	showed	me	a	picture	of	this	strange	place,	
called	the	United	Theory	of	Everything.	String	Theory,	he	mentioned.	Yet	I’m	
not	even	sure	it	was	a	place	at	all…”	she	continued,	“He	said	String	Theory	was	
the	overlap	of	Relativity	and	Quantum	Mechanics.	I	had	been	to	both	places	
earlier	and	learned	about	the	rules	that	govern	them.	They	were	very	different	
and	strange,	indeed,	yet	the	rules	seemed	to	work	in	that	String	Theory	place.		
He	also	emphasized	that	Relativity	was	the	great	and	vast	ocean	and	Quantum	
Theory	was	the	ripples	in	that	ocean.	Each	was	governed	by	its	own	and	
separate	rules,	but	together,	they	worked	to	create	a	great	whole:	the	Theory	
of	Everything.		In	fact,	he	then	told	me	that	everything	in	the	whole	universe	
works	with	the	same	combination	of	rules	from	Relativity	and	Quantum	
Mechanics--even	where	I	come	from!”
		    “Wow”,	thought	Alice,	“I	do	see	now	how	they	work	together	to	explain	
everything.	Maybe	Mr.	Theory	wasn’t	so	crazy	after	all?		I	can	see	how	the	large	
can	be	described	by	the	small	and	how	they	don’t	really	have	to	operate	by	the	
same	rules	to	function	together.”		
	     She	must	have	been	thinking	deeply	for	some	time	because	she	finally	
realized	the	Queen	was	just	staring	at	her	silently,	with	a	smile	on	her	face.		
“Yes,	dear	Alice,	that	is	correct.	You	have	correctly	answered	all	three	
questions.	Congratulations.		Your	friend	here	could	not	answer	them	all	
correctly	but	maybe	you	can	help	him	understand.		I	will	let	him	go	back	with	
you	if	you	promise	to	do	that	for	me.”
“Oh	yes,	of	course	I	will!”	exclaimed	Alice.	
	     Smiling,	the	Queen	responded,	“Very	well	then,	take	him	back	with	you,	
but	you	must	hurry.	You	have	to	go	home	now!”	And	with	that,	the	door	to	the	
cell	opened	and	Ryan	ran	over	to	her	and	gave	her	a	big	hug.	
“Oh	thank	you,	thank	you	your	majesty!		I	would	like	to	go	home	now,”	said	
Alice.	“But	which	way	do	I	go?	I	am	so	lost,	your	Highness.”
But	the	Queen	just	repeated,	“You	have	to	go	home	now.	You	have	to	go	
home	now,	Alice.”
	     The	ground	began	to	horribly	shake	below	her	and	things	began	crumbling	
around	her.	Confused,	Alice	tried	her	best	to	get	directions	out	of	the	Queen.	
She	was	in	tears	by	now.
“But,	ma’am,	please!	Please	help	me	find	my	way	home!”
	     Yet	the	Queen	persisted,	“You	have	to	go	home	now	Alice.	You	have	to	go	
	     Just	then,	Alice	opened	her	eyes	to	find	herself	sitting	under	the	tree	by	
the	school.		She	had	fallen	asleep.		Ms.	Heart	was	gently	nudging	her	shoulder.		
	     “Alice”	she	said,	“Alice	you	have	to	go	home	now.	You’ve	been	asleep	
here	for	quite	some	time.”	
	     “Oh,	Ms.	Heart!”		exclaimed	Alice.	“I	am	so	happy	to	see	you!		I’ve	had	
the	strangest	adventure!	A	Graviton	ran	by,	but	I	didn’t	know	it	was	a	Graviton	
at	the	time,	and	I	followed	it	through	a	black	hole	to	a	strange	place	called	
Relativity	and	an	even	stranger	place	called	Quantum	Mechanics.	Then	there	
was	this	crazy	tea	party	hosted	by	a	weird	little	man	named	M.	Theory	who	
told	me	about	String	Theory,	and	how,	in	fact,	its	rules	govern	everything	in	the	
world	around	us--everything	in	the	Universe!	There	was	a	Queen	who	held	Ryan	
captive	and	wouldn’t	let	me	pass	until	I	answered	her	questions.
	     “Well,	Alice,	it	sounds	like	you	have	had	quite	a	dream	my	dear!”	said	Ms.	
Heart,		“And	it	sounds	like	you	have	been	doing	your	reading	as	well.	I	think	
you	will	do	well	on	your	quiz	tomorrow,”	she	added	with	a	smile.	
	     “Oh	yeah,	the	quiz!”	remembered	Alice.		“Yes,	yes!	I	think	I	do	get	it	
now,”	said	Alice	enthusiastically.
	     “Alright.	You	should	go	home	now,	it’s	getting	late!	See	you	in	class	
	     “Ok.	Good	night,	Ms.	Heart!”	said	Alice,	with	joyous	disposition.	She	
stood	up,	stretched	the	sleep	out,	and	with	the	textbook	in	hand,	made	her	
way	home.
      of terms
     Graviton	(White	Rabbit):	A	graviton	is	a	boson,	or	a	force	
carrier	particle;		the	particle	contains	no	mass	and	no	charge	that	
mediates	the	gravitational	force;	gravitons	may	interact	with	
leptons	and	quarks;	String	Theory	predicts	the	existence	of	gravitons	
as	closed	strings	with	the	minimum	possible	energy;	(the	proposed	
messenger	particle	of	the	gravitational	force)
      Cat’s Eye Nebula (Cheshire	Cat):	It	was	discovered	by	
William	Herschel	in	1786;	this	planetary	nebula	is	part	of	the	
constellation	of	Draco;	it	is	known	as	a	mysterious,	complex	nebula	
that	comprises	of	magnificent	jets,	knots,	and	arc-like	features;	its	
architecture	points	to	have	been	caused	by	material	ejected	from	a	
binary	central	star,	but	the	evidence	is	still	uncertain
      Acetylcholine	(Caterpillar):	It	is	a	neurotransmitter	that	
plays	a	role	in	the	skeletal	muscle	movement,	as	well	as	in	the	
regulation	of	smooth	and	cardiac	muscle;	a	white	crystalline	
derivative	of	choline,	that	is	released	at	the	ends	of	nerve	fibers	
in	the	somatic	and	parasympathetic	nervous	systems:	thus,	it	is	
involved	in	the	transmission	of	nerve	impulses	in	the	body	(diffuses	
to	another	nearby	neuron	where	it	will	bind	and	activate	a	receptor	
protein);	becomes	packaged	into	membrane-bound	vesicles
Length Contraction:	It	refers	to	the	“shortening”	of	length;	    	
predicted	by	the	theory	of	Special	Relativity,	it	is	the	contraction	
of	a	measured	length	of	an	object	or	a	distance	in	a	frame	of	
reference	moving	at	nearly	the	speed	of	light;	the	shortening	of	an	
object	along	its	direction	of	motion	as	its	speed	nears	the	speed	of	
light	(measured	by	an	observer	at	rest	with	respect	to	the	body)
       Synchronicity:	It	is	merely	a	pattern	that	repeats	over	time;	
simultaneous;	it	is	the	coincidence	of	events	that	appear	to	be	
related	in	a	deep,	meaningful	way
       Quantum Theory:	It	refers	to	the	nature	of	matter;	
energy	is	made	of	single	units	(quanta);	matter	+	energy	have	the	
properties	of	both	waves	+	particles;	correlates	to	the	theory	of	
       M-Theory:	It	brings	all	of	the	string	theories	together;	11	
dimensions	of	spacetime	are	identified	and	“11-dimensional	theory”	
unifies	and	supersedes	all	string	assumptions;	according	to	string	
guru,	Edward	Witten,	“M	stands	for	Magic,	Mystery,	or	Membrane,	
according	to	taste”
       Superstrings:	It	is	thought	that	the	fundamental	constituents	
of	reality	are	strings	of	the	Planck	length	which	vibrate	at	resonant		
       Black Holes:	Black	holes	are	places	in	space	(evolutionary	
endpoints	of	stars)	where	ordinary	gravity	has	become	so	extreme	
that	it	overwhelms	all	other	forces	in	the	Universe;	once	inside,	
nothing	can	escape	a	black	hole’s	gravity	(not	even	light);	has	a	one-
way	surface,	called	the	event	horizon,	into	which	objects	can	fall;	
it’s	“black”	due	to	its	absorption	of	light	that	hits	it;	due	to	this	
effect	of	gravitational	time	dilation,	the	distant	observer	will	see	
an	object	falling	into	a	black	hole	slow	down	as	it	approaches	the	
event	horizon,	taking	an	infinite	time	to	reach	it
Alice in Stringland Children's Book

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