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Ali Bab A Great Leader
Once Upon a time there was a gentleman named Ali Baba who was a very timid man. He had long
brown curly hair with light brown eyes and was anti social. Ali Baba did not get out of the house
much because he was not comfortable being around many people. Throughout his childhood, his
parents constantly nagged him to go out and meet new friends. Ali Baba had a little sister named
Luci, who was ten years younger. Luci had a great personality and was very out going. Although
their differences were great Ali and Lucy had a close relationship. When Ali Baba was fifteen years
old, his parents were killed in an accident leaving the two siblings alone. Since the loss of their
parents, Ali Baba and Luci have been in and out of foster homes never ... Show more content on ...
He lives in the apartment overlooking the diner and has a little dog. Ali Baba likes Jon Jon but at
times fears him.
One day, Kevin was walking past a nearby coffee shop after his late night shift at work. The coffee
shop was empty and was about to close. He walked in and got his usual caramel tea. While he was
waiting for his tea three beautiful young girls walked in. They looked like they were about thirteen
years old. They all had long blond luxurious hair. As they were paying for their drinks he quickly
got in his car and parked in front of the coffee shop. He stayed outside the coffee shop waiting for
the girls to come out. As soon as they walked out of the coffee shop he ran out, grabbed the girls,
and forced them into his car. The girls were screaming frantically, Kevin pulled over and reached for
the chloroform from the glove box, he soaked a towel and put it over their nose and mouth, the girls
passed out.
Kevin brought the girls to the grocery store where there were two storage rooms, he put them in the
one that was barely used and he sound proofed it using materials from the grocery store. He went
upstairs and grabbed some food so when they woke up they would have something to eat. He waited
until they woke up and forced them to eat. Kevin then waited for them to eat and went back to his
Early the next morning, Ali Baba gets up does his usually walk around town. He stops at the
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Muhammad Ali of Egypt or Mehmet Ali in Albanian
Muhammad Ali of Egypt Often referred to as the father of modern Egypt, Muhammad Ali (or
Mehmet Ali in Albanian) revolutionized Egyptian society from the beginning of his reign in 1805 to
Fuad II, the last King of the Muhammad Ali dynasty that ended in 1953. Under his rule, Muhammad
Ali implemented political, social, and economic change to Egypt and even expanded his empire.
Muhammad Ali was born in 1769 to Turkish tobacco merchants at Kavalla in present–day Greece
under Turkish rule (as well as Egypt). His ancestry had been widely debated. Although his parents
were Albanian, his ancestry could be traced back five centuries back to central Turkey. Nevertheless,
most of the Balkans were considered part of the Ottoman Empire especially Turkey. As a young
man, Muhammad Ali was charismatic until his father died. His uncle, the governor of Kavalla, soon
took him in. Under his uncle, Muhammad Ali had joined the Ottoman military and was even to
marry heiress Emina of Nosratli.
Although France and the Ottoman Empire had been considered allies, the French started their
campaign in Egypt from 1798 to 1801 under Napoleon Bonaparte's leadership. During the French
occupation, the sultan ordered Muhammad Ali's uncle to dispatch 300 men to which the governor
placed Ali Agha and Muhammad Ali as leaders of the unit. It was not until 1801 when Muhammad
Ali ascended the military hierarchy to commander and the French were defeated after Napoleon fled
to seize power in France. It is important
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Muhammad Ali Essay
The 1960s were a time of revolutionary ideas and new modes of expression. These new ways of
thinking and speaking opened the door to major reforms of American society and culture. People
were now standing up for what they believed in, for example, protesting against the mistreatment of
African–Americans and refusing to follow the Military Selective Service Act, a law which forced
men between the ages 18–26 to fight in the controversial Vietnam War (Youth Movement). Not
everyone embraced this new attitude that contained a challenge to existing governmental authority.
As an expert on the draft, Phillip MacFarlane wrote, " Some critics decry the loss of the citizen–
soldier as a threat to democracy"(MacFarlane). One prominent anti–war figure ... Show more
content on ...
Cassius clay, one of the world's most distinguished boxers, was born in Louisville, Kentucky on
January 7, 1942. Clays work ethic was apparent even in the early years of his life. As a child, he
raced the school bus to school each morning. His friends would wave to him as the lead fluctuated
based on the school bus' stops. This work ethic extended to the classroom. Because of a learning
disability, Clay had to work extra hard in school to not fall behind. Clay grew up with racial
segregation all around him. These injustices sparked a passion in him to change the way people
viewed African Americans: "I wanted to show that color didn't matter"(Muhammad Ali: An
American Legend). Clay's boxing career began because of an incident when he was 12 years old. He
and a friend rode their bikes to the Columbia Auditorium for The Louisville Home Show. When they
were ready to go home, Clay discovered that his bike was stolen. Filled with rage, Clay wanted to
retaliate. He found police officer, Joe Martin, who told him, "You better learn how to fight before
you start challenging people that you're gonna whoop" (Hauser 18). Martin became his coach, and
although Clay never found the thief, he found a love of boxing that would continue throughout his
life. Between the ages of 12 and 18, Clay
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The Life Of Muhammad Ali
The death of Muhammad Ali, the former heavyweight champion, triggered a worldwide outpouring
of affection. The former champion died on June 3 at age 74 of shock. Ali had long suffered from
Parkinson's disease, which made the once–graceful athlete a prisoner in his own body. President
Obama, who keeps a pair of Ali's gloves on display in his private study, paid tribute to the late
athlete, saying he was "a man who fought for us."
Ali was born in the American state of Kentucky in 1942. He took up boxing at the age of 12. Within
only six years, the gifted teenager became Olympic light heavyweight champion and at 22, he
became the world heavyweight champion. Ali was the first boxer to win the heavyweight
championship three times, establishing himself
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Is Muhammad Ali A Hero
"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a
champion." –Muhammad Ali. My hero is a hero to not only me, but to people all around the world.
Muhammad Ali is a hero for many reasons, not only is he one of the best boxers in the world he
never gave up on his goal at becoming the best in the world. No matter what obstacles were in his
way he never stopped.
Muhammad Ali wasn't born the best boxer in the world, he worked for it. Muhammad had a work
ethic that put him at the to of his career. This is why he's a hero because he is an example of
someone that took whatever life had given him and turned it into something that created himself and
his name to be
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Muhammad Ali Goals
"What keeps me going is goals"– Muhammad Ali
Every elite athlete has psychological training and uses the process of goal setting in order to enhance
their performance. Goal setting is used to enhance concentration, build self confidence and to
manage time and other resources. (Tony M 1995, page 259)
Muhammad Ali is self determined; he wanted to show the world that he is the greatest. To achieve
that training hard and using strategic punches during matches was a vital key to be the greatest
boxer and a role model for the world. Ali's ambition and willingness to work hard drew him closer
towards his goal. Psychological self–motivation, Ali drew motivation from criticism of other
people's comments. Negative comments built his self–confidence ... Show more content on ...
Muhammad Ali instilled a program in his everyday life. His sub goals to achieve what he had
planned for the day and if it was not done he would not give up and continue. Training in a gym was
not enough he trained on the streets, he was said to be a fast runner. Before he took upon his career
in boxing he used to play football and basketball. He was awarded with a scholarship although he
was an excellent athlete he had a lot of anger and was violent (Robert & Peter 1995, page266). This
was when he found interest in boxing and made a name for himself. "Champions aren't made in
gyms; champions are made from something deep inside them– a desire, a vision, a dream. They
have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill." –Muhammad Ali
With all the fame and importance given to a man who is truly a legend although he was one of the
most under promoted athletes. As all athletes have their own brand Ali was the same his team
composed a brand for him and they obtained that by small steps (success staff, march 2 2009). In
every goal setting process it takes small steps to gain that ultimate goal. Ali was a remarkable athlete
with a remember–able history, presence and energy around people proved it. His brand ambassadors
knew that they were able to achieve that
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. better known as Muhammad Ali was born January seven tenth, 1942. He
was born in Louisville, Kentucky during a time where segregation was a major factor; one where
blacks weren't able to drink from the same water fountain as whites,use the same restroom or eat
within the same restaurants. When Cassius was twelve years old his bike was stolen while reporting
what happened to police officer Joe Martin Clay said that he "wanted to beat up whoever had stolen
his bike" and it just so happened that Martin trained young boxers at a local gym. Clay won his first
amateur bout in 1954 by split decision, By the age of eighteen he won an Olympic medal at the 1960
Olympics. By the time he was eighteen Clay already had achieved ... Show more content on ...
Ali received his very first World Heavyweight Championship title match on February twenty fifth
1964. At the age of twenty–two Ali became the new World Heavyweight Champion after beating the
reigning champion Charles "Sonny" Liston in a grueling six round war . He was the first ever boxer
to become the World Heavyweight Champion at such a young age. Ali was also the only boxer to
obtain the position of being the World Heavyweight champion three times. The first time he beat
"Sonny" Liston in Miami, Florida, the second time he beat George Foreman in the great battle
known as "The Rumble In The Jungle" in the summer of 1974 in Zaire, Africa which is now known
as the Democratic Republic of the Congo , and the third and final time Ali beat Leon Spinks on
September fifteenth, 1978 in a title rematch which Spinks was whom Ali had previously lost to in
February 1978. Ali retired June 27, 1979, but returned to face the current champion Larry Holmes
for a fourth attempt at the Heavyweight title but lose due to one of his advisors decisions. Then Ali
retired again for a second time, but then made another comeback fight against Trevor Berbick in
1981 but loss by unanimous decision after ten rounds. I feel that Muhammad Ali is the greatest
athlete to ever live because
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Muhammad Ali Accomplishments
The world's former heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali was an olympic gold medalist and the
first fighter to capture the heavyweight title three times. Muhammad Ali won 56 titles in his 21–year
professional career (
Muhammad Ali was a professional boxer. He was not only a great boxer, but a man who had a great
soul. He saved a man from committing suicide. That man was one of the many people he had gone
against in the ring. Muhammad Ali's life was influenced by his early life. His major
accomplishments/contributions to American society including being the first African American and
fighter to win the heavyweight title three times helped them earn his place in history as an important
African American (
First, Muhammad Ali was born where everything around him was consisted of sports. Ali was born
on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kansas (Muhammad Ali Biography). The champion was born
and raised during times where segregation was present. His name was Clay ... Show more content
on ...
The 22 year old won the heavyweight title at the age of 22. Clay relentlessly taunted Liston before
the fight, promising to "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" and predicting a knockout
( Clay did not do his military terms with the United States due to his religious
beliefs. The religion the he believed in was Muslim. At a press conference the morning after the
fight, Muhammad confirmed the rumors that had been said about him converting to Islam. After 43
months in jail, Muhammad returned to the rings ready for action. Ali returned to the ring and
knocked out Jerry Quarry ( Muhammad met with an Iraqi leader with the details of
American hostages. He met with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 1990 to negotiate the release of
American hostages, and in 2002 he traveled to Afghanistan as a United Nations Messenger of Peace.
Not only was Muhammad a great a fighter, but also a great
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay) was born on January 17, 1942, in louisville Kentucky. By a
young age Ali had shown that he wasn't a fan of getting into fights or getting physical. But as
Muhammad Ali's fate would have it, he would have to learn how to fight. At the age of 12 Ali
discovered his talent for boxing after he and his friend were on there way to a carnival while riding
their bikes. Once they were done, they came out to find Mahammad's bike had been stolen! After
asking around a little bit they found out it was a kid in the grade above them; right away Ali went to
the police. But the policeman said that he would have to settle it himself. Ali told the cop that he
wanted to beat up the kid and cop said he would have to learn how ... Show more content on ...
Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville Kentucky, as a young black man in the deep south Ali
experienced struggles almost every day. This formed Ali into a strong man that could take a hit and
deliver one. In his early years Ali did poorly in in school but excelled in athletics. He was always
playing outside and was not the type to read. Despite his dislike of academics, he was a leader of his
peers. He was a great talker and was very popular throughout his schooling. At the age of 12 Ali
discovered his passion for boxing. In a weird twist of fate Ali met his first boxing coach after he lost
his bike on the way to the local fair. After this Ali when enraged and found a local police officer
named Joe Martin. He told Joe that he wanted to beat up the thief and Joe said "Well, you better
learn how to fight before you start challenging people,". Ali started working with Joe Martin and
soon fell in love with the sport. With Alis hard work and determination he became extremely good at
a young age. In 1954 Ali made his first amateur bout. The fight went the full length and was said to
be an excellent fight and was written and talked about locally. Ali won the fight in a unanimous
decision and started off his career
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Muhammad Ali
Throughout the history there have been many famous people who have lived in this country. Some
of them were actors, politicians and even athletes. And out of them one of the them all. one of was a
gifted boxer named Muhammad Ali. Ali made is first marked as an amateur, then as professional.
Ali went through many hard trail in his life, and one of them will change the future. Which will alter
lead him to become the greatest Muhammad Ali. Ali is one of the most famous boxer of all time. Ali
has many interesting facts about his early life,amateur career, Olympics career, personal life,
professional boxing career Vietnam War, and resistance to the draft. Ali became one of the most
respected boxer of all time due to his accomplishment during ... Show more content on ...
Olympic boxing team due to his boxing skills. later, Ali traveled to Rome and Italy to compete in
boxing match. At the high of 6 feet 3 inches tall, Ali was an imposing figure in the ring. He was
known for his powerful footwork, and powerful jab. After he won the Olympic gold medal Ali was
known as an american hero. During the 1960s Ali was seemed unstoppable because he was winning
all of this match with knockouts. in 1963 Ali defeated British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper
and then later, He knockout Sonny Liston in 1964 to become the heavyweight champion in the
world. Sometimes Ali referred himself as the "Greatest" Ali was a famous quoted person and in one
of his quote he told the reporter that he could float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee" in the boxing
ring. Ali has been married four times and he has two sons and seven daughters. He met his first wife
Sonji Roi about one month before. Ali married his first wife on August 14,1964. But later they
divorced on January 10, 1966 due to her objection to certain muslim clothes. On August 17, 1967,
Ali married Belinda Boyd. After the wedding she converted to Islam. Later, they had four children.
Couple years later Ali began an affair with Veronica Porsche and actress and model. in 1977 Ali's
second married was over, and he had married Veronica Porsche. At the time of their marriage they
had two child. By 1986 Veronica and Ali were divorced. On november 19, 1986 Ali married his
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Muhammad Ali was more than just a fighter; he affected the world in many ways. He won multiple
World Heavyweight Boxing titles in many years of boxing. His life is a story of constant struggle
and adversity, but he always seemed to overcome the challenge. Ali discovered his love for boxing
the moment he entered in a gym. In his monumental life, he influenced many different arrays of life
from sports to civil rights.
Cassius Clay Jr. was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky. His father was Cassius
Marcellus Clay and his mother's name was Odessa Grady Clay. Young Cassius Clay Jr. and his
brother Rudolph Valentino Clay grew up in an underprivileged family where they only had what
they needed. Their father was a painter and ... Show more content on ...
During his suspension, Ali earned money by speaking on college campuses about civil rights and
justice. In September of 1970, the NAACP also won its suit against the New York State Athletic
Commissioner. Ali studied under Malcom X for three years and learned his great ways. Ali refused
military service because he felt the war going on had nothing to do with African Americans or
Muslims. He voiced his thoughts through a book he wrote, and then named The Greatest My Own
Story. The response on his stand against the government opened the door for more athletes to stand
up against exploitation. President Carter sent Ali on a mission trip to Africa in 1980. In 1985, Ali
was sent to attempt secure hostages safely but his failed. After all the things he did for Civil Rights,
he was awarded the Martin Luther King Memorial Award (McDaniel 21; Houston
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Actor Mahershala Ali
Cottonmouth in the upcoming Luke Cage season 2 actor was a multi–talented athlete who worked
hard for a career. Actor Mahershala Ali is known for his work in "House of Cards" in Netflix, "The
Hunger Games" and "Treme" in HBO.
But what many do not know is that Mahershala Ali didn't have it all in the beginning. The 42 year
old actor grew up playing sports.
He is described by People as a multi–talented athlete. At the young age of four, Mahershalalhashbaz
as he is named by birth, says he grew up playing sports and already competing. He took competition
very seriously.
Like many kids, he also engaged in off court and on court sports. He started racing with a BMX
bike. And as he grew up, he engaged himself with basketball. Although competitive, for the Luke
Cage actor, it was never about beating the other person. It is about the goal. ... Show more content
on ...
As he grew up into a young man, he learned that his goal is going to be towards education. His goal
in high school is to go to school for free. That means, he needs to win a scholarship. His family at
the time was struggling. Ali adds that if he did not get a scholarship, that means he is not ever going
to get a higher education at
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali was a humble man who accomplished a lot during his life. Muhammad Ali
converted Islam at the age of 22 and changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali. With
that he set an example of racial pride for African Americans. In 1967 Muhammad Ali refused to be
inducted into the US army due to his religious beliefs after converting Islam. He was then arrested
and found guilty of draft evasion. He was sentenced 5 years of prison, fined $10,000, all his titles
were stripped, and he was banned from boxing for 3 years. He then went to the Supreme Court,
where they overturned his conviction. For these actions this is why I picked Muhammad Ali.
My topic is Muhammad Ali, who refused to be conscripted into the army. He refused to be inducted
to the Vietnam War on the grounds of Houston. During this time the the U.S. was in the Vietnam
War. Before the event Muhammad Ali was boxing around the world, he was world champion. After
the event they suspended him from boxing for 3 years. With titles stripped he would have to earn
them back. ... Show more content on ...
Muhammad Ali actions changed how many people looked at him. First he converts Islam and then
he refused to be inducted to the U.S army. When refusing to be inducted he said, " I ain't got no
quarrel with those Vietcong." His actions didn't just affect people in america, it affected many
people around the world. It was worldwide news. Some people disliked him due to his action but
others saw his actions as bravery, sacrifice, and most importantly leadership. Actions can affect
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Muhammad Ali Quotes
An arrogant comment, a brag from Muhammad Ali, but he was not wrong he was a great champion,
one of the best. Muhammad Ali was a great boxer and an inspirational man. Even as a child he was a
regular on a show called Tomorrow's Champions, a thing that got him far was his never quit attitude,
or even his saying "fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
"This is a story of a man with iron fists and a beautiful tan[...]" (Lipsyte 34). A box–office quote that
got people talking and watching Ali. He had help and coaches, but it was himself that got him there.
Ali didn't get there easily, after all, everyone has to start somewhere. His entire future started one
day at the gym, talking to the guy that got him there in the first place, Joe Martin, ... Show more
content on ...
I'm free to be who I want." Ali left and the title went to a new champion and he defended it until Ali
got back. When he did get back he went straight for the heavyweight crown. His most brutal fight
yet was against Joe Frazier. The fight lasted fifteen of the most grueling, brutal rounds the celebrity–
studded crown had ever seen. "The physical toll of the fight was visible, Frazer's face, misshapen
and skinned, looked unfathomable."(Lipsyte pg 96) Ali's never quit attitude got him this far and "no
one had ever doubled his speed or his talent, but his courage in the ring"( Lipsyte pg 96), his heart
could not be topped. They expected Joe to plan his feet and pound away, offering up his own bumpy
face in sacrifice for eventual victory. In a brutal end Joe's hand was raised in victory, but Clay
wouldn't stand for it,"Joe if you beat me this time, you'll really be the greatest,"(Lipsyte pg 98) the
past champ said in
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
The Champion of the World, Muhammad Ali, biologically born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., made a
very known locally and worldwide statement for his act of cultural movements, and many historic
battles in the ring. Very often touted for his activities inside communities, also for his dedication and
Cassius were then framed a champion inside and out of the ring. He began his boxing career as a
revenge seeking twelve–year–old wimp when outside of the Columbia Auditorium his bicycle went
missing. Therefore, instead of him finding a young boy he found police officer Joe Martin, who was
a police officer at the time and offered him training services for boxing. Considered the greatest
boxer known to humanity, Muhammad Ali overcame many struggles in ... Show more content on ...
Shortly after, during the year of 1984, he began diagnosed with post–traumatic Parkinson's disease,
which was a cause from very blunt blows to his head over the years of his career. Before his
diagnosis, he battled George Foreman in a legendary match known as the "Rumble in the Jungle."
Soon after he gained a few more championship titles, Ali then permanently retired from the well–
sought boxing career that he obtained throughout his life. Cassius went down in history as the only
professional boxer to become a heavyweight champion three times. He was given the honor of
lighting the Olympic torch in 1996. In 1997, Muhammad founded and established the Muhammad
Ali Parkinson Center in Pheonix, Arizona in an attempt to give back to others suffering from the
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Prophet Ali Research Paper
Ali's close partisan constitutes the Shi'at Ali, along with the general of Islamic belief in Allah,
Muhammad's message, and the Quran. The Shiites believe in the Imam as the true leader of faith
and the veritable interpreter of the Quran. According to the Shia doctrine, the prophet shortly before
he died, has appointed Ali as the leader of the community and initiated him into the esoteric aspects
and the mysteries of faith and certain designated descendants, in turn, inherited this function. Also
numerous adages and wise saying bear Ali's name, the prophet claimed: " I am the city of wisdom
and Ali is its gates." To the Shia, Ali is a saint, the friend of God, and the par excellence; thus the
Shia have added these words to the generally pronounced
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Muhammad Ali Essay
Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali, was the first Islamic boxer to win a World Title. Grit is
perseverance, passion, and faith to get to your life goals and over difficult challenges. Muhammad
Ali born January 17, 1942 Louisville Kentucky he passed June 03, 2016. After an amazing boxing
career and then the battle against Parkinson's diseases outside the ring. Muhammad Ali used
perseverance, passion, and faith to get him through life and to become one of the best boxers in
history. To begin with, Muhammad Ali used perseverance to overcome misfortunes. Firstly Ali had
lost Golden Gloves Championship two times in a row. For example Frank Collective author of reports even though Ali had lost twice he went back for a third time and finally
won Golden Gloves Championship (Collective). Therefore Muhammad Ali did not give up on his
goals an finally became a champion. Secondly, Ali was a draft dodger. For ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, Muhammad Ali used faith to become a national figure. For example, Frank Collective,
Enterprise, Shares Ali was the first national figure to speak out against the Vietnam war (Collective).
Therefore, Ali used faith to stand up against something that America has so much nationalism
behind. Secondly, Ali used faith when he switched religions. For instance, Frank, Reports Ali
switched to nation of Islam even though he knew he would lose sponsors and great friendships
(Frank). Thus, the switch he had made included allot of faith because he could have lost everything
just for what he believed in. Thirdly, Muhammad Ali had faith in his boxing. For example, Frank,
Shares Ali's second fight back after his three and a half year suspension was against Joe Frazier an
undefeated champion at one of the biggest stages Madison Square Garden March 8, 1971 for the
world heavy weight title. Ali used faith to not be scared of anything that came in his way. Ali used
faith to overcome his life challenges, and he kept pressuring his
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Essay On Muhammad Ali
When searching the Internet to see what people thought, said, and viewed Muhammad Ali, I was
surprised how few negative statements I found. No one said he was a god, but, he was admired for
his stance on issues and concerns he felt were important. He spoke out on social, religious, and
political issues in such a manner that it freighted and rankled the sensibilities of many Americans,
both black and white. Watching the film, I could not help but remember how I felt about Ali in those
early days, often wondering why he had not been killed, or maybe he is a little too outspoken, or if
he was asking the white establishment to make social and political changes a little to fast, for him to
slow it down. But, he did make me feel good as said by Maya Angelou. ... Show more content on ...
But he was more than the sum of his athletic gifts. An agile mind, a buoyant personality, a brash
self–confidence and an evolving set of personal convictions fostered a magnetism that the ring alone
could not contain. He entertained as much with his mouth as with his fists, narrating his life with a
patter of inventive doggerel. ("Me! Wheeeeee!" Ali was as polarizing a superstar as the sports world
has ever produced – both admired and vilified in the 1960s and '70s for his religious, political and
social stances. Loved or hated, he remained for 50 years one of the most recognizable people on the
planet. In later life Ali became something of a secular saint, a legend in soft focus. He was respected
for having sacrificed more than three years of his boxing prime and untold millions of dollars for his
antiwar principles after being banished from the ring; he was extolled for his un–self–conscious
gallantry in the face of incurable illness, and he was beloved for his accommodating sweetness in
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
During the 1960s and 1970s The Vietnam War grew to become America's most unpopular war. In
April 28, 1967, Muhammad Ali One of the greatest boxers of all time took a stand against the
Vietnam War. This resulted in him being sentenced to five years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned
from boxing for three years for draft evasion. One of the reasons for Muhammad Ali Taking a stand
was religious freedom and him saying "I ain't got no quarrel with those Vietcong." But to truly
understand the This significance you have to know the background. Muhammad Ali known today as
one of if not the greatest boxer of all time. Was born as Cassius Clay Jr. January 17, 1942, in
Louisville Kentucky. At an early age Muhammad Ali experienced racial discrimination At the age of
12 Muhammad Ali's bike was stolen. He told a police officer that he wanted to beat up the thief and
this is where he found his hidden talent for boxing. The police officer doug martin also trained
young boxers at the gym and he would do the same for Ali. He would train and soon became an
amatuer boxer. He would go on to win his first amatuer bout in 1954. Ali would go on to win the
1956 Golden Gloves tournament for novices in the ... Show more content on ...
As the Vietnam War progressed the standards for being drafted were being lowered due to need of
soldiers. Muhammad Ali was now able to be drafted into the US Military. Ali attempted to appeal
the draft by saying due to religious reasons and being the primary income for his family that he
needed to stay in America. There were others who had exempt from the draft like certain football
players. It was said due to Muhammad Ali being a very controversial topic that the Government
wanted to make an example of him. He lost the case and was able to be drafted. The reason Ali did
want to go into the war was due to his religious
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Muhammed Ali Essay
Muhammed Ali
Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest heavy weight champions. His natural
abilities were complemented by his flashy flamboyant personality. It was his ability that
won him the heavy weight championship on three separate occasions, but only his "Float
like a butter fly sting like a bee" antics won him the title of the "people's champ"
("Ali" 2).
Born Cassius Clay Jr. on January 17, 1942 in Louisville Kentucky, he was far
from over privileged. His father Cassius Clay Sr., worked to support the family as a sign
and mural painter. His mother Odessa Clay, worked part time as a domestic. He
attended school at Duvalle middle school with his brother Rudolph Clay. After this, he
went on to ... Show more content on ...
Although only being ranked ninth, he began to attract media attention early with
his confident boasting about his ability to win the world heavy weight title. Not only was
he a young master of the sport, he also made the media swarm to him with his arrogant
yet catchy rhymes. In 1964, he commented to Sports Illustrated that "Cassius Clay is a
boxer who can throw the jive better than anybody". It was in this same year that he
would lay his first claim on the title.
The bout was set in February of 1964 against defending champion Sonny
Liston. The match was in Miami, Florida and attracted a lot of hype largely due to Ali's
boastful rhymes and insults toward Liston. This launched boxing back into the spotlight
of American sporting events. It was the weeks prior to this match that Ali unveiled his
rhyming chant, "Float like a butter fly sting like a bee" which he displayed in the classic
bout. During the fearsome battle with Liston, he exhibited grace and power all wrapped
into one magnificent spectacle. He used his sly feet to escape the reach of Liston, while
slipping in some of his destructive jabs in the process. When the bell for the eighth round
rang, Liston stayed on his stool in his respected corner. It was then that Ali captured the
title at the young age of 22. This was a rocket start for his amazing career as the "pretty"
prince of
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Essay On Muhammad Ali
The Fight of Reality
In 1942 one of the greatest fighters of all time was born. A couple of months ago one of the greatest
humanitarian passed away. His journey contained much violence and hatred, yet he focused on the
opposite. His goals were to achieve peace and equality for all. I was introduced to this great man in
the latter part of his lifespan. Towards his death, I was given a chance to acknowledge and read
about his greatest victories. Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky and went of to
become a World Champion Boxer and a social activist. He grew up in poverty and stayed humbled
throughout his fame. Led civil–rights movements. Created and donated to charities. Last summer he
was take away from us. His work for the community ... Show more content on ...
Rulers lead by example, and Ali was the first in line. He was first in his sport to actually go against
the U.S. government, he was the best in boxing, and he was first to show the world that boxing is
more than just a platform to fight. It is a platform of much greater things. It is a platform to voice
your opinion, a platform to spread peace, and a platform to help others. Muhammad Ali did not
settle like an ordinary man. "What keeps me going is goals." (Ali) Ali set his goal and went on to
achieve them, whether anyone tagged along or not. Ali represent a true leader. Those you did
decided to tag along such as the Vietnam War protest supporters, were given hope. He took his
followers along him and did not let them be treated second hand. No ones ever seen a disrespected
Muhammad Ali fan. . In 1942 one of the greatest fighters of all time was born. A couple of months
ago one of the greatest humanitarian passed away. Muhammad Ali represents an everyday hero
through his willingness to volunteer, rebellious character, and leadership mentality. He was always
willing to volunteer to the community and young children. He voiced his opinion. He voiced what
his followers believed. He led by example, by taking the first step in the boxing community against
the war movement. All leaders give some, but Muhammad Ali gave his
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Thesis Outline Of Muhammad Ali
Name: Clevens
Section ____
(should include Name of your Research Subject)
INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph, ending in Thesis Statement)
He was the great, the fastest, the most hard hitting, most loudmouth boxer...Muhammad Ali.
BACKGROUND (1 or 2 paragraphs)
Muhammad was from Louisville, Kentucky. When he was a kid he left his bike outside of a place
unlocked when he came back it was gone. When he saw that it was gone he wanted to beat up the
person who took his bike so he went to a cop in the boxing ring and told him what happened and the
officer said if you want to beat up the person who took your book you would need to learn how to
fight first. After that in Three years later, he won the National Golden Gloves Tournament of
Champions, as well also he won the Amateur Athletic Union's national title for the light
heavyweight division. Also muhammad ali won a gold medal in the olympics in 1960 when he came
back to louisville to show people his metal to brag about it but that all stopped when he went into a
whites only restaurant and he was denied service and mad ali throw his medal in the ... Show more
content on ...
Muhammad Ali was also stripped of all his boxing licenses. Muhammad Ali went to the supreme
court, he was persecuted but he won the case. Some people started thinking he was scared to fight in
the war and called him a chicken.
ACHIEVEMENTS (1 or 2 paragraphs)
Muhammad Ali had an outstanding record of 56 wins, 5 loses, and had 37 knockouts even to some
opponents treat people thought he would never beat like the big bear AKA Sunny Liston.
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Muhammad Ali Hero
Muhammad Ali, a Hero for Many
Muhammad Ali, born as Cassius Marcellus Clay, is a hero for many people. Cassius lived in a time
where black people were considered inferior to white men. "I remember one time when Cassius was
small," Mrs. Clay later recalled. "We were downtown at a five–and–ten–cents store. He wanted a
drink of water, and they wouldn't give him one because of his color. That really affected him. He
didn't like that at all, being a child and thirsty. He started crying, and I said, 'Come on; I'll take you
someplace and get you some water.' But it really hurt him." (–
by–era/civil–rights–movement/essays/importance–muhammad–ali) He became a role model for
many generations and for many people of all race, ages, and religions. Here are different ways he
affected the world. ... Show more content on ...
However, Muhammad Ali never used them and therefore he was a role model for teens and other
athletes. He proved to them that you don't need those drugs to be a great athlete. The legend
performed incredibly well without having to harm himself, it all took hard work and determination.
"He was the voice of youth no one has ever been" ( ), he always speaks up for people which others
never did. The hero was described as "brash, outspoken, and courageous" (). Muhammad Ali
became an idol for many
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Leonardo Marques
Ms. Bryan
Grammar and Composition Period 3
22 Novemberf 2016
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali's impact from his denial of the draft was that he respected his religion, he regained
his title back, he showed how African Americans can do great things during times of segregation. "I
know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free
to be what I want (Muhammad Ali)." This quote tells us that everyone is free and you have the right
to do anything knowing what the consequences may be. In 1967, Muhammad Ali had denied the
U.S. Army draft because of his religious and political beliefs. When Muhammad Ali denied the draft
he was convicted with draft evasion and Muhammad Ali lost his boxing title and his boxing license
for three years. ... Show more content on ...
African Americans that joined Nation of Islam changed their names because they would get rid of
their slave names. When Muhammad Ali joined Nation of Islam the U.S. had gotten involved for
two years. Muhammad Ali had been undefeated and he was the Heavyweight champion of the world
in boxing ( Muhammad Ali was known as a political poet because he would share his
political beliefs with the people. In 1967, Muhammad Ali had been selected in the army draft. Ali's
religion was against the army draft so he refused deduction into the army (Banks 2). Ali was
Convicted and faced a three year boxing penalty for refusing deduction into the draft. Muhammad
Ali made people think about the war the Americans were fighting. The anti–war movement started
after Muhammad Ali had refused deduction into the draft. The anti war movement was protests all
over the world to stop the war (Hauser
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Muhammad Ali Is NOT a Hero Essay
Muhammad Ali Is NOT a Hero
To be a hero, someone could save others, respect their country, and care. The firefighters from the
Fire Department of New York have all of these characteristics, even thought they aren't perfect.
Everyday, they risk their lives to save others. They show their patriotism even on the trucks they
drive through the cities. Most of all they don't just do it because it's their job; they do it because they
care. Unlike the people at FDNY, Muhammad Ali is violent, separatist, and rude.
The first reason Muhammad Ali isn't a hero is because he is violent. For almost all of his life he
fought in boxing matches that all started when he was a boy because he wanted to beat up the kid
who stole his ... Show more content on ...
The second reason Muhammad Ali isn't a hero is he was a separatist who did not respect his country.
He became part of the Nation of Islam. They believed Blacks should break off from other
Americans. Also, "in April 1967, Ali refused induction into the U.S. Army, claiming exempt status
as a Muslim minister" (Abeles). When asked why he dodged the draft, Ali replied, "I ain't got no
quarrel with them Viet–Cong, no Viet–Cong ever called me n–––––" ( Because his
separatist beliefs and actions, Muhammad Ali did not show respect for his country.
The third reason Muhammad Ali isn't a hero is because he is rude. He would always taunt his
opponents. Before one of his matches, "he taunted Liston calling him 'the bear' and verbally defused
the famous stare as being just 'plain ugly'" (Myers 46). When Ali fought George Foreman in Zaire,
he had the Africans chant "'Ali bumbaye' which means 'Ali kill him'" (When). Some sportswriters
were against Ali for this reason. Only a rude man like Muhammad Ali would do and say these
Because of his violence, rudeness, and separatist beliefs, Muhammad Ali in no way compares to the
men at the Fire Department of New York. While they have saved lives, Muhammad Ali has just
beaten people up. Spiderman is another example of a hero; he saved lives, respected his country, and
cared for the people he was saving. FDNY is just as good as Spiderman,
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Who Is Muhammed Ali?
Muhammed Ali
In some people's eyes Muhammed Ali is the greatest boxer ever. He was even classified as the
greatest athlete in the 20th century by Sports Illustrated. He was the first to win the heavyweight
title three times. He was a worldwide entertainer, and millions of people enjoyed watching his style.
He was also very controversial because of his religious beliefs, his name change from Cassius Clay
to Muhammed Ali and his refusal to fight in the Vietnam War.
Muhammed Ali grew up in Louisville, Kentucky but he was known as Cassius Clay. He lived a
normal life until the age of twelve when his bicycle was stolen during a local convention of the
Louisville Service Club. Clay wanted to report the crime and went to find a police ... Show more
content on ...
Cassius Clay was a small opponent for Hall, and even outweighed Clay by eleven and a half pounds.
Clay would continue to practice at the Columbia Gym until late at night. He could never stop
moving his arms. He was always anxious and ready to fight. Clay became the Golden Gloves light–
heavyweight champion and moved on to the heavyweight division. Clay had fought and won thirty–
six consecutive fights by May 1, 1959 and said "I'm a baaaaad man!" But his winning steak was
broken when Amos Johnson beat him at the Pan–American Games trials. After that loss Clay never
lost an amateur fight again! Clay proceeded to the Rome Olympics and won the light–heavyweight
gold medal. Immediately after winning the gold medal, Clay was subjected to horrible comments
about his race and his religion, which forced him to throw his gold medal away because he felt that
people did not accept him.
Cassius Clay was a great amateur boxer, and won 100 out of 108 fights. He won consecutive titles in
the AAU and the Golden Gloves amateur divisions. Clay started his professional career at age
eighteen, and was paid $10,000 up front and then signed a two year contract for $4,000 a year. He
went through nineteen opponents, the likes of Archie Moore, Billy Daniels, Doug Jones, Henry
Cooper, Dennis Fleeman, and Jim Robinson. He then went on to challenge Sonny Liston for the
heavyweight title. Clay was considered the
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Mohamed Ali Essay
Clay, named after his father and Kentucky abolitionist Cassius M. Clay, was born in Louisville,
Kentucky. At age 12, he had his bicycle stolen, and reported the fact to a local policeman (and
boxing trainer), Joe Martin. Martin suggested that Clay learn to fight; under his guidance, Clay
rapidly advanced through the youth ranks. A low achiever academically, Clay won six Kentucky
Gold Gloves while at high school and was allowed to graduate despite his poor grades. Presciently,
his principal announced during a staff meeting about the issue that Clay would someday be
"this school's claim to fame." Clay later joked about his lackluster academic record
saying, "I said I was the Greatest, not the smartest."
At ... Show more content on ...
Misreading Clay's exuberance as nervousness, Liston was over–confident and unprepared for any
result but a quick stoppage. In the opening rounds, Clay's speed, greater even than his idols, Sugar
Ray Robinson and Archie Moore, kept him away from Liston's powerful head and body shots, as he
used his height and reach advantage to effectively counterpunch with the jab. As early as the third
round, Liston began to visibly tire, and Clay took full advantage, landing several heavy punches. By
the third, Clay was clearly on top and had opened a large cut under Liston's eye. Liston regained
some ground in the fourth, as Clay was blinded by a foreign substance. It is unknown whether this
was something used to close Liston's cuts or applied to Liston's gloves for a nefarious purpose.
Partially sighted, Clay was able to keep out of range, and by the fifth and into the sixth, he was
looking for a finish. That came before the seventh, when Liston retired on his stool, later claiming
his shoulder had become dislocated. Clay leapt out of his corner, proclaiming himself "King
of the World" and demanding the writers eat their words.
Clay was duly crowned the heavyweight champion of the world. He would reconfirm his abilities
when he knocked out Liston in the first round of their rematch in Lewiston, Maine on May 25, 1965,
albeit controversially, as few observers saw the "phantom punch" that
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
James Truslow Adams, in his book The Epic of America, stated that the American dream is "that
dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity
for each according to ability or achievement" (The American Dream: What Is The American
Dream?). A man who embodies this template is legendary boxer Cassius Clay more formerly
recognized as Muhammad Ali. One is left questioning what differentiates Ali from all the other
boxing greats? However, upon analyzing Ali's life, it is clear that he transcended the sport of boxing.
Ali was more than simply a boxer: he fought for the freedom of all people, sacrificed everything to
stand by his beliefs, promoted world peace and is viewed today as a beacon of hope and justice. This
research paper will discern why Ali demonstrates the notion that America is a ... Show more content
on ...
Ali began turning heads as people were highly intrigued by the young boxer's unorthodox fighting
style and bold persona. Six weeks after entering Martin's gym, the 89–pound boy one his first fight
by split decision in his debut. One observer reported that "Cassius Clay (Ali) boxed like no else. He
was fast. So fast he didn't duck punches like most other boxers; instead, he just leaned back away
from them. He also didn't put his hands up to protect his face; he kept them down by his hips"
(Tischler 19). This style of boxing worked to Ali's advantage as his actions were deemed memorable
by the general public. The American dream template calls for an individual to go against the grains
of society and pave his or her own road. In the case of Muhammad Ali, we see that he was a boxer
who fought with techniques that felt natural to him and did not give to societal pressures. At the
conclusion of his amateur career, Ali won six Golden Glove titles, two national titles and maintained
an impressive record of
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Muhammad Ali Biography
Amer Dzankovic Muhammad Ali: More than Just a Boxer
"Float like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee."–Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali was born on January 17.
1942, in Louisville Kentucky. Muhammad developed a talent for boxing at a very young age and
continued to strive to become better at it. Not only did he focus on himself and his career, but he
helped out people in need by donating to charities and contributing to poor communities/people and
the United Nations. He continued to battle with parkinson's disease throughout his life and he didn't
let it interfere with his passion towards boxing or living. Ali was a very famous african american
boxer who had who had a determined, talented, and passionate soul.
Muhammad Ali had a determined soul. When ... Show more content on ...
Ali never gave up on winning his bouts and championships even in some of the darkest moments of
his life and career. Ali was also very talented. His talent in boxing wasn't revealed until he was 12,
and shortly after he started training he started becoming a star. Lastly, Ali had a passionate soul for
people that needed help living their lives in a safe, healthy, and normal way. He used his fame and
money to contribute to those with health concerns and no roof over their heads. Ali died on June 3,
2016 from Parkinson's disease. Muhammad Ali was the light at the end of the tunnel for many
people around the globe, and shouldn't only be remembered as a talented boxer but someone
everyone should look up
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
In the boxing world, there are many names that come to mind. From this century, you think of greats
such as Floyd Mayweather Jr., Manny Pacquiao and Mike Tyson. But before their time, you have
individuals that open the gates of opportunity in boxing. Those boxers are Joe Louis, Sugar Ray
Leonard, George Foreman, and the most popular, Muhammad Ali. Besides the great records that
Muhammad Ali set as a boxer, he also made headlines for he's acts outside of the ring. Many fans
called him a humanitarian, a leader, role model, and even a hero. But some disagree with these
uplifting adjectives. An article written by Wayne Weilbaecher titled Letters: Ali was the greatest
boxer, not the greatest role model is a small yet loud article. It specifically points out that
Muhammad Ali should be known as one of the greatest boxers and not as hero because of the
decisions and statements he has made ... Show more content on ...
Muhammad Ali first stated that he was the greatest in {insert year, fight, whenever he said that}
because of all the amazing moves he made in boxing at such a young age. But besides he's moves in
the ring, he was also a voice for the people, especially African Americans and the Nation of Islam.
Ali gave numerous people a feel that they can become and do anything besides skin color or social
status. Weilbaecher stated in the article "I don't believe in what he did, and that "I'm the greatest" is a
good example for our young people." What Weilbacher failed to realize is that for someone to
become successful, they must have the mindset of a successful person. If a person does not believe
that they are already successful or the greatest at what they do, then no one else will. Muhammad
Ali told himself and others that he was the greatest so that he can continue to meet those standards
of greatest and prove to others that he is and will forever be the
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Who Is Muhammad Ali?
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." These words were spoken by one of the most prodigious,
herculean boxers in the antiquity of sports. Cassius Clay Jr. was born January 17, 1942 in Louisville,
Kentucky. His parents were named Odessa Grady Clay and Cassius Marcellus Clay. Cassius was a
innocent little boy, as he did not get into much trouble during his juvenile years. The Clay's were not
completely under–privileged, as they were a middle–class family. Growing up, Cassius encountered
many hardships during his life, such as getting his bike stolen when he was only twelve years of age.
Cassius then faced severe animosity when he refrained from participating in the Vietnam War. In
1964, Cassius Clay joined the Nation of Islam. After joining ... Show more content on ...
Facing the adversity that no other man has makes Muhammad Ali a man with great courage,
patience, and willpower. In the ring, Ali was referred to as "The Greatest," as he would defeat his
enemies quickly, utilizing his gifted ability to move and dodge attacks. Muhammad Ali was a gutsy,
athletic man. He never backed down from a fight. Ali went down a champion, with his resilience
and optimistic views in life. Muhammad Ali was and will always be remembered as a
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What Is The Climax Of The Movie Ali
Title: Ali
Director: Michael Mann
Release Date: December 11, 2011
List of Characters (Actor's Name):
Will Smith as Cassius Clay, Jr. / Cassius X / Muhammad Ali
Jamie Foxx as Drew Bundini Brown
Jon Voight as Howard Cosell
Mario Van Peebles as Malcolm X
Ron Silver as Angelo Dundee
Jeffrey Wright as Howard Bingham
Mykelti Williamson as Don King
Jada Pinkett Smith as Sonji Roi
Nona Gaye as Belinda/Khalilah Ali
Michael Michele as Veronica Porsche
Joe Morton as Chauncey Eskridge
Paul Rodriguez as Dr. Ferdie Pacheco
Bruce McGill as Bradley
Barry Shabaka Henley as Herbert Muhammad
Giancarlo Esposito as Cassius Clay, Sr.
Laurence Mason as Luis Sarria
LeVar Burton as Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Prior to traveling together to Africa has been suspended by the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X still
decides to go to Africa but Ali refuses to speak to him and respects the Nation of Islam's decision to
suspend him. As Muhammad Ali returned to the United States he is stripped of his heavyweight
championship, boxing license, passport suspended and sent to jail for refusal to be drafted during the
Vietnam War. Muhammad Ali left the sport of boxing for three years until his conviction was
overturned and challenges Joe Frazier to a boxing match so he can regain his heavyweight
championship. Joe Frazier defeats Ali and gives him his first loss of his career. Joe Frazier then loses
his championship to George Foreman. Ali then challenges Foreman and goes to Zaire to face him for
the title. While in Africa Ali has an affair with a woman named Veronica Porsche. Ali's wife,
Belinda Ali, found out and he is unsure about his love for either of the women. During the title fight
Ali has been taking a defensive approach and is allowing Foreman to wildly swing at him to get him
fatigued quickly. Ali's strategy was proven successful when he takes advantage of Foreman's fatigue
and goes on the offensive and knocks Foreman out. The movie ends with Muhammad Ali regaining
the Heavyweight Championship.
Favorite Scene:
My favorite scene of the movie Ali was his first boxing match against Sonny Liston. This scene was
my favorite because it shows the beginning of his reign
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Biography: Muhammad Ali
Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. also known as Muhammad Ali is a famous and a very talented boxer. He
was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. Cassius, named after his father, grew up in a
good home. He had both parents and was the older of two brothers. His father painted billboard and
signs for a living while his mother was a stay at home mom. He was first gained interest in boxing
by Louisville police officer and boxing coach Joe E. Martin, who meet the 12–year–old over a thief
taking his bicycle. He explained to the officer that he was going to "whup" the thief. The officer
suggested that he learn how to box first. Chuck Bodak had trained Cassius for the last four years of
his amateur career. He came out with amazing talent ... Show more content on ...
Cassius pulse rate had been more than double that night going from the normal 54 to 120. Both had
really good hits during the fight. Cassius slowly starting to get to Liston in the first round but in the
second Liston started to dominate. In the third round Cassius hit Liston with a combination that
buckled his knees and opened a cut under his left eye. Cassius in the fourth round started to
complain about his eye burning and told his trainer to cut off his gloves but he refused. It has been
known that the problem was due to ointment used to seal Liston's cuts, perhaps purposely applied to
his gloves. Bert Sugar claimed that at least two of Liston's opponents also complained about their
eyes 'burning'. The fifth round was hard for Cassius but he pushed through and managed to get past
it. In the sixth, Cassius destroyed Liston. On came the seventh round and Liston didn't answer to the
bell and Cassius was declared winner by TKO. His victory was crazy and was a hard fought fight.
Cassius became the youngest boxer (22 years old) to take the title from a heavyweight champion.
There was a second fight amongst the two boxers but the last didn't fight longer than 2 minutes and
Cassius was declared inner by knockout. Cassius
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Cassius Clay Jr. (Muhammad Ali) was one of the greatest americans because of what he stood up
for, what he believed in, and the fact that he never quit.(opinion) Muhammad Ali was 6'3'' and
weighed 236 lbs during his professional boxing career.(wiki) He started boxing so he could stand up
for himself because someone stole his brand new bike.(wiki) when he went professional he had one
of the best records in the history of the sport.(wiki) Muhammad Ali became an Olympic gold
medalist in 1960 and the world heavyweight boxing champion in 1964.(Bio.)
Muhammad Ali would usually call himself "The Greatest" and wasn't afraid to boast.(opinion) He
fought for his religion and race when it was being segregated. He also denied to join the army so ...
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Billed as the "Rumble in the Jungle."(Bio.) Ali fights Frazier for the third time at the "Thrilla in
Manila" in the Philippines. The two heavyweights battered and bloody each other in a ferocious
battle. But Ali retains his belt when Frazier Loses to him.(Bio.) out of his 61 bouts, he's only been
knocked out once.(wiki) he has knocked out 37 people, that is 61% of the time.(wiki)Announces his
retirement on June 27. Comes out of retirement to fight new heavyweight champ Larry Holmes.
Holmes punishes Ali, landing an estimated 125 punches in the ninth and tenth rounds alone, and
then knocks him out in the 11th
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Muhammad Ali Significance
What was the significance of Muhammad Ali's response to the war?
The significance of Muhammad Ali's response to the Vietnam war was impeccable, because he
showed others what's it is like to take a stand against something that you don't believe in.
Muhammad Ali did the impossible by fighting against the system. Ali was brave and took a
challenge that others would not execute, regardless of the repercussions he would take on.They tried
to black ball him but failed to do so because of his willing to get back up. Muhammad Ali was one
of the few African–American athletes who stood up for his community and who spoke against the
Vietnam War. That is why he will always be great and why people call him "The Greatest." He
stayed true to his religion and did not let politics over law his beliefs.
Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. to Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr. and Odessa
Grady Clay on January 17, 1942 Louisville, Kentucky. His father painted billboards and signs. His
mother was a domestic helper. Ali grew up in a black lower middle class house in a segregated black
sub–division. He experienced racial injustice and discrimination which made him very defensive.
When he was about twelve–years old his bike was stolen.He reported it to a local police officer
named Joe Martin. Ali told the officer that he wanted to beat up the thief. Martin told him that he
needs to learn how to fight before he started to challenge
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Muhammad Ali Essay
Muhammad Ali1
Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognized faces on planet Earth; known not just for being one of
the best fighters in the history of boxing, but for being one of the most knowledgeable persons of the
twentieth century. Ali wasn't always known by that name though, he was born Cassius Marcellus
Clay on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, him and his younger brother Rudolph had many
small conflicts like any brothers would have, but they were, and still are blessed with having a very
close relationship (Hauser, 2).
Twelve–year–old Cassius was turned on to boxing after his brand–new bike was stolen at an annual
Black fair called The Louisville Home Show (Jet). Joe Martin, a policeman who taught young kids
how to box, ... Show more content on ...
They had a falling out though and Clay ended up meeting the popular Angelo Dundee. Eight days
after the two began training with each other, Clay knocked out Herb Siler in the fourth round
Clay fought many successful bouts after that; he began to do what no boxer has ever done in the
history of the sport: predicting the round in which he would win. Although he was knocked down a
couple of times against Sonny Banks and Henry Cooper, the up–and–coming boxer was too quick
and smart for any opponent. He even knocked out his former trainer Archie Moore in four rounds.
Next up was Sonny Liston, the World Champ who was then the equivalent to Mike Tyson in the late
'80s (Jet). Clay began to tease Liston, making fun of his looks and even predicting that he would
demolish the champ in eight rounds. Very few believed that Clay had a chance; Liston thought
nothing of the loudmouth youngster and trained for a quick two–round fight (Jet). Liston did not
know that he was to face an opponent who was too fast and untouchable for him. After fighting a
fierce puncher while being temporarily blinded in the fifth round, Clay would use his quick fists to
annoy the champ so bad that he refused to come out of the corner for the seventh round. Clay shook
up the world and became the new World Heavyweight Champion, but he would shake up the world
again two days later after announcing that he had joined the Nation Of Islam, becoming Muhammad
Ali (Jet).
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Muhammad Ali Research Paper
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr (Muhammad Ali) was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, KY. Ali
was an American heavyweight boxing champion, he decided to become a professional boxer after
winning light heavyweight title in the 1960s Summer Olympic Games. From there he won more
matches and was even given the title of World Boxing Association. In 1964, he was stripped from
the WBA title for a dispute contact, however, was given the title again back in 1967 after defeating
the defending champion Ernie Terrell. In that same year Ali was drafted to serve in the United States
Army but he refused and was charged for induction. He was once again stripped from the WBA title,
Ali didn't go to prison because he paid the fine, and he wasn't allowed to box
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Muhammad Ali Essay
Throughout history there have been many influential people who have lived in this country. Some
were politicians, some were actors, and some were even athletes. One such man was a gifted boxer
named Muhammad Ali. He made his mark as an amateur, then as a professional. "The Greatest" was
the self–proclaimed nickname of Ali, but so many people agreed that it stuck. He went through trials
and tribulations in his life, which make him a historic icon. Muhammad Ali is known for being "The
Greatest" boxer of all time, but unlike other athletes he is remembered for his out of the ring actions
as well as his athletic accomplishments. Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Mercellus Clay Jr. on
January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. Cassius ... Show more content on ...
In 1960 he decided it was time to take his skills to the Olympics. In order to do so he had to get a
job to pay for all the expenses that the Olympics entail. He worked as a "houseboy" for Billy
Reynolds, the heir to the Reynolds aluminum foil fortune (Conklin 26–27). The eighteen–year–old
was now six feet, two inches tall and weighed 178 pounds of pure muscle. Clay easily beat the
European champion, Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, to win the light–heavyweight gold medal. All that
was left was to go pro. On October 29, 1960 Cassius Clay made his a professional debut with a six
round unanimous decision over Tunney Hunsaker. Cassius made all arrangements for the fight and
he even trained himself. After having trouble with a less talented Hunsaker, Ali decided to hire a
trainer. He went through many trainers until he found Angelo Dundee. Clay won his first world
heavyweight championship on February 25, 1964. He beat Sonny Liston in six rounds. Liston
refused to leave his corner for the seventh round. Almost directly after the fight, Clay told the world
that he was now to be called Cassius X because of his affiliation with Islam. A month later he
announced his name was to be Muhammad Ali which was the title given to him by the head of the
Black Muslims, Elijah Muhammad. The name Muhammad Ali means "worthy of praise most high."
Ali was then drafted into the Army and to fight in the Vietnam War. However, he refused to join the
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Muhammad Ali Essay
Muhammad Ali
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. later known as Muhammad Ali, was a black boxer, and was proud of it.
Many African Americans were ashamed of their color, but Ali was different. He was the first boxer
to win the Heavyweight Championship 3 different times. He had a great personality and was liked
by the people. During his life, he made big decisions that changed the course of his life completely.
Muhammad Ali's journey through life was a great inspiration for African American people, but Ali
himself deserves the admiration of everyone.
Muhammad Ali was a man made to box. He had a great career before him since he made his first
professional fight under President Eisenhower presidency. His Professional Career was really ...
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This was the kind of person Ali was.
His big dream was to see peace in the country, racial peace. Also, he was not totally convinced with
the idea of segregation because it is not good to make people be together against their will. This way
of thinking and qualities is what Malcolm X saw in Ali, and therefore thought Ali could be a great
messenger for the African Americans (Hauser 110). Ali's ideas and actions distinguished him from
the rest, he was an inborn leader.
During his life, Ali was forced to make some tough decisions, and always made them his own way.
At the time of Ali's fighting, the United States were involved in the Vietnam War. As a result, young
Americans were been drafted to serve in the military. When political figures saw Ali fighting, they
decided to stop the hurting of our own and draft him, so he hurts the people in Vietnam. Ali was not
pleased with this decision, because ha had just won the Heavyweight Championship and because he
said, "I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong"(Hauser 144). His final decision on the issue was
that he would not go to war. He was not willing to go and kill people, while his own are in bad
conditions at home. In the same way, he was forced to decide if he wanted to become a billionaire
and sell his people, or to become poor and not sell his people (185). For this rebel action, his
Heavyweight Title was taken away and he was put in jail. This did not matter to him because he
h!ad followed his beliefs and obeyed
... Get more on ...

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Ali Bab A Great Leader

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  • 3. Muhammad Ali of Egypt or Mehmet Ali in Albanian Muhammad Ali of Egypt Often referred to as the father of modern Egypt, Muhammad Ali (or Mehmet Ali in Albanian) revolutionized Egyptian society from the beginning of his reign in 1805 to Fuad II, the last King of the Muhammad Ali dynasty that ended in 1953. Under his rule, Muhammad Ali implemented political, social, and economic change to Egypt and even expanded his empire. Muhammad Ali was born in 1769 to Turkish tobacco merchants at Kavalla in present–day Greece under Turkish rule (as well as Egypt). His ancestry had been widely debated. Although his parents were Albanian, his ancestry could be traced back five centuries back to central Turkey. Nevertheless, most of the Balkans were considered part of the Ottoman Empire especially Turkey. As a young man, Muhammad Ali was charismatic until his father died. His uncle, the governor of Kavalla, soon took him in. Under his uncle, Muhammad Ali had joined the Ottoman military and was even to marry heiress Emina of Nosratli. Although France and the Ottoman Empire had been considered allies, the French started their campaign in Egypt from 1798 to 1801 under Napoleon Bonaparte's leadership. During the French occupation, the sultan ordered Muhammad Ali's uncle to dispatch 300 men to which the governor placed Ali Agha and Muhammad Ali as leaders of the unit. It was not until 1801 when Muhammad Ali ascended the military hierarchy to commander and the French were defeated after Napoleon fled to seize power in France. It is important ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Muhammad Ali Essay The 1960s were a time of revolutionary ideas and new modes of expression. These new ways of thinking and speaking opened the door to major reforms of American society and culture. People were now standing up for what they believed in, for example, protesting against the mistreatment of African–Americans and refusing to follow the Military Selective Service Act, a law which forced men between the ages 18–26 to fight in the controversial Vietnam War (Youth Movement). Not everyone embraced this new attitude that contained a challenge to existing governmental authority. As an expert on the draft, Phillip MacFarlane wrote, " Some critics decry the loss of the citizen– soldier as a threat to democracy"(MacFarlane). One prominent anti–war figure ... Show more content on ... Cassius clay, one of the world's most distinguished boxers, was born in Louisville, Kentucky on January 7, 1942. Clays work ethic was apparent even in the early years of his life. As a child, he raced the school bus to school each morning. His friends would wave to him as the lead fluctuated based on the school bus' stops. This work ethic extended to the classroom. Because of a learning disability, Clay had to work extra hard in school to not fall behind. Clay grew up with racial segregation all around him. These injustices sparked a passion in him to change the way people viewed African Americans: "I wanted to show that color didn't matter"(Muhammad Ali: An American Legend). Clay's boxing career began because of an incident when he was 12 years old. He and a friend rode their bikes to the Columbia Auditorium for The Louisville Home Show. When they were ready to go home, Clay discovered that his bike was stolen. Filled with rage, Clay wanted to retaliate. He found police officer, Joe Martin, who told him, "You better learn how to fight before you start challenging people that you're gonna whoop" (Hauser 18). Martin became his coach, and although Clay never found the thief, he found a love of boxing that would continue throughout his life. Between the ages of 12 and 18, Clay ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Life Of Muhammad Ali The death of Muhammad Ali, the former heavyweight champion, triggered a worldwide outpouring of affection. The former champion died on June 3 at age 74 of shock. Ali had long suffered from Parkinson's disease, which made the once–graceful athlete a prisoner in his own body. President Obama, who keeps a pair of Ali's gloves on display in his private study, paid tribute to the late athlete, saying he was "a man who fought for us." Ali was born in the American state of Kentucky in 1942. He took up boxing at the age of 12. Within only six years, the gifted teenager became Olympic light heavyweight champion and at 22, he became the world heavyweight champion. Ali was the first boxer to win the heavyweight championship three times, establishing himself ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Is Muhammad Ali A Hero "I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." –Muhammad Ali. My hero is a hero to not only me, but to people all around the world. Muhammad Ali is a hero for many reasons, not only is he one of the best boxers in the world he never gave up on his goal at becoming the best in the world. No matter what obstacles were in his way he never stopped. Muhammad Ali wasn't born the best boxer in the world, he worked for it. Muhammad had a work ethic that put him at the to of his career. This is why he's a hero because he is an example of someone that took whatever life had given him and turned it into something that created himself and his name to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Muhammad Ali Goals "What keeps me going is goals"– Muhammad Ali Every elite athlete has psychological training and uses the process of goal setting in order to enhance their performance. Goal setting is used to enhance concentration, build self confidence and to manage time and other resources. (Tony M 1995, page 259) Muhammad Ali is self determined; he wanted to show the world that he is the greatest. To achieve that training hard and using strategic punches during matches was a vital key to be the greatest boxer and a role model for the world. Ali's ambition and willingness to work hard drew him closer towards his goal. Psychological self–motivation, Ali drew motivation from criticism of other people's comments. Negative comments built his self–confidence ... Show more content on ... Muhammad Ali instilled a program in his everyday life. His sub goals to achieve what he had planned for the day and if it was not done he would not give up and continue. Training in a gym was not enough he trained on the streets, he was said to be a fast runner. Before he took upon his career in boxing he used to play football and basketball. He was awarded with a scholarship although he was an excellent athlete he had a lot of anger and was violent (Robert & Peter 1995, page266). This was when he found interest in boxing and made a name for himself. "Champions aren't made in gyms; champions are made from something deep inside them– a desire, a vision, a dream. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill." –Muhammad Ali With all the fame and importance given to a man who is truly a legend although he was one of the most under promoted athletes. As all athletes have their own brand Ali was the same his team composed a brand for him and they obtained that by small steps (success staff, march 2 2009). In every goal setting process it takes small steps to gain that ultimate goal. Ali was a remarkable athlete with a remember–able history, presence and energy around people proved it. His brand ambassadors knew that they were able to achieve that ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. better known as Muhammad Ali was born January seven tenth, 1942. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky during a time where segregation was a major factor; one where blacks weren't able to drink from the same water fountain as whites,use the same restroom or eat within the same restaurants. When Cassius was twelve years old his bike was stolen while reporting what happened to police officer Joe Martin Clay said that he "wanted to beat up whoever had stolen his bike" and it just so happened that Martin trained young boxers at a local gym. Clay won his first amateur bout in 1954 by split decision, By the age of eighteen he won an Olympic medal at the 1960 Olympics. By the time he was eighteen Clay already had achieved ... Show more content on ... Ali received his very first World Heavyweight Championship title match on February twenty fifth 1964. At the age of twenty–two Ali became the new World Heavyweight Champion after beating the reigning champion Charles "Sonny" Liston in a grueling six round war . He was the first ever boxer to become the World Heavyweight Champion at such a young age. Ali was also the only boxer to obtain the position of being the World Heavyweight champion three times. The first time he beat "Sonny" Liston in Miami, Florida, the second time he beat George Foreman in the great battle known as "The Rumble In The Jungle" in the summer of 1974 in Zaire, Africa which is now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo , and the third and final time Ali beat Leon Spinks on September fifteenth, 1978 in a title rematch which Spinks was whom Ali had previously lost to in February 1978. Ali retired June 27, 1979, but returned to face the current champion Larry Holmes for a fourth attempt at the Heavyweight title but lose due to one of his advisors decisions. Then Ali retired again for a second time, but then made another comeback fight against Trevor Berbick in 1981 but loss by unanimous decision after ten rounds. I feel that Muhammad Ali is the greatest athlete to ever live because ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Muhammad Ali Accomplishments The world's former heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali was an olympic gold medalist and the first fighter to capture the heavyweight title three times. Muhammad Ali won 56 titles in his 21–year professional career ( Muhammad Ali was a professional boxer. He was not only a great boxer, but a man who had a great soul. He saved a man from committing suicide. That man was one of the many people he had gone against in the ring. Muhammad Ali's life was influenced by his early life. His major accomplishments/contributions to American society including being the first African American and fighter to win the heavyweight title three times helped them earn his place in history as an important African American ( First, Muhammad Ali was born where everything around him was consisted of sports. Ali was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kansas (Muhammad Ali Biography). The champion was born and raised during times where segregation was present. His name was Clay ... Show more content on ... The 22 year old won the heavyweight title at the age of 22. Clay relentlessly taunted Liston before the fight, promising to "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" and predicting a knockout ( Clay did not do his military terms with the United States due to his religious beliefs. The religion the he believed in was Muslim. At a press conference the morning after the fight, Muhammad confirmed the rumors that had been said about him converting to Islam. After 43 months in jail, Muhammad returned to the rings ready for action. Ali returned to the ring and knocked out Jerry Quarry ( Muhammad met with an Iraqi leader with the details of American hostages. He met with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 1990 to negotiate the release of American hostages, and in 2002 he traveled to Afghanistan as a United Nations Messenger of Peace. Not only was Muhammad a great a fighter, but also a great ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay) was born on January 17, 1942, in louisville Kentucky. By a young age Ali had shown that he wasn't a fan of getting into fights or getting physical. But as Muhammad Ali's fate would have it, he would have to learn how to fight. At the age of 12 Ali discovered his talent for boxing after he and his friend were on there way to a carnival while riding their bikes. Once they were done, they came out to find Mahammad's bike had been stolen! After asking around a little bit they found out it was a kid in the grade above them; right away Ali went to the police. But the policeman said that he would have to settle it himself. Ali told the cop that he wanted to beat up the kid and cop said he would have to learn how ... Show more content on ... Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville Kentucky, as a young black man in the deep south Ali experienced struggles almost every day. This formed Ali into a strong man that could take a hit and deliver one. In his early years Ali did poorly in in school but excelled in athletics. He was always playing outside and was not the type to read. Despite his dislike of academics, he was a leader of his peers. He was a great talker and was very popular throughout his schooling. At the age of 12 Ali discovered his passion for boxing. In a weird twist of fate Ali met his first boxing coach after he lost his bike on the way to the local fair. After this Ali when enraged and found a local police officer named Joe Martin. He told Joe that he wanted to beat up the thief and Joe said "Well, you better learn how to fight before you start challenging people,". Ali started working with Joe Martin and soon fell in love with the sport. With Alis hard work and determination he became extremely good at a young age. In 1954 Ali made his first amateur bout. The fight went the full length and was said to be an excellent fight and was written and talked about locally. Ali won the fight in a unanimous decision and started off his career ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Muhammad Ali Throughout the history there have been many famous people who have lived in this country. Some of them were actors, politicians and even athletes. And out of them one of the them all. one of was a gifted boxer named Muhammad Ali. Ali made is first marked as an amateur, then as professional. Ali went through many hard trail in his life, and one of them will change the future. Which will alter lead him to become the greatest Muhammad Ali. Ali is one of the most famous boxer of all time. Ali has many interesting facts about his early life,amateur career, Olympics career, personal life, professional boxing career Vietnam War, and resistance to the draft. Ali became one of the most respected boxer of all time due to his accomplishment during ... Show more content on ... Olympic boxing team due to his boxing skills. later, Ali traveled to Rome and Italy to compete in boxing match. At the high of 6 feet 3 inches tall, Ali was an imposing figure in the ring. He was known for his powerful footwork, and powerful jab. After he won the Olympic gold medal Ali was known as an american hero. During the 1960s Ali was seemed unstoppable because he was winning all of this match with knockouts. in 1963 Ali defeated British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper and then later, He knockout Sonny Liston in 1964 to become the heavyweight champion in the world. Sometimes Ali referred himself as the "Greatest" Ali was a famous quoted person and in one of his quote he told the reporter that he could float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee" in the boxing ring. Ali has been married four times and he has two sons and seven daughters. He met his first wife Sonji Roi about one month before. Ali married his first wife on August 14,1964. But later they divorced on January 10, 1966 due to her objection to certain muslim clothes. On August 17, 1967, Ali married Belinda Boyd. After the wedding she converted to Islam. Later, they had four children. Couple years later Ali began an affair with Veronica Porsche and actress and model. in 1977 Ali's second married was over, and he had married Veronica Porsche. At the time of their marriage they had two child. By 1986 Veronica and Ali were divorced. On november 19, 1986 Ali married his ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Muhammad Ali was more than just a fighter; he affected the world in many ways. He won multiple World Heavyweight Boxing titles in many years of boxing. His life is a story of constant struggle and adversity, but he always seemed to overcome the challenge. Ali discovered his love for boxing the moment he entered in a gym. In his monumental life, he influenced many different arrays of life from sports to civil rights. Cassius Clay Jr. was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky. His father was Cassius Marcellus Clay and his mother's name was Odessa Grady Clay. Young Cassius Clay Jr. and his brother Rudolph Valentino Clay grew up in an underprivileged family where they only had what they needed. Their father was a painter and ... Show more content on ... During his suspension, Ali earned money by speaking on college campuses about civil rights and justice. In September of 1970, the NAACP also won its suit against the New York State Athletic Commissioner. Ali studied under Malcom X for three years and learned his great ways. Ali refused military service because he felt the war going on had nothing to do with African Americans or Muslims. He voiced his thoughts through a book he wrote, and then named The Greatest My Own Story. The response on his stand against the government opened the door for more athletes to stand up against exploitation. President Carter sent Ali on a mission trip to Africa in 1980. In 1985, Ali was sent to attempt secure hostages safely but his failed. After all the things he did for Civil Rights, he was awarded the Martin Luther King Memorial Award (McDaniel 21; Houston ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Actor Mahershala Ali Cottonmouth in the upcoming Luke Cage season 2 actor was a multi–talented athlete who worked hard for a career. Actor Mahershala Ali is known for his work in "House of Cards" in Netflix, "The Hunger Games" and "Treme" in HBO. But what many do not know is that Mahershala Ali didn't have it all in the beginning. The 42 year old actor grew up playing sports. He is described by People as a multi–talented athlete. At the young age of four, Mahershalalhashbaz as he is named by birth, says he grew up playing sports and already competing. He took competition very seriously. Like many kids, he also engaged in off court and on court sports. He started racing with a BMX bike. And as he grew up, he engaged himself with basketball. Although competitive, for the Luke Cage actor, it was never about beating the other person. It is about the goal. ... Show more content on ... As he grew up into a young man, he learned that his goal is going to be towards education. His goal in high school is to go to school for free. That means, he needs to win a scholarship. His family at the time was struggling. Ali adds that if he did not get a scholarship, that means he is not ever going to get a higher education at ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali was a humble man who accomplished a lot during his life. Muhammad Ali converted Islam at the age of 22 and changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali. With that he set an example of racial pride for African Americans. In 1967 Muhammad Ali refused to be inducted into the US army due to his religious beliefs after converting Islam. He was then arrested and found guilty of draft evasion. He was sentenced 5 years of prison, fined $10,000, all his titles were stripped, and he was banned from boxing for 3 years. He then went to the Supreme Court, where they overturned his conviction. For these actions this is why I picked Muhammad Ali. My topic is Muhammad Ali, who refused to be conscripted into the army. He refused to be inducted to the Vietnam War on the grounds of Houston. During this time the the U.S. was in the Vietnam War. Before the event Muhammad Ali was boxing around the world, he was world champion. After the event they suspended him from boxing for 3 years. With titles stripped he would have to earn them back. ... Show more content on ... Muhammad Ali actions changed how many people looked at him. First he converts Islam and then he refused to be inducted to the U.S army. When refusing to be inducted he said, " I ain't got no quarrel with those Vietcong." His actions didn't just affect people in america, it affected many people around the world. It was worldwide news. Some people disliked him due to his action but others saw his actions as bravery, sacrifice, and most importantly leadership. Actions can affect many ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Muhammad Ali Quotes An arrogant comment, a brag from Muhammad Ali, but he was not wrong he was a great champion, one of the best. Muhammad Ali was a great boxer and an inspirational man. Even as a child he was a regular on a show called Tomorrow's Champions, a thing that got him far was his never quit attitude, or even his saying "fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee." "This is a story of a man with iron fists and a beautiful tan[...]" (Lipsyte 34). A box–office quote that got people talking and watching Ali. He had help and coaches, but it was himself that got him there. Ali didn't get there easily, after all, everyone has to start somewhere. His entire future started one day at the gym, talking to the guy that got him there in the first place, Joe Martin, ... Show more content on ... I'm free to be who I want." Ali left and the title went to a new champion and he defended it until Ali got back. When he did get back he went straight for the heavyweight crown. His most brutal fight yet was against Joe Frazier. The fight lasted fifteen of the most grueling, brutal rounds the celebrity– studded crown had ever seen. "The physical toll of the fight was visible, Frazer's face, misshapen and skinned, looked unfathomable."(Lipsyte pg 96) Ali's never quit attitude got him this far and "no one had ever doubled his speed or his talent, but his courage in the ring"( Lipsyte pg 96), his heart could not be topped. They expected Joe to plan his feet and pound away, offering up his own bumpy face in sacrifice for eventual victory. In a brutal end Joe's hand was raised in victory, but Clay wouldn't stand for it,"Joe if you beat me this time, you'll really be the greatest,"(Lipsyte pg 98) the past champ said in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Muhammad Ali Research Paper The Champion of the World, Muhammad Ali, biologically born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., made a very known locally and worldwide statement for his act of cultural movements, and many historic battles in the ring. Very often touted for his activities inside communities, also for his dedication and Cassius were then framed a champion inside and out of the ring. He began his boxing career as a revenge seeking twelve–year–old wimp when outside of the Columbia Auditorium his bicycle went missing. Therefore, instead of him finding a young boy he found police officer Joe Martin, who was a police officer at the time and offered him training services for boxing. Considered the greatest boxer known to humanity, Muhammad Ali overcame many struggles in ... Show more content on ... Shortly after, during the year of 1984, he began diagnosed with post–traumatic Parkinson's disease, which was a cause from very blunt blows to his head over the years of his career. Before his diagnosis, he battled George Foreman in a legendary match known as the "Rumble in the Jungle." Soon after he gained a few more championship titles, Ali then permanently retired from the well– sought boxing career that he obtained throughout his life. Cassius went down in history as the only professional boxer to become a heavyweight champion three times. He was given the honor of lighting the Olympic torch in 1996. In 1997, Muhammad founded and established the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center in Pheonix, Arizona in an attempt to give back to others suffering from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Prophet Ali Research Paper Ali's close partisan constitutes the Shi'at Ali, along with the general of Islamic belief in Allah, Muhammad's message, and the Quran. The Shiites believe in the Imam as the true leader of faith and the veritable interpreter of the Quran. According to the Shia doctrine, the prophet shortly before he died, has appointed Ali as the leader of the community and initiated him into the esoteric aspects and the mysteries of faith and certain designated descendants, in turn, inherited this function. Also numerous adages and wise saying bear Ali's name, the prophet claimed: " I am the city of wisdom and Ali is its gates." To the Shia, Ali is a saint, the friend of God, and the par excellence; thus the Shia have added these words to the generally pronounced ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Muhammad Ali Essay Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali, was the first Islamic boxer to win a World Title. Grit is perseverance, passion, and faith to get to your life goals and over difficult challenges. Muhammad Ali born January 17, 1942 Louisville Kentucky he passed June 03, 2016. After an amazing boxing career and then the battle against Parkinson's diseases outside the ring. Muhammad Ali used perseverance, passion, and faith to get him through life and to become one of the best boxers in history. To begin with, Muhammad Ali used perseverance to overcome misfortunes. Firstly Ali had lost Golden Gloves Championship two times in a row. For example Frank Collective author of reports even though Ali had lost twice he went back for a third time and finally won Golden Gloves Championship (Collective). Therefore Muhammad Ali did not give up on his goals an finally became a champion. Secondly, Ali was a draft dodger. For ... Show more content on ... Firstly, Muhammad Ali used faith to become a national figure. For example, Frank Collective, Enterprise, Shares Ali was the first national figure to speak out against the Vietnam war (Collective). Therefore, Ali used faith to stand up against something that America has so much nationalism behind. Secondly, Ali used faith when he switched religions. For instance, Frank, Reports Ali switched to nation of Islam even though he knew he would lose sponsors and great friendships (Frank). Thus, the switch he had made included allot of faith because he could have lost everything just for what he believed in. Thirdly, Muhammad Ali had faith in his boxing. For example, Frank, Shares Ali's second fight back after his three and a half year suspension was against Joe Frazier an undefeated champion at one of the biggest stages Madison Square Garden March 8, 1971 for the world heavy weight title. Ali used faith to not be scared of anything that came in his way. Ali used faith to overcome his life challenges, and he kept pressuring his ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Essay On Muhammad Ali When searching the Internet to see what people thought, said, and viewed Muhammad Ali, I was surprised how few negative statements I found. No one said he was a god, but, he was admired for his stance on issues and concerns he felt were important. He spoke out on social, religious, and political issues in such a manner that it freighted and rankled the sensibilities of many Americans, both black and white. Watching the film, I could not help but remember how I felt about Ali in those early days, often wondering why he had not been killed, or maybe he is a little too outspoken, or if he was asking the white establishment to make social and political changes a little to fast, for him to slow it down. But, he did make me feel good as said by Maya Angelou. ... Show more content on ... But he was more than the sum of his athletic gifts. An agile mind, a buoyant personality, a brash self–confidence and an evolving set of personal convictions fostered a magnetism that the ring alone could not contain. He entertained as much with his mouth as with his fists, narrating his life with a patter of inventive doggerel. ("Me! Wheeeeee!" Ali was as polarizing a superstar as the sports world has ever produced – both admired and vilified in the 1960s and '70s for his religious, political and social stances. Loved or hated, he remained for 50 years one of the most recognizable people on the planet. In later life Ali became something of a secular saint, a legend in soft focus. He was respected for having sacrificed more than three years of his boxing prime and untold millions of dollars for his antiwar principles after being banished from the ring; he was extolled for his un–self–conscious gallantry in the face of incurable illness, and he was beloved for his accommodating sweetness in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Muhammad Ali Research Paper During the 1960s and 1970s The Vietnam War grew to become America's most unpopular war. In April 28, 1967, Muhammad Ali One of the greatest boxers of all time took a stand against the Vietnam War. This resulted in him being sentenced to five years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned from boxing for three years for draft evasion. One of the reasons for Muhammad Ali Taking a stand was religious freedom and him saying "I ain't got no quarrel with those Vietcong." But to truly understand the This significance you have to know the background. Muhammad Ali known today as one of if not the greatest boxer of all time. Was born as Cassius Clay Jr. January 17, 1942, in Louisville Kentucky. At an early age Muhammad Ali experienced racial discrimination At the age of 12 Muhammad Ali's bike was stolen. He told a police officer that he wanted to beat up the thief and this is where he found his hidden talent for boxing. The police officer doug martin also trained young boxers at the gym and he would do the same for Ali. He would train and soon became an amatuer boxer. He would go on to win his first amatuer bout in 1954. Ali would go on to win the 1956 Golden Gloves tournament for novices in the ... Show more content on ... As the Vietnam War progressed the standards for being drafted were being lowered due to need of soldiers. Muhammad Ali was now able to be drafted into the US Military. Ali attempted to appeal the draft by saying due to religious reasons and being the primary income for his family that he needed to stay in America. There were others who had exempt from the draft like certain football players. It was said due to Muhammad Ali being a very controversial topic that the Government wanted to make an example of him. He lost the case and was able to be drafted. The reason Ali did want to go into the war was due to his religious ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Muhammed Ali Essay Muhammed Ali Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest heavy weight champions. His natural abilities were complemented by his flashy flamboyant personality. It was his ability that won him the heavy weight championship on three separate occasions, but only his "Float like a butter fly sting like a bee" antics won him the title of the "people's champ" ("Ali" 2). Born Cassius Clay Jr. on January 17, 1942 in Louisville Kentucky, he was far from over privileged. His father Cassius Clay Sr., worked to support the family as a sign and mural painter. His mother Odessa Clay, worked part time as a domestic. He attended school at Duvalle middle school with his brother Rudolph Clay. After this, he went on to ... Show more content on ... Although only being ranked ninth, he began to attract media attention early with his confident boasting about his ability to win the world heavy weight title. Not only was he a young master of the sport, he also made the media swarm to him with his arrogant yet catchy rhymes. In 1964, he commented to Sports Illustrated that "Cassius Clay is a boxer who can throw the jive better than anybody". It was in this same year that he would lay his first claim on the title. The bout was set in February of 1964 against defending champion Sonny
  • 40. Liston. The match was in Miami, Florida and attracted a lot of hype largely due to Ali's boastful rhymes and insults toward Liston. This launched boxing back into the spotlight of American sporting events. It was the weeks prior to this match that Ali unveiled his rhyming chant, "Float like a butter fly sting like a bee" which he displayed in the classic bout. During the fearsome battle with Liston, he exhibited grace and power all wrapped into one magnificent spectacle. He used his sly feet to escape the reach of Liston, while slipping in some of his destructive jabs in the process. When the bell for the eighth round rang, Liston stayed on his stool in his respected corner. It was then that Ali captured the title at the young age of 22. This was a rocket start for his amazing career as the "pretty" prince of ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Essay On Muhammad Ali The Fight of Reality In 1942 one of the greatest fighters of all time was born. A couple of months ago one of the greatest humanitarian passed away. His journey contained much violence and hatred, yet he focused on the opposite. His goals were to achieve peace and equality for all. I was introduced to this great man in the latter part of his lifespan. Towards his death, I was given a chance to acknowledge and read about his greatest victories. Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky and went of to become a World Champion Boxer and a social activist. He grew up in poverty and stayed humbled throughout his fame. Led civil–rights movements. Created and donated to charities. Last summer he was take away from us. His work for the community ... Show more content on ... Rulers lead by example, and Ali was the first in line. He was first in his sport to actually go against the U.S. government, he was the best in boxing, and he was first to show the world that boxing is more than just a platform to fight. It is a platform of much greater things. It is a platform to voice your opinion, a platform to spread peace, and a platform to help others. Muhammad Ali did not settle like an ordinary man. "What keeps me going is goals." (Ali) Ali set his goal and went on to achieve them, whether anyone tagged along or not. Ali represent a true leader. Those you did decided to tag along such as the Vietnam War protest supporters, were given hope. He took his followers along him and did not let them be treated second hand. No ones ever seen a disrespected Muhammad Ali fan. . In 1942 one of the greatest fighters of all time was born. A couple of months ago one of the greatest humanitarian passed away. Muhammad Ali represents an everyday hero through his willingness to volunteer, rebellious character, and leadership mentality. He was always willing to volunteer to the community and young children. He voiced his opinion. He voiced what his followers believed. He led by example, by taking the first step in the boxing community against the war movement. All leaders give some, but Muhammad Ali gave his ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Thesis Outline Of Muhammad Ali Name: Clevens Section ____ TITLE OF RESEARCH PAPER (should include Name of your Research Subject) INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph, ending in Thesis Statement) He was the great, the fastest, the most hard hitting, most loudmouth boxer...Muhammad Ali. Thesis: BACKGROUND (1 or 2 paragraphs) Muhammad was from Louisville, Kentucky. When he was a kid he left his bike outside of a place unlocked when he came back it was gone. When he saw that it was gone he wanted to beat up the person who took his bike so he went to a cop in the boxing ring and told him what happened and the officer said if you want to beat up the person who took your book you would need to learn how to fight first. After that in Three years later, he won the National Golden Gloves Tournament of Champions, as well also he won the Amateur Athletic Union's national title for the light heavyweight division. Also muhammad ali won a gold medal in the olympics in 1960 when he came back to louisville to show people his metal to brag about it but that all stopped when he went into a whites only restaurant and he was denied service and mad ali throw his medal in the ... Show more content on ... Muhammad Ali was also stripped of all his boxing licenses. Muhammad Ali went to the supreme court, he was persecuted but he won the case. Some people started thinking he was scared to fight in the war and called him a chicken. ACHIEVEMENTS (1 or 2 paragraphs) Muhammad Ali had an outstanding record of 56 wins, 5 loses, and had 37 knockouts even to some opponents treat people thought he would never beat like the big bear AKA Sunny Liston. LEGACIES (1 ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Muhammad Ali Hero Muhammad Ali, a Hero for Many Muhammad Ali, born as Cassius Marcellus Clay, is a hero for many people. Cassius lived in a time where black people were considered inferior to white men. "I remember one time when Cassius was small," Mrs. Clay later recalled. "We were downtown at a five–and–ten–cents store. He wanted a drink of water, and they wouldn't give him one because of his color. That really affected him. He didn't like that at all, being a child and thirsty. He started crying, and I said, 'Come on; I'll take you someplace and get you some water.' But it really hurt him." (– by–era/civil–rights–movement/essays/importance–muhammad–ali) He became a role model for many generations and for many people of all race, ages, and religions. Here are different ways he affected the world. ... Show more content on ... However, Muhammad Ali never used them and therefore he was a role model for teens and other athletes. He proved to them that you don't need those drugs to be a great athlete. The legend performed incredibly well without having to harm himself, it all took hard work and determination. "He was the voice of youth no one has ever been" ( ), he always speaks up for people which others never did. The hero was described as "brash, outspoken, and courageous" (). Muhammad Ali became an idol for many ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Leonardo Marques Ms. Bryan Grammar and Composition Period 3 22 Novemberf 2016 Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali's impact from his denial of the draft was that he respected his religion, he regained his title back, he showed how African Americans can do great things during times of segregation. "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want (Muhammad Ali)." This quote tells us that everyone is free and you have the right to do anything knowing what the consequences may be. In 1967, Muhammad Ali had denied the U.S. Army draft because of his religious and political beliefs. When Muhammad Ali denied the draft he was convicted with draft evasion and Muhammad Ali lost his boxing title and his boxing license for three years. ... Show more content on ... African Americans that joined Nation of Islam changed their names because they would get rid of their slave names. When Muhammad Ali joined Nation of Islam the U.S. had gotten involved for two years. Muhammad Ali had been undefeated and he was the Heavyweight champion of the world in boxing ( Muhammad Ali was known as a political poet because he would share his political beliefs with the people. In 1967, Muhammad Ali had been selected in the army draft. Ali's religion was against the army draft so he refused deduction into the army (Banks 2). Ali was Convicted and faced a three year boxing penalty for refusing deduction into the draft. Muhammad Ali made people think about the war the Americans were fighting. The anti–war movement started after Muhammad Ali had refused deduction into the draft. The anti war movement was protests all over the world to stop the war (Hauser ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Muhammad Ali Is NOT a Hero Essay Muhammad Ali Is NOT a Hero To be a hero, someone could save others, respect their country, and care. The firefighters from the Fire Department of New York have all of these characteristics, even thought they aren't perfect. Everyday, they risk their lives to save others. They show their patriotism even on the trucks they drive through the cities. Most of all they don't just do it because it's their job; they do it because they care. Unlike the people at FDNY, Muhammad Ali is violent, separatist, and rude. The first reason Muhammad Ali isn't a hero is because he is violent. For almost all of his life he fought in boxing matches that all started when he was a boy because he wanted to beat up the kid who stole his ... Show more content on ... The second reason Muhammad Ali isn't a hero is he was a separatist who did not respect his country. He became part of the Nation of Islam. They believed Blacks should break off from other Americans. Also, "in April 1967, Ali refused induction into the U.S. Army, claiming exempt status as a Muslim minister" (Abeles). When asked why he dodged the draft, Ali replied, "I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet–Cong, no Viet–Cong ever called me n–––––" ( Because his separatist beliefs and actions, Muhammad Ali did not show respect for his country. The third reason Muhammad Ali isn't a hero is because he is rude. He would always taunt his opponents. Before one of his matches, "he taunted Liston calling him 'the bear' and verbally defused the famous stare as being just 'plain ugly'" (Myers 46). When Ali fought George Foreman in Zaire, he had the Africans chant "'Ali bumbaye' which means 'Ali kill him'" (When). Some sportswriters were against Ali for this reason. Only a rude man like Muhammad Ali would do and say these things. Because of his violence, rudeness, and separatist beliefs, Muhammad Ali in no way compares to the men at the Fire Department of New York. While they have saved lives, Muhammad Ali has just beaten people up. Spiderman is another example of a hero; he saved lives, respected his country, and cared for the people he was saving. FDNY is just as good as Spiderman, ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Who Is Muhammed Ali? Muhammed Ali In some people's eyes Muhammed Ali is the greatest boxer ever. He was even classified as the greatest athlete in the 20th century by Sports Illustrated. He was the first to win the heavyweight title three times. He was a worldwide entertainer, and millions of people enjoyed watching his style. He was also very controversial because of his religious beliefs, his name change from Cassius Clay to Muhammed Ali and his refusal to fight in the Vietnam War. Muhammed Ali grew up in Louisville, Kentucky but he was known as Cassius Clay. He lived a normal life until the age of twelve when his bicycle was stolen during a local convention of the Louisville Service Club. Clay wanted to report the crime and went to find a police ... Show more content on ... Cassius Clay was a small opponent for Hall, and even outweighed Clay by eleven and a half pounds. Clay would continue to practice at the Columbia Gym until late at night. He could never stop moving his arms. He was always anxious and ready to fight. Clay became the Golden Gloves light– heavyweight champion and moved on to the heavyweight division. Clay had fought and won thirty– six consecutive fights by May 1, 1959 and said "I'm a baaaaad man!" But his winning steak was broken when Amos Johnson beat him at the Pan–American Games trials. After that loss Clay never lost an amateur fight again! Clay proceeded to the Rome Olympics and won the light–heavyweight gold medal. Immediately after winning the gold medal, Clay was subjected to horrible comments about his race and his religion, which forced him to throw his gold medal away because he felt that people did not accept him. Cassius Clay was a great amateur boxer, and won 100 out of 108 fights. He won consecutive titles in the AAU and the Golden Gloves amateur divisions. Clay started his professional career at age eighteen, and was paid $10,000 up front and then signed a two year contract for $4,000 a year. He went through nineteen opponents, the likes of Archie Moore, Billy Daniels, Doug Jones, Henry Cooper, Dennis Fleeman, and Jim Robinson. He then went on to challenge Sonny Liston for the heavyweight title. Clay was considered the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Mohamed Ali Essay Beginnings Clay, named after his father and Kentucky abolitionist Cassius M. Clay, was born in Louisville, Kentucky. At age 12, he had his bicycle stolen, and reported the fact to a local policeman (and boxing trainer), Joe Martin. Martin suggested that Clay learn to fight; under his guidance, Clay rapidly advanced through the youth ranks. A low achiever academically, Clay won six Kentucky Gold Gloves while at high school and was allowed to graduate despite his poor grades. Presciently, his principal announced during a staff meeting about the issue that Clay would someday be "this school's claim to fame." Clay later joked about his lackluster academic record saying, "I said I was the Greatest, not the smartest." At ... Show more content on ... Misreading Clay's exuberance as nervousness, Liston was over–confident and unprepared for any result but a quick stoppage. In the opening rounds, Clay's speed, greater even than his idols, Sugar Ray Robinson and Archie Moore, kept him away from Liston's powerful head and body shots, as he used his height and reach advantage to effectively counterpunch with the jab. As early as the third round, Liston began to visibly tire, and Clay took full advantage, landing several heavy punches. By the third, Clay was clearly on top and had opened a large cut under Liston's eye. Liston regained some ground in the fourth, as Clay was blinded by a foreign substance. It is unknown whether this was something used to close Liston's cuts or applied to Liston's gloves for a nefarious purpose. Partially sighted, Clay was able to keep out of range, and by the fifth and into the sixth, he was looking for a finish. That came before the seventh, when Liston retired on his stool, later claiming his shoulder had become dislocated. Clay leapt out of his corner, proclaiming himself "King of the World" and demanding the writers eat their words. Clay was duly crowned the heavyweight champion of the world. He would reconfirm his abilities when he knocked out Liston in the first round of their rematch in Lewiston, Maine on May 25, 1965, albeit controversially, as few observers saw the "phantom punch" that ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Muhammad Ali Research Paper James Truslow Adams, in his book The Epic of America, stated that the American dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" (The American Dream: What Is The American Dream?). A man who embodies this template is legendary boxer Cassius Clay more formerly recognized as Muhammad Ali. One is left questioning what differentiates Ali from all the other boxing greats? However, upon analyzing Ali's life, it is clear that he transcended the sport of boxing. Ali was more than simply a boxer: he fought for the freedom of all people, sacrificed everything to stand by his beliefs, promoted world peace and is viewed today as a beacon of hope and justice. This research paper will discern why Ali demonstrates the notion that America is a ... Show more content on ... Ali began turning heads as people were highly intrigued by the young boxer's unorthodox fighting style and bold persona. Six weeks after entering Martin's gym, the 89–pound boy one his first fight by split decision in his debut. One observer reported that "Cassius Clay (Ali) boxed like no else. He was fast. So fast he didn't duck punches like most other boxers; instead, he just leaned back away from them. He also didn't put his hands up to protect his face; he kept them down by his hips" (Tischler 19). This style of boxing worked to Ali's advantage as his actions were deemed memorable by the general public. The American dream template calls for an individual to go against the grains of society and pave his or her own road. In the case of Muhammad Ali, we see that he was a boxer who fought with techniques that felt natural to him and did not give to societal pressures. At the conclusion of his amateur career, Ali won six Golden Glove titles, two national titles and maintained an impressive record of ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Muhammad Ali Biography Amer Dzankovic Muhammad Ali: More than Just a Boxer "Float like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee."–Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali was born on January 17. 1942, in Louisville Kentucky. Muhammad developed a talent for boxing at a very young age and continued to strive to become better at it. Not only did he focus on himself and his career, but he helped out people in need by donating to charities and contributing to poor communities/people and the United Nations. He continued to battle with parkinson's disease throughout his life and he didn't let it interfere with his passion towards boxing or living. Ali was a very famous african american boxer who had who had a determined, talented, and passionate soul. Muhammad Ali had a determined soul. When ... Show more content on ... Ali never gave up on winning his bouts and championships even in some of the darkest moments of his life and career. Ali was also very talented. His talent in boxing wasn't revealed until he was 12, and shortly after he started training he started becoming a star. Lastly, Ali had a passionate soul for people that needed help living their lives in a safe, healthy, and normal way. He used his fame and money to contribute to those with health concerns and no roof over their heads. Ali died on June 3, 2016 from Parkinson's disease. Muhammad Ali was the light at the end of the tunnel for many people around the globe, and shouldn't only be remembered as a talented boxer but someone everyone should look up ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Muhammad Ali Research Paper In the boxing world, there are many names that come to mind. From this century, you think of greats such as Floyd Mayweather Jr., Manny Pacquiao and Mike Tyson. But before their time, you have individuals that open the gates of opportunity in boxing. Those boxers are Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Leonard, George Foreman, and the most popular, Muhammad Ali. Besides the great records that Muhammad Ali set as a boxer, he also made headlines for he's acts outside of the ring. Many fans called him a humanitarian, a leader, role model, and even a hero. But some disagree with these uplifting adjectives. An article written by Wayne Weilbaecher titled Letters: Ali was the greatest boxer, not the greatest role model is a small yet loud article. It specifically points out that Muhammad Ali should be known as one of the greatest boxers and not as hero because of the decisions and statements he has made ... Show more content on ... Muhammad Ali first stated that he was the greatest in {insert year, fight, whenever he said that} because of all the amazing moves he made in boxing at such a young age. But besides he's moves in the ring, he was also a voice for the people, especially African Americans and the Nation of Islam. Ali gave numerous people a feel that they can become and do anything besides skin color or social status. Weilbaecher stated in the article "I don't believe in what he did, and that "I'm the greatest" is a good example for our young people." What Weilbacher failed to realize is that for someone to become successful, they must have the mindset of a successful person. If a person does not believe that they are already successful or the greatest at what they do, then no one else will. Muhammad Ali told himself and others that he was the greatest so that he can continue to meet those standards of greatest and prove to others that he is and will forever be the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Who Is Muhammad Ali? "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." These words were spoken by one of the most prodigious, herculean boxers in the antiquity of sports. Cassius Clay Jr. was born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. His parents were named Odessa Grady Clay and Cassius Marcellus Clay. Cassius was a innocent little boy, as he did not get into much trouble during his juvenile years. The Clay's were not completely under–privileged, as they were a middle–class family. Growing up, Cassius encountered many hardships during his life, such as getting his bike stolen when he was only twelve years of age. Cassius then faced severe animosity when he refrained from participating in the Vietnam War. In 1964, Cassius Clay joined the Nation of Islam. After joining ... Show more content on ... Facing the adversity that no other man has makes Muhammad Ali a man with great courage, patience, and willpower. In the ring, Ali was referred to as "The Greatest," as he would defeat his enemies quickly, utilizing his gifted ability to move and dodge attacks. Muhammad Ali was a gutsy, athletic man. He never backed down from a fight. Ali went down a champion, with his resilience and optimistic views in life. Muhammad Ali was and will always be remembered as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. What Is The Climax Of The Movie Ali Title: Ali Director: Michael Mann Release Date: December 11, 2011 List of Characters (Actor's Name): Will Smith as Cassius Clay, Jr. / Cassius X / Muhammad Ali Jamie Foxx as Drew Bundini Brown Jon Voight as Howard Cosell Mario Van Peebles as Malcolm X Ron Silver as Angelo Dundee Jeffrey Wright as Howard Bingham Mykelti Williamson as Don King Jada Pinkett Smith as Sonji Roi Nona Gaye as Belinda/Khalilah Ali Michael Michele as Veronica Porsche Joe Morton as Chauncey Eskridge Paul Rodriguez as Dr. Ferdie Pacheco Bruce McGill as Bradley Barry Shabaka Henley as Herbert Muhammad Giancarlo Esposito as Cassius Clay, Sr. Laurence Mason as Luis Sarria LeVar Burton as Martin Luther King, Jr. ... Show more content on ... Prior to traveling together to Africa has been suspended by the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X still decides to go to Africa but Ali refuses to speak to him and respects the Nation of Islam's decision to suspend him. As Muhammad Ali returned to the United States he is stripped of his heavyweight championship, boxing license, passport suspended and sent to jail for refusal to be drafted during the Vietnam War. Muhammad Ali left the sport of boxing for three years until his conviction was overturned and challenges Joe Frazier to a boxing match so he can regain his heavyweight championship. Joe Frazier defeats Ali and gives him his first loss of his career. Joe Frazier then loses his championship to George Foreman. Ali then challenges Foreman and goes to Zaire to face him for the title. While in Africa Ali has an affair with a woman named Veronica Porsche. Ali's wife, Belinda Ali, found out and he is unsure about his love for either of the women. During the title fight Ali has been taking a defensive approach and is allowing Foreman to wildly swing at him to get him fatigued quickly. Ali's strategy was proven successful when he takes advantage of Foreman's fatigue and goes on the offensive and knocks Foreman out. The movie ends with Muhammad Ali regaining
  • 65. the Heavyweight Championship. Favorite Scene: My favorite scene of the movie Ali was his first boxing match against Sonny Liston. This scene was my favorite because it shows the beginning of his reign ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Biography: Muhammad Ali Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. also known as Muhammad Ali is a famous and a very talented boxer. He was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. Cassius, named after his father, grew up in a good home. He had both parents and was the older of two brothers. His father painted billboard and signs for a living while his mother was a stay at home mom. He was first gained interest in boxing by Louisville police officer and boxing coach Joe E. Martin, who meet the 12–year–old over a thief taking his bicycle. He explained to the officer that he was going to "whup" the thief. The officer suggested that he learn how to box first. Chuck Bodak had trained Cassius for the last four years of his amateur career. He came out with amazing talent ... Show more content on ... Cassius pulse rate had been more than double that night going from the normal 54 to 120. Both had really good hits during the fight. Cassius slowly starting to get to Liston in the first round but in the second Liston started to dominate. In the third round Cassius hit Liston with a combination that buckled his knees and opened a cut under his left eye. Cassius in the fourth round started to complain about his eye burning and told his trainer to cut off his gloves but he refused. It has been known that the problem was due to ointment used to seal Liston's cuts, perhaps purposely applied to his gloves. Bert Sugar claimed that at least two of Liston's opponents also complained about their eyes 'burning'. The fifth round was hard for Cassius but he pushed through and managed to get past it. In the sixth, Cassius destroyed Liston. On came the seventh round and Liston didn't answer to the bell and Cassius was declared winner by TKO. His victory was crazy and was a hard fought fight. Cassius became the youngest boxer (22 years old) to take the title from a heavyweight champion. There was a second fight amongst the two boxers but the last didn't fight longer than 2 minutes and Cassius was declared inner by knockout. Cassius ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Cassius Clay Jr. (Muhammad Ali) was one of the greatest americans because of what he stood up for, what he believed in, and the fact that he never quit.(opinion) Muhammad Ali was 6'3'' and weighed 236 lbs during his professional boxing career.(wiki) He started boxing so he could stand up for himself because someone stole his brand new bike.(wiki) when he went professional he had one of the best records in the history of the sport.(wiki) Muhammad Ali became an Olympic gold medalist in 1960 and the world heavyweight boxing champion in 1964.(Bio.) Muhammad Ali would usually call himself "The Greatest" and wasn't afraid to boast.(opinion) He fought for his religion and race when it was being segregated. He also denied to join the army so ... Show more content on ... Billed as the "Rumble in the Jungle."(Bio.) Ali fights Frazier for the third time at the "Thrilla in Manila" in the Philippines. The two heavyweights battered and bloody each other in a ferocious battle. But Ali retains his belt when Frazier Loses to him.(Bio.) out of his 61 bouts, he's only been knocked out once.(wiki) he has knocked out 37 people, that is 61% of the time.(wiki)Announces his retirement on June 27. Comes out of retirement to fight new heavyweight champ Larry Holmes. Holmes punishes Ali, landing an estimated 125 punches in the ninth and tenth rounds alone, and then knocks him out in the 11th ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Muhammad Ali Significance What was the significance of Muhammad Ali's response to the war? The significance of Muhammad Ali's response to the Vietnam war was impeccable, because he showed others what's it is like to take a stand against something that you don't believe in. Muhammad Ali did the impossible by fighting against the system. Ali was brave and took a challenge that others would not execute, regardless of the repercussions he would take on.They tried to black ball him but failed to do so because of his willing to get back up. Muhammad Ali was one of the few African–American athletes who stood up for his community and who spoke against the Vietnam War. That is why he will always be great and why people call him "The Greatest." He stayed true to his religion and did not let politics over law his beliefs. Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. to Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr. and Odessa Grady Clay on January 17, 1942 Louisville, Kentucky. His father painted billboards and signs. His mother was a domestic helper. Ali grew up in a black lower middle class house in a segregated black sub–division. He experienced racial injustice and discrimination which made him very defensive. When he was about twelve–years old his bike was stolen.He reported it to a local police officer named Joe Martin. Ali told the officer that he wanted to beat up the thief. Martin told him that he needs to learn how to fight before he started to challenge ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Muhammad Ali Essay Muhammad Ali1 Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognized faces on planet Earth; known not just for being one of the best fighters in the history of boxing, but for being one of the most knowledgeable persons of the twentieth century. Ali wasn't always known by that name though, he was born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, him and his younger brother Rudolph had many small conflicts like any brothers would have, but they were, and still are blessed with having a very close relationship (Hauser, 2). Twelve–year–old Cassius was turned on to boxing after his brand–new bike was stolen at an annual Black fair called The Louisville Home Show (Jet). Joe Martin, a policeman who taught young kids how to box, ... Show more content on ... They had a falling out though and Clay ended up meeting the popular Angelo Dundee. Eight days after the two began training with each other, Clay knocked out Herb Siler in the fourth round (Tyers,15). Clay fought many successful bouts after that; he began to do what no boxer has ever done in the history of the sport: predicting the round in which he would win. Although he was knocked down a couple of times against Sonny Banks and Henry Cooper, the up–and–coming boxer was too quick and smart for any opponent. He even knocked out his former trainer Archie Moore in four rounds. Next up was Sonny Liston, the World Champ who was then the equivalent to Mike Tyson in the late '80s (Jet). Clay began to tease Liston, making fun of his looks and even predicting that he would demolish the champ in eight rounds. Very few believed that Clay had a chance; Liston thought nothing of the loudmouth youngster and trained for a quick two–round fight (Jet). Liston did not know that he was to face an opponent who was too fast and untouchable for him. After fighting a fierce puncher while being temporarily blinded in the fifth round, Clay would use his quick fists to annoy the champ so bad that he refused to come out of the corner for the seventh round. Clay shook up the world and became the new World Heavyweight Champion, but he would shake up the world again two days later after announcing that he had joined the Nation Of Islam, becoming Muhammad Ali (Jet). The ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Muhammad Ali Research Paper Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr (Muhammad Ali) was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, KY. Ali was an American heavyweight boxing champion, he decided to become a professional boxer after winning light heavyweight title in the 1960s Summer Olympic Games. From there he won more matches and was even given the title of World Boxing Association. In 1964, he was stripped from the WBA title for a dispute contact, however, was given the title again back in 1967 after defeating the defending champion Ernie Terrell. In that same year Ali was drafted to serve in the United States Army but he refused and was charged for induction. He was once again stripped from the WBA title, Ali didn't go to prison because he paid the fine, and he wasn't allowed to box ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Muhammad Ali Essay Throughout history there have been many influential people who have lived in this country. Some were politicians, some were actors, and some were even athletes. One such man was a gifted boxer named Muhammad Ali. He made his mark as an amateur, then as a professional. "The Greatest" was the self–proclaimed nickname of Ali, but so many people agreed that it stuck. He went through trials and tribulations in his life, which make him a historic icon. Muhammad Ali is known for being "The Greatest" boxer of all time, but unlike other athletes he is remembered for his out of the ring actions as well as his athletic accomplishments. Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Mercellus Clay Jr. on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. Cassius ... Show more content on ... In 1960 he decided it was time to take his skills to the Olympics. In order to do so he had to get a job to pay for all the expenses that the Olympics entail. He worked as a "houseboy" for Billy Reynolds, the heir to the Reynolds aluminum foil fortune (Conklin 26–27). The eighteen–year–old was now six feet, two inches tall and weighed 178 pounds of pure muscle. Clay easily beat the European champion, Zbigniew Pietrzykowski, to win the light–heavyweight gold medal. All that was left was to go pro. On October 29, 1960 Cassius Clay made his a professional debut with a six round unanimous decision over Tunney Hunsaker. Cassius made all arrangements for the fight and he even trained himself. After having trouble with a less talented Hunsaker, Ali decided to hire a trainer. He went through many trainers until he found Angelo Dundee. Clay won his first world heavyweight championship on February 25, 1964. He beat Sonny Liston in six rounds. Liston refused to leave his corner for the seventh round. Almost directly after the fight, Clay told the world that he was now to be called Cassius X because of his affiliation with Islam. A month later he announced his name was to be Muhammad Ali which was the title given to him by the head of the Black Muslims, Elijah Muhammad. The name Muhammad Ali means "worthy of praise most high." Ali was then drafted into the Army and to fight in the Vietnam War. However, he refused to join the army ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Muhammad Ali Essay Muhammad Ali Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. later known as Muhammad Ali, was a black boxer, and was proud of it. Many African Americans were ashamed of their color, but Ali was different. He was the first boxer to win the Heavyweight Championship 3 different times. He had a great personality and was liked by the people. During his life, he made big decisions that changed the course of his life completely. Muhammad Ali's journey through life was a great inspiration for African American people, but Ali himself deserves the admiration of everyone. Muhammad Ali was a man made to box. He had a great career before him since he made his first professional fight under President Eisenhower presidency. His Professional Career was really ... Show more content on ... This was the kind of person Ali was. His big dream was to see peace in the country, racial peace. Also, he was not totally convinced with the idea of segregation because it is not good to make people be together against their will. This way of thinking and qualities is what Malcolm X saw in Ali, and therefore thought Ali could be a great messenger for the African Americans (Hauser 110). Ali's ideas and actions distinguished him from the rest, he was an inborn leader. During his life, Ali was forced to make some tough decisions, and always made them his own way. At the time of Ali's fighting, the United States were involved in the Vietnam War. As a result, young Americans were been drafted to serve in the military. When political figures saw Ali fighting, they decided to stop the hurting of our own and draft him, so he hurts the people in Vietnam. Ali was not pleased with this decision, because ha had just won the Heavyweight Championship and because he said, "I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong"(Hauser 144). His final decision on the issue was that he would not go to war. He was not willing to go and kill people, while his own are in bad conditions at home. In the same way, he was forced to decide if he wanted to become a billionaire and sell his people, or to become poor and not sell his people (185). For this rebel action, his Heavyweight Title was taken away and he was put in jail. This did not matter to him because he h!ad followed his beliefs and obeyed ... Get more on ...