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Frege’s Grundgesetze
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for
formalising functions as rules
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz
Centro de Inform´atica
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
Recife, Brazil
III Latin American Analytic Philosophy Conference
Fortaleza, CE
May 2014
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
In the wake of the publication of a complete English translation of
Volumes I and II of Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (by Philip
Ebert & Marcus Rossberg, Oxford Univ Press, Dec 2013), it seems
appropriate to reflect on the pioneering techniques brought about by
Frege in his magnum opus for the formalisation of functions as
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs Functions as Extensions
Propositional Equality: A Weak Version of Function Extensionality
With an appropriate formulation of propositional equality that
we have defined somewhere else, we can actually prove a
weakened version of function extensionality, namely
A → ∀fA→B
.IdB(f(x), g(x)) → IdA→B(f, g))
which asserts that, if the domain A is nonempty, then in case
f and g agree on all points they must be considered to be
propositionally equal elements of type A → B.
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
The device of variable-binding, and the idea of having terms
representing incomplete ‘objects’ whenever they contain free
variables, were both introduced in a systematic way by Frege in his
As early as 1893 Frege developed in his Grundgesetze I what can be
seen as the early origins of the notions of abstraction and application,
when showing techniques for transforming functions (expressions
with free variables) into value-range terms (expressions with no free
variables) by means of an ‘introductory’ operator of abstraction
producing the Werthverlauf expression, e.g., ‘´εf(ε)’, and the effect of
its corresponding ‘eliminatory’ operator ‘∩’ on a value-range
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Expressing how important he considered the introduction of a
variable-binding device for the functional calculus (recall that the
variable-binding device for the logical calculus had been introduced
earlier in Begriffsschrift), Frege says:
“The introduction of a notation for value-ranges seems to
me to be one of the most consequential additions to my
concept-script that I made since my first publication on this
matter.” (Grundgesetze I, §9, p. 15f.)
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Both Church’s λ-Calculus and Sch¨onfinkel–Curry’s Combinatory
Logic are well established theories of functions as rules, but as it
turns out, not only did Frege introduce such notions of:
(later recast by Alonzo Church) abstraction (Vol. I, §9),
application (Vol. I, §34) and substitution (Vol. I, §9, p. 15),
but he also came up with
a rule of β-contraction (Vol. I, §34),
a rule of α-conversion (Vol. I, §9),
a rule of η-contraction (Vol. I, §39),
a rule of µ-equality (Vol. I, §52): (cont.)
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
a procedure to transform a function of many arguments into
a chain of one-argument functions (usually, and unfairly,
called currying in reference to Haskell Curry) (Vol. I, §35),
as well as representing numbers as closed value-range
terms (anticipating the so-called “Church numerals”).
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
Notice that in the “official” history of λ-Calculus, it is often said
that Church’s “λ” notation came out of a minor typographic
incident, and not to a possible inspiration on Frege’s notation:
which starts with a backslash notation to indicate that it had the
force of a definite article.
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
On §11, p. 19 of Grundgesetze I Frege says:
(...) “´Φ( )” denotes the object falling under the
concept Φ(ξ) if Φ(ξ) is a concept under which falls one
and only object; in all other cases “´Φ( )” denotes the
same as “´Φ( )”.
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
In his paper “Lambda Calculus: some models, some
philosophy” (The Kleene Symposium, J. Barwise, H. J. Keisler
& K. Kunen (eds.), North-Holland, 1980, pp.223-265, Dana
Scott says (p.224):
According to CURRY (1968), Alonzo Church prepared
a manuscript in 1928 on a system with λ-abstraction,
and the publication, CHURCH (1932), indicates that it
was work done as a National Research Fellow
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
Later in the next paragraph Scott says:
Unfortunately Church, to my knowledge, has never
explained as fully as Curry has how he was led to his
theory. He must have been strongly influenced by
Frege (via Russell), and he hoped to solve the
paradoxes-not through the theory of types, but by the
rejection of the law of the excluded middle. In
CHURCH (1932, p. 347), it is stated that such
combinations as occur in the Russell Paradox (namely,
(λxnot (x(x)))(λx.not (x(x))), which converts to its
own negation) simply fail to have a truth value.
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
Thus, we do not have here an intuitionistic theory, but
a failure of excluded middle because functions are
only partially defined. Alas, in KLEENE and ROSSER
(1935) it was shown that Church’s system (which was
employed by Kleene in KLEENE (1934) (written in
1933) and his thesis, KLEENE (1935) (accepted in
September, 1933)) is inconsistent.
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
The proof was later very much simplified by Curry and
can be found in CURRY and FEYS (1958,
pp.258-260). It applies to various systems proposed
by Curry, also, but not to his thesis, which is just the
“equational theory of combinators”. This is essentially
the system of CHURCH (1941), and the “system of
symbolic logic” in that monograph is condensed to a
very few pages (§21, pp.68-71). The consistency of
these systems is very forcibly demonstrated by the
well-known theorem of CHURCH and ROSSER
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
Notes added in Proof (February 1990):
I am much obliged to Professors Church, Curry and Seldin who
wrote me comments and corrections to the original manuscripts.
In particular, Professor Church wrote briefly to the editors on 2
June 1979 as follows:
“To the best of my recollection I did not become acquainted
with Frege in any detail until somewhat than the period
about which Scott is writing, say 1935 or 1936. No
guarantee for this, it is just a recollection of something
never accurately recorded. But I was attracted to Frege
because he does not give priority to functions over sets,
and his system can be made consistent (presumptively) by
imposing a simple type theory. To this I would now add that
no doubt such a system can be given as much set-theoretic
strength as desired by adjoining strong axioms of infinity.”
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions
Church and the λ-Calculus
See, for example, Church’s former student J. Barkley Rosser in
his paper “Highlights of the History of the Lambda-Calculus
(Annals of the History of Computing, Volume 6, Number 4,
October 1984, pp. 337–349):
Church was struck with certain similarities between his
new concept and that used in Whitehead and Russell
(1925) for the class of all x’s such that f(x); to wit,
ˆxf(x). Because the new concept differed quite
appreciably from class membership, Church moved
the caret from over the x down to the line just to the
left of the x; specifically, ∧xf(x). Later, for reasons of
typography, an appendage was added to the caret to
produce a lambda; the result was λxf(x). (p.338)
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Church’s Numerals and the Representation of
Numbers as Closed Terms. Successor as a Closed Term
0 is associated with the closed term λx.λy.y
The successor function is associated with the closed term
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Frege’s Numerals and the Representation of
Numbers as Werthverlauf Terms. Successor as a Werthverlauf Term
On paragraph 40 of Grundgesetze Vol. I, Frege defines an
association of numbers with Werthverlauf terms:
On §41 0 is associated with the Werthverlauf term (see Furth
On §42 1 is associated with the Werthverlauf term (see Furth
On §43 The successor function is associated with the
Werthverlauf term
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Formalising Equality
Equality in Type Theory
Martin-L¨of’s Intuitionistic Type Theory:
Intensional (1975)
Extensional (1982(?), 1984)
Remark (Definitional vs. Propositional Equality)
definitional, i.e. those equalities that are given as rewrite
rules, orelse originate from general functional principles
(e.g. β, η, ξ, µ, ν, etc.);
propositional, i.e. the equalities that are supported (or
otherwise) by an evidence (a sequence of substitutions
and/or rewrites)
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Formalising Equality
Definitional Equality
Definition (Hindley & Seldin 2008)
(α) λx.M = λy.[y/x]M (y /∈ FV(M))
(β) (λx.M)N = [N/x]M
(η) (λx.Mx) = M (x /∈ FV(M))
M = M
λx.M = λx.M
M = M
M = M
MN = M N
(ρ) M = M
M = N
N = M
M = N N = P
M = P
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
Frege’s Grundgesetze
Formalising Equality
Frege’s equalities between value-ranges
On §34 Frege defines a (sort of) analogue of β-equality:
In the first instance it is a matter only of designating
the value of the function Φ(ξ) for the argument ∆, i.e.
Φ(∆), by means of “∆” and “´Φ( )”. I do so in this way:
“∆ ∩ ´Φ( )”,
which is to mean the same as “Φ(∆)”.
On §39, Frege gives a (sort of) analogue of η-equality:
Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil
Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules

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Reviewing Frege's techniques for formalising functions as rules

  • 1. Frege’s Grundgesetze Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil III Latin American Analytic Philosophy Conference Fortaleza, CE May 2014 Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 2. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Value-ranges In the wake of the publication of a complete English translation of Volumes I and II of Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (by Philip Ebert & Marcus Rossberg, Oxford Univ Press, Dec 2013), it seems appropriate to reflect on the pioneering techniques brought about by Frege in his magnum opus for the formalisation of functions as rules. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 3. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs Functions as Extensions Propositional Equality: A Weak Version of Function Extensionality With an appropriate formulation of propositional equality that we have defined somewhere else, we can actually prove a weakened version of function extensionality, namely A → ∀fA→B ∀gA→B (∀xA .IdB(f(x), g(x)) → IdA→B(f, g)) which asserts that, if the domain A is nonempty, then in case f and g agree on all points they must be considered to be propositionally equal elements of type A → B. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 4. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Value-ranges The device of variable-binding, and the idea of having terms representing incomplete ‘objects’ whenever they contain free variables, were both introduced in a systematic way by Frege in his Grundgesetze. As early as 1893 Frege developed in his Grundgesetze I what can be seen as the early origins of the notions of abstraction and application, when showing techniques for transforming functions (expressions with free variables) into value-range terms (expressions with no free variables) by means of an ‘introductory’ operator of abstraction producing the Werthverlauf expression, e.g., ‘´εf(ε)’, and the effect of its corresponding ‘eliminatory’ operator ‘∩’ on a value-range expression. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 5. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Value-ranges Expressing how important he considered the introduction of a variable-binding device for the functional calculus (recall that the variable-binding device for the logical calculus had been introduced earlier in Begriffsschrift), Frege says: “The introduction of a notation for value-ranges seems to me to be one of the most consequential additions to my concept-script that I made since my first publication on this matter.” (Grundgesetze I, §9, p. 15f.) Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 6. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Value-ranges Both Church’s λ-Calculus and Sch¨onfinkel–Curry’s Combinatory Logic are well established theories of functions as rules, but as it turns out, not only did Frege introduce such notions of: (later recast by Alonzo Church) abstraction (Vol. I, §9), application (Vol. I, §34) and substitution (Vol. I, §9, p. 15), but he also came up with a rule of β-contraction (Vol. I, §34), a rule of α-conversion (Vol. I, §9), a rule of η-contraction (Vol. I, §39), a rule of µ-equality (Vol. I, §52): (cont.) Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 7. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Value-ranges a procedure to transform a function of many arguments into a chain of one-argument functions (usually, and unfairly, called currying in reference to Haskell Curry) (Vol. I, §35), as well as representing numbers as closed value-range terms (anticipating the so-called “Church numerals”). Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 8. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus Notice that in the “official” history of λ-Calculus, it is often said that Church’s “λ” notation came out of a minor typographic incident, and not to a possible inspiration on Frege’s notation: ´εf(ε) which starts with a backslash notation to indicate that it had the force of a definite article. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 9. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus On §11, p. 19 of Grundgesetze I Frege says: (...) “´Φ( )” denotes the object falling under the concept Φ(ξ) if Φ(ξ) is a concept under which falls one and only object; in all other cases “´Φ( )” denotes the same as “´Φ( )”. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 10. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus In his paper “Lambda Calculus: some models, some philosophy” (The Kleene Symposium, J. Barwise, H. J. Keisler & K. Kunen (eds.), North-Holland, 1980, pp.223-265, Dana Scott says (p.224): According to CURRY (1968), Alonzo Church prepared a manuscript in 1928 on a system with λ-abstraction, and the publication, CHURCH (1932), indicates that it was work done as a National Research Fellow 1928-1929. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 11. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus Later in the next paragraph Scott says: Unfortunately Church, to my knowledge, has never explained as fully as Curry has how he was led to his theory. He must have been strongly influenced by Frege (via Russell), and he hoped to solve the paradoxes-not through the theory of types, but by the rejection of the law of the excluded middle. In CHURCH (1932, p. 347), it is stated that such combinations as occur in the Russell Paradox (namely, (λxnot (x(x)))(λx.not (x(x))), which converts to its own negation) simply fail to have a truth value. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 12. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus Thus, we do not have here an intuitionistic theory, but a failure of excluded middle because functions are only partially defined. Alas, in KLEENE and ROSSER (1935) it was shown that Church’s system (which was employed by Kleene in KLEENE (1934) (written in 1933) and his thesis, KLEENE (1935) (accepted in September, 1933)) is inconsistent. Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 13. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus The proof was later very much simplified by Curry and can be found in CURRY and FEYS (1958, pp.258-260). It applies to various systems proposed by Curry, also, but not to his thesis, which is just the “equational theory of combinators”. This is essentially the system of CHURCH (1941), and the “system of symbolic logic” in that monograph is condensed to a very few pages (§21, pp.68-71). The consistency of these systems is very forcibly demonstrated by the well-known theorem of CHURCH and ROSSER (1936). Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 14. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus Notes added in Proof (February 1990): I am much obliged to Professors Church, Curry and Seldin who wrote me comments and corrections to the original manuscripts. In particular, Professor Church wrote briefly to the editors on 2 June 1979 as follows: “To the best of my recollection I did not become acquainted with Frege in any detail until somewhat than the period about which Scott is writing, say 1935 or 1936. No guarantee for this, it is just a recollection of something never accurately recorded. But I was attracted to Frege because he does not give priority to functions over sets, and his system can be made consistent (presumptively) by imposing a simple type theory. To this I would now add that no doubt such a system can be given as much set-theoretic strength as desired by adjoining strong axioms of infinity.” Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 15. Frege’s Grundgesetze Functions as Rules vs. Functions as Extensions Church and the λ-Calculus See, for example, Church’s former student J. Barkley Rosser in his paper “Highlights of the History of the Lambda-Calculus (Annals of the History of Computing, Volume 6, Number 4, October 1984, pp. 337–349): Church was struck with certain similarities between his new concept and that used in Whitehead and Russell (1925) for the class of all x’s such that f(x); to wit, ˆxf(x). Because the new concept differed quite appreciably from class membership, Church moved the caret from over the x down to the line just to the left of the x; specifically, ∧xf(x). Later, for reasons of typography, an appendage was added to the caret to produce a lambda; the result was λxf(x). (p.338) Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 16. Frege’s Grundgesetze Church’s Numerals and the Representation of Arithmetic Numbers as Closed Terms. Successor as a Closed Term 0 is associated with the closed term λx.λy.y The successor function is associated with the closed term λu.λx.λy.x((ux)y) Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 17. Frege’s Grundgesetze Frege’s Numerals and the Representation of Arithmetic Numbers as Werthverlauf Terms. Successor as a Werthverlauf Term On paragraph 40 of Grundgesetze Vol. I, Frege defines an association of numbers with Werthverlauf terms: On §41 0 is associated with the Werthverlauf term (see Furth (ed.)) On §42 1 is associated with the Werthverlauf term (see Furth (ed.)) On §43 The successor function is associated with the Werthverlauf term Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 18. Frege’s Grundgesetze Formalising Equality Equality in Type Theory Martin-L¨of’s Intuitionistic Type Theory: Intensional (1975) Extensional (1982(?), 1984) Remark (Definitional vs. Propositional Equality) definitional, i.e. those equalities that are given as rewrite rules, orelse originate from general functional principles (e.g. β, η, ξ, µ, ν, etc.); propositional, i.e. the equalities that are supported (or otherwise) by an evidence (a sequence of substitutions and/or rewrites) Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 19. Frege’s Grundgesetze Formalising Equality Definitional Equality Definition (Hindley & Seldin 2008) (α) λx.M = λy.[y/x]M (y /∈ FV(M)) (β) (λx.M)N = [N/x]M (η) (λx.Mx) = M (x /∈ FV(M)) (ξ) M = M λx.M = λx.M (µ) M = M NM = NM (ν) M = M MN = M N (ρ) M = M (σ) M = N N = M (τ) M = N N = P M = P Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules
  • 20. Frege’s Grundgesetze Formalising Equality Frege’s equalities between value-ranges On §34 Frege defines a (sort of) analogue of β-equality: In the first instance it is a matter only of designating the value of the function Φ(ξ) for the argument ∆, i.e. Φ(∆), by means of “∆” and “´Φ( )”. I do so in this way: “∆ ∩ ´Φ( )”, which is to mean the same as “Φ(∆)”. On §39, Frege gives a (sort of) analogue of η-equality: Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz Centro de Inform´atica Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife, Brazil Reviewing Frege’s techniques for formalising functions as rules