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Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 1
P.O.BOX3393-PORTELIZABETH-6056-SOUTHAFRICA Jumadiyul-Awwal 1436 / March 2015
“In reality, We (Allah) strike
baatil (falsehood) with
the Haq. It then smashes
out the brains of baatil.
And, lo, it (baatil) sud-
denly disappears.”
“There will ever remain a
band from my Ummah
fighting on the Haq until the
Day of Qiyaamah. Those who
oppose them and those who
do not aid them, will not be
able to harm them.”
This naseehat (advice and admonition)
is from an Entity of Haq – from Al-
Haq – who believes in the Qur’aanic
concept of Jihaad – Jihaad in the Bat-
tlefield – Jihaad to establish the glory
of Allah’s Deen, Islam, and to save
mankind from the everlasting Athaab
of the Aakhirah with the effort of
Da’wat which is the primary objective
of Jihaad.
Al-Haq believes in the truth and
veracity of Rasulullah’s declaration:
“Jihaad will endure until the Day of
Qiyaamah.” Al-Haq states with the
greatest clarity and conviction that any
person who denies this concept of Ji-
haad is a murtad kaafir. Any person
who convolutes this belief with the
baseless interpretation of ‘defensive’
jihad is likewise a kaafir. Any person
who negates the Qur’aanic meaning
of Jihad and claims that it refers to
moral struggle is also a kaafir.
This brief preamble is to assure
unwary Muslims and the ambivalent
ones and the morons who are trapped
in and misled by the Satanist propa-
ganda of the Iblis State of Iraq and
Sham (ISIS), that the Entity proffering
this Naseehat is not some westernized
apologist whose brains have been col-
onized and Americanized by the mas-
ters of the western cult of lifestyle as
are all the university-educated apolo-
gists and agnostics who believe that
they are ‘Muslims’ when in reality
their hearts are in entirety bereft of
Imaan. Thus, the advice and admoni-
tion which we offer here to Muslim
girls who are being hoodwinked and
satanically spirited away by scoun-
drels to be assigned into the sex slav-
ery racket of the so-called
‘mujahideen’ of the State of Iblis, are
the advice, admonition and warnings
of the Deen. It is sincere advice of-
fered with sincere Dua and the hope
that these girls who have lost their in-
tellectual capacity due to severe Sa-
tanist indoctrination, will wake up
from their hallucination thereby sav-
ing their haya (Imaani modesty), hon-
our, and Imaan to ensure their eternal
felicity of the Aakhirah.
Jihaad, undoubtedly, is a Fardh In-
stitution of Islam. But, like Salaat,
Saun, Haj, etc., Jihaad too has Shuroot
(conditions). In addition, there is a
host of rules – Fiqhi and Akhlaaqi –
which accompanies Jihaad. Jihaad is
not banditry, murder, pillage, plunder
and lustful gratification which are the
hallmarks of the State of Iblis.
There are imperative limits pre-
scribed by the Shariah for all its Insti-
tutions. The Qur’aan Majeed states:
“These are the limits of Allah. Whoev-
er transgress these limits, verily he (or
she) has oppressed his/her soul.” Per-
forming Salaat without wudhu or mi-
nus any of its imperative conditions, is
simply not Salaat. Performing Salaat
without observance of the Sunnah and
Mustahab factors, is a deficient Salaat
rejected by Allah Ta’ala and struck
into the face of the musalli as if it is a
dirty rag.
Pushing someone out of the saff and
performing Salaat in his place de-
stroys the Salaat and incurs the wrath
and punishment of Allah Ta’ala not-
withstanding the validity of Salaat.
To gain the full benefit of the Salaat
and the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, all
the factors – Fardh, Waajib, Sunnat
and Mustahab – must be incumbently
observed. Minus these, there is no ac-
ceptance, no reward and no benefit.
The very same effects apply to Jihaad
if not conducted within the prescribed
limits of the Shariah or if the Shar’i
factors of the different classes are not
incumbently observed.
Girls who are spirited away from
their homes by scoundrels who mas-
querade as ‘mujahideen’, are involved
in evil and sin from the very inception
of their mental indoctrination. The
first satanic step in the process of ab-
sconding from home, is indoctrination
which is provided by the computer
and the cell phone. In this regard, par-
ents too are largely liable for the later
heart-breaking consequences when
their daughters have already become
Satanists and abscond in adulterous
fashion with the scoundrel ‘mujahids’.
These girls are hooked on to the
haraam screens for hours on end. All
the gruesome and grotesque scenes
depicted on the screen with the ac-
companiment of haraam pictures and
Jahannami, Shaitaani haraam music
in the background decorated decep-
tively with Qur’aanic verses and
‘religious’ slogans to maintain the
‘islamic’ facade for camouflaging the
deception, are designed to pollute the
minds and contaminate the hearts with
these satanic artefacts of indoctrina-
The Shariah has prescribed limits
for all things. In flagrant violation of
the prohibitions of the Shariah, these
girls squander hours daily listening to
haraam, viewing haraam and fantasiz-
ing haraam. They become zombies,
and Wallah! Behave like satanists
with their brains locked on the objec-
tives of the indoctrination of the Isis
Heavily sedated with the poison of
indoctrination, they are incapable of
independent and rational thinking.
They therefore show absolutely no
concern when flagrantly violating the
prohibition of undertaking a journey
without a mahram. With utter shame-
lessness bordering on immorality they
travel either alone or in the company
of a strange male scoundrel who mis-
leads these girls into satan’s den.
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said that a woman who be-
lieves in Allah and the Last Day will
not undertake a journey without her
mahram. But these girls recklessly
expose themselves to the worst moral
dangers and show absolutely no re-
gard for the warning of Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam). This fact
alone indicates that they have lost
their Imaan.
These girls have been indoctrinated
to respond to this violation with the
argument that the shaikhs of ISIS con-
tend that for the sake of ‘jihad’ it is
permissible for the girls to travel in
this manner like ‘prostitutes’. The
lamentable ignorance of the girls does
not enable them to think clearly and to
understand that the Qur’aan prohibits
following the shaikhs in their haraam
‘fatwas’. Thus, reprimanding the Um-
mah of Bani Israaeel, the Qur’aan
“They (the ordinary people, the
laiety) take their sheikhs and their
saints as gods besides Allah...” It is
haraam to follow the baatil (baseless)
rulings of shaikhs and molvis. The
Ulama are to be followed in only such
fatwas which conform with the Shari-
ah. In this case, the Shariah prohibits
females to undertake a journey with-
out a mahram. The fatwa of the mor-
on, devilish shaikhs of the State of
Iblis cannot override the Shariah. Al-
lah Ta’ala says it is haraam, but the
brainwashed girls say that the shaikhs
of ISIS say that it is halaal. If the
brains are not convoluted with filth,
never will it be possible for a true
Mu’min/Mu’minah to give preference
to the ‘fatwa’ of a shaikh over the ex-
plicit and emphatic command of Allah
Jihaad – true Jihaad – conducted
correctly in terms of the Shariah is an
ibaadat of immense thawaab. But the
(Continued on page 11)
ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi
Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Docu-
ments Reveal
By Gulf Daily News
The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snow-
den, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad
worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organ-
isation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a
strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.
NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect
the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.
According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the pro-
tection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.
Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took inten-
sive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses
in theology and the art of speech.
Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 2
Q. Please comment on the call for
boycotting Israeli products. Should
we boycott?
A. A boycott of Israel will have valid-
ity and be honest only if the people
who initiate the boycott are honest
and sincere, and not mere publicity
seekers, for that is what they are. It is
meaningless to boycott a handful of
Israeli products when Muslims are
embracing everything of America and
Britain. These two nations have creat-
ed Israel, and from the very inception
have been the backbone and primary
supporters of Israel. These two coun-
tries are the main cause (i.e. worldly
cause – Allah Ta’ala is the Actual
Cause) of Israel flourishing and the
Palestinians suffering.
They are supporting Israel to the
hilt with everything. Thus the hardship
of the Palestinians from the worldly
perspective, is primarily caused by
America and Britain. In addition these
two countries have destroyed Iraq
and Afghanistan, and have brought
unimaginable suffering, death and
misery to millions of Muslims, and
they are still engaging in their plots to
wipe out Islam and the Ummah.
Furthermore, China has massacred
millions of Muslims in China and
presently too, the persecution of Mus-
lims is taking place in China. This
year Ramadhaan and Taraaweeh have
been banned in China. India has butch-
ered millions of Muslims in India and
in Kashmir, and India is still perpe-
trating horrendous brutality against
the Kashmiris.
Those who wish to boycott, should
begin with priorities. The first ones to
boycott are America and Britain. All
their products, institutions, planes,
banks, vehicles, implements, comput-
ers, facebook and the like, and every-
thing connected to them must be boy-
cotted. Then all Chinese and Indian
goods must be boycotted. Then take
to donkey carts and plant your own
If the hollow, insincere and hypo-
critical engineers of Israel’s boycott
are not prepared to boycott the above
mentioned countries, then we should
understand that they are most insincere
and making a lot of noise to gain
cheap publicity and some other ulteri-
or motives. Those who refuse to boy-
cott these countries, must not waste
time and hoodwink the unwary and the
ignorant that they are the enemies of
Israel and that they have feelings for
the Palestinians, hence they are shout-
ing: ‘Boycott Israel!’ They are in fact
Q. Please comment on the situation
in Palestine in the light of the Shari-
A. The Yahood, like the earthquake,
the flood, the tornado, the tsunami,
etc., are simply part of Allah’s Armies
of punishment. The Qur’aan and Had-
ith are explicit in mentioning that Al-
lah Ta’ala punishes rebellious and
treacherous Muslims with kuffaar
The Palestinians, in fact the Um-
mah as a whole, are weaker and more
disgraceful today than what they were
70 years ago when Palestine was
formed. The evils which we observe in
the entire Ummah of the world prevail
in Palestine as well. Every vice and
immorality in the Ummah are to be
found in Palestine. The punishment is
yet to come to South Africa. May Al-
lah Ta’ala save us.
Some of the general vices of the
* Wholesale abandonment of Salaat.
Besides Jumuah, Musjidul Aqsa is
largely abandoned during the daily
Salaat. A handful of people perform
the daily Salaat in the Musjid whilst
thousands live in the vicinity of the
Musjid. Thus, Musjidul Aqsa curses
these people and petitions Allah Ta’ala
to uproot them.
* Homosexuality is rife. A Palestinian
from America who had gone to Pales-
tine with the intention of Jihad was
disgusted. He came away saying that
he will not go again to Palestine.
* Singing, dancing and music are
ways of life for the people. You may
be aware that rcently, Gaza was cele-
brating their Palestinian popsinger
‘hero’ who had won prizes in the
West. The entire Gaza went into a
frenzy and was ecstatic with joy. Life
-sized portraits of the popsinger were
painted on the street walls. Mobs gy-
rated and danced in the street. They
proclaimed the event a ‘victory’.
* We have seen elderly men playing
cards right within the vicinity of Mus-
jidul Aqsa, and not going to the Mus-
jid for Salaat.
* Hamas, despite being the govern-
ment, has not made the slightest at-
tempt to introduce Shariah Law. On
the contrary, they invaded a Musjid on
a Friday and inside the Musjid shot
dead the Sheikh and his mureeds who
were clamouring for Shariah Law.
* Besides the above, whatever evils
and immorality prevail in the Ummah
exist in Palestine. They have not taken
any lesson from their lamentable
Q. Is it permissible for Muslim
women to Participate in Palestinian
Solidarity marches and functions?
A. In fact, it is haraam for even Mus-
lim men to attend these haraam so-
called ‘palestinian solidarity protest
marches and meetings. These are
kuffaar tactics. Shaitaan has thorough-
ly brainwashed Muslims. These
marches are events of zina and snares
of shaitaan.
What is happening in Palestine and
elsewhere in the Muslim world is Al-
lah’s Athaab (Punishment). Nothing
will help Muslims in this era. Allah
Ta’ala is punishing the Ummah for its
rebellion and immorality. Muslims in
this age are just like the kuffaar.
We should restrict ourselves to dua
and we should implore Allah Ta’ala
to guide us and to eliminate the evil
within us. If the Ummah becomes obe-
dient slaves of Allah Ta’ala, the tables
will turn overnight. The kuffaar enemy
too is a form of Allah’s Athaab. The
Qur’aan and the Hadith explicitly
mention this fact.
The women who participate in these
stupid, kufr marches are zaaniyaat
(adulteresses). Allah’s la’nat (curse)
settles on all the participants – male
and female – who take part in these
satanic marches and protest meetings.
Q. Are the rulers of Muslim coun-
tries faasiqs or kaafirs?
A. The Qur’aanic aayat is clear and
explicit. Whoever does not rule/decide
according to the Shariah is a kaafir. A
Muslim who sins is not a kaafir as
long as he believes that his evil act is
sinful. However, if he sins believing
that his act is permissible, then he be-
comes a kaafir.
The people who are at the helm of
Muslim governmental affairs in all
Muslim countries today, don’t only
sin. They believe that the Shariah is
out-dated. They actively cancel the
Shariah believing that the western
style laws which they enact are supe-
rior and that the Shariah is not appli-
cable in this day.
It is not an issue of the government
leaders sinning. They believe that the
Shariah is not valid, hence they are
Q. A Madkhali Salafi says that the
one who criticizes the Saudi regime,
is like a Khaarji. Please comment.
A. In fact, most, if not all, of the rulers
in Muslim countries today are kaafir.
The entire system of government is
kufr which these shayaataani rulers
have introduced to violently displace
the Shariah. They scorn and decry the
Shariah. They flagrantly reject the
Shariah. Criticizing these kuffaar rul-
ers masquerading as Muslims does not
render one a khaarji. The ‘madkhali’
salafis are morons who bootlick the
corrupt Saudi regime.
Q. Some say that Iraq which is now
the “blessed land of khilaafah”.
Please comment.
A. Today there is no ‘blessed land of
khilaafah’. All lands are embroiled in
anarchy. Iraq and Syria are today lands
of mischief and strife. Muslims are
killing Muslims. It is the reign of fit-
nah and fasaad.
Q. ISIS in Iraq executed a woman
who operated a brothel. Is it permis-
sible to execute a prostitute? Some
say that the rival group, Jabhatun
Nusrah killed her.
A. America’s surrogate, cardboard
‘caliph’, has murdered innumerable
Muslims for no valid reason. Anyone
within the ambit of his clutches who
refuse to give bay’t (offer allegiance)
to him is executed. It is not permissi-
ble to execute a woman who operates
a brothel. It does not matter who com-
mitted the killing. They were not justi-
fied. The brothel should have been
closed down and the woman held in
prison until she made Taubah. Prosti-
tution is less than irtidaad. A woman
may not be executed for even irtidaad
in terms of the Hanafi Math-hab. She
has to be detained in jail until she
makes Taubah.
Q. If you say there is no jihad in
Iraq and Syria, why do you have
such conviction when IS unequivo-
cally states a single goal and ambi-
tion: to establish shariah law, and in
so doing will employ any and all
means and methods in line with the
Qur’an and Sunnah?
A. What this gang of thugs say is one
thing and what they perpetrate on the
ground is something entirely different,
completely out of line with the
Qur’aan and Sunnah. Shariah Law
does not permit the massacre and up-
rooting of non-Muslim communities in
an Islamic state. Shariah Law does not
condone Muslims killing Muslims.
What is Jihad and what are the objec-
tives of Jihad?
Jihad is to wage war purely and only
for the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, and
its objective is to open the path for
Da’wat and Tableegh of the Deen in
the endeavour to save Allah’s Ma-
khlooq (creation) from the everlasting
perdition of Jahannam. The objective
of Jihad is not to kill kuffaar unneces-
sarily as the thugs of the State of Iblis
are perpetrating. Not only are they
killing non-Muslims, they direct their
machine of murder at Muslims, and
even such Muslims of their very own
breed and creed, namely, Jabhatun
Nusrah who are also Salafis.
Against whom are they waging
‘Jihad’? Most certainly not against the
Yahood and Nasara nor against the
evil Shiah Bashar Assad. They are
killing only Muslims. Sunni Muslims
of the Land of Shaam, and Kurd Mus-
lims who are Hanafis. Furthermore,
additional facts confirming the farci-
cal, false and satanic ‘jihad’ of this
shaitaani group of murderers are ex-
plained in the pages of this issue of Al
-Haq as well as in the previous issue.
Their hands, bodies, minds and hearts
are drenched with the blood of thou-
dands of Muslims. The Qur’aan says
that one who kills even one Muslim
will dwell in Jahannam forever.
Q. You wrote: ‘Muslims killing
Muslims’. But if we have IS with
their clear stated goal, and on the
other side with the kuffaar coalition,
Muslims that have allied to the
kuffaar and themselves are killing
Muslims and obstructing the ambi-
tions of IS’s to implement Shariah
law, then is it really wrong to kill
those Muslims who themselves do
not rule by Islamic Shariah, but fol-
low secular constitutions and allied
themselves to the kuffaar. How can
you engage and defend against the
coalition that have these modernist
secular Muslims embedded?
A. The issue is not so simplistic as you
put it. In fact, your argument is decep-
tive. Firstly, ISIS initiated its genocide
of the Yazidi and Christian communi-
ties, the day it began its offensive,
long before the formation of the U.S.
coalition. These non-Muslims were
living in the land peacefully since the
era of the Khulafa-e-Raashideen, and
enjoyed their peaceful status during all
three successive Khilaafate eras, and
this position continued until the arrival
yesterday of the ISIS murderers.
Secondly, ISIS began killing its
own breed of Salafis even before it
established its self in Mosul which
was given to it on a platter by the U.S.
Thirdly, it killed the Imaams and
others solely because they refused to
swear the oath of fealty and allegiance
to Mr. Simon, Obama’s ‘caliph’. The-
se Imaams and Sheikhs had no truck
with the U.S. coalition which had not
yet come into operation. They were
not fighters. They did not fight ISIS.
Fourthly, the group, Jabhatun
(Continued on page 12)
Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 3
Sisi, the Zionist Kaafir responsible for
butchering thousands of Muslims in
Egypt, addressing the clergy of Al-
Azhar university disgorged the follow-
ing kufr: “The corpus of Islamic texts
and ideas that we have sacralised
over the years are antagonizing the
entire world, that it is not possible
that 1.6 billion people should want to
kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants
so that they themselves may live.”
The “corpus of Islamic texts and
ideas” to which Sisi, the kaafir Butch-
er, has made reference is none other
than the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. In a
nutshell, it is Islam which the likes of
Sisi had been striving and conspiring
to exterminate from its very incep-
tion more than fourteen centuries ago.
Dashing their hopes of succeeding in
their satanic mission, the Qur’aan Ha-
keem states:
“They intend (plot and plan) to
extinguish the Noor of Allah
(i.e.Islam) with their mouths, whilst
Allah will complete (and perfect) His
Noor even though the kaafiroon
(such as Sisi) abhor it.”
In all ages, the kuffaar in a variety of
hues, have conspired and struggled to
deracinate and extinguish Islam. But
by the fadhl of Allah Azza Wa Jal,
they have failed, and so will it remain.
The successes which the kuffaar are
achieving against Muslims should not
be understood as the success of their
plot to destroy Islam. The political
ascendency of the kuffaar and the hu-
miliation of the Ummah are in fact the
consequences of Muslim disobedi-
ence, transgression and rebellion
against the Law of Allah Ta’ala.
Hence, kuffaar domination has been
divinely hoisted over us as a punish-
The kuffaar, like the earthquake,
tsunami, tornado, volcanic eruption,
pestilence, etc. are simply a constitu-
ent of Divine Punishment. They form
part of the Armies of Allah Azza Wa
Jal. These varieties of punishments for
Muslims are explicitly stated in the
Qur’aan and Ahaadith. Thus, there is
no conundrum in today’s humiliation
of the Ummah.
No where in the “sacralized corpus
of Islamic texts and ideas” (the
Qur’aan and Sunnah) is the destruc-
tion of the world’s people (the kuffaar)
by Muslims propagated. Sisi has simp-
ly disgorged what his western-
colonized brain has been indoctrinated
with by his Yahood and Nasaara mas-
ters who pay him a couple of billion
dollars annually to sustain and perpet-
uate his butchery of Muslims who
seek to impose the Law of Allah Azza
Wa Jal in Egypt where Sisi and his
likes have made kufr the law of the
land. Sisi is paid billions of dollars
every year to keep Egypt as a province
of Israel.
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) was despatched by Allah
Azza Wa Jal as Rahmatul lil Aal-
ameen (Mercy to all mankind). As the
Nabi – the Final Nabi – he was the
Nabi for all mankind. Thus, the
“sacralized corpus of Islamic texts
and ideas” (the Qur’aan and Sunnah)
make the kuffaar of the world the sub-
ject for Da’wat and Tableegh, not for
Qatl (killing) as Sisi sings the song of
his American master. All the forefa-
thers of today’s 1.6 billion Muslims
were mushrikeen and kuffaar. How
come we all are today Muslim if the
“sacralized corpus of Islamic texts and
ideas” had propagated killing of
Jihad fi Sabeelillaah (waging Jihad
with the Sword in the Path of Allah) is
imperative for removing the impedi-
ments in the Path of Da’wat and
Tableegh. The objective of Jihad is not
to eliminate the kuffaar. It is to save
the kuffaar from eternal perdition in
Hell-Fire by ensuring their entry into
Islam, for minus Imaan there is only
everlasting misery and suffering in the
In a subtle denunciation of the
Qur’aan and Sunnah – the Shariah of
Allah Ta’ala – the Kaafir Butcher and
agent of the Yahood and Nasaara,
said: “……that corpus of texts and
ideas that we have sacralized over the
years, to the point that departing from
them has become almost impossible, is
antagonizing the entire world.”
Undoubtedly, departing from that
‘corpus’ which is none other than the
Qur’aan and Sunnah is impossible for
the Mu’mineen. For kuffaar who mas-
querade like Muslims such as Sisi,
departing from the Qur’aan and Sun-
nah is no problem. But for Muslims
the Qur’aan and Sunnah will remain
the Law and the way of life until
The entire world of the kuffaar has
felt antagonized since the very incep-
tion of Islam when Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) raised the
Standard of Tauheed. There is no way
and there will be no time that the
kuffaar will not be antagonized by Is-
lam. The hatred they have for Islam is
simply the attribute of their inherent
kufr in which Sisi grovels. Confirming
the perpetual hatred which the kuffaar
cherish for the Mu’mineen, the
Qur’aan Majeed which is the primary
fundamental of the ‘corpus’, states:
“Never ever will the Yahood and
Nasaara be pleased with you until
(such time) that you follow their reli-
gion. Say (to them)!’ Verily, guid-
ance is only Allah’s guidance’ And if
you follow their vain desires after
Knowledge (of the Corpus) has come
to you, then besides Allah you will
have neither friend not helper.” (Al-
Baqarah, Aayat 120)
Displaying his gross jahaalah
(ignorance), Sisi the munaafiq moron
said: “Is it possible that 1.6 billion
people should want to kill the rest of
the world’s inhabitants – that is 7 bil-
lion – so that they themselves may
live?” The natural attribute of kufr is
stupidity. Such morons are today
presidents, prime ministers and kings.
He poses a question based on halluci-
nation. He may probably be a victim
of some substance abuse, hence his
moronic question. On what does he
base his assumption of 1.6 billion
Muslims wanting to eliminate the
world’s 7 billion non-Muslims?
Consider Egypt itself. It is a non-
Arab country with the vast majority
of the inhabitants having been born
Muslims although millions of born
Muslims may today no longer be Mus-
lims. Did the Sahaabah eliminate all
the kuffaar Egyptians when they an-
nexed the country to the Islamic Em-
pire? The same applies for all the
lands of the kuffaar from the Atlantic
in the West to the walls of China in
the East. The Sahaabah and the early
Muslims had conquered all these lands
of the kuffaar. Did they kill the
kuffaar? They did not massacre and
butcher the kuffaar as Sisi has butch-
ered his own kind. They did not mas-
sacre the kuffaar as the U.S.A. and the
West in general have been massacring
and brutally torturing Muslim of this
The moron should read the history
of the Sahaabah and of the early Mus-
lims. He shall fail to find Muslims ex-
terminating kuffaar. On the contrary
he will find an abundance of brutal
episodes of kuffaar exterminating
Muslims. Millions of Muslims were
exterminated by the kuffaar Chinese.
Millions of Muslims were massacred
and exterminated by the Russian
kuffaar. The whole Arakanese Mus-
lim population of Arakan was extermi-
nated and expelled from their home-
land by kuffaar Burmese Buddhists.
The entire Muslim population of Spain
was eliminated – killed and expelled.
Coming to the recent past and the pre-
sent, the kuffaar Yahood massacred
tens of thousands of Palestinian Mus-
lims and expelled the remainder of the
population from their homeland. The
kuffaar U.S.A. maimed and killed
hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in its
brutal carpet-bombing campaigns.
The U.S.A. kuffaar brutally killed
tens of thousands of Afghan Muslims.
In Central Africa, the West instigated
and armed kuffaar Africans to elimi-
nate Muslim populations. Kuffaar
Hindus massacred hundreds of thou-
sands of Muslims, and this genocide
continues in India to this day. In Sri
Lanka, kuffaar Buddhists are deter-
mined to eliminate the Muslim popu-
All over the world, and throughout
history, the mass killing was always
the satanic work of the kuffaar and
the victims were Muslims. Sisi would
have displayed some brains if he had
said that the 7 billion kuffaar are
poised to eliminate the 1.6 billion
Muslims. With the massive nucleur
arsenals and weapons of mass destruc-
tion of western kuffaar countries, who
is poised to kill and eliminate whom?
Addressing the Al-Azhar Shaikhs, the
Butcher of Egypt said: “I am saying
these words here at Al-Azhar, before
this assembly of scholars and ulama --
All this that I am telling you, you can-
not feel it if you remain trapped with-
in this mind-set. You need to step out-
side of yourselves to be able to ob-
serve it and reflect on it from a more
enlightened perspective.”
The clergy of Al-Azhar is the most
liberal ‘scholars’ in the Muslim
World. The Shaikhs of Azhar since
the kuffaar installed their regime in
Egypt from the time of Nasser to the
present, have never been associated
with any Jihad movement. On the
contrary, Azhar’s clergy is subservient
to the kuffaar regime of Egypt. Sisi
therefore insanely directed his stupid
discourse to a conglomerate of his
own lackeys.
The “mind-set” which the moron
munaafiq lamented is in fact the mind-
set produced by the Qur’aan and Sun-
nah. It is a “mind-set” which will per-
(Continued on page 4)
What has happened to the drones and
B52 bombers of the U.S.A.? Why are
they not deployed against ISIS in the
way they were murderously utilized
against the Taliban and the civilian
population of Afghanistan? Thousands
of Afghan villagefolk – men, women
and children - were mercilessly mur-
dered in the carpet bombing assaults
of the B52 bombers. Wedding parties
were targeted and eliminated by the
bombers. Tens of thousands of civil-
ians suffered terribly in the aftermath
of America’s use of chemicals.
As for the murders conducted with
drones, a drone would be dispatched to
eliminate just a single Mujahid com-
mander. Innumerable Taliban and Al-
Qaaidah commanders were killed by
drones operating in Afghanistan and in
the Pakistani regions bordering Af-
ghanistan. Since the agenda was to
eliminate the Taliban – a goal which
the U.S.A. miserably failed to achieve
– the fullest use of the bombers and
drones besides the massive supply of
other military hardware, was made.
Why have these instruments of
murder gone into hibernation away
from the ISIS arena? How come ISIS
is able to move convoys of armoured
vehicles loaded with its soldiers in the
open desert in broad daylight without
being targeted by the U.S. and its stu-
pid coalition of stupid Arab surrogate,
backyard ‘states’? In a matter of days,
the Taliban were dislodged from Ka-
bul city by the murderous carpet
bombing. Why has the U.S. chosen to
abstain from carpet bombing Mosul
and other cities/towns captured by
ISIS? Why are the drones not singling
out ISIS commanders for elimination
in the way they had perpetrated in
Afghanistan and Waziristan? Despite
ISIS being relatively an easy target in
(Continued on page 4)
Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 4
petually remain with Muslims who
believe in the Qur’aan and Sunnah.
There is no greater enlightenment than
the Qur’aanic mind-set which Sisi and
his kuffaar masters abhor. It is a sa-
cred mind-set. the adoption of which
is incumbent for all Muslims.
Sisi is trapped in the mind-set
which he has acquired from his west-
ern kuffaar masters. He is a victim of
kuffaar indoctrination, hence he seeks
to displace the Qur’aanic mind-set by
imposing on Muslims the western
kuffaar mind-set.
“Stepping outside yourselves” is to
step into the fold of kufr and shirk.
This is precisely what the brutal tyrant
is proposing. For Muslims the only
enlightenment is the radiance of the
Qur’aan and Sunnah. Besides this,
everything else is darkness, evil, injus-
tice and oppression.
Continuing with his kufr propaga-
tion, Sisi, the murderer of thousands
of his kind, said: “I say and repeat
again that we are in need of a reli-
gious revolution.” A “religious revo-
lution” is abandonment of Islam and
adoption of western kufr, and all of it
under the designation of ‘Islam’. If
the world was in need of a religious
revolution, Allah Azza Wa Jal would
not have terminated Nubuwwat four-
teen centuries ago. The long Chain of
Ambiyya (alayhimus salaam) initiated
with the advent of Hadhrat Aadam
(alayhis salaam) would have contin-
ued until the Day of Qiyaamah. Every
era which was in need of a “religious
revolution” would then have been
blessed with a divine Messenger. But
Allah Ta’ala terminated Risaalat and
brought to an end the Chain of Ambi-
ya, for He announces in the Qur’aan
that the Deen is Islam, and this Islam
is complete and perfect. It will endure
until Qiyaamah and within its frame-
work are all the answers and solutions
for developments right until the end
of earthly time. But the kaafir moron,
Sisi is incapable of comprehending
this simple truth.
We have to concede that a religious
revolution of kufr has already over-
come the Ummah. The brains of the
vast majority of the Ummah, has al-
ready been brain-colonized by the
western kuffaar. The religious revolu-
tion which the western kuffaar have
succeeded in imposing on Muslims
have produced all the kuffaar who are
today at the helm of the evil regimes
in all Muslim lands. It is the western
revolution of kufr which the greater
part of the Ummah has adopted, and it
is this vile revolution of kufr presented
in the name of Islam which has made
the Muslim Ummah the slaves of the
western kuffaar.
Even the Ulama have become
kuffaar of the zindeeq breed. We are
living in an era about which Hadhrat
Abdullah Bin Amr (radhiyallahu an-
hu) said:
“A time will dawn when people will
assemble in their Musaajid and per-
form Salaat, while not a single one
among them will be a Mu’min.”
Sisis and his ilk, for the sake of
public consumption and deception
perform Salaat in the Musaajid whilst
they are confirmed kuffaar.
(Continued from page 3)
Q. What is the Shariah’s view on
calls for boycotting Woolworths and
the like who stock Israeli products?
A. A boycott of Israeli products will
have validity and be honest only if the
people who initiate the boycott are
honest and sincere, and not mere pub-
licity seekers, for that is what they are.
It is meaningless to boycott a handful
of Israeli products when Muslims are
embracing everything of America and
Britain. These two nations have creat-
ed Israel, and from the very inception
have been the backbone and primary
supporters of Israel. These two coun-
tries are the main cause (i.e. worldly
cause – Allah Ta’ala is the Actual
Cause) of Israel flourishing and the
Palestinians suffering.
They are supporting Israel to the hilt
with everything. Thus the hardship of
the Palestinians is primarily and osten-
sibly caused by America and Britain.
In addition these two countries have
destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan, and
have brought unimaginable suffering,
death and misery to millions of Mus-
lims, and they are still engaging in
their plots to wipe out Islam and the
Furthermore, China has massacred
millions of Muslims in China and
presently too, the persecution of Mus-
lims is taking place in China. This
year Ramadhaan and Taraaweeh have
been banned in China. India has butch-
ered millions of Muslims in India and
in Kashmir, and India is still perpetrat-
ing horrendous brutality against the
Those who wish to boycott, should
begin with priorities. The first ones to
boycott are America and Britain. All
their products, institutions, planes,
banks, vehicles, implements, comput-
ers, facebook and the like, and every-
thing connected to them must be boy-
cotted. Then all Chinese and Indian
goods must be boycotted.
If the hollow, insincere and hypo-
critical engineers of Israel’s boycott
are not prepared to boycott the above
mentioned countries, then we should
understand that they are most insincere
and making a lot of noise to gain
cheap publicity and some other ulteri-
or motives. Those who refuse to boy-
cott these countries, must not waste
time and hoodwink the unwary and the
ignorant that they are the enemies of
Israel and that they have feelings for
the Palestinians, hence they are shout-
ing: ‘Boycott Israel!’ They are in fact
morons and hypocrites.
Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Amr
(radhiyallahu anhu) narrated:
“An age will dawn over people (i.e.
‘Muslims’) when they will gather in
their Musaajid and perform Salaat
whilst not a single one of them will be
a Muslim.”
How is this possible? The Musaajid
will be full to capacity with musallis,
but none of them will be a Mu’min!
Kufr is classified into several catego-
ries. One class of kufr is termed za-
naadaqah. The person who commits
such kufr is called zindeeq.
A zindeeq is a professed Muslim
who interprets the Deen according to
his whims and fancy, ascribing to the
(Continued on page 6)
the exposed desert terrain, it is al-
lowed to operate freely. Not a single
attempt has been made to strike ISIS
in its headquarters or when it moves
with impunity its men and arms in the
open desert.
For men of intelligence there is no
conundrum in the ISIS saga. ISIS is
an American creation – created to
fulfil U.S. designs among which is to
destroy Islam and to grab the wealth
of the Muslim lands to resuscitate and
bolster its totally bankrupt economy.
The devilish conspiracy is to dismem-
ber Iraq into three states – Shiahstan,
Sunnistan and Kurdistan, and when
the need develops, to keep them
fighting one another for the sustain-
ment of western interests, and in par-
ticular, U.S. interests. Realization of
this plot will grant America full con-
trol of the oilfields.
(Continued from page 3)
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said:
“Every sport of the Mu’min is baatil
(haraam and satanism)…..”
A Brother from Pakistan writes:
“From the land of the Impure (i.e.
Napakistan) where the Muslims ask
me to make dua for the success of the
Pakistani cricket team. Before the first
match of the world cup, the players
came back late to the hotel after their
curfew by 45 minutes. They were par-
tying at a friend’s house. Then they
lost the first match to India. They lost
the second match to the West Indies
by a record margin, and the team se-
lector was found in the casino at night
drinking to: ‘Pakistan Zindabad!’ “
We say: “Napakistan Murdabad!
(‘Death to the Impure State!).
Wining and dining – khamr (liquor)
and zina (fornication) are the norms
of these fussaaq, fujjaar sportsmen.
Partying in casinos is old hat.
There can be nothing better cur-
rently for Pakistan than balkanization
and dismemberment of the land. Dec-
ades ago, East Pakistan (now Bangla-
desh) violently broke away from the
Impure State. It will serve Muslims
good – materially, morally and spirit-
ually, if this miserable country is bro-
ken up into several countries – Sind,
Punjab, Baluchistan, Chitral, Waziri-
stan, etc. The present government is
bent on destroying Islam. Special dra-
conian laws to curb and stifle the
Madaaris have been introduced just
recently. Madrasah personnel – Ula-
ma and Students – accused of Jihad
activity will henceforth be tried by
brutal military tribunals. No longer
will the Deeni personnel have access
to the normal courts.
Allah Ta’ala operates in wonderful
ways unfathomable to us. He also
employs the kuffaar to fulfil His
plans. The U.S.A. is in fact, subtly
unfolding its plot to dismember Paki-
stan. There is no need to shed any
tears if this U.S. conspiracy succeeds.
In fact, Muslims – the Deeni segment
of the population – will benefit from
the balkanization of the country.
Over 200 Assyrian Christians have
been abducted by ISIS in north-
eastern Syria. The Syrian Observatory
for Human Rights said: “No fewer
than 220 Assyrian citizens were ab-
ducted by ISIS over the past three
days (Feb.22 -25) from 11 villages.”
Al-Arabiya News reports that
ISIS has seized 10 Christian villages
in the Tai Tarner district, prompting
the exodus of the civilian population.
When the victorious armies of the
Sahaabah entered any non-Muslim
city, town or village, never was there
an exodus of the inhabitants. No one
was uprooted. There were no abduc-
tions and no massacres. And, how
could there be when the primary mis-
sion of the Sahaabah was to offer the
people the Kalimah of Tauheed?
Those who selected to retain their
religion of kufr paid the Jizyah tax in
lieu of guaranteed safety and freedom
(Continued on page 8)
Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 5
A Concerned Brother writes:
Assalamu Alaikum Respected Ulama
and community members, I implore
you to read this letter written to me by
a Brother from Sri Lanka dispassion-
ately and with the requisite reflection.
“I just wanted to share some thoughts
on our experience in Sri Lanka and
possible relevance to South Africa.
We were a happy lot in Sri Lanka
just a few months ago not realizing that
a Volcanic outburst was about to take
place. We built large masjids, called
Azaan loudly, wore black abayas, had
big businesses, big cars, big houses and
really made the 10 percent Muslims
look like 50%. (Unnecessary expendi-
ture on huge Musjids far in excess of
the needs of the community is satanic
extravagance severely castigated by
the Qur’aan –Al-Haq)
We also moved among ourselves and
our functions were only for Muslims.
Basically, we isolated ourselves, leave
alone integration or assimilation.
(There is nothing amiss with this. In-
tegration and assimilation with
kuffaar are haraam –Al-Haq).
We parked our cars blocking their
gates when we went to Masaajid and in
our business dealings we did not al-
ways honour our commitments like our
ancestors did.
Slowly but surely we planted the
seeds of communal hatred and now we
blame the effect not the cause. Too
late. It took just one group called the
BBS to light the flame, and they have
massive support because they represent
the majority view.
I see similarities in South Arica.
Just one example, is some people’s
speech saying Mandela is going to hell
and though 1% is the Muslim popula-
tion, it looks like there is a 25% popu-
lation. (The brother’s perception is
erroneous. The vast majority of South
African Muslims are flagrant viola-
tors of the Shariah. They display scant
regard for the Deen. Immorality in the
Muslim community has reached
alarming proportions. They imitate
the kuffaar almost 100% in all aspects
of life. Most Muslims lack in proper
understanding of Imaan, hence they
adore Mandela. They have made a
haraam icon of him. To the best of
our knowledge, Muslims in South Af-
rica have not said that “Mandela is
going to Hell.” While the Law of Is-
lam states that all kuffaar in general
are destined for everlasting perdition
in Jahannam, no one has the right to
pass this verdict on any particular per-
son. Even the very orthodox Muslims
who are in vehement opposition to
integration and assimilation did not
say “Mandela is going to Hell”. We do
not know from whence the Sri Lankan
brother has sucked this baseless mis-
The jealousy among the blacks is
very easy, and for them to be incited to
go on rampage is not too difficult.
(This will occur only by Allah’s Com-
mand. Among His armies are even the
kuffaar whom He harnesses and
sends to punish the Muslim communi-
ty consisting overwhelmingly of ob-
scene and rebellious fussaaq, fujjaar
and zinfeeqs. The “rampage” appears
to be a foregone divine decree which
is bound to happen. The surest sign is
the reckless villainy of the Muslim
community, especially of its women-
folk who have become obscene street-
prowlers. Muslims villainously tram-
ple on Allah’s Deen and mock the
Sunnah of Rasulullah –sallallahu
alayhi wasallam. The Rampage thus
overhangs us ominously like a dark
cloud. That will be Allah’s Athaab.
But bootlicking is not the solution. –
The Muslims globally are being at-
tacked and little sympathy is there for
them. (Because they are not deserving
of sympathy. Look at their misdeeds,
vice and villainy –Al-Haq)
Others are watching us in each coun-
try and feeding the leaders of each
country including Sri Lanka on how to
eliminate us or terrorize us because
they know we are going to destroy
them. (This is indeed laughable. “We
destroy them?” We have already de-
stroyed ourselves with our filthy rebel-
lion against Allah Ta’ala. The elimi-
nation and destruction of Muslims
will be at the Command of Allah Azza
Wa Jal. – Al-Haq)
In Sri Lanka, the manner in which
the blame for the terror in Aluthgama
was blamed on Muslims cannot be the
work of Sinhalese, for they just don’t
have that intelligence. (There is no
conundrum in the ‘terror’. This
‘terror’ was a form of Allah’s Athaab.
It is unrelated to any group’s intelli-
gence or stupidity. The Qur’aan con-
firming the ‘terror’ being Divine
Chastisement states: “When We in-
tend to destroy {the people of a} city,
We then command its affluent ones
{grant them latitude for their trans-
gression}. Then they perpetrate their
fisq {flagrant and obscene transgres-
sion} therein. Thus, the Decree {of
Divine Chastisement} is confirmed for
them. Then we utterly destroy them.”
Bottom line: Moulana Sahib, I hum-
bly recommend that SA Muslim com-
munity spend even a million US and
perform “perception analysis” in Jo-
hannesburg and Durban and check the
pulse of the whites, and most important
the blacks. The feedback even if its
negative is a worthwhile investment
like we perform health checks. Actual-
ly what I am recommending is relevant
for any country where Muslims are in a
minority and starting to behave like the
majority (UK is a good example as
well). (Genuine ‘perception analysis’
is to engage in Muhaasabah and Mu-
raaqabah {Soul Searching} to under-
stand the quagmire of kufr, fisq and
fujoor into which we are incremental-
ly sinking, deeper and deeper. The
Brother’s concept of “perception
analysis” is the product of misdiagno-
sis, hence his prescription is no solu-
tion for the plight of the Ummah. – Al
At least in SA, if the perception
study or gap analysis indicates pressure
build up, you can perform damage con-
trol, through programs for the blacks,
assisting them and building bridges of
trust before a crisis hits you. (The only
way for affecting “damage control”
and gaining enduring safety is to turn
to Allah Ta’ala with repentance and
obedience in emulation of the Sahaa-
Inshallah it can also be a great
source of Dawah and who knows South
Africa can become Islamic peacefully
Allah Rabbul Izzath knows best and He
has written everything 50,000 years
before the creation of the heavens and
earth. (End of the Brother’s lament).
The Brother is wide off the mark. He is
totally unaware of the problem and the
disease which have afflicted the Mus-
lim Ummah, worldwide.
Although the Brother who proffered
the advice is well-meaning and con-
cerned about the future of South Afri-
can Muslims, he lacks in Deeni dis-
cernment, hence has failed to diagnose
the malady of the Ummah. Since the
disease has not been understood, the
solution he offers is futile.
The advice to spend a million U.S.
dollars to perform “perception analy-
sis” is no solution. It is utterly futile.
Spending tens and hundreds of millions
will not avail. Pleasing blacks and
whites, and building bridges will not
avail. All such ‘bridges’ are artificial
and flimsy. The crisis which the broth-
er predicts, will happen. The axe of the
Impending Divine Punishment will fall
as sure as night follows day.
The brother and all Muslims, espe-
cially self-styled ‘reformers’ of the
Ummah, have failed to understand that
the calamities befalling Muslims are
the consequences of our own misdeeds,
transgression, fisq, fujoor, bid’ah and
shirk. As long as the Ummah , espe-
cially its Ulama, does not resort to
Inaabat ilallaah nothing will avail.
What had happened in Sri Lanka and
what is happening all over the Muslim
world is nothing but the Punishment of
Allah Ta’ala.
Brutal regimes, kuffaar domination
and mob rampages pillaging and plun-
dering, are all forms of Allah’s
Athaab. How is an earthquake, a tsuna-
mi, a volcanic eruption and a cyclone
averted? These are all forms of Allah’s
Athaab. Nothing other than Inaabat
can prevent Allah’s Athaab. When the
nation of Nabi Yunus (alayhis salaam)
resorted to Inaabat, the Impending
Athaab was averted. The other day Al-
lah Ta’ala sent us a mild reminder of
His Athaab in the form of the earth
tremor. But no one takes lesson.
Not a leaf stirs, but it is with Allah’s
permission. The momentous calamities
which befall Muslims are not accidents.
These occurrences are the effects of
Allah’s command. The Muslim com-
munity in South Africa is vividly de-
picted in the following Qur’aanic
“When We intend to destroy the people
of a place, We command its affluent
ones (to plunge headlong in evil). Then
they (recklessly) perpetrate fisq in the
town/city. Then the decree (of athaab)
is confirmed). Then We utterly destroy
The advice and solution offered by
the person are futile. It will not assist
the Muslim community against the
Athaab of Allah Ta’ala. The solution is
Istighfaar (to seek forgiveness) and to
submit to the Shariah. Nothing besides
this will avert Allah’s Punishment.
There are no accidents in Allah’s
Scheme and Creation. Everything,
down to the minutest detail operates by
His intervention and command. The
Qur’aan Hakeem states:
“By Him are the keys of the Ghaib
(what is unseen and unknown to us).
No one knows them but He. He is
aware of what is in the land and in the
ocean. There is not even a seed in the
darkness of the earth (underground),
nor something dry or moist, but it is
(recorded) in a Clear Book.”
(Continued on page 12)
Posted by Louise Turner in News
‘Here are some simple burning ques-
tions whose answers can only be de-
scribed by the globalist plans for a
new world order. These questions
strike at the root of the question all of
humanity is asking: Who is ISIS?
1. Where do they bank? Or do they
have a money tree?
2. Where do they get their guns from?
Bullets? Knives?
3. Where do they eat, how do they get
their food?
4. Where do they sleep, where do they
get toiletries?
5. Where is their military base? They
DO stick together right?
6. Since we know where they are why
can’t they simply be rounded up in a
way that doesn’t involve any nation
attacks? But wait …
7. Who is their leader and how did he
learn to outsmart the world’s greatest
military and outperform all generals in
U.S. history?
8. How does ISIS avoid NSA surveil-
9. How do they communicate and
avoid all communication systems at
the same time?
10. How do they avoid military and
government satellite surveillance and
11. How does the mainstream media
and all the CIA pundits on TV like
Colonel Anthony Shaffer know so
much about how dangerous ISIS is yet
they know nothing else like where
they got their weapons from or how
they were created? Oh wait, how did
Shaffer obtain his knowledge about
them? Who specifically did he speak
12. Why is the (CIA) chain of com-
mand that ISIS responds to not report-
ed by mainstream media?
13. When did the first ISIS meeting
take place and why?
14. Why is the simple facts about the
(Continued on page 7)
Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 6
Ahkaam, Aayaat and Ahaadith such
meanings which are in conflict with
the meanings known during Khairul
Quroon (the first three noble eras of
Islam) embracing the eras of the Sa-
haabah, Taabi’een and Tab-e-
In the age we find us in currently,
every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and even
every Jane, Jill and Janet have pro-
moted themselves to the status of the
Mujtahideen. Every moron and
moroness believes that he/she is capa-
ble of interpreting the Qur’aan and
Ahaadith, and to formulate principles
and laws. These are the zindeeqs men-
tioned in the aforementioned Hadith.
The Musaajid nowadays are filled
with this type of trash professing to be
Muslim, whilst they are kaafir without
even realizing their fate.
Having understood this brief intro-
duction of the state of the Ummah, it
will be easy to understand the reaction
or no reaction of the ‘Muslim’ popula-
tion of the populous state of Pakistan
(better known as Napakistan –the im-
pure land) to the episode of the elimi-
nation of 12 Charlie Hebdo devils by
unknown forces.
The largest Islamic political Party,
Jamaat-e-Islaami called for demon-
strations to protest outside the French
embassy in Karachi over the publica-
tion by the satanic French magazine of
a blasphemous caricature of
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam). About 200 protestors gath-
ering in a damp squid protest which
was quickly broken up by the kuffaar
police of Pakistan.
Street demonstrations in emulation
of western kuffaar styles have no room
in the Shariah. But the point is not
this. Street demonstrations and
marches with their concomitant dis-
plays of hoolganism, rioting and de-
struction of the property of people
who have no connection whatsoever
with the objective of the protest, are
the norm in Pakistan. For mundane
and political objectives, hundreds of
thousands or even millions country-
wide will take to the streets to protest.
But, to avenge the honour of the Nabi
(sallallallahu alayhi wasallam), a lousy
200 in a city of 30 million Muslims
stepped forward.
What is the reason for this cold-
ness and disdain when the call is made
to avenge the honour of Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in a man-
ner which is a norm in Pakistan? If
genuine Deeni personnel do not take
to the street like hooligans, it is un-
derstandable since we believe that
there is no scope for such protests in
Islam. In Islam there are only two
ways: Jihad if the Ummah has the
capability, or Sabr when Muslims
lack the power of Jihad. But why did
the millions of irreligious modernists
who vociferously profess to be Mus-
lims, and who emulate 100% the
methodologies of their western kuffaar
masters, refrain from participation in
the protest called for the sake of
Rasulullah’s honour?
The simple response is that they are
not genuine Muslims. They are
zindeeqs of the type mentioned in the
Hadith by Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Amr
(radhiyallahu anhu). They fill the Mu-
saajid for Jumuah, Eid and on special
functions, and even for the daily Sa-
laat, but “not a single one of them is a
(Continued from page 4)
ISIS operates its website/online maga-
zine, Dabiq, with impunity and such
freedom which no other U.S. branded
‘terrorist’ organization is permitted to.
Daily, ISIS publishes its articles, videos
and whatever ‘terrorist’ programme it
wishes to. Describing Dabiq, Wikipe-
dia says:
 ¾   €  °° ¯f–f °
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f f° n ¯°Ŧ
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¾ ° : 
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n°–  ¾ f°ţ f
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 ° f €fn fn Ŧ#
If the U.S. genuinely abhors ISIS as it
advertises, and if it truly believes that
ISIS is a terrorist organization which
threatens the so-called ‘new world or-
der’ which Bush had invented, why
does it then not shut down the website/
magazine of ISIS. Why is ISIS permit-
ted all the freedom to operate its
‘terrorist’ website? The C.I.A. is in full
control of all computer activity. There
(Continued on page 12)
 , ff %f ff f° % °fŴ
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ff  f¾ff¯% ¾f °–ť #t° 

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 f%ţ f°  f°¾½
   °¾ %n¾ţ nŦ%Ŧ d
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°Ŧ %d  ½½f  ¾°f°Ŵ
–f°¾% °
¯¾ ¾Ŧ d° f  f f 
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 ¾Ŧ d ¾°¾ f° €  / ¾
NO MATTER HOW the ISIS Salafi de-
viates and their supporters attempt to
justify this brutal burning alive of the
Jordanian pilot, according to the Shari-
ah, this brutality is haraam. Regardless
of the Ahaadith quoted – Ahaadith
which do not apply to the current con-
text – the Shariah prohibits killing
with water and fire. The Fuqaha of
Islam were fully aware of the relevant
Ahaadith fourteen centuries ago – the
Ahaadith which the ISIS juhala and
traitors cite to defend what is Islami-
cally indefensible. Whilst fully aware
of the Ahaadith, the Fuqaha ruled on
the basis of Rasulullah’s categorical
command, that killing even animals
with water and fire is HARAAM. The
Ummah is not in need of the American
surrogate ignoramuses of ISIS for an
exposition of the Shariah – the
Qur’aan and Sunnah.
The ISIS morons proffer their stu-
pid opinion in negation of the express
prohibition declared by Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They
seek to cancel and abrogate the Divine
Command with certain acts which
never are abrogators of the Command
of the Shariah.
Rasulullah’s command takes prece-
dence over isolated acts executed in an
entirely different context. If there was
a need for executing the pilot, the
Shar’i method of the Sword had to be
implemented. Furthermore, displaying
the brutal episode in the media for all
and sundry to see, serves only to cre-
ate revulsion for Muslims. In fact, this
is the plot being executed by the
American surrogate, cardboard
‘caliph’, the so-called ‘Al-Bagdadi’
whose status as a Muslim is highly
questionable. According to some west-
ern research scholars, he is in fact a
kaafir whose name is Simon, masquer-
ading as a Muslim under American
C.I.A. command and surrogacy.
Muslims should understand that the
Shariah is a sealed Book. Alterations
may not be effected to the Shariah by
moronic digging in the Books of Had-
ith for narrations to suit the nafsaani
agendas of deviates. There is no longer
scope for interpreting Ahaadith to fab-
ricate opinions and stupid, baseless
‘fatwas’ which are in conflict with the
declared Shar’i positions of the Ahlus
Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. According to
the Qur’aan, the Shariah was finalized
and perfected during the very era of
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam). The obligation of the Aim-
mah-e-Mujtahideen was merely to
codify the Shariah for the easy refer-
ence of posterity, and to evolve the
principles of the Shariah from the
Qur’aan and Ahaadith for the process
of formulating Ahkaam pertaining to
developing issues and expediencies
which did not exist during the age of
Thus, the Shariah’s emphatic ruling
prohibiting execution by fire and water
may not be upset and abrogated by
subjecting certain narrations to base-
less interpretation by morons, card-
board ‘mujtahids’ and cardboard
‘caliphs’ set up by the C.I.A. for
achieving the insidious goal of de-
stroying Islam, and enslaving the Um-
mah. In fact, the goal of enslaving the
Ummah has already been achieved.
The vast majority of Muslims have
already been mentally colonized by
the West. All of them are kuffaar of
the Zindeeq category about whom Ha-
dhrat Abdullah Bin Amr (radhiyallahu
anhu) said: “There will dawn an age
when people will gather in the Mu-
saajid and perform Salaat while not a
single one will be a Mu’min.” We are
living in that age today.
But, the goal of destroying Islam
will never be attained. Allah Ta’ala
has undertaken to protect the Deen,
and for this purpose He has created the
Institution of the Ulama-e-Haqq.

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Al Haq

  • 1. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 1 BULLETIN No. 46 P.O.BOX3393-PORTELIZABETH-6056-SOUTHAFRICA Jumadiyul-Awwal 1436 / March 2015 STRIKING BAATIL “In reality, We (Allah) strike baatil (falsehood) with the Haq. It then smashes out the brains of baatil. And, lo, it (baatil) sud- denly disappears.” (Qur’aan) THE BAND OF HAQ “There will ever remain a band from my Ummah fighting on the Haq until the Day of Qiyaamah. Those who oppose them and those who do not aid them, will not be able to harm them.” (Hadith) This naseehat (advice and admonition) is from an Entity of Haq – from Al- Haq – who believes in the Qur’aanic concept of Jihaad – Jihaad in the Bat- tlefield – Jihaad to establish the glory of Allah’s Deen, Islam, and to save mankind from the everlasting Athaab of the Aakhirah with the effort of Da’wat which is the primary objective of Jihaad. Al-Haq believes in the truth and veracity of Rasulullah’s declaration: “Jihaad will endure until the Day of Qiyaamah.” Al-Haq states with the greatest clarity and conviction that any person who denies this concept of Ji- haad is a murtad kaafir. Any person who convolutes this belief with the baseless interpretation of ‘defensive’ jihad is likewise a kaafir. Any person who negates the Qur’aanic meaning of Jihad and claims that it refers to moral struggle is also a kaafir. This brief preamble is to assure unwary Muslims and the ambivalent ones and the morons who are trapped in and misled by the Satanist propa- ganda of the Iblis State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS), that the Entity proffering this Naseehat is not some westernized apologist whose brains have been col- onized and Americanized by the mas- ters of the western cult of lifestyle as are all the university-educated apolo- gists and agnostics who believe that they are ‘Muslims’ when in reality their hearts are in entirety bereft of Imaan. Thus, the advice and admoni- tion which we offer here to Muslim girls who are being hoodwinked and satanically spirited away by scoun- drels to be assigned into the sex slav- ery racket of the so-called ‘mujahideen’ of the State of Iblis, are the advice, admonition and warnings of the Deen. It is sincere advice of- fered with sincere Dua and the hope that these girls who have lost their in- tellectual capacity due to severe Sa- tanist indoctrination, will wake up from their hallucination thereby sav- ing their haya (Imaani modesty), hon- our, and Imaan to ensure their eternal felicity of the Aakhirah. Jihaad, undoubtedly, is a Fardh In- stitution of Islam. But, like Salaat, Saun, Haj, etc., Jihaad too has Shuroot (conditions). In addition, there is a host of rules – Fiqhi and Akhlaaqi – which accompanies Jihaad. Jihaad is not banditry, murder, pillage, plunder and lustful gratification which are the hallmarks of the State of Iblis. There are imperative limits pre- scribed by the Shariah for all its Insti- tutions. The Qur’aan Majeed states: “These are the limits of Allah. Whoev- er transgress these limits, verily he (or she) has oppressed his/her soul.” Per- forming Salaat without wudhu or mi- nus any of its imperative conditions, is simply not Salaat. Performing Salaat without observance of the Sunnah and Mustahab factors, is a deficient Salaat rejected by Allah Ta’ala and struck into the face of the musalli as if it is a dirty rag. Pushing someone out of the saff and performing Salaat in his place de- stroys the Salaat and incurs the wrath and punishment of Allah Ta’ala not- withstanding the validity of Salaat. To gain the full benefit of the Salaat and the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, all the factors – Fardh, Waajib, Sunnat and Mustahab – must be incumbently observed. Minus these, there is no ac- ceptance, no reward and no benefit. The very same effects apply to Jihaad if not conducted within the prescribed limits of the Shariah or if the Shar’i factors of the different classes are not incumbently observed. Girls who are spirited away from their homes by scoundrels who mas- querade as ‘mujahideen’, are involved in evil and sin from the very inception of their mental indoctrination. The first satanic step in the process of ab- sconding from home, is indoctrination which is provided by the computer and the cell phone. In this regard, par- ents too are largely liable for the later heart-breaking consequences when their daughters have already become Satanists and abscond in adulterous fashion with the scoundrel ‘mujahids’. These girls are hooked on to the haraam screens for hours on end. All the gruesome and grotesque scenes depicted on the screen with the ac- companiment of haraam pictures and Jahannami, Shaitaani haraam music in the background decorated decep- tively with Qur’aanic verses and ‘religious’ slogans to maintain the ‘islamic’ facade for camouflaging the deception, are designed to pollute the minds and contaminate the hearts with these satanic artefacts of indoctrina- tion. The Shariah has prescribed limits for all things. In flagrant violation of the prohibitions of the Shariah, these girls squander hours daily listening to haraam, viewing haraam and fantasiz- ing haraam. They become zombies, and Wallah! Behave like satanists with their brains locked on the objec- tives of the indoctrination of the Isis scoundrels. Heavily sedated with the poison of indoctrination, they are incapable of independent and rational thinking. They therefore show absolutely no concern when flagrantly violating the prohibition of undertaking a journey without a mahram. With utter shame- lessness bordering on immorality they travel either alone or in the company of a strange male scoundrel who mis- leads these girls into satan’s den. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that a woman who be- lieves in Allah and the Last Day will not undertake a journey without her mahram. But these girls recklessly expose themselves to the worst moral dangers and show absolutely no re- gard for the warning of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). This fact alone indicates that they have lost their Imaan. These girls have been indoctrinated to respond to this violation with the argument that the shaikhs of ISIS con- tend that for the sake of ‘jihad’ it is permissible for the girls to travel in this manner like ‘prostitutes’. The lamentable ignorance of the girls does not enable them to think clearly and to understand that the Qur’aan prohibits following the shaikhs in their haraam ‘fatwas’. Thus, reprimanding the Um- mah of Bani Israaeel, the Qur’aan states: “They (the ordinary people, the laiety) take their sheikhs and their saints as gods besides Allah...” It is haraam to follow the baatil (baseless) rulings of shaikhs and molvis. The Ulama are to be followed in only such fatwas which conform with the Shari- ah. In this case, the Shariah prohibits females to undertake a journey with- out a mahram. The fatwa of the mor- on, devilish shaikhs of the State of Iblis cannot override the Shariah. Al- lah Ta’ala says it is haraam, but the brainwashed girls say that the shaikhs of ISIS say that it is halaal. If the brains are not convoluted with filth, never will it be possible for a true Mu’min/Mu’minah to give preference to the ‘fatwa’ of a shaikh over the ex- plicit and emphatic command of Allah Ta’ala. Jihaad – true Jihaad – conducted correctly in terms of the Shariah is an ibaadat of immense thawaab. But the (Continued on page 11) TRAINED BY ISRAELI MOSSAD NSA DOCUMENT REVEALS ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Docu- ments Reveal By Gulf Daily News The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snow- den, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organ- isation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”. NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans. According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the pro- tection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”. Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took inten- sive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.
  • 2. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 2 Q. Please comment on the call for boycotting Israeli products. Should we boycott? A. A boycott of Israel will have valid- ity and be honest only if the people who initiate the boycott are honest and sincere, and not mere publicity seekers, for that is what they are. It is meaningless to boycott a handful of Israeli products when Muslims are embracing everything of America and Britain. These two nations have creat- ed Israel, and from the very inception have been the backbone and primary supporters of Israel. These two coun- tries are the main cause (i.e. worldly cause – Allah Ta’ala is the Actual Cause) of Israel flourishing and the Palestinians suffering. They are supporting Israel to the hilt with everything. Thus the hardship of the Palestinians from the worldly perspective, is primarily caused by America and Britain. In addition these two countries have destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan, and have brought unimaginable suffering, death and misery to millions of Muslims, and they are still engaging in their plots to wipe out Islam and the Ummah. Furthermore, China has massacred millions of Muslims in China and presently too, the persecution of Mus- lims is taking place in China. This year Ramadhaan and Taraaweeh have been banned in China. India has butch- ered millions of Muslims in India and in Kashmir, and India is still perpe- trating horrendous brutality against the Kashmiris. Those who wish to boycott, should begin with priorities. The first ones to boycott are America and Britain. All their products, institutions, planes, banks, vehicles, implements, comput- ers, facebook and the like, and every- thing connected to them must be boy- cotted. Then all Chinese and Indian goods must be boycotted. Then take to donkey carts and plant your own food. If the hollow, insincere and hypo- critical engineers of Israel’s boycott are not prepared to boycott the above mentioned countries, then we should understand that they are most insincere and making a lot of noise to gain cheap publicity and some other ulteri- or motives. Those who refuse to boy- cott these countries, must not waste time and hoodwink the unwary and the ignorant that they are the enemies of Israel and that they have feelings for the Palestinians, hence they are shout- ing: ‘Boycott Israel!’ They are in fact hypocrites. Q. Please comment on the situation in Palestine in the light of the Shari- ah. A. The Yahood, like the earthquake, the flood, the tornado, the tsunami, etc., are simply part of Allah’s Armies of punishment. The Qur’aan and Had- ith are explicit in mentioning that Al- lah Ta’ala punishes rebellious and treacherous Muslims with kuffaar domination. The Palestinians, in fact the Um- mah as a whole, are weaker and more disgraceful today than what they were 70 years ago when Palestine was formed. The evils which we observe in the entire Ummah of the world prevail in Palestine as well. Every vice and immorality in the Ummah are to be found in Palestine. The punishment is yet to come to South Africa. May Al- lah Ta’ala save us. Some of the general vices of the Palestinians: * Wholesale abandonment of Salaat. Besides Jumuah, Musjidul Aqsa is largely abandoned during the daily Salaat. A handful of people perform the daily Salaat in the Musjid whilst thousands live in the vicinity of the Musjid. Thus, Musjidul Aqsa curses these people and petitions Allah Ta’ala to uproot them. * Homosexuality is rife. A Palestinian from America who had gone to Pales- tine with the intention of Jihad was disgusted. He came away saying that he will not go again to Palestine. * Singing, dancing and music are ways of life for the people. You may be aware that rcently, Gaza was cele- brating their Palestinian popsinger ‘hero’ who had won prizes in the West. The entire Gaza went into a frenzy and was ecstatic with joy. Life -sized portraits of the popsinger were painted on the street walls. Mobs gy- rated and danced in the street. They proclaimed the event a ‘victory’. * We have seen elderly men playing cards right within the vicinity of Mus- jidul Aqsa, and not going to the Mus- jid for Salaat. * Hamas, despite being the govern- ment, has not made the slightest at- tempt to introduce Shariah Law. On the contrary, they invaded a Musjid on a Friday and inside the Musjid shot dead the Sheikh and his mureeds who were clamouring for Shariah Law. * Besides the above, whatever evils and immorality prevail in the Ummah exist in Palestine. They have not taken any lesson from their lamentable plight. Q. Is it permissible for Muslim women to Participate in Palestinian Solidarity marches and functions? A. In fact, it is haraam for even Mus- lim men to attend these haraam so- called ‘palestinian solidarity protest marches and meetings. These are kuffaar tactics. Shaitaan has thorough- ly brainwashed Muslims. These marches are events of zina and snares of shaitaan. What is happening in Palestine and elsewhere in the Muslim world is Al- lah’s Athaab (Punishment). Nothing will help Muslims in this era. Allah Ta’ala is punishing the Ummah for its rebellion and immorality. Muslims in this age are just like the kuffaar. We should restrict ourselves to dua and we should implore Allah Ta’ala to guide us and to eliminate the evil within us. If the Ummah becomes obe- dient slaves of Allah Ta’ala, the tables will turn overnight. The kuffaar enemy too is a form of Allah’s Athaab. The Qur’aan and the Hadith explicitly mention this fact. The women who participate in these stupid, kufr marches are zaaniyaat (adulteresses). Allah’s la’nat (curse) settles on all the participants – male and female – who take part in these satanic marches and protest meetings. Q. Are the rulers of Muslim coun- tries faasiqs or kaafirs? A. The Qur’aanic aayat is clear and explicit. Whoever does not rule/decide according to the Shariah is a kaafir. A Muslim who sins is not a kaafir as long as he believes that his evil act is sinful. However, if he sins believing that his act is permissible, then he be- comes a kaafir. The people who are at the helm of Muslim governmental affairs in all Muslim countries today, don’t only sin. They believe that the Shariah is out-dated. They actively cancel the Shariah believing that the western style laws which they enact are supe- rior and that the Shariah is not appli- cable in this day. It is not an issue of the government leaders sinning. They believe that the Shariah is not valid, hence they are kuffaar. Q. A Madkhali Salafi says that the one who criticizes the Saudi regime, is like a Khaarji. Please comment. A. In fact, most, if not all, of the rulers in Muslim countries today are kaafir. The entire system of government is kufr which these shayaataani rulers have introduced to violently displace the Shariah. They scorn and decry the Shariah. They flagrantly reject the Shariah. Criticizing these kuffaar rul- ers masquerading as Muslims does not render one a khaarji. The ‘madkhali’ salafis are morons who bootlick the corrupt Saudi regime. Q. Some say that Iraq which is now the “blessed land of khilaafah”. Please comment. A. Today there is no ‘blessed land of khilaafah’. All lands are embroiled in anarchy. Iraq and Syria are today lands of mischief and strife. Muslims are killing Muslims. It is the reign of fit- nah and fasaad. Q. ISIS in Iraq executed a woman who operated a brothel. Is it permis- sible to execute a prostitute? Some say that the rival group, Jabhatun Nusrah killed her. A. America’s surrogate, cardboard ‘caliph’, has murdered innumerable Muslims for no valid reason. Anyone within the ambit of his clutches who refuse to give bay’t (offer allegiance) to him is executed. It is not permissi- ble to execute a woman who operates a brothel. It does not matter who com- mitted the killing. They were not justi- fied. The brothel should have been closed down and the woman held in prison until she made Taubah. Prosti- tution is less than irtidaad. A woman may not be executed for even irtidaad in terms of the Hanafi Math-hab. She has to be detained in jail until she makes Taubah. Q. If you say there is no jihad in Iraq and Syria, why do you have such conviction when IS unequivo- cally states a single goal and ambi- tion: to establish shariah law, and in so doing will employ any and all means and methods in line with the Qur’an and Sunnah? A. What this gang of thugs say is one thing and what they perpetrate on the ground is something entirely different, completely out of line with the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Shariah Law does not permit the massacre and up- rooting of non-Muslim communities in an Islamic state. Shariah Law does not condone Muslims killing Muslims. What is Jihad and what are the objec- tives of Jihad? Jihad is to wage war purely and only for the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, and its objective is to open the path for Da’wat and Tableegh of the Deen in the endeavour to save Allah’s Ma- khlooq (creation) from the everlasting perdition of Jahannam. The objective of Jihad is not to kill kuffaar unneces- sarily as the thugs of the State of Iblis are perpetrating. Not only are they killing non-Muslims, they direct their machine of murder at Muslims, and even such Muslims of their very own breed and creed, namely, Jabhatun Nusrah who are also Salafis. Against whom are they waging ‘Jihad’? Most certainly not against the Yahood and Nasara nor against the evil Shiah Bashar Assad. They are killing only Muslims. Sunni Muslims of the Land of Shaam, and Kurd Mus- lims who are Hanafis. Furthermore, additional facts confirming the farci- cal, false and satanic ‘jihad’ of this shaitaani group of murderers are ex- plained in the pages of this issue of Al -Haq as well as in the previous issue. Their hands, bodies, minds and hearts are drenched with the blood of thou- dands of Muslims. The Qur’aan says that one who kills even one Muslim will dwell in Jahannam forever. Q. You wrote: ‘Muslims killing Muslims’. But if we have IS with their clear stated goal, and on the other side with the kuffaar coalition, Muslims that have allied to the kuffaar and themselves are killing Muslims and obstructing the ambi- tions of IS’s to implement Shariah law, then is it really wrong to kill those Muslims who themselves do not rule by Islamic Shariah, but fol- low secular constitutions and allied themselves to the kuffaar. How can you engage and defend against the coalition that have these modernist secular Muslims embedded? A. The issue is not so simplistic as you put it. In fact, your argument is decep- tive. Firstly, ISIS initiated its genocide of the Yazidi and Christian communi- ties, the day it began its offensive, long before the formation of the U.S. coalition. These non-Muslims were living in the land peacefully since the era of the Khulafa-e-Raashideen, and enjoyed their peaceful status during all three successive Khilaafate eras, and this position continued until the arrival yesterday of the ISIS murderers. Secondly, ISIS began killing its own breed of Salafis even before it established its self in Mosul which was given to it on a platter by the U.S. Thirdly, it killed the Imaams and others solely because they refused to swear the oath of fealty and allegiance to Mr. Simon, Obama’s ‘caliph’. The- se Imaams and Sheikhs had no truck with the U.S. coalition which had not yet come into operation. They were not fighters. They did not fight ISIS. Fourthly, the group, Jabhatun (Continued on page 12)
  • 3. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 3 Sisi, the Zionist Kaafir responsible for butchering thousands of Muslims in Egypt, addressing the clergy of Al- Azhar university disgorged the follow- ing kufr: “The corpus of Islamic texts and ideas that we have sacralised over the years are antagonizing the entire world, that it is not possible that 1.6 billion people should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants so that they themselves may live.” The “corpus of Islamic texts and ideas” to which Sisi, the kaafir Butch- er, has made reference is none other than the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. In a nutshell, it is Islam which the likes of Sisi had been striving and conspiring to exterminate from its very incep- tion more than fourteen centuries ago. Dashing their hopes of succeeding in their satanic mission, the Qur’aan Ha- keem states: “They intend (plot and plan) to extinguish the Noor of Allah (i.e.Islam) with their mouths, whilst Allah will complete (and perfect) His Noor even though the kaafiroon (such as Sisi) abhor it.” In all ages, the kuffaar in a variety of hues, have conspired and struggled to deracinate and extinguish Islam. But by the fadhl of Allah Azza Wa Jal, they have failed, and so will it remain. The successes which the kuffaar are achieving against Muslims should not be understood as the success of their plot to destroy Islam. The political ascendency of the kuffaar and the hu- miliation of the Ummah are in fact the consequences of Muslim disobedi- ence, transgression and rebellion against the Law of Allah Ta’ala. Hence, kuffaar domination has been divinely hoisted over us as a punish- ment. The kuffaar, like the earthquake, tsunami, tornado, volcanic eruption, pestilence, etc. are simply a constitu- ent of Divine Punishment. They form part of the Armies of Allah Azza Wa Jal. These varieties of punishments for Muslims are explicitly stated in the Qur’aan and Ahaadith. Thus, there is no conundrum in today’s humiliation of the Ummah. No where in the “sacralized corpus of Islamic texts and ideas” (the Qur’aan and Sunnah) is the destruc- tion of the world’s people (the kuffaar) by Muslims propagated. Sisi has simp- ly disgorged what his western- colonized brain has been indoctrinated with by his Yahood and Nasaara mas- ters who pay him a couple of billion dollars annually to sustain and perpet- uate his butchery of Muslims who seek to impose the Law of Allah Azza Wa Jal in Egypt where Sisi and his likes have made kufr the law of the land. Sisi is paid billions of dollars every year to keep Egypt as a province of Israel. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was despatched by Allah Azza Wa Jal as Rahmatul lil Aal- ameen (Mercy to all mankind). As the Nabi – the Final Nabi – he was the Nabi for all mankind. Thus, the “sacralized corpus of Islamic texts and ideas” (the Qur’aan and Sunnah) make the kuffaar of the world the sub- ject for Da’wat and Tableegh, not for Qatl (killing) as Sisi sings the song of his American master. All the forefa- thers of today’s 1.6 billion Muslims were mushrikeen and kuffaar. How come we all are today Muslim if the “sacralized corpus of Islamic texts and ideas” had propagated killing of kuffaar? Jihad fi Sabeelillaah (waging Jihad with the Sword in the Path of Allah) is imperative for removing the impedi- ments in the Path of Da’wat and Tableegh. The objective of Jihad is not to eliminate the kuffaar. It is to save the kuffaar from eternal perdition in Hell-Fire by ensuring their entry into Islam, for minus Imaan there is only everlasting misery and suffering in the Hereafter. In a subtle denunciation of the Qur’aan and Sunnah – the Shariah of Allah Ta’ala – the Kaafir Butcher and agent of the Yahood and Nasaara, said: “……that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world.” Undoubtedly, departing from that ‘corpus’ which is none other than the Qur’aan and Sunnah is impossible for the Mu’mineen. For kuffaar who mas- querade like Muslims such as Sisi, departing from the Qur’aan and Sun- nah is no problem. But for Muslims the Qur’aan and Sunnah will remain the Law and the way of life until Qiyaamah. The entire world of the kuffaar has felt antagonized since the very incep- tion of Islam when Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) raised the Standard of Tauheed. There is no way and there will be no time that the kuffaar will not be antagonized by Is- lam. The hatred they have for Islam is simply the attribute of their inherent kufr in which Sisi grovels. Confirming the perpetual hatred which the kuffaar cherish for the Mu’mineen, the Qur’aan Majeed which is the primary fundamental of the ‘corpus’, states: “Never ever will the Yahood and Nasaara be pleased with you until (such time) that you follow their reli- gion. Say (to them)!’ Verily, guid- ance is only Allah’s guidance’ And if you follow their vain desires after Knowledge (of the Corpus) has come to you, then besides Allah you will have neither friend not helper.” (Al- Baqarah, Aayat 120) Displaying his gross jahaalah (ignorance), Sisi the munaafiq moron said: “Is it possible that 1.6 billion people should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants – that is 7 bil- lion – so that they themselves may live?” The natural attribute of kufr is stupidity. Such morons are today presidents, prime ministers and kings. He poses a question based on halluci- nation. He may probably be a victim of some substance abuse, hence his moronic question. On what does he base his assumption of 1.6 billion Muslims wanting to eliminate the world’s 7 billion non-Muslims? Consider Egypt itself. It is a non- Arab country with the vast majority of the inhabitants having been born Muslims although millions of born Muslims may today no longer be Mus- lims. Did the Sahaabah eliminate all the kuffaar Egyptians when they an- nexed the country to the Islamic Em- pire? The same applies for all the lands of the kuffaar from the Atlantic in the West to the walls of China in the East. The Sahaabah and the early Muslims had conquered all these lands of the kuffaar. Did they kill the kuffaar? They did not massacre and butcher the kuffaar as Sisi has butch- ered his own kind. They did not mas- sacre the kuffaar as the U.S.A. and the West in general have been massacring and brutally torturing Muslim of this age. The moron should read the history of the Sahaabah and of the early Mus- lims. He shall fail to find Muslims ex- terminating kuffaar. On the contrary he will find an abundance of brutal episodes of kuffaar exterminating Muslims. Millions of Muslims were exterminated by the kuffaar Chinese. Millions of Muslims were massacred and exterminated by the Russian kuffaar. The whole Arakanese Mus- lim population of Arakan was extermi- nated and expelled from their home- land by kuffaar Burmese Buddhists. The entire Muslim population of Spain was eliminated – killed and expelled. Coming to the recent past and the pre- sent, the kuffaar Yahood massacred tens of thousands of Palestinian Mus- lims and expelled the remainder of the population from their homeland. The kuffaar U.S.A. maimed and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in its brutal carpet-bombing campaigns. The U.S.A. kuffaar brutally killed tens of thousands of Afghan Muslims. In Central Africa, the West instigated and armed kuffaar Africans to elimi- nate Muslim populations. Kuffaar Hindus massacred hundreds of thou- sands of Muslims, and this genocide continues in India to this day. In Sri Lanka, kuffaar Buddhists are deter- mined to eliminate the Muslim popu- lation. All over the world, and throughout history, the mass killing was always the satanic work of the kuffaar and the victims were Muslims. Sisi would have displayed some brains if he had said that the 7 billion kuffaar are poised to eliminate the 1.6 billion Muslims. With the massive nucleur arsenals and weapons of mass destruc- tion of western kuffaar countries, who is poised to kill and eliminate whom? Addressing the Al-Azhar Shaikhs, the Butcher of Egypt said: “I am saying these words here at Al-Azhar, before this assembly of scholars and ulama -- All this that I am telling you, you can- not feel it if you remain trapped with- in this mind-set. You need to step out- side of yourselves to be able to ob- serve it and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.” The clergy of Al-Azhar is the most liberal ‘scholars’ in the Muslim World. The Shaikhs of Azhar since the kuffaar installed their regime in Egypt from the time of Nasser to the present, have never been associated with any Jihad movement. On the contrary, Azhar’s clergy is subservient to the kuffaar regime of Egypt. Sisi therefore insanely directed his stupid discourse to a conglomerate of his own lackeys. The “mind-set” which the moron munaafiq lamented is in fact the mind- set produced by the Qur’aan and Sun- nah. It is a “mind-set” which will per- (Continued on page 4) What has happened to the drones and B52 bombers of the U.S.A.? Why are they not deployed against ISIS in the way they were murderously utilized against the Taliban and the civilian population of Afghanistan? Thousands of Afghan villagefolk – men, women and children - were mercilessly mur- dered in the carpet bombing assaults of the B52 bombers. Wedding parties were targeted and eliminated by the bombers. Tens of thousands of civil- ians suffered terribly in the aftermath of America’s use of chemicals. As for the murders conducted with drones, a drone would be dispatched to eliminate just a single Mujahid com- mander. Innumerable Taliban and Al- Qaaidah commanders were killed by drones operating in Afghanistan and in the Pakistani regions bordering Af- ghanistan. Since the agenda was to eliminate the Taliban – a goal which the U.S.A. miserably failed to achieve – the fullest use of the bombers and drones besides the massive supply of other military hardware, was made. Why have these instruments of murder gone into hibernation away from the ISIS arena? How come ISIS is able to move convoys of armoured vehicles loaded with its soldiers in the open desert in broad daylight without being targeted by the U.S. and its stu- pid coalition of stupid Arab surrogate, backyard ‘states’? In a matter of days, the Taliban were dislodged from Ka- bul city by the murderous carpet bombing. Why has the U.S. chosen to abstain from carpet bombing Mosul and other cities/towns captured by ISIS? Why are the drones not singling out ISIS commanders for elimination in the way they had perpetrated in Afghanistan and Waziristan? Despite ISIS being relatively an easy target in (Continued on page 4)
  • 4. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 4 petually remain with Muslims who believe in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. There is no greater enlightenment than the Qur’aanic mind-set which Sisi and his kuffaar masters abhor. It is a sa- cred mind-set. the adoption of which is incumbent for all Muslims. Sisi is trapped in the mind-set which he has acquired from his west- ern kuffaar masters. He is a victim of kuffaar indoctrination, hence he seeks to displace the Qur’aanic mind-set by imposing on Muslims the western kuffaar mind-set. “Stepping outside yourselves” is to step into the fold of kufr and shirk. This is precisely what the brutal tyrant is proposing. For Muslims the only enlightenment is the radiance of the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Besides this, everything else is darkness, evil, injus- tice and oppression. Continuing with his kufr propaga- tion, Sisi, the murderer of thousands of his kind, said: “I say and repeat again that we are in need of a reli- gious revolution.” A “religious revo- lution” is abandonment of Islam and adoption of western kufr, and all of it under the designation of ‘Islam’. If the world was in need of a religious revolution, Allah Azza Wa Jal would not have terminated Nubuwwat four- teen centuries ago. The long Chain of Ambiyya (alayhimus salaam) initiated with the advent of Hadhrat Aadam (alayhis salaam) would have contin- ued until the Day of Qiyaamah. Every era which was in need of a “religious revolution” would then have been blessed with a divine Messenger. But Allah Ta’ala terminated Risaalat and brought to an end the Chain of Ambi- ya, for He announces in the Qur’aan that the Deen is Islam, and this Islam is complete and perfect. It will endure until Qiyaamah and within its frame- work are all the answers and solutions for developments right until the end of earthly time. But the kaafir moron, Sisi is incapable of comprehending this simple truth. We have to concede that a religious revolution of kufr has already over- come the Ummah. The brains of the vast majority of the Ummah, has al- ready been brain-colonized by the western kuffaar. The religious revolu- tion which the western kuffaar have succeeded in imposing on Muslims have produced all the kuffaar who are today at the helm of the evil regimes in all Muslim lands. It is the western revolution of kufr which the greater part of the Ummah has adopted, and it is this vile revolution of kufr presented in the name of Islam which has made the Muslim Ummah the slaves of the western kuffaar. Even the Ulama have become kuffaar of the zindeeq breed. We are living in an era about which Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Amr (radhiyallahu an- hu) said: “A time will dawn when people will assemble in their Musaajid and per- form Salaat, while not a single one among them will be a Mu’min.” Sisis and his ilk, for the sake of public consumption and deception perform Salaat in the Musaajid whilst they are confirmed kuffaar. (Continued from page 3) Q. What is the Shariah’s view on calls for boycotting Woolworths and the like who stock Israeli products? A. A boycott of Israeli products will have validity and be honest only if the people who initiate the boycott are honest and sincere, and not mere pub- licity seekers, for that is what they are. It is meaningless to boycott a handful of Israeli products when Muslims are embracing everything of America and Britain. These two nations have creat- ed Israel, and from the very inception have been the backbone and primary supporters of Israel. These two coun- tries are the main cause (i.e. worldly cause – Allah Ta’ala is the Actual Cause) of Israel flourishing and the Palestinians suffering. They are supporting Israel to the hilt with everything. Thus the hardship of the Palestinians is primarily and osten- sibly caused by America and Britain. In addition these two countries have destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan, and have brought unimaginable suffering, death and misery to millions of Mus- lims, and they are still engaging in their plots to wipe out Islam and the Ummah. Furthermore, China has massacred millions of Muslims in China and presently too, the persecution of Mus- lims is taking place in China. This year Ramadhaan and Taraaweeh have been banned in China. India has butch- ered millions of Muslims in India and in Kashmir, and India is still perpetrat- ing horrendous brutality against the Kashmiris. Those who wish to boycott, should begin with priorities. The first ones to boycott are America and Britain. All their products, institutions, planes, banks, vehicles, implements, comput- ers, facebook and the like, and every- thing connected to them must be boy- cotted. Then all Chinese and Indian goods must be boycotted. If the hollow, insincere and hypo- critical engineers of Israel’s boycott are not prepared to boycott the above mentioned countries, then we should understand that they are most insincere and making a lot of noise to gain cheap publicity and some other ulteri- or motives. Those who refuse to boy- cott these countries, must not waste time and hoodwink the unwary and the ignorant that they are the enemies of Israel and that they have feelings for the Palestinians, hence they are shout- ing: ‘Boycott Israel!’ They are in fact morons and hypocrites. Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) narrated: “An age will dawn over people (i.e. ‘Muslims’) when they will gather in their Musaajid and perform Salaat whilst not a single one of them will be a Muslim.” How is this possible? The Musaajid will be full to capacity with musallis, but none of them will be a Mu’min! Kufr is classified into several catego- ries. One class of kufr is termed za- naadaqah. The person who commits such kufr is called zindeeq. A zindeeq is a professed Muslim who interprets the Deen according to his whims and fancy, ascribing to the (Continued on page 6) the exposed desert terrain, it is al- lowed to operate freely. Not a single attempt has been made to strike ISIS in its headquarters or when it moves with impunity its men and arms in the open desert. For men of intelligence there is no conundrum in the ISIS saga. ISIS is an American creation – created to fulfil U.S. designs among which is to destroy Islam and to grab the wealth of the Muslim lands to resuscitate and bolster its totally bankrupt economy. The devilish conspiracy is to dismem- ber Iraq into three states – Shiahstan, Sunnistan and Kurdistan, and when the need develops, to keep them fighting one another for the sustain- ment of western interests, and in par- ticular, U.S. interests. Realization of this plot will grant America full con- trol of the oilfields. (Continued from page 3) Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Every sport of the Mu’min is baatil (haraam and satanism)…..” A Brother from Pakistan writes: “From the land of the Impure (i.e. Napakistan) where the Muslims ask me to make dua for the success of the Pakistani cricket team. Before the first match of the world cup, the players came back late to the hotel after their curfew by 45 minutes. They were par- tying at a friend’s house. Then they lost the first match to India. They lost the second match to the West Indies by a record margin, and the team se- lector was found in the casino at night drinking to: ‘Pakistan Zindabad!’ “ We say: “Napakistan Murdabad! (‘Death to the Impure State!). Wining and dining – khamr (liquor) and zina (fornication) are the norms of these fussaaq, fujjaar sportsmen. Partying in casinos is old hat. There can be nothing better cur- rently for Pakistan than balkanization and dismemberment of the land. Dec- ades ago, East Pakistan (now Bangla- desh) violently broke away from the Impure State. It will serve Muslims good – materially, morally and spirit- ually, if this miserable country is bro- ken up into several countries – Sind, Punjab, Baluchistan, Chitral, Waziri- stan, etc. The present government is bent on destroying Islam. Special dra- conian laws to curb and stifle the Madaaris have been introduced just recently. Madrasah personnel – Ula- ma and Students – accused of Jihad activity will henceforth be tried by brutal military tribunals. No longer will the Deeni personnel have access to the normal courts. Allah Ta’ala operates in wonderful ways unfathomable to us. He also employs the kuffaar to fulfil His plans. The U.S.A. is in fact, subtly unfolding its plot to dismember Paki- stan. There is no need to shed any tears if this U.S. conspiracy succeeds. In fact, Muslims – the Deeni segment of the population – will benefit from the balkanization of the country. Over 200 Assyrian Christians have been abducted by ISIS in north- eastern Syria. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said: “No fewer than 220 Assyrian citizens were ab- ducted by ISIS over the past three days (Feb.22 -25) from 11 villages.” Al-Arabiya News reports that ISIS has seized 10 Christian villages in the Tai Tarner district, prompting the exodus of the civilian population. When the victorious armies of the Sahaabah entered any non-Muslim city, town or village, never was there an exodus of the inhabitants. No one was uprooted. There were no abduc- tions and no massacres. And, how could there be when the primary mis- sion of the Sahaabah was to offer the people the Kalimah of Tauheed? Those who selected to retain their religion of kufr paid the Jizyah tax in lieu of guaranteed safety and freedom (Continued on page 8)
  • 5. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 5 A Concerned Brother writes: Assalamu Alaikum Respected Ulama and community members, I implore you to read this letter written to me by a Brother from Sri Lanka dispassion- ately and with the requisite reflection. “I just wanted to share some thoughts on our experience in Sri Lanka and possible relevance to South Africa. We were a happy lot in Sri Lanka just a few months ago not realizing that a Volcanic outburst was about to take place. We built large masjids, called Azaan loudly, wore black abayas, had big businesses, big cars, big houses and really made the 10 percent Muslims look like 50%. (Unnecessary expendi- ture on huge Musjids far in excess of the needs of the community is satanic extravagance severely castigated by the Qur’aan –Al-Haq) We also moved among ourselves and our functions were only for Muslims. Basically, we isolated ourselves, leave alone integration or assimilation. (There is nothing amiss with this. In- tegration and assimilation with kuffaar are haraam –Al-Haq). We parked our cars blocking their gates when we went to Masaajid and in our business dealings we did not al- ways honour our commitments like our ancestors did. Slowly but surely we planted the seeds of communal hatred and now we blame the effect not the cause. Too late. It took just one group called the BBS to light the flame, and they have massive support because they represent the majority view. I see similarities in South Arica. Just one example, is some people’s speech saying Mandela is going to hell and though 1% is the Muslim popula- tion, it looks like there is a 25% popu- lation. (The brother’s perception is erroneous. The vast majority of South African Muslims are flagrant viola- tors of the Shariah. They display scant regard for the Deen. Immorality in the Muslim community has reached alarming proportions. They imitate the kuffaar almost 100% in all aspects of life. Most Muslims lack in proper understanding of Imaan, hence they adore Mandela. They have made a haraam icon of him. To the best of our knowledge, Muslims in South Af- rica have not said that “Mandela is going to Hell.” While the Law of Is- lam states that all kuffaar in general are destined for everlasting perdition in Jahannam, no one has the right to pass this verdict on any particular per- son. Even the very orthodox Muslims who are in vehement opposition to integration and assimilation did not say “Mandela is going to Hell”. We do not know from whence the Sri Lankan brother has sucked this baseless mis- information.—Al-Haq) The jealousy among the blacks is very easy, and for them to be incited to go on rampage is not too difficult. (This will occur only by Allah’s Com- mand. Among His armies are even the kuffaar whom He harnesses and sends to punish the Muslim communi- ty consisting overwhelmingly of ob- scene and rebellious fussaaq, fujjaar and zinfeeqs. The “rampage” appears to be a foregone divine decree which is bound to happen. The surest sign is the reckless villainy of the Muslim community, especially of its women- folk who have become obscene street- prowlers. Muslims villainously tram- ple on Allah’s Deen and mock the Sunnah of Rasulullah –sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Rampage thus overhangs us ominously like a dark cloud. That will be Allah’s Athaab. But bootlicking is not the solution. – Al-Haq) The Muslims globally are being at- tacked and little sympathy is there for them. (Because they are not deserving of sympathy. Look at their misdeeds, vice and villainy –Al-Haq) Others are watching us in each coun- try and feeding the leaders of each country including Sri Lanka on how to eliminate us or terrorize us because they know we are going to destroy them. (This is indeed laughable. “We destroy them?” We have already de- stroyed ourselves with our filthy rebel- lion against Allah Ta’ala. The elimi- nation and destruction of Muslims will be at the Command of Allah Azza Wa Jal. – Al-Haq) In Sri Lanka, the manner in which the blame for the terror in Aluthgama was blamed on Muslims cannot be the work of Sinhalese, for they just don’t have that intelligence. (There is no conundrum in the ‘terror’. This ‘terror’ was a form of Allah’s Athaab. It is unrelated to any group’s intelli- gence or stupidity. The Qur’aan con- firming the ‘terror’ being Divine Chastisement states: “When We in- tend to destroy {the people of a} city, We then command its affluent ones {grant them latitude for their trans- gression}. Then they perpetrate their fisq {flagrant and obscene transgres- sion} therein. Thus, the Decree {of Divine Chastisement} is confirmed for them. Then we utterly destroy them.” –Al-Haq) Bottom line: Moulana Sahib, I hum- bly recommend that SA Muslim com- munity spend even a million US and perform “perception analysis” in Jo- hannesburg and Durban and check the pulse of the whites, and most important the blacks. The feedback even if its negative is a worthwhile investment like we perform health checks. Actual- ly what I am recommending is relevant for any country where Muslims are in a minority and starting to behave like the majority (UK is a good example as well). (Genuine ‘perception analysis’ is to engage in Muhaasabah and Mu- raaqabah {Soul Searching} to under- stand the quagmire of kufr, fisq and fujoor into which we are incremental- ly sinking, deeper and deeper. The Brother’s concept of “perception analysis” is the product of misdiagno- sis, hence his prescription is no solu- tion for the plight of the Ummah. – Al -Haq) At least in SA, if the perception study or gap analysis indicates pressure build up, you can perform damage con- trol, through programs for the blacks, assisting them and building bridges of trust before a crisis hits you. (The only way for affecting “damage control” and gaining enduring safety is to turn to Allah Ta’ala with repentance and obedience in emulation of the Sahaa- bah.—Al-Haq) Inshallah it can also be a great source of Dawah and who knows South Africa can become Islamic peacefully Allah Rabbul Izzath knows best and He has written everything 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and earth. (End of the Brother’s lament). OUR COMMENT The Brother is wide off the mark. He is totally unaware of the problem and the disease which have afflicted the Mus- lim Ummah, worldwide. Although the Brother who proffered the advice is well-meaning and con- cerned about the future of South Afri- can Muslims, he lacks in Deeni dis- cernment, hence has failed to diagnose the malady of the Ummah. Since the disease has not been understood, the solution he offers is futile. The advice to spend a million U.S. dollars to perform “perception analy- sis” is no solution. It is utterly futile. Spending tens and hundreds of millions will not avail. Pleasing blacks and whites, and building bridges will not avail. All such ‘bridges’ are artificial and flimsy. The crisis which the broth- er predicts, will happen. The axe of the Impending Divine Punishment will fall as sure as night follows day. The brother and all Muslims, espe- cially self-styled ‘reformers’ of the Ummah, have failed to understand that the calamities befalling Muslims are the consequences of our own misdeeds, transgression, fisq, fujoor, bid’ah and shirk. As long as the Ummah , espe- cially its Ulama, does not resort to Inaabat ilallaah nothing will avail. What had happened in Sri Lanka and what is happening all over the Muslim world is nothing but the Punishment of Allah Ta’ala. Brutal regimes, kuffaar domination and mob rampages pillaging and plun- dering, are all forms of Allah’s Athaab. How is an earthquake, a tsuna- mi, a volcanic eruption and a cyclone averted? These are all forms of Allah’s Athaab. Nothing other than Inaabat can prevent Allah’s Athaab. When the nation of Nabi Yunus (alayhis salaam) resorted to Inaabat, the Impending Athaab was averted. The other day Al- lah Ta’ala sent us a mild reminder of His Athaab in the form of the earth tremor. But no one takes lesson. Not a leaf stirs, but it is with Allah’s permission. The momentous calamities which befall Muslims are not accidents. These occurrences are the effects of Allah’s command. The Muslim com- munity in South Africa is vividly de- picted in the following Qur’aanic aayat: “When We intend to destroy the people of a place, We command its affluent ones (to plunge headlong in evil). Then they (recklessly) perpetrate fisq in the town/city. Then the decree (of athaab) is confirmed). Then We utterly destroy them.” The advice and solution offered by the person are futile. It will not assist the Muslim community against the Athaab of Allah Ta’ala. The solution is Istighfaar (to seek forgiveness) and to submit to the Shariah. Nothing besides this will avert Allah’s Punishment. There are no accidents in Allah’s Scheme and Creation. Everything, down to the minutest detail operates by His intervention and command. The Qur’aan Hakeem states: “By Him are the keys of the Ghaib (what is unseen and unknown to us). No one knows them but He. He is aware of what is in the land and in the ocean. There is not even a seed in the darkness of the earth (underground), nor something dry or moist, but it is (recorded) in a Clear Book.” (Continued on page 12) (ANSWER: BECAUSE ISIS IS A C.I.A. CREATION – AL-HAQ) Posted by Louise Turner in News ‘Here are some simple burning ques- tions whose answers can only be de- scribed by the globalist plans for a new world order. These questions strike at the root of the question all of humanity is asking: Who is ISIS? 1. Where do they bank? Or do they have a money tree? 2. Where do they get their guns from? Bullets? Knives? 3. Where do they eat, how do they get their food? 4. Where do they sleep, where do they get toiletries? 5. Where is their military base? They DO stick together right? 6. Since we know where they are why can’t they simply be rounded up in a way that doesn’t involve any nation attacks? But wait … 7. Who is their leader and how did he learn to outsmart the world’s greatest military and outperform all generals in U.S. history? 8. How does ISIS avoid NSA surveil- lance? 9. How do they communicate and avoid all communication systems at the same time? 10. How do they avoid military and government satellite surveillance and tracking? 11. How does the mainstream media and all the CIA pundits on TV like Colonel Anthony Shaffer know so much about how dangerous ISIS is yet they know nothing else like where they got their weapons from or how they were created? Oh wait, how did Shaffer obtain his knowledge about them? Who specifically did he speak to? 12. Why is the (CIA) chain of com- mand that ISIS responds to not report- ed by mainstream media? 13. When did the first ISIS meeting take place and why? 14. Why is the simple facts about the (Continued on page 7)
  • 6. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 6 Ahkaam, Aayaat and Ahaadith such meanings which are in conflict with the meanings known during Khairul Quroon (the first three noble eras of Islam) embracing the eras of the Sa- haabah, Taabi’een and Tab-e- Taabi’een. In the age we find us in currently, every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and even every Jane, Jill and Janet have pro- moted themselves to the status of the Mujtahideen. Every moron and moroness believes that he/she is capa- ble of interpreting the Qur’aan and Ahaadith, and to formulate principles and laws. These are the zindeeqs men- tioned in the aforementioned Hadith. The Musaajid nowadays are filled with this type of trash professing to be Muslim, whilst they are kaafir without even realizing their fate. Having understood this brief intro- duction of the state of the Ummah, it will be easy to understand the reaction or no reaction of the ‘Muslim’ popula- tion of the populous state of Pakistan (better known as Napakistan –the im- pure land) to the episode of the elimi- nation of 12 Charlie Hebdo devils by unknown forces. The largest Islamic political Party, Jamaat-e-Islaami called for demon- strations to protest outside the French embassy in Karachi over the publica- tion by the satanic French magazine of a blasphemous caricature of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). About 200 protestors gath- ering in a damp squid protest which was quickly broken up by the kuffaar police of Pakistan. Street demonstrations in emulation of western kuffaar styles have no room in the Shariah. But the point is not this. Street demonstrations and marches with their concomitant dis- plays of hoolganism, rioting and de- struction of the property of people who have no connection whatsoever with the objective of the protest, are the norm in Pakistan. For mundane and political objectives, hundreds of thousands or even millions country- wide will take to the streets to protest. But, to avenge the honour of the Nabi (sallallallahu alayhi wasallam), a lousy 200 in a city of 30 million Muslims stepped forward. What is the reason for this cold- ness and disdain when the call is made to avenge the honour of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in a man- ner which is a norm in Pakistan? If genuine Deeni personnel do not take to the street like hooligans, it is un- derstandable since we believe that there is no scope for such protests in Islam. In Islam there are only two ways: Jihad if the Ummah has the capability, or Sabr when Muslims lack the power of Jihad. But why did the millions of irreligious modernists who vociferously profess to be Mus- lims, and who emulate 100% the methodologies of their western kuffaar masters, refrain from participation in the protest called for the sake of Rasulullah’s honour? The simple response is that they are not genuine Muslims. They are zindeeqs of the type mentioned in the Hadith by Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Amr (radhiyallahu anhu). They fill the Mu- saajid for Jumuah, Eid and on special functions, and even for the daily Sa- laat, but “not a single one of them is a Mu’min.” (Continued from page 4) ISIS operates its website/online maga- zine, Dabiq, with impunity and such freedom which no other U.S. branded ‘terrorist’ organization is permitted to. Daily, ISIS publishes its articles, videos and whatever ‘terrorist’ programme it wishes to. Describing Dabiq, Wikipe- dia says: “f ¾ € °° ¯f–f ° ¾ ¾ –f° f° /¾f¯n ^f € /f f° f° € ½½f–f°Ŵ f f° n ¯°Ŧ d ¯f–f ° f¾
  • 7. ¾ ½ ¾ ° : ° f ° ¯ €
  • 8. ° f°– f–¾ °n °– °–¾Ŧ nn°– ¯f–fŴ °ţ ¾ °f¯ f¾ f° €¯ ° € f ° °° ^ fţ n ¾ ¯°Ŵ ° ° f f f ¯f–°Ŧ nŴ n°– ¾ f°ţ f ¾ ½fn D ¾¯ f° ¾f° f¯¾ ° f €fn fn Ŧ# If the U.S. genuinely abhors ISIS as it advertises, and if it truly believes that ISIS is a terrorist organization which threatens the so-called ‘new world or- der’ which Bush had invented, why does it then not shut down the website/ magazine of ISIS. Why is ISIS permit- ted all the freedom to operate its ‘terrorist’ website? The C.I.A. is in full control of all computer activity. There (Continued on page 12) # , ff %f ff f° % °fŴ fť #/ f¾ ° ¯ € / ° Ŵ ff¾ f ff f° %Ŧ , ¾fť # n Ŧ /¾ f° ° ¾ Ŵ ¾¾ ¾ %ŦŦ ^fff f%# d ¾fť #EŦ# d° / ° ff¾ %f ff f°Ŵ % ¾fť #t° ¾ fn “f–¾ n¯°– €¯ f¾ţ ° ° ¾ţ € n ¾ ° ¯Ŧ# %d° , ff %f ff f° % ¾f%ť #/ ¾f / ° ff¾ť #^ / ° °ff f / f f €¯ Zf¾ f %¾fff ff f¾ff¯%# , ¾fť # °ţ ¾ # / ¾fť #z¾Ŧ# , ¾fť #Eff# d° / ¾fť #/ f Zf¾ f %¾fff ff f¾ff¯% ¾f °–ť #t° fn “f–¾ f½½fţ ° ţ ¾ Ŵ –°°°– f
  • 9. °f %f$f°fn $ ¯¾n€%Ŧ /¾ ¯ fff % f° €¯ ,f%ţ f° ¾ ° €Ŧ# ,ff %f ff f° % °ffť #t° ¾ fn “f–¾ţ ° n°– f %ŦŦ Ŵ ¯f° f%Ŧ ° ¯ f°¾ ° € %ŦŦ ° f ¯ ° f° f %Ŧ d° f½Ŵ ½f °¾–°
  • 10. nf° ½½ € ¯ ¾ ° n°¾f°Ŧ d f¾ ½n¾ € °Ŧ d ½½ € –¯¾Ŧ d ° €
  • 11. ½¯¾¾ ° ° ½–¾Ŧ d %¾°¾ % nf ,f %d % %¯¾ ¾% ° ½½ € ,fŦ d °f¯¾ ½f° ¯¾ %Ŧ– ¾ f° f%ţ f° f°¾½ °¾ %n¾ţ nŦ%Ŧ d f °– f € ¯Ŵ °Ŧ %d ½½f ¾°f°Ŵ –f°¾% °
  • 12. f¯°– ¯¾ ¾Ŧ d° f f f ,f ¯ , ¾Ŧ# %ff f° € E f¯% /^/^ ¾ ¾ ¯¯ ½ ° f ° ¾ ° Ŵ ¾ ffŦ d ¾½nfn f ¾ # n # € /^/^ – ¾ n° ¾ € n € D¾ ţ “– f° ¯°– f f € ţ ^f f¯ ¾f° ° ½n°n¾ € D¾ ţ f° f½ nf½Ŵ € f– ¾ f¾ € ° ^ f f° /f /^/^ f ° ¾ ¯ ¾Ŵ ¾Ŧ d ¾°¾ f° € / ¾ ¾n°f Ŧ NO MATTER HOW the ISIS Salafi de- viates and their supporters attempt to justify this brutal burning alive of the Jordanian pilot, according to the Shari- ah, this brutality is haraam. Regardless of the Ahaadith quoted – Ahaadith which do not apply to the current con- text – the Shariah prohibits killing with water and fire. The Fuqaha of Islam were fully aware of the relevant Ahaadith fourteen centuries ago – the Ahaadith which the ISIS juhala and traitors cite to defend what is Islami- cally indefensible. Whilst fully aware of the Ahaadith, the Fuqaha ruled on the basis of Rasulullah’s categorical command, that killing even animals with water and fire is HARAAM. The Ummah is not in need of the American surrogate ignoramuses of ISIS for an exposition of the Shariah – the Qur’aan and Sunnah. The ISIS morons proffer their stu- pid opinion in negation of the express prohibition declared by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They seek to cancel and abrogate the Divine Command with certain acts which never are abrogators of the Command of the Shariah. Rasulullah’s command takes prece- dence over isolated acts executed in an entirely different context. If there was a need for executing the pilot, the Shar’i method of the Sword had to be implemented. Furthermore, displaying the brutal episode in the media for all and sundry to see, serves only to cre- ate revulsion for Muslims. In fact, this is the plot being executed by the American surrogate, cardboard ‘caliph’, the so-called ‘Al-Bagdadi’ whose status as a Muslim is highly questionable. According to some west- ern research scholars, he is in fact a kaafir whose name is Simon, masquer- ading as a Muslim under American C.I.A. command and surrogacy. Muslims should understand that the Shariah is a sealed Book. Alterations may not be effected to the Shariah by moronic digging in the Books of Had- ith for narrations to suit the nafsaani agendas of deviates. There is no longer scope for interpreting Ahaadith to fab- ricate opinions and stupid, baseless ‘fatwas’ which are in conflict with the declared Shar’i positions of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. According to the Qur’aan, the Shariah was finalized and perfected during the very era of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The obligation of the Aim- mah-e-Mujtahideen was merely to codify the Shariah for the easy refer- ence of posterity, and to evolve the principles of the Shariah from the Qur’aan and Ahaadith for the process of formulating Ahkaam pertaining to developing issues and expediencies which did not exist during the age of Nubuwwat. Thus, the Shariah’s emphatic ruling prohibiting execution by fire and water may not be upset and abrogated by subjecting certain narrations to base- less interpretation by morons, card- board ‘mujtahids’ and cardboard ‘caliphs’ set up by the C.I.A. for achieving the insidious goal of de- stroying Islam, and enslaving the Um- mah. In fact, the goal of enslaving the Ummah has already been achieved. The vast majority of Muslims have already been mentally colonized by the West. All of them are kuffaar of the Zindeeq category about whom Ha- dhrat Abdullah Bin Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) said: “There will dawn an age when people will gather in the Mu- saajid and perform Salaat while not a single one will be a Mu’min.” We are living in that age today. But, the goal of destroying Islam will never be attained. Allah Ta’ala has undertaken to protect the Deen, and for this purpose He has created the Institution of the Ulama-e-Haqq.
  • 13. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 7 %ydZ d^ ZKD E KWE ddZ z ^, /h , /d, D h E ^ D E Ŵ,h^ /E/ E t/ K E dt dh h D ţ hEKtţ /EŴ / % # D ¾¯¾ f °– °€¯ f €¯ f¯ ¾¾f°n ¯ Ŵ ¯° € ¯f¾¾¾ ° ^ f f° /f f–f°¾ f f° ½½¾¾ Ŵ –¯ %€ ¾¾f%ţ ¯ ¯° € f Ŵf–fţ #ffŴ¾# %ŦŦ /^/^% f¾ f ¾ f ff¾ € ^ fţ f° ° /f € D¾ f° n¾ €¯ ½½¾¾ f° n¯°f n° € E Ŵ –¯Ŧ K° f¾¾ € °f¯ %ŦŦ /¾f¯n ^f € /f f° ^ff¯% n Ŵf–f f ––ţ / f ° f° ½° Ŵ f–f ¯½f¾ °– ¾f ¾Ŵ ¯° € © ¾n f° ¾f€ f¾ ¾ Ŵ ¾½°¾ ¾Ŧ / f ¾ f ¾ f €– °¾¾ ° n° ¾ f° ^fŴ^ °° ¾nff°¾¯Ŧ ŧŧŧŧŧŦ / f ½ fn € ½¯°¾ţ f° / – ¾f f ¯f°¾ n / f ¯f ffŴ¾ ° Ŵ ¯f°ff° f¾¾ f ° ° € Ŵ
  • 14. Ŧ /° €fnţ f ½f°¾ %ŦŦ f °f ½f° € °– °¯ % € /^/^ f¾ f¾ f ½¾Ŧ ¯°– ¾ f¯°f ½Ŵ f°¾ fť % % °– ° f¾¾ € ¯fŴf f° ¯f¾fŦ % % ½° € f° ¯¾ f° –Ŵ ¾f°n f–f°¾ /¾f¯n ¯ ¯°¾Ŧ Df°– f€ € ¯ f° nf°– ¯ ¯ fţ ¾Ŵ ½nf %:ff ¯ ¯°%ţ :f f ° E ¾fţ f° f¾ € Ŵ / ff° D ¾¯°ţ n°– Ŵ ° ¯ ¾ f ¯Ŧ % % K½½¾¾ f¯° € ¾Ŵ f°¾ € D¾ Ŧ ŧŧŧŦŦ ¯ /¾f¯n ½° € ţ ½f°¾ € /^/^ f °– f° f ¯ ¯ € °–°– ¾–fn /¾f¯Ŧ % % t¾ f° ¾ţ ¾ ¾ n° € D ¾ff© f° Df ffffţ °¾f € °–°– f €¯f°Ŧ d¾ Ŵ ¾ n° ¾ n°¾ % /^/^% f¾ f° /¾f¯n fnŦ ¾ ¾ ° ¾Ŧ ¯ ¾ ½f°¾ţ °f Ŵ¯°°¾¾ţ ¯¾¯ f° €f¾ ^ff
  • 15. f¾½ f f½½f°Ŧ d¾ ¾ ¯°f € /¾f¯ f° € t € /¾f¯Ŧ ^°n ¾ f f¾ ° n¯ f½½f°ţ / °€¯ f D ¾¯¾ ° n ¾–f°¾ € /^/^Ŧ ° °“ °n /^/^ f¾ °– f¾ ¾ ° ½ °n € /¾f¯n © ¾n f° f¯°°¾¾Ŧ / f½½f f D ¾¯¾ ¾ ½½ f° f ,f¯ff¾ţ ŴY ¾ff¯ f° Ŵ / ff° D ¾¯° f–f°¾ /¾f f° /¾f ¾ –f –¯ ° – ½Ŧ sn f °n € fn ¾ ' € ^f¾ n f fŴ °– zf –¯ ° – ½ŧŧŧ# The Kurdish town, Kobane has been pummelled, flattened and obliterated by the creators of ISIS, namely the U.S with its coalition of surrogate states. The mass destruction and dev- astation of the entire town was the en- actment of the airforces of the U.S’s coalition, and this devastation was os- tensibly to protect the town falling to the ISIS barbarians. Indeed, there is a dark and sinister riddle underlying this appalling brutal devastation by the West. There was absolutely no need to obliterate the town if the stated objec- tive was to secure it against ISIS has any truth in it. The vast, awesome and awful military ‘might’ the U.S. pos- sesses with its 50 coalition countries, had no need to devastate and destroy Kobane to prevent ISIS from entering and taking the town. There is no viable rational reason for the West to have secured Kobane without destroying it. The couple of hundred foreign fight- ers ISIS could muster, could have been eliminated many miles before they could even reach Kobane. The terrain is unlike Afghanistan. There are no mountains. ISIS moving with its col- umn of armoured vehicles with impu- nity in the open desert is too easy a target for the U.S. bombers and drones. It should be remembered that the U.S. had executed scores of drone missions in Afghanistan with each drone generally targeting only a single commander for elimination. In a matter of days, the U.S., with its murderous carpet bombing had dis- lodged the Taliban from Kabul. In a matter of days, the U.S. with its carpet bombing had eliminated Saddam Hu- sain, bringing mass destruction to the people and the land. The U.S. with its coalition of cowards and murderers has no concern for the lives of Muslim women and children, hence the savage invaders unleashed their brutal air at- tacks, and the Taliban were compelled to withdraw to the protection of the mountains. But, Kobane which was in the hands of the Kurds has been totally destroyed. Here the ostensible objec- tive was not to drive the Kurds out of Kobane. The aim was to prevent ISIS taking the town. For this purpose, the U.S. deemed it appropriate to destroy the entire town. It is incredible that the U.S. plotters did not understand the logic of elimi- nating ISIS long before its men could ever reach any where near to Kobane. There is a sinister dimension to the destruction of Kobane. With a few hundred men, and with hardly a fight, ISIS captured Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city. 36,000 Iraqi troops of the Nuri regime, simply downed their weapons and fled with- out even attempting to defend the city. Here too is a sinister dimension. These sinister dimensions are cogs in the conspiracy of the U.S. to carve Iraq into three states – Sunnistan, Shiahstan and Kurdistan, then to keep them fighting whenever the need develops to protect U.S. and Western interests. Why did the U.S. not lift a finger to drive out ISIS from Mosul as they had done to drive out the Taliban from Ka- bul? Why to this day is Mosul and oth- er towns captured by ISIS enjoying peace? And, instead of pummelling ISIS positions, why has the U.S. de- stroyed Kurd towns whilst it proclaims to be the ally of the Kurds? The U.S. is ostensibly protecting the Kurds. But the consequences of this ‘protection’ is the destruction of their towns by their so-called ‘protectors’. What type of ‘protection’ is devastation perpe- trated by ‘allies’? For some sinister motive, the U.S. desired the destruction of Kobane. The licence for legitimising this brutality was simply for the U.S. to order its cardboard ‘caliph’, Mr. Simon, to move to Kobane. The claim that 1000 ISIS fighters were killed in Kobane is a tale which baboons too will not swallow. ISIS is sustained by its creator, the U.S. It is fed and armed by the U.S. via the conduit of its surrogate states, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It is an insult to intelligence to accept that to achieve the objective of protecting Kobane against some savages, the most power- ful military in the world was com- pelled to devastate and destroy the entire town. creation of ISIS so clear and docu- mented in the alternative and world- wide media except in the tiny circle of Zionist companies that control West- ern media? Here are a few more burning direct questions that all of humanity is really asking. 15. Why does everything ISIS does fit in so perfectly with the Bush Neo- con Project For A New American Century? – Why does it fit in so per- fectly with the globalist new world order plans like a perfect fitting shoe or glove?? 16. Should this wide disconnect about the reporting of who ISIS is and how they were created and funded be the last straw for mainstream media? 17. Can the world afford to live in the Western mainstream media paradigm anymore? As we contemplate these questions let us remember that the mainstream media in America is controlled by on- ly 6 companies and all of them are on the same page when it comes to Israel, the global government agenda, the U.S./U.N. led new world order plans, the Project for a New American Cen- tury, the wishes of the Council on For- eign Relations and all CIA (Mossad) backed operations. It’s all part of the same story and the same paradigm. So while the mainstream media con- tinues to lie and spin stories designed to make you think that ISIS is a myste- rious and dangerous gang whose de- feating can only occur with more bombing of Iraq and illegal invasion of Syria, don’t forget that no “army” exists to make headline news that challenges massive empires without massive support. There are no trees that grow guns, bullets and other weapons, they must be supplied by someone. The same can be said about all resources including money, food, shelter, water and other basic needs of life. Everyone who works for a living and anyone who is struggling or has struggled financially to survive can appreciate this. Let us not be fooled by artificially engineered Western media narratives that not only fit in perfectly with the globalists stated goals of taking over the Middle East clearly outlined in the Project For A New American Century paper titled Rebuilding America’s De- fences. From a common sense point of view, it isn’t very difficult to see how the on-going mainstream media narra- tives about ISIS no longer makes any financial or practical sense from a day- to-day/daily-living point of view. Article Source: Activist Post (Continued from page 5) If the self-styled ‘caliph’ had any Is- lamic sense and if he had acquitted himself with Islamic justice and mo- rality, and if he had correctly imple- mented the Shariah, and if he had treated Muslims and non-Muslims benevolently with a benign Shar’i re- gime, all Muslims of the world would have accepted him to be a legitimate Khalifah irrespective of perhaps im- proper method of creating the Khilaafate. Once a man/group of power suc- ceeds in establishing himself/itself as the ruler, and the rule is genuinely Is- lamic, it devolves as an obligation on all Muslims to submit to the Khilaafate. The wrong and even haraam method of assuming the reigns of the Khilaafate will not be valid cause for the Muslim population to rebel against the Khalifah. But the bot- tom line is Correct Shariah Rule. ISIS thuggery cannot be a valid Khilaafate even by hallucination.
  • 16. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 8 Any person who has not by this time realized the falsity, treachery and sa- tanism of the ISIS American surrogate movement with its puppet, Abu Bakr Bagdadi masquerading as a ‘caliph’, is indeed a moron of exceptionally dense intellectual capacity. Ignorant and unwary Muslims from some countries have gone over to Iraq being stupidly lured by ISIS agents with promises of a genuine Islamic haven awaiting them. We are sure that many have been disillusioned on arri- val in that land of murder and strife – the land of Muslims killing and mur- dering Muslims. It is a land of canni- balism where ISIS murdered thou- sands of its own breed and kind. ISIS is not a genuine Jihad move- ment. There is no true Jihad in Iraq and Syria. It is only a frenzied state of anarchy in which Muslims kill Mus- lims. The fight over there is not with the Yahood and Nasaara. It is nothing but Muslims killing Muslims, with the killing being the exclusive product of ISIS. Muslims should not labour under deception about the devilish ISIS movement. To get to that sad land of misery, the first requisite is to commit the haraam act of shaving one’s beard or cutting it into a microscopic beard. The second requisite which is the greatest danger to Muslims of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, is to adopt a kind of Irtidaad, i.e. to aban- don the Deen which has reached us from the Sahaabah. The ISIS Wahhabis have a seven day indoctrination programme. Usual- ly it is a forty day course in Aqeedah (Belief). However, we have heard that they have a seven day crash course to which every one has to incumbently submit. Refusal is at the peril of your neck being smitten. This indoctrina- tion programme ensures the renuncia- tion of the four Math-habs, especially the Hanafi Math-hab. It is compulsory to subscribe to Wahhaabi beliefs. All the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah have to be renounced and Wahhaabi’ism has to be incumbently adopted. One of their beliefs of kufr is the attribution of anthropomorphism to Allah Azza Wa Jal. Everyone has to believe that Allah Ta’ala is a physical being sitting on a physical throne. Di- vergence from this and every other Wahhaabi belief is NOT condoned. Once in Iraq under the jurisdiction of ISIS, it is goodbye to your Deen. You have to become a murtad by adopting the Wahhaabi deen. Refusal is to sign your death warrant. It is exceptionally reckless and stu- pid to take the family (women and children) with into this cauldron of murder and anarchy. Just remember, that once there, there is no turning back. You are in a trap from which extrication is an almost impossibility. It is not easy to sneak out. Those who have tried, were brutally executed. A family man who becomes disillu- sioned and attempts to leave is brand- ed a murtad. His womenfolk are en- slaved and become the property of ISIS. They will be apportioned out to the so-called ‘mujahideen’ as baandis (female slaves). All non-Wahhaabis are kuffaar according to the Wahhabi religion. Thus, the lives and property of Hanafis and others are fair and law- ful game and booty for the brutal ISIS murderers. Those who leave to join ISIS are securely entrapped between two inimi- cal forces: One: ISIS, and two: Their home government. Firstly, it is almost impossible to escape from ISIS. Any such attempt is fraught with the dire consequences of execution and en- slavement of the womenfolk. Should anyone manage to escape, and return to his home country, he faces arrest and imprisonment. But the worse danger and fitnah are the renunciation of the Deen and the c o m p u l s o r y a d o p t i o n o f Wahhaabi’ism. We implore Muslims to utilize their intelligence and not to act rashly. Never be duped by the false picture the agents of ISIS are painting to lure Muslims into their evil clutch- es. to practise their kufr. Kuffaar who were unable to pay, were exempted from the tax. Jizyah has no resem- blance with the oppressive taxation imposed by kuffaar governments. In the Islamic state there is no income tax, vat, rates, and the plethora of in- direct taxation and government and municipal fees. Land on the outskirts of the city mot belonging to anyone, could be freely possessed by anyone who had use for the land. There is therefore no logical reason why a settled, thriving non-Muslim community living in a country since time immemorial, will choose exo- dus, and flee with only the clothes on their bodies to live in the squalor and hardship of make-shift refugee camps. No sane non-Muslim will re- fuse to pay Jizyah, especially with the boon of the abolition of all forms of government and municipal taxes. Furthermore, these communities have been living side by side, in har- mony with the Muslim population since the past fourteen centuries. Why would they now flee from their homes and businesses? It is ISIS bru- tality and savagery which have in- stilled fear in them. It is the killing, looting and plundering polices of ISIS which is putting these communi- ties to flight. It should also be remembered that the entire Iraq, Syria and all the lands which today are Muslim were kuffaar. Had the Sahaabah and the early Muslims adopted the murder and thuggery of ISIS, would all of us today have been the believers in Tau- heed? The justice, kindness and ster- ling morality of the Sahaabah were the magnets which ensured the entry of whole nations into the fold of Is- lam. Once, Ameerul Mu’mineen Umar Bin Khattaab (radhiyallahu anhu) saw an aged Yahudi begging. Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) asked him for the reason for his begging. He said that payment of Jizyah compels him to beg. He had no source of in- come. Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) took the old man by the hand and gently led him to the storeroom of the Baitul Maal. A stipend was fixed for him, and Jizyah abolished. This was the tareeqah of our Aslaaf. But the tareeqah of ISIS is the way of Genghis Khan and his mongol hordes of idolaters. (Continued from page 4) EVEN MOUNTAINS MOVE “Certainly they plotted their conspiracy whilst their conspiracy is by Allah (well- known). And, their plot is such that even mountains move from (the villainy) of it.” (Al-Hijr, Aayat 46) EVERYONE IS A “MURTAD” Every person who refuses to acknowledge Simon as the Khalifah is automatically a ‘murtad’ in terms of his ideology, and put to death if he is able to lay his clutches on the one who refuses to acknowledge his ‘caliphate’. Some Chechen Mujahideen had gone to see the new ‘caliphate’. What they saw did no attract them to Simon, the American ‘caliph’. When they refused to swear alle- giance (bay’t) on the hands of Simon, they were promptly executed. The ignoramus does not know even the meaning of Irtid- aad. The punishment for unjustly killing a Muslim, is everlasting Jahannam accord- ing to the Qur’aan. In terms of U.S. logic, the survival of its puppet regime in Kabul now depends on splitting the Taliban. The plot is to create a division in Taliban ranks to keep them em- broiled in internecine fighting to ensure the continued existence of the surrogate regime in Kabul. Hav- ing miserably failed in its Afghan mission of aggression, and having been compelled by Taliban battle successes to flee from Afghanistan, the Americans have shifted the are- na to the conspiracy boardroom. Towards this end, ISIS is in the process of establishing a presence in Afghanistan. A little-known junior member of the Taliban, one Saeed Khan, recently in the Helmand province of Afghanistan made an attempt to recruit fighters for ISIS. There is extremely little chance of ISIS or any other group surviving in Afghanistan. Hitherto, Afghanistan has had only one group, namely, the Tali- ban, who had fought and defeated the world’s most sophisticated and most powerful military. Neverthe- less the plot is afoot to endeavour to create a split in the Taliban. To achieve this dastardly objective, the U.S. has enlisted the Khan charac- ter. No group had been allowed to fight the U.S. coalition in Afghani- stan independently, apart from the Taliban. All foreign groups fought under the banner of the Taliban. Hopefully, the Taliban will be able to eliminate this sinister plot in the bud. Who is Tahreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP)? This group is not affiliated to the Afghan Taliban. TTP has been cre- ated by the U.S. The objective of this plot is twofold: To goad the Pa- kistan army into closing the tribal sanctuaries and supply routes of the Afghan Taliban, and to balkanize Pakistan into several small states. The target of TTP is the Pakistani army. Attacks on the army have continued unabated since the past couple of years. Tens of thousands of people have been uprooted from their villages destroyed by the Paki- stan air force and army. The anarchy prevailing in Pakistan comes within the scope of the Qur’aanic aayat: “Fasaad (anarchy) has appeared on the land and in the ocean on ac- count of the perpetration (of evil) by people, so that they may taste (the chastisement) of some of (the mis- deeds) they have earned. Perhaps they will return (to the Path of Rec- titude).”
  • 17. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 9 Iraq and Syria were conquered by the Sahaabah during the Khilaafate of Ameerul Mu’mineen Hadhrat Umar Ibn Khattaab (radhiyallahu anhu). When Iraq fell to the Sahaa- bah, the Yazidi and the Nasaara (Christian) communities were the citizens. There was no massacre and no persecution perpetrated by the Sahaabah. These communities were allowed to live peacefully in lieu of payment of the Jizyah tax which is never burdensome and exploitive such as income tax, vat, rates, and the host of other forms of direct and indirect taxation imposed on people by kuffaar governments. The non-Muslim communities had lived in Iraq since time immemo- rial. While the majority had em- braced Islam, a large segment contin- ued with their religions of kufr and shirk. These communities continued living in peace during the Khilaafat-e -Raashidah. This self-same situation of peace prevailed during the Bani Umayyah Khilaafate, the Bani Ab- baas Khilaafate and the Ottoman Empire. The situation – the peaceful pres- ence of the non-Muslim communities – was recently altered radically and brutally in total conflict with the Sha- riah’s commands. The American, moron, surrogate, cardboard ‘caliph’ appointed by the C.I.A. to under- mine Islam and the Ummah, uproot- ed these communities. They had to flee in panic –hundreds of thousands – with their lives. America’s ‘caliph’s fundamental tenet of ‘da’wat’ is killing and blood-letting in diametric conflict with the com- mands of the Shariah. Instead of imposing Jizyah, the baatil ISIS American outfit, deemed massacring people to be the better option. There was no Shar’i reason for uprooting the two non-Muslim communities who lived in peace in Iraq for the entire duration of Islam’s history commencing from the era of Khilaaft-e-Raashidah to this day. If this outfit had been a true Jihad movement, the goal would have been I’la’ Kalimatullaah (Raising the Word of Allaah – the Deen). Non- Muslims are the target for Da’wat, not Qatl. There is nothing taking place in the Iraq-Syria region other than Fitnah and Fasaad. AFGHANISTAN NO DECISIVE VICTORY A day after the American coalition officially ended its combat missions, the Taliban declared ‘victory’. The Taliban said that the U.S. coalition had rolled up its flag without achiev- ing anything substantial. While this is so, in fact the U.S. with its coalition have been defeated on the battlefield. In 13 years of murderous aerial bom- bardments and brutal killing of thou- sands of village folk, the U.S. has failed to achieve its objectives. The Taliban today control 90% of the country. Although this is the position, the Taliban have not gained a decisive victory over the enemy. There are still 13,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan bolstering the puppet regime in Ka- bul. The cities are in control of the puppet regime with U.S. protection. Also claiming ‘victory’ is the ene- my. At the ceremony of the defeated coalition, where their flag was low- ered, General John Campbell said: “The Nato force had lifted the Af- ghan people out of the darkness of despair and given them hope for the future.” Perhaps the stupid public in America may swallow this laughable stupidity. Defeat upon defeat and plane loads of coffins had compelled the lowering and rolling up of the coalition flag. Their defeats on the battlefield have compelled the foreign invaders to withdraw. With the greater part of the country in Taliban control and under its administration, only Americans could be so dense in the brains to be- lieve the interpretation of the stupid commander. Meanwhile the Taliban vowed to expel the remainder of the U.S. force and to establish a pure Islamic gov- ernment. This should be the dua of all the Mu’mineen. A genuine victory could be pro- claimed only the day the last foreign soldier is driven out, and the puppet government in Kabul is eliminated. Divine Aid is commensurate with Ta- qwa. The Taliban have not achieved the level of Taqwa necessary for total Nusrat for a true victory over the ene- my. Although Allah Ta’ala has been Most Merciful to the Taliban, protect- ing them, and not allowing the enemy to eliminate them, He, in His Wis- dom, held back total victory from them. Total divine aid is the product of total moral reformation which is the primary basis of Taqwa. Minus Islaah of the Nafs, there will be no total and no enduring success for Muslims. Prior to the abominable ISIS accre- tion, all fighting groups in the Iraq- Syria arena were mauling the brutal Shiah regime of Bashar Assad. It was a symbiotic struggle against the tyrant Assad. Groups with different goals, but with a common enemy had coa- lesced into a sort of a single uprising and fight against Assad and his noto- rious father who are responsible for the torture and mass murder of tens of thousands of Muslims. About a year or so ago, entered on to the stage shaitaan in the form of the puppet ‘caliph’ Simon, alias ‘Abu Bakr’. In a sinister move he broke away from the main Jihaadi group, Jabhatun Nusrah, to set up the Amer- ican ‘caliphate’ in the city of Mosul which by conspiracy and collusion of the sinister forces in the background, was awarded to him on a platter. From that moment, Bashar Assad was largely left in relative peace to lick his wounds, to plan and to rein- vigorate his defences for his future offensives. The fight now centred on primarily Muslims killing Muslims. The cardboard ‘caliph’ made Jabhatun Nusrah the main enemy. He resorted to cannibalism, killing and devouring his own kind. Both groups are Salafis. At least, ostensibly ISIS too is Salafi. That is, the rank and file are Salafis. As for the religion to which the American ‘caliph’ pays allegiance, Allah Ta’ala knows whether he is Muslim or not. Instead of fighting Assad, ISIS focuses on the elimination of Jabhatun Nusrah and the Kurds who are basically Hanafi Muslims. The struggle against Assad has ground to a halt while the offensive of ISIS is directed against Muslims – Kurds and Salafis of his own breed and creed. On the basis of this fact alone, even if it be assumed or established that ISIS is not a U.S. surrogate ‘caliphate’, the inescapable reality is that Simon, alias Abu Bakr, is the greatest moron fully under the spell of shaitaan. His stupendous arrogance and thirst for Muslim blood aligns him to the Khawaarij. Whatever theo- ry is propounded to describe the ISIS phenomenon, the bottom line is that this group under Simon, is the agent of the Devil, even if it may not be the agent of the U.S. And Allah knows best. “Many were the small groups which vanquished large armies with the permission of Allah. Allah is with the Saabireen.” (Al-Baqarah, Aayat 249) “Verily Allah aided you at Badr when you were weak (numerically and militarily). Therefore fear Allah so that you express gratitude. (Aal-e-Imraan, Aayat 123) (Remember) when you (O Muhammad!) said to the Mu’mineen. Is it not sufficient for you that your Rabb aids you with three thousand Malaaikah specially dispatched (to assist you). (Aal-e-Imraan, Aayat 124) “Assuredly! If you have Sabr and adopt Taqwa, and if the enemy now suddenly attacks you, your Rabb will aid you with five thousand Malaaikah in uniform.” (Aal-e-Imraan, Aayat 125) Victory in the battlefield for the Mu’mineen is not reliant on numerical and military superiority. The Very Same Allah Azza Wa Jal Who granted the small rag-tag band of 313 Sahaabah a resounding victory over a vastly superior army at Badr, is present today. His Nusrat is ever present. However, the condition for Allah’s Aid which He dispatches in a variety of ways, is dependent on a high standard of Taqwa. Divine aid is commensurate to Taqwa. The defeats and humiliation of Muslims are clear signs of Allah’s displeasure with us. Muslims are not befitting of Divine Aid, hence the kuffaar dominate. Drones, B52 bombers and the most sophisticated nuclear weapons cannot combat and thwart Divine Aid if Allah Ta’ala wills His Nusrat to bolster the Mu’mineen. But, Muslims do not qualify for such Aid of Allah Ta’ala which could grant them decisive victory over the kuffaar. While there is a semblance of the outer facade of the Deen among the Taliban, the rest of the Ummah appear like Yahood and Nasaara in every aspect of life. Fisq, Fujoor, Bid’ah and even kufr predominate Muslim life. How is it then possible for Allah’s Aid to descend on us? Morally the Ummah is rotten to the core. Spiritually the Ummah is bankrupt. It is therefore insolence to expect the type of Divine Aid with which Allah Ta’ala had blessed the early Muslims. Since the vast majority – in fact 99% – of today’s Muslim Ummah is snug and contented with the immoral western life style, Allah Ta’ala has made the West our rulers. They are the reflections of our villainy and treachery. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Your deeds are your rulers.” We have appointed the western kuffaar as our leaders, hence Allah Ta’ala has made them our rulers to oppress us, and this is Allah’s Athaab.
  • 18. Al Haq Bulletin 46 Page 10 By Quentin Sommerville BBC News, Kobane The BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Kobane: Destruction is everywhere At the edge of Freedom Square, in the centre of Kobane, you witness the full cost of the stand taken here against the Islamic State (IS), and it is humbling. Looking east, the devastation is near complete. Every building, home, shop and street is ruined. On a wall, above the collapsed lecture theatre of the city's cultural centre, an IS sniper, Abu Tarab, has written in Arabic a promise to the town: Blood, blood, beheading, destruction. IS delivered on part of his promise, but not fully. Kobane is broken, but it is not beaten. The last word goes to the Kurds. Underneath the IS graffiti, a fighter has written: Kobane is the graveyard of the Islamic State. A few yards away the corpses of three IS fighters rot beside the crater from a coalition airstrike. The force of the blast tore them to pieces - a skull lies in the gutter. Much of Kobane has been razed to the ground by the fighting. Throughout the town heavy steel mortars, many still live, can be seen rusting in the streets. A graffiti war-of-words between the two sides adorns walls in the town Danger all around For months IS and the Kurds faced each other, sometimes just yards apart. There are still plenty of dangers here. Throughout the town, heavy steel mortars, still live, are rusting in the streets. Almost comically, a tailfin protrudes from a wall or a pavement. IS may be gone, but it is not safe for people to return yet. These streets tell that with foreign help IS can be defeated, but only at great sacrifice It is the Kurds who are left standing, some with trophies from the fight. I meet one fighter who proudly unfolds an IS flag from his jacket. He tells me the ‘jihadists’ used car bombs, packed with ex- plosives to target Kurdish check- points. More than 40 car bombs in total, that's more than they used in Mo- sul, says another man. From the same Iraqi city, the militants brought heavy weaponry, artil- lery and tanks, for the fight here. Hundreds of Kurds died in the battles, but more than 1,000 IS fight- ers perished. Months of fierce fighting have given way to an eerie silence in the town. Artillery bombardment and street-by-street clashes have left few buildings intact. This bleak, makeshift cemetery has become a resting place for fallen Kurdish fighters Most of its people fled Kobane. Those who stayed draped curtains across the roads, to hide out of sight of IS snipers. Throughout the fighting, enduring the cold and the dark, Rahi- ma and her 12 children and grandchil- dren would not leave. We faced diffi- culties, she said. We were hungry, we were thirsty but we are no differ- ent from the fighters. They stayed, and we stayed - we were in the base- ment, when they had food they shared it with us. It was hard, but thank God, we knew we would win. Her grand-daughter, Leyla, sits up proudly, when I ask her if she was afraid. Those who haven't seen the evil that took place here, will see it now, the 12-year-old said. Heavy price There is silence now in the town and what is left of its streets, with only occasional gunfire underlying the fact that Kobane is at peace. Kobane will require a huge re- building effort Kurdish fighters are now consolidating their hold over the town But driving the IS from here came at tremendous cost. Hundreds of coalition airstrikes have flattened most of the town. And the IS did not go far, they are less than five miles (8km) from here. So while Kobane has been liberated, the fight against the mili- tants goes on. In the west, between buildings that were once under con- struction, a graveyard for Kurdish martyrs occupies the mud. Most of the population fled the ad- vancing IS forces, but some families who stayed managed to survive. Two small girls play nearby. They giggle and laugh, and sing a song, the fight- ers are coming, the fighters are com- ing, over and over again. I head east, closer to the front lines, Here the Kurdish fighters are young and determined. But still on three sides, they are nearly surrounded by the IS. The town has been liberated. It's a big victory. But the bigger win will be to free all the villages around Kobane, a fighter says. We will nev- er allow a single IS fighter to survive in Kobane, in any villages and any- where in our land. Back at the green gate, by the rail- way line that separates Syria and Tur- key, the sound of coalition aircraft can be heard overhead. It is dark and there is low cloud, but suddenly, four loud and distant explosions. On the front- line to the west, the war against IS continues. It is a war for which the battle for Kobane will be remembered. These streets tell, that with foreign help, IS can be defeated - but only at great sac- rifice. * Where does ISIS find the dupes to fight in this war which is completely against the interests of Arabs, Mus- lims, and the Middle East? * Where does the US and UK find the dupes to take the other side of the fight against ISIS when this whole phoney war is counter to the financial interests and freedoms of the West? The answer: dumb rednecks are a part of the human condition, and you can always trick these half-baked individu- als who think they know more than they do, both Muslim and Christian, into fighting each other over false flag events designed to trigger their macho pride. Ignorance is the enemy. * One can easily see how ISIS can fit in the Plan for a New American Cen- tury (PNAC) making a self-fulfilling prophecy. Until 'democracy' is brought to the Middle East by underhandedly supplying the so called 'enemy' with arms, they re-invent themselves. The media is always there too say they are good here and bad there, while they are still the product of the US, UK and Israeli intelligence services... * “The first thing I notice is that this fits in with the plans of the 'powers that be' to divide up Iraq into Kurdish, Sunni, and Shia mini states similar to the division of Yugoslavia. It appears quite true that the US and Saudi Ara- bia created the conditions necessary for IS to grow into its present condi- tion. Maliki was not being a compliant enough puppet so he's gone. So forth according to plan. The training of ji- hadis in Jordan, the support with weapons and money were necessary to get it started. Looking another way though, Arabs killing Arabs is a big part of the plan and IS certainly fits there. * The only way to secure the knowledge and training is from a ma- jor military power. Look at the leadership of ISIS. There are easily identified and traceable links between these guys and Israel. Hell a lot of the- se mercs have been treated in Israeli hospitals. But again lets assume for the mo- ment that these guys are really what the Zionist media claims they are. We are to believe that they are smart enough, well trained enough and well financed enough to out fight Israel and the US with its allies. And yet virtually every major action it has taken to date has served...........Israel and its ambi- tions in the region. For a group of guys who are being held up as real threats, t h e y s u r e a r e d u m b . Like every other crime always look at: means, motive, opportunity and WHO BENEFITS. Israel is the only name on that list other than the Zionists/ neocons in DC. * At best, the US, UK and Israeli In- telligence monitored every step of IS- SI because the “Embassy is a huge Intelligence gathering HQ including FBI CIA and prob. Mossad that WIRE TAPS all IRAQI Communication , Cell phones , computers etc. and they use drones . So it is Inconceivable they didn't see what was happening , during the take over of City after city or they control them. * I understand that ISIS is a product of - and peopled by - agents of our very own NWO team who want to OWN everything - you, me, everyone, all the world's resources and so on... with a little help from ISrael. Was that information false? KILLING A MU’MIN Š‘‡˜‡” ‹ŽŽ• ƒ — ‹ ‹–‡–‹‘ƒŽŽ› Š‹• ’—‹•Š‡– ‹• ƒ Šƒƒ ‡ŽŽ ‹”‡ ™Š‡”‡‹ Š‡ •ŠƒŽŽ †™‡ŽŽ ˆ‘”‡˜‡” ŽŽƒŠ ‹• ™”ƒ–Šˆ—Ž –‘ Š‹ ƒ† ŽŽƒŠ Šƒ• …—”•‡† Š‹ ƒ† ’”‡’ƒ”‡† ˆ‘” Š‹ ƒ ‰”‡ƒ– ’—‹•Š‡–  ‹•ƒƒ ƒ›ƒ– %ź