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Air Pollution In Texas
Cars consist of being the number one way of travel throughout the United States. We rely on them to transport us to work, activities and necessary
destinations. With this constant use of vehicles, it has had a negative impact on the environment. Although cars were invented almost a century ago to
make life easier with getting around, car pollution has been our number one source of air pollution and has significantly impacted our environment due
to how accessible they are. Arising problems such as air pollution, global warming, and health issues of americans, we have to come to the
understanding that our environment is at risk if the amount of car pollution continues to increase.
Air pollution is a major problem in our world because it affects everything in the environment. With Texas' largest city being Houston, where
Downtown is known as the largest business area, population is massive, jobs are booming, there is no way of trying to escape trying to get out of
having to drive to work, especially since most of the employees come in from all around the state. What makes this problem worse is that there are so
many people who are trying to get to work that at times, there is very heavy traffic that cars will sit in for thirty to forty–five minutes in idle, which is
where the problem arises because of the exhaust on the car. Houston isn't the only city with this type of problem but it's one of the top five in the
country. "These pollutants react with nitrogen oxides in the
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Automobiles Essay
The invention of the automobile in the early 20th century has had an adverse affect on our environment. Our society has used technology in order to
advance the automobile to make it better and more efficient. The automobile industry knows what sells and they take advantage of that. With this
growing technology to advance automobiles also comes flaws. The biggest and most obvious flaw is pollution. Because of pollution, we find
ourselves asking the question of whether this technology has helped our society more than it has hurt it. Automobiles are the cause of 60 percent of
our air pollution today (Dewees 214). There are four main sources in which pollution comes from an automobile. The first, on a hot day the sun will more content...
What really happens is that there are hydrocarbon atoms left over from the combustion process because they did not burn properly or at all. Another
pollutant that is given off by automobiles along with hydrocarbons is carbon monoxide. This too is also a result of the incomplete process of the
combustion of fuel. Carbon monoxide is emitted directly from the tailpipe. There are specific times when this is common, when your car does not
get enough air during starting and it chokes, when cars are not tuned properly, during cold weather the level of carbon monoxide being emitted
increases due to more fuel to start the car, and also at high altitudes. The office of Mobile Sources did a study in 1992 which showed that carbon
monoxide levels exceeded the Federal air quality standard in 20 U.S. cities . Some other pollutants besides hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide that
are given off are nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxides. These nitrogen oxides are given off by the high pressure in the automobiles engine where
nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the air react and then form the nitrogen oxide. All of these pollutants effect the environment and people in a negative
way. Next we will take a look at what exactly these pollutants do to us. The most dangerous and widespread of all pollutants are hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbons emitted by automobiles create smog, which in turn acts as a ground level ozone layer and causes many health
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Essay about Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in America and as well as the world.
Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is
all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and
solutions for this issue.
Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the
heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while its running. And of course the most more content...
American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean
and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people
continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one.
They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves.
The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams,
lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies
pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal
dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not
to return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not
only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, but also causes an overgrowth
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Smart Car
A SMART car had initially been introduced due to the fact that the European car manufacturers raised a concern regarding the increasing levels of
pollution and congestion in city centers which could possibly lead to an eventual ban of conventional cars in city centers imposed by the government.
SMART has provided a new perception of mobility where potential buyers were to encounter the "uninterrupted mobility solution", referred as
smartmove. Smart The basic idea is that Smart cars are designed to be small, fuel–efficient, environmentally responsible and easy to park–the ultimate
in–city vehicle.The company's vision is to provide unparallelled safety and comfort on the roads along with the options to choose from a lot of more content...
One of the "benefits" allowing customers to use their personal Smart card to get discounts on renting a car they need at Avis for a vacation or family
outing is unquestionably ironic for a person who has just purchased a car unless these cars do not provide the same utilization, possibly in terms of
capacity and speed, which this "smartmove" concept might have geared customers towards the wrong idea.
MCC has proposed an electric rechargeable version of the smart car that is intended to be in mass production of the vehicle by 2012.With depletion of
oil reserves and increase in pollution levels all over the world, governments and communities are awakening to the several benefits of electric vehicle
technology: they are non–polluting and quiet, they can be charged easily saving owners the need to queue at gasoline stations, Electric vehicles are
mostly charged at night, when power consumption is low, therefore making more efficient use of power plants, they are easy to service and maintain
and most EVs have a very low operating and maintenance cost. SMART should exploit the current market
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Air Pollution from Vehicles
Air Pollution from Vehicles
Jacqueline Alcantar
University of Phoenix
Kieste Mayfield
October 24, 2010
Automobiles as well as other mobile vehicles are one of the largest contributors to polluting our air on a daily basis. While these vehicles produce
green house gases such as carbon monoxide, they are also contaminating the air with many other air pollutants and air toxins. By finding alternative
fuel sources will be one of the solutions to curb the emissions that produce the pollutions.
As smaller cities grow larger in human population our amount of vehicles used daily increases as well. Along with the vehicles we operate come
many problems we may see on a regular basis. Some problems you do not see until it is too late to more content...
The ozone is being destroyed due to chlorofluorocarbons. This chemical is emitted from the vehicle and will form ground level ozone or smog. This
allows higher UV–b levels to reach the earth's surface and will cause harm to crops and plants under the oceans water.
When it comes to pollution from vehicles it is known as being man made. Something that is man– made we have control over. We can produce both
positive and negative impacts. As many the amount of miles we drive to keep our economy and life style going as doubled over the years, the need
for vehicles has come to an all time high. Since we can't eliminate vehicles all together it would be a positive thing to inherit in alternative fuel
sources. This would be a positive impact on our health and environment. For those who can make the sacrifices of eliminating vehicle use by riding
electrical scooters or bicycles would be doing the most positive impact on eliminating the problems. Negative impacts we as humans have on pollution
from vehicles is being uneducated about the understandings and seriousness of the problems occurring. Some of us think the less we know the better off.
Currently there is a way to reduce the amount of air pollution being emitted from automobiles. Although they are very pricey an electric car can do
wonders. With electricity being used means no gas. No gas would lead to no carbons. No gas also leads to no costly trips
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Automobiles and Pollution Essay
Automobiles and Pollution
In years past, levels of air, noise, and sight pollution were much lower than they are today. There are more cars on the road today, and because of this
we experience higher levels of pollution than before. The automobile is probably the leading contributor pollution in our cities. They release toxic
emissions into our atmosphere. Automobiles are linked particularly to carbon monoxide pollution. They are noisy (especially if you are living near the
highway), and they take up valuable space in the form of vast parking lots that are unpleasing to the eye. Why are there more automobiles on the road
today than there was in the past? Understanding the answer to this question is important when trying more content...
Americans are known for our passion for the automobile. The automobile symbolizes freedom and independence. Freedom is the backbone of our
country. Many of our historical documents were written with freedom as the major theme. For example, the declaration of independence proposes
freedom from an oppressive government. Freedom is a concept that most Americans take pride in. For this reason, the automobile is attractive to us.
If you own your own automobile, you are free to go any place you like whenever you want. You suddenly become independent and you no longer
have to rely on other people for rides. This is a common feeling among 16–year–olds. With the acquisition of the drivers license comes a whole new
world of opportunity and responsibility.
Another factor to be considered is the American concept of time. Time is money. Because of this we are usually in a hurry, so we hop in our cars
and off we go, late for some sort of an appointment. We could use alternate forms of transportation like busses or railways which decrease pollution by
decreasing the total number of cars on our roads, but these forms of transportation are not as convenient as driving ourselves. After all, time is money
and I'm late for a class. I don't have time to wait for the bus. Is this
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automobile pollution Essay
Automobile Pollution.
Automobiles can cause many different kinds of pollution in the environment. Air, health and groundwater pollution are of the most common. The
reasons for these problems can be contributed to exhaust systems and light switches that are standard equipment on most cars today.
Older and newer cars alike are equipped with a catalytic converter system. Which are supposed to convert hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen
oxides into harmless materials emitted from the automobiles engine. According to Robert Harley, when nitrogen oxide from the engines exhaust is
"over– reduced," a complex chemical reaction ensues. Ammonia gas (NH3) forms in the more content...
When these vehicles are destroyed the mercury seeps out into the environment and is absorbed into the ground eventually to make its way in to our
water supplies. While in the water it can contaminate the fish that in turn we end up eating. Another way the mercury makes it way into the
environment is during the process of melting the vehicles in steel furnaces where the mercury vaporizes into the air. (Mercury 1) These particles then
can act as a contribution to global warming.
Ford has been urged to remove these mercury switches and replace them with a ball bearing switch that costs about 38 cents in all vehicles that are
brought in for service, repair, or recall. As of right now Ford has no plans of removing these mercury switches in any of its serviced vehicles. But Ford
is currently working with the Alliance of Automobile Manufactures and the Association of International Automobile Manufactures and
waste–management directors to eliminate and replace the switches containing mercury in their upcoming vehicles. (Mercury 2) If Ford and other car
companies that use mercury switches decide to do this it can eliminate up to 2.5 tons of mercury from our environment.
The problems of automobile pollution mentioned above are only a small portion of the pollution problems we face from automobiles. Many people
wonder how these and many other problems that automobiles cause can be fixed, and many have come up
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Petrol Cars And Air Pollution
Believe it or not but Petrol cars cause instant and long term impacts on the Earth. It transmits an extensive variety of gasses which leads to global
warming, hurting nature, acid rains and also affects human wellbeing. The noise of the engine and fuel leakages additionally cause air pollution. Petrol
/Diesel cars, trucks, busses and all other different types of transportation are the single biggest supporter of air pollution in the United States, however
due to the advanced technologies and innovations, it is possible to reduce impact on the environment by using electric cars. Many countries in the
world have taken initiatives to reduce car pollution. Some of them are UK, China, Scotland, India, Germany and many more. Couple of months ago more content...
It is predicted that these numbers will keep on rising over the coming decades. It doesn't only affect us but it affects globally and everyone such as
wildlife, ocean levels, farming and many more. The effects of car pollution are boundless, affecting water, soil and air quality. Nitrous oxide is
one of the main reasons for the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the layer which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays from the
sun. Acid rains are caused because of Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide which are again emitted by cars. These gases not only damages our
health but also damages forests, vegetation and crops. The spills of oils and fuel that we see from cars near highways pollutes rivers, lakes and
oceans. The one of the biggest reasons for switching to electric cars is that petrol cars not only affects environment but it affects human health too.
Diesel motors radiate high levels of gasses, which consists of ash and metal. These causes eye and skin irritation and hypersensitiveness. These small
particles of ash and metal can enter our lungs which can lead to respiratory issues. Chest pains and coughing can also be caused by Ozone layer
because ozone layer inflames lungs hence it makes it hard to breathe and relax. Carbon monoxide is one of the
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Vehicle Pollution Essay
1.6Vehicular Pollution Problems in India
Vehicles are one of the major sources of air pollution in major cities. The air pollution due to vehicles can be attributed to following:
a)High vehicle density in Indian urban centres result in air pollution build–up near the roadways and at traffic intersections.
b)Older vehicles are predominant in vehicle vintage. These older vehicles are grossly polluting though in cities like Delhi grossly polluting vehicles
have been phased out.
c)Inadequate inspection and maintenance facilities result in high emission of air pollutants from vehicles. Emission can be reduced by proper and
regular inspection and maintenance of vehicles.
d)There is large number of two stroke two wheelers in most of the cities and these two–wheelers are a significant contributor of air pollution.
e)Adulteration of fuel and fuel products also result in high emissions from vehicles.
f)Improper traffic management system and road conditions also result in build–up of air pollutants near the roadways as the emissions are higher when
the vehicle is idling.
g)Absence of effective mass rapid transport system and intra–city railway networks has resulted in people using their own vehicles for commuting to
workplace. This has resulted in uncontrolled growth of vehicles.
h)High population exodus to the urban centres has also resulted in increase in number of vehicles resulting in high levels of vehicular air pollution.
Major manmade sources of Respirable
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Vehicular Pollution
Vehicular Pollution problems in India
There are three broad sources of air pollution from human activities: stationary or point, mobile, and indoor. In developing countries especially in the
rural area, indoor air pollution from using open fires for cooking and heating may be a serious problem. Industries, power plants etc. are the cause of
stationary air pollution. But in urban areas В– both developing and developed countries, it is predominately mobile or vehicular pollution that
contributes to air quality problem. The worst thing about vehicular pollution is that it cannot be avoided as the vehicular emissions are emitted at the
near–ground level where we breathe. Pollution from vehicles gets revealed through symptoms like cough, more content...
Toxic Air Pollutants
Toxic air pollutants are those pollutants that cause or may cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects. Air
toxics may also cause adverse environmental and ecological effects. Examples of toxic air pollutants include benzene, found in gasoline;
perchloroethylene, emitted from some dry cleaning facilities; and methylene chloride, used as a solvent by a number of industries. Most air toxics
originate from man–made sources including cars, trucks, construction equipment factories, refineries, power plants, cleaning solvents etc. Some air
toxics are also released from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
Clean Air Plan
The Cabinet which includes three Ministries, Finance, Petroleum and Surface Transport, cleared the first ‘‘National Auto Fuel Policy'' laying the
roadmap for the next decade on the quality of fuels and the standards for vehicles. According to their policy, the 11 most polluted cities, including the
three metros (plus Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Surat, Pune, Kanpur, Agra and Bangalore), will only catch up with Delhi by 2005, the rest of the
country will have to wait for a ‘‘review'' in 2006 to see if they will get clean fuel and vehicles by 2010. The Cabinet rejected the proposal to set up
an independent regulatorВ—as prescribed by the Mashelkar panelВ—to monitor the implementation of the roadmap. Instead, the state road transport
authorities will monitor vehicles; the
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Air Pollution In Texas

  • 1. Air Pollution In Texas Cars consist of being the number one way of travel throughout the United States. We rely on them to transport us to work, activities and necessary destinations. With this constant use of vehicles, it has had a negative impact on the environment. Although cars were invented almost a century ago to make life easier with getting around, car pollution has been our number one source of air pollution and has significantly impacted our environment due to how accessible they are. Arising problems such as air pollution, global warming, and health issues of americans, we have to come to the understanding that our environment is at risk if the amount of car pollution continues to increase. Air pollution is a major problem in our world because it affects everything in the environment. With Texas' largest city being Houston, where Downtown is known as the largest business area, population is massive, jobs are booming, there is no way of trying to escape trying to get out of having to drive to work, especially since most of the employees come in from all around the state. What makes this problem worse is that there are so many people who are trying to get to work that at times, there is very heavy traffic that cars will sit in for thirty to forty–five minutes in idle, which is where the problem arises because of the exhaust on the car. Houston isn't the only city with this type of problem but it's one of the top five in the country. "These pollutants react with nitrogen oxides in the Get more content on
  • 2. Automobiles Essay Automobiles The invention of the automobile in the early 20th century has had an adverse affect on our environment. Our society has used technology in order to advance the automobile to make it better and more efficient. The automobile industry knows what sells and they take advantage of that. With this growing technology to advance automobiles also comes flaws. The biggest and most obvious flaw is pollution. Because of pollution, we find ourselves asking the question of whether this technology has helped our society more than it has hurt it. Automobiles are the cause of 60 percent of our air pollution today (Dewees 214). There are four main sources in which pollution comes from an automobile. The first, on a hot day the sun will more content... What really happens is that there are hydrocarbon atoms left over from the combustion process because they did not burn properly or at all. Another pollutant that is given off by automobiles along with hydrocarbons is carbon monoxide. This too is also a result of the incomplete process of the combustion of fuel. Carbon monoxide is emitted directly from the tailpipe. There are specific times when this is common, when your car does not get enough air during starting and it chokes, when cars are not tuned properly, during cold weather the level of carbon monoxide being emitted increases due to more fuel to start the car, and also at high altitudes. The office of Mobile Sources did a study in 1992 which showed that carbon monoxide levels exceeded the Federal air quality standard in 20 U.S. cities . Some other pollutants besides hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide that are given off are nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxides. These nitrogen oxides are given off by the high pressure in the automobiles engine where nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the air react and then form the nitrogen oxide. All of these pollutants effect the environment and people in a negative way. Next we will take a look at what exactly these pollutants do to us. The most dangerous and widespread of all pollutants are hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons emitted by automobiles create smog, which in turn acts as a ground level ozone layer and causes many health Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Pollution Pollution Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in America and as well as the world. Pollution not only damages the environment, but damages us also. It has cause many problems ranging from lung cancer to the greenhouse effect. It is all among us but we continue to live in our own filth. What is the reason behind this flawed logic? In this paper I will examine the problems and solutions for this issue. Automobiles are undeniable the greatest source of pollution. The noise pollution created by cars is immense. Another polluting effect of cars is the heat it creates. This heat makes it unpleasant to be near the car while its running. And of course the most more content... American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one. They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves. The last great source of pollution lays in the businesses. Although not common, businesses have been known to dump their waste products into streams, lakes, and rivers. This may seem like a relatively small occurrence that really is not your concern, but you're wrong. Each time one of these companies pollutes there are horrible consequences to pay. Mutations, destroyed ecosystems, and human death have all occurred as a direct result of illegal dumping. It contaminates our drinking water and soil. It causes entire communities of humans (not to mention animals) to move on to new places not to return for at least a century. The pollutants dumped by industry are so concentrated that a single barrel can destroy an entire lake's ecosystem. Not only do companies dump chemicals, but also hot water. This hot water kills most life it comes into contact with, but also causes an overgrowth Get more content on
  • 4. Smart Car A SMART car had initially been introduced due to the fact that the European car manufacturers raised a concern regarding the increasing levels of pollution and congestion in city centers which could possibly lead to an eventual ban of conventional cars in city centers imposed by the government. SMART has provided a new perception of mobility where potential buyers were to encounter the "uninterrupted mobility solution", referred as smartmove. Smart The basic idea is that Smart cars are designed to be small, fuel–efficient, environmentally responsible and easy to park–the ultimate in–city vehicle.The company's vision is to provide unparallelled safety and comfort on the roads along with the options to choose from a lot of more content... One of the "benefits" allowing customers to use their personal Smart card to get discounts on renting a car they need at Avis for a vacation or family outing is unquestionably ironic for a person who has just purchased a car unless these cars do not provide the same utilization, possibly in terms of capacity and speed, which this "smartmove" concept might have geared customers towards the wrong idea. MCC has proposed an electric rechargeable version of the smart car that is intended to be in mass production of the vehicle by 2012.With depletion of oil reserves and increase in pollution levels all over the world, governments and communities are awakening to the several benefits of electric vehicle technology: they are non–polluting and quiet, they can be charged easily saving owners the need to queue at gasoline stations, Electric vehicles are mostly charged at night, when power consumption is low, therefore making more efficient use of power plants, they are easy to service and maintain and most EVs have a very low operating and maintenance cost. SMART should exploit the current market Get more content on
  • 5. Air Pollution from Vehicles Air Pollution from Vehicles Jacqueline Alcantar University of Phoenix Kieste Mayfield October 24, 2010 Automobiles as well as other mobile vehicles are one of the largest contributors to polluting our air on a daily basis. While these vehicles produce green house gases such as carbon monoxide, they are also contaminating the air with many other air pollutants and air toxins. By finding alternative fuel sources will be one of the solutions to curb the emissions that produce the pollutions. As smaller cities grow larger in human population our amount of vehicles used daily increases as well. Along with the vehicles we operate come many problems we may see on a regular basis. Some problems you do not see until it is too late to more content... The ozone is being destroyed due to chlorofluorocarbons. This chemical is emitted from the vehicle and will form ground level ozone or smog. This allows higher UV–b levels to reach the earth's surface and will cause harm to crops and plants under the oceans water. When it comes to pollution from vehicles it is known as being man made. Something that is man– made we have control over. We can produce both positive and negative impacts. As many the amount of miles we drive to keep our economy and life style going as doubled over the years, the need for vehicles has come to an all time high. Since we can't eliminate vehicles all together it would be a positive thing to inherit in alternative fuel sources. This would be a positive impact on our health and environment. For those who can make the sacrifices of eliminating vehicle use by riding electrical scooters or bicycles would be doing the most positive impact on eliminating the problems. Negative impacts we as humans have on pollution from vehicles is being uneducated about the understandings and seriousness of the problems occurring. Some of us think the less we know the better off. Currently there is a way to reduce the amount of air pollution being emitted from automobiles. Although they are very pricey an electric car can do wonders. With electricity being used means no gas. No gas would lead to no carbons. No gas also leads to no costly trips
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Automobiles and Pollution Essay Automobiles and Pollution In years past, levels of air, noise, and sight pollution were much lower than they are today. There are more cars on the road today, and because of this we experience higher levels of pollution than before. The automobile is probably the leading contributor pollution in our cities. They release toxic emissions into our atmosphere. Automobiles are linked particularly to carbon monoxide pollution. They are noisy (especially if you are living near the highway), and they take up valuable space in the form of vast parking lots that are unpleasing to the eye. Why are there more automobiles on the road today than there was in the past? Understanding the answer to this question is important when trying more content... Americans are known for our passion for the automobile. The automobile symbolizes freedom and independence. Freedom is the backbone of our country. Many of our historical documents were written with freedom as the major theme. For example, the declaration of independence proposes freedom from an oppressive government. Freedom is a concept that most Americans take pride in. For this reason, the automobile is attractive to us. If you own your own automobile, you are free to go any place you like whenever you want. You suddenly become independent and you no longer have to rely on other people for rides. This is a common feeling among 16–year–olds. With the acquisition of the drivers license comes a whole new world of opportunity and responsibility. Another factor to be considered is the American concept of time. Time is money. Because of this we are usually in a hurry, so we hop in our cars and off we go, late for some sort of an appointment. We could use alternate forms of transportation like busses or railways which decrease pollution by decreasing the total number of cars on our roads, but these forms of transportation are not as convenient as driving ourselves. After all, time is money and I'm late for a class. I don't have time to wait for the bus. Is this Get more content on
  • 8. automobile pollution Essay Automobile Pollution. Automobiles can cause many different kinds of pollution in the environment. Air, health and groundwater pollution are of the most common. The reasons for these problems can be contributed to exhaust systems and light switches that are standard equipment on most cars today. Older and newer cars alike are equipped with a catalytic converter system. Which are supposed to convert hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides into harmless materials emitted from the automobiles engine. According to Robert Harley, when nitrogen oxide from the engines exhaust is "over– reduced," a complex chemical reaction ensues. Ammonia gas (NH3) forms in the more content... When these vehicles are destroyed the mercury seeps out into the environment and is absorbed into the ground eventually to make its way in to our water supplies. While in the water it can contaminate the fish that in turn we end up eating. Another way the mercury makes it way into the environment is during the process of melting the vehicles in steel furnaces where the mercury vaporizes into the air. (Mercury 1) These particles then can act as a contribution to global warming. Ford has been urged to remove these mercury switches and replace them with a ball bearing switch that costs about 38 cents in all vehicles that are brought in for service, repair, or recall. As of right now Ford has no plans of removing these mercury switches in any of its serviced vehicles. But Ford is currently working with the Alliance of Automobile Manufactures and the Association of International Automobile Manufactures and waste–management directors to eliminate and replace the switches containing mercury in their upcoming vehicles. (Mercury 2) If Ford and other car companies that use mercury switches decide to do this it can eliminate up to 2.5 tons of mercury from our environment. The problems of automobile pollution mentioned above are only a small portion of the pollution problems we face from automobiles. Many people wonder how these and many other problems that automobiles cause can be fixed, and many have come up Get more content on
  • 9. Petrol Cars And Air Pollution Believe it or not but Petrol cars cause instant and long term impacts on the Earth. It transmits an extensive variety of gasses which leads to global warming, hurting nature, acid rains and also affects human wellbeing. The noise of the engine and fuel leakages additionally cause air pollution. Petrol /Diesel cars, trucks, busses and all other different types of transportation are the single biggest supporter of air pollution in the United States, however due to the advanced technologies and innovations, it is possible to reduce impact on the environment by using electric cars. Many countries in the world have taken initiatives to reduce car pollution. Some of them are UK, China, Scotland, India, Germany and many more. Couple of months ago more content... It is predicted that these numbers will keep on rising over the coming decades. It doesn't only affect us but it affects globally and everyone such as wildlife, ocean levels, farming and many more. The effects of car pollution are boundless, affecting water, soil and air quality. Nitrous oxide is one of the main reasons for the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the layer which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. Acid rains are caused because of Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide which are again emitted by cars. These gases not only damages our health but also damages forests, vegetation and crops. The spills of oils and fuel that we see from cars near highways pollutes rivers, lakes and oceans. The one of the biggest reasons for switching to electric cars is that petrol cars not only affects environment but it affects human health too. Diesel motors radiate high levels of gasses, which consists of ash and metal. These causes eye and skin irritation and hypersensitiveness. These small particles of ash and metal can enter our lungs which can lead to respiratory issues. Chest pains and coughing can also be caused by Ozone layer because ozone layer inflames lungs hence it makes it hard to breathe and relax. Carbon monoxide is one of the Get more content on
  • 10. Vehicle Pollution Essay 1.6Vehicular Pollution Problems in India Vehicles are one of the major sources of air pollution in major cities. The air pollution due to vehicles can be attributed to following: a)High vehicle density in Indian urban centres result in air pollution build–up near the roadways and at traffic intersections. b)Older vehicles are predominant in vehicle vintage. These older vehicles are grossly polluting though in cities like Delhi grossly polluting vehicles have been phased out. c)Inadequate inspection and maintenance facilities result in high emission of air pollutants from vehicles. Emission can be reduced by proper and regular inspection and maintenance of vehicles. d)There is large number of two stroke two wheelers in most of the cities and these two–wheelers are a significant contributor of air pollution. e)Adulteration of fuel and fuel products also result in high emissions from vehicles. f)Improper traffic management system and road conditions also result in build–up of air pollutants near the roadways as the emissions are higher when the vehicle is idling. g)Absence of effective mass rapid transport system and intra–city railway networks has resulted in people using their own vehicles for commuting to workplace. This has resulted in uncontrolled growth of vehicles. h)High population exodus to the urban centres has also resulted in increase in number of vehicles resulting in high levels of vehicular air pollution. Major manmade sources of Respirable Get more content on
  • 11. Vehicular Pollution Vehicular Pollution problems in India There are three broad sources of air pollution from human activities: stationary or point, mobile, and indoor. In developing countries especially in the rural area, indoor air pollution from using open fires for cooking and heating may be a serious problem. Industries, power plants etc. are the cause of stationary air pollution. But in urban areas В– both developing and developed countries, it is predominately mobile or vehicular pollution that contributes to air quality problem. The worst thing about vehicular pollution is that it cannot be avoided as the vehicular emissions are emitted at the near–ground level where we breathe. Pollution from vehicles gets revealed through symptoms like cough, more content... Toxic Air Pollutants Toxic air pollutants are those pollutants that cause or may cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects. Air toxics may also cause adverse environmental and ecological effects. Examples of toxic air pollutants include benzene, found in gasoline; perchloroethylene, emitted from some dry cleaning facilities; and methylene chloride, used as a solvent by a number of industries. Most air toxics originate from man–made sources including cars, trucks, construction equipment factories, refineries, power plants, cleaning solvents etc. Some air toxics are also released from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Clean Air Plan The Cabinet which includes three Ministries, Finance, Petroleum and Surface Transport, cleared the first ‘‘National Auto Fuel Policy'' laying the roadmap for the next decade on the quality of fuels and the standards for vehicles. According to their policy, the 11 most polluted cities, including the three metros (plus Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Surat, Pune, Kanpur, Agra and Bangalore), will only catch up with Delhi by 2005, the rest of the country will have to wait for a ‘‘review'' in 2006 to see if they will get clean fuel and vehicles by 2010. The Cabinet rejected the proposal to set up an independent regulatorВ—as prescribed by the Mashelkar panelВ—to monitor the implementation of the roadmap. Instead, the state road transport authorities will monitor vehicles; the Get more content on