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Africa University is preparing to enroll
candidates in a new graduate degree program
in Military Chaplaincy designed for Africa.
Supported by a multi-stakeholder partnership
that includes the Kentucky Conference of The
United Methodist Church, the United States
Army Command – Africa, and Wesley Seminary,
Africa University’s Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.)
degree program will launch in January 2020.
Ten prospective students—chaplains from
Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe—
attended a preparatory symposium on the Africa
University campus in August. They shared their
experiences, explored the key challenges and
knowledge gaps facing military chaplains in
Africa, and helped to shape a curriculum that is
fully responsive to African realities.
“I would liken the state of Chaplaincy in the
Zambia Defence Force to a child with no
parents,” said Lt. Col. Bossy Nkhoma. He
highlighted skills gaps, a lack of orientation to the
dynamics of Chaplaincy as a ministry, and an
implementation approach he characterized as
primarily trial and error.
“I see this program as a parent that we have
been missing in our corps,” said Nkhoma.
In neighboring Malawi, 39-year-old Chaplain
(Maj.) Gabriel Chigumi oversees a team of
assistant chaplains in the Lakeshore Zone. The
zone is comprised of two fighting forces and the
Malawi Defence Force Military College. The
team provides counselling for troops,
advises commanders on religious,
moral and ethical issues, and
organizes spiritual life activities.
“This training will equip me with
the necessary skills to manage
chaplain assistants and any conflict in
a professional and godly way…(and)
will improve my public relations
skills with my commanders and the
troops I minister to,” said Chigumi.
Having participated in the symposium,
Chaplain (Rev.) Donald Kgomokhumo of the
Botswana Defence Force describes Africa
University’s new D. Min. program as a timely
intervention for a region where military chaplains
are needed, but the vocation is uncommon and
somewhat misunderstood. Their hope is that it
will address the gaps between chaplains,
commanding officers, and soldiers in the ongoing
transformation of the military in Africa.
AU to launch D. Min. program in Military Chaplaincy
The Annual Conferences of The United Methodist
Church with a 100 percent or more remittance to the
AUF apportionment over the past two years are:
North Central Jurisdiction 2018 2017
Dakotas 100%
Detroit 100%
East Ohio 100% 105.32%
Illinois Great Rivers 100% 100%
Indiana 100% 100%
Iowa 100% 100%
Minnesota 100% 100%
West Michigan 99.37% 100%
West Ohio 100% 100%
Wisconsin 108.99% 105.24%
Jurisdiction Total Support 95.87% 99.83%
Northeastern Jurisdiction 2018 2017
Baltimore-Washington 100% 100%
Greater New Jersey 100% 100%
New England 100% 100%
New York 104.01% 107.18%
Peninsula-Delaware 100% 100%
Susquehanna 100% 100%
Upper New York 100% 102.04%
West Virginia 100% 100%
Western Pennsylvania 100% 100%
Jurisdiction Total Support 98.53% 100.71%
South Central Jurisdiction 2018 2017
Central Texas 100%
North Texas 100%
Oklahoma Indian Missionary 100% 100%
Jurisdiction Total Support 85.42% 88.42%
Southeastern Jurisdiction 2018 2017
Florida 100% 100%
Kentucky 100%
North Alabama 100% 113.80%
North Carolina 100% 100%
Red Bird Missionary 108.76% 113.58%
South Carolina 100% 100%
Tennessee 110.35% 196.48%
Jurisdiction Total Support 93.11% 98.15%
Western Jurisdiction 2018 2017
Alaska United Methodist 100% 100%
California Nevada 100% 100%
California Pacific 100% 100%
Desert Southwest 100% 100%
Oregon Idaho 100% 100%
Pacific Northwest 100% 100%
Rocky Mountain 100% 100%
Yellowstone 100% 100%
Jurisdiction Total Support 100% 100%
Thank you for investing at 100 percent
in the Africa University Fund in 2018.
Kevin and Karen Goodwin have been untiring,
enthusiastic drum majors for Africa
University since 1997 when they first learned
through their local church about the
denomination’s establishment of the “new United
Methodist-related, pan-African university.” Their
first successful fund-raising effort on behalf of the
new university resulted in their annual conference,
the Peninsula-Delaware Conference, endowing a
scholarship at Africa University. Kevin reports
annually to the conference on Africa University’s
development and encourages the local churches to
celebrate “AU Sunday” in support of the endowed
scholarship fund.
The Goodwins’ second major campaign on
behalf of the university was a serendipitous event.
Kevin has several AU tee shirts which he often
wears to public events because they are
conversation starters. He was wearing one at a
church event held in Rehoboth Beach (DE)in
2003 when he encountered a Virginia estate
attorney. Unbeknownst to Kevin, the attorney
represented the estate of a woman who had a love
for Africa and African wildlife and had directed the
attorney through her trust to make grants to
African schools, colleges, and universities. As a
result of Kevin’s conversation with the attorney and
follow-up by the AU development office, Africa
University received a substantial gift from the
woman’s estate to endow scholarships for students
studying wildlife management.
As a delegate to the 2004 Northeastern
Jurisdictional Conference, Kevin challenged the
leadership of every annual conference to endow a
scholarship at Africa University. Kevin’s campaign
resulted in all of the annual conferences except one
endowing scholarships.
The Goodwins have been successful in their
cultivation of new friends for Africa University not
only because of their infectious enthusiasm, but
also because they are faithful and generous
supporters. They give annually to the endowment
and have included the university in their estate
plans. They have also endowed scholarships in
memory of Karen’s father and in honor of Kevin’s
Kevin and Karen
grew up in The
United Methodist
Church. Kevin was
born in New York
and reared in South
Jersey. He earned his
BS degree in Finance
from Virginia Tech
in 1977 and his
MBA from the University of Georgia in 1979.
Karen was born and reared in Rahway, NJ. She
earned both her BA (1974) and MA (1981)
degrees in Speech and Hearing from Kean
University (NJ). Kevin and Karen were married in
1988 and now reside in Delaware.
For Kevin and Karen, education is the passport
to the future, and Africa University is crucial as it
educates and trains new leaders for the nations of
Africa. “Establishing Africa University is one of the
best things the denomination has done in the past
31 years,” Karen said.
Kevin and Karen Goodwin: Drum Majors for Africa University
Africa University Today — Fall 2019
How You Can Help
Retiring Directors applaud, invest in AU. Pictured above left to right. Prof. Pamela Machakanja,
Rev. Dr. Kim Cape and Bishop David Yemba. Continued next page.
Located at Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, Africa University
is an accredited United Methodist-related
educational institution in Africa, established by action
of the General Conference. The university offers
degree programs in three colleges: Health, Agriculture
and Natural Sciences (CHANS); Business, Peace,
Leadership and Governance (CBPLG); and Social
Sciences, Theology, Humanities and Education
(CSSTH&E). New academic programs include master’s
and doctoral degree programs in migration,
citizenship and refugee protection; intellectual
property; public health; and entrepreneurship,
innovation and creativity.
Africa University continues to be the evidence of faith,
hope and belief in the visions of dreamers. Thank you
for investing in changed lives and communities!
Encourage your church to set a 100 percent
apportionment remittance goal. Sending a portion of
your goal each month makes it easier to reach full
remittance by year’s end. Your church’s generosity
ensures 100 percent support of Africa University’s
operational budget for costs such as utilities,
Elaine Jenkins, Director of Planned Giving
AU Trains Ambassadors to Tell its Story in Africa
equipment, and faculty salaries. Consider these
additional ways of helping the university educate new
leaders for the nations of Africa:
Planned Gifts are the foundation for the long-term
survival of Africa University. As you make your estate
plans, consider leaving a gift or bequest to Africa
University in your will. If you have already included the
university in your estate plans, please let us know so
we may welcome you to the Richard E. “Dick” Reeves
Legacy Society.
Usahwira—This word in the Shona language means
“a beautiful friendship.” Encourage your local church
can become a partner with Africa University by
supporting one student for four years. The annual cost
of supporting one undergraduate student is just under
$6,000. Local churches may provide full or partial
Endowment Fund—Give to the Africa University
Endowment Fund (World Service Special Gift #03-01-
88). The interest income from the endowment provides
scholarships for our students.
For more information about giving opportunities or
to make a gift, visit us at
To learn about Africa University and its impact, visit
Let’s work together to continue the transformation of
lives and of Africa. To download resources to help tell
the story of the Africa University Fund apportionment,
visit: Current resources include:
• Africa University: Where Africa Happens
Every Day (video)
• Africa University at 25 years: Seeding Hope,
Shaping Opportunity (video)
• This is our mission (brochure)
• AU in a Nutshell (presentation)
How you can help... continued.
Africa University Development Office
P.O. Box 340007
Nashville, TN 37203-0007
(615) 340-7438
Africa University is training ambassadors as a
part of its expanding focus on development
and resource mobilization on the continent of
“The idea of ambassadors grew out of our
realization that, even in Zimbabwe, many United
Methodist Church members do not know very
much about Africa University,” said Margaret
Makadzange, a Zimbabwean
business leader and member of
university’s Board of Directors.
Makadzange sought the
support of the Resident Bishop
of the Zimbabwe Area, Bishop
Eben Nhiwatiwa, and worked
with Africa University’s Office of
Advancement and Public Affairs , located on the
main campus at Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, to
implement the ambassadors’ training initiative.
Launched at a one-day workshop in Zimbabwe
in July, the initiative targets influencers in every
age group. The goal is to train and resource
individuals who are engaging, well thought of, and
passionate about the university. Once trained, they
are deployed to promote, propagate, and protect
Africa University’s ministry and reputation in their
More than 70 clergy and lay members,
representing the 13 districts of The United
Methodist Church in Zimbabwe,
attended the July workshop. The
participants gained insights from
senior administrators, alumni, and
church leaders, who brought the
institution’s history to life.
The ambassadors are expected to
help to identify and cultivate
potential students and supporters. Based on
lessons learned in Zimbabwe, the recruitment and
training of university ambassadors is planned for
the other annual conferences of The United
Methodist Church in Africa.
University Honors Retiring Directors
In October, Africa University celebrated the
contributions of three leaders who retired as
directors. The three—Bishop David K. Yemba,
Rev. Dr. Kim Cape and Prof. Pamela
Machakanja—were honored by students, faculty
and staff during the Africa University Board of
Directors’ Fall meeting.
“We could not have asked for more impactful,
passionate and exemplary mentors, teachers and
leaders,” said Munashe Furusa, the university’s vice
chancellor and chief executive officer.
Bishop David Yemba served on the Africa
University Board of Directors for a decade.
Elected initially as the Board chairman and
Chancellor in 2008, Yemba remained the
ceremonial head of the university until the two
roles were split in 2014. He marked the occasion
of his retirement from the board with the
donation of a Lutheran Bible to the Jokomo
Yamada Library.
The university community also said farewell to
Rev. Dr. Kim Cape, whose tenure on the AU
Board ended with her June 2019 retirement from
the role of general secretary of the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM).
Cape was a member of the AU Board of Directors
for nine years.
Prof. Pamela
Machakanja, who
represented the
university senate,
took advantage of
the end of her
Board service to
encourage others to invest. She donated the
income from publications by her late husband, Dr.
Isaac Machakanja, to Africa University. He was the
dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences when he died in 2012.
“Once Africa University has gotten into your
spirit, you are hooked,” Machakanja said. “It
opens within you a spirit of giving like no other,
and I encourage everyone who can (give), to do
the same.”
Machakanja is the dean of the College of
Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance at
Africa University.
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Africa University Development Office
The United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 340007
Nashville, TN 37203-0007
For Roger Domah, the
importance of being inclusive,
open, and fair-minded in leadership
was a crucial lesson he learned as a
student leader at Africa University
(AU). Domah enrolled in 2000 and
was awarded a Bachelor of Science
degree in business education in 2004.
As he puts it, he “really enjoyed his time at
AU.” While at AU, Domah led the United
Methodist Student Movement, the West African
Students Association, the International Students
Association, and was Speaker of the Student
Union Parliament.
“My ability to reach out to people beyond
religious, cultural, tribal and kinship boundaries
was developed at Africa University,” said Domah.
“Liberia is a highly sectional society, but
having interacted with the diverse and inclusive
population at Africa University, I understand that
we all have similar dreams and aspirations, and
we all desire and must be given
equal opportunity and attention,”
he said.
In 2017, that mindset served
Domah well. He sought election as
a Member of Parliament and won.
“While it is true that
everyone—chiefdom, clan, and town—moved to
give votes to their own…I was the only candidate
who received overwhelming support throughout
the district,” said Domah. “The secret was that I
had had prior meaningful engagement with
citizens across all sectors of society.”
Domah serves the 7th electoral district,
Nimba County, in the House of Representatives.
His priorities as a parliamentarian include
improving equity in the distribution of Liberia’s
resources and addressing widespread corruption
to ensure that Liberians have better access to
education and jobs, and the chance for a stable,
more prosperous future.
Parliamentarian Focuses on Inclusion and Development in Liberia
Africa University Today — Fall 2019
The AU Today is published by the Africa
University Development Office, in partnership with
the Office of Communications, General Board of
Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM).
For more information, contact the:
Africa University Development Office
P.O. Box 340007
Nashville, TN 37203-0007
Tel: (615) 340-7438
Fax: (615) 340-7290
Africa University
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Africa University Today - Fall 2019

  • 1. Africa University is preparing to enroll candidates in a new graduate degree program in Military Chaplaincy designed for Africa. Supported by a multi-stakeholder partnership that includes the Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church, the United States Army Command – Africa, and Wesley Seminary, Africa University’s Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) degree program will launch in January 2020. Ten prospective students—chaplains from Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe— attended a preparatory symposium on the Africa University campus in August. They shared their experiences, explored the key challenges and knowledge gaps facing military chaplains in Africa, and helped to shape a curriculum that is fully responsive to African realities. “I would liken the state of Chaplaincy in the Zambia Defence Force to a child with no parents,” said Lt. Col. Bossy Nkhoma. He highlighted skills gaps, a lack of orientation to the dynamics of Chaplaincy as a ministry, and an implementation approach he characterized as primarily trial and error. “I see this program as a parent that we have been missing in our corps,” said Nkhoma. In neighboring Malawi, 39-year-old Chaplain (Maj.) Gabriel Chigumi oversees a team of assistant chaplains in the Lakeshore Zone. The zone is comprised of two fighting forces and the Malawi Defence Force Military College. The team provides counselling for troops, advises commanders on religious, moral and ethical issues, and organizes spiritual life activities. “This training will equip me with the necessary skills to manage chaplain assistants and any conflict in a professional and godly way…(and) will improve my public relations skills with my commanders and the troops I minister to,” said Chigumi. Having participated in the symposium, Chaplain (Rev.) Donald Kgomokhumo of the Botswana Defence Force describes Africa University’s new D. Min. program as a timely intervention for a region where military chaplains are needed, but the vocation is uncommon and somewhat misunderstood. Their hope is that it will address the gaps between chaplains, commanding officers, and soldiers in the ongoing transformation of the military in Africa. AU to launch D. Min. program in Military Chaplaincy 100%SUPPORT The Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church with a 100 percent or more remittance to the AUF apportionment over the past two years are: North Central Jurisdiction 2018 2017 Dakotas 100% Detroit 100% East Ohio 100% 105.32% Illinois Great Rivers 100% 100% Indiana 100% 100% Iowa 100% 100% Minnesota 100% 100% West Michigan 99.37% 100% West Ohio 100% 100% Wisconsin 108.99% 105.24% Jurisdiction Total Support 95.87% 99.83% Northeastern Jurisdiction 2018 2017 Baltimore-Washington 100% 100% Greater New Jersey 100% 100% New England 100% 100% New York 104.01% 107.18% Peninsula-Delaware 100% 100% Susquehanna 100% 100% Upper New York 100% 102.04% West Virginia 100% 100% Western Pennsylvania 100% 100% Jurisdiction Total Support 98.53% 100.71% South Central Jurisdiction 2018 2017 Central Texas 100% North Texas 100% Oklahoma Indian Missionary 100% 100% Jurisdiction Total Support 85.42% 88.42% Southeastern Jurisdiction 2018 2017 Florida 100% 100% Kentucky 100% North Alabama 100% 113.80% North Carolina 100% 100% Red Bird Missionary 108.76% 113.58% South Carolina 100% 100% Tennessee 110.35% 196.48% Jurisdiction Total Support 93.11% 98.15% Western Jurisdiction 2018 2017 Alaska United Methodist 100% 100% California Nevada 100% 100% California Pacific 100% 100% Desert Southwest 100% 100% Oregon Idaho 100% 100% Pacific Northwest 100% 100% Rocky Mountain 100% 100% Yellowstone 100% 100% Jurisdiction Total Support 100% 100% Thank you for investing at 100 percent in the Africa University Fund in 2018. Fall2019
  • 2. Kevin and Karen Goodwin have been untiring, enthusiastic drum majors for Africa University since 1997 when they first learned through their local church about the denomination’s establishment of the “new United Methodist-related, pan-African university.” Their first successful fund-raising effort on behalf of the new university resulted in their annual conference, the Peninsula-Delaware Conference, endowing a scholarship at Africa University. Kevin reports annually to the conference on Africa University’s development and encourages the local churches to celebrate “AU Sunday” in support of the endowed scholarship fund. The Goodwins’ second major campaign on behalf of the university was a serendipitous event. Kevin has several AU tee shirts which he often wears to public events because they are conversation starters. He was wearing one at a church event held in Rehoboth Beach (DE)in 2003 when he encountered a Virginia estate attorney. Unbeknownst to Kevin, the attorney represented the estate of a woman who had a love for Africa and African wildlife and had directed the attorney through her trust to make grants to African schools, colleges, and universities. As a result of Kevin’s conversation with the attorney and follow-up by the AU development office, Africa University received a substantial gift from the woman’s estate to endow scholarships for students studying wildlife management. As a delegate to the 2004 Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference, Kevin challenged the leadership of every annual conference to endow a scholarship at Africa University. Kevin’s campaign resulted in all of the annual conferences except one endowing scholarships. The Goodwins have been successful in their cultivation of new friends for Africa University not only because of their infectious enthusiasm, but also because they are faithful and generous supporters. They give annually to the endowment and have included the university in their estate plans. They have also endowed scholarships in memory of Karen’s father and in honor of Kevin’s parents. Kevin and Karen grew up in The United Methodist Church. Kevin was born in New York and reared in South Jersey. He earned his BS degree in Finance from Virginia Tech in 1977 and his MBA from the University of Georgia in 1979. Karen was born and reared in Rahway, NJ. She earned both her BA (1974) and MA (1981) degrees in Speech and Hearing from Kean University (NJ). Kevin and Karen were married in 1988 and now reside in Delaware. For Kevin and Karen, education is the passport to the future, and Africa University is crucial as it educates and trains new leaders for the nations of Africa. “Establishing Africa University is one of the best things the denomination has done in the past 31 years,” Karen said. Kevin and Karen Goodwin: Drum Majors for Africa University Africa University Today — Fall 2019 How You Can Help Retiring Directors applaud, invest in AU. Pictured above left to right. Prof. Pamela Machakanja, Rev. Dr. Kim Cape and Bishop David Yemba. Continued next page. Located at Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, Africa University is an accredited United Methodist-related educational institution in Africa, established by action of the General Conference. The university offers degree programs in three colleges: Health, Agriculture and Natural Sciences (CHANS); Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance (CBPLG); and Social Sciences, Theology, Humanities and Education (CSSTH&E). New academic programs include master’s and doctoral degree programs in migration, citizenship and refugee protection; intellectual property; public health; and entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. Africa University continues to be the evidence of faith, hope and belief in the visions of dreamers. Thank you for investing in changed lives and communities! Encourage your church to set a 100 percent apportionment remittance goal. Sending a portion of your goal each month makes it easier to reach full remittance by year’s end. Your church’s generosity ensures 100 percent support of Africa University’s operational budget for costs such as utilities, Elaine Jenkins, Director of Planned Giving
  • 3. AU Trains Ambassadors to Tell its Story in Africa equipment, and faculty salaries. Consider these additional ways of helping the university educate new leaders for the nations of Africa: Planned Gifts are the foundation for the long-term survival of Africa University. As you make your estate plans, consider leaving a gift or bequest to Africa University in your will. If you have already included the university in your estate plans, please let us know so we may welcome you to the Richard E. “Dick” Reeves Legacy Society. Usahwira—This word in the Shona language means “a beautiful friendship.” Encourage your local church can become a partner with Africa University by supporting one student for four years. The annual cost of supporting one undergraduate student is just under $6,000. Local churches may provide full or partial scholarships. Endowment Fund—Give to the Africa University Endowment Fund (World Service Special Gift #03-01- 88). The interest income from the endowment provides scholarships for our students. For more information about giving opportunities or to make a gift, visit us at To learn about Africa University and its impact, visit Let’s work together to continue the transformation of lives and of Africa. To download resources to help tell the story of the Africa University Fund apportionment, visit: Current resources include: • Africa University: Where Africa Happens Every Day (video) • Africa University at 25 years: Seeding Hope, Shaping Opportunity (video) • This is our mission (brochure) • AU in a Nutshell (presentation) How you can help... continued. Africa University Development Office P.O. Box 340007 Nashville, TN 37203-0007 (615) 340-7438 Africa University is training ambassadors as a part of its expanding focus on development and resource mobilization on the continent of Africa. “The idea of ambassadors grew out of our realization that, even in Zimbabwe, many United Methodist Church members do not know very much about Africa University,” said Margaret Makadzange, a Zimbabwean business leader and member of university’s Board of Directors. Makadzange sought the support of the Resident Bishop of the Zimbabwe Area, Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa, and worked with Africa University’s Office of Advancement and Public Affairs , located on the main campus at Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, to implement the ambassadors’ training initiative. Launched at a one-day workshop in Zimbabwe in July, the initiative targets influencers in every age group. The goal is to train and resource individuals who are engaging, well thought of, and passionate about the university. Once trained, they are deployed to promote, propagate, and protect Africa University’s ministry and reputation in their community. More than 70 clergy and lay members, representing the 13 districts of The United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, attended the July workshop. The participants gained insights from senior administrators, alumni, and church leaders, who brought the institution’s history to life. The ambassadors are expected to help to identify and cultivate potential students and supporters. Based on lessons learned in Zimbabwe, the recruitment and training of university ambassadors is planned for the other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church in Africa. University Honors Retiring Directors In October, Africa University celebrated the contributions of three leaders who retired as directors. The three—Bishop David K. Yemba, Rev. Dr. Kim Cape and Prof. Pamela Machakanja—were honored by students, faculty and staff during the Africa University Board of Directors’ Fall meeting. “We could not have asked for more impactful, passionate and exemplary mentors, teachers and leaders,” said Munashe Furusa, the university’s vice chancellor and chief executive officer. Bishop David Yemba served on the Africa University Board of Directors for a decade. Elected initially as the Board chairman and Chancellor in 2008, Yemba remained the ceremonial head of the university until the two roles were split in 2014. He marked the occasion of his retirement from the board with the donation of a Lutheran Bible to the Jokomo Yamada Library. The university community also said farewell to Rev. Dr. Kim Cape, whose tenure on the AU Board ended with her June 2019 retirement from the role of general secretary of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). Cape was a member of the AU Board of Directors for nine years. Prof. Pamela Machakanja, who represented the university senate, took advantage of the end of her Board service to encourage others to invest. She donated the income from publications by her late husband, Dr. Isaac Machakanja, to Africa University. He was the dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences when he died in 2012. “Once Africa University has gotten into your spirit, you are hooked,” Machakanja said. “It opens within you a spirit of giving like no other, and I encourage everyone who can (give), to do the same.” Machakanja is the dean of the College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance at Africa University.
  • 4. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Africa University Development Office The United Methodist Church P.O. Box 340007 Nashville, TN 37203-0007 For Roger Domah, the importance of being inclusive, open, and fair-minded in leadership was a crucial lesson he learned as a student leader at Africa University (AU). Domah enrolled in 2000 and was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in business education in 2004. As he puts it, he “really enjoyed his time at AU.” While at AU, Domah led the United Methodist Student Movement, the West African Students Association, the International Students Association, and was Speaker of the Student Union Parliament. “My ability to reach out to people beyond religious, cultural, tribal and kinship boundaries was developed at Africa University,” said Domah. “Liberia is a highly sectional society, but having interacted with the diverse and inclusive population at Africa University, I understand that we all have similar dreams and aspirations, and we all desire and must be given equal opportunity and attention,” he said. In 2017, that mindset served Domah well. He sought election as a Member of Parliament and won. “While it is true that everyone—chiefdom, clan, and town—moved to give votes to their own…I was the only candidate who received overwhelming support throughout the district,” said Domah. “The secret was that I had had prior meaningful engagement with citizens across all sectors of society.” Domah serves the 7th electoral district, Nimba County, in the House of Representatives. His priorities as a parliamentarian include improving equity in the distribution of Liberia’s resources and addressing widespread corruption to ensure that Liberians have better access to education and jobs, and the chance for a stable, more prosperous future. Parliamentarian Focuses on Inclusion and Development in Liberia Africa University Today — Fall 2019 The AU Today is published by the Africa University Development Office, in partnership with the Office of Communications, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). For more information, contact the: Africa University Development Office P.O. Box 340007 Nashville, TN 37203-0007 Tel: (615) 340-7438 Fax: (615) 340-7290 Email: Africa University Latest News... Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Nashville, Tenn. Permit No. 11