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For this campaign, I wanted to celebrate MAC users. What makes MAC’s users different
from others, is the confidence they exude.They’re passionate in their life choices, and
that same feeling translates into their makeup. The MAC user’s look is never light, but
instead bold and unapologetic. I’ve highlighted some two of these users, both who have
both followed their dreams, and have used MAC products within their narrative. The first
commercial is about a drag queen getting ready for his performance. When somebody
chooses to do drag, it takes confidence to decide that no matter what people think,
they’ll do it because they want to. Similarly, MAC users use bold colors to stand out and
feel confident in their skin, even when their looks may not fit the norm. In the second
commercial, we see another person who exemplifies the MAC brand, a girl who doesn’t
come from ideal circumstances but is working to follow her dreams of being a fashion
designer. When she gets ready, she does so using MAC lipstick, a product that she has
nostalgia for and that has always made her feel her best. With her lipstick on, she feels
confident about being different.
Commercial #1: Drag Queen
The camera follows behind a man dressed in
an a self painted cardboard dress, who
squeezes past performers backstage at a
drag show. He enters a door that leads to an
empty green room.
We watch as he puts down his stuff, then the
camera focuses to the side of him as he
unpacks all his MAC makeup on the
table/sink in front of him.
He slips on a blue wig. The camera is angled
from behind him, so we can see his face as
he looks in the mirror. He begins to talk.
“Honey, I grew up in the smallest town in
Alabama. They would never allow this sort of
thing”. He laughs and throws his head back.
He grabs MAC silver body paint and starts
applying it to his face. He continues to talk.
“My love of drag started when I first saw P​aris
Is Burning ​as a kid. I saw all the lights, the
glamour”. He pauses. “Something just clicked
for me”.
He takes a stick of mascara and begins
applying it while leaning close to the mirror
“My first time walking down the runway I was
so awful! But everybody was so supportive,
they all still clapped and smiled for me”. He
sighs in nostalgia.
He starts applying blue eyeshadow.
“I was always a shy kid, always a little afraid
of people...I decided my look would be all
about color. A little something to reflect my
personality inside”. He smiles. “ I remember
the very first time I saw myself with a full face
of makeup. It was like all of a sudden this
confident person I knew was inside of me
finally came out”.
Camera zooms out. He’s doing the final
finishes to his outfit.
“My look is unique for some people, yes”. He
Laughs. “But it’s me”
Sound from off stage says, “And now...the
fabulous, Blue Rose!”
He blows a kiss to the camera and the
camera watches him walks away.
The camera focuses back on to just the mac
products and the mirror he was looking in.
Text comes on the screen:
“Find what makes you, you”
Commercial #2: Fashion Student
College aged girl sits in her bedroom. It’s a
little bit messy, but decorated with tokens
from her past as well as various fashion
drawings on the wall. In the background, we
hear the sound of Mexican mariachi music
and trains passing by(softly).
The girl gets up and moves towards her
dresser/mirror and starts putting her hair up
with pins.
Looking in the mirror, she is still in the
process of getting ready. Her voice narrates
the video.
“Ever since I was younger, I knew I wanted to
be remembered for something”
Camera focuses to her cork board of pictures
of her when she is young and fashion pages.
She is unfocused but is partially in the frame.
She reaches into her drawer on her
dresser and her hand searches for
“My grandmother gave me my first
lipstick, “Red Hot”.
Close up of her hand putting the lipstick on
the table.
“I loved everything about it, the way it looked,
the way it made me feel. Like I could do
Zoom out, we see her putting on her earrings.
“When I started attending fashion school, I
was really scared you know? Everybody had
nice expensive clothes, brands I never heard
She’s about to leave, but realizes something
is off, looks in the mirror. Uncaps lipstick and
starts putting it on.
“But then I put on my lipstick and all those
feelings of being powerful come back”. She
pauses, “ I feel more like me”.
Smiles in front of the mirror again. She’s all
ready. Closese lipstick and does a quick kiss
to the outside and leaves.
Over the last screen these words come up:
“Find what makes you, you”
Out of Home
For these first three out of home advertisements, I wanted to continue the idea from the
commercial about matching bold colors with bold people who aren’t afraid to be
themselves. I have faith that consumers don’t just see the physical beauty of models,
but also the beauty of uniqueness. So i’ve chosen models who might not fit the norm of
being classically beautiful, but are beautiful because they look as if they are happy with
who they are, and use makeup as an expression of that sentiment.
For these billboards, I used only copy with language that a well versed makeup user
would understand. It’s my feeling that at times, when too many photos of models, or of
products are presented in front of a consumer, it can begin to feel inauthentic to the
brands original values. These ads speaks to both the bold confident makeup consumer,
as well as those who want those feelings of confidence, but struggle with attaining
them. For the consumer who reads the copy and sees it as fitting in with their ideology,
it’s an assurance that MAC’s brand agenda fits with their own personal values. Also,
instead of saying “MAC makeup tip”, I thought I would use the term “MAC user”,
keeping with the community feeling of the brand.
For my last two out of home ads, I continued the idea of finding “what makes you, you”.
Onto a digital platform. I want to use pictures of different features of people’s faces
(their eyes, nose, lips), that might not be aesthetically perfect by society's standards, but
are apart of what makes the person different, and themselves. Instead of hiding these
features, the person highlights their features using makeup, to feel even more confident
about themselves. Each hour or day, the three segments in the ad would change to a
different image and a different feature. I wanted the images to change, and the board to
be digital, because as a consumer of makeup myself, seeing a feature on a model that
is similar to mine, always makes me curious as to how and what product they used with
their makeup. Since cities are filled with so many different faces, it made sense to
change the images of the features after a certain amount of time to reflect that.
Instagram/Out Of Home #What Makes Me
There will be two parts to this campaign. The online portion of this campaign would ask
MAC consumers to get involved with the campaign through social media. While it’s
easy to ask somebody to incorporate a hashtag into their photos, it doesn't always
they’ll do it. Maybe it’s human nature, but i’ve noticed when there’s a reward involved,
it’s more likely that person will be on board. Here, the reward would be a chance to be a
model in our campaign. There’s no shortage out there of makeup lovers who post daily
selfies in the hopes of being appreciated for their artistic look, so being featured with a
brand they associate with is an exciting concept. On our instagram page, we would ask
users to post a pictures of themselves wearing a MAC product along with the hashtag
#what makes me for a chance to be on a MAC billboard. If their image was used, they
would be informed and sent a picture of the final product. See below for the billboard
Out of Home- Wall mosaic of photos
For the billboards of the Instagram contest, I wanted to turn some of the images people
submitted into a picture mural. I didn’t want to choose one person as a model, because
it wouldn’t fit with the campaign idea of inclusion and being who you are no matter who
you are. By using a picture mural, we could all sorts of different people, of different
colors and identities, but who share the ideology of being a confident MAC face.
Experiential CSR+ Youtube
For the experiential part of the campaign, I wanted to use MAC’s confidence to help
people who might feel that they’ve lost that sense of empowerment. The idea is that
MAC would have an airstream bus with the supplies necessary to give makeovers to
people. The bus would then go to areas of people that might live with lower incomes, or
in areas of high homeless populations to give the women or men in the area makeup
looks that would make them feel most confident. Since MAC makeup is meant to
empower, this experience would also help send the message that MAC wants to help
everybody, even those who maybe can’t afford their products, feel like their best selves.
The experience of the makeovers would be documented and then posted online, where
more people can interact with the idea.
With the influx of home sharing websites as a cheap way to lodge, there has also 
been issues such as people not being accepted into people's homes because of 
their race or sexuality. As these problems increase, disheartened sentiment 
around such websites have increased as well. However, I believe this has created 
an area of opportunity for low costs hotels to differentiate themselves from such 
websites by marketing their acceptance for all people, regardless what what they 
look like. The Pod Hotels is a real line of low-cost hotels in NYC that’s a unique 
balance between quirky and boutique.  
The commercial will be similar to a mini animated short. Audiences will see that 
the Pod Hotels is a place for everybody with a heart. In fact, the Pod Hotel love's 
differences because of the add to diversity and new experiences it brings. By 
telling the story and teaching this ideology through animals, the issue of 
acceptance based on diversity is easier to understand, as well as being a 
touching story that audiences of all ages relate to.  
Similar whimsical tone to ​Amelie​ and ​Paddington Bear​ films  
Song played in the background: ​La Noyee 
A rabbit on a trip to NYC, finds himself 
lost in the city on a rainy day. Hoping 
to find a place to stay, he decides to 
embark on an adventure and wishes 
to meet some friends along the way.  
Unable to speak human language, he 
holds up a sign using the symbols and 
words he knows. The sign reads 
“Looking 4” and then a drawing of a 
house with a heart. Sadly, nobody 
stops to help him.  
As he approaches a building, he tries 
knocking on one of the doors to see if 
they could let him stay over. When he 
knocks, though, a hand holds up a 
sign that says “No (and then a picture 
of a bunny rabbit). He begins tearing 
up, and continues his search, but with 
less hope.  
After searching for an hour, Rabbit 
stumbles upon a small archway and 
starts feeling a sense of hope. 
Cautiously, he slowly walks down the 
Rabbit finds the door to The Pod. Still 
traumatized from being rejected, he 
rings the doorbell and closes his eyes 
and crosses his fingers, hoping to be 
accepted. It worked! The piece of 
paper that then slides through the 
door reads “All (hearts) welcome!” 
Rabbit looks at his sign, then at the 
door, and does a jump for joy.  
As he enters, Rabbit sees that every 
creature in there is different, but each 
has a heart similar to his. As the 
audience, we are also introduced to 
The Pod lobby.  
women’s voice: “At The Pod, we don’t 
care how you look, dress, or believe in”  
Rabbit is partying with other creatures 
and sharing stories inside of of the 
bar areas of The Pod.  
women's voice “In fact, we believe 
differences means new opportunity to 
learn and discover”  
Rabbit is at the window, this time he is 
inside. In the fog of the window he 
draws a heart.  
Man's voice: “We only care that you 
have an open heart”.  
Text on screen:  
Embrace Different.  
As a way to continue the narrative from the commercial and get consumers 
interacting with the hotel, I want to include a nineties inspired video game that 
would feature on their website. There’s an increasing nostalgia for the past as 
evidenced by the popularity of nineties style clothing brands, shoes, and toys 
that are selling today. This game would play into that nostalgia via its simple 
pixelated visuals and arrow moving controls. Most importantly, players get to 
immerse themselves in the actual hotel scenery, making it more of a space that 
people might want to stay at because they saw it in a game. To further incentivize 
people to play, there would a real life reward for the fastest time to finish the 
game. In my experience, whenever a video game is being played, being number 
one is always a high priority.  
The synopsis of the video game is that you play as the Rabbit, and have to help 
find the concierge’s lost keys. As Rabbit, you follow instructions from the 
concierge and go to find the different animals that might help you. Besides the 
adventure aspect of the video game, by interacting and talking to the different 
animals guests who help you, there’s an underlying message that embracing and 
meeting different people will help you along in life.  
The web page that shows when web 
goers press on the game. There are 
also arrow keys shown, so the player 
understands that they can move 
around with them.  
Continuing with the story from the 
commercial, the player takes the role 
of the rabbit. A text box comes up to 
instruct the player along the way.  
Here, he says “ The Pod! My favorite 
place to stay. I remember when I first 
discovered this place. So many 
different people I met”.  
The next scene is in the concierge of 
the hotel. She says,  
“Oh hello Rabbit! Thank goodness 
you’re here. I’ve lost my keys. Will 
you help me find them? I’ll be sure 
to give you a big thank you gift if you 
The rabbit agrees, and user is taken 
to the next scene.  
The next scene of the game takes 
place in the bar of The Pod. The 
rabbit runs into one of the guests, 
Mr. Lion. He says,  
“Hello Rabbit, nice to meet you. 
Sadly, I haven’t seen the concierges 
keys. But why don’t you ask 
elephant? He’s very wise. And here’ 
borrow my shoes so you can run 
The rabbit searches the hotel to find 
the elephant. The elephant tells him, 
“Hello Rabbit! Nice to meet you. I 
don’t have your keys, but I did see a 
mouse with some... Why don’t you 
go and ask him? Here, borrow my 
sense of smell so you can find him 
When the user searches the hotel 
enough-- they eventually find the 
mouse in one of the rooms. The 
mouse says,  
“Oh hello Rabbit! I’m afraid you’re 
right. I’ve accidentally taken the 
hotel keys instead of my own. Here 
you go! Nice to meet you, let’s hang 
out later. 
At this point, the player has to find 
their way back to the concierge and 
give back the keys. Upon receiving 
the keys she says,  
“Thank you so much Rabbit! You’re 
one of our best guests here. Why 
don’t you stay here free of charge for 
a few days. I’ve also made you a 
carrot cake!  
After the player finishes an ending 
window will pop up with their time. 
As the game won’t run forever, 
they’ll be prompted to enter their 
email to see if they have won.  
Out of Home  
For the out of home advertisements, I wanted to preserve the theme of 
differences being a good thing, by sharing mini narratives of what might happen 
when people from different backgrounds get together at The Pod. Each one is 
about taking risks or willing to share a space with somebody new, and how that 
leads to something good and happy. Visually, I wanted to keep with the whimsical 
nature of the the campaign.  
For the next set of out of home ads, which I would presume to be on bus stops 
and subway walls, I went with the more general theme of The Pod being a place 
that’s open to everybody, along with the whimsical pictures of animals that has 
continued throughout. On a deeper level, the animals are different species, but 
still get along.  
The last set of out of home ads, I wanted to be a little more playful and useful to 
actual street goers in NYC. They would incorporate objects such as charging 
outlets, umbrellas, and free wifi, in the space they take up. By “lending a helping 
hand”, the idea of The Pod being a friendly, helpful, open space to spend a night 
is still preserved. They would be placed in bus stops both on the inside and 
Even though the Pod Hotel is a place to stay, they still want their guests to 
explore the city and fall in love with it the way they have. Similar to the Amazing 
Race, the “Amazing Pod Race” will take guests throughout the city and force them 
to discover and meet new people, while also having fun performing tasks. The 
reward is a week’s stay at The Pod Hotel.  
The race will be instructed over social media, especially twitter, where the first 
clue will be given out. When the players have gotten to the spot the clue talked 
about, they perform a task and get points on it. At the end, the group or person 
with the highest performance tasks wins.  
Growing up an area known for its academics also meant being surrounded by a lot of
academically smart students. From the outside everything about them seems fine. They get
good grades, they do extracurriculars, and eventually graduate. But If you ask them one on one
how they’re feeling, you find that they grapple with stress and pressure from the standards set
by their parents, many of whom grew up in another country. While their intentions are good,
the requirements they set for their children, and the punishments for not attaining such
requirements, keep teens in an all time stress bubble. This campaign is about highlighting the
prevalence mental health among teens that is charged by their parents. Also, it’s an effort of
starting a conversation about a topic, mental health, that is largely still not talked about and
taboo in many communities. My aim is to communicate with parents who many not realize they
are damaging their kids mental health.
Out of Home
A lot of the time when mental health is talked about online or just in passing, it’s easy to stop
thinking about it when the conversation is over. In order to get people face to face with the
conversation, I want to put three big blackboards around the city or town they are in, for
example San Jose California . Each will be painted with leading lines that a student might write
in private to their parents. They all start with “Dear Parents,” followed by a confession. A lot of
the time students, especially those with parents from a different culture, find it hard to talk to
their parents about stress and anxiety. By having the chalk boards, and chalk to write, students
can do anonymously, while still making a statement.
The next out of home idea involves two parts. In the first part, there would be a website where
students would be given a question about school, how they’re feeling, or stress they have.
Short or long, the answers are anonymous. Each day the language is analyzed and the computer
will identify words that reflect happier language, hopeful, as well as depressing language. This
information would feed a digital representation of a head with a brain, that changes colors
depending on the mental happiness status of that area. So for example, in San Jose California,
the answers that students respond to there would make the brain turn blue if mental status
was good, red, if it was bad, and yellow if both positive and negative language were equally
present. The digital board is a way to see and face the damage, rather than just talking about it.
The last out of home advertisements I created would likely be billboards. While the effects of
mental health are hard to illustrate, instead, I used everyday objects that still convey the same
Petfinder has always been a site that I enjoyed looking at to imagine the 
future dog I might own. I realized I wasn’t alone in this odd hobby, as another 
girl was doing the same in class, stopping every so often to point out, “that's 
him, that’s that’s the one”! After doing some research into what people said 
about adopting their animals, I realized there was an energy and happiness 
so pure when people talked about the moment they found their future 
companions. More importantly, a lot of people didn't see themselves as 
saving their pet, but their pet saving them. In a lot of the ways, it was like 
reading relationship stories between two humans, but even deeper so. Within 
this campaign I wanted to highlight tight knit almost human like relationship 
between pet owner and pet, and the idea of finding the “perfect match”.  
Shot of girl sitting in a lounge chair. 
Bored, monotone, looking towards 
“I”ve never really been a people person. 
A lot of their characteristics I find 
Throughout, she’s the same person 
going through these scenes. Here, she’s 
at a loud restaurant still looking at the 
camera. People next to her are 
enthusiastic and laughing. She says,  
“Their high volume”  
The next scene is her at an office desk, 
with her coworker talking in her face 
about a boring story of her night out. 
Looking at the camera still, the 
monotone girl says,  
“ the way they talk on and on about 
Mother comes up to her, fixing picture 
frame behind her. Girl is still looking 
towards the camera when the mother 
says , 
“Darling you must really wear more 
The monotone girls says 
“Their high standards”  
A cat jumps into the girl's lap. We see 
her start stroking the cat and smiling. In 
a monotone voice again (this time 
smiling), the girl says,  
“Peaches is the only one that gets me. 
We laugh at the same time. We have 
the same view on the world... She’s my 
perfect match”  
Baby voice: “Isn’t that right peaches!”  
Find your match  
Commercial 2 
A man sits with his back straight against 
his couch. On his wall in the back of him 
are tons of pictures all pinned inside 
hearts. We can’t see exactly what the 
pictures are.  
The camera zooms up closer to him. 
He says,  
“Wow (takes a breath) what can I say, 
Penny has changed my life”   
Scene of him running through the park, 
face still looking and talking to the 
camera. He says,  
“But now I’m running more!” He almost 
runs into a guy without realizing it.  
He’s sitting really close next to a bored 
looking coworker. To the camera he 
“I have A LOT more photos to show 
people” laughs hard.  
He’s in the kitchen with an apron on, 
cooking up something. He looks at the 
camera and says,  
“I even learned how to cook for the both 
of us”  
Out zoom, he’s sitting at the table with 
his dog, they're both eating their meal.  
He looks at his dog  
“I know people think i’m odd”. He looks 
at his dog and smiles. “But I love her”  
Find your match  
Out of Home  
Twitter Campaign  
For the twitter campaign, I wanted to continue the human like aspects of 
animals. Each week Petfinder would feature a non-adopted animal who 
would “speak” about themselves on twitter. Of course there would be a 
human behind the desk, but one who has interacted with the animal enough 
to know its personality, and characteristics. In this way, people have a fun way 
to interact with their future pet. Not to mention it’s kind of a laugh to see.  
There’s something about being surprised with the joy of puppies and cats 
after a strenuous day at work in the city. These petfinder popups would be 
setup to look like a patch of grass with wooden posts around, and inside 
people can interact with the available pets. While selling products outside 
doesn't always work, there’s something about interacting with an animal and 
knowing you found the one, that doesn’t let you leave empty handed. 
Participants are encouraged to take pictures with the puppy's, something 
that’s not hard to get people to do and then add the hashtag #perfectmatch.  

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Advertising Portfolio

  • 1.     For this campaign, I wanted to celebrate MAC users. What makes MAC’s users different from others, is the confidence they exude.They’re passionate in their life choices, and that same feeling translates into their makeup. The MAC user’s look is never light, but instead bold and unapologetic. I’ve highlighted some two of these users, both who have both followed their dreams, and have used MAC products within their narrative. The first commercial is about a drag queen getting ready for his performance. When somebody chooses to do drag, it takes confidence to decide that no matter what people think, they’ll do it because they want to. Similarly, MAC users use bold colors to stand out and feel confident in their skin, even when their looks may not fit the norm. In the second commercial, we see another person who exemplifies the MAC brand, a girl who doesn’t come from ideal circumstances but is working to follow her dreams of being a fashion designer. When she gets ready, she does so using MAC lipstick, a product that she has nostalgia for and that has always made her feel her best. With her lipstick on, she feels confident about being different. Commercial #1: Drag Queen The camera follows behind a man dressed in an a self painted cardboard dress, who squeezes past performers backstage at a drag show. He enters a door that leads to an empty green room. We watch as he puts down his stuff, then the camera focuses to the side of him as he unpacks all his MAC makeup on the table/sink in front of him.
  • 2. . He slips on a blue wig. The camera is angled from behind him, so we can see his face as he looks in the mirror. He begins to talk. “Honey, I grew up in the smallest town in Alabama. They would never allow this sort of thing”. He laughs and throws his head back. He grabs MAC silver body paint and starts applying it to his face. He continues to talk. “My love of drag started when I first saw P​aris Is Burning ​as a kid. I saw all the lights, the glamour”. He pauses. “Something just clicked for me”. He takes a stick of mascara and begins applying it while leaning close to the mirror “My first time walking down the runway I was so awful! But everybody was so supportive, they all still clapped and smiled for me”. He sighs in nostalgia. He starts applying blue eyeshadow. “I was always a shy kid, always a little afraid of people...I decided my look would be all about color. A little something to reflect my personality inside”. He smiles. “ I remember the very first time I saw myself with a full face of makeup. It was like all of a sudden this confident person I knew was inside of me finally came out”.
  • 3. Camera zooms out. He’s doing the final finishes to his outfit. “My look is unique for some people, yes”. He Laughs. “But it’s me” - Sound from off stage says, “And now...the fabulous, Blue Rose!” He blows a kiss to the camera and the camera watches him walks away. The camera focuses back on to just the mac products and the mirror he was looking in. Text comes on the screen: “MAC” “Find what makes you, you” Commercial #2: Fashion Student College aged girl sits in her bedroom. It’s a little bit messy, but decorated with tokens from her past as well as various fashion drawings on the wall. In the background, we hear the sound of Mexican mariachi music and trains passing by(softly). The girl gets up and moves towards her dresser/mirror and starts putting her hair up with pins.
  • 4. Looking in the mirror, she is still in the process of getting ready. Her voice narrates the video. “Ever since I was younger, I knew I wanted to be remembered for something” Camera focuses to her cork board of pictures of her when she is young and fashion pages. She is unfocused but is partially in the frame. She reaches into her drawer on her dresser and her hand searches for something “My grandmother gave me my first lipstick, “Red Hot”. Close up of her hand putting the lipstick on the table. “I loved everything about it, the way it looked, the way it made me feel. Like I could do anything”
  • 5. Zoom out, we see her putting on her earrings. “When I started attending fashion school, I was really scared you know? Everybody had nice expensive clothes, brands I never heard of” She’s about to leave, but realizes something is off, looks in the mirror. Uncaps lipstick and starts putting it on. “But then I put on my lipstick and all those feelings of being powerful come back”. She pauses, “ I feel more like me”. Smiles in front of the mirror again. She’s all ready. Closese lipstick and does a quick kiss to the outside and leaves. Over the last screen these words come up: MAC “Find what makes you, you” Out of Home For these first three out of home advertisements, I wanted to continue the idea from the commercial about matching bold colors with bold people who aren’t afraid to be themselves. I have faith that consumers don’t just see the physical beauty of models, but also the beauty of uniqueness. So i’ve chosen models who might not fit the norm of being classically beautiful, but are beautiful because they look as if they are happy with who they are, and use makeup as an expression of that sentiment.
  • 6. For these billboards, I used only copy with language that a well versed makeup user would understand. It’s my feeling that at times, when too many photos of models, or of products are presented in front of a consumer, it can begin to feel inauthentic to the
  • 7. brands original values. These ads speaks to both the bold confident makeup consumer, as well as those who want those feelings of confidence, but struggle with attaining them. For the consumer who reads the copy and sees it as fitting in with their ideology, it’s an assurance that MAC’s brand agenda fits with their own personal values. Also, instead of saying “MAC makeup tip”, I thought I would use the term “MAC user”, keeping with the community feeling of the brand. For my last two out of home ads, I continued the idea of finding “what makes you, you”. Onto a digital platform. I want to use pictures of different features of people’s faces
  • 8. (their eyes, nose, lips), that might not be aesthetically perfect by society's standards, but are apart of what makes the person different, and themselves. Instead of hiding these features, the person highlights their features using makeup, to feel even more confident about themselves. Each hour or day, the three segments in the ad would change to a different image and a different feature. I wanted the images to change, and the board to be digital, because as a consumer of makeup myself, seeing a feature on a model that is similar to mine, always makes me curious as to how and what product they used with their makeup. Since cities are filled with so many different faces, it made sense to change the images of the features after a certain amount of time to reflect that. Instagram/Out Of Home #What Makes Me There will be two parts to this campaign. The online portion of this campaign would ask MAC consumers to get involved with the campaign through social media. While it’s easy to ask somebody to incorporate a hashtag into their photos, it doesn't always they’ll do it. Maybe it’s human nature, but i’ve noticed when there’s a reward involved, it’s more likely that person will be on board. Here, the reward would be a chance to be a model in our campaign. There’s no shortage out there of makeup lovers who post daily selfies in the hopes of being appreciated for their artistic look, so being featured with a brand they associate with is an exciting concept. On our instagram page, we would ask
  • 9. users to post a pictures of themselves wearing a MAC product along with the hashtag #what makes me for a chance to be on a MAC billboard. If their image was used, they would be informed and sent a picture of the final product. See below for the billboard idea Out of Home- Wall mosaic of photos For the billboards of the Instagram contest, I wanted to turn some of the images people submitted into a picture mural. I didn’t want to choose one person as a model, because it wouldn’t fit with the campaign idea of inclusion and being who you are no matter who you are. By using a picture mural, we could all sorts of different people, of different colors and identities, but who share the ideology of being a confident MAC face. Experiential CSR+ Youtube For the experiential part of the campaign, I wanted to use MAC’s confidence to help people who might feel that they’ve lost that sense of empowerment. The idea is that MAC would have an airstream bus with the supplies necessary to give makeovers to people. The bus would then go to areas of people that might live with lower incomes, or
  • 10. in areas of high homeless populations to give the women or men in the area makeup looks that would make them feel most confident. Since MAC makeup is meant to empower, this experience would also help send the message that MAC wants to help everybody, even those who maybe can’t afford their products, feel like their best selves. The experience of the makeovers would be documented and then posted online, where more people can interact with the idea.
  • 11.   With the influx of home sharing websites as a cheap way to lodge, there has also  been issues such as people not being accepted into people's homes because of  their race or sexuality. As these problems increase, disheartened sentiment  around such websites have increased as well. However, I believe this has created  an area of opportunity for low costs hotels to differentiate themselves from such  websites by marketing their acceptance for all people, regardless what what they  look like. The Pod Hotels is a real line of low-cost hotels in NYC that’s a unique  balance between quirky and boutique.     Commercial   The commercial will be similar to a mini animated short. Audiences will see that  the Pod Hotels is a place for everybody with a heart. In fact, the Pod Hotel love's  differences because of the add to diversity and new experiences it brings. By  telling the story and teaching this ideology through animals, the issue of  acceptance based on diversity is easier to understand, as well as being a  touching story that audiences of all ages relate to.     Similar whimsical tone to ​Amelie​ and ​Paddington Bear​ films       Song played in the background: ​La Noyee 
  • 12. A rabbit on a trip to NYC, finds himself  lost in the city on a rainy day. Hoping  to find a place to stay, he decides to  embark on an adventure and wishes  to meet some friends along the way.   Unable to speak human language, he  holds up a sign using the symbols and  words he knows. The sign reads  “Looking 4” and then a drawing of a  house with a heart. Sadly, nobody  stops to help him.   As he approaches a building, he tries  knocking on one of the doors to see if  they could let him stay over. When he  knocks, though, a hand holds up a  sign that says “No (and then a picture  of a bunny rabbit). He begins tearing  up, and continues his search, but with  less hope.  
  • 13. After searching for an hour, Rabbit  stumbles upon a small archway and  starts feeling a sense of hope.  Cautiously, he slowly walks down the  street.   Rabbit finds the door to The Pod. Still  traumatized from being rejected, he  rings the doorbell and closes his eyes  and crosses his fingers, hoping to be  accepted. It worked! The piece of  paper that then slides through the  door reads “All (hearts) welcome!”  Rabbit looks at his sign, then at the  door, and does a jump for joy.   As he enters, Rabbit sees that every  creature in there is different, but each  has a heart similar to his. As the  audience, we are also introduced to  The Pod lobby.       women’s voice: “At The Pod, we don’t  care how you look, dress, or believe in”  
  • 14. Rabbit is partying with other creatures  and sharing stories inside of of the  bar areas of The Pod.       women's voice “In fact, we believe  differences means new opportunity to  learn and discover”   Rabbit is at the window, this time he is  inside. In the fog of the window he  draws a heart.     Man's voice: “We only care that you  have an open heart”.     Text on screen:             Embrace Different.     Online   As a way to continue the narrative from the commercial and get consumers  interacting with the hotel, I want to include a nineties inspired video game that  would feature on their website. There’s an increasing nostalgia for the past as  evidenced by the popularity of nineties style clothing brands, shoes, and toys  that are selling today. This game would play into that nostalgia via its simple  pixelated visuals and arrow moving controls. Most importantly, players get to  immerse themselves in the actual hotel scenery, making it more of a space that  people might want to stay at because they saw it in a game. To further incentivize  people to play, there would a real life reward for the fastest time to finish the 
  • 15. game. In my experience, whenever a video game is being played, being number  one is always a high priority.     The synopsis of the video game is that you play as the Rabbit, and have to help  find the concierge’s lost keys. As Rabbit, you follow instructions from the  concierge and go to find the different animals that might help you. Besides the  adventure aspect of the video game, by interacting and talking to the different  animals guests who help you, there’s an underlying message that embracing and  meeting different people will help you along in life.     The web page that shows when web  goers press on the game. There are  also arrow keys shown, so the player  understands that they can move  around with them.   Continuing with the story from the  commercial, the player takes the role  of the rabbit. A text box comes up to  instruct the player along the way.     Here, he says “ The Pod! My favorite  place to stay. I remember when I first  discovered this place. So many  different people I met”.   The next scene is in the concierge of  the hotel. She says,     “Oh hello Rabbit! Thank goodness  you’re here. I’ve lost my keys. Will  you help me find them? I’ll be sure  to give you a big thank you gift if you  do.     The rabbit agrees, and user is taken  to the next scene.  
  • 16. The next scene of the game takes  place in the bar of The Pod. The  rabbit runs into one of the guests,  Mr. Lion. He says,     “Hello Rabbit, nice to meet you.  Sadly, I haven’t seen the concierges  keys. But why don’t you ask  elephant? He’s very wise. And here’  borrow my shoes so you can run  faster.  The rabbit searches the hotel to find  the elephant. The elephant tells him,    “Hello Rabbit! Nice to meet you. I  don’t have your keys, but I did see a  mouse with some... Why don’t you  go and ask him? Here, borrow my  sense of smell so you can find him  better.  When the user searches the hotel  enough-- they eventually find the  mouse in one of the rooms. The  mouse says,     “Oh hello Rabbit! I’m afraid you’re  right. I’ve accidentally taken the  hotel keys instead of my own. Here  you go! Nice to meet you, let’s hang  out later.  At this point, the player has to find  their way back to the concierge and  give back the keys. Upon receiving  the keys she says,     “Thank you so much Rabbit! You’re  one of our best guests here. Why  don’t you stay here free of charge for  a few days. I’ve also made you a  carrot cake!  
  • 17. After the player finishes an ending  window will pop up with their time.  As the game won’t run forever,  they’ll be prompted to enter their  email to see if they have won.   Out of Home   For the out of home advertisements, I wanted to preserve the theme of  differences being a good thing, by sharing mini narratives of what might happen  when people from different backgrounds get together at The Pod. Each one is  about taking risks or willing to share a space with somebody new, and how that  leads to something good and happy. Visually, I wanted to keep with the whimsical  nature of the the campaign.    
  • 18. For the next set of out of home ads, which I would presume to be on bus stops  and subway walls, I went with the more general theme of The Pod being a place  that’s open to everybody, along with the whimsical pictures of animals that has  continued throughout. On a deeper level, the animals are different species, but  still get along.    
  • 19. The last set of out of home ads, I wanted to be a little more playful and useful to  actual street goers in NYC. They would incorporate objects such as charging  outlets, umbrellas, and free wifi, in the space they take up. By “lending a helping  hand”, the idea of The Pod being a friendly, helpful, open space to spend a night  is still preserved. They would be placed in bus stops both on the inside and  outside. 
  • 20. Experiential  Even though the Pod Hotel is a place to stay, they still want their guests to  explore the city and fall in love with it the way they have. Similar to the Amazing  Race, the “Amazing Pod Race” will take guests throughout the city and force them  to discover and meet new people, while also having fun performing tasks. The  reward is a week’s stay at The Pod Hotel.     The race will be instructed over social media, especially twitter, where the first  clue will be given out. When the players have gotten to the spot the clue talked  about, they perform a task and get points on it. At the end, the group or person  with the highest performance tasks wins.  
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  • 24. Growing up an area known for its academics also meant being surrounded by a lot of academically smart students. From the outside everything about them seems fine. They get good grades, they do extracurriculars, and eventually graduate. But If you ask them one on one how they’re feeling, you find that they grapple with stress and pressure from the standards set by their parents, many of whom grew up in another country. While their intentions are good, the requirements they set for their children, and the punishments for not attaining such requirements, keep teens in an all time stress bubble. This campaign is about highlighting the prevalence mental health among teens that is charged by their parents. Also, it’s an effort of starting a conversation about a topic, mental health, that is largely still not talked about and taboo in many communities. My aim is to communicate with parents who many not realize they are damaging their kids mental health. Out of Home A lot of the time when mental health is talked about online or just in passing, it’s easy to stop thinking about it when the conversation is over. In order to get people face to face with the conversation, I want to put three big blackboards around the city or town they are in, for example San Jose California . Each will be painted with leading lines that a student might write in private to their parents. They all start with “Dear Parents,” followed by a confession. A lot of the time students, especially those with parents from a different culture, find it hard to talk to their parents about stress and anxiety. By having the chalk boards, and chalk to write, students can do anonymously, while still making a statement.
  • 25. The next out of home idea involves two parts. In the first part, there would be a website where students would be given a question about school, how they’re feeling, or stress they have. Short or long, the answers are anonymous. Each day the language is analyzed and the computer will identify words that reflect happier language, hopeful, as well as depressing language. This information would feed a digital representation of a head with a brain, that changes colors
  • 26. depending on the mental happiness status of that area. So for example, in San Jose California, the answers that students respond to there would make the brain turn blue if mental status was good, red, if it was bad, and yellow if both positive and negative language were equally present. The digital board is a way to see and face the damage, rather than just talking about it.
  • 27. The last out of home advertisements I created would likely be billboards. While the effects of mental health are hard to illustrate, instead, I used everyday objects that still convey the same meaning.
  • 28.   Petfinder has always been a site that I enjoyed looking at to imagine the  future dog I might own. I realized I wasn’t alone in this odd hobby, as another  girl was doing the same in class, stopping every so often to point out, “that's  him, that’s that’s the one”! After doing some research into what people said  about adopting their animals, I realized there was an energy and happiness  so pure when people talked about the moment they found their future  companions. More importantly, a lot of people didn't see themselves as  saving their pet, but their pet saving them. In a lot of the ways, it was like  reading relationship stories between two humans, but even deeper so. Within  this campaign I wanted to highlight tight knit almost human like relationship  between pet owner and pet, and the idea of finding the “perfect match”.     Commercial    Shot of girl sitting in a lounge chair.  Bored, monotone, looking towards  camera.     “I”ve never really been a people person.  A lot of their characteristics I find  bothersome...”    Throughout, she’s the same person  going through these scenes. Here, she’s  at a loud restaurant still looking at the  camera. People next to her are  enthusiastic and laughing. She says,     “Their high volume”  
  • 29.   The next scene is her at an office desk,  with her coworker talking in her face  about a boring story of her night out.  Looking at the camera still, the  monotone girl says,     “ the way they talk on and on about  nothing”     Mother comes up to her, fixing picture  frame behind her. Girl is still looking  towards the camera when the mother  says ,  “Darling you must really wear more  colors”     The monotone girls says  “Their high standards”     A cat jumps into the girl's lap. We see  her start stroking the cat and smiling. In  a monotone voice again (this time  smiling), the girl says,     “Peaches is the only one that gets me.  We laugh at the same time. We have  the same view on the world... She’s my  perfect match”     Baby voice: “Isn’t that right peaches!”               Find your match         
  • 30. Commercial 2  A man sits with his back straight against  his couch. On his wall in the back of him  are tons of pictures all pinned inside  hearts. We can’t see exactly what the  pictures are.         The camera zooms up closer to him.  He says,     “Wow (takes a breath) what can I say,  Penny has changed my life”    Scene of him running through the park,  face still looking and talking to the  camera. He says,     “But now I’m running more!” He almost  runs into a guy without realizing it.     He’s sitting really close next to a bored  looking coworker. To the camera he  says,    “I have A LOT more photos to show  people” laughs hard.  
  • 31. He’s in the kitchen with an apron on,  cooking up something. He looks at the  camera and says,     “I even learned how to cook for the both  of us”   Out zoom, he’s sitting at the table with  his dog, they're both eating their meal.   He looks at his dog     “I know people think i’m odd”. He looks  at his dog and smiles. “But I love her”             Find your match                            
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  • 35. Twitter Campaign   For the twitter campaign, I wanted to continue the human like aspects of  animals. Each week Petfinder would feature a non-adopted animal who  would “speak” about themselves on twitter. Of course there would be a  human behind the desk, but one who has interacted with the animal enough  to know its personality, and characteristics. In this way, people have a fun way  to interact with their future pet. Not to mention it’s kind of a laugh to see.          
  • 36.     Experiential   There’s something about being surprised with the joy of puppies and cats  after a strenuous day at work in the city. These petfinder popups would be  setup to look like a patch of grass with wooden posts around, and inside  people can interact with the available pets. While selling products outside  doesn't always work, there’s something about interacting with an animal and  knowing you found the one, that doesn’t let you leave empty handed.  Participants are encouraged to take pictures with the puppy's, something  that’s not hard to get people to do and then add the hashtag #perfectmatch.      
  • 37.