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Matt Vickers

               [Wholesome, earthy, country,
               welcoming, warmth, stability, fall,

               [Cheeriness, joy, action, optimism,
               happiness, idealism, summer,
               hope, imagination, sunshine, phi-
               losophy, youth,]

                [Vigor, elegance, richness, re-
                finement, leadership, maturity,
Table of Contents
                                                  Resume, cover lettter
                    [Wholesome, earthy, coun-
                    try, welcoming, warmth,
                    stability, fall, harvest]

                    [Cheeriness, joy, action,
                    optimism, happiness, ideal-
                    ism, summer, hope, imagi-
                    nation, sunshine, philoso-
                    phy, youth,]

                                                  Graphic Design
                    [Vigor, elegance, richness,
                    refinement, leadership,
                    maturity, expensive]
[Wholesome, earthy, country,
           welcoming, warmth, stability, fall,

                                                        	     Matt	Vickers	:	Freelancer
                                                 My name is Matt Vickers, I will be graduating May 2011 with a
My Story

                                                 Bachelor of Arts degree in Advertising. I am seeking to obtain
                                                 a creative position in an advertising agency, to apply my visual
                                                 concepts and help with the continous growth of an agency.

                                                 I began conceptually designing when I was 12 years old, with
                                                 a Home Design computer software program. This was the be-
                                                 ginning of my visual design concepts, from that point, I have
                                                 continued to apply my visual ideas. I worked in the Paint De-
                                                 partment at Menards that allowed me to combine paint tints to
                                                 construct my own color and visually construct consumer color
                                                 concepts for homeowners.

                                                 With this, I have applied my color concepts to friends and
                                                 family and their decorating needs.

Acquire a positon in a advertising agency and
render freshnew ideas through diverse media outlets

                      Trax:	Waiter                      Global	Outreach:	Mission Trip Leader         Lindenhurst	Park	District:	Childcare
             Organize kitchen essentials in orderly     Creatively designed effective learning       Designed activities for children to en-
             fashion to provide the most effficient     service projects to provide the mssion       hance their experience and provide the
              workspace for employees                   trip teams with the most influential expe-   most enjoyable daycare program
                                                        rience in the particular community

             Attentively serve consumers so they        Created the most effective ideas for re-     Effectively organized organizational sup-
              leave our restaurant with the most        modeling                                     plies to provide the cleanest atmosphere
             enjoyable experience                       homes to ensure homewowners were             for children and staff
                                                        satisfied with the overall outcome

   	       Menards:	Sales Associate
       Translated consumer’s needs to effective
       concepts by selling essential products that
       can be fully beneficial for their specific
       household project

       Actively stocked, faced shelves and rotated
       inventory to provide consumers and sales
       associates with the most efficient selling and
       shopping expierience.
[Cheeriness, joy, action, opti-
                 mism, happiness, idealism, sum-
                 mer, hope, imagination, sunshine,
Shedd Aquarium   philosophy, youth,]


            During Shedd Aquariums Oceanariums renovations, they seek to maintain average sales.
            Shedd will promote reduced rates during period, avoid sounding desperate and indirectly promot
            ing Oceanarium opening will provide Shedd’s Oceanarium renovatoin period a postive outcome.
            The budget of $1.5 million will provide Shedd Aquarium with the most effective
            advertising techniques.
Positioning	and	Competitive	Advantages

                                         They offer unique products in the city, filling a niche market. While the zoo has a few fish,
                                         but nearly as many, and none large or exotic. The oceanarium’s major competitors are in Tennesee
                                         and Minnesota. Their secondary competitors in Chicago are Field Museum, Adler Planetarium,
                                          and Grant Park.
Target	Group:	Chicago Resients

                                 Middle-upper class residents seeking weekend entertainment within city limits
                                 and in very near surrounding suburbs. The target groups are families with chil
                                 dren, school groups, young professionals and college students. Registered
                                 residents recieve 25% discount.
Communication	Mix: Chicago Residents

                                       Focus on frequency through various media outlets--inside and outside buses, trains,
                                       taxi’s and their respective stations, Billboards along I-90/94, Lakeshore Drive
                                       and around downtown.
Target	Group: Visiting Tourists

                                  Seeking to obtain residents in farther suburbs, Illinois and other neighboring states
                                  that will be inclined to spend money. The target group are middle-upper class families
                                  with children and young couples that are seeking unique attractons.
Communications	Mix: Visiting Tourists

                                        The primary focus is reach and utilization of billboards along highways lead-
                                        ing to Chicago, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan. The other concepts
                                        generated are to advertise on the,
Why	this	campaign	is	essential?	

                                   The aquarium needs to maintain sales to compensate for expensive expansions. The
                                   Oceanarium rescontruction and the sales consistentency will boost the perception
                                   of the institution’s quality. Once the Oceanarium is reopened we will indirectly build
                                   hype for the opening. The most essential piece is to keep employees happy by hav-
                                   ing work for them which will create at better experience for the Chicago residents
                                   and tourists.
[Cheeriness, joy, action, opti-
              mism, happiness, idealism, sum-
              mer, hope, imagination, sunshine,
Donate LIfe   philosophy, youth,]

Creative	Brief
                                                        Principal	Competition: Small
                 Prospect Definition:                   gestures. Instead of becoming a
                                                        donor, consumers are consumed
                 Busy College students                  with small gestures and advertise-
                                                        ments. 1 out of 5000 to be seen.

                 Product	Usage: College Students        Consumer	Benfit: Self recognition
                 will register once in a life time.     for becoming a donor. Save some-
                                                        one’s life

                 Demographics: Private and State        Reason	Why?	To recieve self rec-
                 Universities in Illinois and college   ognition for becoming a donor. By
                 students between the ages of 18-       telling friends, family and then re-
                 30 years old.                          cieve positive feedback from them.

                 Psychographics:	College stu-
                 dents that claim they are too busy.    Appeals
                 Naturally driven to make a differ-
                 ence in someone elses life.
                                                        Rational:	College students are
                                                        busy. It only takes 30 seconds to
                                                        become a organ donor.

                                                        Emotional: If you dedicate 30 sec-
                                                        onds, you can change lives.
Print	Ad
Story	board



Story	board

              7     8

                                        Voice	over
                                        Your busy. I get it.

                                        Just take 30 seconds to change lives.

                                        Register online at


                  Gary Jules: Mad World
Change	Lives	Commerical
[Cheeriness, joy, action, opti-
                     mism, happiness, idealism, sum-
                     mer, hope, imagination, sunshine,
                     philosophy, youth,]
Keep a Child Alive

Creative	Brief

                 Key Fact
                 KCA has a limited financial impact
                 and little relative awareness.

                 Consumer Problem that Advertising will solve
                 The public has charity fatigue and
                 people are inherently selfish.

                 Advertising Objective
                 Find a way to overcome the pub-
                 lics charity fatigue and their inher-
                 ent selfishness. Keep a Child Alive
                 needs to connect with the public
                 in a way that raises money and
                 awareness for KCA’s mission.
Creative	Brief

                 Prospect Definition
                 Target college students that are driv-
                 en by unjust issues worldwide.

                 KCA will sponsor upcoming bands          Consumer Benefit
                 and they will post their videos on
                 youtube and Keep a Child Alive will      Colleges students gain personal
                 choose the best band. The winning        fulfilment by supporting KCA’s
                 band performs a concert at all uni-      campaign.
                 versities that submitted.

                 Local radio stations like XRT will
                 support the buzz by sponsoring the
                                                          Reason Why
                 band and playing their music on their    To recieve self recognition for supporting an AIDS or-
                 radio station                            ganization and receiving positive feedback from friends
                                                          and family.

                 Principal Competition
                 KCA needs a dollor a day to save
                 a life but their stature pails in com-
                 parison to organizations such as the
                 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, which
                 has committed $8.4 billion to sup-
                 port the fight, or UNICEF, which
                 operates in over 100 countries.
Refresh logo

               Rock n' Roll. Keeps a Child Alive
                     T h e ref re s h l o g o w i l l r o c k o u t t h e i r c a m p a i g n
                     b y c o m p l e t e f l ex i b i l i y . t h e ref re s h c o l o r s a re
                     i n t e rc h a n g a b l e t o e a c h u n i ve r s i t y .
Refresh: Rock n' Roll

                        KCA   Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. 

              KCA   Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. 
Guitar Promotion
                                                                                                                                                               rock out for aids

                 scream youheart out
                                       [Rock	Out	for	Aids]

                                                                                                !"                        !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,*

                                                                                   [rock out for aids]
                                         !"   !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,*

                                                                                    !"   !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,*

                                                                                   [rock out for aids]
                                         !"   !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,*
Iphone Application

                                                                                                                      Welcome, John
                                                                                            Rock out your University!

                                                                                 Title                            First          Last      Suffix
                                                                                                                                                                                    The Rock Out appli-
                                                                                                                                                                                    cation will allow college
                                                                                                                                                                                    students to register their
                     KCA   Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive.
                                                                                        City                                     stat
                                                                                                                                    ee       TIC
                                                                                                                                             Y                                      school as well as recieve
                                                                                                                                                                                    updates from KCA

                                                                                         Email                                          la m E

                                                                                                            ACK             $$
                                                                                                                            $            KCA
                                                                                                                          Deta na e
                                                                                                                            o n ot
                                                                            .evilA dlihC a speeK .llor ’n kcoR                              Rock n’ roll. roll. KeepsChild Alive.
                                                                                                                                               Rock n’ Keeps a a Child Alive.

                           kcoR   ’n   .llor   speeK   a   dlihC   .evilA
Print Ad

                                                                           Scream your heart out.
           be free
           Express yourself

                                                          16.6 million                                                                      16.6 million
                                                        children have                                                                     children have
                                                         lost their                                                                        lost their
                                                       parents to aids                                                                   parents to aids

                                                       Rock out for A DS
            KCA   Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive.
                                                                                                    Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive.
                                                                                                                                         Rock out for A DS

   cosmo/seventeen/people/glamour/vogue/time/national geographic/entertainment weekly/womens health/elle/instyle/sports illustrated
Home   About us         Why Aids             Our Work     G e t i n v o lv e d   Way s t o d o n at e
Rock out for a ds


                                                                                                                    Scream your heart out people.
         million worldwide infected with HIV/AIDS
         million people have died due to HIV/Aids



                   We are supporting local bands in your neighborhood.

                      We need you to scream your hearts out about the

                                                    fight against A DS

                                                                                                        Follow us
Storyboard: Scream your Hearts

                                                                                     2 33.0 million people with Aids
                                                                                       wide are infected
                                                                                                                               3 30.0 million people have
                                                                                                                                 died due to

                                 1 Scream your hearts out people

                                                      get involved. we are sup-
                                                      porting local bands in your     5 We need you to Rock your
                                                                                        hearts out for the fight               6 so they can...
                                                                                                                                 be free.
                                                      neighborhood                       against AIds

                                                                                    come on express yourself

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Advertising Portfolio

  • 1. Matt Vickers [Wholesome, earthy, country, welcoming, warmth, stability, fall, harvest] [Cheeriness, joy, action, optimism, happiness, idealism, summer, hope, imagination, sunshine, phi- losophy, youth,] [Vigor, elegance, richness, re- finement, leadership, maturity, expensive]
  • 2. Table of Contents Resume, cover lettter [Wholesome, earthy, coun- try, welcoming, warmth, stability, fall, harvest] Campaigns [Cheeriness, joy, action, optimism, happiness, ideal- ism, summer, hope, imagi- nation, sunshine, philoso- phy, youth,] Graphic Design [Vigor, elegance, richness, refinement, leadership, maturity, expensive]
  • 3. [Wholesome, earthy, country, welcoming, warmth, stability, fall, harvest] Matt Vickers : Freelancer My name is Matt Vickers, I will be graduating May 2011 with a My Story Bachelor of Arts degree in Advertising. I am seeking to obtain a creative position in an advertising agency, to apply my visual concepts and help with the continous growth of an agency. I began conceptually designing when I was 12 years old, with a Home Design computer software program. This was the be- ginning of my visual design concepts, from that point, I have continued to apply my visual ideas. I worked in the Paint De- partment at Menards that allowed me to combine paint tints to construct my own color and visually construct consumer color concepts for homeowners. With this, I have applied my color concepts to friends and family and their decorating needs.
  • 4. Resume Acquire a positon in a advertising agency and render freshnew ideas through diverse media outlets Trax: Waiter Global Outreach: Mission Trip Leader Lindenhurst Park District: Childcare Organize kitchen essentials in orderly Creatively designed effective learning Designed activities for children to en- fashion to provide the most effficient service projects to provide the mssion hance their experience and provide the workspace for employees trip teams with the most influential expe- most enjoyable daycare program rience in the particular community Attentively serve consumers so they Created the most effective ideas for re- Effectively organized organizational sup- leave our restaurant with the most modeling plies to provide the cleanest atmosphere enjoyable experience homes to ensure homewowners were for children and staff completely satisfied with the overall outcome Menards: Sales Associate Translated consumer’s needs to effective concepts by selling essential products that can be fully beneficial for their specific household project Actively stocked, faced shelves and rotated inventory to provide consumers and sales associates with the most efficient selling and shopping expierience.
  • 5. [Cheeriness, joy, action, opti- mism, happiness, idealism, sum- mer, hope, imagination, sunshine, Shedd Aquarium philosophy, youth,] Campaigns
  • 6. Objective During Shedd Aquariums Oceanariums renovations, they seek to maintain average sales. Shedd will promote reduced rates during period, avoid sounding desperate and indirectly promot ing Oceanarium opening will provide Shedd’s Oceanarium renovatoin period a postive outcome. The budget of $1.5 million will provide Shedd Aquarium with the most effective advertising techniques.
  • 7. Positioning and Competitive Advantages They offer unique products in the city, filling a niche market. While the zoo has a few fish, but nearly as many, and none large or exotic. The oceanarium’s major competitors are in Tennesee and Minnesota. Their secondary competitors in Chicago are Field Museum, Adler Planetarium, and Grant Park.
  • 8. Target Group: Chicago Resients Middle-upper class residents seeking weekend entertainment within city limits and in very near surrounding suburbs. The target groups are families with chil dren, school groups, young professionals and college students. Registered residents recieve 25% discount.
  • 9. Communication Mix: Chicago Residents Focus on frequency through various media outlets--inside and outside buses, trains, taxi’s and their respective stations, Billboards along I-90/94, Lakeshore Drive and around downtown.
  • 10. Target Group: Visiting Tourists Seeking to obtain residents in farther suburbs, Illinois and other neighboring states that will be inclined to spend money. The target group are middle-upper class families with children and young couples that are seeking unique attractons.
  • 11. Communications Mix: Visiting Tourists The primary focus is reach and utilization of billboards along highways lead- ing to Chicago, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan. The other concepts generated are to advertise on the, and
  • 12. Why this campaign is essential? The aquarium needs to maintain sales to compensate for expensive expansions. The Oceanarium rescontruction and the sales consistentency will boost the perception of the institution’s quality. Once the Oceanarium is reopened we will indirectly build hype for the opening. The most essential piece is to keep employees happy by hav- ing work for them which will create at better experience for the Chicago residents and tourists.
  • 13. [Cheeriness, joy, action, opti- mism, happiness, idealism, sum- mer, hope, imagination, sunshine, Donate LIfe philosophy, youth,] Campaigns
  • 14. Creative Brief Principal Competition: Small Prospect Definition: gestures. Instead of becoming a donor, consumers are consumed Busy College students with small gestures and advertise- ments. 1 out of 5000 to be seen. Product Usage: College Students Consumer Benfit: Self recognition will register once in a life time. for becoming a donor. Save some- one’s life Demographics: Private and State Reason Why? To recieve self rec- Universities in Illinois and college ognition for becoming a donor. By students between the ages of 18- telling friends, family and then re- 30 years old. cieve positive feedback from them. Psychographics: College stu- dents that claim they are too busy. Appeals Naturally driven to make a differ- ence in someone elses life. Rational: College students are busy. It only takes 30 seconds to become a organ donor. Emotional: If you dedicate 30 sec- onds, you can change lives.
  • 16. Story board 1 4 5 2 3 6
  • 17. Story board 7 8 Voice over Your busy. I get it. Just take 30 seconds to change lives. Register online at Soundtrack Gary Jules: Mad World Radio:
  • 19. [Cheeriness, joy, action, opti- mism, happiness, idealism, sum- mer, hope, imagination, sunshine, philosophy, youth,] Keep a Child Alive Campaigns
  • 20. Creative Brief Key Fact KCA has a limited financial impact and little relative awareness. Consumer Problem that Advertising will solve The public has charity fatigue and people are inherently selfish. Advertising Objective Find a way to overcome the pub- lics charity fatigue and their inher- ent selfishness. Keep a Child Alive needs to connect with the public in a way that raises money and awareness for KCA’s mission.
  • 21. Creative Brief Prospect Definition Target college students that are driv- en by unjust issues worldwide. KCA will sponsor upcoming bands Consumer Benefit and they will post their videos on youtube and Keep a Child Alive will Colleges students gain personal choose the best band. The winning fulfilment by supporting KCA’s band performs a concert at all uni- campaign. versities that submitted. Local radio stations like XRT will support the buzz by sponsoring the Reason Why band and playing their music on their To recieve self recognition for supporting an AIDS or- radio station ganization and receiving positive feedback from friends and family. Principal Competition KCA needs a dollor a day to save a life but their stature pails in com- parison to organizations such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, which has committed $8.4 billion to sup- port the fight, or UNICEF, which operates in over 100 countries.
  • 22. Refresh logo Rock n' Roll. Keeps a Child Alive T h e ref re s h l o g o w i l l r o c k o u t t h e i r c a m p a i g n b y c o m p l e t e f l ex i b i l i y . t h e ref re s h c o l o r s a re i n t e rc h a n g a b l e t o e a c h u n i ve r s i t y .
  • 23. Refresh: Rock n' Roll KCA Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. 
  • 25. Touchpoints KCA Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. 
  • 27. Facebook rock out for aids scream youheart out [Rock Out for Aids] !" !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,* [rock out for aids] !" !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,* !" !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,* [rock out for aids] !" !"#$%&'%("))*%+,,-.%/%012)3%4)25,*
  • 29. Iphone Application LOGOUT Welcome, John Rock out your University! Name : Title First Last Suffix The Rock Out appli- School cation will allow college students to register their KCA Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. City stat stat ee TIC Y school as well as recieve �� updates from KCA Email la m E i ACK $$ $ KCA KCA Deta na e DonateD o n ot .evilA dlihC a speeK .llor ’n kcoR Rock n’ roll. roll. KeepsChild Alive. Rock n’ Keeps a a Child Alive. kcoR ’n .llor speeK a dlihC .evilA ACK
  • 30. Print Ad Scream your heart out. be free Express yourself 16.6 million 16.6 million children have children have lost their lost their parents to aids parents to aids Rock out for A DS KCA Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. KCA Rock n’ roll. Keeps a Child Alive. Rock out for A DS cosmo/seventeen/people/glamour/vogue/time/national geographic/entertainment weekly/womens health/elle/instyle/sports illustrated
  • 31. Home About us Why Aids Our Work G e t i n v o lv e d Way s t o d o n at e Rock out for a ds 30.0 Scream your heart out people. million worldwide infected with HIV/AIDS million people have died due to HIV/Aids 33.3 KCA We are supporting local bands in your neighborhood. We need you to scream your hearts out about the fight against A DS Follow us
  • 32. Storyboard: Scream your Hearts 2 33.0 million people with Aids wide are infected world- 3 30.0 million people have died due to HIV/aids 1 Scream your hearts out people 4 get involved. we are sup- porting local bands in your 5 We need you to Rock your hearts out for the fight 6 so they can... be free. neighborhood against AIds come on express yourself http:/ /