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201 International Colour Trends
   0                                                        colour futures
                             International Colour Trends

With the merger of the former Akzo Nobel
and ICI Paints, AkzoNobel is the world’s largest
global paints and coatings manufacturer.
As a major producer of coatings, colour
is extremely important. Therefore we pride
ourselves on the knowledge of colour
trends and colour formulations in paint.
Colour Futures™ is the result of ongoing
worldwide colour trend research, forecasting
and development. Colour Futures™ provides
the reader with international style and design
trends for interior and exterior, translated into
colour trend palettes.
Above right Leonardo glass Cube Fluid Fantasy.
Far right Amy Cushing Vase
                                                       Colour Trends
Fluid Fantasy. Directly above Aan de Stegge Building Free Spirit.

                                                       Trends can emerge out of every possible
                                                       corner of society. Some can emerge rapidly;
                                                       others evolve over several years – or even
                                                       decades. To clarify what a trend is, it is
                                                       helpful to look at the difference between
                                                       a hype, a fashion and a trend.

                                                       A hype is something that emerges suddenly,
                                                       takes a group of people by storm – and
                                                       then dissipates rapidly. Hypes are generally
                                                       born unconsciously and come from some
                                                       inner drive to be accepted, to belong. A
                                                       fashion is more current and is usually followed
                                                       consciously – through clothes, toys, food
                                                       and certain aspects of lifestyle.

                                                       Trends, on the other hand, are drifts,
                                                       inclinations and movements in a
                                                       prevailing direction.

Trends Team
Once a year we draw together an
international group of creative experts
in the field of design, architecture
and fashion, with an eye for trends
and a passion for colour.

Our trend and colour experts represent
different parts of the world and draw
on a variety of national and international
sources: from design to technology,
from architecture to nature, from fashion
to music and popular culture.

Their ideas about how trends and
colours are developing are presented
a year ahead in Colour Futures™

Driving Influence
     for 2010
     This Colour Futures™ presents one overriding      ‘Reclaim’ recognises that we are in a
     message and five trend related themes.            state of flux between those attitudes and
     Every theme is translated into a contemporary     institutions of the past and what we will
     colour palette. From these palettes we            replace them with as the new foundations
     select one Colour of the Year, the colour that    for life. We now have the opportunity to
     best represents the prevailing mood and           reshape values, recreate systems or build
     fashion of the time.                              alternative ones. We can think again about
                                                       the meaning of concepts like community,
     Reclaim                                           economics – both national and personal,
                                                       human dignity, industrial development
     The overriding message of our themes this         and professional standards.
     year is one of reclamation. After the financial
     uncertainty of recent times and our concern       Each of our themes refers directly to one of
     over global warming and eco-management,           these issues – stylistic independence in Silent
     we need to re-establish those values and          Space, material innovation in Fluid Fantasy,
     qualities that are enduring, true and solid.      reclaiming trust in Basic Beliefs, creative
                                                       individuality in Free Spirit, and cultural values
     The general mood is directed towards a            in Sweet Memory.
     more active role for the individual; of taking
     charge and being responsible for our own          ‘Reclaim’ heralds a new dawn or new
     destinies, of valuing those things pertaining     horizon for humanity which allows us the
     to friends, family and local communities,         opportunity to look again, create better,
     and of caring for the world in order to ensure    improve what has been and adopt a more
     that it is in a healthy state to pass on to our   caring and rational attitude to the way
     children. We want to be more proactive as         we all live together on this planet and fairly
     individuals, giving back to society rather than   share in its resources – a real reclamation
     relying on the State for total control.           of collective wisdom for the future.


     Colour of
     the Year 2010

     70Bg 70/113

The Colour of the Year 2010
                                                                                                       is an airy and optimistic blue.

Colour of
the Year 2010
In keeping with our overall theme of ‘Reclaim’,     A balance of the spiritual and the intellectual
we are looking towards the qualities of truth,      is represented by the allusion to air, sky
integrity, openness and hope. The Colour            and water – the freedom of the spirit married
of the Year is an airy and optimistic blue that     to the rationality of the mind; the vision of
symbolises infinite horizons, new beginnings,       the artist to the knowledge of the scientist.
renewed energy and a positive dynamic.              Both in interior and exterior settings this blue
                                                    has an important role to play. It complements
This clear, transparent shade encapsulates a        perfectly the contemporary materials and
sense of purity and goodness – a hopeful and        modern neutrality of glass, steel and concrete,
chemical free colour full of possibility. It puts   but also works with stronger and more
over an image of vast skies, breezy ozone           traditional interior shades such as crimson,
freshness and the energy and essentiality of        burgundy, plum, teal, pewter and gold.
water. Given these associations plus the
fact that it is a receding colour it will always    This colour speaks of hope and clarity –
create a sense of space.                            a pure, clean and unpolluted direction for the
                                                    future of our planet; a chance to reclaim
Blue, in colour psychology terms, is the colour     possibility with renewed vigour and energy –
associated with sky and sea. Airy light blues are   the clear new horizon of tomorrow.
recognised as being refreshing, soothing and
liberating. They are good in helping to combat
mental strain and stress, physical tiredness
and feelings of exhaustion whilst at the same
time being re-energising and encouraging
fresh starts. They are also thought to enhance
powers of communication which can help to
promote feelings of confidence.

s i l e n t
                                                  s p a c e .

                                                                    International Colour Trends

     This part of Colour Futures™ describes the
     five main trends and colours for 2010.

                                                  S E R E N E T I M E L E SS S PAC I O U S

s i l e n t
     s p a c e .

     S E R E N E T I M E L E SS S PAC I O U S

s i l e n t
s p a c e .

                                                                                                        30BB 05/022

                                                                                                        U9.48.19      S8.12.55
                                                                                                        72BB 07/288   10BB 28/116

s i l e n t
s p a c e .
                                                                                                        P7.15.48      M6.03.62
                                                                                                        10BG 21/141   10GG 38/038
Space is a place of limitless possibilities –       The overriding characteristic of this palette
a subtle void that suggests eternity, mystery       is one of smoky alchemy – subtle, understated
and indefinability. This state of mental infinity   and atmospheric colours that intrigue the
has inspired artists, architects and poets          eye and feed the soul. Against a profoundly
alike throughout the ages both in terms of          spatial palette of dusky blues, teals and mineral
the physical reality of its vastness and in the     greys, individual colours can be sharply
sense of mystery and serenity it creates.           focused and showcased like bright stars in the
                                                    inky depths of space. Soft lustrous materials       M3.03.71      XN.01.71      T9.07.73
                                                                                                        50GG 55/049   10RR 56/029   50BB 54/079
Although to some, this idea of a void or deep       and surfaces glisten and gleam, putting over a
space can be perceived as a somewhat                mood of refined elegance and discreet luxury.
dark place, its attraction lies in its profound
neutrality – a mysterious but sensual               Fabrics and upholstery focus on
background to showcase the precious, the            complementary textures – wool and silk,
refined and the individual.                         velvet and leather, suede and felt. Glistening
                                                    slate and granite are played off against more
The post consumer society is no longer              degraded surfaces like distressed concrete
fascinated by endless choice; it is not a matter    in highly individual combinations.                  R3.05.78      GN.01.77      RN.01.87
of de-consuming but consuming differently.                                                              70BG 68/056   30YY 68/024   10BB 83/020
This attitude heralds a new dawn for those          This process of sorting through what has real
not interested in slavishly following trends.       value allows for more personal interpretations
Poetry and mystery are concepts not much in         of style creativity – today we need more
evidence in the past decade during our rush         meaning than matter, materials that feed the
towards more obvious manifestations of              soul. The reclamation of beauty and
luxury. This new, slightly mysterious style of      authenticity from an age of hysterical mass
independence will reclaim a real sense of           consumption allows us freedom to expand
creative beauty and personal choice.                our horizons and leap into a new silent             SN.02.67      F4.10.70
                                                    space of individualism.                             30BG 49/047   30YY 53/125


     Galleria Department Store, Seoul
     Architect UNStudio Photographer Christian Richter

Above Leonardo glass Cube
Left Ondine Bench Design by Michaël Bihain
& Cédric Callewaert

R1.04.54       F6.16.84       G9.13.85      G4.33.81
                                                                                                      70BG 28/060    35YY 81/174    90YY 83/179   60YY 73/497
The once well defined boundaries                    The acid fresh palette seems to radiate,
between art and science are disappearing.           flow and glow – to move in ways that are
Experimental innovation is the buzzword             both joyous and unrestrained. The neutral
for both as supersynthetic culture challenges       supremacy of black and white has changed –
all our sensibilities. Depletion of planetary       the Apple iPod has swapped fashion
resources encourages us to look at unnatural        white for an explosion of clean chroma.
materials in new and innovative ways –              Pure colour is the new material, fused and
cross industry collaboration is essential to this   forged into new forms and finishes.               C6.61.41       BN.01.85       M9.11.76      G6.46.73
new mood of dynamism and animation.                                                                   31YR 18 /648   10RR 83/026    50GG 61/154   70YY 61/561
                                                    Here shades are intense, fizzy and futuristic –
This state of flux is a defining characteristic     solid saturated reds and purples are played
of the present – a sensation of constant            off against luminous and pulsating pinks,
movement, transition and work in progress.          yellows and turquoises. Vivid pastels and
Rapid prototyping and computer generated            almost fluorescent, energetic optical effects
construction allow forms and surfaces to be         explode, irradiate and shine – this kinetic
created that are complex, pixellated, meshed,       approach to colour signifies a detox from the
crystalline and perforated. Karim Rashid            depression that has undermined our spirits.       Z3.37.43       Y2.11.73       R7.11.79      R7.31.62
and Zaha Hadid are at the forefront of these                                                          43RR 19/444    94RB 64 /182   70BG 70/113   86BG 43/321
innovative developments of form and material.       This synthetic, stylistic and chromatic
                                                    approach creates places for living, working
Our growing infatuation with polymers and           and playing with an overriding emotional
resins in retina shocking colours means             energy – a symbolic embracement of life
we can celebrate the synthetic and truly enjoy      with a euphoric and infectious zeal.
engineered materials. Furniture exhibits ultra
smooth lines and curvilinear form – fluid and
flowing, moulded and seamless – it appears to                                                         ON.00.39       B3.25.60       RN.02.83      V8.23.44
grow from the walls or floor. Fabrics include                                                         00NN 16/000    89RR 36/416    09BB 77/019   10RB 19/262
hi-tech polyesters, glazed vinyls and laminated
space age combinations that intrigue the
eye with their sheer smoothness.

Amy Cushing Vase

     be li e fs


be li e fs

Tree Tents

                                                                                                                         R0.39.25      C4.09.36
                                                                                                                         70BG 09/171   30YR 15/112

be li e fs
                                                                                                           Y3.16.43      G8.19.69      B9.14.44
                                                                                                           10RR 22/178   90YY 48/255   10YR 22/206
In a world where the difference between              Furniture, fabrics and accessories are inspired
fake and real is becoming ever more blurred,         by a slightly folkloric aesthetic. Textiles feature
there is a huge need to reclaim a notion of          washed, crumpled and aged effects that
trust. The solid institutions and societies of the   have a soft tactility. Country checks, stripes,
past are morphing into new ones that focus           engraved florals, slubby weaves and large
more on individuals, partnerships and social         knitted constructions all add to the homespun
networks which appear and rearrange                  quality. Furniture evokes the simplicity of a
themselves according to need.                        farming life – rocking chairs, benches and            ZN.02.82      K2.09.60      F3.25.65
                                                     kitchen tables made in fruit woods, reclaimed         10RR 75/039   50GY 43/120   30YY 46/304
Innocence and meaning are being                      timbers or woven rattan and rope. Accessories
rediscovered at a time when perceived values         are chunky and sturdy looking, made to fit
have been challenged. The kitchen table              the human hand.
has become a visual metaphor for a new
desire for truth and simplicity – qualities that     The palette is reminiscent of herbs, grains and
are seen to be universal and enduring in a           medicinal flowers – muted and subtle tones
world of rapid change.                               that evoke an authentic lifestyle. Pale wild rose,
                                                     golden bark, green moss and soft clay allude          E4.16.77      MN.02.77      E9.03.71
Art, science and nature are forming new              to natural dyes and earth pigments. Colours of        00YY 67/212   50GG 63/042   10YY 54/034
alliances. ‘Mood foods’ help tackle the effects      character and provenance, almost beyond
of stress, depression and concentration              fashion, are timeless, relaxed and harmonious.
via a marriage of medical and agricultural
technology. In India the importance of healing       This reawakened concept of collective
plants is reawakened via ethno medical               wisdom and social responsibility heralds a
gardens in sustainable rural communities.            reclamation of the true values of home
Artistic science is developing new creative use      and family – a fraternity of friendship for
of plants for colourants, dyes and cosmetics.        a stable and sustainable tomorrow.                    F4.12.79      U2.05.76      B6.05.51
                                                                                                           30YY 65/171   70BB 65/066   10YR 28/072
A new dialogue is emerging between urban
and rural – a rush towards urban living
in some areas is balanced by a return to the
countryside in others. A pastoral dimension to
our lives allows us to feel rooted to reality
and universality – never before have so many
people tended allotments, kept bees, bought
from farmers’ markets or raised chickens.

       InD IvIDUAL
     Irre verent

                     Aan de Stegge Building


         Below Aan de Stegge Building

P1.11.63      D6.41.60       C0.52.29
                                                                                                     10BG 46/112   70YR 36/468    09YR 11/475

                                                                                                     Q1.17.76      V9.18.29       G4.07.77
                                                                                                     46BG 63/190   30RB 10/214    60YY 67/117

                                                                                                     S8.34.56                     F8.38.70
                                                                                                     22BB 34/304                  50YY 51/519
The free spirit symbolises individuality,          The look is always unexpected. Materials
standing alone against the crowd, daring to        are juxtaposed in exciting, thought provoking
be different or even slightly rebellious.          ways in order to create maximum impact
The true artist and those at the vanguard of       and drama. Marks, splashes, graffiti and
fashion have always exhibited a quirky sense       spray are used to add to the energy of artistic
of personal expression and forward thinking.       expression that integrates freedom and
As we strive to reclaim truth from stereotype,     subversion. A sense of discord in material
the desire to be different will re-emerge.         and colour activates a new awareness.                           H7.22.83
                                                                                                                   10GY 74/325
This irreverent attitude to design and             These unconventional attitudes ensure
dogma can result in highly challenging mixes       a palette with attitude – unexpected colour
of inspiration with culturally diverse starting    combinations challenge our perceptions
points. Clear sightedness is reclaimed by          of cosy co-ordination. Plastic brights
challenging the status quo and exhibiting a        mix happily and unrestrainedly with more
healthy lack of respect for existing stereotypes   earthy shades; clear and clean pastels marry
– free your mind, be your own master and live      degraded and subtle tones. The resulting
by your rules – imagine it and it can happen.      combinations put over a mood and image            A1.36.22      H1.17.78       F9.11.86
                                                   of alternative street culture and a playful,      54RR 09/276   90YY 72 /225   46YY 86/166
Rules are made for breaking – no limits            optimistic vitality.
produce new challenges. Exploration and
experiment often use the strangest mixes           Without free spirits in society we cannot
of material, colour and form to give the most      move forward; a ‘dare to be different’
rewarding results. Old and new, synthetic          viewpoint will always result in big steps
and natural, tasteful and trashy, precious and     forward for design and style – this theatrical
throwaway – a melting pot of creativity.           and rebellious reclamation is the true
                                                   energy of life.                                   E8.34.77      H9.09.61       E4.49.68
                                                                                                     27YY 68/470   10GY 39/136    04YY 51/583

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                                                                                                                                      Y7.08.54      B3.14.65      F3.03.88
                                                                                                                                      30RR 30/103   90RR 51/191   03YY 86/021
  We are in the process of revisiting the Classics                                  Period inspired furniture forms are
  in order to reclaim our culture and history and                                   rounded and padded – revived by use of
  better understand where we find ourselves                                         needlework, pastel leathers and humorous
  today. We need to find a context for our lives                                    fabrics; accessories in wire and plaster create
  and artistic creation that can address the                                        new, challenging but ultimately desirable
  flexibility of creativity.                                                        objects. Print and patchwork, knitting and
                                                                                    appliqué add to the classic/contemporary
  Playing with the clichés of the past and                                          image via an array of challenging and             WN.02.46      AN.01.77      G0.04.81
                                                                                                                                      30RR 22/031   90RR 64/025   40YY 74/056
  understanding historical references anchors                                       witty design concepts.
  us in time – they can be absorbed or
  ignored in order to learn or unlearn what                                         The warmth of the feminine palette is
  we know or think we know. A type of ‘creative                                     reassuring, comforting and reflects an image
  forgetfulness’ can cause us to reassess our                                       of soft elegance – it is enlivened and pulled
  heritage by re-editing and recontextualising                                      into a contemporary focus by the addition
  iconic items.                                                                     of some iconic deeps such as pewter grey,
                                                                                    bronze green, lacquer reds and old gold –
  Objects exist that are so synonymous with                                         colours of great class and distinction.           E0.34.56      E8.35.65      F7.20.83
  the cultures they come from – a Dutch tulip                                                                                         80YR 32/339   10YY 49/378   35YY 78/269
  vase, a Louis XV chair, a Murano glass                                            This reclamation of design history allows us
  chandelier or a Ming vase – that we have                                          the opportunity to reshape our futures and
  stopped, intentionally or not, understanding                                      move forward with a twist of humour and
  their cultural significance. These icons are                                      wit – a healthy sense of visual irony creates
  being re-looked at by cutting edge designers                                      the quietly surreal charm of tomorrow.
  in order to reclaim both a sense of cultural
  context and a level of elevated craftsmanship.
                                                                                                                                      F1.13.48      F2.14.66      E9.11.74
  Here the quality of finish and refined design                                                                                       20YY 22/129   30YY 50/176   20YY 61/127
  re-enchants the home environment. Time
  is not frozen in a sterile way but a new quirky
  twist is applied – new traditions are being
  born where artisanal know-how is married
  to modern technologies and beautiful
  materials. Without the vision of the designer
  conjoined with the skill of the craftsman,
  innovation does not happen.                                                                                                         B5.32.26      B9.40.40
                                                                                                                                      98RR 10/318   10YR 17/465


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              International Colour Trends

     Colours          E4.50.70
                      10RR 83/026 l
     This part of Colour Futures™ presents all the
     trend colours, in eight colour families: Reds,
                                                      10RR 83/026 l
                                                                      10RR 83/026 l
                                                                                                        10RR 83/026 l
                                                                                                                        This year we see a move towards colours
                                                                                                                        that are lighter in mood and more optimistic        Reds
                                                                                                                                                                            Energetic Vibrant Glowing
     Oranges, Yellows, Warm Neutrals, Greens,                                                                           in feeling – shades to lift our spirits given
     Blues, Violets, Cool Neutrals – to display in                                                                      the dark and uncertain times that we have
     which direction the trend colours are moving.                                                                      been through. This renewed feeling
                                                                                                                        of freshness is the driving characteristic
                                                                                                                        of the palettes.
                      BN.01.85                        Y2.11.73        B3.14.65                          C6.61.41
                      10RR 83/026                     94RB 64/182     90RR 51/191                       31YR 18/648
                                                                                                                        Each individual colour family is cohesive
                                                                                                                        and self contained with little cross over           Active and volcanic reds are both glowing        Key colour
                                                                                                                        of colours or colour ambiguity. Mid tones           and molten – energising colours that display     a deep coral based red – a ‘burnt’ quality
                                                                                                                        tend to predominate overall with some               a slightly ‘burnt’ quality that lends a degree   gives softness and warmth that allows it
                                                                                                                        new cleaner off-whites – fewer heavy deep           of softness and ensures usability.               to be used in many settings.
                                                                                                                        shades are evident.
                                                                                                                                                                            Clean, futuristic pinks add a touch of           Reds’ transition
                                                                                                                        Zingy pastels are a new area coming to              synthetic fluorescence to the palette overall    a move from powder like neutrality to
                      ZN.02.82                        Z3.37.43        B3.25.60                          C0.52.29        the fore over many of the more saturated            – they put over a fresh, young and ultra         colours that are warmer, more saturated and
                      10RR 75/039                     43RR 19/444     89RR 36/416                       09YR 11/475     shades of recent years – this light touch           modern image.                                    more positive but still easy to live with.
                                                                                      key colour 2010                   gives a sense of hopefulness and modernism.
                                                                                                                        Perking up cooler neutrals, naturals and            Powder and ash-toned neutrals are soft and
                                                                                                                        flashes of clean pastel act like a dose of tonic.   refined – shades that allude to the past but
                                                                                                                                                                            are used in totally contemporary ways when
                                                                                                                                                                            enlivened by a flash of bright colour.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2005    2006     2007    2008     2009       2010

                      Y7.08.54                        a1.36.22        B9.40.40                          B5.32.26
                      30RR 30/103                     54RR 09/276     10YR 17/465                       98RR 10/318

E4.50.70        E4.50.70        E4.50.70                          E4.50.70
     10RR 83/026 l   10RR 83/026 l   10RR 83/026 l                     10RR 83/026 l

                                                                                       Energetic Vibrant Glowing
     BN.01.85        Y2.11.73        B3.14.65                          C6.61.41
     10RR 83/026     94RB 64/182     90RR 51/191                       31YR 18/648
                                                                                       Active and volcanic reds are both glowing        Key colour
                                                                                       and molten – energising colours that display     a deep coral based red – a ‘burnt’ quality
                                                                                       a slightly ‘burnt’ quality that lends a degree   gives softness and warmth that allows it
                                                                                       of softness and ensures usability.               to be used in many settings.

                                                                                       Clean, futuristic pinks add a touch of           Reds’ transition
                                                                                       synthetic fluorescence to the palette overall    a move from powder like neutrality to
     ZN.02.82        Z3.37.43        B3.25.60                          C0.52.29        – they put over a fresh, young and ultra         colours that are warmer, more saturated and
     10RR 75/039     43RR 19/444     89RR 36/416                       09YR 11/475     modern image.                                    more positive but still easy to live with.
                                                     key colour 2010                   Powder and ash-toned neutrals are soft and
                                                                                       refined – shades that allude to the past but
                                                                                       are used in totally contemporary ways when
                                                                                       enlivened by a flash of bright colour.
                                                                                                                                        2005    2006     2007    2008     2009       2010

     Y7.08.54        a1.36.22        B9.40.40                          B5.32.26
     30RR 30/103     54RR 09/276     10YR 17/465                       98RR 10/318

E4.50.70        E4.50.70                          E4.50.70        E4.50.70
     10RR 83/026 l   10RR 83/026 l                     10RR 83/026 l   10RR 83/026 l

                                                                                       tanned Tasty tactile
     B9.14.44        E0.34.56                          E4.50.70        E4.50.70
     10YR 22/206     80YR 32/339                       10RR 83/026 l   10RR 83/026 l
                                                                                       Warm tans and golds are inspired by          Key colour
                                     key colour 2010
                                                                                       grains and beeswax – colourful but soft,     an optimistic and sunny yellow orange that
                                                                                       homely shades that put over a mood           seems to radiate happiness and light – a little
                                                                                       of comfort and wellbeing.                    will go a long way.

                                                                                       Vibrant carrot and pumpkin colours have      Oranges’ transition
                                                                                       a sporty and sunny energy – active shades    a move to yellow based shades from the
     E4.16.77        E4.49.68                          D6.41.60        E4.50.70        that will enliven neutral palettes and       red influence of last year – although bright
     00YY 67/212     04YY 51/583                       70YR 36/468     10RR 83/026 l   pull them into the 21st century.             and illuminating this colour is like a dose
                                                                                                                                    of vitamins.
                                                                                       Earthy copper browns are robust with depth
                                                                                       and presence – their softness and beauty
                                                                                       ensures wide use in both domestic and
                                                                                       commercial interiors – a new direction for
                                                                                       deep brown.
                                                                                                                                    2005    2006     2007     2008     2009    2010
                     E4.50.70                          E4.50.70        E4.50.70
                     10RR 83/026 l                     10RR 83/026 l   10RR 83/026 l

key colour 2010

     F9.11.86      F7.20.83
     46YY 86/166   35YY 78/269

                                                                 Honest Homely Refreshing
     F6.16.84      E8.34.77                        E8.35.65
     35YY 81/174   27YY 68/470                     10YY 49/378
                                                                 Homely honeys and mustards suggest                  Key colour
                                                                 warmth, comfort and reassurance – shades to         a lovely soft banana yellow that puts over
                                                                 surround yourself with when the going gets          a mood of quiet contentment – good for
                                                                 hard and a little tender loving care is required.   creating serene and relaxing environments.

                                                                 Sharp, acidic lemons and citrus shades put          Yellows’ transition
                                                                 over an image of sporty energy and modern           a return to the heartland of yellow – this
                   F4.12.79                        F2.14.66      technology – colours with zing and pizzazz          soft, reassuring shade puts over an image of
                   30YY 65/171                     30YY 50/176   to lift any interior scheme.                        warm summer days and natural goodness.

                                                                 Sunny banana and wheat tones add a new
                                                                 level of soft neutrality – the perfect foil
                                                                 for spacey cooler neutrals and atmospheric
                                                                 greys and teals.
                                                                                                                     2005    2006     2007    2008    2009    2010

     G4.33.81      F8.38.70                        F3.25.65
     60YY 73/497   50YY 51/519                     30YY 46/304

                                                 10RR 83/026 l

                                                                                   Warm Neutrals
                                                                                   Earthy Sandy Discrete
                   E9.11.74      E4.50.70
                   20YY 61/127   10RR 83/026 l
                                                                                   A quartet of sandy, grain inspired colours      Key colour
                                                                 key colour 2010
                                                                                   with a strong yellow base – warming and         a deep earthy umber brown – the sort
                                                                                   reassuring shades that put over an              of natural pigment shade that is ultra
                                                                                   image of warm and wholesome living.             fashionable when combined with clean
                                                                                                                                   turquoises and teals.
                                                                                   Clay, peat and earth tones are more
                                                                                   sophisticated but have presence                 Warm Neutrals’ transition
     F3.03.88      G0.04.81      F4.10.70        F1.13.48                          and character – stunning when enlivened         a fairly dramatic move from last year’s soft
     03YY 86/021   40YY 74/056   30YY 53/125     20YY 22/129                       with citrus lemons and oranges.                 beige to an honest and earthy deep brown
                                                                                                                                   with a strong environmental image.
                                                                                   Rich mocha browns add a touch of soft
                                                                                   drama especially when used in conjunction
                                                                                   with new blues and acid greens – a shot
                                                                                   of clean bright colour to lift them into high
                                                                                   fashion territory.
                                                                                                                                   2005    2006     2007    2008     2009    2010
     E9.03.71      B6.05.51      C4.09.36
     10YY 54/034   10YR 28/072   30YR 15/112

©Eiji Shibata (Teko Design)
                                 key colour 2010

     G4.07.77      G9.13.85                                      E4.50.70
     60YY 67/117   90YY 83/179                                   10RR 83/026 l

                                                                                                               Active Medicinal Healthy
     H9.09.61      H7.22.83                        M3.03.71      H1.17.78
     10GY 39/136   10GY 74/325                     50GG 55/049   90YY 72/225
                                                                                                               Hi-tech acidic shades are inspired by        Key colour
                                                                                                               the laboratory and clinic – liquid colours   The palest yellow lime that seems to emit
                                                                                                               that light up a space; colours that glow,    light and a sense of space – wonderful when
                                                                                                               radiate and pulsate.                         balanced with cool neutrals and greys.

                                                                                                               Soft healing greens derived from             Greens’ transition
                                                                                                               plants and herbs are versatile and easy      an almost yellow shade of green that
     G8.19.69      G6.46.73                        MN.02.77      M6.03.62                                      to live with – well suited to traditional    represents new shoots, new life and
     90YY 48/255   70YY 61/561                     50GG 63/042   10GG 38/038                                   and contemporary interiors that require      regrowth – a softly energetic colour for
                                                                                                               a sense of calm.                             a more positive future.

                                                                                                               Liquid, blue-based greens allude to the
                                                                                                               natural and man-made world – colours of
                                                                                                               character that put over a sense of space
                                                                                                               and freshness.
                                                                                                                                                            2005    2006     2007    2008     2009     2010
     K2.09.60      P7.15.48                        M9.11.76
     50GY 43/120   10BG 21/141                     50GG 61/154

RN.02.83                                      S8.34.56
                   09BB 77/019                                   22BB 34/304

                                               KEY COlOuR 2010
                                                                               Icy Fluid Spacious
     Q1.17.76      R3.05.78      R7.11.79                        U9.48.19
     46BG 63/190   70BG 68/056   70BG 70/113                     72BB 07/288
                                                                               Airy and optimistic shades put over a sense    Key colour
                                                                               of freedom and happiness – carefree colours    Exudes a sense of ozone freshness and spatial
                                                                               to lift the spirit and light the darkness.     airiness – a great shade for opening up small
                                                                                                                              dark spaces where light is at a premium.
                                                                               Soulful teals and turquoises suggest deepest
                                                                               space – a place of mystery, imagination        Blues’ transition
                                                                               and atmosphere – sophisticated shades that     a real sky blue, not influenced by green, that
     P1.11.63      S8.12.55      R7.31.62                                      are serene, subtle and understated.            is pure and luminous – a colour full of hope,
     10BG 46/112   10BB 28/116   86BG 43/321                                                                                  possibility and optimism for the future.
                                                                               Rich, clear ultramarines speak of both the
                                                                               past and the future – classic colours of
                                                                               quality and provenance are given a new,
                                                                               ultra modern lease of life.

                                                                                                                              2005    2006     2007    2008     2009     2010

     70BG 09/171

KEY COlOuR 2010
                                                                               Daring Dramatic Dusted
     U2.05.76      T9.07.73      V8.23.44      V9.18.29
     70BB 65/066   50BB 54/079   10RB 19/262   30RB 10/214
                                                                               Dramatic and intense purples give a radical     Key colour
                                                                               new direction for this palette – fearless,      a dramatic and daring purple that is both
                                                                               open-minded colours that herald a more          traditional and very modern – a rich and
                                                                               positive and proactive future.                  intense shade that has power and warmth.

                                                                               Soft dusted shades are elegant and easy         Violets’ transition
                                                                               to live with – colours reminiscent of healing   a dramatic move away from dusty neutrality
     aN.01.77      XN.01.71      Y3.16.43                                      plants and herbs that are soothing to the       towards a colour with visual presence and
     90RR 64/025   10RR 56/029   10RR 22/178                                   eye and the spirit.                             attitude – highly creative and a bit radical.

                                                                               Cool neutral lavenders are inspired by space
                                                                               and air – ideal colours for both domestic
                                                                               and commercial interiors where space and
                                                                               light are at a premium.
                                                                                                                               2005    2006     2007    2008    2009     2010

                                                                 Cool Neutrals
                                                                 Calming Considered Smoky
     10BB 83/020
                                                                 Smoky green-based tones give a new and          Key colour
                                                                 ultra sophisticated level of colour to this     an atmospheric shade reminiscent of green
                                                                 palette – shades that are deep, subtle and      slate – an ultra sophisticated grey to combine
                                                                 atmospheric.                                    with neutrals or as a chic background to
                                                                                                                 brighter accents.
                                                                 true greys and near blacks add drama
                                                                 and a sense of positive definition especially   Cool Neutrals’ transition
     GN.01.77      WN.02.46                        ON.00.39      when used with the new ultra futuristic         a move to tinted greys with a true sense of
     30YY 68/024   30RR 22/031                     00NN 16/000   and pulsating pastels.                          sophistication and elegance that allude to
                                                                                                                 both the past and the future, the classic and
                                 KEY COlOuR 2010                 Deep ash grey is equally at home in both        ultra contemporary.
                                                                 domestic or commercial interiors and creates
                                                                 an image of true elegance – a colour from
                                                                 the past just perfect for today.

     SN.02.67      R1.04.54                        XN.00.10                                                      2005                 2006   2007   2008   2009   2010
     30BG 49/047   70BG 28/060                     30BB 05/022

Colour of the Year p6-9

     Here you will find an index of the pictures that
                                                        CF10 -COVER

                                                        CF10-COY-1    CF10-COY-2    CF10-COY-3
     have been used in this publication. Feel free to
     visit the website and download them.

                                                        CF10-COY- 4   CF10-COY- 5   CF10-COY- 6

Trends p10-41
                                                                                              Download these pictures from:


  s i l e n t
  s p a c e .
   pages 12-17
   Serene Timeless Spacious
                                                                                              CF10 -SS-1             CF10 -SS-2   CF10 -SS-3   CF10 -SS- 4   CF10-SS-5   CF10-SS-6


   pages 18-23
   Prismatic Supersynthetic Dynamic
                                                                                              CF10-FF-1              CF10 -FF-2   CF10-FF-3    CF10 -FF- 4   CF10-FF-5   CF10-FF-6


   pages 24-29
   Essential Real Rooted
                                                                                              CF10-BB-1              CF10-BB-2    CF10-BB-3    CF10-BB-4     CF10-BB-5   CF10-BB-6   CF10-BB-7   CF10-BB-8   CF10-BB-9   CF10-BB-10


   pages 30-35
   Individual Irreverent Quirky
                                                                                              CF10-FS-1              CF10-FS-2    CF10-FS-3    CF10-FS-4     CF10-FS-5   CF10-FS-6   CF10-FS-7   CF10-FS-8   CF10-FS-9   CF10-FS-10

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,diam
consectetuer adipiscing tincidunt ut
nonummy magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enimsed veniam, quis
laoreet dolore nibh euismod
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dolorduis dolore te feugait nulla faciliadi Lorem ipsum
        sit amet, consectetuer si.

   pages 36- 41
   Iconic Referenced Symbolic
                                                                                              CF10-SM-1              CF10-SM-2    CF10-SM-3    CF10-SM-4     CF10-SM-5   CF10-SM-6                                                    63
Colours p42-59
     Download these pictures from:

     Reds                   Oranges       Yellows       Warm Neutrals   Greens        Blues         Violets       Cool Neutrals
     pages 44-45            pages 46-47   pages 48-49   pages 50-51     pages 52-53   pages 54-55   pages 56-57   pages 58-59

     CF10-R-1               CF10-O-1      CF10-Y-1      CF10-WN-1       CF10-G-1      CF10-B-1      CF10-V-1      CF10-CN-1

     CF10-R-2               CF10-O-2      CF10-Y-2      CF10-WN-2       CF10-G-2      CF10-B-2      CF10-V-2      CF10-CN-2

     CF10-R-3               CF10-O-3      CF10-Y-3      CF10-WN-3       CF10-G-3      CF10-B-3      CF10-V-3      CF10-CN-3

     CF10-R-4               CF10-O-4      CF10-Y-4      CF10-WN-4       CF10-G-4      CF10-B-4      CF10-V-4      CF10-CN-4


Welcome              Colour Trends
inside front cover   pages 01-05

CF10 -WELCOME        CF10 -CTS-1     CF10-CTS-2    CF10-CTS- 3   CF10 -CTS-4

                     CF10-CTS-5      CF10-CTS-6    CF10-CTS-7    CF10-CTS-8

                     CF10-CTS-9      CF10-CTS-10   CF10-CTS-11   CF10-CTS-12

                     Trends Team                                               Colour Futures™ the distinctive three-leaf                     Procolor, Sadolin, Sikkens, Sico, the                     AkzoNobel Decorative Paints
                     pages 02-03                                               colour spectrum symbol, Alba, Astral,                          AkzoNobel logo and Tomorrow’s                             International Marketing Department
                                                                               Betonel, Bruguer, C.I.L, Coral, Dulux, Dulux                   Answers Today, are trademarks of the                      Wexham Road, Slough
                                                                               Trade, Dulux Valentine, Flexa, Glidden, the                    AkzoNobel Group of Companies ©                            Berkshire, SL2 5DS, United Kingdom
                                                                               ICI Roundel, Inca, Levis, Marshall, Nordsjö,                   and Database Right 2008.                                  Tel +44 (0)1753 550 000


                     CF10-TT-1       CF10-TT-2     CF10-TT-3     CF10-TT- 4
                                                                               This ColourFutures reference manual is and remains the property of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited and is loaned on condition that it is used solely to specify

                                                                               products manufactured/or supplied by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited (and other companies in the AkzoNobel Group) and on condition that it shall be
                                                                               returned to Imperial Chemical Industries Limited on demand.
                                                                               The contents of this reference manual are for information only. No representation or warranty is given, nor liability accepted, regarding the information given.
                                                                               We have reproduced paint colours as faithfully as printing will allow. However, the shape, size and lighting of a surface can influence the appearance of the final colour.

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Colour futures 2010

  • 1. Design – Freeway Agency London +44(0)20 8744 1075 tm 201 International Colour Trends 0 colour futures 201 International Colour Trends colour 0 futures tm
  • 2. Welcome With the merger of the former Akzo Nobel and ICI Paints, AkzoNobel is the world’s largest global paints and coatings manufacturer. As a major producer of coatings, colour is extremely important. Therefore we pride ourselves on the knowledge of colour trends and colour formulations in paint. Colour Futures™ is the result of ongoing worldwide colour trend research, forecasting and development. Colour Futures™ provides the reader with international style and design trends for interior and exterior, translated into colour trend palettes.
  • 3. Above right Leonardo glass Cube Fluid Fantasy. Far right Amy Cushing Vase Colour Trends Fluid Fantasy. Directly above Aan de Stegge Building Free Spirit. Trends can emerge out of every possible corner of society. Some can emerge rapidly; others evolve over several years – or even decades. To clarify what a trend is, it is helpful to look at the difference between a hype, a fashion and a trend. A hype is something that emerges suddenly, takes a group of people by storm – and then dissipates rapidly. Hypes are generally born unconsciously and come from some inner drive to be accepted, to belong. A fashion is more current and is usually followed consciously – through clothes, toys, food and certain aspects of lifestyle. Trends, on the other hand, are drifts, inclinations and movements in a prevailing direction. 01
  • 4. Trends Team Once a year we draw together an international group of creative experts in the field of design, architecture and fashion, with an eye for trends and a passion for colour. Our trend and colour experts represent different parts of the world and draw on a variety of national and international sources: from design to technology, from architecture to nature, from fashion to music and popular culture. Their ideas about how trends and colours are developing are presented a year ahead in Colour Futures™ . 03
  • 5. Driving Influence for 2010 This Colour Futures™ presents one overriding ‘Reclaim’ recognises that we are in a message and five trend related themes. state of flux between those attitudes and Every theme is translated into a contemporary institutions of the past and what we will colour palette. From these palettes we replace them with as the new foundations select one Colour of the Year, the colour that for life. We now have the opportunity to best represents the prevailing mood and reshape values, recreate systems or build fashion of the time. alternative ones. We can think again about the meaning of concepts like community, Reclaim economics – both national and personal, human dignity, industrial development The overriding message of our themes this and professional standards. year is one of reclamation. After the financial uncertainty of recent times and our concern Each of our themes refers directly to one of over global warming and eco-management, these issues – stylistic independence in Silent we need to re-establish those values and Space, material innovation in Fluid Fantasy, qualities that are enduring, true and solid. reclaiming trust in Basic Beliefs, creative individuality in Free Spirit, and cultural values The general mood is directed towards a in Sweet Memory. more active role for the individual; of taking charge and being responsible for our own ‘Reclaim’ heralds a new dawn or new destinies, of valuing those things pertaining horizon for humanity which allows us the to friends, family and local communities, opportunity to look again, create better, and of caring for the world in order to ensure improve what has been and adopt a more that it is in a healthy state to pass on to our caring and rational attitude to the way children. We want to be more proactive as we all live together on this planet and fairly individuals, giving back to society rather than share in its resources – a real reclamation relying on the State for total control. of collective wisdom for the future. 04
  • 6. Colour of the Year 2010 R7.11.79 70Bg 70/113 Airy Open Hopeful 06
  • 7. The Colour of the Year 2010 is an airy and optimistic blue. Colour of the Year 2010 In keeping with our overall theme of ‘Reclaim’, A balance of the spiritual and the intellectual we are looking towards the qualities of truth, is represented by the allusion to air, sky integrity, openness and hope. The Colour and water – the freedom of the spirit married of the Year is an airy and optimistic blue that to the rationality of the mind; the vision of symbolises infinite horizons, new beginnings, the artist to the knowledge of the scientist. renewed energy and a positive dynamic. Both in interior and exterior settings this blue has an important role to play. It complements This clear, transparent shade encapsulates a perfectly the contemporary materials and sense of purity and goodness – a hopeful and modern neutrality of glass, steel and concrete, chemical free colour full of possibility. It puts but also works with stronger and more over an image of vast skies, breezy ozone traditional interior shades such as crimson, freshness and the energy and essentiality of burgundy, plum, teal, pewter and gold. water. Given these associations plus the fact that it is a receding colour it will always This colour speaks of hope and clarity – create a sense of space. a pure, clean and unpolluted direction for the future of our planet; a chance to reclaim Blue, in colour psychology terms, is the colour possibility with renewed vigour and energy – associated with sky and sea. Airy light blues are the clear new horizon of tomorrow. recognised as being refreshing, soothing and liberating. They are good in helping to combat mental strain and stress, physical tiredness and feelings of exhaustion whilst at the same time being re-energising and encouraging fresh starts. They are also thought to enhance powers of communication which can help to promote feelings of confidence. 09
  • 8. s i l e n t s p a c e . colour futures tm 2010 International Colour Trends Trends This part of Colour Futures™ describes the five main trends and colours for 2010. S E R E N E T I M E L E SS S PAC I O U S 10
  • 9. s i l e n t s p a c e . S E R E N E T I M E L E SS S PAC I O U S 12
  • 10. s i l e n t s p a c e . 15
  • 11. XN.00.10 30BB 05/022 U9.48.19 S8.12.55 72BB 07/288 10BB 28/116 s i l e n t s p a c e . P7.15.48 M6.03.62 10BG 21/141 10GG 38/038 Space is a place of limitless possibilities – The overriding characteristic of this palette a subtle void that suggests eternity, mystery is one of smoky alchemy – subtle, understated and indefinability. This state of mental infinity and atmospheric colours that intrigue the has inspired artists, architects and poets eye and feed the soul. Against a profoundly alike throughout the ages both in terms of spatial palette of dusky blues, teals and mineral the physical reality of its vastness and in the greys, individual colours can be sharply sense of mystery and serenity it creates. focused and showcased like bright stars in the inky depths of space. Soft lustrous materials M3.03.71 XN.01.71 T9.07.73 50GG 55/049 10RR 56/029 50BB 54/079 Although to some, this idea of a void or deep and surfaces glisten and gleam, putting over a space can be perceived as a somewhat mood of refined elegance and discreet luxury. dark place, its attraction lies in its profound neutrality – a mysterious but sensual Fabrics and upholstery focus on background to showcase the precious, the complementary textures – wool and silk, refined and the individual. velvet and leather, suede and felt. Glistening slate and granite are played off against more The post consumer society is no longer degraded surfaces like distressed concrete fascinated by endless choice; it is not a matter in highly individual combinations. R3.05.78 GN.01.77 RN.01.87 of de-consuming but consuming differently. 70BG 68/056 30YY 68/024 10BB 83/020 This attitude heralds a new dawn for those This process of sorting through what has real not interested in slavishly following trends. value allows for more personal interpretations Poetry and mystery are concepts not much in of style creativity – today we need more evidence in the past decade during our rush meaning than matter, materials that feed the towards more obvious manifestations of soul. The reclamation of beauty and luxury. This new, slightly mysterious style of authenticity from an age of hysterical mass independence will reclaim a real sense of consumption allows us freedom to expand creative beauty and personal choice. our horizons and leap into a new silent SN.02.67 F4.10.70 space of individualism. 30BG 49/047 30YY 53/125 17
  • 12. prismatic supersynthetic dynamic Galleria Department Store, Seoul Architect UNStudio Photographer Christian Richter 18
  • 13. Above Leonardo glass Cube Left Ondine Bench Design by Michaël Bihain & Cédric Callewaert 21
  • 14. R1.04.54 F6.16.84 G9.13.85 G4.33.81 70BG 28/060 35YY 81/174 90YY 83/179 60YY 73/497 The once well defined boundaries The acid fresh palette seems to radiate, between art and science are disappearing. flow and glow – to move in ways that are Experimental innovation is the buzzword both joyous and unrestrained. The neutral for both as supersynthetic culture challenges supremacy of black and white has changed – all our sensibilities. Depletion of planetary the Apple iPod has swapped fashion resources encourages us to look at unnatural white for an explosion of clean chroma. materials in new and innovative ways – Pure colour is the new material, fused and cross industry collaboration is essential to this forged into new forms and finishes. C6.61.41 BN.01.85 M9.11.76 G6.46.73 new mood of dynamism and animation. 31YR 18 /648 10RR 83/026 50GG 61/154 70YY 61/561 Here shades are intense, fizzy and futuristic – This state of flux is a defining characteristic solid saturated reds and purples are played of the present – a sensation of constant off against luminous and pulsating pinks, movement, transition and work in progress. yellows and turquoises. Vivid pastels and Rapid prototyping and computer generated almost fluorescent, energetic optical effects construction allow forms and surfaces to be explode, irradiate and shine – this kinetic created that are complex, pixellated, meshed, approach to colour signifies a detox from the crystalline and perforated. Karim Rashid depression that has undermined our spirits. Z3.37.43 Y2.11.73 R7.11.79 R7.31.62 and Zaha Hadid are at the forefront of these 43RR 19/444 94RB 64 /182 70BG 70/113 86BG 43/321 innovative developments of form and material. This synthetic, stylistic and chromatic approach creates places for living, working Our growing infatuation with polymers and and playing with an overriding emotional resins in retina shocking colours means energy – a symbolic embracement of life we can celebrate the synthetic and truly enjoy with a euphoric and infectious zeal. engineered materials. Furniture exhibits ultra smooth lines and curvilinear form – fluid and flowing, moulded and seamless – it appears to ON.00.39 B3.25.60 RN.02.83 V8.23.44 grow from the walls or floor. Fabrics include 00NN 16/000 89RR 36/416 09BB 77/019 10RB 19/262 hi-tech polyesters, glazed vinyls and laminated space age combinations that intrigue the eye with their sheer smoothness. Amy Cushing Vase 23
  • 15. . basic be li e fs essential. real. rooted. 24
  • 16. . basic be li e fs Tree Tents 27
  • 17. . R0.39.25 C4.09.36 70BG 09/171 30YR 15/112 basic be li e fs Y3.16.43 G8.19.69 B9.14.44 10RR 22/178 90YY 48/255 10YR 22/206 In a world where the difference between Furniture, fabrics and accessories are inspired fake and real is becoming ever more blurred, by a slightly folkloric aesthetic. Textiles feature there is a huge need to reclaim a notion of washed, crumpled and aged effects that trust. The solid institutions and societies of the have a soft tactility. Country checks, stripes, past are morphing into new ones that focus engraved florals, slubby weaves and large more on individuals, partnerships and social knitted constructions all add to the homespun networks which appear and rearrange quality. Furniture evokes the simplicity of a themselves according to need. farming life – rocking chairs, benches and ZN.02.82 K2.09.60 F3.25.65 kitchen tables made in fruit woods, reclaimed 10RR 75/039 50GY 43/120 30YY 46/304 Innocence and meaning are being timbers or woven rattan and rope. Accessories rediscovered at a time when perceived values are chunky and sturdy looking, made to fit have been challenged. The kitchen table the human hand. has become a visual metaphor for a new desire for truth and simplicity – qualities that The palette is reminiscent of herbs, grains and are seen to be universal and enduring in a medicinal flowers – muted and subtle tones world of rapid change. that evoke an authentic lifestyle. Pale wild rose, golden bark, green moss and soft clay allude E4.16.77 MN.02.77 E9.03.71 Art, science and nature are forming new to natural dyes and earth pigments. Colours of 00YY 67/212 50GG 63/042 10YY 54/034 alliances. ‘Mood foods’ help tackle the effects character and provenance, almost beyond of stress, depression and concentration fashion, are timeless, relaxed and harmonious. via a marriage of medical and agricultural technology. In India the importance of healing This reawakened concept of collective plants is reawakened via ethno medical wisdom and social responsibility heralds a gardens in sustainable rural communities. reclamation of the true values of home Artistic science is developing new creative use and family – a fraternity of friendship for of plants for colourants, dyes and cosmetics. a stable and sustainable tomorrow. F4.12.79 U2.05.76 B6.05.51 30YY 65/171 70BB 65/066 10YR 28/072 A new dialogue is emerging between urban and rural – a rush towards urban living in some areas is balanced by a return to the countryside in others. A pastoral dimension to our lives allows us to feel rooted to reality and universality – never before have so many people tended allotments, kept bees, bought from farmers’ markets or raised chickens. 29
  • 18. Free SpiRit InD IvIDUAL Irre verent QUIrky Aan de Stegge Building 30
  • 19. Free Spirit Below Aan de Stegge Building 33
  • 20. P1.11.63 D6.41.60 C0.52.29 10BG 46/112 70YR 36/468 09YR 11/475 Free Q1.17.76 V9.18.29 G4.07.77 46BG 63/190 30RB 10/214 60YY 67/117 Spirit S8.34.56 F8.38.70 22BB 34/304 50YY 51/519 The free spirit symbolises individuality, The look is always unexpected. Materials standing alone against the crowd, daring to are juxtaposed in exciting, thought provoking be different or even slightly rebellious. ways in order to create maximum impact The true artist and those at the vanguard of and drama. Marks, splashes, graffiti and fashion have always exhibited a quirky sense spray are used to add to the energy of artistic of personal expression and forward thinking. expression that integrates freedom and As we strive to reclaim truth from stereotype, subversion. A sense of discord in material the desire to be different will re-emerge. and colour activates a new awareness. H7.22.83 10GY 74/325 This irreverent attitude to design and These unconventional attitudes ensure dogma can result in highly challenging mixes a palette with attitude – unexpected colour of inspiration with culturally diverse starting combinations challenge our perceptions points. Clear sightedness is reclaimed by of cosy co-ordination. Plastic brights challenging the status quo and exhibiting a mix happily and unrestrainedly with more healthy lack of respect for existing stereotypes earthy shades; clear and clean pastels marry – free your mind, be your own master and live degraded and subtle tones. The resulting by your rules – imagine it and it can happen. combinations put over a mood and image A1.36.22 H1.17.78 F9.11.86 of alternative street culture and a playful, 54RR 09/276 90YY 72 /225 46YY 86/166 Rules are made for breaking – no limits optimistic vitality. produce new challenges. Exploration and experiment often use the strangest mixes Without free spirits in society we cannot of material, colour and form to give the most move forward; a ‘dare to be different’ rewarding results. Old and new, synthetic viewpoint will always result in big steps and natural, tasteful and trashy, precious and forward for design and style – this theatrical throwaway – a melting pot of creativity. and rebellious reclamation is the true energy of life. E8.34.77 H9.09.61 E4.49.68 27YY 68/470 10GY 39/136 04YY 51/583 35
  • 21. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed amet,diam Loremipsum adipiscinglaoreet dolore magnased consectetueripsumtincidunt ut quisadipiscingquis Lorem dolor sit amet, consectetuersit dolor elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod laoreet dolore magna elit, diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut enim ad minim veniam, aliquam erat aliquam exerciwisi enim Ut wisi veniam, lobortis nisl ut aliquip ut nonummyullamcorper suscipiterat volutpat.uttincidunt veni nostrud Utnibhullamcorper suscipit aliquip tation euismod volutpat. volutpat. ad minim erat laoreetconsequatullamcorpervelit eumautem nislconsequat, vel illum ea commodo nostrud exerci tation magna aliquam lobortis vel eumUt wisidolor inad minim ex ea commodo ex tation Duis autem suscipit iriure dolor iniriure enimex eadolore consequatvel commodo Duis lobortis in vulputatefeugiatesse in hendrerit ut aliquip velit nulla facilisis atmolestie et in vulputat hendrerit in vulputate esse hendreritexerci eum iriure dolormolestie consequat,eros nislaccumsan et iusto nostrud vero vel illum Duis autem dolore eu facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto dolore eu feugiat dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue illum odio dignissimodio dolore molestie consequat, vel velit esse nulla praesent Lorem zzril delenit augue vero vel nulla doloreamet,blandit feugait luptatum ipsum dolor ipsum qui duis dolore teduiseuconsectetuer adinulla facilisi. Lorem sit atdolor sit eros et a feugait feugiat nulla facilisis amet, consectetuer adi te facilisi. iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril d dolorduis dolore te feugait nulla faciliadi Lorem i augue sit amet, consectetuer si. iconic referenced symbolic 36
  • 22. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed amet,diam Loremipsum adipiscing sit magnased consectetueripsum laoreet dolore quisadipiscing sed Lorem dolor elit, elit, dolor sit amet, consectetuer diam nonummy nibh euismod nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore quis diam nonummy tincidunt ut euismod magna enim ad minim aliquam erat aliquam exerciwisi enim Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, ut aliquip ut nonummyullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl uttincidunt veniam, quis volutpat. Utnibhullamcorper veniam, lobortis nisl erat volutpat. ad minim laoreet eadoloreullamcorper suscipit iriurevel euminaliquip ex nostrud tation suscipit nostrud exerci tation magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisidolor in ex commodo consequatvel autem dolor iriure Duis autem Duis ex ea commodo consequat vulputate velit eum molestie consequat, vel illum ea commodo consequat Duis autem vulputatefeugiatesse verohendrerit in vulputate hendreritexerci tationin dolormolestie consequat,eros nislaccumsan et iusto in hendreritiriure nullain esse lobortis et ut aliquip vel eum velit at vero vel illum nostrud dolore eu facilisis at facilisiset accumsan et iusto dolore eu feugiat nulla molestie consequat, vel illum velit esse nulla feugait luptatum zzril delenit augue veroaugue eros odio dignissimodio dolore te praesentnulla praesent Lorem zzril delenit sit qui dignissim qui blandit luptatum doloreamet,blandit facilisi. blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit feugait feugiat facilisi. euadi qui nulla facilisis duis dolore teduis consectetuer adiLorem ipsum dolor sit atdolor eros et accumsan et ipsum amet, consectetuer iusto odio dignissim dolorduis dolore te feugait nulla faciliadi Lorem ipsum augue sit amet, consectetuer si. 39
  • 23. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed magnased Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, diam nonummy nibh euismod nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore quis diam nonummy tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat aliquam exerciwisi enim Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, ut aliquip volutpat. volutpat. ad minim suscipit quis nisl erat nostrud Ut tation ullamcorper veniam, ut lobortis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis vel eum aliquipdolor in ex ea commodo consequatvel autem nisl iniriure Duis ex ea commodo consequat vulputate velit eum molestie consequat, vel illum hendrerit in Duis autem esse iriure dolor hendrerit in vulputatefeugiatesse molestie consequat,eros et accumsan et iusto dolore eu velit nulla facilisis at vero vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto delenit augue odio dignissimodio dolore te praesentnulla praesent Lorem zzril dolor sit qui dignissim feugait luptatum zzril delenit augue blandit qui blandit facilisi. luptatum ipsum duis dolore teduis consectetuer adiLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nulla facilisi. feugait amet, consectetuer adi Y7.08.54 B3.14.65 F3.03.88 30RR 30/103 90RR 51/191 03YY 86/021 We are in the process of revisiting the Classics Period inspired furniture forms are in order to reclaim our culture and history and rounded and padded – revived by use of better understand where we find ourselves needlework, pastel leathers and humorous today. We need to find a context for our lives fabrics; accessories in wire and plaster create and artistic creation that can address the new, challenging but ultimately desirable flexibility of creativity. objects. Print and patchwork, knitting and appliqué add to the classic/contemporary Playing with the clichés of the past and image via an array of challenging and WN.02.46 AN.01.77 G0.04.81 30RR 22/031 90RR 64/025 40YY 74/056 understanding historical references anchors witty design concepts. us in time – they can be absorbed or ignored in order to learn or unlearn what The warmth of the feminine palette is we know or think we know. A type of ‘creative reassuring, comforting and reflects an image forgetfulness’ can cause us to reassess our of soft elegance – it is enlivened and pulled heritage by re-editing and recontextualising into a contemporary focus by the addition iconic items. of some iconic deeps such as pewter grey, bronze green, lacquer reds and old gold – Objects exist that are so synonymous with colours of great class and distinction. E0.34.56 E8.35.65 F7.20.83 the cultures they come from – a Dutch tulip 80YR 32/339 10YY 49/378 35YY 78/269 vase, a Louis XV chair, a Murano glass This reclamation of design history allows us chandelier or a Ming vase – that we have the opportunity to reshape our futures and stopped, intentionally or not, understanding move forward with a twist of humour and their cultural significance. These icons are wit – a healthy sense of visual irony creates being re-looked at by cutting edge designers the quietly surreal charm of tomorrow. in order to reclaim both a sense of cultural context and a level of elevated craftsmanship. F1.13.48 F2.14.66 E9.11.74 Here the quality of finish and refined design 20YY 22/129 30YY 50/176 20YY 61/127 re-enchants the home environment. Time is not frozen in a sterile way but a new quirky twist is applied – new traditions are being born where artisanal know-how is married to modern technologies and beautiful materials. Without the vision of the designer conjoined with the skill of the craftsman, innovation does not happen. B5.32.26 B9.40.40 98RR 10/318 10YR 17/465 41
  • 24. colour futures tm 2010 International Colour Trends Colours E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l This part of Colour Futures™ presents all the trend colours, in eight colour families: Reds, E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l Colour Transitions This year we see a move towards colours that are lighter in mood and more optimistic Reds Energetic Vibrant Glowing Oranges, Yellows, Warm Neutrals, Greens, in feeling – shades to lift our spirits given Blues, Violets, Cool Neutrals – to display in the dark and uncertain times that we have which direction the trend colours are moving. been through. This renewed feeling of freshness is the driving characteristic of the palettes. BN.01.85 Y2.11.73 B3.14.65 C6.61.41 10RR 83/026 94RB 64/182 90RR 51/191 31YR 18/648 Each individual colour family is cohesive and self contained with little cross over Active and volcanic reds are both glowing Key colour of colours or colour ambiguity. Mid tones and molten – energising colours that display a deep coral based red – a ‘burnt’ quality tend to predominate overall with some a slightly ‘burnt’ quality that lends a degree gives softness and warmth that allows it new cleaner off-whites – fewer heavy deep of softness and ensures usability. to be used in many settings. shades are evident. Clean, futuristic pinks add a touch of Reds’ transition Zingy pastels are a new area coming to synthetic fluorescence to the palette overall a move from powder like neutrality to ZN.02.82 Z3.37.43 B3.25.60 C0.52.29 the fore over many of the more saturated – they put over a fresh, young and ultra colours that are warmer, more saturated and 10RR 75/039 43RR 19/444 89RR 36/416 09YR 11/475 shades of recent years – this light touch modern image. more positive but still easy to live with. key colour 2010 gives a sense of hopefulness and modernism. Perking up cooler neutrals, naturals and Powder and ash-toned neutrals are soft and flashes of clean pastel act like a dose of tonic. refined – shades that allude to the past but are used in totally contemporary ways when enlivened by a flash of bright colour. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Y7.08.54 a1.36.22 B9.40.40 B5.32.26 30RR 30/103 54RR 09/276 10YR 17/465 98RR 10/318 44 42
  • 25. E4.50.70 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l Reds Energetic Vibrant Glowing BN.01.85 Y2.11.73 B3.14.65 C6.61.41 10RR 83/026 94RB 64/182 90RR 51/191 31YR 18/648 Active and volcanic reds are both glowing Key colour and molten – energising colours that display a deep coral based red – a ‘burnt’ quality a slightly ‘burnt’ quality that lends a degree gives softness and warmth that allows it of softness and ensures usability. to be used in many settings. Clean, futuristic pinks add a touch of Reds’ transition synthetic fluorescence to the palette overall a move from powder like neutrality to ZN.02.82 Z3.37.43 B3.25.60 C0.52.29 – they put over a fresh, young and ultra colours that are warmer, more saturated and 10RR 75/039 43RR 19/444 89RR 36/416 09YR 11/475 modern image. more positive but still easy to live with. key colour 2010 Powder and ash-toned neutrals are soft and refined – shades that allude to the past but are used in totally contemporary ways when enlivened by a flash of bright colour. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Y7.08.54 a1.36.22 B9.40.40 B5.32.26 30RR 30/103 54RR 09/276 10YR 17/465 98RR 10/318 44
  • 26. E4.50.70 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l Oranges tanned Tasty tactile B9.14.44 E0.34.56 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 10YR 22/206 80YR 32/339 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l Warm tans and golds are inspired by Key colour key colour 2010 grains and beeswax – colourful but soft, an optimistic and sunny yellow orange that homely shades that put over a mood seems to radiate happiness and light – a little of comfort and wellbeing. will go a long way. Vibrant carrot and pumpkin colours have Oranges’ transition a sporty and sunny energy – active shades a move to yellow based shades from the E4.16.77 E4.49.68 D6.41.60 E4.50.70 that will enliven neutral palettes and red influence of last year – although bright 00YY 67/212 04YY 51/583 70YR 36/468 10RR 83/026 l pull them into the 21st century. and illuminating this colour is like a dose of vitamins. Earthy copper browns are robust with depth and presence – their softness and beauty ensures wide use in both domestic and commercial interiors – a new direction for deep brown. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l 10RR 83/026 l 46
  • 27. key colour 2010 F9.11.86 F7.20.83 46YY 86/166 35YY 78/269 Yellows Honest Homely Refreshing F6.16.84 E8.34.77 E8.35.65 35YY 81/174 27YY 68/470 10YY 49/378 Homely honeys and mustards suggest Key colour warmth, comfort and reassurance – shades to a lovely soft banana yellow that puts over surround yourself with when the going gets a mood of quiet contentment – good for hard and a little tender loving care is required. creating serene and relaxing environments. Sharp, acidic lemons and citrus shades put Yellows’ transition over an image of sporty energy and modern a return to the heartland of yellow – this F4.12.79 F2.14.66 technology – colours with zing and pizzazz soft, reassuring shade puts over an image of 30YY 65/171 30YY 50/176 to lift any interior scheme. warm summer days and natural goodness. Sunny banana and wheat tones add a new level of soft neutrality – the perfect foil for spacey cooler neutrals and atmospheric greys and teals. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 G4.33.81 F8.38.70 F3.25.65 60YY 73/497 50YY 51/519 30YY 46/304 48
  • 28. E4.50.70 10RR 83/026 l Warm Neutrals Earthy Sandy Discrete E9.11.74 E4.50.70 20YY 61/127 10RR 83/026 l A quartet of sandy, grain inspired colours Key colour key colour 2010 with a strong yellow base – warming and a deep earthy umber brown – the sort reassuring shades that put over an of natural pigment shade that is ultra image of warm and wholesome living. fashionable when combined with clean turquoises and teals. Clay, peat and earth tones are more sophisticated but have presence Warm Neutrals’ transition F3.03.88 G0.04.81 F4.10.70 F1.13.48 and character – stunning when enlivened a fairly dramatic move from last year’s soft 03YY 86/021 40YY 74/056 30YY 53/125 20YY 22/129 with citrus lemons and oranges. beige to an honest and earthy deep brown with a strong environmental image. Rich mocha browns add a touch of soft drama especially when used in conjunction with new blues and acid greens – a shot of clean bright colour to lift them into high fashion territory. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 E9.03.71 B6.05.51 C4.09.36 10YY 54/034 10YR 28/072 30YR 15/112 50
  • 29. ©Eiji Shibata (Teko Design) key colour 2010 G4.07.77 G9.13.85 E4.50.70 60YY 67/117 90YY 83/179 10RR 83/026 l Greens Active Medicinal Healthy H9.09.61 H7.22.83 M3.03.71 H1.17.78 10GY 39/136 10GY 74/325 50GG 55/049 90YY 72/225 Hi-tech acidic shades are inspired by Key colour the laboratory and clinic – liquid colours The palest yellow lime that seems to emit that light up a space; colours that glow, light and a sense of space – wonderful when radiate and pulsate. balanced with cool neutrals and greys. Soft healing greens derived from Greens’ transition plants and herbs are versatile and easy an almost yellow shade of green that G8.19.69 G6.46.73 MN.02.77 M6.03.62 to live with – well suited to traditional represents new shoots, new life and 90YY 48/255 70YY 61/561 50GG 63/042 10GG 38/038 and contemporary interiors that require regrowth – a softly energetic colour for a sense of calm. a more positive future. Liquid, blue-based greens allude to the natural and man-made world – colours of character that put over a sense of space and freshness. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 K2.09.60 P7.15.48 M9.11.76 50GY 43/120 10BG 21/141 50GG 61/154 52
  • 30. RN.02.83 S8.34.56 09BB 77/019 22BB 34/304 KEY COlOuR 2010 Blues Icy Fluid Spacious Q1.17.76 R3.05.78 R7.11.79 U9.48.19 46BG 63/190 70BG 68/056 70BG 70/113 72BB 07/288 Airy and optimistic shades put over a sense Key colour of freedom and happiness – carefree colours Exudes a sense of ozone freshness and spatial to lift the spirit and light the darkness. airiness – a great shade for opening up small dark spaces where light is at a premium. Soulful teals and turquoises suggest deepest space – a place of mystery, imagination Blues’ transition and atmosphere – sophisticated shades that a real sky blue, not influenced by green, that P1.11.63 S8.12.55 R7.31.62 are serene, subtle and understated. is pure and luminous – a colour full of hope, 10BG 46/112 10BB 28/116 86BG 43/321 possibility and optimism for the future. Rich, clear ultramarines speak of both the past and the future – classic colours of quality and provenance are given a new, ultra modern lease of life. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 R0.39.25 70BG 09/171 54
  • 31. KEY COlOuR 2010 Violets Daring Dramatic Dusted U2.05.76 T9.07.73 V8.23.44 V9.18.29 70BB 65/066 50BB 54/079 10RB 19/262 30RB 10/214 Dramatic and intense purples give a radical Key colour new direction for this palette – fearless, a dramatic and daring purple that is both open-minded colours that herald a more traditional and very modern – a rich and positive and proactive future. intense shade that has power and warmth. Soft dusted shades are elegant and easy Violets’ transition to live with – colours reminiscent of healing a dramatic move away from dusty neutrality aN.01.77 XN.01.71 Y3.16.43 plants and herbs that are soothing to the towards a colour with visual presence and 90RR 64/025 10RR 56/029 10RR 22/178 eye and the spirit. attitude – highly creative and a bit radical. Cool neutral lavenders are inspired by space and air – ideal colours for both domestic and commercial interiors where space and light are at a premium. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 56
  • 32. Cool Neutrals Calming Considered Smoky RN.01.87 10BB 83/020 Smoky green-based tones give a new and Key colour ultra sophisticated level of colour to this an atmospheric shade reminiscent of green palette – shades that are deep, subtle and slate – an ultra sophisticated grey to combine atmospheric. with neutrals or as a chic background to brighter accents. true greys and near blacks add drama and a sense of positive definition especially Cool Neutrals’ transition GN.01.77 WN.02.46 ON.00.39 when used with the new ultra futuristic a move to tinted greys with a true sense of 30YY 68/024 30RR 22/031 00NN 16/000 and pulsating pastels. sophistication and elegance that allude to both the past and the future, the classic and KEY COlOuR 2010 Deep ash grey is equally at home in both ultra contemporary. domestic or commercial interiors and creates an image of true elegance – a colour from the past just perfect for today. SN.02.67 R1.04.54 XN.00.10 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 30BG 49/047 70BG 28/060 30BB 05/022 58
  • 33. Colour of the Year p6-9 Resources Here you will find an index of the pictures that CF10 -COVER CF10-COY-1 CF10-COY-2 CF10-COY-3 have been used in this publication. Feel free to visit the website and download them. CF10-COY- 4 CF10-COY- 5 CF10-COY- 6 60
  • 34. Trends p10-41 Download these pictures from: TM s i l e n t s p a c e . pages 12-17 Serene Timeless Spacious CF10 -SS-1 CF10 -SS-2 CF10 -SS-3 CF10 -SS- 4 CF10-SS-5 CF10-SS-6 TM pages 18-23 Prismatic Supersynthetic Dynamic CF10-FF-1 CF10 -FF-2 CF10-FF-3 CF10 -FF- 4 CF10-FF-5 CF10-FF-6 . basic beliefs TM pages 24-29 Essential Real Rooted CF10-BB-1 CF10-BB-2 CF10-BB-3 CF10-BB-4 CF10-BB-5 CF10-BB-6 CF10-BB-7 CF10-BB-8 CF10-BB-9 CF10-BB-10 Free TM SpiRit pages 30-35 Individual Irreverent Quirky CF10-FS-1 CF10-FS-2 CF10-FS-3 CF10-FS-4 CF10-FS-5 CF10-FS-6 CF10-FS-7 CF10-FS-8 CF10-FS-9 CF10-FS-10 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,diam consectetuer adipiscing tincidunt ut nonummy magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enimsed veniam, quis laoreet dolore nibh euismod elit, Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate ad minim nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat velit esse feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et molestie consequat, vel illum TM dolore eu iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit dolorduis dolore te feugait nulla faciliadi Lorem ipsum augue sit amet, consectetuer si. pages 36- 41 Iconic Referenced Symbolic CF10-SM-1 CF10-SM-2 CF10-SM-3 CF10-SM-4 CF10-SM-5 CF10-SM-6 63
  • 35. Colours p42-59 Download these pictures from: Reds Oranges Yellows Warm Neutrals Greens Blues Violets Cool Neutrals pages 44-45 pages 46-47 pages 48-49 pages 50-51 pages 52-53 pages 54-55 pages 56-57 pages 58-59 CF10-R-1 CF10-O-1 CF10-Y-1 CF10-WN-1 CF10-G-1 CF10-B-1 CF10-V-1 CF10-CN-1 CF10-R-2 CF10-O-2 CF10-Y-2 CF10-WN-2 CF10-G-2 CF10-B-2 CF10-V-2 CF10-CN-2 CF10-R-3 CF10-O-3 CF10-Y-3 CF10-WN-3 CF10-G-3 CF10-B-3 CF10-V-3 CF10-CN-3 CF10-R-4 CF10-O-4 CF10-Y-4 CF10-WN-4 CF10-G-4 CF10-B-4 CF10-V-4 CF10-CN-4 64
  • 36. Generic Welcome Colour Trends inside front cover pages 01-05 CF10 -WELCOME CF10 -CTS-1 CF10-CTS-2 CF10-CTS- 3 CF10 -CTS-4 CF10-CTS-5 CF10-CTS-6 CF10-CTS-7 CF10-CTS-8 CF10-CTS-9 CF10-CTS-10 CF10-CTS-11 CF10-CTS-12 Trends Team Colour Futures™ the distinctive three-leaf Procolor, Sadolin, Sikkens, Sico, the AkzoNobel Decorative Paints pages 02-03 colour spectrum symbol, Alba, Astral, AkzoNobel logo and Tomorrow’s International Marketing Department Betonel, Bruguer, C.I.L, Coral, Dulux, Dulux Answers Today, are trademarks of the Wexham Road, Slough Trade, Dulux Valentine, Flexa, Glidden, the AkzoNobel Group of Companies © Berkshire, SL2 5DS, United Kingdom ICI Roundel, Inca, Levis, Marshall, Nordsjö, and Database Right 2008. Tel +44 (0)1753 550 000 CF10-TT-1 CF10-TT-2 CF10-TT-3 CF10-TT- 4 This ColourFutures reference manual is and remains the property of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited and is loaned on condition that it is used solely to specify ™ products manufactured/or supplied by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited (and other companies in the AkzoNobel Group) and on condition that it shall be returned to Imperial Chemical Industries Limited on demand. The contents of this reference manual are for information only. No representation or warranty is given, nor liability accepted, regarding the information given. We have reproduced paint colours as faithfully as printing will allow. However, the shape, size and lighting of a surface can influence the appearance of the final colour.