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Adolf Hitler Rise To Power Essay
Hitler rose to power despite humble beginnings. He was not a rich and powerful man before he rose to power and neither was his father. After
World War 1 Hitler decided to join the Nazis, because of this he ended up in prison ("The Holocaust"). While in prison he wrote a book that
predicted a war that would destroy the Jewish Population in Germany. Because of this we already see Hitler's dislike of Jews. After prison Hitler
used the weaknesses of his political enemies to gain power for his own party. Slowly Hitler was gaining power until he had enough political power to
run for president against Paul von Hindenburg but he lost. In January of 1933 Hitler was named Chancellor and put in a place of power by President
Hindenburg. After President Hindenburg's death Hitler was named Fuhrer, this simply meant that he had pretty all power over Germany ("The
Holocaust"). Having this power gave Hitler what he wanted when it came to power. Hitler rose quite quickly to power which would give him a lot of
life time to do the terrible things he had in store. Hitler spoke often of how he thought that the Aryan race was the highest race, this is a huge
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When the war had finished Hitler's will and his marriage certificate were found at the bottom of a dried up will outside Munich, Germany. In his
will Hitler spoke of his new wife and their choice of death rather than public humiliation from the Allied forces when they were to be captured. Hitler
had known that if they lived there was no way that they would not be captured and taken prisoner and in his will he shows that he did not want that
and so he chose death instead. Finally in 1953 Germany began to pay Jews for the crimes that were committed in their name. They payed the Jews but
they knew that it would never really make up for what those people had gone through. Though Hitler died and amends were made the scars in
Germany still run very
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Essay about Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler did not live a very long life, but during his time he caused such a great deal of death and destruction that his actions still have an effect
on the world nearly 50 years later. People ask what could've happen to this small sickly boy during his childhood that would've led him do such
horrible things? For Adolf it might have been society, rejection from his father, failure as an artist or was he born to hate?Adolf was born in Braunau,
Austria in 1889. His father, Alois was a minor customs official, and his mother was apeasant girl. Adolf attended elementary school for four years and
entered secondary school at the age of eleven. Adolf's dreams of becoming an artist did not match the government official job his father
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I grew sick to the stomach, I began to hate them. I became anti–Semitic."(1) In the spring of 1913 Hitler left for Munich, Germany at the age of 24. He
left Vienna to get away from the mixture of races and to escape the military that he had to serve in with Jews.The First World War in 1914 was
Hitler's chance to let go of his frustrating childhood. Hitler proved to be a brave soldier and was wounded twice and decorated twice for bravery with
the Iron Cross.
Hitler, like many other Germans didn't believe they were defeated by Great Britain and the U.S. in 1918. They thought they had been stabbed in the
back by the Jewish slackers. After the war Hitler found himself unemployed once again and began looking for a place in politics because he felt he
could do something for the country. Shortly after Hitler returned to the army and was assigned to spy on political parties which the generals thought
were communist, socialist, or pacifists. Hitler was ordered to investigate a small political group called the German Worker's party.
The next day he received an invitation to join the group. He decided after two days of questioning himself that he should join. After enrolling, Hitler
later made it the largest political party in Germany, and became known as the Nazi Party. In 1921, the two years after he joined the party, he became
the Fuhrer which is the leader of the Nazi Party. By 1923, Hitler believed he was strong
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Adolf Hitler Essay
Adolf Hitler. A highly influential man, a dictator, an individual who cause immense pain and suffering. Adolf Hitler was the mastermind behind Nazi
Germany. According to the World of Criminal Justice, Gale, Hitler triggering World War II because of his expansionist foreign policy. Hitler caused
monstrosities towards Jews and other minorities and completely changed Western Society in many ways. According to "Adolf Hitler" by,
Adolf Hitler rose to power after World War I in the National Socialist German Workers Party. He was Political leader of theNazi Party, Hitler
implemented government policies based on "anti–Semitism and racism". These policies became more severe over time and lead to the mass torture and
extermination of Jews and other minorities.
When one thinks of genocide, usually the word Nazi might come to mind. The Nazi were the creators of the genocide because the Germans felt
superior to the jews. According to"The Killing Machine" by Project Aladdin, the Nazi began the genocide because of "eugenics and racial
segregation" in other words they wanted to purify their race. Project Aladdin states that the Nazis wanted to keep the Germans "free from
abnormalities and illness", this falls under the category of eugenics because of this around 200,000 mentally and physically disabled Germans were
killed. The Nazi also wanted to keep the Aryan race closed to other "inferior" races, this falls under racial segregation and extermination. This lead to
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The Psychology of Adolf Hitler Essay
The Psychology of Hitler
It is no surprise to very few that Adolph Hitler is one of the most infamous humans ever to have been born. To this day, the mention of his name can
conjure up emotions deep within us. He is responsible for the deaths of millions of people either directly or indirectly. The fascinating aspect of his
life is what was the true motivation behind his prejudice, cruelty, and heartlessness. The next logical speculation for most would be his upbringing or
that he was physiologically unstable, more logically it was a combination of the two. However, before that conclusion can be made the history of his
environment as well as how heredity could have influenced him.
Hitler's father, Alois Schicklgruber, was more content...
In January of 1907, Klara Hitler (Hitler's mother) went to see a doctor about chest pain. The doctor, Bloch who was Jewish, diagnosed her with
breast cancer. She had surgery however the cancer was very advanced. Hitler followed the recommendation of Bloch to do a painful and expensive
treatment with consisted of applying idoform directly into the ulcerations caused by the cancer. However, the treatments did not work and in late
December of that same year, she passed away. Ironically, Bloch had seriously reduced the charges owed for Hitler's mother's medical bills; Hitler had
told Bloch that he "shall be grateful to you forever."
While it is my opinion that the parenting practices of Hitler's youth did influence him somewhat, I am not convinced that they played a big enough role
to create the man that Hitler became.
Hitler was raised sternly however was doted on by his mother, this seems to be normal for the time period. While his father Alois was legitimate, it
was also rather irrelevant. Hitler was not chastised by anyone because of his father's illegimaticy. He showed a huge interest in war and socialism at a
young age, in fact it was one of his father's books that piqued his interest originally.
Hitler's father was a contradiction. He was a civil servant, obedient to the law and serving society. However, the way he treated his family at home was
drastically different; the children
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Adolf Hitler Essay
Hitler's Childhood Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in a small Austrian village called Braunau–am–Inn. Adlof was born a sickly child, his
mother, Klara, watched over him night and day. Klara Hitler protected young Adolf from her short–tempered husband, Alois. Adolf grew into a thin,
dark–haired, blue–eyed boy with an angular face (Twisted 63). At the age of 6, Hitler started school and showed excellent achievement in his classes.
Outside of school young Hitler was energetic and had many friends. Adolf's home life was far less happy. His father ran the household like a military
boot camp. When his father was in the same room as him, Adolf was not allowed to speak without permission. The first signs of Adolf's aggression
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After entering the school, Adolf's grades dropped in every subject except drawing. Hitler explains this change in academic performance in his book
Mein Kampf. Hitler states that he purposely failed his classes to rebel against his father and sabotage all ambition towards him (Bullock 8). During his
high school career, Hitler became seriously ill with a lung infection and was forced to drop out of school. After his illness was cured, he then applied
to the Vienna Academy of Arts hoping to start a career in painting. Hitler took the admission test and passed it, but when it came down to
submitting a piece of art, Hitler's watercolor was rejected. Adolf was rejected from the academy and felt no disappointment, although, Hitler was
more concerned with a dying woman whom he loved greatly, his mother. Klara was suffering from breast cancer and would die in December of
1907. The death of his mother brought great sorrow to Hitler. The family physician said, "I have never seen anyone so prostrate with grief as
Adolf Hitler (Twisted 71)." Hitler felt that he should not give up his love for art, so he reapplied to the art academy. This time, Hitler didn't even
pass the preliminary exam. Hitler was offended greatly and couldn't believe what happened. In desperation for a source of income, Hitler joined the
German Army and began attending meetings of the Nazi party. This is the major turning point in Hitler's life that might have brought on
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Adolf Hitler and The Holocaust Essay examples
Adolf Hitler is from Austria. He was in the German war and got injured for a period of time. He wanted to become an artist but when he got rejected
to go to art school twice. People wonder why Hitler was a horrible person. Maybe because people thought he was not good enough. Maybe because he
just was not in anybody's liking.
During the 1930s, Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, wrote a book, and started a war with a Nazi party. Hitler also tired to overthrow the German
government, but failed and was sent to prision. He was supposed to spend five years but he only spent nine months. In those nine months, he wrote a
book called Mien Kampf meaning My Struggle. After Adolf Hitler got out of prision and when their president died, he more content...
The Holocaust lasted for 12 whole years. When Germany surrendered the war unconditionally, they did not know wether to keep the camps up and let
the people die off, or to let the prisioners go. Anyhow, the prisioners did not have anywhere to go because they lost there homes when they registered
to go to the camps or got taken. In Aushwitz, a death camp, 10,000 people were killed everyday from the gas chambers. There is a museum in
Washington, D.C about The Holocaust. The Holocaust was known to be the biggest mass murder in history.
During World War II (WWII), the ally forces were the United States, Great Britian, and Russia. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the leader for
the United States, the Prime Minister was Winston Churchill of Great Britian, and Joesph Stalin was of Russia. The ally forces were known as
"The Big Three". The axis powers are Germany, Italy, abd Japan. Germany's leader was Adolf Hitler, Italy's was Misoulini, and Japan's was Prime
Minister Hideki Tojo. During the war, there was segregation going on. The Jim Crow Laws and the Nuremburg Laws were based on the same
concept; to get rid of people that were not good for the society. Before the war, blacks got to train to be in the United States Airforce. They were
known as the Tuskegee Airmen or Redtails because they painted the tails of their flighter jets red. When the Tuskegee Experiment started, there was
over 60 men who joined. Those men were the ones who fought in WWII.
Anne Frank was a
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Essay on Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler, to some, was a great ruler, but to others he was a murderer. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and was the dictator of
Germany. He ordered to have millions of Jews murdered or thrown in prisons.
Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in a small town in Australia called Branuan. His dad's name was AliosHitler and was a customs official. He was
51 years old when Adolf was born. Klara Polz, Adolf's mother, was a farm girl and was 28 when Adolf was born. Klara and Alios had 6 children , but
only Adolf and his sister Paula survived childhood.
Adolf was a good student in elementary and got good grades. When he reached high school his studies dropped, and he dropped out of school when he more content...
Hitler was chosen as the leader because he was a skillful politician and organizer.
In 1923 German workers went on strike against the government. Germany's money value decreased to about nothing. Hitler proclaimed a Nazi
revolution or a "putch." While Hitler and 2,000 troops were protesting, the police shot into the crowd, killing 16 troops.
Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in jail. While Hitler was in jail he wrote the Mein Kamph which means "My Struggle." The book
revealed his beliefs and ideas for Germany's government and his plans on taking over Europe. He believed that Germans were superior humanity and
Hitler wanted to keep Germany "pure." He said Jews and Slavs were the evils of the world. In December 1924, Hitler was released after serving only
nine months.
The economy's recovery was very slow, but now most people had work, homes, food, and hopes for the future. After the revolt, the government decided
to outlaw the Nazi party.
Hitler argued against the government to lift the law. The government later decided to lift the law.
The depression hit Germany in 1930. Hitler spoke many speeches promising to get rid of the communists and other "enemies." In 1933 Hitler became
chancellor of Germany. There were two other Nazi in the cabinet, Goering and Wilhelm Frick.
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Adolf Hitler Essay
Introduction The main reason Adolf Hitler was able to rise to power in Germany in the 1930's were a great depression, the negative effects of the
treaty of Versailles, his personal abilities as a public speaker and eliminating his political opposition. Hitler was neurotic, unstable, paranoid who rages
were an of his malignant narcissism, this is common in violent criminals, tyrants and people who have lost the sense of morality. 13 years before his
birth his paternal grandfather belatedly legitimize his own 39–year–old son by changing his name from Schicklgruber to Hitler. Hitler and his party
were using the losses the country had to make people think that they were going to fix them and make Germany great again. He used this lie to
make his party look the best from all the others, therefore, making him the leader of the country Paragraph 1: Treaty of Versailles In 1919, a
defeated Germany was presented with the peace terms by the victorious powers of World War 1. Germany hadn't been invited to negotiate them, and
was presented with a stark choice: sign, or be invaded. Perhaps inevitably given the previous years of mass bloodshed German leaders did, and the
result was the Treaty of Versailles. But from the very start, the terms of Versailles caused anger, hate and frustration between the German citizens. The
treaty of Versailles made the country very poor and miserable, the military was weak and huge respirations had to be paid. The Treaty of Versailles
contributed greatly
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Adolf Hitler Essay
Having the skills to be a leader is probably one of the hardest of skills that people have to learn to run a country. However, this does not apply for Adolf
Hitler due to him having the skill of giving excellent speeches as well as having the proper evidence to back up his claims. These events happened
after WWI so Germany was in a total economic collapse due to the Treaty of Versaillesand the people were desperate to be saved from the rules they
had to abide by. Hitler was a Corporal during WWI after being promoted due to his whole squad dying from an explosion, he started telling other
soldiers during and after the war that there were no people of the Jewish religion on the battlefront therefore turning him against them and into a
anti–semitic dictator. Some could say that his leadership was not as/or of significance compared to the treaty or that he was getting help from policies.
Hitler's leadership was of excellent significance at this time and could be seen as having many events leading to this such as how the Weimar Republic
failed to satisfy the people due to the depression therefore causing it to collapse, he could put the blame for Germany's problems on specific social
groups such as the Jews, and how he promised to solve Germany's problems by doing what the people wanted.
Was he really that significant? Others that protest against Hitler's may use excuses such as or that relate to the fact that he basically had problems
occur at just the worst time for Hitler to
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Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil Essay
Adolf Hitler was a man filled with self–indulgent acts and was abominable towards others –– a man who, even to this day has destroyed his reputation.
The majority of Hitler actions were filled with artifice. Everything about this man was evil. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, at the Gastof
zum Pommer , in Braunau am Inn, in an Austria town near the border of Bavaria, Germany. Hitler's parents were Alois Hitler and Klara Hitler nГ©e
Pölzl . Although Adolf was the fourth child born to his family, he was the first child to survive infancy . His two siblings born after him, Edmund
and Paula, also survived their early childhood. At a young age of three (1892), Adolf and his family moved to Passau, Germany, where Hitler acquired more content...
Adolf purposefully did poorly in his schooling, hoping that just maybe... his father would allow him to continue along the career path of his choice.
Alois' decision to send Adolf to Realschule School started a conflict between Adolf and his strong–willed father. This battle continued until the sudden
death of Adolf's father on January 3, 1903. Doctors now believe that Alois Hitler probably died from pleural hemorrhage 3(fluid surrounding the
lungs). After Adolf's father died, his mother allowed him to quit going to the Realschule School in Linz. Less than a year later in September of
1904, he enrolled in Reaslschule in Steyr. Quite quickly, his grades showed improvement. But, Adolf was not satisfied with this previous career
choice of arts and left the school in 1905 without any ambitions of further schooling. In fact, he did not even have any plans for his career. After his
schooling, he moved to Vienna where he received support from orphan benefits because his father was dead and Adolf was still under the age of 18.
To make a little money, he sold watercolor paints from the streets where he lived. During this time, he applied twice to the Academy of Fine Art
Vienna. But both times he was rejected. On December 21, 1907, Hitler's mother, age 47, died. Just over six months earlier, Adolf turned 18 and was
not eligible to receive orphan benefits. With his mother dead and no orphan benefits, Adolf quickly ran out of money and
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Adolf Hitler Essay
From 1923 until his death in 1945, Hitler fostered extremist ideas that contributed to his oppressive, totalitarian regime. On April 20th, 1889, Adolf
Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler, an Austrian couple living near the German border. Growing up, his father was abusive towards his mother
and him. Adolf was unpopular with the local children and was considered lazy by his father. Adolf's school reports exemplified an average student.
After Klara died of cancer, Adolf dropped out of school and was all alone. His dream of attending art school was crushed when his application was
rejected, and he was left with nothing. Adolf became convinced that the Jews were responsible for the way his life turned out. He believed that it was
a Jew who denied him from art school and that a Jewish doctor killed his mother. He also believed that the people for whom he was working were
Jewish and gave him menial, humiliating jobs. Everything wrong in his life was blamed entirely on the Jewish population (Trueman 2). It was from
this hatred that his genocidal nature emerged. Hitler slowly built his political platform and soon became powerful throughout all of Germany and
Europe. Adolf Hitler gained popular support from German citizens and supporters through his autobiography Mein Kampf, programs combating the
effects of the Great Depression, and his rhetoric. In 1923, after Hitler's failed attempt to gain political and governmental power in Munich, he wrote his
political manifesto called
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Adolf Hitler Essay example
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was one of the worst dictators that the world has ever seen. Some people called him the devil, because of what he did to
the Jews during WWII. Hitler was a dictator that ordered the execution of millions of Jews and other people, during his reign of Nazi Germany. As
a teenager Hitler served in WWI and years later was thrown in jail, where he wrote his book Mien Kampf. Hitler soon became the dictator of
Germany and started WWII. At the age of twenty five, Hitler enlisted in the German army. Some say that this was the beginning of Hitler's reign. He
volunteered to be a soldier in WWI, and in his first battle about 3000 of his regiment were killed (Spielvogel 97). Hitler was lucky during the war, more content...
Throughout the book Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, maggot, repulsive, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity. When the book
was originally released it was not a big hit, but after Hitler become Chancellor of Germany, millions of copies were sold. In 1929 Hitler and the
Nazi party came to power by the vote of ordinary people. Because of stock market crash in 1929 the message of the Nazi party appealed to
Germans more than ever. The Nazi propaganda was very easy to accept by offering hope, and its provision of a scapegoat, the Jews, and
Communists. Although Hitler lost to Hindenburg he became a much more popular as a result and the Nazis came to hold more than one third of the
seats in the parliament. Hindenburg disliked Hitler, but he advised that Hitler could be kept under control, so he named him chancellor. Once Hitler
had a position of power he used the Nazi majority he declared a national state of emergency. Germany soon became a one party police state as all
non–Nazis were forced out of office and freedoms were taken away. All opposing parties were banned and their leaders were jailed. On March 23,
1993 the Enabling Act was passed (Jackel 56). This law would hand over the constitutional functions of the Reichstag to Hitler, including power to
make laws, control the budget and approve treaties
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Essay about Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau, Austria. He was the fourth child of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Hitler. The
couple's first three offsprings died as children, but more two more were born later, in addition to Adolf's half siblings from his father's previous
marriage. A housemaid described Adolf's father as a strict but comfortable man, and his mother was known to give Adolf much love and affection.
As a child, Adolf was very skilled at artwork, and even went to a special school for awhile, but he didn't do well there. His father died in 1903 of a
pleural hemorrhage, and his mother died in 1907 of breast cancer. Hitler spent six years in Vienna, Austria, the center of anti–Semitism. He
more content... Hitler's Early Life. 2. Mein Kampf Picture: "And so I believe
to–day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of
the Lord." ~Mein Kampf Hitler made many famous speeches during his rise to power. A few are quoted in certain areas of this report. His goal was
to create a new empire that would last for one thousand years. He ran for president in 1932 and became chancellor in January, 1933. In November,
1937, he outlined his master plan as described in Mein Kampf at "FГ…hrer Conference." World War II began in September of 1939, when Germany
attacked Poland. By then, Germany had already taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia. In 1940, Hitler conquered Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark,
Norway, Belgium, France, and almost Britain. His next move would be attacking the Soviet Union, even though he had recently made a
non–aggression pact with them in 1939. His attempt took place in June of 1941, but the Soviet armies were ready for attack, and turned the momentum
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Adolf Hitler Essay 20
INTRODUCTION Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators. Hitler
converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939 (see Federal Republic of Germany). He made anti
–Semitism a
keystone of his propaganda and policies and built the Nazi Party (see National Socialism) into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire
world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He instituted sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of
racial purity among German people and caused the slaughter of millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavic peoples, and many others, all of
whom he considered more content...
Hitler saw trench warfare as a form of the struggle for survival among races, a struggle that he was coming to see as the essence of existence. At the
same time, his anti–Semitic feelings were growing extreme. When Germany was defeated in 1918, Hitler was lying in a military hospital,
temporarily blinded by mustard gas. He decided Jews had caused Germany's defeat and that he would enter politics to save the country. Hitler
returned to Munich after the war. He was selected to be a political speaker by the local army headquarters, given special training, and provided with
opportunities to practice his public speaking before returning prisoners of war. His speaking successes led to his selection as an observer of political
groups in the Munich area. In this capacity, he investigated the German Workers' PartyВ—one of the many nationalist, racist groups that developed in
Munich in the postwar years. CBeginnings of the Nazi Party The German Workers' Party, later renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party
(abbreviated NSDAP or Nazi Party), became Hitler's political focus. Here he found an outlet for his talents in political agitation and party organization.
The party espoused essentially the same ideas Hitler had picked up in Vienna: violent racial nationalism and anti–Semitism. He also shared the Nazis'
opposition to the liberal democracy of the German
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Essay on The Life of Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was born April 20th, 1889 in Austria to Klara and Alois Hitler Sr. His father worked for the government as a customs agent and had
been previously married. In that marriage he had two children, Alois Jr. and Angela. After he got married to Klara they had three more children;
Hitler, Edmund, and Paula. Through out his life Hitler experienced both the good and the bad. His father drank heavily, which left his family at his
mercy. He usually beat his wife, kids, and sometimes even his dog. Most of his tempers were taken out on Hitler's older half–brother, who got the
worst of the beatings since he was older. At age fourteen he ran away from home to escape from his father. That led to Hitler getting beat more often.
His mother, more content...
Everyone thought of him as nothing special; just another country boy. His second year at the school he started to come out of his shell so to
speak, and became more known in his class. He became fascinated with his appearance, brown hair with blue eyes. Thought this to be the mark of
true Germanic people. Even though he was becoming a leader once again at school, his academic future held close to nothing. The following year
of school he began having more problems, both at home and school. Finally on January 3rd, 1903 Hitler's dad suffered internal bleeding and died
shortly after. Leaving Hitler,13, the head of his household. "[My father's greatest] desire had been to help his son forge his career, thus preserving
[me] from his own bitter experience [as a boy]. In this, to all appearances, he had sown the seed for a future at the time neither he nor I could have
comprehended" (Ayer 20). His dad's death impacted Hitler greatly, as it left him in charge of his own future. He started doing poorly in school
because he became lazy. Despite his failing interest in school, his history professor Leopold PГ–tsch introduced Hitler to the Volkisch movement. The
Volkisch movement was, at the time, a group of German people who thought that foreigners, especially Jewish immigrants, threatened the people of
Germany. Hitler, being quite a German fanatic, took very well to this idea
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Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler played a huge part in World War II and was one of the major reasons the war happened at all. World War II was a devastating war
where millions of soldiers and civilians died. Hitler started to take over countries like Austria with little or no resistance. When he later tried to invade
Poland, Britain declared war. Even though there was very little fighting at the time Britain declared war, Hitler's ideas and goals for Germany were what
initially caused World War II and later led to the holocaust. Hitler argues that the human race was very similar to species of animals and we should
behave as such. His basic ideologies explain why he was looking for war and his goals for Germany. Hitler believed that each race should mate with a
similar race and get rid of races that were not the same. This prejudice he had explains why he would want to go to war with nearby countries.
Ideally, Hitler would demolish every single race that was not his own. It would be impossible for him to get rid of every single race, so he picked the
one that was least like the Aryans which were Jewish people.
Hitler borrowed a lot of the ideas from Charles Darwin when developing his own ideology. Like Darwin, Hitler believed that social good was
influenced by major forms of politics and the fittest would ultimately survive. These animalistic views show why Hitler was so adamant about fighting
against others. Like any species, Hitler believed that the Aryans needed to fight in order to stay
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Biography of Adolf Hitler Essay
Adolf Hitler
Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful rulers. Hitler converted Germany into a
fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. He made anti–Jewish culture a top priority of his lies and policies and built the Nazi Party
into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He founded
sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the deaths of millions of Jews, Roma
(Gypsies), Slavic people, and many others, all of whom he considered inferior.
Early Years
Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, more content...
Life in Vienna
Hitler wanted to become an artist but was rejected because he was unqualified by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in October 1907. His mother died
in 1908. Hitler mostly wandered about the city admiring its public buildings and often attending operas.
When he had lost all his inherited money, Hitler, unwilling to take a job, ended up in an orphanage. It was there that he was first exposed to his
political ideas. At the same time Hitler acquired a hatred for communism and came to equate it with the Jews.
Between 1910 and 1913 Hitler?s life improved when he began to paint and sell postcards and pictures for a living. He copied famous paintings and
drawings of public buildings. He talked about his ideas in a hostel, where he lived figuring out the beginnings of his public speaking style. Failure to
register for recruitment in Austria led him to run for Munich, Germany, in 1913 to escape the Austrian police. He was handed over to Austria but was
found physically unfit to be a soldier. So he then returned to Munich.
World War I
The outbreak of World War I in 1914 came as an opportunity for Hitler. He volunteered for a Bavarian unit in the German army and served the whole
war. Though repeatedly decorated for bravery, he was never promoted beyond private first class. In a war of very high deaths, this is difficult to
explain why this happened.
At the same time, his anti–Jewish feelings were growing extreme. When Germany was defeated in 1918. He decided
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Adolf Hitler's Role In Nazi Germany
Adolf Hitler had an extremely significant role in the Nazi State leading up to 1939. His position as the FГјhrer gave him absolute power and control
over the Nazi run country at social, political, and economic levels, as well as his reforms to foreign policy. He was able to industrialise and civilise
Germany, as he improved the industry and implemented many civil improvements into his regime. Hitler provided a pivotal role in the Nazi regime
leading up to the outbreak of World War Two through his many improvements to the Nazi State in his attempt to establish a 'Greater Germany'.
Hitler played an imperative role at a political level for the Nazi System of rule. He created amended and abolished many German policies to improve
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His extensive use of propaganda and rallies gave him and the Nazi Party a multitude of support. Richard Evans believes the ulterior motives for Hitler
gaining support were the "overarching and interrelated goals of carrying out a rather vaguely defined cultural revolution and preparing Germany for
war." Through a cultural revolution Germans would be transformed into a unified racial community committed to a new, anti–humanitarian warrior
ethic, thus "laying the basis for successful wars of conquest and annihilation." However the Nazi Party could not achieve these goals without the
support of the German People. Hence Hitler's extensive use of propaganda, and later on the implementation of terror. The main idea that led the
"majority of the Germans in supporting Hitler was the resurgence of German national pride and power." The Hitler Youth program was also a scheme
devised for the purpose of the future Nazi State. He believed that through "educating and influencing the children with Nazi ideology the Nazi Sate
would prosper after his generation." This made Hitler's role very significant as he attempted to ensure the survival of the Nazi State through younger
generation. Furthermore Hitler's creation of the volksgemeinschaft was also a prominent aspect to his role in the Nazi state as he used this ideology to
"justify and promote his
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Adolf Hitler Research Paper
Adolf Hitler "Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all." (Hitler 137) Hitler was driven by his hunger for power, causing the death of
millions of innocent people. No one could have known the dramatic effect this man would soon have on the world.
Adolf Hitler's life began in Austria on April 20, 1889. Born at the Braunqu–am–inn. Hitler had four siblings Gustav Hitler, Ida Hitler, Paula Hitler, and
Edmund Hitler. Gustav and Ida Hitler died in their infancy, while his brother Edmund Hitler died at the age of six. Ida Hitler was the only one to live
to her adulthood. Hitler also had a half brother and sister, Alois Hitler Jr. and Angela Hitler Raubal.Adolf Hitler was the fourth child of six. His father
was more content...
The organization Hitler was a member of was popularly known as the Nazi Party. Originally was a small group of people under the name of German
workers party. Adolf Hitler attended the meetings and joined it in 1919. Soon after he became leader of the party and changed the name to National
Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler increased the Nazi party's political power steadily. Then in 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
Before in 1923 Hitler and others of Kampfbund tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This was known as the Beer Hall Putsch.
Ruler of Germany from 1934 to1945 and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party were trying to take
control. Hitler took advantage of Germanys economic hardships and of the citizens after world war I to get followers, then finally just taking control
of the country. Hitler had a very useful skill he was a persuasive speaker and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. (1)
The Nazi conducted an election campaign across Germany. Hitler traveled and spoke around the country receiving more than six million votes. (1)
Adolf Hitler's last name was originally Schicklgruber. He had taken his mothers last name but decided to change it to Hiedier, or Hitler because the
name Hitler sounded rich and was easy to remember. He thought
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  • 1. Adolf Hitler Rise To Power Essay Hitler rose to power despite humble beginnings. He was not a rich and powerful man before he rose to power and neither was his father. After World War 1 Hitler decided to join the Nazis, because of this he ended up in prison ("The Holocaust"). While in prison he wrote a book that predicted a war that would destroy the Jewish Population in Germany. Because of this we already see Hitler's dislike of Jews. After prison Hitler used the weaknesses of his political enemies to gain power for his own party. Slowly Hitler was gaining power until he had enough political power to run for president against Paul von Hindenburg but he lost. In January of 1933 Hitler was named Chancellor and put in a place of power by President Hindenburg. After President Hindenburg's death Hitler was named Fuhrer, this simply meant that he had pretty all power over Germany ("The Holocaust"). Having this power gave Hitler what he wanted when it came to power. Hitler rose quite quickly to power which would give him a lot of life time to do the terrible things he had in store. Hitler spoke often of how he thought that the Aryan race was the highest race, this is a huge more content... When the war had finished Hitler's will and his marriage certificate were found at the bottom of a dried up will outside Munich, Germany. In his will Hitler spoke of his new wife and their choice of death rather than public humiliation from the Allied forces when they were to be captured. Hitler had known that if they lived there was no way that they would not be captured and taken prisoner and in his will he shows that he did not want that and so he chose death instead. Finally in 1953 Germany began to pay Jews for the crimes that were committed in their name. They payed the Jews but they knew that it would never really make up for what those people had gone through. Though Hitler died and amends were made the scars in Germany still run very Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler did not live a very long life, but during his time he caused such a great deal of death and destruction that his actions still have an effect on the world nearly 50 years later. People ask what could've happen to this small sickly boy during his childhood that would've led him do such horrible things? For Adolf it might have been society, rejection from his father, failure as an artist or was he born to hate?Adolf was born in Braunau, Austria in 1889. His father, Alois was a minor customs official, and his mother was apeasant girl. Adolf attended elementary school for four years and entered secondary school at the age of eleven. Adolf's dreams of becoming an artist did not match the government official job his father more content... I grew sick to the stomach, I began to hate them. I became anti–Semitic."(1) In the spring of 1913 Hitler left for Munich, Germany at the age of 24. He left Vienna to get away from the mixture of races and to escape the military that he had to serve in with Jews.The First World War in 1914 was Hitler's chance to let go of his frustrating childhood. Hitler proved to be a brave soldier and was wounded twice and decorated twice for bravery with the Iron Cross. Hitler, like many other Germans didn't believe they were defeated by Great Britain and the U.S. in 1918. They thought they had been stabbed in the back by the Jewish slackers. After the war Hitler found himself unemployed once again and began looking for a place in politics because he felt he could do something for the country. Shortly after Hitler returned to the army and was assigned to spy on political parties which the generals thought were communist, socialist, or pacifists. Hitler was ordered to investigate a small political group called the German Worker's party. The next day he received an invitation to join the group. He decided after two days of questioning himself that he should join. After enrolling, Hitler later made it the largest political party in Germany, and became known as the Nazi Party. In 1921, the two years after he joined the party, he became the Fuhrer which is the leader of the Nazi Party. By 1923, Hitler believed he was strong Get more content on
  • 3. Adolf Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler. A highly influential man, a dictator, an individual who cause immense pain and suffering. Adolf Hitler was the mastermind behind Nazi Germany. According to the World of Criminal Justice, Gale, Hitler triggering World War II because of his expansionist foreign policy. Hitler caused monstrosities towards Jews and other minorities and completely changed Western Society in many ways. According to "Adolf Hitler" by, Adolf Hitler rose to power after World War I in the National Socialist German Workers Party. He was Political leader of theNazi Party, Hitler implemented government policies based on "anti–Semitism and racism". These policies became more severe over time and lead to the mass torture and extermination of Jews and other minorities. When one thinks of genocide, usually the word Nazi might come to mind. The Nazi were the creators of the genocide because the Germans felt superior to the jews. According to"The Killing Machine" by Project Aladdin, the Nazi began the genocide because of "eugenics and racial segregation" in other words they wanted to purify their race. Project Aladdin states that the Nazis wanted to keep the Germans "free from abnormalities and illness", this falls under the category of eugenics because of this around 200,000 mentally and physically disabled Germans were killed. The Nazi also wanted to keep the Aryan race closed to other "inferior" races, this falls under racial segregation and extermination. This lead to Get more content on
  • 4. The Psychology of Adolf Hitler Essay The Psychology of Hitler It is no surprise to very few that Adolph Hitler is one of the most infamous humans ever to have been born. To this day, the mention of his name can conjure up emotions deep within us. He is responsible for the deaths of millions of people either directly or indirectly. The fascinating aspect of his life is what was the true motivation behind his prejudice, cruelty, and heartlessness. The next logical speculation for most would be his upbringing or that he was physiologically unstable, more logically it was a combination of the two. However, before that conclusion can be made the history of his environment as well as how heredity could have influenced him. Hitler's father, Alois Schicklgruber, was more content... In January of 1907, Klara Hitler (Hitler's mother) went to see a doctor about chest pain. The doctor, Bloch who was Jewish, diagnosed her with breast cancer. She had surgery however the cancer was very advanced. Hitler followed the recommendation of Bloch to do a painful and expensive treatment with consisted of applying idoform directly into the ulcerations caused by the cancer. However, the treatments did not work and in late December of that same year, she passed away. Ironically, Bloch had seriously reduced the charges owed for Hitler's mother's medical bills; Hitler had told Bloch that he "shall be grateful to you forever." While it is my opinion that the parenting practices of Hitler's youth did influence him somewhat, I am not convinced that they played a big enough role to create the man that Hitler became. Hitler was raised sternly however was doted on by his mother, this seems to be normal for the time period. While his father Alois was legitimate, it was also rather irrelevant. Hitler was not chastised by anyone because of his father's illegimaticy. He showed a huge interest in war and socialism at a young age, in fact it was one of his father's books that piqued his interest originally. Hitler's father was a contradiction. He was a civil servant, obedient to the law and serving society. However, the way he treated his family at home was drastically different; the children
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  • 6. Adolf Hitler Essay Hitler's Childhood Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in a small Austrian village called Braunau–am–Inn. Adlof was born a sickly child, his mother, Klara, watched over him night and day. Klara Hitler protected young Adolf from her short–tempered husband, Alois. Adolf grew into a thin, dark–haired, blue–eyed boy with an angular face (Twisted 63). At the age of 6, Hitler started school and showed excellent achievement in his classes. Outside of school young Hitler was energetic and had many friends. Adolf's home life was far less happy. His father ran the household like a military boot camp. When his father was in the same room as him, Adolf was not allowed to speak without permission. The first signs of Adolf's aggression showed more content... After entering the school, Adolf's grades dropped in every subject except drawing. Hitler explains this change in academic performance in his book Mein Kampf. Hitler states that he purposely failed his classes to rebel against his father and sabotage all ambition towards him (Bullock 8). During his high school career, Hitler became seriously ill with a lung infection and was forced to drop out of school. After his illness was cured, he then applied to the Vienna Academy of Arts hoping to start a career in painting. Hitler took the admission test and passed it, but when it came down to submitting a piece of art, Hitler's watercolor was rejected. Adolf was rejected from the academy and felt no disappointment, although, Hitler was more concerned with a dying woman whom he loved greatly, his mother. Klara was suffering from breast cancer and would die in December of 1907. The death of his mother brought great sorrow to Hitler. The family physician said, "I have never seen anyone so prostrate with grief as Adolf Hitler (Twisted 71)." Hitler felt that he should not give up his love for art, so he reapplied to the art academy. This time, Hitler didn't even pass the preliminary exam. Hitler was offended greatly and couldn't believe what happened. In desperation for a source of income, Hitler joined the German Army and began attending meetings of the Nazi party. This is the major turning point in Hitler's life that might have brought on Get more content on
  • 7. Adolf Hitler and The Holocaust Essay examples Adolf Hitler is from Austria. He was in the German war and got injured for a period of time. He wanted to become an artist but when he got rejected to go to art school twice. People wonder why Hitler was a horrible person. Maybe because people thought he was not good enough. Maybe because he just was not in anybody's liking. During the 1930s, Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, wrote a book, and started a war with a Nazi party. Hitler also tired to overthrow the German government, but failed and was sent to prision. He was supposed to spend five years but he only spent nine months. In those nine months, he wrote a book called Mien Kampf meaning My Struggle. After Adolf Hitler got out of prision and when their president died, he more content... The Holocaust lasted for 12 whole years. When Germany surrendered the war unconditionally, they did not know wether to keep the camps up and let the people die off, or to let the prisioners go. Anyhow, the prisioners did not have anywhere to go because they lost there homes when they registered to go to the camps or got taken. In Aushwitz, a death camp, 10,000 people were killed everyday from the gas chambers. There is a museum in Washington, D.C about The Holocaust. The Holocaust was known to be the biggest mass murder in history. During World War II (WWII), the ally forces were the United States, Great Britian, and Russia. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the leader for the United States, the Prime Minister was Winston Churchill of Great Britian, and Joesph Stalin was of Russia. The ally forces were known as "The Big Three". The axis powers are Germany, Italy, abd Japan. Germany's leader was Adolf Hitler, Italy's was Misoulini, and Japan's was Prime Minister Hideki Tojo. During the war, there was segregation going on. The Jim Crow Laws and the Nuremburg Laws were based on the same concept; to get rid of people that were not good for the society. Before the war, blacks got to train to be in the United States Airforce. They were known as the Tuskegee Airmen or Redtails because they painted the tails of their flighter jets red. When the Tuskegee Experiment started, there was over 60 men who joined. Those men were the ones who fought in WWII. Anne Frank was a Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler, to some, was a great ruler, but to others he was a murderer. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and was the dictator of Germany. He ordered to have millions of Jews murdered or thrown in prisons. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in a small town in Australia called Branuan. His dad's name was AliosHitler and was a customs official. He was 51 years old when Adolf was born. Klara Polz, Adolf's mother, was a farm girl and was 28 when Adolf was born. Klara and Alios had 6 children , but only Adolf and his sister Paula survived childhood. Adolf was a good student in elementary and got good grades. When he reached high school his studies dropped, and he dropped out of school when he more content... Hitler was chosen as the leader because he was a skillful politician and organizer. In 1923 German workers went on strike against the government. Germany's money value decreased to about nothing. Hitler proclaimed a Nazi revolution or a "putch." While Hitler and 2,000 troops were protesting, the police shot into the crowd, killing 16 troops. Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in jail. While Hitler was in jail he wrote the Mein Kamph which means "My Struggle." The book revealed his beliefs and ideas for Germany's government and his plans on taking over Europe. He believed that Germans were superior humanity and Hitler wanted to keep Germany "pure." He said Jews and Slavs were the evils of the world. In December 1924, Hitler was released after serving only nine months. The economy's recovery was very slow, but now most people had work, homes, food, and hopes for the future. After the revolt, the government decided to outlaw the Nazi party. Hitler argued against the government to lift the law. The government later decided to lift the law. The depression hit Germany in 1930. Hitler spoke many speeches promising to get rid of the communists and other "enemies." In 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany. There were two other Nazi in the cabinet, Goering and Wilhelm Frick.
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  • 10. Adolf Hitler Essay Introduction The main reason Adolf Hitler was able to rise to power in Germany in the 1930's were a great depression, the negative effects of the treaty of Versailles, his personal abilities as a public speaker and eliminating his political opposition. Hitler was neurotic, unstable, paranoid who rages were an of his malignant narcissism, this is common in violent criminals, tyrants and people who have lost the sense of morality. 13 years before his birth his paternal grandfather belatedly legitimize his own 39–year–old son by changing his name from Schicklgruber to Hitler. Hitler and his party were using the losses the country had to make people think that they were going to fix them and make Germany great again. He used this lie to make his party look the best from all the others, therefore, making him the leader of the country Paragraph 1: Treaty of Versailles In 1919, a defeated Germany was presented with the peace terms by the victorious powers of World War 1. Germany hadn't been invited to negotiate them, and was presented with a stark choice: sign, or be invaded. Perhaps inevitably given the previous years of mass bloodshed German leaders did, and the result was the Treaty of Versailles. But from the very start, the terms of Versailles caused anger, hate and frustration between the German citizens. The treaty of Versailles made the country very poor and miserable, the military was weak and huge respirations had to be paid. The Treaty of Versailles contributed greatly Get more content on
  • 11. Adolf Hitler Essay Having the skills to be a leader is probably one of the hardest of skills that people have to learn to run a country. However, this does not apply for Adolf Hitler due to him having the skill of giving excellent speeches as well as having the proper evidence to back up his claims. These events happened after WWI so Germany was in a total economic collapse due to the Treaty of Versaillesand the people were desperate to be saved from the rules they had to abide by. Hitler was a Corporal during WWI after being promoted due to his whole squad dying from an explosion, he started telling other soldiers during and after the war that there were no people of the Jewish religion on the battlefront therefore turning him against them and into a anti–semitic dictator. Some could say that his leadership was not as/or of significance compared to the treaty or that he was getting help from policies. Hitler's leadership was of excellent significance at this time and could be seen as having many events leading to this such as how the Weimar Republic failed to satisfy the people due to the depression therefore causing it to collapse, he could put the blame for Germany's problems on specific social groups such as the Jews, and how he promised to solve Germany's problems by doing what the people wanted. Was he really that significant? Others that protest against Hitler's may use excuses such as or that relate to the fact that he basically had problems occur at just the worst time for Hitler to Get more content on
  • 12. Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil Essay Adolf Hitler was a man filled with self–indulgent acts and was abominable towards others –– a man who, even to this day has destroyed his reputation. The majority of Hitler actions were filled with artifice. Everything about this man was evil. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, at the Gastof zum Pommer , in Braunau am Inn, in an Austria town near the border of Bavaria, Germany. Hitler's parents were Alois Hitler and Klara Hitler nГ©e PГ¶lzl . Although Adolf was the fourth child born to his family, he was the first child to survive infancy . His two siblings born after him, Edmund and Paula, also survived their early childhood. At a young age of three (1892), Adolf and his family moved to Passau, Germany, where Hitler acquired more content... Adolf purposefully did poorly in his schooling, hoping that just maybe... his father would allow him to continue along the career path of his choice. Alois' decision to send Adolf to Realschule School started a conflict between Adolf and his strong–willed father. This battle continued until the sudden death of Adolf's father on January 3, 1903. Doctors now believe that Alois Hitler probably died from pleural hemorrhage 3(fluid surrounding the lungs). After Adolf's father died, his mother allowed him to quit going to the Realschule School in Linz. Less than a year later in September of 1904, he enrolled in Reaslschule in Steyr. Quite quickly, his grades showed improvement. But, Adolf was not satisfied with this previous career choice of arts and left the school in 1905 without any ambitions of further schooling. In fact, he did not even have any plans for his career. After his schooling, he moved to Vienna where he received support from orphan benefits because his father was dead and Adolf was still under the age of 18. To make a little money, he sold watercolor paints from the streets where he lived. During this time, he applied twice to the Academy of Fine Art Vienna. But both times he was rejected. On December 21, 1907, Hitler's mother, age 47, died. Just over six months earlier, Adolf turned 18 and was not eligible to receive orphan benefits. With his mother dead and no orphan benefits, Adolf quickly ran out of money and Get more content on
  • 13. Adolf Hitler Essay From 1923 until his death in 1945, Hitler fostered extremist ideas that contributed to his oppressive, totalitarian regime. On April 20th, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler, an Austrian couple living near the German border. Growing up, his father was abusive towards his mother and him. Adolf was unpopular with the local children and was considered lazy by his father. Adolf's school reports exemplified an average student. After Klara died of cancer, Adolf dropped out of school and was all alone. His dream of attending art school was crushed when his application was rejected, and he was left with nothing. Adolf became convinced that the Jews were responsible for the way his life turned out. He believed that it was a Jew who denied him from art school and that a Jewish doctor killed his mother. He also believed that the people for whom he was working were Jewish and gave him menial, humiliating jobs. Everything wrong in his life was blamed entirely on the Jewish population (Trueman 2). It was from this hatred that his genocidal nature emerged. Hitler slowly built his political platform and soon became powerful throughout all of Germany and Europe. Adolf Hitler gained popular support from German citizens and supporters through his autobiography Mein Kampf, programs combating the effects of the Great Depression, and his rhetoric. In 1923, after Hitler's failed attempt to gain political and governmental power in Munich, he wrote his political manifesto called Get more content on
  • 14. Adolf Hitler Essay example Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was one of the worst dictators that the world has ever seen. Some people called him the devil, because of what he did to the Jews during WWII. Hitler was a dictator that ordered the execution of millions of Jews and other people, during his reign of Nazi Germany. As a teenager Hitler served in WWI and years later was thrown in jail, where he wrote his book Mien Kampf. Hitler soon became the dictator of Germany and started WWII. At the age of twenty five, Hitler enlisted in the German army. Some say that this was the beginning of Hitler's reign. He volunteered to be a soldier in WWI, and in his first battle about 3000 of his regiment were killed (Spielvogel 97). Hitler was lucky during the war, more content... Throughout the book Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, maggot, repulsive, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity. When the book was originally released it was not a big hit, but after Hitler become Chancellor of Germany, millions of copies were sold. In 1929 Hitler and the Nazi party came to power by the vote of ordinary people. Because of stock market crash in 1929 the message of the Nazi party appealed to Germans more than ever. The Nazi propaganda was very easy to accept by offering hope, and its provision of a scapegoat, the Jews, and Communists. Although Hitler lost to Hindenburg he became a much more popular as a result and the Nazis came to hold more than one third of the seats in the parliament. Hindenburg disliked Hitler, but he advised that Hitler could be kept under control, so he named him chancellor. Once Hitler had a position of power he used the Nazi majority he declared a national state of emergency. Germany soon became a one party police state as all non–Nazis were forced out of office and freedoms were taken away. All opposing parties were banned and their leaders were jailed. On March 23, 1993 the Enabling Act was passed (Jackel 56). This law would hand over the constitutional functions of the Reichstag to Hitler, including power to make laws, control the budget and approve treaties Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau, Austria. He was the fourth child of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Hitler. The couple's first three offsprings died as children, but more two more were born later, in addition to Adolf's half siblings from his father's previous marriage. A housemaid described Adolf's father as a strict but comfortable man, and his mother was known to give Adolf much love and affection. As a child, Adolf was very skilled at artwork, and even went to a special school for awhile, but he didn't do well there. His father died in 1903 of a pleural hemorrhage, and his mother died in 1907 of breast cancer. Hitler spent six years in Vienna, Austria, the center of anti–Semitism. He more content... Hitler's Early Life. 2. Mein Kampf Picture: "And so I believe to–day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord." ~Mein Kampf Hitler made many famous speeches during his rise to power. A few are quoted in certain areas of this report. His goal was to create a new empire that would last for one thousand years. He ran for president in 1932 and became chancellor in January, 1933. In November, 1937, he outlined his master plan as described in Mein Kampf at "FГ…hrer Conference." World War II began in September of 1939, when Germany attacked Poland. By then, Germany had already taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia. In 1940, Hitler conquered Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, and almost Britain. His next move would be attacking the Soviet Union, even though he had recently made a non–aggression pact with them in 1939. His attempt took place in June of 1941, but the Soviet armies were ready for attack, and turned the momentum of Get more content on
  • 16. Adolf Hitler Essay 20 INTRODUCTION Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939 (see Federal Republic of Germany). He made anti –Semitism a keystone of his propaganda and policies and built the Nazi Party (see National Socialism) into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He instituted sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the slaughter of millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavic peoples, and many others, all of whom he considered more content... Hitler saw trench warfare as a form of the struggle for survival among races, a struggle that he was coming to see as the essence of existence. At the same time, his anti–Semitic feelings were growing extreme. When Germany was defeated in 1918, Hitler was lying in a military hospital, temporarily blinded by mustard gas. He decided Jews had caused Germany's defeat and that he would enter politics to save the country. Hitler returned to Munich after the war. He was selected to be a political speaker by the local army headquarters, given special training, and provided with opportunities to practice his public speaking before returning prisoners of war. His speaking successes led to his selection as an observer of political groups in the Munich area. In this capacity, he investigated the German Workers' PartyВ—one of the many nationalist, racist groups that developed in Munich in the postwar years. CBeginnings of the Nazi Party The German Workers' Party, later renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (abbreviated NSDAP or Nazi Party), became Hitler's political focus. Here he found an outlet for his talents in political agitation and party organization. The party espoused essentially the same ideas Hitler had picked up in Vienna: violent racial nationalism and anti–Semitism. He also shared the Nazis' opposition to the liberal democracy of the German Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on The Life of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born April 20th, 1889 in Austria to Klara and Alois Hitler Sr. His father worked for the government as a customs agent and had been previously married. In that marriage he had two children, Alois Jr. and Angela. After he got married to Klara they had three more children; Hitler, Edmund, and Paula. Through out his life Hitler experienced both the good and the bad. His father drank heavily, which left his family at his mercy. He usually beat his wife, kids, and sometimes even his dog. Most of his tempers were taken out on Hitler's older half–brother, who got the worst of the beatings since he was older. At age fourteen he ran away from home to escape from his father. That led to Hitler getting beat more often. His mother, more content... Everyone thought of him as nothing special; just another country boy. His second year at the school he started to come out of his shell so to speak, and became more known in his class. He became fascinated with his appearance, brown hair with blue eyes. Thought this to be the mark of true Germanic people. Even though he was becoming a leader once again at school, his academic future held close to nothing. The following year of school he began having more problems, both at home and school. Finally on January 3rd, 1903 Hitler's dad suffered internal bleeding and died shortly after. Leaving Hitler,13, the head of his household. "[My father's greatest] desire had been to help his son forge his career, thus preserving [me] from his own bitter experience [as a boy]. In this, to all appearances, he had sown the seed for a future at the time neither he nor I could have comprehended" (Ayer 20). His dad's death impacted Hitler greatly, as it left him in charge of his own future. He started doing poorly in school because he became lazy. Despite his failing interest in school, his history professor Leopold PГ–tsch introduced Hitler to the Volkisch movement. The Volkisch movement was, at the time, a group of German people who thought that foreigners, especially Jewish immigrants, threatened the people of Germany. Hitler, being quite a German fanatic, took very well to this idea Get more content on
  • 18. Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler played a huge part in World War II and was one of the major reasons the war happened at all. World War II was a devastating war where millions of soldiers and civilians died. Hitler started to take over countries like Austria with little or no resistance. When he later tried to invade Poland, Britain declared war. Even though there was very little fighting at the time Britain declared war, Hitler's ideas and goals for Germany were what initially caused World War II and later led to the holocaust. Hitler argues that the human race was very similar to species of animals and we should behave as such. His basic ideologies explain why he was looking for war and his goals for Germany. Hitler believed that each race should mate with a similar race and get rid of races that were not the same. This prejudice he had explains why he would want to go to war with nearby countries. Ideally, Hitler would demolish every single race that was not his own. It would be impossible for him to get rid of every single race, so he picked the one that was least like the Aryans which were Jewish people. Hitler borrowed a lot of the ideas from Charles Darwin when developing his own ideology. Like Darwin, Hitler believed that social good was influenced by major forms of politics and the fittest would ultimately survive. These animalistic views show why Hitler was so adamant about fighting against others. Like any species, Hitler believed that the Aryans needed to fight in order to stay Get more content on
  • 19. Biography of Adolf Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler Introduction Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful rulers. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. He made anti–Jewish culture a top priority of his lies and policies and built the Nazi Party into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He founded sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the deaths of millions of Jews, Roma (Gypsies), Slavic people, and many others, all of whom he considered inferior. Early Years Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, more content... Life in Vienna Hitler wanted to become an artist but was rejected because he was unqualified by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in October 1907. His mother died in 1908. Hitler mostly wandered about the city admiring its public buildings and often attending operas. When he had lost all his inherited money, Hitler, unwilling to take a job, ended up in an orphanage. It was there that he was first exposed to his political ideas. At the same time Hitler acquired a hatred for communism and came to equate it with the Jews. Between 1910 and 1913 Hitler?s life improved when he began to paint and sell postcards and pictures for a living. He copied famous paintings and drawings of public buildings. He talked about his ideas in a hostel, where he lived figuring out the beginnings of his public speaking style. Failure to register for recruitment in Austria led him to run for Munich, Germany, in 1913 to escape the Austrian police. He was handed over to Austria but was found physically unfit to be a soldier. So he then returned to Munich. World War I The outbreak of World War I in 1914 came as an opportunity for Hitler. He volunteered for a Bavarian unit in the German army and served the whole war. Though repeatedly decorated for bravery, he was never promoted beyond private first class. In a war of very high deaths, this is difficult to explain why this happened. At the same time, his anti–Jewish feelings were growing extreme. When Germany was defeated in 1918. He decided
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  • 21. Adolf Hitler's Role In Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler had an extremely significant role in the Nazi State leading up to 1939. His position as the FГјhrer gave him absolute power and control over the Nazi run country at social, political, and economic levels, as well as his reforms to foreign policy. He was able to industrialise and civilise Germany, as he improved the industry and implemented many civil improvements into his regime. Hitler provided a pivotal role in the Nazi regime leading up to the outbreak of World War Two through his many improvements to the Nazi State in his attempt to establish a 'Greater Germany'. Hitler played an imperative role at a political level for the Nazi System of rule. He created amended and abolished many German policies to improve the more content... His extensive use of propaganda and rallies gave him and the Nazi Party a multitude of support. Richard Evans believes the ulterior motives for Hitler gaining support were the "overarching and interrelated goals of carrying out a rather vaguely defined cultural revolution and preparing Germany for war." Through a cultural revolution Germans would be transformed into a unified racial community committed to a new, anti–humanitarian warrior ethic, thus "laying the basis for successful wars of conquest and annihilation." However the Nazi Party could not achieve these goals without the support of the German People. Hence Hitler's extensive use of propaganda, and later on the implementation of terror. The main idea that led the "majority of the Germans in supporting Hitler was the resurgence of German national pride and power." The Hitler Youth program was also a scheme devised for the purpose of the future Nazi State. He believed that through "educating and influencing the children with Nazi ideology the Nazi Sate would prosper after his generation." This made Hitler's role very significant as he attempted to ensure the survival of the Nazi State through younger generation. Furthermore Hitler's creation of the volksgemeinschaft was also a prominent aspect to his role in the Nazi state as he used this ideology to "justify and promote his Get more content on
  • 22. Adolf Hitler Research Paper Adolf Hitler "Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all." (Hitler 137) Hitler was driven by his hunger for power, causing the death of millions of innocent people. No one could have known the dramatic effect this man would soon have on the world. Adolf Hitler's life began in Austria on April 20, 1889. Born at the Braunqu–am–inn. Hitler had four siblings Gustav Hitler, Ida Hitler, Paula Hitler, and Edmund Hitler. Gustav and Ida Hitler died in their infancy, while his brother Edmund Hitler died at the age of six. Ida Hitler was the only one to live to her adulthood. Hitler also had a half brother and sister, Alois Hitler Jr. and Angela Hitler Raubal.Adolf Hitler was the fourth child of six. His father was more content... (5) The organization Hitler was a member of was popularly known as the Nazi Party. Originally was a small group of people under the name of German workers party. Adolf Hitler attended the meetings and joined it in 1919. Soon after he became leader of the party and changed the name to National Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler increased the Nazi party's political power steadily. Then in 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. (3) Before in 1923 Hitler and others of Kampfbund tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This was known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Ruler of Germany from 1934 to1945 and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party were trying to take control. Hitler took advantage of Germanys economic hardships and of the citizens after world war I to get followers, then finally just taking control of the country. Hitler had a very useful skill he was a persuasive speaker and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. (1) The Nazi conducted an election campaign across Germany. Hitler traveled and spoke around the country receiving more than six million votes. (1) Adolf Hitler's last name was originally Schicklgruber. He had taken his mothers last name but decided to change it to Hiedier, or Hitler because the name Hitler sounded rich and was easy to remember. He thought Get more content on