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dministrators are often found directing government agencies, organizing institutions, or leading
school departments. They're the decision makers and the planners, the people who put in place or
administer the rules and guidelines. In other words, the administrator's office is probably the last
place you want to end up if you're in trouble.
It is assumedhere that an administrator is one who (a) directs the activities of
other persons and (b) undertakes the responsibility for achieving certain
objectives through these efforts. Within this definition, successful
administration appears to rest on three basic skills, which we will
call technical, human, and conceptual. It would be unrealistic to assert that
these skills are not interrelated, yet there may be real merit in examining each
ne separately, and in developing them independently.
Administration managers ensure an organization’s activities run smoothly and efficiently. The
primary goals of an administration manager are to direct, control and supervise the support
services of the organization to facilitate its success. The manager achieves this goal by
ensuring free flow of communication and efficient use of resources throughout the
organization. There are various outcomes that demonstrate an administration manager’s
achievement of his goals.
Office Management
Administration managers are in charge of the day-to-day running of the organization’s business
and they discharge their duties with an aim to deliver exceptional office management. An
administration manager supervises the reception work involving the receipt and direction of
office guests, phone coverage and also clerical tasks such as data entry, filing and scheduling.
While these functions are routine, daily proper execution keeps the organization running
smoothly and facilitates the activities of all the other departments.
Effective Communication
Effective communication throughout the organization and particularly among different
departments is proof that an administration manager is doing his job well. The administration
manager establishes and maintains communication channels both within the organization and
between the organization and the external community. For example, most organizations issue
an email contact especially in websites, and it is usually that of the administrator who receives
and appropriately directs the communication. The administration manager also facilitates inter-
connectivity by connecting every employee to the organization’s internal network via email
and phone and updating them on all developments.
Functional Efficiency
The hallmark of a successful administration manager is an operationally and functionally
efficient organization. An administrative manager is responsible for coordinating the work of
various organizational functions. He organizes meetings and conferences, keeps records and
engages in the collection, publishing and dissemination of information to relevant stakeholders
including employees, managers and suppliers. An effective administration manager also has a
challenge to oversee the proper implementation of organization policies through enforcement
of rules and regulations on timekeeping, security, access and even meeting of deadlines.
Organizational Planning
A competent administration manager is invaluable to organizational planning and
accountability initiatives because he is in touch with the needs of the organization. He
supervises the procurement and use of organizational supplies and is best-placed to contribute
to discussions and strategy formulation on quality assurance and cost control. The manager
works with all the departments in the organizations and responds to inquiries from both within
and outside the organization. In this position, he gathers information about how each
organizational department functions.
12 Administrative Assistant Performance Goals (With Examples)
By Indeed Editorial Team
September 10, 2021
Administrative assistant performance goals are objectives that relate to any
administrative assistant tasks or responsibilities. These goals may vary depending on
the industry, but the purpose of the objectives is to help improve the processes of the
company. If you're interested in improving your skills as an administrative assistant,
then you may want to learn about different performance goal examples. In this article,
we discuss administrative assistant performance goals by defining them and listing 12
examples of these goals.
What are administrative assistant performance goals?
Administrative assistant performance goals are objectives that administrative assistants
may set for themselves or that their manager sets for them. An administrative assistant
is a skilled professional who performs management and office tasks, such as
scheduling appointments, bookkeeping or planning office events. They may create
goals for themselves to improve their performance or to have a clear understanding of
their roles and responsibilities. Administrative assistant performance goals may directly
reflect the office's goals. For example, if an office goal is to reduce spending costs, then
an administrative goal may be to reduce those costs by 10%.
These goals should be specific and measurable so that the administrative assistant can
track their progress. They should also be both realistic and challenging so that they're
not too difficult or too easy to complete. To track these goals, the administrative
assistant could make a spreadsheet that defines what the goal is, steps to reach the
goal and when to complete it. The spreadsheet may also state what the desired result of
the goal is. Recording the goals can help measure progress.
Read more: Learn About Being an Administrative Assistant
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List of 12 administrative assistant performance goals
Here's a list of 12 administrative assistant performance goals examples:
1. Administrative
These are goals relating to office work, which is a primary duty of an administrative
assistant. Administrative goals can help an office run more efficiently. You may create
administrative goals that increase your office's productivity. These types of goals usually
relate to office duties, such as replying to emails or answering the phone. Although
these tasks and goals may seem small, they're often essential in creating a professional
office setting because they can improve customer service.
Example 1: Answer the phone within two rings to decrease wait times for clients by
15%. If not possible due to unforeseeable circumstances, return each missed phone
call by the end of the workday.
Example 2: Reply to emails by the end of the workday. Prioritize high-importance
emails and respond to those first. If the company receives an email after office hours,
then reply to them the next morning before the lunch hour.
Read more: How To Set Meaningful Professional Goals as an Executive Assistant
2. Bookkeeping
Administrative assistants may set bookkeeping goals because they manage some
financial tasks, such as writing financial reports or creating office budgets. These
objectives can help track an office's finances or even decrease expenses. You may
create bookkeeping goals like ensuring that the office buys the highest quality supplies
at the lowest possible prices. You could also set an objective to know when all the office
bills are due and to pay them on time.
Example 1: Reduce cost to purchase monthly supplies, such as papers, folders and
envelopes, by 10%. Research several distributors and try to find bulk discounts.
Example 2: Create a budget for quarterly spending for the front office. Collaborate with
the finance team and look at the last quarter's total revenue and expenses. Use a
spreadsheet tool and aim to optimize savings.
3. Calendar management
This refers to any scheduling duties that the administrative assistant may handle. For
example, you may schedule appointments for clients or coordinate meeting times
between employees and management. You could also schedule departmental meetings
or any other calendar events, such as socials. An important aspect of calendar
management is ensuring there are no double bookings. As an administrative assistant,
you may set these goals to increase office organization.
Example 1: Schedule meetings with clients as necessary while ensuring that the
client's availability aligns with employees' schedules. Use calendar tools or programs to
organize and share meeting information with both clients and employees.
Example 2: Before the start of each month, update the digital calendar with any known
events, such as appointments or meetings. Meet with the executive to add their high-
importance events.
Related: How To Set Employee Performance Goals
4. Event planning
Administrative assistants may do some event planning, which is why they may make
these performance goals. You may schedule company events like parties, dinners or
banquets. Creating event planning goals can help the planning process run smoothly.
You could create general goals, such as planning a certain number of events per year.
More specific goals could include increasing the company's event attendance rate.
Example 1: Plan an end-of-year gala for all employees and their families to celebrate
company accomplishments and recognize outstanding employees. Try to keep
expenses within the event planning budget.
Example 2: Organize a monthly luncheon for each department. Additionally, schedule
one off-site luncheon per quarter for the entire company. Create a reasonable budget
for these events, along with a schedule to give to employees.
5. Office management
These goals refer to working with leadership to maintain a positive office environment
for employees. Assistant administrators may create these goals to help their office
manager perform tasks, such as improving employee relationships or onboarding new
employees. It could even be a smaller goal, like ordering and restocking office supplies.
You could also set objectives like making a system to evaluate employees.
Example 1: Create onboarding activities and events for new hires, such as meet and
greets. Make training materials and distribute them to new employees. Decrease
turnover rate by 20%.
Example 2: Develop a new employee evaluation system based on the company's
performance goals. Create a self-review survey and ensure that the completion rate is
100% by reminding all employees to turn in their reviews. Assist office manager with
evaluating employees.
Related: 8 Must-Have Administrative Assistant Skills
6. Human resources
Administrative assistants might set human resources performance goals to help the HR
manager with their duties. There are many HR goals that you might create, such as
ensuring that all employees fill out and return their tax forms. You could also set a goal
to help write job descriptions and screen candidates during the hiring process.
Administrative assistants may make sure that employees know about their paid time off,
so you could create a goal to help remind them of their paid holidays or vacation time.
Example 1: Create a list of new employees and ensure that they complete their
onboarding, such as training, creating company logins and filling out the correct tax
forms. Make sure that 100% of new hires return their completed tax forms to the HR
Example 2: Screen candidates for the desk receptionist position by February 17.
Screen candidates for the IT specialist position by February 24. Report findings to HR
manager by February 28.
7. Editorial
Administrative assistants typically write a lot of content for their offices, such as emails,
reports or reviews. If the office produces a lot of written materials, then these goals can
help improve the quality of their content. For example, you could create a goal to
decrease technical mistakes in written texts. You could also make a performance goal
to review and proofread emails before sending them to reduce errors.
Example 1: Review written content, such as pamphlets, handbooks and manuals
before sending them to production. Decrease the number of technical errors found in
materials by 7%.
Example 2: Find, purchase and install editing programs to give to each employee.
Ensure that all employees use this technology to decrease typos in memos and emails.
8. Travel and lodging
This refers to making travel accommodations for executives and other leadership
positions when they need to travel for work. As the administrative assistant, you might
research and book flights, find lodging options or create a travel schedule for the trip.
Another duty might be to create a travel budget to help reduce spending while away.
Creating these goals can help executives when going to business meetings out of town.
This can help the trip run more efficiently, which can reduce stress from the executive.
Example 1: Research flight options for the company's executive business trips for the
following month. Book a hotel and create an alternative arrangement in case of a
Example 2: Develop a spending budget for travel accommodations to reduce lodging
expenses by 10%.
9. Time management
Administrative assistants often use time management skills in the workplace to ensure
that they complete their tasks on time. This can help the office operate more efficiently
since their duties are essential for most office processes. You could set time
management goals to help prioritize your tasks and meet different deadlines.
Example 1: Set time management goals to make sure that you complete all
administrative tasks by the end of the week. Create personal deadlines to help achieve
these goals.
Example 2: Use prioritization skills to complete high-importance tasks before working
on low-importance tasks.
10. Problem-solving
This refers to assessing an issue and thinking of ways to resolve it. You could use
problem-solving skills in the office whenever issues arise. For instance, if you
accidentally scheduled a double-booking, then you're usually responsible for making
sure both customers involved in the incident receive help. You might set performance
goals to improve these skills, like ensuring that they resolve any office-related issues in
a reasonable manner.
Example 1: When issues occur, identify the problem and then focus on the solution.
Ask for help when necessary and aim to improve customer and office satisfaction by
improving this skill.
Example 2: Resolve workplace issues within a short time period. Depending on the
severity of the issue, try to fix these issues within the workday or by the end of the
week. Use problem-solving skills to resolve these challenges.
11. Organization
Goals relating to these skills may pertain to office design or keeping the office neat. This
can refer to cleaning and organizing the office, such as organizing paperwork in a filing
cabinet. It could also refer to digital organization to ensure that the assistant organizes
files or data on a computer. Setting these performance goals can help you manage
office operations efficiently. If employees can find documents quickly, their productivity
may increase.
Example 1: Increase workplace organization by 5%. Research new organization
technology for sorting files and data.
Example 2: Reorganize filing cabinets in the front office once a week. Create a labeling
system for clients' paperwork.
12. Attention to detail
Attention to detail means that the administrative assistant can perform their work
efficiently and accurately. As an administrative assistant, you manage many tasks,
which is why attention to detail is an important skill to improve upon and have. This is
why you might set performance goals that practice attention to detail. For example, you
might make a goal to decrease errors while filing paperwork or making schedules.
Example 1: Decrease appointment errors by 10%. To do this, make sure there are no
errors when typing schedules and appointments. Review all work before submitting it.
Example 2: Reduce order mistakes for the rest of the quarter by 5%. Check office
supply inventory before making an order.
Administrative value means the value found in records that help an agency perform its
function. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Based on 4 documents Save Copy Administrative
value means the [value found in records that help an agency Sample 1 Sample 2 Based on 2
documents Save Copy Examples of Administrative value in a sentence Administrative value
is determined by how long the record is needed by the office to carry out – that is, to
“administer” – its duties. Administrative value - pertain to records that are being utilized in
an office (e.g. the statement, destroy when administrative value ends, means destroy when
the office or unit no longer has a need for the record). Administrative value is defined as a
record that is less than five years old and summarizes department cost efficiencies, including
staffing and workload statistics. Administrative value is the value a record series has for day-
to-day function and operation. Administrative value is the value a record series has for day-
to-day functions. Administrative value is defined as, “the usefulness of records to support
ancillary operations and the routine management of an organization.” Records having
administrative value are generally considered useful or relevant to the activities that caused
the record to be created and during an audit of those activities. Administrative value is
defined as a record that is less than five (5) years old and summarizes department cost
efficiencies, including staffing and workload statistics. Administrative value is often difficult
to judge, since management includes a wide variety of individuals with differing needs. The
employee shall notify the District of the expected date of Leave and the date of expected
return as soon as reasonably possible. Administrative value judgments by those responsible
for making merit decisions will always play a role in determining who is awarded merit.
More Definitions of Administrative value Administrative value the value calculated in
accordance with Schedule X. Sample 1 Sample 2 Based on 2 documents Save Copy
Administrative value for each category of Merchantable Timber and Pre- Merchantable
Planted Pine, the value per unit as set forth on Schedule 1. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents
Save Copy Administrative value means the potential use of the records in performing
current or future municipal operations. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Save Copy
Administrative value means the usefulness of records in conducting an agency’s business.
Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Save Copy
What Is an Administrative
Terry Masters
Last Modified Date: February 27, 2022
Businessmangiving a thumbs-up
Administrativevalueis the assessment of the importanceof a business record
to daily operations. Recordsdeemed to have administrativevalueare kept on
file or used regularly in conductingbusiness. This categorization of business
recordsdrivesa company'sdocumentretention policy and can have legal
implications in a variety of circumstances, such as in responseto a discovery
request duringlitigation or pursuantto a tax audit.
Businessrecordsare the lifeblood of operations. The paper trail of
transactions is the way a company meets its governmentobligations to prove
compliancewith the law. Businessesare required to documentsales to
substantiate paymentof incometaxes as well as recordsof the status of
employeesto provework eligibility and to substantiate hoursworked. Policies
and proceduresaretypically committed to paper, which create a historical
record of the change in policies over time.
These requirements, alongwith internalneedsand industry standards, mean
that every record a company producesmustbe assessed for its administrative
value. A company determinesif the record is something that mustor should
be kept for a certain length of time, or if it can be destroyed without
consequences. Larger businesses will typically establish a documentretention
policy that helps employeesdeterminethe valueof documentsso that the
kindsof businessrecordsthat are retained are uniform throughoutthe
Smaller companiesrarely design a formaldocumentretention policy, but the
determination of administrativevalueis no less importantin a small firm
environment. Inadequaterecord-keepingcan putany company outof
business. For example, a company that enters into contracts for services
typically providesthe client with the right to audit its records of account
activity. If proper administrativerecordsare notkept, the client can sue for a
return of paymentsmade. In a retail sales environment, thesuccessfuldefense
of a slip and fall lawsuitcould depend on the written policies and procedures
that employeesreceived as partof their initial job training.
Administrativevaluealso playsa role in a public context for oversight and
historical purposes. The publictypically has an interest in the daily operations
of governmentofficialsand offices, and some countrieshave laws that entitle
the publicto access governmentrecords, suchas the Freedom of Information
Act in the US. An assessment of administrativevalueoften determineswhat
recordsmust be kept and what can be shredded while complyingwith the law.
Without this emphasison the valueof certain businessdocuments, muchof
the transactional history of businesses, agencies, and organizations would be
Michael DeRosiaMarch 9, 2010
Core values is a broad phrase to describe the standards by which we characterize a
person, profession, or organization. Throughout the course of brainstorming and analyzing my
professional experience, I have settled on a set of five values that are most important in public
administration. In order to achieve success at a personal and organizational level in the public
sector, these values must be practiced on a daily basis.
To practice transparency in public administration is to ensure citizens the availability of
information which is deemed public. This should be an organizational goal, and is to be taken
into account when conducting all public business regardless of one’s job title. If the goal of an
organization is to serve the citizens to the best of their ability, then avoiding or failing to achieve
transparency would cause significant damage to the relationship between them and the people
they are aiming to serve.
Accountability is to adhere to a standard of professionalism in the workplace.
Additionally, it means to understand that our professional activities are being funded by the
citizens of this country. As such, public employees are held responsible by citizens for upholding
the mission of their organization. Accountability is an important aspect of the functionality of any
organization public or private. Essentially, it reminds individuals that while they are employed by
a professional organization they will be held liable for their actions.
Each public administrator is asked to adhere to a code of ethics. In order to function
properly as an organization, the administrator must be held to a high degree of ethical
standards. Specifically, ethics calls for administrators to display integrity, and be mindful of laws
and regulations. Furthermore, this must be accomplished in order to successfully practice and
promote transparency of government. Unfortunately, the importance of ethics in government is
usually shown when public officials violate laws or regulations. Because of these instances, we
are constantly reminded of the importance of ethics in public administration.
Professionalism is an important core value when considering the prestigious nature of
our positions in the field of public administration. In essence, administrators are hired to be
visionaries, in addition to being stewards of public funds and information. To be professional is
to understand the importance of our jobs in the public sector, to have respect for ourselves and
the organizations that we represent, and to act accordingly. Each individual is to deal with
issues, whether positive or negative, in a mild and straightforward manner whenever possible.
Without professionalism in public administration, the overall perception of our work and our
organizations would undoubtedly falter.
Finally, there are few organizations in the public sector that are able to flourish without
proper leadership. Practicing leadership is setting an example of professionalism for staff
members and possessing the motivation to achieve organizational goals. In doing so, leaders
must have the ability to recognize the talents of individuals and allow those talents to be utilized
for the betterment of the organization. Admittedly, leadership can become a balancing act
between becoming an active team member and taking charge of overall operations. As a leader,
it is of utmost importance to stay connected with staff members, but to act in a managerial role
when called upon.
In summary, I have chosen five values that I believe to be relevant in the public sector.
These values are also a focal point when reflecting on the successes of public organizations in
the past. Upon completing my analysis I have determined that the five most important core
values of public administration are transparency, accountability, ethics, professionalism, and
The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration
November 20, 2019
As described in the preamble of the Constitution, the purpose of our government cannot
be achieved without an ethical framework, making ethics a critical component of public
administration. But to understand the significance of ethics in public administration, it is
also important to answer fundamental questions surrounding the topic: What are ethics
and what is the purpose of having a code of ethics? What are ethical challenges in the
workplace, and what can a master’s in public administration teach you about ethics in
government? The answers are explored in more detail below.
What is Ethics?
Ethics are often taught at an early age. Children learn right from wrong from parents,
teachers, community leaders, politicians, and entertainment and news media. Ethics
permeates every facet of life—from decision-making at work to how people handle
personal relationships.
The concept of “ethics” can be tricky to define. The Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI),
a nonprofit that focuses on ethics and compliance best practices, defines ethics as “the
study of right and wrong conduct.” ECI’s glossaryExternal link:open_in_new offers these
additional descriptions:
 The decisions, choices, and actions (behaviors) we make that reflect and enact our
 The study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and how people
make those judgments.
 A set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties
derived from core values.
The glossary notes that ethics encompasses the following:
 The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
 Decisions, choices, and actions we make that reflect and enact our values.
 A set of moral principles or values.
 A theory or system of moral values.
 A guiding philosophy.
What is a Code of Ethics?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a code of ethicsExternal link:open_in_new as “a
set of rules about good and bad behavior.” A code of ethics sets a standard for work
ethics. Many organizations and governing bodies have a code of ethics to guide public
administrators as they navigate ethical challenges:
 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) code of ethicsExternal
link:open_in_new features eight key principles: Advance the public interest, uphold the
Constitution and the law, promote democratic participation, strengthen social equity,
fully inform and advise, demonstrate personal integrity, promote ethical
organizations, and advance professional excellence.
 International City Managers’ Association (ICMA) code of ethicsExternal
link:open_in_new ICMA’s code of ethics is made up of 12 tenets, including “serve the
best interests of the people” and “public office is a public trust.”
 The 14 general principles of ethical conductExternal link:open_in_new, established by
the US Office of Government Ethics (OGE). The principles include the concept that
“employees shall put forth honest effort in the performance of their duties.”
 Standards of ethical conduct for employees of the executive branch,External
link:open_in_new issued by the OGE, covers topics such as financial conflicts of
interest and misuse of a public position for personal gain.
 Ethics training tools and templates,External link:open_in_new established by the
OGE, that contain materials for ethics officials to use.
While these resources serve as a guide, they do not have all the answers. Ethics in
business can be much more complex than what is provided in government ethics
trainings and handbooks. Still, all public administrators should familiarize themselves
with their organization’s code of ethics, along with the more general resources above, to
minimize risk of ethics violations.
Why Should I Study Ethics?
The study of ethics is important for any aspiring or current public administrator,
particularly because ethics is imperative to each of our government’s functions as
 Establish justice: Encourages justice that is fair and equitable (e.g., fair sentencing
 Ensure peace among the people and the states: Allows for the federal government to
smooth tensions between states as equitably and objectively as possible.
 Provide for the common defense: Ensures that the protection of the United States
does not come at a great moral cost (e.g., concentration camps during times of war).
 Promote the general welfare of the public: Ensures the government does its due
diligence in balancing values of equity and efficiency in delivering public welfare
 Secure the blessing of liberty for all now, and for future generations: Ensures the
public’s liberties and rights are not infringed upon by other individuals, organizations,
or government entities.
An ethical government can only exist when there’s an understanding of its guiding
values and moral principles and how they came to be and evolved, who they belong to
and who they serve, and how they are implemented through public administration.
For these reasons, the federal government requires all those entering public service to
undergo ethics training.External link:open_in_new Ethics training teaches public
employees how they are expected to conduct themselves daily, what they are and are
not allowed to do, and how to identify and address ethical problems. The goal is that
through an understanding of how to carry out their duties in an ethical manner, leaders
and other public servants will serve the public interest.
Ethics in the Workplace and Ethical Challenges
At every level of public administration, in all nonprofits and government organizations,
ethical challenges are present. According to the US Office of Government
EthicsExternal link:open_in_new (OGE), ethical challenges may fall into the following
 Financial conflicts of interest and impartiality: For example, a government employee
awarding a government contract to a business he or she owns.
 Gifts and payments: A top official asking his or her secretary for a holiday gift.
 Use of government position and resources: An employee using government funds to
pay for a family vacation.
 Outside employment and activities: A military official working part-time for a military
 Post-government employment: A former politically appointed official working for a
foreign government/political party after leaving the US government.
In the past decade, there are many examples of ethical failures and dilemmas in public
administration. In 2012, top leaders in the Government Services Administration
(GSA),External link:open_in_new an independent agency of the US government that
manages and maintains government buildings and office spaces, resigned or were fired
after more than $800,000 was spent for 300 federal employees to attend a resort, spa,
and casino near Las Vegas during a business conference.External link:open_in_new
While the spending was a clear violation of ethics, an ethical dilemma may not be as
straightforward. Edward Snowden’s whistleblowingExternal link:open_in_new of
controversial government surveillance practices in 2013, for example, continues to stir
controversy. His actions resulted in changes in government programs,External
link:open_in_new but a debate continues about whether his actions should be applauded
or condemned.
Other types of ethical breaches among public servants include police
corruption,External link:open_in_new bribery scandals involving public figures,External
link:open_in_new and political corruption.External link:open_in_new
What an MPA Can Teach You About Ethics
Earning a master’s degree in public administration is an optimal starting point both for
people who are seasoned public servants looking to grow as ethical public
administrators, and for those just starting a career in the field. For students in the UNC-
Chapel Hill School of Government’s online MPA program, the journey to completing this
degree will cover ethics related to:
 Public administration institutions and values.
 Human resource management.
 Organizational theory.
 Law in the context of public administration.
 Government and/or nonprofit management.
 Financial management.
In addition to studying ethics, students will also develop core skills through a
competency-based curriculum designed by UNC facultyExternal link:open_in_new who
are committed to ethical leadership and instilling the following values to shape future
 Accountability and transparency.
 Efficiency and effectiveness.
 Respect and equity.
 Professionalism and ethical behavior.
The curriculum is focused on effective government leadership and developing ethical
government administrators. Students will learn to:
 Analyze situations in the context of public administration history and current events.
 Understand how to develop strategic relations across boundaries.
 Develop their own personal model of leadership to drive excellence.
 Design and conduct research to evaluate public issues and allocate resources.
 Understand legal processes, identify legal issues and find basic governing law.
 Identify, collect and interpret qualitative and quantitative data.
To measure a student’s understanding of ethical administration, the program will
challenge students to identify the legal and ethical implications of social equity and
diversity in the public service and analyze public service actions and options in the
context of competing public service values.
For more information about the School of Government’s online MPA coursework, visit
the program curriculum page.
The goal of any public administrator—whether they work in the non-profit, government
or higher education sectors—is to serve the needs of the people in those communities.
A master’s degree in public administration can help provide the tools and knowledge a
public servant needs to understand the importance of ethics in their day-to-day work.
UNC School of Government’s Commitment to Ethical
UNC School of Government’s mission is to improve the lives of North Carolinians by
engaging in practical scholarship that helps public officials and citizens understand and
improve state and local government. As the largest university-based local government
training, advisory, and research organization in the United States, the School of
Government offers up to 200 courses, webinars, and specialized conferencesExternal
link:open_in_new for more than 12,000 public officials each year. The University’s world-
class faculty include Professor Norma Houston and Lecturer Frayda Bluestein who
instruct on the topics of public law and government and offer ethics training to city and
county governing board members. For more information about the University’s
competency-based curriculum and commitment to ethical governance, visit the School
of Government’s About page.External link:open_in_new
ode of Ethics for Administrators
 Small Business
 Human Resources
 Code of Ethics
ByAudra Bianca
 Who Is Responsible for Ethics in a Private Corporation?
 Advantages of Training Employees About Work Ethics
 Description of Workplace Culture
 Workplace Ethics & Behavior
 Moral Obligation in Business Law
Administrators working in some industries must follow a code of ethics. In other sectors,
following an ethical code is optional. Examples of administrators who might be expected to
follow a code are corporate officers and administrators working in education, government,
health care and nonprofit agencies.
Nature of a Code of Ethics
1. When you join a profession or an organization, it's important to review the code of
ethics. A well-written code defines morals, personal qualities, rules and behaviors that
everyone must follow. In some states such as Florida, a code of ethics is written into the
law. Violations of a government-defined code of ethics might be enforced by a
regulatory agency or the courts. An example is a state code of ethics for administrators
in the public K-12 school system.
1. A code of ethics places your job in context, such as what clients you serve in the scope
of your duties. For example, a school principal serves students, teachers and parents,
but she also serves the public as a steward of public funds. Look to a code of ethics to
point out your most important clients, such as schoolchildren and their best interests,
and how you must balance their needs with others' needs.
Administrator Values
1. Membership in a profession or organization means you must support the values in the
code of ethics. If you act in ways that don't reflect those values, you risk losing your
job. To work as a manager for the Coca-Cola Company, a manager must adhere to a
code of business conduct, which rests upon the idea of integrity or doing what is right.
When working in a private business, your values must not only follow the code. Your
values must support the company brand. Otherwise, what you represent is bad for
Administrator Behaviors
1. As an administrator, you must use good judgment. Adapt your behavior to each
situation, but expect that conflicts will arise between different expectations in the code
of ethics. These are gray areas that require you to make a judgment call. Other
expectations for administrative behavior are clear. You shouldn't misrepresent your
qualifications or misrepresent facts when communicating with anyone during business
activities. Overall, your behaviors must set you apart as an example for others. Most
importantly, your actions must show that you believe in a code of ethics and are a true
representative of your profession.

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  • 1. Ad0minitrat** dministrators are often found directing government agencies, organizing institutions, or leading school departments. They're the decision makers and the planners, the people who put in place or administer the rules and guidelines. In other words, the administrator's office is probably the last place you want to end up if you're in trouble. It is assumedhere that an administrator is one who (a) directs the activities of other persons and (b) undertakes the responsibility for achieving certain objectives through these efforts. Within this definition, successful administration appears to rest on three basic skills, which we will call technical, human, and conceptual. It would be unrealistic to assert that these skills are not interrelated, yet there may be real merit in examining each ne separately, and in developing them independently. Administration managers ensure an organization’s activities run smoothly and efficiently. The primary goals of an administration manager are to direct, control and supervise the support services of the organization to facilitate its success. The manager achieves this goal by ensuring free flow of communication and efficient use of resources throughout the organization. There are various outcomes that demonstrate an administration manager’s achievement of his goals. Office Management Administration managers are in charge of the day-to-day running of the organization’s business and they discharge their duties with an aim to deliver exceptional office management. An administration manager supervises the reception work involving the receipt and direction of office guests, phone coverage and also clerical tasks such as data entry, filing and scheduling. While these functions are routine, daily proper execution keeps the organization running smoothly and facilitates the activities of all the other departments. Effective Communication Effective communication throughout the organization and particularly among different departments is proof that an administration manager is doing his job well. The administration
  • 2. manager establishes and maintains communication channels both within the organization and between the organization and the external community. For example, most organizations issue an email contact especially in websites, and it is usually that of the administrator who receives and appropriately directs the communication. The administration manager also facilitates inter- connectivity by connecting every employee to the organization’s internal network via email and phone and updating them on all developments. Functional Efficiency The hallmark of a successful administration manager is an operationally and functionally efficient organization. An administrative manager is responsible for coordinating the work of various organizational functions. He organizes meetings and conferences, keeps records and engages in the collection, publishing and dissemination of information to relevant stakeholders including employees, managers and suppliers. An effective administration manager also has a challenge to oversee the proper implementation of organization policies through enforcement of rules and regulations on timekeeping, security, access and even meeting of deadlines. Organizational Planning A competent administration manager is invaluable to organizational planning and accountability initiatives because he is in touch with the needs of the organization. He supervises the procurement and use of organizational supplies and is best-placed to contribute to discussions and strategy formulation on quality assurance and cost control. The manager works with all the departments in the organizations and responds to inquiries from both within and outside the organization. In this position, he gathers information about how each organizational department functions. 12 Administrative Assistant Performance Goals (With Examples) By Indeed Editorial Team September 10, 2021 Administrative assistant performance goals are objectives that relate to any administrative assistant tasks or responsibilities. These goals may vary depending on the industry, but the purpose of the objectives is to help improve the processes of the company. If you're interested in improving your skills as an administrative assistant, then you may want to learn about different performance goal examples. In this article, we discuss administrative assistant performance goals by defining them and listing 12 examples of these goals. What are administrative assistant performance goals? Administrative assistant performance goals are objectives that administrative assistants may set for themselves or that their manager sets for them. An administrative assistant
  • 3. is a skilled professional who performs management and office tasks, such as scheduling appointments, bookkeeping or planning office events. They may create goals for themselves to improve their performance or to have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Administrative assistant performance goals may directly reflect the office's goals. For example, if an office goal is to reduce spending costs, then an administrative goal may be to reduce those costs by 10%. These goals should be specific and measurable so that the administrative assistant can track their progress. They should also be both realistic and challenging so that they're not too difficult or too easy to complete. To track these goals, the administrative assistant could make a spreadsheet that defines what the goal is, steps to reach the goal and when to complete it. The spreadsheet may also state what the desired result of the goal is. Recording the goals can help measure progress. Read more: Learn About Being an Administrative Assistant Upload your resume on IndeedLet employers find you when you create an Indeed Resume List of 12 administrative assistant performance goals examples Here's a list of 12 administrative assistant performance goals examples: 1. Administrative These are goals relating to office work, which is a primary duty of an administrative assistant. Administrative goals can help an office run more efficiently. You may create administrative goals that increase your office's productivity. These types of goals usually relate to office duties, such as replying to emails or answering the phone. Although these tasks and goals may seem small, they're often essential in creating a professional office setting because they can improve customer service. Example 1: Answer the phone within two rings to decrease wait times for clients by 15%. If not possible due to unforeseeable circumstances, return each missed phone call by the end of the workday. Example 2: Reply to emails by the end of the workday. Prioritize high-importance emails and respond to those first. If the company receives an email after office hours, then reply to them the next morning before the lunch hour. Read more: How To Set Meaningful Professional Goals as an Executive Assistant
  • 4. 2. Bookkeeping Administrative assistants may set bookkeeping goals because they manage some financial tasks, such as writing financial reports or creating office budgets. These objectives can help track an office's finances or even decrease expenses. You may create bookkeeping goals like ensuring that the office buys the highest quality supplies at the lowest possible prices. You could also set an objective to know when all the office bills are due and to pay them on time. Example 1: Reduce cost to purchase monthly supplies, such as papers, folders and envelopes, by 10%. Research several distributors and try to find bulk discounts. Example 2: Create a budget for quarterly spending for the front office. Collaborate with the finance team and look at the last quarter's total revenue and expenses. Use a spreadsheet tool and aim to optimize savings. 3. Calendar management This refers to any scheduling duties that the administrative assistant may handle. For example, you may schedule appointments for clients or coordinate meeting times between employees and management. You could also schedule departmental meetings or any other calendar events, such as socials. An important aspect of calendar management is ensuring there are no double bookings. As an administrative assistant, you may set these goals to increase office organization. Example 1: Schedule meetings with clients as necessary while ensuring that the client's availability aligns with employees' schedules. Use calendar tools or programs to organize and share meeting information with both clients and employees. Example 2: Before the start of each month, update the digital calendar with any known events, such as appointments or meetings. Meet with the executive to add their high- importance events. Related: How To Set Employee Performance Goals 4. Event planning Administrative assistants may do some event planning, which is why they may make these performance goals. You may schedule company events like parties, dinners or banquets. Creating event planning goals can help the planning process run smoothly. You could create general goals, such as planning a certain number of events per year. More specific goals could include increasing the company's event attendance rate. Example 1: Plan an end-of-year gala for all employees and their families to celebrate company accomplishments and recognize outstanding employees. Try to keep expenses within the event planning budget.
  • 5. Example 2: Organize a monthly luncheon for each department. Additionally, schedule one off-site luncheon per quarter for the entire company. Create a reasonable budget for these events, along with a schedule to give to employees. 5. Office management These goals refer to working with leadership to maintain a positive office environment for employees. Assistant administrators may create these goals to help their office manager perform tasks, such as improving employee relationships or onboarding new employees. It could even be a smaller goal, like ordering and restocking office supplies. You could also set objectives like making a system to evaluate employees. Example 1: Create onboarding activities and events for new hires, such as meet and greets. Make training materials and distribute them to new employees. Decrease turnover rate by 20%. Example 2: Develop a new employee evaluation system based on the company's performance goals. Create a self-review survey and ensure that the completion rate is 100% by reminding all employees to turn in their reviews. Assist office manager with evaluating employees. Related: 8 Must-Have Administrative Assistant Skills 6. Human resources Administrative assistants might set human resources performance goals to help the HR manager with their duties. There are many HR goals that you might create, such as ensuring that all employees fill out and return their tax forms. You could also set a goal to help write job descriptions and screen candidates during the hiring process. Administrative assistants may make sure that employees know about their paid time off, so you could create a goal to help remind them of their paid holidays or vacation time. Example 1: Create a list of new employees and ensure that they complete their onboarding, such as training, creating company logins and filling out the correct tax forms. Make sure that 100% of new hires return their completed tax forms to the HR manager. Example 2: Screen candidates for the desk receptionist position by February 17. Screen candidates for the IT specialist position by February 24. Report findings to HR manager by February 28. 7. Editorial Administrative assistants typically write a lot of content for their offices, such as emails, reports or reviews. If the office produces a lot of written materials, then these goals can
  • 6. help improve the quality of their content. For example, you could create a goal to decrease technical mistakes in written texts. You could also make a performance goal to review and proofread emails before sending them to reduce errors. Example 1: Review written content, such as pamphlets, handbooks and manuals before sending them to production. Decrease the number of technical errors found in materials by 7%. Example 2: Find, purchase and install editing programs to give to each employee. Ensure that all employees use this technology to decrease typos in memos and emails. 8. Travel and lodging This refers to making travel accommodations for executives and other leadership positions when they need to travel for work. As the administrative assistant, you might research and book flights, find lodging options or create a travel schedule for the trip. Another duty might be to create a travel budget to help reduce spending while away. Creating these goals can help executives when going to business meetings out of town. This can help the trip run more efficiently, which can reduce stress from the executive. Example 1: Research flight options for the company's executive business trips for the following month. Book a hotel and create an alternative arrangement in case of a cancellation. Example 2: Develop a spending budget for travel accommodations to reduce lodging expenses by 10%. 9. Time management Administrative assistants often use time management skills in the workplace to ensure that they complete their tasks on time. This can help the office operate more efficiently since their duties are essential for most office processes. You could set time management goals to help prioritize your tasks and meet different deadlines. Example 1: Set time management goals to make sure that you complete all administrative tasks by the end of the week. Create personal deadlines to help achieve these goals. Example 2: Use prioritization skills to complete high-importance tasks before working on low-importance tasks. 10. Problem-solving This refers to assessing an issue and thinking of ways to resolve it. You could use problem-solving skills in the office whenever issues arise. For instance, if you accidentally scheduled a double-booking, then you're usually responsible for making
  • 7. sure both customers involved in the incident receive help. You might set performance goals to improve these skills, like ensuring that they resolve any office-related issues in a reasonable manner. Example 1: When issues occur, identify the problem and then focus on the solution. Ask for help when necessary and aim to improve customer and office satisfaction by improving this skill. Example 2: Resolve workplace issues within a short time period. Depending on the severity of the issue, try to fix these issues within the workday or by the end of the week. Use problem-solving skills to resolve these challenges. 11. Organization Goals relating to these skills may pertain to office design or keeping the office neat. This can refer to cleaning and organizing the office, such as organizing paperwork in a filing cabinet. It could also refer to digital organization to ensure that the assistant organizes files or data on a computer. Setting these performance goals can help you manage office operations efficiently. If employees can find documents quickly, their productivity may increase. Example 1: Increase workplace organization by 5%. Research new organization technology for sorting files and data. Example 2: Reorganize filing cabinets in the front office once a week. Create a labeling system for clients' paperwork. 12. Attention to detail Attention to detail means that the administrative assistant can perform their work efficiently and accurately. As an administrative assistant, you manage many tasks, which is why attention to detail is an important skill to improve upon and have. This is why you might set performance goals that practice attention to detail. For example, you might make a goal to decrease errors while filing paperwork or making schedules. Example 1: Decrease appointment errors by 10%. To do this, make sure there are no errors when typing schedules and appointments. Review all work before submitting it. Example 2: Reduce order mistakes for the rest of the quarter by 5%. Check office supply inventory before making an order. Administrative value means the value found in records that help an agency perform its function. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Based on 4 documents Save Copy Administrative value means the [value found in records that help an agency Sample 1 Sample 2 Based on 2 documents Save Copy Examples of Administrative value in a sentence Administrative value
  • 8. is determined by how long the record is needed by the office to carry out – that is, to “administer” – its duties. Administrative value - pertain to records that are being utilized in an office (e.g. the statement, destroy when administrative value ends, means destroy when the office or unit no longer has a need for the record). Administrative value is defined as a record that is less than five years old and summarizes department cost efficiencies, including staffing and workload statistics. Administrative value is the value a record series has for day- to-day function and operation. Administrative value is the value a record series has for day- to-day functions. Administrative value is defined as, “the usefulness of records to support ancillary operations and the routine management of an organization.” Records having administrative value are generally considered useful or relevant to the activities that caused the record to be created and during an audit of those activities. Administrative value is defined as a record that is less than five (5) years old and summarizes department cost efficiencies, including staffing and workload statistics. Administrative value is often difficult to judge, since management includes a wide variety of individuals with differing needs. The employee shall notify the District of the expected date of Leave and the date of expected return as soon as reasonably possible. Administrative value judgments by those responsible for making merit decisions will always play a role in determining who is awarded merit. More Definitions of Administrative value Administrative value the value calculated in accordance with Schedule X. Sample 1 Sample 2 Based on 2 documents Save Copy Administrative value for each category of Merchantable Timber and Pre- Merchantable Planted Pine, the value per unit as set forth on Schedule 1. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Save Copy Administrative value means the potential use of the records in performing current or future municipal operations. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Save Copy Administrative value means the usefulness of records in conducting an agency’s business. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Save Copy What Is an Administrative Value? Terry Masters Last Modified Date: February 27, 2022
  • 9. Businessmangiving a thumbs-up Administrativevalueis the assessment of the importanceof a business record to daily operations. Recordsdeemed to have administrativevalueare kept on file or used regularly in conductingbusiness. This categorization of business recordsdrivesa company'sdocumentretention policy and can have legal implications in a variety of circumstances, such as in responseto a discovery request duringlitigation or pursuantto a tax audit. Businessrecordsare the lifeblood of operations. The paper trail of transactions is the way a company meets its governmentobligations to prove compliancewith the law. Businessesare required to documentsales to substantiate paymentof incometaxes as well as recordsof the status of employeesto provework eligibility and to substantiate hoursworked. Policies and proceduresaretypically committed to paper, which create a historical record of the change in policies over time. These requirements, alongwith internalneedsand industry standards, mean that every record a company producesmustbe assessed for its administrative value. A company determinesif the record is something that mustor should be kept for a certain length of time, or if it can be destroyed without consequences. Larger businesses will typically establish a documentretention policy that helps employeesdeterminethe valueof documentsso that the kindsof businessrecordsthat are retained are uniform throughoutthe company. Smaller companiesrarely design a formaldocumentretention policy, but the determination of administrativevalueis no less importantin a small firm
  • 10. environment. Inadequaterecord-keepingcan putany company outof business. For example, a company that enters into contracts for services typically providesthe client with the right to audit its records of account activity. If proper administrativerecordsare notkept, the client can sue for a return of paymentsmade. In a retail sales environment, thesuccessfuldefense of a slip and fall lawsuitcould depend on the written policies and procedures that employeesreceived as partof their initial job training. Administrativevaluealso playsa role in a public context for oversight and historical purposes. The publictypically has an interest in the daily operations of governmentofficialsand offices, and some countrieshave laws that entitle the publicto access governmentrecords, suchas the Freedom of Information Act in the US. An assessment of administrativevalueoften determineswhat recordsmust be kept and what can be shredded while complyingwith the law. Without this emphasison the valueof certain businessdocuments, muchof the transactional history of businesses, agencies, and organizations would be lost. THE FIVE CORE VALUES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Michael DeRosiaMarch 9, 2010 Core values is a broad phrase to describe the standards by which we characterize a person, profession, or organization. Throughout the course of brainstorming and analyzing my professional experience, I have settled on a set of five values that are most important in public administration. In order to achieve success at a personal and organizational level in the public sector, these values must be practiced on a daily basis. To practice transparency in public administration is to ensure citizens the availability of information which is deemed public. This should be an organizational goal, and is to be taken into account when conducting all public business regardless of one’s job title. If the goal of an organization is to serve the citizens to the best of their ability, then avoiding or failing to achieve transparency would cause significant damage to the relationship between them and the people they are aiming to serve. Accountability is to adhere to a standard of professionalism in the workplace. Additionally, it means to understand that our professional activities are being funded by the
  • 11. citizens of this country. As such, public employees are held responsible by citizens for upholding the mission of their organization. Accountability is an important aspect of the functionality of any organization public or private. Essentially, it reminds individuals that while they are employed by a professional organization they will be held liable for their actions. Each public administrator is asked to adhere to a code of ethics. In order to function properly as an organization, the administrator must be held to a high degree of ethical standards. Specifically, ethics calls for administrators to display integrity, and be mindful of laws and regulations. Furthermore, this must be accomplished in order to successfully practice and promote transparency of government. Unfortunately, the importance of ethics in government is usually shown when public officials violate laws or regulations. Because of these instances, we are constantly reminded of the importance of ethics in public administration. Professionalism is an important core value when considering the prestigious nature of our positions in the field of public administration. In essence, administrators are hired to be visionaries, in addition to being stewards of public funds and information. To be professional is to understand the importance of our jobs in the public sector, to have respect for ourselves and the organizations that we represent, and to act accordingly. Each individual is to deal with issues, whether positive or negative, in a mild and straightforward manner whenever possible. Without professionalism in public administration, the overall perception of our work and our organizations would undoubtedly falter. Finally, there are few organizations in the public sector that are able to flourish without proper leadership. Practicing leadership is setting an example of professionalism for staff members and possessing the motivation to achieve organizational goals. In doing so, leaders must have the ability to recognize the talents of individuals and allow those talents to be utilized for the betterment of the organization. Admittedly, leadership can become a balancing act between becoming an active team member and taking charge of overall operations. As a leader, it is of utmost importance to stay connected with staff members, but to act in a managerial role when called upon. In summary, I have chosen five values that I believe to be relevant in the public sector. These values are also a focal point when reflecting on the successes of public organizations in the past. Upon completing my analysis I have determined that the five most important core values of public administration are transparency, accountability, ethics, professionalism, and leadership. The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration November 20, 2019
  • 12. As described in the preamble of the Constitution, the purpose of our government cannot be achieved without an ethical framework, making ethics a critical component of public administration. But to understand the significance of ethics in public administration, it is also important to answer fundamental questions surrounding the topic: What are ethics and what is the purpose of having a code of ethics? What are ethical challenges in the workplace, and what can a master’s in public administration teach you about ethics in government? The answers are explored in more detail below. What is Ethics? Ethics are often taught at an early age. Children learn right from wrong from parents, teachers, community leaders, politicians, and entertainment and news media. Ethics permeates every facet of life—from decision-making at work to how people handle personal relationships. The concept of “ethics” can be tricky to define. The Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI), a nonprofit that focuses on ethics and compliance best practices, defines ethics as “the study of right and wrong conduct.” ECI’s glossaryExternal link:open_in_new offers these additional descriptions:  The decisions, choices, and actions (behaviors) we make that reflect and enact our values.  The study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and how people make those judgments.  A set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values. The glossary notes that ethics encompasses the following:  The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
  • 13.  Decisions, choices, and actions we make that reflect and enact our values.  A set of moral principles or values.  A theory or system of moral values.  A guiding philosophy. What is a Code of Ethics? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a code of ethicsExternal link:open_in_new as “a set of rules about good and bad behavior.” A code of ethics sets a standard for work ethics. Many organizations and governing bodies have a code of ethics to guide public administrators as they navigate ethical challenges:  American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) code of ethicsExternal link:open_in_new features eight key principles: Advance the public interest, uphold the Constitution and the law, promote democratic participation, strengthen social equity, fully inform and advise, demonstrate personal integrity, promote ethical organizations, and advance professional excellence.  International City Managers’ Association (ICMA) code of ethicsExternal link:open_in_new ICMA’s code of ethics is made up of 12 tenets, including “serve the best interests of the people” and “public office is a public trust.”  The 14 general principles of ethical conductExternal link:open_in_new, established by the US Office of Government Ethics (OGE). The principles include the concept that “employees shall put forth honest effort in the performance of their duties.”  Standards of ethical conduct for employees of the executive branch,External link:open_in_new issued by the OGE, covers topics such as financial conflicts of interest and misuse of a public position for personal gain.  Ethics training tools and templates,External link:open_in_new established by the OGE, that contain materials for ethics officials to use. While these resources serve as a guide, they do not have all the answers. Ethics in business can be much more complex than what is provided in government ethics trainings and handbooks. Still, all public administrators should familiarize themselves with their organization’s code of ethics, along with the more general resources above, to minimize risk of ethics violations. Why Should I Study Ethics? The study of ethics is important for any aspiring or current public administrator, particularly because ethics is imperative to each of our government’s functions as follows:  Establish justice: Encourages justice that is fair and equitable (e.g., fair sentencing practices).  Ensure peace among the people and the states: Allows for the federal government to smooth tensions between states as equitably and objectively as possible.  Provide for the common defense: Ensures that the protection of the United States does not come at a great moral cost (e.g., concentration camps during times of war).
  • 14.  Promote the general welfare of the public: Ensures the government does its due diligence in balancing values of equity and efficiency in delivering public welfare programs.  Secure the blessing of liberty for all now, and for future generations: Ensures the public’s liberties and rights are not infringed upon by other individuals, organizations, or government entities. An ethical government can only exist when there’s an understanding of its guiding values and moral principles and how they came to be and evolved, who they belong to and who they serve, and how they are implemented through public administration. For these reasons, the federal government requires all those entering public service to undergo ethics training.External link:open_in_new Ethics training teaches public employees how they are expected to conduct themselves daily, what they are and are not allowed to do, and how to identify and address ethical problems. The goal is that through an understanding of how to carry out their duties in an ethical manner, leaders and other public servants will serve the public interest. Ethics in the Workplace and Ethical Challenges At every level of public administration, in all nonprofits and government organizations, ethical challenges are present. According to the US Office of Government EthicsExternal link:open_in_new (OGE), ethical challenges may fall into the following buckets:  Financial conflicts of interest and impartiality: For example, a government employee awarding a government contract to a business he or she owns.  Gifts and payments: A top official asking his or her secretary for a holiday gift.  Use of government position and resources: An employee using government funds to pay for a family vacation.  Outside employment and activities: A military official working part-time for a military contractor.  Post-government employment: A former politically appointed official working for a foreign government/political party after leaving the US government. In the past decade, there are many examples of ethical failures and dilemmas in public administration. In 2012, top leaders in the Government Services Administration (GSA),External link:open_in_new an independent agency of the US government that manages and maintains government buildings and office spaces, resigned or were fired after more than $800,000 was spent for 300 federal employees to attend a resort, spa, and casino near Las Vegas during a business conference.External link:open_in_new While the spending was a clear violation of ethics, an ethical dilemma may not be as straightforward. Edward Snowden’s whistleblowingExternal link:open_in_new of controversial government surveillance practices in 2013, for example, continues to stir controversy. His actions resulted in changes in government programs,External link:open_in_new but a debate continues about whether his actions should be applauded or condemned.
  • 15. Other types of ethical breaches among public servants include police corruption,External link:open_in_new bribery scandals involving public figures,External link:open_in_new and political corruption.External link:open_in_new What an MPA Can Teach You About Ethics Earning a master’s degree in public administration is an optimal starting point both for people who are seasoned public servants looking to grow as ethical public administrators, and for those just starting a career in the field. For students in the UNC- Chapel Hill School of Government’s online MPA program, the journey to completing this degree will cover ethics related to:  Public administration institutions and values.  Human resource management.  Organizational theory.  Law in the context of public administration.  Government and/or nonprofit management.  Financial management. In addition to studying ethics, students will also develop core skills through a competency-based curriculum designed by UNC facultyExternal link:open_in_new who are committed to ethical leadership and instilling the following values to shape future leaders:  Accountability and transparency.  Efficiency and effectiveness.  Respect and equity.  Professionalism and ethical behavior. The curriculum is focused on effective government leadership and developing ethical government administrators. Students will learn to:  Analyze situations in the context of public administration history and current events.  Understand how to develop strategic relations across boundaries.  Develop their own personal model of leadership to drive excellence.  Design and conduct research to evaluate public issues and allocate resources.  Understand legal processes, identify legal issues and find basic governing law.  Identify, collect and interpret qualitative and quantitative data. To measure a student’s understanding of ethical administration, the program will challenge students to identify the legal and ethical implications of social equity and diversity in the public service and analyze public service actions and options in the context of competing public service values. For more information about the School of Government’s online MPA coursework, visit the program curriculum page. The goal of any public administrator—whether they work in the non-profit, government or higher education sectors—is to serve the needs of the people in those communities.
  • 16. A master’s degree in public administration can help provide the tools and knowledge a public servant needs to understand the importance of ethics in their day-to-day work. UNC School of Government’s Commitment to Ethical Leadership UNC School of Government’s mission is to improve the lives of North Carolinians by engaging in practical scholarship that helps public officials and citizens understand and improve state and local government. As the largest university-based local government training, advisory, and research organization in the United States, the School of Government offers up to 200 courses, webinars, and specialized conferencesExternal link:open_in_new for more than 12,000 public officials each year. The University’s world- class faculty include Professor Norma Houston and Lecturer Frayda Bluestein who instruct on the topics of public law and government and offer ethics training to city and county governing board members. For more information about the University’s competency-based curriculum and commitment to ethical governance, visit the School of Government’s About page.External link:open_in_new Newsletters Newsletters ode of Ethics for Administrators  Small Business |  Human Resources |  Code of Ethics ByAudra Bianca    
  • 17.    RELATED  Who Is Responsible for Ethics in a Private Corporation?  Advantages of Training Employees About Work Ethics  Description of Workplace Culture  Workplace Ethics & Behavior  Moral Obligation in Business Law Administrators working in some industries must follow a code of ethics. In other sectors, following an ethical code is optional. Examples of administrators who might be expected to follow a code are corporate officers and administrators working in education, government, health care and nonprofit agencies. Nature of a Code of Ethics 1. When you join a profession or an organization, it's important to review the code of ethics. A well-written code defines morals, personal qualities, rules and behaviors that everyone must follow. In some states such as Florida, a code of ethics is written into the law. Violations of a government-defined code of ethics might be enforced by a regulatory agency or the courts. An example is a state code of ethics for administrators in the public K-12 school system.
  • 18. Scope 1. A code of ethics places your job in context, such as what clients you serve in the scope of your duties. For example, a school principal serves students, teachers and parents, but she also serves the public as a steward of public funds. Look to a code of ethics to point out your most important clients, such as schoolchildren and their best interests, and how you must balance their needs with others' needs. Administrator Values 1. Membership in a profession or organization means you must support the values in the code of ethics. If you act in ways that don't reflect those values, you risk losing your job. To work as a manager for the Coca-Cola Company, a manager must adhere to a code of business conduct, which rests upon the idea of integrity or doing what is right. When working in a private business, your values must not only follow the code. Your values must support the company brand. Otherwise, what you represent is bad for business. Administrator Behaviors 1. As an administrator, you must use good judgment. Adapt your behavior to each situation, but expect that conflicts will arise between different expectations in the code of ethics. These are gray areas that require you to make a judgment call. Other expectations for administrative behavior are clear. You shouldn't misrepresent your qualifications or misrepresent facts when communicating with anyone during business activities. Overall, your behaviors must set you apart as an example for others. Most importantly, your actions must show that you believe in a code of ethics and are a true representative of your profession.