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Adding Audio to Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations:
Listen to the instructions and/or use the written explanation
These are instructions for inserting audio into your Microsoft
PowerPoint presentations.
Step 1: Open up your PowerPoint presentation.
Step 2: Click on slide #1, then select your Insert tab at the top
of your PowerPoint
Step 3: Select audio on the far right. Then pull down to “record
Enter your slide name, then select “record” and click the stop
button, then OK. Now you
see the audio icon is now on your slide.
If you want to redo it just record over it.
Step 4: Manual Playback: If you want your playback to be
manual (each time
someone selects a slide) then follow these instructions: In order
to play back
your presentation once your recorded audio is inserted for each
slide, select the
slide show tab at the top, then on the far left select “start from
the beginning.”
Hover over the audio speaker icon and select the play button.
For Automatic Audio Playback: Select the speaker icon from
your recording
on the first slide and select Audio Tools in top right hand corner
and choose
“Playback” then go to Audio Options and Choose “start on
click” and pull that
down to “automatically” and let go. Then go to Slide show on
the top tabs then
choose “start at the beginning.” Your audio should now start
automatically. If
you want each slide to playback automatically you will need to
repeat this
process for each slide.
For more help, go to the question mark in the top right hand
corner of your presentation
and enter the words “Add and play sound in a presentation” and
information should
Make sure to save your Audio visual presentation in a place you
will remember.
That is all there is to it. Good luck!
Respond to your Discussion topic after you have completed
your reading
China and Mercantilism?
Reread The Country Focus: Is China a Neo-Mercantilist
Nation on p. 156 and discuss the following:
a. Do you think China is pursuing an economic policy that can
be characterized as neo-mercantilist?
b. What should the United States, and other countries, do about
Be sure to address the Discussion topic(s) in an initial post of at
least 100 words no later than Saturday night Eastern Time. Be
sure to respond to at least two others (not including the
professor) and participate in the Discussion by posting on three
different days of the unit.
Below is the reading from page 156.
Page 156Is China a Neo-Mercantilist Nation?
China’s rapid rise in economic power (it is now the world’s
second largest economy) has been built on export-led growth.
The country takes raw material imports and, using its cheap
labor, converts them into products that it sells to developed
nations. For years, the country’s exports have been growing
faster than its imports, leading some critics to claim that China
is pursuing a neo-mercantilist policy, trying to amass record
trade surpluses and foreign currency that will give it economic
power over developed nations. This rhetoric reached new
heights in 2008 when China’s trade surplus hit a record $280
billion and its foreign exchange reserves exceeded $1.95
trillion, some 70 percent of which are held in U.S. dollars.
Observers worry that if China ever decides to sell its holdings
of U.S. currency, this could depress the value of the dollar
against other currencies and increase the price of imports into
Throughout 2005–2008, China’s exports grew much faster than
its imports, leading some to argue that China was limiting
imports by pursuing an import substitution policy, encouraging
domestic investment in the production of products such as steel,
aluminum, and paper, which it had historically imported from
other nations. The trade deficit with America has been a
particular cause for concern. In 2011, this reached a record
$295 billion. At the same time, China has long resisted attempts
to let its currency float freely against the U.S. dollar. Many
claim that China’s currency is too cheap, and that this keeps the
prices of China’s goods artificially low, which fuels the
country’s exports.
So is China a neo-mercantilist nation that is deliberately
discouraging imports and encouraging exports in order to grow
its trade surplus and accumulate foreign exchange reserves,
which might give it economic power? The jury is out on this
issue. Skeptics suggest that going forward, the country will
have no choice but to increase its imports of commodities that it
lacks, such as oil. They also note that China did start allowing
the value of the yuan (China’s currency) to appreciate against
the dollar in July 2005, albeit at a slow pace. In July 2005 one
U.S. dollar purchased 8.11 yuan. By January 2012, the one
dollar purchased 6.38 yuan, a decline of 21 percent. As a result,
China’s trade surplus has started to contract as export growth
has slowed and imports have increased. In 2011, the surplus was
$155 billion, down substantially from the $290 billion in 2008.
While this suggests that China’s trade surplus may have peaked
for now, it is still a cause for concern in many developed
nations, and particularly the United States.
Sources: A. Browne, “China’s Wild Swings Can Roil the Global
Economy,” The Wall Street Journal, October 24, 2005, p. A2;
S.H. Hanke, “Stop the Mercantilists,” Forbes, June 20, 2005, p.
164; G. Dyer and A. Balls, “Dollar Threat as China Signals
Shift,” Financial Times, January 6, 2006, p. 1; Tim Annett,
“Righting the Balance,” The Wall Street Journal, January 10,
2007, p. 15; “China’s Trade Surplus Peaks,” Financial
Times, January 12, 2008, p. 1; W. Chong, “China’s Trade
Surplus to U.S. to Narrow,” China Daily, December 7, 2009; A.
Wang and K. Yao, “China’s Trade Surplus Dips, Taking Heat of
Yuan,” Reuters, January 9, 2011; and Aaron Back, “China’s
Trade Surplus Shrank in ‘11,” The Wall Street Journal, January
11, 2012.
Zero-Sum Game
A situation in which an economic gain by one country results in
an economic loss by another.
Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows
between nations.
The classical economist David Hume pointed out an inherent
inconsistency in the mercantilist doctrine in 1752. According to
Hume, if England had a balance-of-trade surplus with France (it
exported more than it imported) the resulting inflow of gold and
silver would swell the domestic money supply and generate
inflation in England. In France, however, the outflow of gold
and silver would have the opposite effect. France’s money
supply would contract, and its prices would fall. This change in
relative prices between France and England would encourage
the French to buy fewer English goods (because they were
becoming more expensive) and the English to buy more French
goods (because they were becoming cheaper). The result would
be a deterioration in the English balance of trade and an
improvement in France’s trade balance, until the English
surplus was eliminated. Hence, according to Hume, in the long
run no country could sustain a surplus on the balance of trade
and so accumulate gold and silver as the mercantilists had
The flaw with mercantilism was that it viewed trade as a zero-
sum game. (A zero-sum game is one in which a gain by one
country results in a loss by another.) It was left to Adam Smith
and David Ricardo to show the shortsightedness of this
approach and to demonstrate that trade is a positive-sum game,
or a situation in which all countries can benefit. Unfortunately,
the mercantilist doctrine is by no means dead. Neo-mercantilists
equate political power with economic power and economic
power with a balance-of-trade surplus. Critics argue that many
nations have adopted a neo-mercantilist strategy that is
designed to simultaneously boost exports and limit
imports.2 For example, critics charge that China is pursuing a
neo-mercantilist policy, deliberately keeping its currency value
low against the U.S. dollar in order to sell more goods to the
United States and other developed nations, and thus amass a
trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves (see the
accompanying Country Focus).
Assignment details
Assignment: Continue using your Zip-6 Scenario:
Zip-6 management has been approached with a proposition to
buy out a Venezuelan soft drink manufacturer and bottler. The
selling price appears to be slightly below book value for the
assets. You have been retained as a consultant to investigate the
legal, political, and economic climate in Venezuela and then
make a recommendation. This Assignment asks you to:
1. Go to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)
website and use their World
2. Develop an informative essay addressing the checklist items
a. Describe the political risks and you have identified with this
b. Describe the economic risks and rewards you have identified
with this offer.
c. Recommend a decision for Zip-6 management and explain
your recommendation.
Draft your response addressing these points in 350 words or
more in APA format and citation style with a separate title and
reference page. All papers must hav e a proper cover page, be
written in informative essay form (paragraph) and be properly
cited. Label your file as:
Submit your completed file to the Dropbox before the end of the
MT219 UNIT 5 Assignment
Business Marketing
In the Discussion you shared your consumer buying decision
factors in line with your Chapter 6 Reading. In this Assignment
you will address what is commonly referred to as B2B
marketing (e.g., business to business) covered in your Chapter 7
Reading and the Learning Activity. An example of B2B
marketing would be: Your business markets a bolt used in a
bicycle manufacturer’s racing bikes which in turn are sold to
In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the
following professional competency:
· Verbal Communication
This competency also is critical to your success in most jobs.
Whether by phone, recorded presentation, in person, or via
video conferencing or chat, your ability to articulate a message
or piece of information in a clear, concise, and professional
manner can distinguish you from your peers and/or competition.
In this Assignment, you will create an audiovisual presentation
to verbally market a product to another business rather than to
Click on the grading rubric below to see the full instructions
and grading rubric for this Assignment.
Review the assignment instructions and grading rubric.
View before starting the assignment
Assignment 5: Business Marketing
In this Assignment, you will create an audiovisual presentation
to verbally market a product to
another business rather than to consumers.
According to Lamb et al. (2014), business marketing differs
from marketing to consumers only in
terms of the use of the products or services ─ leaving out the
consumer. Business marketing
entails marketing to persons and businesses who will then offer
it to consumers. These products
can include parts of goods or those that are used to manufacture
other products, or services
used by organizations to operate more efficiently or that are
later resold. To demonstrate your
comprehension of Business Marketing, read the following
scenario and follow the directions to
complete this Assignment.
You have just been hired as a new Business-to-Business (B2B)
marketing associate with ZMX
Global, inc., a national distributor of food, beverage, and
supplies to hospitality oriented
businesses. As part of your marketing training, you have been
tasked with finding new
marketing opportunities (Retailers, wholesalers, Internet,
institutions, etc.) for the distribution of
a new product called “Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet,” a high
quality organic frozen food product.
Read the BonVivant Business and Product Profile: Click here.
Your job as a B2B marketing associate is to build relationships
with reputable organizations that
will successfully represent ZMX Global, Inc. and the Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet brand and
product with integrity.
Using what you learn from reading Chapter 7 to inform your
work on this Assignment, build a
5- slide audio visual presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint
with audio covering the
characteristics that make Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet a
business product.
(This is where your microphone either built into your computer
in most cases or
alternatively your microphone headset you purchased, will be
Access a tutorial on how to add audio to a PowerPoint
presentation here.
Scroll down to see the checklist and grading rubric...
Checklist: Include the following information:
Slide 1: Title Slide. Include your name, date, title of the
○ Oral narration: Introduce yourself and the topic of your
○ Notes: Narration Script
Slide 2: Describe what type of business product ZMX Global,
Inc. offers in the Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet frozen meal product line. Discuss why
it can be considered a
business product.
○ Oral Narration: Explain your decision.
○ Notes: Narration Script
Slide 3: Identify a business customer category (producer,
reseller, government, or
institutions) to focus relationship marketing and strategic
alliance efforts in the sale of
Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet frozen meals.
○ Oral Narration: Explain why you chose the business customer
○ Notes: Narration Script
Slide 4: Outline how the Internet can assist in B2B marketing
efforts of the Bon Vivant
Organic Gourmet product line.
○ Oral Narration: Describe your ideas on this topic.
○ Notes: Narration Script
Slide 5: Discuss the business market characteristics (see starting
on page 117 in your
chapter Reading) of the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product
line. Identify a minimum of
three (3) business market characteristics on the slide.
○ Oral Narration: Briefly discuss the three (3) business market
○ Notes: Narration Script
Slide 6: References slide. Provide an APA style formatted
References for your
○ Oral Narration: Concluding remarks and state the References
for your textbook.
○ Notes: Narration Script
Directions for Submitting this Assignment:
Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity.
For additional help with
your writing and APA format and citation style, please visit the
Kaplan University Writing
Center accessed in the home area of this course. Compose your
Assignment as a
Microsoft PowerPoint with audio presentation and save it as
(Example: TAllen-MT219
Assignment-Unit 5.ppt). Submit your file by selecting the Unit
5: Assignment Dropbox by
the end of Unit 5.
Unit 5 Assignment:
Business Marketing
Content per Checklists 100% 50
Response provides
complete information
demonstrating analysis and
critical thinking. Note:
Highlighted areas denote
oral presentation
portion, each worth 3
points each.
Slide 1: Provide title slide with
name, date and title of
presentation. Introduce yourself
and the topic of your
Slide 2: Describe what type of
business product ZMX Global,
Inc. offers in the Bon Vivant
Organic Gourmet frozen meal
product line. Discuss why it can
be considered a business
product. Explain your decision.
Slide 3: Identify a business
customer category (producer,
reseller, government, or
institutions) to focus
relationship marketing and
strategic alliance efforts in the
sale of Bon Vivant Organic
Gourmet frozen meals.
Explain why you chose the
business customer category.
10% 5
14% 7
14% 7
Slide 4: Outline how the
Internet can assist in B2B
marketing efforts of the Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet
product line. Describe your
ideas on this topic.
14% 7
Slide 5: Discuss the business
market characteristics (see
starting on page 117 in your
chapter Reading) of the Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet
product line. Identify a minimum
of three (3) business market
characteristics on the slide.
Briefly discuss the three (3)
business market characteristics.
14% 7
Slide 6: Concluding remarks in
14% 7
oral narration and provide an
APA formatted reference slide
for your textbook.
Subtotal: 80% 40
Provides an audio visual
presentation consisting of at
least six slides with notes and
narration using correct
grammar, spelling, and APA
citation/format style.
20% 10
Percent Total
Your Assignment Score: 100% 50
Page 1
By: Sean Doyle & Martin McDermott
AB/MT219: Marketing
Business and Product Profile
Client Name: ZMX Global, Inc.
Brand: Bon Vivant: Organic Gourmet
Company Description
Headquartered in New York City, ZMX Global, Inc. is a large
global food company, operating in
over 51 countries around the world. Most commonly known as a
fine foods company, ZMX Global, Inc.
has an impressively unparalleled portfolio of brands and
products with an international appeal. The
marketing philosophy adopted by ZMX Global, Inc. is a market-
oriented approach, “meaning they
assume that a sale does not depend on an aggressive sales force,
but rather on a customer’s decision to
purchase a product” (Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel, 2012, pg. 6).
ZMX Global, Inc focuses on providing
exquisite culinary products to consumers by being the top
purveyor of premium quality ingredients to the
finest food retailers in the world. One renowned brand owned
by ZMX Global, Inc., known as Bon
Vivant, provides the highest quality frozen foods in the retail
marketplace. Bon Vivant produces frozen
entrées to meet the needs of consumers in the market for frozen
readymade meals. This marketing plan
will present a new idea for an Organic Gourmet product line as
an opportunity to fill a gap identified
within the Bon Vivant product mix.
Business Mission
According to the ZMX Global, Inc. (2012) website, the Business
Mission for the Bon Vivant
brand is on record as follows: “Our purpose is to expand the
culinary palette of Bon Vivant customers by
being the leading provider of exceptional frozen gourmet
products in the global marketplace” (p. 1).
Company Values
The ZMX Global, Inc. slogan is “Pure Wholesome Foods”
(ZMX Global, Inc., 2012, p. 1).
According to the ZMX Global, Inc. 2010 Annual Report (ZMX
Invest, 2012) the company meets ethical
and corporate social responsibilities as stated:
As a corporate member of the global community, we accept our
responsibility to sustain and
create social value for our stakeholders. We accomplish this
through a foundational business
culture of harmony that aligns our corporate values with nature
and humankind. We are
committed to producing only environmentally friendly products,
adhering to governing laws and
regulations, and making conscientious contributions to the
communities in which we serve.
Unique Selling Proposition
The Bon Vivant brand is already known for providing high
quality frozen foods to the
marketplace. This marketing plan presents a unique opportunity
for Bon Vivant to add an Organic
Gourmet product line to its mix of frozen food products (Lamb
et al., 2012). An opportunity exists in the
marketplace for a readymade, restaurant quality, Organic
Gourmet product line of entrées made from the
recipes of the finest chefs in the world. Each Bon Vivant
Organic Gourmet entrée will be made with pure
and wholesome ingredients indicative of old and new world
cuisine. To deliver the message of Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet, famous chefs will be used in
promotional efforts. This product line is unique to
the marketplace in that it offers customers the benefit of eating
restaurant quality gourmet organic food
made from recipes of the best chefs in the world, right in the
comfort of their own home.
The current slogan for the entire Bon Vivant product mix is:
“Experience fine dining in the
comfort of your own home. We enhance lifestyles, one family at
a time.” The slogan for the proposed
Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line is: “Bringing to
families wholesome gourmet food from the
chef’s kitchen to your table.”
Global Vision
Wholesome, organically grown gourmet food from the chef’s
table is now affordable through the
Bon Vivant chefs’ Network. This partnership between Bon
Vivant and a group of world-renowned chefs
seeks to bridge the gap between wholesome, organic, restaurant
quality food and the family table. Our
goal is to make fresh, wholesome, premium quality meals
accessible to families across the globe.
This marketing plan proposal is intended to align the idea for a
Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet
product line with the sales goals and global vision of ZMX
Global, Inc., and is consistent with the Bon
Vivant branding concept. This new product idea offers an
opportunity for Bon Vivant to further penetrate
the competitive gourmet frozen food market, and to attract new
customers to existing products. The idea
for a new organic gourmet product line offering by Bon Vivant
was identified by conducting primary
data collection using survey and ethnographic market research
techniques. An opportunity exists in the
marketplace for a readymade, restaurant quality, Organic
Gourmet product line of entrées made from the
recipes of the finest chefs in the world.
As indicated by Lamb et al. (2012), this new product idea can
differentiate the Bon Vivant brand
as a lasting competitive advantage in the marketplace. Each Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet entrée will be
made with pure and wholesome ingredients indicative of old and
new world cuisine. This product line is
unique to the marketplace in that it offers customers the benefit
of eating restaurant quality gourmet
organic food made from recipes of the best chefs in the world,
right in the comfort of their own home. If
accepted and approved by Bon Vivant leadership, this new
product idea will advance to the idea
screening stage of the new product development process. As
suggested by Lamb et al., the organic
gourmet product line will undergo concept testing by the ZMX
Global, Inc. and Bon Vivant new-product
committee in order to “get consumer reactions to descriptions
and visual representations” of this new idea
(p. 174). If the organic gourmet product line passes the idea
screening process and is found viable, the
idea advances to the business analysis, development, test
marketing, and commercialization stages of the
new product development process.
Product description: The demand for organic food items is
intensifying as consumers in the USA desire
to live a healthier lifestyle (Natural News, 2012). The Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet product line will
initially feature five readymade frozen entrées, which includes
the following:
Pan Seared Wild Atlantic Salmon with saffron risotto and
Grilled Free Range Chicken Breast with wild mushrooms and
garlic mashed potatoes
Chateau Briand on a bed of steamed spinach with garlic-
rosemary roasted potatoes
Roasted Pork Tenderloin in a honey Dijon mustard sauce,
broccolini and wild rice
Grilled Top Sirloin with shallots, candy beets and mashed
Yukon Gold potatoes
A blend of classical and contemporary cooking techniques will
be applied by world renowned chefs to
prepare each of these dishes using top quality organic
Brand: The Bon Vivant brand is a trademark of ZMX Global,
Inc. The addition of the Organic Gourmet
product line to the Bon Vivant family brand compliments the
brand image by associating healthy and
wholesome organic foods as an enhancement to the premium
quality dishes already offered by Bon
Vivant in the marketplace. The Organic Gourmet product line
will build brand equity due to the
perceived quality of fresh and wholesome organic ingredients
used to satisfy the needs of those seeking a
healthier lifestyle. Customers that already purchase Bon Vivant
branded products will appreciate the
addition of an exclusive and healthy product line, which may
build brand loyalty, resulting in stronger
brand equity (Lamb et al., 2012). The Organic Gourmet product
line will be recognized by a unique chef
coat and toque graphic symbol that is under development for
review and consideration by the ZMX
Global, Inc. and Bon Vivant new-product development
Product classification: Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet entrées are
classified as a tangible good and will
be sold as a consumer product. This heterogeneous shopping
product is unique in the marketplace due to
pricing, quality, features and benefits, but can be compared
based on functionality, to other gourmet style
frozen food entrées in the marketplace.
Product features & benefits: Two features and benefits will
differentiate this new product idea in the
marketplace. The most unique and important feature of the Bon
Vivant Organic Gourmet product line is
the use of wholesome organic ingredients in all preparations.
According to PR Newswire, US (2012),
organic food is in high demand, and food companies must
embrace this growing trend to stay competitive
in the marketplace. The benefits of eating organic may have
positive health effects (Natural News, 2012).
Another important feature of the Organic Gourmet product line
is the convenience of a restaurant quality
readymade frozen meal. Each preparation is made from the
highest quality ingredients, and is prepared
using recipes and cooking techniques of world renowned chefs.
Customers benefit from having access to
restaurant quality organic food in the comfort of their own
home. These innovative features and benefits
of the Organic Gourmet product line will appeal to early
adopters and early majority adopters of new
products. The early adopters are an important group of
customers because they tend to be opinion leaders
on lifestyle trends within their communities. The early majority
adopters have credible reputations for
making sound shopping decisions and can spread the word about
this new product idea to the typically
sceptical late majority and laggard type adopters (Lamb et al.,
Packaging: The packaging for the new Bon Vivant Organic
Gourmet product line will also be an
important feature that will add to the allure and convenience
factor of the product. The outer layer of the
packaging will be colourful and attractive, each depicting a
picture of the world-renowned chef that
created the recipe presenting the bountiful meal in a fine dining
setting. The inner layer of the packaging
will be made of a non-stick aluminium bag that is designed to
cook the meal before opening. The
packaging design is a work in progress. Each package will
contain 24 ounces of Organic Gourmet
Respond to your Discussion topic after you have completed
your Reading and Learning Activity.
Consumer Buying Decisions
Many businesses would like to get inside the minds of their
customers to know what they are thinking. This can be
accomplished through understanding the factors that influence
consumer buying behavior. Follow these three steps to complete
this Discussion topic:
Step 1: Go to the Strategic Business Insights® (©2009-2014)
website and take the VALS® Survey by copying and pasting
this URL into your Web browser:
This survey determines a person’s consumer preferences,
attitudes, etc.
To Receive an Accurate VALS Type:
By design, the questions are for use by people whose first
language is American English. If you are not a citizen of the
United States or Canada, residency should be for enough time to
know the culture and its idioms. If you do not meet these
conditions, your VALS type will not be valid.
Step 2: Choose a car manufacturing company from the list and
visit the company’s website to conduct an information search
and evaluate the alternatives of the complete product offering.
Kia Motors
Mercedes Benz
Alpha Romeo
General Motors
Step 3:Using research from Chapter 6 in your textbook, write
your response to the following questions pertaining to consumer
decision making:
1. Based on the information you gathered and alternatives
available on the company website you explored, which vehicle
offering seems to be the most relevant to your needs? Explain
2. Using the results of the VALS survey, describe the accuracy
of results and relate them to your vehicle choice.
3. Select three (3) of the factors discussed in Chapter 6 (Exhibit
6.3) that affect consumer buying behavior and explain why they
would impact your decision to buy the vehicle most relevant to
your needs.
To obtain full credit for this Assignment, you must answer the
available topic as thoroughly as possible. Your answer should
be thoughtful and composed using complete sentences. Please
follow the Discussion guidelines as provided in your Syllabus.
Be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates' posts.
Your comments should be substantial and well-reasoned. Just
agreeing with comments of another student does not fulfill this

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  • 1. Adding Audio to Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations: Listen to the instructions and/or use the written explanation below. These are instructions for inserting audio into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Step 1: Open up your PowerPoint presentation. Step 2: Click on slide #1, then select your Insert tab at the top of your PowerPoint presentation. Step 3: Select audio on the far right. Then pull down to “record audio.” Enter your slide name, then select “record” and click the stop button, then OK. Now you see the audio icon is now on your slide. If you want to redo it just record over it. Step 4: Manual Playback: If you want your playback to be manual (each time
  • 2. someone selects a slide) then follow these instructions: In order to play back your presentation once your recorded audio is inserted for each slide, select the slide show tab at the top, then on the far left select “start from the beginning.” Hover over the audio speaker icon and select the play button. OR For Automatic Audio Playback: Select the speaker icon from your recording on the first slide and select Audio Tools in top right hand corner and choose “Playback” then go to Audio Options and Choose “start on click” and pull that down to “automatically” and let go. Then go to Slide show on the top tabs then choose “start at the beginning.” Your audio should now start automatically. If you want each slide to playback automatically you will need to repeat this process for each slide. For more help, go to the question mark in the top right hand corner of your presentation and enter the words “Add and play sound in a presentation” and information should appear. Make sure to save your Audio visual presentation in a place you will remember.
  • 3. That is all there is to it. Good luck! MT220 UNIT 5 DISCUSSION Respond to your Discussion topic after you have completed your reading China and Mercantilism? Reread The Country Focus: Is China a Neo-Mercantilist Nation on p. 156 and discuss the following: a. Do you think China is pursuing an economic policy that can be characterized as neo-mercantilist? b. What should the United States, and other countries, do about this? Be sure to address the Discussion topic(s) in an initial post of at least 100 words no later than Saturday night Eastern Time. Be sure to respond to at least two others (not including the professor) and participate in the Discussion by posting on three different days of the unit. Below is the reading from page 156. COUNTRY FOCUS Page 156Is China a Neo-Mercantilist Nation? China’s rapid rise in economic power (it is now the world’s second largest economy) has been built on export-led growth.
  • 4. The country takes raw material imports and, using its cheap labor, converts them into products that it sells to developed nations. For years, the country’s exports have been growing faster than its imports, leading some critics to claim that China is pursuing a neo-mercantilist policy, trying to amass record trade surpluses and foreign currency that will give it economic power over developed nations. This rhetoric reached new heights in 2008 when China’s trade surplus hit a record $280 billion and its foreign exchange reserves exceeded $1.95 trillion, some 70 percent of which are held in U.S. dollars. Observers worry that if China ever decides to sell its holdings of U.S. currency, this could depress the value of the dollar against other currencies and increase the price of imports into America. Throughout 2005–2008, China’s exports grew much faster than its imports, leading some to argue that China was limiting imports by pursuing an import substitution policy, encouraging domestic investment in the production of products such as steel, aluminum, and paper, which it had historically imported from other nations. The trade deficit with America has been a particular cause for concern. In 2011, this reached a record $295 billion. At the same time, China has long resisted attempts to let its currency float freely against the U.S. dollar. Many claim that China’s currency is too cheap, and that this keeps the prices of China’s goods artificially low, which fuels the country’s exports. So is China a neo-mercantilist nation that is deliberately discouraging imports and encouraging exports in order to grow its trade surplus and accumulate foreign exchange reserves, which might give it economic power? The jury is out on this issue. Skeptics suggest that going forward, the country will have no choice but to increase its imports of commodities that it lacks, such as oil. They also note that China did start allowing the value of the yuan (China’s currency) to appreciate against the dollar in July 2005, albeit at a slow pace. In July 2005 one U.S. dollar purchased 8.11 yuan. By January 2012, the one
  • 5. dollar purchased 6.38 yuan, a decline of 21 percent. As a result, China’s trade surplus has started to contract as export growth has slowed and imports have increased. In 2011, the surplus was $155 billion, down substantially from the $290 billion in 2008. While this suggests that China’s trade surplus may have peaked for now, it is still a cause for concern in many developed nations, and particularly the United States. Sources: A. Browne, “China’s Wild Swings Can Roil the Global Economy,” The Wall Street Journal, October 24, 2005, p. A2; S.H. Hanke, “Stop the Mercantilists,” Forbes, June 20, 2005, p. 164; G. Dyer and A. Balls, “Dollar Threat as China Signals Shift,” Financial Times, January 6, 2006, p. 1; Tim Annett, “Righting the Balance,” The Wall Street Journal, January 10, 2007, p. 15; “China’s Trade Surplus Peaks,” Financial Times, January 12, 2008, p. 1; W. Chong, “China’s Trade Surplus to U.S. to Narrow,” China Daily, December 7, 2009; A. Wang and K. Yao, “China’s Trade Surplus Dips, Taking Heat of Yuan,” Reuters, January 9, 2011; and Aaron Back, “China’s Trade Surplus Shrank in ‘11,” The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2012. Zero-Sum Game A situation in which an economic gain by one country results in an economic loss by another. LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2 Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows between nations. The classical economist David Hume pointed out an inherent inconsistency in the mercantilist doctrine in 1752. According to Hume, if England had a balance-of-trade surplus with France (it exported more than it imported) the resulting inflow of gold and silver would swell the domestic money supply and generate inflation in England. In France, however, the outflow of gold and silver would have the opposite effect. France’s money supply would contract, and its prices would fall. This change in relative prices between France and England would encourage the French to buy fewer English goods (because they were
  • 6. becoming more expensive) and the English to buy more French goods (because they were becoming cheaper). The result would be a deterioration in the English balance of trade and an improvement in France’s trade balance, until the English surplus was eliminated. Hence, according to Hume, in the long run no country could sustain a surplus on the balance of trade and so accumulate gold and silver as the mercantilists had envisaged. The flaw with mercantilism was that it viewed trade as a zero- sum game. (A zero-sum game is one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another.) It was left to Adam Smith and David Ricardo to show the shortsightedness of this approach and to demonstrate that trade is a positive-sum game, or a situation in which all countries can benefit. Unfortunately, the mercantilist doctrine is by no means dead. Neo-mercantilists equate political power with economic power and economic power with a balance-of-trade surplus. Critics argue that many nations have adopted a neo-mercantilist strategy that is designed to simultaneously boost exports and limit imports.2 For example, critics charge that China is pursuing a neo-mercantilist policy, deliberately keeping its currency value low against the U.S. dollar in order to sell more goods to the United States and other developed nations, and thus amass a trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves (see the accompanying Country Focus). Assignment details Assignment: Continue using your Zip-6 Scenario: Zip-6 management has been approached with a proposition to buy out a Venezuelan soft drink manufacturer and bottler. The selling price appears to be slightly below book value for the assets. You have been retained as a consultant to investigate the legal, political, and economic climate in Venezuela and then make a recommendation. This Assignment asks you to: 1. Go to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)
  • 7. website and use their World Factbook. 2. Develop an informative essay addressing the checklist items below. Checklist: a. Describe the political risks and you have identified with this offer. b. Describe the economic risks and rewards you have identified with this offer. c. Recommend a decision for Zip-6 management and explain your recommendation. Draft your response addressing these points in 350 words or more in APA format and citation style with a separate title and reference page. All papers must hav e a proper cover page, be written in informative essay form (paragraph) and be properly cited. Label your file as: FirstName_LastName_Assignment_Unit#. Submit your completed file to the Dropbox before the end of the unit. MT219 UNIT 5 Assignment Business Marketing In the Discussion you shared your consumer buying decision factors in line with your Chapter 6 Reading. In this Assignment you will address what is commonly referred to as B2B marketing (e.g., business to business) covered in your Chapter 7 Reading and the Learning Activity. An example of B2B marketing would be: Your business markets a bolt used in a bicycle manufacturer’s racing bikes which in turn are sold to consumers. In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competency: · Verbal Communication This competency also is critical to your success in most jobs. Whether by phone, recorded presentation, in person, or via
  • 8. video conferencing or chat, your ability to articulate a message or piece of information in a clear, concise, and professional manner can distinguish you from your peers and/or competition. In this Assignment, you will create an audiovisual presentation to verbally market a product to another business rather than to consumers. Click on the grading rubric below to see the full instructions and grading rubric for this Assignment. Rubric Review the assignment instructions and grading rubric. Tutorial View before starting the assignment Assignment 5: Business Marketing In this Assignment, you will create an audiovisual presentation to verbally market a product to another business rather than to consumers. According to Lamb et al. (2014), business marketing differs from marketing to consumers only in terms of the use of the products or services ─ leaving out the consumer. Business marketing entails marketing to persons and businesses who will then offer it to consumers. These products can include parts of goods or those that are used to manufacture other products, or services used by organizations to operate more efficiently or that are
  • 9. later resold. To demonstrate your comprehension of Business Marketing, read the following scenario and follow the directions to complete this Assignment. Scenario: You have just been hired as a new Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing associate with ZMX Global, inc., a national distributor of food, beverage, and supplies to hospitality oriented businesses. As part of your marketing training, you have been tasked with finding new marketing opportunities (Retailers, wholesalers, Internet, institutions, etc.) for the distribution of a new product called “Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet,” a high quality organic frozen food product. Read the BonVivant Business and Product Profile: Click here. Your job as a B2B marketing associate is to build relationships with reputable organizations that will successfully represent ZMX Global, Inc. and the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet brand and product with integrity. Directions:
  • 10. Using what you learn from reading Chapter 7 to inform your work on this Assignment, build a 5- slide audio visual presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint with audio covering the characteristics that make Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet a business product. (This is where your microphone either built into your computer in most cases or alternatively your microphone headset you purchased, will be used.) Access a tutorial on how to add audio to a PowerPoint presentation here. Scroll down to see the checklist and grading rubric... https://kapextmediassl- rganic.pdf https://kapextmediassl- Checklist: Include the following information: Slide 1: Title Slide. Include your name, date, title of the presentation. ○ Oral narration: Introduce yourself and the topic of your presentation. ○ Notes: Narration Script
  • 11. Slide 2: Describe what type of business product ZMX Global, Inc. offers in the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet frozen meal product line. Discuss why it can be considered a business product. ○ Oral Narration: Explain your decision. ○ Notes: Narration Script Slide 3: Identify a business customer category (producer, reseller, government, or institutions) to focus relationship marketing and strategic alliance efforts in the sale of Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet frozen meals. ○ Oral Narration: Explain why you chose the business customer category. ○ Notes: Narration Script Slide 4: Outline how the Internet can assist in B2B marketing efforts of the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line. ○ Oral Narration: Describe your ideas on this topic. ○ Notes: Narration Script Slide 5: Discuss the business market characteristics (see starting
  • 12. on page 117 in your chapter Reading) of the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line. Identify a minimum of three (3) business market characteristics on the slide. ○ Oral Narration: Briefly discuss the three (3) business market characteristics. ○ Notes: Narration Script Slide 6: References slide. Provide an APA style formatted References for your textbook. ○ Oral Narration: Concluding remarks and state the References for your textbook. ○ Notes: Narration Script Directions for Submitting this Assignment: Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. For additional help with your writing and APA format and citation style, please visit the Kaplan University Writing Center accessed in the home area of this course. Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint with audio presentation and save it as
  • 13. (Example: TAllen-MT219 Assignment-Unit 5.ppt). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 5. Unit 5 Assignment: Business Marketing Percent possible Points possible Points Earne d Comments Content per Checklists 100% 50 Response provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking. Note: Highlighted areas denote oral presentation portion, each worth 3
  • 14. points each. 80% Slide 1: Provide title slide with name, date and title of presentation. Introduce yourself and the topic of your presentation. Slide 2: Describe what type of business product ZMX Global, Inc. offers in the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet frozen meal product line. Discuss why it can be considered a business product. Explain your decision. Slide 3: Identify a business customer category (producer, reseller, government, or institutions) to focus relationship marketing and strategic alliance efforts in the sale of Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet frozen meals. Explain why you chose the business customer category. 10% 5 14% 7 14% 7 Slide 4: Outline how the Internet can assist in B2B
  • 15. marketing efforts of the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line. Describe your ideas on this topic. 14% 7 Slide 5: Discuss the business market characteristics (see starting on page 117 in your chapter Reading) of the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line. Identify a minimum of three (3) business market characteristics on the slide. Briefly discuss the three (3) business market characteristics. 14% 7 Slide 6: Concluding remarks in 14% 7 oral narration and provide an APA formatted reference slide for your textbook. Subtotal: 80% 40 Provides an audio visual presentation consisting of at least six slides with notes and narration using correct
  • 16. grammar, spelling, and APA citation/format style. 20% 10 Percent Total Points possible Your Assignment Score: 100% 50 Page 1 By: Sean Doyle & Martin McDermott AB/MT219: Marketing Business and Product Profile Client Name: ZMX Global, Inc. Brand: Bon Vivant: Organic Gourmet SSEECCTTIIOONN II.. TTHHEE BBUUSSIINNEESSSS Company Description Headquartered in New York City, ZMX Global, Inc. is a large global food company, operating in
  • 17. over 51 countries around the world. Most commonly known as a fine foods company, ZMX Global, Inc. has an impressively unparalleled portfolio of brands and products with an international appeal. The marketing philosophy adopted by ZMX Global, Inc. is a market- oriented approach, “meaning they assume that a sale does not depend on an aggressive sales force, but rather on a customer’s decision to purchase a product” (Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel, 2012, pg. 6). ZMX Global, Inc focuses on providing exquisite culinary products to consumers by being the top purveyor of premium quality ingredients to the finest food retailers in the world. One renowned brand owned by ZMX Global, Inc., known as Bon Vivant, provides the highest quality frozen foods in the retail marketplace. Bon Vivant produces frozen entrées to meet the needs of consumers in the market for frozen readymade meals. This marketing plan will present a new idea for an Organic Gourmet product line as an opportunity to fill a gap identified within the Bon Vivant product mix. Business Mission According to the ZMX Global, Inc. (2012) website, the Business
  • 18. Mission for the Bon Vivant brand is on record as follows: “Our purpose is to expand the culinary palette of Bon Vivant customers by being the leading provider of exceptional frozen gourmet products in the global marketplace” (p. 1). Company Values The ZMX Global, Inc. slogan is “Pure Wholesome Foods” (ZMX Global, Inc., 2012, p. 1). According to the ZMX Global, Inc. 2010 Annual Report (ZMX Invest, 2012) the company meets ethical and corporate social responsibilities as stated: As a corporate member of the global community, we accept our responsibility to sustain and create social value for our stakeholders. We accomplish this through a foundational business culture of harmony that aligns our corporate values with nature and humankind. We are committed to producing only environmentally friendly products, adhering to governing laws and regulations, and making conscientious contributions to the communities in which we serve. Unique Selling Proposition The Bon Vivant brand is already known for providing high
  • 19. quality frozen foods to the marketplace. This marketing plan presents a unique opportunity for Bon Vivant to add an Organic Gourmet product line to its mix of frozen food products (Lamb et al., 2012). An opportunity exists in the marketplace for a readymade, restaurant quality, Organic Gourmet product line of entrées made from the recipes of the finest chefs in the world. Each Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet entrée will be made with pure and wholesome ingredients indicative of old and new world cuisine. To deliver the message of Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet, famous chefs will be used in promotional efforts. This product line is unique to the marketplace in that it offers customers the benefit of eating restaurant quality gourmet organic food made from recipes of the best chefs in the world, right in the comfort of their own home. The current slogan for the entire Bon Vivant product mix is: “Experience fine dining in the comfort of your own home. We enhance lifestyles, one family at a time.” The slogan for the proposed Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line is: “Bringing to families wholesome gourmet food from the chef’s kitchen to your table.”
  • 20. Global Vision Wholesome, organically grown gourmet food from the chef’s table is now affordable through the Bon Vivant chefs’ Network. This partnership between Bon Vivant and a group of world-renowned chefs seeks to bridge the gap between wholesome, organic, restaurant quality food and the family table. Our goal is to make fresh, wholesome, premium quality meals accessible to families across the globe. Product This marketing plan proposal is intended to align the idea for a Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line with the sales goals and global vision of ZMX Global, Inc., and is consistent with the Bon Vivant branding concept. This new product idea offers an opportunity for Bon Vivant to further penetrate the competitive gourmet frozen food market, and to attract new customers to existing products. The idea for a new organic gourmet product line offering by Bon Vivant was identified by conducting primary data collection using survey and ethnographic market research techniques. An opportunity exists in the
  • 21. marketplace for a readymade, restaurant quality, Organic Gourmet product line of entrées made from the recipes of the finest chefs in the world. As indicated by Lamb et al. (2012), this new product idea can differentiate the Bon Vivant brand as a lasting competitive advantage in the marketplace. Each Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet entrée will be made with pure and wholesome ingredients indicative of old and new world cuisine. This product line is unique to the marketplace in that it offers customers the benefit of eating restaurant quality gourmet organic food made from recipes of the best chefs in the world, right in the comfort of their own home. If accepted and approved by Bon Vivant leadership, this new product idea will advance to the idea screening stage of the new product development process. As suggested by Lamb et al., the organic gourmet product line will undergo concept testing by the ZMX Global, Inc. and Bon Vivant new-product committee in order to “get consumer reactions to descriptions and visual representations” of this new idea (p. 174). If the organic gourmet product line passes the idea screening process and is found viable, the
  • 22. idea advances to the business analysis, development, test marketing, and commercialization stages of the new product development process. Product description: The demand for organic food items is intensifying as consumers in the USA desire to live a healthier lifestyle (Natural News, 2012). The Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line will initially feature five readymade frozen entrées, which includes the following: Pan Seared Wild Atlantic Salmon with saffron risotto and asparagus Grilled Free Range Chicken Breast with wild mushrooms and garlic mashed potatoes Chateau Briand on a bed of steamed spinach with garlic- rosemary roasted potatoes Roasted Pork Tenderloin in a honey Dijon mustard sauce, broccolini and wild rice Grilled Top Sirloin with shallots, candy beets and mashed Yukon Gold potatoes A blend of classical and contemporary cooking techniques will be applied by world renowned chefs to prepare each of these dishes using top quality organic ingredients. Brand: The Bon Vivant brand is a trademark of ZMX Global,
  • 23. Inc. The addition of the Organic Gourmet product line to the Bon Vivant family brand compliments the brand image by associating healthy and wholesome organic foods as an enhancement to the premium quality dishes already offered by Bon Vivant in the marketplace. The Organic Gourmet product line will build brand equity due to the perceived quality of fresh and wholesome organic ingredients used to satisfy the needs of those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Customers that already purchase Bon Vivant branded products will appreciate the addition of an exclusive and healthy product line, which may build brand loyalty, resulting in stronger brand equity (Lamb et al., 2012). The Organic Gourmet product line will be recognized by a unique chef coat and toque graphic symbol that is under development for review and consideration by the ZMX Global, Inc. and Bon Vivant new-product development committee. Product classification: Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet entrées are classified as a tangible good and will be sold as a consumer product. This heterogeneous shopping product is unique in the marketplace due to
  • 24. pricing, quality, features and benefits, but can be compared based on functionality, to other gourmet style frozen food entrées in the marketplace. Product features & benefits: Two features and benefits will differentiate this new product idea in the marketplace. The most unique and important feature of the Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line is the use of wholesome organic ingredients in all preparations. According to PR Newswire, US (2012), organic food is in high demand, and food companies must embrace this growing trend to stay competitive in the marketplace. The benefits of eating organic may have positive health effects (Natural News, 2012). Another important feature of the Organic Gourmet product line is the convenience of a restaurant quality readymade frozen meal. Each preparation is made from the highest quality ingredients, and is prepared using recipes and cooking techniques of world renowned chefs. Customers benefit from having access to restaurant quality organic food in the comfort of their own home. These innovative features and benefits of the Organic Gourmet product line will appeal to early adopters and early majority adopters of new
  • 25. products. The early adopters are an important group of customers because they tend to be opinion leaders on lifestyle trends within their communities. The early majority adopters have credible reputations for making sound shopping decisions and can spread the word about this new product idea to the typically sceptical late majority and laggard type adopters (Lamb et al., 2012). Packaging: The packaging for the new Bon Vivant Organic Gourmet product line will also be an important feature that will add to the allure and convenience factor of the product. The outer layer of the packaging will be colourful and attractive, each depicting a picture of the world-renowned chef that created the recipe presenting the bountiful meal in a fine dining setting. The inner layer of the packaging will be made of a non-stick aluminium bag that is designed to cook the meal before opening. The packaging design is a work in progress. Each package will contain 24 ounces of Organic Gourmet product. MT219 UNIT 5 DISCUSSION
  • 26. Respond to your Discussion topic after you have completed your Reading and Learning Activity. Consumer Buying Decisions Many businesses would like to get inside the minds of their customers to know what they are thinking. This can be accomplished through understanding the factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Follow these three steps to complete this Discussion topic: Step 1: Go to the Strategic Business Insights® (©2009-2014) website and take the VALS® Survey by copying and pasting this URL into your Web browser: This survey determines a person’s consumer preferences, attitudes, etc. To Receive an Accurate VALS Type: By design, the questions are for use by people whose first language is American English. If you are not a citizen of the United States or Canada, residency should be for enough time to know the culture and its idioms. If you do not meet these conditions, your VALS type will not be valid. Step 2: Choose a car manufacturing company from the list and visit the company’s website to conduct an information search and evaluate the alternatives of the complete product offering. Toyota Kia Motors Hyundai Mercedes Benz Volvo Alpha Romeo Ford General Motors Renault BMW Nissan Tata
  • 27. Step 3:Using research from Chapter 6 in your textbook, write your response to the following questions pertaining to consumer decision making: 1. Based on the information you gathered and alternatives available on the company website you explored, which vehicle offering seems to be the most relevant to your needs? Explain why? 2. Using the results of the VALS survey, describe the accuracy of results and relate them to your vehicle choice. 3. Select three (3) of the factors discussed in Chapter 6 (Exhibit 6.3) that affect consumer buying behavior and explain why they would impact your decision to buy the vehicle most relevant to your needs. To obtain full credit for this Assignment, you must answer the available topic as thoroughly as possible. Your answer should be thoughtful and composed using complete sentences. Please follow the Discussion guidelines as provided in your Syllabus. Be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates' posts. Your comments should be substantial and well-reasoned. Just agreeing with comments of another student does not fulfill this requirement.