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1. Acrostic: the teacher should divide the group in two and write in the whiteboard
two words for each group, and the students should write other words from the
initial or the final letter of the word written by the teacher. The group which does
the job will be the winner.
2. Wh Famous people
3. Stop: this game consist on writing in columns a, name of important person, city,
country, animal, fruit, color, and thing, and the teacher should give the students a
letter which should start the words in those columns. The team which finishes of
writing the words first, wins a point.
4. What´s missing: using flashcards, form two or three groups, then put on the floor a
series of cards, ask that group to close their eyes, after giving them some minutes
to see the cards, next take a card, and ask them to open the eyes, ask what’s
missing? If they correctly say, the groups wins a point
5. Memory game
6. Breakfast words: In two groups the teacher is going to write on the board the
Word breakfast, then each group will take a piece of paper and the students will
write as many words as they can that contain or begins with any letter of the word
breakfast. Egg: house (the s is in the word breakfast. The group who has the
biggest amount of words wins. MATERIALS: board, marker, two pieces of paper.
7. Alphabet rush
8. Bang bang: two students should be face to face in order to say a word started with
a letter given by the teacher. The student who say de word first can shoot gently
the other student who will be the loser player.
9. From 1 to 10: The teacher is going to ask to the students to count from one to ten
without taking turns just the first student who wants to start if two or more
students say the number at the same time they have to start again till they finish.
10. Doggy style: students get together in a circle then, ask them to kneel, the right
hand of each student will be between his/her partner’s hand. One of them clap on
the floor and the others have to follow the clapping in a sequential way, saying at
the same time the odd numbers, even numbers, or a vocabulary term.
11. Hit the card: the teacher sets several papers with drawings in the whiteboard with
a number beside. There must be two files of students and the teacher ask every
student in the front of the file a question about one of the drawings which will
have a number with a question also about general culture. The file with more
points will be the winner.
12. Broken phone: this game consist on, one student whispers a message to another,
which is passed through a line of students until the last player announces the
message to the entire group. Errors typically accumulate in the retellings, so the
statement announced by the last player differs significantly, and often amusingly,
from the one uttered by the first.”
13. The fallen one
14. Hangman: this game is a word to be guessed by the students and is represented by
a row of dashes, giving the number of letters, numbers and category. If the
guessing player suggests a letter or number which occurs in the word, the other
player writes it in all its correct positions. If the suggested letter or number does
not occur in the word, the other player draws one element of a hanged man or
other drawing. The game is over when: the guessing player completes the word,
or guesses the whole word correctly or when the other player completes the
15. Categories: In a circle the teacher is going to say to the students a category eg:
animals, then the students will say words to belong to the category animals, if one
students repeats or thinks more than five seconds on a word he / she has a
16. Tic tac toe: is a game with a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who
take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing
three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.
The following example game is won by the first player, X:
17. Hot potato: In the background, play some music. While the music is playing the
first student should ask the target question, for example, “Is this your ball?” and
at the same time pass the ball to the next person. The next person catches the
ball and answers “No it isn’t,” or whatever the answer to the target question is.
Repeat the procedure as students ask and throw, catch and answer until the
music stops. When the music stops the person holding the ball should answer
“Yes it is!” Then they are out of the game, but the game continues. The last
person in the game wins. (as materials we need a ball and some music in the
18. Basket fruit: This is a great game to review sets of words, such as colors, animals,
fruit, numbers, clothing, etc. Have the students sit in a circle. Assign each student a
word. Start with only two or three words, e.g. "apple", "banana" and "peach".
Then the teacher stands in the middle and calls out one of the words,
e.g. Banana! All the students with that word get up and run to exchange places in
the circle. At the same time, the teacher runs to take a seat, so that one student is
left standing. Then that student stands in the middle, calls out one of the words
and tries to take a seat as the other students run to change places. Once in a while,
the person in the middle calls out Fruit basket! Then everyone in the circle runs to
change places.
19. Crazy chair: The students will make a circle with the chairs, then the teacher is
going to ask a question, if the answer is yes all the students have to change the
chair, after the first round the teacher is going to take off a chair the student who
is standing up is out of the game, the last student sitting on a chair wins.
MATERIALS: paper with questions, chairs
20. Unscramble words
21. True – false game
22. Go go stop!: The students will make a circle, then the teacher is going to give them
a ball after that the students have to pass the ball between them; while the
students are passing the ball the teacher is repeating go, go, go, when the teacher
says stop the students who has the ball has to answer a question, if the student
can answer the question he/she can continue playing if not the student is out of
the game. MATERIALS: ball, paper with questions for the students
23. Last letter
24. Unscramble letters: The students will make two groups, then the students will
choose a representative for each group, the representatives will be in front of the
board with a marker, then the teacher is going to write a word on the board but
the word is disorganize, the two students in front of the board have to guess the
word and write it right, the first student who writes the word wins a point.
MATERIALS: board, markers, paper with scramble words.
25. Pyramid
26. Spider web: The students will stand up in a circle, then the teacher is going to give
them a skein of wool, one student will take the beginning of the wool and starts a
story by saying a sentence, then the first student will throw the skein of wool to
other student without leaving the tip of it, the second student has to repeat the
previous sentence and add another sentence to continue the story, and so on.
MATERIALS: skein of woolper
27. Personal tale: Each student will take a piece of paper and write a sentence starting
a story, when the teacher says the students have to change the paper with the
person on the right and continue writing a sentence with his/her story; (the story
does not need to be coherent with the first sentence on the paper) when the
papers come to the owner the students can share their stories. MATERIALS: pieces
of paper
28. Pictionary: The team chooses one person to begin drawing; this
position rotates with each word. The drawer chooses a card out of a deck of
special Pictionary cards and tries to draw pictures which suggest the word printed
on the card. The pictures cannot contain any numbers or letters, nor can the
drawer use verbal clues about the subject he/she is drawing. The teammates try to
guess the word the drawing is intended to represent. The winner group should be
the one with more points.
29. Spelling
30. Math race: The students will make two groups and they will choose a
representative of each, then the representatives have to stand up in front of the
board, after that the teacher is going to write on the board or shows a card with an
addition, subtraction or multiplication, then the students have to run to the board
and write the result in numbers and letters, the student who writes the right
answer wins a point. MATERIALS: cards with math operations, markers
31. Blind guy: the teacher should cover a student´s eyes in order to give to that
student an object which should be described by the student or has to try to
identify that object.
32. If you love me, smile!
33. Flashcard collection
34. Vocabulary race: The students will make two groups and choose a representative,
each representative has to give back to the board then the teacher is going to
show them a card with a picture, then the students have to run to the board and
write the right word for the picture, the first student who writes the word wins a
point. MATERIALS: cards with pictures, markers
35. Simon says: the students must obey the command said by the teacher. A
command without the beginning "Simon says" means do not do this action.
Anyone who breaks one of these two rules is eliminated from the remainder of the
game. Often, anyone who speaks is also eliminated. There can be very complex
and difficult command chains, such as "Simon says: Arms up. Simon says: Arms
down. Arms up." Anyone ending with their arms up is eliminated, because you
cannot obey a command that doesn't begin with "Simon says".
36. Word definition
37. Writing til stop: consist on writing in columns a, name of important person, city,
country, animal, fruit, color, and thing, and the teacher should give the students a
letter which should start the words in those columns. The team which finishes of
writing the words first, wins a point. This game is very similar to “Stop” and the
only difference is to write certain number of words until the student should stop
38. Alphabet coordination
39. Bottle game
40. Slumdog millionaire
41. Launching ball!: Through the Use of a Ball, (Ping Pon, Tennis, Baseball , any Hand
Size ball)- the teacher will start sending the ball to students randomly, Whenever
the teacher decides, can stop the ball, the student who remains with it, must
answer a question from the teacher ( Days of the week, Months, Seasons,
Adjectives, you chose the topics). The student, whom answers it wrong, must have
a penalty.
42. Oak game
43. Coded message
44. Hot balloon
45. Battle ship: The teacher is going to ask to the students to take a piece of paper and
draw a chart with nine squares, on the top A-B-C, on the left 1-2-3; then the
students will draw two ships on the chart, one should be on two squares and the
other on three squares, it can be down or across but not diagonal (be careful no
one should see where they draw the ships) after that the students will make pairs,
then if one student wants to shoot he/she has to answer a question, if the answer
is right he /she can shoot if not the other has the opportunity to do it. MATERIALS:
board, marker, pieces of paper (optional)
46. Flashcard rush: the teacher delivers the flashcards to the students in a rush
showing the picture or the word first, repeating with the students at loud the
name of the drawing or the word in the flashcard. Repeat as many times as
47. Yes/no Holydays
48. Bingo
49. Verb domino: Divide the cards between the players and the first student places a
card on the table. After that, the second student looks at his/her cards and tries to
place a matching card onto the first card, and, If s/he succeeds, it is the first child’s
turn to find a card to match those on the table from his/her cards. If s/he cannot
find it, the first student tries to find a matchingcard. The winner is the first child
to use all of his/her cards. (downloable pdfs of cards here
50. Twister
51. Playball
52. Strike question
53. Hot chair
54. Bowling Alley: Using, empty plastic bottles and a ball, create a scenario of a
bowling alley each student throws the ball in order to overthrow the bottles, if
one, two or more remain standing, the teacher will ask a question.
55. Back word: The teacher is going to ask to the students to make pairs, and then two
pairs have to pass to the board, one in front of the board the other behind, the
teacher is going to show word to the students who are behind the ones who are in
front of the board, then the students will write with their finger on the back of the
other student the word given by the teacher and the students who are in front of
the board have write the word according with what they feel on their backs, the
first student who write the right word wins a point. MATERIALS: flash cars or
words, marker, board.
56. Show and tell: a student or the teacher will bring or choose an item from home or
in the classroom and will explain to the class why they chose that particular item,
where they got it, and other relevant information.
57. Direction map: Part A- Teacher must have a map, teacher can request from any
student to give right directions to go from point A to point B.
Part B- On the bottom of the paper sheet, and using the Initial letters from the
previous locations, students must find the hidden word.
58. Matching
59. Tell – repeat
60. Mimic and action: the teacher should say quietly and privately to a student´s ear a
word; the student should make a mimic and action of that word if a student guess
that word will win a point. This game can be done in two groups also.
61. Find the color
62. Wink of the death: Line the students up against a wall, facing the wall. Tap a
student on the back who then becomes the murderer. Students walk around the
room, when the murderer winks at the other students they wait 5 seconds then
fall to the floor dead. At any point one player can accuse another by saying “I think
you are the murderer/killer”. If the accusation is wrong both players die.
63. I spy: A student finds something that is visible in the room and says “I spy with my
little eye, something beginning with…” The rest of the class must guess words
beginning with that letter to find the answer.
64. Alien visitor: Tell your class the scenario that you are an alien who has just arrived
on earth. You can speak a very basic level of English but you want to learn more to
teach other aliens back on your own planet. Ask them about an object in the room
or something in general. Start by saying “what’s this?” they will respond “it’s a
pen”. Then say “what’s a pen?” They have to explain the object by talking about
what you use it for, when and where to use it, where it is from etc.
65. Get together: Have students walking around the room. Randomly shout out a
number between 1 and 8. Students must quickly form groups of this number. Odd
students are eliminated
66. Hints: Conceal a card or piece of paper with a word written on it from the
students. Give them 3 hints as to what the word is i.e. 1. I am very big 2. I’m an
animal 3. I’m gray (word=elephant). Give them a minute to shout out guesses. The
student who guesses correctly first gets the point. Adapt the game according to
the level
67. BABY, DO YOU LOVE ME?: The teacher is going to write on the board the following:
- baby, do you love me? Baby, if you love me smile. – I love you baby but I can’t
smile, then the students will repeat the sentences, after that in pairs the students
are going to act out the short dialogue, if one of them smile has to look for other
classmate and make him/her smile. MATERIALS: board, marker
68. Parachute: Play a guessing game in teams. Draw a large parachute on the board
with some strings leading to a stick figure hanging from the parachute. Think of a
words students have learnt and draw a dash inside the parachute for each letter in
the word. Students from one team try to guess the word. For each incorrect guess,
erase one the parachute’s strings. Award points to the team when they guess the
word correctly. If all the parachute’s strings are erased before students guess the
word, then that team loses a point. To make it more interesting, draw a shark
emerging from the sea below the stick figure.

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Activities and games for warming up students

  • 1. LIST OF WARM UPS DONE BY GLOBALCOM´S TEACHERS 1. Acrostic: the teacher should divide the group in two and write in the whiteboard two words for each group, and the students should write other words from the initial or the final letter of the word written by the teacher. The group which does the job will be the winner. 2. Wh Famous people 3. Stop: this game consist on writing in columns a, name of important person, city, country, animal, fruit, color, and thing, and the teacher should give the students a letter which should start the words in those columns. The team which finishes of writing the words first, wins a point. 4. What´s missing: using flashcards, form two or three groups, then put on the floor a series of cards, ask that group to close their eyes, after giving them some minutes to see the cards, next take a card, and ask them to open the eyes, ask what’s missing? If they correctly say, the groups wins a point 5. Memory game 6. Breakfast words: In two groups the teacher is going to write on the board the Word breakfast, then each group will take a piece of paper and the students will write as many words as they can that contain or begins with any letter of the word breakfast. Egg: house (the s is in the word breakfast. The group who has the biggest amount of words wins. MATERIALS: board, marker, two pieces of paper. 7. Alphabet rush 8. Bang bang: two students should be face to face in order to say a word started with a letter given by the teacher. The student who say de word first can shoot gently the other student who will be the loser player. 9. From 1 to 10: The teacher is going to ask to the students to count from one to ten without taking turns just the first student who wants to start if two or more students say the number at the same time they have to start again till they finish. 10. Doggy style: students get together in a circle then, ask them to kneel, the right hand of each student will be between his/her partner’s hand. One of them clap on the floor and the others have to follow the clapping in a sequential way, saying at the same time the odd numbers, even numbers, or a vocabulary term. 11. Hit the card: the teacher sets several papers with drawings in the whiteboard with a number beside. There must be two files of students and the teacher ask every student in the front of the file a question about one of the drawings which will have a number with a question also about general culture. The file with more points will be the winner. 12. Broken phone: this game consist on, one student whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of students until the last player announces the
  • 2. message to the entire group. Errors typically accumulate in the retellings, so the statement announced by the last player differs significantly, and often amusingly, from the one uttered by the first.” 13. The fallen one 14. Hangman: this game is a word to be guessed by the students and is represented by a row of dashes, giving the number of letters, numbers and category. If the guessing player suggests a letter or number which occurs in the word, the other player writes it in all its correct positions. If the suggested letter or number does not occur in the word, the other player draws one element of a hanged man or other drawing. The game is over when: the guessing player completes the word, or guesses the whole word correctly or when the other player completes the drawing. 15. Categories: In a circle the teacher is going to say to the students a category eg: animals, then the students will say words to belong to the category animals, if one students repeats or thinks more than five seconds on a word he / she has a penalty. 16. Tic tac toe: is a game with a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game. The following example game is won by the first player, X: 17. Hot potato: In the background, play some music. While the music is playing the first student should ask the target question, for example, “Is this your ball?” and at the same time pass the ball to the next person. The next person catches the ball and answers “No it isn’t,” or whatever the answer to the target question is. Repeat the procedure as students ask and throw, catch and answer until the music stops. When the music stops the person holding the ball should answer “Yes it is!” Then they are out of the game, but the game continues. The last person in the game wins. (as materials we need a ball and some music in the backgraound) 18. Basket fruit: This is a great game to review sets of words, such as colors, animals, fruit, numbers, clothing, etc. Have the students sit in a circle. Assign each student a word. Start with only two or three words, e.g. "apple", "banana" and "peach". Then the teacher stands in the middle and calls out one of the words, e.g. Banana! All the students with that word get up and run to exchange places in the circle. At the same time, the teacher runs to take a seat, so that one student is
  • 3. left standing. Then that student stands in the middle, calls out one of the words and tries to take a seat as the other students run to change places. Once in a while, the person in the middle calls out Fruit basket! Then everyone in the circle runs to change places. 19. Crazy chair: The students will make a circle with the chairs, then the teacher is going to ask a question, if the answer is yes all the students have to change the chair, after the first round the teacher is going to take off a chair the student who is standing up is out of the game, the last student sitting on a chair wins. MATERIALS: paper with questions, chairs 20. Unscramble words 21. True – false game 22. Go go stop!: The students will make a circle, then the teacher is going to give them a ball after that the students have to pass the ball between them; while the students are passing the ball the teacher is repeating go, go, go, when the teacher says stop the students who has the ball has to answer a question, if the student can answer the question he/she can continue playing if not the student is out of the game. MATERIALS: ball, paper with questions for the students 23. Last letter 24. Unscramble letters: The students will make two groups, then the students will choose a representative for each group, the representatives will be in front of the board with a marker, then the teacher is going to write a word on the board but the word is disorganize, the two students in front of the board have to guess the word and write it right, the first student who writes the word wins a point. MATERIALS: board, markers, paper with scramble words. 25. Pyramid 26. Spider web: The students will stand up in a circle, then the teacher is going to give them a skein of wool, one student will take the beginning of the wool and starts a story by saying a sentence, then the first student will throw the skein of wool to other student without leaving the tip of it, the second student has to repeat the previous sentence and add another sentence to continue the story, and so on. MATERIALS: skein of woolper 27. Personal tale: Each student will take a piece of paper and write a sentence starting a story, when the teacher says the students have to change the paper with the person on the right and continue writing a sentence with his/her story; (the story does not need to be coherent with the first sentence on the paper) when the papers come to the owner the students can share their stories. MATERIALS: pieces of paper
  • 4. 28. Pictionary: The team chooses one person to begin drawing; this position rotates with each word. The drawer chooses a card out of a deck of special Pictionary cards and tries to draw pictures which suggest the word printed on the card. The pictures cannot contain any numbers or letters, nor can the drawer use verbal clues about the subject he/she is drawing. The teammates try to guess the word the drawing is intended to represent. The winner group should be the one with more points. 29. Spelling 30. Math race: The students will make two groups and they will choose a representative of each, then the representatives have to stand up in front of the board, after that the teacher is going to write on the board or shows a card with an addition, subtraction or multiplication, then the students have to run to the board and write the result in numbers and letters, the student who writes the right answer wins a point. MATERIALS: cards with math operations, markers 31. Blind guy: the teacher should cover a student´s eyes in order to give to that student an object which should be described by the student or has to try to identify that object. 32. If you love me, smile! 33. Flashcard collection 34. Vocabulary race: The students will make two groups and choose a representative, each representative has to give back to the board then the teacher is going to show them a card with a picture, then the students have to run to the board and write the right word for the picture, the first student who writes the word wins a point. MATERIALS: cards with pictures, markers 35. Simon says: the students must obey the command said by the teacher. A command without the beginning "Simon says" means do not do this action. Anyone who breaks one of these two rules is eliminated from the remainder of the game. Often, anyone who speaks is also eliminated. There can be very complex and difficult command chains, such as "Simon says: Arms up. Simon says: Arms down. Arms up." Anyone ending with their arms up is eliminated, because you cannot obey a command that doesn't begin with "Simon says". 36. Word definition 37. Writing til stop: consist on writing in columns a, name of important person, city, country, animal, fruit, color, and thing, and the teacher should give the students a letter which should start the words in those columns. The team which finishes of writing the words first, wins a point. This game is very similar to “Stop” and the only difference is to write certain number of words until the student should stop writing.
  • 5. 38. Alphabet coordination 39. Bottle game 40. Slumdog millionaire 41. Launching ball!: Through the Use of a Ball, (Ping Pon, Tennis, Baseball , any Hand Size ball)- the teacher will start sending the ball to students randomly, Whenever the teacher decides, can stop the ball, the student who remains with it, must answer a question from the teacher ( Days of the week, Months, Seasons, Adjectives, you chose the topics). The student, whom answers it wrong, must have a penalty. 42. Oak game 43. Coded message 44. Hot balloon 45. Battle ship: The teacher is going to ask to the students to take a piece of paper and draw a chart with nine squares, on the top A-B-C, on the left 1-2-3; then the students will draw two ships on the chart, one should be on two squares and the other on three squares, it can be down or across but not diagonal (be careful no one should see where they draw the ships) after that the students will make pairs, then if one student wants to shoot he/she has to answer a question, if the answer is right he /she can shoot if not the other has the opportunity to do it. MATERIALS: board, marker, pieces of paper (optional) 46. Flashcard rush: the teacher delivers the flashcards to the students in a rush showing the picture or the word first, repeating with the students at loud the name of the drawing or the word in the flashcard. Repeat as many times as possible. 47. Yes/no Holydays 48. Bingo 49. Verb domino: Divide the cards between the players and the first student places a card on the table. After that, the second student looks at his/her cards and tries to place a matching card onto the first card, and, If s/he succeeds, it is the first child’s turn to find a card to match those on the table from his/her cards. If s/he cannot find it, the first student tries to find a matchingcard. The winner is the first child to use all of his/her cards. (downloable pdfs of cards here 50. Twister 51. Playball 52. Strike question 53. Hot chair
  • 6. 54. Bowling Alley: Using, empty plastic bottles and a ball, create a scenario of a bowling alley each student throws the ball in order to overthrow the bottles, if one, two or more remain standing, the teacher will ask a question. 55. Back word: The teacher is going to ask to the students to make pairs, and then two pairs have to pass to the board, one in front of the board the other behind, the teacher is going to show word to the students who are behind the ones who are in front of the board, then the students will write with their finger on the back of the other student the word given by the teacher and the students who are in front of the board have write the word according with what they feel on their backs, the first student who write the right word wins a point. MATERIALS: flash cars or words, marker, board. 56. Show and tell: a student or the teacher will bring or choose an item from home or in the classroom and will explain to the class why they chose that particular item, where they got it, and other relevant information. 57. Direction map: Part A- Teacher must have a map, teacher can request from any student to give right directions to go from point A to point B. Part B- On the bottom of the paper sheet, and using the Initial letters from the previous locations, students must find the hidden word. 58. Matching 59. Tell – repeat 60. Mimic and action: the teacher should say quietly and privately to a student´s ear a word; the student should make a mimic and action of that word if a student guess that word will win a point. This game can be done in two groups also. 61. Find the color 62. Wink of the death: Line the students up against a wall, facing the wall. Tap a student on the back who then becomes the murderer. Students walk around the room, when the murderer winks at the other students they wait 5 seconds then fall to the floor dead. At any point one player can accuse another by saying “I think you are the murderer/killer”. If the accusation is wrong both players die. 63. I spy: A student finds something that is visible in the room and says “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…” The rest of the class must guess words beginning with that letter to find the answer. 64. Alien visitor: Tell your class the scenario that you are an alien who has just arrived on earth. You can speak a very basic level of English but you want to learn more to teach other aliens back on your own planet. Ask them about an object in the room or something in general. Start by saying “what’s this?” they will respond “it’s a pen”. Then say “what’s a pen?” They have to explain the object by talking about what you use it for, when and where to use it, where it is from etc.
  • 7. 65. Get together: Have students walking around the room. Randomly shout out a number between 1 and 8. Students must quickly form groups of this number. Odd students are eliminated 66. Hints: Conceal a card or piece of paper with a word written on it from the students. Give them 3 hints as to what the word is i.e. 1. I am very big 2. I’m an animal 3. I’m gray (word=elephant). Give them a minute to shout out guesses. The student who guesses correctly first gets the point. Adapt the game according to the level 67. BABY, DO YOU LOVE ME?: The teacher is going to write on the board the following: - baby, do you love me? Baby, if you love me smile. – I love you baby but I can’t smile, then the students will repeat the sentences, after that in pairs the students are going to act out the short dialogue, if one of them smile has to look for other classmate and make him/her smile. MATERIALS: board, marker 68. Parachute: Play a guessing game in teams. Draw a large parachute on the board with some strings leading to a stick figure hanging from the parachute. Think of a words students have learnt and draw a dash inside the parachute for each letter in the word. Students from one team try to guess the word. For each incorrect guess, erase one the parachute’s strings. Award points to the team when they guess the word correctly. If all the parachute’s strings are erased before students guess the word, then that team loses a point. To make it more interesting, draw a shark emerging from the sea below the stick figure.