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Issue 3

      acquire evaluate develop

      Confident Networking for
      Career Success

      Seeing the Smaller Picture

      Engaging Future Leaders

      The Growing Need for
      Background Screening
Market Update: UAE


                    Hello and          Recruitment specialists                 Relationship Managers are presently
                    welcome            NOT generalists                         in widespread demand by the
                    to the third       Throughout the downturn and now         banks, and the expected increase in
                    edition            in the midst of a period of strong      liquidity within the region is likely to
                    of AED             growth, our focussed approach,          trigger a fresh phase of Mergers and
                    (Acquire,          unparalleled access to a global pool    Acquisitions activity.
                    Evaluate,          of candidates and ability to draw
                    Develop),          upon Reed Specialist Recruitments       Business Services
which has rapidly established          international expertise have been       This broad group incorporates a
itself as an eagerly awaited           highly valued by candidates and         diverse array of different sub-sectors
source of interesting and              clients alike.                          which Reed’s specialist recruiters
helpful information about                                                      focus upon.
different aspects of resourcing        Big enough to cope, small
                                       enough to care                          HR and Marketing in particular
In addition to a carefully chosen      With the majority of the team based     have seen increased demand, with
mix of specially-commissioned,         out of Qatar and Dubai, Reed’s          Marketing Assistants proving to be a
topical articles, we have again        recruitment specialists have helped     popular hire.
included a selection of items          employers of all shapes and sizes
looking at trends and issues linked    throughout the GCC, and also within     Technical Services
to the recruitment market.             North Africa, adapt their resourcing    The Energy sector is currently one of
                                       strategies to suit the changing         the most dynamic within the overall
Historically, the Middle East          economic environment.                   Technical Services sector.
and North Africa (MENA) region
has been reliant upon a steady         Our specialist agency approach          Demand is high for people with
influx of suitably skilled foreign     now extends across three                specialist skills for the Energy sector.
workers. However, at the height        broad categories; Financial             This plight is accentuated by the local
of the global financial crisis this    Services, Business Services and         skills shortage, which has lead to a
pool of talent was in many cases       Technical Services.                     number of expats returning back to
dispersed as non-local employees                                               the GCC.
were made redundant.                   Financial Services
                                       Banking and Finance within the          A local nuclear energy sub-sector is
As the MENA region has emerged         region has stabilised, with the banks   beginning to emerge, triggered by
from the global recession, albeit at   beginning to resume lending.            an ambitious twenty year plan and
different paces depending upon                                                 recent developments such as the
which country, state and business      One of the impacts of the global        creation of the Masdar renewable
sector, the demand for suitably        financial crisis was to highlight       energy city and the adjacent Masdar
skilled and experienced candidates     to businesses the value that            Institute. As a result, we have seen
has noticeable increased as            good financial controllers and          an increase in demand for skilled
confidence returns along with          business analysts could bring           professionals with experience gained
a renewed appetite for hiring to       to an organisation.                     in this sector. Meanwhile, links with
secure competitive advantage.                                                  the Korean energy market also
                                                                               remain strong.
Market Update: UAE


There has also been a healthy             The KV assessment process is very           With over 50 years’ recruitment
demand for experienced new                rigorous and as the first international     experience and expertise, Reed
recruits, such as Quantity Surveyors      “Executive Search Firm” accepted            Specialist Recruitment has a role to
for instance, from the recovering         into KV, further bolsters our credibility   play in the economic resurgence of
Property & Construction sector.           within the region.                          the MENA economy. By continuing
                                                                                      to only recruit in service lines where
Satellite Offices                         The UAE team based in the                   we have experts with specialist sector
In September this year, Reed secured      Knowledge Village currently covers          knowledge, Reed will continue to
the first international Executive         both Dubai and Abu Dhabi - although         be able to source the best available
Search license within the Knowledge       our dedicated Abu Dhabi office will         talent for our clients and remain
Village free-zone in Dubai.               also be opening soon.                       an important resourcing business
                                                                                      partner for organisations of all sizes.
Dubai Knowledge Village (KV)              Expansion of HR
launched in 2003, and was founded         Consulting services                         With best wishes for a good close
as part of a long-term economic           To further help clients optimise their      to 2010 and to a successful start
strategy - focused on attracting new      resourcing throughout the region,           to 2011.
organisations who will help introduce     Reed Consulting, which works with
new people, new skills and develop        companies of all sizes is launching
talent in the region.                     a new suite of services to include:
                                          Competency Mapping, Goal Analysis
Reed’s acceptance by this well-           and Training.
                                                                                      Maria Brown –
respected organisation marks a
                                                                                      Associate Director
significant milestone for the business.

     Page 4       Confident Networking for Career Success

     Page 7       Seeing the Smaller Picture

     Page 9       Engaging Future Leaders

     Page 11 The Growing Need for Background Screening

     Page 13 Reed News: Local and Global
Confident Networking
for Career Success

A business network is a web               True self-confidence develops when       1. First, boost the inner confidence
of relationships with the                 you are repeatedly successful, while        – maintaining personality
potential to be mutually helpful          at the same time genuinely being            characteristics – the Cool
and mutually trusting. These              ‘yourself’. Your successes can be           Cat qualities – that confident
relationships can appear very             large or small and your style of            networkers share.
similar to social friendships,            operating can be highly conspicuous      2. Secondly, there are certain social
but there are some underlying             or not. It can also involve great           skills that confident networkers
differences because of their              numbers of people or just a very few.       use. We refer to these as Buzzy
potential to become commercial                                                        Bee skills.
in some form or other.                    There are some characteristics and       3. Finally, confident networkers have
                                          strengths that self-confident people        developed extensive knowledge
A misconception some people               share. Inwardly, they feel at ease          on how to strategically manage
have about networking is that it          with themselves, in spite of knowing        their networks and operate
is an underhand form of selling. It       they are not perfect. They know             efficiently. We call this Wise
isn’t. The best business and career       what they want and what they are            Owl know-how.
networks provide both formal and          capable of achieving, and believe
informal opportunities to develop         they will meet with success.             Cool Cat qualities
long-term social relationships                                                     The first, and perhaps most
between colleagues, clients and           You have probably noticed such           important of the Cool Cat qualities
competitors. They encourage the           people radiate positive energy.          is self-belief.
sharing of personal and work-related      They appear calm, in control
information, which will build trust and   and approachable, and they               Self-belief is at the heart of inner
facilitate the successful exchanges       communicate clearly and openly.          confidence and without it, our
of goods and services whenever            They also directly ask for what they     primitive urge to survive and thrive
such needs arise.                         want and will, unhesitatingly and        is weaker. If you network while
                                          effectively, both promote and defend     your self-belief is shaky, you could
They also function as insurance           themselves whenever they choose          be undermining the potential of
against a ‘rainy day’, when there         to do so.                                all your strengths, skills and
will be someone who can advise                                                     achievements by:
and help you meet unwelcome               Some confident networkers will have
challenges.                               been lucky enough to have acquired       n   Playing too safe – You will
                                          these characteristics naturally, but         probably either narrow your
Self-confidence                           others – such as the shy business            field of vision to people you
Whatever kind of business                 tycoon and self-promoter par                 already know, or, to avoid getting
networking you do, or intend to           excellence, Richard Branson – had            rejected, you might stick to talking
do, without question the more             to learn how to be socially confident.       to the small minority who are
self-confidence you have the more         Becoming confident enough to                 so nice that they wouldn’t even
successful you will be and the more       network well may be harder for               give a brush-off to a fly sitting
you will enjoy the experience.            some than others, but it is never            on their nose.
                                          impossible for anyone and we             n   Selling yourself short – You
                                          believe there are three areas of             may hold back on sharing
                                          strengths that can be worked on:             some of your strengths and
Confident Networking
for Career Success

    achievements, because you have                                                   Once you have identified your UAPs,
    lost faith in your ability to live up                                            you need to create an abundance
    to these past standards. Or, you                                                 of opportunities to display and share
    may do so because you fear you                                                   them. Confident networkers often
    will be judged as arrogant.                                                      seize fleeting opportunities that
n   Displaying poor social skills                                                    others may not ever even notice.
    of outer confidence, which
    are so crucial for interacting                                                   For instance, if you were standing
    with people and building                                                         in an airport queue and spotted
    good relationships.                                                              the man next to you was reading
n   Failing to ‘seize the moment’                                                    an article on a topic that was of
    – In a fast-paced world, we often                                                great interest to you, would you
    have only fleeting moments to           Unique Appeal Points                     politely try to initiate a conversation?
    make a connection. If you waste         To help you do this, we have             Let’s imagine you would, and that
    time sweating about whether or          developed the concept of Unique          during your five minutes of small talk
    not an interesting new lead or          Appeal Points (UAPs), which are a        it emerges that this man works for
    famous VIP will want to talk to         variation on the well-known acronym      a company that has just the kind
    you, almost certainly a Cooler          USPs and cover four key areas            of opportunities you are looking
    Cat will seize your opportunity.        of strengths:                            for. But then, unfortunately, you
                                                                                     also learn that he has a different
How to develop your self-belief             1. Innate aptitudes: these are           destination from you.
Unlike many of the other                       those enduring, personality-
components of self-confidence,                 defining qualities that usually       How well would you use the five
the vast majority of us once had               predetermine major areas of           minutes you have left of this lucky
strong self-belief. Certainly, new-            contribution in your career. For      break? Would your new contact
born babies don’t doubt their right            example, you need to be               board his plane, knowing about your
to be noticed, liked and have their            clear about whether you are           interest and also have an accurate
needs met. Unfortunately, once                 a natural extrovert, an introvert     impression of what you as an
past infancy, most people’s self-              or somewhere in between.              individual might be able to offer him?
belief takes a rocky path. It is            2. Developed character                   A good networker has to be able
knocked by failures, criticism,                strengths: these are the              to accurately convey their UAPs to
rejection and identity crises.                 strengths you’ve developed as a       a new contact in just one minute.
                                               result of your life experiences and   That may sound like a tall order, but
As a good networker, your main                 could be, for example, patience,      it is not impossible and only requires
focus should be on what others                 resourcefulness, consistency or,      preparation and practice.
might need from you, rather than               of course, self-confidence.
on what you want or need to sell.           3. Technical skills: these are your      Our final tip for self-belief is to
So you must display and highlight              learned competencies, which you       prepare a plan for recovering from
yourself in the way that is most               can legitimately claim as areas of    the inevitable knock-backs you will
likely to make you and what you                special expertise.                    get while you are networking. Accept
have to offer relevant and therefore        4. People skills: particularly those     that you are certain to encounter
appealing to the other person.                 which are critical to networking,     some rudeness and rejection, but
                                               such as responsiveness, insight       instead of panicking about this
                                               and co-operation.                     reality, note down the five steps of
Confident Networking
for Career Success

this emotional recovery plan and          n   immerse yourself in an activity       people, communication, the type
keep them at hand as a guide:                 that you enjoy and will guarantee     of event or networking in general.
                                              a satisfying result;
1. Calm your pulse                        n   ring a friend whom you know will      5. Make at least one resolution to:
You can achieve this by, for example:         love to hear from you;
                                          n   do a favour for a colleague, friend   n   script and rehearse an
n   retreating to somewhere                   or neighbour;                             assertive response to use
    private and doing some                n   make a donation of time or                at your next meeting;
    controlled breathing and                  money to a charity; or                n   write a letter of complaint;
    stretching exercises;                 n   look through your networking          n   apologise or make recompense;
n   visualising a peaceful place, or          contacts and find two people          n   enlist on a training course to
    the face of someone you love;             who might benefit from being              improve a skill; or
n   going for a quiet walk around             introduced to each other.             n   try an alternative
    the block; or                                                                       networking scenario.
n   listening to a calming CD             3. Analyse the facts
    or humming a peaceful                 Summarise what exactly happened           Confident networking is not as
    and rhythmic melody.                  using objective, third-person             difficult as it may first appear. You
                                          language, being careful not to use        just need to know what to do, when
2. Boost your self-esteem                 any superlatives, generalisations         to do it and have the courage to
You can do this by doing any              and exaggerations. Then, talk             test out the strategies and tips step
or all of the following:                  through your analysis with an             by step. Trust that one day it will
                                          empathetic and level-headed               suddenly ‘click into place’ and start
n   give (or plan to give) yourself a     colleague, boss or mentor.                to feel natural and so easy – just
    treat, such as a break and some                                                 like it does to those super-confident
    favourite food, or buy yourself a     4. Reflect on your learning               people you used to admire so much.
    small luxury;                         Note what the experience of
n   look at some reminders of             your knock-back has helped                Stuart Lindenfield
    past achievements;                    you learn about yourself, other           Head of Transition Services
                                                                                    Reed Consulting

    About the authors:
    Gael Lindenfield: Gael is widely      been translated into 33 languages         management, with a strong
    regarded as the UK’s leading          and sold more than 2.5 million            track record of helping individuals
    confidence and self-help expert.      copies, her most recent book,             enhance their careers and assisting
    She is a psychotherapist and          ‘101 Morale Boosters – Instant            organisations to successfully
    trainer specialising in confidence    comfort for difficult times’ was          manage transitions. From main
    building, assertive communication     published by Little Brown Book            board to frontline operatives, he
    and the management of feelings.       Group in February this year.              has supported staff at all levels
    A best-selling international author                                             both in the commercial and not-
    of 21 ground-breaking personal        Stuart Lindenfield: Stuart                for-profit sectors.
    development books, which have         is a leading expert on career
Seeing the Smaller Picture

The Importance of Making Informed Resourcing Decisions                                                                     7
Across the region and                       account of important local and          general awareness as to how levels
throughout most sectors, labour             industry variances.                     of pay compare. Industry norms
markets have undergone a                                                            can also have a significant effect,
major transformation – from                 Only with a thorough, up-to-date        particularly in the case of senior
being highly employer-focused               understanding of whether there          or specialist roles. Other important
during the GFC, when vacancies              are localised skills shortages or       factors, including the resourcing
were in short supply, to now                surpluses, and what dynamic local       activities of sector competitors
being more employee-centred                 labour market factors – such as a       and local employers, demographics
with companies having to work               major employer moving to the area       and the composition of the local
much harder to recruit and                  – are at play, can organisations        jobseekers talent pool – its
retain the best talent.                     put in place the most efficient and     depth and skills levels, should
                                            cost-effective resourcing strategies.   also be considered.
In these circumstances,
organisations need a thorough               Micro-economic factors may also         While many organisations are
understanding of relevant local             influence reward decisions. Offer       missing the opportunity to inform
and sector-specific data in order to        below the local market rate, and        their resourcing strategies in this
make the most effective resourcing          organisations will not only struggle    way, other, more enlightened
decisions. In particular, reviewing         to attract new recruits, but are also   businesses are using detailed
salary and benefit package trends           likely to have employee retention       research to their advantage.
by sector, profession, level and            issues. Offer above the geographic
locality are critical in ensuring           and sector market rate, and             For instance, a major power and
a competitive edge.                         organisations will be wasting           energy company wanted to develop
                                            money on excessively high wages.        more effective resource planning
All too often, organisations of all sizes                                           – including improved attraction,
impede the potential success of their       Good resourcing decisions               recruitment and retention strategies
resourcing activities by adopting a         need good local data                    – to help it staff its customer
broad-brush approach based solely           The full resourcing picture is much     service centres as cost-effectively
on macro-economic factors.                  more complicated and cannot be          as possible.
                                            understood simply by applying a
Making the right
resourcing decisions
At a macro-economic level, falling
unemployment and rising levels
of inflation suggest not only that
recruitment success will be impaired
by a shortage of candidates, but
also that pay increases may be
necessary for employee retention
and candidate attraction.

However, organisations that rely
on this broad information alone
risk encountering more acute
resourcing issues by failing to take
Seeing the Smaller Picture

Recognising that they first needed      based upon an understanding of             and the development of an effective
a detailed insight into the external    local candidate availability it is also    attraction campaign, to defining a
labour market conditions for            possible to identify the suitability       suitable reward package and the
each location, they used Reed’s         of potential attraction techniques         design and delivery of the right
specialist research team to provide     to support the filling of specific         assessment process.
information, analysis and insight       professional roles.
into what factors would have a likely                                              The same detailed understanding
impact upon the recruitment and         Resourcing best practice                   of local market data and pay rates
retention of customer service staff.    Organisations should ensure they           will help minimise the unwanted
                                        employ a best practice approach            attrition of valuable talent, while also
This enabled the company to then        to resourcing and make appropriate         protecting your organisation against
undertake workforce planning            use of all the tools and information       unnecessary pay rises.
across seven locations, with a          available to them. This approach
thorough understanding of the           will enable them to successfully           In all cases, what may appear to
specific, prevailing external labour    address two fundamental                    be internal management decisions
market factors, including suitable      resourcing concerns:                       should be informed by a full
salary levels based on what local                                                  understanding of external conditions.
competitors were offering. More         1. Filling key vacancies quickly,
widely, the analysis of reward             efficiently and cost-effectively        In a climate where an optimised
and engagement practice even               with the best people available.         cost base and maximum staff
informed decisions regarding the        2. Retaining the most valuable talent      performance are key, making truly
best ways to maximise customer             by rewarding staff as equitably         informed resourcing decisions
service standards.                         as possible.                            could mean the difference between
                                                                                   success and failure.
The scope and depth of labour           Having a detailed, research-informed
market data and analysis can            picture of who potential recruits are      David Hopkins
vary and can include salary             and what is necessary to attract           Head of Strategic Resource
benchmarking, local labour market       them is vital. It will inform all phases   Reed Consulting
conditions and potential candidate      of the recruitment process, from
attraction options. Additionally,       evaluating recruitment feasibility
Engaging Future Leaders

Why Generation Y are so Important to Achieving Competitive Advantage                                                       9

Generation Y (Gen Y) are under           employer to employer – sometimes         employers and between ambitious
30 years old, typically ambitious        after little more than a year – in       Gen Y individuals looking to secure
and frequently criticised for            order to gain as much experience         an attractive job opportunity.
having a ‘diva-like’ approach to         as they can, as quickly as they can.     Even with an improved economic
job hunting – expecting first jobs                                                outlook, many large organisations
to almost fall into their laps and       During the GFC, when really good         have cut back on how many
for the financial rewards on offer       job opportunities were rare, most        individuals they recruit, especially
to be high from the outset.              employees made a conscious               onto their graduate development /
                                         decision to stay put and ride out        trainee schemes. Add in the steady
While this is something of a             the economic storm. Not so for           increase in student numbers over
generalisation about people born         Gen Y, who continued to look             the past few years, and the result
after 1980, many do have a very          for and move to new roles with           is more Gen Ys than ever currently
different outlook and approach           employers in order to keep their         looking for work.
to work, and life in general, than       career on the fast track.
their parents’ generation. Business                                               However, in many sectors the
and personal communication has           Attracting and retaining                 recruitment market has already
changed immensely over the past          the best talent from Gen Y               begun to move quite dramatically
10 years, and Gen Y are so much          The world’s economy has improved         from being employer driven and
more familiar with the internet and      throughout 2010 and a level of           candidate rich during the GFC,
in particular online networking sites,   confidence has returned to the           to now being candidate poor
that the way they communicate with       jobs market. This has brought            and applicant driven. With talent
each other and interact with society     back a healthy level of liquidity in     attraction and retention both
is (rightly or wrongly) affecting and    recruitment, with more organisations     becoming more of a challenge,
changing the way we all work.            hiring and an even larger number         it is more important than ever for
                                         of talented Gen Ys actively looking to   employers to understand and cater
With this new age already upon           move on from their current jobs.         for what is important to job transient
us, the reality for many employers                                                Gen Y candidates, in order to build
is that for their organisations to be    Competition, though, is fierce,          the foundations for a successful
successful in the future, they need      both among talent-seeking                recruitment and retention strategy.
to attract, recruit and retain Gen Y.

The challenge, therefore, is clear:
employers need to get as full an
understanding as possible about
what makes Gen Y individuals
tick, so that they are able to
create suitable talent attraction,
development and retention
strategies that are relevant to this
key group, enabling them to create
sustainable competitive advantage.
For instance, one clear behavioural
trend amongst Gen Y is that
they are not afraid to move from
Engaging Future Leaders


The need to understand Gen Y            they all expect employers to offer        by recruiting and retaining top Gen Y
was clearly emphasised in a             a structured career path with a           talent is recognition.
recent survey conducted by Reed         firm emphasis on training and
among part-qualified accountants.       development, regardless of how long       An employer that has a reputation
                                        they intend to stay working for them.     for recognising and rewarding the
Results showed that:                                                              achievements of its employees
                                        n   31% of those polled wanted to         will stand a much better chance
n   52% of employees stated they            enrol onto professional courses.      of attracting and then keeping
    were unhappy with the benefits      n   28% wanted to take accredited         hold of Gen Y given this group’s
    packages offered by their firms.        courses.                              motivations and aspirations.
n   Almost one in seven said that       n   21% wanted to take in-house
    benefits would play a big               courses.                              In a Gen Y world that is made
    part in influencing their next      n   The remainder were seeking            up of ambitious, talented and
    job decision.                           one-to-one tuition or other forms     demanding individuals, employers
                                            of training, such as e-learning.      need to recognise that resourcing
In addition to this, the survey also                                              and retention strategies for these
polled employers. Results worryingly    In this example, continual professional   future leaders need to reflect their
showed that the answers given by        development seems to be as                unique make-up. With a very large
the Gen Y respondents completely        important as money and benefits,          proportion of hiring managers being
contradicted those of accountancy       making it possible for smaller            Gen Xs (and baby boomers) the
employers – 83% of which believed       employers to compete effectively with     successful companies of tomorrow
that their employees were happy         major firms for talent by picking their   will be those who can understand
with the benefits they received.        battlegrounds carefully.                  and embrace this new era of workers.

In addition to this stark difference,   Recognition – last but not least
the research also showed that           The final element in a comprehensive
Gen Y aren’t just motivated by          resourcing strategy to help secure
money and benefits packages,            and maintain competitive advantage
The Growing Need for
Background Screening


Fraud is a global phenomenon             dismissed. Application fraud is      Fraud prevention and
that is costing countries,               on the increase – up by 45%*         detection measures
businesses and individuals huge          – and can take many different        Irrespective of the size, nature
amounts of money each year.              forms, including:                    and sector in which an employer
                                                                              operates, to try and prevent
While the majority of staff working      n   Application fraud.               becoming a victim of fraud, it
for any organisation are hard-           n   Providing false or forged        should examine its recruitment
working, reliable and honest,                ID / qualifications.             processes as closely as the
the cost to and impact upon              n   Failure to declare criminal      applications it receives.
businesses caused by the very                records – the most commonly
small proportion of staff who act            identified offence.              There are a multitude of different
dishonestly and defraud their            n   Providing false or exaggerated   procedures that can be adopted in
employer can be huge.                        employment history.              order to try and prevent application
                                         n   Providing false or               fraud, including:
Candidate and employee fraud                 inappropriate references.
As well as making dishonest claims                                            n    Professional qualification
about qualifications, responsibilities   Despite candidate screening               and trade body membership
and achievements in previous             becoming more defined and                 checks – including levels and
roles, candidates also make false        sophisticated, there has been             dates of affiliation.
statements about the dates that          a marked increase in cases of        n    Educational establishment
they were previously employed –          successful employment application         checks – to verify attendance
either to make it appear that they       fraud. Fraudsters continue to work        and also what qualifications
have the required experience for a       hard to try and evade detection           they obtained.
position, or to disguise a period of     and employ ever more creative        n    Passport and working
time when they were out of work,         methods of deception.                     visa (where relevant)
or in a post from which they were                                                  authenticity checks.
                                                                              n    Credit and sanctions checks.
                                                                              n    Employment history verification
                                                                                   – written references should be
                                                                                   sought to confirm:
                                                                                   • that the applicant did work
                                                                                      there in the role(s) specified,
                                                                                      performed the tasks
                                                                                      detailed and was
                                                                                      an employee between
                                                                                      the dates given; and
                                                                                   • that there are no unexplained
                                                                                      gaps on a CV (it is very
                                                                                      common that applicants try
                                                                                      and hide certain periods of
                                                                                      their work history).

                                                                              *Research conducted by Reed UK, 2010
The Growing Need for
Background Screening


n   Authenticity of referee          n   Previous employer verification     Getting help from the experts
    checks – independently               checks – to validate that those    Reed Specialist Recruitment are
    contacting employers enables         organisations listed on an         industry experts when it comes
    a prospective employer               applicant’s CV are genuine.        to staff screening and recruitment
    to confirm the validity of       n   Criminal record checks.            procedures. Screening thousands
    a candidate’s previous                                                  of applicants each year, our
    employers. Simply relying        One final factor for employers         vast experience of checking
    on telephone numbers and         to be aware of when recruiting         applicants’ criminal record,
    email addresses provided         surrounds the existence and rise       credit and employment histories,
    by an applicant for their        of ‘career applicants’ – individuals   qualifications, health screening and
    previous employers is risky      who submit more than one CV,           identity validation gives employers
    because those contact details    using different names, in the          the assurances they need to make
    may take the recruiter to the    hope of bringing about a financial     the right hiring decisions.
    candidate’s accomplices,         claim against accusations such
    who have been deliberately       as discrimination.                     Keith Rosser
    lined up to provide false                                               Head of Compliance
    witness if they are approached                                          Reed Specialist Recruitment
    by a prospective employer.
Reed News: Local and Global


New Director of                      male workers being particularly         Mena:
International Operations             attached to their gadgets. More         Reed has secured the first
Reed Specialist Recruitment          than one in 10 men (11 percent)         international Executive Search
has appointed Russell Yeomans        said they couldn’t live without their   license within the Knowledge Village
as Director of International         Blackberry and more than a quarter      free-zone in Dubai.
Operations, to lead the company’s    said the same of their laptop.
global expansion.                                                            Dubai Knowledge Village (KV)
                            raises more           launched in 2003, and was founded
Yeomans is an industry veteran,      than US$250,000 for Pakistan            as part of their long-term economic
who has held senior recruitment      The Big Give (a Reed Charity) has       strategy - focused on attracting
positions in Australia, Asia and     raised more than US$250,000 by          new organisations who will help
Europe with the likes of Morgan &    doubling online donations to the        introduce new people, new skills
Banks and Hudson.                    Pakistan emergency appeals.             and develop talent in the region.
                                                                             Reed’s acceptance by this well-
50th anniversary report              Reed’s offer to match more than         respected organisation marks
Working nine to five is no longer    US$80,000 of online donations           a significant milestone for the
the way to make a living according   was fulfilled in under a week. When     business. The KV assessment
to a new report – ‘50 years at       combined with the other funders,        process is very rigorous and as
the forefront of recruitment’ –      this resulted in a total of 700         the first international “Executive
commissioned to mark the             individual donations being matched.     Search Firm” accepted into KV,
50th anniversary of Reed                                                     further bolsters our credibility within
Specialist Recruitment.              Participating charities included:       the region.
                                     Oxfam, Christian Aid, Disasters
The report canvassed the views of    Emergency Committee, ActionAid,         Asia Pac:
3,000 workers and revealed that      British Red Cross and Merlin.           We are delighted to announce
employees are embracing more                                                 the opening of our latest office in
flexible working patterns, with      Europe:                                 Korea. Headed up by the vastly
many burning the candle at both      Sinead Wallace, Country Manager         experienced local recruiter S.H.
ends and putting in over 10 hours    of Reed Specialist Recruitment          Kim, Reed Korea will concentrate
a day at the office. And for many,   – Ireland has reached the finals        on executive, professional mid-level
work doesn’t end in the office –     of the coveted Women Mean               recruitment, temp staffing, career /
most people complete 42 minutes’     Business Award 2010. The                outplacement consulting and cross-
‘homework’ every night because       awards, in their fourth year, are       border recruitment across
they “simply have too much work      designed to recognise, inspire and      all industries.
to get done in the working day.”     reward female entrepreneurs and
From typewriters and telephones      businesswomen alike. This year’s
in the 1960s to Blackberries and     theme was ‘Believe in Change’ and
PDAs in the noughties, the report    the WMBusinesswoman of the Year
also shows how technology has        Award 2010 was presented to the
acted as a catalyst for change in    woman who has contributed most
the workplace during the last 50     to the success of her company in
years. The internet and email are    the past 12 months.
now accepted as essential tools
of the trade in most jobs, with
C6 Tower Bainunah St
One Company, 30 Specialisms                                                 34 Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi
                                                                            P.O. Box 113100, Abu Dhabi

                                                                            + 971 2 406 9600
Reed Specialist Recruitment has experts that operate at all       
levels and across a wide range of specialisms including:

Accountancy                        Industrial
Actuarial                          Insurance
Banking                            Marketing & Creative
Banking Sales                      Mortgages
Community Care                     Nurse
Doctor                             PA & Secretarial
Education                          Property & Construction
Energy                             Purchasing
Engineering                        Retail
Finance                            Sales
Graduates                          Scientific
Health                             Social Care
Hospitality & Leisure              Technology
Human Resources                    Training Professionals

In addition, we have industry leading capabilities in:

Recruitment Process Outsourcing    Graduate Recruitment
Employment Screening               HR Consulting
Managed Services                   Strategic Research
Assessment, Development & Talent   Transitions & Outplacement


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Acquire, Evaluate, Develop Newsletter

  • 1. Issue 3 acquire evaluate develop acquire evaluate develop Confident Networking for Career Success Seeing the Smaller Picture Engaging Future Leaders The Growing Need for Background Screening UAE
  • 2. Market Update: UAE 2 Hello and Recruitment specialists Relationship Managers are presently welcome NOT generalists in widespread demand by the to the third Throughout the downturn and now banks, and the expected increase in edition in the midst of a period of strong liquidity within the region is likely to of AED growth, our focussed approach, trigger a fresh phase of Mergers and (Acquire, unparalleled access to a global pool Acquisitions activity. Evaluate, of candidates and ability to draw Develop), upon Reed Specialist Recruitments Business Services which has rapidly established international expertise have been This broad group incorporates a itself as an eagerly awaited highly valued by candidates and diverse array of different sub-sectors source of interesting and clients alike. which Reed’s specialist recruiters helpful information about focus upon. different aspects of resourcing Big enough to cope, small enough to care HR and Marketing in particular In addition to a carefully chosen With the majority of the team based have seen increased demand, with mix of specially-commissioned, out of Qatar and Dubai, Reed’s Marketing Assistants proving to be a topical articles, we have again recruitment specialists have helped popular hire. included a selection of items employers of all shapes and sizes looking at trends and issues linked throughout the GCC, and also within Technical Services to the recruitment market. North Africa, adapt their resourcing The Energy sector is currently one of strategies to suit the changing the most dynamic within the overall Historically, the Middle East economic environment. Technical Services sector. and North Africa (MENA) region has been reliant upon a steady Our specialist agency approach Demand is high for people with influx of suitably skilled foreign now extends across three specialist skills for the Energy sector. workers. However, at the height broad categories; Financial This plight is accentuated by the local of the global financial crisis this Services, Business Services and skills shortage, which has lead to a pool of talent was in many cases Technical Services. number of expats returning back to dispersed as non-local employees the GCC. were made redundant. Financial Services Banking and Finance within the A local nuclear energy sub-sector is As the MENA region has emerged region has stabilised, with the banks beginning to emerge, triggered by from the global recession, albeit at beginning to resume lending. an ambitious twenty year plan and different paces depending upon recent developments such as the which country, state and business One of the impacts of the global creation of the Masdar renewable sector, the demand for suitably financial crisis was to highlight energy city and the adjacent Masdar skilled and experienced candidates to businesses the value that Institute. As a result, we have seen has noticeable increased as good financial controllers and an increase in demand for skilled confidence returns along with business analysts could bring professionals with experience gained a renewed appetite for hiring to to an organisation. in this sector. Meanwhile, links with secure competitive advantage. the Korean energy market also remain strong.
  • 3. Market Update: UAE 3 Continued… There has also been a healthy The KV assessment process is very With over 50 years’ recruitment demand for experienced new rigorous and as the first international experience and expertise, Reed recruits, such as Quantity Surveyors “Executive Search Firm” accepted Specialist Recruitment has a role to for instance, from the recovering into KV, further bolsters our credibility play in the economic resurgence of Property & Construction sector. within the region. the MENA economy. By continuing to only recruit in service lines where Satellite Offices The UAE team based in the we have experts with specialist sector In September this year, Reed secured Knowledge Village currently covers knowledge, Reed will continue to the first international Executive both Dubai and Abu Dhabi - although be able to source the best available Search license within the Knowledge our dedicated Abu Dhabi office will talent for our clients and remain Village free-zone in Dubai. also be opening soon. an important resourcing business partner for organisations of all sizes. Dubai Knowledge Village (KV) Expansion of HR launched in 2003, and was founded Consulting services With best wishes for a good close as part of a long-term economic To further help clients optimise their to 2010 and to a successful start strategy - focused on attracting new resourcing throughout the region, to 2011. organisations who will help introduce Reed Consulting, which works with new people, new skills and develop companies of all sizes is launching talent in the region. a new suite of services to include: Competency Mapping, Goal Analysis Reed’s acceptance by this well- and Training. Maria Brown – respected organisation marks a Associate Director significant milestone for the business. Page 4 Confident Networking for Career Success Page 7 Seeing the Smaller Picture Page 9 Engaging Future Leaders Page 11 The Growing Need for Background Screening Page 13 Reed News: Local and Global
  • 4. Confident Networking for Career Success 4 A business network is a web True self-confidence develops when 1. First, boost the inner confidence of relationships with the you are repeatedly successful, while – maintaining personality potential to be mutually helpful at the same time genuinely being characteristics – the Cool and mutually trusting. These ‘yourself’. Your successes can be Cat qualities – that confident relationships can appear very large or small and your style of networkers share. similar to social friendships, operating can be highly conspicuous 2. Secondly, there are certain social but there are some underlying or not. It can also involve great skills that confident networkers differences because of their numbers of people or just a very few. use. We refer to these as Buzzy potential to become commercial Bee skills. in some form or other. There are some characteristics and 3. Finally, confident networkers have strengths that self-confident people developed extensive knowledge A misconception some people share. Inwardly, they feel at ease on how to strategically manage have about networking is that it with themselves, in spite of knowing their networks and operate is an underhand form of selling. It they are not perfect. They know efficiently. We call this Wise isn’t. The best business and career what they want and what they are Owl know-how. networks provide both formal and capable of achieving, and believe informal opportunities to develop they will meet with success. Cool Cat qualities long-term social relationships The first, and perhaps most between colleagues, clients and You have probably noticed such important of the Cool Cat qualities competitors. They encourage the people radiate positive energy. is self-belief. sharing of personal and work-related They appear calm, in control information, which will build trust and and approachable, and they Self-belief is at the heart of inner facilitate the successful exchanges communicate clearly and openly. confidence and without it, our of goods and services whenever They also directly ask for what they primitive urge to survive and thrive such needs arise. want and will, unhesitatingly and is weaker. If you network while effectively, both promote and defend your self-belief is shaky, you could They also function as insurance themselves whenever they choose be undermining the potential of against a ‘rainy day’, when there to do so. all your strengths, skills and will be someone who can advise achievements by: and help you meet unwelcome Some confident networkers will have challenges. been lucky enough to have acquired n Playing too safe – You will these characteristics naturally, but probably either narrow your Self-confidence others – such as the shy business field of vision to people you Whatever kind of business tycoon and self-promoter par already know, or, to avoid getting networking you do, or intend to excellence, Richard Branson – had rejected, you might stick to talking do, without question the more to learn how to be socially confident. to the small minority who are self-confidence you have the more Becoming confident enough to so nice that they wouldn’t even successful you will be and the more network well may be harder for give a brush-off to a fly sitting you will enjoy the experience. some than others, but it is never on their nose. impossible for anyone and we n Selling yourself short – You believe there are three areas of may hold back on sharing strengths that can be worked on: some of your strengths and
  • 5. Confident Networking for Career Success 5 Continued… achievements, because you have Once you have identified your UAPs, lost faith in your ability to live up you need to create an abundance to these past standards. Or, you of opportunities to display and share may do so because you fear you them. Confident networkers often will be judged as arrogant. seize fleeting opportunities that n Displaying poor social skills others may not ever even notice. of outer confidence, which are so crucial for interacting For instance, if you were standing with people and building in an airport queue and spotted good relationships. the man next to you was reading n Failing to ‘seize the moment’ an article on a topic that was of – In a fast-paced world, we often great interest to you, would you have only fleeting moments to Unique Appeal Points politely try to initiate a conversation? make a connection. If you waste To help you do this, we have Let’s imagine you would, and that time sweating about whether or developed the concept of Unique during your five minutes of small talk not an interesting new lead or Appeal Points (UAPs), which are a it emerges that this man works for famous VIP will want to talk to variation on the well-known acronym a company that has just the kind you, almost certainly a Cooler USPs and cover four key areas of opportunities you are looking Cat will seize your opportunity. of strengths: for. But then, unfortunately, you also learn that he has a different How to develop your self-belief 1. Innate aptitudes: these are destination from you. Unlike many of the other those enduring, personality- components of self-confidence, defining qualities that usually How well would you use the five the vast majority of us once had predetermine major areas of minutes you have left of this lucky strong self-belief. Certainly, new- contribution in your career. For break? Would your new contact born babies don’t doubt their right example, you need to be board his plane, knowing about your to be noticed, liked and have their clear about whether you are interest and also have an accurate needs met. Unfortunately, once a natural extrovert, an introvert impression of what you as an past infancy, most people’s self- or somewhere in between. individual might be able to offer him? belief takes a rocky path. It is 2. Developed character A good networker has to be able knocked by failures, criticism, strengths: these are the to accurately convey their UAPs to rejection and identity crises. strengths you’ve developed as a a new contact in just one minute. result of your life experiences and That may sound like a tall order, but As a good networker, your main could be, for example, patience, it is not impossible and only requires focus should be on what others resourcefulness, consistency or, preparation and practice. might need from you, rather than of course, self-confidence. on what you want or need to sell. 3. Technical skills: these are your Our final tip for self-belief is to So you must display and highlight learned competencies, which you prepare a plan for recovering from yourself in the way that is most can legitimately claim as areas of the inevitable knock-backs you will likely to make you and what you special expertise. get while you are networking. Accept have to offer relevant and therefore 4. People skills: particularly those that you are certain to encounter appealing to the other person. which are critical to networking, some rudeness and rejection, but such as responsiveness, insight instead of panicking about this and co-operation. reality, note down the five steps of
  • 6. Confident Networking for Career Success 6 Continued… this emotional recovery plan and n immerse yourself in an activity people, communication, the type keep them at hand as a guide: that you enjoy and will guarantee of event or networking in general. a satisfying result; 1. Calm your pulse n ring a friend whom you know will 5. Make at least one resolution to: You can achieve this by, for example: love to hear from you; n do a favour for a colleague, friend n script and rehearse an n retreating to somewhere or neighbour; assertive response to use private and doing some n make a donation of time or at your next meeting; controlled breathing and money to a charity; or n write a letter of complaint; stretching exercises; n look through your networking n apologise or make recompense; n visualising a peaceful place, or contacts and find two people n enlist on a training course to the face of someone you love; who might benefit from being improve a skill; or n going for a quiet walk around introduced to each other. n try an alternative the block; or networking scenario. n listening to a calming CD 3. Analyse the facts or humming a peaceful Summarise what exactly happened Confident networking is not as and rhythmic melody. using objective, third-person difficult as it may first appear. You language, being careful not to use just need to know what to do, when 2. Boost your self-esteem any superlatives, generalisations to do it and have the courage to You can do this by doing any and exaggerations. Then, talk test out the strategies and tips step or all of the following: through your analysis with an by step. Trust that one day it will empathetic and level-headed suddenly ‘click into place’ and start n give (or plan to give) yourself a colleague, boss or mentor. to feel natural and so easy – just treat, such as a break and some like it does to those super-confident favourite food, or buy yourself a 4. Reflect on your learning people you used to admire so much. small luxury; Note what the experience of n look at some reminders of your knock-back has helped Stuart Lindenfield past achievements; you learn about yourself, other Head of Transition Services Reed Consulting About the authors: Gael Lindenfield: Gael is widely been translated into 33 languages management, with a strong regarded as the UK’s leading and sold more than 2.5 million track record of helping individuals confidence and self-help expert. copies, her most recent book, enhance their careers and assisting She is a psychotherapist and ‘101 Morale Boosters – Instant organisations to successfully trainer specialising in confidence comfort for difficult times’ was manage transitions. From main building, assertive communication published by Little Brown Book board to frontline operatives, he and the management of feelings. Group in February this year. has supported staff at all levels A best-selling international author both in the commercial and not- of 21 ground-breaking personal Stuart Lindenfield: Stuart for-profit sectors. development books, which have is a leading expert on career
  • 7. Seeing the Smaller Picture The Importance of Making Informed Resourcing Decisions 7 Across the region and account of important local and general awareness as to how levels throughout most sectors, labour industry variances. of pay compare. Industry norms markets have undergone a can also have a significant effect, major transformation – from Only with a thorough, up-to-date particularly in the case of senior being highly employer-focused understanding of whether there or specialist roles. Other important during the GFC, when vacancies are localised skills shortages or factors, including the resourcing were in short supply, to now surpluses, and what dynamic local activities of sector competitors being more employee-centred labour market factors – such as a and local employers, demographics with companies having to work major employer moving to the area and the composition of the local much harder to recruit and – are at play, can organisations jobseekers talent pool – its retain the best talent. put in place the most efficient and depth and skills levels, should cost-effective resourcing strategies. also be considered. In these circumstances, organisations need a thorough Micro-economic factors may also While many organisations are understanding of relevant local influence reward decisions. Offer missing the opportunity to inform and sector-specific data in order to below the local market rate, and their resourcing strategies in this make the most effective resourcing organisations will not only struggle way, other, more enlightened decisions. In particular, reviewing to attract new recruits, but are also businesses are using detailed salary and benefit package trends likely to have employee retention research to their advantage. by sector, profession, level and issues. Offer above the geographic locality are critical in ensuring and sector market rate, and For instance, a major power and a competitive edge. organisations will be wasting energy company wanted to develop money on excessively high wages. more effective resource planning All too often, organisations of all sizes – including improved attraction, impede the potential success of their Good resourcing decisions recruitment and retention strategies resourcing activities by adopting a need good local data – to help it staff its customer broad-brush approach based solely The full resourcing picture is much service centres as cost-effectively on macro-economic factors. more complicated and cannot be as possible. understood simply by applying a Making the right resourcing decisions At a macro-economic level, falling unemployment and rising levels of inflation suggest not only that recruitment success will be impaired by a shortage of candidates, but also that pay increases may be necessary for employee retention and candidate attraction. However, organisations that rely on this broad information alone risk encountering more acute resourcing issues by failing to take
  • 8. Seeing the Smaller Picture 8 Continued… Recognising that they first needed based upon an understanding of and the development of an effective a detailed insight into the external local candidate availability it is also attraction campaign, to defining a labour market conditions for possible to identify the suitability suitable reward package and the each location, they used Reed’s of potential attraction techniques design and delivery of the right specialist research team to provide to support the filling of specific assessment process. information, analysis and insight professional roles. into what factors would have a likely The same detailed understanding impact upon the recruitment and Resourcing best practice of local market data and pay rates retention of customer service staff. Organisations should ensure they will help minimise the unwanted employ a best practice approach attrition of valuable talent, while also This enabled the company to then to resourcing and make appropriate protecting your organisation against undertake workforce planning use of all the tools and information unnecessary pay rises. across seven locations, with a available to them. This approach thorough understanding of the will enable them to successfully In all cases, what may appear to specific, prevailing external labour address two fundamental be internal management decisions market factors, including suitable resourcing concerns: should be informed by a full salary levels based on what local understanding of external conditions. competitors were offering. More 1. Filling key vacancies quickly, widely, the analysis of reward efficiently and cost-effectively In a climate where an optimised and engagement practice even with the best people available. cost base and maximum staff informed decisions regarding the 2. Retaining the most valuable talent performance are key, making truly best ways to maximise customer by rewarding staff as equitably informed resourcing decisions service standards. as possible. could mean the difference between success and failure. The scope and depth of labour Having a detailed, research-informed market data and analysis can picture of who potential recruits are David Hopkins vary and can include salary and what is necessary to attract Head of Strategic Resource benchmarking, local labour market them is vital. It will inform all phases Reed Consulting conditions and potential candidate of the recruitment process, from attraction options. Additionally, evaluating recruitment feasibility
  • 9. Engaging Future Leaders Why Generation Y are so Important to Achieving Competitive Advantage 9 Generation Y (Gen Y) are under employer to employer – sometimes employers and between ambitious 30 years old, typically ambitious after little more than a year – in Gen Y individuals looking to secure and frequently criticised for order to gain as much experience an attractive job opportunity. having a ‘diva-like’ approach to as they can, as quickly as they can. Even with an improved economic job hunting – expecting first jobs outlook, many large organisations to almost fall into their laps and During the GFC, when really good have cut back on how many for the financial rewards on offer job opportunities were rare, most individuals they recruit, especially to be high from the outset. employees made a conscious onto their graduate development / decision to stay put and ride out trainee schemes. Add in the steady While this is something of a the economic storm. Not so for increase in student numbers over generalisation about people born Gen Y, who continued to look the past few years, and the result after 1980, many do have a very for and move to new roles with is more Gen Ys than ever currently different outlook and approach employers in order to keep their looking for work. to work, and life in general, than career on the fast track. their parents’ generation. Business However, in many sectors the and personal communication has Attracting and retaining recruitment market has already changed immensely over the past the best talent from Gen Y begun to move quite dramatically 10 years, and Gen Y are so much The world’s economy has improved from being employer driven and more familiar with the internet and throughout 2010 and a level of candidate rich during the GFC, in particular online networking sites, confidence has returned to the to now being candidate poor that the way they communicate with jobs market. This has brought and applicant driven. With talent each other and interact with society back a healthy level of liquidity in attraction and retention both is (rightly or wrongly) affecting and recruitment, with more organisations becoming more of a challenge, changing the way we all work. hiring and an even larger number it is more important than ever for of talented Gen Ys actively looking to employers to understand and cater With this new age already upon move on from their current jobs. for what is important to job transient us, the reality for many employers Gen Y candidates, in order to build is that for their organisations to be Competition, though, is fierce, the foundations for a successful successful in the future, they need both among talent-seeking recruitment and retention strategy. to attract, recruit and retain Gen Y. The challenge, therefore, is clear: employers need to get as full an understanding as possible about what makes Gen Y individuals tick, so that they are able to create suitable talent attraction, development and retention strategies that are relevant to this key group, enabling them to create sustainable competitive advantage. For instance, one clear behavioural trend amongst Gen Y is that they are not afraid to move from
  • 10. Engaging Future Leaders 10 Continued… The need to understand Gen Y they all expect employers to offer by recruiting and retaining top Gen Y was clearly emphasised in a a structured career path with a talent is recognition. recent survey conducted by Reed firm emphasis on training and among part-qualified accountants. development, regardless of how long An employer that has a reputation they intend to stay working for them. for recognising and rewarding the Results showed that: achievements of its employees n 31% of those polled wanted to will stand a much better chance n 52% of employees stated they enrol onto professional courses. of attracting and then keeping were unhappy with the benefits n 28% wanted to take accredited hold of Gen Y given this group’s packages offered by their firms. courses. motivations and aspirations. n Almost one in seven said that n 21% wanted to take in-house benefits would play a big courses. In a Gen Y world that is made part in influencing their next n The remainder were seeking up of ambitious, talented and job decision. one-to-one tuition or other forms demanding individuals, employers of training, such as e-learning. need to recognise that resourcing In addition to this, the survey also and retention strategies for these polled employers. Results worryingly In this example, continual professional future leaders need to reflect their showed that the answers given by development seems to be as unique make-up. With a very large the Gen Y respondents completely important as money and benefits, proportion of hiring managers being contradicted those of accountancy making it possible for smaller Gen Xs (and baby boomers) the employers – 83% of which believed employers to compete effectively with successful companies of tomorrow that their employees were happy major firms for talent by picking their will be those who can understand with the benefits they received. battlegrounds carefully. and embrace this new era of workers. In addition to this stark difference, Recognition – last but not least the research also showed that The final element in a comprehensive Gen Y aren’t just motivated by resourcing strategy to help secure money and benefits packages, and maintain competitive advantage
  • 11. The Growing Need for Background Screening 11 Fraud is a global phenomenon dismissed. Application fraud is Fraud prevention and that is costing countries, on the increase – up by 45%* detection measures businesses and individuals huge – and can take many different Irrespective of the size, nature amounts of money each year. forms, including: and sector in which an employer operates, to try and prevent While the majority of staff working n Application fraud. becoming a victim of fraud, it for any organisation are hard- n Providing false or forged should examine its recruitment working, reliable and honest, ID / qualifications. processes as closely as the the cost to and impact upon n Failure to declare criminal applications it receives. businesses caused by the very records – the most commonly small proportion of staff who act identified offence. There are a multitude of different dishonestly and defraud their n Providing false or exaggerated procedures that can be adopted in employer can be huge. employment history. order to try and prevent application n Providing false or fraud, including: Candidate and employee fraud inappropriate references. As well as making dishonest claims n Professional qualification about qualifications, responsibilities Despite candidate screening and trade body membership and achievements in previous becoming more defined and checks – including levels and roles, candidates also make false sophisticated, there has been dates of affiliation. statements about the dates that a marked increase in cases of n Educational establishment they were previously employed – successful employment application checks – to verify attendance either to make it appear that they fraud. Fraudsters continue to work and also what qualifications have the required experience for a hard to try and evade detection they obtained. position, or to disguise a period of and employ ever more creative n Passport and working time when they were out of work, methods of deception. visa (where relevant) or in a post from which they were authenticity checks. n Credit and sanctions checks. n Employment history verification – written references should be sought to confirm: • that the applicant did work there in the role(s) specified, performed the tasks detailed and was an employee between the dates given; and • that there are no unexplained gaps on a CV (it is very common that applicants try and hide certain periods of their work history). *Research conducted by Reed UK, 2010
  • 12. The Growing Need for Background Screening 12 Continued… n Authenticity of referee n Previous employer verification Getting help from the experts checks – independently checks – to validate that those Reed Specialist Recruitment are contacting employers enables organisations listed on an industry experts when it comes a prospective employer applicant’s CV are genuine. to staff screening and recruitment to confirm the validity of n Criminal record checks. procedures. Screening thousands a candidate’s previous of applicants each year, our employers. Simply relying One final factor for employers vast experience of checking on telephone numbers and to be aware of when recruiting applicants’ criminal record, email addresses provided surrounds the existence and rise credit and employment histories, by an applicant for their of ‘career applicants’ – individuals qualifications, health screening and previous employers is risky who submit more than one CV, identity validation gives employers because those contact details using different names, in the the assurances they need to make may take the recruiter to the hope of bringing about a financial the right hiring decisions. candidate’s accomplices, claim against accusations such who have been deliberately as discrimination. Keith Rosser lined up to provide false Head of Compliance witness if they are approached Reed Specialist Recruitment by a prospective employer.
  • 13. Reed News: Local and Global 13 New Director of male workers being particularly Mena: International Operations attached to their gadgets. More Reed has secured the first Reed Specialist Recruitment than one in 10 men (11 percent) international Executive Search has appointed Russell Yeomans said they couldn’t live without their license within the Knowledge Village as Director of International Blackberry and more than a quarter free-zone in Dubai. Operations, to lead the company’s said the same of their laptop. global expansion. Dubai Knowledge Village (KV) raises more launched in 2003, and was founded Yeomans is an industry veteran, than US$250,000 for Pakistan as part of their long-term economic who has held senior recruitment The Big Give (a Reed Charity) has strategy - focused on attracting positions in Australia, Asia and raised more than US$250,000 by new organisations who will help Europe with the likes of Morgan & doubling online donations to the introduce new people, new skills Banks and Hudson. Pakistan emergency appeals. and develop talent in the region. Reed’s acceptance by this well- 50th anniversary report Reed’s offer to match more than respected organisation marks Working nine to five is no longer US$80,000 of online donations a significant milestone for the the way to make a living according was fulfilled in under a week. When business. The KV assessment to a new report – ‘50 years at combined with the other funders, process is very rigorous and as the forefront of recruitment’ – this resulted in a total of 700 the first international “Executive commissioned to mark the individual donations being matched. Search Firm” accepted into KV, 50th anniversary of Reed further bolsters our credibility within Specialist Recruitment. Participating charities included: the region. Oxfam, Christian Aid, Disasters The report canvassed the views of Emergency Committee, ActionAid, Asia Pac: 3,000 workers and revealed that British Red Cross and Merlin. We are delighted to announce employees are embracing more the opening of our latest office in flexible working patterns, with Europe: Korea. Headed up by the vastly many burning the candle at both Sinead Wallace, Country Manager experienced local recruiter S.H. ends and putting in over 10 hours of Reed Specialist Recruitment Kim, Reed Korea will concentrate a day at the office. And for many, – Ireland has reached the finals on executive, professional mid-level work doesn’t end in the office – of the coveted Women Mean recruitment, temp staffing, career / most people complete 42 minutes’ Business Award 2010. The outplacement consulting and cross- ‘homework’ every night because awards, in their fourth year, are border recruitment across they “simply have too much work designed to recognise, inspire and all industries. to get done in the working day.” reward female entrepreneurs and From typewriters and telephones businesswomen alike. This year’s in the 1960s to Blackberries and theme was ‘Believe in Change’ and PDAs in the noughties, the report the WMBusinesswoman of the Year also shows how technology has Award 2010 was presented to the acted as a catalyst for change in woman who has contributed most the workplace during the last 50 to the success of her company in years. The internet and email are the past 12 months. now accepted as essential tools of the trade in most jobs, with
  • 14. C6 Tower Bainunah St 13 One Company, 30 Specialisms 34 Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 113100, Abu Dhabi UAE + 971 2 406 9600 Reed Specialist Recruitment has experts that operate at all levels and across a wide range of specialisms including: Accountancy Industrial Actuarial Insurance Banking Marketing & Creative Banking Sales Mortgages Community Care Nurse Doctor PA & Secretarial Education Property & Construction Energy Purchasing Engineering Retail Finance Sales Graduates Scientific Health Social Care Hospitality & Leisure Technology Human Resources Training Professionals In addition, we have industry leading capabilities in: Recruitment Process Outsourcing Graduate Recruitment Employment Screening HR Consulting Managed Services Strategic Research Assessment, Development & Talent Transitions & Outplacement