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Start Making Sense
Defining Customer Experiences that Enable
High Performance
Accenture 2009 Global Consumer Satisfaction Report
Many experts believe that, while the global economy may have turned a corner,
recovery will be prolonged and sluggish. Changing consumer attitudes and
behavior will play a key role in setting the pace of recovery and generating
new opportunities for organic growth. This paper is one of a series of reports
on consumer behavior during the downturn and beyond, based on recent in-
depth Accenture research. In this paper, we highlight key findings from our
most recent consumer satisfaction survey—an annual program—and offer
recommendations for shaping customer service experiences that help capture
and retain valuable relationships.

Each year, Accenture surveys several           more influenced by online information           Some of the most successful practices
thousand consumers on their customer           obtained from other sources than by the         we have seen used by high-performance
service experiences. The key findings          provider’s own print and online advertising     businesses include:
from this year’s survey highlight several      or direct mail. These findings underscore
interesting dimensions of current              how consumers increasingly “control             • Enabling the most valuable customers to
consumer/provider relationships.               the conversation” in this time of digital       configure service experiences to their own
Companies eager to achieve or sustain          transformation, and the new challenges          specifications and preferences.
high performance—in the current                faced by marketers attempting to manage         • Facilitating repeat interactions between
economic phase and in the upturn to            corporate reputations and shape brand           customers and the same service agents, to
come—should strive to understand how           perceptions in the marketplace.                 build lasting and deeper relationships.
these issues are playing out in their own
customer base, and make sense of the           Given recent economic conditions, it is         • Providing highly satisfying “do-it-
implications for future growth and the         not surprising that in our global sample        yourself” service options for all customers.
impact on profitability.                       consumers who switch identified price as
                                               the most important factor when choosing         • Fostering tighter collaboration between
For example, our research indicates that       their replacement provider. It is surprising,   customers and agents and between agents
consumers are more demanding than              however, how much influence a reputation        and other front-line and back-office
ever and that many companies are not           for high-quality customer service has in        employees, to direct the full force of the
keeping pace, resulting in the highest         this decision. In fact, consumers in the        enterprise workforce toward delivering a
level of switching due to poor customer        emerging markets we surveyed identified         satisfying customer service experience.
experiences ever detected by this annual       customer service as the most important
                                                                                               • Enabling these practices through
survey (most notably for banks and             factor when choosing a new provider.
                                                                                               seamless integration of all service-channel
retailers). Moreover, across industries,
                                               The survey found other interesting              customers, and with robust business
consumers perceived little change in
                                               geographic variations. Consumers in             intelligence and analytics tools that
how hard providers worked to keep their
                                               emerging markets—an important growth            accurately predict customer preferences
                                               opportunity for many companies—are              and behavior.
No set of industry providers managed to        generally less satisfied than those in
                                                                                               By continually raising the bar for customer
deliver a very satisfying experience to more   mature markets with service quality.
                                                                                               service, customers across industries and
than half of their customers–hotels and        Their service expectations are increasing
                                                                                               countries are also intensifying performance
retailers came closest. Yet retailers also     more rapidly and consumers are more
                                                                                               challenges for companies everywhere.
experienced the highest level of switching,    likely to have recently switched providers
                                                                                               However, Accenture believes organizations
pointing out yet again that customer           because of poor service. Generational
                                                                                               that recognize they need not be all things
satisfaction scores are weak indicators of     differences also emerged. Younger
                                                                                               to all people and, consequently, deliver
loyalty and future business.                   consumers have higher expectations than
                                                                                               differentiated service experiences when
                                               those of older generations, and are more
At the same time, consumers also appear                                                        and where it matters most will be best
                                               likely to switch providers when their
less apt simply to exit a relationship                                                         positioned to outperform their competitors
                                               expectations are not met.
immediately when they experience poor                                                          and achieve high performance in the
service. Responses to this year’s survey       Accenture believes that these findings,         upturn.
indicate they are more willing to take         which are described in more detail in the
other actions—asking to speak to a             body of this report, show how imperative
supervisor, for example, or calling back to    it is that enterprises finally leave behind
reach a different representative. However,     the “one-size-fits-all” approach to
a very large majority tells others about       customers, and fully embrace a service
their bad experiences and a significant        model that provides differentiated service
number make negative comments online,          experiences based on the expectations and
demonstrating the damage unhappy               requirements of individual—and closely
customers can do even when they stay.          understood—customer segments and
                                               the current and potential value of those
Similarly, when evaluating alternative         segments.
providers to switch their business to,
consumers rely most on information
obtained through word of mouth and are

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 3
Key Findings
Accenture surveys consumers around the        In fact, five of the 12 countries sampled      now higher or much higher than they
world annually about specific aspects         rated the quality of service they received     were five years ago. Moreover, 59 percent
of the customer service experience,           from most companies above the global           of consumers in these countries maintain
including:                                    average: 3.62 on a 1 to 5 scale, an            their expectations are higher than they
                                              increase from 3.57 in 2008. Consumers in       were just 12 months ago.
• Their impressions of service quality        the United States were the most satisfied
• Their service expectations and how          with the quality of service received,          Expectation vs. Experience:
well providers are meeting them               with an average of 3.74 for 2008 and           The Performance Gap
                                              3.83 for 2009. In contrast, South African
                                                                                             As customer expectations increase,
• The aspects of service they value most      consumers were the least satisfied (3.22)
                                                                                             companies seem to be falling short,
                                              this year (they were not part of the
• How they react to poor service                                                             despite the improved perception of
                                              sample in 2008), and German consumers,
                                                                                             service quality. In fact, just two in five
In 2009, we surveyed 5,050 consumers in       who were the least satisfied in 2008,
                                                                                             global consumers said companies meet
12 countries. In this report, we highlight    were the second lowest for 2009 (3.36).
                                                                                             their expectations frequently or always.
our key findings and the implications                                                        Furthermore, the percentage of consumers
                                              Consumers in mature markets rated
of changing consumer attitudes and                                                           whose expectations were frequently or
                                              service quality significantly higher than
behaviors for business performance.                                                          always met has declined from 53 percent
                                              those in emerging markets (3.66 vs. 3.47).
                                              In fact, three of the four emerging-market     in 2007, to 45 percent in 2008, to just 40
Consumer                                      countries (Brazil, China and South Africa)     percent in 2009. Against the backdrop

Expectations Are                              were below the global average. The
                                              exception was India, which joined the
                                                                                             of ever-growing service expectations,
                                                                                             companies must be concerned about this
Higher than Ever                              United States, Canada, Australia and the       widening gap (see Figure 2).
                                              United Kingdom in rating service delivery
Are Companies Keeping                                                                        Underscoring this point, only five of
                                              above the global average.
                                                                                             the 12 countries surveyed rated the
Pace?                                                                                        frequency with which companies met
                                              France, in particular, has experienced an
On the whole, consumers around the            increase in customer satisfaction, with        their service expectations above the
world perceive the quality of customer        the proportion of respondents providing        global average. Consumers from India,
service to be good, although this             positive ratings steadily increasing from      Canada and the United States were
perception varies significantly by country.   just 39 percent in 2007, to 54 percent         among these, with more than 50 percent
However, a closer look suggests that          in 2008, to 60 percent in 2009. Brazil         indicating their expectations were
companies are failing to build close          improved as well, going from 44 percent        frequently or always met. In contrast,
ties to their customers. In fact, most        in 2007 to 53 percent in 2009.                 consumers in the emerging countries
consumers do not feel companies are                                                          of South Africa, Brazil and China were
satisfying their expectations for customer                                                   much less likely to say companies always
                                              Evolution of Consumer
service—particularly in emerging                                                             or frequently met their expectations (26
markets—and those expectations are                                                           percent to 28 percent).
increasing (see Figure 1).                    While respondents perceive service quality
                                              to be improving, their expectations seem
Current Perceptions of Service                to be rising faster. Generally, consumers
Quality                                       have much higher expectations today
                                              than they did five years ago. In fact, their
Globally, the majority of consumers we        expectations have increased significantly
surveyed described the quality of the         during just the past 12 months—
customer service they experienced as          particularly in emerging markets.
good. In fact, although perceived service
quality among respondents in China            More specifically, 75 percent of consumers
continues to decline (44 percent in 2007      from the emerging markets of South
to just 35 percent of survey respondents      Africa, India, China and Brazil reported
this year), in most other countries this      their customer service expectations are
perception has turned upward over

4 Start Making Sense
Figure 1: How have your customer service expectations changed over time?

Expectations are increasing, particularly in emerging markets

Compared to 12 months ago                                      Higher compared to 12 months ago

Emerging 10%      30%               44%            15%
Markets                                                                            54%
                                                                                              42%     41%
Mature 10%                                   25% 5%                                                            34%    31%       31%
                           60%                                                                                                           29%      29%    28%
             Much/slightly lower           The same
             Slightly higher               Much higher
                                                                China    India Singapore South        Brazil Germany Belgium France     United United Australia Canada
                                                                                         Africa                                        Kingdom States

Compared to 5 years ago                                        Higher compared to 5 years ago
                                                                89%      87%
Emerging 14% 11%           36%               39%
Markets                                                                                       59%     56%      55%    52%       52%     51%       50%
Mature                                                                                                                                                  42%      40%
           18%         31%             34%         17%

             Much/slightly lower           The same
             Slightly higher               Much higher
                                                                China    India Singapore France Germany South        Brazil    Belgium United Australia United   Canada
                                                                                                        Africa                        Kingdom           States

Figure 2: How often do companies meet your customer-service expectations?

Consumers’ in emerging markets are far less likely to                             Globally, consumers’ believe that their expectations are
feel their expectations are being met than consumers                              being met has declined over time.
in other regions.

                                                                                  2009    9%             50%                    38%          2%
Markets 2009 11%                    57%                  29%        4%

                                                                                  2008 8%              47%                     43%          2%

             8%                     48%                  41%        2%            2007 5%             42%                     49%           4%
Markets 2009

                                        Rarely/Never           Sometimes         Frequently         Always

All figures in this report showing year-on-year trends    Countries sampled in 2008: Australia, Brazil, Canada,
reflect the following sample compositions.                China, France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and
Countries sampled in 2009: Australia, Belgium, Brazil,    the United States (N= 4189).
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Singapore,         Countries sampled in 2007: Australia, Brazil, Canada,
South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States    China, France, the United Kingdom and the United
(N= 5050).                                                States (N= 2311).

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 5
What Do Consumers                              access customer service using multiple
                                               channels and to obtain service at
                                                                                            the list of issues consumers find most
                                                                                            frustrating—and also tend to encounter
Care About Most?                               convenient times.                            with some frequency.

And Are They Getting                           Expectations for Service
                                                                                            Globally, consumers are most frustrated
                                                                                            with being kept on hold for a long time
What They Want?                                Representatives
                                                                                            when contacting customer service and
While consumers have many expectations         Regarding the people who provide             by having to contact customer service
for customer service, they care most           customer service, the most important         multiple times for the same reason.
about how well-informed and personable         factors to customers are being served        Each of these experiences was cited
their customer service representative is,      by workers who are polite and friendly,      by more than 60 percent of consumers
how fast and efficient customer service        knowledgeable and well-informed,             as “extremely frustrating” (see Figure
is, how often they are referred to another     and who already know the customer’s          4). Furthermore, nearly half said they
service agent and how long it takes a          history (why he or she is calling, for       encounter such a situation “a lot.”
company to resolve their issue. Similarly,     example). Yet approximately one-third
while consumers demand more from               of consumers said they are dissatisfied      Indeed, we found that consumers
many aspects of customer service, they         with agents’ knowledge of their history      generally are impatient when it comes
are most likely to expect service to be        with the company, which compromises          to spending time getting service issues
more convenient and speedy, and to             the service experience.                      resolved. In fact, 60 percent or more
expect their customer service agents to                                                     of the global sample are unwilling to
be more knowledgeable.                                                                      spend more than 30 minutes to have
                                               How Expectations Have
                                                                                            their concerns addressed. Consumers
While companies are performing well            Changed over Time
                                                                                            in Brazil, Belgium and France are the
in some areas—in fact, satisfaction has        Consumers who expect more from their         most impatient, with more than 55
improved slightly between 2008 and             customer service experience are looking      percent only prepared to spend up to
2009—they still have ample room for            for four specific things: more convenient    15 minutes. Conversely, consumers in
improvement in all areas, including            customer service (74 percent), more          Canada, the United Kingdom, South
those areas consumers perceive to be           knowledgeable or better-trained              Africa and the United States are the
most important.                                representatives (67 percent), faster         most patient, with more than 30
                                               customer service (66 percent) and more       percent of consumers willing to take as
General Expectations for                       channel options for getting service (64      long as necessary to get their customer
Customer Service                               percent). In comparison, consumers are       service issues resolved.
                                               least likely to expect that the customer
Overall, the perceived importance of
                                               representative who serves them will          Beyond wait time, multiple customer
all dimensions of service remained
                                               know more about them. Despite the            handoffs are a major frustration, with
substantially the same between 2008 and
                                               economic downturn, being offered more        most consumers willing to speak to just
2009. In both years, when asked which
                                               options for handling their personal          two people to resolve their issue. Only
general aspects of customer service were
                                               finances is also less important, relative    one in four are willing to speak to as
most important to get right, respondents
                                               to other factors, for consumers in most      many people as necessary. This level
overall tended to identify issues associated
                                               countries—except South Africa, where 51      of tolerance is more pronounced in
with time: how fast customer service is,
                                               percent expect more of such options.         mature markets. In particular, Canada,
how long it takes a company to resolve
                                                                                            the United States, the United Kingdom,
their issue and convenient availability        Also on the topic of regional differences,   South Africa and Australia are the only
of service. Each of these was cited by         expectations are increasing more among       countries where about one in three
between 56 percent and 60 percent of           consumers in emerging markets across         consumers will speak to as many people
respondents as “extremely important.” In       nearly all aspects of the customer           as required. Less than one in six in the
comparison, access to environmentally          experience. (see Figure 3).                  remaining countries is willing to do
friendly options was the least important
                                                                                            the same. For instance, 71 percent of
customer service criteria, but still           Top Causes of Consumer                       consumers in France are unwilling to
relevant to a sizeable number of survey        Frustration                                  speak to more than one person.
                                               In addition to having high expectations
The single least satisfying aspect of          for many aspects of customer service,
service is the amount of time consumers        consumers are frustrated by a range
have to wait before they are attended          of service hassles. Lengthy hold
to (32 percent satisfied vs. 33 percent        times, dealing with multiple agents
dissatisfied, for an average rating            on the same issue, having to repeat
of 2.97). In contrast, consumers are           information, representatives without
most satisfied with their ability to           answers and rudeness are foremost on

6 Start Making Sense
Figure 3: How have your customer expectations increased (multiple mentions)?

     As a customer, I expect …
 Figure 4: How have your customer                         Higher compared to 12 months ago                                                   Higher compared to 5 years ago
 service expectations changed
     Easier/more convenient to obtain                                                                                                           75%
 compared toservice
     customer 12 months and five                                                                       75%
                                                                                                                                              73%                                        93%
 years ago?                                              China                                         68%
        Customer service representatives                                                               80%                                                                               89%
        to be more knowledgeable                                                                      67%                      61%                                                  85%
                                                         India                                        76%
                                                                                                                                            India                                   85%
        Faster customer service                                                           48%                                  61%                                                 48%
                                                         Brazil                           44%                                               Brazil
                                                                                                                                                 76%                               76%
                   Average:                                                               41%                                                                                      71%
 3.64   More options for obtaining3.44
           3.25           3.93     service                                          23%                                                                                      59%
                                                         Germany                    34%
                                                                                                                                62%    France                                48%
             5%                                                                                                                     67%                                      59%
 15%                                   17%                                          34%
        Specialized service39% being a
            25%             for                          France                     22%                                                     Germany                         23%
                                                                                    31% 36%                                                                                 34%
        good customer                                                                                    47%
                                                                                   27%                                                                                     27%
 44%                                                     UK                         31%
                                                                                   25%                                                      UK                             25%
        More options for handling                                                  29%
                                                                                 27%                                                                                       29%
        my personal finances                                                                    40%
                                                                                  23%                                                                                       23%
                                                         USA        19%           16%                                                       Australia                       16%
        Customer service representatives                                          29%                                                                                       29%
                                                                  17%                                              Global 2009
        to know more about me 60%                                         23%      31%                                                                                     31%
 30%                                                     Australia                                                 Mature Markets
                                                                                   22%                                             USA                                     22%
        Other                 30%               3%                                 28%                             Emerging Markets                                        28%
                                               1%                                21%                                                                                   21%
 10%        10%               14%     16%                Canada                  24%                                                        Canada                     24%
                                                                                 19%                                                                                   19%
Emerging Mature     Emerging Mature
      Base: Respondents who Marketsraised
Markets  Markets    Markets  have                  their expectations for customer service.
  12 Months Ago                5 Years Ago                                   2007                     2008                    2009

        Figure 4: How frustrating do you find the following aspects of customer service?

        Being on hold for a long time when contacting             1% 3%      12%              21%                                            63%
        customer service
        Having to contact customer service multiple               1% 3%      12%                22%                                          62%
        times for the same reason
        Having to repeat the same information to
                                                                  1%   4%     13%                22%                                          60%
        multiple customer service agents
        Dealing with customer service agents who
                                                                  2%   5%         15%              17%                                        62%
        are unfriendly or impolite

        Dealing with customer service agents                      1% 3%      13%                   25%                                         57%
        who cannot answer my questions
        Having to talk to multiple customer service agents
                                                                  1%   4%        15%                   26%                                         54%
        while trying to resolve a single question/issue
        Running into business policies that get in
                                                                  2%   5%         18%                        27%                                    49%
        the way of my goals
        Being sold other products or services when
                                                                  2%   5%          18%                      24%                                     50%
        I contact customer service

        Running into technology issues that get in the            2%    6%             20%                        28%                                    44%
        way of my goals
        Having to wait for a response after I’ve                  2%    6%              23%                             34%                                35%
        requested customer service
        Having to complete a lot of paperwork or                  3%        9%               27%                              28%                          33%
        electronic forms
        Not being able to understand information                  4%        11%                 27%                                 30%                        28%
        the company sends me

                                                                          Not frustrating at all             2          3             4            Extremely frustrating

        Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 7
Figure 5: When you seek customer service, how do you go about getting assistance? (multiple mentions)

Channel preferences by economic region                                      Channel preferences over time

Call for                                                         84%                                                                          84%
assistance                                                                 Call for
                                                                  87%                                                                         85%
Send an email                                                                                                                51%
                                                                           Send an email                                           63%
Search the                               44%
internet                                       52%
                                                                           Extract info from
                                                                           Company’s website                          42%
Go to the place                      41%                                                                              42%
of business                          42%
Company’s                            40%
                                                                           Go to the place
                                                                           of business                                      47%
website                                    49%                                                                        41%

                             15%                                           Engage in live              13%
Send a letter
                    6%                                                     online chat                  17%
                             15%                                                                                                          2008
Live online chat                                                                                       13%
                                   35%                                     Send a letter
                                                                                                          19%                             2009
                                                     Mature Markets                                    13%
Tap into blogs                                       Emerging Markets      Search the internet                          46%
                        9%                                                                                                           Not included in
                                                                           Text messaging         5%                                 2007 and 2008
                   3%                                                                                                                surveys
Text messaging                                                             Blogs or online
                     14%                                                   social networks        5%

Many consumers likewise are unwilling                satisfaction. Moreover, consumers            a smaller proportion of consumers
to follow up on a customer service                   around the world increasingly feel           globally reported having gone to
issue; only one in three will follow up              technology is significantly improving        a physical location when seeking
just once before giving up. Another                  the customer experience. At the              customer service, preferring to take
one in three will try two or three times,            same time, the digital transformation        advantage of more virtual or convenient
while the remaining third will actually              of the customer experience entails           ways to connect with the companies
keep following up until they get what                considerable risk: These channels also       they do business with, such as emailing
they need. Consumers in the United                   amplify the effect of poor customer          customer service, which has increased
Kingdom, Canada, the United States,                  service. In fact, one quarter of             significantly in popularity in China and
South Africa and Australia are the most              respondents have used these channels         France since 2008.
determined to resolve customer service               to relate their negative customer
issues no matter what it takes, while                experiences to others (see Figure 5).        Though emerging markets prefer
those in Singapore are the most inclined                                                          calling for assistance to sending an
to not follow up at all (although just 5                                                          email, they also are much more likely
                                                     Migration to Digital Channels
percent say this).                                                                                than mature-market consumers to
                                                     All countries sampled make the most          use new technologies for contacting
                                                     use of calling for assistance when           service providers—especially text
Digital                                              seeking customer service. However,           messaging and live online chats. In
Transformation                                       digital channels such as email, text
                                                     messaging and online chats are also
                                                                                                  fact, just 29 percent of emerging-
                                                                                                  market consumers, vs. 72 percent of
                                                     popular among consumers in emerging
Do You Know Where Your                               markets, and are being used with
                                                                                                  those in mature markets, indicated
                                                                                                  they have never used text messaging to
Customers Are?                                       growing frequency by consumers in            access customer service. Similarly, only
When they need assistance, consumers                 mature markets.                              22 percent of consumers in emerging
still are most likely to prefer talking to                                                        markets, compared with 48 percent in
a live agent over the phone. However,                Our research confirms online
                                                                                                  mature markets, said they have never
digital channels are gaining ground in               technologies indeed are gaining ground
                                                                                                  used live online chats for service.
terms of frequency of use and consumer               as service channels. In the past year,

8 Start Making Sense
Figure 6: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The increased use of technology
in customer service has improved the level of service significantly in the past five years”?

Globally, consumers are increasingly positive about the                       Consumers in emerging markets tend to be more positive about
impact of technology on the customer service experience.                      the impact of technology on the customer service experience.

Emerging                                                                      2009   14%        25%                 47%              14%
Markets 2009 5% 10%             54%                   32%

                                                                              2008    20%             27%              40%           13%

Markets 2009   17%        30%                45%              8%
                                                                              2007     22%            28%                 40%        10%

                                                   Strongly        Somewhat      Somewhat      Strongly
                                                   Disagree        Disagree      Agree         Agree

Despite having reported they receive           in the past five years. In contrast,               Australia (a 13-point drop), Germany (a
poorer overall service and that their          German, Australian and Canadian                    decline of nine points), and Brazil and the
expectations are met less often,               consumers are the least convinced there            United Kingdom (each of which registered
emerging-market consumers are much             has been an improvement with the                   a slide of eight points). These figures
more satisfied than their mature-market        increased use of technology. In fact, all          likely indicate not only that consumers
counterparts with online self-service;         of the mature-market countries scored              are becoming more comfortable using
and, telephone customer service is             under the global average with regard               technology tools to access customer
highly regarded in China and India.            to agreement that technology has                   service, but also that companies
However, on a global basis in-person           significantly improved customer service.           themselves are doing a better job
customer service at a place of business                                                           employing such tools to improve, rather
or a store is the general type of service      However, despite the mature vs. emerging           than hamper, the service experience.
with which consumers are most                  market split over whether the increased
satisfied. In comparison, automated            use of technology has improved levels
                                                                                                  How Digital Media Affect
telephone customer service receives the        of customer service, an overall global
lowest rating across all geographies.          increase in agreement is noted for 2009,
                                               suggesting technology is turning a corner          Of course, consumers spread the word
                                               in terms of becoming more of a help than           about their experiences with providers
The Impact of Technology on                                                                       to other people, and today they have
                                               a hindrance in consumers’ eyes. In fact,
Customer Satisfaction                                                                             more powerful and efficient tools for
                                               the global percentage of consumers who
Consumers in emerging markets are              agreed technology has improved service             doing so. Our research confirmed this
highly likely to agree that the use of         has increased by eight points from 2008            shift: Nearly nine in 10 consumers
technology in customer service has             to 2009, and by 11 points since 2007 (see          globally told the people around them
significantly improved the service             Figure 6).                                         about their bad experiences. Consumers
levels they experience. In fact, more                                                             in emerging markets, especially South
than 84 percent of emerging-market             This shift also can be seen in the                 Africa, China and Brazil, are the most
consumers in Brazil, India and China           substantial decreases during the past              inclined to speak to others about bad
and 71 percent in South Africa agree           three years in the percentage of those             experiences. Furthermore, one in six
that such an improvement has occurred          who strongly disagree that technology              consumers has complained to a larger
                                               has been beneficial, most notably in

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 9
Figure 7: In the past year, have you done one of the following after having a bad customer service experience?

                                                                                   98%     The vast majority of consumers share negative customer
South Africa                           31%                                                 service experiences with others, and many—particularly
                                                                                97%        consumers in emerging markets—use online channels to
China                                         44%                                          broadcast these experiences.
Singapore                             30%
                                                                             93%                                                                 89%
Australia                                                                                  Total
                                       33%                                                                                                      87%
                                                                          89%              Markets
United Kingdom                                                                                                 21%
                                                                         87%               Emerging                                                   96%
                            16%                                                            Markets                      40%
United States

   Told people around me about the experience (e.g., friends, family, coworkers)

   Posted negative comments about the experience online (e.g., blogs, Facebook)

audience via online sites such as
Facebook or blogs (see Figure 7).
                                                              When Service                                  year asked to speak to a supervisor when
                                                                                                            they experienced bad customer service
                                                              Falls Short                                   (41 percent vs. 43 percent) or ended the
Globally, one-quarter (25 percent)                                                                          interaction and tried to reach a different
of all consumers will go as far as                            Do Companies See                              agent (19 percent vs. 14 percent). In
posting negative comments about bad
                                                              the Full Impact?                              contrast, fewer customers simply quit
experiences online. This figure rises to two                                                                doing business with a company (16
in five (40 percent) in emerging markets                      A bad customer experience has
                                                              implications beyond negative word             percent vs. 23 percent).
as a whole. The countries with consumers
most inclined to do this are Brazil (49                       of mouth. When first experiencing             In fact, speaking to a supervisor was the
percent) and China (44 percent).                              poor service, consumers are most              most common response to bad service in
                                                              likely to ask to speak to a supervisor.       all countries this year. This is particularly
Another sign of the growing impact                            However, 16 percent told us they went         true in the mature markets we surveyed,
of digital media: consumers collecting                        so far as to stop business with the           where nearly half of our respondents
information about potential new                               offending provider immediately—in             reported taking this action compared
providers reported relying on corporate                       some countries, as many as 28 percent         with 37 percent of respondents in
websites more than any other source                           of the respondents took this drastic          emerging markets. However, there are
except people they know—and say they                          action. In fact, overall poor service         some notable differences among these
are more influenced by these sites than                       quality remains the number one force          mature markets: Among all countries
by any channel except people they                             “pushing” customers into the arms of          surveyed, consumers in the United States
know (see Figure 8).                                          waiting competitors.                          (58 percent) and Canada (56 percent)
                                                                                                            were most likely to ask to speak to a
                                                              Immediate Responses to                        supervisor; consumers in Germany (25
                                                              Poor Service                                  percent) and Belgium (22 percent) were
                                                              In 2009, consumers experiencing bad           least likely.
                                                              customer service were generally more
                                                                                                            While asking for a supervisor is most
                                                              tempered in their reactions compared
                                                                                                            common, other responses to bad
                                                              with previous years (see Figure 9). For
                                                                                                            service are evident around the globe:
                                                              example, slightly more consumers this
                                                                                                            Consumers in China, Singapore and
10 Start Making Sense
Figure 8: Information sources consumers use to evaluate new providers.

Information from people I know                                                           68%
Corporate website                                                     45%
Print advertising                                             32%
On-premise/in-store information                                     40%
Online advertising                                      25%
Paid advertising on TV or radio                              29%
Online information from                                              44%
other sources                                                31%
Direct mail or telemarketing                       21%

   What information sources respondents used (multiple mention)                         Arrows highlight
                                                                                        discrepancies of >20%,
   How important these surces were in their decision process                            between usage and
   (Important/Very Important)                                                           importance

Figure 9: When you have a bad customer service experience, which of the following are you most likely to do?

Responses to bad customer service experiences:
All customers                                                               By country

2009     9% 13%         16%          19%          43%                       United States      6% 6% 11%       19%                      58%

                                                                            Canada             6% 7% 14%        17%                     56%
2008     8% 15%              23%         14%      41%
                                                                            Australia          5%7%     19%          21%                 48%
2007     9% 8%         15%         19%           49%
                                                                            United Kingdom 8% 15%             13%     16%                48%

                                                                            South Africa       9% 15%         16%     14%                 47%
Emerging vs. mature markets
                                                                            India              9%      20%     9% 17%                     44%
Markets 2009 11% 16%               19%     18%         37%
                                                                            Singapore           15%     15%      15%        18%               37%
Markets 2009 9% 12% 15%                  20%       45%                      Brazil             8% 14%            28%          21%              28%

                                                                            France              14%    15%            27%         16%           28%
   End the encounter
                                                                            China                17%    15%          21%          19%           27%
   Send a formal complaint to the company

   Quit doing business with that company immediately                        Germany            12%      20%      11%          33%               25%

   End the encounter and contact back later                                 Belgium             15%     18%           20%          25%          22%
   Ask to speak to a supervisor

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 11
Belgium were the most likely simply to       level of switching due to poor service      Reasons Why Consumers Leave
end the contact when encountering a          occurred in the retail (31 percent) and     Providers
bad customer experience. Consumers           banking (27 percent) sectors.               According to our findings, respondents
in France and Brazil were the most                                                       who left providers during the 12 months
likely among all countries to stop doing     In comparison, the lowest level of
                                             switching occurred in the life insurance    prior to the survey were most likely to
business with a company immediately.                                                     have left due to the overall poor quality
And consumers in Germany, Belgium            (9 percent) and airline (8 percent)
                                             sectors. Even more encouraging is the       of the customer service they experienced
and India were the most likely to send a                                                 (62 percent). After customer service, the
formal complaint to a company.               fact that switching due to poor service
                                             declined for some industry sectors in a     most often cited reasons were finding
                                             number of countries.                        a lower price elsewhere (48 percent)
Defection Due to Poor Service                                                            service representatives who lacked the
Even when consumers do not switch            Consumers in emerging markets were          knowledge they expected (46 percent)
immediately, companies face significant      far more likely than those in mature        and finding a lack of customized
consequences from delivering unsatisfying    markets to have switched providers (87      solutions (38 percent).
customer experiences. In fact, according     percent vs. 64 percent). For example, 81
                                             percent of consumers in South Africa,       Mature markets appeared to be
to our findings, two in every three global
                                             85 percent in India, 88 percent in Brazil   more sensitive to the overall quality
consumers switched providers in at least
                                             and 93 percent in China left at least one   of the experience compared with
one industry in the past year because of
                                             provider in the past year because of poor   emerging markets, where consumers
poor customer service. This is the highest
                                             service. At the other end of the spectrum   were more focused on the availability
level of switching ever reported in our
                                             were consumers in the United States,        of customizable solutions or the
survey (see Figure 10).
                                             where only 56 percent of consumers          knowledge of the service representative.
More precisely, 69 percent of all            switched companies in the past year
consumers in 2009 switched providers at      because of poor service. Compared with      Reasons Why Consumers Choose
least once during the past year because      our 2008 survey, switching was relatively   New Providers
of poor customer service. This represents    constant in all countries except France     It is not surprising that when consumers
a two-point jump from 2008 and a             and Canada, where switching increased       do decide to leave a company, price
10-point leap from 2007. The highest         23 points and nine points, respectively.    and service are the two biggest

12 Start Making Sense
Figure 10: Percentage of consumers who switched any company in any industries
because of poor customer service over the past 12 months.
Switching over time
 All respondents:                                                           Emerging vs. Mature Markets

 Global 2009         31%                   69%                              Emerging       13%            87%
                                                                            Markets 2009

 Global 2008          33%                  67%
                                                                            Emerging       10%            90%
                                                                            Markets 2008

 Global 2007          41%                   59%                             Mature               36%            64%
                                                                            Markets 2009

                                                                            Mature               40%           60%
                     Did not switch              Switched                   Markets 2008

Switching over time

By Country

China 2009             7%                                      93%

China 2008             5%                                      95%

Brazil 2009             12%                                     88%

Brazil 2008             10%                                      90%

India 2009                 15%                                       85%

India 2008                 14%                                        86%

South Africa 2009*          19%                                        81%

Belgium 2009*                 23%                                      77%

Singapore 2009*               24%                                      76%

France 2009                    25%                                      75%

France 2008                          48%                                            52%

Australia 2009                   33%                                          67%

Australia 2008                   36%                                          64%

Germany 2009                     36%                                          64%

Germany 2008                     36%                                          64%

United Kingdom 2009              36%                                          64%
United Kingdom 2008              36%                                          64%

Canada 2009                       37%                                         63%

Canada 2008                          46%                                         54%
United States 2009                   44%                                         56%
United States 2008                   45%                                         55%

                                                                        Where increase or decrease         *   New countries sampled
                           Did not switch           Switched            of switching between 2008              in 2009. No trend data
                                                                        & 2009 is > 5%                         available

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 13
Figure 11: When choosing among competing products and services, how much does the country where the
product or service comes from matter to you?

For the most part, I prefer to give my business to                                                                                     74%
companies that are based in my own country                                                                                               76%

When choosing between products and services, I think                                                                                 71%
about this issue more than I used to, but I’m still more                                                                           69%
still more likely to decide based on other factors                                                                                         75%

I don’t care that much where a company is from, but I                                                                 58%
do care where the products I’m considering have been                                                               55%
manufactured                                                                                                                 65%

Which country produced a product or service that I’m                                                             52%
considering does not matter to me                                                                             48%

I like to try products and services from other countries                                                44%

                                                               Global 2009    Mature Markets   Emerging Markets

factors influencing their choice of a                (76 percent vs. 66 percent). This is               determined the consumers most likely
replacement provider. This does vary                 especially true among consumers in                 to switch were those who were least
somewhat by region: Customer service                 Australia (85 percent), the United States          satisfied with the following factors, in
was the most common differentiating                  (84 percent), France (81 percent) and              order:
factor in emerging markets when                      Canada (81 percent).
choosing a new service provider,                                                                        1. Convenient availability of customer
whereas consumers in mature markets                  In comparison, emerging markets seemed             service.
made these decisions based more on                   to care more about where the product               2. The amount of time they wait to be
price. Regardless, price has increased in            is manufactured: Two in three of these             served.
importance globally between 2008 and                 consumers (63 percent) indicated they
                                                                                                        3. How polite, friendly and
2009, no doubt because of the current                like to try products and services from
                                                                                                        knowledgeable customer service
economic conditions.                                 other countries, compared with only
                                                                                                        representatives are.
                                                     two in five customers (37 percent) in
Beyond service and price, another factor             mature markets. Consumers just about               High levels of frustration among these
also appears to have some influence                  everywhere, though, admitted they are              respondents also play a role. A similar
over the companies consumers choose                  thinking about these issues more than              regression to the one just described
to do business with: where the company               they used to (71 percent).                         showed that these respondents were
that provides the product or service                                                                    most often frustrated by (in order):
is located. Three in four consumers                  Factors Influencing Loyalty
globally said they prefer to give business                                                              1. Being on hold for too long.
                                                     Not surprisingly, consumers who switched
to companies based in their own                                                                         2. Having to repeat the same
                                                     providers in the past year because of
country (see Figure 11).                                                                                information to multiple customer
                                                     a poor customer experience were less
                                                     satisfied than consumers who stayed loyal          service agents.
This sentiment is, however, more
prevalent in mature than emerging                    across all dimensions of customer service.         3. Dealing with customer service
markets: Consumers in mature markets                                                                    representatives who are unfriendly or
                                                     What are the factors that discouraged              impolite.
are more inclined to give preference to
                                                     loyalty? A regression analysis of the
companies based in their own countries
                                                     respondents in our global sample
than those in emerging markets

14 Start Making Sense
Industry Variations
Consumer Perceptions by Industry Sector
Where consumer perceptions are                              During the past year, many providers                      level is retail, with 45 percent of
concerned, the Accenture 2009                               reported making customer satisfaction                     consumers responding to the survey
Customer Satisfaction Survey found                          and retention their top priorities, to                    indicating participation. In the other
leaders and laggards in customer service                    protect revenues during economic                          industries we examined, the number of
quality.                                                    recession. Their efforts appear to have                   respondents who participated in these
                                                            been lost on many consumers, according                    programs was far lower—between 9
Our respondents put hotels and retailers                    to our survey. While results vary by                      percent and 26 percent.
at the high end of the performance                          industry, most of our respondents
spectrum, and located life insurers,                        said they perceived no real changes in                    Nearly half of the consumers in mature
cable companies, utilities and phone                        customer service (see Figure 12).                         markets reported participating in
companies at the opposite end. Notably,                                                                               retailer loyalty programs, compared with
however, fewer than 50 percent of                           Formal programs to build customer                         only 34 percent of those in emerging
all consumers globally described                            loyalty may be having limited impact                      markets. In addition, mature-market
themselves as “very satisfied” with                         as well. Between 39 percent and 49                        consumers were much more likely than
customer service quality. Moreover, the                     percent of our respondents believe                        their emerging-market counterparts
percentage of very satisfied consumers                      loyalty programs are effective at                         to have taken advantage of loyalty
was less than 50 percent in every                           persuading them to continue doing                         programs in the other nine industries
provider category covered in this survey                    business with a company—particularly                      included in our study. Consumers in
(airlines; banks; hotels; Internet service                  hotels and retailers. However, less than                  Germany, Austria and France were the
providers; landline, wireless and mobile                    one in four respondents participated in                   least likely to be won over by such
phone companies; life insurers; retailers;                  any loyalty program in the past year. The                 programs.
and gas and electric power companies).                      industry with the highest participation

Figure 12: How consumers perceive customer service: The industry view

How satisfied are you overall with the level of                                       To what extent do you feel that companies in the following industries
customer service delivered to you by companies                                        have changed their customer service efforts in the past 12 months?
in the following industries?

Hotels                         4%              49%                    47%             Retailers                3%     8%         46%                   33%       11%

Retailers                      6%              51%                     43%            Banks                    5%      9%          45%                 30%       11%

Internet service                                                                      Internet service
                               13%                 48%                  40%                                    4%      9%           49%                28%       10%
providers                                                                             providers
Wireless/cell phone            12%                 49%                   39%
                                                                                      Wireless/cell phone      5%      8%           52%                 26%         9%
companies                                                                             companies

Banks                          14%                 49%                    38%         Hotels                   3%     5%             60%                 25%          8%

                                                                                      Cable/satellite television 4%
Airlines                       11%                 52%                   37%                                           8%            56%                  24%         8%
                                                                                      service providers
Home telephone                                                                        Home telephone
                               15%                  51%                   34%                                  5%      9%             55%                 23%         7%
service providers                                                                     service providers

Utility companies              14%                   52%                  34%         Airlines                 5%      7%             58%                 22%         9%

Cable/satellite television                                                            Utility companies        6%       11%                60%                18% 6%
                           14%                       53%                  33%
service providers

Life insurance providers 13%                         54%                 32%          Life insurance providers 4%      7%                 70%                 14% 5%

   Not satisfied at all (1 to 3)     Satisfied (4 to 7)    Very satisfied (8 to 10)      Doing much less to keep my business    Doing slightly less     No change

                                                                                         Doing slightly more                    Doing much more to keep my business

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 15
Age Matters
Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors by Age Group
 Upholding the conventional wisdom, our              expectations regarding the knowledge                   consumers were also more prepared to
 survey found that younger consumers                 and training of service representatives                follow up as often as it takes to resolve
 had higher service expectations, were               and were less enthusiastic about the                   their issue.
 less tolerant of bad service, preferred             role of technology in customer service—
 technology tools that help them                     although they were generally more                      Not surprisingly, given their impatient
 streamline the service experience                   satisfied with service quality overall. For            nature, younger generations appeared to
 and were much more likely to switch                 their part, younger generations were                   be more inclined to switch providers as
 providers when their service expectations           more satisfied with service provided by                a result of bad service. Indeed, three in
 were not met.                                       more innovative methods such as online                 four Generation X and Y members have
                                                     chat or self-service websites.                         switched because of poor service in the
 The expectations younger consumers                                                                         past year—compared with 64 percent of
 have for customer service have also                 Younger consumers also appeared                        Baby Boomers and 52 percent of Seniors.
 been increasing at a much steeper                   to be less patient about waiting for
 rate compared with older generations.               customer service issues to be resolved.                When choosing new providers, younger
 Younger buyers were also less likely                They reported being unwilling to wait                  consumers said they focus on a larger
 to believe providers meet their                     more than 15 minutes for a resolution,                 number of considerations than other
 expectations. In particular, younger                whereas one in three older consumers                   generational groups did, including
 generations had significantly greater               said they were prepared to wait “as                    price, customer service, convenience
 expectations of speed and multi-                    long as it takes.” Similarly, two in three             and promotions. They were more open
 channel options for obtaining service.              younger consumers were willing to                      than older consumers to trying products
 They were also more positive about                  speak only to one or two service agents,               and services from other countries, and
 the impact of technology on customer                whereas older consumers were more                      said they use a wider range of sources
 service improvement. In contrast, Baby              willing to speak to as many people                     to collect information about potential
 Boomers and Seniors had much higher                 as necessary (see Figure 13). Older                    providers.

Figure13: Resolving customer service issues: Generational differences

Typically, the amount of time I’m willing to spend                              Typically, the number of people I’m willing to talk
on getting my customer service issue solved.                                    to while trying to resolve my customer service issue.

Global 2009            36%              27%          10% 3%           25%       Global 2009        28%                      39%              6%         24%        3%

Seniors                35%            24%         9% 2%              31%        Seniors         15%                  44%               5%            33%           3%

Baby Boomers           34%            24%        9% 3%               31%        Baby Boomers     24%                     37%            6%              31%        2%

Gen X                  38%               27%           9% 3%           23%      Gen X              30%                      39%                7%         21%      3%

Gen Y                  37%               31%              11%     3% 18%        Gen Y                 32%                   38%                7%        18%       5%

                Up to 15 minutes    Up to 30 minutes            Up to an hour                  1 person       2 people      3 people         As many people as necessary

                Several hours       As long as it takes                                        Prefer not to talk to anyone if there are alternatives

16 Start Making Sense
These findings highlight the critical       Putting Customers in Charge               Demonstrating State-of-the-Art
role that customer service experiences      One way an enterprise can meet the        in “Do-It-Yourself”
play in retaining customers, and even in    service expectations of a diverse         Over the past decade, customers have
attracting new ones. They also highlight    customer base is to enable customers      grown not to simply accept self-service
how increasingly difficult is it for        to configure their own experience.        but to expect and even prefer it. For
companies to keep pace with rising and      As consumers’ needs and behaviors         instance, many air travelers now prefer
changing expectations and satisfy the       continue to diverge and fragment,         to check in and print their boarding
widely varying expectations, needs and      enabling them to have more influence      passes from their home computers or
attitudes of customers, not only from       or even control over how they interact    airport kiosks rather than waiting for
country to country but also from age        with a company can go far toward          personal service from a counter agent.
group to age group.                         building close, lasting relationships     As consumers’ familiarity with self-
Marketing-savvy companies have long         across the generational and geographic    service channels increases so will their
understood that different customers         spectrum. For instance, a company         expectations for speed, convenience and
desire different things and value them      may decide to enable its highest-value    personalization. At minimum, companies
differently. Yet while this knowledge has   customers to choose for themselves        must keep pace with these expectations
informed their marketing strategies, it     which channels they will use to           and, at best, offer highly differentiated
has had less influence on later stages      obtain service, which service agents      experiences that will be difficult for
of the customer lifecycle. In this time     they want to interact with and which      competitors to match or best.
of heightened cost pressure, rapidly        service options they expect to be
changing market dynamics and consumer       offered. The company might enable         Making Collaboration a Focus of
values, companies can no longer afford      customers in other tiers to choose from   Innovation
a “one-size-fits-all” model for customer    predefined “service bundles” or direct
                                                                                      Many companies will find that fostering
service. They must shift toward a more      their transactions toward lower-cost
                                                                                      more collaboration—with external
customer-centric model—creating and         channels.
                                                                                      customers, between employees, across
delivering value-based, differentiated                                                value-chain partners—a more and
service experiences that result in          Letting Familiarity Breed Loyalty         more powerful tool for differentiating
predictable buying behavior and loyalty.    Customers tend to prefer businesses       service. Emerging collaboration
                                            that make them feel welcome—              technologies have the potential to
Differentiated service experiences not
                                            something difficult for large             improve the speed and quality of service
only help to make service more relevant
                                            enterprises to do in ways that feel       interactions dramatically. Picture, for
and attractive to customers, but they
                                            authentic. One way to foster this         example, a field technician who can
also help companies to more effectively
                                            feeling is to enable customers to build   transmit a video image of a customer’s
marshal limited service resources. In
                                            personal relationships with specific      broken device to the home office,
other words, companies need not try to
                                            service personnel, through repeated       where product experts diagnose the
be all things to all people, but should
                                            interactions over time. For instance,     problem quickly and relay precise repair
rather strive to make smart decisions
                                            when a customer expresses satisfaction    instructions. Or, imagine a call-center
about what makes the most sense
                                            with the technician who installed his     agent and an end-user having a three-
for themselves and their customers.
                                            home theater system, the company          way phone conference with a product
This involves satisfying as much as
                                            should send the same technician the       engineer about how best to configure
possible the expectations of customers
                                            next time the customer needs service.     the customer’s home-computing system.
who matter most while setting the
                                            Companies may even enable customers       Such examples illustrate in real terms
appropriate service expectations for
                                            to contact preferred agents directly      how companies can turn the old adage
lower-value customers immediately at
                                            through email or Short Message Service    that customer satisfaction is everyone’s
the time of purchase to dramatically
                                            when they need help or information.       job from a business principle into real
help reduce the incidences of
                                            Customers who feel strong connections     business practice.
                                            to service agents may perceive the cost
                                            of switching to be simply too high to     All these practices depend on
Some of the most successful practices
                                            defect to other providers.                maintaining seamless integration across
we have seen used by high-performance
                                                                                      all the channels customers use to
businesses include the following.
                                                                                      obtain service. They also require robust
                                                                                      business intelligence and analytics
                                                                                      tools that enable companies to gather

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 17
and analyze a broader range of data—         practices, and the rapid emergence of        needs and preferences of the most
including customer actions, preferences      digital media and social networking, to      valuable and profitable customers and
and product-usage information.               name only a few.                             prospects, while providing customer
These capabilities make it possible to                                                    service experiences appropriate to less-
understand the customers’ true value to      The hurdles for maintaining high             engaged or less-profitable segments.
the company, predict customer behavior       performance—so closely tied to               The result may be a better return on
more accurately and identify innovative      customer acquisition and retention—look      customer service investments—in terms
ways to engage customers in future           especially steep for companies seeking       of customer loyalty, preference and
interactions.                                to gain or grow their presence in            advocacy—and high performance over
                                             emerging markets. Consumers in these         the long term. In the digital era, when
The findings from the Accenture 2009         locales demonstrated lower satisfaction      any service misstep can quickly become
Customer Satisfaction survey indicate        levels, more rapidly increasing service      a public relations nightmare, achieving
many businesses across many industries       expectations and a greater likelihood to     the right alignment between service and
continue to fall short of consumers’         switch providers. If those companies also    segment is not simple but is possible
heightened expectations and to suffer        cater to the coveted younger segments        through the combined power of data,
from consumers’ increased willingness        of society, the challenges continue to       analytics, workforce talent, operational
to leave providers that fail to meet these   mount: Younger customers have higher         design and performance management.
expectations.                                expectations than older ones; those
                                             expectations are rising at a faster pace;
Besides responding to the steady erosion     and the younger set is more likely to
of customer loyalty, companies must also
deal with the fallout from significant
                                             walk away when dissatisfied.
                                                                                          Share it:
economic, cultural and technological         Faced with so many and such varied
changes, such as consumer’s renewed          challenges, aiming to be all things to all         Facebook
sense of thrift, the imperative to adopt     customers is unlikely to be a winning
more sustainable                             strategy. High-performance businesses              Digg
                                             will embrace a more differentiated
                                             model, closely aligned to the distinct             Delicious

18 Start Making Sense
About the Research
In 2009, we completed our fifth edition of this study, which
included 5,050 people. Participants—who were surveyed via the
Internet from June 19, 2009, to July 17, 2009—represented 12
countries, the largest number in the five years we have been
conducting this study. Participating consumers also span the age
spectrum, with approximately 30 percent representing Generation
Y, 30 percent Generation X, 35 percent Baby Boomers, and seven
percent Seniors.

Country                   N             Generation                 N
Australia               302             Gen Y                  1483
                                        (Less than 31 years old)
Canada                  306
                                        Gen X                  1427
France                  300             (31 to 44 years old)
Germany                 302             Baby Boomers           1786
United Kingdom         1003             (45 to 63 years old)

United States          1006             Seniors                 354
                                        (64 plus years old)
Belgium                 304

Singapore               300
                                        Total                  5050
China                   302

Brazil                  316

India                   304

South Africa            305

Total                 5050

Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 19
Accenture 2009 global_consumer_satisfaction_report

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  • 1. Start Making Sense Defining Customer Experiences that Enable High Performance Accenture 2009 Global Consumer Satisfaction Report
  • 2. Many experts believe that, while the global economy may have turned a corner, recovery will be prolonged and sluggish. Changing consumer attitudes and behavior will play a key role in setting the pace of recovery and generating new opportunities for organic growth. This paper is one of a series of reports on consumer behavior during the downturn and beyond, based on recent in- depth Accenture research. In this paper, we highlight key findings from our most recent consumer satisfaction survey—an annual program—and offer recommendations for shaping customer service experiences that help capture and retain valuable relationships. Customer Satisfaction
  • 3. Introduction Each year, Accenture surveys several more influenced by online information Some of the most successful practices thousand consumers on their customer obtained from other sources than by the we have seen used by high-performance service experiences. The key findings provider’s own print and online advertising businesses include: from this year’s survey highlight several or direct mail. These findings underscore interesting dimensions of current how consumers increasingly “control • Enabling the most valuable customers to consumer/provider relationships. the conversation” in this time of digital configure service experiences to their own Companies eager to achieve or sustain transformation, and the new challenges specifications and preferences. high performance—in the current faced by marketers attempting to manage • Facilitating repeat interactions between economic phase and in the upturn to corporate reputations and shape brand customers and the same service agents, to come—should strive to understand how perceptions in the marketplace. build lasting and deeper relationships. these issues are playing out in their own customer base, and make sense of the Given recent economic conditions, it is • Providing highly satisfying “do-it- implications for future growth and the not surprising that in our global sample yourself” service options for all customers. impact on profitability. consumers who switch identified price as the most important factor when choosing • Fostering tighter collaboration between For example, our research indicates that their replacement provider. It is surprising, customers and agents and between agents consumers are more demanding than however, how much influence a reputation and other front-line and back-office ever and that many companies are not for high-quality customer service has in employees, to direct the full force of the keeping pace, resulting in the highest this decision. In fact, consumers in the enterprise workforce toward delivering a level of switching due to poor customer emerging markets we surveyed identified satisfying customer service experience. experiences ever detected by this annual customer service as the most important • Enabling these practices through survey (most notably for banks and factor when choosing a new provider. seamless integration of all service-channel retailers). Moreover, across industries, The survey found other interesting customers, and with robust business consumers perceived little change in geographic variations. Consumers in intelligence and analytics tools that how hard providers worked to keep their emerging markets—an important growth accurately predict customer preferences business. opportunity for many companies—are and behavior. No set of industry providers managed to generally less satisfied than those in By continually raising the bar for customer deliver a very satisfying experience to more mature markets with service quality. service, customers across industries and than half of their customers–hotels and Their service expectations are increasing countries are also intensifying performance retailers came closest. Yet retailers also more rapidly and consumers are more challenges for companies everywhere. experienced the highest level of switching, likely to have recently switched providers However, Accenture believes organizations pointing out yet again that customer because of poor service. Generational that recognize they need not be all things satisfaction scores are weak indicators of differences also emerged. Younger to all people and, consequently, deliver loyalty and future business. consumers have higher expectations than differentiated service experiences when those of older generations, and are more At the same time, consumers also appear and where it matters most will be best likely to switch providers when their less apt simply to exit a relationship positioned to outperform their competitors expectations are not met. immediately when they experience poor and achieve high performance in the service. Responses to this year’s survey Accenture believes that these findings, upturn. indicate they are more willing to take which are described in more detail in the other actions—asking to speak to a body of this report, show how imperative supervisor, for example, or calling back to it is that enterprises finally leave behind reach a different representative. However, the “one-size-fits-all” approach to a very large majority tells others about customers, and fully embrace a service their bad experiences and a significant model that provides differentiated service number make negative comments online, experiences based on the expectations and demonstrating the damage unhappy requirements of individual—and closely customers can do even when they stay. understood—customer segments and the current and potential value of those Similarly, when evaluating alternative segments. providers to switch their business to, consumers rely most on information obtained through word of mouth and are Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 3
  • 4. Key Findings Accenture surveys consumers around the In fact, five of the 12 countries sampled now higher or much higher than they world annually about specific aspects rated the quality of service they received were five years ago. Moreover, 59 percent of the customer service experience, from most companies above the global of consumers in these countries maintain including: average: 3.62 on a 1 to 5 scale, an their expectations are higher than they increase from 3.57 in 2008. Consumers in were just 12 months ago. • Their impressions of service quality the United States were the most satisfied • Their service expectations and how with the quality of service received, Expectation vs. Experience: well providers are meeting them with an average of 3.74 for 2008 and The Performance Gap 3.83 for 2009. In contrast, South African As customer expectations increase, • The aspects of service they value most consumers were the least satisfied (3.22) companies seem to be falling short, this year (they were not part of the • How they react to poor service despite the improved perception of sample in 2008), and German consumers, service quality. In fact, just two in five In 2009, we surveyed 5,050 consumers in who were the least satisfied in 2008, global consumers said companies meet 12 countries. In this report, we highlight were the second lowest for 2009 (3.36). their expectations frequently or always. our key findings and the implications Furthermore, the percentage of consumers Consumers in mature markets rated of changing consumer attitudes and whose expectations were frequently or service quality significantly higher than behaviors for business performance. always met has declined from 53 percent those in emerging markets (3.66 vs. 3.47). In fact, three of the four emerging-market in 2007, to 45 percent in 2008, to just 40 Consumer countries (Brazil, China and South Africa) percent in 2009. Against the backdrop Expectations Are were below the global average. The exception was India, which joined the of ever-growing service expectations, companies must be concerned about this Higher than Ever United States, Canada, Australia and the widening gap (see Figure 2). United Kingdom in rating service delivery Are Companies Keeping Underscoring this point, only five of above the global average. the 12 countries surveyed rated the Pace? frequency with which companies met France, in particular, has experienced an On the whole, consumers around the increase in customer satisfaction, with their service expectations above the world perceive the quality of customer the proportion of respondents providing global average. Consumers from India, service to be good, although this positive ratings steadily increasing from Canada and the United States were perception varies significantly by country. just 39 percent in 2007, to 54 percent among these, with more than 50 percent However, a closer look suggests that in 2008, to 60 percent in 2009. Brazil indicating their expectations were companies are failing to build close improved as well, going from 44 percent frequently or always met. In contrast, ties to their customers. In fact, most in 2007 to 53 percent in 2009. consumers in the emerging countries consumers do not feel companies are of South Africa, Brazil and China were satisfying their expectations for customer much less likely to say companies always Evolution of Consumer service—particularly in emerging or frequently met their expectations (26 Expectations markets—and those expectations are percent to 28 percent). increasing (see Figure 1). While respondents perceive service quality to be improving, their expectations seem Current Perceptions of Service to be rising faster. Generally, consumers Quality have much higher expectations today than they did five years ago. In fact, their Globally, the majority of consumers we expectations have increased significantly surveyed described the quality of the during just the past 12 months— customer service they experienced as particularly in emerging markets. good. In fact, although perceived service quality among respondents in China More specifically, 75 percent of consumers continues to decline (44 percent in 2007 from the emerging markets of South to just 35 percent of survey respondents Africa, India, China and Brazil reported this year), in most other countries this their customer service expectations are perception has turned upward over time. 4 Start Making Sense
  • 5. Figure 1: How have your customer service expectations changed over time? Expectations are increasing, particularly in emerging markets Compared to 12 months ago Higher compared to 12 months ago 80% 76% Emerging 10% 30% 44% 15% Markets 54% 42% 41% Mature 10% 25% 5% 34% 31% 31% 60% 29% 29% 28% Markets 19% Much/slightly lower The same Slightly higher Much higher China India Singapore South Brazil Germany Belgium France United United Australia Canada Africa Kingdom States Compared to 5 years ago Higher compared to 5 years ago 89% 87% 80% Emerging 14% 11% 36% 39% Markets 59% 56% 55% 52% 52% 51% 50% Mature 42% 40% 18% 31% 34% 17% Markets Much/slightly lower The same Slightly higher Much higher China India Singapore France Germany South Brazil Belgium United Australia United Canada Africa Kingdom States Figure 2: How often do companies meet your customer-service expectations? Consumers’ in emerging markets are far less likely to Globally, consumers’ believe that their expectations are feel their expectations are being met than consumers being met has declined over time. in other regions. Emerging 2009 9% 50% 38% 2% Markets 2009 11% 57% 29% 4% 2008 8% 47% 43% 2% Mature 8% 48% 41% 2% 2007 5% 42% 49% 4% Markets 2009 Rarely/Never Sometimes Frequently Always Note: All figures in this report showing year-on-year trends Countries sampled in 2008: Australia, Brazil, Canada, reflect the following sample compositions. China, France, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and Countries sampled in 2009: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, the United States (N= 4189). Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Singapore, Countries sampled in 2007: Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States China, France, the United Kingdom and the United (N= 5050). States (N= 2311). Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 5
  • 6. What Do Consumers access customer service using multiple channels and to obtain service at the list of issues consumers find most frustrating—and also tend to encounter Care About Most? convenient times. with some frequency. And Are They Getting Expectations for Service Globally, consumers are most frustrated with being kept on hold for a long time What They Want? Representatives when contacting customer service and While consumers have many expectations Regarding the people who provide by having to contact customer service for customer service, they care most customer service, the most important multiple times for the same reason. about how well-informed and personable factors to customers are being served Each of these experiences was cited their customer service representative is, by workers who are polite and friendly, by more than 60 percent of consumers how fast and efficient customer service knowledgeable and well-informed, as “extremely frustrating” (see Figure is, how often they are referred to another and who already know the customer’s 4). Furthermore, nearly half said they service agent and how long it takes a history (why he or she is calling, for encounter such a situation “a lot.” company to resolve their issue. Similarly, example). Yet approximately one-third while consumers demand more from of consumers said they are dissatisfied Indeed, we found that consumers many aspects of customer service, they with agents’ knowledge of their history generally are impatient when it comes are most likely to expect service to be with the company, which compromises to spending time getting service issues more convenient and speedy, and to the service experience. resolved. In fact, 60 percent or more expect their customer service agents to of the global sample are unwilling to be more knowledgeable. spend more than 30 minutes to have How Expectations Have their concerns addressed. Consumers While companies are performing well Changed over Time in Brazil, Belgium and France are the in some areas—in fact, satisfaction has Consumers who expect more from their most impatient, with more than 55 improved slightly between 2008 and customer service experience are looking percent only prepared to spend up to 2009—they still have ample room for for four specific things: more convenient 15 minutes. Conversely, consumers in improvement in all areas, including customer service (74 percent), more Canada, the United Kingdom, South those areas consumers perceive to be knowledgeable or better-trained Africa and the United States are the most important. representatives (67 percent), faster most patient, with more than 30 customer service (66 percent) and more percent of consumers willing to take as General Expectations for channel options for getting service (64 long as necessary to get their customer Customer Service percent). In comparison, consumers are service issues resolved. least likely to expect that the customer Overall, the perceived importance of representative who serves them will Beyond wait time, multiple customer all dimensions of service remained know more about them. Despite the handoffs are a major frustration, with substantially the same between 2008 and economic downturn, being offered more most consumers willing to speak to just 2009. In both years, when asked which options for handling their personal two people to resolve their issue. Only general aspects of customer service were finances is also less important, relative one in four are willing to speak to as most important to get right, respondents to other factors, for consumers in most many people as necessary. This level overall tended to identify issues associated countries—except South Africa, where 51 of tolerance is more pronounced in with time: how fast customer service is, percent expect more of such options. mature markets. In particular, Canada, how long it takes a company to resolve the United States, the United Kingdom, their issue and convenient availability Also on the topic of regional differences, South Africa and Australia are the only of service. Each of these was cited by expectations are increasing more among countries where about one in three between 56 percent and 60 percent of consumers in emerging markets across consumers will speak to as many people respondents as “extremely important.” In nearly all aspects of the customer as required. Less than one in six in the comparison, access to environmentally experience. (see Figure 3). remaining countries is willing to do friendly options was the least important the same. For instance, 71 percent of customer service criteria, but still Top Causes of Consumer consumers in France are unwilling to relevant to a sizeable number of survey Frustration speak to more than one person. participants. In addition to having high expectations The single least satisfying aspect of for many aspects of customer service, service is the amount of time consumers consumers are frustrated by a range have to wait before they are attended of service hassles. Lengthy hold to (32 percent satisfied vs. 33 percent times, dealing with multiple agents dissatisfied, for an average rating on the same issue, having to repeat of 2.97). In contrast, consumers are information, representatives without most satisfied with their ability to answers and rudeness are foremost on 6 Start Making Sense
  • 7. Figure 3: How have your customer expectations increased (multiple mentions)? As a customer, I expect … Figure 4: How have your customer Higher compared to 12 months ago Higher compared to 5 years ago 74% service expectations changed Easier/more convenient to obtain 75% compared toservice customer 12 months and five 75% 73% 93% years ago? China 68% 67%China 89% Customer service representatives 80% 89% 70% to be more knowledgeable 67% 61% 85% India 76% India 85% 66% Faster customer service 48% 61% 48% Brazil 44% Brazil 76% 76% Average: 41% 71% 64% 3.64 More options for obtaining3.44 3.25 3.93 service 23% 59% Germany 34% 62% France 48% 5% 67% 59% 15% 17% 34% 39% Specialized service39% being a 25% for France 22% Germany 23% 31% 36% 34% good customer 47% 27% 27% 34% 44% UK 31% 25% UK 25% More options for handling 29% 27% 29% my personal finances 40% 23% 23% 60% 36% USA 19% 16% Australia 16% Customer service representatives 29% 29% 17% Global 2009 to know more about me 60% 23% 31% 31% 30% Australia Mature Markets 22% USA 22% Other 30% 3% 28% Emerging Markets 28% 4% 1% 21% 21% 10% 10% 14% 16% Canada 24% Canada 24% 19% 19% Emerging Mature Emerging Mature Base: Respondents who Marketsraised Markets Markets Markets have their expectations for customer service. 12 Months Ago 5 Years Ago 2007 2008 2009 Figure 4: How frustrating do you find the following aspects of customer service? Being on hold for a long time when contacting 1% 3% 12% 21% 63% customer service Having to contact customer service multiple 1% 3% 12% 22% 62% times for the same reason Having to repeat the same information to 1% 4% 13% 22% 60% multiple customer service agents Dealing with customer service agents who 2% 5% 15% 17% 62% are unfriendly or impolite Dealing with customer service agents 1% 3% 13% 25% 57% who cannot answer my questions Having to talk to multiple customer service agents 1% 4% 15% 26% 54% while trying to resolve a single question/issue Running into business policies that get in 2% 5% 18% 27% 49% the way of my goals Being sold other products or services when 2% 5% 18% 24% 50% I contact customer service Running into technology issues that get in the 2% 6% 20% 28% 44% way of my goals Having to wait for a response after I’ve 2% 6% 23% 34% 35% requested customer service Having to complete a lot of paperwork or 3% 9% 27% 28% 33% electronic forms Not being able to understand information 4% 11% 27% 30% 28% the company sends me Not frustrating at all 2 3 4 Extremely frustrating Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 7
  • 8. Figure 5: When you seek customer service, how do you go about getting assistance? (multiple mentions) Channel preferences by economic region Channel preferences over time Call for 84% 84% assistance Call for 87% 85% assistance 85% 66% Send an email 51% 61% Send an email 63% 65% Search the 44% internet 52% 30% Extract info from Company’s website 42% Go to the place 41% 42% of business 42% 34% Company’s 40% Go to the place of business 47% website 49% 41% 15% Engage in live 13% Send a letter 6% online chat 17% 20% 2007 15% 2008 Live online chat 13% 35% Send a letter 19% 2009 Mature Markets 13% 4% Tap into blogs Emerging Markets Search the internet 46% 9% Not included in Text messaging 5% 2007 and 2008 3% surveys Text messaging Blogs or online 14% social networks 5% Many consumers likewise are unwilling satisfaction. Moreover, consumers a smaller proportion of consumers to follow up on a customer service around the world increasingly feel globally reported having gone to issue; only one in three will follow up technology is significantly improving a physical location when seeking just once before giving up. Another the customer experience. At the customer service, preferring to take one in three will try two or three times, same time, the digital transformation advantage of more virtual or convenient while the remaining third will actually of the customer experience entails ways to connect with the companies keep following up until they get what considerable risk: These channels also they do business with, such as emailing they need. Consumers in the United amplify the effect of poor customer customer service, which has increased Kingdom, Canada, the United States, service. In fact, one quarter of significantly in popularity in China and South Africa and Australia are the most respondents have used these channels France since 2008. determined to resolve customer service to relate their negative customer issues no matter what it takes, while experiences to others (see Figure 5). Though emerging markets prefer those in Singapore are the most inclined calling for assistance to sending an to not follow up at all (although just 5 email, they also are much more likely Migration to Digital Channels percent say this). than mature-market consumers to All countries sampled make the most use new technologies for contacting use of calling for assistance when service providers—especially text Digital seeking customer service. However, messaging and live online chats. In Transformation digital channels such as email, text messaging and online chats are also fact, just 29 percent of emerging- market consumers, vs. 72 percent of popular among consumers in emerging Do You Know Where Your markets, and are being used with those in mature markets, indicated they have never used text messaging to Customers Are? growing frequency by consumers in access customer service. Similarly, only When they need assistance, consumers mature markets. 22 percent of consumers in emerging still are most likely to prefer talking to markets, compared with 48 percent in a live agent over the phone. However, Our research confirms online mature markets, said they have never digital channels are gaining ground in technologies indeed are gaining ground used live online chats for service. terms of frequency of use and consumer as service channels. In the past year, 8 Start Making Sense
  • 9. Figure 6: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The increased use of technology in customer service has improved the level of service significantly in the past five years”? Globally, consumers are increasingly positive about the Consumers in emerging markets tend to be more positive about impact of technology on the customer service experience. the impact of technology on the customer service experience. Emerging 2009 14% 25% 47% 14% Markets 2009 5% 10% 54% 32% 2008 20% 27% 40% 13% Mature Markets 2009 17% 30% 45% 8% 2007 22% 28% 40% 10% Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Despite having reported they receive in the past five years. In contrast, Australia (a 13-point drop), Germany (a poorer overall service and that their German, Australian and Canadian decline of nine points), and Brazil and the expectations are met less often, consumers are the least convinced there United Kingdom (each of which registered emerging-market consumers are much has been an improvement with the a slide of eight points). These figures more satisfied than their mature-market increased use of technology. In fact, all likely indicate not only that consumers counterparts with online self-service; of the mature-market countries scored are becoming more comfortable using and, telephone customer service is under the global average with regard technology tools to access customer highly regarded in China and India. to agreement that technology has service, but also that companies However, on a global basis in-person significantly improved customer service. themselves are doing a better job customer service at a place of business employing such tools to improve, rather or a store is the general type of service However, despite the mature vs. emerging than hamper, the service experience. with which consumers are most market split over whether the increased satisfied. In comparison, automated use of technology has improved levels How Digital Media Affect telephone customer service receives the of customer service, an overall global Reputation lowest rating across all geographies. increase in agreement is noted for 2009, suggesting technology is turning a corner Of course, consumers spread the word in terms of becoming more of a help than about their experiences with providers The Impact of Technology on to other people, and today they have a hindrance in consumers’ eyes. In fact, Customer Satisfaction more powerful and efficient tools for the global percentage of consumers who Consumers in emerging markets are agreed technology has improved service doing so. Our research confirmed this highly likely to agree that the use of has increased by eight points from 2008 shift: Nearly nine in 10 consumers technology in customer service has to 2009, and by 11 points since 2007 (see globally told the people around them significantly improved the service Figure 6). about their bad experiences. Consumers levels they experience. In fact, more in emerging markets, especially South than 84 percent of emerging-market This shift also can be seen in the Africa, China and Brazil, are the most consumers in Brazil, India and China substantial decreases during the past inclined to speak to others about bad and 71 percent in South Africa agree three years in the percentage of those experiences. Furthermore, one in six that such an improvement has occurred who strongly disagree that technology consumers has complained to a larger has been beneficial, most notably in Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 9
  • 10. Figure 7: In the past year, have you done one of the following after having a bad customer service experience? 98% The vast majority of consumers share negative customer South Africa 31% service experiences with others, and many—particularly 97% consumers in emerging markets—use online channels to China 44% broadcast these experiences. 97% Brazil 49% 93% Singapore 30% 93% 89% Australia Total 18% 25% 92% India 33% 87% Mature 89% Markets United Kingdom 21% 22% 87% Emerging 96% Canada 16% Markets 40% 86% United States 20% 85% Belgium 17% 82% Germany 17% 82% France 23% Told people around me about the experience (e.g., friends, family, coworkers) Posted negative comments about the experience online (e.g., blogs, Facebook) audience via online sites such as Facebook or blogs (see Figure 7). When Service year asked to speak to a supervisor when they experienced bad customer service Falls Short (41 percent vs. 43 percent) or ended the Globally, one-quarter (25 percent) interaction and tried to reach a different of all consumers will go as far as Do Companies See agent (19 percent vs. 14 percent). In posting negative comments about bad the Full Impact? contrast, fewer customers simply quit experiences online. This figure rises to two doing business with a company (16 in five (40 percent) in emerging markets A bad customer experience has implications beyond negative word percent vs. 23 percent). as a whole. The countries with consumers most inclined to do this are Brazil (49 of mouth. When first experiencing In fact, speaking to a supervisor was the percent) and China (44 percent). poor service, consumers are most most common response to bad service in likely to ask to speak to a supervisor. all countries this year. This is particularly Another sign of the growing impact However, 16 percent told us they went true in the mature markets we surveyed, of digital media: consumers collecting so far as to stop business with the where nearly half of our respondents information about potential new offending provider immediately—in reported taking this action compared providers reported relying on corporate some countries, as many as 28 percent with 37 percent of respondents in websites more than any other source of the respondents took this drastic emerging markets. However, there are except people they know—and say they action. In fact, overall poor service some notable differences among these are more influenced by these sites than quality remains the number one force mature markets: Among all countries by any channel except people they “pushing” customers into the arms of surveyed, consumers in the United States know (see Figure 8). waiting competitors. (58 percent) and Canada (56 percent) were most likely to ask to speak to a Immediate Responses to supervisor; consumers in Germany (25 Poor Service percent) and Belgium (22 percent) were In 2009, consumers experiencing bad least likely. customer service were generally more While asking for a supervisor is most tempered in their reactions compared common, other responses to bad with previous years (see Figure 9). For service are evident around the globe: example, slightly more consumers this Consumers in China, Singapore and 10 Start Making Sense
  • 11. Figure 8: Information sources consumers use to evaluate new providers. 80% Information from people I know 68% 66% Corporate website 45% 54% Print advertising 32% 48% On-premise/in-store information 40% 48% Online advertising 25% 46% Paid advertising on TV or radio 29% Online information from 44% other sources 31% 29% Direct mail or telemarketing 21% What information sources respondents used (multiple mention) Arrows highlight discrepancies of >20%, How important these surces were in their decision process between usage and (Important/Very Important) importance Figure 9: When you have a bad customer service experience, which of the following are you most likely to do? Responses to bad customer service experiences: All customers By country 2009 9% 13% 16% 19% 43% United States 6% 6% 11% 19% 58% Canada 6% 7% 14% 17% 56% 2008 8% 15% 23% 14% 41% Australia 5%7% 19% 21% 48% 2007 9% 8% 15% 19% 49% United Kingdom 8% 15% 13% 16% 48% South Africa 9% 15% 16% 14% 47% Emerging vs. mature markets India 9% 20% 9% 17% 44% Emerging Markets 2009 11% 16% 19% 18% 37% Singapore 15% 15% 15% 18% 37% Mature Markets 2009 9% 12% 15% 20% 45% Brazil 8% 14% 28% 21% 28% France 14% 15% 27% 16% 28% End the encounter China 17% 15% 21% 19% 27% Send a formal complaint to the company Quit doing business with that company immediately Germany 12% 20% 11% 33% 25% End the encounter and contact back later Belgium 15% 18% 20% 25% 22% Ask to speak to a supervisor Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 11
  • 12. Belgium were the most likely simply to level of switching due to poor service Reasons Why Consumers Leave end the contact when encountering a occurred in the retail (31 percent) and Providers bad customer experience. Consumers banking (27 percent) sectors. According to our findings, respondents in France and Brazil were the most who left providers during the 12 months likely among all countries to stop doing In comparison, the lowest level of switching occurred in the life insurance prior to the survey were most likely to business with a company immediately. have left due to the overall poor quality And consumers in Germany, Belgium (9 percent) and airline (8 percent) sectors. Even more encouraging is the of the customer service they experienced and India were the most likely to send a (62 percent). After customer service, the formal complaint to a company. fact that switching due to poor service declined for some industry sectors in a most often cited reasons were finding number of countries. a lower price elsewhere (48 percent) Defection Due to Poor Service service representatives who lacked the Even when consumers do not switch Consumers in emerging markets were knowledge they expected (46 percent) immediately, companies face significant far more likely than those in mature and finding a lack of customized consequences from delivering unsatisfying markets to have switched providers (87 solutions (38 percent). customer experiences. In fact, according percent vs. 64 percent). For example, 81 percent of consumers in South Africa, Mature markets appeared to be to our findings, two in every three global 85 percent in India, 88 percent in Brazil more sensitive to the overall quality consumers switched providers in at least and 93 percent in China left at least one of the experience compared with one industry in the past year because of provider in the past year because of poor emerging markets, where consumers poor customer service. This is the highest service. At the other end of the spectrum were more focused on the availability level of switching ever reported in our were consumers in the United States, of customizable solutions or the survey (see Figure 10). where only 56 percent of consumers knowledge of the service representative. More precisely, 69 percent of all switched companies in the past year consumers in 2009 switched providers at because of poor service. Compared with Reasons Why Consumers Choose least once during the past year because our 2008 survey, switching was relatively New Providers of poor customer service. This represents constant in all countries except France It is not surprising that when consumers a two-point jump from 2008 and a and Canada, where switching increased do decide to leave a company, price 10-point leap from 2007. The highest 23 points and nine points, respectively. and service are the two biggest 12 Start Making Sense
  • 13. Figure 10: Percentage of consumers who switched any company in any industries because of poor customer service over the past 12 months. Switching over time All respondents: Emerging vs. Mature Markets Global 2009 31% 69% Emerging 13% 87% Markets 2009 Global 2008 33% 67% Emerging 10% 90% Markets 2008 Global 2007 41% 59% Mature 36% 64% Markets 2009 Mature 40% 60% Did not switch Switched Markets 2008 Switching over time By Country China 2009 7% 93% China 2008 5% 95% Brazil 2009 12% 88% Brazil 2008 10% 90% India 2009 15% 85% India 2008 14% 86% South Africa 2009* 19% 81% Belgium 2009* 23% 77% Singapore 2009* 24% 76% France 2009 25% 75% France 2008 48% 52% Australia 2009 33% 67% Australia 2008 36% 64% Germany 2009 36% 64% Germany 2008 36% 64% United Kingdom 2009 36% 64% United Kingdom 2008 36% 64% Canada 2009 37% 63% Canada 2008 46% 54% United States 2009 44% 56% United States 2008 45% 55% Where increase or decrease * New countries sampled Did not switch Switched of switching between 2008 in 2009. No trend data & 2009 is > 5% available Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 13
  • 14. Figure 11: When choosing among competing products and services, how much does the country where the product or service comes from matter to you? For the most part, I prefer to give my business to 74% companies that are based in my own country 76% 66% When choosing between products and services, I think 71% about this issue more than I used to, but I’m still more 69% still more likely to decide based on other factors 75% I don’t care that much where a company is from, but I 58% do care where the products I’m considering have been 55% manufactured 65% Which country produced a product or service that I’m 52% considering does not matter to me 48% 66% I like to try products and services from other countries 44% 37% 63% Global 2009 Mature Markets Emerging Markets factors influencing their choice of a (76 percent vs. 66 percent). This is determined the consumers most likely replacement provider. This does vary especially true among consumers in to switch were those who were least somewhat by region: Customer service Australia (85 percent), the United States satisfied with the following factors, in was the most common differentiating (84 percent), France (81 percent) and order: factor in emerging markets when Canada (81 percent). choosing a new service provider, 1. Convenient availability of customer whereas consumers in mature markets In comparison, emerging markets seemed service. made these decisions based more on to care more about where the product 2. The amount of time they wait to be price. Regardless, price has increased in is manufactured: Two in three of these served. importance globally between 2008 and consumers (63 percent) indicated they 3. How polite, friendly and 2009, no doubt because of the current like to try products and services from knowledgeable customer service economic conditions. other countries, compared with only representatives are. two in five customers (37 percent) in Beyond service and price, another factor mature markets. Consumers just about High levels of frustration among these also appears to have some influence everywhere, though, admitted they are respondents also play a role. A similar over the companies consumers choose thinking about these issues more than regression to the one just described to do business with: where the company they used to (71 percent). showed that these respondents were that provides the product or service most often frustrated by (in order): is located. Three in four consumers Factors Influencing Loyalty globally said they prefer to give business 1. Being on hold for too long. Not surprisingly, consumers who switched to companies based in their own 2. Having to repeat the same providers in the past year because of country (see Figure 11). information to multiple customer a poor customer experience were less satisfied than consumers who stayed loyal service agents. This sentiment is, however, more prevalent in mature than emerging across all dimensions of customer service. 3. Dealing with customer service markets: Consumers in mature markets representatives who are unfriendly or What are the factors that discouraged impolite. are more inclined to give preference to loyalty? A regression analysis of the companies based in their own countries respondents in our global sample than those in emerging markets 14 Start Making Sense
  • 15. Industry Variations Consumer Perceptions by Industry Sector Where consumer perceptions are During the past year, many providers level is retail, with 45 percent of concerned, the Accenture 2009 reported making customer satisfaction consumers responding to the survey Customer Satisfaction Survey found and retention their top priorities, to indicating participation. In the other leaders and laggards in customer service protect revenues during economic industries we examined, the number of quality. recession. Their efforts appear to have respondents who participated in these been lost on many consumers, according programs was far lower—between 9 Our respondents put hotels and retailers to our survey. While results vary by percent and 26 percent. at the high end of the performance industry, most of our respondents spectrum, and located life insurers, said they perceived no real changes in Nearly half of the consumers in mature cable companies, utilities and phone customer service (see Figure 12). markets reported participating in companies at the opposite end. Notably, retailer loyalty programs, compared with however, fewer than 50 percent of Formal programs to build customer only 34 percent of those in emerging all consumers globally described loyalty may be having limited impact markets. In addition, mature-market themselves as “very satisfied” with as well. Between 39 percent and 49 consumers were much more likely than customer service quality. Moreover, the percent of our respondents believe their emerging-market counterparts percentage of very satisfied consumers loyalty programs are effective at to have taken advantage of loyalty was less than 50 percent in every persuading them to continue doing programs in the other nine industries provider category covered in this survey business with a company—particularly included in our study. Consumers in (airlines; banks; hotels; Internet service hotels and retailers. However, less than Germany, Austria and France were the providers; landline, wireless and mobile one in four respondents participated in least likely to be won over by such phone companies; life insurers; retailers; any loyalty program in the past year. The programs. and gas and electric power companies). industry with the highest participation Figure 12: How consumers perceive customer service: The industry view How satisfied are you overall with the level of To what extent do you feel that companies in the following industries customer service delivered to you by companies have changed their customer service efforts in the past 12 months? in the following industries? Hotels 4% 49% 47% Retailers 3% 8% 46% 33% 11% Retailers 6% 51% 43% Banks 5% 9% 45% 30% 11% Internet service Internet service 13% 48% 40% 4% 9% 49% 28% 10% providers providers Wireless/cell phone 12% 49% 39% Wireless/cell phone 5% 8% 52% 26% 9% companies companies Banks 14% 49% 38% Hotels 3% 5% 60% 25% 8% Cable/satellite television 4% Airlines 11% 52% 37% 8% 56% 24% 8% service providers Home telephone Home telephone 15% 51% 34% 5% 9% 55% 23% 7% service providers service providers Utility companies 14% 52% 34% Airlines 5% 7% 58% 22% 9% Cable/satellite television Utility companies 6% 11% 60% 18% 6% 14% 53% 33% service providers Life insurance providers 13% 54% 32% Life insurance providers 4% 7% 70% 14% 5% Not satisfied at all (1 to 3) Satisfied (4 to 7) Very satisfied (8 to 10) Doing much less to keep my business Doing slightly less No change Doing slightly more Doing much more to keep my business Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 15
  • 16. Age Matters Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors by Age Group Upholding the conventional wisdom, our expectations regarding the knowledge consumers were also more prepared to survey found that younger consumers and training of service representatives follow up as often as it takes to resolve had higher service expectations, were and were less enthusiastic about the their issue. less tolerant of bad service, preferred role of technology in customer service— technology tools that help them although they were generally more Not surprisingly, given their impatient streamline the service experience satisfied with service quality overall. For nature, younger generations appeared to and were much more likely to switch their part, younger generations were be more inclined to switch providers as providers when their service expectations more satisfied with service provided by a result of bad service. Indeed, three in were not met. more innovative methods such as online four Generation X and Y members have chat or self-service websites. switched because of poor service in the The expectations younger consumers past year—compared with 64 percent of have for customer service have also Younger consumers also appeared Baby Boomers and 52 percent of Seniors. been increasing at a much steeper to be less patient about waiting for rate compared with older generations. customer service issues to be resolved. When choosing new providers, younger Younger buyers were also less likely They reported being unwilling to wait consumers said they focus on a larger to believe providers meet their more than 15 minutes for a resolution, number of considerations than other expectations. In particular, younger whereas one in three older consumers generational groups did, including generations had significantly greater said they were prepared to wait “as price, customer service, convenience expectations of speed and multi- long as it takes.” Similarly, two in three and promotions. They were more open channel options for obtaining service. younger consumers were willing to than older consumers to trying products They were also more positive about speak only to one or two service agents, and services from other countries, and the impact of technology on customer whereas older consumers were more said they use a wider range of sources service improvement. In contrast, Baby willing to speak to as many people to collect information about potential Boomers and Seniors had much higher as necessary (see Figure 13). Older providers. Figure13: Resolving customer service issues: Generational differences Typically, the amount of time I’m willing to spend Typically, the number of people I’m willing to talk on getting my customer service issue solved. to while trying to resolve my customer service issue. Global 2009 36% 27% 10% 3% 25% Global 2009 28% 39% 6% 24% 3% Seniors 35% 24% 9% 2% 31% Seniors 15% 44% 5% 33% 3% Baby Boomers 34% 24% 9% 3% 31% Baby Boomers 24% 37% 6% 31% 2% Gen X 38% 27% 9% 3% 23% Gen X 30% 39% 7% 21% 3% Gen Y 37% 31% 11% 3% 18% Gen Y 32% 38% 7% 18% 5% Up to 15 minutes Up to 30 minutes Up to an hour 1 person 2 people 3 people As many people as necessary Several hours As long as it takes Prefer not to talk to anyone if there are alternatives 16 Start Making Sense
  • 17. Recommendations These findings highlight the critical Putting Customers in Charge Demonstrating State-of-the-Art role that customer service experiences One way an enterprise can meet the in “Do-It-Yourself” play in retaining customers, and even in service expectations of a diverse Over the past decade, customers have attracting new ones. They also highlight customer base is to enable customers grown not to simply accept self-service how increasingly difficult is it for to configure their own experience. but to expect and even prefer it. For companies to keep pace with rising and As consumers’ needs and behaviors instance, many air travelers now prefer changing expectations and satisfy the continue to diverge and fragment, to check in and print their boarding widely varying expectations, needs and enabling them to have more influence passes from their home computers or attitudes of customers, not only from or even control over how they interact airport kiosks rather than waiting for country to country but also from age with a company can go far toward personal service from a counter agent. group to age group. building close, lasting relationships As consumers’ familiarity with self- Marketing-savvy companies have long across the generational and geographic service channels increases so will their understood that different customers spectrum. For instance, a company expectations for speed, convenience and desire different things and value them may decide to enable its highest-value personalization. At minimum, companies differently. Yet while this knowledge has customers to choose for themselves must keep pace with these expectations informed their marketing strategies, it which channels they will use to and, at best, offer highly differentiated has had less influence on later stages obtain service, which service agents experiences that will be difficult for of the customer lifecycle. In this time they want to interact with and which competitors to match or best. of heightened cost pressure, rapidly service options they expect to be changing market dynamics and consumer offered. The company might enable Making Collaboration a Focus of values, companies can no longer afford customers in other tiers to choose from Innovation a “one-size-fits-all” model for customer predefined “service bundles” or direct Many companies will find that fostering service. They must shift toward a more their transactions toward lower-cost more collaboration—with external customer-centric model—creating and channels. customers, between employees, across delivering value-based, differentiated value-chain partners—a more and service experiences that result in Letting Familiarity Breed Loyalty more powerful tool for differentiating predictable buying behavior and loyalty. Customers tend to prefer businesses service. Emerging collaboration that make them feel welcome— technologies have the potential to Differentiated service experiences not something difficult for large improve the speed and quality of service only help to make service more relevant enterprises to do in ways that feel interactions dramatically. Picture, for and attractive to customers, but they authentic. One way to foster this example, a field technician who can also help companies to more effectively feeling is to enable customers to build transmit a video image of a customer’s marshal limited service resources. In personal relationships with specific broken device to the home office, other words, companies need not try to service personnel, through repeated where product experts diagnose the be all things to all people, but should interactions over time. For instance, problem quickly and relay precise repair rather strive to make smart decisions when a customer expresses satisfaction instructions. Or, imagine a call-center about what makes the most sense with the technician who installed his agent and an end-user having a three- for themselves and their customers. home theater system, the company way phone conference with a product This involves satisfying as much as should send the same technician the engineer about how best to configure possible the expectations of customers next time the customer needs service. the customer’s home-computing system. who matter most while setting the Companies may even enable customers Such examples illustrate in real terms appropriate service expectations for to contact preferred agents directly how companies can turn the old adage lower-value customers immediately at through email or Short Message Service that customer satisfaction is everyone’s the time of purchase to dramatically when they need help or information. job from a business principle into real help reduce the incidences of Customers who feel strong connections business practice. dissatisfaction. to service agents may perceive the cost of switching to be simply too high to All these practices depend on Some of the most successful practices defect to other providers. maintaining seamless integration across we have seen used by high-performance all the channels customers use to businesses include the following. obtain service. They also require robust business intelligence and analytics tools that enable companies to gather Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 17
  • 18. and analyze a broader range of data— practices, and the rapid emergence of needs and preferences of the most including customer actions, preferences digital media and social networking, to valuable and profitable customers and and product-usage information. name only a few. prospects, while providing customer These capabilities make it possible to service experiences appropriate to less- understand the customers’ true value to The hurdles for maintaining high engaged or less-profitable segments. the company, predict customer behavior performance—so closely tied to The result may be a better return on more accurately and identify innovative customer acquisition and retention—look customer service investments—in terms ways to engage customers in future especially steep for companies seeking of customer loyalty, preference and interactions. to gain or grow their presence in advocacy—and high performance over emerging markets. Consumers in these the long term. In the digital era, when The findings from the Accenture 2009 locales demonstrated lower satisfaction any service misstep can quickly become Customer Satisfaction survey indicate levels, more rapidly increasing service a public relations nightmare, achieving many businesses across many industries expectations and a greater likelihood to the right alignment between service and continue to fall short of consumers’ switch providers. If those companies also segment is not simple but is possible heightened expectations and to suffer cater to the coveted younger segments through the combined power of data, from consumers’ increased willingness of society, the challenges continue to analytics, workforce talent, operational to leave providers that fail to meet these mount: Younger customers have higher design and performance management. expectations. expectations than older ones; those expectations are rising at a faster pace; Besides responding to the steady erosion and the younger set is more likely to of customer loyalty, companies must also deal with the fallout from significant walk away when dissatisfied. Share it: economic, cultural and technological Faced with so many and such varied changes, such as consumer’s renewed challenges, aiming to be all things to all Facebook sense of thrift, the imperative to adopt customers is unlikely to be a winning more sustainable strategy. High-performance businesses Digg will embrace a more differentiated model, closely aligned to the distinct Delicious 18 Start Making Sense
  • 19. About the Research In 2009, we completed our fifth edition of this study, which included 5,050 people. Participants—who were surveyed via the Internet from June 19, 2009, to July 17, 2009—represented 12 countries, the largest number in the five years we have been conducting this study. Participating consumers also span the age spectrum, with approximately 30 percent representing Generation Y, 30 percent Generation X, 35 percent Baby Boomers, and seven percent Seniors. Country N Generation N Australia 302 Gen Y 1483 (Less than 31 years old) Canada 306 Gen X 1427 France 300 (31 to 44 years old) Germany 302 Baby Boomers 1786 United Kingdom 1003 (45 to 63 years old) United States 1006 Seniors 354 (64 plus years old) Belgium 304 Singapore 300 Total 5050 China 302 Brazil 316 India 304 South Africa 305 Total 5050 Accenture 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Report 19