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Academic Vocabulary Paper
This paper reviews the research on best practices for teaching academic vocabulary within the classroom. The different types of academic vocabulary
are defined. The common themes presented are the importance of limiting the number of vocabulary words chosen for instruction, providing direct
instruction of vocabulary, providing students with multiple exposures to words, and creating word rich environment within the classroom. The paper
concludes with personal reflection of the author and implications for professional instructional practices.
Key Words: academic vocabulary, direct–instruction– word choice, word–rich environment, word consciousness, instructional practices, vocabulary
Best Practices in Academic Vocabulary more content...
It will then present four key components of an effective vocabulary instruction program: word choice, direct instruction of strategies, multiple
exposures to new vocabulary, and creating a word–rich environment. In conclusion the paper will present the authors reflection as well as implications
for instructional practices.
What is Academic Vocabulary?
When discussing academic vocabulary it is important to first understand what academic vocabulary is defined as. In What is Academic Vocabulary?
(Baumann &Graves, 2010, page number?) academic vocabulary is broken into two different categories. Domain–specific academic vocabulary is
vocabulary that is specific to certain content. This is vocabulary that is often found in content textbooks. General academic vocabulary words are words
that appear across content areas. These are words that may have different meanings across content areas depending on the context in which they are
Baumann and Graves also include metalanguage and symbols in academic vocabulary (11, 2010). They define metalanguage as the processes or
expressions that are often used in math. Math often has many symbols that are used to represent objects or mathematical expressions. These are also
part of academic language and need to be taught as
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Vocabulary Development: Vocabulary Development
2.5 Vocabulary Development There were several categories of language development that were of interest, namely attention and comprehension,
grammar, expressive language, knowledge of narrative and of literacy and vocabulary development. However, this research will be directed to the
vocabulary development through television and radio. Due to learners of EFL must learn thousands of words that the speakers and writers of English
use daily. In addition, increasing learners' vocabulary is very important since the words that we understand influence our thoughts and our perception of
the world.
2.5.1The relationship between television, radio and vocabulary development Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects oflanguage teaching and
learning. Learning vocabularies will help the EFL to write, speak and read. The lack of vocabulary is the biggest obstacle to learn language.
Communication will be a short–cut if the learners lack the necessary words more content...
This approach was generalized to teaching modern languages. Learning is done by translating to and from the target language. In other words, classes
are taught in the students' mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Grammar rules are to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary
learned by heart. In addition, there is little or no emphasis on developing oral ability. Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together;
instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words. Whereas reading of difficult texts are begun early in the course of study. However, little
attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis. Often the only drills are exercises in translating
disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa, while there is little or no attention are given to
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Vocabulary Mastery In Language Learning
Introduction Nowadays, vocabulary takes an important part in the language use. However, it has traditionally been underestimated within language
teaching and its instruction was commonly incidental and unplanned. The aim of this essay will be to stress the significance of vocabulary from
teachers' and learners' perspective, to deal with the mastery of English vocabulary, and to point out the general strategies that surround vocabulary
teaching, as well as to provide a general overview about it
This essay is structured as follows. Section 1 attempts to establish the importance of vocabulary within English language learning. Section 2 will
provide a definition for vocabulary mastery, as well as it will try to find an answer to the question ' more content...
The term vocabulary is defined by the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary as "all the words that a person knows or uses". Similarly, the
Cambridge Learner's Dictionary defines mastery such as "great skill or understanding of something". Hence, the mastery of vocabulary can be
understood as the knowledge or skill that allow one to have a full command of a subject of study, in this case, vocabulary.
Moreover, it is described that by mastering vocabulary, students can express their ideas, understand and develop the other four basic competences.
Thus, it could be said that the vocabulary mastery is one of the main factors to master English language, but what do vocabulary mastery and knowing
a word entail? Generally, knowing a word involves knowing its form, its meaning and how to use it at the basic level, according to Nation (2001, p. 26).
В»The receptive and productive distinction
The terms receptive and productive may be applied to a variety of kinds of language knowledge and use. However, when they are applied to
vocabulary, these terms become much more specific, covering all the aspects of what is involved in knowing a word. According to Nation (2001, p.
26–28) and in broad terms, receptive and productive knowledge of a word involves or implies that learners
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In the extensive course of language teaching research, vocabulary has been a neglected subject if compared to other aspects (i.e.grammar) of language
acquisition (Alqahtani, 2015: 22); however, in relatively recent years, there has been an increase of studies related to vocabulary teaching and learning,
and scholars have outlined various aspects which are important to consider when discussing the development of lexical competence.
Primarily, there are two ways students can encounter new words in a foreign language, i.e. implicitly or explicitly. Ellis explains that implicit vocabulary
learning implies an incidental contact with a word, whereas explicit vocabulary learning refers to 'direct or intentional' instructions given by the teacher more content...
Hence, it is important to discuss the concept of "Depth of processing hypothesis". According to "Depth of processing hypothesis", the
memorization, and ultimately retention, of the new word is enhanced by an elaborate and deep processing (Craik and Lockhart, 1972; Craik and
Tulving, 1975, discussed in Schmitt, N. and Schmitt, D., 1995: 134). Schmitt, N. and Schmitt, D. state that a deep and rich 'semantic processing,
such as creating a mental image of the word's meaning, judging the formality of the word, or grouping the word with other conceptually associated
words' will be more beneficial for the learning process than the activities which involve a relatively little cognitive effort, for example rote learning
(1995: 134). Moreover, Nemati concludes that a student's ability to retrieve a word does not depend so much on the fact how recently he/she has
learned the word, but rather the results are affected by the depth of processing at the moment of learning (2009: 15). In other words, if the student
spends a decent amount of time pondering over the new word, there is a great possibility that this word will be remembered and stored in the long–term
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Language and Literacy Essay
Literacy is the ability to read and write. These are both fundamental skills that every child should master. It leads to success in K–12 school,
post–secondary school, the ability to compete in the job market, and participation in democratic process (Wei, Blackorby, & Schiller, 2011). Learning
how to read and write however is a very complex process that requires an understanding of both oral and written language. To beginreading children
need a strong back ground in the language he or she is trying to read. Knowledge of basic grammar rules and a big vocabulary help children make
meaning of what they are reading. Without this knowledge words can be seemingly random, and the reader has a harder time predicting what an
unfamiliar more content...
If a child reads a sentence like 'she can over to my house last night', knowledge of grammar should make him or her stop and reread knowing that the
sentence didn't make sense and that 'can' was really the word 'came'. Without this knowledge however the sentence become illogical and might through
off the comprehension of the entire story.
When a child has language delays however this can impact their literacy in big ways. Children who have been identified with language delays have
lower scores in reading and spelling when compared to non–delayed peers in first grade (Bishop & Adams, 1990). Research also indicates that early
literacy difficulties will most likely persist over time (McGinty & Justice, 2009). These two facts should be great areas of concern for both parents
and teachers during the early childhood years when the foundation for literacy skills is being laid down. If a child is showing signs of significant
language delays the earlier is it detected and the child gets appropriate help and support the better. It would be very difficult for children to read or
write beyond their overall language skills.
Children often write what they hear and know. If they have a very small vocabulary, with improper grammar structure, that is often how they will
write. 'I hear dog', might seem like a perfectly logical sentence to a child with low literacy skills. Increasing that child's knowledge base however can
turn that sentence
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Vocabulary Strategies For Teachers And Parents
Vocabulary is one of the core components of reading instruction that is essential to successfully teaching children how to read. Vocabulary knowledge is
important because it encompasses all the words we must know to access our background knowledge, express our ideas, communicate effectively, and
learn about new concepts. Vocabulary is the glue that holds stories, ideas and content together, making comprehension possible for children. A student's
word knowledge is linked strongly to academic success because students who have strong vocabularies can understand new ideas and concepts more
quickly than students with limited vocabularies (Hart & Risley, 2003). The correlation between word knowledge withreading comprehension indicates
that if students are not steadily expanding their vocabulary and reading comprehension, the student's motivation to want to read will be affected. I
have chosen to write this article about vocabulary strategies for both teachers and parents because I have personally experienced the undeveloped
vocabulary strategies being used within the home and schools. The truth of this topic is that there is a huge gap between good vocabulary and bad
vocabulary strategies and instruction within our schools and homes today. It is imperative that students begin to get vocabulary instruction starting at
the infancy stage so they can begin to build their receptive and expressive vocabularies. Later in my article, you will read about the gap between high
and low
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Descriptive Essay On A Walk In The Park
A Walk in the Park A ways away from a town that I call home, I found a happy place. I often find myself walking through the park by myself. The
beautiful trees, the way the yellow and red leaves crumple under my feet every step I take. When the flowers bloom and how it's the most
spectacular sight you could ever imagine seeing, all the different colors that appear. When you breathe in and you get this smell of purity, you feel
free and alive. Sometimes I like to sit on the old wooden bench where the bench frame is a little rusted, and I get rid of my thoughts and my eyes
search the sky. In the winter the icy breeze makes me shiver, and the cold air I take in, is like sitting in front of an air conditioner and breathing in. Some
mornings the sun beams across the sky, which is not quite blue yet, but the sun has almost fully risen. When the wind blows, it grazes over the
blades of grass. Some days I just stand and take a deep breath in and I can taste the spring. When summer comes around, and the bees are buzzing,
and the hot sun beats on the back of my neck, I lay on the soft grass and listen, to the birds chirping a beautiful song, and the kids playing in the
park. The sky is the bluest view in sight. Walking through the trail full of mud and leaves always made me think about my life. It was always there
when I needed to walk and get things off my mind. Looking around watching the leaves fall off tree after tree flying like butterflies, all different
colors. When they stopped, they immediately died and they were not coming back alive again. Piled leaves filled up under trees and children ran
and jumped on them like they were pillows. These trees tripled the height of humans with numerous branches holding hundreds of leaves. While
walking the river flows and it is such a beautiful view with the sun shining right off of it. The ducks and little birds chirping and floating through the
smooth water puts a joy to my face. I found a rest area with a bench and by it was a fountain. The ripple of water and the singing that the birds formed
made it peaceful to sit there and study the fountain. Just appreciating the little things in life and realizing what all I have and have overcome is what
the park helps me
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Dr. Connor's Vocabulary Answers
A.What were a few of your favorite strategies from Dr. Connor's video? Why?
I think the idea of concept mapping was most poignant for myself in terms of vocabulary learning. I think for most students and explicit vocabulary
instruction, they need to create concrete connections between the words and their frame of reference By allowing the students to add words that were
already in their repertoire, along with the new words could really help them develop their vocabulary. I also really enjoyed the explicit read alouds. I
think by using the words contextually, and then further developing the meanings can also be a very poignant exercise.
. Respond to 2 of the 3 required articles – what impressed you from the 2 selected articles and what questions do you have about best practices for
vocabulary instruction? Please reference specific articles and make it clear which ideas came from which more content...
It is important to note that children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds have higher vocabulary words. I also enjoyed the different
methodologies used to decreasing the gap. In the article, Words Wizards for All, I really appreciated the word wizard approach. I liked how the words
are constantly available for the students to use and that the words are also explicitly taught in an accessible manner. In the article Rationale for
Vocabulary Instruction, I appreciated the approaches to make words come to life. This includes but not limited to exposure through context and
explicitly teaching words. Including in this is an informal assessment process in which uses the level of knowledge in which the student knows
individual words. I think this is important for vocabulary acquisition to see how well students are grasping and comprehending the
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Vocabulary Strategies For Learners : Vocabulary
Vocabulary Strategies for Learners Student's name: Thi Thu Thao Tran Instructor's name: Bobbi Plante Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Vocabulary strategies for learners It is undeniable that languages play an important role to the promotion of better understanding among the people of
the world. Vocabulary is central oflanguage and is of great implication to language learners. Vocabulary is a set of words which are materials to build more content...
So, there are five vocabulary strategies learners should be focus on. First of all, choosing a target vocabulary.
Computerized analyses show that a small percentage of English words–about 2000–are used much more frequently than other words. Similar research
on academic textbooks and journals shows that certain words are used very frequently in these texts, regardless of the subject matter. Effective
vocabulary study involves learning these two categories of words, called The
General Service List and The Academic Word List, very well. You should also know any specialized terminology that is part of your field of study.
To know a word well, you must know not only what it means, but also how to use it. To study your target words, you should consult a good dictionary
(Miulecky, B.S & Jeffries, L., 2007)
Secondly, choosing a vocabulary learning system
Different people use different systems to keep track of their vocabulary study. Some people like use notebooks, some people like flash cards, and
some people use their computers or smartphones. Any system works as long as it allows learners to organize their vocabulary into different groups
and it allows them to practice the words both receptively ( listening and reading) and productively (speaking and writing). The important thing is to
have a flexible, comprehensive system and to use it consistently. (Miulecky,B.S & Jeffries, L, 2007) Thirdly, choosing word mapping strategy
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The Importance Of English Academic Vocabulary
There are many students choosing to study abroad, most of them are choosing the developed countries as their first choice, such as the US, UK and so
on. Thus, learning English well is an important factor for students to study abroad. In addition, it is often claimed that vocabulary is the foundation of
the language competence, thus insufficient academic vocabulary knowledge would be a key challenge for students to study. Most students spend much
time on learning English vocabulary, but the result is not very good. Therefore, it probably needs to find the most effective ways to improve students
learning efficiency. This essay will examine some research and find out the effective ways for international students to learn the English academic
Definition of the English Academic Vocabulary
First of all, according to Gardner and Davies (2014), the Academic Vocabulary List is based on a 120–million–word academic sub–corpus of the Corpus
of Contemporary American. In addition, there are two different ways to define the academic vocabulary, domain–specific academic vocabulary and
general academic vocabulary. The domain–specific academic vocabulary includes the low–frequency words and phrases, and these terms and words are
included in content area textbooks and other technical materials. The general academic vocabulary includes the words that are modest frequency from
academic domains but not in literary texts, and sometimes general academic vocabulary have
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The Importance of an Enhanced Vocabulary
The Importance of an Enhanced Vocabulary for ESL Learners The Importance of an Enhanced Vocabulary for ESL Learners
Learning a non–native language is no easy task to partake, but a very important one for the many people that are trying not to get lost in the translation
as they make their transition in their new home land. In a country that has shown itself to be less than tolerable to non–English speakers, immigrants
are in a race with themselves to learn the language and assimilate as best they can. When it comes to learning a new language there seems to be a bit
of a debate as to how to go about it. One side of the issue declares that learning the rules of grammar is the best way while the other sides with the
importance of building a strong native vocabulary in the language being learned. The debate essentially comes down to one of Vocabulary versus
Grammar. This papers purpose is highlight the attributes of vocabulary knowledge rather than the grammatical; to illustrate the importance of a solid,
non–native vocabulary, the impact it can have on the functionality and learning ability of English as a second language, and to point out various
strategies, for both students and teachers, that can be implemented in order to assist prospective English language speakers. I. Why is a strong
vocabulary important for ESL learners?
A strong vocabulary for ESL learners is more important than learning the rules of grammar because it's a content word versus
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Diction And Vocabulary
Diction: Diction refers to the word choice you use in your writing. The vocab you use in your writing should compliment the type of assignment you
are working on. You can write with formal diction, casual diction, or informal diction. The words you use can have a different meaning even if they
are similarly defined. For example, the phrase "tearing down the trees" has more of a negative connotation attached to it instead of the phrase "cutting
down the trees". Diction's intended effect is to impart information, ideas, or impressions and to evoke emotions and feelings from the reader.High
/formal: High or formal diction usually contains words that convey elegance and poise. It typically does not contain slang, idioms, clichГ©s,
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Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay
As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually
many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully
developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences,
connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers
face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face certain more content...
I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates
back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with
incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis statement. This struggle is based on last years'
experience with writing essays. This struggle can be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my
sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability to increase and help me become a more
successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in
my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can
be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the
paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies
that help them to overcome or improve upon their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a
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My Vocabulary: The Evolution Of A Writer
My writing is strong in several areas: I compose dynamic titles, I construct united paragraphs, and I utilize colorful vocabulary. For example, "The
Evolution of a Writer" seizes a reader's attention while inciting questions of the cause of the writer's evolution. My paragraphs are brought together in a
cohesive manner, each providing support for the thesis and linking to the paragraphs that precede and follow. As for vocabulary, I employ words such
as fervent, genesis, and henceforth with ease.
While I had previous knowledge of the aforementioned strengths, there were two areas I had not expected to excel in: writing a thesis and writing a
conclusion. Though I received positive comments on both areas, neither have been points of strength
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Vocabulary Observation
Data Analysis: I have collected both qualitative and quantitative data in order to understand the impact of vocabulary instruction on reading
comprehension. Based on the surveys, it is clear that students like learning new words and they think vocabulary instruction is important. According to
the survey some students also believe that they can learn new words in other ways and not only at school, however those opportunities are limited
since everyone in their community speaks Chinese. For my second data source, I used my personal observations during reading and writing time.
Observations gave me the chance to observe my students and see how context–based words, in this case science vocabulary, were used in both reading
and writing. more content...
It was an informal meeting in my classroom where I presented my action research project. I started with describing the problem statement and data that
I have collected. According to M. McKinnon (personal communication, June, 14, 2017) her second grade classroom had similar experience during the
last science, writing, and reading unit. She agreed that supporting ELL with explicit vocabulary instruction helped them a lot not only in reading, but in
writing and speaking too. J. Henson (personal communication, June 14, 2017) added that aligning our units of study will support our students better
and give them enough opportunities to practice new vocabulary. He also mentioned that adding tier II vocabulary to our current units of study will be
beneficial for our students. One of the next steps our team needs to work on is adding the vocabulary part to the curriculum maps.
Part 3: Future Actions
Vocabulary instruction plays an important role in developing language with ELL students. After conducting the research project on the importance of
vocabulary instruction and reading comprehension, I expect to continue supporting my students with necessary vocabulary instruction in order to grow
their knowledge of language. I will continue to collaborate with our ELD teacher when selecting vocabulary as well. My future project will be focused
on the best scientifically–based practices to deliver vocabulary instruction to ELL
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Personal Narrative: My Vocabulary
The key to having an sensational essay is to have a breathtaking introduction filled with many powerful and complex vocabulary, that flows through
like a story. Being a writer in a advance placement class, during the beginning of the school year, I was not very confident coming into the class. There
were many concerns regarding my writing ability such as: spelling, punctuation and emphasizing advanced vocabulary. Starting off in this class put a
huge stress load on my back. I was challenged in every aspect in writing, from the nine point scale to minor punctuation mistakes. As the semester
continued, I've developed many new skills such as learning when or when not to use a comma, how to expand my vocabulary and how to use long and
short sentences in order to make the essay's more fascinating. Even though, the essays were more content...
I have discovered by motivating myself to exceed and go beyond expectations as a writer I can achieve much more than what I planned for. I have also
discovered that by illustrating new and unique vocabulary into my writing, it opens a whole new way of thinking about that topic, which is intriguing.
Looking back on my rubrics and the nine point scale to see what I have improved, I can already tell that I dramatically inclined with my writing.
When I first started out in this class, I started with a four. The reason I got a four was because I had many crucial mistakes in my essay that need to
be fix. For starters, when I first began writing my first essay which was the Lord of the Flies I started off my essay with an appalling introduction,
"A leader who is someone that takes risks, does what is best for their tribe and is able to make sure their tribe survives without any
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2.1 Introduction
In this section the researcher reviews the literature from the past researches or opinions about the important of the learning vocabulary and impacts of
reading and short story in the scope of language learning and teaching and also the relation between reading, short story and vocabulary learning.
Theattention of this section especially is on reviewing of the impacts of the reading story on English, especially, vocabulary learning of the EFL
For the first part of this chapter, it's better to start with the definition of vocabulary.
2.2 The conceptual definition of vocabulary
What is vocabulary?
If we want to define the vocabulary, it is the knowledge of words & their meanings.
As Stahl (2005) states," vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits
into the world"." Vocabulary" can have at least three different meanings;
1. All of the words in a language; new words are constantly being added to language.
2. The words used in a particular context
That is necessary to improve your business vocabulary if you are going to do MBA
3. The words which an individual person knows them
The teacher said that my vocabulary is good.
There is a difference between Active And Passive Vocabulary in our own individual vocabulary, the words which we understand and use them are
called our active vocabulary and the words which we understand but do not or cannot use them are called our
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Vocabulary Sentences
Vocabulary Sentences Lesson 3 Anonymous: Because the author of the book was anonymous, Liz could not give anyone credit for writing the
book; she did not know who did it. (Of an unknown source, adj.) Anthology: The anthology of poems lay untouched because Jim was too lazy to
read an entire collection of poems. (A collection of various writings, n.) Conjuncture: Olly conjectured that Fred had already taken out the trash
without even asking and because he did not make sure the job was done, his father got mad at him for not taking out the trash. (A conclusion based
one guess work, n.) Disposition: Bill is a gentleman of fine disposition unlike his brother who is grumpy and angry all of the time. (A person's usual
mood, n.) Encompass: Jack's report more content...
(Cunning or deceit in dealing with others; trickery, n.) Imperative: Bill's mother made an imperative decision to keep all of the lighters away from
baby Bill. (Important, adj.) Instill: Jack's father, Harry, had instilled good manners on Jack; therefore, when he met new people, he always shook their
hands and politely greeted them. (To introduce gradually, v.) Modify: After Jack found out his sculpture was too big to fit in his room, he modified it
in order to make it smaller. (To change, v.) Pivotal: The moment when mankind would invent the wheel, would be one of the most important, pivotal
moments in human history. (important, adj.) Prevalent: Good grades in social studies last year were prevalent because the teacher did not give any
tests or hard quizzes. (commonly occurring, adj.) Recur: Jim hopes after giving a flu vaccination to every child in the school, it will prevent
reoccurrence of any flu virus. (The act of recurring, n.) Spontaneous: Jack and Liz spontaneously brought snacks to the soccer game, and now the team
had 2 times as many snacks that they needed. (voluntary and unplanned,
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Text 9 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_studentsText 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_studentsText 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 9 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 9 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_studentsText 9 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 9 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students
Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced StudentsTeaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students
Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students
Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students
Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced StudentsTeaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students
Teaching Vocabulary to Advanced Students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_studentsText 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_studentsText 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Text 8 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
Teaching vocabulary to_advanced_students
Teaching vocabulary to_advanced_studentsTeaching vocabulary to_advanced_students
Teaching vocabulary to_advanced_students
 teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students teaching_vocabulary_to_advanced_students
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Academic Vocabulary Paper

  • 1. Academic Vocabulary Paper This paper reviews the research on best practices for teaching academic vocabulary within the classroom. The different types of academic vocabulary are defined. The common themes presented are the importance of limiting the number of vocabulary words chosen for instruction, providing direct instruction of vocabulary, providing students with multiple exposures to words, and creating word rich environment within the classroom. The paper concludes with personal reflection of the author and implications for professional instructional practices. Key Words: academic vocabulary, direct–instruction– word choice, word–rich environment, word consciousness, instructional practices, vocabulary instruction Best Practices in Academic Vocabulary more content... It will then present four key components of an effective vocabulary instruction program: word choice, direct instruction of strategies, multiple exposures to new vocabulary, and creating a word–rich environment. In conclusion the paper will present the authors reflection as well as implications for instructional practices. What is Academic Vocabulary? When discussing academic vocabulary it is important to first understand what academic vocabulary is defined as. In What is Academic Vocabulary? (Baumann &Graves, 2010, page number?) academic vocabulary is broken into two different categories. Domain–specific academic vocabulary is vocabulary that is specific to certain content. This is vocabulary that is often found in content textbooks. General academic vocabulary words are words that appear across content areas. These are words that may have different meanings across content areas depending on the context in which they are used. Baumann and Graves also include metalanguage and symbols in academic vocabulary (11, 2010). They define metalanguage as the processes or expressions that are often used in math. Math often has many symbols that are used to represent objects or mathematical expressions. These are also part of academic language and need to be taught as Get more content on
  • 2. Vocabulary Development: Vocabulary Development 2.5 Vocabulary Development There were several categories of language development that were of interest, namely attention and comprehension, grammar, expressive language, knowledge of narrative and of literacy and vocabulary development. However, this research will be directed to the vocabulary development through television and radio. Due to learners of EFL must learn thousands of words that the speakers and writers of English use daily. In addition, increasing learners' vocabulary is very important since the words that we understand influence our thoughts and our perception of the world. 2.5.1The relationship between television, radio and vocabulary development Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects oflanguage teaching and learning. Learning vocabularies will help the EFL to write, speak and read. The lack of vocabulary is the biggest obstacle to learn language. Communication will be a short–cut if the learners lack the necessary words more content... This approach was generalized to teaching modern languages. Learning is done by translating to and from the target language. In other words, classes are taught in the students' mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Grammar rules are to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary learned by heart. In addition, there is little or no emphasis on developing oral ability. Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together; instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words. Whereas reading of difficult texts are begun early in the course of study. However, little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis. Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa, while there is little or no attention are given to Get more content on
  • 3. Vocabulary Mastery In Language Learning Introduction Nowadays, vocabulary takes an important part in the language use. However, it has traditionally been underestimated within language teaching and its instruction was commonly incidental and unplanned. The aim of this essay will be to stress the significance of vocabulary from teachers' and learners' perspective, to deal with the mastery of English vocabulary, and to point out the general strategies that surround vocabulary teaching, as well as to provide a general overview about it This essay is structured as follows. Section 1 attempts to establish the importance of vocabulary within English language learning. Section 2 will provide a definition for vocabulary mastery, as well as it will try to find an answer to the question ' more content... The term vocabulary is defined by the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary as "all the words that a person knows or uses". Similarly, the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary defines mastery such as "great skill or understanding of something". Hence, the mastery of vocabulary can be understood as the knowledge or skill that allow one to have a full command of a subject of study, in this case, vocabulary. Moreover, it is described that by mastering vocabulary, students can express their ideas, understand and develop the other four basic competences. Thus, it could be said that the vocabulary mastery is one of the main factors to master English language, but what do vocabulary mastery and knowing a word entail? Generally, knowing a word involves knowing its form, its meaning and how to use it at the basic level, according to Nation (2001, p. 26). В»The receptive and productive distinction The terms receptive and productive may be applied to a variety of kinds of language knowledge and use. However, when they are applied to vocabulary, these terms become much more specific, covering all the aspects of what is involved in knowing a word. According to Nation (2001, p. 26–28) and in broad terms, receptive and productive knowledge of a word involves or implies that learners Get more content on
  • 4. In the extensive course of language teaching research, vocabulary has been a neglected subject if compared to other aspects (i.e.grammar) of language acquisition (Alqahtani, 2015: 22); however, in relatively recent years, there has been an increase of studies related to vocabulary teaching and learning, and scholars have outlined various aspects which are important to consider when discussing the development of lexical competence. Primarily, there are two ways students can encounter new words in a foreign language, i.e. implicitly or explicitly. Ellis explains that implicit vocabulary learning implies an incidental contact with a word, whereas explicit vocabulary learning refers to 'direct or intentional' instructions given by the teacher more content... Hence, it is important to discuss the concept of "Depth of processing hypothesis". According to "Depth of processing hypothesis", the memorization, and ultimately retention, of the new word is enhanced by an elaborate and deep processing (Craik and Lockhart, 1972; Craik and Tulving, 1975, discussed in Schmitt, N. and Schmitt, D., 1995: 134). Schmitt, N. and Schmitt, D. state that a deep and rich 'semantic processing, such as creating a mental image of the word's meaning, judging the formality of the word, or grouping the word with other conceptually associated words' will be more beneficial for the learning process than the activities which involve a relatively little cognitive effort, for example rote learning (1995: 134). Moreover, Nemati concludes that a student's ability to retrieve a word does not depend so much on the fact how recently he/she has learned the word, but rather the results are affected by the depth of processing at the moment of learning (2009: 15). In other words, if the student spends a decent amount of time pondering over the new word, there is a great possibility that this word will be remembered and stored in the long–term Get more content on
  • 5. Language and Literacy Essay Literacy is the ability to read and write. These are both fundamental skills that every child should master. It leads to success in K–12 school, post–secondary school, the ability to compete in the job market, and participation in democratic process (Wei, Blackorby, & Schiller, 2011). Learning how to read and write however is a very complex process that requires an understanding of both oral and written language. To beginreading children need a strong back ground in the language he or she is trying to read. Knowledge of basic grammar rules and a big vocabulary help children make meaning of what they are reading. Without this knowledge words can be seemingly random, and the reader has a harder time predicting what an unfamiliar more content... If a child reads a sentence like 'she can over to my house last night', knowledge of grammar should make him or her stop and reread knowing that the sentence didn't make sense and that 'can' was really the word 'came'. Without this knowledge however the sentence become illogical and might through off the comprehension of the entire story. When a child has language delays however this can impact their literacy in big ways. Children who have been identified with language delays have lower scores in reading and spelling when compared to non–delayed peers in first grade (Bishop & Adams, 1990). Research also indicates that early literacy difficulties will most likely persist over time (McGinty & Justice, 2009). These two facts should be great areas of concern for both parents and teachers during the early childhood years when the foundation for literacy skills is being laid down. If a child is showing signs of significant language delays the earlier is it detected and the child gets appropriate help and support the better. It would be very difficult for children to read or write beyond their overall language skills. Children often write what they hear and know. If they have a very small vocabulary, with improper grammar structure, that is often how they will write. 'I hear dog', might seem like a perfectly logical sentence to a child with low literacy skills. Increasing that child's knowledge base however can turn that sentence Get more content on
  • 6. Vocabulary Strategies For Teachers And Parents Vocabulary is one of the core components of reading instruction that is essential to successfully teaching children how to read. Vocabulary knowledge is important because it encompasses all the words we must know to access our background knowledge, express our ideas, communicate effectively, and learn about new concepts. Vocabulary is the glue that holds stories, ideas and content together, making comprehension possible for children. A student's word knowledge is linked strongly to academic success because students who have strong vocabularies can understand new ideas and concepts more quickly than students with limited vocabularies (Hart & Risley, 2003). The correlation between word knowledge withreading comprehension indicates that if students are not steadily expanding their vocabulary and reading comprehension, the student's motivation to want to read will be affected. I have chosen to write this article about vocabulary strategies for both teachers and parents because I have personally experienced the undeveloped vocabulary strategies being used within the home and schools. The truth of this topic is that there is a huge gap between good vocabulary and bad vocabulary strategies and instruction within our schools and homes today. It is imperative that students begin to get vocabulary instruction starting at the infancy stage so they can begin to build their receptive and expressive vocabularies. Later in my article, you will read about the gap between high and low Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay On A Walk In The Park A Walk in the Park A ways away from a town that I call home, I found a happy place. I often find myself walking through the park by myself. The beautiful trees, the way the yellow and red leaves crumple under my feet every step I take. When the flowers bloom and how it's the most spectacular sight you could ever imagine seeing, all the different colors that appear. When you breathe in and you get this smell of purity, you feel free and alive. Sometimes I like to sit on the old wooden bench where the bench frame is a little rusted, and I get rid of my thoughts and my eyes search the sky. In the winter the icy breeze makes me shiver, and the cold air I take in, is like sitting in front of an air conditioner and breathing in. Some mornings the sun beams across the sky, which is not quite blue yet, but the sun has almost fully risen. When the wind blows, it grazes over the blades of grass. Some days I just stand and take a deep breath in and I can taste the spring. When summer comes around, and the bees are buzzing, and the hot sun beats on the back of my neck, I lay on the soft grass and listen, to the birds chirping a beautiful song, and the kids playing in the park. The sky is the bluest view in sight. Walking through the trail full of mud and leaves always made me think about my life. It was always there when I needed to walk and get things off my mind. Looking around watching the leaves fall off tree after tree flying like butterflies, all different colors. When they stopped, they immediately died and they were not coming back alive again. Piled leaves filled up under trees and children ran and jumped on them like they were pillows. These trees tripled the height of humans with numerous branches holding hundreds of leaves. While walking the river flows and it is such a beautiful view with the sun shining right off of it. The ducks and little birds chirping and floating through the smooth water puts a joy to my face. I found a rest area with a bench and by it was a fountain. The ripple of water and the singing that the birds formed made it peaceful to sit there and study the fountain. Just appreciating the little things in life and realizing what all I have and have overcome is what the park helps me Get more content on
  • 8. Dr. Connor's Vocabulary Answers A.What were a few of your favorite strategies from Dr. Connor's video? Why? I think the idea of concept mapping was most poignant for myself in terms of vocabulary learning. I think for most students and explicit vocabulary instruction, they need to create concrete connections between the words and their frame of reference By allowing the students to add words that were already in their repertoire, along with the new words could really help them develop their vocabulary. I also really enjoyed the explicit read alouds. I think by using the words contextually, and then further developing the meanings can also be a very poignant exercise. B . Respond to 2 of the 3 required articles – what impressed you from the 2 selected articles and what questions do you have about best practices for vocabulary instruction? Please reference specific articles and make it clear which ideas came from which more content... It is important to note that children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds have higher vocabulary words. I also enjoyed the different methodologies used to decreasing the gap. In the article, Words Wizards for All, I really appreciated the word wizard approach. I liked how the words are constantly available for the students to use and that the words are also explicitly taught in an accessible manner. In the article Rationale for Vocabulary Instruction, I appreciated the approaches to make words come to life. This includes but not limited to exposure through context and explicitly teaching words. Including in this is an informal assessment process in which uses the level of knowledge in which the student knows individual words. I think this is important for vocabulary acquisition to see how well students are grasping and comprehending the Get more content on
  • 9. Vocabulary Strategies For Learners : Vocabulary Running Head: VOCABULARY STRATEGIES Vocabulary Strategies for Learners Student's name: Thi Thu Thao Tran Instructor's name: Bobbi Plante Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Vocabulary strategies for learners It is undeniable that languages play an important role to the promotion of better understanding among the people of the world. Vocabulary is central oflanguage and is of great implication to language learners. Vocabulary is a set of words which are materials to build more content... So, there are five vocabulary strategies learners should be focus on. First of all, choosing a target vocabulary. Computerized analyses show that a small percentage of English words–about 2000–are used much more frequently than other words. Similar research on academic textbooks and journals shows that certain words are used very frequently in these texts, regardless of the subject matter. Effective vocabulary study involves learning these two categories of words, called The General Service List and The Academic Word List, very well. You should also know any specialized terminology that is part of your field of study. To know a word well, you must know not only what it means, but also how to use it. To study your target words, you should consult a good dictionary (Miulecky, B.S & Jeffries, L., 2007) Secondly, choosing a vocabulary learning system Different people use different systems to keep track of their vocabulary study. Some people like use notebooks, some people like flash cards, and some people use their computers or smartphones. Any system works as long as it allows learners to organize their vocabulary into different groups and it allows them to practice the words both receptively ( listening and reading) and productively (speaking and writing). The important thing is to have a flexible, comprehensive system and to use it consistently. (Miulecky,B.S & Jeffries, L, 2007) Thirdly, choosing word mapping strategy Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance Of English Academic Vocabulary Introduction There are many students choosing to study abroad, most of them are choosing the developed countries as their first choice, such as the US, UK and so on. Thus, learning English well is an important factor for students to study abroad. In addition, it is often claimed that vocabulary is the foundation of the language competence, thus insufficient academic vocabulary knowledge would be a key challenge for students to study. Most students spend much time on learning English vocabulary, but the result is not very good. Therefore, it probably needs to find the most effective ways to improve students learning efficiency. This essay will examine some research and find out the effective ways for international students to learn the English academic vocabulary. Definition of the English Academic Vocabulary First of all, according to Gardner and Davies (2014), the Academic Vocabulary List is based on a 120–million–word academic sub–corpus of the Corpus of Contemporary American. In addition, there are two different ways to define the academic vocabulary, domain–specific academic vocabulary and general academic vocabulary. The domain–specific academic vocabulary includes the low–frequency words and phrases, and these terms and words are included in content area textbooks and other technical materials. The general academic vocabulary includes the words that are modest frequency from academic domains but not in literary texts, and sometimes general academic vocabulary have Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance of an Enhanced Vocabulary The Importance of an Enhanced Vocabulary for ESL Learners The Importance of an Enhanced Vocabulary for ESL Learners Learning a non–native language is no easy task to partake, but a very important one for the many people that are trying not to get lost in the translation as they make their transition in their new home land. In a country that has shown itself to be less than tolerable to non–English speakers, immigrants are in a race with themselves to learn the language and assimilate as best they can. When it comes to learning a new language there seems to be a bit of a debate as to how to go about it. One side of the issue declares that learning the rules of grammar is the best way while the other sides with the importance of building a strong native vocabulary in the language being learned. The debate essentially comes down to one of Vocabulary versus Grammar. This papers purpose is highlight the attributes of vocabulary knowledge rather than the grammatical; to illustrate the importance of a solid, non–native vocabulary, the impact it can have on the functionality and learning ability of English as a second language, and to point out various strategies, for both students and teachers, that can be implemented in order to assist prospective English language speakers. I. Why is a strong vocabulary important for ESL learners? A strong vocabulary for ESL learners is more important than learning the rules of grammar because it's a content word versus Get more content on
  • 12. Diction And Vocabulary Diction: Diction refers to the word choice you use in your writing. The vocab you use in your writing should compliment the type of assignment you are working on. You can write with formal diction, casual diction, or informal diction. The words you use can have a different meaning even if they are similarly defined. For example, the phrase "tearing down the trees" has more of a negative connotation attached to it instead of the phrase "cutting down the trees". Diction's intended effect is to impart information, ideas, or impressions and to evoke emotions and feelings from the reader.High /formal: High or formal diction usually contains words that convey elegance and poise. It typically does not contain slang, idioms, clichГ©s, colloquialisms, Get more content on
  • 13. Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face certain more content... I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis statement. This struggle is based on last years' experience with writing essays. This struggle can be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability to increase and help me become a more successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies that help them to overcome or improve upon their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a Get more content on
  • 14. My Vocabulary: The Evolution Of A Writer My writing is strong in several areas: I compose dynamic titles, I construct united paragraphs, and I utilize colorful vocabulary. For example, "The Evolution of a Writer" seizes a reader's attention while inciting questions of the cause of the writer's evolution. My paragraphs are brought together in a cohesive manner, each providing support for the thesis and linking to the paragraphs that precede and follow. As for vocabulary, I employ words such as fervent, genesis, and henceforth with ease. While I had previous knowledge of the aforementioned strengths, there were two areas I had not expected to excel in: writing a thesis and writing a conclusion. Though I received positive comments on both areas, neither have been points of strength Get more content on
  • 15. Vocabulary Observation Data Analysis: I have collected both qualitative and quantitative data in order to understand the impact of vocabulary instruction on reading comprehension. Based on the surveys, it is clear that students like learning new words and they think vocabulary instruction is important. According to the survey some students also believe that they can learn new words in other ways and not only at school, however those opportunities are limited since everyone in their community speaks Chinese. For my second data source, I used my personal observations during reading and writing time. Observations gave me the chance to observe my students and see how context–based words, in this case science vocabulary, were used in both reading and writing. more content... It was an informal meeting in my classroom where I presented my action research project. I started with describing the problem statement and data that I have collected. According to M. McKinnon (personal communication, June, 14, 2017) her second grade classroom had similar experience during the last science, writing, and reading unit. She agreed that supporting ELL with explicit vocabulary instruction helped them a lot not only in reading, but in writing and speaking too. J. Henson (personal communication, June 14, 2017) added that aligning our units of study will support our students better and give them enough opportunities to practice new vocabulary. He also mentioned that adding tier II vocabulary to our current units of study will be beneficial for our students. One of the next steps our team needs to work on is adding the vocabulary part to the curriculum maps. Part 3: Future Actions Vocabulary instruction plays an important role in developing language with ELL students. After conducting the research project on the importance of vocabulary instruction and reading comprehension, I expect to continue supporting my students with necessary vocabulary instruction in order to grow their knowledge of language. I will continue to collaborate with our ELD teacher when selecting vocabulary as well. My future project will be focused on the best scientifically–based practices to deliver vocabulary instruction to ELL Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Narrative: My Vocabulary The key to having an sensational essay is to have a breathtaking introduction filled with many powerful and complex vocabulary, that flows through like a story. Being a writer in a advance placement class, during the beginning of the school year, I was not very confident coming into the class. There were many concerns regarding my writing ability such as: spelling, punctuation and emphasizing advanced vocabulary. Starting off in this class put a huge stress load on my back. I was challenged in every aspect in writing, from the nine point scale to minor punctuation mistakes. As the semester continued, I've developed many new skills such as learning when or when not to use a comma, how to expand my vocabulary and how to use long and short sentences in order to make the essay's more fascinating. Even though, the essays were more content... I have discovered by motivating myself to exceed and go beyond expectations as a writer I can achieve much more than what I planned for. I have also discovered that by illustrating new and unique vocabulary into my writing, it opens a whole new way of thinking about that topic, which is intriguing. Looking back on my rubrics and the nine point scale to see what I have improved, I can already tell that I dramatically inclined with my writing. When I first started out in this class, I started with a four. The reason I got a four was because I had many crucial mistakes in my essay that need to be fix. For starters, when I first began writing my first essay which was the Lord of the Flies I started off my essay with an appalling introduction, "A leader who is someone that takes risks, does what is best for their tribe and is able to make sure their tribe survives without any Get more content on
  • 17. 2.1 Introduction In this section the researcher reviews the literature from the past researches or opinions about the important of the learning vocabulary and impacts of reading and short story in the scope of language learning and teaching and also the relation between reading, short story and vocabulary learning. Theattention of this section especially is on reviewing of the impacts of the reading story on English, especially, vocabulary learning of the EFL learners. For the first part of this chapter, it's better to start with the definition of vocabulary. 2.2 The conceptual definition of vocabulary What is vocabulary? If we want to define the vocabulary, it is the knowledge of words & their meanings. As Stahl (2005) states," vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world"." Vocabulary" can have at least three different meanings; 1. All of the words in a language; new words are constantly being added to language. 2. The words used in a particular context That is necessary to improve your business vocabulary if you are going to do MBA 3. The words which an individual person knows them The teacher said that my vocabulary is good. There is a difference between Active And Passive Vocabulary in our own individual vocabulary, the words which we understand and use them are called our active vocabulary and the words which we understand but do not or cannot use them are called our Get more content on
  • 18. Vocabulary Sentences Vocabulary Sentences Lesson 3 Anonymous: Because the author of the book was anonymous, Liz could not give anyone credit for writing the book; she did not know who did it. (Of an unknown source, adj.) Anthology: The anthology of poems lay untouched because Jim was too lazy to read an entire collection of poems. (A collection of various writings, n.) Conjuncture: Olly conjectured that Fred had already taken out the trash without even asking and because he did not make sure the job was done, his father got mad at him for not taking out the trash. (A conclusion based one guess work, n.) Disposition: Bill is a gentleman of fine disposition unlike his brother who is grumpy and angry all of the time. (A person's usual mood, n.) Encompass: Jack's report more content... (Cunning or deceit in dealing with others; trickery, n.) Imperative: Bill's mother made an imperative decision to keep all of the lighters away from baby Bill. (Important, adj.) Instill: Jack's father, Harry, had instilled good manners on Jack; therefore, when he met new people, he always shook their hands and politely greeted them. (To introduce gradually, v.) Modify: After Jack found out his sculpture was too big to fit in his room, he modified it in order to make it smaller. (To change, v.) Pivotal: The moment when mankind would invent the wheel, would be one of the most important, pivotal moments in human history. (important, adj.) Prevalent: Good grades in social studies last year were prevalent because the teacher did not give any tests or hard quizzes. (commonly occurring, adj.) Recur: Jim hopes after giving a flu vaccination to every child in the school, it will prevent reoccurrence of any flu virus. (The act of recurring, n.) Spontaneous: Jack and Liz spontaneously brought snacks to the soccer game, and now the team had 2 times as many snacks that they needed. (voluntary and unplanned, Get more content on