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ABSE and AtomWeaver

A Quantum Leap in Software Development

About Software Development

A critical look into software development
Software, Everywhere

          From wrist watches to the Space Shuttle,
                  software is everywhere

         Every day, millions of lines of code are written
    by thousands of software developers around the world

      Our society becomes more dependent on software
                      every passing day
Increasing Software Complexity

    Every system, every application, in every version,
    in any domain, gets more complex at each iteraction

                      Evolution in lines of code on typical systems

                             70's            90's                2010
     Cell Phone                 -          100.000           10.000.000

     High-End Car           100.000       1.000.000          100.000.000
                                                              (GM/IBM Estimates)

     Word Processor             -           78.000           2.000.000+
                                          (Word 4.0 DOS)

     Operating System        10.000       4.500.000          50.000.000+
                             (Unix v1)    (Windows NT 3.1)    (Windows Vista)
Increasing Software Demand

Demand for software is skyrocketing

More and more “traditional” tasks are being
assisted or replaced by software

Today, most consumer devices have some sort
of software running inside. A growing trend.

Disposable computing is not far away...
Increasing Challenges

Software makers need to address the evolution in:

- Compliance regulations (HL7, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPPA)

- Multi-core & Multi-threading

- Development paradigms (SOA, Web 2.0, SaaS, cloud computing)

And at the same time face:

- Decreasing time-to-market

- Decreasing budgets
Software development
        is an

    have we done
        so far
   to address this?
The “Software Crisis”

              “The major cause of the software crisis
              is that the machines have become
              several orders of magnitude more
              powerful! To put it quite bluntly: as long
              as    there    were      no    machines,
              programming was no problem at all;
              when we had a few weak computers,
              programming became a mild problem,
              and now we have gigantic computers,
              programming has become an equally
              gigantic problem.”

              Edsger Dijkstra, 1972

        This was written almost four decades ago,
       but looks as it could have been written today.
The “Software Crisis”
Consecutive revolutions are being achieved in many domains
thanks to computer software.

              Increasing      Increasing     Increasing
               Demand         Complexity     Challenges

                           Software Crisis

               Same             Same           Same
              Workforce        Methods         Tools

However, software engineering is not seeing the same evolution
rate as in the domains it addresses.
Problem : Slow tool evolution

In the seventies,
people developed software line-by-line, file-by-file

Four decades later,
most people still develop software line-by-line, file-by-file

While there has been some evolution in development methods
and tools, most are essentially based on flat source files.
Problem : Same old methods

First described in 1970, is still the most widespread development organizational method.
“The waterfall model is argued by many to be a bad idea in practice, mainly because of their belief that it is impossible,
for any non-trivial project, to get one phase of a software product's lifecycle perfected before moving on to the next
phases and learning from them.”

One-Off Development
Every developed application is unique, started from scratch

“The assumption of one-off development is so deeply ingrained in this industry that most of us are not conscious of either
the practice or the alternatives. Even XP* and UP** assume that every product will be designed and developed
independently from first principles to accommodate its unique requirements, and neither of them provides guidance for
supplying or consuming reusable assets.”

Jack Greenfield, Keith Short – Software Factories

                                                                                                      *XP = Extreme Programming
                                                                                                      **UP = Unified Process
Problem : Feature Traceability
The traceability problem occurs when the solution features that implement a problem
feature cannot be easily identified.

This makes it hard to identify all of the things that need to change in the
implementation, and to ensure that all of the changes are made consistently, when
the requirements change.

Failing to trace all elements
that belong to a given feature                           Which
leads to bugs, inconsistencies,
                                                           ?                    Data
and excess time.                                         Feature

It's a (too) common scenario.

Failed Promises

In the recent past, several “promises” have emerged,
claiming to be the silver bullet to the software crisis.

But many have failed, or simply did not deliver.

Let us have a look into the most important ones:
(Quoting the opinion of others)
#1 : UML – Unified Modeling Language

“UML is applying an abstraction at the wrong end of the problem. It is
primarily used to sketch object models for inferior languages. As such,
it tends to explode into incomprehensible patterns of accidental
complexity in order to accommodate the various “design patterns”
that are used work around the lack of essential language features.

Because the UML models cannot be compiled, executed, or
interpreted, they are reduced to the level of mere documentation. As
such, it is generally not even worth keeping in sync– the manual
round trip from the code to the model and back is just too expensive
for something that adds no more value to a project than an elaborate
code comment.”

             “UML has become complex and clumsy. For 80% of all software only 20% of UML
             is needed. However, it is not easy to find the subset of UML which we would call
             the Essential UML”.
             Ivar Jacobson, Co-Inventor of UML, June 2009
#2 : MDA – Model-Driven Architecture

“At its most basic, MDA involves transforming one UML model into another UML model, possibly
several times and possibly automatically [...]. The MDA approach leads to the same results as
wizards: lots of code (and models) that you didn’t write yourself but that you are expected to
maintain. The MDA idea gets even worse when you consider round-tripping—would you like to
update the manually made changes to the code and lower level models back to all the higher-level
Kelly / Tolvanen – Metacase

“MDA is limited to the effectiveness of the UML as a language for model driven development,
a task it was not designed to support.”
Jack Greenfield - Microsoft

“Unfortunately, early enthusiasm for Model Driven Architecture (MDA) has dissipated to the
point that many people are openly skeptical of the value of any model-driven approach.”
From “MDA Redux”, by Alan Brown, published by IEEE Computer Society
#3 : DSLs - Domain-Specific Languages

“[...] the Tower Of Babel* effect that results from having so many languages that a person needs to
be familiar with (if not master) in order to get common jobs done.”

“... nothing is better than having your own Little Language to do a specific job. It allows for concise
expression of solutions to specific problems. But a problem arises when The Next Guy comes along
and has to learn the concepts behind the language, the motivations for particular elements of it,
the syntax, etc.”

“Writing a decent DSL is hard. Very limited, very simple DSL's can be adequately produced by a
competent programmer with expertise in the problem domain - DSL's that can be described on a
page or two, and are tailored to a specific application/environment. These language are seldom
usable outside the very limited context.”

“But writing a good DSL that is robust and reusable beyond a limited context, is a lot of work. It
requires persons with both domain expertise and language design expertise (not necessarily the
same person) to pull off. A truly reusable DSL will require reasonable documentation, otherwise it
won't survive the departure of its designers. And, it will eventually require a good set of tools -
debugging environments and the like - for it to become worthwhile.”

Taken from                    *
Gaining Momentum : MDSD and DSM
Unlike MDA, MDSD (Model-Driven Software Development) and
DSM (Domain-Specific Modeling) follow a more pragmatic, less
formal approach to software modeling. That makes these
approaches more accessible to the mere developer.

“Forrester expects model-driven development (MDD) to play a key role in the future of software
development; it is a promising technique for helping application development managers address
growing business complexity and demand.”
Diego Lo Giudice – Forrester Research

Domain-Specific Modeling raises the level of abstraction
beyond programming by specifying the solution directly using
domain concepts. The final products are generated
from these high-level specifications, because both the model
and generators fit the requirements of only one company and
domain. Your experts define them, your developers use them.

ABSE - Overview

How can ABSE address today's software development problems
Quick Facts


- Stands for “Atom-Based Software Engineering”

- Is a generative approach (generates code from models) to
MDSD (Model-Driven Software Development) and DSM (Domain-
Specific Modeling)

- Relies on tree-based models


- Is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

- Implements and extends ABSE
The ABSE Tree

A software engineering project is made up of “Atoms”, organized
as a tree. That tree is the Project Model.

                           A tree conveys association, mimicking
                           the associative human brain, therefore
                           being able to represent and decompose
                           any problem or data structure.

                           The tree is ABSE's supporting paradigm,
                           allowing the model to “think” like us.

                         < A partial view of AtomWeaver's ABSE model
Models in ABSE

An ABSE model, like in other MDSD methodologies, is abstracted
at multiple levels:

           Atom         ABSE's single meta-metamodel

       Atom Template    Metamodels

       Atom Instance    Models

         Text / Data    Generated artifacts
Atom Types

There are only three types of Atoms:

Atom Template → The metamodels (building blocks) of any ABSE model

Atom Instance → The actual models that make up a project model

Atom Organizer → Organizes library contents into meaningful structures
Atom Libraries

An Atom Library contains Atom Templates, possibly structured in a
meaningful way through Atom Organizers.

Any ABSE model must be built from
one or more libraries as it can
only contain Atom Instances.                            Root Lib

                                                      Language Lib
Libraries can use or extend                           Platform Lib
other libraries.

                                                      Domain Lib

We can raise the abstraction              Problem
level everytime we extend
a library.                                            Components
Atom Libraries

The Atom Libraries are the driving force behind ABSE.

A good library can help you save many development hours,
and even more test hours.

The vision behind Software Product Lines (SPL) is that once the
company's domain is converted into models, they can be
reused and combined to create similar, but different, systems.

ABSE and its libraries help SPL's become a reality.

Libraries can be exchanged between systems through
ALX (AtomWeaver Library Exchange) files.
ABSE is Universal

 It can support and combine all forms of software engineering,

     Traditional file-oriented methods                                 Root Lib

     Literate Programming

                                                Higher Abstraction
                                                                     Language Lib

     Aspect-Oriented Programming
                                                                     Platform Lib

     Component-Based Development

 ●   Feature-Driven Development                                      Domain Lib
     Domain-Specific Modeling

 ●   Software Product Lines                                            Domain
 ●   Software Factories                                                  Lib
ABSE is Universal

This is possible because ABSE...

    … is not targeted to a specific language, architecture, or platform

    … allows generation of any kind of text or data

●   … has a very flexible meta-metamodel

    … uses association as its paradigm, the basis of human thinking
ABSE is Domain-Agnostic

ABSE can be applied to virtually any domain.

Horizontal (solution domain) libraries can be
extended with vertical (problem domain)
libraries to achieve reductions in time-to-
market and savings on development and
testing efforts.


Atoms can represent and generate code for
specific aspects of the target domain.

                                                                           Embedded Devices

   Aerospace   Enterprise   Defense Systems   Automotive   Entertainment      Engineering
ABSE is Language-Independent

 Being largely based on text generation,
 ABSE can generate all kinds of textual
 output, from plain text files to complete
 software systems.

 A single ABSE project can target multiple
 languages and file types.

ABSE is Refactorable

ABSE metamodels can evolve with your skill.

You can start doing just some text
transformation, grow up by refactoring            Patterns
Metamodels into common patterns.

You can continue right up to full              Components
Domain-Specific Modeling and
Software Product Lines.

Each time you derive an Atom Template into    Domain-Specific

another Template, you increase the
abstraction level.
                                              Software Factory
ABSE is Easy

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to apply in an effective way.
ABSE is accessible to the "mere developer mortal".

An ABSE project is like a large mechanism
that can built from smaller, pre-built or
custom parts.

The ABSE approach is more pragmatic and simpler than other
DSL/model-driven tools or technologies like oAW, OMG's
MDA/MOF/XMI, Eclipse EMF/GMF, Microsoft OSLO/M, Xtext.
ABSE is Complete

ABSE meta-metamodel
designed to support 100%     atom_concept_a                               Generated code

code generation from the
model.                        Custom

                                                   Model Transformation

                               Generated code

No round-trip necessary.                                                      Custom
                               Custom code

The mix of custom and                                                     source_file.cpp
generated code is directly   atom_concept_b
supported by the meta-                                                        Custom
metamodel.                             Generated

                             Custom                                         Custom code
No worries about
                                                                           Generated code
overwritten custom code,       Generated code
no management issues.
ABSE is Manageable

An ABSE model can grow to
generate multi-million line
applications, and still be easy
to manage.

That's because ABSE is based on
a tree and not on a graph:

Tree branches easily encapsulate
other branches.

                                   A complex application using a graph
ABSE is Comprehensive
The complete ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)
cycle can be supported.

An ABSE tree is not exclusive to software implementation:
it can also represent processes, documentation, SCM, etc.

       Documentation          Project             Bugs & Support
ABSE is Collaborative

Due to its granular nature,
an ABSE model can be               Instance A

concurrently manipulated.                   Instance B
Two or more developers can
work on the same ABSE model.                Instance C

                                            Instance D

                                                     Instance E
And through a supporting tool
(like AtomWeaver), workflows                         Instance F

can be applied. Individual atoms                    Instance G

or tree branches can be
checked-in or out, versioned and
conditionally enabled/disabled.

ABSE in the Enterprise

How can ABSE improve software engineering
ABSE Can Bridge All Stakeholders

By making available the appropriate Templates to each stakeholder,
domain experts, designers, developers and testers can work
together on the same ABSE model.

●   Domain experts can specify
    Designers can design & re-arrange
    Developers can build
●   Testers can debug & test
ABSE Captures & Shares Knowledge

The company's domain knowledge and the team's development
knowledge can be captured into ABSE metamodels.


- Individual expertise can be shared with the whole team

- Less skilled developers can work like the experts

- Architectural uniformity can be achieved

- Best practices are easily disseminated and enforced
ABSE Increases Productivity

Some tasks under manual coding simply cannot scale:

-   Repetitive patterns
-   Repetitive coding
-   Repetitive changes
-   Interfacing code/specification
-   Unit test preparation
-   Debug/log/trace code

These and many other boring and error-prone tasks can
be reduced or even completely eliminated by using a
model-driven approach like ABSE.
ABSE Increases Productivity

The team's productivity potential increases whenever it adds
another metamodel (Atom Template) to the ABSE library.
Working on a higher abstraction level boosts your productivity.

Each time an ABSE metamodel is instantiated, time is saved.

Each time an ABSE metamodel is extended, more time is saved.
ABSE Increases Quality of Code

      It is known that more time is spent debugging
               code than actually writing it.

       The code produced by the ABSE metamodels
        can (and should) be tried and tested code.

      By reducing the amount of custom code used
       in the model, overall code quality increases.
Critical Innovation : Software Reuse

 Systematic software reuse is a promising means to reduce
 development cycle time and cost, improve software quality, and
 leverage existing effort by constructing and applying multi-use
 assets like architectures, patterns, components, and

“To realize a return on the investments we make in developing the solutions, we must reuse them
enough to more than recover the cost of their development, either directly through cost reductions,
or indirectly, through time to market reductions and quality improvements.”
Jack Greenfield et al - “Software Factories”
ABSE Promotes Reuse
The most common type of reuse is the reuse of software components, but
other artifacts produced during the software development process can also
be reused: system architectures, analysis models, design models, design
patterns, database schemas, web services, etc.

ABSE's meta-metamodel allows Atom Templates to be aggregators,
so you can turn any part of your project into a new template for
future reuse.

   Instance A                               Template 1                            Instance D

            Instance B                              Instance A                            Instance 1

            Instance C                                       Instance B                   Instance E
                         “Templatization”                                 Reuse
                                                            Instance C                     Instance F

     Project A                                     Library A                        Project B

In the same way, ABSE lets you turn recurring patterns into
templates, reducing project complexity and maintenance costs.
ABSE Reduces Maintenance Costs
With ABSE you'll have
less code to maintain.
                         Traditional Approach                          ABSE Approach
That's because you
only have to maintain                                                                Manual Code
one instance of your
code. All other
instances of that code
are automatically                                                     Manual Code

                                                      Codebase Size
And since manual code                   Manual Code                                     Code

is natively supported,
                          Manual Code
there's no need to                                                     Generated
waste time maintaining
protected regions,
code guards and other
trickery, just to                                                                    Atom Library
maintain the integrity                                                Atom Library

between manual and
generated code.

ABSE - Technical Overview

A closer look into ABSE and how it works
The Atom (ABSE's Meta-metamodel)

The Atom can be              root_default                              An Atom can also
instantiated into                                                      be compared to an
Atom Templates.                                                        object in an object-
                           Base Template                               language.
Atom Templates
derive from other

                           Atom Template               Instantiation    Atom Instance
All Atom Templates                                     Composition
derive from                Admin         Parameters                          Variables
root_default, the                                                            Creation
only pre-existing          Form          Functions
Atom Template in       Transformation
                                        Custom Areas                        Custom Code
ABSE.                       Code


Atom Templates can
be instantiated into     Derived Template
Atom Instances.
The Atom Admin Section
                                                   Atom Template
The Admin Section of an Atom
Template determines how its instances              Admin         Parameters
are presented and how they behave
                                                   Form          Functions
on the Model Tree.
                                                                Custom Areas

On the Admin Section you can define:

-   Icon and Label to be shown on the model
-   Construction constraints
-   Atom parameters
-   Other discovery and construction helpers

The Admin Section also inherits from its base templates.
The Atom Form Section
                                               Atom Template
Each Atom Template has a dedicated
Editor.                                        Admin         Parameters

                                               Form          Functions

                                                            Custom Areas

The Form Section lets you define how
the editor presents the Atom Template
Parameters and how you can set the
corresponding Instance Variables.

The Form Section also inherits from its base templates.
The Atom Functions Section
(and Behaviors)
                                                Atom Template
This section lets you define extra atom         Admin         Parameters
                                                Form          Functions

                                                             Custom Areas
The most common use is to define                 Code

Atom Behaviors.

An Atom Behavior is a powerful generalization technique: It allows
the atom to respond to a specific, globally-defined query.

Any atom can request processing from another atom without
actually knowing its type, allowing unlimited future extensions.
The Atom Transformation Code

The transformation code allows any            Atom Template
atom to perform actions based on its
input parameters.                             Admin         Parameters

                                              Form          Functions
Most common task is to generate
code, but other tasks like modifying           Code
                                                           Custom Areas
other atoms and OS calls are also

             The Atom's transformation code is
             segmented into the following steps:

                Create     Pre     Exec   Post
                Code      Code     Code   Code
The Atom's Custom Code

To support 100% code generation from               Atom Template
the model, and to avoid synchronization
                                                  Admin         Parameters
problems between generated and
custom code, ABSE allows you to define             Form         Functions
one or more custom code areas on an
Atom Instance.                                     Code
                                                               Custom Areas


                                          int Function()
             parameter                    {
                                          generated code;
                                          generated code;

            custom_code                      custom_code

                                          generated code;
The Instance's Creation Condition
                                           Atom Instance
The inclusion of each Atom Instance           Variables
on the project can be subject to an
expression that dictates whether that         Condition
Atom is executed or not.
                                             Custom Code

If the evaluated condition is false, the      Relocation
Atom becomes invisible to the project.

This brings more flexibility to the
generation process and allows templates
to include/exclude some of their auto-
generated atoms based on user-supplied
Instance Relocation

Atom Instances that are auto-generated by         Atom Instance
an Atom Template can then be relocated to
another position on the model tree.
The relocated atom may be again moved
                                                    Custom Code
by the user, if it is not blocked.

 For instance, user interface programmers may create atoms that
 will automatically create the interface visual elements's atoms.

 Designers can then manipulate and edit those atoms to achieve
 the desired application visuals.
ABSE Strength #1 : Inheritance

Like classes in several programming
languages, Atom Templates can be
derived into more complex and                 root_default
specialized Templates.


This allows you to
build metamodels
that share common
concepts.                        gui_dialog                  ext_data_object

The derived template will inherit all
properties and code from its base template.
ABSE Strength #2 : Composition

Atoms can be combined to build larger structures.

Atom Instances are combined to build the Project Model.

Atom Templates can be composed of several other Templates which,
on their turn, can also be composed of other Templates.

 From Wikipedia:                         ext_powered_class

 Composited (composed) objects are
 often referred to as having a "has a"        cpp_member     cpp_method
 relationship. A real-world example of
 composition may be seen in an
 automobile: the objects wheel,               cpp_member            cpp_argument
 steering wheel, seat, gearbox and
 engine may have no functionality by
 themselves, but an object called                                  cpp_return_value
 automobile containing all of those
 objects would serve a higher
 function, greater than the sum of its
Inheritance & Composition Combined
You can see here how a metamodel of   Actual metamodels from AtomWeaver project

a C++ class, composed of two Atom
Instances, is derived into an
“extended class” with added
features. Then a C++ Component
metamodel is defined by
inheriting Extended Class
and adding data and
Inheritance & Composition Combined

                           Then a Persistent
                           metamodel was
                           created by inheriting
                           a C++ Component
                           model and adding
                           specific DB features.

                           The same was done
                           to create a Database
Inheritance & Composition Combined

          You can implicitly generate dozens
          or even hundreds of atoms just by
           adding a single atom instance to
                     the project.

          If each of those atoms generates
               just a few lines of code...

          Imagine how much code that can
               be generated at once!

           Now imagine that the generated
            code is mature, tested, quality
Atom Templates = Software Components

ABSE lets you build applications like Lego . A simple, yet effective

constraint system drives you on the component discovery and
construction process.

    Metamodels                Constraints            Correct Models

                        +                        =
ABSE is an Executable Model

Every Atom on the ABSE Tree has its own transformation code
(acquired from its template).

                                        To generate code, the Model Tree
                                        recursively executes its atoms,
                   Execution Sequence
                                        which is equivalent to say that all
                                        atoms are executed from top to

                                        The tree is executed four times,
                                        and on each iteraction one of the
                                        following Atom Template sections
                                        is executed:

                                             Create    Pre   Exec   Post
                                              Code    Code   Code   Code
Variable Transmission

  Atom cpp_class
  Defines: class_name,                                                   Variables are set on Atom
     Can access: ...                                                     Instances, and each variable
                                                                         corresponds to an Atom
                                                                         Template parameter.
                         Atom cpp_function
                           Defines: func_name
                         Can access: class_name,
                               inheritance                               Any variable from an Atom
                                                                         is automatically available to
                                               Atom cpp_argument         all branch children.
                                                  Defines: arg_name,
                                               Can access: class_name,
                                                Inheritance, func_name
                                                                         This way, any Atom can
                                                                         work “in context” with its
                         Atom cpp_member
                         Defines: member_name,
                         Can access: class_name,


An ABSE Integrated Development Environment
AtomWeaver is an ABSE Model

AtomWeaver is being developed through an ABSE Model.

AtomWeaver is ABSE's proof-of-concept, showing that a
fairly sophisticated application can be easily built using a
model-driven approach like ABSE.

           Some statistics:
           (Current version of AtomWeaver Prototype)

           - 38000 Total Atoms
             - 7800 User-Created Atoms
             - 30200 Auto-Generated Atoms

           - 334 Atom Templates in Library
           - 2456 Atom Instances in Model

           - 174756 Lines of Generated (+ Manual) Code
           - 701 Generated Files
Introducing AtomWeaver

       AtomWeaver implements and extends ABSE
          into a complete, agile, dynamic IDE.

           AtomWeaver prototype – AtomWeaver's own ABSE model loaded
Introducing AtomWeaver

Due to ABSE's genericity,
AtomWeaver works on any
development environment,
Integrated with any tool chain

 AtomWeaver is presently the market's only plug-and-play MDSD system

 No other present system lets you start creating models in a few minutes
AtomWeaver : The Universal Generator

Besides pure programming,         Why use separate tools?
the modern software vendor
faces a long list of other        AtomWeaver can be the central
peripheral, but equally           point of all development activities.
important activities:

-   Requirement management        Using AtomWeaver's modeling and
-   Research                      generation capabilities, it's
-   Change management             surprisingly easy to:
-   Building
-   Testing                       -   Build your own bug tracker
-   Version control               -   Implement code coverage
-   Issue management              -   Automate documentation
-   Internal/customer reporting
                                  -   Build synch'ed intranets/websites
-   End-user documentation
-   Code revisions                -   Create configurations/build files
-   Installer packaging           -   Package resources
-   Application resources         -   Automatically build tests
-   Databases                     -   Embed debug/trace code
-   ...                           -   Refactor features/architecture
AtomWeaver Modules

AtomWeaver is composed of several mandatory and optional
modules. Each module contains a different aspect of the project.

Library, Model, Files and Log are the mandatory modules. All
others are optional.

Future AtomWeaver versions will allow the creation of other,
custom-defined modules through its API.
AtomWeaver Modules

Documentation → For development support documentation, drafts, etc.

Library → Contains all libraries loaded into the project

Model → Holds the project's main model

Files → Lists and manages all generated artifacts

Issues → Manages SCM operations (bug tracking as the most common)

Help → Builds and concentrates all end-user documentation

Log → Registers all that is happening in AtomWeaver
AtomWeaver's Model Transformation DSL: Lua

Instead of using an exotic, custom DSL, AtomWeaver uses Lua to
transform ABSE models into final source code.

Lua is a lightweight, reflective, imperative and functional
programming language, designed to be a scripting language.

Several benchmarks show Lua as the fastest interpreted scripting
language available.

This is specially important to code generation where millions of
lines of transformation code are typically needed on a large project.
AtomWeaver Extends ABSE

AtomWeaver adds tools and commands to ABSE's basic featureset
to improve the developer's experience and productivity, including :

  Atom Dictionary : Lets you reference any project Atom by
its associated name.

 Atom Lists : Lets you categorize atoms and build lists according
to your pre-defined criteria.

●   Counters : Lets you use unique values project-wide.
AtomWeaver editions

Two editions of AtomWeaver are planned:

        Solo Edition                      Team Edition

 For:                             For:

 -   Individuals                  -   Collaborative projects
 -   MicroISVs                    -   SME's
 -   Small projects               -   Large corporations
 -   Isolated generation tasks    -   Research institutes
AtomWeaver 1.0 feature matrix

    Feature                                          Solo Edition   Team Edition

    Code Generator, Interpreter, Rules Engine             X              X

    IDE                                                   X              X

    Library Repository                                    X              X

    File-based Database Storage (SQLite)                  X

    Server-based Database Storage (MS SQL Server)                        X

    ALM (Application LifeCycle Management) Support        X              X

    Model Versioning                                                     X

    Developer Roles                                                      X

    Concurrent Model Edition                                             X

    Workflows & Tasks                                                    X
AtomWeaver estimated prices

         Solo Edition                                  Team Edition

           USD $499                                      USD $999
               Regular                                 Regular, Per Seat

           USD $199                                        USD $499
    Early Adopter Campaign                          Early Adopter Campaign
                                                            Per Seat

 Prices not definitive, subject to change
 Optional support and/or maintenance not included
AtomWeaver's next major features

                  The following major features are planned
                     for versions 2 & 3 of AtomWeaver

  Flexible Diagramming          Generic GUI Mockups                Scripting API

  Any kind of diagram can be    Mockups for any system will       AtomWeaver will be
    created, following rules     be possible using ABSE's     scriptable, opening the door
  defined in Atom Templates     generic constraint system.       to user-defined ABSE
   and in the Library. Hybrid   Programmers can program       models, extensions, custom
  diagram/tree development      while designers can design    actions on atoms, and third-
       will be possible.              and rearrange.                 party add-ons.
The Library Exchange

AtomWeaver will have its dedicated Library Exchange site that
will concentrate all publicly available Atom Libraries:

- Free Libraries
- Commercial Libraries

These libraries can be supplied by:

- Individual users
- Commercial vendors
- Isomeris

By using ready-made libraries, you save time and get quality
code and models from the domain experts.
Team Edition Feature:
Concurrent Model Edition

The project is stored on a central database

Developers can load a copy of the project into their workstations

An Atom or a branch can be checked-out for edition. Other users
are denied write access to that atom or branch

After check-in, changes are incorporated into the central database

AtomWeaver regularly checks for new updates and automatically
loads them to the local copy of the project
Team Edition Feature:
Developer Role Management

The structure of a development team is mimicked in the
AtomWeaver environment

Each user must log in to work on a project

The two main roles are Architects and Developers. Other roles
can be created

Each role can have different privileges regarding code access
or changes

Developer roles are also useful for workflows
Team Edition Feature:
Model Versioning

Like in a source control system, atoms can be versioned

Branches/forks can be made

Past project snapshots can be obtained

Atoms can be reverted to a previous version

Different versions of atoms or branches can be diff'ed
Team Edition Feature:
Workflows and Tasks

The development process can be pro-actively managed by

All processes are defined by the organization through Atoms,
stored as libraries

Workflows, tasks and memos can be issued.

Activities like testing, change requests, code reviews, etc. can
be implemented

Atoms can be selected & associated to these activities
AtomWeaver release timeline*

     Apr.2011 : AtomWeaver Team v1.0 CTP

                                         Dec.2011 : AtomWeaver Team v2.0

      2010                            2011                         2012

                     Sep.2011 : AtomWeaver Solo v2.0

Sep.2010 : AtomWeaver Solo v1.0 CTP          May.2011 : AtomWeaver Solo v3.0

   *Timings subject to change
AtomWeaver Competitors

Code Generation is a high-growth market segment: There
are currently dozens of competitors.

However, most of these products are specific to a
given domain, platform, or function.

None of the other existing products today
is able to offer a technological
innovation that can be recognized as
a true software development
breakthrough as
ABSE & AtomWeaver


Summing up ABSE & AtomWeaver
ABSE aims to lead the MDSD movement

MDSD is recognized as the next revolution in the Software
Engineering industry, and is gaining momentum among larger

However, complexity in its various implementations prevents it
from gaining mainstream adoption.

 ABSE aims to lead MDSD adoption by:

 -   Defining a very light meta-metamodel
 -   Having a small set of rules
 -   Being flexible (can mix custom and generated code)
 -   Having a reference implementation (AtomWeaver)
AtomWeaver aims to compete with other
high-end IDE's

MS Visual Studio and Eclipse are the major players in the
general-purpose software IDE segment

AtomWeaver can differentiate itself by:

- Its unique development approach (ABSE)
- A high adaptability to very specific industries and domains
- Having lower licensing costs
Reality Check !

                 ABSE still in its infancy

        AtomWeaver is still just a bare-bones IDE

     Developer mindset inertia is a respectful opponent
ABSE & AtomWeaver on the Internet





Thank you for your interest in

ABSE and AtomWeaver


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ABSE and AtomWeaver : A Quantum Leap in Software Development

  • 1. ABSE and AtomWeaver A Quantum Leap in Software Development
  • 2. PART I About Software Development A critical look into software development
  • 3. Software, Everywhere From wrist watches to the Space Shuttle, software is everywhere Every day, millions of lines of code are written by thousands of software developers around the world Our society becomes more dependent on software every passing day
  • 4. Increasing Software Complexity Every system, every application, in every version, in any domain, gets more complex at each iteraction Evolution in lines of code on typical systems 70's 90's 2010 Cell Phone - 100.000 10.000.000 High-End Car 100.000 1.000.000 100.000.000 (GM/IBM Estimates) Word Processor - 78.000 2.000.000+ (Word 4.0 DOS) Operating System 10.000 4.500.000 50.000.000+ (Unix v1) (Windows NT 3.1) (Windows Vista)
  • 5. Increasing Software Demand Demand for software is skyrocketing More and more “traditional” tasks are being assisted or replaced by software Today, most consumer devices have some sort of software running inside. A growing trend. Disposable computing is not far away...
  • 6. Increasing Challenges Software makers need to address the evolution in: - Compliance regulations (HL7, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPPA) - Multi-core & Multi-threading - Development paradigms (SOA, Web 2.0, SaaS, cloud computing) And at the same time face: - Decreasing time-to-market - Decreasing budgets
  • 7. Software development is an ever-growing challenge... What have we done so far to address this?
  • 8. The “Software Crisis” “The major cause of the software crisis is that the machines have become several orders of magnitude more powerful! To put it quite bluntly: as long as there were no machines, programming was no problem at all; when we had a few weak computers, programming became a mild problem, and now we have gigantic computers, programming has become an equally gigantic problem.” Edsger Dijkstra, 1972 This was written almost four decades ago, but looks as it could have been written today.
  • 9. The “Software Crisis” Consecutive revolutions are being achieved in many domains thanks to computer software. Increasing Increasing Increasing Demand Complexity Challenges Software Crisis Same Same Same Workforce Methods Tools However, software engineering is not seeing the same evolution rate as in the domains it addresses.
  • 10. Problem : Slow tool evolution In the seventies, people developed software line-by-line, file-by-file Four decades later, most people still develop software line-by-line, file-by-file While there has been some evolution in development methods and tools, most are essentially based on flat source files.
  • 11. Problem : Same old methods Waterfall First described in 1970, is still the most widespread development organizational method. “The waterfall model is argued by many to be a bad idea in practice, mainly because of their belief that it is impossible, for any non-trivial project, to get one phase of a software product's lifecycle perfected before moving on to the next phases and learning from them.” One-Off Development Every developed application is unique, started from scratch “The assumption of one-off development is so deeply ingrained in this industry that most of us are not conscious of either the practice or the alternatives. Even XP* and UP** assume that every product will be designed and developed independently from first principles to accommodate its unique requirements, and neither of them provides guidance for supplying or consuming reusable assets.” Jack Greenfield, Keith Short – Software Factories *XP = Extreme Programming **UP = Unified Process
  • 12. Problem : Feature Traceability The traceability problem occurs when the solution features that implement a problem feature cannot be easily identified. This makes it hard to identify all of the things that need to change in the implementation, and to ensure that all of the changes are made consistently, when the requirements change. Failing to trace all elements that belong to a given feature Which leads to bugs, inconsistencies, ? Data and excess time. Feature It's a (too) common scenario. Source Specification Code
  • 13. Failed Promises In the recent past, several “promises” have emerged, claiming to be the silver bullet to the software crisis. But many have failed, or simply did not deliver. Let us have a look into the most important ones: (Quoting the opinion of others)
  • 14. #1 : UML – Unified Modeling Language “UML is applying an abstraction at the wrong end of the problem. It is primarily used to sketch object models for inferior languages. As such, it tends to explode into incomprehensible patterns of accidental complexity in order to accommodate the various “design patterns” that are used work around the lack of essential language features. Because the UML models cannot be compiled, executed, or interpreted, they are reduced to the level of mere documentation. As such, it is generally not even worth keeping in sync– the manual round trip from the code to the model and back is just too expensive for something that adds no more value to a project than an elaborate code comment.” From “UML has become complex and clumsy. For 80% of all software only 20% of UML is needed. However, it is not easy to find the subset of UML which we would call the Essential UML”. Ivar Jacobson, Co-Inventor of UML, June 2009
  • 15. #2 : MDA – Model-Driven Architecture “At its most basic, MDA involves transforming one UML model into another UML model, possibly several times and possibly automatically [...]. The MDA approach leads to the same results as wizards: lots of code (and models) that you didn’t write yourself but that you are expected to maintain. The MDA idea gets even worse when you consider round-tripping—would you like to update the manually made changes to the code and lower level models back to all the higher-level models?” Kelly / Tolvanen – Metacase “MDA is limited to the effectiveness of the UML as a language for model driven development, a task it was not designed to support.” Jack Greenfield - Microsoft “Unfortunately, early enthusiasm for Model Driven Architecture (MDA) has dissipated to the point that many people are openly skeptical of the value of any model-driven approach.” From “MDA Redux”, by Alan Brown, published by IEEE Computer Society
  • 16. #3 : DSLs - Domain-Specific Languages “[...] the Tower Of Babel* effect that results from having so many languages that a person needs to be familiar with (if not master) in order to get common jobs done.” “... nothing is better than having your own Little Language to do a specific job. It allows for concise expression of solutions to specific problems. But a problem arises when The Next Guy comes along and has to learn the concepts behind the language, the motivations for particular elements of it, the syntax, etc.” “Writing a decent DSL is hard. Very limited, very simple DSL's can be adequately produced by a competent programmer with expertise in the problem domain - DSL's that can be described on a page or two, and are tailored to a specific application/environment. These language are seldom usable outside the very limited context.” “But writing a good DSL that is robust and reusable beyond a limited context, is a lot of work. It requires persons with both domain expertise and language design expertise (not necessarily the same person) to pull off. A truly reusable DSL will require reasonable documentation, otherwise it won't survive the departure of its designers. And, it will eventually require a good set of tools - debugging environments and the like - for it to become worthwhile.” Taken from *
  • 17. Gaining Momentum : MDSD and DSM Unlike MDA, MDSD (Model-Driven Software Development) and DSM (Domain-Specific Modeling) follow a more pragmatic, less formal approach to software modeling. That makes these approaches more accessible to the mere developer. “Forrester expects model-driven development (MDD) to play a key role in the future of software development; it is a promising technique for helping application development managers address growing business complexity and demand.” Diego Lo Giudice – Forrester Research Domain-Specific Modeling raises the level of abstraction beyond programming by specifying the solution directly using domain concepts. The final products are generated from these high-level specifications, because both the model and generators fit the requirements of only one company and domain. Your experts define them, your developers use them.
  • 18. PART II ABSE - Overview How can ABSE address today's software development problems
  • 19. Quick Facts ABSE - Stands for “Atom-Based Software Engineering” - Is a generative approach (generates code from models) to MDSD (Model-Driven Software Development) and DSM (Domain- Specific Modeling) - Relies on tree-based models AtomWeaver - Is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - Implements and extends ABSE
  • 20. The ABSE Tree A software engineering project is made up of “Atoms”, organized as a tree. That tree is the Project Model. A tree conveys association, mimicking the associative human brain, therefore being able to represent and decompose any problem or data structure. The tree is ABSE's supporting paradigm, allowing the model to “think” like us. < A partial view of AtomWeaver's ABSE model
  • 21. Models in ABSE An ABSE model, like in other MDSD methodologies, is abstracted at multiple levels: Atom ABSE's single meta-metamodel 1 * Atom Template Metamodels 1 * Atom Instance Models 1 * Text / Data Generated artifacts
  • 22. Atom Types There are only three types of Atoms: Atom Template → The metamodels (building blocks) of any ABSE model Atom Instance → The actual models that make up a project model Atom Organizer → Organizes library contents into meaningful structures
  • 23. Atom Libraries An Atom Library contains Atom Templates, possibly structured in a meaningful way through Atom Organizers. Any ABSE model must be built from one or more libraries as it can only contain Atom Instances. Root Lib Language Lib Solution Domain Libraries can use or extend Platform Lib other libraries. Domain Lib We can raise the abstraction Problem Domain level everytime we extend Domain a library. Components Lib
  • 24. Atom Libraries The Atom Libraries are the driving force behind ABSE. A good library can help you save many development hours, and even more test hours. The vision behind Software Product Lines (SPL) is that once the company's domain is converted into models, they can be reused and combined to create similar, but different, systems. ABSE and its libraries help SPL's become a reality. Libraries can be exchanged between systems through ALX (AtomWeaver Library Exchange) files.
  • 25. ABSE is Universal It can support and combine all forms of software engineering, including: ● Traditional file-oriented methods Root Lib Literate Programming Higher Abstraction ● Language Lib ● Aspect-Oriented Programming Platform Lib ● Component-Based Development ● Feature-Driven Development Domain Lib ● Domain-Specific Modeling ● Software Product Lines Domain Components ● Software Factories Lib
  • 26. ABSE is Universal This is possible because ABSE... ● … is not targeted to a specific language, architecture, or platform ● … allows generation of any kind of text or data ● … has a very flexible meta-metamodel ● … uses association as its paradigm, the basis of human thinking
  • 27. ABSE is Domain-Agnostic ABSE can be applied to virtually any domain. Internet Horizontal (solution domain) libraries can be extended with vertical (problem domain) Healthcare libraries to achieve reductions in time-to- market and savings on development and testing efforts. Science Atoms can represent and generate code for specific aspects of the target domain. Embedded Devices Aerospace Enterprise Defense Systems Automotive Entertainment Engineering
  • 28. ABSE is Language-Independent Being largely based on text generation, ABSE can generate all kinds of textual output, from plain text files to complete software systems. A single ABSE project can target multiple languages and file types. FortranHaskellEiffelC#PhytonSQLJavaABAPErlangScalaSmalltalkVHDLPrologC++ AdaPascalPHPLispRubyJavaScriptDelphiSASCOBOLCamlTclDVisualBasicCGroovyML
  • 29. ABSE is Refactorable Line-Oriented ABSE metamodels can evolve with your skill. Objects You can start doing just some text transformation, grow up by refactoring Patterns Metamodels into common patterns. You can continue right up to full Components Domain-Specific Modeling and Software Product Lines. Each time you derive an Atom Template into Domain-Specific another Template, you increase the abstraction level. Software Factory
  • 30. ABSE is Easy You don't need to be a rocket scientist to apply in an effective way. ABSE is accessible to the "mere developer mortal". An ABSE project is like a large mechanism that can built from smaller, pre-built or custom parts. The ABSE approach is more pragmatic and simpler than other DSL/model-driven tools or technologies like oAW, OMG's MDA/MOF/XMI, Eclipse EMF/GMF, Microsoft OSLO/M, Xtext.
  • 31. ABSE is Complete source_file.h ABSE meta-metamodel designed to support 100% atom_concept_a Generated code code generation from the model. Custom code Generated Model Transformation code Generated code No round-trip necessary. Custom code Custom code The mix of custom and source_file.cpp generated code is directly atom_concept_b supported by the meta- Custom code metamodel. Generated code Custom Custom code code No worries about Generated code overwritten custom code, Generated code no management issues.
  • 32. ABSE is Manageable An ABSE model can grow to generate multi-million line applications, and still be easy to manage. That's because ABSE is based on a tree and not on a graph: Tree branches easily encapsulate other branches. A complex application using a graph
  • 33. ABSE is Comprehensive The complete ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) cycle can be supported. An ABSE tree is not exclusive to software implementation: it can also represent processes, documentation, SCM, etc. Documentation Project Bugs & Support
  • 34. ABSE is Collaborative Due to its granular nature, an ABSE model can be Instance A concurrently manipulated. Instance B Two or more developers can work on the same ABSE model. Instance C Instance D Instance E And through a supporting tool (like AtomWeaver), workflows Instance F can be applied. Individual atoms Instance G or tree branches can be checked-in or out, versioned and conditionally enabled/disabled.
  • 35. PART III ABSE in the Enterprise How can ABSE improve software engineering
  • 36. ABSE Can Bridge All Stakeholders By making available the appropriate Templates to each stakeholder, domain experts, designers, developers and testers can work together on the same ABSE model. ● Domain experts can specify ● Designers can design & re-arrange ● Developers can build ● Testers can debug & test
  • 37. ABSE Captures & Shares Knowledge The company's domain knowledge and the team's development knowledge can be captured into ABSE metamodels. Benefits: - Individual expertise can be shared with the whole team - Less skilled developers can work like the experts - Architectural uniformity can be achieved - Best practices are easily disseminated and enforced
  • 38. ABSE Increases Productivity Some tasks under manual coding simply cannot scale: - Repetitive patterns - Repetitive coding - Repetitive changes - Interfacing code/specification - Unit test preparation - Debug/log/trace code These and many other boring and error-prone tasks can be reduced or even completely eliminated by using a model-driven approach like ABSE.
  • 39. ABSE Increases Productivity The team's productivity potential increases whenever it adds another metamodel (Atom Template) to the ABSE library. Working on a higher abstraction level boosts your productivity. Each time an ABSE metamodel is instantiated, time is saved. Each time an ABSE metamodel is extended, more time is saved.
  • 40. ABSE Increases Quality of Code It is known that more time is spent debugging code than actually writing it. The code produced by the ABSE metamodels can (and should) be tried and tested code. By reducing the amount of custom code used in the model, overall code quality increases.
  • 41. Critical Innovation : Software Reuse Systematic software reuse is a promising means to reduce development cycle time and cost, improve software quality, and leverage existing effort by constructing and applying multi-use assets like architectures, patterns, components, and frameworks. “To realize a return on the investments we make in developing the solutions, we must reuse them enough to more than recover the cost of their development, either directly through cost reductions, or indirectly, through time to market reductions and quality improvements.” Jack Greenfield et al - “Software Factories”
  • 42. ABSE Promotes Reuse The most common type of reuse is the reuse of software components, but other artifacts produced during the software development process can also be reused: system architectures, analysis models, design models, design patterns, database schemas, web services, etc. ABSE's meta-metamodel allows Atom Templates to be aggregators, so you can turn any part of your project into a new template for future reuse. Instance A Template 1 Instance D Instance B Instance A Instance 1 Instance C Instance B Instance E “Templatization” Reuse Instance C Instance F Project A Library A Project B In the same way, ABSE lets you turn recurring patterns into templates, reducing project complexity and maintenance costs.
  • 43. ABSE Reduces Maintenance Costs With ABSE you'll have less code to maintain. Traditional Approach ABSE Approach That's because you only have to maintain Manual Code one instance of your code. All other instances of that code are automatically Manual Code Codebase Size updated. Generated And since manual code Manual Code Code is natively supported, Manual Code there's no need to Generated Code waste time maintaining protected regions, code guards and other trickery, just to Atom Library maintain the integrity Atom Library between manual and generated code.
  • 44. PART IV ABSE - Technical Overview A closer look into ABSE and how it works
  • 45. The Atom (ABSE's Meta-metamodel) The Atom can be root_default An Atom can also instantiated into be compared to an Atom Templates. object in an object- oriented programming Base Template language. Atom Templates derive from other templates. Atom Template Instantiation Atom Instance All Atom Templates Composition derive from Admin Parameters Variables root_default, the Creation only pre-existing Form Functions Condition Atom Template in Transformation Custom Areas Custom Code ABSE. Code Relocation Atom Templates can be instantiated into Derived Template Atom Instances.
  • 46. The Atom Admin Section Atom Template The Admin Section of an Atom Template determines how its instances Admin Parameters are presented and how they behave Form Functions on the Model Tree. Transformation Custom Areas Code On the Admin Section you can define: - Icon and Label to be shown on the model - Construction constraints - Atom parameters - Other discovery and construction helpers The Admin Section also inherits from its base templates.
  • 47. The Atom Form Section Atom Template Each Atom Template has a dedicated Editor. Admin Parameters Form Functions Transformation Custom Areas Code The Form Section lets you define how the editor presents the Atom Template Parameters and how you can set the corresponding Instance Variables. The Form Section also inherits from its base templates.
  • 48. The Atom Functions Section (and Behaviors) Atom Template This section lets you define extra atom Admin Parameters Functions. Form Functions Transformation Custom Areas The most common use is to define Code Atom Behaviors. An Atom Behavior is a powerful generalization technique: It allows the atom to respond to a specific, globally-defined query. Any atom can request processing from another atom without actually knowing its type, allowing unlimited future extensions.
  • 49. The Atom Transformation Code The transformation code allows any Atom Template atom to perform actions based on its input parameters. Admin Parameters Form Functions Most common task is to generate Transformation code, but other tasks like modifying Code Custom Areas other atoms and OS calls are also possible. The Atom's transformation code is segmented into the following steps: Create Pre Exec Post Code Code Code Code
  • 50. The Atom's Custom Code To support 100% code generation from Atom Template the model, and to avoid synchronization Admin Parameters problems between generated and custom code, ABSE allows you to define Form Functions one or more custom code areas on an Transformation Atom Instance. Code Custom Areas java_function int Function() parameter { generated code; generated code; parameter custom_code custom_code generated code; }
  • 51. The Instance's Creation Condition Atom Instance The inclusion of each Atom Instance Variables on the project can be subject to an Creation expression that dictates whether that Condition Atom is executed or not. Custom Code If the evaluated condition is false, the Relocation Atom becomes invisible to the project. This brings more flexibility to the generation process and allows templates to include/exclude some of their auto- generated atoms based on user-supplied values.
  • 52. Instance Relocation Atom Instances that are auto-generated by Atom Instance an Atom Template can then be relocated to Variables another position on the model tree. Creation Condition The relocated atom may be again moved Custom Code by the user, if it is not blocked. Relocation For instance, user interface programmers may create atoms that will automatically create the interface visual elements's atoms. Designers can then manipulate and edit those atoms to achieve the desired application visuals.
  • 53. ABSE Strength #1 : Inheritance Like classes in several programming languages, Atom Templates can be derived into more complex and root_default specialized Templates. cpp_class This allows you to build metamodels that share common concepts. gui_dialog ext_data_object db_persistent_object The derived template will inherit all properties and code from its base template.
  • 54. ABSE Strength #2 : Composition Atoms can be combined to build larger structures. Atom Instances are combined to build the Project Model. Atom Templates can be composed of several other Templates which, on their turn, can also be composed of other Templates. From Wikipedia: ext_powered_class ct_composition Composited (composed) objects are often referred to as having a "has a" cpp_member cpp_method relationship. A real-world example of composition may be seen in an automobile: the objects wheel, cpp_member cpp_argument steering wheel, seat, gearbox and engine may have no functionality by themselves, but an object called cpp_return_value automobile containing all of those objects would serve a higher function, greater than the sum of its parts.
  • 55. Inheritance & Composition Combined You can see here how a metamodel of Actual metamodels from AtomWeaver project a C++ class, composed of two Atom Instances, is derived into an “extended class” with added features. Then a C++ Component metamodel is defined by inheriting Extended Class and adding data and configuration features...
  • 56. Inheritance & Composition Combined Then a Persistent Component metamodel was created by inheriting a C++ Component model and adding specific DB features. The same was done to create a Database Document metamodel.
  • 57. Inheritance & Composition Combined You can implicitly generate dozens or even hundreds of atoms just by adding a single atom instance to the project. If each of those atoms generates just a few lines of code... Imagine how much code that can be generated at once! Now imagine that the generated code is mature, tested, quality code...
  • 58. Atom Templates = Software Components ABSE lets you build applications like Lego . A simple, yet effective tm constraint system drives you on the component discovery and construction process. Metamodels Constraints Correct Models + =
  • 59. ABSE is an Executable Model Every Atom on the ABSE Tree has its own transformation code (acquired from its template). To generate code, the Model Tree recursively executes its atoms, Execution Sequence which is equivalent to say that all atoms are executed from top to bottom. The tree is executed four times, and on each iteraction one of the following Atom Template sections is executed: Create Pre Exec Post Code Code Code Code
  • 60. Variable Transmission Atom cpp_class Defines: class_name, Variables are set on Atom inheritance Can access: ... Instances, and each variable corresponds to an Atom Template parameter. Atom cpp_function Defines: func_name Can access: class_name, inheritance Any variable from an Atom is automatically available to Atom cpp_argument all branch children. Defines: arg_name, arg_type Can access: class_name, Inheritance, func_name This way, any Atom can work “in context” with its Atom cpp_member ancestors. Defines: member_name, member_type Can access: class_name, inheritance
  • 61. PART V AtomWeaver An ABSE Integrated Development Environment
  • 62. AtomWeaver is an ABSE Model AtomWeaver is being developed through an ABSE Model. AtomWeaver is ABSE's proof-of-concept, showing that a fairly sophisticated application can be easily built using a model-driven approach like ABSE. Some statistics: (Current version of AtomWeaver Prototype) - 38000 Total Atoms - 7800 User-Created Atoms - 30200 Auto-Generated Atoms - 334 Atom Templates in Library - 2456 Atom Instances in Model - 174756 Lines of Generated (+ Manual) Code - 701 Generated Files
  • 63. Introducing AtomWeaver AtomWeaver implements and extends ABSE into a complete, agile, dynamic IDE. AtomWeaver prototype – AtomWeaver's own ABSE model loaded
  • 64. Introducing AtomWeaver Due to ABSE's genericity, AtomWeaver works on any development environment, Integrated with any tool chain AtomWeaver is presently the market's only plug-and-play MDSD system No other present system lets you start creating models in a few minutes
  • 65. AtomWeaver : The Universal Generator Besides pure programming, Why use separate tools? the modern software vendor faces a long list of other AtomWeaver can be the central peripheral, but equally point of all development activities. important activities: - Requirement management Using AtomWeaver's modeling and - Research generation capabilities, it's - Change management surprisingly easy to: - Building - Testing - Build your own bug tracker - Version control - Implement code coverage - Issue management - Automate documentation - Internal/customer reporting - Build synch'ed intranets/websites - End-user documentation - Code revisions - Create configurations/build files - Installer packaging - Package resources - Application resources - Automatically build tests - Databases - Embed debug/trace code - ... - Refactor features/architecture
  • 66. AtomWeaver Modules AtomWeaver is composed of several mandatory and optional modules. Each module contains a different aspect of the project. Library, Model, Files and Log are the mandatory modules. All others are optional. Future AtomWeaver versions will allow the creation of other, custom-defined modules through its API.
  • 67. AtomWeaver Modules Documentation → For development support documentation, drafts, etc. Library → Contains all libraries loaded into the project Model → Holds the project's main model Files → Lists and manages all generated artifacts Issues → Manages SCM operations (bug tracking as the most common) Help → Builds and concentrates all end-user documentation Log → Registers all that is happening in AtomWeaver
  • 68. AtomWeaver's Model Transformation DSL: Lua Instead of using an exotic, custom DSL, AtomWeaver uses Lua to transform ABSE models into final source code. Lua is a lightweight, reflective, imperative and functional programming language, designed to be a scripting language. Several benchmarks show Lua as the fastest interpreted scripting language available. This is specially important to code generation where millions of lines of transformation code are typically needed on a large project.
  • 69. AtomWeaver Extends ABSE AtomWeaver adds tools and commands to ABSE's basic featureset to improve the developer's experience and productivity, including : ● Atom Dictionary : Lets you reference any project Atom by its associated name. ● Atom Lists : Lets you categorize atoms and build lists according to your pre-defined criteria. ● Counters : Lets you use unique values project-wide.
  • 70. AtomWeaver editions Two editions of AtomWeaver are planned: Solo Edition Team Edition For: For: - Individuals - Collaborative projects - MicroISVs - SME's - Small projects - Large corporations - Isolated generation tasks - Research institutes
  • 71. AtomWeaver 1.0 feature matrix Feature Solo Edition Team Edition Code Generator, Interpreter, Rules Engine X X IDE X X Library Repository X X File-based Database Storage (SQLite) X Server-based Database Storage (MS SQL Server) X ALM (Application LifeCycle Management) Support X X Model Versioning X Developer Roles X Concurrent Model Edition X Workflows & Tasks X
  • 72. AtomWeaver estimated prices Solo Edition Team Edition USD $499 USD $999 Regular Regular, Per Seat USD $199 USD $499 Early Adopter Campaign Early Adopter Campaign Per Seat Prices not definitive, subject to change Optional support and/or maintenance not included
  • 73. AtomWeaver's next major features The following major features are planned for versions 2 & 3 of AtomWeaver Flexible Diagramming Generic GUI Mockups Scripting API Any kind of diagram can be Mockups for any system will AtomWeaver will be created, following rules be possible using ABSE's scriptable, opening the door defined in Atom Templates generic constraint system. to user-defined ABSE and in the Library. Hybrid Programmers can program models, extensions, custom diagram/tree development while designers can design actions on atoms, and third- will be possible. and rearrange. party add-ons.
  • 74. The Library Exchange AtomWeaver will have its dedicated Library Exchange site that will concentrate all publicly available Atom Libraries: - Free Libraries - Commercial Libraries These libraries can be supplied by: - Individual users - Commercial vendors - Isomeris By using ready-made libraries, you save time and get quality code and models from the domain experts.
  • 75. Team Edition Feature: Concurrent Model Edition The project is stored on a central database Developers can load a copy of the project into their workstations An Atom or a branch can be checked-out for edition. Other users are denied write access to that atom or branch After check-in, changes are incorporated into the central database AtomWeaver regularly checks for new updates and automatically loads them to the local copy of the project
  • 76. Team Edition Feature: Developer Role Management The structure of a development team is mimicked in the AtomWeaver environment Each user must log in to work on a project The two main roles are Architects and Developers. Other roles can be created Each role can have different privileges regarding code access or changes Developer roles are also useful for workflows
  • 77. Team Edition Feature: Model Versioning Like in a source control system, atoms can be versioned Branches/forks can be made Past project snapshots can be obtained Atoms can be reverted to a previous version Different versions of atoms or branches can be diff'ed
  • 78. Team Edition Feature: Workflows and Tasks The development process can be pro-actively managed by AtomWeaver All processes are defined by the organization through Atoms, stored as libraries Workflows, tasks and memos can be issued. Activities like testing, change requests, code reviews, etc. can be implemented Atoms can be selected & associated to these activities
  • 79. AtomWeaver release timeline* Apr.2011 : AtomWeaver Team v1.0 CTP Dec.2011 : AtomWeaver Team v2.0 2010 2011 2012 Sep.2011 : AtomWeaver Solo v2.0 Sep.2010 : AtomWeaver Solo v1.0 CTP May.2011 : AtomWeaver Solo v3.0 *Timings subject to change
  • 80. AtomWeaver Competitors Code Generation is a high-growth market segment: There are currently dozens of competitors. However, most of these products are specific to a given domain, platform, or function. None of the other existing products today is able to offer a technological innovation that can be recognized as a true software development breakthrough as ABSE & AtomWeaver do.
  • 81. PART VI Summary Summing up ABSE & AtomWeaver
  • 82. ABSE aims to lead the MDSD movement MDSD is recognized as the next revolution in the Software Engineering industry, and is gaining momentum among larger organizations. However, complexity in its various implementations prevents it from gaining mainstream adoption. ABSE aims to lead MDSD adoption by: - Defining a very light meta-metamodel - Having a small set of rules - Being flexible (can mix custom and generated code) - Having a reference implementation (AtomWeaver)
  • 83. AtomWeaver aims to compete with other high-end IDE's MS Visual Studio and Eclipse are the major players in the general-purpose software IDE segment AtomWeaver can differentiate itself by: - Its unique development approach (ABSE) - A high adaptability to very specific industries and domains - Having lower licensing costs
  • 84. Reality Check ! ABSE still in its infancy AtomWeaver is still just a bare-bones IDE Developer mindset inertia is a respectful opponent
  • 85. ABSE & AtomWeaver on the Internet
  • 86. Thank you for your interest in ABSE and AtomWeaver