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The Modern Marketer’s
ABM – From Strategy to Action and
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What is ABM
• A coordinated, integrated go-to-market effort between sales &
• An integrated approach to engaging & building consensus amongst
the internal buying committee
• A proven methodology for increasing velocity & conversion of target
Workbook – pg 4
ABM yourself to get…..ABM?
Keys to launching ABM
1. Outcomes first (and always)
2. Map the internal buying committee, build consensus
3. Challenge the status quo
4. Securing budget
5. Drive deep coordination with sales
Workbook – pg 5
Defining Outcomes
• Revenue growth
• Target account efficiency
• Opportunity cost
• Where is there quantifiable pain right now?
ROI Calculator
Workbook – pg 13
How others are winning
• Increase marketing contribution to pipeline
• Improve coordination & efficiency between sales and marketing
• Focus marketing on more profitable strategies and tactics
• Presenting conflicting faces/messages to prospects
• Failing to build internal consensus with the buyer
• Losing deals to competitors who are more coordinated and effective
Workbook – pgs 6-11
Key benefits by department
More focused, more
efficient, and more
connected to revenue
Better coordinated
platforms between sales
and marketing
Greater precision,
coordination, and velocity
in Target Accounts
Greater predictability,
transparency, and
visibility into marketing
expense ROI
Workbook – pgs 6-11
Map out each discussion
Persona Stage 1
Loosen the status quo
Stage 2
Commit to change
Stage 5
Justify decision
Stage 6
Make final decision
Head of Demand
Marketing Operations
Event Manager
Unique perspectives, unique messaging
Audience Persona Stage 1 - Loosen the status quo Stage 2 - Commit to change Stage 5 - Justify decision Stage 6 - Make final decision
Marketing CMO
Traditional demand generation
doesn't work for enterprise targets;
internal "buying" committee is too
complicated for individual-centric
marketing campaigns; current
marketing & sales systems are too
siloed - can't see and impact target
account momentum
Current tools cannot hit or support
enterprise marketing & sales goals for
2017; CEO requires tighter
coordination with sales to
demonstrate marketing contribution
to revenue in 2017; VP of Sales needs
tighter coordinated, operational
efforts to demonstrate enterprise
sales momentum & results
Heightens confidence in hitting 2017
enterprise sales number; increases
coordination with sales leadership &
revenue objectives; allow for more
precise marketing to achieve
enterprise deals more accurately
What is the opportunity cost of not
hitting your enterprise sales number?;
What is the impact of not aligning
enterprise sales targets with
relevant/related marketing efforts?
Head of Demand Generation
Lead response rates are OK but
conversion to opportunities are
weakening due to lack of internal
buyer consensus-building; current
tools don't allow for account-centric
coordination of marketing activities
nor targeting of key accounts more
Cannot hit enterprise marketing
targets without more precise, account-
centric programs; ABM increases your
alignment with sales, tie to revenue,
impacts how the organization views
demand generation in a positive light;
ability to measure precise marketing
impact on sales/revenue increases
Fishing with nets won't hit the 2017
enterprise sales number alone;
Prospects are responding less
frequently to siloed messages; failure
to engage the entire buying
organization will weaken marketing
contribution to closed deals
What's the opportunity cost of now
hitting the organization's enterprise
sales number?; What happens if
marketing can't demonstrate direct
impact on sales pipeline and revenue?;
How important are enterprise deals to
your 2017 success, and can you
achieve them without coordinating an
account-based marketing effort?
Marketing Operations
Complex deals make attribution and
coordinating complex deals far more
difficult; requests from sales &
marketing to coordinate efforts more
precisely require more
time/resources/custom integration
than you have time or resources for
Organization requires more enterprise
sales, current systems are only
individual-based and not account-
based; cannot achieve enterprise sales
without a different approach to those
complex environments; cannot
achieve enterprise marketing results
without better tools to execute
Cannot achieve enterprise account
goals without better tools, approach;
Alignment of account-based efforts
with sales will improve operations
coordination, reporting transparency,
reduce cost of maintenance of
operations efforts
Do you have the tools and approach
necessary to hit 2017 enterprise sales
goals?; Can you current operations
investments bridge the gap between
sales & marketing effectively?
Event Manager
Measuring impact of isolated events is
difficult; few enterprise deals are
sourced or closed by individual
marketing events; importance of event
role is mitigated and
miscommunicated with current siloed
campaign structure
Account-based approach is proven to
put more value on events, especially
focused events on enterprise targets;
an ABM investment can increase
events impact on marketing & sales
goals, increase commitment to event
strategy growth in the months ahead
Cannot demonstrate event's true value
& contribution without account-
centric approach to marketing
Will you lose the impact of events on
enterprise sales contribution without
an account-centric approach? Will too
tight of a focus on individualized
marketing reduce your event budget,
and neuter its impact on enterprise
sales velocity?
Develop common objectives & definitions
Workbook – pg 19
A direct line to revenue growth
A common set of metrics
Meaghan ASP $ 65,000
Jennifer ASP $ 75,000
John ASP $ 80,000
Opp/Close % 25.0%
Lead/Opp % 5.0%
Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 TOTALS
Meaghan Sales # 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 24
Jennifer Sales # 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23
John Sales # 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 21
Total Sales # 2 3 4 5 4 7 6 6 7 7 6 5 62
Meaghan Sales $ $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 130,000 $ 195,000 $ 130,000 $ 260,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 65,000 $ 1,560,000
Jennifer Sales $ $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 1,725,000
John Sales $ $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 1,575,000
Total Sales $ $ 215,000 $ 290,000 $ 355,000 $ 420,000 $ 430,000 $ 485,000 $ 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 505,000 $ 505,000 $ 430,000 $ 365,000 $ 4,860,000
Meaghan Pipeline # 4 4 8 12 8 16 8 8 8 8 8 4
Jennifer Pipeline # 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
John Pipeline # 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 8 12 12 8 8
Total Pipeline # 12 16 20 24 24 28 24 24 28 28 24 20
Meaghan Pipeline $ $ 260,000 $ 260,000 $ 520,000 $ 780,000 $ 520,000 $1,040,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 260,000
Jennifer Pipeline $ $ 300,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000
John Pipeline $ $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 600,000 $ 300,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000
Total Pipeline $ $ 860,000 $1,160,000 $1,420,000 $1,680,000 $1,720,000 $1,940,000 $1,720,000 $1,720,000 $2,020,000 $2,020,000 $1,720,000 $1,460,000
Meaghan Leads 80 80 160 240 160 320 160 160 160 160 160 80
Jennifer Leads 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
John Leads 80 80 80 80 160 80 160 160 240 240 160 160
Total Leads 240 320 400 480 480 560 480 480 560 560 480 400 5440
Workbook – pg 20
The buyer’s journey
A common set of definitions
Stage Definition Sales Next Step(s) Marketing Next Step(s)
Open/Not Attempted
New lead, has not been attempted or contacted by sales Begin follow-up to get on the phone live to
qualify as opportunity
Provide scripts and response offers as
needed to increase call-backs
Attempting to Contact
Sales has begun the process of following the lead follow-
up process to reach the prospect live
Continue follow-up attempts via phone,
email, "zero out" to reach prospect live
Provide scripts and response offers as
needed to increase call-backs
Prospect has expressed interest in ABC Company and/or
achieving better results, and is interested in learning
more; full qualification criteria intent/purchase timeline
still unknown
Once prospect has been qualified, either
move into a "Qualified" opportunity or move
to Nurture (if timeline is long-term or
Provide collateral, case studies and other
information as needed to help prospect
determine sales intent
Prospect is interested, but there is no near-term
opportunity to buy (prospect may have other immediate
priorities, or may just need more time to consider
no action Drip marketing to prospect 1-2 times per
month with value-added offers, until they're
ready to engage in a short-term buying cycle
Haven't been able to get ahold of prospect after
repeated attempts
no action Drip marketing to prospect 1-2 times per
month with value-added offers, until they're
ready to engage in a short-term buying cycle
No Further Action Lead is not a qualified prospect no action no action
Prospect has a need & budget, and is actively evaluating
Get demo commitment, plan next steps and
timeline to buy (or at least make decision)
with prospect
Provide additional support tools as needed
(case studies, etc.) to help accelerate
prospect interest and buying cycle
Presentation & Demo
Demo has been scheduled or completed; working
through objections & questions
Get permission to present formal proposal Provide additional support tools as needed
(case studies, etc.) to help accelerate
prospect interest and buying cycle
Formal proposal is in process or has been delivered
outlining terms, services, fees
Get verbal commitment to buy pending
finalization of terms
no action
Prospect has verbally agreed to do business; both sides
are working through final legal/term/service/fee details
Sign, seal and return baby! no action
Close Agreement has been signed and returned victory lap no action
Closed Lost
Opportunity has stalled indefinitely or is dead no action Drip marketing to prospect 1-2 times per
month with value-added offers, until they're
ready to engage in a short-term buying cycle
Workbook – pgs 39-40
Building target lists
Workbook – pg 25
What are your data filters?
• Companies
• Individuals
• Full/complete contact information
Workbook – pgs 26-28
Data hygiene
Real-time data updates
• What’s your platform & integration point(s)?
• How do you respond to trigger events & real-time changes?
• Who’s following up, how, when, with what?
• Where do you record that?
Workbook – pg 32
Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team
1. Make sales an early partner & collaborator
Workbook – pg 30
Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team
2. Execute from a consolidated engagement plan
Workbook – pg 33
A coordination example
• The right person at the right company attends your webinar
• How is follow-up different?
• Who does it – with what message – in what format and channel?
• What next step communication triggers does that imply?
• How do you coordinate sales & marketing messages?
Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team
3. Think in terms of macro and micro campaigns
Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team
4. Develop shared data and insights
Buying signals and trigger events
• Inventory
• Prioritization
• Follow-up sequencing
Workbook – pg 38
Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team
5. Improve your content precision
Workbook – pg 35
Who’s creating content in the first place?
Workbook – pg 39
Keys to better content
1. Consistency
2. Causality
3. Practice
Workbook – pg 36
The buyer’s journey
Workbook – pg 38
• What is a play?
1. Cold Outreach
2. Give, Give, Get
3. Surround & Astound
4. Action Required
5. Recycle
6. Known Unknowns
Integrated Plays
Cold Outreach
• All prospects
• Owned by Marketing
Give, Give, Get
• Clicks from above
• Opens from above
• Balance from above
• Owned by Sales or
Action Required
• Offer acceptance from above
• Add to pipeline
• Owned by Sales
1. Company
1. Personal
1. Deliver
2. Relevant
3. Unique
Point of View
2. Helpful
3. Direct CTA
• Need/Outcome
• Credibility
• Trust Validation
• Need/Outcome
• Credibility
• 1x1
• Relevant to
• Soft CTA
• Demo, discussion, assessment
• Whatever is first step of sales engagement
• Webinar invite
• Passive engagement
~2 weeks ~2 weeks
2 days 3 days
2. Schedule
Call follow up
2 days
3. Schedule
Call follow up
2 days
Tech Stack
Management & Measurement
Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team
• Practice the OODA Loop
Keys to better feedback loops
• Open communication
• Constructive feedback
• No defensiveness
• Failure is part of the journey!
Additional ABM Content and Resources
• Integrate - Developing an Account-Based Marketing Program: A Workbook
• DemandBase – Account Based Marketing Resources
• DemandBase – A Guide to Selling the Value of ABM in your Organization
• Engagio – The Clear & Complete Guide to Account Based Marketing
Upcoming Workshop
• Sales Development: Essential Building Blocks for Revenue Growth
• Get a copy!
• This deck
• Modern Marketer’s Field Guide
• ABM Workbook
• Send me an email ( with what you want…

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ABM: From Strategy to Action and Results

  • 1. @heinzmarketing The Modern Marketer’s Workshop ABM – From Strategy to Action and Results
  • 2. @heinzmarketing Housekeeping • Get a copy! • This deck • Full Funnel Marketing • ABM Workbook • Send me an email ( with what you want…
  • 3. @heinzmarketing What is ABM • A coordinated, integrated go-to-market effort between sales & marketing • An integrated approach to engaging & building consensus amongst the internal buying committee • A proven methodology for increasing velocity & conversion of target accounts Workbook – pg 4
  • 5. @heinzmarketing#ABMIgnite Keys to launching ABM 1. Outcomes first (and always) 2. Map the internal buying committee, build consensus 3. Challenge the status quo 4. Securing budget 5. Drive deep coordination with sales Workbook – pg 5
  • 6. @heinzmarketing#ABMIgnite Defining Outcomes • Revenue growth • Target account efficiency • Opportunity cost • Where is there quantifiable pain right now?
  • 8. @heinzmarketing#ABMIgnite How others are winning TODAY’S LEADING B2B MARKETERS ARE USING ABM TO: • Increase marketing contribution to pipeline • Improve coordination & efficiency between sales and marketing • Focus marketing on more profitable strategies and tactics CONVERSELY, ANALYSTS CITE EVIDENCE THAT COMPANIES NOT ADOPTING ABM ARE: • Presenting conflicting faces/messages to prospects • Failing to build internal consensus with the buyer • Losing deals to competitors who are more coordinated and effective Workbook – pgs 6-11
  • 9. @heinzmarketing#ABMIgnite Key benefits by department MARKETING More focused, more efficient, and more connected to revenue IT/OPERATIONS Better coordinated platforms between sales and marketing SALES Greater precision, coordination, and velocity in Target Accounts FINANCE Greater predictability, transparency, and visibility into marketing expense ROI Workbook – pgs 6-11
  • 10. @heinzmarketing#ABMIgnite Map out each discussion Persona Stage 1 Loosen the status quo Stage 2 Commit to change Stage 5 Justify decision Stage 6 Make final decision Marketing CMO Head of Demand Generation Marketing Operations Event Manager
  • 11. @heinzmarketing#ABMIgnite Unique perspectives, unique messaging Audience Persona Stage 1 - Loosen the status quo Stage 2 - Commit to change Stage 5 - Justify decision Stage 6 - Make final decision Marketing CMO Traditional demand generation doesn't work for enterprise targets; internal "buying" committee is too complicated for individual-centric marketing campaigns; current marketing & sales systems are too siloed - can't see and impact target account momentum Current tools cannot hit or support enterprise marketing & sales goals for 2017; CEO requires tighter coordination with sales to demonstrate marketing contribution to revenue in 2017; VP of Sales needs tighter coordinated, operational efforts to demonstrate enterprise sales momentum & results Heightens confidence in hitting 2017 enterprise sales number; increases coordination with sales leadership & revenue objectives; allow for more precise marketing to achieve enterprise deals more accurately What is the opportunity cost of not hitting your enterprise sales number?; What is the impact of not aligning enterprise sales targets with relevant/related marketing efforts? Head of Demand Generation Lead response rates are OK but conversion to opportunities are weakening due to lack of internal buyer consensus-building; current tools don't allow for account-centric coordination of marketing activities nor targeting of key accounts more precisely Cannot hit enterprise marketing targets without more precise, account- centric programs; ABM increases your alignment with sales, tie to revenue, impacts how the organization views demand generation in a positive light; ability to measure precise marketing impact on sales/revenue increases dramatically Fishing with nets won't hit the 2017 enterprise sales number alone; Prospects are responding less frequently to siloed messages; failure to engage the entire buying organization will weaken marketing contribution to closed deals What's the opportunity cost of now hitting the organization's enterprise sales number?; What happens if marketing can't demonstrate direct impact on sales pipeline and revenue?; How important are enterprise deals to your 2017 success, and can you achieve them without coordinating an account-based marketing effort? Marketing Operations Complex deals make attribution and coordinating complex deals far more difficult; requests from sales & marketing to coordinate efforts more precisely require more time/resources/custom integration than you have time or resources for Organization requires more enterprise sales, current systems are only individual-based and not account- based; cannot achieve enterprise sales without a different approach to those complex environments; cannot achieve enterprise marketing results without better tools to execute Cannot achieve enterprise account goals without better tools, approach; Alignment of account-based efforts with sales will improve operations coordination, reporting transparency, reduce cost of maintenance of operations efforts Do you have the tools and approach necessary to hit 2017 enterprise sales goals?; Can you current operations investments bridge the gap between sales & marketing effectively? Event Manager Measuring impact of isolated events is difficult; few enterprise deals are sourced or closed by individual marketing events; importance of event role is mitigated and miscommunicated with current siloed campaign structure Account-based approach is proven to put more value on events, especially focused events on enterprise targets; an ABM investment can increase events impact on marketing & sales goals, increase commitment to event strategy growth in the months ahead Cannot demonstrate event's true value & contribution without account- centric approach to marketing Will you lose the impact of events on enterprise sales contribution without an account-centric approach? Will too tight of a focus on individualized marketing reduce your event budget, and neuter its impact on enterprise sales velocity?
  • 12. @heinzmarketing Develop common objectives & definitions Workbook – pg 19
  • 13. @heinzmarketing A direct line to revenue growth
  • 14. @heinzmarketing A common set of metrics Assumptions Meaghan ASP $ 65,000 Jennifer ASP $ 75,000 John ASP $ 80,000 Opp/Close % 25.0% Lead/Opp % 5.0% Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 TOTALS Meaghan Sales # 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 24 Jennifer Sales # 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 John Sales # 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 21 Total Sales # 2 3 4 5 4 7 6 6 7 7 6 5 62 Meaghan Sales $ $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 130,000 $ 195,000 $ 130,000 $ 260,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 130,000 $ 65,000 $ 1,560,000 Jennifer Sales $ $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 1,725,000 John Sales $ $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 75,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 1,575,000 Total Sales $ $ 215,000 $ 290,000 $ 355,000 $ 420,000 $ 430,000 $ 485,000 $ 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 505,000 $ 505,000 $ 430,000 $ 365,000 $ 4,860,000 Meaghan Pipeline # 4 4 8 12 8 16 8 8 8 8 8 4 Jennifer Pipeline # 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 John Pipeline # 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 8 12 12 8 8 Total Pipeline # 12 16 20 24 24 28 24 24 28 28 24 20 Meaghan Pipeline $ $ 260,000 $ 260,000 $ 520,000 $ 780,000 $ 520,000 $1,040,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 520,000 $ 260,000 Jennifer Pipeline $ $ 300,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 John Pipeline $ $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 600,000 $ 300,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Total Pipeline $ $ 860,000 $1,160,000 $1,420,000 $1,680,000 $1,720,000 $1,940,000 $1,720,000 $1,720,000 $2,020,000 $2,020,000 $1,720,000 $1,460,000 Meaghan Leads 80 80 160 240 160 320 160 160 160 160 160 80 Jennifer Leads 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 John Leads 80 80 80 80 160 80 160 160 240 240 160 160 Total Leads 240 320 400 480 480 560 480 480 560 560 480 400 5440 Workbook – pg 20
  • 16. @heinzmarketing A common set of definitions Stage Definition Sales Next Step(s) Marketing Next Step(s) Leads Open/Not Attempted New lead, has not been attempted or contacted by sales Begin follow-up to get on the phone live to qualify as opportunity Provide scripts and response offers as needed to increase call-backs Attempting to Contact Sales has begun the process of following the lead follow- up process to reach the prospect live Continue follow-up attempts via phone, email, "zero out" to reach prospect live Provide scripts and response offers as needed to increase call-backs Interested Prospect has expressed interest in ABC Company and/or achieving better results, and is interested in learning more; full qualification criteria intent/purchase timeline still unknown Once prospect has been qualified, either move into a "Qualified" opportunity or move to Nurture (if timeline is long-term or undetermined) Provide collateral, case studies and other information as needed to help prospect determine sales intent Nurture Prospect is interested, but there is no near-term opportunity to buy (prospect may have other immediate priorities, or may just need more time to consider interest/intent) no action Drip marketing to prospect 1-2 times per month with value-added offers, until they're ready to engage in a short-term buying cycle again Unresponsive Haven't been able to get ahold of prospect after repeated attempts no action Drip marketing to prospect 1-2 times per month with value-added offers, until they're ready to engage in a short-term buying cycle again No Further Action Lead is not a qualified prospect no action no action Opportunities Qualified Prospect has a need & budget, and is actively evaluating solutions Get demo commitment, plan next steps and timeline to buy (or at least make decision) with prospect Provide additional support tools as needed (case studies, etc.) to help accelerate prospect interest and buying cycle Presentation & Demo Demo has been scheduled or completed; working through objections & questions Get permission to present formal proposal Provide additional support tools as needed (case studies, etc.) to help accelerate prospect interest and buying cycle Proposal Formal proposal is in process or has been delivered outlining terms, services, fees Get verbal commitment to buy pending finalization of terms no action Negotiation Prospect has verbally agreed to do business; both sides are working through final legal/term/service/fee details Sign, seal and return baby! no action Close Agreement has been signed and returned victory lap no action Closed Lost Opportunity has stalled indefinitely or is dead no action Drip marketing to prospect 1-2 times per month with value-added offers, until they're ready to engage in a short-term buying cycle again Workbook – pgs 39-40
  • 18. @heinzmarketing What are your data filters? • Companies • Individuals • Full/complete contact information Workbook – pgs 26-28
  • 20. @heinzmarketing Real-time data updates • What’s your platform & integration point(s)? • How do you respond to trigger events & real-time changes? • Who’s following up, how, when, with what? • Where do you record that? Workbook – pg 32
  • 21. @heinzmarketing Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team 1. Make sales an early partner & collaborator Workbook – pg 30
  • 22. @heinzmarketing Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team 2. Execute from a consolidated engagement plan Workbook – pg 33
  • 23. @heinzmarketing A coordination example • The right person at the right company attends your webinar • How is follow-up different? • Who does it – with what message – in what format and channel? • What next step communication triggers does that imply? • How do you coordinate sales & marketing messages?
  • 24. @heinzmarketing Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team 3. Think in terms of macro and micro campaigns
  • 25. @heinzmarketing Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team 4. Develop shared data and insights
  • 26. @heinzmarketing Buying signals and trigger events • Inventory • Prioritization • Follow-up sequencing Workbook – pg 38
  • 27. @heinzmarketing Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team 5. Improve your content precision Workbook – pg 35
  • 28. @heinzmarketing Who’s creating content in the first place? Workbook – pg 39
  • 29. @heinzmarketing Keys to better content 1. Consistency 2. Causality 3. Practice Workbook – pg 36
  • 38. @heinzmarketing Integrated Plays Cold Outreach • All prospects • Owned by Marketing Give, Give, Get • Clicks from above • Opens from above • Balance from above • Owned by Sales or Marketing Action Required • Offer acceptance from above • Add to pipeline • Owned by Sales 1. Company Intro 1. Personal Intro 1. Deliver Offer/Schedule Call 2. Relevant Experience 3. Unique Point of View 2. Helpful Content 3. Direct CTA • Need/Outcome • Credibility • Trust Validation • Need/Outcome • Credibility • 1x1 • Relevant to them/you • Soft CTA • Demo, discussion, assessment • Whatever is first step of sales engagement • Webinar invite • Passive engagement ~2 weeks ~2 weeks 2 days 3 days 2. Schedule Call follow up 2 days 3. Schedule Call follow up 2 days
  • 41. @heinzmarketing Keys to integrating ABM with your sales team • Practice the OODA Loop
  • 42. @heinzmarketing Keys to better feedback loops • Open communication • Constructive feedback • No defensiveness • Failure is part of the journey!
  • 43. @heinzmarketing Additional ABM Content and Resources • Integrate - Developing an Account-Based Marketing Program: A Workbook • DemandBase – Account Based Marketing Resources • DemandBase – A Guide to Selling the Value of ABM in your Organization • Engagio – The Clear & Complete Guide to Account Based Marketing Upcoming Workshop • Sales Development: Essential Building Blocks for Revenue Growth
  • 44. @heinzmarketing Housekeeping • Get a copy! • This deck • Modern Marketer’s Field Guide • ABM Workbook • Send me an email ( with what you want…

Editor's Notes

  1. Will be these pages with updated workbook