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Homeopathic Management of
Covid & Long-Covid
Sharum Sharif, ND
AANP, Summer of 2022
Nearly 6.5 million people have already died of Covid. We need to look
at all the possible therapeutic solutions for this pandemic!
According to,
• 6,373,141 people have died so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of July 11,
• (Note: This figure went up by about 100 in less than just perhaps 5 minutes.)
• Despite great efforts on the part of countless doctors and scientists, there are no reliable
treatments of COVID-19 so far. Therefore, “it is essential to search for therapeutic
alternatives to COVID-19, such as Integrative Medicine, especially Homeopathy, which
was used with excellent results in the great epidemics.”*
• *: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 45, November 2021, 101482
Why am I giving this talk?
• A great number of people in the world are dying from acute Covid OR
suffering from serious sequalae of Covid-19 every single day! Nearly 6.5
million people have already died of it. This figure does not include the
great number of people who knowingly or unknowingly are struggling with
• I have not seen many of my ND colleagues help Covid patients. NDs should
be able to help Covid patients with the management of their various
signs/symptoms. (Note: We are not claiming cures, we just want to help!)
• With this talk, my hope is to encourage you all to consider homeopathy as
yet another powerful tool in managing Covid or long-Covid as well as any
other future epidemic/pandemic, or to at least consider referring to
• This presentation is only meant to share the latest developments in the
field of homeopathy as it relates to Covid-19, and to stimulate discussion
amongst our ND community.
• If you have Covid-19, you need to consult with a professional homeopath.
• Although I may agree with some of the authors’ views in the various
studies cited in this presentation, I respectfully DO NOT endorse ALL of
their ideas or remedy recommendations.
• It’s imperative to realize that homeopathy does not have any remedies for
any specific conditions, including COVID-19. In homeopathy, we treat
people, not diseases. Regardless of the name of the disease, based on the
person’s state and unique set of signs/symptoms, we find a remedy that
best matches the case. Therefore, homeopaths are not claiming that they
have a specific verifiable cure/treatment OR method of prevention for
• We, as a species, have all been affected by this pandemic, and we should
acknowledge one another’s pain and suffering on all levels.
• Let’s take a moment of silence to acknowledge the loss of so many lives so far
during this pandemic.
• I’d also like to acknowledge:
• The passing away of my homeopathy teacher, Dr. Robin Murphy, ND. Much of
what I have learned in the area of applied homeopathy comes directly from Dr.
Murphy’s teachings. I use his repertory and materia medica daily.
• All of my other homeopathy teachers/colleagues without whom I wouldn’t have
the privilege of helping so many people during this pandemic and now serving
you today.
• All of my Covid patients who have helped sharpen my clinical skills over this
pandemic. My skills in prescribing have significantly improved as a result of all of
those visits/emails.
• My family who put up with me not being available all those weekday and
weekend days/nights when I’ve either helped Covid patients season after season
for nearly 2.5 years now, OR have taken time to research Covid and its
management as well as to prepare for this talk.
This book is a great resource for homeopathic treatment of ebola.
Rick’s Tongue
Rick’s case- What kind of cough would this be,
Rick’s case:
• Considering the white coating on this person’s tongue, what kind of
cough would you expect this person have, a WET cough or a DRY
cough? In other words, specifically, would you expect the lungs to
have phlegm in them or not?
• For homeopaths in the audience, which remedy would you for sure
want to see in the differential diagnosis?
• Bryonia, Antimonium tart, Spongia, or Phosphorous?
Rick’s case
• Rick had an extremely severe wet and semi-productive cough.
• Antimonium tart 200c every 30 minutes for two hours reduced the
intensity and frequency of the cough by about 50%. We then
reduced the frequency, and he was well in several days.
• (Note: Antimonium tart’s keynotes: Deep phlegmy cough. Much phlegm in bronchi/lungs. Fantastic
pneumonia remedy. White coating on tongue. Etc.)
Tongue Diagnosis in Homeopathy – Useful in Covid
• Article: Talkative Tongue Of Homoeopathy
• Article: Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis
August 28, 2012 · homeopathy
Authors: Dr. Nancy Malik, BHMS; Guest Post Written by Dr. Muhammed Rafeeque, BHMS
SS’s case - What kind of cough is this? Dry or
SS- What would you call this kind of cough?
• Dry cough?
• Dry productive cough?
• Dry non-productive cough?
• Wet/phlegmy cough?
Any remedies come to mind?
SS case
• Extremely dry cough, dry mouth and throat.
• Cough sounded croupy.
• Patient felt as if suffocating, as if breathing though a sponge.
• What’s a good remedy for this patient?
SS case
• One dose of Spongia tosta 30c helped greatly within a few minutes.
• One more dose shortly after, and all the keynotes of a Spongia cough
were alleviated.
• Then, some of the keynotes of Bryonia showed up. Bryonia 30c once
a day wrapped up the very mild case in a few days.
Topics for today’s talk
• One of the world’s greatest threats – infectious diseases & antimicrobial
• Evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy in general, but also specifically in
regard to epidemics/pandemics
• Evidence and Research on Homeopathic Management of Covid and Long-
• Homeopathic Prophylaxis for Covid-19
• Top remedies for homeopathic management of:
• Covid-19
• Long-Covid or post-Covid
• Post-Covid vaccine complications (or Vaccinosis)
• Prescribing during epidemics (case-taking, dosing, & frequency)
• A few case studies of Covid, post-Covid, and post-vaccine complications
• Resources
“Homeopathic Prevention and Treatment of
Epidemics and Pandemics” at AANP of 2019
• Refer to my website, to find the Vimeo link to the
above presentation. It’s on the homepage.
• The powerpoint presentation of this talk can be found on the site
under Educational Slideshows:
Topics covered in my 2019 AANP presentation:
• How epidemics are on the rise.
• Why epidemics are on the rise.
• How conventional medical approaches by themselves (including drugs
and vaccination) are NOT going to be sufficiently meeting the needs of
our species.
• How we need an alternative solution.
• How we need a solution (namely homeopathy) that has passed the test of
time, a solid solution that we can count on with a high degree of reliability
during the present & upcoming epidemics.
• Evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for various past
AND present epidemic diseases.
• How homeopathy is being used by many governments and
nations across the planet, and how this trend is rising.
• Highlights of case-taking & dosing during epidemics.
• The main 3 approaches to homeopathic prescribing during
epidemics, for prevention AND treatment (1: Genus
epidemicus, 2: The indicated remedy based on clinical
rubrics, & 3: Homeoprophylaxis/Nosode).
• Why it’s important for us as a community to have a
Pandemic Response Plan.
• Various helpful homeopathic and non-homeopathic websites
and other important resources.
Topics covered in 2019, continued:
WHO has declared 7 public health
emergencies since 2009
• WHO declared monkeypox as a public health emergency of
international concern (PHEIC) as of yesterday, July 23.
• Cleary epidemic and pandemic diseases are on the rise! Why? I
discussed the reasons in my previous AANP presentation in August of
Infectious diseases are a major challenge to
humanity and public health at large.
• “Zoonotic diseases are very common around the world. It is estimated that 6 out of
every 10 known infectious diseases can spread from animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or
emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals.[1] The world has witnessed
several outbreaks of infectious diseases such as Cholera, Plague, Spanish u, Swine u.[2]
Globalization, international travel and intercontinental commerce have all increased the
potential for microbial spread, resulting in pandemics beyond their respective regions of
origin such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
coronavirus, Zika, Ebola and now recently the outbreak of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China,
in December 2019.[3]
• These diseases pose a major threat to public-health across the world. Although some
infectious diseases, such as small pox
• and poliomyelitis, have been eradicated from nature or almost wiped out, many diseases
still persist with little hope of getting them under control. In addition, new infectious
diseases are emerging and old ones that were thought to be under control are regaining
lost ground.[4] Apart from affecting the health of individuals directly, infectious diseases
also impact the societies, economies and political systems.”
WHO: Antimicrobial Resistance- One of the
Greatest Threats Worldwide
• Antimicrobial resistance has been identified as one of the greatest
health threats worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO), the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP), working jointly with the European
Union, are using the "One Health" approach to introduce and
intensify measures to reduce antibiotic resistance.
Viruses that were on hiatus during Covid are back -
and behaving in unexpected ways
• The past two winters were among the mildest influenza seasons on record,
but flu hospitalizations have picked up in the last few weeks — in May!
• Adenovirus type 41, previously thought to cause fairly innocuous bouts of
gastrointestinal illness, may be triggering severe hepatitis in healthy young
• Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a bug that normally causes disease in
the winter, touched off large outbreaks of illness in kids last summer and in
the early fall in the United States and Europe.
• And now monkeypox, a virus generally only found in West and Central
Africa, is causing an unprecedented outbreak in more than a dozen
countries in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Australia, with
the United Kingdom alone reporting more than 70 cases as of Tuesday.
• May 25, 2022
What about future outbreaks? Homeopaths
can adapt quickly!
• Future Epidemic Outbreaks? Example: Monkeypox, etc.
• As homeopaths, we can ADAPT quickly.
• Adaptability is one way where homeopathy outshines conventional medicine.
• No testing required for homeopaths to be able to prescribe since we usually
(not always) base our prescription on the totality of symptoms and the
patient’s state, not on a test result.
Overlapping Viruses?! Limits of Testing…
• With all the viruses circulating in our world presently and possibly in the
future, it’s certainly possible that a person could be affected by more than
one virus or invading organism at any given time.
• Relying on conventional testing is not feasible in such circumstances since
time is of the essence and the tests are not 100% reliable. I’ve found that
often my Covid patients test negative during the initial and milder phase of
the disease.
• And, what if you don’t get tested for the flu and do a home-test for Covid
and it is positive? Could you have both?!
• What if you get tested negative for Covid, and flu-like s/s?
• What if you test negative for both?!
• Covid and/or the flu or other acute illnesses? Does it matter to
SYMPTOMS & person’s STATE.
• This is where homeopathy excels! No need for testing.
Article: Homeopathic Prevention and Management of
Epidemic Diseases by Jennifer Jacobs, MD
• Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Community
Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
• Highlights:
• Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years to treat epidemic diseases,
beginning with Samuel Hahnemann prescribing Belladonna for scarlet fever.
• There are four main approaches of using homeopathy for epidemic disease:
individualization, combination remedies, genus epidemicus, and isopathy.
• There is experimental evidence of effectiveness of each of these approaches.
• More research needs to be performed to enlarge the research base and to
make homeopathy an attractive treatment alternative for epidemic diseases.
• Homeopathy 2018;107:157–160.
Article: Homeoprophylaxis—Can You Believe It?
“….Because there is an underlying disbelief in the idea that highly
diluted substances could work, there is a difficulty in accepting the
studies that demonstrate success for homeopathic remedies.”
• Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.
• Elena Cecchetto
• Homœopathic Links 2015; 28(04): 225-229
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1567883
Homeopathy - ”Personalized Nanomedicine” producing
modulation of immune function at multiple levels
• “The curative effect of individualized homeopathic medicines is
empirical but inexplicable by the conventional principles of science.
Homoeopathy may be viewed as 'personalized nanomedicine’. They
produce modulation of immune function at multiple levels, such as
modulation of expression of genes, stimulation of macrophage and
polymorph nuclear cells, changes in expression of surface receptors,
induction of cytokines and modulate the central and local innate
immune response leading to adaptive changes in the host's complex
Article: Extending the adaptive network nanomedicine model
for homeopathic medicines: nanostructures as salient cell
danger signals for adaptation
• This paper examines the growing evidence supporting the adaptive network nanomedicine model
for Homeopathic Medicines (HMs) and their actions. Multiple laboratories have identified
nanostructures in homeopathically-manufactured medicines at low and high potencies.
Replicated studies in mainstream pharmaceutical research and in homeopathy have also
demonstrated elevated levels of elemental silicon and/or bioactive silica Nanoparticles (NPs)
released from glassware during agitation or multiple homeopathic succussions. The model
suggests that (a) very low potency HMs are complex mixtures of bulk, micro- and nanoscale forms
of the medicine's natural source material made by prolonged mechanical grinding (trituration) in
dry lactose; (b) low and higher potency liquid HMs made in glass containers are nanocomposite
materials formed from source NPs, nanosilica-coated source NPs, adjuvant nanosilica and source-
doped, coated, seeded or template nanosilica in colloidal solutions that can survive drying. We
hypothesize that HMs include hybrid nanostructures of various sources, small sizes, shapes,
surface defects, zeta potentials, and surface reactivity. HMs serves as individually-salient, sub
toxic virus-like foreign danger signals. Nanosilica would help carry and amplify the fingerprint
signal of co-occurring and adsorbed source material on its surfaces at higher liquid potencies. Cell
Defense Response (CDR) network constituents that HMs modulate involve gene expression,
cytokine release, cell signaling, and cell stress mediators. Once triggered, nonlinear endogenous
amplification processes facilitate evolution of the therapeutic response over time.
• Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Frye J, et al. Nanosci Technol 2015;2(1):1-22.
Dr. Hahnemann started the use of
homeopathic remedies during epidemics….
• Dr. Hahnemann used Belladonna Preventively for Scarlet Fever in
• “During a scarlet fever epidemic in 1799, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,
MD, who developed homeopathy, began giving Belladonna, the
homeopathic treatment for the disease, to people who were exposed
but had not yet developed symptoms. Other doctors followed his lead
and found that disease incidence greatly decreased in those who
received Belladonna prophylactically—a finding that led to the
Prussian GOVERNMENT’s order in 1838 to use it as a preventive in all
scarlet fever outbreaks.”
Homoeopathy in the management of infectious diseases: Different
facets of its use and implications for the future - INDIA
• A review article found in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy (Official Publication of Central
Council for Research in Homeopathy)
• Results: The literature search of two decades (1999–2019) gathered 86 articles: Meta-analysis (n = 1),
systematic reviews (n = 4), randomized controlled trials (n = 30), comparative cohort/observational studies
(n = 16), cohort/observational studies (single arm) (n = 25), case series (n = 7) and case reports (n = 3). The
review demonstrated the beneficial evidence of homeopathy in infectious diseases is large. Both controlled
and uncontrolled studies reported positive results, early recovery, reduction of hospital stay, less use of
antibiotics and satisfaction of patients. Prophylactic studies on dengue, chikungunya, Japanese
encephalitis/acute encephalitis syndrome and leptospirosis have shown the potential role of homeopathy in
preventing the disease outbreaks. Homoeopathy as an add-on treatment for these conditions has shown
added benefits in reducing mortality, morbidity and sequelae. Homoeopathy has a possible and viable role
as standalone and as an integrative medicine for different infectious diseases.
• *** 108 References
• Conclusion: Homoeopathy offers beneficial role in combating infections. Due to the heterogeneity of
approaches, more studies in different research settings are warranted to add to the existing evidence and
validating it for enhancing the self-healing power of the body against infections.
• Roja Varanasi, Debadatta Nayak
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India
• 2020 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 2 | Page : 110-121
Homeopathy in the Age of Antimicrobial Resistance: Is It a Viable
Treatment for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections? United
• Results: Multiple peer-reviewed studies were found in which homeopathy had
been used to treat URTIs and associated symptoms (cough, pharyngitis, tonsillitis,
otitis media, acute sinusitis, etc.). Nine randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 8
observational/cohort studies were analysed, 7 of which were paediatric studies.
Seven RCTs used combination remedies with multiple constituents. Results for
homeopathy treatment were positive overall, with faster resolution, reduced use
of antibiotics and possible prophylactic and longer-term benefits.
• Conclusions: Variations in size, location, cohort and outcome measures make
comparisons and generalisations concerning homeopathic clinical trials for URTIs
problematic. Nevertheless, study findings suggest at least equivalence between
homeopathy and conventional treatment for uncomplicated URTI cases, with
fewer adverse events and potentially broader therapeutic outcomes. The use of
non-individualised homeopathic compounds tailored for the paediatric
population merits further investigation, including through cohort studies. In the
light of antimicrobial resistance, homeopathy offers alternative strategies for
minor infections and possible prevention of recurring URTIs.
• Homeopathy. 2018 May;107(2):99-114. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1621745.
Austrian government confirms potential of
homeopathy in tackling anti-microbial resistance.
• Apr 08, 2022
• Article: Austrian AMR Action Plan confirms the potential of
• The latest version of the Austrian government’s national Action Plan
on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) confirms the potential of
homeopathy and other complementary medicines in tackling
antimicrobial resistance.
Swiss government recently concluded that
homeopathy is effective, cost-effective and safe.
• “The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is
effective, cost-effective and safe. The Swiss government now
recognizes homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary
• *:
• July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra
Evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy
during previous epidemics/pandemics?
• “Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years to treat patients suffering
from a variety of diseases and disorders. There is evidence for the
effectiveness of homeopathy in methodologically high-quality trials, meta-
analyses and systematic reviews. And homeopathy has a long-standing
history of managing epidemic diseases effectively through both prevention
and treatment.”
• Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for more evidence on effectiveness of
homeopathic management of previous epidemics and pandemics.
• We will be covering a number of old (on previous epidemics/pandemics)
and rather recent studies (on Covid) in this presentation.
Homeopathy Research Evidence Base:
References 2022 (last update 6.13.22)
~ 6000 Pubmed Homeopathic Studies
• Curated by Dr. Iris Bell M.D., Ph.D., Peter Gold and Mary Lou Sullivan
• Thousands of pieces homeopathic research including many
randomized, double-blinded, controlled studies
• Many of the articles are on Covid-19.
Article: Homeoprophylaxis: Human Records,
Studies and Trials
• “Homeopathy’s ability to prevent as well as treat epidemic disease
was first discovered in 1799 by Samuel Hahnemann, founder of
Homeopathy, during an epidemic of scarlet fever in which he
successfully use a matching homeopathic remedy to contain its
spread in those he treated.
• The prophylactic effects of Homeopathy were quickly picked up by
other Homeopaths of the day and subsequently used with success in
all of the great world epidemics. It is still employed in outbreaks and
epidemics today - by people, communities and governments who
have retained the knowledge and the will to use it. The following is a
collation of some of those instances – historical and current.”
• Compiled by Fran Sheffield 2005 – 2014
Cilla Whatcott, HD RHOM, CCH
Dr. Jennifer Jacobs, MD, Presents the Current State
of Homeopathic Research
• 42 minute-long video with a wealth of scientific evidence on the
effectiveness of homeopathy in various areas of medicine.
Leading U.S. Researchers Present the Latest
Research on Homeopathy to students from the
American Medical Students Association (AMSA)
• On October 23, 2019, Dr. Iris Bell MD, PhD and Dr. Jennifer Jacobs MD
presented the latest in homeopathic research to AMSA Integrative
Medicine Scholars. The presentation is exceptionally good, was very
well received, and can be viewed here. Viewing time: 2 hours.
The State of Research in Homeopathic Medicine
and Understanding the Biological Basis for
• Sep 28, 2017
• American Institute of Homeopathy
Article: Adjunctive homeopathic treatment in patients with
severe sepsis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial in an intensive care unit - Austria
• Conclusions: Our data suggest that homeopathic treatment may be a useful
additional therapeutic measure with a long-term benefit for severely septic
patients admitted to the intensive care unit. A constraint to wider application of
this method is the limited number of trained homeopaths.
• Methods: 70 patients with severe sepsis received homeopathic treatment (n =
35) or placebo (n = 35). Five globules in a potency of 200c were given at 12h
interval during the stay at the intensive care unit. Survival after a 30 and 180 days
was recorded.
• Results: On day 30, there was non-statistically significantly trend of survival in
favour of homeopathy (verum 81.8%, placebo 67.7%, P= 0.19). On day 180,
survival was statistically significantly higher with verum homeopathy (75.8% vs
50.0%, P = 0.043). No adverse effects were observed.
• Homeopathy. 2005 Apr;94(2):75-80. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2005.01.002
Impact of a homeopathic medication on upper respiratory tract
infections in COPD patients: Results of an observational,
prospective study (EPOXILO) - Spain
• Conclusions: Homeopathic medication use during the influenza-exposure period may
have a beneficial impact at reducing URTIs' number and duration in COPD patients and at
reducing the number of COPD exacerbations in patients with the exacerbator phenotype.
Further studies are needed to confirm the effects observed in this study.
• Results: 219 patients were analyzed (OG = 109, CG = 110). There was a significant
reduction in mean number of URTIs during the follow-up period in OG compared to CG
(0.514 ± 0.722 vs. 1.037 ± 1.519, respectively; p = 0.014). Logistic regression analysis
showed a 3.3-times higher probability of suffering ≥2 URTI episodes in CG (p = 0.003, n =
72). OG patients having ≥1 URTI also had a significant reduction in mean URTI duration
per episode (3.57 ± 2.44 days OG vs. 5.22 ± 4.17 days CG; p = 0.012). There was no
significant difference in mean number of exacerbations, mean duration of exacerbations,
or QoL between OG and CG. There was a greater decrease in proportion of patients using
corticosteroids for exacerbations between baseline and visit 2 in OG compared to CG
(22.1% vs. 7.5% fewer respectively, p = 0.005). Exacerbator phenotype patients had a
significant decrease in number of URTIs (0.54 ± 0.72 vs. 1.31 ± 1.81; p = 0.011), and fewer
COPD exacerbations (0.9 ± 1.3 vs. 1.5 ± 1.7; p = 0.037) in OG vs. CG, respectively.
• Respir Med. 2019 Jan;146:96-105. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2018.11.011.
Article: Improved clinical status in fibromyalgia
patients treated with individualized homeopathic
remedies versus placebo
• Conclusions: This study replicates and extends a previous 1-month
placebo-controlled crossover study in fibromyalgia that pre-screened
for only one homeopathic remedy. Using a broad selection of
remedies and the flexible LM dose (1/50,000 dilution factor) series,
the present study demonstrated that individualized homeopathy is
significantly better than placebo in lessening tender point pain and
improving the quality of life and global health of persons with
• Bell IR, Lewis DA, Brooks AJ, et al.
• Rheumatology 2004;43:577-582
Article: A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial
of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for
chronic fatigue syndrome.
• Conclusions: There is weak but equivocal evidence that the effects of
homeopathic medicine are superior to placebo. Results also suggest
that there may be nonspecific benefits from the homeopathic
consultation. Further studies are needed to determine whether these
differences hold in larger samples.
• Weatherly-Jones E, Nicholl JP, Thomas KJ, et al. J Psychosomatic
Research 2004;56:189-197.
This book by Sandra Perko, PhD is a great resource for homeopathic treatment of the
Homeopathy for prevention of the flu?
• Siqueira CM et al. Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza
and acute respiratory tract infections in children: blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled clinical trial. Homeopathy. 2015.
Brazil, Cuba and India use Homeopathy
Prophylactically for Epidemics
Health agencies in Brazil, Cuba, and India have published research that
shows homeopathic remedies or homeopathic nosodes, used as
preventives, can decrease morbidity in a range of epidemic diseases,
including leptospirosis, dengue, malaria, and influenza.
(Nosodes are homeopathic (i.e. highly diluted) preparations made from
cultures or clinical samples that contain pathogens, parasites, or
diseased tissue.)
India Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics
• The Indian Government Central Council for Research in Homeopathy
(CCRH) reports how it curtailed epidemics of bacillary dysentery,
chikungunya, cholera, conjunctivitis, Dengue fever, fevers, flu-like
illness, gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, jaundice, kala-azar,
lymphatic filiariasis, malaria, measles, meningitis, plague, and typhoid
with homeopathy.
• Last reviewed on April 27, 2020
India Uses Homeopathy for Covid-19
• “In late January, as the COVID-19 epidemic in China was making headlines, India’s
Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy)
suggested some preventive measures that included the usual hygiene recommendations
(handwashing, avoiding those who are sick, etc), Ayurvedic medicines, Unani (traditional
Arabic medicine) herbals, and homeopathy. Specifically, AYUSH recommended Arsenicum
alba 30C, one dose taken for three days on an empty stomach as a preventive measure
that was to be repeated in a month. Arsenicum is a common remedy for flu and
pneumonia characterized by fever and chills, profuse discharge from the eyes and nose,
great prostration, irritability, and anxiety. It was the primary homeopathic remedy used
to treat H1N1 (swine flu) patients in India’s 2009 epidemic. Although, at this point, it is
still unknown if Arsenicum is the remedy that best matches the symptoms of COVID-19
(i.e., the genus epidemicus), taking it would do no harm—and might help. Critics of
homeopathy assailed AYUSH for its recommendation.”*
• *Extracted from an issue of the Townsend Letter.
• Note: Since the onset of the pandemic, we have learned much more about its prevention
and management – refer to the rest of this presentation. I have NOT found Arsenicum
album to be one of the top remedies for management of Covid in our region at all, but it
could have certainly have been one of the top remedies in India.
• Indian homeopathic doctors have used homeopathy extensively for prevention and
management of Covid-19 since the onset.
Cuba Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics
• “A Cuban study looked at the effect of giving a nosode made from four
inactivated bacterial strains of Leptospira on 2.3 million people at risk for
contracting leptospirosis in 2007-8. The bacteria, found in the urine of domestic
and wild mammals, are transmitted via contact with mucus membranes and open
sores. It is a serious problem in largely agricultural, developing nations during
rainy/flooding seasons when the bacteria is more likely to enter the water supply.
Cuban health personnel distributed two oral doses of the nosode (200C, then
10M given 7 to 9 days after the first) to residents who were at especially high risk.
The rest of the population (8.8 million) did not receive the nosode. Despite
increased rainfall (and risk of disease) in the intervention area, “the annual
number of cases decreased by 84%” over the next year; leptospirosis increased
by 21.7% in the population that did not received the nosode. Golden and Bracho
explain that a leptospirosis vaccine for people over 15 years has been part of
Cuba’s vaccine program since 1998, and chemoprophylaxis was also available to
all inhabitants. Neither of these measures could account for the difference in
outcome. They write, “The Cuban experience with homeoprophylaxis against
leptospirosis has been and remains a very positive one. It has given rise to further
government-directed immunization against hepatitis A, swine flu, pneumococcal
disease, and dengue fever using homoeoprophylaxis.”*
• *Extracted from an issue of the Townsend Letter.
Article: Large-scale application of highly-diluted
bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control
Conclusions: The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a
large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic. The
results suggest the use of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control,
further research is warranted.
• Homeopathy. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2010.05.009.
CUBA: Homeoprophylaxis for posthurricane
Leptospirosis epidemic control
• ARTICLE TITLE: “Large-Scale Application of Highly-Diluted Bacteria for
Leptospirosis Epidemic Control”, Gustavo Bracho et al, Homeopathy 2010, 99 156-166
• A government ordered study demonstrating homeopathic
immunizations for the prevention of Leptospirosis in Cuba.
• Highly diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis = “nosode” for Leptospirosis.
• The remedy was administered to 2.3 million people by about 5000
personnel of public health system of Cuba which included FAMILY
DOCTORS, NURSES, PARAMEDICS, & social workers.
• CONCLUSION: A great study demonstrating how HP interventions
might help control epidemics by using highly-diluted pathogens to
induce protection in a short time scale.
Cuba Uses Homeopathy for COVID-19
• India is not the only country using homeopathy as a preventative for COVID-19.
• Since early April, the Cuban Ministry of Health has been rolling out the
combination remedy PrevengHo®Vir as a way to increase resilience in its
population to viral diseases and respiratory infections.
• PrevengHo®Vir consists of the remedies: Anas barbariae 200C; Arsenicum album
200C; Bacillinum 30C; Baptisia tinctoria 200C; Eupatorium perfoliatum 200C;
Influenzinum 200C; Pyrogenium 200C; Tuberculinum aviaire 200C.
• The head of the Department of Natural and Traditional Medicine when speaking
on state television, “It is not a product that has been specifically registered for the
coronavirus but is used in the prevention of viral illnesses and acute respiratory
• The treatment is being distributed to the entire population through the primary
health system and the ‘family doctor’, a professional assigned to each Cuban
neighborhood and who directly cares for an average population of about 600
• Last reviewed on July 14, 2020
Brazil Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics
A randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled study 2009-2010
• “The Brazilian Public Health System in Petropolis conducted a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-
controlled study from April 2009 to March 2010 on the use of homeopathic medicines to prevent
flu and acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in 600 children, age 1-5 years. (Changes in residence
and health insurance produced a dropout rate of 26%; 445 completed the study.) One group
received InfluBio, a nosode made from an infectious strain of H3N2 influenza A virus; in vitro
research showed that this nosode stimulated macrophage cells and increased the release of
tumor necrosis factor. The second group received a homeopathic complex, composed of
inactivated influenza virus and Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacterial strains; this complex
has been “traditionally used” to prevent acute respiratory infections. The third group received the
vehicle for the homeopathic medicines (30% ethanol), so all three preparations appeared and
tasted the same. The patients, their guardians, physicians, health agents, and researchers who
performed the data analysis were all blinded to treatment allocation. The researchers compared
the number of flu infections and ARIs for each group that occurred during the one-year
study. Children receiving either homeopathic nosode displayed symptoms of flu or ARI within the
first month after treatment but were otherwise free of ARIs; there was no statistically significant
difference between the two homeopathic nosodes. In contrast, those receiving the placebo
developed ARIs in the second and third month after treatment. The authors say, “In the first year
post-intervention 46/151 (30.5%) of children in the placebo group developed 3 or more flu and
acute respiratory infection episodes, while there was no episode in the group of 149 children who
used Homeopathic Complex, and only 1 episode in the group of 145 (1%) children who received
InfluBio.” The authors added that the homeopathic medicines were less expensive than
conventional medications and caused no adverse effects.”*
• *Extracted from an issue of the Townsend Letter.
Brazil – an unsuccessful study on homeopathic management of
Covid. Studied the WRONG remedy- Nat mur!!!
• They did a study in Brazil on the homeopathic management of Covid-
19 which was not successful. They used the remedy Natrum mur for
some reason which is definitely not at all one of the top remedies for
acute respiratory infections, certainly not for Covid-19. One of the
doctors did email me about their research in the midst of their huge
Covid wave in 2021, and I humbly did warn him that Nat mur was
NOT going to be helpful. Months later I saw the research article cited
here which was sad since many lives were lost.
• J Integr Med. 2022 May;20(3):221-229. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2022.03.003. Epub 2022 Mar 12.
Despite all odds – Homeopathy continues to gain
• India Times article on Homeopathy
• “Even after being recognized as the fastest growing and the 2nd largest system of
medicine according to World Health Organization (WHO) and enjoying 25%
growth vis the Pharma market which is 10% globally, when it comes to
homeopathy there are many apprehensions attached to it. It is still believed that
Homeopathy is not as effective as conventional medicines which is the biggest
myth associated with Homeopathy.
• According to statistics from the World Health Organization, homeopathy is
practiced and is available in 40 out of 42 European nations. In France, 95% of all
GPs, paediatricians and dermatologists use homeopathic remedies in their
practices. The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is
“effective, cost-effective and safe.” The Swiss government now recognizes
homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary medicine. According to
the BMJ (British Medical Journal), an impressive 57% of people in Germany use
homeopathic medicines.”
• July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra
Evidence and Research on Homeopathic
Management of Covid and Long-Covid
Homeopathy Around the World
Posted by Dr. Lisa Samet on Nov 17, 2017
presentation since Covid is ever-evolving, resulting in
changes regarding the recommended/studied top remedies
for its management.
As the virus mutates, the top remedies change.
The top remedies might be different from one continent to
another, or maybe even from one country to another.
MUCH variability involved in Covid-19
assessment, prevention and treatment
• There are several factors that make dx and tx of Covid-19 challenging.
Variability can manifest in the following ways:
• 1) Variants and sub-variants showing up over time…
• 2) Depending on the locality on the planet (country to country or certainly
continent to continent), the virus can manifest differently
• 3) From person to person, the virus can manifest differently.
Ex: Neurological s/s in one person, and rheumatological s/s in another
• 4) In the same person catching the same virus a few months apart could
manifest differently.
• Note: Each of the above variables can lead to the need for a different
• Another compounding factor is that the test can miss the dx.
The World organization of Homeopathy:
Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis
• LMHI is a world umbrella organisation for homeopathic doctors and
homeopathic associations with members from 76 countries. It was founded
in Rotterdam on 10 September 1925 by 14 homeopathic physicians from 9
• LMHI’s report on the prevention of Covid-19 with homeoprophylaxis and
the homeopathic treatment of the COVID-19 patients.
• Numerous studies on acute and long-Covid-19:
Article: New Coronavirus: All eyes on India
• An old article that came out at the beginning of the pandemic
Article: Adjunctive homeopathic treatment of hospitalized COVID-19
patients (COVIHOM): A retrospective case series - Austria
• In conclusion, additive classical homeopathy may be helpful to treat
patients with confirmed COVID-19 disease. To allow homeopathic
treatment by a team of physicians with different levels of knowledge
about homeopathy, the use of algorithms appears to be feasible. The
combination of conventional medicine and homeopathy in COVID-19
patients seems to be a promising way forward in terms of integrative
medicine to optimize patient treatment. Further prospective,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are warranted.
• WONDERFUL ALGORITHM!! Remedy suggestions using algorithms
(See following two slides.)
Algorithms for 1) Inpatient ward vs. 2) ICU
• Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2021 Aug; 44: 101415.
• Published online 2021 May 11. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2021.101415
Experience in homeopathic prescribing is
necessary when managing Covid-19 patients
• IMPORTANT: As helpful as the above figures may be, if you do not
have enough training in homeopathic prescribing for acute
conditions, it’s always best to refer your Covid patients to a
Case Management of the COVID-19 Patient with
Genuine Homeopathy - An update by
Dr. Andre Saine, ND
• May 2, 2020
• YouTube:
• Article:
• A webinar sponsored by the American Institute of Homeopathy and
the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy—May 2, 2020
• Presented by the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy and the
American Institute of Homeopathy
The Homeopathic Treatment of the Patient with
by Dr. Andre Saine, ND
• May 3, 2020
• The American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) hosted a two-hour
international web conference on the homeopathic treatment of
patients with COVID-19 on March 18th.
• YouTube:
A COVID-19 Update - Prevention of COVID-19 and
Treatment of the COVID-19 Patient
By Dr. Andre Saine, ND
• October 16, 2021
• American Institute of Homeopathy Webinar (AIH)
Dr. Andre Saine N.D. discusses developments in the treatment of
patients with COVID-19 using homeopathy. During this webinar, Dr.
Saine discusses what has been learned in the last 18 months and
what to expect in the months ahead.
• YouTube:
Article: Cumulative experience on the prevention of
COVID-19 & the treatment of the COVID-19 patient
By Dr. Andre Saine, ND
• January 21, 2022
• Canadian Academy of Homeopathy Webinar—
Dr. Paul Herscu’s Epidemics Updates
• Dr. Paul Herscu, ND, has also been writing periodic newsletters
on Covid and its homeopathic management, etc., during the
entire course of the pandemic. He has also offered a number of
extremely educational webinars of the subject.
• Here is the link to his newsletters:
Guidelines for the Use of Homeopathy to Treat the
Patient with Flu-like symptoms During the COVID-
19 Pandemic
• Presented by Dr. Nick Nossaman, M.D.
• Download the PowerPoint Presentation from
The COVID-19 Pandemic: A View from New York City
• Domenick J. Masiello, DO
• He discusses the following remedies for Covid-19 back in 2020: Gelsemium, Senega and Antimonium ars.
• Over the years in these viral post-treatment scenarios, I have often availed myself of an
invaluable small rubric from Boericke's Materia Medica with Repertory. It can be found
under Respiratory System: Cough: Cause: Influenza. The rubric contains the following
remedies: Allium cepa, Eriodictyon, Hyoscyamus, Kali bichromicum (Kali-bi), Kali
sulphuricum (Kali Sulph), Kreosotum, Pix Liq., Sanguinaria, Senega,
Stannum, and Strychninum. Statistically, the most frequently used remedies from this
rubric by far have been Kali-bi, Sanguinaria and Senega.
• Homeopathy 2020; 109(03): 163-166. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1714052
Senega, yet another wonderful remedy for Covid?
• Domenick J. Masiello, DO:
• “Although only partially proved, Senega is clearly a lung remedy with
an affinity for the mucus membranes of the air passages. Kent tells us
that it is deeper than Bryonia, and that it is often overlooked in favor
of Bryonia. The chest rattling resembles Antimonium tartaricumand
the stringy, tenacious mucus resembles Kali-bi.”
Article: Homeopathy for Coronavirus Covid-19
Infection - India & Iran
• “Dr Aditya Kasariyans presents case reports of Covid-19 that
occurred in Iran, and Dr. Rajan Sankaran analyses this data to arrive
at a genus epidemicus remedies. Based on the symptoms described
in the cases below, Camphora is considered as the key remedy for
treatment and prevention.”
• By Rajan Sankaran (India), Aditya Kasariyans (Iran)
• March 11, 2020
Protocol for Camphora’s use for prevention &
management of Covid-19 back in 2020 in India and
• See the next slide for suggested protocol for prevention and management of
Covid back in 2020 using the remedy Camphora
• Article: Have Two Homeopathic Doctors Identified a Treatment and Preventative
Remedy for COVID-19?
• Last reviewed on July 14, 2020
Article: Efficacy of individualized homeopathy as an adjunct to
standard of care of COVID-19: A randomized, single-blind,
placebo-controlled study - India
• Highlights of this study from India:
• •A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of adjunct homeopathy with standard of care for COVID-
19 was conducted on 300 patients.
• •Primary outcome on total symptom score measured over 10 days decreased significantly
favoring Standard of care + Homeopathy.
• •Recovery was earlier in Standard of care + Homeopathy group by 02 days showing the added
benefits of homeopathy.
• •Resolution of fever was 20 h earlier in Standard of care + Homeopathy.
• •Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba and Phosphorus were the most frequently prescribed medicines.
• Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 48, August 2022, 101602
• The references at the end of this article are very informative.
Article: Can Homeopathic Treatment Speed
Recovery in Patients With COVID-19?
• Pulmonary Advisor, June 22, 2022, Sheila Jacobs
• An article written on the study “Journal of Complementary
Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 48, August 2022, 101602”
Article: Homoeopathic therapeutic guidelines for
the treatment of omicron - India
• Therapeutic guidelines for the treatment of omicron / sars-cov-2 patients
with homoeopathy
• Great overview of the tops remedies with detailed keynotes.
• (Note: Omicron is evolving, so the remedies are also evolving.)
• February 2, 2022
• By: Wadhwani, G G. 1* Chadha, A2
• After having treated nearly 6000 COVID-19 cases in 2020-2021, the author has in
recent times consulted on/ treated nearly 500 cases of Omicron in India, Singapore,
Portugal, South Africa, UK etc., a few of which have already been published.
Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD (HOM)’s course outline:
• Topics to be covered is this course include:
• The unique advantages afforded by understanding an epidemic/pandemic as a homeodynamic
• The therapeutic potential of homeopathy in pandemics and its application
• Methods of identifying both a single remedy or a group of remedies as a Genius epidemicus for
• Determining if and when a novel SARS-CoV-2 strain requires a new Genius epidemicus
• Framing the totality of symptoms for determining the optimal remedy and assessing the
treatment outcome in mild, moderate, and severe cases with serology and CT scans
• How to decide potency and dosage
• Omicron treatment strategies and protocols
• Therapeutic strategies for dealing with complications that arise in the course of treating Covid-19
• The homeodynamics of Long Covid cases
• The role of the repertory in pandemic case evaluation
Coronavirus Covid-19 – Analysis of symptoms from confirmed cases with an assessment of
possible homeopathic remedies for treatment and prophylaxis - India
• Dr. Manish Bhatia:
• “In March 2020, I published my initial assessment of Covid 19
symptoms with indicated homeopathic remedies. I argued that
Bryonia seems to be a very close match. I updated that article
till September 2020 with many updates, research data, and clinical
experience. Bryonia alba did prove to be the most useful remedy last
year with excellent reports from the world over and even an ICMR
controlled trial showing a 75% efficacy.”
Article: An Update on Homeopathy Remedies for
the Current (April 2021) Wave of Covid-19 - India
• Dr. Manish Bhatia shares his analysis of the current wave (2021) of Covid 19
in India with an analysis of indicated homeopathic remedies.
• He believes “Belladonna or Gelsemium will help in most cases with high
fever and early symptoms. I am seeing many cases where Gelsemium is
helping. Hepar sulph will help (if the symptoms match of course) when the
productive cough sets in.”
• April 17th, 2021|Know Your Disease
Article: Homeopathic Remedies in COVID-19:
Prognostic Factor Research - India
• Conclusion: Homeopathic medicines were associated with improvement in
symptoms of COVID-19 cases. Characteristic symptoms of four frequently
indicated remedies have been identified using prognostic factor research,
findings that can contribute to accurate homeopathic prescribing during
future controlled research in COVID-19.
• Note: Twenty-seven remedies were prescribed and four of them-Arsenicum
album, Bryonia, Gelsemium, and Pulsatilla -were the most frequently used.
• Observational Study > Homeopathy. 2021 Aug;110(3):160-167. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1725989. Epub 2021
Apr 30.
• 211 cases met the criteria for analysis.
Article: Clinical Characteristics and Remedy Profiles of Patients
with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study - India
• Conclusion: Data from the current study reveal that Arsenicum
album, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, Rhus tox and Gelsemium are
the most frequently indicated homeopathic medicines. A randomized
controlled clinical trial based on this finding is the next step.
• Homeopathy. 2021 May;110(2):86-93. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1718584. Epub 2021 Feb 10.
Article: Homeopathic Treatment for COVID-19-
Related Symptoms: A Case Series - Israel
• Conclusion: The present case series emphasizes the rapidity of response among
moderate to severely ill patients to homeopathic treatment, when conventional
medical options have been unable to relieve or shorten the disease. The
observations described should encourage use of homeopathy in treating patients
with COVID-19 during the acute phase of the disease.
• Note: “We present 5 patients with COVID-19, who were successfully treated with
homeopathy. Hospitalized at a tertiary medical center in Jerusalem for moderate
to severe COVID-19-related symptoms, each of them requested homeopathic
treatment in addition to conventional therapy from the hospital’s Center for
Integrative Complementary Medicine, which was established over two decades
ago to provide controlled and responsible complementary and alternative
medicine therapies to hospitalized patients seeking such therapies.”
• By: Kurd R.a · Freed Y.b · Jarjoui A.c · Izbicki G.c · Levin P.d · Helvitz Y.d · Sherr J.e · Oberbaum M.b
Article: “Medicines for the new coronavirus in the
view of Classical Systemic Homeopathy” - Brazil
• Conclusion: “Cinchona (=China) officinallis as an option for adjunctive
treatment in Covid-19. Data contributes to use in homeopathic
interventions during the COVID-19 epidemic as a health promotion
and treatment strategy that can be used as an adjunct to all sanitary
and therapeutic measures recommended by health authorities.”
• Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 45, November 2021, 101482
Article: Homeopathy for COVID-19 in primary care: A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (COVID-
Simile study) - Brazil
• Conclusion: Results showed that Natrum muriaticum LM2 was safe to
use for COVID-19, but there was no statistically significant difference
in the primary endpoints of Natrum muriaticum LM2 and placebo for
mild COVID-19 cases. Although some secondary measures do not
support the null hypothesis, the wide confidence intervals suggest
that further studies with larger sample sizes and more symptomatic
participants are needed to test the effectiveness of homeopathic
Natrum muriaticum LM2 for COVID-19.
• 86 participants; From June 2020 to April 2021 in Brazil
• J Integr Med. 2022 May;20(3):221-229. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2022.03.003. Epub 2022 Mar 12.
Note: Brazil has lost nearly 674,000 lives to Covid so far. U.S. has lost the most and is 1st on the list, India 2nd, and Brazil 3rd.
Article: Homeopathic Clinical Features of 18
Patients in COVID-19 Outbreaks in Hong Kong
• Conclusion: The common symptoms of 18 mild COVID-19 cases
constituted two sets of homeopathic symptom pictures,
indicating Bryonia alba or Gelsemium sempervirens; they were
indicated in 4 and 12 cases, respectively, out of the 18 in total.
• Homeopathy. 2020 Aug;109(3):146-162. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1710545. Epub 2020 Jun 5.
Article: The Experience of an Italian Public Homeopathy
Clinic during the COVID-19 Epidemic, March–May 2020
• Elio Giovanni Rossi, MD:
• “We studied approximately 50 COVID-19 cases. In the first phase of the
study, Arsenicum album 30 cH was chosen (in line with the indications from the
Indian Ministry of AYUSH) and was prescribed to patients with flu symptoms and
to those who required homeopathic support to boost their immune system. In
the second phase of the study, we focused on the role of Bryonia alba and, in
several cases, of Gelsemium sempervirens.”
• “We could prescribe homeopathic treatment, with good results, in the private
• CLIFICOL (Clinical Files Collection) Project:
• A clinical homeopathy database being set up by integrating comprehensive and scientifically
verified medical documentation
• Homeopathy 2020; 109(03): 167-168. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713618
Article: Observations on 73 Vaccine breakthrough
COVID-19 infected patients and their
individualized homeopathic treatment, India
• Results: Out of the 1397 Covid-19 positive patients, a total of 73 cases
were identified as vaccine breakthrough infections. The median recovery
time reported in the data set was 9 ± 2 days. While 5 patients dropped out,
68 (93.15%) patients responded positively to homeopathic treatment, and
55 (75.34%) recovered completely with normalized serological markers/
nasal swabs/ HRCT Chest. About 29 (39.72%) of these presented with mild
clinical manifestations, 26 (35.61%) moderate, 17 (23.28%) severe and 1
(1.36%) was critical. 10 homeopathic remedies were prescribed to these 73
patients. Majority of the patients attained an ORIDL score of4. Maximum
patients reported a WHO clinical Progression score of 3.
• Gyandas G. Wadhwani *1; Aditi Chadha 2
• International Journal of High Dilution Research 2022; 21(cf):04-17
Article: Observations on 73 Vaccine breakthrough
COVID-19 infected patients … CONCLUSION
• “In Conclusion, this up-to-date report gathers a clinico-symptomatic
profile of vaccine breakthrough patients, their homeopathic
anamnesis,and response to individualized homeopathic treatment.
Despite the limited number of study subjects, homeopathy showed
some promising results in the present setup. Further exploratory
research studies and comparative clinical trials may be encouraged to
ascertain and confirm the role of individualized homeopathic
treatment in the current pandemic and provide more conclusive
results. More detailed measures for recovery may be required for
trials that assess recovery as a primary outcome.”
Homeopathic Databases – Gathering data on the
top remedies helpful for management of Covid
• AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) – FOUNDED IN 1844.
• The American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) has launched an
ambitious effort to collect COVID-19 cases (homeopathic) from
around the world. This project is part of a larger collaborative effort
with homeopathic colleagues around the world. We will be issuing
reports on findings from the data at least weekly for the forseeable
future. The database can only be accessed by practitioners with the
security clearance to do so. Practitioners interested in learning more
may email
• CLIFICOL (Clinical Files Collection) Project:
• A clinical homeopathy database being set up by integrating comprehensive
and scientifically verified medical documentation
American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM)
• The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) is a peer-
reviewed scientific journal, specifically intended to meet the needs of
physicians involved in the specialty of homeopathy. The editor invites
original manuscripts, feature articles, research reports, 'Homeopathic
Grand Rounds' cases studies, abbreviated case reports for 'Clinical
Snapshots,' seminar reports, and position papers that focus on
homeopathy, as well as book reviews and letters to the editor.
Clinical Case Report:
An Overnight Cure of COVID with Arsenicum
album, by Dr. Mitch Fleisher, MD, DHt USA
Clinical Case Report:
COVID-19: A Severe Case Complicated with a
Comorbidity, by Mary Alice Cooper, MD
• Abstract: A patient with a health-compromising comorbidity
hospitalized with severe (bordering on critical) COVID-19 responds
well (by exceeding clinical expectations) to homeopathic treatment
with Carboneum oxygenisatum during and after her hospitalization.
• Source: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine . Spring2021,
Vol. 114 Issue 1, p11-12. 2p.
Clinical Case Report:
COVID-19 Case Series I: The Experience of Dr.
Gyandas Wadhwani., by Dr. Karl Robinson, MD
• Abstract: This case series demonstrates the effectiveness of the
Hahnemannian individualized approach to the treatment of COVID-
19. By the focused use of reliable strong characteristics (keynotes) of
homeopathic medications, the results in moderate and severe cases
are impressive. It is notable that many of the patients mentioned in
this series were hospitalized and suffered significant pulmonary
involvement of the disease as evidenced by radiological findings,
while some had higher risk-associated comorbidities.
• Source: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine . Summer2021, Vol. 114 Issue 2, p14-17. 4p.
Clinical Case Reports:
Hope, Heart and Homoeopathy: Clinical Experiences in the
Pandemic of Covid 19,
by Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD (Hom)
• Dr. Gyandas G. Wadhwani presents a case series of 20 cured Covid-
19 cases which includes the patient’s age, sex, co-existing diseases,
laboratory findings, radiological findings, severity of illness, lesser
accessory symptoms, the homeopathic prescription and five follow
ups, results of treatment and discussion.
• Journal Hpathy, September 19, 2020
• by Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD (Hom)
Clinical Case Report:
Clinical snapshot: A Covid-19 Cough
Dr. George Guess, MD
•In this article, Dr. Guess talks about how this case
needed Phosphorus initially, and then Kali
bichromium, leading to “rapid resolution of all
• Source: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine . Annual 2021, Vol. 114, p77-79. 3p.
Homeopathic Prophylaxis for
Genus Epidemicus (GE)
• Genus Epidemicus (GE) is a word coined by Dr. Hahnemann which
denotes the homeopathic remedy that is similar to the totality of
symptoms found in the majority of patients suffering in an epidemic
disease and which, if given to the patients before the onset of the
disease, prevents the epidemic disease or when given during the
disease cures the patient.*
presentation since Covid is ever-evolving, resulting in
changes regarding the recommended/studied top remedies
for its management.
As the virus mutates, the top remedies change.
The top remedies might be different from one continent to
another, or maybe even from one country to another.
Genus Epidemicus for Covid-19?
• “Homeopathic teachers and Institutions have suggested many different remedies as the Genus
Epidemicus or the curative remedy of Covid-19.
• It doesn’t seem like we have the same GE in the entire world. Different parts of the world favor
different remedies:
• The most popular remedy suggestions are:
• = Bryonia - suggested by the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK), Society of Homeopathy (UK), Dr Paul
Herscu, Dr Manish Bhatia and Prof. Aaron To Ka Lun, President of the Hong Kong association of
Homeopathy (HKAH)
• = Gelsemium - suggested by the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK), Society of Homeopathy (UK) and
Prof. Aaron To Ka Lun, President of HKAH also.
• = Arsenicum Album was suggested by CCRH of AYUSH ministry (India) although they were vague,
evasive, non-specific and talking about the use of Ars. Alb. In a generalized way for preventing ILI -
influenza type illnesses. Later, the ministry retracted the advisory partially - adding to the
confusion. According to my analysis - Arsenicum Album is the Genus Epidemicus as well as the
curative remedy for the Covid-19 pandemic.
• = Camphora - suggested by Dr Rajan Sankaran
• = Dr Andre Saine of USA has suggested Bryonia, Gelsemium and Arsenicum although he has not
chosen any one of these 3 as the Genus Epidemicus. He used to favor Bryonia. (Note: My
observation here is that his top favorite remedy as of a number of months ago has been
carboneum oxygenisatum. Refer to all of the links to his talks in this PP for further info.)”*
• *: ”Covid-19 Classical Homeopathic & Toxicological Genus Epidemicus Analysis” by Manish
Different countries have been using different
remedies for prevention
• “A variety of preventative homeopathic strategies are being employed
in a number of countries.
• The Indian Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani,
Siddha and Homeopathy) advises use of the homeopathic medicinal
product Arsenicum album.
• In Brazil and Romania the homeopathic medicinal product Camphora is being
deployed prophylactically.
• In Hong Kong, Bryonia alba and Gelsemium sempervirens are being deployed
prophylactically following an observational Case series of 18 COVID-19
patients which assessed clinical symptoms from a homeopathic point of view
and identified the homeopathic symptom pictures of these two homeopathic
medicinal products.”*
• *:
• (Note: In the 2022 Brazilian study cited in this presentation, they used Ars album for
A remedy is useful for tx? Then can use it for
If a remedy happens to be helpful in managing or treating a condition, that
remedy could be used as a prophylactic.
The idea is that if you know the top remedy (remedies) for the treatment of
a disease, you may be able to use it for its prevention.
Example: If Bryonia is the top remedy for management of Covid, then some
homeopaths suggest that we may be able to use it for prevention if taken
once in a while- the frequency varies on extent of exposure.
Some practitioners have recommended taking Bryonia 30c and Gelsemium
30c on alternating weeks for prevention of Covid since these remedies have
been two of the top remedies for management of its symptoms.
Note: To some extent, the top remedies have and might continue to change
as the virus mutates. That is why there is no set remedy for prevention of
Covid so far.
Suggested Remedies for Prevention in April of
• “The US-based National Center for Homeopathy reports (as of April 13,
2020) that homeopathic treatment data from homeopaths worldwide is
being compiled and analyzed in order to identify a genus epidemicus for
COVID-19. Data from Europe indicates that Bryonia 200C or Gelsemium
200C, taken every five days, may be preventive for those at risk or on the
front lines.”
• Note: The above remedies have and will likely change over time as the
virus mutates. Need to stay up-to-date in the world of homeopathy…
• An excerpt from an article in the Townsend Letter.
Nosode for prevention?
• As opposed to the top indicated remedies for management of an
epidemic dz, some homeopaths recommend using the nosode (made
from the invading organism for that epidemic OR from the infected
bodily fluids of a person infected by that organism) for prevention.
Nosode studies prior to Covid-19 pandemic
• Golden I, Bracho G. A Reevaluation of the Effectiveness of
Homoeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba in 2007 and 2008. J
Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Med. 2014; 19(3):155-
• Large-Scale Application of Highly-Diluted Bacteria for Leptospirosis
Epidemic Control. Bracho et al, Homeopathy 2010, Jul, 99(3): 156-166
– Will discuss later.
CUBA: Homeoprophylaxis for posthurricane
Leptospirosis epidemic control
• ARTICLE TITLE: “Large-Scale Application of Highly-Diluted Bacteria for
Leptospirosis Epidemic Control”, Gustavo Bracho et al, Homeopathy 2010, 99 156-166
• A government ordered study demonstrating homeopathic
immunizations for the prevention of Leptospirosis in Cuba.
• Highly diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis = “nosode” for Leptospirosis.
• The remedy was administered to 2.3 million people by about 5000
personnel of public health system of Cuba which included FAMILY
DOCTORS, NURSES, PARAMEDICS, & social workers.
• CONCLUSION: A great study demonstrating how HP interventions
might help control epidemics by using highly-diluted pathogens to
induce protection in a short time scale.
Article on Covid Nosode: The Shattered Mirror
• Article: “The Shattered Mirror, Synthesis of Induced and Cured
symptoms of Coronavirus Nosode, Novus-CV, in Homeopathic Dilution
in Humans”
• “We have been operating under an illusion about who we are and the
reality we thought we were living under. Broken illusions as the
shattered mirror are the metaphor for Novus-CV.”
• “We understand Novus-CV to be able to act curatively, preventatively,
and in some cases of never-been-well since Covid-19.”
• Journal: The American Homeopath, volume 27 - 2021
Nosode - Article: Will the Coronavirus Nosode Help
with COVID-19?
• “A coronavirus nosode that has been in existence for many years is being touted on the
internet and elsewhere as a prophylactic (preventative) for the new coronavirus disease
– COVID-19. Will it be helpful? In our opinion, most likely not.
• Experience shows that a nosode only prevents symptoms of an infectious disease if it is
prepared from a bacteria or virus that produces symptoms similar to those for which
protection is sought.
• The coronavirus family is comprised of many different strains which are responsible for
the common cold, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) or a number of other respiratory infections.
• In the above examples, each strain produces its own set of symptoms resulting in a
separate disease name.
• A nosode of one of the diseases cannot be used for the other simply because their
symptoms differ even though all have been produced by a coronavirus.
• The nosode currently being touted was not prepared from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or the
COVID-19 disease produced by it, but another unknown coronavirus (to us, at least).
• In the future, should a coronavirus nosode be prepared from the COVID-19 disease it
may be useful but before any such claims could be made, it would have to be tested.”
Nosodes vs vaccines? Not wise?!
• Article: “Can a nosode prepared from SARS-CoV-2 or Novel Corona Virus -19 be a
suitable homeopathic protector of Covid-19 disease? Conventional vaccines
versus homeopathic nosodes”
• A paragraph from this article: “In fact, from our earlier experience, we know that
failure of adherence to all justified protocol norms in using nosodes resulted in
abrupt withdrawal of such use as homeopaths were debarred from using by law
in several countries like Canada, Australia and UK with the position statement of
UK Society reading "The society does not endorse the use of homeopathic
medicines as an alternative to vaccination for the prevention of serious infectious
diseases" though they may be effective in certain other circumstances.” “In the
meanwhile, the use of Ars Alb 30 recommended by AYUSH after some positive
results obtained in pilot studies can be adhered to till more authentic studies and
their results accumulate to verify (or refute) the success of its use as an effective
prophylactic or curative drug, or till the right kind of vaccine is discovered…..”
• July 2020. Project: Effect of High dilution Arsenicum album. Professor Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh.
University of Kalyani
Influenzinum NOSODE for initial stage of catching
• Webinar titled “How to Manage Covid-19 with Homeopathy?”
• Lesson 4 Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica
• By Dr Gajanan Dhanipkar
• When “another remedy that I have used in the initial part, the mild
asymptomatic part where the patient has just come with few
symptoms and just the fever and body pain and the fever is about to
develop, he is in the feverish situation slight cold and coryza where
the patient is not even tested positive but looks like he may go into
this, is the remedy influenzinum. General malaise, feverishness
without well developed symptoms is very important.”
Homeopathy for COVID-19 Prevention? A
Brazilian study from 2022
Article title: Homeopathy for COVID-19 Prevention: Report of
an Intervention at a Brazilian Service Sector Company.
• Arsenicum album was given weekly in the treatment group.
• Conclusion: The incidence of COVID-19 was significantly
lower amongst on-premises employees who received the GE
(Genus Epidemicus) medication in comparison to workers
who did not receive the intervention (those either at other
company premises or teleworking at home).
• Homeopathy 2022;111:105–112
Homeopathy for COVID-19 Prevention? A
Brazilian study from 2022, ANALYSIS
68% of unprophylaxed group contracted Covid vs. less than 1% of prophylaxed group in a
population of over 300 in each group.
• 1642 subjects (divided into 3 groups)
• Group 1: 53% not at work – did not receive any intervention (i.e. homeopathic remedies)
• Groups 2 & 3 making up 47% who stayed at work
• Group 2: roughly 25% (~ 400 subjects) of total subjects received intervention
• Group 3: 22% (~ 330 subjects) of total subjects received no intervention
• Group 2 incidence during study period - 0.74%
• Group 3 incidence during study period - 67.8%
Article: Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Feasibility Study,
Evaluating the Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicines in the Prevention of
COVID-19 in a Quarantined Population - India & USA
• Conclusion: This pilot study supports the feasibility of a larger
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Bryonia alba 30c
and CVN01 30c should both be explored in disease prevention or
shortening the course of disease symptomatology in a COVID-19-
exposed population. (Note: CVN01 is a nosode.)
• Homeopathy. 2022 Feb;111(1):49-56. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1735235. Epub 2021 Sep 30.
• Authors: Gitanjali Talele1, Shashikant Vaidhya2, Abhay Chowdhary 3, Paul Herscu 4, Rajesh Shah1
Frequency of dosing for prevention?
• The frequency depends on the risk the person is exposed to.
• Dr. Andre Saine, ND, discusses this subject in depth in his Covid article
found below:
Top Remedies for Management of Covid
Various Doctors’ Views
There is some consensus among homeopaths on what are the top
remedies for managing s/s of Covid. However, there are also some
differences in opinion among our top homeopaths in the world.
I believe one of the reasons is that the top remedies are sometimes
different based on the locality homeopaths practice in.
Additionally, the recommendations vary potentially based on the
date the article was written; in other words, as the virus has
mutated, the recommendations have also mutated.
Remedy selection depends on the person’s
s/s, NOT the name of the virus!!
• The reaction to an invading organism (or stressful event of any kind) is
what the remedy is based on, NOT the exact name of the virus (or the
exact nature of the stressful event).
How do you pick a remedy?
• Any remedy that suits the characteristic symptoms of the disease is
likely to be effective.
During an epidemic, some remedies always
emerge as better than others …
• “While homeopaths typically choose remedies for individuals and
their unique symptom profiles, a small group of remedies, especially
when an infectious or epidemic disease is involved, always emerge as
being better than others.”
Article: COVID Chronicles: Which Remedy?
Remedies, Remedies, Everywhere!
• “In the search for a COVID-19 preventative and treatment, it only takes a quick
look on the internet to see a number of homeopathic remedies have been
• Arsenicum, for example, is recommended by the AYUSH branch of the Indian
government, Camphora and Phosphorus by doctors treating COVID-19 patients in
Iran, Coca because COVID-19 symptoms look a lot like the those of high-altitude
sickness, and the combination remedy PrevengHo®Vir by the Cuban
government because of its effectiveness during the Influenza A (H1N1) epidemic.
• Numerous other remedies such as Gelsemium sempervirens, Carbo vegetabilis,
and Phosphoricum acidum have also been recommended.
• With so much homeopathic information on offer, what should we pay attention
• That information which shows a clear relationship between remedy and
symptoms at the time the person presents for treatment.”
• Last reviewed on June 10, 2020
Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 1
• Refer to the following pdf (dated May 2, 2020) by Dr. Andre Saine, ND, for a
detailed materia medica of the top remedies for Covid:
• According to Dr. Andre Saine, ND, “The most commonly and successfully
prescribed remedy so far, as of May 1, has been Bryonia for all stages of
• Other remedies: Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, and Sulphur.
• The remedies most used in critical cases are:
• Bryonia, Antimonium tartaricum, Arsenicum album, Carboneum
oxygenisatum, Hyoscyamus, Opium, Carbo vegetabilis, Ammonium
carbonicum, Hyoscyamus.”
Carbnoneum oxygenisatum (=carbon monoxide or
Carbonous Oxide)
• Article: Indications for Carbnoneum oxygenisatum (Carbn-o) in Covid-19
• A remedy that is indicated for asphyxia. It makes perfect sense- Carbon
monoxide in a homeopathic preparation for fixing the asphyxia-like state in
Covid patients.
• “The most characteristic symptoms are great to extreme lethargy, apathy,
mental dullness and weakness that are worse from the slightest exertion
and better from open air. Another interesting symptom that can be present
when Carbn-o. is indicated is disorientation in time and space.
• Whenever Omicron has become dominant in an area, I have started telling
my patients to switch from Bryonia to Carbn-o. for prophylaxis and in the
early stage of the disease and to call me if they don’t respond. People who
were taking Bryonia for prevention can stop taking it and take instead
Carboneum oxygenisatum 200 (we use the 500) every week or so.”
• The posology is important here!
• January 18, 2022
• by Dr. Andre Saine, ND (Considered one of the world's foremost experts in homeopathy)
Carbnoneum oxygenisatum, posology is critical!
• The posology is important in this case – Using this remedy for Covid.
• “Beware that the remedy must be given often….Unless the patient is very
sensitive, I give the 1M every 15-30 minutes at first and the patient may
keep doing this the first and second day.”
• “Dr. Pradeep Gupta reported having treated over 12,000 Covid cases in the
inpatient and outpatient departments of his hospital in Agra with only two
deaths. He gives the remedy in either in the LM potencies q10m the first
day for the day in the inpatient department and centesimal potencies (6,
30, 200 or 1M) every 2-6 hours in his outpatient department.”
Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 2
• How to Manage Covid-19 with Homeopathy?
• Lesson 4 Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica
• By Dr Gajanan Dhanipkar
• Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Bryonia, China, Camphor,
Influenzinum, Merc cyantus, Ferrum phosph, Acid phosph, Antimonium
ars, Vanadium, Crotalus horridus, Aspidosperma, Lobelia, and Stannum
• I can’t recall where to find this webinar, but you can likely google it. I
believe it was through Shilpa’s website- refer to the resources at the end.
Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 3
• Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad’s algorithmic handout on his top remedies for
• Mild cases (Belladonna, Ferr phos, Aconite, Gelsemium, Bryonia, Rhus tox,
and Nux vomica, Hepar sulph, China, Pulsatilla, Ipecac, Eupatorium perf)
• Moderate to severe pneumonia cases (Kali carb, Phosphorus, Arsenicum,
Ammonium carb, Lycopodium, Antimonium arsenicosum, Stannum met,
Bromium, Verat alb, Sulphur, Nat sulph, Senega, Chelidoneum)
• Emergency Cases admitted to ICU with low spo2 (Pyrogen, Carbo veg, Mer
sol, Lachesis, Camphora, Verat alb, Antimonium tartaricum, Carboneum
oxygenisatum, HCN=Hydrocyanicum Acidum, Opium)
Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 4
• Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad - Homeopathic Strategies for the Treatment of
Covid & Long Covid – Parts 1 & 2 (11/30/21 and 12/20/21)
Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 5
• Gyandas G. Wadhwani,MD+(Hom) - An Introduction to The
Homeodynamics of Pandemics & Epidemics
• The actual course is not free. Highly recommend the course!
• The Homeodynamics of Pandemics & Epidemics with a Focus on Covid-19
Article: A comparison of Characteristic Symptoms
of Antimonium tartaricum and Phosphoric acid in
Severe Respiratory Illness of Covid-19
• Dr. Alex Bekker, MD, ABIHM (Current president of American Institute
of Homeopathy)
Bayesian analysis of symptoms, 18th issue
LMHI newsletter
• Arsenicum: sleeplessness; fear of death; worrying about finances/family; night aggravates; cough < laughing;
coldness chest
• Belladonna: conjunctivitis; cough > lying; high fever
• Bryonia: thirst for large quantities; cough < talking; cough < deep inspiration; cough > warm
• drinks; chest pain < cough; throat pain < cough; desire for rest; dry eyes; headache during fever; headache <
motion; motion aggravates; worrying about finances/family; lying ameliorates
• Camphora: cough < talking; cough < lying; perspiration back; open air ameliorates; vertigo/dizziness
• Gelsemium: involuntary urination from cough; chest pain from cough; heavy eyelids – cannot keep eyes
open; chilly back; headache > profuse urination; perspiration ameliorates
• Hepar sulphuris: loss of appetite; desire warm drinks
• Nux vomica: back pain; taste bitter; loss of appetite
• Phosphorus: gasping for air; fear of being alone; cough < cold air; appetite increased; back
• pain; chest pain; eye pain; heat body; expectoration bloody
• Pulsatilla: loss of appetite; wants to be held; bitter taste, weeping; coryza;
• Rhus Toxicodendron: coryza; appetite increased
• Collecting clinical experience of homeopathic support in COVID-19, newsletter 22, September 2021
Article: COVID-19: Is It Like Mountain Sickness?
• “They are not the typical symptoms of viral pneumonia and acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that he and his unit were told to
expect but more like those of high altitude or mountain sickness.”
• “Within homeopathy, one remedy is known for mountain or altitude
sickness – Coca. It has been used for the symptoms high altitude
sickness for more than a century.”
• Last reviewed on July 14, 2020
Article: The Effect of Homeopathic Coca on High
Altitude Mountain Sickness: Mt. Everest Base
• “Subjectively, the experimental group had improved shortness of
breath, less nausea, fewer headaches and were able to breathe better
at night than the control group from
• 12,672 ft. to 17,600 ft. as demonstrated on the GHAQ. This is
corroborated with the objective findings of the oxygen saturation
level being significantly higher overall than those reported for the
control group.”
Top Remedies for Management of Covid
Based on My Personal Experience
Top remedies to consider for acute Covid 19 cases as
well as long-Covid:
• Aconitum napellus or Aconite
• Antimony tartaricum
• Arsenicum Album
• Baptisia
• Belladonna
• Bryonia alba (Dr. Andre Saine)
• Camphora (Dr. Rajan Sankaran)
• Carboneum oxygenisatum (Dr. Andre Saine)
• China (or Cinchona) officinalis
• Eupatorium Perfoliatum
• Ferrum Phos
• Gelsemium sempervirens
• Ipecac
• Kali bichromium
• Nux vomica
• Phosphorus
• Pulsatilla
• Sabadilla
• Senega
• Spongia tosta
• Note: Most of these remedies are typical Flu remedies. A few are unusual such as Camphora, Senega or Carboneum oxygenisatum.
Remedies for Management of Covid
• In my practice, I found the following to be true:
• Prior to Omicron: Bryonia, Gelsemium, Antimonium tart., etc.
• Omicron- Earlier subvariants (~ BA.2): Kali bichromium, Pulsatilla, Hepar Sulph,
Sabadilla, etc.
• Note: These are mostly for the upper respiratory (sinuses/throat/nose) system.
• Omicron - Present subvariants (~ BA.4 & BA.5): Bryonia, Gelsemium, Antimonium
tart., Eupatorium perfoliatum, Spongia, Phosphorus, etc.
• Note: These remedies are remedies usually for the lower respiratory (bronchi/lungs) system.
• Note: Recently, I am finding that patients need more than two (or even three)
remedies in sequence before their symptoms are completely managed. They
often need a lower respiratory rx followed by upper rx to finish off the case.
The Top Remedies I’ve Used So Far For
Management of Covid Patients
• Gelsemium sempervirens
• Antimonium tart
• Phosphorous
• Pulsatilla
• Kali bichromium
• Carboneum oxygenisatum – Refer to Dr. Saine’s article for info.
BRYONIA IS BACK with new sub-variants of
• I used to see a lot of Bryonia cases until when Omicron showed up.
• Then, stopped seeing Bryonia cases nearly completely until the new
subvariants as of around May (of 2022).
• Dr. Andre Saine, ND: “The most commonly and successfully
prescribed remedy so far, as of May 1 (of 2020), has been Bryonia for
all stages of Covid.”
Bryonia alba – the top remedy for this
pandemic (DRY, left-sided, PAINFUL, & angry)
• A dry and painful cough. Note: Patient may have some phlegm in chest, but not nearly as
much as Antimonium tart.
• Shortness of breath or difficulty taking satisfying breaths or sensation of tightness in the chest
is usually present.
• Dryness anywhere and everywhere in the body (mouth and/or throat and/or intestines, etc.) is
nearly always present. (Note: Dry mouth can be confused for dry mouth of Pulstilla.)
• Dryness is intestines is in the form of constipation.
• Dryness in chest in the form of dry cough.
• Often very thirsty (and thirsty for cold water). Note: They can be thirstless too!
• Symptoms or any symptom is usually worse on LEFT side of the body
• Body aches, usually severe, above 7 out of 10 (10 being the worst)
• Headache, usually worse on LEFT side (it could be all over the head, however)
• Sore throat, usually worse on LEFT side, better with cold applications (ice water, ice cream, etc.)
• Patient feels worse with movement. ANY and every symptom can feel worse with movement.
They just want to lay down.
• Anger/irritability is usually present. Does not want to be disturbed. Likes quietness.
LEFT sided conditions on the rise during the Covid-
19 pandemic. They either developed it or it got
worse! Covid, a left-sided pandemic?!
Since Bryonia has so far been one of the top (or perhaps the top) remedy during
this pandemic, and since Bryonia patients often have left-sided s/s (signs and
symptoms), it would make sense that left-sided symptoms would be on the rise,
Patients who already had some symptoms on the LEFT side of their body are
coming in with more severity in their left-sided symptoms. These patients often do
not even put two and two together. They simply think their chronic condition is
worse, failing to realize that the new onset of the worsening of their left-sided
symptoms is directly due to catching either symptomatic or ASYMPTOMATIC Covid.
Question ANY left-sided symptom in the body HEAD to TOES including:
Conjunctivitis, otitis, tinnitus, headache, body aches, rashes, tumors, etc.
DRY conditions on the rise during the Covid-
19 pandemic
• Since Bryonia has so far been one of the top (or perhaps the top)
remedies during this pandemic, and since Bryonia patients often have
dryness anywhere in their body, it would make sense that dry
conditions would be on the rise, AND THEY ARE!
• Examples: Eczema, psoriasis, dry mouth, dry eyes, etc.
Gelsemium sempervirens
4 D’s: dumb, dull, droopy and dizzy
• No major coughing or respiratory symptoms like Antimonium tart or Bryonia cases.
• Body aches or soreness, usually not as severe as someone who needs the remedy
• Extreme fatigue – More tired than most people who need other remedies.
• Mental confusion/dullness/fog (rather unique to Gelsemium, of the common Covid
• A headache that is worse on the back (as opposed to Bryonia that usually comes with a
headache that is either all over or worse on LEFT)s
• Dizziness, mild to severe. Or at the minimum the balance can be slightly off.
• Thirst is usually not present, opposite of Bryonia.
• Likely our BEST remedy for convalescence phase of ANY infectious dz. Therefore, a great
remedy for many cases of post-Covid.
• Note: My Gelsemium cases have typically not been nearly as ill as Bryonia and
Antimonium tart cases.
Antimonium tartaricum (WETNESS/Phlegm in LOWER tract)
(Note: This remedy is NOT to be confused for Antimonium
• Lots of phlegm in the throat and/or chest (bronchi/lungs) that is difficult to
bring up. Some or no phlegm might come up with coughing.
• So, WET cough but may or may not be productive.
• Patient and dr can sometimes hear the phlegm rattling under the chest
• Excess phlegm can cause nausea.
• Note: This phlegm is from the lower respiratory tract, NOT sinuses (upper
respiratory tract) Phlegm from sinuses would require a different remedy.
• Tongue usually has a white coating (at least partially)
• This is a great remedy for pneumonia or a pneumonia-like state with a lot
of phlegm in the lungs.
• Fatigue
IMPORTANT: Phlegm in lungs  Lower O2 Stat
• The excess phlegm in the lungs can clearly interfere with the O2-CO2
exchange, thereby dropping the oxygen saturation in the blood.
• I have seen patients’ O2 improve as the phlegm goes down.
Sometimes you can hear the phlegm going away (i.e. hear less
phlegm moving around w/ or w/o coughing), and sometimes you
can’t. Even if it’s not obvious to you that the phlegm is going away,
you can still logically deduce that the phlegm is indeed lessening
when you notice other positive changes in the patient such as
improved cognition, mood, energy, strength, appetite, etc.
• Other remedies I have used but less often:
• Aconitum nap: Anxiety, top remedy for panic attacks &/or PTSD.
Fear/thought of death/dying, balance is off, numbness somewhere in the
body, palpitations, urinary retention, thirsty usu for cold drinks (~ Bryonia),
dry tongue (~ Bryonia).
• Arsenicum album: Burning hot sensation somewhere in body (Phosphorus
can have flushes of heat), thirsty (to put the fire inside out) for small
quantities of water, better with warm drinks (vs Phosphorus and Bryonia
who are better with cold drinks) highly anxious and wants company of
others (similar to Phosphorus but opposite of Bryonia), debilitated, worse
after mid-night, etc. Like buttery and fatty food.
• Camphora – Icy coldness of the whole body. Coldness & shivering but
averse to covering (~ Carbo-v); internal coldness in the chest; face is cold
and even blue; cold hands/feet; sudden collapse & extreme prostration
(pulse is barely perceptible); sleepiness (can extend into a coma); cold
sweat. Desires cold drinks, thirstless. Touch aggravates. (Successful
during Cholera epidemics)
• Dr. Sankaran has suggested Camphora as the GE. He suggested further
• Carboneum oxygenisatum (Carbn-o): “Great to extreme lethargy,
apathy, mental dullness and weakness that are worse from the
slightest exertion and better from open air. Another interesting sx
that can be present is disorientation in time and space. The patient
can have a panoply of other symptoms: cough, sore throat, sore skin,
painful joints, fever, chilliness, high thirst but none of these would be
decisive to find the remedy. The state of apathy is very particular to
Carboneum oxygenisatum.” (Excerpt from Dr. Andrea Saine’s article in Hpathy,
tittled “Indications for Carboneum oxygenisatum in Covid-19”)
• Note: Dosing for Corbn-o is critical. Dr. Saine covers this subject in the article above.
• China officinalis: Mind is stimulated. Lots of ideas. Irritable/touchy.
Appetite is increased during the fever. Periodicity of symptoms (including
fever or weakness). Loss of fluid aggravates or could bring this state on.
GREAT weakness/debility. Bloating/distended/rumbling noises in
abdomen/abdomen sensitive to touch.
• Eupatorium perfoliatum: A great remedy for the flu or flu-like illness.
SEVERE aching (similar to Bryonia) all over as if bones are breaking, pain is
particularly severe in the back (Bryonia usually aches everywhere but
worse on LEFT side), extremely high fever and chills, pain worse with
motion (similar to Bryonia). Note: Other than Rhus tox people, I don’t
think most people with severe pain enjoy movement!
• Ipecac: Bouts of SEVERE coughing to a point of near vomiting, rattling
cough with great difficulty bringing up phlegm similar to Anti tart, beefy
red tongue with NO coating (which is opposite of Anti tart- has white
coating), & is better with fresh air and thirstless (similar to Pulsatilla).
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AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
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AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx
AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx

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AANP - 2022 - Covid & long-Covid UPDATED FINAL version.pptx

  • 1. Homeopathic Management of Covid & Long-Covid Sharum Sharif, ND AANP, Summer of 2022
  • 2. Nearly 6.5 million people have already died of Covid. We need to look at all the possible therapeutic solutions for this pandemic! According to, • 6,373,141 people have died so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of July 11, 2022. • (Note: This figure went up by about 100 in less than just perhaps 5 minutes.) • Despite great efforts on the part of countless doctors and scientists, there are no reliable treatments of COVID-19 so far. Therefore, “it is essential to search for therapeutic alternatives to COVID-19, such as Integrative Medicine, especially Homeopathy, which was used with excellent results in the great epidemics.”* • *: Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 45, November 2021, 101482 •
  • 3. Why am I giving this talk? • A great number of people in the world are dying from acute Covid OR suffering from serious sequalae of Covid-19 every single day! Nearly 6.5 million people have already died of it. This figure does not include the great number of people who knowingly or unknowingly are struggling with long-Covid. • I have not seen many of my ND colleagues help Covid patients. NDs should be able to help Covid patients with the management of their various signs/symptoms. (Note: We are not claiming cures, we just want to help!) • With this talk, my hope is to encourage you all to consider homeopathy as yet another powerful tool in managing Covid or long-Covid as well as any other future epidemic/pandemic, or to at least consider referring to homeopaths.
  • 4. Disclaimer • This presentation is only meant to share the latest developments in the field of homeopathy as it relates to Covid-19, and to stimulate discussion amongst our ND community. • If you have Covid-19, you need to consult with a professional homeopath. • Although I may agree with some of the authors’ views in the various studies cited in this presentation, I respectfully DO NOT endorse ALL of their ideas or remedy recommendations. • It’s imperative to realize that homeopathy does not have any remedies for any specific conditions, including COVID-19. In homeopathy, we treat people, not diseases. Regardless of the name of the disease, based on the person’s state and unique set of signs/symptoms, we find a remedy that best matches the case. Therefore, homeopaths are not claiming that they have a specific verifiable cure/treatment OR method of prevention for COVID-19.
  • 5. Acknowledgements • We, as a species, have all been affected by this pandemic, and we should acknowledge one another’s pain and suffering on all levels. • Let’s take a moment of silence to acknowledge the loss of so many lives so far during this pandemic. • I’d also like to acknowledge: • The passing away of my homeopathy teacher, Dr. Robin Murphy, ND. Much of what I have learned in the area of applied homeopathy comes directly from Dr. Murphy’s teachings. I use his repertory and materia medica daily. • All of my other homeopathy teachers/colleagues without whom I wouldn’t have the privilege of helping so many people during this pandemic and now serving you today. • All of my Covid patients who have helped sharpen my clinical skills over this pandemic. My skills in prescribing have significantly improved as a result of all of those visits/emails. • My family who put up with me not being available all those weekday and weekend days/nights when I’ve either helped Covid patients season after season for nearly 2.5 years now, OR have taken time to research Covid and its management as well as to prepare for this talk.
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  • 8. This book is a great resource for homeopathic treatment of ebola.
  • 10. Rick’s case- What kind of cough would this be, wet or dry? A CRITICAL QUESTION IN COVID Rick’s case: • Considering the white coating on this person’s tongue, what kind of cough would you expect this person have, a WET cough or a DRY cough? In other words, specifically, would you expect the lungs to have phlegm in them or not? • For homeopaths in the audience, which remedy would you for sure want to see in the differential diagnosis? • Bryonia, Antimonium tart, Spongia, or Phosphorous?
  • 11. Rick’s case • Rick had an extremely severe wet and semi-productive cough. • Antimonium tart 200c every 30 minutes for two hours reduced the intensity and frequency of the cough by about 50%. We then reduced the frequency, and he was well in several days. • (Note: Antimonium tart’s keynotes: Deep phlegmy cough. Much phlegm in bronchi/lungs. Fantastic pneumonia remedy. White coating on tongue. Etc.)
  • 12. Tongue Diagnosis in Homeopathy – Useful in Covid • Article: Talkative Tongue Of Homoeopathy • Article: Tongue in Disease and Remedial Diagnosis August 28, 2012 · homeopathy Authors: Dr. Nancy Malik, BHMS; Guest Post Written by Dr. Muhammed Rafeeque, BHMS
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  • 16. SS’s case - What kind of cough is this? Dry or wet?
  • 17. SS- What would you call this kind of cough? • Dry cough? • Dry productive cough? • Dry non-productive cough? • Wet/phlegmy cough? Any remedies come to mind?
  • 18. SS case • Extremely dry cough, dry mouth and throat. • Cough sounded croupy. • Patient felt as if suffocating, as if breathing though a sponge. • What’s a good remedy for this patient?
  • 19. SS case • One dose of Spongia tosta 30c helped greatly within a few minutes. • One more dose shortly after, and all the keynotes of a Spongia cough were alleviated. • Then, some of the keynotes of Bryonia showed up. Bryonia 30c once a day wrapped up the very mild case in a few days.
  • 20. Topics for today’s talk • One of the world’s greatest threats – infectious diseases & antimicrobial resistance • Evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy in general, but also specifically in regard to epidemics/pandemics • Evidence and Research on Homeopathic Management of Covid and Long- Covid • Homeopathic Prophylaxis for Covid-19 • Top remedies for homeopathic management of: • Covid-19 • Long-Covid or post-Covid • Post-Covid vaccine complications (or Vaccinosis) • Prescribing during epidemics (case-taking, dosing, & frequency) • A few case studies of Covid, post-Covid, and post-vaccine complications • Resources
  • 21. “Homeopathic Prevention and Treatment of Epidemics and Pandemics” at AANP of 2019 • Refer to my website, to find the Vimeo link to the above presentation. It’s on the homepage. • The powerpoint presentation of this talk can be found on the site under Educational Slideshows:
  • 22. Topics covered in my 2019 AANP presentation: • How epidemics are on the rise. • Why epidemics are on the rise. • How conventional medical approaches by themselves (including drugs and vaccination) are NOT going to be sufficiently meeting the needs of our species. • How we need an alternative solution. • How we need a solution (namely homeopathy) that has passed the test of time, a solid solution that we can count on with a high degree of reliability during the present & upcoming epidemics. • Evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for various past AND present epidemic diseases.
  • 23. • How homeopathy is being used by many governments and nations across the planet, and how this trend is rising. • Highlights of case-taking & dosing during epidemics. • The main 3 approaches to homeopathic prescribing during epidemics, for prevention AND treatment (1: Genus epidemicus, 2: The indicated remedy based on clinical rubrics, & 3: Homeoprophylaxis/Nosode). • Why it’s important for us as a community to have a Pandemic Response Plan. • Various helpful homeopathic and non-homeopathic websites and other important resources. Topics covered in 2019, continued:
  • 24. WHO has declared 7 public health emergencies since 2009 • WHO declared monkeypox as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) as of yesterday, July 23. • Cleary epidemic and pandemic diseases are on the rise! Why? I discussed the reasons in my previous AANP presentation in August of 2019.
  • 25. Infectious diseases are a major challenge to humanity and public health at large. • “Zoonotic diseases are very common around the world. It is estimated that 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases can spread from animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals.[1] The world has witnessed several outbreaks of infectious diseases such as Cholera, Plague, Spanish u, Swine u.[2] Globalization, international travel and intercontinental commerce have all increased the potential for microbial spread, resulting in pandemics beyond their respective regions of origin such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus, Zika, Ebola and now recently the outbreak of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China, in December 2019.[3] • These diseases pose a major threat to public-health across the world. Although some infectious diseases, such as small pox • and poliomyelitis, have been eradicated from nature or almost wiped out, many diseases still persist with little hope of getting them under control. In addition, new infectious diseases are emerging and old ones that were thought to be under control are regaining lost ground.[4] Apart from affecting the health of individuals directly, infectious diseases also impact the societies, economies and political systems.” •
  • 26. WHO: Antimicrobial Resistance- One of the Greatest Threats Worldwide • Antimicrobial resistance has been identified as one of the greatest health threats worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), working jointly with the European Union, are using the "One Health" approach to introduce and intensify measures to reduce antibiotic resistance. • homeopathy
  • 27. Viruses that were on hiatus during Covid are back - and behaving in unexpected ways • The past two winters were among the mildest influenza seasons on record, but flu hospitalizations have picked up in the last few weeks — in May! • Adenovirus type 41, previously thought to cause fairly innocuous bouts of gastrointestinal illness, may be triggering severe hepatitis in healthy young children. • Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a bug that normally causes disease in the winter, touched off large outbreaks of illness in kids last summer and in the early fall in the United States and Europe. • And now monkeypox, a virus generally only found in West and Central Africa, is causing an unprecedented outbreak in more than a dozen countries in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Australia, with the United Kingdom alone reporting more than 70 cases as of Tuesday. • May 25, 2022 • unexpected-ways/
  • 28. What about future outbreaks? Homeopaths can adapt quickly! • Future Epidemic Outbreaks? Example: Monkeypox, etc. • • As homeopaths, we can ADAPT quickly. • Adaptability is one way where homeopathy outshines conventional medicine. • No testing required for homeopaths to be able to prescribe since we usually (not always) base our prescription on the totality of symptoms and the patient’s state, not on a test result.
  • 29. Overlapping Viruses?! Limits of Testing… • With all the viruses circulating in our world presently and possibly in the future, it’s certainly possible that a person could be affected by more than one virus or invading organism at any given time. • Relying on conventional testing is not feasible in such circumstances since time is of the essence and the tests are not 100% reliable. I’ve found that often my Covid patients test negative during the initial and milder phase of the disease. • And, what if you don’t get tested for the flu and do a home-test for Covid and it is positive? Could you have both?! • What if you get tested negative for Covid, and flu-like s/s? • What if you test negative for both?! • Covid and/or the flu or other acute illnesses? Does it matter to homeopaths? No, BECAUSE WE TREAT BASED ON TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS & person’s STATE. • This is where homeopathy excels! No need for testing.
  • 30. Article: Homeopathic Prevention and Management of Epidemic Diseases by Jennifer Jacobs, MD • Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington • Highlights: • Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years to treat epidemic diseases, beginning with Samuel Hahnemann prescribing Belladonna for scarlet fever. • There are four main approaches of using homeopathy for epidemic disease: individualization, combination remedies, genus epidemicus, and isopathy. • There is experimental evidence of effectiveness of each of these approaches. • More research needs to be performed to enlarge the research base and to make homeopathy an attractive treatment alternative for epidemic diseases. • Homeopathy 2018;107:157–160. •
  • 31. Article: Homeoprophylaxis—Can You Believe It? “….Because there is an underlying disbelief in the idea that highly diluted substances could work, there is a difficulty in accepting the studies that demonstrate success for homeopathic remedies.” • Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd. • Elena Cecchetto • Homœopathic Links 2015; 28(04): 225-229 DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1567883
  • 32. Homeopathy - ”Personalized Nanomedicine” producing modulation of immune function at multiple levels • “The curative effect of individualized homeopathic medicines is empirical but inexplicable by the conventional principles of science. Homoeopathy may be viewed as 'personalized nanomedicine’. They produce modulation of immune function at multiple levels, such as modulation of expression of genes, stimulation of macrophage and polymorph nuclear cells, changes in expression of surface receptors, induction of cytokines and modulate the central and local innate immune response leading to adaptive changes in the host's complex networks.” •
  • 33. Article: Extending the adaptive network nanomedicine model for homeopathic medicines: nanostructures as salient cell danger signals for adaptation • This paper examines the growing evidence supporting the adaptive network nanomedicine model for Homeopathic Medicines (HMs) and their actions. Multiple laboratories have identified nanostructures in homeopathically-manufactured medicines at low and high potencies. Replicated studies in mainstream pharmaceutical research and in homeopathy have also demonstrated elevated levels of elemental silicon and/or bioactive silica Nanoparticles (NPs) released from glassware during agitation or multiple homeopathic succussions. The model suggests that (a) very low potency HMs are complex mixtures of bulk, micro- and nanoscale forms of the medicine's natural source material made by prolonged mechanical grinding (trituration) in dry lactose; (b) low and higher potency liquid HMs made in glass containers are nanocomposite materials formed from source NPs, nanosilica-coated source NPs, adjuvant nanosilica and source- doped, coated, seeded or template nanosilica in colloidal solutions that can survive drying. We hypothesize that HMs include hybrid nanostructures of various sources, small sizes, shapes, surface defects, zeta potentials, and surface reactivity. HMs serves as individually-salient, sub toxic virus-like foreign danger signals. Nanosilica would help carry and amplify the fingerprint signal of co-occurring and adsorbed source material on its surfaces at higher liquid potencies. Cell Defense Response (CDR) network constituents that HMs modulate involve gene expression, cytokine release, cell signaling, and cell stress mediators. Once triggered, nonlinear endogenous amplification processes facilitate evolution of the therapeutic response over time. • Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Frye J, et al. Nanosci Technol 2015;2(1):1-22. •
  • 34. Dr. Hahnemann started the use of homeopathic remedies during epidemics…. • Dr. Hahnemann used Belladonna Preventively for Scarlet Fever in 1799 • “During a scarlet fever epidemic in 1799, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, MD, who developed homeopathy, began giving Belladonna, the homeopathic treatment for the disease, to people who were exposed but had not yet developed symptoms. Other doctors followed his lead and found that disease incidence greatly decreased in those who received Belladonna prophylactically—a finding that led to the Prussian GOVERNMENT’s order in 1838 to use it as a preventive in all scarlet fever outbreaks.”
  • 35. Homoeopathy in the management of infectious diseases: Different facets of its use and implications for the future - INDIA • A review article found in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy (Official Publication of Central Council for Research in Homeopathy) • Results: The literature search of two decades (1999–2019) gathered 86 articles: Meta-analysis (n = 1), systematic reviews (n = 4), randomized controlled trials (n = 30), comparative cohort/observational studies (n = 16), cohort/observational studies (single arm) (n = 25), case series (n = 7) and case reports (n = 3). The review demonstrated the beneficial evidence of homeopathy in infectious diseases is large. Both controlled and uncontrolled studies reported positive results, early recovery, reduction of hospital stay, less use of antibiotics and satisfaction of patients. Prophylactic studies on dengue, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis/acute encephalitis syndrome and leptospirosis have shown the potential role of homeopathy in preventing the disease outbreaks. Homoeopathy as an add-on treatment for these conditions has shown added benefits in reducing mortality, morbidity and sequelae. Homoeopathy has a possible and viable role as standalone and as an integrative medicine for different infectious diseases. • *** 108 References • Conclusion: Homoeopathy offers beneficial role in combating infections. Due to the heterogeneity of approaches, more studies in different research settings are warranted to add to the existing evidence and validating it for enhancing the self-healing power of the body against infections. • Roja Varanasi, Debadatta Nayak Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India • 2020 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 2 | Page : 110-121 •
  • 36. Homeopathy in the Age of Antimicrobial Resistance: Is It a Viable Treatment for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections? United Kingdom • Results: Multiple peer-reviewed studies were found in which homeopathy had been used to treat URTIs and associated symptoms (cough, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, acute sinusitis, etc.). Nine randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 8 observational/cohort studies were analysed, 7 of which were paediatric studies. Seven RCTs used combination remedies with multiple constituents. Results for homeopathy treatment were positive overall, with faster resolution, reduced use of antibiotics and possible prophylactic and longer-term benefits. • Conclusions: Variations in size, location, cohort and outcome measures make comparisons and generalisations concerning homeopathic clinical trials for URTIs problematic. Nevertheless, study findings suggest at least equivalence between homeopathy and conventional treatment for uncomplicated URTI cases, with fewer adverse events and potentially broader therapeutic outcomes. The use of non-individualised homeopathic compounds tailored for the paediatric population merits further investigation, including through cohort studies. In the light of antimicrobial resistance, homeopathy offers alternative strategies for minor infections and possible prevention of recurring URTIs. • Homeopathy. 2018 May;107(2):99-114. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1621745. •
  • 37. Austrian government confirms potential of homeopathy in tackling anti-microbial resistance. • Apr 08, 2022 • Article: Austrian AMR Action Plan confirms the potential of homeopathy • The latest version of the Austrian government’s national Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) confirms the potential of homeopathy and other complementary medicines in tackling antimicrobial resistance. •
  • 38. Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is effective, cost-effective and safe. • “The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is effective, cost-effective and safe. The Swiss government now recognizes homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary medicine.”* • *: popularity/ • July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra
  • 39. Evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy during previous epidemics/pandemics? • “Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years to treat patients suffering from a variety of diseases and disorders. There is evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy in methodologically high-quality trials, meta- analyses and systematic reviews. And homeopathy has a long-standing history of managing epidemic diseases effectively through both prevention and treatment.” • Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for more evidence on effectiveness of homeopathic management of previous epidemics and pandemics. • We will be covering a number of old (on previous epidemics/pandemics) and rather recent studies (on Covid) in this presentation.
  • 40. Homeopathy Research Evidence Base: References 2022 (last update 6.13.22) ~ 6000 Pubmed Homeopathic Studies • Curated by Dr. Iris Bell M.D., Ph.D., Peter Gold and Mary Lou Sullivan • Thousands of pieces homeopathic research including many randomized, double-blinded, controlled studies • Many of the articles are on Covid-19. • Evidence-Base-06-13-2022.pdf
  • 41. Article: Homeoprophylaxis: Human Records, Studies and Trials • “Homeopathy’s ability to prevent as well as treat epidemic disease was first discovered in 1799 by Samuel Hahnemann, founder of Homeopathy, during an epidemic of scarlet fever in which he successfully use a matching homeopathic remedy to contain its spread in those he treated. • The prophylactic effects of Homeopathy were quickly picked up by other Homeopaths of the day and subsequently used with success in all of the great world epidemics. It is still employed in outbreaks and epidemics today - by people, communities and governments who have retained the knowledge and the will to use it. The following is a collation of some of those instances – historical and current.” • Compiled by Fran Sheffield 2005 – 2014 •
  • 42. THE HISTORY OF HOMEOPATHY IN EPIDEMICS By Cilla Whatcott, HD RHOM, CCH • epidemics-by-cilla-whatcott-hd-rhom-cch/
  • 43. Dr. Jennifer Jacobs, MD, Presents the Current State of Homeopathic Research • 42 minute-long video with a wealth of scientific evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathy in various areas of medicine. •
  • 44. Leading U.S. Researchers Present the Latest Research on Homeopathy to students from the American Medical Students Association (AMSA) • On October 23, 2019, Dr. Iris Bell MD, PhD and Dr. Jennifer Jacobs MD presented the latest in homeopathic research to AMSA Integrative Medicine Scholars. The presentation is exceptionally good, was very well received, and can be viewed here. Viewing time: 2 hours. • 2019.html
  • 45. The State of Research in Homeopathic Medicine and Understanding the Biological Basis for Homeopathic • Sep 28, 2017 • American Institute of Homeopathy •
  • 46. Article: Adjunctive homeopathic treatment in patients with severe sepsis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in an intensive care unit - Austria • Conclusions: Our data suggest that homeopathic treatment may be a useful additional therapeutic measure with a long-term benefit for severely septic patients admitted to the intensive care unit. A constraint to wider application of this method is the limited number of trained homeopaths. • Methods: 70 patients with severe sepsis received homeopathic treatment (n = 35) or placebo (n = 35). Five globules in a potency of 200c were given at 12h interval during the stay at the intensive care unit. Survival after a 30 and 180 days was recorded. • Results: On day 30, there was non-statistically significantly trend of survival in favour of homeopathy (verum 81.8%, placebo 67.7%, P= 0.19). On day 180, survival was statistically significantly higher with verum homeopathy (75.8% vs 50.0%, P = 0.043). No adverse effects were observed. • Homeopathy. 2005 Apr;94(2):75-80. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2005.01.002 •
  • 47. Impact of a homeopathic medication on upper respiratory tract infections in COPD patients: Results of an observational, prospective study (EPOXILO) - Spain • Conclusions: Homeopathic medication use during the influenza-exposure period may have a beneficial impact at reducing URTIs' number and duration in COPD patients and at reducing the number of COPD exacerbations in patients with the exacerbator phenotype. Further studies are needed to confirm the effects observed in this study. • Results: 219 patients were analyzed (OG = 109, CG = 110). There was a significant reduction in mean number of URTIs during the follow-up period in OG compared to CG (0.514 ± 0.722 vs. 1.037 ± 1.519, respectively; p = 0.014). Logistic regression analysis showed a 3.3-times higher probability of suffering ≥2 URTI episodes in CG (p = 0.003, n = 72). OG patients having ≥1 URTI also had a significant reduction in mean URTI duration per episode (3.57 ± 2.44 days OG vs. 5.22 ± 4.17 days CG; p = 0.012). There was no significant difference in mean number of exacerbations, mean duration of exacerbations, or QoL between OG and CG. There was a greater decrease in proportion of patients using corticosteroids for exacerbations between baseline and visit 2 in OG compared to CG (22.1% vs. 7.5% fewer respectively, p = 0.005). Exacerbator phenotype patients had a significant decrease in number of URTIs (0.54 ± 0.72 vs. 1.31 ± 1.81; p = 0.011), and fewer COPD exacerbations (0.9 ± 1.3 vs. 1.5 ± 1.7; p = 0.037) in OG vs. CG, respectively. • Respir Med. 2019 Jan;146:96-105. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2018.11.011. •
  • 48. Article: Improved clinical status in fibromyalgia patients treated with individualized homeopathic remedies versus placebo • Conclusions: This study replicates and extends a previous 1-month placebo-controlled crossover study in fibromyalgia that pre-screened for only one homeopathic remedy. Using a broad selection of remedies and the flexible LM dose (1/50,000 dilution factor) series, the present study demonstrated that individualized homeopathy is significantly better than placebo in lessening tender point pain and improving the quality of life and global health of persons with fibromyalgia. • Bell IR, Lewis DA, Brooks AJ, et al. • Rheumatology 2004;43:577-582 •
  • 49. Article: A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. • Conclusions: There is weak but equivocal evidence that the effects of homeopathic medicine are superior to placebo. Results also suggest that there may be nonspecific benefits from the homeopathic consultation. Further studies are needed to determine whether these differences hold in larger samples. • Weatherly-Jones E, Nicholl JP, Thomas KJ, et al. J Psychosomatic Research 2004;56:189-197. •
  • 50. This book by Sandra Perko, PhD is a great resource for homeopathic treatment of the flu.
  • 51. Homeopathy for prevention of the flu? • Siqueira CM et al. Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza and acute respiratory tract infections in children: blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Homeopathy. 2015.
  • 52. Brazil, Cuba and India use Homeopathy Prophylactically for Epidemics Health agencies in Brazil, Cuba, and India have published research that shows homeopathic remedies or homeopathic nosodes, used as preventives, can decrease morbidity in a range of epidemic diseases, including leptospirosis, dengue, malaria, and influenza. (Nosodes are homeopathic (i.e. highly diluted) preparations made from cultures or clinical samples that contain pathogens, parasites, or diseased tissue.)
  • 53. India Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics • The Indian Government Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) reports how it curtailed epidemics of bacillary dysentery, chikungunya, cholera, conjunctivitis, Dengue fever, fevers, flu-like illness, gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, jaundice, kala-azar, lymphatic filiariasis, malaria, measles, meningitis, plague, and typhoid with homeopathy. • Last reviewed on April 27, 2020 •
  • 54. India Uses Homeopathy for Covid-19 • “In late January, as the COVID-19 epidemic in China was making headlines, India’s Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) suggested some preventive measures that included the usual hygiene recommendations (handwashing, avoiding those who are sick, etc), Ayurvedic medicines, Unani (traditional Arabic medicine) herbals, and homeopathy. Specifically, AYUSH recommended Arsenicum alba 30C, one dose taken for three days on an empty stomach as a preventive measure that was to be repeated in a month. Arsenicum is a common remedy for flu and pneumonia characterized by fever and chills, profuse discharge from the eyes and nose, great prostration, irritability, and anxiety. It was the primary homeopathic remedy used to treat H1N1 (swine flu) patients in India’s 2009 epidemic. Although, at this point, it is still unknown if Arsenicum is the remedy that best matches the symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e., the genus epidemicus), taking it would do no harm—and might help. Critics of homeopathy assailed AYUSH for its recommendation.”* • *Extracted from an issue of the Townsend Letter. • Note: Since the onset of the pandemic, we have learned much more about its prevention and management – refer to the rest of this presentation. I have NOT found Arsenicum album to be one of the top remedies for management of Covid in our region at all, but it could have certainly have been one of the top remedies in India. • Indian homeopathic doctors have used homeopathy extensively for prevention and management of Covid-19 since the onset.
  • 55. Cuba Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics • “A Cuban study looked at the effect of giving a nosode made from four inactivated bacterial strains of Leptospira on 2.3 million people at risk for contracting leptospirosis in 2007-8. The bacteria, found in the urine of domestic and wild mammals, are transmitted via contact with mucus membranes and open sores. It is a serious problem in largely agricultural, developing nations during rainy/flooding seasons when the bacteria is more likely to enter the water supply. Cuban health personnel distributed two oral doses of the nosode (200C, then 10M given 7 to 9 days after the first) to residents who were at especially high risk. The rest of the population (8.8 million) did not receive the nosode. Despite increased rainfall (and risk of disease) in the intervention area, “the annual number of cases decreased by 84%” over the next year; leptospirosis increased by 21.7% in the population that did not received the nosode. Golden and Bracho explain that a leptospirosis vaccine for people over 15 years has been part of Cuba’s vaccine program since 1998, and chemoprophylaxis was also available to all inhabitants. Neither of these measures could account for the difference in outcome. They write, “The Cuban experience with homeoprophylaxis against leptospirosis has been and remains a very positive one. It has given rise to further government-directed immunization against hepatitis A, swine flu, pneumococcal disease, and dengue fever using homoeoprophylaxis.”* • *Extracted from an issue of the Townsend Letter.
  • 56. Article: Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control Conclusions: The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further research is warranted. • Homeopathy. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2010.05.009. •
  • 57. CUBA: Homeoprophylaxis for posthurricane Leptospirosis epidemic control • ARTICLE TITLE: “Large-Scale Application of Highly-Diluted Bacteria for Leptospirosis Epidemic Control”, Gustavo Bracho et al, Homeopathy 2010, 99 156-166 • A government ordered study demonstrating homeopathic immunizations for the prevention of Leptospirosis in Cuba. • Highly diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis = “nosode” for Leptospirosis. • The remedy was administered to 2.3 million people by about 5000 personnel of public health system of Cuba which included FAMILY DOCTORS, NURSES, PARAMEDICS, & social workers. • CONCLUSION: A great study demonstrating how HP interventions might help control epidemics by using highly-diluted pathogens to induce protection in a short time scale.
  • 58. Cuba Uses Homeopathy for COVID-19 • India is not the only country using homeopathy as a preventative for COVID-19. • Since early April, the Cuban Ministry of Health has been rolling out the combination remedy PrevengHo®Vir as a way to increase resilience in its population to viral diseases and respiratory infections. • PrevengHo®Vir consists of the remedies: Anas barbariae 200C; Arsenicum album 200C; Bacillinum 30C; Baptisia tinctoria 200C; Eupatorium perfoliatum 200C; Influenzinum 200C; Pyrogenium 200C; Tuberculinum aviaire 200C. • The head of the Department of Natural and Traditional Medicine when speaking on state television, “It is not a product that has been specifically registered for the coronavirus but is used in the prevention of viral illnesses and acute respiratory diseases.” • The treatment is being distributed to the entire population through the primary health system and the ‘family doctor’, a professional assigned to each Cuban neighborhood and who directly cares for an average population of about 600 people. • Last reviewed on July 14, 2020 •
  • 59. Brazil Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics A randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled study 2009-2010 • “The Brazilian Public Health System in Petropolis conducted a randomized, triple-blind, placebo- controlled study from April 2009 to March 2010 on the use of homeopathic medicines to prevent flu and acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in 600 children, age 1-5 years. (Changes in residence and health insurance produced a dropout rate of 26%; 445 completed the study.) One group received InfluBio, a nosode made from an infectious strain of H3N2 influenza A virus; in vitro research showed that this nosode stimulated macrophage cells and increased the release of tumor necrosis factor. The second group received a homeopathic complex, composed of inactivated influenza virus and Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacterial strains; this complex has been “traditionally used” to prevent acute respiratory infections. The third group received the vehicle for the homeopathic medicines (30% ethanol), so all three preparations appeared and tasted the same. The patients, their guardians, physicians, health agents, and researchers who performed the data analysis were all blinded to treatment allocation. The researchers compared the number of flu infections and ARIs for each group that occurred during the one-year study. Children receiving either homeopathic nosode displayed symptoms of flu or ARI within the first month after treatment but were otherwise free of ARIs; there was no statistically significant difference between the two homeopathic nosodes. In contrast, those receiving the placebo developed ARIs in the second and third month after treatment. The authors say, “In the first year post-intervention 46/151 (30.5%) of children in the placebo group developed 3 or more flu and acute respiratory infection episodes, while there was no episode in the group of 149 children who used Homeopathic Complex, and only 1 episode in the group of 145 (1%) children who received InfluBio.” The authors added that the homeopathic medicines were less expensive than conventional medications and caused no adverse effects.”* • *Extracted from an issue of the Townsend Letter.
  • 60. Brazil – an unsuccessful study on homeopathic management of Covid. Studied the WRONG remedy- Nat mur!!! • They did a study in Brazil on the homeopathic management of Covid- 19 which was not successful. They used the remedy Natrum mur for some reason which is definitely not at all one of the top remedies for acute respiratory infections, certainly not for Covid-19. One of the doctors did email me about their research in the midst of their huge Covid wave in 2021, and I humbly did warn him that Nat mur was NOT going to be helpful. Months later I saw the research article cited here which was sad since many lives were lost. • J Integr Med. 2022 May;20(3):221-229. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2022.03.003. Epub 2022 Mar 12. •
  • 61. Despite all odds – Homeopathy continues to gain popularity • India Times article on Homeopathy • “Even after being recognized as the fastest growing and the 2nd largest system of medicine according to World Health Organization (WHO) and enjoying 25% growth vis the Pharma market which is 10% globally, when it comes to homeopathy there are many apprehensions attached to it. It is still believed that Homeopathy is not as effective as conventional medicines which is the biggest myth associated with Homeopathy. • According to statistics from the World Health Organization, homeopathy is practiced and is available in 40 out of 42 European nations. In France, 95% of all GPs, paediatricians and dermatologists use homeopathic remedies in their practices. The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is “effective, cost-effective and safe.” The Swiss government now recognizes homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary medicine. According to the BMJ (British Medical Journal), an impressive 57% of people in Germany use homeopathic medicines.” • July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra •
  • 62. Evidence and Research on Homeopathic Management of Covid and Long-Covid
  • 63. Homeopathy Around the World Posted by Dr. Lisa Samet on Nov 17, 2017
  • 64. ATTENTION: LOOK AT THE DATE FOR THE ARTICLES in this presentation since Covid is ever-evolving, resulting in changes regarding the recommended/studied top remedies for its management. As the virus mutates, the top remedies change. The top remedies might be different from one continent to another, or maybe even from one country to another.
  • 65. MUCH variability involved in Covid-19 assessment, prevention and treatment • There are several factors that make dx and tx of Covid-19 challenging. Variability can manifest in the following ways: • 1) Variants and sub-variants showing up over time… • 2) Depending on the locality on the planet (country to country or certainly continent to continent), the virus can manifest differently • 3) From person to person, the virus can manifest differently. Ex: Neurological s/s in one person, and rheumatological s/s in another • 4) In the same person catching the same virus a few months apart could manifest differently. • Note: Each of the above variables can lead to the need for a different remedy. • Another compounding factor is that the test can miss the dx.
  • 66. The World organization of Homeopathy: Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) • LMHI is a world umbrella organisation for homeopathic doctors and homeopathic associations with members from 76 countries. It was founded in Rotterdam on 10 September 1925 by 14 homeopathic physicians from 9 countries. • LMHI’s report on the prevention of Covid-19 with homeoprophylaxis and the homeopathic treatment of the COVID-19 patients. • Numerous studies on acute and long-Covid-19: • experiences-of-acute-and-long-covid19
  • 70.
  • 79. Article: New Coronavirus: All eyes on India • • An old article that came out at the beginning of the pandemic
  • 80. Article: Adjunctive homeopathic treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (COVIHOM): A retrospective case series - Austria • In conclusion, additive classical homeopathy may be helpful to treat patients with confirmed COVID-19 disease. To allow homeopathic treatment by a team of physicians with different levels of knowledge about homeopathy, the use of algorithms appears to be feasible. The combination of conventional medicine and homeopathy in COVID-19 patients seems to be a promising way forward in terms of integrative medicine to optimize patient treatment. Further prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are warranted. • WONDERFUL ALGORITHM!! Remedy suggestions using algorithms (See following two slides.) Algorithms for 1) Inpatient ward vs. 2) ICU • Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2021 Aug; 44: 101415. • Published online 2021 May 11. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2021.101415 •
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. Experience in homeopathic prescribing is necessary when managing Covid-19 patients • IMPORTANT: As helpful as the above figures may be, if you do not have enough training in homeopathic prescribing for acute conditions, it’s always best to refer your Covid patients to a homeopath.
  • 84. Case Management of the COVID-19 Patient with Genuine Homeopathy - An update by Dr. Andre Saine, ND • May 2, 2020 • YouTube: • Article: 0the%20COVID%20patient%20with%20genuine%20homeopathy- An%20update.pdf • A webinar sponsored by the American Institute of Homeopathy and the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy—May 2, 2020 • Presented by the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy and the American Institute of Homeopathy
  • 85. The Homeopathic Treatment of the Patient with COVID-19, by Dr. Andre Saine, ND • May 3, 2020 • The American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) hosted a two-hour international web conference on the homeopathic treatment of patients with COVID-19 on March 18th. • YouTube:
  • 86. A COVID-19 Update - Prevention of COVID-19 and Treatment of the COVID-19 Patient By Dr. Andre Saine, ND • October 16, 2021 • American Institute of Homeopathy Webinar (AIH) Dr. Andre Saine N.D. discusses developments in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 using homeopathy. During this webinar, Dr. Saine discusses what has been learned in the last 18 months and what to expect in the months ahead. • YouTube:
  • 87. Article: Cumulative experience on the prevention of COVID-19 & the treatment of the COVID-19 patient By Dr. Andre Saine, ND • January 21, 2022 • Canadian Academy of Homeopathy Webinar— • prevention-of-COVID-CAH-2022.pdf
  • 88. Dr. Paul Herscu’s Epidemics Updates • Dr. Paul Herscu, ND, has also been writing periodic newsletters on Covid and its homeopathic management, etc., during the entire course of the pandemic. He has also offered a number of extremely educational webinars of the subject. • Here is the link to his newsletters:
  • 89. Guidelines for the Use of Homeopathy to Treat the Patient with Flu-like symptoms During the COVID- 19 Pandemic • Presented by Dr. Nick Nossaman, M.D. • Download the PowerPoint Presentation from
  • 90. The COVID-19 Pandemic: A View from New York City • Domenick J. Masiello, DO • He discusses the following remedies for Covid-19 back in 2020: Gelsemium, Senega and Antimonium ars. • Over the years in these viral post-treatment scenarios, I have often availed myself of an invaluable small rubric from Boericke's Materia Medica with Repertory. It can be found under Respiratory System: Cough: Cause: Influenza. The rubric contains the following remedies: Allium cepa, Eriodictyon, Hyoscyamus, Kali bichromicum (Kali-bi), Kali sulphuricum (Kali Sulph), Kreosotum, Pix Liq., Sanguinaria, Senega, Stannum, and Strychninum. Statistically, the most frequently used remedies from this rubric by far have been Kali-bi, Sanguinaria and Senega. • Homeopathy 2020; 109(03): 163-166. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1714052 •
  • 91. Senega, yet another wonderful remedy for Covid? • Domenick J. Masiello, DO: • “Although only partially proved, Senega is clearly a lung remedy with an affinity for the mucus membranes of the air passages. Kent tells us that it is deeper than Bryonia, and that it is often overlooked in favor of Bryonia. The chest rattling resembles Antimonium tartaricumand the stringy, tenacious mucus resembles Kali-bi.”
  • 92. Article: Homeopathy for Coronavirus Covid-19 Infection - India & Iran • “Dr Aditya Kasariyans presents case reports of Covid-19 that occurred in Iran, and Dr. Rajan Sankaran analyses this data to arrive at a genus epidemicus remedies. Based on the symptoms described in the cases below, Camphora is considered as the key remedy for treatment and prevention.” • By Rajan Sankaran (India), Aditya Kasariyans (Iran) • March 11, 2020 •
  • 93. Protocol for Camphora’s use for prevention & management of Covid-19 back in 2020 in India and Iran • See the next slide for suggested protocol for prevention and management of Covid back in 2020 using the remedy Camphora • Article: Have Two Homeopathic Doctors Identified a Treatment and Preventative Remedy for COVID-19? • Last reviewed on July 14, 2020 • 19/
  • 94.
  • 95. Article: Efficacy of individualized homeopathy as an adjunct to standard of care of COVID-19: A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study - India • Highlights of this study from India: • •A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of adjunct homeopathy with standard of care for COVID- 19 was conducted on 300 patients. • •Primary outcome on total symptom score measured over 10 days decreased significantly favoring Standard of care + Homeopathy. • •Recovery was earlier in Standard of care + Homeopathy group by 02 days showing the added benefits of homeopathy. • •Resolution of fever was 20 h earlier in Standard of care + Homeopathy. • •Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba and Phosphorus were the most frequently prescribed medicines. • Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 48, August 2022, 101602 • • The references at the end of this article are very informative.
  • 96.
  • 97. Article: Can Homeopathic Treatment Speed Recovery in Patients With COVID-19? • Pulmonary Advisor, June 22, 2022, Sheila Jacobs • An article written on the study “Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 48, August 2022, 101602” • homeopathic-treatment/
  • 98. Article: Homoeopathic therapeutic guidelines for the treatment of omicron - India • Therapeutic guidelines for the treatment of omicron / sars-cov-2 patients with homoeopathy • Great overview of the tops remedies with detailed keynotes. • (Note: Omicron is evolving, so the remedies are also evolving.) • February 2, 2022 • By: Wadhwani, G G. 1* Chadha, A2 • After having treated nearly 6000 COVID-19 cases in 2020-2021, the author has in recent times consulted on/ treated nearly 500 cases of Omicron in India, Singapore, Portugal, South Africa, UK etc., a few of which have already been published. •
  • 99.
  • 100. Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD (HOM)’s course outline: • Topics to be covered is this course include: • The unique advantages afforded by understanding an epidemic/pandemic as a homeodynamic phenomenon • The therapeutic potential of homeopathy in pandemics and its application • Methods of identifying both a single remedy or a group of remedies as a Genius epidemicus for Covid-19 • Determining if and when a novel SARS-CoV-2 strain requires a new Genius epidemicus • Framing the totality of symptoms for determining the optimal remedy and assessing the treatment outcome in mild, moderate, and severe cases with serology and CT scans • How to decide potency and dosage • Omicron treatment strategies and protocols • Therapeutic strategies for dealing with complications that arise in the course of treating Covid-19 • The homeodynamics of Long Covid cases • The role of the repertory in pandemic case evaluation
  • 101. Coronavirus Covid-19 – Analysis of symptoms from confirmed cases with an assessment of possible homeopathic remedies for treatment and prophylaxis - India • Dr. Manish Bhatia: • “In March 2020, I published my initial assessment of Covid 19 symptoms with indicated homeopathic remedies. I argued that Bryonia seems to be a very close match. I updated that article till September 2020 with many updates, research data, and clinical experience. Bryonia alba did prove to be the most useful remedy last year with excellent reports from the world over and even an ICMR controlled trial showing a 75% efficacy.” • treatment-and-prophylaxis/
  • 102. Article: An Update on Homeopathy Remedies for the Current (April 2021) Wave of Covid-19 - India • Dr. Manish Bhatia shares his analysis of the current wave (2021) of Covid 19 in India with an analysis of indicated homeopathic remedies. • He believes “Belladonna or Gelsemium will help in most cases with high fever and early symptoms. I am seeing many cases where Gelsemium is helping. Hepar sulph will help (if the symptoms match of course) when the productive cough sets in.” • April 17th, 2021|Know Your Disease • covid-19/
  • 103. Article: Homeopathic Remedies in COVID-19: Prognostic Factor Research - India • Conclusion: Homeopathic medicines were associated with improvement in symptoms of COVID-19 cases. Characteristic symptoms of four frequently indicated remedies have been identified using prognostic factor research, findings that can contribute to accurate homeopathic prescribing during future controlled research in COVID-19. • Note: Twenty-seven remedies were prescribed and four of them-Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Gelsemium, and Pulsatilla -were the most frequently used. • Observational Study > Homeopathy. 2021 Aug;110(3):160-167. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1725989. Epub 2021 Apr 30. • 211 cases met the criteria for analysis. •
  • 104. Article: Clinical Characteristics and Remedy Profiles of Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study - India • Conclusion: Data from the current study reveal that Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, Rhus tox and Gelsemium are the most frequently indicated homeopathic medicines. A randomized controlled clinical trial based on this finding is the next step. • Homeopathy. 2021 May;110(2):86-93. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1718584. Epub 2021 Feb 10. •
  • 105. Article: Homeopathic Treatment for COVID-19- Related Symptoms: A Case Series - Israel • Conclusion: The present case series emphasizes the rapidity of response among moderate to severely ill patients to homeopathic treatment, when conventional medical options have been unable to relieve or shorten the disease. The observations described should encourage use of homeopathy in treating patients with COVID-19 during the acute phase of the disease. • Note: “We present 5 patients with COVID-19, who were successfully treated with homeopathy. Hospitalized at a tertiary medical center in Jerusalem for moderate to severe COVID-19-related symptoms, each of them requested homeopathic treatment in addition to conventional therapy from the hospital’s Center for Integrative Complementary Medicine, which was established over two decades ago to provide controlled and responsible complementary and alternative medicine therapies to hospitalized patients seeking such therapies.” • By: Kurd R.a · Freed Y.b · Jarjoui A.c · Izbicki G.c · Levin P.d · Helvitz Y.d · Sherr J.e · Oberbaum M.b •
  • 106. Article: “Medicines for the new coronavirus in the view of Classical Systemic Homeopathy” - Brazil • Conclusion: “Cinchona (=China) officinallis as an option for adjunctive treatment in Covid-19. Data contributes to use in homeopathic interventions during the COVID-19 epidemic as a health promotion and treatment strategy that can be used as an adjunct to all sanitary and therapeutic measures recommended by health authorities.” • Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 45, November 2021, 101482 •
  • 107. Article: Homeopathy for COVID-19 in primary care: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (COVID- Simile study) - Brazil • Conclusion: Results showed that Natrum muriaticum LM2 was safe to use for COVID-19, but there was no statistically significant difference in the primary endpoints of Natrum muriaticum LM2 and placebo for mild COVID-19 cases. Although some secondary measures do not support the null hypothesis, the wide confidence intervals suggest that further studies with larger sample sizes and more symptomatic participants are needed to test the effectiveness of homeopathic Natrum muriaticum LM2 for COVID-19. • 86 participants; From June 2020 to April 2021 in Brazil • J Integr Med. 2022 May;20(3):221-229. doi: 10.1016/j.joim.2022.03.003. Epub 2022 Mar 12. • Note: Brazil has lost nearly 674,000 lives to Covid so far. U.S. has lost the most and is 1st on the list, India 2nd, and Brazil 3rd.
  • 108. Article: Homeopathic Clinical Features of 18 Patients in COVID-19 Outbreaks in Hong Kong • Conclusion: The common symptoms of 18 mild COVID-19 cases constituted two sets of homeopathic symptom pictures, indicating Bryonia alba or Gelsemium sempervirens; they were indicated in 4 and 12 cases, respectively, out of the 18 in total. • Homeopathy. 2020 Aug;109(3):146-162. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1710545. Epub 2020 Jun 5.
  • 109. Article: The Experience of an Italian Public Homeopathy Clinic during the COVID-19 Epidemic, March–May 2020 • Elio Giovanni Rossi, MD: • “We studied approximately 50 COVID-19 cases. In the first phase of the study, Arsenicum album 30 cH was chosen (in line with the indications from the Indian Ministry of AYUSH) and was prescribed to patients with flu symptoms and to those who required homeopathic support to boost their immune system. In the second phase of the study, we focused on the role of Bryonia alba and, in several cases, of Gelsemium sempervirens.” • “We could prescribe homeopathic treatment, with good results, in the private practice….” • CLIFICOL (Clinical Files Collection) Project: • A clinical homeopathy database being set up by integrating comprehensive and scientifically verified medical documentation • Homeopathy 2020; 109(03): 167-168. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713618 •
  • 110. Article: Observations on 73 Vaccine breakthrough COVID-19 infected patients and their individualized homeopathic treatment, India • Results: Out of the 1397 Covid-19 positive patients, a total of 73 cases were identified as vaccine breakthrough infections. The median recovery time reported in the data set was 9 ± 2 days. While 5 patients dropped out, 68 (93.15%) patients responded positively to homeopathic treatment, and 55 (75.34%) recovered completely with normalized serological markers/ nasal swabs/ HRCT Chest. About 29 (39.72%) of these presented with mild clinical manifestations, 26 (35.61%) moderate, 17 (23.28%) severe and 1 (1.36%) was critical. 10 homeopathic remedies were prescribed to these 73 patients. Majority of the patients attained an ORIDL score of4. Maximum patients reported a WHO clinical Progression score of 3. • Gyandas G. Wadhwani *1; Aditi Chadha 2 • International Journal of High Dilution Research 2022; 21(cf):04-17 •
  • 111. Article: Observations on 73 Vaccine breakthrough COVID-19 infected patients … CONCLUSION • “In Conclusion, this up-to-date report gathers a clinico-symptomatic profile of vaccine breakthrough patients, their homeopathic anamnesis,and response to individualized homeopathic treatment. Despite the limited number of study subjects, homeopathy showed some promising results in the present setup. Further exploratory research studies and comparative clinical trials may be encouraged to ascertain and confirm the role of individualized homeopathic treatment in the current pandemic and provide more conclusive results. More detailed measures for recovery may be required for trials that assess recovery as a primary outcome.”
  • 112. Homeopathic Databases – Gathering data on the top remedies helpful for management of Covid • AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) – FOUNDED IN 1844. • The American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) has launched an ambitious effort to collect COVID-19 cases (homeopathic) from around the world. This project is part of a larger collaborative effort with homeopathic colleagues around the world. We will be issuing reports on findings from the data at least weekly for the forseeable future. The database can only be accessed by practitioners with the security clearance to do so. Practitioners interested in learning more may email • CLIFICOL (Clinical Files Collection) Project: • A clinical homeopathy database being set up by integrating comprehensive and scientifically verified medical documentation
  • 113.
  • 114. American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) • The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) is a peer- reviewed scientific journal, specifically intended to meet the needs of physicians involved in the specialty of homeopathy. The editor invites original manuscripts, feature articles, research reports, 'Homeopathic Grand Rounds' cases studies, abbreviated case reports for 'Clinical Snapshots,' seminar reports, and position papers that focus on homeopathy, as well as book reviews and letters to the editor.
  • 115. Clinical Case Report: An Overnight Cure of COVID with Arsenicum album, by Dr. Mitch Fleisher, MD, DHt USA • 2022/an-overnight-cure-of-covid-with-arsenicum-album.html
  • 116. Clinical Case Report: COVID-19: A Severe Case Complicated with a Comorbidity, by Mary Alice Cooper, MD • Abstract: A patient with a health-compromising comorbidity hospitalized with severe (bordering on critical) COVID-19 responds well (by exceeding clinical expectations) to homeopathic treatment with Carboneum oxygenisatum during and after her hospitalization. • Source: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine . Spring2021, Vol. 114 Issue 1, p11-12. 2p.
  • 117. Clinical Case Report: COVID-19 Case Series I: The Experience of Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani., by Dr. Karl Robinson, MD • Abstract: This case series demonstrates the effectiveness of the Hahnemannian individualized approach to the treatment of COVID- 19. By the focused use of reliable strong characteristics (keynotes) of homeopathic medications, the results in moderate and severe cases are impressive. It is notable that many of the patients mentioned in this series were hospitalized and suffered significant pulmonary involvement of the disease as evidenced by radiological findings, while some had higher risk-associated comorbidities. • Source: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine . Summer2021, Vol. 114 Issue 2, p14-17. 4p. •
  • 118. Clinical Case Reports: Hope, Heart and Homoeopathy: Clinical Experiences in the Pandemic of Covid 19, by Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD (Hom) • Dr. Gyandas G. Wadhwani presents a case series of 20 cured Covid- 19 cases which includes the patient’s age, sex, co-existing diseases, laboratory findings, radiological findings, severity of illness, lesser accessory symptoms, the homeopathic prescription and five follow ups, results of treatment and discussion. • Journal Hpathy, September 19, 2020 • by Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD (Hom)
  • 119. Clinical Case Report: Clinical snapshot: A Covid-19 Cough Dr. George Guess, MD •In this article, Dr. Guess talks about how this case needed Phosphorus initially, and then Kali bichromium, leading to “rapid resolution of all symptoms”. • Source: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine . Annual 2021, Vol. 114, p77-79. 3p.
  • 121. Genus Epidemicus (GE) • Genus Epidemicus (GE) is a word coined by Dr. Hahnemann which denotes the homeopathic remedy that is similar to the totality of symptoms found in the majority of patients suffering in an epidemic disease and which, if given to the patients before the onset of the disease, prevents the epidemic disease or when given during the disease cures the patient.*
  • 122. ATTENTION: LOOK AT THE DATE FOR THE ARTICLES in this presentation since Covid is ever-evolving, resulting in changes regarding the recommended/studied top remedies for its management. As the virus mutates, the top remedies change. The top remedies might be different from one continent to another, or maybe even from one country to another.
  • 123. Genus Epidemicus for Covid-19? • “Homeopathic teachers and Institutions have suggested many different remedies as the Genus Epidemicus or the curative remedy of Covid-19. • It doesn’t seem like we have the same GE in the entire world. Different parts of the world favor different remedies: • The most popular remedy suggestions are: • = Bryonia - suggested by the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK), Society of Homeopathy (UK), Dr Paul Herscu, Dr Manish Bhatia and Prof. Aaron To Ka Lun, President of the Hong Kong association of Homeopathy (HKAH) • = Gelsemium - suggested by the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK), Society of Homeopathy (UK) and Prof. Aaron To Ka Lun, President of HKAH also. • = Arsenicum Album was suggested by CCRH of AYUSH ministry (India) although they were vague, evasive, non-specific and talking about the use of Ars. Alb. In a generalized way for preventing ILI - influenza type illnesses. Later, the ministry retracted the advisory partially - adding to the confusion. According to my analysis - Arsenicum Album is the Genus Epidemicus as well as the curative remedy for the Covid-19 pandemic. • = Camphora - suggested by Dr Rajan Sankaran • = Dr Andre Saine of USA has suggested Bryonia, Gelsemium and Arsenicum although he has not chosen any one of these 3 as the Genus Epidemicus. He used to favor Bryonia. (Note: My observation here is that his top favorite remedy as of a number of months ago has been carboneum oxygenisatum. Refer to all of the links to his talks in this PP for further info.)”* • *: ”Covid-19 Classical Homeopathic & Toxicological Genus Epidemicus Analysis” by Manish
  • 124. Different countries have been using different remedies for prevention • “A variety of preventative homeopathic strategies are being employed in a number of countries. • The Indian Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) advises use of the homeopathic medicinal product Arsenicum album. • In Brazil and Romania the homeopathic medicinal product Camphora is being deployed prophylactically. • In Hong Kong, Bryonia alba and Gelsemium sempervirens are being deployed prophylactically following an observational Case series of 18 COVID-19 patients which assessed clinical symptoms from a homeopathic point of view and identified the homeopathic symptom pictures of these two homeopathic medicinal products.”* • *: • (Note: In the 2022 Brazilian study cited in this presentation, they used Ars album for prevention.)
  • 125. A remedy is useful for tx? Then can use it for prevention! If a remedy happens to be helpful in managing or treating a condition, that remedy could be used as a prophylactic. The idea is that if you know the top remedy (remedies) for the treatment of a disease, you may be able to use it for its prevention. Example: If Bryonia is the top remedy for management of Covid, then some homeopaths suggest that we may be able to use it for prevention if taken once in a while- the frequency varies on extent of exposure. Some practitioners have recommended taking Bryonia 30c and Gelsemium 30c on alternating weeks for prevention of Covid since these remedies have been two of the top remedies for management of its symptoms. Note: To some extent, the top remedies have and might continue to change as the virus mutates. That is why there is no set remedy for prevention of Covid so far.
  • 126. Suggested Remedies for Prevention in April of 2020? • “The US-based National Center for Homeopathy reports (as of April 13, 2020) that homeopathic treatment data from homeopaths worldwide is being compiled and analyzed in order to identify a genus epidemicus for COVID-19. Data from Europe indicates that Bryonia 200C or Gelsemium 200C, taken every five days, may be preventive for those at risk or on the front lines.” • Note: The above remedies have and will likely change over time as the virus mutates. Need to stay up-to-date in the world of homeopathy… • An excerpt from an article in the Townsend Letter.
  • 127. Nosode for prevention? • As opposed to the top indicated remedies for management of an epidemic dz, some homeopaths recommend using the nosode (made from the invading organism for that epidemic OR from the infected bodily fluids of a person infected by that organism) for prevention.
  • 128. Nosode studies prior to Covid-19 pandemic • Golden I, Bracho G. A Reevaluation of the Effectiveness of Homoeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba in 2007 and 2008. J Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Med. 2014; 19(3):155- 160. • Large-Scale Application of Highly-Diluted Bacteria for Leptospirosis Epidemic Control. Bracho et al, Homeopathy 2010, Jul, 99(3): 156-166 – Will discuss later.
  • 129. CUBA: Homeoprophylaxis for posthurricane Leptospirosis epidemic control • ARTICLE TITLE: “Large-Scale Application of Highly-Diluted Bacteria for Leptospirosis Epidemic Control”, Gustavo Bracho et al, Homeopathy 2010, 99 156-166 • A government ordered study demonstrating homeopathic immunizations for the prevention of Leptospirosis in Cuba. • Highly diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis = “nosode” for Leptospirosis. • The remedy was administered to 2.3 million people by about 5000 personnel of public health system of Cuba which included FAMILY DOCTORS, NURSES, PARAMEDICS, & social workers. • CONCLUSION: A great study demonstrating how HP interventions might help control epidemics by using highly-diluted pathogens to induce protection in a short time scale.
  • 130. Article on Covid Nosode: The Shattered Mirror • Article: “The Shattered Mirror, Synthesis of Induced and Cured symptoms of Coronavirus Nosode, Novus-CV, in Homeopathic Dilution in Humans” • “We have been operating under an illusion about who we are and the reality we thought we were living under. Broken illusions as the shattered mirror are the metaphor for Novus-CV.” • “We understand Novus-CV to be able to act curatively, preventatively, and in some cases of never-been-well since Covid-19.” • Journal: The American Homeopath, volume 27 - 2021 • novus-cv.pdf
  • 131. Nosode - Article: Will the Coronavirus Nosode Help with COVID-19? • “A coronavirus nosode that has been in existence for many years is being touted on the internet and elsewhere as a prophylactic (preventative) for the new coronavirus disease – COVID-19. Will it be helpful? In our opinion, most likely not. • Experience shows that a nosode only prevents symptoms of an infectious disease if it is prepared from a bacteria or virus that produces symptoms similar to those for which protection is sought. • The coronavirus family is comprised of many different strains which are responsible for the common cold, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) or a number of other respiratory infections. • In the above examples, each strain produces its own set of symptoms resulting in a separate disease name. • A nosode of one of the diseases cannot be used for the other simply because their symptoms differ even though all have been produced by a coronavirus. • The nosode currently being touted was not prepared from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or the COVID-19 disease produced by it, but another unknown coronavirus (to us, at least). • In the future, should a coronavirus nosode be prepared from the COVID-19 disease it may be useful but before any such claims could be made, it would have to be tested.” •
  • 132. Nosodes vs vaccines? Not wise?! • Article: “Can a nosode prepared from SARS-CoV-2 or Novel Corona Virus -19 be a suitable homeopathic protector of Covid-19 disease? Conventional vaccines versus homeopathic nosodes” • A paragraph from this article: “In fact, from our earlier experience, we know that failure of adherence to all justified protocol norms in using nosodes resulted in abrupt withdrawal of such use as homeopaths were debarred from using by law in several countries like Canada, Australia and UK with the position statement of UK Society reading "The society does not endorse the use of homeopathic medicines as an alternative to vaccination for the prevention of serious infectious diseases" though they may be effective in certain other circumstances.” “In the meanwhile, the use of Ars Alb 30 recommended by AYUSH after some positive results obtained in pilot studies can be adhered to till more authentic studies and their results accumulate to verify (or refute) the success of its use as an effective prophylactic or curative drug, or till the right kind of vaccine is discovered…..” • July 2020. Project: Effect of High dilution Arsenicum album. Professor Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh. University of Kalyani
  • 133. Influenzinum NOSODE for initial stage of catching Covid • Webinar titled “How to Manage Covid-19 with Homeopathy?” • Lesson 4 Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica • By Dr Gajanan Dhanipkar • When “another remedy that I have used in the initial part, the mild asymptomatic part where the patient has just come with few symptoms and just the fever and body pain and the fever is about to develop, he is in the feverish situation slight cold and coryza where the patient is not even tested positive but looks like he may go into this, is the remedy influenzinum. General malaise, feverishness without well developed symptoms is very important.”
  • 134. Homeopathy for COVID-19 Prevention? A Brazilian study from 2022 Article title: Homeopathy for COVID-19 Prevention: Report of an Intervention at a Brazilian Service Sector Company. • Arsenicum album was given weekly in the treatment group. • Conclusion: The incidence of COVID-19 was significantly lower amongst on-premises employees who received the GE (Genus Epidemicus) medication in comparison to workers who did not receive the intervention (those either at other company premises or teleworking at home). • Homeopathy 2022;111:105–112 •
  • 135. Homeopathy for COVID-19 Prevention? A Brazilian study from 2022, ANALYSIS 68% of unprophylaxed group contracted Covid vs. less than 1% of prophylaxed group in a population of over 300 in each group. • 1642 subjects (divided into 3 groups) • Group 1: 53% not at work – did not receive any intervention (i.e. homeopathic remedies) • Groups 2 & 3 making up 47% who stayed at work • Group 2: roughly 25% (~ 400 subjects) of total subjects received intervention • Group 3: 22% (~ 330 subjects) of total subjects received no intervention Results: • Group 2 incidence during study period - 0.74% • Group 3 incidence during study period - 67.8%
  • 136. Article: Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Feasibility Study, Evaluating the Efficacy of Homeopathic Medicines in the Prevention of COVID-19 in a Quarantined Population - India & USA • Conclusion: This pilot study supports the feasibility of a larger randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Bryonia alba 30c and CVN01 30c should both be explored in disease prevention or shortening the course of disease symptomatology in a COVID-19- exposed population. (Note: CVN01 is a nosode.) • Homeopathy. 2022 Feb;111(1):49-56. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1735235. Epub 2021 Sep 30. • Authors: Gitanjali Talele1, Shashikant Vaidhya2, Abhay Chowdhary 3, Paul Herscu 4, Rajesh Shah1 •
  • 137. Frequency of dosing for prevention? • The frequency depends on the risk the person is exposed to. • Dr. Andre Saine, ND, discusses this subject in depth in his Covid article found below: • 20with%20genuine%20homeopathy-An%20update.pdf
  • 138. Top Remedies for Management of Covid Various Doctors’ Views • There is some consensus among homeopaths on what are the top remedies for managing s/s of Covid. However, there are also some differences in opinion among our top homeopaths in the world. I believe one of the reasons is that the top remedies are sometimes different based on the locality homeopaths practice in. Additionally, the recommendations vary potentially based on the date the article was written; in other words, as the virus has mutated, the recommendations have also mutated.
  • 139. Remedy selection depends on the person’s s/s, NOT the name of the virus!! • The reaction to an invading organism (or stressful event of any kind) is what the remedy is based on, NOT the exact name of the virus (or the exact nature of the stressful event).
  • 140. How do you pick a remedy? • Any remedy that suits the characteristic symptoms of the disease is likely to be effective.
  • 141. During an epidemic, some remedies always emerge as better than others … • “While homeopaths typically choose remedies for individuals and their unique symptom profiles, a small group of remedies, especially when an infectious or epidemic disease is involved, always emerge as being better than others.” •
  • 142. Article: COVID Chronicles: Which Remedy? Remedies, Remedies, Everywhere! • “In the search for a COVID-19 preventative and treatment, it only takes a quick look on the internet to see a number of homeopathic remedies have been suggested. • Arsenicum, for example, is recommended by the AYUSH branch of the Indian government, Camphora and Phosphorus by doctors treating COVID-19 patients in Iran, Coca because COVID-19 symptoms look a lot like the those of high-altitude sickness, and the combination remedy PrevengHo®Vir by the Cuban government because of its effectiveness during the Influenza A (H1N1) epidemic. • Numerous other remedies such as Gelsemium sempervirens, Carbo vegetabilis, and Phosphoricum acidum have also been recommended. • With so much homeopathic information on offer, what should we pay attention to? • That information which shows a clear relationship between remedy and symptoms at the time the person presents for treatment.” • Last reviewed on June 10, 2020 •
  • 143. Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 1 • Refer to the following pdf (dated May 2, 2020) by Dr. Andre Saine, ND, for a detailed materia medica of the top remedies for Covid: • th%20genuine%20homeopathy-An%20update.pdf • According to Dr. Andre Saine, ND, “The most commonly and successfully prescribed remedy so far, as of May 1, has been Bryonia for all stages of Covid. • Other remedies: Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, and Sulphur. • The remedies most used in critical cases are: • Bryonia, Antimonium tartaricum, Arsenicum album, Carboneum oxygenisatum, Hyoscyamus, Opium, Carbo vegetabilis, Ammonium carbonicum, Hyoscyamus.”
  • 144. Carbnoneum oxygenisatum (=carbon monoxide or Carbonous Oxide) • Article: Indications for Carbnoneum oxygenisatum (Carbn-o) in Covid-19 • A remedy that is indicated for asphyxia. It makes perfect sense- Carbon monoxide in a homeopathic preparation for fixing the asphyxia-like state in Covid patients. • “The most characteristic symptoms are great to extreme lethargy, apathy, mental dullness and weakness that are worse from the slightest exertion and better from open air. Another interesting symptom that can be present when Carbn-o. is indicated is disorientation in time and space. • Whenever Omicron has become dominant in an area, I have started telling my patients to switch from Bryonia to Carbn-o. for prophylaxis and in the early stage of the disease and to call me if they don’t respond. People who were taking Bryonia for prevention can stop taking it and take instead Carboneum oxygenisatum 200 (we use the 500) every week or so.” • The posology is important here! • January 18, 2022 • by Dr. Andre Saine, ND (Considered one of the world's foremost experts in homeopathy) •
  • 145. Carbnoneum oxygenisatum, posology is critical! • The posology is important in this case – Using this remedy for Covid. • “Beware that the remedy must be given often….Unless the patient is very sensitive, I give the 1M every 15-30 minutes at first and the patient may keep doing this the first and second day.” • “Dr. Pradeep Gupta reported having treated over 12,000 Covid cases in the inpatient and outpatient departments of his hospital in Agra with only two deaths. He gives the remedy in either in the LM potencies q10m the first day for the day in the inpatient department and centesimal potencies (6, 30, 200 or 1M) every 2-6 hours in his outpatient department.” •
  • 146. Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 2 • How to Manage Covid-19 with Homeopathy? • Lesson 4 Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica • By Dr Gajanan Dhanipkar • Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Bryonia, China, Camphor, Influenzinum, Merc cyantus, Ferrum phosph, Acid phosph, Antimonium ars, Vanadium, Crotalus horridus, Aspidosperma, Lobelia, and Stannum met. • I can’t recall where to find this webinar, but you can likely google it. I believe it was through Shilpa’s website- refer to the resources at the end.
  • 147. Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 3 • Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad’s algorithmic handout on his top remedies for Covid: • Mild cases (Belladonna, Ferr phos, Aconite, Gelsemium, Bryonia, Rhus tox, and Nux vomica, Hepar sulph, China, Pulsatilla, Ipecac, Eupatorium perf) • Moderate to severe pneumonia cases (Kali carb, Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Ammonium carb, Lycopodium, Antimonium arsenicosum, Stannum met, Bromium, Verat alb, Sulphur, Nat sulph, Senega, Chelidoneum) • Emergency Cases admitted to ICU with low spo2 (Pyrogen, Carbo veg, Mer sol, Lachesis, Camphora, Verat alb, Antimonium tartaricum, Carboneum oxygenisatum, HCN=Hydrocyanicum Acidum, Opium)
  • 148. Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 4 • Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad - Homeopathic Strategies for the Treatment of Covid & Long Covid – Parts 1 & 2 (11/30/21 and 12/20/21) • FREE COURSE •
  • 149. Covid Therapeutics and Materia Medica, part 5 • Gyandas G. Wadhwani,MD+(Hom) - An Introduction to The Homeodynamics of Pandemics & Epidemics • • The actual course is not free. Highly recommend the course! • The Homeodynamics of Pandemics & Epidemics with a Focus on Covid-19 Infections
  • 150. Article: A comparison of Characteristic Symptoms of Antimonium tartaricum and Phosphoric acid in Severe Respiratory Illness of Covid-19 • Dr. Alex Bekker, MD, ABIHM (Current president of American Institute of Homeopathy) • covid-19
  • 151. Bayesian analysis of symptoms, 18th issue LMHI newsletter • Arsenicum: sleeplessness; fear of death; worrying about finances/family; night aggravates; cough < laughing; coldness chest • Belladonna: conjunctivitis; cough > lying; high fever • Bryonia: thirst for large quantities; cough < talking; cough < deep inspiration; cough > warm • drinks; chest pain < cough; throat pain < cough; desire for rest; dry eyes; headache during fever; headache < motion; motion aggravates; worrying about finances/family; lying ameliorates • Camphora: cough < talking; cough < lying; perspiration back; open air ameliorates; vertigo/dizziness • Gelsemium: involuntary urination from cough; chest pain from cough; heavy eyelids – cannot keep eyes open; chilly back; headache > profuse urination; perspiration ameliorates • Hepar sulphuris: loss of appetite; desire warm drinks • Nux vomica: back pain; taste bitter; loss of appetite • Phosphorus: gasping for air; fear of being alone; cough < cold air; appetite increased; back • pain; chest pain; eye pain; heat body; expectoration bloody • Pulsatilla: loss of appetite; wants to be held; bitter taste, weeping; coryza; • Rhus Toxicodendron: coryza; appetite increased • Collecting clinical experience of homeopathic support in COVID-19, newsletter 22, September 2021
  • 152. Article: COVID-19: Is It Like Mountain Sickness? • “They are not the typical symptoms of viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that he and his unit were told to expect but more like those of high altitude or mountain sickness.” • “Within homeopathy, one remedy is known for mountain or altitude sickness – Coca. It has been used for the symptoms high altitude sickness for more than a century.” • Last reviewed on July 14, 2020 •
  • 153. Article: The Effect of Homeopathic Coca on High Altitude Mountain Sickness: Mt. Everest Base Camp • “Subjectively, the experimental group had improved shortness of breath, less nausea, fewer headaches and were able to breathe better at night than the control group from • 12,672 ft. to 17,600 ft. as demonstrated on the GHAQ. This is corroborated with the objective findings of the oxygen saturation level being significantly higher overall than those reported for the control group.” •
  • 154. Top Remedies for Management of Covid Based on My Personal Experience
  • 155. Top remedies to consider for acute Covid 19 cases as well as long-Covid: • Aconitum napellus or Aconite • Antimony tartaricum • Arsenicum Album • Baptisia • Belladonna • Bryonia alba (Dr. Andre Saine) • Camphora (Dr. Rajan Sankaran) • Carboneum oxygenisatum (Dr. Andre Saine) • China (or Cinchona) officinalis • Eupatorium Perfoliatum • Ferrum Phos • Gelsemium sempervirens • Ipecac • Kali bichromium • Nux vomica • Phosphorus • Pulsatilla • Sabadilla • Senega • Spongia tosta • Note: Most of these remedies are typical Flu remedies. A few are unusual such as Camphora, Senega or Carboneum oxygenisatum.
  • 156. Remedies for Management of Covid • In my practice, I found the following to be true: • Prior to Omicron: Bryonia, Gelsemium, Antimonium tart., etc. • Omicron- Earlier subvariants (~ BA.2): Kali bichromium, Pulsatilla, Hepar Sulph, Sabadilla, etc. • Note: These are mostly for the upper respiratory (sinuses/throat/nose) system. • Omicron - Present subvariants (~ BA.4 & BA.5): Bryonia, Gelsemium, Antimonium tart., Eupatorium perfoliatum, Spongia, Phosphorus, etc. • Note: These remedies are remedies usually for the lower respiratory (bronchi/lungs) system. • Note: Recently, I am finding that patients need more than two (or even three) remedies in sequence before their symptoms are completely managed. They often need a lower respiratory rx followed by upper rx to finish off the case.
  • 157. The Top Remedies I’ve Used So Far For Management of Covid Patients • Bryonia (BY FAR THE MOST COMMON REMEDY USED IN THIS PANDEMIC SO FAR) • Gelsemium sempervirens • Antimonium tart • Phosphorous • Pulsatilla • Kali bichromium • Carboneum oxygenisatum – Refer to Dr. Saine’s article for info.
  • 158.
  • 159. BRYONIA IS BACK with new sub-variants of Omicron! • I used to see a lot of Bryonia cases until when Omicron showed up. • Then, stopped seeing Bryonia cases nearly completely until the new subvariants as of around May (of 2022). • Dr. Andre Saine, ND: “The most commonly and successfully prescribed remedy so far, as of May 1 (of 2020), has been Bryonia for all stages of Covid.”
  • 160. Bryonia alba – the top remedy for this pandemic (DRY, left-sided, PAINFUL, & angry) • A dry and painful cough. Note: Patient may have some phlegm in chest, but not nearly as much as Antimonium tart. • Shortness of breath or difficulty taking satisfying breaths or sensation of tightness in the chest is usually present. • Dryness anywhere and everywhere in the body (mouth and/or throat and/or intestines, etc.) is nearly always present. (Note: Dry mouth can be confused for dry mouth of Pulstilla.) • Dryness is intestines is in the form of constipation. • Dryness in chest in the form of dry cough. • Often very thirsty (and thirsty for cold water). Note: They can be thirstless too! • Symptoms or any symptom is usually worse on LEFT side of the body • Body aches, usually severe, above 7 out of 10 (10 being the worst) • Headache, usually worse on LEFT side (it could be all over the head, however) • Sore throat, usually worse on LEFT side, better with cold applications (ice water, ice cream, etc.) • Patient feels worse with movement. ANY and every symptom can feel worse with movement. They just want to lay down. • Anger/irritability is usually present. Does not want to be disturbed. Likes quietness.
  • 161. LEFT sided conditions on the rise during the Covid- 19 pandemic. They either developed it or it got worse! Covid, a left-sided pandemic?! Since Bryonia has so far been one of the top (or perhaps the top) remedy during this pandemic, and since Bryonia patients often have left-sided s/s (signs and symptoms), it would make sense that left-sided symptoms would be on the rise, AND THEY ARE! AND, Patients who already had some symptoms on the LEFT side of their body are coming in with more severity in their left-sided symptoms. These patients often do not even put two and two together. They simply think their chronic condition is worse, failing to realize that the new onset of the worsening of their left-sided symptoms is directly due to catching either symptomatic or ASYMPTOMATIC Covid. Question ANY left-sided symptom in the body HEAD to TOES including: Conjunctivitis, otitis, tinnitus, headache, body aches, rashes, tumors, etc.
  • 162. DRY conditions on the rise during the Covid- 19 pandemic • Since Bryonia has so far been one of the top (or perhaps the top) remedies during this pandemic, and since Bryonia patients often have dryness anywhere in their body, it would make sense that dry conditions would be on the rise, AND THEY ARE! • Examples: Eczema, psoriasis, dry mouth, dry eyes, etc.
  • 163. Gelsemium sempervirens 4 D’s: dumb, dull, droopy and dizzy • No major coughing or respiratory symptoms like Antimonium tart or Bryonia cases. • Body aches or soreness, usually not as severe as someone who needs the remedy Bryonia. • Extreme fatigue – More tired than most people who need other remedies. • Mental confusion/dullness/fog (rather unique to Gelsemium, of the common Covid remedies) • A headache that is worse on the back (as opposed to Bryonia that usually comes with a headache that is either all over or worse on LEFT)s • Dizziness, mild to severe. Or at the minimum the balance can be slightly off. • Thirst is usually not present, opposite of Bryonia. • Likely our BEST remedy for convalescence phase of ANY infectious dz. Therefore, a great remedy for many cases of post-Covid. • Note: My Gelsemium cases have typically not been nearly as ill as Bryonia and Antimonium tart cases.
  • 164. Antimonium tartaricum (WETNESS/Phlegm in LOWER tract) (Note: This remedy is NOT to be confused for Antimonium crudum) • Lots of phlegm in the throat and/or chest (bronchi/lungs) that is difficult to bring up. Some or no phlegm might come up with coughing. • So, WET cough but may or may not be productive. • Patient and dr can sometimes hear the phlegm rattling under the chest bone. • Excess phlegm can cause nausea. • Note: This phlegm is from the lower respiratory tract, NOT sinuses (upper respiratory tract) Phlegm from sinuses would require a different remedy. • Tongue usually has a white coating (at least partially) • This is a great remedy for pneumonia or a pneumonia-like state with a lot of phlegm in the lungs. • Fatigue
  • 165. IMPORTANT: Phlegm in lungs  Lower O2 Stat • The excess phlegm in the lungs can clearly interfere with the O2-CO2 exchange, thereby dropping the oxygen saturation in the blood. • I have seen patients’ O2 improve as the phlegm goes down. Sometimes you can hear the phlegm going away (i.e. hear less phlegm moving around w/ or w/o coughing), and sometimes you can’t. Even if it’s not obvious to you that the phlegm is going away, you can still logically deduce that the phlegm is indeed lessening when you notice other positive changes in the patient such as improved cognition, mood, energy, strength, appetite, etc.
  • 166. • Other remedies I have used but less often: • Aconitum nap: Anxiety, top remedy for panic attacks &/or PTSD. Fear/thought of death/dying, balance is off, numbness somewhere in the body, palpitations, urinary retention, thirsty usu for cold drinks (~ Bryonia), dry tongue (~ Bryonia). • Arsenicum album: Burning hot sensation somewhere in body (Phosphorus can have flushes of heat), thirsty (to put the fire inside out) for small quantities of water, better with warm drinks (vs Phosphorus and Bryonia who are better with cold drinks) highly anxious and wants company of others (similar to Phosphorus but opposite of Bryonia), debilitated, worse after mid-night, etc. Like buttery and fatty food. • Camphora – Icy coldness of the whole body. Coldness & shivering but averse to covering (~ Carbo-v); internal coldness in the chest; face is cold and even blue; cold hands/feet; sudden collapse & extreme prostration (pulse is barely perceptible); sleepiness (can extend into a coma); cold sweat. Desires cold drinks, thirstless. Touch aggravates. (Successful during Cholera epidemics) • Dr. Sankaran has suggested Camphora as the GE. He suggested further investigation.
  • 167. • Carboneum oxygenisatum (Carbn-o): “Great to extreme lethargy, apathy, mental dullness and weakness that are worse from the slightest exertion and better from open air. Another interesting sx that can be present is disorientation in time and space. The patient can have a panoply of other symptoms: cough, sore throat, sore skin, painful joints, fever, chilliness, high thirst but none of these would be decisive to find the remedy. The state of apathy is very particular to Carboneum oxygenisatum.” (Excerpt from Dr. Andrea Saine’s article in Hpathy, tittled “Indications for Carboneum oxygenisatum in Covid-19”) • Note: Dosing for Corbn-o is critical. Dr. Saine covers this subject in the article above.
  • 168. • China officinalis: Mind is stimulated. Lots of ideas. Irritable/touchy. Appetite is increased during the fever. Periodicity of symptoms (including fever or weakness). Loss of fluid aggravates or could bring this state on. GREAT weakness/debility. Bloating/distended/rumbling noises in abdomen/abdomen sensitive to touch. • Eupatorium perfoliatum: A great remedy for the flu or flu-like illness. SEVERE aching (similar to Bryonia) all over as if bones are breaking, pain is particularly severe in the back (Bryonia usually aches everywhere but worse on LEFT side), extremely high fever and chills, pain worse with motion (similar to Bryonia). Note: Other than Rhus tox people, I don’t think most people with severe pain enjoy movement! • Ipecac: Bouts of SEVERE coughing to a point of near vomiting, rattling cough with great difficulty bringing up phlegm similar to Anti tart, beefy red tongue with NO coating (which is opposite of Anti tart- has white coating), & is better with fresh air and thirstless (similar to Pulsatilla).

Editor's Notes

  1. By Sandra Perko, PhD