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Summer of 2023
Homeopathic Management of
Overlapping Infectious
(Or Multiple Simultaneous
Sharum Sharif, ND
If you have any acute disease including Covid-19, the flu, etc., you must
consult with your doctor. Do NOT self-treat! It’s imperative to realize
that homeopathy does not have any remedies for ANY specific
conditions, including Covid-19. In homeopathy, we treat people NOT
diseases. Regardless of the name of the disease, mainly based on the
person’s state and unique set of signs/symptoms, we find a remedy
that best matches the case. Therefore, homeopaths are not claiming
that they have a specific verifiable cure/treatment or method of
prevention for any specific infectious diseases.
Overlapping ACUTE INFECTIOUS Diseases
• Although the principles discussed in this presentation apply to ALL
overlapping diseases (acute and/or chronic), the emphasis of this
presentation is specifically on management of overlapping ACUTE
INFECTIOUS diseases, specifically epidemics.
• Note: True EPIDEMICS are acute infectious diseases which are usually
febrile and are characterized by a prodrome, a crisis and then either:
• 1) A rapid decline which can lead to death or
• 2) Recovery.
Note: In this presentation, we are mainly
discussing overlapping acute diseases in same
person (at same time). Although we do touch
upon the subject of multiple chronic diseases in
same person, we are not covering it in-depth.
(Note: Most people have COMPLEX conditions,
which is when 2 or more dis-similar diseases exist
in same person at same time.)
Emphasizing overlapping acute diseases vs.
multiple chronic diseases in same person at same time
Tripledemic of RSV, flu and Covid in 2022
Role of homeopathy …
Last Winter, we saw a ‘Tripledemic’ in our world- a nasty collision of three
viruses – the flu, the coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial virus (R.S.V.).
As ND’s, imagine treating RSV and/or Covid in a child. Are you going to use
herbal pills/tinctures, acupuncture or IV vitamin nutrient therapy?! OR wait
until severe, then refer to ER?!
Homeopathy offers us a wonderful alternative method of management of
infectious diseases in children and adults alike.
(Note: The company Boiron offered a highly educational webinar by Dr.
Youngran Chung, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist in Nov of 2022 which was
titled “Role of Homeopathy in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) respiratory infections”.)
Overlapping Covid, flu, long-Covid, allergies,
RSV, common cold…. Various possibilities
• We could potentially see ANY combination of the above (plus other) acute and/or
chronic respiratory conditions in same person at same time. Here are just a few
examples that I have seen in my practice over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic:
• (Note: “Delta Covid” means Covid caused by the Delta variant, etc.)
• Delta Covid, then Delta long-Covid, then Omicron Covid.
• Delta long-Covid, then flu, followed by Omicron
• Delta long-Covid, then Omicron, then the flu
• Omicron, then (Omicron long-Covid and allergies simultaneously)
• Acute Omicron and allergies simultaneously
• Long-Covid, then (RSV and allergies simultaneously)
• Delta Long-Covid and allergies simultaneously
• How do you handle such complicated cases? You treat what you see! Will discuss more later.
Various terms used to refer to overlapping infections
• Simultaneous infections (or diseases)
• Coinfections
• Combination infections
• Overlap syndromes
• Dueling infections
• Double or triple infections
• Double whammy
• One-two punch
• Tripledemic
• Flurona (Flu and Corona)
• Co-circulating viruses
• The IMPORTANT question in the case of overlapping conditions is: Are we talking about
SIMILAR or DIS-SIMILAR overlapping conditions? As we will see in this presentation, we
could have all sorts of various outcomes in each case.
My Previous two AANP Presentations were on
Epidemics & Pandemics
• Summer of 2019: “Homeopathic Prevention & Treatment of
Epidemics & Pandemics”.
• Video is on homepage of
• Summer of 2022: “Homeopathic Management of Covid & Long-
• Powerpoint presentation is under Educational Slideshows on
Topics covered in my 2019 AANP presentation on
Homeopathic Prevention & Treatment of Epidemics:
• How epidemics are on the rise.
• Why epidemics are on the rise.
• How conventional medical approaches by themselves (including drugs
and vaccination) are NOT going to be sufficiently meeting the needs of
our species.
• How we need an alternative solution.
• How we need a solution (namely homeopathy) that has passed the test of
time, a solid solution that we can count on with a high degree of reliability
during the present & upcoming epidemics.
• Evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for various past
AND present epidemic diseases.
• How homeopathy is being used by many governments and
nations across the planet, and how this trend is rising.
• Highlights of case-taking & dosing during epidemics.
• The main 3 approaches to homeopathic prescribing during
epidemics, for prevention AND treatment (1: Genus
epidemicus, 2: The indicated remedy based on clinical
rubrics, & 3: Homeoprophylaxis/Nosode).
• Why it’s important for us as a community to have a
Pandemic Response Plan.
• Various helpful homeopathic and non-homeopathic websites
and other important resources.
2019, Continued:
Topics covered in my 2022 AANP presentation on
Homeopathic Management of Covid & Post-Covid:
• One of the world’s greatest threats – infectious diseases & antimicrobial
• Evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy in general, but also specifically in
regard to epidemics/pandemics
• Evidence and Research on Homeopathic Management of Covid and Long-
• Homeopathic Prophylaxis for Covid-19
• Top remedies for homeopathic management of:
• Covid-19
• Long-Covid or post-Covid
• Post-Covid vaccine complications (or Vaccinosis)
• Prescribing during epidemics (case-taking, dosing, & frequency)
• A few case studies of Covid, post-Covid, and post-vaccine complications
• Resources
Overview of Today’s Presentation:
• Lessons learned so far about homeopathic management of Covid-19 and long-Covid
• Why should we be concerned about overlapping infectious diseases/epidemics?
• Next pandemic?
• Challenges of diagnostic testing during infectious epidemics, especially overlapping ones
• Convenience of using homeopathic assessment of overlapping diseases- No tests are
• Homeopathy vs. vaccines?
• Brief overview of historical and present-day evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy in
management/treatment of infectious epidemic diseases
• Why consider homeopathy in the management/treatment of overlapping infectious
diseases? Adaptability is the key word!
• The Law of Similars (like cures like) in homeopathy is based on natural laws. The remedy
is intended to induce a state in the patient similar to the disease.
• The way of Opposites (treating a sx w/ a contrary remedy) in allopathy is not based on
natural laws. The Drug induces a state in the patient dissimilar (opposite) to the disease.
• Hahnemann’s writings on what happens when dissimilar VERSUS similar overlapping
infectious diseases infect the same person around same time
Overview, continued
• Similar overlapping diseases in nature can cure/remove each other.
• This is why Homeopathy often cures- The remedy is selected based on the
Law of Similars.
• Dissimilar overlapping diseases in nature can exist in the body at the
same time (they don’t cure or remove each other).
• This is why Allopathy is often not curative- The drugs are selected based on
the way of Opposites.
• COMPLEX diseases: A rare occurrence w/ DIS-similar ACUTE
overlapping diseases co-existing in same person at same time
• Overview of the top remedies for common respiratory infectious
diseases including pneumonia, coughs, the flu and Covid.
• Knots & Bolts of Prescribing in Homeopathy: Potency selection,
dosing frequency, and f/u care
• Can Covid be the last pandemic?
Covid-19 Pandemic
Homeopathic Lessoned Learned
• There are countless number of fellow courageous human beings
(doctors or otherwise) who did and are willing to put their lives on
the line to help humanity. We are so grateful to them all. Thank you!
• Countless research articles & presentations on Covid-19 by
homeopaths from across the planet.
• Refer to my Covid & post-Covid AANP Talk from 2022 for more info.
• Dr. Andrea Saine, ND, Dr. Paul Herscu, ND, and many other doctors offered
numerous elaborate webinars on Covid throughout the pandemic. (Refer to
links on my last year’s AANP talk.)
• Various homeopathic associations and their members contributed to
collecting data on the top remedies effective for management of
Covid. For example, AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) had a
database that the members contributed to in order to come up with
the top remedies.
An important MODIFICATION to my 2019 AANP:
• In my 2019 AANP talk, I shared with you all the following:
• GE > Indicated Remedy > Nosode. (Meaning, during an epidemic disease, the Genus Epidemicus (GE) is better
than the “indicated remedy” which is better than the nosode.)
• Since then, based on our collective experience with Covid, I’d like to modify my previous
• For treatment (i.e. when symptoms are present):
• Indicated Remedy > GE > Nosode
• For prevention (i.e. when symptoms are absent):
• GE > Nosode
• What is the best homeopathic approach in treating epidemics/pandemics?
• 1) The most ”indicated” remedy (whose keynotes best match the patient’s signs/symptoms)
• 2) Genus Epidemicus (GE)
• 3) The nosode for the disease
Subvariants of Omicron:
As the virus mutates, the top remedies change.
As the virus mutates, the top remedies change:
• In my practice,
• In 2020-21, the remedies used in the pandemic were “LUNG” remedies:
Bryonia alba, Antimonium tart, Phosphorus, Gelsemium, etc.
• In 2022-23, since Omicron, by far, most cases require “EENT” remedies:
Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla, Hepar sulph, etc.
(Note: Minority of Omicron patients seem to need Antimonium tart which is mainly a
lung remedy.)
Note: As the virus mutates, we might need to return to using more LUNG remedies.
• The top remedies for prevention & treatment of Covid varied based on
location in the world- The remedies seemed to vary from one continent to
another, or maybe even from one country to another.
Bryonia, the top remedy for the earlier variants?
Picture from the book “Homeopathic Remedy Pictures” by Frans Kusse
Kali bichromicum, a top remedy for most
Omicron subvariants so far…
Picture from the book “Homeopathic Remedy Pictures” by Frans Kusse
Phosphorous, a common rx for Omicron lately?
Picture from the book “Homeopathic Remedy Pictures” by Frans Kusse
Note: The statement
above is based on a
limited number of Covid
patients seen over last
few weeks (tested
positive for Covid).
Symptoms often seen in
these patients which
match the keynotes of
Phosph may include:
-Craving for cold water
-A burning sensation in
-Eyes are irritated
-Much coughing & some
shortness of breath
Long-Covid Homeopathic Update
• Long-Covid can be challenging to treat w/ or w/o homeopathy. However, homeopathy
works very well for the majority of long-Covid cases - Refer to long-Covid patient
testimonials page on my website, (
• 1) Long-Covid due to Delta and other variants prior to Omicron: I still see many long-
Covid BYRONIA cases even now. These patients went into a Bryonia state 2-3 years ago,
and still remain that state. They have many of the common Bryonia signs and symptoms,
including: severe pain throughout entire body (worse on left side), intermittent coughing
due to extreme dryness in lungs (worse in left lung), severe fatigue and brain fog, severe
headache (worse on left side), severe dryness throughout the body inside and out (worse
on left side), extreme thirst, anger and other keynotes of Bryonia.
• 2) Long-Covid due to Omicron: I’ve been seeing many long-Covid Kali bich cases over the
last year. These patients have been extremely phlegmy for weeks to months or even for
more than a year now. They also can be achy- another keynote of Kali bich. Many of
them come in, thinking they have allergies.
“Bryonia Long-Covid” –A COMMON & CRITICAL rx!
• I’ve seen numerous long-Covid cases that required Bryonia. When indicated, this remedy
appears to be critically important and irreplaceable!
• I have seen severe disabilities such as semi-paralysis and severe pain in LEFT lower
extremity (from pelvis/hip/buttock all the way down to toes) and/or chronic dry cough.
• Cases:
• 1) Marva – refer to
• A puzzling case of LEFT-sided disability. Early 2020 - Dec 2021.
• S/S: Walking was painful, extreme muscle spasms, great swelling of ankle, leg and thigh on my
LEFT side. Never had acute symptoms of Covid and never tested positive. I suspected “Bryonia
• Bryonia 30c qd. Patient completely recovered use of left leg within a month. No longer needed a walker after
nearly 2 years of disability.
• 2) Otis – LEFT-sided piriformis syndrome and constipation. 1/2020 - 5/2023. Pain &
tingling in left hip radiating to the lateral side of left thigh and stopping in upper lateral side of the leg.
• Bryonia 30c qd for a week almost entirely stopped the symptoms.
• 3) Sudais, 5-year old boy, with CC of debilitating persistent cough. 10/2022 - 5/2023.
Dx’ed with asthma, LEFT-sided pneumonia (as of 2 months ago), and constipation at
Children’s hospital. Drugs were not helpful at all. Also was extremely thirsty for cold water.
He kept telling mom, “mom, I am tired of coughing!”
• Bryonia 30c bid for a week resulted in at least 70% improvement in his cough, and improved
his constipation and extreme thirst. Waiting to see him for his next f/u.
Long-Covid Homeopathic Update, continued
• There are many other “acute” remedies, such as Phosphoric acid, & Kali phosphoricum,
for long-Covid, but the remedies Bryonia, Gelsemium, and Kali bich are the top remedies
I have been using most often in my long-Covid patients.
• As a rule, in my experience, whatever remedy the patient needed for their acute Covid is
what they end up needing for their long-Covid.
• Example: If needed Bryonia for acute Covid, will likely need Bryonia for long-Covid.
• There are also other cases where the remedy the patient needs for their long-Covid is
entirely different from what they might have needed for their acute.
• Example: Patient needed Antimonium tart for acute, and now Gelsemium for long-Covid.
• In many cases, a person’s “constitutional” remedy may be all that they need. In this
case, the signs/symptoms present in the patient must match the selected remedy’s
keynotes. (Remember, homeopathy works based on the law of Similars.)
• The Covid vaccine appears to be putting folks in the Bryonia state in some cases.
• Refer to my Covid & post-Covid AANP presentation for more information.
AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) – FOUNDED IN 1844
American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM)
• The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) is a peer-
reviewed scientific journal, specifically intended to meet the needs of
physicians involved in the specialty of homeopathy. The editor invites
original manuscripts, feature articles, research reports, 'Homeopathic
Grand Rounds' cases studies, abbreviated case reports for 'Clinical
Snapshots,' seminar reports, and position papers that focus on
homeopathy, as well as book reviews and letters to the editor.
AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) Articles
on Homeopathic Management of Covid
• Article: A comparison of Characteristic Symptoms of Antimonium
tartaricum and Phosphoric acid in Severe Respiratory Illness of Covid-19, by
Dr. Alex Bekker, MD (Current president of AIH)
• Article: An Overnight Cure of COVID with Arsenicum album, by
Dr. Mitch Fleisher, MD, DHt
• Article: COVID-19: A Severe Case Complicated with a Comorbidity, by
Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD Rx: Carboneum oxygenisatum
• Article: Clinical snapshot: A Covid-19 Cough, by
Dr. George Guess, MD
• In this article, Dr. Guess talks about how this case needed Phosphorus
initially, and then Kali bichromium, leading to “rapid resolution of all
• Article: COVID-19 Case Series I: The Experience of
Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD, by Dr. Karl Robinson, MD
Infectious diseases are a major challenge to humanity and
public health at large.
• “Zoonotic diseases are very common around the world. It is estimated that 6 out
of every 10 known infectious diseases can spread from animals, and 3 out of
every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals. The
world has witnessed several outbreaks of infectious diseases such as Cholera,
Plague, Spanish flu, Swine flu.
• Globalization, international travel and intercontinental commerce have all
increased the potential for microbial spread, resulting in pandemics beyond their
respective regions of origin such as SARS, MERS, Zika, Ebola and now recently
• These diseases pose a major threat to public-health across the world. Although
some infectious diseases, such as smallpox and poliomyelitis, have been
eradicated from nature or almost wiped out, many diseases still persist with little
hope of getting them under control. In addition, new infectious diseases are
emerging and old ones that were thought to be under control are regaining lost
ground. Apart from affecting the health of individuals directly, infectious diseases
also impact the societies, economies and political systems.”
Pandemics, posing the greatest threats to mankind…
Throughout history, pandemics have posed some of the greatest
threats to mankind, claiming more lives than all wars and
accidents put together.
Covid-19  Rise in #’s of NON-Covid-19 diseases (including TB,
H.I.V and malaria) due to interruption of services/meds
WHO: “The COVID-19 pandemic has likely increased deaths from
other causes due to disruption to health service delivery and
routine immunizations, fewer people seeking care, and shortages
of funding for NON-COVID-19 services.”
NT Times, Oct of 2021:
“Covid-19 risks derailing all our efforts and taking us back to where we were 20 years ago,” said Dr. Pedro
L. Alonso, the director of the WHO’s global malaria program.
It’s not just that the coronavirus has diverted scientific attention from TB, H.I.V. and malaria. The
lockdowns, particularly across parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America, have raised
insurmountable barriers to patients who must travel to obtain diagnoses or drugs, according to
interviews with more than two dozen public health officials, doctors and patients worldwide.
About 80 percent of tuberculosis, H.I.V. and malaria programs worldwide have reported
disruptions in services, and one in four people living with H.I.V. have reported problems with
gaining access to medications, according to U.N. AIDS. Interruptions or delays in treatment may
lead to drug resistance, already a formidable problem in many countries.”
Major Epidemics/pandemics of the Modern Era
(Or PHEICs- Public Health Emergencies of International Concern)
• Cholera: World’s longest pandemic, 1961-present. (Tens of millions of people died from
• Smallpox: 1977-1980. Fatal in as many as one-third of patients. The last known case of smallpox,
a viral disease that plagued humans for millennia, is diagnosed in 1977 in Somalia, following a
nearly two-decade-long global vaccination campaign. Three years later the WHO formally
declares it eradicated around the globe.
• HIV/AIDS pandemic: 1981-present. Close to 40 million people have HIV/AIDS, more than 2/3 of
whom are in sub-Saharan Africa. Tens of millions of people have died from the disease.
• SARS: Caused by SARS-CoV-1. 2002-2003. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
coronavirus, part of a family of viruses that commonly cause respiratory symptoms such as
coughing and shortness of breath, is first identified in late 2002 in southern China.
• H1N1 (swine flu). 2009-2010. The CDC estimates that between 151,700 and 575,400 people die
worldwide—around 12,500 in the United States—in the first year after the virus is discovered.
The WHO announces the pandemic’s end in August 2010, though the strain continues to circulate
• MERS: 2012. A new coronavirus, named Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, is transmitted
to humans from camels in 2012 in Saudi Arabia.
• Polio: In May 2014, WHO Director-General declares a PHEIC over a rise in polio
cases in Africa and Asia. As of 2022, the PHEIC over the possible spread of polio remains
in place, and the disease is still endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
• Ebola: 2014-2016. Ebola sweeps West Africa. A severe infectious disease that
leads to death in roughly half of those who contract it. 2018-2020: In August
2018, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) declares an outbreak of the Ebola
virus in the country’s northeast. In June 2020, nearly two years after the
outbreak’s start, the WHO declares it over. However, smaller outbreaks continue
to crop up in parts of the country.
• Zika: 2015-2016. Zika Spreads Across Americas. An outbreak of the Zika virus, first
discovered in Uganda in the 1940s and transmitted mainly by mosquitoes, takes
off in Brazil in early 2015. In February 2016, the WHO declares the outbreak a
PHEIC, and by the middle of the year more than sixty countries report cases of
the virus, including the United States. Zika virus disease is generally mild, and
severe disease requiring hospitalization and deaths are uncommon.
• Dengue, TB and Malaria – Refer to the following slides.
• Covid-19: Caused by SARS-CoV-2. 2019-present. Globally, as of 6:07pm CEST, 31
May 2023, there have been 767,364,883 confirmed cases of COVID-19,
including 6,938,353 deaths, reported to WHO.
• Monkeypox: 2022. A rapid global response to the outbreak leads its spread to
slow significantly by May 2023, with 87,000 reported cases and 140 confirmed
deaths across 111 countries. That month, the WHO declares that mpox is no
longer a public health emergency.
• Major Epidemics of the Modern Era, 1899-2023
Dengue – Most Rapidly Spreading Pandemic!
According to the WHO, dengue fever is one of the top ten global health threats – it's also the MOST
RAPIDLY SPREADING. There has been a 30-fold increase in global incidence over the past 50 years.
According to CDC, EACH YEAR, an estimated 400 million people are infected with dengue virus, 100
million become ill with dengue, and 21,000 deaths are attributed to dengue.
Dengue: 400,000,000 people infected/YEAR, 21000 deaths
Covid-19: ~ 767,000,000 people confirmed cases in ~ 3.5 YEARS so far, 6,938,353 deaths.
Note: “The Cuban government now depends on homeopathy to manage its leptospirosis epidemics and
dengue fever outbreaks. The governments of Thailand, Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Brazil use homeopathy to
manage dengue fever outbreaks and epidemics.”*
Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for suggested homeopathic remedies and resources.
Malaria is estimated to have killed more people on Earth than any other disease in history.
Malaria kills one child every 30 seconds, about 3000 children every day.
Malaria – A major pandemic inflicting
humans over millennia!
• NIH: Over millennia, Malaria’s victims have included Neolithic
dwellers, early Chinese and Greeks, princes and paupers. In the 20th
century alone, malaria claimed between 150 million and 300 million
• WHO: According to the latest World malaria report,
• In 2021: 247,000,000 cases, and 619 000 deaths
• In 2020: 245,000,000 cases, and 625 000 deaths
• CDC: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries have seen delays in
the production and supply of malaria commodities, most notably
rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (RDTs) and antimalarial treatments.
Costs of malaria-related supplies have also increased.
• Note: Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for suggested homeopathic remedies and resources
CDC issues alert after 5 cases of locally
acquired malaria reported in Texas and
Florida, June 2023
• 4 in Florida & 1 in Texas.
• “The cases were the first in 20 years to be acquired in the U.S., with no
links to travel outside the country.”
• Note: The Indian government controls epidemics of malaria, Japanese encephalitis,
dengue fever, and epidemic fever with homeopathy.*
• *
Tuberculosis (bacterial) – 2nd leading
infectious killer after Covid-19 (viral)
• Similarly to Malaria, TB has been present in the human population since antiquity.
• “A total of 1.6 million people died from TB in 2021 (including 187 000 people with HIV).
Worldwide, TB is the 13th leading cause of death and the second leading infectious killer after
COVID-19 (above HIV and AIDS).
• In 2021, an estimated 10.6 million people fell ill with tuberculosis (TB) worldwide. Six million men,
3.4 million women and 1.2 million children. TB is present in all countries and age groups. But TB is
curable and preventable.
• Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis and a health security threat. Only
about 1 in 3 people with drug resistant TB accessed treatment in 2021.
• An estimated 74 million lives were saved through TB diagnosis and treatment between 2000 and
• US $13 billion is needed annually for TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care to achieve the
global target agreed at the 2018 UN high level-meeting on TB.
• Ending the TB epidemic by 2030 is among the health targets of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).”*
• Note: Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for suggested homeopathic remedies and resources for TB.
• *:; 21 April 2023
Tuberculosis on the Rise
TB > Malaria + HIV
• NY Times, Oct 2021: ‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus.
• Tuberculosis kills 1.6 million people every year — or 4,000 people a day. In fact, TB claims more
lives annually than malaria and HIV combined.
• “Gates commits $400 million to test new TB vaccine on 26,000 people in Africa and SE Asia.”
(The Defender, 6/30/23)
• TB vaccine is not a perfect solution. The vaccine is NOT effective against intra-thoracic TB and
only “somewhat effective” against miliary TB, a potentially fatal form of the condition, which can
lead to disseminated TB or TB meningitis, according to Nachman. “So people thinking, ‘I’ve got a
BCG vaccine, I’m not going to get pulmonary TB,’ the answer is actually, you will,” Dr. Sharon
Nachman at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital said. “We don’t have anything better.” The
complexity of the TB bacteria makes it difficult to determine which antibodies or components can
offer protection.
• Indian homeopaths have much experience with TB and many other epidemics. (India is home to
27% of world’s TB cases.)
• *: Epoch Health article titled “Tuberculosis on the Rise: Here’s What to Know About the Disease”; June 1, 2023.
5% of Shigella infections are now resistant to
standard antibiotics. This could be a predictor of
what’s to come with other bacteria.
March 8, 2023
Shigella: Five percent of Shigella infections are now resistant to standard antibiotics. This could
be a predictor of what’s to come with other bacteria.
Main symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps. Nux vomica?!
We have solid literature on
various infectious diseases
going back to 1800s.
Example: Dr. James Bell, MD,
authored the book here on
diarrhea. The first edition
was written in 1869. He
states, “Allen’s symptom
register gives 425 remedies
as having diarrhea.” In his
book, he covers many of
these remedies in detail.
WHO on Antibiotics Resistance
•WHO: “Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest
threats to global health today.
•A growing number of infections (such as pneumonia,
TB, gonorrhea, and salmonellosis) are becoming
harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them
have become less effective.”
•Dr. Margaret Chan of the WHO has recently stated
that Earth may be approaching a time “when things
as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched
knee could once again kill."
Integrative Medicine Specialists Offer a
• A Letter From Concerned Physicians on Antibiotic
Resistance: This letter can be found at the link below.
• The signatories are mostly MDs and many NDs & DOs.
• A quote from this letter:
• “Solutions to this looming crisis must be found and found
quickly. As some of America’s leading integrative medicine
specialists, we believe it is time to look anew at a
modality called homeopathic medicine.”
Climate change is NOT helping
with public health!
This subject is beyond the scope of this presentation.
• We have all already experienced the enormous negative impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic in our world. Can you imagine just what would
happen to our human civilization if we were to experience a much
more deadly pandemic and/or get hit by multiple overlapping
• I believe we would all feel much more secure and safe knowing that
we have therapies that may be not only effective but also readily
available for managing these dreadful diseases that threaten us, our
loved ones, our society/country, human beings everywhere, and even
other animal species including other mammals.
Future pandemics, what if?!
Disease X around the corner?
• The next currently unknown virus that could cause a pandemic — what the
World Health Organization calls “Disease X” — may be different from
Covid, requiring a different set of tools and a different level of response.
• If another vicious virus (or other pathogenic germ, including bacteria or
fungi) were to emerge and spread through our communities again, what
would you do?
• Would you feel fairly confident that supplements &/or IV therapies would
help us all sufficiently?
• Do you feel comfortable providing IV nutrient therapy to such patients if the germ is
highly contagious and/or highly pathogenic?!
• What if ER’s are flooded with wave after wave of acutely ill patients,
specially with overlapping acute infections?
• What if Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or other drugs don’t work for
the next pandemic?!
The Next Pandemic: Dead birds are falling from
the sky
Avian flu appears to
be a top candidate
for a pandemic.
Bird flu (H5N1) is decimating bird populations,
including commercial poultry AND wild birds
Domesticated birds (including chickens, ducks, & geese), & now wild birds (including
eagles, great horned owls, peregrine falcons, pelicans, & the endangered California
condors) are dropping dead!
“Avian flu appears to be a top candidate for a pandemic. It is extremely lethal in birds
and some animals. How likely is it that this virus will make the jump to humans, with
sustained human-to-human transmission?
Nobody knows how likely a human H5N1 pandemic is.”*
Regarding the flu vaccine, “it would most likely take several months to get shots in
arms. For reference, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was identified in April and the first
doses were given in early October.”*. This is SIX months later!!!
*: The New York Times article, titled “The Next Pandemic”, April 23, 2023
Bird flu overlapping with the common flu in
same person? A potentially deadly mix!
How about bird flu overlapping during the common flu season? Refer
to The New York Times article written by Zeynep Tufekci from Feb 3,
2023 titled “An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here”:
There is fear of the BIRD FLU affecting a person already infected with
the regular flu, leading to a potentially devastating pandemic…
More on this subject later in this presentation.
• “Alarmingly, it was recently reported that a mutant of H5N1 strain
was not only infecting minks (which are mammals) at a fur farm in
Spain but also most likely spreading among them, unprecedented
among mammals. Even worse, the mink’s upper respiratory tract is
exceptionally well suited to act as a conduit to humans, Thomas
Peacock, a virologist who studies avian influenza told me.”
• ”If different strains of flu have infected the same person
simultaneously, the strains can swap gene segments and give rise to
new, more transmissible ones. If a mink farmworker with the flu also
gets infected by H5N1, that may be all it takes to ignite a pandemic.” *
• *: New York Times article titled “An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here”, Zeynep Tufekci, Feb 3,
H5N1 (bird flu) is affecting minks too, not just birds!
CDC: Reported Human Infections with Avian
Influenza A Viruses
• “Human infections with avian influenza A viruses are uncommon but have
occurred sporadically in many countries, usually after unprotected exposures
(e.g. not using respiratory or eye protection) to infected poultry or virus-
contaminated environments and have resulted in mild-to-severe illness with a
wide range of symptoms and complications. A small number of human infections
with avian influenza A viruses have been attributed to exposure to infected wild
birds. For some human infections, the source of the virus infection was not
determined. Human infections have occurred with different subtypes of low
pathogenic and highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses. The designation of
“low” versus “highly” pathogenic avian influenza A virus refers to specific criteria,
including mortality in experimentally infected poultry, and not to the severity of
illness with human infections. Clinical illness associated with human infections
with avian influenza A viruses does not necessarily correlate with virus
pathogenicity in infected birds.” *
• *:
CDC on the bird flu
• Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus Infections:
• Subtypes of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) A viruses that have been
virologically confirmed to have infected people include A(H6), A(H7), A(H9),
and A(H10) viruses.
• Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus Infections:
• Subtypes of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A viruses that have been
virologically confirmed to have infected people include A(H5) and A(H7)
Human-to-Human Transmission of Avian
Influenza A Viruses
• “Human-to-human transmission of avian influenza A viruses is rare.
Probable limited, non-sustained, human-to-human transmission has
been reported in a SMALL number of people without poultry
exposures who had close unprotected exposure to a symptomatic
index case of HPAI A(H5N1) virus infection, HPAI A(H7N7) virus
infection, or LPAI A(H7N9) virus infection. Most reported cases of
probable limited, non-sustained, human-to-human transmission have
occurred among blood-related family members after unprotected,
prolonged close household exposure to a symptomatic family
member. However, a small number of reported cases occurred after
unprotected, prolonged close exposure to a very sick family member
in a hospital. A few cases of probable limited, non-sustained, human-
to-human transmission in a hospital have been reported among
unrelated patients after unprotected exposures.” *
• *:
Does the TYPE of germ matter?
Not to homeopaths!
• To select the appropriate homeopathic remedy, we don’t need to
know the exact name/type of the invading organism(s). This is great
news since we now have at least 2 major challenges:
• 1) Antibiotic resistance when it comes to bacteria
• 2) No great antiviral drugs: We don’t seem to have highly effective
anti-viral drugs for the viral diseases that keep popping up!
DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING during epidemics?
Epidemic infectious diseases may be tough to DX!
• Many epidemics involve broad common symptoms (such as fever, achiness,
h/a, cough, and fatigue) which can make them difficult to dx based on P/E and
common (general) symptoms alone.
• Lab difficulties:
• The culture is slow to grow
• Antibody detection may not be a direct predictor of infection
• PCR testing is not widely available
• Misdiagnosis is more likely with OVERLAPPING diseases with similar clinical
• Misdiagnosis can lead to incorrect selection of medical tx which can lead to
high mortality rates.
• Difficulties in DX & TX of an epidemic (w/ or w/o a coinfection)  a dire
need for effective alternative methods of dx, prevention & treatment.
Allergies, the common cold, RSV, the flu and
Covid-19 - Which one?
• All these viruses can affect similar and yet different parts of the body and can
cause varying degrees of illness — from mild or none to very severe symptoms.
Because symptoms can be so similar, it may be difficult for you to determine
which condition you have. And, you may often have overlapping ones!
• "Between allergies, the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus, the flu and of
course COVID-19, it is often hard to identify what is ailing our children when they
aren't feeling well," says Dr. Tina Ardon, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician*.
• *:
Difference between COVID-19, the flu and a cold
Signs/Symptoms COVID-19 Flu Cold
Symptom onset Varies Abrupt Gradual
Fever Often Often Rare
Cough Often (usually dry) Often Often
Aches Sometimes Often Slightly
Sneezing/stuffy nose Rare Sometimes Often
Sore throat Sometimes Sometimes Often
Chest discomfort/cough Often Often Sometimes
Loss of taste and/or smell Often Rare Rare
Many epidemics involve broad common symptoms
• Case 1) Which epidemic disease could cause the following symptoms? If you take the
rash out, it sounds like the flu, doesn’t it?
• Fever (Dengue fever can progress to shock - the most serious complication of dengue.)
• Headache
• Vomiting
• Muscle and joint pain
• Rash (Dengue rash is not a mandatory symptom)
• Answer: Dengue
• Case 2) “It” begins with a mild fever and malaise, followed by a painful cough and
shortness of breath. What could “it” be? Sounds like Covid-19 in the initial years
(2020-21), doesn’t it?
• Answer: Tuberculosis
• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Case 3) Which epidemic dz can cause fever, chills, sweats, nausea/vomiting, and
• Answer: Malaria
Limitations of Conventional Methods of Diagnosis
• 1) Limitations of dx based on lab tests
• 2) Limitations of dx based on physical exam
• 3) Limitations of dx based on GENERAL symptoms
(versus CHARACTERISTIC symptoms we use in homeopathy)
In the following slides, I will discuss a few of the limitations for each of
the above methods of dz assessment.
Limitations of dx based on conventional lab tests
• Test-based diagnosis, the MAIN tool for dx used in conventional
medicine, can have the following limitations:
• Unreliable in some cases
• Can take too long
• May be highly impractical or even impossible, particularly if the person has a
potentially deadly contagious disease(s)
• What if the person is afflicted simultaneously by multiple infectious
Note: Clearly misdiagnosis can lead to ineffective or potentially dangerous
Example) Dx of Covid is often missed based on the
unreliable home test
• How often have we seen this during the course of the pandemic?
• I find that often times the more intense Covid cases are far more likely going to show up
positive on a test than the milder cases.
• Regardless of how intense the case is, I also find that if you test the person in the thick of the
illness, the test is far more likely to be positive than if you test the person in the milder
phases of the illness (beginning &/or end).
• Finally, in my experience, the Covid home test appears to have become more and more
unreliable as the virus has mutated. I have seen numerous cases of this so far.
• Examples:
• Family members all had similar symptoms, and yet 1-2 people tested negative and the rest tested
• Same person tests negative at one point during the course of the illness and then later on test positive as
the symptoms became more severe.
Example) Many Covid patients are mis-
diagnosed when test result is negative
• Unless PCR testing or other highly reliable methods of testing are
utilized, if patients test negative for any acute respiratory illnesses
(Covid, flu, RSV, etc.), they are often mistakenly diagnosed with
bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, allergies, etc., by most practitioners.
COVID case rate 19 times higher than
• CIDRAP article titled: “Wastewater sampling in Canada
suggests COVID case rate 19 times higher than
reported”. June 29, 2023
"Wastewater surveillance indicators become especially relevant when PCR
testing eligibility changed or when clinical testing capacity was overwhelmed,
resulting in an incomplete picture of local COVID-19 activity," the researchers
Seeing a lot of patients with “allergies” these
days? Many of them have post-Omicron!
• It’s noteworthy that we are seeing a large number of patients with ”allergies”
these days, don’t you think? In my opinion, many of my “allergy” patients over
the last year or so are indeed struggling with post-Omicron, and seem to respond
wonderfully to Kali bichromicum. In my practice, this remedy has so far been the
top remedy for Omicron AND post-Omicron. Patients, and even their doctors,
are often NOT catching post-Omicron patients due to:
• 1) Since Omicron is usually a milder condition, versus the prior variants, the
patient was never tested for Covid during the acute phase of the condition, or
• 2) If the patient was tested, the test result was falsely negative.
• Therefore, there are a large number of patients with post-Omicron who are
running around thinking they have allergies! Their CC’s are PND (post-nasal
drainage), nasal stuffiness/congestion, malaise and other s/s. These are s/s that
can also be found in allergies. However, the two conditions are distinctly
different. Just research the two if not sure.
Example) CDC on Detecting Avian Influenza A Virus
Infection in Humans
• “Bird flu virus infection in people cannot be diagnosed by clinical
signs and symptoms alone; laboratory testing is needed. Bird flu virus
infection is usually diagnosed by collecting a swab from the upper
respiratory tract (nose or throat) of the sick person. Testing is more
accurate when the swab is collected during the first few days of
• For critically ill patients, collection and testing of lower respiratory
tract specimens also may lead to diagnosis of bird flu virus infection.
However, for some patients who are no longer very sick or who have
fully recovered, it may be difficult to detect bird flu virus in a
• Note: The above points apply to Covid-19 as well.
Limitations of dx based on physical exam
• P/E does not give you specific enough information about the invading
organism. Example:
You can’t tell the difference between a flu and a Covid patient by P/E.
• What if we have a deadly epidemic? P/E is sort of out of question for
most of us doctors, isn’t it?
• What if the patient is far away (i.e. virtual visit)?
Limitations of dx based on GENERAL symptoms
• In conventional medicine, we usually pay attention only to GENERAL
symptoms, and often ignore CHARACTERISTIC/unique symptoms
homeopaths painstakingly look for.
• The general symptoms of many illnesses of same genre are very similar. It’s
the characteristic symptoms that are much more helpful for coming up
with an assessment and consequent remedy selection.
• For example, the general symptoms of the flu and Covid can be very similar.
• According to the CDC, “You cannot tell the difference between flu and COVID-19 by the symptoms alone because they
have some of the same signs and symptoms.” “Change in or loss of taste or smell can occur in both illnesses, although
this is more frequent with COVID-19.”
Avian influenza A virus infections produce similar
s/s as Covid! How can you tell the difference?
• According to the CDC:
• “The reported signs and symptoms of Avian Influenza (bird flu) A virus
infections in humans have ranged from no symptoms or mild illness
[such as eye redness (conjunctivitis) or mild flu-like upper respiratory
symptoms], to severe (such as pneumonia requiring hospitalization)
and included fever (temperature of 100ºF [37.8ºC] or greater) or
feeling feverish*, cough, sore throat, runny or stuff nose, muscle or
body aches, headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath or difficulty
• LESS common s/s include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or seizures.”
• As you can see, many of the s/s of the the bird flu seem similar to
Misdiagnosis, much more likely with SIMILAR
overlapping diseases regardless of method of dx
Misdiagnosis, IF based on GENERAL signs/symptoms and/or even lab
tests, is much more likely to occur with OVERLAPPING diseases
especially if SIMILAR (with similar clinical presentations).
CONCLUSION: We need BETTER methods of
dx (or assessment) of epidemics
• With all the viruses circulating in our world presently and possibly in the
future, it’s certainly possible that a person could be affected by more than
one virus or invading organism at any given time.
• And, with all the limitations of assessment/dx of infectious diseases (be it
lab tests, P/E, or symptoms), we need more reliable methods of
• Therefore, we need alternative methods of dx/assessment (and treatment)
that are reliable, safe, effective and practical (using virtual or even phone
visits) when dealing with epidemic diseases, especially in the midst of
overlapping epidemics.
Homeopathy for both DX (or assessment) & TX
• If testing is not readily available, we can still assess and help the
patient based on the person’s CHARACTERISTIC (or unique) along
with the GENERAL signs/symptoms.
• Homeopathy can be used for both assessment as well as treatment of
(overlapping) infectious diseases because it’s mainly based on the
patient’s CHARACTERISTIC (versus GENERAL) signs/symptoms, NOT
the name of the invading organism(s).
• From a homeopathic perspective, we are treating the patient with a
highly specific set of signs/symptoms (i.e. characteristic symptoms,
along with the general symptoms). We are NOT just treating their
diagnosis while ignoring the DETAILED list of their signs/symptoms.
• Example: 10 patients with eczema…. each one can benefit from a different remedy!
How to dx Covid w/o any testing?
You can dx based on CHARACTERISTIC signs/symptoms
• The common symptoms of Covid (including fever, cough, SOB, body
aches, headache, etc.), which don’t all have to be present, plus more
importantly the characteristic symptoms of Covid (which can vary
from patient to patient) are usually sufficient in helping with dx.
• Example: The first two years of the pandemic, prior to Omicron, when patients
would call us with Bryonia keynotes (characteristic s/s), I’d surmise that they had
Covid w/o needing to know the result of the Covid test. And, I would recommend
Bryonia which proved to be highly effective for management of their s/s. Many
of these patients would let us know that they had tested positive (within hours or
even a few days) AFTER their initial (virtual) visit with me while all along their dx
was evident based on their unique Bryonia s/s.
Knowing the TOP remedies for the present
variant helps increase confidence in dx
• It helps to know the top remedies for the present variant. If you
know the top remedies for the present variant, then by default you
would know the signs/symptoms associated with that variant which
help increase your confidence in dx/assessment (and tx).
• EXAMPLE: Presently, if I see a patient in my practice presents with thick PND (post-nasal
drainage) and/or a wet-sounding cough (usually non-productive but sometimes even
productive, either way), there is an extremely high likelihood the patient has Omicron.
Most of these patients test positive at some point along the way during the course of
their illness, especially if they have more severe symptoms.
And, what if our dx (dz label) is incorrect?
The remedy will still work!
• Even if our dx is incorrect (i.e. if we come up with the wrong dz label),
IF we come up with the correct remedy that matches the patient’s
totality of s/s, we will help the patient anyways. What matters most
is that the patient’s s/s match the remedy’s keynotes. The dz label or
the exact name of the diagnosis does not matter to a homeopath!
A side point - Dx of long-Covid is challenging
& is often missed!
• I am not seeing serious long-Covid s/s with Omicron. However, once in a
while, I still encounter long-Covid Cases secondary to the original variants.
• Since homeopaths are able to assess based on CHARACTERISTIC
symptoms, we can more readily dx these long-Covid cases.
• Example: I still once in a while see Bryonia long-Covid cases in my practice. Read
Marva’s testimonial on, on the Covid patient testimonials page. For 1.5
years prior to seeing me, she could not walk w/o the aid of a walker due to pain and
swelling in her left lower extremity. Neurologists could not figure out the cause. All
tests (including Covid) had been negative. Bryonia 30c daily completely reversed her
s/s in about a month. She walks w/o any assistance now.
• Even if she did not have long-Covid, Bryonia would help her just fine anyways. The reason is
that she had many of the symptoms of Bryonia.
for Epidemics?
Vaccines- Too inefficient/slow during an
infectious epidemic disease outbreak!?
• Vaccines are currently our mainstay of prevention.
• Unfortunately, a safe and effective vaccine could not be developed
fast enough for any newly emergent highly infectious disease or
infectious bio-threat event. (Note: With the advent of mRNA
technology, work is ongoing to deliver pandemic vaccines within 100
days. However, that’s still 100 days!)
• Thus, the urgent need for alternative approaches for epidemic
disease prevention.
Vaccine theory is similar to homeopathy, but vaccines
have obvious limitations
• In emergency situations, we cannot produce, distribute, and administer ENOUGH
vaccines for large populations FAST enough.
• Impractical to vaccinate ourselves against every new virus or other pathogenic bug
going around, with their mutating new strains coming out.
• What about if there are multiple epidemics going on at same time, multiple vaccines at
same time? This practice might increase possibility of vaccine-related adverse effects.
• Not enough $$$ funding: Sufficient funding for vaccines could be a challenge.
• There are no vaccines available right away for newly emerging epidemic diseases.
• Time: Acquiring immunity w/ vaccines can take a few weeks to months, leaving target
populations vulnerable.
• Fear of injections & risk of use of infected needles, immunization of infants and
pregnant women, etc.
• And, as we have seen with Covid, vaccine hesitancy is a real issue.
Homeopathy vs. Vaccines ?
Homeopathy Vaccines
Effectiveness Yes (based on numerous government
ordered studies using HP)
Note : HP = homeoprophylaxis
Speed of action in body Immediately effective We need time to make anti-bodies.
Speed of intervention in society
(distributing the
Rapid, especially with HP (hours to
days) versus GE which can take time.
Weeks to months  Shortage
Not readily available in emergency
Safety Totally safe. The person will not get
the pathogen, just its vibration.
Pathogens inside vaccines leading to
possible contagiousness. Risk of use
of infected needles. Concern for
immunization of infants and
pregnant women.
Cost Extremely LOW (lowest cost
medicines on Earth)
Expensive  Shortage
Route of administration Oral Injection
Mechanism of action HP: Subtle internal immune system
responses make the body behave as
if it has the dz. GE: Law of Similars.
Antibodies are made in response to
the vaccine
Homeopathy AND Vaccines, can you do both? Yes!
Homeopathy can certainly be a bridging device
until safe & effective vaccines are available.
• Even if you have had OR are planning to get vaccinated, you can still
periodically take the top remedy for the pandemic OR (if available)
take the nosode for the pandemic (i.e. homeoprophylaxis), especially
if the previous vaccination caused an adverse event. “Taking the
nosode will help clear the vaccine by helping the body to reconcile the
partially developed immune system response.”*
• “Homeoprophylaxis with nosodes could be a bridging device in a
serious epidemic for the period until a fully effective vaccine is
available.” Homeopathy (2010) 99, 153-155
* From book “The Solution, Homeoprophylaxis, the Vaccine Alternative” by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott
Are healthy lifestyle & diet, herbs and nutrients
effective enough for the next pandemic?!
• What if they are not?!
• In my experience, patients with a healthy lifestyle and diet did much
better during Covid. However, I also saw many patients with a
healthy lifestyle and diet who also still became rather ill with Covid.
• As a dr, how truly effective were you during the Covid pandemic?
Homeopathic tx of Infectious Diseases
Homeopathy, an effective tool for managing
• Historically, homeopathy has been one of humanity’s most powerful
treatment modalities for dealing with epidemics/pandemics. There is a
plethora of research on this subject that you can find just with a simple
google search.
• Please refer to my previous two AANP presentations to learn more about
this subject. To review literature on how helpful homeopathy was for
Covid, refer to the studies in my 2022 AANP talk. These studies were
carried out in India, Iran, Cuba, Brazil, Austria, United States, Israel, Hong
Kong, Italy, etc.
• Not long ago, the Austrian government confirmed the potential for
homeopathy to tackle the serious subject of antimicrobial
resistance. Within a similar time frame, the Swiss government concluded
that homeopathy is medicinally effective, cost-effective and safe. In India,
the government allows homeopaths to work alongside conventional
doctors in hospitals to help manage Covid-19 patients.
Dr. Hahnemann started the use of
homeopathic remedies during epidemics….
• “If medicines can protect us from the contagion of a raging epidemic,
they must possess a greater power to alter our vital force than the
Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843), a German physician known to be the founder of
• Hahnemann used Belladonna preventively for Scarlet Fever in 1799
• “During a scarlet fever epidemic in 1799, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,
MD, who developed homeopathy, began giving Belladonna, the
homeopathic treatment for the disease, to people who were exposed
but had not yet developed symptoms. Other doctors followed his lead
and found that disease incidence greatly decreased in those who
received Belladonna prophylactically—a finding that led to the
Prussian GOVERNMENT’s order in 1838 to use it as a preventive in all
scarlet fever outbreaks.”
Why homeopathy? Part 1*
• Basic prescribing is easy to learn. (Giving instructions is easy.)
• Correctly prescribed, they are very safe. (Safe in all age categories.)
• They are suitable for young and old alike.
• They are highly effective. (And, they work immediately.)
• They are easy to administer. They have a long shelf-life.
• They are compact, light, and do not require refrigeration. Therefore, easy
to transport and distribute.
• They are inexpensive.
• They are legally transportable across international borders.
• Their nomenclature is standardized world-wide.
* From the book titled “The World Travellers’ Manual of Homeopathy” by Dr. Colin B. Lessell
• “You can take remedies even if on pharmaceutical medications without
fear of interactions.
• Since remedies aim to boost the immune system, genetic mutation will
NOT be a deterrent in finding a correct homeopathic solution.
• Unidentified cause: In case of epidemics where the organism is not
known, homeopathy can still offer remedies (for prevention &/or
treatment) as we rely on the S/S (signs and symptoms) characteristic of the
disease, NOT on the identification of the organism, per se.”*
• SUPPLY CHAIN uncertainly is NOT a concern! We can run short of drugs,
herbs, etc., but we can always GRAFT (or duplicate) homeopathic
homeopathic remedies at our own home/offices.
• (Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for more information.)
Why homeopathy? Part 2*
Key advantages of homeopathy over allopathy
during epidemics- Homeopaths can adapt quickly!
• No testing is required for homeopaths to be able to prescribe since we usually (not
always) base our prescription on the totality of symptoms and the patient’s state,
NOT on the result of a test.
• And, as the epidemic mutates over time, we can quickly find the indicated remedy
(i.e. the appropriate fitting remedy) for the latest version of the epidemic just by
paying close attention to all the symptoms involved. (Note: There are usually 2-3
remedies that rise to the top as the best candidates.)
• Even during the course of an acute illness in one person, we can change remedies as
the symptom picture changes. THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL OF ADAPTABILITY.
• The above factors result in extremely rapid adaptability for practitioners. This is one
area where homeopathy definitely outshines conventional medicine.
Homeopathy Around the World
Posted by Dr. Lisa Samet on Nov 17, 2017
• “There are literally hundreds of thousands of physicians and over 500
million consumers using homeopathy across the globe.
• According to the market research firm, Transparency Market
Research, the overall global market for homeopathic products is
expected to grow by 18.2% by 2024. That’s good news by anyone’s
• *
Despite all odds – Homeopathy continues to gain
• India Times article on Homeopathy
• “Even after being recognized as the fastest growing and the 2nd largest system of
medicine according to World Health Organization (WHO) and enjoying 25%
growth vis the Pharma market which is 10% globally, when it comes to
homeopathy there are many apprehensions attached to it. It is still believed that
Homeopathy is not as effective as conventional medicines which is the biggest
myth associated with Homeopathy.
• According to statistics from the World Health Organization, homeopathy is
practiced and is available in 40 out of 42 European nations. In France, 95% of all
GPs, paediatricians and dermatologists use homeopathic remedies in their
practices. The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is
“effective, cost-effective and safe.” The Swiss government now recognizes
homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary medicine. According to
the BMJ (British Medical Journal), an impressive 57% of people in Germany use
homeopathic medicines.”
• July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra
Thousands of Homeopathic Studies on PUBMED
•Dr. Iris Bell, M.D., Ph.D., and her colleagues catalogued thousands
of pieces of homeopathic research including many RCT’s (randomized,
double blinded, controlled studies).
• Homeopathy Research Evidence Base: References 2023 (last updated 1.10.23)
How Homeopathic Medicines Work:
Nanopharmacology At Its Best, by Iris Bell, MD,
• Highlights
• • Living systems are self-organized complex adaptive systems (CAS): that is, networks of inter-connected and
interactive parts that manifest healthy or diseased states.
• The simillimum medicine conveys a low-intensity, individually salient environmental danger signal (information that
captures a low-dose version of the pre-existing disease pattern) to the sensory and cell defense response networks of
the body and thereby initiates the adaptive systemic phenomenon of hormesis.
• In turn, endogenous cell-to-cell signaling pathways transduce and amplify the low-intensity homeopathic information
throughout the overall CAS, mobilizing adaptive self-organized changes to improve stress resistance, resilience, and
fitness for survival.
• Endogenous signal amplification mechanisms include stochastic resonance, time-dependent sensitization and
• The latter two mechanisms can generate directional reversal of symptom pattern expression as a function,
respectively, of the initial state of the individual recipient and of the quantitatively low dose of the medicine as a
• Consequently, the correct medicine (simillimum) initiates a system-wide non-linear homeopathic healing process
carried through the internal dynamics of the body sub-systems/networks, rather than by a direct local pharmacological
mechanism of the homeopathic medicine.
Article titled “The Complexity of the Homeopathic Healing Response Part 1: The Role of the Body as a Complex
Adaptive System in Simillimum-Initiated Recovery from Disease”
Homeopathy. 2020 May;109(2):42-50. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1694998. Epub 2019 Nov 30. Iris
R Bell, MD, PhD
Article: “Low Doses of Traditional Nanophytomedicines for Clinical
Treatment: Manufacturing Processes and Nonlinear Response Patterns”
• “In conclusion, the identification of nanoscale structures in traditional
phytomedicine systems, from traditional Chinese medicine to Ayurveda to
homeopathy, opens the door to important advances in integrative healthcare.
The extensive histories of real-world clinical applications in these traditional
fields, especially homeopathy, can contribute a wealth of practical insights for
guiding translation of numerous natural nanophytomedicines from bench to
bedside. Of the traditional systems of medicine, homeopathy, previously one of
the most controversial, brings the MOST extensive experience in manufacturing
top-down and possibly biosynthesized nanophytomedicines from members of
many different plant families. Modern nanotechnology can add great
sophistication to nanoparticle generation, characterization and biological testing
techniques for homeopathically prepared nanomedicines. In turn, homeopathy
stands ready to point toward potential strategies and mechanisms for safe and
effective use of pulsed low dose nanomedicines in therapeutic contexts.”
*: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 15, 4021–4038, 2015
By: Iris R. Bell, MD, PhD, Barbara Sarter, PhD, APRN, FNP-C, Leanna J. Standish ND, PhD, Prasanta Banerji
FMIH, and Pratip Banerji MD(Hom)
More articles on Homeopathy & Nanomedicine (nanopharmacology or
• Chikramane PS, Suresh, et al.: Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticle perspective. Homeopathy 2010, 99(4); 231-
• Upadhhyay RP, Nayak C: Homeopathy emerging as nanomedicine. International Journal of High Dilution Research 2011, 103(37); 299-310
• Bell, Ir, B., et al. (2013). "Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public
• Health." Eur J Integr Med 1(5(2)): 126-140.
• Bell IR. (2014). "Integrative nanomedicine: homeopathic remedies as source and silica nanoparticles acting as danger signals for nonlinear complex
adaptive systems." Homeopathy 103(1): 63-64.
• Bell IR. Nanoparticles, Adaptation and Network Medicine: An Integrative Theoretical Framework for Homeopathy HRI Research Article Issue 17
Autumn 2012
• Bell, IR, et al. Nanoparticle Characterization of Traditional Homeopathically-Manufactured Silver (Argentum Metallicum) Medicines and Placebo
Controls. Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology (Nov. 2015)
• Bell, IR et al. Nanoparticle Characterization of Traditional Homeopathically-Manufactured Gelsemium sempervirens Medicines and Placebo
Controls Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery (2015 5:3)
• Bell IR, Ives JA, Jonas WB. Nonlinear effects of nanoparticles: Biological variability from hermetic doses, small particle
• sizes,and dynamic adaptive interactions. Dose Response. 2013 Nov 7;12(2):202-32
• Bell IR, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Testing the Nanoparticle-Allostatic Cross Adaptation-Sensitization Model for Homeopathic Remedy
effects. Homeopathy. 2013;102:66-81.
• Bell IR, Sarter B, et al. Integrative Nanomedicine: Treating Cancer With Nanoscale Natural Products
• Bell IR, Sarter B, et al. Low Doses of Traditional Nanophytomedicines for Clinical Treatment: Manufacturing Processes and Nonlinear Response
Patterns Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 14, 1–17, 2014
• Bell IR, Sarter B, et al. Nonlinear Response Amplification Mechanisms for Low Doses of Natural Product Nanomedicines: Dynamical Interactions with
the Recipient J Nanomed Nanotechol 2013, 4:4
• Bell, IR, Schwartz, GE et al. Extending the Adaptive Network Nanomedicine Model for Homeopathic Medicines: Nanostructures as Salient Cell
Danger Signals for Adaptation Symbiosis SOJ/ Nanoscience & Technology/Open Access June 26, 2015
• Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Boyer NN, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public
Health. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2013;5:126-140.
• Bell IR, Schwartz GE et al. Adaptational Nanomedicine and Hormesis: Homeopathic remedies as nanoparticles and low intensity systemic
stressors. Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Ed.). 2013;5(2):685-708.
• Bell IR, Schwartz GE et al. Extending the Adaptive Network Nanomedicine Model for Homeopathic Medicines: Nanostructures as Salient Cell Danger
Signals for Adaptation. Nanosci Technol 2(1): 1-22.
Homeopathy Tops Northern Ireland Study
• Evaluation of a CAM Pilot Project in Northern Ireland (2008)
• A Northern Ireland Government study determined that
alternative and complementary therapies offer significant health
benefits for patients, plus savings in government healthcare
costs – and that homeopathy did the best of all!
• Therapies involved in the study included acupuncture,
chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, reflexology,
aromatherapy and massage. Patients who received
homeopathic treatment had the greatest improvement (79%),
followed by acupuncture (77%) and chiropractic or osteopathy
Ireland study…. Health Problems Treated
• Patients were referred by local doctors, often when conventional treatment could not help, for problems such as:
• Arthritis,
• Joint, back and neck pain
• Fibromyalgia
• Myalgic encephalitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
• Stress related problems
• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Depression
• Insomnia
• Anger and aggressiveness
• Headaches and migraines
• Shaking and trembling
• Chest infections
• High blood pressure
• Obesity
• Psoriasis
Homoeopathy in the management of infectious diseases: Different
facets of its use and implications for the future - INDIA
• A review article found in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy (Official Publication of Central
Council for Research in Homeopathy)
• Results: The literature search of two decades (1999–2019) gathered 86 articles: Meta-analysis (n = 1),
systematic reviews (n = 4), randomized controlled trials (n = 30), comparative cohort/observational studies
(n = 16), cohort/observational studies (single arm) (n = 25), case series (n = 7) and case reports (n = 3). The
review demonstrated the beneficial evidence of homeopathy in infectious diseases is large. Both controlled
and uncontrolled studies reported positive results, early recovery, reduction of hospital stay, less use of
antibiotics and satisfaction of patients. Prophylactic studies on dengue, chikungunya, Japanese
encephalitis/acute encephalitis syndrome and leptospirosis have shown the potential role of homeopathy in
preventing the disease outbreaks. Homoeopathy as an add-on treatment for these conditions has shown
added benefits in reducing mortality, morbidity and sequelae. Homoeopathy has a possible and viable role
as standalone and as an integrative medicine for different infectious diseases.
• *** 108 References
• Conclusion: Homoeopathy offers beneficial role in combating infections. Due to the heterogeneity of
approaches, more studies in different research settings are warranted to add to the existing evidence and
validating it for enhancing the self-healing power of the body against infections.
• Roja Varanasi, Debadatta Nayak
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India
• 2020 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 2 | Page : 110-121
Homeopathy in the Age of Antimicrobial Resistance: Is It a Viable
Treatment for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections? United
• Results: Multiple peer-reviewed studies were found in which homeopathy had
been used to treat URTIs and associated symptoms (cough, pharyngitis, tonsillitis,
otitis media, acute sinusitis, etc.). Nine randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 8
observational/cohort studies were analysed, 7 of which were paediatric studies.
Seven RCTs used combination remedies with multiple constituents. Results for
homeopathy treatment were positive overall, with faster resolution, reduced use
of antibiotics and possible prophylactic and longer-term benefits.
• Conclusions: Variations in size, location, cohort and outcome measures make
comparisons and generalisations concerning homeopathic clinical trials for URTIs
problematic. Nevertheless, study findings suggest at least equivalence between
homeopathy and conventional treatment for uncomplicated URTI cases, with
fewer adverse events and potentially broader therapeutic outcomes. The use of
non-individualised homeopathic compounds tailored for the paediatric
population merits further investigation, including through cohort studies. In the
light of antimicrobial resistance, homeopathy offers alternative strategies for
minor infections and possible prevention of recurring URTIs.
• Homeopathy. 2018 May;107(2):99-114. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1621745.
Austrian government confirms potential of
homeopathy in tackling anti-microbial resistance.
• Apr 08, 2022
• Article: Austrian AMR Action Plan confirms the potential of
• The latest version of the Austrian government’s national Action Plan
on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) confirms the potential of
homeopathy and other complementary medicines in tackling
antimicrobial resistance.
Swiss government recently concluded that
homeopathy is effective, inexpensive and safe.
• “The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is
effective, cost-effective and safe. The Swiss government now
recognizes homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary
• *:
• July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra
Homeoprophylaxis (HP): Evidence for
• Pubmed has many citations on the subject of HP.
• HomeopathyCenter.Org offers a list of numerous records, studies and
trials on HP:
• As can be seen from the present-day government-ordered HP studies,
we are more and more seeing that developing countries are
embracing homeopathy for its cost effectiveness, simplicity and
Article: Large Scale Homeoprophylaxis: Results of Brief and
Long-Term Interventions, Isaac Golden, PhD, AJHM 112-1
Spring 2019
Country Programs Interventions by person, by year
and by disease
Cuba 7 25,520,000
India 10 65,364,071
Brazil 9 1,072,039
26 91,956,110
Table 1 summarizes a recent analysis which quantified the use of HP in 26
interventions in three countries. Over 90 million people on an annualized basis
had been protected, with effectiveness between 75% and 95%. Most of the
interventions were directed by government agencies and undertaken by doctors
and scientists employed by the agencies.
Conclusion: HP can provide governments a very economical practical option to
combat infectious diseases in both short and long-term disease outbreaks.
Homeopathy has historically outshined other
therapies during epidemics
• Dr. Todd Hoover, MD: Homeopathic practice during massive
epidemics throughout the world has been the gold standard for
showing the efficacy of potentized remedies.
• In 1900, Thomas Lindsley Bradford, MD, wrote a book called "The
Logic of Figures" in which he collected the statistics he could find that
would compare the conventional therapeutics with homeopathic
Why do medical historians ignore
homeopathic statistics?
• “Despite well-documented and official reports, the results obtained by
homeopathy in times of epidemics have been almost completely ignored
by medical historians.” (Dr. Andre Saine’s talk titled “Homeopathy in Times of Epidemics: A Brief
Overview”, June 2017, Germany)
• Dr. Robin Murphy, ND, also brings this up in his talk on epidemics.
• It could be that, “most would rather not see the ineffectiveness of the
conventional therapeutics nor accept the efficacy of homeopathy.” (From the
article “Treatment of Epidemics with Homeopathy- A History” by Julian Winston, he is quoting Thomas Bradford,
MD, the author of the book “The Logic of Figures”)
Antihomeopathy rhetoric will soon be irrelevant!
• “Large-scale use and acceptance of homeopathy in Cuba, Latin
America, and India raises questions about the relevance of campaigns
mounted against homeopathy in the developed world.
• Given the shifting balance of global power (toward the fast-growing
economies in Asia, South, and Latin Americas, and others), the
antihomeopathy rhetoric will soon be seen for what it really is:
*: “Emerging Economies’ Need for Cheap, Efficient Health Care Makes Anti-Homeopathy Rhetoric Irrelevant:
Observations from the Canadian Homeopathy Conference”, October 2011, Lionel Milogrom and et al. (The Journal
of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 18, Number 7, 2012, pp 723-726
The Law of Similars (Homeopathy) vs. The
way of Opposites (Allopathy)
• The way of Opposites is well-known to all of us from conventional
medicine: If you have pain, you are given a painkiller. If you suffer
from constipation, you are given laxatives, and so on.
• The Law of Similars is rather different: a substance is given which, in a
healthy person, would produce the same set of symptoms as those of
which the patient complains. This is the basic law of homeopathy:
‘Like Cures Like’. Based on this premise, the first homeopathic
principle states that any substance that can make you ill can also cure
you – anything that is capable of producing symptoms of disease in a
healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person.
Remedy must be STRONGER & most SIMILAR to the dz
• Aphorism § 34 from the Sixth Edition of Organon:
The greater strength of the artificial diseases producible by medicines is, however, not
the sole cause of their power to cure natural disease. In order that they may effect a
cure, it is before all things requisite that they should be capable of producing in the
human body an artificial disease as similar as possible to the disease to be cured, which,
with somewhat increased power, transforms to a very similar morbid state the instinctive
life principle, which in itself is incapable of any reflection or act of memory. It not only
obscures, but extinguishes and thereby annihilates the derangement caused by the
natural disease. This is so true, that no previously existing disease can be cured, even by
Nature herself, by the accession of a new dissimilar disease, be it ever so strong, and just
as little can it be cured by medical treatment with drugs which are incapable of
producing a similar morbid condition in the healthy body.
• Summary: The artificial disease (brought on by a remedy) does not only have to be
STRONGER, but it has to be MOST SIMILAR. Nature cannot cure an old disease by adding
a new dissimilar one.
Example for Law of Similars –
A case of Apis from Kenya
• Kezia's Staphylococcus Infection and Treatment
• Refer to her testimonial and the ”before”/”after” pictures on my website:
• She had all the keynotes of the remedy Apis- her skin felt: stinging, hot, swollen, itchy,
WORSE WITH HEAT. These are all symptoms that would show up in response to a bee
• The remedy Apis, which is prepared from bee venom, can be effective for relieving the
above signs/symptoms (regardless of whether the person was stung by a bee OR NOT).
• As you can see, in homeopathy, the remedy is selected according to symptom similarity.
A case of APIS
Kezia’s testimonial
“Before I met Dr Sharif my eczema was out of control. I even developed an excruciatingly
painful Staphylococcus infection on that eczema. My skin was peeling at an alarming rate
and I had boils and blisters on both hands. Expert allopathic dermatologists had me on
steroids and antibiotics for weeks but these didn’t bring relief and in fact my skin developed
an allergic reaction to the topicals.
“Dr Sharif prescribed the right homeopathic remedy and within hours my skin began to
settle. This time I did not need to have a nurse drain and dress my blisters. They quietly
emptied themselves on their own. My skin grew back and the pain which used to keep me
up all night, was gone. After weeks of hospital visits and painful treatments I am so
grateful that Dr Sharif helped me get a full recovery within days just from one zoom
consultation and two simple remedies. When seeing these results, my dermatologist was
amazed at how fast and complete my recovery was.” Kezia from Kenya
Before & After pictures
Another example to
demonstrate the Law of
Similars in Homeopathy
BRYONIA – The most common remedy used in the beginning of
the pandemic for active cases & for long-Covid
• I used to see hundreds of Covid-19 Bryonia cases prior to Omicron.
• Keynotes (or top features) of the remedy Bryonia were MOST SIMILAR to the
signs/symptoms that the original variants of SARS-CoV-2 would bring on.
• Dryness in various parts of the body including mouth/throat, intestines, lungs, eyes,
skin, etc.
• Dry and unproductive cough, sensation of pain and tightness in the chest
• Often very thirsty (particularly for cold water)
• LEFT-sided symptoms much more prevalent or worse than right s/s
• Severe pain in one or a few body parts, worse on the left
• Pain worse with movement
• Significant moodiness, irritability or anger is often present
• Therefore, based on the Law of Similars, if a Covid-19 patient demonstrated s/s that
matched Bryonia, the remedy Bryonia would be effective in management of the
• Even now, if a long-Covid patient demonstrates s/s that match Bryonia, this remedy could
be very helpful, and in some cases critical, in such cases. Refer to the Covid & post-Covid
testimonials page on my website.
The concepts we will discuss in the following slides are extremely important
and relevant to our times.
Once you learn the core concepts here, you can apply that knowledge to
numerous circumstances in your practice since these concepts/principles are
based on the laws of nature and are ageless.
Many of the examples of the acute diseases discussed here are eradicated or
rare diseases such as smallpox, cowpox and measles, but you can completely
apply these principles to modern and/or more common diseases as well.
With the principles discussed in the Organon, we have access to a powerful
tool that can help us better be able to both assess AND treat various
overlapping diseases.
Organon Online:
• An online source of the Organon:
organon/ E-Journal
• Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (hom), is the founder and
director of which is one of the most
respected homeopathy e-journals in the world.
Relevant Articles by Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (Hom),
on Similar Diseases OR Dis-similar Diseases in
same person @ same time
In the following articles, Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (Hom) analyzes and explains Hahnemann’s aphorisms on the
subjects of dissimilar and similar diseases:
1) Article: Lecture on Aphorism 36-37. In this article, Dr. Manish Bhatia discusses the 36th and 37th
Aphorisms, where Hahnemann discusses what happens when two dissimilar diseases meet in a body.
2) Lecture on Aphorism 38-39
3) Aphorism 40 discusses the formation of COMPLEX diseases by two natural dissimilar diseases.
4) Article: Two Similar Diseases – Aphorisms 43-46
ORGANON on Overlapping Diseases
• The following several slides will cover the various aphorisms from the
Organon of the Medical Art (written by Dr. Christian Samuel
Hahnemann, MD, the originator of Homeopathy) on the subject of
overlapping diseases.
• Note: The following slides are extracted from the abbreviated/concise version of
the Organon in a pdf format prepared by Julian Winston for the students of the
Wellington College of Homeopathy. It was printed in the USA in Homeopathy
Aphorisms in the Organon on the Principle of
Similars vs. Anti-pathic Drugs
• 22-27: The principle of similars
• 22. The curative powers of medicines exist only because they can produce
symptoms in the healthy and remove them from the sick. Medicines can be
similar or opposite to the disease. Which to use is revealed by experience.
[description of allopathic medicine]
• 23. But experience shows that anti-pathic drugs don't cure; the symptoms
return with renewed intensity
• 24. Therefore homoeopathy is the system of choice.
• 25. This can be learned by pure experiment [not the kind of experiment
which is conducted by the regular physician, which is like looking into a
kaleidoscope] *
• 26. A weaker dynamic affliction is extinguished by a stronger IF it is similar
in nature.
• 27. Curative powers depend upon the symptoms they produce being
similar to the symptoms of the disease, but stronger.
Aphorisms in Organon on overlapping diseases
• 28- 29: HOW IT WORKS (attempt) rewritten in the 6th.
• 28. Scientific explanations of how it works are of little importance; there is no value in attempting
one. Nevertheless...
• 29. The artificial disease of the remedy overpowers the weaker natural disease. When the force of
the artificial disease is spent, the body returns to normal health. This is a most probable
• 30-69: Lays out the philosophy of the system
• 30. The human body is more disposed to let it's state of health be altered by drugs than by
• 31. Disease agents do not affect everyone. We fall ill only when susceptible. [SUSCEPTIBILITY]
• 32. Medicinal agents can affect all people.
• 33. The body is, therefore, more susceptible to medicinal forces.
• 34. The artificial disease (brought on by a remedy) does not only have to be stronger, but it has to
be most similar. [The vital principle is instinctive, unreasoning, and without memory]. Nature
cannot cure an old disease by adding a new dissimilar one.
• 35. Consider when two dissimilar diseases meet in the same person [examples are given in
paragraphs 36-40]
• 36. Old diseases keep away new dissimilar diseases.
• 37. Chronic diseases are not affected by non-homoeopathic treatment.
Aphorisms in Organon on overlapping diseases…
• 38. New, stronger diseases can SUPPRESS old disease but will never remove it
• 39. Allopathic treatment SUPPRESSES the disease, then the chronic disease returns when the
medication is withdrawn.
• 40. New diseases can join older diseases and become COMPLEX. Neither removes the other
• 41. Heavy drugging with allopathic medicines leads to an artificial drug disease and makes it into
a chronic problem
• 42. Two dissimilar diseases can exist in the body at the same time
• 43. But when two similar diseases meet we can observe how cure takes place.
• 44. Two similar diseases cannot suspend, ward off, or exist at the same time.
• 45. Two similar diseases will destroy each other in the organism.
• 46. Examples of the above.
• 47. It should be convincingly clear that this is how to cure according to natural law.
• 48. Dissimilar diseases don't cure.
• 49. Nature is poor in remedial homoeopathic diseases, so we do not notice them often.
• 50. And those that can cure, bring other problems, often because the dose cannot be controlled.
• 51. But the physician has many medicines available
What do the words “SUSPEND” & “REMOVE”
in the Organon imply?
The word “suspend” implies a temporary action- how one disease can
temporarily suspend another dz. When a dz is suspended, it will return
The concept of suspension of a dz is found only under DISSIMILAR
overlapping diseases.
The word “remove” implies a permanent action- how one dz can
permanently remove (or annihilates or extinguishes) another dz.
The concept of removal of a dz is found only under SIMILAR
overlapping diseases.
***What makes two diseases SIMILAR or DIS-SIMILAR?
Totality of Symptoms > Biochemistry of germs
“The closely related structure or genetic biochemistry of two
morbific influences (infectious agents) does not determine
whether two diseases are similar or dissimilar. It is the
observable, perceptible manifestations of the totality of
disease symptoms in a specific living organism that defines
similar or dissimilar.”
Dr. Joel Shepperd, MD
***Could same two diseases be interpreted by
different individuals as “similar” vs “dis-similar”?
• Yes! This is an extremely important slide!!!!
• According to Dr. Joel Shepperd, MD:
• “An example from aphorism 46 discusses measles and whooping cough occurring in
same person at the same time:
• In one person these two diseases may be dissimilar diseases.
• In another person they may be similar diseases.
• In yet another person they may form a complex disease.”
• We will discuss this subject in more depth in the slides coming up.
More on what do similar vs dissimilar diseases
in Organon mean…
• Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (hom): “If a disease is sufficiently dissimilar to an
existing disease, it is most likely targeting a different level or different
organ system.”*
• I believe diseases referred to as “similar” diseases in the Organon are
diseases that affect a person similarly- they bring about similar symptoms.
They would by default have to affect the same organ/tissues, same
• *:
Acute versus Chronic Overlapping Diseases?
Please note that the principles discussed in the
following slides hold true regardless of whether each
(or both) of the two overlapping diseases are acute
versus chronic (or whether the diseases are infectious
versus non-infectious, for that matter).
Example of how dis-similar diseases don’t mix!
Water and oil don’t mix- one REPELS the other
1) Dis-similar Overlapping Diseases
What happens when two or more dis-similar diseases affect the same person at same time?
The stronger disease will REPEL or SUSPEND the weaker one, OR
the two dis-similar diseases will combine and form a COMPLEX disease.
1) If older (i.e. previous) dz is stronger OR of equal strength, the new dz will be
2) If new dz is stronger, it will suspend the old dz. In other words, the older (in
this case, weaker) dz will be suspended, and will return later uncured.
3) If new dz & the old one have similar strengths & different tissue affinity,
they can join each other and form a DOUBLE COMPLEX dz.
Dissimilar diseases don’t cure each other ~
Dissimilar drugs (allopathic Rx’s) don’t cure!
• Aphorism § 35
In order to illustrate this, we shall consider in three different cases, as
well what happens in nature when two dissimilar natural diseases
meet in one person, as also the result of the ordinary medical
treatment of diseases with unsuitable allopathic drugs, which are
incapable of producing an artificial morbid condition similar to the
disease to be cured, whereby it will appear that even Nature herself is
unable to remove a dissimilar disease already present by one that is
unhomoeopathic, even though it be stronger, and just as little is the
unhomoeopathic employment of even the strongest medicines ever
capable of curing any disease whatsoever.
Allopathic drugs create an artificial dz
dissimilar to the original dz
• Aphorism § 39
• …… Did they (allopathic physicians) not perceive when they employed, as
was their custom, and aggressive allopathic treatment in a chronic disease,
that thereby they only created an artificial disease dissimilar to the original
one, which, as long as it was kept up, merely held in abeyance, merely
suppressed, merely suspended the original disease, which latter, however,
always returned, and must return, as soon as the diminished strength of
the patient no longer admitted of a continuance of the allopathic attacks
on the life? …..”
• My note: If remedies are selected properly, homeopathic remedies create
an artificial state (or say dz) similar to the original dz.
Allopathic drugs don’t cure BECAUSE they are
incapable of producing a state SIMILAR to the dz –
they only suspend/suppress the dz
• Aphorism § 37 Sixth Edition
So, also under ordinary medical treatment, an old chronic disease
remains uncured and unaltered if it is treated according to the
common allopathic method, that is to say, with medicines that are
incapable of producing in healthy individuals a state of health similar
to the disease, even though the treatment should last for years and is
not of too violent character. This is daily witnessed in practice, it is
therefore unnecessary to give any illustrative examples.
• Summary: Chronic diseases are not cured by non-homoeopathic
treatment because the artificial dz created by such tx in the person is
NOT similar to the dz affecting her/him.
• Also refer to aphorism #39 & 41 for more info on this subject.
Allopathic drugs  giving the patient an
additional dz?!
• Aphorism § 41 Sixth Edition
Much more frequent than the natural diseases associating with and complicating
one another in the same body are the morbid complication resulting from the art
of the ordinary practitioner, which the inappropriate medical treatment (the
allopathic method) is apt to produce by the long-continued employment of
unsuitable drugs. To the natural disease, which it is proposed to cure, there are
then added, by the constant repetition of the unsuitable medical agent, the new,
often very tedious, morbid conditions corresponding to the nature of this agent;
these gradually coalesce with and complicate the chronic malady which is dissimilar
to them (which they were unable to cure by similarity of action, that is,
homeopathically), adding to the old disease a new, dissimilar, artificial malady of a
chronic nature, and thus give the patient a DOUBLE in place of a single disease,
that is to say, render him much worse and more difficult to cure, often quite
2 dissimilar diseases:
Scenario I) If older dz is stronger OR of same
strength, the new dz will be repelled
• Aphorism § 36
If the two dissimilar diseases meeting together in the human being be of equal
strength, or still more if the older one be the stronger, the new disease will be
repelled by the old one from the body and not allowed to affect it.
• A patient suffering from a severe chronic disease will not be infected by a
moderate autumnal dysentery or other epidemic disease.
• Example: The plague of the Levant, according to Larry, does not break out where
scurvy is prevalent, and persons suffering from eczema are not infected by it.
Rachitis, Jenner alleges, prevents vaccination from taking effect. Those suffering
from pulmonary consumption are not liable to be attacked by epidemic fevers of
a not very violent character, according to Von Hildenbrand.
• Summary: Old diseases keep away new dissimilar diseases.
Dr. Manish Bhatia on dis-similar diseases
• Article: Lecture on Aphorism 36-37 - Dr. Manish Bhatia
This time Dr. Manish Bhatia discusses the 36th and 37th Aphorisms,
where Hahnemann discusses what happens when two dissimilar
diseases meet in a body.
Scenario I-A) If older dz is stronger, the new
dz will be repelled
Another example of “If older dz is stronger,
the new dz will be repelled.”
• If clinically depressed, less likely to catch a cold!!
• “A healthy person is more disposed to catch a seasonal acute and a
less healthy person is more likely to develop a chronic condition (say
hair fall) under similar stress. Your level of health decides what
disease you can acquire. If your susceptibility lies at the mental or
emotional level, you are unlikely to catch a cold at the onset of
winters. But you can suffer from depression in winters. This is often
seen in mental asylums too where the frequency of acutes is very
• *:
Another modern example
• A Covid patient catches the cold virus. Covid will repel the common
cold because it is stronger.
• Note: This is one of the main reasons why we did not see hardly
anyone with the common cold during the initial phase of the
Scenario I-B) If older dz and the new dz are of
equal strength, the new dz will be repelled.”
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AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
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AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
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AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
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AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
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AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx
AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION  081723 pptx.pptx

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AANP 2023 PP - FINAL VERSION 081723 pptx.pptx

  • 1. AANP Summer of 2023 Homeopathic Management of Overlapping Infectious Diseases (Or Multiple Simultaneous Infections) Sharum Sharif, ND
  • 2. Disclaimer If you have any acute disease including Covid-19, the flu, etc., you must consult with your doctor. Do NOT self-treat! It’s imperative to realize that homeopathy does not have any remedies for ANY specific conditions, including Covid-19. In homeopathy, we treat people NOT diseases. Regardless of the name of the disease, mainly based on the person’s state and unique set of signs/symptoms, we find a remedy that best matches the case. Therefore, homeopaths are not claiming that they have a specific verifiable cure/treatment or method of prevention for any specific infectious diseases.
  • 3. Overlapping ACUTE INFECTIOUS Diseases • Although the principles discussed in this presentation apply to ALL overlapping diseases (acute and/or chronic), the emphasis of this presentation is specifically on management of overlapping ACUTE INFECTIOUS diseases, specifically epidemics. • Note: True EPIDEMICS are acute infectious diseases which are usually febrile and are characterized by a prodrome, a crisis and then either: • 1) A rapid decline which can lead to death or • 2) Recovery.
  • 4. Note: In this presentation, we are mainly discussing overlapping acute diseases in same person (at same time). Although we do touch upon the subject of multiple chronic diseases in same person, we are not covering it in-depth. (Note: Most people have COMPLEX conditions, which is when 2 or more dis-similar diseases exist in same person at same time.) Emphasizing overlapping acute diseases vs. multiple chronic diseases in same person at same time
  • 5. Tripledemic of RSV, flu and Covid in 2022 Role of homeopathy … Last Winter, we saw a ‘Tripledemic’ in our world- a nasty collision of three viruses – the flu, the coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial virus (R.S.V.). As ND’s, imagine treating RSV and/or Covid in a child. Are you going to use herbal pills/tinctures, acupuncture or IV vitamin nutrient therapy?! OR wait until severe, then refer to ER?! Homeopathy offers us a wonderful alternative method of management of infectious diseases in children and adults alike. (Note: The company Boiron offered a highly educational webinar by Dr. Youngran Chung, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist in Nov of 2022 which was titled “Role of Homeopathy in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) respiratory infections”.)
  • 6. Overlapping Covid, flu, long-Covid, allergies, RSV, common cold…. Various possibilities • We could potentially see ANY combination of the above (plus other) acute and/or chronic respiratory conditions in same person at same time. Here are just a few examples that I have seen in my practice over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic: • (Note: “Delta Covid” means Covid caused by the Delta variant, etc.) • Delta Covid, then Delta long-Covid, then Omicron Covid. • Delta long-Covid, then flu, followed by Omicron • Delta long-Covid, then Omicron, then the flu • Omicron, then (Omicron long-Covid and allergies simultaneously) • Acute Omicron and allergies simultaneously • Long-Covid, then (RSV and allergies simultaneously) • Delta Long-Covid and allergies simultaneously • How do you handle such complicated cases? You treat what you see! Will discuss more later.
  • 7. Various terms used to refer to overlapping infections • Simultaneous infections (or diseases) • Coinfections • Combination infections • Overlap syndromes • Dueling infections • Double or triple infections • Double whammy • One-two punch • Tripledemic • Flurona (Flu and Corona) • Co-circulating viruses • The IMPORTANT question in the case of overlapping conditions is: Are we talking about SIMILAR or DIS-SIMILAR overlapping conditions? As we will see in this presentation, we could have all sorts of various outcomes in each case.
  • 8. My Previous two AANP Presentations were on Epidemics & Pandemics • Summer of 2019: “Homeopathic Prevention & Treatment of Epidemics & Pandemics”. • Video is on homepage of • Summer of 2022: “Homeopathic Management of Covid & Long- Covid”. • Powerpoint presentation is under Educational Slideshows on
  • 9. Topics covered in my 2019 AANP presentation on Homeopathic Prevention & Treatment of Epidemics: • How epidemics are on the rise. • Why epidemics are on the rise. • How conventional medical approaches by themselves (including drugs and vaccination) are NOT going to be sufficiently meeting the needs of our species. • How we need an alternative solution. • How we need a solution (namely homeopathy) that has passed the test of time, a solid solution that we can count on with a high degree of reliability during the present & upcoming epidemics. • Evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for various past AND present epidemic diseases.
  • 10. • How homeopathy is being used by many governments and nations across the planet, and how this trend is rising. • Highlights of case-taking & dosing during epidemics. • The main 3 approaches to homeopathic prescribing during epidemics, for prevention AND treatment (1: Genus epidemicus, 2: The indicated remedy based on clinical rubrics, & 3: Homeoprophylaxis/Nosode). • Why it’s important for us as a community to have a Pandemic Response Plan. • Various helpful homeopathic and non-homeopathic websites and other important resources. 2019, Continued:
  • 11. Topics covered in my 2022 AANP presentation on Homeopathic Management of Covid & Post-Covid: • One of the world’s greatest threats – infectious diseases & antimicrobial resistance • Evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy in general, but also specifically in regard to epidemics/pandemics • Evidence and Research on Homeopathic Management of Covid and Long- Covid • Homeopathic Prophylaxis for Covid-19 • Top remedies for homeopathic management of: • Covid-19 • Long-Covid or post-Covid • Post-Covid vaccine complications (or Vaccinosis) • Prescribing during epidemics (case-taking, dosing, & frequency) • A few case studies of Covid, post-Covid, and post-vaccine complications • Resources
  • 12. Overview of Today’s Presentation: • Lessons learned so far about homeopathic management of Covid-19 and long-Covid • Why should we be concerned about overlapping infectious diseases/epidemics? • Next pandemic? • Challenges of diagnostic testing during infectious epidemics, especially overlapping ones • Convenience of using homeopathic assessment of overlapping diseases- No tests are needed! • Homeopathy vs. vaccines? • Brief overview of historical and present-day evidence for effectiveness of homeopathy in management/treatment of infectious epidemic diseases • Why consider homeopathy in the management/treatment of overlapping infectious diseases? Adaptability is the key word! • The Law of Similars (like cures like) in homeopathy is based on natural laws. The remedy is intended to induce a state in the patient similar to the disease. • The way of Opposites (treating a sx w/ a contrary remedy) in allopathy is not based on natural laws. The Drug induces a state in the patient dissimilar (opposite) to the disease. • Hahnemann’s writings on what happens when dissimilar VERSUS similar overlapping infectious diseases infect the same person around same time
  • 13. Overview, continued • Similar overlapping diseases in nature can cure/remove each other. • This is why Homeopathy often cures- The remedy is selected based on the Law of Similars. • Dissimilar overlapping diseases in nature can exist in the body at the same time (they don’t cure or remove each other). • This is why Allopathy is often not curative- The drugs are selected based on the way of Opposites. • COMPLEX diseases: A rare occurrence w/ DIS-similar ACUTE overlapping diseases co-existing in same person at same time • Overview of the top remedies for common respiratory infectious diseases including pneumonia, coughs, the flu and Covid. • Knots & Bolts of Prescribing in Homeopathy: Potency selection, dosing frequency, and f/u care • Can Covid be the last pandemic?
  • 15. • There are countless number of fellow courageous human beings (doctors or otherwise) who did and are willing to put their lives on the line to help humanity. We are so grateful to them all. Thank you! • Countless research articles & presentations on Covid-19 by homeopaths from across the planet. • Refer to my Covid & post-Covid AANP Talk from 2022 for more info. • Dr. Andrea Saine, ND, Dr. Paul Herscu, ND, and many other doctors offered numerous elaborate webinars on Covid throughout the pandemic. (Refer to links on my last year’s AANP talk.) • Various homeopathic associations and their members contributed to collecting data on the top remedies effective for management of Covid. For example, AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) had a database that the members contributed to in order to come up with the top remedies.
  • 16. An important MODIFICATION to my 2019 AANP: • In my 2019 AANP talk, I shared with you all the following: • GE > Indicated Remedy > Nosode. (Meaning, during an epidemic disease, the Genus Epidemicus (GE) is better than the “indicated remedy” which is better than the nosode.) • Since then, based on our collective experience with Covid, I’d like to modify my previous statement: • For treatment (i.e. when symptoms are present): • Indicated Remedy > GE > Nosode • For prevention (i.e. when symptoms are absent): • GE > Nosode • What is the best homeopathic approach in treating epidemics/pandemics? • 1) The most ”indicated” remedy (whose keynotes best match the patient’s signs/symptoms) • 2) Genus Epidemicus (GE) • 3) The nosode for the disease
  • 17. Subvariants of Omicron: As the virus mutates, the top remedies change.
  • 18. As the virus mutates, the top remedies change: • In my practice, • In 2020-21, the remedies used in the pandemic were “LUNG” remedies: Bryonia alba, Antimonium tart, Phosphorus, Gelsemium, etc. • In 2022-23, since Omicron, by far, most cases require “EENT” remedies: Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla, Hepar sulph, etc. (Note: Minority of Omicron patients seem to need Antimonium tart which is mainly a lung remedy.) Note: As the virus mutates, we might need to return to using more LUNG remedies. • The top remedies for prevention & treatment of Covid varied based on location in the world- The remedies seemed to vary from one continent to another, or maybe even from one country to another.
  • 19. Bryonia, the top remedy for the earlier variants? Picture from the book “Homeopathic Remedy Pictures” by Frans Kusse
  • 20. Kali bichromicum, a top remedy for most Omicron subvariants so far… Picture from the book “Homeopathic Remedy Pictures” by Frans Kusse
  • 21. Phosphorous, a common rx for Omicron lately? Picture from the book “Homeopathic Remedy Pictures” by Frans Kusse Note: The statement above is based on a limited number of Covid patients seen over last few weeks (tested positive for Covid). Symptoms often seen in these patients which match the keynotes of Phosph may include: -Craving for cold water -A burning sensation in chest -Eyes are irritated -Much coughing & some shortness of breath
  • 22. Long-Covid Homeopathic Update • Long-Covid can be challenging to treat w/ or w/o homeopathy. However, homeopathy works very well for the majority of long-Covid cases - Refer to long-Covid patient testimonials page on my website, ( testimonials/) • 1) Long-Covid due to Delta and other variants prior to Omicron: I still see many long- Covid BYRONIA cases even now. These patients went into a Bryonia state 2-3 years ago, and still remain that state. They have many of the common Bryonia signs and symptoms, including: severe pain throughout entire body (worse on left side), intermittent coughing due to extreme dryness in lungs (worse in left lung), severe fatigue and brain fog, severe headache (worse on left side), severe dryness throughout the body inside and out (worse on left side), extreme thirst, anger and other keynotes of Bryonia. • 2) Long-Covid due to Omicron: I’ve been seeing many long-Covid Kali bich cases over the last year. These patients have been extremely phlegmy for weeks to months or even for more than a year now. They also can be achy- another keynote of Kali bich. Many of them come in, thinking they have allergies.
  • 23. “Bryonia Long-Covid” –A COMMON & CRITICAL rx! • I’ve seen numerous long-Covid cases that required Bryonia. When indicated, this remedy appears to be critically important and irreplaceable! • I have seen severe disabilities such as semi-paralysis and severe pain in LEFT lower extremity (from pelvis/hip/buttock all the way down to toes) and/or chronic dry cough. • Cases: • 1) Marva – refer to • A puzzling case of LEFT-sided disability. Early 2020 - Dec 2021. • S/S: Walking was painful, extreme muscle spasms, great swelling of ankle, leg and thigh on my LEFT side. Never had acute symptoms of Covid and never tested positive. I suspected “Bryonia long-Covid”. • Bryonia 30c qd. Patient completely recovered use of left leg within a month. No longer needed a walker after nearly 2 years of disability. • 2) Otis – LEFT-sided piriformis syndrome and constipation. 1/2020 - 5/2023. Pain & tingling in left hip radiating to the lateral side of left thigh and stopping in upper lateral side of the leg. • Bryonia 30c qd for a week almost entirely stopped the symptoms. • 3) Sudais, 5-year old boy, with CC of debilitating persistent cough. 10/2022 - 5/2023. Dx’ed with asthma, LEFT-sided pneumonia (as of 2 months ago), and constipation at Children’s hospital. Drugs were not helpful at all. Also was extremely thirsty for cold water. He kept telling mom, “mom, I am tired of coughing!” • Bryonia 30c bid for a week resulted in at least 70% improvement in his cough, and improved his constipation and extreme thirst. Waiting to see him for his next f/u.
  • 24. Long-Covid Homeopathic Update, continued • There are many other “acute” remedies, such as Phosphoric acid, & Kali phosphoricum, for long-Covid, but the remedies Bryonia, Gelsemium, and Kali bich are the top remedies I have been using most often in my long-Covid patients. • As a rule, in my experience, whatever remedy the patient needed for their acute Covid is what they end up needing for their long-Covid. • Example: If needed Bryonia for acute Covid, will likely need Bryonia for long-Covid. • There are also other cases where the remedy the patient needs for their long-Covid is entirely different from what they might have needed for their acute. • Example: Patient needed Antimonium tart for acute, and now Gelsemium for long-Covid. • In many cases, a person’s “constitutional” remedy may be all that they need. In this case, the signs/symptoms present in the patient must match the selected remedy’s keynotes. (Remember, homeopathy works based on the law of Similars.) • The Covid vaccine appears to be putting folks in the Bryonia state in some cases. • Refer to my Covid & post-Covid AANP presentation for more information.
  • 25. AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) – FOUNDED IN 1844
  • 26. American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) • The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) is a peer- reviewed scientific journal, specifically intended to meet the needs of physicians involved in the specialty of homeopathy. The editor invites original manuscripts, feature articles, research reports, 'Homeopathic Grand Rounds' cases studies, abbreviated case reports for 'Clinical Snapshots,' seminar reports, and position papers that focus on homeopathy, as well as book reviews and letters to the editor.
  • 27. AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy) Articles on Homeopathic Management of Covid • Article: A comparison of Characteristic Symptoms of Antimonium tartaricum and Phosphoric acid in Severe Respiratory Illness of Covid-19, by Dr. Alex Bekker, MD (Current president of AIH) • Article: An Overnight Cure of COVID with Arsenicum album, by Dr. Mitch Fleisher, MD, DHt • Article: COVID-19: A Severe Case Complicated with a Comorbidity, by Dr. Mary Alice Cooper, MD Rx: Carboneum oxygenisatum • Article: Clinical snapshot: A Covid-19 Cough, by Dr. George Guess, MD • In this article, Dr. Guess talks about how this case needed Phosphorus initially, and then Kali bichromium, leading to “rapid resolution of all symptoms”. • Article: COVID-19 Case Series I: The Experience of Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani, MD, by Dr. Karl Robinson, MD
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. Infectious diseases are a major challenge to humanity and public health at large. • “Zoonotic diseases are very common around the world. It is estimated that 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases can spread from animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals. The world has witnessed several outbreaks of infectious diseases such as Cholera, Plague, Spanish flu, Swine flu. • Globalization, international travel and intercontinental commerce have all increased the potential for microbial spread, resulting in pandemics beyond their respective regions of origin such as SARS, MERS, Zika, Ebola and now recently Covid-19. • These diseases pose a major threat to public-health across the world. Although some infectious diseases, such as smallpox and poliomyelitis, have been eradicated from nature or almost wiped out, many diseases still persist with little hope of getting them under control. In addition, new infectious diseases are emerging and old ones that were thought to be under control are regaining lost ground. Apart from affecting the health of individuals directly, infectious diseases also impact the societies, economies and political systems.” •
  • 31. Pandemics, posing the greatest threats to mankind… Throughout history, pandemics have posed some of the greatest threats to mankind, claiming more lives than all wars and accidents put together.
  • 32. Covid-19  Rise in #’s of NON-Covid-19 diseases (including TB, H.I.V and malaria) due to interruption of services/meds WHO: “The COVID-19 pandemic has likely increased deaths from other causes due to disruption to health service delivery and routine immunizations, fewer people seeking care, and shortages of funding for NON-COVID-19 services.” NT Times, Oct of 2021: “Covid-19 risks derailing all our efforts and taking us back to where we were 20 years ago,” said Dr. Pedro L. Alonso, the director of the WHO’s global malaria program. It’s not just that the coronavirus has diverted scientific attention from TB, H.I.V. and malaria. The lockdowns, particularly across parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America, have raised insurmountable barriers to patients who must travel to obtain diagnoses or drugs, according to interviews with more than two dozen public health officials, doctors and patients worldwide. About 80 percent of tuberculosis, H.I.V. and malaria programs worldwide have reported disruptions in services, and one in four people living with H.I.V. have reported problems with gaining access to medications, according to U.N. AIDS. Interruptions or delays in treatment may lead to drug resistance, already a formidable problem in many countries.”
  • 33. Major Epidemics/pandemics of the Modern Era (Or PHEICs- Public Health Emergencies of International Concern) • Cholera: World’s longest pandemic, 1961-present. (Tens of millions of people died from Cholera.) • Smallpox: 1977-1980. Fatal in as many as one-third of patients. The last known case of smallpox, a viral disease that plagued humans for millennia, is diagnosed in 1977 in Somalia, following a nearly two-decade-long global vaccination campaign. Three years later the WHO formally declares it eradicated around the globe. • HIV/AIDS pandemic: 1981-present. Close to 40 million people have HIV/AIDS, more than 2/3 of whom are in sub-Saharan Africa. Tens of millions of people have died from the disease. • SARS: Caused by SARS-CoV-1. 2002-2003. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, part of a family of viruses that commonly cause respiratory symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath, is first identified in late 2002 in southern China. • H1N1 (swine flu). 2009-2010. The CDC estimates that between 151,700 and 575,400 people die worldwide—around 12,500 in the United States—in the first year after the virus is discovered. The WHO announces the pandemic’s end in August 2010, though the strain continues to circulate seasonally. • MERS: 2012. A new coronavirus, named Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, is transmitted to humans from camels in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. • Polio: In May 2014, WHO Director-General declares a PHEIC over a rise in polio cases in Africa and Asia. As of 2022, the PHEIC over the possible spread of polio remains in place, and the disease is still endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  • 34. • Ebola: 2014-2016. Ebola sweeps West Africa. A severe infectious disease that leads to death in roughly half of those who contract it. 2018-2020: In August 2018, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) declares an outbreak of the Ebola virus in the country’s northeast. In June 2020, nearly two years after the outbreak’s start, the WHO declares it over. However, smaller outbreaks continue to crop up in parts of the country. • Zika: 2015-2016. Zika Spreads Across Americas. An outbreak of the Zika virus, first discovered in Uganda in the 1940s and transmitted mainly by mosquitoes, takes off in Brazil in early 2015. In February 2016, the WHO declares the outbreak a PHEIC, and by the middle of the year more than sixty countries report cases of the virus, including the United States. Zika virus disease is generally mild, and severe disease requiring hospitalization and deaths are uncommon. • Dengue, TB and Malaria – Refer to the following slides. • Covid-19: Caused by SARS-CoV-2. 2019-present. Globally, as of 6:07pm CEST, 31 May 2023, there have been 767,364,883 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,938,353 deaths, reported to WHO. • Monkeypox: 2022. A rapid global response to the outbreak leads its spread to slow significantly by May 2023, with 87,000 reported cases and 140 confirmed deaths across 111 countries. That month, the WHO declares that mpox is no longer a public health emergency. • • Major Epidemics of the Modern Era, 1899-2023
  • 35. Dengue – Most Rapidly Spreading Pandemic! According to the WHO, dengue fever is one of the top ten global health threats – it's also the MOST RAPIDLY SPREADING. There has been a 30-fold increase in global incidence over the past 50 years. According to CDC, EACH YEAR, an estimated 400 million people are infected with dengue virus, 100 million become ill with dengue, and 21,000 deaths are attributed to dengue. Dengue: 400,000,000 people infected/YEAR, 21000 deaths Covid-19: ~ 767,000,000 people confirmed cases in ~ 3.5 YEARS so far, 6,938,353 deaths. Note: “The Cuban government now depends on homeopathy to manage its leptospirosis epidemics and dengue fever outbreaks. The governments of Thailand, Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Brazil use homeopathy to manage dengue fever outbreaks and epidemics.”* Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for suggested homeopathic remedies and resources. *:
  • 36. Malaria is estimated to have killed more people on Earth than any other disease in history. Malaria kills one child every 30 seconds, about 3000 children every day.
  • 37. Malaria – A major pandemic inflicting humans over millennia! • NIH: Over millennia, Malaria’s victims have included Neolithic dwellers, early Chinese and Greeks, princes and paupers. In the 20th century alone, malaria claimed between 150 million and 300 million lives. • WHO: According to the latest World malaria report, • In 2021: 247,000,000 cases, and 619 000 deaths • In 2020: 245,000,000 cases, and 625 000 deaths • CDC: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries have seen delays in the production and supply of malaria commodities, most notably rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (RDTs) and antimalarial treatments. Costs of malaria-related supplies have also increased. • Note: Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for suggested homeopathic remedies and resources
  • 38. CDC issues alert after 5 cases of locally acquired malaria reported in Texas and Florida, June 2023 • 4 in Florida & 1 in Texas. • “The cases were the first in 20 years to be acquired in the U.S., with no links to travel outside the country.” • Note: The Indian government controls epidemics of malaria, Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, and epidemic fever with homeopathy.* • *
  • 39. Tuberculosis (bacterial) – 2nd leading infectious killer after Covid-19 (viral) • Similarly to Malaria, TB has been present in the human population since antiquity. • “A total of 1.6 million people died from TB in 2021 (including 187 000 people with HIV). Worldwide, TB is the 13th leading cause of death and the second leading infectious killer after COVID-19 (above HIV and AIDS). • In 2021, an estimated 10.6 million people fell ill with tuberculosis (TB) worldwide. Six million men, 3.4 million women and 1.2 million children. TB is present in all countries and age groups. But TB is curable and preventable. • Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis and a health security threat. Only about 1 in 3 people with drug resistant TB accessed treatment in 2021. • An estimated 74 million lives were saved through TB diagnosis and treatment between 2000 and 2021. • US $13 billion is needed annually for TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care to achieve the global target agreed at the 2018 UN high level-meeting on TB. • Ending the TB epidemic by 2030 is among the health targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”* • Note: Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for suggested homeopathic remedies and resources for TB. • *:; 21 April 2023
  • 40. Tuberculosis on the Rise TB > Malaria + HIV • NY Times, Oct 2021: ‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus. • Tuberculosis kills 1.6 million people every year — or 4,000 people a day. In fact, TB claims more lives annually than malaria and HIV combined. • “Gates commits $400 million to test new TB vaccine on 26,000 people in Africa and SE Asia.” (The Defender, 6/30/23) • TB vaccine is not a perfect solution. The vaccine is NOT effective against intra-thoracic TB and only “somewhat effective” against miliary TB, a potentially fatal form of the condition, which can lead to disseminated TB or TB meningitis, according to Nachman. “So people thinking, ‘I’ve got a BCG vaccine, I’m not going to get pulmonary TB,’ the answer is actually, you will,” Dr. Sharon Nachman at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital said. “We don’t have anything better.” The complexity of the TB bacteria makes it difficult to determine which antibodies or components can offer protection. • Indian homeopaths have much experience with TB and many other epidemics. (India is home to 27% of world’s TB cases.) • *: Epoch Health article titled “Tuberculosis on the Rise: Here’s What to Know About the Disease”; June 1, 2023.
  • 41. 5% of Shigella infections are now resistant to standard antibiotics. This could be a predictor of what’s to come with other bacteria. March 8, 2023
  • 42. Shigella: Five percent of Shigella infections are now resistant to standard antibiotics. This could be a predictor of what’s to come with other bacteria. Main symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps. Nux vomica?! We have solid literature on various infectious diseases going back to 1800s. Example: Dr. James Bell, MD, authored the book here on diarrhea. The first edition was written in 1869. He states, “Allen’s symptom register gives 425 remedies as having diarrhea.” In his book, he covers many of these remedies in detail.
  • 43. WHO on Antibiotics Resistance •WHO: “Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today. •A growing number of infections (such as pneumonia, TB, gonorrhea, and salmonellosis) are becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them have become less effective.” •Dr. Margaret Chan of the WHO has recently stated that Earth may be approaching a time “when things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill."
  • 44. Integrative Medicine Specialists Offer a Solution… • A Letter From Concerned Physicians on Antibiotic Resistance: This letter can be found at the link below. • The signatories are mostly MDs and many NDs & DOs. • regarding-antibiotic-resistance.html • A quote from this letter: • “Solutions to this looming crisis must be found and found quickly. As some of America’s leading integrative medicine specialists, we believe it is time to look anew at a modality called homeopathic medicine.”
  • 45. Climate change is NOT helping with public health! This subject is beyond the scope of this presentation.
  • 46.
  • 47. • We have all already experienced the enormous negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in our world. Can you imagine just what would happen to our human civilization if we were to experience a much more deadly pandemic and/or get hit by multiple overlapping pandemics? • I believe we would all feel much more secure and safe knowing that we have therapies that may be not only effective but also readily available for managing these dreadful diseases that threaten us, our loved ones, our society/country, human beings everywhere, and even other animal species including other mammals. Future pandemics, what if?!
  • 48. Disease X around the corner? • The next currently unknown virus that could cause a pandemic — what the World Health Organization calls “Disease X” — may be different from Covid, requiring a different set of tools and a different level of response. • If another vicious virus (or other pathogenic germ, including bacteria or fungi) were to emerge and spread through our communities again, what would you do? • Would you feel fairly confident that supplements &/or IV therapies would help us all sufficiently? • Do you feel comfortable providing IV nutrient therapy to such patients if the germ is highly contagious and/or highly pathogenic?! • What if ER’s are flooded with wave after wave of acutely ill patients, specially with overlapping acute infections? • What if Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or other drugs don’t work for the next pandemic?!
  • 49. The Next Pandemic: Dead birds are falling from the sky Avian flu appears to be a top candidate for a pandemic.
  • 50. Bird flu (H5N1) is decimating bird populations, including commercial poultry AND wild birds Domesticated birds (including chickens, ducks, & geese), & now wild birds (including eagles, great horned owls, peregrine falcons, pelicans, & the endangered California condors) are dropping dead! “Avian flu appears to be a top candidate for a pandemic. It is extremely lethal in birds and some animals. How likely is it that this virus will make the jump to humans, with sustained human-to-human transmission? Nobody knows how likely a human H5N1 pandemic is.”* Regarding the flu vaccine, “it would most likely take several months to get shots in arms. For reference, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was identified in April and the first doses were given in early October.”*. This is SIX months later!!! *: The New York Times article, titled “The Next Pandemic”, April 23, 2023
  • 51. Bird flu overlapping with the common flu in same person? A potentially deadly mix! How about bird flu overlapping during the common flu season? Refer to The New York Times article written by Zeynep Tufekci from Feb 3, 2023 titled “An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here”: pandemic.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20230207&instance_id=84748&nl=from-the- times&regi_id=155684165&segment_id=124659&te=1&user_id=3852695356c21137c2d9b0b5c62f312c There is fear of the BIRD FLU affecting a person already infected with the regular flu, leading to a potentially devastating pandemic… More on this subject later in this presentation.
  • 52. • “Alarmingly, it was recently reported that a mutant of H5N1 strain was not only infecting minks (which are mammals) at a fur farm in Spain but also most likely spreading among them, unprecedented among mammals. Even worse, the mink’s upper respiratory tract is exceptionally well suited to act as a conduit to humans, Thomas Peacock, a virologist who studies avian influenza told me.” • ”If different strains of flu have infected the same person simultaneously, the strains can swap gene segments and give rise to new, more transmissible ones. If a mink farmworker with the flu also gets infected by H5N1, that may be all it takes to ignite a pandemic.” * • *: New York Times article titled “An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here”, Zeynep Tufekci, Feb 3, 2023. H5N1 (bird flu) is affecting minks too, not just birds!
  • 53. CDC: Reported Human Infections with Avian Influenza A Viruses • “Human infections with avian influenza A viruses are uncommon but have occurred sporadically in many countries, usually after unprotected exposures (e.g. not using respiratory or eye protection) to infected poultry or virus- contaminated environments and have resulted in mild-to-severe illness with a wide range of symptoms and complications. A small number of human infections with avian influenza A viruses have been attributed to exposure to infected wild birds. For some human infections, the source of the virus infection was not determined. Human infections have occurred with different subtypes of low pathogenic and highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses. The designation of “low” versus “highly” pathogenic avian influenza A virus refers to specific criteria, including mortality in experimentally infected poultry, and not to the severity of illness with human infections. Clinical illness associated with human infections with avian influenza A viruses does not necessarily correlate with virus pathogenicity in infected birds.” * • *:
  • 54. CDC on the bird flu • Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus Infections: • Subtypes of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) A viruses that have been virologically confirmed to have infected people include A(H6), A(H7), A(H9), and A(H10) viruses. • Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus Infections: • Subtypes of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A viruses that have been virologically confirmed to have infected people include A(H5) and A(H7) viruses. *:
  • 55. Human-to-Human Transmission of Avian Influenza A Viruses • “Human-to-human transmission of avian influenza A viruses is rare. Probable limited, non-sustained, human-to-human transmission has been reported in a SMALL number of people without poultry exposures who had close unprotected exposure to a symptomatic index case of HPAI A(H5N1) virus infection, HPAI A(H7N7) virus infection, or LPAI A(H7N9) virus infection. Most reported cases of probable limited, non-sustained, human-to-human transmission have occurred among blood-related family members after unprotected, prolonged close household exposure to a symptomatic family member. However, a small number of reported cases occurred after unprotected, prolonged close exposure to a very sick family member in a hospital. A few cases of probable limited, non-sustained, human- to-human transmission in a hospital have been reported among unrelated patients after unprotected exposures.” * • *:
  • 56. Does the TYPE of germ matter? Not to homeopaths! • To select the appropriate homeopathic remedy, we don’t need to know the exact name/type of the invading organism(s). This is great news since we now have at least 2 major challenges: • 1) Antibiotic resistance when it comes to bacteria • 2) No great antiviral drugs: We don’t seem to have highly effective anti-viral drugs for the viral diseases that keep popping up!
  • 57. DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING during epidemics?
  • 58. Epidemic infectious diseases may be tough to DX! • Many epidemics involve broad common symptoms (such as fever, achiness, h/a, cough, and fatigue) which can make them difficult to dx based on P/E and common (general) symptoms alone. • Lab difficulties: • The culture is slow to grow • Antibody detection may not be a direct predictor of infection • PCR testing is not widely available • Misdiagnosis is more likely with OVERLAPPING diseases with similar clinical presentations. • Misdiagnosis can lead to incorrect selection of medical tx which can lead to high mortality rates. • Difficulties in DX & TX of an epidemic (w/ or w/o a coinfection)  a dire need for effective alternative methods of dx, prevention & treatment.
  • 59. Allergies, the common cold, RSV, the flu and Covid-19 - Which one? • All these viruses can affect similar and yet different parts of the body and can cause varying degrees of illness — from mild or none to very severe symptoms. Because symptoms can be so similar, it may be difficult for you to determine which condition you have. And, you may often have overlapping ones! • "Between allergies, the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus, the flu and of course COVID-19, it is often hard to identify what is ailing our children when they aren't feeling well," says Dr. Tina Ardon, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician*. • *: to-know-when-to-seek-medical-care/
  • 60. Difference between COVID-19, the flu and a cold Signs/Symptoms COVID-19 Flu Cold Symptom onset Varies Abrupt Gradual Fever Often Often Rare Cough Often (usually dry) Often Often Aches Sometimes Often Slightly Sneezing/stuffy nose Rare Sometimes Often Sore throat Sometimes Sometimes Often Chest discomfort/cough Often Often Sometimes Loss of taste and/or smell Often Rare Rare
  • 61. Many epidemics involve broad common symptoms • Case 1) Which epidemic disease could cause the following symptoms? If you take the rash out, it sounds like the flu, doesn’t it? • Fever (Dengue fever can progress to shock - the most serious complication of dengue.) • Headache • Vomiting • Muscle and joint pain • Rash (Dengue rash is not a mandatory symptom) • Answer: Dengue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Case 2) “It” begins with a mild fever and malaise, followed by a painful cough and shortness of breath. What could “it” be? Sounds like Covid-19 in the initial years (2020-21), doesn’t it? • Answer: Tuberculosis • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Case 3) Which epidemic dz can cause fever, chills, sweats, nausea/vomiting, and headache? • Answer: Malaria
  • 62. Limitations of Conventional Methods of Diagnosis • 1) Limitations of dx based on lab tests • 2) Limitations of dx based on physical exam • 3) Limitations of dx based on GENERAL symptoms (versus CHARACTERISTIC symptoms we use in homeopathy) In the following slides, I will discuss a few of the limitations for each of the above methods of dz assessment.
  • 63. Limitations of dx based on conventional lab tests • Test-based diagnosis, the MAIN tool for dx used in conventional medicine, can have the following limitations: • Unreliable in some cases • Can take too long • May be highly impractical or even impossible, particularly if the person has a potentially deadly contagious disease(s) • What if the person is afflicted simultaneously by multiple infectious organisms? Note: Clearly misdiagnosis can lead to ineffective or potentially dangerous treatments.
  • 64. Example) Dx of Covid is often missed based on the unreliable home test • How often have we seen this during the course of the pandemic? • I find that often times the more intense Covid cases are far more likely going to show up positive on a test than the milder cases. • Regardless of how intense the case is, I also find that if you test the person in the thick of the illness, the test is far more likely to be positive than if you test the person in the milder phases of the illness (beginning &/or end). • Finally, in my experience, the Covid home test appears to have become more and more unreliable as the virus has mutated. I have seen numerous cases of this so far. • Examples: • Family members all had similar symptoms, and yet 1-2 people tested negative and the rest tested positive. • Same person tests negative at one point during the course of the illness and then later on test positive as the symptoms became more severe.
  • 65. Example) Many Covid patients are mis- diagnosed when test result is negative • Unless PCR testing or other highly reliable methods of testing are utilized, if patients test negative for any acute respiratory illnesses (Covid, flu, RSV, etc.), they are often mistakenly diagnosed with bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, allergies, etc., by most practitioners.
  • 66. COVID case rate 19 times higher than reported • CIDRAP article titled: “Wastewater sampling in Canada suggests COVID case rate 19 times higher than reported”. June 29, 2023 "Wastewater surveillance indicators become especially relevant when PCR testing eligibility changed or when clinical testing capacity was overwhelmed, resulting in an incomplete picture of local COVID-19 activity," the researchers wrote. • 19-times-higher-reported
  • 67. Seeing a lot of patients with “allergies” these days? Many of them have post-Omicron! • It’s noteworthy that we are seeing a large number of patients with ”allergies” these days, don’t you think? In my opinion, many of my “allergy” patients over the last year or so are indeed struggling with post-Omicron, and seem to respond wonderfully to Kali bichromicum. In my practice, this remedy has so far been the top remedy for Omicron AND post-Omicron. Patients, and even their doctors, are often NOT catching post-Omicron patients due to: • 1) Since Omicron is usually a milder condition, versus the prior variants, the patient was never tested for Covid during the acute phase of the condition, or • 2) If the patient was tested, the test result was falsely negative. • Therefore, there are a large number of patients with post-Omicron who are running around thinking they have allergies! Their CC’s are PND (post-nasal drainage), nasal stuffiness/congestion, malaise and other s/s. These are s/s that can also be found in allergies. However, the two conditions are distinctly different. Just research the two if not sure.
  • 68. Example) CDC on Detecting Avian Influenza A Virus Infection in Humans • “Bird flu virus infection in people cannot be diagnosed by clinical signs and symptoms alone; laboratory testing is needed. Bird flu virus infection is usually diagnosed by collecting a swab from the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat) of the sick person. Testing is more accurate when the swab is collected during the first few days of illness. • For critically ill patients, collection and testing of lower respiratory tract specimens also may lead to diagnosis of bird flu virus infection. However, for some patients who are no longer very sick or who have fully recovered, it may be difficult to detect bird flu virus in a specimen.” • Note: The above points apply to Covid-19 as well.
  • 69. Limitations of dx based on physical exam • P/E does not give you specific enough information about the invading organism. Example: You can’t tell the difference between a flu and a Covid patient by P/E. • What if we have a deadly epidemic? P/E is sort of out of question for most of us doctors, isn’t it? • What if the patient is far away (i.e. virtual visit)?
  • 70. Limitations of dx based on GENERAL symptoms • In conventional medicine, we usually pay attention only to GENERAL symptoms, and often ignore CHARACTERISTIC/unique symptoms homeopaths painstakingly look for. • The general symptoms of many illnesses of same genre are very similar. It’s the characteristic symptoms that are much more helpful for coming up with an assessment and consequent remedy selection. • For example, the general symptoms of the flu and Covid can be very similar. • According to the CDC, “You cannot tell the difference between flu and COVID-19 by the symptoms alone because they have some of the same signs and symptoms.” “Change in or loss of taste or smell can occur in both illnesses, although this is more frequent with COVID-19.”
  • 71. Avian influenza A virus infections produce similar s/s as Covid! How can you tell the difference? • According to the CDC: • “The reported signs and symptoms of Avian Influenza (bird flu) A virus infections in humans have ranged from no symptoms or mild illness [such as eye redness (conjunctivitis) or mild flu-like upper respiratory symptoms], to severe (such as pneumonia requiring hospitalization) and included fever (temperature of 100ºF [37.8ºC] or greater) or feeling feverish*, cough, sore throat, runny or stuff nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. • LESS common s/s include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or seizures.” • As you can see, many of the s/s of the the bird flu seem similar to Covid.
  • 72. Misdiagnosis, much more likely with SIMILAR overlapping diseases regardless of method of dx Misdiagnosis, IF based on GENERAL signs/symptoms and/or even lab tests, is much more likely to occur with OVERLAPPING diseases especially if SIMILAR (with similar clinical presentations).
  • 73. CONCLUSION: We need BETTER methods of dx (or assessment) of epidemics • With all the viruses circulating in our world presently and possibly in the future, it’s certainly possible that a person could be affected by more than one virus or invading organism at any given time. • And, with all the limitations of assessment/dx of infectious diseases (be it lab tests, P/E, or symptoms), we need more reliable methods of assessment. • Therefore, we need alternative methods of dx/assessment (and treatment) that are reliable, safe, effective and practical (using virtual or even phone visits) when dealing with epidemic diseases, especially in the midst of overlapping epidemics.
  • 74. Homeopathy for both DX (or assessment) & TX • If testing is not readily available, we can still assess and help the patient based on the person’s CHARACTERISTIC (or unique) along with the GENERAL signs/symptoms. • Homeopathy can be used for both assessment as well as treatment of (overlapping) infectious diseases because it’s mainly based on the patient’s CHARACTERISTIC (versus GENERAL) signs/symptoms, NOT the name of the invading organism(s). • From a homeopathic perspective, we are treating the patient with a highly specific set of signs/symptoms (i.e. characteristic symptoms, along with the general symptoms). We are NOT just treating their diagnosis while ignoring the DETAILED list of their signs/symptoms. • Example: 10 patients with eczema…. each one can benefit from a different remedy!
  • 75. How to dx Covid w/o any testing? You can dx based on CHARACTERISTIC signs/symptoms • The common symptoms of Covid (including fever, cough, SOB, body aches, headache, etc.), which don’t all have to be present, plus more importantly the characteristic symptoms of Covid (which can vary from patient to patient) are usually sufficient in helping with dx. • Example: The first two years of the pandemic, prior to Omicron, when patients would call us with Bryonia keynotes (characteristic s/s), I’d surmise that they had Covid w/o needing to know the result of the Covid test. And, I would recommend Bryonia which proved to be highly effective for management of their s/s. Many of these patients would let us know that they had tested positive (within hours or even a few days) AFTER their initial (virtual) visit with me while all along their dx was evident based on their unique Bryonia s/s.
  • 76. Knowing the TOP remedies for the present variant helps increase confidence in dx • It helps to know the top remedies for the present variant. If you know the top remedies for the present variant, then by default you would know the signs/symptoms associated with that variant which help increase your confidence in dx/assessment (and tx). • EXAMPLE: Presently, if I see a patient in my practice presents with thick PND (post-nasal drainage) and/or a wet-sounding cough (usually non-productive but sometimes even productive, either way), there is an extremely high likelihood the patient has Omicron. Most of these patients test positive at some point along the way during the course of their illness, especially if they have more severe symptoms.
  • 77. And, what if our dx (dz label) is incorrect? The remedy will still work! • Even if our dx is incorrect (i.e. if we come up with the wrong dz label), IF we come up with the correct remedy that matches the patient’s totality of s/s, we will help the patient anyways. What matters most is that the patient’s s/s match the remedy’s keynotes. The dz label or the exact name of the diagnosis does not matter to a homeopath!
  • 78. A side point - Dx of long-Covid is challenging & is often missed! • I am not seeing serious long-Covid s/s with Omicron. However, once in a while, I still encounter long-Covid Cases secondary to the original variants. • Since homeopaths are able to assess based on CHARACTERISTIC symptoms, we can more readily dx these long-Covid cases. • Example: I still once in a while see Bryonia long-Covid cases in my practice. Read Marva’s testimonial on, on the Covid patient testimonials page. For 1.5 years prior to seeing me, she could not walk w/o the aid of a walker due to pain and swelling in her left lower extremity. Neurologists could not figure out the cause. All tests (including Covid) had been negative. Bryonia 30c daily completely reversed her s/s in about a month. She walks w/o any assistance now. • Even if she did not have long-Covid, Bryonia would help her just fine anyways. The reason is that she had many of the symptoms of Bryonia.
  • 80. Vaccines- Too inefficient/slow during an infectious epidemic disease outbreak!? • Vaccines are currently our mainstay of prevention. • Unfortunately, a safe and effective vaccine could not be developed fast enough for any newly emergent highly infectious disease or infectious bio-threat event. (Note: With the advent of mRNA technology, work is ongoing to deliver pandemic vaccines within 100 days. However, that’s still 100 days!) • Thus, the urgent need for alternative approaches for epidemic disease prevention.
  • 81. Vaccine theory is similar to homeopathy, but vaccines have obvious limitations • In emergency situations, we cannot produce, distribute, and administer ENOUGH vaccines for large populations FAST enough. • Impractical to vaccinate ourselves against every new virus or other pathogenic bug going around, with their mutating new strains coming out. • What about if there are multiple epidemics going on at same time, multiple vaccines at same time? This practice might increase possibility of vaccine-related adverse effects. • Not enough $$$ funding: Sufficient funding for vaccines could be a challenge. • There are no vaccines available right away for newly emerging epidemic diseases. • Time: Acquiring immunity w/ vaccines can take a few weeks to months, leaving target populations vulnerable. • Fear of injections & risk of use of infected needles, immunization of infants and pregnant women, etc. • And, as we have seen with Covid, vaccine hesitancy is a real issue.
  • 82. Homeopathy vs. Vaccines ? Homeopathy Vaccines Effectiveness Yes (based on numerous government ordered studies using HP) Note : HP = homeoprophylaxis Yes Speed of action in body Immediately effective We need time to make anti-bodies. Speed of intervention in society (distributing the medicines/vaccines) Rapid, especially with HP (hours to days) versus GE which can take time. Weeks to months  Shortage Not readily available in emergency situations Safety Totally safe. The person will not get the pathogen, just its vibration. Pathogens inside vaccines leading to possible contagiousness. Risk of use of infected needles. Concern for immunization of infants and pregnant women. Cost Extremely LOW (lowest cost medicines on Earth) Expensive  Shortage Route of administration Oral Injection Mechanism of action HP: Subtle internal immune system responses make the body behave as if it has the dz. GE: Law of Similars. Antibodies are made in response to the vaccine
  • 83. Homeopathy AND Vaccines, can you do both? Yes! Homeopathy can certainly be a bridging device until safe & effective vaccines are available. • Even if you have had OR are planning to get vaccinated, you can still periodically take the top remedy for the pandemic OR (if available) take the nosode for the pandemic (i.e. homeoprophylaxis), especially if the previous vaccination caused an adverse event. “Taking the nosode will help clear the vaccine by helping the body to reconcile the partially developed immune system response.”* • “Homeoprophylaxis with nosodes could be a bridging device in a serious epidemic for the period until a fully effective vaccine is available.” Homeopathy (2010) 99, 153-155 * From book “The Solution, Homeoprophylaxis, the Vaccine Alternative” by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott
  • 84. Are healthy lifestyle & diet, herbs and nutrients effective enough for the next pandemic?! • What if they are not?! • In my experience, patients with a healthy lifestyle and diet did much better during Covid. However, I also saw many patients with a healthy lifestyle and diet who also still became rather ill with Covid. • As a dr, how truly effective were you during the Covid pandemic?
  • 85.
  • 86. Homeopathic tx of Infectious Diseases
  • 87. Homeopathy, an effective tool for managing epidemics • Historically, homeopathy has been one of humanity’s most powerful treatment modalities for dealing with epidemics/pandemics. There is a plethora of research on this subject that you can find just with a simple google search. • Please refer to my previous two AANP presentations to learn more about this subject. To review literature on how helpful homeopathy was for Covid, refer to the studies in my 2022 AANP talk. These studies were carried out in India, Iran, Cuba, Brazil, Austria, United States, Israel, Hong Kong, Italy, etc. • Not long ago, the Austrian government confirmed the potential for homeopathy to tackle the serious subject of antimicrobial resistance. Within a similar time frame, the Swiss government concluded that homeopathy is medicinally effective, cost-effective and safe. In India, the government allows homeopaths to work alongside conventional doctors in hospitals to help manage Covid-19 patients.
  • 88. Dr. Hahnemann started the use of homeopathic remedies during epidemics…. • “If medicines can protect us from the contagion of a raging epidemic, they must possess a greater power to alter our vital force than the epidemic.” Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843), a German physician known to be the founder of homeopathy • Hahnemann used Belladonna preventively for Scarlet Fever in 1799 • “During a scarlet fever epidemic in 1799, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, MD, who developed homeopathy, began giving Belladonna, the homeopathic treatment for the disease, to people who were exposed but had not yet developed symptoms. Other doctors followed his lead and found that disease incidence greatly decreased in those who received Belladonna prophylactically—a finding that led to the Prussian GOVERNMENT’s order in 1838 to use it as a preventive in all scarlet fever outbreaks.”
  • 89. Why homeopathy? Part 1* • Basic prescribing is easy to learn. (Giving instructions is easy.) • Correctly prescribed, they are very safe. (Safe in all age categories.) • They are suitable for young and old alike. • They are highly effective. (And, they work immediately.) • They are easy to administer. They have a long shelf-life. • They are compact, light, and do not require refrigeration. Therefore, easy to transport and distribute. • They are inexpensive. • They are legally transportable across international borders. • Their nomenclature is standardized world-wide. * From the book titled “The World Travellers’ Manual of Homeopathy” by Dr. Colin B. Lessell
  • 90. • “You can take remedies even if on pharmaceutical medications without fear of interactions. • Since remedies aim to boost the immune system, genetic mutation will NOT be a deterrent in finding a correct homeopathic solution. • Unidentified cause: In case of epidemics where the organism is not known, homeopathy can still offer remedies (for prevention &/or treatment) as we rely on the S/S (signs and symptoms) characteristic of the disease, NOT on the identification of the organism, per se.”* • SUPPLY CHAIN uncertainly is NOT a concern! We can run short of drugs, herbs, etc., but we can always GRAFT (or duplicate) homeopathic homeopathic remedies at our own home/offices. • (Refer to my 2019 AANP talk for more information.) * Why homeopathy? Part 2*
  • 91. Key advantages of homeopathy over allopathy during epidemics- Homeopaths can adapt quickly! • No testing is required for homeopaths to be able to prescribe since we usually (not always) base our prescription on the totality of symptoms and the patient’s state, NOT on the result of a test. • And, as the epidemic mutates over time, we can quickly find the indicated remedy (i.e. the appropriate fitting remedy) for the latest version of the epidemic just by paying close attention to all the symptoms involved. (Note: There are usually 2-3 remedies that rise to the top as the best candidates.) • Even during the course of an acute illness in one person, we can change remedies as the symptom picture changes. THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL OF ADAPTABILITY. • The above factors result in extremely rapid adaptability for practitioners. This is one area where homeopathy definitely outshines conventional medicine.
  • 92. Homeopathy Around the World Posted by Dr. Lisa Samet on Nov 17, 2017
  • 93. HOMEOPATHY GROWING IN THE WORLD! • “There are literally hundreds of thousands of physicians and over 500 million consumers using homeopathy across the globe. • According to the market research firm, Transparency Market Research, the overall global market for homeopathic products is expected to grow by 18.2% by 2024. That’s good news by anyone’s measure.”* • * the-world/
  • 94. Despite all odds – Homeopathy continues to gain popularity • India Times article on Homeopathy • “Even after being recognized as the fastest growing and the 2nd largest system of medicine according to World Health Organization (WHO) and enjoying 25% growth vis the Pharma market which is 10% globally, when it comes to homeopathy there are many apprehensions attached to it. It is still believed that Homeopathy is not as effective as conventional medicines which is the biggest myth associated with Homeopathy. • According to statistics from the World Health Organization, homeopathy is practiced and is available in 40 out of 42 European nations. In France, 95% of all GPs, paediatricians and dermatologists use homeopathic remedies in their practices. The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is “effective, cost-effective and safe.” The Swiss government now recognizes homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary medicine. According to the BMJ (British Medical Journal), an impressive 57% of people in Germany use homeopathic medicines.” • July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra •
  • 95. PRESENT-DAY EVIDENCE Thousands of Homeopathic Studies on PUBMED •Dr. Iris Bell, M.D., Ph.D., and her colleagues catalogued thousands of pieces of homeopathic research including many RCT’s (randomized, double blinded, controlled studies). • Homeopathy Research Evidence Base: References 2023 (last updated 1.10.23) • Base-01-10-2023.pdf
  • 96. How Homeopathic Medicines Work: Nanopharmacology At Its Best, by Iris Bell, MD, PhD • Highlights • • Living systems are self-organized complex adaptive systems (CAS): that is, networks of inter-connected and interactive parts that manifest healthy or diseased states. • • The simillimum medicine conveys a low-intensity, individually salient environmental danger signal (information that captures a low-dose version of the pre-existing disease pattern) to the sensory and cell defense response networks of the body and thereby initiates the adaptive systemic phenomenon of hormesis. • • In turn, endogenous cell-to-cell signaling pathways transduce and amplify the low-intensity homeopathic information throughout the overall CAS, mobilizing adaptive self-organized changes to improve stress resistance, resilience, and fitness for survival. • • Endogenous signal amplification mechanisms include stochastic resonance, time-dependent sensitization and hormesis. • • The latter two mechanisms can generate directional reversal of symptom pattern expression as a function, respectively, of the initial state of the individual recipient and of the quantitatively low dose of the medicine as a hormetin. • • Consequently, the correct medicine (simillimum) initiates a system-wide non-linear homeopathic healing process carried through the internal dynamics of the body sub-systems/networks, rather than by a direct local pharmacological mechanism of the homeopathic medicine. Article titled “The Complexity of the Homeopathic Healing Response Part 1: The Role of the Body as a Complex Adaptive System in Simillimum-Initiated Recovery from Disease” Homeopathy. 2020 May;109(2):42-50. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1694998. Epub 2019 Nov 30. Iris R Bell, MD, PhD
  • 97. Article: “Low Doses of Traditional Nanophytomedicines for Clinical Treatment: Manufacturing Processes and Nonlinear Response Patterns” • “In conclusion, the identification of nanoscale structures in traditional phytomedicine systems, from traditional Chinese medicine to Ayurveda to homeopathy, opens the door to important advances in integrative healthcare. The extensive histories of real-world clinical applications in these traditional fields, especially homeopathy, can contribute a wealth of practical insights for guiding translation of numerous natural nanophytomedicines from bench to bedside. Of the traditional systems of medicine, homeopathy, previously one of the most controversial, brings the MOST extensive experience in manufacturing top-down and possibly biosynthesized nanophytomedicines from members of many different plant families. Modern nanotechnology can add great sophistication to nanoparticle generation, characterization and biological testing techniques for homeopathically prepared nanomedicines. In turn, homeopathy stands ready to point toward potential strategies and mechanisms for safe and effective use of pulsed low dose nanomedicines in therapeutic contexts.” *: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 15, 4021–4038, 2015 file:///Users/sharumsharif2/Downloads/Nanophytomedicines%20Iris%20Bell.pdf By: Iris R. Bell, MD, PhD, Barbara Sarter, PhD, APRN, FNP-C, Leanna J. Standish ND, PhD, Prasanta Banerji FMIH, and Pratip Banerji MD(Hom)
  • 98. More articles on Homeopathy & Nanomedicine (nanopharmacology or nanophytomedicines) • Chikramane PS, Suresh, et al.: Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticle perspective. Homeopathy 2010, 99(4); 231- 242 • • Upadhhyay RP, Nayak C: Homeopathy emerging as nanomedicine. International Journal of High Dilution Research 2011, 103(37); 299-310 • • Bell, Ir, B., et al. (2013). "Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public • Health." Eur J Integr Med 1(5(2)): 126-140. • • Bell IR. (2014). "Integrative nanomedicine: homeopathic remedies as source and silica nanoparticles acting as danger signals for nonlinear complex adaptive systems." Homeopathy 103(1): 63-64. • • Bell IR. Nanoparticles, Adaptation and Network Medicine: An Integrative Theoretical Framework for Homeopathy HRI Research Article Issue 17 Autumn 2012 • • Bell, IR, et al. Nanoparticle Characterization of Traditional Homeopathically-Manufactured Silver (Argentum Metallicum) Medicines and Placebo Controls. Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology (Nov. 2015) • • Bell, IR et al. Nanoparticle Characterization of Traditional Homeopathically-Manufactured Gelsemium sempervirens Medicines and Placebo Controls Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery (2015 5:3) • • Bell IR, Ives JA, Jonas WB. Nonlinear effects of nanoparticles: Biological variability from hermetic doses, small particle • sizes,and dynamic adaptive interactions. Dose Response. 2013 Nov 7;12(2):202-32 • • Bell IR, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Testing the Nanoparticle-Allostatic Cross Adaptation-Sensitization Model for Homeopathic Remedy effects. Homeopathy. 2013;102:66-81. • • Bell IR, Sarter B, et al. Integrative Nanomedicine: Treating Cancer With Nanoscale Natural Products • • Bell IR, Sarter B, et al. Low Doses of Traditional Nanophytomedicines for Clinical Treatment: Manufacturing Processes and Nonlinear Response Patterns Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 14, 1–17, 2014 • • Bell IR, Sarter B, et al. Nonlinear Response Amplification Mechanisms for Low Doses of Natural Product Nanomedicines: Dynamical Interactions with the Recipient J Nanomed Nanotechol 2013, 4:4 • • Bell, IR, Schwartz, GE et al. Extending the Adaptive Network Nanomedicine Model for Homeopathic Medicines: Nanostructures as Salient Cell Danger Signals for Adaptation Symbiosis SOJ/ Nanoscience & Technology/Open Access June 26, 2015 • • Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Boyer NN, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public Health. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2013;5:126-140. • • Bell IR, Schwartz GE et al. Adaptational Nanomedicine and Hormesis: Homeopathic remedies as nanoparticles and low intensity systemic stressors. Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Ed.). 2013;5(2):685-708. • • Bell IR, Schwartz GE et al. Extending the Adaptive Network Nanomedicine Model for Homeopathic Medicines: Nanostructures as Salient Cell Danger Signals for Adaptation. Nanosci Technol 2(1): 1-22.
  • 99. Homeopathy Tops Northern Ireland Study • Evaluation of a CAM Pilot Project in Northern Ireland (2008) • A Northern Ireland Government study determined that alternative and complementary therapies offer significant health benefits for patients, plus savings in government healthcare costs – and that homeopathy did the best of all! • Therapies involved in the study included acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy and massage. Patients who received homeopathic treatment had the greatest improvement (79%), followed by acupuncture (77%) and chiropractic or osteopathy (56%). •
  • 100. Ireland study…. Health Problems Treated • Patients were referred by local doctors, often when conventional treatment could not help, for problems such as: • Arthritis, • Joint, back and neck pain • Fibromyalgia • Myalgic encephalitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) • Stress related problems • Anxiety • Panic attacks • Depression • Insomnia • Anger and aggressiveness • Headaches and migraines • Shaking and trembling • Chest infections • High blood pressure • Obesity • Psoriasis
  • 101. Homoeopathy in the management of infectious diseases: Different facets of its use and implications for the future - INDIA • A review article found in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy (Official Publication of Central Council for Research in Homeopathy) • Results: The literature search of two decades (1999–2019) gathered 86 articles: Meta-analysis (n = 1), systematic reviews (n = 4), randomized controlled trials (n = 30), comparative cohort/observational studies (n = 16), cohort/observational studies (single arm) (n = 25), case series (n = 7) and case reports (n = 3). The review demonstrated the beneficial evidence of homeopathy in infectious diseases is large. Both controlled and uncontrolled studies reported positive results, early recovery, reduction of hospital stay, less use of antibiotics and satisfaction of patients. Prophylactic studies on dengue, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis/acute encephalitis syndrome and leptospirosis have shown the potential role of homeopathy in preventing the disease outbreaks. Homoeopathy as an add-on treatment for these conditions has shown added benefits in reducing mortality, morbidity and sequelae. Homoeopathy has a possible and viable role as standalone and as an integrative medicine for different infectious diseases. • *** 108 References • Conclusion: Homoeopathy offers beneficial role in combating infections. Due to the heterogeneity of approaches, more studies in different research settings are warranted to add to the existing evidence and validating it for enhancing the self-healing power of the body against infections. • Roja Varanasi, Debadatta Nayak Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India • 2020 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 2 | Page : 110-121 •
  • 102. Homeopathy in the Age of Antimicrobial Resistance: Is It a Viable Treatment for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections? United Kingdom • Results: Multiple peer-reviewed studies were found in which homeopathy had been used to treat URTIs and associated symptoms (cough, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, acute sinusitis, etc.). Nine randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 8 observational/cohort studies were analysed, 7 of which were paediatric studies. Seven RCTs used combination remedies with multiple constituents. Results for homeopathy treatment were positive overall, with faster resolution, reduced use of antibiotics and possible prophylactic and longer-term benefits. • Conclusions: Variations in size, location, cohort and outcome measures make comparisons and generalisations concerning homeopathic clinical trials for URTIs problematic. Nevertheless, study findings suggest at least equivalence between homeopathy and conventional treatment for uncomplicated URTI cases, with fewer adverse events and potentially broader therapeutic outcomes. The use of non-individualised homeopathic compounds tailored for the paediatric population merits further investigation, including through cohort studies. In the light of antimicrobial resistance, homeopathy offers alternative strategies for minor infections and possible prevention of recurring URTIs. • Homeopathy. 2018 May;107(2):99-114. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1621745. •
  • 103. Austrian government confirms potential of homeopathy in tackling anti-microbial resistance. • Apr 08, 2022 • Article: Austrian AMR Action Plan confirms the potential of homeopathy • The latest version of the Austrian government’s national Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) confirms the potential of homeopathy and other complementary medicines in tackling antimicrobial resistance. •
  • 104. Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is effective, inexpensive and safe. • “The Swiss government recently concluded that homeopathy is effective, cost-effective and safe. The Swiss government now recognizes homeopathy as having a status equal to that of ordinary medicine.”* • *: popularity/ • July 20, 2022, Dr Mukesh Batra
  • 105. Homeoprophylaxis (HP): Evidence for • Pubmed has many citations on the subject of HP. • HomeopathyCenter.Org offers a list of numerous records, studies and trials on HP: • records-studies-and-trials • As can be seen from the present-day government-ordered HP studies, we are more and more seeing that developing countries are embracing homeopathy for its cost effectiveness, simplicity and accessibility.
  • 106. Article: Large Scale Homeoprophylaxis: Results of Brief and Long-Term Interventions, Isaac Golden, PhD, AJHM 112-1 Spring 2019 Country Programs Interventions by person, by year and by disease Cuba 7 25,520,000 India 10 65,364,071 Brazil 9 1,072,039 26 91,956,110 Table 1 summarizes a recent analysis which quantified the use of HP in 26 interventions in three countries. Over 90 million people on an annualized basis had been protected, with effectiveness between 75% and 95%. Most of the interventions were directed by government agencies and undertaken by doctors and scientists employed by the agencies. Conclusion: HP can provide governments a very economical practical option to combat infectious diseases in both short and long-term disease outbreaks.
  • 107. HOMEOPATHY – HISTORICAL EVIDENCE Homeopathy has historically outshined other therapies during epidemics • Dr. Todd Hoover, MD: Homeopathic practice during massive epidemics throughout the world has been the gold standard for showing the efficacy of potentized remedies. • In 1900, Thomas Lindsley Bradford, MD, wrote a book called "The Logic of Figures" in which he collected the statistics he could find that would compare the conventional therapeutics with homeopathic ones.
  • 108.
  • 109. Why do medical historians ignore homeopathic statistics? • “Despite well-documented and official reports, the results obtained by homeopathy in times of epidemics have been almost completely ignored by medical historians.” (Dr. Andre Saine’s talk titled “Homeopathy in Times of Epidemics: A Brief Overview”, June 2017, Germany) • Dr. Robin Murphy, ND, also brings this up in his talk on epidemics. • It could be that, “most would rather not see the ineffectiveness of the conventional therapeutics nor accept the efficacy of homeopathy.” (From the article “Treatment of Epidemics with Homeopathy- A History” by Julian Winston, he is quoting Thomas Bradford, MD, the author of the book “The Logic of Figures”)
  • 110. Antihomeopathy rhetoric will soon be irrelevant! • “Large-scale use and acceptance of homeopathy in Cuba, Latin America, and India raises questions about the relevance of campaigns mounted against homeopathy in the developed world. • Given the shifting balance of global power (toward the fast-growing economies in Asia, South, and Latin Americas, and others), the antihomeopathy rhetoric will soon be seen for what it really is: irrelevant.”* *: “Emerging Economies’ Need for Cheap, Efficient Health Care Makes Anti-Homeopathy Rhetoric Irrelevant: Observations from the Canadian Homeopathy Conference”, October 2011, Lionel Milogrom and et al. (The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 18, Number 7, 2012, pp 723-726
  • 112. The Law of Similars (Homeopathy) vs. The way of Opposites (Allopathy) • The way of Opposites is well-known to all of us from conventional medicine: If you have pain, you are given a painkiller. If you suffer from constipation, you are given laxatives, and so on. • The Law of Similars is rather different: a substance is given which, in a healthy person, would produce the same set of symptoms as those of which the patient complains. This is the basic law of homeopathy: ‘Like Cures Like’. Based on this premise, the first homeopathic principle states that any substance that can make you ill can also cure you – anything that is capable of producing symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person.
  • 113. Remedy must be STRONGER & most SIMILAR to the dz • Aphorism § 34 from the Sixth Edition of Organon: The greater strength of the artificial diseases producible by medicines is, however, not the sole cause of their power to cure natural disease. In order that they may effect a cure, it is before all things requisite that they should be capable of producing in the human body an artificial disease as similar as possible to the disease to be cured, which, with somewhat increased power, transforms to a very similar morbid state the instinctive life principle, which in itself is incapable of any reflection or act of memory. It not only obscures, but extinguishes and thereby annihilates the derangement caused by the natural disease. This is so true, that no previously existing disease can be cured, even by Nature herself, by the accession of a new dissimilar disease, be it ever so strong, and just as little can it be cured by medical treatment with drugs which are incapable of producing a similar morbid condition in the healthy body. • Summary: The artificial disease (brought on by a remedy) does not only have to be STRONGER, but it has to be MOST SIMILAR. Nature cannot cure an old disease by adding a new dissimilar one.
  • 114. Example for Law of Similars – A case of Apis from Kenya • Kezia's Staphylococcus Infection and Treatment • Refer to her testimonial and the ”before”/”after” pictures on my website: • • She had all the keynotes of the remedy Apis- her skin felt: stinging, hot, swollen, itchy, WORSE WITH HEAT. These are all symptoms that would show up in response to a bee sting. • The remedy Apis, which is prepared from bee venom, can be effective for relieving the above signs/symptoms (regardless of whether the person was stung by a bee OR NOT). LIKE TREATS LIKE! • As you can see, in homeopathy, the remedy is selected according to symptom similarity.
  • 115. A case of APIS Kezia’s testimonial “Before I met Dr Sharif my eczema was out of control. I even developed an excruciatingly painful Staphylococcus infection on that eczema. My skin was peeling at an alarming rate and I had boils and blisters on both hands. Expert allopathic dermatologists had me on steroids and antibiotics for weeks but these didn’t bring relief and in fact my skin developed an allergic reaction to the topicals. “Dr Sharif prescribed the right homeopathic remedy and within hours my skin began to settle. This time I did not need to have a nurse drain and dress my blisters. They quietly emptied themselves on their own. My skin grew back and the pain which used to keep me up all night, was gone. After weeks of hospital visits and painful treatments I am so grateful that Dr Sharif helped me get a full recovery within days just from one zoom consultation and two simple remedies. When seeing these results, my dermatologist was amazed at how fast and complete my recovery was.” Kezia from Kenya Before & After pictures
  • 116. Another example to demonstrate the Law of Similars in Homeopathy
  • 117. BRYONIA – The most common remedy used in the beginning of the pandemic for active cases & for long-Covid • I used to see hundreds of Covid-19 Bryonia cases prior to Omicron. • Keynotes (or top features) of the remedy Bryonia were MOST SIMILAR to the signs/symptoms that the original variants of SARS-CoV-2 would bring on. • Dryness in various parts of the body including mouth/throat, intestines, lungs, eyes, skin, etc. • Dry and unproductive cough, sensation of pain and tightness in the chest • Often very thirsty (particularly for cold water) • LEFT-sided symptoms much more prevalent or worse than right s/s • Severe pain in one or a few body parts, worse on the left • Pain worse with movement • Significant moodiness, irritability or anger is often present • Therefore, based on the Law of Similars, if a Covid-19 patient demonstrated s/s that matched Bryonia, the remedy Bryonia would be effective in management of the symptoms. • Even now, if a long-Covid patient demonstrates s/s that match Bryonia, this remedy could be very helpful, and in some cases critical, in such cases. Refer to the Covid & post-Covid testimonials page on my website.
  • 118. OVERLAPPING DISEASES IN HOMEOPATHY The concepts we will discuss in the following slides are extremely important and relevant to our times. Once you learn the core concepts here, you can apply that knowledge to numerous circumstances in your practice since these concepts/principles are based on the laws of nature and are ageless. Many of the examples of the acute diseases discussed here are eradicated or rare diseases such as smallpox, cowpox and measles, but you can completely apply these principles to modern and/or more common diseases as well. With the principles discussed in the Organon, we have access to a powerful tool that can help us better be able to both assess AND treat various overlapping diseases.
  • 119.
  • 120.
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  • 122. Organon Online: • An online source of the Organon: • organon/
  • 123. E-Journal • Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (hom), is the founder and director of which is one of the most respected homeopathy e-journals in the world.
  • 124. Relevant Articles by Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (Hom), on Similar Diseases OR Dis-similar Diseases in same person @ same time In the following articles, Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (Hom) analyzes and explains Hahnemann’s aphorisms on the subjects of dissimilar and similar diseases: 1) Article: Lecture on Aphorism 36-37. In this article, Dr. Manish Bhatia discusses the 36th and 37th Aphorisms, where Hahnemann discusses what happens when two dissimilar diseases meet in a body. 2) Lecture on Aphorism 38-39 3) Aphorism 40 discusses the formation of COMPLEX diseases by two natural dissimilar diseases. 4) Article: Two Similar Diseases – Aphorisms 43-46
  • 125. ORGANON on Overlapping Diseases • The following several slides will cover the various aphorisms from the Organon of the Medical Art (written by Dr. Christian Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the originator of Homeopathy) on the subject of overlapping diseases. • Note: The following slides are extracted from the abbreviated/concise version of the Organon in a pdf format prepared by Julian Winston for the students of the Wellington College of Homeopathy. It was printed in the USA in Homeopathy Today.
  • 126. Aphorisms in the Organon on the Principle of Similars vs. Anti-pathic Drugs • 22-27: The principle of similars • 22. The curative powers of medicines exist only because they can produce symptoms in the healthy and remove them from the sick. Medicines can be similar or opposite to the disease. Which to use is revealed by experience. [description of allopathic medicine] • 23. But experience shows that anti-pathic drugs don't cure; the symptoms return with renewed intensity • 24. Therefore homoeopathy is the system of choice. • 25. This can be learned by pure experiment [not the kind of experiment which is conducted by the regular physician, which is like looking into a kaleidoscope] * • 26. A weaker dynamic affliction is extinguished by a stronger IF it is similar in nature. • 27. Curative powers depend upon the symptoms they produce being similar to the symptoms of the disease, but stronger.
  • 127. Aphorisms in Organon on overlapping diseases • 28- 29: HOW IT WORKS (attempt) rewritten in the 6th. • 28. Scientific explanations of how it works are of little importance; there is no value in attempting one. Nevertheless... • 29. The artificial disease of the remedy overpowers the weaker natural disease. When the force of the artificial disease is spent, the body returns to normal health. This is a most probable explanation. • 30-69: Lays out the philosophy of the system • 30. The human body is more disposed to let it's state of health be altered by drugs than by nature. • 31. Disease agents do not affect everyone. We fall ill only when susceptible. [SUSCEPTIBILITY] • 32. Medicinal agents can affect all people. • 33. The body is, therefore, more susceptible to medicinal forces. • 34. The artificial disease (brought on by a remedy) does not only have to be stronger, but it has to be most similar. [The vital principle is instinctive, unreasoning, and without memory]. Nature cannot cure an old disease by adding a new dissimilar one. • 35. Consider when two dissimilar diseases meet in the same person [examples are given in paragraphs 36-40] • 36. Old diseases keep away new dissimilar diseases. • 37. Chronic diseases are not affected by non-homoeopathic treatment.
  • 128. Aphorisms in Organon on overlapping diseases… • 38. New, stronger diseases can SUPPRESS old disease but will never remove it • 39. Allopathic treatment SUPPRESSES the disease, then the chronic disease returns when the medication is withdrawn. • 40. New diseases can join older diseases and become COMPLEX. Neither removes the other • 41. Heavy drugging with allopathic medicines leads to an artificial drug disease and makes it into a chronic problem • 42. Two dissimilar diseases can exist in the body at the same time • 43. But when two similar diseases meet we can observe how cure takes place. • 44. Two similar diseases cannot suspend, ward off, or exist at the same time. • 45. Two similar diseases will destroy each other in the organism. • 46. Examples of the above. • 47. It should be convincingly clear that this is how to cure according to natural law. • 48. Dissimilar diseases don't cure. • 49. Nature is poor in remedial homoeopathic diseases, so we do not notice them often. • 50. And those that can cure, bring other problems, often because the dose cannot be controlled. • 51. But the physician has many medicines available
  • 129. What do the words “SUSPEND” & “REMOVE” in the Organon imply? The word “suspend” implies a temporary action- how one disease can temporarily suspend another dz. When a dz is suspended, it will return later. The concept of suspension of a dz is found only under DISSIMILAR overlapping diseases. The word “remove” implies a permanent action- how one dz can permanently remove (or annihilates or extinguishes) another dz. The concept of removal of a dz is found only under SIMILAR overlapping diseases.
  • 130. ***What makes two diseases SIMILAR or DIS-SIMILAR? Totality of Symptoms > Biochemistry of germs “The closely related structure or genetic biochemistry of two morbific influences (infectious agents) does not determine whether two diseases are similar or dissimilar. It is the observable, perceptible manifestations of the totality of disease symptoms in a specific living organism that defines similar or dissimilar.” Dr. Joel Shepperd, MD
  • 131. ***Could same two diseases be interpreted by different individuals as “similar” vs “dis-similar”? • Yes! This is an extremely important slide!!!! • According to Dr. Joel Shepperd, MD: • “An example from aphorism 46 discusses measles and whooping cough occurring in same person at the same time: • In one person these two diseases may be dissimilar diseases. • In another person they may be similar diseases. • In yet another person they may form a complex disease.” • We will discuss this subject in more depth in the slides coming up.
  • 132. More on what do similar vs dissimilar diseases in Organon mean… • Dr. Manish Bhatia, MD (hom): “If a disease is sufficiently dissimilar to an existing disease, it is most likely targeting a different level or different organ system.”* • I believe diseases referred to as “similar” diseases in the Organon are diseases that affect a person similarly- they bring about similar symptoms. They would by default have to affect the same organ/tissues, same FAVORITE sites. • *:
  • 133. Acute versus Chronic Overlapping Diseases? Please note that the principles discussed in the following slides hold true regardless of whether each (or both) of the two overlapping diseases are acute versus chronic (or whether the diseases are infectious versus non-infectious, for that matter).
  • 134. Example of how dis-similar diseases don’t mix! Water and oil don’t mix- one REPELS the other
  • 135. 1) Dis-similar Overlapping Diseases What happens when two or more dis-similar diseases affect the same person at same time? SUMMARY: The stronger disease will REPEL or SUSPEND the weaker one, OR the two dis-similar diseases will combine and form a COMPLEX disease. 1) If older (i.e. previous) dz is stronger OR of equal strength, the new dz will be repelled. 2) If new dz is stronger, it will suspend the old dz. In other words, the older (in this case, weaker) dz will be suspended, and will return later uncured. 3) If new dz & the old one have similar strengths & different tissue affinity, they can join each other and form a DOUBLE COMPLEX dz.
  • 136. Dissimilar diseases don’t cure each other ~ Dissimilar drugs (allopathic Rx’s) don’t cure! • Aphorism § 35 In order to illustrate this, we shall consider in three different cases, as well what happens in nature when two dissimilar natural diseases meet in one person, as also the result of the ordinary medical treatment of diseases with unsuitable allopathic drugs, which are incapable of producing an artificial morbid condition similar to the disease to be cured, whereby it will appear that even Nature herself is unable to remove a dissimilar disease already present by one that is unhomoeopathic, even though it be stronger, and just as little is the unhomoeopathic employment of even the strongest medicines ever capable of curing any disease whatsoever.
  • 137. Allopathic drugs create an artificial dz dissimilar to the original dz • Aphorism § 39 • …… Did they (allopathic physicians) not perceive when they employed, as was their custom, and aggressive allopathic treatment in a chronic disease, that thereby they only created an artificial disease dissimilar to the original one, which, as long as it was kept up, merely held in abeyance, merely suppressed, merely suspended the original disease, which latter, however, always returned, and must return, as soon as the diminished strength of the patient no longer admitted of a continuance of the allopathic attacks on the life? …..” • My note: If remedies are selected properly, homeopathic remedies create an artificial state (or say dz) similar to the original dz.
  • 138. Allopathic drugs don’t cure BECAUSE they are incapable of producing a state SIMILAR to the dz – they only suspend/suppress the dz • Aphorism § 37 Sixth Edition So, also under ordinary medical treatment, an old chronic disease remains uncured and unaltered if it is treated according to the common allopathic method, that is to say, with medicines that are incapable of producing in healthy individuals a state of health similar to the disease, even though the treatment should last for years and is not of too violent character. This is daily witnessed in practice, it is therefore unnecessary to give any illustrative examples. • Summary: Chronic diseases are not cured by non-homoeopathic treatment because the artificial dz created by such tx in the person is NOT similar to the dz affecting her/him. • Also refer to aphorism #39 & 41 for more info on this subject.
  • 139. Allopathic drugs  giving the patient an additional dz?! • Aphorism § 41 Sixth Edition Much more frequent than the natural diseases associating with and complicating one another in the same body are the morbid complication resulting from the art of the ordinary practitioner, which the inappropriate medical treatment (the allopathic method) is apt to produce by the long-continued employment of unsuitable drugs. To the natural disease, which it is proposed to cure, there are then added, by the constant repetition of the unsuitable medical agent, the new, often very tedious, morbid conditions corresponding to the nature of this agent; these gradually coalesce with and complicate the chronic malady which is dissimilar to them (which they were unable to cure by similarity of action, that is, homeopathically), adding to the old disease a new, dissimilar, artificial malady of a chronic nature, and thus give the patient a DOUBLE in place of a single disease, that is to say, render him much worse and more difficult to cure, often quite incurable.
  • 140. 2 dissimilar diseases: Scenario I) If older dz is stronger OR of same strength, the new dz will be repelled • Aphorism § 36 If the two dissimilar diseases meeting together in the human being be of equal strength, or still more if the older one be the stronger, the new disease will be repelled by the old one from the body and not allowed to affect it. • A patient suffering from a severe chronic disease will not be infected by a moderate autumnal dysentery or other epidemic disease. • Example: The plague of the Levant, according to Larry, does not break out where scurvy is prevalent, and persons suffering from eczema are not infected by it. Rachitis, Jenner alleges, prevents vaccination from taking effect. Those suffering from pulmonary consumption are not liable to be attacked by epidemic fevers of a not very violent character, according to Von Hildenbrand. • Summary: Old diseases keep away new dissimilar diseases.
  • 141. Dr. Manish Bhatia on dis-similar diseases • Article: Lecture on Aphorism 36-37 - Dr. Manish Bhatia This time Dr. Manish Bhatia discusses the 36th and 37th Aphorisms, where Hahnemann discusses what happens when two dissimilar diseases meet in a body. •
  • 142. Scenario I-A) If older dz is stronger, the new dz will be repelled
  • 143. Another example of “If older dz is stronger, the new dz will be repelled.” • If clinically depressed, less likely to catch a cold!! • “A healthy person is more disposed to catch a seasonal acute and a less healthy person is more likely to develop a chronic condition (say hair fall) under similar stress. Your level of health decides what disease you can acquire. If your susceptibility lies at the mental or emotional level, you are unlikely to catch a cold at the onset of winters. But you can suffer from depression in winters. This is often seen in mental asylums too where the frequency of acutes is very low.” • *: 37/
  • 144. Another modern example • A Covid patient catches the cold virus. Covid will repel the common cold because it is stronger. • Note: This is one of the main reasons why we did not see hardly anyone with the common cold during the initial phase of the pandemic.
  • 145. Scenario I-B) If older dz and the new dz are of equal strength, the new dz will be repelled.”

Editor's Notes

  1. The bulk of epidemic diseases are viral, and we do NOT have the best anti-viral drugs at this point.
  2. Taking the nosode might help clear any negative side effects to the vaccine.
  3. We are not covering combination remedies.
  4. By Sandra Perko, PhD
  5. Thank you Dr. Saine.